/** svg_size( +Svg, -Width, -Height ) Gets the size of an Svg.
Remove pt from units and converts to numbers (iff possible). == ?- svg_size( pack('svg/examples/rea_smp-e10_fclr.svg'), W, H ). W = 497, H = 404. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2018/2/20 @see svg/2. */ svg_size( SvgIn, W, H ) :- svg( SvgIn, Svg ), Svg = svg(Atts,_), memberchk( width=Wat, Atts ), memberchk( height=Hat, Atts ), maplist( svg_size_dim, [Wat,Hat], [W,H] ). svg_size_dim( At, NumIff ) :- ( atom_concat(AtNum,pt,At) -> true; AtNum is At ), ( catch(atom_number(AtNum,NumIff),_,fail) -> true; NumIff = AtNum ).