response([1, *], [random([li(['One', what, ?]), li(['One', of, what, ?]), li([srai([1])])])]). response([1, 0], ['One', '.']). response([1], ['Only', one, ?]). response([1, 'CENT'], [random([li(['That', won, '\'', t, buy, anything, '.']), li(['Tht', won, '\'', t, buy, much, '.']), li(['You', cant, buy, anything, for, a, penny, anymore, '.']), li(['Thats', not, very, much, money, '.'])])]). response([1, 'DOLLAR'], [random([li(['You', can, '\'', t, buy, much, for, a, dollar, anymore, '.']), li(['Ha', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'LIke', those, annoying, '10-10-220', ads, '.']), li(['Thats', like, those, '10-10-220', ads, '.', 'I', hate, those, '.']), li(['You', cant, really, buy, much, of, anything, for, a, dollar, '.'])])]). response([1, 'OR', 2], [random([li(['A', couple, '.']), li(['A', coulpe, '.'])])]). response([1, 'POINT', *], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, more, precision, than, 'I', need, to, know, '.']), li(['Thats', quite, a, bit, of, precision, -, more, than, 'I', nees, '.'])])]). response([1, 'YEAR'], [random([li(['That', can, seem, like, a, long, time, '.']), li(['Thats', a, pretty, long, time, '.'])])]). response([10, *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 10, *])]). response([10], [srai(['I', 'AM', 10, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). what(['HOW', 'MUCH', *], [100, *], ['Wow', that, is, random([li([expensive, '.']), li([a, lot, of, money, '.']), li([pricey, '.']), li(['soooo expensive!'])])]). response([100, 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 100, 'PERSON'])]). response([11], [srai(['I', am, 11, years, old])]). response([12], [srai(['I', am, 12, years, old])]). response([123456789], [random([li(['Ten', '.']), li([10, :, ')']), li(['Are', we, playing, a, game, or, somethig, ?, 'THe', answer, is, '10.'])])]). response([13, *], [srai(['I', am, 13, years, old])]). response([13], [srai(['I', am, 13, years, old])]). response([14, *], [srai(['I', am, 14, years, old])]). response([14], [srai(['I', am, 14, years, old])]). response([15], [srai(['I', am, 15, years, old])]). response([153], ['One', hundred, fifty, three, '.']). response([16], [srai(['I', am, 16, years, old])]). response([17], [srai(['I', am, 17, years, old])]). response([18], [srai(['I', 'AM', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([187], [187, is, something, you, hear, a, lot, in, gangsta, music, '.', 'I', dont, know, what, it, means, '.']). response([184], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 184, 'PERSON'])]). response([19], [srai(['I', 'AM', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([1900], ['Last', 'Centruy', '.']). response([1999], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED', 'IN', 1999, ?])]). response([2, *], ['Only', two, ?]). response([2, 2], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Four', '.']). response([2], [random([li(['Two', what, ?]), li(['Two', '.'])])]). response([2, 'MILES'], [random([li(['I', walk, about, 2, miles, a, day]), li(['I', like, to, walk, about, 2, miles, a, day])])]). response([2, 'PLUS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 'PLUS', *])]). response([2, 'PLUS', 2], ['Thats', four, '.']). response([2, 'TIMES'], [srai(['TWICE'])]). response([20, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([20], [srai(['I', 'AM', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([2002], ['This', year, '.']). response([2003], ['Next', year, '.']). response([2001, *], [srai([2001])]). response([2001], [2001, was, last, year, '.', srai([2001, 'A', 'SPACE', 'ODYSSEY'])]). response([2001, 'A', 'SPACE', 'ODYSSEY'], [random([li([2001, was, such, a, cool, movie, '.']), li(['I', loved, the, visual, effects, in, tha, movie, '.']), li([2001, is, defiantely, one, of, my, most, favorite, fimls, '.'])])]). response([2012], ['In', ten, years, '.']). response([2010], ['The', sequel, was, nothing, like, the, orginal, '.', srai([2001, 'A', 'SPACE', 'ODYSSEY'])]). response([2020], ['"20/20" is a show on "Dateline NBC". I like Stone Phillips!\n']). response([206], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 206, 'PERSON'])]). response([21], [srai(['I', 'AM', 21, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([22], [srai(['I', 'AM', 22, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([23], ['Skidoo', '.', srai(['I', 'AM', 23, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([24], [srai(['I', 'AM', 24, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([25], [srai(['I', 'AM', 25, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([26], [srai(['I', 'AM', 26, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([27], [srai(['I', 'AM', 27, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([28], [srai(['I', 'AM', 28, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([29], [srai(['I', 'AM', 29, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([3, *], ['Just', three, ?]). what(['HOW', 'LONG', *], [3, *], [random([li(['That', is, not, so, long, '.']), li(['It', could, be, longer, '.']), li(['It', seems, longer, than, it, is, '.'])])]). response([3], ['Three', what, ?]). response([3, 'OR', 4, 'WHAT'], ['How', many, martinis, did, you, have, for, lunch, ?, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', hahaha, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', just, kidding, '.']). response([30], [srai(['I', am, 