1% Marty's Prolog Adventure Prototype
    2% Copyright (C) 2004 Marty White under the GNU GPL
    3% Main file.
    5admin :- true.  % Potential security hazzard.
    6wizard :- true. % Potential to really muck up game.
    8:- include('readlist.pro').    9:- include('scanner.pro').   10:- include('adv_util.pro').   11
   12:- dynamic(bugs/1). % Types of logging output.
   13%bugs([general, printer, planner, autonomous]).
   14bugs([general, autonomous]).
   16bug(B) :-
   17  bugs(L),
   18  member(B,L).
   20bugout(A,B) :-
   21  bug(B),
   22  !,
   23  format(A).
   26bugout(A,L,B) :-
   27  bug(B),
   28  !,
   29  format(A,L).
   32pprint(Term,B) :-
   33  bug(B),
   34  !,
   35  prolog_pretty_print:print_term(Term,[]),
   36  nl.
   39% Entire state of simulation & agents is held in one list, so it can be easy
   40% to roll back.  The state of the simulation consists of:
   41%   object properties
   42%   object relations
   43%   percept queues for agents
   44%   memories for agents (actually logically distinct from the simulation)
   45% Note that the simulation does not maintain any history.
   46% TODO: change state into a term:
   47%   ss(Objects, Relationships, PerceptQueues, AgentMinds)
   48% TODO:
   49%   store initial state as clauses which are collected up and put into a list,
   50%     like the operators are, to provide proper prolog variable management.
   52:- op(900, xfx, props).   53
   55  % Relationships
   57  related(exit(south),pantry,kitchen),  % pantry exits south to kitchen
   58  related(exit(north),kitchen,pantry),
   59  related(exit(down),pantry,basement),
   60  related(exit(up),basement,pantry),
   61  related(exit(south), kitchen, garden),
   62  related(exit(north), garden, kitchen),
   63  related(exit(east), kitchen, dining_room),
   64  related(exit(west), dining_room, kitchen),
   65  related(exit(north), dining_room, living_room),
   66  related(exit(east), living_room, dining_room),
   67  related(exit(south), living_room, kitchen),
   68  related(exit(west), kitchen, living_room),
   70  related(in, shelf, pantry),   % shelf is in pantry
   71  related(on, lamp, table),
   72  related(in, floyd, pantry),
   73  related(held_by, wrench, floyd),
   74  related(in, rock, garden),
   75  related(in, mushroom, garden),
   76  related(in, player, kitchen),
   77  related(worn_by, watch, player),
   78  related(held_by, bag, player),
   79  related(in, coins, bag),
   80  related(in, table, kitchen),
   81  related(on, box, table),
   82  related(in, bowl, box),
   83  related(in, flour, bowl),
   84  related(in, shovel, basement),
   85  related(in, videocamera, living_room),
   86  related(in, screendoor, kitchen),
   87  related(in, screendoor, garden),
   89  % People
   91  character props [relatable(held_by), relatable(worn_by)],
   93  props(floyd, [
   94    inherit(character),
   95    agent_type(autonomous),
   96    emits_light,
   97    volume(50), mass(200), % density(4) % kilograms per liter
   98    name('Floyd the robot'),
   99    nouns(robot),
  100    adjs(metallic),
  101    desc('Your classic robot: metallic with glowing red eyes, enthusiastic but not very clever.'),
  102    switchable,
  103    on,
  104    % TODO: floyd should `look` when turned back on.
  105    effect(switch(on),  setprop($self, on)),
  106    effect(switch(off), delprop($self, on)),
  107    end_of_list
  108  ]),
  109  props(player, [
  110    inherit(character),
  111    agent_type(console),
  112    volume(50), % liters     (water is 1 kilogram per liter)
  113    mass(50),   % kilograms
  114    can_eat
  115  ]),
  117  % Places
  119  place props [immovable, relatable(in)],
  121  props(basement, [
  122    inherit(place),
  123    desc('This is a very dark basement.'),
  124    dark
  125  ]),
  126  props(dining_room, [inherit(place)]),
  127  props(garden,      [
  128    inherit(place),
  129    % go(dir,result) provides special handling for going in a direction.
  130    go(up,'You lack the ability to fly.'),
  131    effect(go(_,north), getprop(screendoor,open)),
  132    oper(/*garden,*/ go(_,north),
  133         % precond(Test, FailureMessage)
  134         precond(getprop(screendoor, open), ['you must open the door first']),
  135         % body(clause)
  136         body(inherited)
  137    ),
  138    % cant_go provides last-ditch special handling for Go.
  139    cant_go('The fence surrounding the garden is too tall and solid to pass.')
  140  ]),
  141  props(kitchen,     [inherit(place)]),
  142  props(living_room, [inherit(place)]),
  143  props(pantry, [
  144    inherit(place),
  145    nouns(closet),
  146    nominals(kitchen),
  147    desc('You\'re in a dark pantry.'),
  148    dark
  149  ]),
  151  % Things
  153  props(bag, [
  154    relatable(in),
  155    volume_capacity(10),
  156    dark
  157  ]),
  158  props(bowl, [
  159    relatable(in),
  160    volume_capacity(2),
  161    fragile(shards),
  162    name('porcelain bowl'),
  163    desc('This is a modest glass cooking bowl with a yellow flower motif glazed into the outside surface.')
  164  ]),
  165  props(box, [
  166    relatable(in),
  167    volume_capacity(15),
  168    fragile(splinters),
  169    %openable,
  170    closed(true),
  171    %lockable,
  172    locked(fail),
  173    dark
  174  ]),
  175  coins props [shiny],
  176  flour props [edible],
  177  props(lamp, [
  178    name('shiny brass lamp'),
  179    nouns(light),
  180    nominals(brass),
  181    adjs(shiny),
  182    shiny,
  183    switchable,
  184    on,
  185    emits_light,
  186    effect(switch(on), setprop($self, emits_light)),
  187    effect(switch(off), delprop($self, emits_light)),
  188    fragile(broken_lamp)
  189  ]),
  190  broken_lamp props [
  191    name('dented brass lamp'),
  192    % TODO: prevent user from referring to 'broken_lamp'
  193    nouns(light),
  194    nominals(brass),
  195    adjs(dented),
  196    switchable
  197    %effect(switch(on), true),
  198    %effect(switch(off), true) % calls true(S0,S1) !
  199  ],
  200  mushroom props [
  201    % See DM4
  202    name('speckled mushroom'),
  203    singular,
  204    nouns([mushroom,fungus,toadstool]),
  205    adjs([speckled]),
  206    % initial(description used until initial state changes)
  207    initial('A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth, on a long stalk.'),
  208    % description(examination description)
  209    desc('The mushroom is capped with blotches, and you aren\'t at all sure it\'s not a toadstool.'),
  210    edible,
  211    % before(VERB,CODE) -- Call CODE before default code for VERB.
  212    %                      If CODE succeeds, don't call VERB.
  213    before(eat, (random(100) =< 30, die('It was poisoned!'); 'yuck!')),
  214    after(take,
  215          (initial, 'You pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk.'))
  216  ],
  217  screendoor props [
  218    immovable,
  219    % see DM4
  220    door_to(garden),
  221    %openable
  222    closed(true)
  223  ],
  224  props(shelf , [relatable(on),immovable]),
  225  props(table , [relatable(on),relatable(under)]),
  226  wrench props [shiny],
  227  videocamera props [
  228    agent_type(recorder),
  229    switchable,
  230    effect(switch(on),  setprop($self, on)),
  231    effect(switch(off), delprop($self, on)),
  232    fragile(broken_videocam)
  233  ],
  234  broken_videocam props [switchable],
  236  end_of_list
  239% Some Inform properties:
  240%   light - rooms that have light in them
  241%   edible - can be eaten
  242%   static - can't be taken or moved
  243%   scenery - assumed to be in the room description (implies static)
  244%   concealed - obscured, not listed, not part of 'all', but there
  245%   found_in - lists places where scenery objects are seen
  246%   absent - hides object entirely
  247%   clothing - can be worn
  248%   worn - is being worn
  249%   container
  250%   open - container is open (must be open to be used. there is no "closed").
  251%   openable - can be opened and closed
  252%   capacity - number of objects a container or supporter can hold
  253%   locked - cannot be opened
  254%   lockable, with_key
  255%   enterable
  256%   supporter
  257%   article - specifies indefinite article ('a', 'le') 
  258%   cant_go
  259%   daemon - called each turn, if it is enabled for this object
  260%   description
  261%   inside_description
  262%   invent - code for inventory listing of that object
  263%   list_together - way to handle "5 fish"
  264%   plural - pluralized-name if different from singular
  265%   when_closed - description when closed
  266%   when_open - description when open
  267%   when_on, when_off - like when_closed, etc.
  268% Some TADS properties:
  269%   thedesc
  270%   pluraldesc
  271%   is_indistinguishable
  272%   is_visible(vantage)
  273%   is_reachable(actor)
  274%   valid(verb) - is object visible, reachable, etc.
  275%   verification(verb) - is verb logical for this object
  276% Parser disambiguation:
  277%   eliminate objs not visible, reachable, etc.
  278%   check preconditions for acting on a candidate object
  280% TODO: change agent storage into a term:
  281%   mind(AgentName, AgentType, History, Model, Goals /*, ToDo*/)
  282create_agent(Agent, AgentType, S0, S2) :-
  283  % As events happen, percepts are entered in the percept queue of each agent.
  284  % Each agent empties their percept queue as they see fit.
  285  declare(perceptq(Agent, []), S0, S1),
  286  % Most agents store memories of percepts, world model, goals, etc.
  287  declare(memories(Agent, [
  288    timestamp(0),
  289    model([]),
  290    goals([]),
  291    todo([]),
  292    agent(Agent),
  293    agent_type(AgentType)
  294  ]), S1, S2).
  296% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  297% State may be implemented differently in the future (as a binary tree or
  298% hash table, etc.), but for now is a List.  These (backtrackable) predicates
  299% hide the implementation:
  300% assert/record/declare/memorize/think/associate/know/retain/affirm/avow/
  301%   insist/maintain/swear/posit/postulate/allege/assure/claim/proclaim
  302% retract/erase/forget/un-declare/unthink/repress/supress
  303% retrieve/remember/recall/ask/thought/think-of/reminisc/recognize/review/
  304%   recollect/remind/look-up/research/establish/testify/sustain/attest/certify/
  305%   verify/prove
  306% simulation: declare/undeclare/declared
  307% perception:
  308% memory: memorize/forget/thought
  310% Like select, but always succeeds, for use in deleting.
  311select_always(Item, List, ListWithoutItem) :-
  312  select(Item, List, ListWithoutItem),
  313  !.
  314select_always(_Item, ListWithoutItem, ListWithoutItem).
  316% Like select, but with a default value if not found in List..
  317%select_default(Item, _DefaultItem, List, ListWithoutItem) :-
  318%  select(Item, List, ListWithoutItem).
  319%select_default(DefaultItem, DefaultItem, ListWithoutItem, ListWithoutItem).
  321% Manipulate simulation state
  322declare(Fact, State, NewState) :- append([Fact], State, NewState).
  323undeclare(Fact, State, NewState)   :- select(Fact, State, NewState).
  324undeclare_always(Fact, State, NewState) :- select_always(Fact, State, NewState).
  325declared(Fact, State) :- member(Fact, State).
  327% Retrieve Prop.
  328getprop(Object, Prop, State) :-
  329  declared(props(Object, PropList), State),
  330  member(Prop, PropList).
  331getprop(Object, Prop, State) :-
  332  declared(props(Object, PropList), State),
  333  member(inherit(Delegate), PropList),
  334  getprop(Delegate, Prop, State).
  336% Replace or create Prop.
  337setprop(Object, Prop, S0, S2) :-
  338  undeclare(props(Object, PropList), S0, S1),
  339  select_always(Prop, PropList, PropList2),
  340  append([Prop],PropList2,PropList3),
  341  declare(props(Object,PropList3), S1, S2).
  342setprop(Object, Prop, S0, S2) :-
  343  declare(props(Object,[Prop]), S0, S2).
  345% Remove Prop.
  346delprop(Object, Prop, S0, S2) :-
  347  undeclare(props(Object, PropList), S0, S1),
  348  select(Prop, PropList, NewPropList),
  349  declare(props(Object, NewPropList), S1, S2).
  351% Manipulate simulation percepts
  352queue_percept(Agent, Event, S0, S2) :-
  353  select(perceptq(Agent,Queue), S0, S1),
  354  append(Queue, [Event], NewQueue),
  355  append([perceptq(Agent, NewQueue)], S1, S2).
  357queue_event(Event, S0, S2) :-
  358  queue_percept(player, Event, S0, S1),
  359  queue_percept(floyd,  Event, S1, S2).
  361queue_local_percept(Agent, Event, Places, S0, S1) :-
  362  member(Where, Places),
  363  related(open_traverse, Agent, Where, S0),
  364  queue_percept(Agent, Event, S0, S1).
  365queue_local_percept(_Agent, _Event, _Places, S0, S0).
  367queue_local_event(Event, Places, S0, S2) :-
  368  queue_local_percept(player, Event, Places, S0, S1),
  369  queue_local_percept(floyd , Event, Places, S1, S2).
  371% A percept or event:
  372%   - is a logical description of what happened
  373%   - includes English or other translations
  374%   - may be queued for zero, one, many, or all agents.
  375%   - may have a timestamp
  376% queue_percpt(Agent, [Logical,English|_], S0, S9).
  377%   where Logical is always first, and other versions are optional.
  378%   Logical should be a term, like sees(Thing).
  379%   English should be a list.
  381% Inform notation
  382%   'c'        character)
  383%   "string"   string
  384%   "~"        quotation mark
  385%   "^"        newline
  386%   @          accent composition, variables 00 thru 31
  387%   \          line continuation
  388% Engish messages need to be printable from various perspectives:
  389%   person (1st/2nd/3rd), tense(past/present)
  390%   "You go south." / "Floyd wanders south."
