1:- module(tap_raw, [ tap_call/1
    2                   , tap_call/3
    3                   , tap_header/1
    4                   , tap_footer/3
    5                   , tap_state/1
    6                   , diag/2
    7                   , is_test_running/0
    8                   , term_wants_tap_expansion/0
    9                   , register_test/1
   10                   ]).
 tap_header(+TestCount:integer) is det
Output a TAP header. This includes the supported TAP version and the number of tests we expect to run.
   16tap_header(TestCount) :-
   17    format('TAP version 13~n'),
   18    format('1..~d~n', [TestCount]).
 tap_footer(+TestCount:integer, +StartState, +EndState) is det
Output a TAP footer. This includes the number of run, passed, and possibly failing tests.
   25tap_footer(TestCount, state(_,_,Time0), state(_,PassedCount1,Time1)) :-
   26    format('~n'),
   27    Duration is (Time1-Time0)*1000,
   28    format('# time=~1fms~n', [Duration]),
   29    format('# tests ~d~n', [TestCount]),
   30    format('# pass  ~d~n', [PassedCount1]),
   31    ( PassedCount1 < TestCount ->
   32        FailedCount is TestCount-PassedCount1,
   33        format('# fail  ~d~n', [FailedCount])
   34    ; % otherwise ->
   35        true
   36    ).
 tap_call(+Head, +State0, -State) is det
Calls Head as a test case and generates TAP output for the results. State0 and State are opaque state used for generating correct TAP output.

See tap_state/1 and tap_call/1

   46tap_call(Head, State0, State) :-
   47    Head =.. [_|Options0],
   48    test_expectation(Options0, Expectation, _Options),
   49    setup_call_cleanup(
   50        assertz(is_test_running,Ref),
   51        run_test(Expectation, Head, State0, State),
   52        erase(Ref)
   53    ).
   55% Call Goal and bind Ending to explain how it turned out.
   56% The predicate always succeeds.
   57% `Ending=fail` if Goal failed.
   58% `Ending=det` if Goal succeeded without choicepoints.
   59% `Ending=choicepoints` if Goal succeeded and left choicepoints.
   60% `Ending=exception(E)` if threw an exception.
   61call_ending(Goal, Ending) :-
   62    catch( call_cleanup(Goal,Cleanup=det)
   63         , Exception
   64         , Cleanup=exception(Exception)
   65         ),
   66    ( var(Cleanup) -> Ending=choicepoints ; Ending=Cleanup ),
   68    % cut any choicepoints left by Goal, after checking Cleanup.
   69    % also cut second clause of call_ending/2
   70    !.
   71call_ending(_, fail).
 tap_call(+Head) is det
Like tap_call/3 but automatically generates a State. This is helpful for running a single test predicate from the toplevel.
   79tap_call(Head) :-
   80    tap_state(State),
   81    tap_call(Head, State, _).
 tap_state(-State) is det
Unifies State with an opaque, starting state. You should almost never need to call this directly. Use tap_call/1 instead.
   88tap_state(state(1,0,Time)) :-
   89    get_time(Time).
   91% Run a single test, generating TAP output based on results
   92% and expectations.
   93run_test(ok, Test, State0, State) :-
   94    call_ending(Test, Ending),
   95    ( Ending = det ->
   96        test_result(ok, Test, State0, State)
   97    ; Ending = choicepoints ->
   98        test_result('not ok', Test, 'left unexpected choice points', State0, State)
   99    ; % otherwise ->
  100        test_result('not ok', Test, Ending, State0, State)
  101    ).
  102run_test(fail, Test, State0, State) :-
  103    call_ending(Test, Ending),
  104    ( Ending = fail ->
  105        test_result(ok, Test, State0, State)
  106    ; % otherwise ->
  107        test_result('not ok', Test, State0, State)
  108    ).
  109run_test(todo(Reason), Test, State0, State) :-
  110    format(atom(Todo), 'TODO ~w', [Reason]),
  111    call_ending(Test, Ending),
  112    ( Ending=det ->
  113        test_result(ok, Test, Todo, State0, State)
  114    ; % otherwise ->
  115        test_result('not ok', Test, Todo, State0, State)
  116    ).
  117run_test(throws(E), Test, State0, State) :-
  118    call_ending(Test,Ending),
  119    ( Ending = exception(E) ->
  120        test_result(ok, Test, State0, State)
  121    ; % otherwise ->
  122        test_result('not ok', Test, State0, State)
  123    ).
  125% Helper for generating a single TAP result line
  126test_result(Status,Test,State0,State) :-
  127    test_result(Status,Test,_,State0,State).
  128test_result(Status, Test, Comment, State0, State) :-
  129    State0 = state(Count0,Passed0,_Time0),
  130    succ(Count0,Count),
  131    State = state(Count,Passed,Time),
  132    get_time(Time),
  133    ( Status = ok ->
  134        succ(Passed0, Passed)
  135    ; % otherwise ->
  136        Passed0 = Passed
  137    ),
  138    Test =.. [Name|_Options],
  139    ( var(Comment) ->
  140        format('~w ~w - ~w~n', [Status, Count0, Name])
  141    ; % otherwise ->
  142        format('~w ~w - ~w # ~w~n', [Status, Count0, Name, Comment])
  143    ).
  145% Determine the expected result based on a test predicate's arguments
  146test_expectation([], ok, []).
  147test_expectation([fail|Options], fail, Options) :- !.
  148test_expectation([todo|Options], todo(''), Options) :- !.
  149test_expectation([todo(Reason)|Options], todo(Reason), Options) :- !.
  150test_expectation([fixme(Reason)|Options], todo(Reason), Options) :- !.
  151test_expectation([throws(E)|Options], throws(E), Options) :- !.
  152test_expectation([error(E)|Options], throws(E), Options) :- !.
  153test_expectation([_|Options], Type) :-
  154    test_expectation(Options, Type).
  157% True if the current context implies that the user wants this
  158% term to be expanded as a test predicate.
  159term_wants_tap_expansion :-
  160    prolog_load_context(module, user).
 is_test_running is semidet
True if a TAP test is in progress. It's true for all goals inside the dynamic scope of a TAP test. See also diag/2.
  167:- dynamic is_test_running/0.
 diag(+Format, +Args) is det
Like debug/3 for TAP tests. When a TAP test is running (see is_test_running/0) sends a diagnostic message to the TAP output. It behaves as a noop in other circumstances. Format and Args are passed through to format/2.
  176diag(Format,Args) :-
  177    is_test_running,
  178    !,
  179    with_output_to(user_error, (
  180        write('# '),
  181        format(Format,Args),
  182        nl
  183    )).
  187register_test(Head) :-
  188    tap:assertz(test_case(Head))