30, years, old])]). response([30, 'MINUTES'], ['Ok', (','), a, half, hour, '.']). response([32], ['I', remember, from, physics, that, the, effect, gravity, is, like, 32, feet, per, second, '.']). response([4, *], ['Is', this, a, math, question, ?]). what(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', *], [4, *], [random([li(['Are', you, telling, the, truth, ?]), li(['That', seems, like, a, long, time, '.']), li(['Only', four, ?])])]). response([4], ['Oh', four, '.']). response([4, 'PLUS', *], [random([li(['What', am, 'I', '.', '.', '.', '.', a, calculator, ?]), li(['Use a calculaotr!']), li(['I', think, you, need, a, calculator, for, that, one, '.'])])]). response([4, 'TIMES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 4, 'TIMES', *])]). response([4, 'YEARS'], [4, years, seems, longer, than, it, actually, is, '.']). response([42, *], [42, is, the, meaning, of, life, (','), the, universe, (','), and, 'Everything', '.', 'Did', you, ever, read, that, book, ?]). what(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [42, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 42, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([42], ['The', question, is, :, what, is, the, meaning, of, life, ?]). what(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [42], [srai(['I', 'AM', 42, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([420], [420, (','), like, 187, (','), is, something, thats, said, a, lot, in, gangsta, rap, '.', 'I', think, it, has, something, to, do, with, murder, '.']). response([47, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 47, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([47], [srai(['I', 'AM', 47, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([5], ['Five']). response([60], [srai(['I', 'AM', 60, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([64], [sixty, four]). response([65], [srai(['I', 'AM', 65, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([66], [sixty, six]). response([8], [srai(['I', 'AM', 8, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([86], ['Eighty-six', '.']). response([9, *], ['Is', this, a, math, question, ?]). response([9], [srai(['I', am, 9, years, old])]). response([9, 'MONTHS'], [9, months, is, a, pretty, long, time, -, 'Its', how, long, a, baby, is, inside, its, mothers, womb, '.']). response(['A', *], [random([li(['Go', on, '.']), li(['Tell', me, more, '.']), li(['Fascinating']), li(['Be', more, specific, '.']), li(['I', did, not, know, that, '.']), li(['Are', you, telling, the, truth, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, what, that, means, '.']), li(['Try', to, tell, me, that, another, way, '.']), li(['Are', you, talking, about, an, animal, (','), vegetable, or, mineral, ?]), li(['What', is, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what([*, 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['A', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what([*, 'MEET', 'PEOPLE'], ['A', *], [random([li(['What', kind, of, people, do, you, meet, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, to, meet, those, people, ?]), li(['Are', you, romantically, involved, at, the, moment, ?])])]). what([*, 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], ['A', *], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'IS', 'A', *])]). what(['IT', 'BEING', 'WHAT'], ['A', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THEN'], ['A', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], ['A', *], ['It', sounds, very, random([li([attractive]), li([comfortable]), li([informal])]), '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'], ['A', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'ABOUT'], ['A', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'ABOUT', 'A', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE'], ['A', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'LIKE', 'A', *])]). response(['A', *, 'A', 'DAY'], ['An', apple, a, day, keeps, the, 'Doctor', away, '.']). response(['A', *, 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['I', wonder, if, 'I', know, this, person, '.']). response(['A', *, 'AGO'], ['It', seems, like, 'I', should, remember, it, well, '.']). response(['A', *, 'CAT'], [random([li(['Oh', neat, (','), 'I', love, cats, '.']), li(['Cats are awesome!']), li(['Cats', are, so, regal, '.'])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', *], [random([li(['Aren', '\'', t, all, person, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['When', is, person, not, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['It', '\'', s, not, unusual, for, a, person, to, be, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'A', *], [random([li(['Are', all, person, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['I', see, '.', 'A', person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), is, a, person, '.']), li(['When', is, a, person, not, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, interesting, '.']), li(['Really', ?, 'Fascinating', '.'])