  391%       {'$agent $go $1', ExitName }
  392%       { person(Agent), tense(go,Time), ExitName, period }
  393%       {'$p $t $w',Agent,go,ExitName}
  394%   "You take the lamp." / "Floyd greedily grabs the lamp."
  395%       Agent=floyd, {'%p quickly grab/T %n', Agent, grab, Thing }
  396%               else {'%p take/T %n', Agent, take, Thing }
  397%   %p  Substitute parameter as 1st/2nd/3rd person ("I"/"you"/"Floyd").
  398%         Implicit in who is viewing the message.
  399%         Pronouns: gender, reflexive, relative, nominative, demonstratve...?
  400%   %n  Substitute name/description of parameter ("the brass lamp").
  401%   /T  Modify previous word according to tense ("take"/"took").
  402%         Implicit in who is viewing the message?  Context when printed?
  403%   /N  Modify previous word according to number ("coin"/"coins").
  404%         What number?
  405%   %a  Article - A or An (indefinite) or The (definite) ?
  407%  I go/grab/eat/take
  408%  you go/grab/eat/take
  409%  she goes/grabs/eats/takes
  410%  floyd goes/grabs/eats/takes
  412%  eng(subject(Agent),'quickly',verb(grab,grabs),the(Thing))
  413%  [s(Agent),'quickly',v(grab,grabs),the(Thing)]
  415capitalize([First|Rest], [Capped|Rest]) :-
  416  capitalize(First, Capped).
  417capitalize(Atom, Capitalized) :-
  418  atom(Atom), % [] is an atom
  419  downcase_atom(Atom, Lower),
  420  atom_chars(Lower, [First|Rest]),
  421  upcase_atom(First, Upper),
  422  atom_chars(Capitalized, [Upper|Rest]).
  424% compile_eng(Context, Atom/Term/List, TextAtom).
  425%  Compile Eng terms to ensure subject/verb agreement:
  426%  If subject is agent, convert to 2nd person, else use 3rd person.
  427%  Context specifies agent, and (if found) subject of sentence.
  428compile_eng(Context, subj(Agent), Person) :-
  429  member(agent(Agent), Context),
  430  member(person(Person), Context).
  431compile_eng(Context, subj(Other), Compiled) :-
  432  compile_eng(Context, Other, Compiled).
  433compile_eng(Context, Agent, Person) :-
  434  member(agent(Agent), Context),
  435  member(person(Person), Context).
  436compile_eng(Context, person(Second,_Third), Compiled) :-
  437  member(subj(Agent), Context),
  438  member(agent(Agent), Context),
  439  compile_eng(Context, Second, Compiled).
  440compile_eng(Context, person(_Second,Third), Compiled) :-
  441  compile_eng(Context, Third, Compiled).
  442compile_eng(Context, cap(Eng), Compiled) :-
  443  compile_eng(Context, Eng, Lowercase),
  444  capitalize(Lowercase, Compiled).
  445compile_eng(_Context, silent(_Eng), '').
  446compile_eng(_Context, [], '').
  447compile_eng(Context, [First|Rest], [First2|Rest2]) :-
  448  compile_eng(Context, First, First2),
  449  compile_eng(Context, Rest, Rest2).
  450compile_eng(_Context, Atom, Atom).
  452nospace(_, ',').
  453nospace(_, ';').
  454nospace(_, ':').
  455nospace(_, '.').
  456nospace(_, '?').
  457nospace(_, '!').
  458nospace(_, '\'').
  459nospace('\'', _).
  460nospace(_, '"').
  461nospace('"', _).
  462nospace(_, Letter) :- char_type(Letter, space).
  463nospace(Letter, _) :- char_type(Letter, space).
  467no_space_words(W1, W2) :-
  468  atomic(W1),
  469  atomic(W2),
  470  atom_chars(W1,List),
  471  last(List, C1),
  472  atom_chars(W2,[C2|_]),
  473  nospace(C1,C2).
  475insert_spaces([W], [W]).
  476insert_spaces([W1,W2|Tail1], [W1,W2|Tail2]) :-
  477  no_space_words(W1,W2),
  478  !,
  479  insert_spaces([W2|Tail1], [W2|Tail2]).
  480insert_spaces([W1,W2|Tail1], [W1,' ',W3|Tail2]) :-
  481  insert_spaces([W2|Tail1], [W3|Tail2]).
  482insert_spaces([], []).
  484make_atomic(Atom, Atom) :-
  485  atomic(Atom), !.
  486make_atomic(Term, Atom) :-
  487  term_to_atom(Term, Atom).
  489eng2txt(Agent, Person, Eng, Text) :-
  490  % Find subject, if any.
  491  findall(subj(Subject), findterm(subj(Subject),Eng), Context),
  492  % Compile recognized structures.
  493  maplist(compile_eng([agent(Agent),person(Person)|Context]), Eng, Compiled),
  494  % Flatten any sub-lists.
  495  flatten(Compiled, FlatList),
  496  % Convert terms to atom-strings.
  497  findall(Atom, (member(Term,FlatList), make_atomic(Term, Atom)), AtomList),
  498  findall(Atom2, (member(Atom2,AtomList), Atom2\=''), AtomList2),
  499  % Add spaces.
  500  bugout('insert_spaces(~w)~n', [AtomList2], printer),
  501  insert_spaces(AtomList2, SpacedList),
  502  % Return concatenated atoms.
  503  concat_atom(SpacedList, Text).
  504eng2txt(_Agent, _Person, Text, Text).
  506%portray(ItemToPrint) :- print_item_list(ItemToPrint).  % called by print.
  508list2eng([], ['<nothing>']).
  509list2eng([Single], [Single]).
  510list2eng([Last2, Last1], [Last2, 'and', Last1]).
  511list2eng([Item|Items], [Item,','|Tail]) :-
  512  list2eng(Items,Tail).
  514prop2eng( Obj, emits_light,  ['The',Obj,'is glowing.']).
  515prop2eng(_Obj, edible,       ['It looks tasty!']).
  516prop2eng(_Obj, fragile(_),   ['It looks fragile.']).
  517prop2eng(_Obj, closed(true), ['It is closed.']).
  518prop2eng(_Obj, closed(fail), ['It is open.']).
  519prop2eng(_Obj, open(fail),   ['It is closed.']).
  520prop2eng(_Obj, open(true),   ['It is open.']).
  521prop2eng(_Obj, open,         ['It is open.']).
  522prop2eng(_Obj, closed,       ['It is closed.']).
  523prop2eng(_Obj, locked,       ['It is locked.']).
  524prop2eng(_Obj, shiny,        ['It\'s shiny!']).
  525prop2eng(_Obj, _Prop,        []).
  527proplist2eng(_Obj, [], []).
  528proplist2eng(Obj, [Prop|Tail], Text) :-
  529  prop2eng(Obj, Prop, Text1),
  530  proplist2eng(Obj, Tail, Text2),
  531  append(Text1,Text2,Text).
  533%print_percept(Agent, see(you_are(How, Here),
  534%                         exits_are(Exits),
  535%                         here_are(Nearby))) :-
  536%  findall(X, (member(X,Nearby),X\=Agent), OtherNearby),
  537%  format('You are ~p the ~p.  Exits are ~p.~nYou see: ~p.~n',
  538%         [How,Here, Exits, OtherNearby]).
  541            see(you_are(How, Here),
  542                exits_are(Exits),
  543                here_are(Nearby)),
  544            [cap(subj(Agent)),person(are,is),How,'the',Here,'.',
  545             'Exits are',ExitText,'.','\n',
  546             cap(subj(Agent)),person(see,sees),':',SeeText,'.']) :-
  547  list2eng(Exits,ExitText),
  548  findall(X, (member(X,Nearby),X\=Agent), OtherNearby),
  549  list2eng(OtherNearby, SeeText).
  550logical2eng(Agent, carrying(Items),
  551            [cap(subj(Agent)),person(are,is),'carrying:'|Text]) :-
  552  list2eng(Items,Text).
  553logical2eng(_Agent, see_children(_Parent,_How,[]), []).
  554logical2eng(Agent, see_children(Parent,How,List),
  555            [cap(How),'the',Parent,subj(Agent),person(see,sees),':'|Text]) :-
  556  list2eng(List,Text).
  557logical2eng(_Agent, moved(What,From,How,To),
  558            [cap(subj(What)), 'moves from', From, 'to', How, To]).
  559logical2eng(_Agent, transformed(Before,After), [Before,'turns into',After,.]).
  560logical2eng(_Agent, destroyed(Thing), [Thing, 'is destroyed.']).
  561logical2eng(Agent, see_props(Object,PropList),
  562            [cap(subj(Agent)),person(see,sees),Desc,'.'|PropDesc] ) :-
  563  member(name(Desc), PropList),
  564  proplist2eng(Object,PropList,PropDesc).
  565logical2eng(Agent, see_props(Object,PropList),
  566            [cap(subj(Agent)),person(see,sees),'a',Object,'.'|PropDesc] ) :-
  567  proplist2eng(Object,PropList,PropDesc).
  568logical2eng(_Agent, say(Speaker, Eng), [cap(subj(Speaker)),': "',Text,'"']) :-
  569  eng2txt(Speaker, 'I', Eng, Text).
  570logical2eng(_Agent, talk(Speaker, Audience, Eng),
  571    [cap(subj(Speaker)),'says to',Audience,', "',Text,'"']) :-
  572  eng2txt(Speaker, 'I', Eng, Text).
  573logical2eng(_Agent, time_passes, ['Time passes.']).
  574logical2eng(_Agent, failure(Action), ['Action failed:',Action]).
  575logical2eng(_Agent, Logical, ['percept:',Logical]).
  577percept2txt(Agent, [_Logical,English|_], Text) :-
  578  eng2txt(Agent, you, English, Text).
  579percept2txt(Agent, [Logical|_], Text) :-
  580  logical2eng(Agent, Logical, Eng),
  581  eng2txt(Agent, you, Eng, Text).
  583the(State, Object, Text) :-
  584  getprop(Object, name(D), State),
  585  atom_concat('the ',D,Text).
  587an(State, Object, Text) :-
  588  getprop(Object, name(D), State),
  589  atom_concat('a ',D,Text).
  591num(_Singular, Plural, [], Plural).
  592num(Singular, _Plural, [_One], Singular).
  593num(_Singular, Plural, [_One,_Two|_Or_More], Plural).
  595expand_english(State, the(Object), Text) :-
  596  the(State, Object, Text).
  597expand_english(State, an(Object), Text) :-
  598  an(State, Object, Text).
  599expand_english(_State, num(Sing,Plur,List), Text) :-
  600  num(Sing,Plur,List,Text).
  601expand_english(_State, [], '').
  602expand_english(State, [Term|Tail], [NewTerm|NewTail]) :-
  603  expand_english(State, Term, NewTerm),
  604  expand_english(State, Tail, NewTail).
  605expand_english(_State, Term, Term).
  607% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  609subrelation(in, child).
  610subrelation(on, child).
  611subrelation(worn_by, child).
  612subrelation(held_by, child).
  614relatable(How, X, State) :-
  615  getprop(X, relatable(How), State).
  616relatable(How, X, State) :-
  617  getprop(X, relatable(Specific), State),
  618  subrelation(Specific, How).
  620related(How, X, Y, State) :- declared(related(How,X,Y), State).
  621related(child, X, Y, State) :- subrelation(How, child), related(How,X,Y,State).
  622related(descended, X, Z, State) :-
  623  related(child, X, Z, State).
  624related(descended, X, Z, State) :-
  625  related(child, Y, Z, State),
  626  related(descended, X, Y, State).
  627related(open_traverse, X, Z, State) :-
  628  related(child, X, Z, State).
  629related(open_traverse, X, Z, State) :-
  630  related(child, Y, Z, State),
  631  \+ is_closed(Y, State),
  632  related(open_traverse, X, Y, State).
  633related(inside, X, Z, State) :- related(in, X, Z, State).
  634related(inside, X, Z, State) :- related(in, Y, Z, State),
  635                                related(descended, X, Y, State).
  636related(exit(out),Inner,Outer,State) :-
  637  related(child, Inner, Outer, State),
  638  relatable(in, Inner, State),
  639  relatable(child, Outer, State),
  640  \+ is_closed(Inner, State).
  641related(exit(off),Inner,Outer,State) :-
  642  related(child, Inner, Outer, State),
  643  relatable(on, Inner, State),
  644  relatable(child, Outer, State).
  645related(exit(escape),Inner,Outer,State) :-
  646  related(child, Inner, Outer, State),
  647  relatable(child, Inner, State),
  648  relatable(child, Outer, State).
  650is_prop_public(P) :-
  651  member(P, [relatable(_),emits_light,edible,name(_),desc(_),fragile(_),
  652             immovable, openable, open, closed(_), lockable, locked, locked(_),
  653             shiny]).
  655related_with_prop(How, Object, Place, Prop, State) :-
  656  related(How, Object, Place, State),
  657  getprop(Object, Prop, State).
  659is_closed(Object, State) :-
  660  getprop(Object, closed(true), State).
  661%  getprop(Object, openable, State),
  662%  \+ getprop(Object, open, State).
  664can_see(Agent, State) :-
  665  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, State),
  666  (getprop(Here, dark, State) ->
  667    related_with_prop(open_traverse, _Obj, Here, emits_light, State);
  668    true).
  670in_scope(Thing, Agent, State) :-
  671  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, State),
  672  (Thing=Here; related(open_traverse, Thing, Here, State)).
  674visible(Thing, Agent, State) :-
  675  can_see(Agent, State),
  676  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, State),
  677  (Thing=Here; related(open_traverse, Thing, Here, State)).
  679touchable(Thing, Agent, State) :-
  680  related(child, Agent, Here, State), % can't reach out of boxes, etc.
  681  (Thing=Here; related(open_traverse, Thing, Here, State)).
  683moveto(Object, How, Dest, Vicinity, Msg, State, S9) :-
  684  undeclare(related(_,Object,Here), State, VoidState),
  685  declare(related(How,Object,Dest), VoidState, S2),
  686  queue_local_event([moved(Object, Here, How, Dest), Msg], Vicinity, S2, S9).
