1:- module(pls_index_terms, [
    2  index_terms/1
    3  ]).    4
    5:- use_module(library(http/json)).    6:- use_module(library(log4p)).    7:- use_module(library(prolog_stack)).    8
    9:- use_module(library(prolog_source)).   10
   11:- use_module(documents).   12:- use_module(docs).   13:- use_module(profiles).   14
   15% Index the terms in a file, including subterms.
   16% A file or document is a sequence of terms, and
   17% terms contains goals.
   18index_terms(URI) :-
   19  clear_document_items(URI),
   20  forall(index_term(URI), true).
 index_term(+URI) is nondet
On succesive calls, read and index every time in the source at URI.
   26index_term(URI) :-
   27  with_content(URI, In, (
   28    repeat,
   29    get_document_profile(URI, Profile),
   30    profile_module(Profile, ProfileModule),
   31    ( ProfileModule = pls_language_profile_base
   32      -> true
   33      ; info("Using profile %w in %w for %w",[Profile, ProfileModule, URI])
   34      ),
   35    read_term(In, Term, [
   36      syntax_errors(dec10),
   37      subterm_positions(SubPos), 
   38      module(ProfileModule),
   39      comments(CommentPos),
   40      variable_names(Vars)
   41      ]),
   42    ( Term \== end_of_file
   43      -> process_term(URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos, Vars)
   44      ; (try_process_end_of_file(URI), !, fail)
   45      )
   46    )).
   48process_term(URI, _SubPos, (:- use_language_profile(Profile)), _CommentPos, _Vars) :-
   49  profile_module(Profile, ProfileModule),
   50  info("Using profile %w for %w in %w",[Profile, URI, ProfileModule]),
   51  set_document_profile(URI, Profile),
   52  ensure_profile_loaded(Profile),
   53  !.
   55process_term(URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos, Vars) :-
   56  get_document_profile(URI, Profile),
   57  % ensure_profile_loaded(Profile),
   58  try_profile_index_term(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term),
   59  try_profile_index_docs(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos),
   60  try_profile_index_signature(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, Vars),
   61  !.
   63try_profile_index_term(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term) :-
   64  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_term(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term),
   65  !.
   67try_profile_index_term(_Profile, URI, SubPos, Term) :-
   68  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_term(base, URI, SubPos, Term).
   70try_profile_index_docs(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos) :-
   71  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_docs(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos),
   72  !.
   74try_profile_index_docs(_Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos) :-
   75  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_docs(base, URI, SubPos, Term, CommentPos).
   77try_profile_index_signature(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, Vars) :-
   78  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_signature(Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, Vars),
   79  !.
   81try_profile_index_signature(_Profile, URI, SubPos, Term, Vars) :-
   82  pls_index_profiles:profile_index_signature(base, URI, SubPos, Term, Vars).
   84try_process_end_of_file(URI) :-
   85  get_document_profile(URI, Profile),
   86  ensure_profile_loaded(Profile),
   87  pls_index_profiles:profile_end_of_file(Profile, URI),
   88  !.
   90try_process_end_of_file(URI) :-
   91  pls_index_profiles:profile_end_of_file(base, URI)