/** term_length( +Term, -Length ).
Return the length of the term.
For atoms and numbers, the length is the length of the codes list that
comprise the atomic term.
Variables and dicts (for now) are of length 0.
?- term_length( [a,b,c], L ).
?- term_length( x(a,b,c), L ).
?- St = "abc", string( St ), term_length( St, L ).
?- term_length( abc, L ).
?- term_length( 123, L ).
L = 3.
?- term_length( X, L ).
L = 0.
@author nicos angelopoulos
@version 0.1 2017/11/21
@see lib(term_type).
term_length( Lengthy, Length ) :-
is_list( Lengthy ),
length( Lengthy, Length ).
term_length( Lengthy, Length ) :-
compound( Lengthy ),
functor( Lengthy, _Name, Length ).
term_length( Lengthy, Length ) :-
string( Lengthy ),
string_length( Lengthy, Length ).
term_length( Lengthy, Length ) :-
atom( Lengthy ),
atom_codes( Lengthy, Codes ),
length( Codes, Length ).
term_length( Lengthy, Length ) :-
number( Lengthy ),
number_codes( Lengthy, Codes ),
length( Codes, Length ).
term_length( _Lengthy, 0 ).
% var( Lengthy ), or is_dict( Lengthy )
% !,
% Length is 0.