  689moveallto([Object|Tail], Relation, Destination, Vicinity, Msg, S0, S2) :-
  690  moveto(Object, Relation, Destination, Vicinity, Msg, S0, S1),
  691  moveallto(Tail, Relation, Destination, Vicinity, Msg, S1, S2).
  693disgorge(Container, How, Here, Vicinity, Msg, S0, S9) :-
  694  findall(Inner, related(child, Inner, Container, S0), Contents),
  695  bugout('~p contained ~p~n', [Container,Contents],general),
  696  moveallto(Contents, How, Here, Vicinity, Msg, S0, S9).
  697disgorge(_Container, _How, _Here, _Vicinity, _Msg, S0, S0).
  699thrown(Thing, _Target, How, Here, Vicinity, S0, S9) :-
  700  getprop(Thing, fragile(Broken), S0),
  701  bugout('object ~p is fragile~n',[Thing],general),
  702  undeclare(related(_,Thing,_), S0, S1),
  703  declare(related(How,Broken,Here), S1, S2),
  704  queue_local_event([transformed(Thing, Broken)], Vicinity, S2, S3),
  705  disgorge(Thing, How, Here, Vicinity, 'Something falls out.', S3, S9).
  706thrown(Thing, _Target, How, Here, Vicinity, S0, S9) :-
  707  moveto(Thing, How, Here, Vicinity, 'Thrown.', S0, S9).
  709hit(Target, _Thing, Vicinity, S0, S9) :-
  710  getprop(Target, fragile(Broken), S0),
  711  bugout('target ~p is fragile~n',[Target],general),
  712  undeclare(related(How,Target,Here), S0, S1),
  713  queue_local_event([transformed(Target, Broken)], Vicinity, S1, S2),
  714  declare(related(How,Broken,Here), S2, S3),
  715  disgorge(Target,How,Here,Vicinity,'Something falls out.', S3, S9).
  716hit(_Target, _Thing, _Vicinity, S0, S0).
  718% drop -> move -> touch
  719subsetof(touch,  touch).
  720subsetof(move,   touch).
  721subsetof(drop,   move).
  722subsetof(eat,    touch).
  723subsetof(hit,    touch).
  724subsetof(put,    drop).
  725subsetof(give,   drop).
  726subsetof(take,   move).
  727subsetof(throw,  drop).
  728subsetof(open,   touch).
  729subsetof(close,  touch).
  730subsetof(lock,   touch).
  731subsetof(unlock, touch).
  733subsetof(examine, examine).
  735% proper subset - C may not be a subset of itself.
  736psubsetof(A, B) :- subsetof(A,B).
  737psubsetof(A, C) :-
  738  subsetof(A, B),
  739  subsetof(B, C).
  741reason2eng(cant(see(_It)),        'You can''t see that here.').
  742reason2eng(cant(reach(_It)),      'You can''t reach it.').
  743reason2eng(cant(manipulate(self)),'You can''t manipulate yourself like that.').
  744reason2eng(alreadyhave(It),       ['You already have the',It,'.']).
  745reason2eng(mustgetout(_It),       'You must get out/off it first.').
  746reason2eng(self_relation(_It),    'Can\'t put thing inside itself!').
  747reason2eng(moibeus_relation(_,_), 'Topological error!').
  748reason2eng(toodark,               'It''s too dark to see!').
  749reason2eng(mustdrop(_It),         'You will have to drop it first.').
  750reason2eng(immovable(_It),        'Sorry, it\'s immovable.').
  751reason2eng(cantdothat,            'Sorry, you can\'t do that.').
  752reason2eng(R, R).
  754cant(Agent, Action, cant(see(Thing)), State) :-
  755  Action =.. [Verb, Thing |_],
  756  psubsetof(Verb, _),
  757  \+ in_scope(Thing, Agent, State).
  758cant(Agent, Action, cant(see(Thing)), State) :-
  759  Action =.. [Verb, Thing |_],
  760  psubsetof(Verb, examine),
  761  \+ visible(Thing, Agent, State).
  762cant(Agent, Action, cant(reach(Thing)), State) :-
  763  Action =.. [Verb, Thing |_],
  764  psubsetof(Verb, touch),
  765  \+ touchable(Thing, Agent, State).
  766cant(_Agent, Action, immovable(Thing), State) :-
  767  Action =.. [Verb, Thing |_],
  768  psubsetof(Verb, move),
  769  getprop(Thing, immovable, State).
  770cant(Agent, Action, musthave(Thing), State) :-
  771  Action =.. [Verb, Thing |_],
  772  psubsetof(Verb, drop),
  773  \+ related(open_traverse, Thing, Agent, State).
  774cant(Agent, Action, cant(manipulate(self)), _) :-
  775  Action =.. [Verb, Agent |_],
  776  psubsetof(Verb, touch).
  777cant(Agent, take(Thing), alreadyhave(Thing), State) :-
  778  related(descended, Thing, Agent, State).
  779cant(Agent, take(Thing), mustgetout(Thing), State) :-
  780  related(descended, Agent, Thing, State).
  781cant(_Agent, put(Thing1,_How,Thing1), self_relation(Thing1), _S0).
  782cant(_Agent, put(Thing1,_How,Thing2), moibeus_relation(Thing1,Thing2), S0) :-
  783  related(descended,Thing2,Thing1,S0).
  784cant(_Agent, throw(Thing1,_How,Thing1), self_relation(Thing1), _S0).
  785cant(_Agent, throw(Thing1,_How,Thing2), moibeus_relation(Thing1,Thing2), S0) :-
  786  related(descended,Thing2,Thing1,S0).
  787cant(Agent, look, toodark, State) :-
  788  % Perhaps this should return a logical description along the lines of
  789  %   failure(look,requisite(look, getprop(SomethingNearby, emits_light)))
  790  \+ can_see(Agent, State).
  791cant(Agent, inventory, toodark, State) :-
  792  \+ can_see(Agent, State).
  793cant(Agent, examine(_), toodark, State) :-
  794  \+ can_see(Agent, State).
  795cant(Agent, examine(Thing), cant(see(Thing)), State) :-
  796  \+ visible(Thing, Agent, State).
  797cant(Agent, go(_Relation,Object), mustdrop(Object), State) :-
  798  related(descended, Object, Agent, State).
  799cant(Agent, eat(_), cantdothat, State) :-
  800  \+ getprop(Agent, can_eat, State).
  802% ---- act(Agent, Action, State, NewState)
  803%  where the states also contain Percepts.
  804% In Inform, actions work in the following order:
  805%   game-wide preconditions
  806%   player preconditions
  807%   objects-in-vicinity react_before conditions
  808%   room before-conditions
  809%   direct-object before-conditions
  810%   verb
  811%   objects-in-vicinity react_after conditions
  812%   room after-conditions
  813%   direct-object after-conditions
  814%   game-wide after-conditions
  815% In TADS:
  816%   "verification" methods perferm tests only
  818act(Agent, Action, State, NewState):-
  819  format('~Ncall ~p.~n',[act(Agent, Action, State, NewState)]),fail.
  821act(Agent, Action, State, NewState) :-
  822  cant(Agent, Action, Reason, State),
  823  reason2eng(Reason, Eng),
  824  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(Action, Reason), Eng], State, NewState).
  826act(Agent, look, State, NewState) :-
  827  related(How, Agent, Here, State),
  828  findall(What,
  829          related(child, What, Here, State),
  830          %(related(descended, What, Here, State),
  831           %\+ (related(inside, What, Container, State),
  832           %    related(descended, Container, Here, State))),
  833          Nearby),
  834  findall(Direction, related(exit(Direction),Here,_,State), Exits),
  835  !,
  836  queue_percept(Agent,
  837                [see(you_are(How, Here), exits_are(Exits), here_are(Nearby))],
  838                State, NewState).
  840act(Agent, inventory, State, NewState) :-
  841  findall(What, related(child, What, Agent, State), Inventory),
  842  queue_percept(Agent, [carrying(Inventory)], State, NewState).
  844act(Agent, examine(Object), S0, S2) :-
  845  %declared(props(Object, PropList), S0),
  846  findall(P, (getprop(Object, P, S0), is_prop_public(P)), PropList),
  847  queue_percept(Agent, [see_props(Object, PropList)], S0, S1),
  848  (relatable(How, Object, S1); How='<unrelatable>'),
  849  % Remember that Agent might be on the inside or outside of Object.
  850  findall(What,
  851          (related(child, What, Object, S1), once(visible(What, Agent, S1))),
  852          Children),
  853  queue_percept(Agent, [see_children(Object, How, Children)], S1, S2).
  857act(Agent, go(_How, ExitName), S0, S9) :-         % go n/s/e/w/u/d/in/out
  858  related(child, Agent, Here, S0),
  859  related(exit(ExitName), Here, There, S0),
  860  %member(How, [*,to,at,through,thru]),
  861  relatable(HowThere, There, S0),
  862  moveto(Agent, HowThere, There,
  863         [Here,There],
  864         [cap(subj(Agent)),person(go,goes),ExitName],
  865         S0, S1),
  866  act(Agent, look, S1, S9).
  867act(Agent, go(How, Room), S0, S9) :-              % go in (adjacent) room
  868  relatable(How, Room, S0),
  869  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  870  related(exit(ExitName), Here, Room, S0),
  871  moveto(Agent, How, Room, [Room,Here], 
  872    [cap(subj(Agent)),person(go,goes),ExitName], S0, S1),
  873  act(Agent, look, S1, S9).
  874act(Agent, go(*, Room), S0, S9) :-              % go to (adjacent) room
  875  relatable(How, Room, S0),
  876  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  877  related(exit(ExitName), Here, Room, S0),
  878  moveto(Agent, How, Room, [Room,Here],
  879    [cap(subj(Agent)),person(go,goes),ExitName], S0, S1),
  880  act(Agent, look, S1, S9).
  881act(Agent, go(How, Object), S0, S2) :-            % go in/on object
  882  relatable(How, Object, S0),
  883  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  884  related(open_traverse, Object, Here, S0),
  885  \+ is_closed(Object, S0),
  886  moveto(Agent, How, Object, [Here],
  887    [subj(Agent),person(get,gets),How,the,Object,.], S0, S1),
  888  act(Agent, look, S1, S2).
  889act(Agent, go(How,Dest), S0, S1) :-
  890  queue_percept(Agent,
  891                [failure(go(How,Dest)), 'You can\'t go that way'],
  892                S0, S1).
  894%  sim(verb(args...), preconds, effects)
  895%    Agent is substituted for $self.
  896%    preconds are in the implied context of a State.
  897%  In Inform, the following are implied context:
  898%    actor, action, noun, second
  899%  Need:
  900%    actor/agent, verb/action, direct-object/obj1, indirect-object/obj2,
  901%      preposition-introducing-obj2
  903%    ( related(descended, Thing, $self),
  904%      can_see($self, Where),
  905%      relatable(Relation, Where),
  906%      related(descended, $self, Here)),
  907%    moveto(Thing, Relation, Where, [Here], 
  908%      [cap(subj($self)),person('put the','puts a'),
  909%        Thing,Relation,the,Where,'.'])).
  911act(Agent, take(Thing), S0, S1) :-
  912  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),            % Where is Agent now?
  913  moveto(Thing, held_by, Agent, [Here],
  914    [silent(subj(Agent)),person('Taken.',[cap(Agent),'grabs the',Thing,'.'])],
  915    S0, S1).
  916%act(Agent, get(Thing), State, NewState) :-
  917%  act(Agent, take(Thing), State, NewState).
  918act(Agent, drop(Thing), State, NewState) :-
  919  related(How, Agent, Here, State),
  920  relatable(How, Here, State),
  921  moveto(Thing, How, Here, [Here],
  922    [cap(subj(Agent)),person('drop the','drops a'),Thing,'.'], State, NewState).
  923act(Agent, put(Thing1,Relation,Thing2), State, NewState) :-
  924  relatable(Relation, Thing2, State),
  925  (Relation \= in ; \+ is_closed(Thing2, State)),
  926  touchable(Thing2, Agent, State), % what if "under" an "untouchable" thing?
  927  % OK, put it
  928  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, State),
  929  moveto(Thing1, Relation, Thing2, [Here], 
  930      [cap(subj(Agent)),person('put the','puts a'),Thing1,
  931          Relation,the,Thing2,'.'],
  932      State, NewState).
  933act(Agent, give(Thing,Recipient), S0, S9) :-
  934  relatable(held_by, Recipient, S0),
  935  touchable(Recipient, Agent, S0),
  936  % OK, give it
  937  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  938  moveto(Thing, held_by, Recipient, [Here],
  939    [cap(subj(Agent)),person([give,Recipient,the],'gives you a'),Thing,'.'],
  940    S0, S9).
  941act(Agent, throw(Thing,at,Target), S0, S9) :-
  942  visible(Target, Agent, S0),
  943  % OK, throw it
  944  related(How, Agent, Here, S0),
  945  thrown(Thing, Target, How, Here, [Here], S0, S1),
  946  hit(Target, Thing, [Here], S1, S9).
  947act(Agent, throw(Thing,ExitName), S0, S9) :-
  948  related(_How, Agent, Here, S0),
  949  related(exit(ExitName), Here, There, S0),
  950  relatable(HowThere, There, S0),
  951  thrown(Thing, There, HowThere, There, [Here,There], S0, S9).
  952act(Agent, hit(Thing), S0, S9) :-
  953  related(_How, Agent, Here, S0),
  954  hit(Thing, Agent, [Here], S0, S1),
  955  queue_percept(Agent, [true, 'OK.'], S1, S9).
  956act(Agent, dig(Hole,Where,Tool), S0, S9) :-
  957  memberchk(Hole,[hole,trench,pit,ditch]),
  958  memberchk(Where,[garden]),
  959  memberchk(Tool,[shovel,spade]),
  960  related(open_traverse, Tool, Agent, S0),
  961  related(in, Agent, Where, S0),
  962  \+ related(_How, Hole, Where, S0),
  963  % OK, dig the hole.
