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Pack real -- README.txt |
Real is a c-based interface for connecting R to Prolog. See the documentation at doc/html/real.html for more information. There is also a paper [1] and a user's guide in doc/guide.pdf.
Real works on current versions of SWI and YAP. As of version 1.1 there is support for using Real on SWI web-servers.
This software can be distributed under the MIT licence (see prolog/real.pl).
To install stable versions:
?- pack_intall( real )
Yap install Yap itself with configure --with-R
See doc/guide.pdf for further details on stable versions.
To get the latest git version goto
git clone https://github.com/nicos-angelopoulos/real
To install developmental versions do:
SWI-Prolog (a)
Install last stable real with
?- pack_install( real )
replace the pack/real directory with the clone from git repository and do
?- pack_rebuild( real )
. % to force SWI to build from sources.
SWI-Prolog (b) clone real into pl-devel/packages/real add this to your build script export EXTRA_PKGS="real" build SWI from sources as per usual
Yap replace $YAP/packages/real with the development version you downloaded and rebuilt Yap with
configure --with-R
?- [pack('pack/real/examples/for_real')
?- for_real.
Yap ?- [examples/for_real]. ?- for_real.
Thanks, Samer Abdallah, for web support improvements.
Jan Wielemaker, for reimplenting the C-interface of the prototype for v1.0, for dots in identifiers (without flags) and web-support.
Primary reference: [1]
Advances in integrative statistics for logic programming Nicos Angelopoulos, Samer Abdallah and Georgios Giamas International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (IJAR) Volume 78, November 2016, pages 103-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2016.06.008
[2] Integrative functional statistics in logic programming Nicos Angelopoulos, Vitor Costa Santos, Joao Azevedo, Jan Wielemaker, Rui Camacho and Lodewyk Wessels In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'13) January, 2013. Rome, Italy. http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/pbs/padl2013-real.pdf
Nicos Angelopoulos 2013-2017
Version 1.0- with Vitor Santos Costa: December, 2012.