  964  declare(related(in, Hole, Where), S0, S1),
  965  setprop(Hole, relatable(in), S1, S2),
  966  setprop(Hole, immovable, S2, S3),
  967  declare(related(in, dirt, Where), S3, S8),
  968  queue_event(
  969    [ created(Hole,Where),
  970      [cap(subj(Agent)),person(dig,digs),'a',Hole,'in the',Where,'.']],
  971    S8, S9).
  972act(Agent, eat(Thing), S0, S9) :-
  973  getprop(Thing, edible, S0),
  974  undeclare(related(_,Thing,_), S0, S1),
  975  queue_percept(Agent, [destroyed(Thing), 'Mmmm, good!'], S1, S9).
  976act(Agent, eat(Thing), S0, S9) :-
  977  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(eat(Thing)), 'It''s inedible!'], S0, S9).
  979act(Agent, switch(OnOff, Thing), S0, S) :-
  980  touchable(Thing, Agent, S0),
  981  getprop(Thing, switchable, S0),
  982  getprop(Thing, effect(switch(OnOff), Term0), S0),
  983  subst(equivalent,$self, Thing, Term0, Term),
  984  call(Term, S0, S1),
  985  queue_percept(Agent, [true, 'OK'], S1, S).
  986act(Agent, open(Thing), S0, S) :-
  987  touchable(Thing, Agent, S0),
  988  %getprop(Thing, openable, S0),
  989  %\+ getprop(Thing, open, S0),
  990  delprop(Thing, closed(true), S0, S1),
  991  %setprop(Thing, open, S0, S1),
  992  setprop(Thing, closed(fail), S1, S2),
  993  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S2),
  994  queue_local_event([setprop(Thing,closed(fail)), 'Opened.'], [Here], S2, S).
  995act(Agent, close(Thing), S0, S) :-
  996  touchable(Thing, Agent, S0),
  997  %getprop(Thing, openable, S0),
  998  %getprop(Thing, open, S0),
  999  delprop(Thing, closed(fail), S0, S1),
 1000  %delprop(Thing, open, S0, S1),
 1001  setprop(Thing, closed(true), S1, S2),
 1002  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S2),
 1003  queue_local_event([setprop(Thing,closed(true)), 'Closed.'], [Here], S2, S).
 1005act(Agent, talk(Object,Message), S0, S1) :-  % directed message
 1006  visible(Object, Agent, S0),
 1007  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
 1008  queue_local_event([talk(Agent,Object,Message)], [Here], S0, S1).
 1009act(Agent, say(Message), S0, S1) :-          % undirected message
 1010  related(open_traverse, Agent, Here, S0),
 1011  queue_local_event([say(Agent, Message)], [Here], S0, S1).
 1013act(Agent, touch(_Thing), S0, S9) :-
 1014  queue_percept(Agent, [true,'OK.'], S0, S9).
 1015act(Agent, wait, State, NewState) :-
 1016  queue_percept(Agent, [time_passes], State, NewState).
 1017act(Agent, print_(Msg), S0, S1) :-
 1018  related(descended, Agent, Here, S0),
 1019  queue_local_event([true,Msg], [Here], S0, S1).
 1020act(_Agent, true, S, S).
 1021act(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
 1022  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(Action), 'You can''t do that.'], S0, S1).
 1024% Protocol:
 1025%   Agent: request(Action, Action_Id)
 1026%   Simulation: respond(Action_Id, LogicalResponse/Percept, EnglishResponse)
 1027%   Action(Verb, ...)
 1028%   failure(Reason)
 1029%   moved(obj, from, how, to)
 1031% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1032% The state of an Agent is stored in its memory.
 1033% Agent memory is stored as a list in reverse chronological order, implicitly
 1034%   ordering and timestamping everything.
 1035% Types of memories:
 1036%   agent(A)        - identity of agent (?)
 1037%   timestamp(T)    - agent may add a new timestamp whenever a sequence point
 1038%                     is desired.
 1039%   [percept]       - received perceptions.
 1040%   model([...])    - Agent's internal model of the world.
 1041%                     Model is a collection of timestampped relations.
 1042%   goals([...])    - states the agent would like to achieve, or
 1043%                     acts the agent would like to be able to do.
 1044%   plan(S,O,B,L)   - plans for achieving goals.
 1045%   affect(...)     - Agent's current affect.
 1046% Multiple plans, goals, models, affects, etc. may be stored, for introspection
 1047%   about previous internal states.
 1049% Manipulate memories (M stands for Memories)
 1050memorize(Figment, M0, M1) :- append([Figment], M0, M1).
 1051memorize_list(FigmentList, M0, M1) :- append(FigmentList, M0, M1).
 1052forget(Figment, M0, M1) :- select(Figment, M0, M1).
 1053forget_always(Figment, M0, M1) :- select_always(Figment, M0, M1).
 1054%forget_default(Figment, Default, M0, M1) :-
 1055%  select_default(Figment, Default, M0, M1).
 1056thought(Figment, M) :- member(Figment, M).
 1058% -------- Model updating predicates (here M stands for Model)
 1060% Fundamental predicate that actually modifies the list:
 1061update_relation(NewHow, Item, NewParent, Timestamp, M0, M2) :-
 1062  select_always(related(_How,Item,_Where,_T), M0, M1),
 1063  append([related(NewHow,Item,NewParent,Timestamp)],M1,M2).
 1065% Batch-update relations.
 1067update_relations(NewHow, [Item|Tail], NewParent, Timestamp, M0, M2) :-
 1068  update_relation(NewHow, Item, NewParent, Timestamp, M0, M1),
 1069  update_relations(NewHow, Tail, NewParent, Timestamp, M1, M2).
 1071% If dynamic topology needs remembering, use
 1072%      related(exit(E),Here,[There1|ThereTail],Timestamp)
 1073update_exit(How, From, Timestamp, M0, M2) :-
 1074  select(related(How,From,To,_T), M0, M1),
 1075  append([related(How,From,To,Timestamp)], M1, M2).
 1076update_exit(How, From, Timestamp, M0, M1) :-
 1077  append([related(How,From,'<unexplored>',Timestamp)], M0, M1).
 1079update_exit(How, From, To, Timestamp, M0, M2) :-
 1080  select_always(related(How,From,_To,_T), M0, M1),
 1081  append([related(How,From,To,Timestamp)], M1, M2).
 1084update_exits([Exit|Tail], From, Timestamp, M0, M2) :-
 1085  update_exit(Exit, From, Timestamp, M0, M1),
 1086  update_exits(Tail, From, Timestamp, M1, M2).
 1088%butlast(List, ListButLast) :-
 1089%  %last(List, Item),
 1090%  append(ListButLast, [_Item], List).
 1092% Match only the most recent Figment in Memory.
 1093%last_thought(Figment, Memory) :-  % or member1(F,M), or memberchk(Term,List)
 1094%  copy_term(Figment, FreshFigment),
 1095%  append(RecentMemory, [Figment|_Tail], Memory),
 1096%  \+ member(FreshFigment, RecentMemory).
 1098update_model(Agent, carrying(Objects), Timestamp, _Memory, M0, M1) :-
 1099  update_relations(held_by, Objects, Agent, Timestamp, M0, M1).
 1100update_model(_Agent, see_children(Object,How,Children),Timestamp,_Mem,M0,M1) :-
 1101  update_relations(How, Children, Object, Timestamp, M0, M1).
 1102update_model(_Agent, see_props(Object,PropList), Stamp,_Mem,M0,M2) :-
 1103  select_always(props(Object,_,_),M0,M1),
 1104  append([props(Object,PropList, Stamp)],M1,M2).
 1106             see(you_are(How,Here), exits_are(Exits), here_are(Objects)),
 1107             Timestamp, _Mem, M0, M4) :-
 1108  % Don't update map here, it's better done in the moved() clause.
 1109  update_relations(How,Objects,Here,Timestamp,M0,M3),  % Model objects seen Here
 1110  findall(exit(E), member(E,Exits), ExitRelations),
 1111  update_exits(ExitRelations, Here, Timestamp, M3, M4).% Model exits from Here.
 1112update_model(Agent, moved(Agent,There,How,Here), Timestamp, Mem, M0, M2) :-
 1113  % According to model, where was I?
 1114  member(related(_,Agent,There,_T0), M0),
 1115  % TODO: Handle go(on,table)
 1116  % How did I get Here?
 1117  append(RecentMem,[did(go(_HowGo,ExitName))|OlderMem], Mem), % find figment
 1118  \+ member(did(go(_,_)), RecentMem),                 % guarrantee recentness
 1119  memberchk(timestamp(_T1), OlderMem),                 % get associated stamp
 1120  %format('~p moved: go(~p,~p) from ~p leads to ~p~n',
 1121  %       [Agent, HowGo, Dest, There, Here]),
 1122  update_exit(exit(ExitName),There,Here,Timestamp,M0,M1), % Model the path.
 1123  update_relation(How, Agent, Here, Timestamp, M1, M2). % And update location.
 1124update_model(_Agent, moved(Object,_From,How,To), Timestamp, _Mem,M0,M1) :-
 1125  update_relation(How, Object, To, Timestamp, M0, M1).
 1126update_model(_Agent, _Percept, _Timestamp, _Memory, M, M).
 1128% update_model_all(Agent, PerceptsList, Stamp, ROMemory, OldModel, NewModel)
 1129update_model_all(_Agent, [], _Timestamp, _Memory, M, M).
 1130update_model_all(Agent, [Percept|Tail], Timestamp, Memory, M0, M2) :-
 1131  update_model(Agent, Percept, Timestamp, Memory, M0, M1),
 1132  update_model_all(Agent, Tail, Timestamp, Memory, M1, M2).
 1134path2directions([Here,There], [go(*,ExitName)], Model) :-
 1135  member(related(exit(ExitName),Here,There,_),Model).
 1136path2directions([Here,There], [go(in,There)], Model) :-
 1137  member(related(descended,Here,There,_),Model).
 1138path2directions([Here,Next|Trail], [go(*,ExitName)|Tail], Model) :-
 1139  member(related(exit(ExitName),Here,Next,_),Model),
 1140  path2directions([Next|Trail], Tail, Model).
 1141path2directions([Here,Next|Trail], [go(in,Next)|Tail], Model) :-
 1142  member(related(descended,Here,Next,_),Model),
 1143  path2directions([Next|Trail], Tail, Model).
 1145find_path1([First|_Rest],Dest,First,_Model) :-
 1146  First = [Dest|_].
 1147find_path1([[Last|Trail]|Others],Dest,Route,Model) :-
 1148  findall([Z,Last|Trail],
 1149          (member(related(_How,Last,Z,_),Model), \+ member(Z, Trail)),
 1150          List),
 1151  append(Others,List,NewRoutes),
 1152  find_path1(NewRoutes, Dest, Route, Model).
 1153find_path(Start, Dest, Route, Model) :-
 1154  find_path1([[Start]],Dest,R,Model),
 1155  reverse(R,RR),
 1156  path2directions(RR,Route,Model).
 1158% --------
 1160% TODO: rewrite/debug findterm.
 1162findterm(Term, Term).
 1163findterm(Term, [Head|_]) :-
 1164  findterm(Term, Head).
 1165findterm(Term, [_|Tail]) :-
 1166  findterm(Term, Tail).
 1167findterm(Term, T) :-
 1168  compound(T),
 1169  \+ is_list(T),
 1170  T =.. List,
 1171  findterm(Term, List).
 1173% Substitute 'Replace' for 'Find' in T0, yielding T.
 1174% TODO: add ^ handling like with bagof/setof.
 1175%   bagof(Template,X^Goal,List) means to never instantiate X
 1176% Current behavior:
 1177%   subst(copy_term,macro(Code),expanded(Code,X),macro(foo),expanded(foo,Y))
 1178%     leaving X unbound. Suppose I wanted X left bound?
 1179%   subst(equivalent,macro(Code),expanded(Code,X),macro(foo),macro(foo))
 1180%     This won't match Code.
 1181%   subst(unify,macro(Code),expanded(Code,X),macro(foo),expanded(foo,X))
 1182%     This only matches all occurrences of the same first Code!
 1183subst(unify,Find,Replace,Find,Replace) :-
 1184  % The first unification of Find sticks!  Doesn't seem too useful to me.
 1185  % TODO: consider somehow allowing a solution for each match.
 1186  %   ground(Find) -> T0=Find, ! ; T0=Find.  sort of does it
 1187  !.
 1188subst(equivalent,Find,Replace,T0,Replace) :-
 1189  % Don't unify any variables.  Safe and simple.
 1190  T0 == Find,
 1191  !.
 1192subst(copy_term,Find,Replace,FindCopy,ReplaceCopy) :-
 1193  % Unify with new instantiations at each replacement.
 1194  % Allows sensible behavior like:
 1195  %   subst(my_macro(Code),
 1196  %         expanded(Code),
 1197  %         (this,my_macro(that),other,my_macro(another)),
 1198  %         (this,expanded(that),other,expanded(another)) )
 1199  % ...but unfortunately will break any free-variable associations.
 1200  % TODO: think about how bagof works; apply here.
 1201  copy_term(Find-Replace, FindCopy-ReplaceCopy),
 1202  !.
 1203subst(BindType,Find,Replace,List,[T|Rest]) :-
 1204  is_list(List),
 1205  List = [T0|Rest0],  % fails when List = []
 1206  !,
 1207  subst(BindType,Find,Replace,T0,T),
 1208  subst(BindType,Find,Replace,Rest0,Rest).
 1209subst(BindType,Find,Replace,T0,T) :-
 1210  compound(T0),
 1211  % \+ is_list(T0),
 1212  !,
 1213  T0 =.. [Functor0|Args0],
 1214  subst(BindType,Find,Replace,Functor0,Functor1),
 1215  subst(BindType,Find,Replace,Args0,Args1),
 1216  % If Replacement would cause invalid functor, don't subst.
 1217  ( atom(Functor1) -> T =.. [Functor1|Args1] ; T =.. [Functor0|Args1]).
 1220% Call subst on T for each Find-Replace pair in the given list.
 1221% Order of substitution may matter to you!
 1223subst_dict(BindType,[Find-Replace|Rest],T0,T) :-
 1224  subst(BindType,Find,Replace,T0,T1),
 1225  subst_dict(BindType,Rest,T1,T).
 1227precond_matches_effect(Cond, Cond).
 1229precond_matches_effects(path(Here,There), StartEffects) :-
 1230  find_path(Here,There,_Route, StartEffects).
 1231precond_matches_effects(exists(Object), StartEffects) :-
 1232  member(related(_, Object, _, _), StartEffects)
 1233  ;
 1234  member(related(_, _, Object, _), StartEffects).
 1235precond_matches_effects(Cond, Effects) :-
 1236  member(E, Effects),
 1237  precond_matches_effect(Cond, E).
 1240     [ Here \= $self, There \= $self,
 1241       related(in,$self,Here,_),
 1242       related(exit(ExitName),Here,There,_)], % path(Here,There)
 1243     [ related(in,$self,There,_),
 1244       not related(in,$self,Here,_)]).
 1245oper(take(Thing), % from same room
 1246     [ Thing \= $self, exists(Thing),
 1247       There \= $self,
 1248       related(At,Thing,There,_),
 1249       related(At,$self,There,_)],
 1250     [ related(held_by,Thing,$self,_),
 1251       not related(At,Thing,There,_)]).
 1252%oper(take(Thing), % from something else
 1253%     [ Thing \= $self, exists(Thing),
 1254%       related(How,Thing,What,_),
 1255%       related(At,What,There,_),
 1256%       related(At,$self,There,_) ],
 1257%     [ related(held_by,Thing,$self,_),
 1258%       not related(How,Thing,There,_)]).
 1260     [ Thing \= $self, exists(Thing),
 1261       related(held_by, Thing, $self, _)],
 1262     [ not related(held_by, Thing, $self, _)] ).
 1263%oper(talk(Player, [please, give, me, the, Thing]),
 1264%     [ Thing \= $self, exists(Thing),
 1265%       related(held_by, Thing, Player, _),
 1266%       related(How,Player,Where,_),
 1267%       related(How,$self,Where,_) ],
 1268%     [ related(held_by, Thing, $self, _),
 1269%       not related(held_by, Thing, Player, _)] ).
 1271     [ Thing \= $self, Recipient \= $self,
 1272       exists(Thing), exists(Recipient),
 1273       Where \= $self,
 1274       related(held_by, Thing, $self, _),
 1275       related(in,Recipient,Where,_), exists(Where),
 1276       related(in,$self,Where,_)],
 1277     [ related(held_by,Thing,Recipient,_),
 1278       not related(held_by,Thing,$self,_)
 1279     ] ).
 1280oper(put(Thing,Relation,What), % in something else
 1281     [ Thing \= $self, What \= $self, Where \= $self,
 1282       Thing\=What, What\=Where, Thing\=Where,
 1283       related(held_by,Thing,$self,_), exists(Thing),
 1284       related(in,What,Where,_), exists(What), exists(Where),
 1285       related(in,$self,Where,_)],
 1286     [ related(Relation,Thing,What,_),
 1287       not related(held_by,Thing,$self,_)] ).
 1288%oper(put(Thing,Relation,Where), % in room
 1289%     [ Thing \= $self, exists(Thing),
 1290%       related(held_by,Thing,$self,_),
 1291%       related(Relation,$self,Where,_)],
 1292%     [ related(Relation,Thing,Where,_),
 1293%       not related(held_by,Thing,$self,_)] ).
 1295% Return an operator after substituting Agent for $self.
 1296operagent(Agent,Action,Conds,Effects) :-
 1297  oper(Action,Conds0,Effects0),
 1298  subst(equivalent,$self, Agent, Conds0, Conds),
 1299  subst(equivalent,$self, Agent, Effects0, Effects).
 1301% Return the initial list of operators.
 1302initial_operators(Agent, Operators) :-
 1303  findall(oper(Action,Conds,Effects),
 1304          operagent(Agent,Action,Conds,Effects),
 1305          Operators).
 1307precondition_matches_effect(Cond, Effect) :-
 1308  % format('      Comparing cond ~w with effect ~w: ',[Cond,Effect]),
 1309  Cond = Effect. %, format('match~n',[]).
 1310%precondition_matches_effect(not not Cond, Effect) :-
 1311%  precondition_matches_effect(Cond, Effect).
 1312%precondition_matches_effect(Cond, not not Effect) :-
 1313%  precondition_matches_effect(Cond, Effect).
 1314precondition_matches_effects(Cond, Effects) :-
 1315  member(E, Effects),
 1316  precondition_matches_effect(Cond, E).
 1317preconditions_match_effects([Cond|Tail], Effects) :-
 1318  precondition_matches_effects(Cond, Effects),
 1319  preconditions_match_effects(Tail, Effects).
 1321% plan(steps, orderings, bindings, links)
 1322% step(id, operation)
 1323new_plan(_Agent, CurrentState, GoalState, Plan) :-
 1324  Plan = plan([step(start ,oper(true, [], CurrentState)),
 1325               step(finish,oper(true, GoalState, []))],
 1326              [before(start,finish)],
 1327              [],
 1328              []).
 1330isbefore(I, J, Orderings) :-
 1331  member(before(I,J), Orderings).
 1332%isbefore(I, K, Orderings) :-
 1333%  select(before(I,J), Orderings, Remaining),
 1334%  isbefore(J, K, Remaining).
 1336% These will fail to create inconsistent orderings.
 1337%add_ordering(B, Orderings, Orderings) :-
 1338%  member(B, Orderings), !.
 1339%add_ordering(before(I,K), Orderings, [before(I,K)|Orderings]) :-
 1340%  I \= K,
 1341%  \+ isbefore(K,I,Orderings),
 1342%  bugout('    ADDED ~w to orderings.~n',[before(I,K)],planner).
 1343%add_ordering(B, O, O) :-
 1344%  bugout('    FAILED to add ~w to orderings.~n',[B],planner),
 1345%  fail.
 1347add_ordering(B, Orderings, Orderings) :-
 1348  member(B, Orderings), !.
 1349add_ordering(before(I,J), Order0, Order1) :-
 1350  I \= J,
 1351  \+ isbefore(J,I,Order0),
 1352  add_ordering3(before(I,J),Order0,Order0,Order1).
 1353add_ordering(B, Order0, Order0) :-
 1354  once(pick_ordering(Order0, List)),
 1355  bugout('  FAILED add_ordering ~w to ~w~n',[B,List],planner),
 1356  fail.
 1358% add_ordering3(NewOrder, ToCheck, OldOrderings, NewOrderings)
 1359add_ordering3(before(I,J), [], OldOrderings, NewOrderings) :-
 1360  union([before(I,J)], OldOrderings, NewOrderings).
 1361add_ordering3(before(I,J), [before(J,K)|Rest], OldOrderings, NewOrderings) :-
 1362  I \= K,
 1363  union([before(J,K)], OldOrderings, Orderings1),
 1364  add_ordering3(before(I,J), Rest, Orderings1, NewOrderings).
 1365add_ordering3(before(I,J), [before(H,I)|Rest], OldOrderings, NewOrderings) :-
 1366  H \= J,
 1367  union([before(H,J)], OldOrderings, Orderings1),
 1368  add_ordering3(before(I,J), Rest, Orderings1, NewOrderings).
 1369add_ordering3(before(I,J), [before(H,K)|Rest], OldOrderings, NewOrderings) :-
 1370  I \= K,
 1371  H \= J,
 1372  add_ordering3(before(I,J), Rest, OldOrderings, NewOrderings).
 1374% insert(E,L,L1) inserts E into L producing L1
 1375% E is not added it is already there.
 1378insert(A,[B|R],[B|R1]) :-
 1379   A \== B,
 1380   insert(A,R,R1).
 1382add_orderings([], Orderings, Orderings).
 1383add_orderings([B|Tail], Orderings, NewOrderings) :-
 1384  add_ordering(B,Orderings,Orderings2),
 1385  add_orderings(Tail,Orderings2,NewOrderings).
 1387del_ordering_node(I, [before(I,_)|Tail], Orderings) :-
 1388  del_ordering_node(I, Tail, Orderings).
 1389del_ordering_node(I, [before(_,I)|Tail], Orderings) :-
 1390  del_ordering_node(I, Tail, Orderings).
 1391del_ordering_node(I, [before(X,Y)|Tail], [before(X,Y)|Orderings]) :-
 1392  X \= I,
 1393  Y \= I,
 1394  del_ordering_node(I, Tail, Orderings).
 1395del_ordering_node(_I, [], []).
 1397ordering_nodes(Orderings, Nodes) :-
 1398  setof(Node,
 1399        Other^(isbefore(Node,Other,Orderings);isbefore(Other,Node,Orderings)),
 1400        Nodes).
 1402pick_ordering(Orderings, List) :-
 1403  ordering_nodes(Orderings, Nodes),
 1404  pick_ordering(Orderings, Nodes, List).
 1406pick_ordering(Orderings, Nodes, [I|After]) :-
 1407  select(I, Nodes, RemainingNodes),
 1408  forall(member(J,RemainingNodes), \+ isbefore(J,I,Orderings) ),
 1409  pick_ordering(Orderings, RemainingNodes, After).
 1410pick_ordering(_Orderings, [], []).
 1412test_ordering :-
 1413  bugout('ORDERING TEST:~n', planner),
 1414  once(add_orderings(
 1415   [ before(start,finish),
 1416     before(start,x),
 1417     before(start,y),before(y,finish),
 1418     before(x,z),
 1419     before(z,finish)
 1420   ],
 1421   [],
 1422   Orderings)),
 1423  bugout('  ordering is ~w~n',[Orderings],planner),
 1424  pick_ordering(Orderings, List),
 1425  bugout('  picked ~w~n',[List],planner),
 1426  fail.
 1427test_ordering :- bugout('  END ORDERING TEST~n',planner).
 1429cond_is_achieved(step(J,_Oper), C, plan(Steps,Orderings,_,_)) :-
 1430  member(step(I, oper(_, _, Effects)), Steps),
 1431  precondition_matches_effects(C, Effects),
 1432  isbefore(I, J, Orderings),
 1433  bugout('      Cond ~w of step ~w is achieved!~n',[C,J],planner).
 1434cond_is_achieved(step(J,_Oper), C, plan(_Steps,_Orderings,_,_)) :-
 1435  bugout('      Cond ~w of step ~w is NOT achieved.~n',[C,J],planner),
 1436  !,fail.
 1438% Are the preconditions of a given step achieved by the effects of other
 1439% steps, or are already true?
 1440step_is_achieved(step(_J, oper(_, [], _)), _Plan).  % No conditions, OK.
 1441step_is_achieved(step(J, oper(_, [C|Tail], _)), plan(Steps,Orderings,_,_)) :-
 1442  cond_is_achieved(step(J,_), C, plan(Steps,Orderings,_,_)),
 1443  step_is_achieved(step(J, oper(_, Tail, _)), plan(Steps,Orderings,_,_)).
 1445all_steps_are_achieved([Step|Tail],Plan) :-
 1446  step_is_achieved(Step, Plan),
 1447  all_steps_are_achieved(Tail, Plan).
 1450is_solution(plan(Steps,O,B,L)) :-
 1451  all_steps_are_achieved(Steps, plan(Steps,O,B,L)).
 1453% Create a new step given an operator.
 1454operator_as_step(oper(Act,Cond,Effect), step(Id, oper(Act,Cond,Effect))) :-
 1455  Act =.. [Functor|_],
 1456  atom_concat(Functor,'_step_',Prefix),
 1457  gensym(Prefix, Id).
 1459% Create a list of new steps given a list of operators.
 1461operators_as_steps([Oper | OpTail], [Step | StepTail]) :-
 1462  copy_term(Oper, FreshOper), % Avoid instantiating operator database.
 1463  operator_as_step(FreshOper, Step),
 1464  operators_as_steps(OpTail, StepTail).
 1466cond_as_goal(ID, Cond, goal(ID, Cond)).
 1467conds_as_goals(_, [],[]).
 1468conds_as_goals(ID, [C|R],[G|T]) :-
 1469  cond_as_goal(ID,C,G),
 1470  conds_as_goals(ID,R,T).
 1472cond_equates(Cond0, Cond1) :- Cond0 = Cond1.
 1473cond_equates(related(X,Y,Z,_), related(X,Y,Z,_)).
 1474cond_equates(not not Cond0, Cond1) :- cond_equates(Cond0, Cond1).
 1475cond_equates(Cond0, not not Cond1) :- cond_equates(Cond0, Cond1).
 1477cond_negates(not Cond0, Cond1) :- cond_equates(Cond0, Cond1).
 1478cond_negates(Cond0, not Cond1) :- cond_equates(Cond0, Cond1).
 1480% Protect 1 link from 1 condition
 1481% protect(link_to_protect, threatening_step, threatening_cond, ...)
 1482protect(causes(StepI,_Cond0,_StepJ), StepI, _Cond1, Order0, Order0) :-
 1483  !. % Step does not threaten itself.
 1484protect(causes(_StepI,_Cond0,StepJ), StepJ, _Cond1, Order0, Order0) :-
 1485  !. % Step does not threaten itself.
 1486%protect(causes(_StepI,Cond,_StepJ), _StepK, Cond, Order0, Order0) :-
 1487%  !. % Cond does not threaten itself.
 1488protect(causes(_StepI,Cond0,_StepJ), _StepK, Cond1, Order0, Order0) :-
 1489  \+ cond_negates(Cond0, Cond1),
 1490  !.
 1491protect(causes(StepI,Cond0,StepJ), StepK, _Cond1, Order0, Order0) :-
 1492  bugout('  THREAT: ~w <> causes(~w,~w,~w)~n',
 1493         [StepK,StepI,Cond0,StepJ],planner),
 1494  fail.
 1495protect(causes(StepI,_Cond0,StepJ), StepK, _Cond1, Order0, Order1) :-
 1496  % Protect by moving threatening step before or after this link.
 1497  add_ordering(before(StepK,StepI), Order0, Order1),
 1498  bugout('    RESOLVED with ~w~n',[before(StepK,StepI)],planner)
 1499  ;
 1500  add_ordering(before(StepJ,StepK), Order0, Order1),
 1501  bugout('    RESOLVED with ~w~n',[before(StepJ,StepK)],planner).
 1502protect(causes(StepI,Cond0,StepJ), StepK, _Cond1, Order0, Order0) :-
 1503  bugout('  FAILED to resolve THREAT ~w <> causes(~w,~w,~w)~n',
 1504         [StepK,StepI,Cond0,StepJ],planner),
 1505  once(pick_ordering(Order0, Serial)),
 1506  bugout('    ORDERING is ~w~n', [Serial], planner),
 1507  fail.
 1509% Protect 1 link from 1 step's multiple effects
 1510protect_link(_Link, _StepID, [], Order0, Order0).
 1511protect_link(Link, StepID, [Cond|Effects], Order0,Order2):-
 1512  protect(Link, StepID, Cond, Order0, Order1),
 1513  protect_link(Link, StepID, Effects, Order1, Order2).
 1515% Protect all links from 1 step's multiple effects
 1516% protect_links(links_to_protect, threatening_step, threatening_cond, ...)
 1517protect_links([], _StepID, _Effects, Order0, Order0).
 1518protect_links([Link|Tail], StepID, Effects, Order0, Order2) :-
 1519  protect_link(Link, StepID, Effects, Order0, Order1),
 1520  protect_links(Tail, StepID, Effects, Order1, Order2).
 1522% Protect 1 link from all steps' multiple effects
 1523protect_link_all(_Link, [], Order0, Order0).
 1524protect_link_all(Link, [step(StepID,oper(_,_,Effects))|Steps], Order0,Order2) :-
 1525  protect_link(Link, StepID, Effects, Order0, Order1),
 1526  protect_link_all(Link, Steps, Order1, Order2).
 1528%add_binding((X\=Y), Bindings0, Bindings) :-
 1529%  X \= Y,  % if they can't bind, don't bother to add them.
 1530add_binding((X\=Y), Bindings, [(X\=Y)|Bindings]) :-
 1531  X \== Y,   % if they're distinct,
 1532  % \+ \+ X=Y, % but could bind
 1533  bindings_valid(Bindings).
 1536bindings_valid([(X\=Y)|Bindings]) :-
 1537  X \== Y,
 1538  bindings_valid(Bindings).
 1539%bindings_valid(B) :-
 1540%  bugout('  BINDINGS are *INVALID*: ~w~n', [B], planner),
 1541%  fail.
 1543bindings_safe([]) :- bugout('  BINDINGS are SAFE~n',planner).
 1544bindings_safe([(X\=Y)|Bindings]) :-
 1545  X \= Y,
 1546  bindings_safe(Bindings).
 1547%bindings_safe(B) :-
 1548%  bugout('  BINDINGS are *UNSAFE*: ~w~n', [B], planner),
 1549%  fail.
 1551choose_operator([goal(GoalID,GoalCond)|Goals0], Goals0,
 1552                 _Operators,
 1553                 plan(Steps,Order0,Bindings,OldLinks),
 1554                 plan(Steps,Order9,Bindings,NewLinks),
 1555                 Depth, Depth ) :-
 1556  % Achieved by existing step?
 1557  member(step(StepID,oper(_Action,_Preconds,Effects)), Steps),
 1558  precondition_matches_effects(GoalCond,Effects),
 1559  add_ordering(before(StepID,GoalID), Order0, Order1),
 1560  % Need to protect new link from all existing steps
 1561  protect_link_all(causes(StepID,GoalCond,GoalID),Steps,Order1,Order9),
 1562  union([causes(StepID,GoalCond,GoalID)], OldLinks, NewLinks),
 1563  bindings_valid(Bindings),
 1564  bugout('  EXISTING step ~w satisfies ~w~n', [StepID,GoalCond], planner).
 1565choose_operator([goal(_GoalID, X \= Y)|Goals0], Goals0,
 1566                 _Operators,
 1567                 plan(Steps,Order,Bindings,Links),
 1568                 plan(Steps,Order,NewBindings,Links),
 1569                 Depth, Depth ) :-
 1570  add_binding((X\=Y), Bindings, NewBindings),
 1571  bugout('  BINDING ADDED: ~w~n',[X\=Y],planner).
 1572choose_operator([goal(GoalID, not GoalCond)|Goals0], Goals0,
 1573                 _Operators,
 1574                 plan(Steps,Order0,Bindings,OldLinks),
 1575                 plan(Steps,Order9,Bindings,NewLinks),
 1576                 Depth, Depth ) :-
 1577  % Negative condition achieved by start step?
 1578  memberchk(step(start,oper(_Action,_Preconds,Effects)), Steps),
 1579  \+ precondition_matches_effects(GoalCond,Effects),
 1580  add_ordering(before(start,GoalID), Order0, Order1),
 1581  % Need to protect new link from all existing steps
 1582  protect_link_all(causes(start,GoalCond,GoalID),Steps,Order1,Order9),
 1583  union([causes(start,not GoalCond,GoalID)], OldLinks, NewLinks),
 1584  bindings_valid(Bindings),
 1585  bugout('  START SATISFIES NOT ~w~n', [GoalCond], planner).
 1586choose_operator([goal(GoalID, exists(GoalCond))|Goals0], Goals0,
 1587                 _Operators,
 1588                 plan(Steps,Order0,Bindings,OldLinks),
 1589                 plan(Steps,Order9,Bindings,NewLinks),
 1590                 Depth, Depth ) :-
 1591  memberchk(step(start,oper(_Action,_Preconds,Effects)), Steps),
 1592  ( member(related(_How,GoalCond,_Where,_), Effects);
 1593    member(related(_How,_What,GoalCond,_), Effects)),
 1594  add_ordering(before(start,GoalID), Order0, Order1),
 1595  % Need to protect new link from all existing steps
 1596  protect_link_all(causes(start,GoalCond,GoalID),Steps,Order1,Order9),
 1597  union([causes(start,exists(GoalCond),GoalID)], OldLinks, NewLinks),
 1598  bindings_valid(Bindings),
 1599  bugout('  START SATISFIES exists(~w)~n', [GoalCond], planner).
 1600choose_operator([goal(GoalID,GoalCond)|Goals0], Goals2,
 1601                 Operators,
 1602                 plan(OldSteps,Order0,Bindings,OldLinks),
 1603                 plan(NewSteps,Order9,Bindings,NewLinks),
 1604                 Depth0, Depth ) :-
 1605  % Condition achieved by new step?
 1606  Depth0 > 0,
 1607  Depth is Depth0 - 1,
 1608  %operators_as_steps(Operators, FreshSteps),
 1609  copy_term(Operators, FreshOperators),
 1610  % Find a new operator.
 1611  %member(step(StepID,oper(Action,Preconds,Effects)), FreshSteps),
 1612  member(oper(Action,Preconds,Effects), FreshOperators),
 1613  precondition_matches_effects(GoalCond,Effects),
 1614  operator_as_step(oper(Action,Preconds,Effects),
 1615                   step(StepID,oper(Action,Preconds,Effects)) ),
 1616  % Add ordering constraints.
 1617  add_orderings([before(start, StepID),
 1618                 before(StepID,GoalID),
 1619                 before(StepID,finish)],
 1620                Order0, Order1),
 1621  % Need to protect existing links from new step.
 1622  protect_links(OldLinks, StepID, Effects, Order1, Order2),
 1623  % Need to protect new link from all existing steps
 1624  protect_link_all(causes(StepID,GoalCond,GoalID),OldSteps,Order2,Order9),
 1625  % Add the step.
 1626  append(OldSteps, [step(StepID,oper(Action,Preconds,Effects))], NewSteps),
 1627  % Add causal constraint.
 1628  union([causes(StepID, GoalCond, GoalID)], OldLinks, NewLinks),
 1629  % Add consequent goals.
 1630  conds_as_goals(StepID,Preconds,NewGoals),
 1631  append(Goals0, NewGoals, Goals2),
 1632  bindings_valid(Bindings),
 1633  bugout('  ~w CREATED ~w to satisfy ~w~n',
 1634         [Depth,StepID,GoalCond],autonomous),
 1635  pprint(oper(Action,Preconds,Effects), planner),
 1636  once(pick_ordering(Order9,List)),
 1637  bugout('    Orderings are ~w~n', [List], planner).
 1638choose_operator([goal(GoalID,GoalCond)|_G0], _G2, _Op, _P0, _P2, D, D) :-
 1639  bugout('  CHOOSE_OPERATOR FAILED on goal:~n    goal(~w,~w)~n',
 1640         [GoalID,GoalCond],planner),
 1641  !, fail.
 1642choose_operator(G0, _G2, _Op, _P0, _P2, D, D) :-
 1643  bugout('  !!! CHOOSE_OPERATOR FAILED: G0 = ~w~n', [G0], planner), !, fail.
 1645planning_loop([], _Operators, plan(S,O,B,L), plan(S,O,B,L), _Depth, _TO ) :-
 1646  bugout('FOUND SOLUTION?~n',planner),
 1647  bindings_safe(B).
 1648planning_loop(Goals0, Operators, Plan0, Plan2, Depth0, Timeout) :-
 1649  %Limit > 0,
 1650  get_time(Now),
 1651  (Now > Timeout -> throw(timeout(planner)); true),
 1652  bugout('GOALS ARE: ~w~n',[Goals0],planner),
 1653  choose_operator(Goals0, Goals1, Operators, Plan0, Plan1, Depth0, Depth),
 1654  %Limit2 is Limit - 1,
 1655  planning_loop(Goals1, Operators, Plan1, Plan2, Depth, Timeout).
 1656%planning_loop(_Goals0, _Operators, Plan0, Plan0, _Limit) :-
 1657%  Limit < 1,
 1658%  bugout('Search limit reached!~n',planner),
 1659%  fail.
 1661serialize_plan(plan([],_Orderings,_B,_L), []) :- !.
 1663serialize_plan(plan(Steps,Orderings,B,L), Tail) :-
 1664  select(step(_,oper(true,_,_)), Steps, RemainingSteps),
 1665  !,
 1666  serialize_plan(plan(RemainingSteps,Orderings,B,L), Tail).
 1668serialize_plan(plan(Steps,Orderings,B,L), [Action|Tail]) :-
 1669  select(step(StepI,oper(Action,_,_)), Steps, RemainingSteps),
 1670  \+ (member(step(StepJ,_Oper), RemainingSteps),
 1671      isbefore(StepJ, StepI, Orderings)),
 1672  serialize_plan(plan(RemainingSteps,Orderings,B,L), Tail).
 1674serialize_plan(plan(_Steps,Orderings,_B,_L), _) :-
 1675  bugout('serialize_plan FAILED!~n', planner),
 1676  pick_ordering(Orderings,List),
 1677  bugout('  Orderings are ~w~n', [List], planner),
 1678  fail.
 1680select_unsatisfied_conditions([], [], _Model) :- !.
 1681select_unsatisfied_conditions([Cond|Tail], Unsatisfied, Model) :-
 1682  precondition_matches_effects(Cond, Model),
 1683  !,
 1684  select_unsatisfied_conditions(Tail, Unsatisfied, Model).
 1685select_unsatisfied_conditions([not Cond|Tail], Unsatisfied, Model) :-
 1686  \+ precondition_matches_effects(Cond, Model),
 1687  !,
 1688  select_unsatisfied_conditions(Tail, Unsatisfied, Model).
 1689select_unsatisfied_conditions([Cond|Tail], [Cond|Unsatisfied], Model) :-
 1690  !,
 1691  select_unsatisfied_conditions(Tail, Unsatisfied, Model).
 1693depth_planning_loop(PlannerGoals, Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan,
 1694                    Depth, Timeout) :-
 1695  bugout('PLANNING DEPTH is ~w~n',[Depth],autonomous),
 1696  planning_loop(PlannerGoals, Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan, Depth, Timeout),
 1697  !.
 1698depth_planning_loop(PlannerGoals, Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan,
 1699                    Depth0, Timeout) :-
 1700  Depth0 =< 7,
 1701  Depth is Depth0 + 1,
 1702  depth_planning_loop(PlannerGoals, Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan,
 1703                      Depth, Timeout).
 1705generate_plan(FullPlan, Mem0) :-
 1706  thought(agent(Agent), Mem0),
 1707  initial_operators(Agent, Operators),
 1708  bugout('OPERATORS are:~n',planner), pprint(Operators,planner),
 1709  thought(model(Model0), Mem0),
 1710  %bugout('CURRENT STATE is ~w~n',[Model0],planner),
 1711  thought(goals(Goals), Mem0),
 1712  new_plan(Agent, Model0, Goals, SeedPlan),
 1713  bugout('SEED PLAN is:~n', planner), pprint(SeedPlan,planner),
 1714  !,
 1715  %planning_loop(Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan),
 1716  conds_as_goals(finish, Goals, PlannerGoals),
 1717  get_time(Now),
 1718  Timeout is Now + 60, % seconds
 1719  catch(
 1720    depth_planning_loop(PlannerGoals, Operators, SeedPlan, FullPlan,
 1721                        1, Timeout),
 1722    timeout(planner),
 1723    (bugout('PLANNER TIMEOUT~n',autonomous), fail)
 1724  ),
 1725  bugout('FULL PLAN is:~n', planner), pprint(FullPlan,planner).
 1727% ---- 
 1729add_goal(Goal, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1730  bugout('adding goal ~w~n',[Goal],planner),
 1731  forget(goals(OldGoals), Mem0, Mem1),
 1732  append([Goal],OldGoals,NewGoals),
 1733  memorize(goals(NewGoals), Mem1, Mem2).
 1735add_goals(Goals, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1736  forget(goals(OldGoals), Mem0, Mem1),
 1737  append(Goals,OldGoals,NewGoals),
 1738  memorize(goals(NewGoals), Mem1, Mem2).
 1740add_todo(Action, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1741  forget(todo(OldToDo), Mem0, Mem1),
 1742  append(OldToDo,[Action],NewToDo),
 1743  memorize(todo(NewToDo), Mem1, Mem2).
 1745add_todo_all([], Mem0, Mem0).
 1746add_todo_all([Action|Rest], Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1747  add_todo(Action, Mem0, Mem1),
 1748  add_todo_all(Rest, Mem1, Mem2).
 1750% For now, agents will attempt to satisfy all commands.
 1751%consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, take(Object), M0, M1) :-
 1752%  add_goal(related(held_by,Object,Agent,_), M0, M1).
 1753consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, Action, M0, M0) :-
 1754  bugout('~w: considering request: ~w.~n',[Agent,Action],autonomous),
 1755  fail.
 1756consider_request(Requester, _Agent, Query, M0, M1) :-
 1757  do_introspect(Query, Answer, M0),
 1758  %add_todo(print_(Answer), M0, M1).
 1759  add_todo(talk(Requester, Answer), M0, M1).
 1760consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, forget(goals), M0, M2) :-
 1761  bugout('~w: forgetting goals.~n',[Agent],autonomous),
 1762  forget_always(goals(_),M0,M1),
 1763  memorize(goals([]),M1,M2).
 1764consider_request(_Speaker, _Agent, go(*,ExitName), M0, M1) :-
 1765  bugout('Queueing action ~w~n',go(*,ExitName),autonomous),
 1766  add_todo(go(*,ExitName), M0, M1).
 1767consider_request(Speaker, _Agent, fetch(Object), M0, M1) :-
 1768  % Bring object back to Speaker.
 1769  add_goal(related(held_by,Object,Speaker,_), M0, M1).
 1770consider_request(_Speaker, _Agent, put(Thing,Relation,Where), M0,M) :-
 1771  add_goal(related(Relation,Thing,Where,_), M0, M).
 1772consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, take(Thing), M0,M) :-
 1773  add_goal(related(held_by,Thing,Agent,_), M0, M).
 1774consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, Action, M0, M1) :-
 1775  bugout('Finding goals for action: ~w~n',[Action],autonomous),
 1776  initial_operators(Agent, Operators),
 1777  findall(Effects,
 1778          member(oper(Action,_Conds,Effects), Operators),
 1779          [UnambiguousGoals]),
 1780  bugout('Request: ~w --> goals ~w.~n',[Action,UnambiguousGoals],autonomous),
 1781  add_goals(UnambiguousGoals, M0, M1).
 1782consider_request(_Speaker, _Agent, Action, M0, M1) :-
 1783  bugout('Queueing action: ~w~n', [Action], autonomous),
 1784  add_todo(Action, M0, M1).
 1785consider_request(_Speaker, Agent, Action, M0, M0) :-
 1786  bugout('~w: did not understand request: ~w~n', [Agent,Action], autonomous).
 1788% Autonomous logical percept processing.
 1789process_percept_auto(Agent, [say(Agent,_)|_], _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1790process_percept_auto(Agent, [talk(Agent,_,_)|_], _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1791process_percept_auto(Agent, talk(Speaker,Agent,Words), _Stamp, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 1792  parse(Words, Action, Mem0),
 1793  consider_request(Speaker, Agent, Action, Mem0, Mem1).
 1794process_percept_auto(Agent, say(Speaker,[Agent|Words]), _Stamp, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 1795  parse(Words, Action, Mem0),
 1796  consider_request(Speaker, Agent, Action, Mem0, Mem1).
 1797process_percept_auto(Agent, Percept, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 1798  Percept =.. [Functor|_],
 1799  member(Functor, [talk,say]),
 1800  bugout('~w: Ignoring ~w~n',[Agent,Percept],autonomous).
 1801process_percept_auto(Agent, see_props(Object,PropList), _Stamp, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1802  bugout('~w: ~w~n', [Agent,see_props(Object,PropList)], autonomous),
 1803  member(shiny, PropList),
 1804  member(model(Model), Mem0),
 1805  \+ related(descended, Object, Agent, Model), % Not holding it?
 1806  add_todo_all([take(Object), print_('My shiny precious!')], Mem0, Mem2).
 1808    see(you_are(_How,_Here), exits_are(_Exits), here_are(Objects)),
 1809    _Stamp, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 1810  member(model(Model), Mem0),
 1811  findall(examine(Obj),
 1812          ( member(Obj, Objects),
 1813            \+ member(props(Obj,_,_),Model)),
 1814          ExamineNewObjects),
 1815  add_todo_all(ExamineNewObjects, Mem0, Mem2).
 1816process_percept_auto(_Agent, _Percept, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1818process_percept_player(Agent, [say(Agent,_)|_], _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1819process_percept_player(Agent, [talk(Agent,_,_)|_], _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1820  % Ignore own speech.
 1821process_percept_player(Agent, Percept, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 1822  percept2txt(Agent, Percept, Text),
 1823  format('~w~n', [Text]).
 1825process_percept(Agent, [LogicalPercept|_], Stamp, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 1826  thought(agent_type(autonomous), Mem0),
 1827  process_percept_auto(Agent, LogicalPercept, Stamp, Mem0, Mem1).
 1828process_percept(Agent, Percept, Stamp, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 1829  thought(agent_type(console), Mem0),
 1830  process_percept_player(Agent, Percept, Stamp, Mem0, Mem1).
 1831process_percept(_Agent, _Percept, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1833process_percept_main(Agent, Percept, Stamp, Mem0, Mem3) :-
 1834  forget(model(Model0), Mem0, Mem1),
 1835  Percept = [LogicalPercept|_],
 1836  update_model(Agent, LogicalPercept, Stamp, Mem1, Model0, Model1),
 1837  memorize(model(Model1),Mem1,Mem2),
 1838  process_percept(Agent, Percept, Stamp, Mem2, Mem3).
 1839process_percept_main(_Agent, Percept, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 1840  bugout('process_percept_main(~w) FAILED!~n',[Percept],general), !.
 1842% caller memorizes PerceptList
 1843process_percept_list(_Agent, _, _Stamp, Mem, Mem) :-
 1844  thought(agent_type(recorder), Mem),
 1845  !.
 1846process_percept_list(Agent, [Percept|Tail], Stamp, Mem0, Mem4) :-
 1847  %bugout('process_percept_list([~w|_])~n',[Percept],autonomous),
 1848  %!,
 1849  process_percept_main(Agent, Percept, Stamp, Mem0, Mem1),
 1850  process_percept_list(Agent, Tail, Stamp, Mem1, Mem4).
 1851process_percept_list(_Agent, [], _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0).
 1852process_percept_list(_Agent, _, _Stamp, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 1853  bugout('process_percept_list FAILED!~n',general).
 1855% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1856:- dynamic(useragent/1). 1857useragent(player).
 1859cmdalias(d, down).
 1860cmdalias(e, east).
 1861cmdalias(i, inventory).
 1862cmdalias(l, look).
 1863cmdalias(n, north).
 1864cmdalias(s, south).
 1865cmdalias(u, up).
 1866cmdalias(w, west).
 1867cmdalias(x, examine).
 1868cmdalias(z, wait).
 1870preposition(P) :-
 1871  member(P, [at,down,in,inside,into,of,off,on,onto,out,over,to,under,up,with]).
 1872compass_direction(D) :-
 1873  member(D, [north,south,east,west]).
 1875reflexive(W) :- member(W, [self,me,myself]). % 'i' inteferes with inventory
 1877strip_noise_words(Tokens, NewTokens) :-
 1878  findall(Token,
 1879          ( member(Token, Tokens),
 1880            \+ member(Token, ['please','the','a','an'])),
 1881          NewTokens).
 1883convert_reflexive(Agent, Words, NewWords) :-
 1884  % Substitute Agent for 'self'.
 1885  findall(Token,
 1886          ( member(Word, Words),
 1887            ( reflexive(Word), Token = Agent;
 1888              Token = Word )),
 1889          NewWords).
 1891% -- parse(WordList, ActionOrQuery, Memory)
 1892parse(Tokens, Action, Memory) :-
 1893  strip_noise_words(Tokens, Tokens2),
 1894  parse2logical(Tokens2, Action, Memory).
 1896parse2logical([ask, Object | Msg], talk(Object,Msg), _M).
 1897parse2logical([request, Object | Msg], talk(Object,Msg), _M).
 1898parse2logical([tell, Object | Msg], talk(Object,Msg), _M).
 1899parse2logical([talk, Object | Msg], talk(Object,Msg), _M).
 1900parse2logical([say|Msg], say(Msg), _M).
 1901parse2logical([Object, ',' | Msg], talk(Object, Msg), Mem) :-
 1902  thought(model(Model), Mem),
 1903  member(related(_,Object,_,_), Model).
 1904parse2logical(Words, Action, Mem) :-
 1905  % If not talking to someone else, substitute Agent for 'self'.
 1906  append(Before,[Self|After],Words),
 1907  reflexive(Self),
 1908  thought(agent(Agent), Mem),
 1909  append(Before,[Agent|After],NewWords),
 1910  parse2logical(NewWords,Action,Mem).
 1911parse2logical([dig, Hole], dig(Hole,Where,Tool), Mem) :-
 1912  thought(model(Model),Mem),
 1913  thought(agent(Agent), Mem),
 1914  member(related(_,Agent,Where,_), Model),
 1915  Tool=shovel.
 1916parse2logical([get, Prep], go(*,Prep), _Mem) :-
 1917  preposition(Prep).
 1918parse2logical([get, Prep, Object], go(Prep, Object), _Mem) :-
 1919  preposition(Prep).
 1920parse2logical([get, Object], take(Object), _Mem).
 1921parse2logical([give, Object, to, Recipient], give(Object,Recipient), _Mem).
 1922parse2logical([go, escape], go(*,escape), _Mem).
 1923parse2logical([go, Dir], go(*, Dir), _Mem) :-
 1924  compass_direction(Dir).
 1925parse2logical([go, Prep], go(*,Prep), _Mem) :-
 1926  preposition(Prep).
 1927parse2logical([go, ExitName], go(*,ExitName), Mem) :-
 1928  thought(model(Model),Mem),
 1929  member(related(exit(ExitName),_,_,_), Model).
 1930parse2logical([go, Dest], go(*,Dest), Mem) :-
 1931  thought(model(Model),Mem),
 1932  member(related(_,_,Dest,_), Model).
 1933  % getprop(Dest, relatable(How), Model).
 1934parse2logical([light,Thing], switch(on, Thing), _Mem).
 1935parse2logical([switch, Thing, OnOff], switch(OnOff, Thing), _Mem) :-
 1936  preposition(OnOff).
 1937parse2logical([switch, OnOff, Thing], switch(OnOff, Thing), _Mem) :-
 1938  preposition(OnOff).
 1939parse2logical([turn, Thing, OnOff], switch(OnOff, Thing), _Mem) :-
 1940  preposition(OnOff).
 1941parse2logical([turn, OnOff, Thing], switch(OnOff, Thing), _Mem) :-
 1942  preposition(OnOff).
 1943parse2logical([what, is, Thing], whatis(Thing), _M).
 1944parse2logical([whereami], whereis(Agent), Mem) :-
 1945  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1946parse2logical([where,am,i], whereis(Agent), Mem) :-
 1947  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1948parse2logical([where, is, Thing], whereis(Thing), _M).
 1949parse2logical([whoami], whois(Agent), Mem) :-
 1950  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1951parse2logical([who,am,i], whois(Agent), Mem) :-
 1952  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1953parse2logical([model], model(Agent), Mem) :-
 1954  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1955parse2logical([memory], memory(Agent), Mem) :-
 1956  thought(agent(Agent), Mem).
 1957parse2logical([CmdAlias|Tail], Action, Mem) :-
 1958  cmdalias(CmdAlias, Verb),
 1959  parse2logical([Verb|Tail], Action, Mem).
 1960parse2logical([escape], go(*,escape), _Mem).
 1961parse2logical([Dir], go(*,Dir), _Mem) :-
 1962  compass_direction(Dir).
 1963parse2logical([Prep], go(*,Prep), _Mem) :-
 1964  preposition(Prep).
 1965parse2logical([ExitName], go(*,ExitName), Mem) :-
 1966  thought(model(Model),Mem),
 1967  member(related(exit(ExitName),_,_,_), Model).
 1968parse2logical([Verb|Args], Action, _M) :-
 1969  %member(Verb,[agent,create,delprop,destroy,echo,quit,memory,model,path,properties,setprop,state,trace,notrace,whereami,whereis,whoami]),
 1970  Action =.. [Verb|Args].
 1972% do_introspect(Query, Answer, Memory)
 1973do_introspect(path(There), Answer, Memory) :-
 1974  thought(agent(Agent), Memory),
 1975  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 1976  member(related(_How, Agent, Here, _T), Model),
 1977  find_path(Here,There,Route,Model),
 1978  Answer = ['Model is',Model,'\nShortest path is',Route].
 1979do_introspect(whereis(Thing), Answer, Memory) :-
 1980  thought(agent(Agent), Memory),
 1981  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 1982  member(related(How, Thing, Where, T), Model),
 1983  How \= exit(_),
 1984  Answer = ['At time',T,subj(Agent),'saw the',Thing,How,the,Where,.].
 1985do_introspect(whereis(Here), Answer, Memory) :-
 1986  thought(agent(Agent), Memory),
 1987  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 1988  member(related(_How, Agent, Here, _T), Model),
 1989  Answer = 'Right here.'.
 1990do_introspect(whereis(There), Answer, Memory) :-
 1991  thought(agent(Agent), Memory),
 1992  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 1993  member(related(_How, Agent, Here, _T), Model),
 1994  find_path(Here,There,Route,Model),
 1995  Answer = ['To get to the',There,',',Route].
 1996do_introspect(whereis(There), Answer, Memory) :-
 1997  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 1998  ( member(related(exit(_), _, There, _T), Model);
 1999    member(related(exit(_), There, _, _T), Model)),
 2000  Answer = 'Can''t get there from here.'.
 2001do_introspect(whereis(X), Answer, Memory) :-
 2002  thought(agent(Agent), Memory),
 2003  Answer = [subj(Agent),person('don\'t','doesn\'t'),
 2004            'recall ever seeing a "',X,'".'].
 2005do_introspect(whois(X), Answer, Memory) :-
 2006  do_introspect(whereis(X), Answer, Memory).
 2007do_introspect(whois(X), [X,is,X,.], _Memory).
 2008do_introspect(whatis(X), Answer, Memory) :-
 2009  do_introspect(whereis(X), Answer, Memory).
 2010do_introspect(whatis(X), [X,is,X,.], _Memory).
 2012save_term(Filename, Term) :-
 2013  \+ access_file(Filename, exist),
 2014  open(Filename,write,FH),
 2015  write(FH, Term),
 2016  close(FH),
 2017  format('Saved to file "~w".~n',[Filename]).
 2018save_term(Filename, _) :-
 2019  access_file(Filename, exist),
 2020  format('Save FAILED! Does file "~w" already exist?~n',[Filename]).
 2021save_term(Filename, _) :-
 2022  format('Failed to open file "~w" for saving.~n',[Filename]).
 2024% do_metacmd(Action, S0, S1)
 2025do_metacmd(quit, S0, S1) :-
 2026  declare(quit, S0, S1),
 2027  format('Bye!~n', []).
 2028do_metacmd(trace, S0, S0) :- admin, trace.
 2029do_metacmd(notrace, S0, S0) :- admin, notrace.
 2030do_metacmd(spy(Pred), S0, S0) :- admin, spy(Pred).
 2031do_metacmd(nospy(Pred), S0, S0) :- admin, nospy(Pred).
 2032do_metacmd(agent(NewAgent), S0, S0) :-
 2033  wizard,
 2034  retract(useragent(_Agent)),
 2035  asserta(useragent(NewAgent)).
 2036do_metacmd(Echo, S0, S0) :-
 2037  admin,
 2038  Echo =.. [echo|Args],
 2039  format('~w~n',[Args]).
 2040do_metacmd(state, S0, S0) :-
 2041  wizard,
 2042  pprint(S0,general).
 2043do_metacmd(memory(Agent), S0, S0) :-
 2044  wizard,
 2045  declared(memories(Agent,Memory), S0),
 2046  pprint(Memory,general).
 2047do_metacmd(model(Agent), S0, S0) :-
 2048  wizard,
 2049  declared(memories(Agent,Memory), S0),
 2050  thought(model(Model), Memory),
 2051  pprint(Model,general).
 2052do_metacmd(create(Object), S0, S1) :-
 2053  wizard,
 2054  useragent(Agent),
 2055  related(How, Agent, Here, S0),
 2056  declare(related(How, Object, Here), S0, S1),
 2057  format('You now see a ~w.~n',[Object]).
 2058do_metacmd(destroy(Object), S0, S1) :-
 2059  wizard,
 2060  undeclare(related(_, Object, _), S0, S1),
 2061  format('It vanishes instantly.~n',[]).
 2062do_metacmd(AddProp, S0, S1) :-
 2063  wizard,
 2064  AddProp =.. [setprop, Object | Args],
 2065  Args \= [],
 2066  Prop =.. Args,
 2067  setprop(Object, Prop, S0, S1),
 2068  format('Properties of ~p now include ~w~n', [Object,Prop]).
 2069do_metacmd(DelProp, S0, S1) :-
 2070  wizard,
 2071  DelProp =.. [delprop, Object | Args],
 2072  Args \= [],
 2073  Prop =.. Args,
 2074  delprop(Object, Prop, S0, S1),
 2075  format('Deleted.~n', []).
 2076do_metacmd(properties(Object), S0, S0) :-
 2077  wizard,
 2078  declared(props(Object, PropList), S0),
 2079  format('Properties of ~p are now ~w~n', [Object,PropList]).
 2080do_metacmd(undo, S0, S1) :-
 2081  declare(undo, S0, S1),
 2082  format('undo...OK~nKO...odnu~n',[]).
 2083do_metacmd(save(Basename), S0, S0) :-
 2084  atom_concat(Basename, '.adv', Filename),
 2085  save_term(Filename, S0).
 2087do_command(_Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
 2088  do_metacmd(Action, S0, S1).
 2089do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
 2090  declared(memories(Agent,Mem), S0),
 2091  do_introspect(Action, Answer, Mem),
 2092  queue_percept(Agent, [answer(Answer), Answer], S0, S1).
 2093  %format('~w~n', [Answer]).
 2094do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S3) :-
 2095  undeclare(memories(Agent,Mem0), S0, S1),
 2096  memorize(did(Action), Mem0, Mem1),
 2097  declare(memories(Agent,Mem1), S1, S2),
 2098  act(Agent, Action, S2, S3).
 2099do_command(_Agent, Action, S0, S0) :-
 2100  format('Failed or No Such Command: ~w~n', Action), !.
 2102% --------
 2104do_todo(Agent, S0, S9) :-
 2105  undeclare(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0, S1),
 2106  forget(todo(OldToDo), Mem0, Mem1),
 2107  append([Action],NewToDo,OldToDo),
 2108  memorize(todo(NewToDo), Mem1, Mem2),
 2109  declare(memories(Agent, Mem2), S1, S2),
 2110  do_command(Agent, Action, S2, S9).
 2111do_todo(_Agent, S0, S0).
 2113%do_todo_while(Agent, S0, S9) :-
 2114%  declared(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0),
 2115%  thought(todo(ToDo), Mem0),
 2116%  append([Action],NewToDo,OldToDo),
 2118extra_look_around(Agent, S0, S9) :-
 2119  undeclare(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0, S1),
 2120  memorize_list([did(look),did(inventory)], Mem0, Mem1),
 2121  declare(memories(Agent, Mem1), S1, S2),
 2122  act(Agent, look,      S2, S3),
 2123  act(Agent, inventory, S3, S9).
 2125random_noise(Agent, [cap(subj(Agent)),Msg]) :-
 2126  random_member([
 2127    'hums quietly to himself.',
 2128    'checks his inspection cover.',
 2129    'buffs his chestplate.',
 2130    'fidgets uncomfortably.'
 2131    ], Msg).
 2133autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 2134  % If actions are queued, no further thinking required.
 2135  thought(todo([Action|_]), Mem0),
 2136  bugout('~w: about to: ~w~n',[Agent,Action],autonomous).
 2137autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 2138  % If goals exist, try to solve them.
 2139  thought(goals([_|_]), Mem0),
 2140  bugout('~w: goals exist: generating a plan...~n', [Agent], autonomous),
 2141  generate_plan(NewPlan, Mem0), !,
 2142  serialize_plan(NewPlan, Actions), !,
 2143  bugout('Planned actions are ~w~n', [Actions], autonomous),
 2144  Actions = [Action|_],
 2145  add_todo(Action, Mem0, Mem1).
 2146autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem2) :-
 2147  forget(goals([_|_]), Mem0, Mem1),
 2148  memorize(goals([]), Mem1, Mem2),
 2149  bugout('~w: Can\'t solve goals.  Forgetting them.~n', [Agent], autonomous).
 2150autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 2151  % If no actions or goals, but there's an unexplored exit here, go that way.
 2152  thought(model(Model), Mem0),
 2153  member(related(_How, Agent, Here, _), Model),
 2154  member(related(exit(ExitName), Here, '<unexplored>', _), Model),
 2155  add_todo(go(*,ExitName), Mem0, Mem1).
 2156autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 2157  % Follow player to adjacent rooms.
 2158  thought(model(Model), Mem0),
 2159  member(related(_, Agent, Here, _), Model),
 2160  member(related(_, player, There, _), Model),
 2161  member(related(exit(ExitName), Here, There, _), Model),
 2162  add_todo(go(*,ExitName), Mem0, Mem1).
 2163autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 2164  0 is random(5),
 2165  random_noise(Agent, Msg),
 2166  add_todo(print_(Msg), Mem0, Mem1).
 2167autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 2168  bugout('~w: Can\'t think of anything to do.~n', [Agent], autonomous).% trace.
 2170decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem1) :-
 2171  thought(agent_type(console), Mem0),
 2172  thought(timestamp(T0), Mem0),
 2173  repeat,
 2174    format('[~p: ~p] ==> ', [T0, Agent]),
 2175    readtokens(Words),
 2176    parse(Words, Action, Mem0),
 2177    !,
 2178  (Action =.. Words; format('~w~n',[Action])),
 2179  add_todo(Action, Mem0, Mem1).
 2180decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem3) :-
 2181  thought(agent_type(autonomous), Mem0),
 2182  forget(goals(Goals), Mem0, Mem1),
 2183  thought(model(Model), Mem1),
 2184  select_unsatisfied_conditions(Goals, Unsatisfied, Model),
 2185  memorize(goals(Unsatisfied), Mem1, Mem2),
 2186  autonomous_decide_action(Agent, Mem2, Mem3).
 2187decide_action(_Agent, Mem, Mem) :-
 2188  thought(agent_type(recorder), Mem).  % recorders don't decide much.
 2189decide_action(Agent, Mem0, Mem0) :-
 2190  bugout('decide_action(~w) FAILED!~n',[Agent],general).
 2192run_agent(Agent, S0, S) :-
 2193  undeclare(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0, S1),
 2194  undeclare(perceptq(Agent, PerceptQ), S1, S2),
 2195  thought(timestamp(T0), Mem0),
 2196  T1 is T0 + 1,
 2197  memorize(timestamp(T1), Mem0, Mem1),
 2198  process_percept_list(Agent, PerceptQ, T1, Mem1, Mem2),
 2199  memorize_list(PerceptQ, Mem2, Mem3),
 2200  decide_action(Agent, Mem3, Mem4),
 2201  declare(memories(Agent, Mem4), S2, S3),
 2202  declare(perceptq(Agent, []), S3, S4),
 2203  do_todo(Agent, S4, S).
 2204run_agent(Agent, S0, S0) :-
 2205  bugout('run_agent(~w) FAILED!~n',[Agent],general).
 2207check4bugs(_S0) :-
 2208  !, true.
 2209check4bugs(S0) :-
 2210  % TODO: emergency save of S0, either here or better yet, in a catch().
 2211  throw(check4bugs_failed(S0)).
 2213% --------
 2215:- dynamic(undo/1). 2216undo([u,u,u,u,u,u,u,u]).
 2217:- dynamic(advstate/1). 2218%advstate([]).
 2220run_all_agents([], S0, S0).
 2221run_all_agents([Agent|AgentTail], S0, S2) :-
 2222  run_agent(Agent, S0, S1),
 2223  !, % Don't allow future failure to redo successful agents.
 2224  run_all_agents(AgentTail, S1, S2).
 2226create_agents([], S0, S0).
 2227create_agents([agentspec(Agent,Type)|Tail], S0, S2) :-
 2228  create_agent(Agent, Type, S0, S1),
 2229  create_agents(Tail, S1, S2).
 2231init_agents(S0, S2) :-
 2232  findall(agentspec(Agent,Type),
 2233          getprop(Agent, agent_type(Type), S0),
 2234          AgentList),
 2235  create_agents(AgentList, S0, S2).
 2237main(S0, S2) :-
 2238  findall(Agent1, getprop(Agent1, agent_type(console), S0), AgentList1),
 2239  findall(Agent2, 
 2240          ( getprop(Agent2, agent_type(autonomous), S0),
 2241            ( getprop(Agent2,switchable,S0) -> getprop(Agent2,on,S0) ; true )
 2242          ), AgentList2),
 2243  append(AgentList1, AgentList2, AllAgents),
 2244  run_all_agents(AllAgents, S0, S2),
 2245  !. % Don't allow future failure to redo main.
 2246main(S0, S0) :-
 2247  bugout('main FAILED~n', general).
 2249mainloop :-
 2250  repeat,
 2251    retract(advstate(S0)),
 2252    main(S0,S1),
 2253    asserta(advstate(S1)),
 2254    check4bugs(S1),
 2255    declared(quit, S1),
 2256  !. % Don't allow future failure to redo mainloop.
 2258% TODO: try converting this to a true "repeat" loop.
 2259main_loop(State) :-
 2260  declared(quit, State).
 2261main_loop(State) :-
 2262  declared(undo, State),
 2263  retract(undo([_,Prev|Tail])),
 2264  assertz(undo(Tail)),
 2265  !,
 2266  main_loop(Prev).
 2267main_loop(S0) :-
 2268  %repeat,
 2269  retract(undo([U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6|_])),
 2270  assertz(undo([S0,U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6])),
 2271  run_agent(player, S0, S4),
 2272  run_agent(floyd, S4, S5),
 2273  %user_interact(S3, S4), !,
 2274  %automate_agent(floyd, S4, S5),
 2275  !,
 2276  main_loop(S5).
 2277main_loop(_) :-
 2278  bugout('main_loop() FAILED!~n',general).
 2280init_logging :-
 2281  get_time(StartTime),
 2282  convert_time(StartTime, StartTimeString),
 2283  open('input.log',append,FH),
 2284  format(FH, '\n==== ADVENTURE INPUT, ~w\n', [StartTimeString]),
 2285  asserta(input_log(FH)).
 2287adventure :-
 2288  guitracer,
 2289  test_ordering,
 2290  init_logging,
 2291  (retractall(advstate(_));true),
 2292  istate(S0),
 2293  init_agents(S0, S1),
 2294  act(player,look,S1,S2),
 2295  act(floyd,look,S2,S3),
 2296  asserta(advstate(S3)),
 2297  format('=============================================~n',[]),
 2298  format('Welcome to Marty\'s Prolog Adventure Prototype~n', []),
 2299  format('=============================================~n',[]),
 2300  mainloop,
 2301  %main_loop(S3),
 2302  input_log(FH),
 2303  close(FH),
 2304  notrace.
 2305adventure :-
 2306  input_log(FH),
 2307  close(FH),
 2308  format('adventure FAILED~n',[]),
 2309  !, fail.
 2311:- debug. 2312:- initialization(adventure).