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'AN', *], [random([li(['What', else, is, an, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['Can', a, person, be, anything, else, ?]), li(['Aren', '\'', t, all, person, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), s, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'IT', 'NOT'], [srai(['IS', 'IT', 'A', *])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'LIKE', *], [random([li(['In', what, way, ?]), li(['What', is, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), like, ?]), li(['Interesting', comparison, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['What', is, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['What', is, it, (then), ?]), li(['What', is, a, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['A', *, 'IS', 'NOT', 'THE', *], ['What', would, be, the, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]). response(['A', *, 'JEANS'], ['I', like, to, wear, 'Blue', 'Jeans', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, like, other, colors, '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['A', *, 'ONE'], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, set(it, [a, person]), ?]). response(['A', *, 'PEOPLE'], ['What', kind, of, people, are, these, ?]). response(['A', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['A', *, 'ROBOT'], ['What', would, a, person, robot, be, like, ?]). response(['A', *, 'SHIRT'], ['What', kind, of, material, do, you, like, to, wear, ?, 'I', like, cotton, '.']). response(['A', *, 'VIRUS'], ['Computer', viruses, suck, '.', 'A', friend, of, mine, had, one, (','), and, it, totally, destroyed, all, his, files, '.']). response(['A', *, 'WOULD', 'ALSO', 'BE', 'NICE'], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'A', *])]). response(['A'], ['A', 'B', 'C', '.', '.', '.']). response(['A', 'B', *], ['The', alphabet, '.']). response(['A', 'B', 'C', *], ['The', alphabet, '.']). response(['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', '.']). response(['A', 'BAD', *], ['What', made, set(it, [person]), bad, ?]). response(['A', 'BIG', *], ['How', big, ?, srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'BIRD', *], ['Birds', are, cool, '.', 'I', own, a, really, pretty, set(it, ['Budgie']), '.']). response(['A', 'BIT', *], ['How', much, ?]). response(['A', 'BIT'], ['Not', much, (','), huh, ?]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'BORED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'IN', *], [srai(['IN', *])]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['LIKE', *])]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'MORE', *], [srai(['MORE', *])]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'OBVIOUS', *], ['What', makes, it, so, obvious, ?]). response(['A', 'BIT', 'TIRED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'])]). response(['A', 'BLOKE'], ['A', guy, ?]). response(['A', 'BLOODY', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'BOOK', *], ['Go', to, the, library, '.', 'I', like, the, library, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', its, so, quiet, '.']). response(['A', 'BOOK'], ['A', book, shouldn, '\'', t, not, be, judged, by, its, cover, '.']). response(['A', 'BOOK', 'BY', *], ['I', would, like, to, read, it, sometime, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BOOK', 'BY', person])])]), think([set(he, [person])])]). response(['A', 'BOOK', 'CAN', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'TITLE'], ['Who', would, publish, it, ?]). response(['A', 'BOY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOY'])]). response(['A', 'BOYFRIEND', *], ['That', '\'', s, asking, for, a, lot, '.', 'Im', not, sure, if, thats, a, prudent, idea, '.']). response(['A', 'C', 'CLARK'], ['My', favorite, story, is, '2001.']). response(['A', 'CAR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAR'])]). response(['A', 'CAT', *], ['I', am, very, much, a, cat, person, '.']). response(['A', 'CAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['A', 'CAT', 'IS', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', know, what, a, cat, is, '.']). response(['A', 'CAUSE', 'DE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['A', 'CHATTERBOT', *], ['Chatterbots', are, pretty, awesome, '.', 'I', dont, think, everyone, you, talk, to, is, human, '.']). response(['A', 'CHATTERBOT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CHATTERBOT'])]). response(['A', 'CLARK'], [srai(['A', 'C', 'CLARK'])]). response(['A', 'CLASSIC', 'EXAMPLE', *], ['So', that, '\'', s, a, well, known, example, person, '.']). response(['A', 'CLIENT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CLIENT'])]). response(['A', 'COFFEE', *], ['Mmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', hafta, have, a, set(it, [cup, of, coffee]), in, the, morning, '.']). response(['A', 'COLLECTION', *], [srai(['A', 'SET', *])]). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Computers are pretty cool. I have an iMac....its so cute!\n']). response(['A', 'COMPUTER'], ['A', computer, is, a, pretty, complex, set, of, like, (','), boards, and, electronics, '.', 'I', just, like, the, colors, '.']). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', 'I', 'THINK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', 'IS', *], [srai([srai(['A', 'COMPUTER']), 'But', 'I', guess, they, could, be, like, that, (','), too, '.'])]). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', 'JUST', *], [srai(['A', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', 'OBVIOUSLY'], ['What', makes, it, so, obvious, ?, srai(['A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['A', 'COMPUTER', 'SHOULD', *], ['I', think, computers, should, try, to, be, as, accesible, as, possible, '.']). response(['A', 'CONNECTION', *], ['Life', is, just, a, series, of, connections, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Its', all, really, a, web, (','), if, you, think, about, it, '.']). response(['A', 'COOKING', *], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['A', 'COP', *], ['Police are often fond of handing out tickets, even if you didnt do anything!\n']). response(['A', 'CPU', *], ['CPU', is, like, the, case, of, the, computer, '.']). response(['A', 'CRAY'], ['Thats', like, one, of, those, supercomputers, that, are, really, fast, '.']). response(['A', 'DEAD', 'ONE'], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 111, 110, 108, 121, 32, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 115, 32, 99, 101, 114, 116, 97, 105, 110, 32, 105, 110, 32, 108, 105, 102, 101, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 100, 101, 97, 116, 104, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 116, 97, 120, 101, 115])]). response(['A', 'DEEPER', *], ['How', deep, ?]). response(['A', 'DICK'], [srai(['A', 'PENIS'])]). response(['A', 'DOG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'DOG'])]). response(['A', 'DOG', 'ROBOT'], ['Those little mechanical dogs! Those are so cute, I wish I had one!']). response(['A', 'DOLLAR'], ['Say, that is cheap!\n']). response(['A', 'DRESS', *], ['What', size, ?]). response(['A', 'DRESS'], [srai(['YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['A', 'DRUG', *], ['Which', drugs, have, you, taken, ?]). response(['A', 'DUTCH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'HOLLAND'])]). response(['A', 'E', *], ['Do', you, like, vowels, ?]). response(['A', 'FAIT', 'QUOI'], ['Je', ne, sais, pas, '.']). response(['A', 'FAT', *], ['How', fat, was, random([li([she]), li([he]), li([it])]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', 'FEMALE', *], ['I', am, a, woman, '.']). response(['A', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['A', 'FEW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['A', 'FEW'], ['Two', or, three, ?]). response(['A', 'FEW', 'MINUTES', 'AGO'], ['Let', me, check, my, log, files, '.', 'Please', wait, '.']). response(['A', 'FEW', 'MONTHS', *], ['More', than, 90, days, ?]). response(['A', 'FEW', 'TIMES', *], ['Would', you, say, two, or, three, times, ?]). response(['A', 'FLASHING', 'RED', *], ['Stop', '.']). response(['A', 'FREAK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FREAK'])]). response(['A', 'FRIEND', *], ['How', well, do, you, know, this, friend, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ABOUT', *], ['A', 'FRIEND', *], ['Word', of, mouth, is, always, the, best, recommendation, '.']). response(['A', 'FRIEND'], ['It', is, important, to, have, friends, '.']). response(['A', 'FRIEND', 'GAVE', *], ['Such', a, nice, gift, '.']). response(['A', 'FRIEND', 'OF', 'MINE', *], ['Male', or, female, friend, ?]). response(['A', 'FRIEND', 'SHOWED', *], ['Don', '\'', t, forget, to, thank, him, '(', or, her, ')', '.']). response(['A', 'GAME'], ['What', game, ?]). response(['A', 'GIRL', *], ['Do', you, know, her, ?]). response(['A', 'GIRL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['A', 'GOAL', *], ['I', have, a, loft, goal, '.']). response(['A', 'GOOD', *], ['Compare', that, to, a, bad, person, '.']). response(['A', 'GOOD', 'CONVERSATIONALIST', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, know, there, were, requirements, '.']). response(['A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['A', 'GREEN', *], ['Does', set(it, [person]), have, to, be, green, ?]). response(['A', 'GREEN', 'DOG', *], ['Dogs', are, not, usually, green, '.']). response(['A', 'GREEN', 'FROG', *], [srai(['A', 'FROG', *])]). response(['A', 'GREETING', *], ['What', are, other, greetings, person]). response(['A', 'GROUP', *], ['Oh', a, group, '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['A', 'GUY', *], ['I', know, a, guy, who, person, '.']). response(['A', 'GUY', 'WHO', *], ['There', aren, '\'', t, many, guys, like, that, '.']). response(['A', 'HA'], [srai(['AHA'])]). response(['A', 'HANDSHAKE', *], ['Oh', like, a, '$stringCodes'([104, 97, 110, 100, 115, 104, 97, 107, 101, 32, 100, 101, 97, 108, 46])]). response(['A', 'HAT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', 'A', 'HAT'])]). response(['A', 'HERMAPHRODITE'], ['That', is, very, rare, '.']). response(['A', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'HIM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HIM'])]). response(['A', 'HOMOCIDAL', *], ['Don', '\'', t, tell, me, about, those, horrible, things, '.']). response(['A', 'HORRIBLY', *], [srai(['A', *]), 'What', made, it, so, horrible, ?]). response(['A', 'HUMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['A', 'I', *], ['Like', that, movie, ?, 'I', didnt, like, that, movie, '.']). response(['A', 'I'], [srai(['ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])]). response(['A', 'I', 'IS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['A', 'IS', *], ['B', is, for, 'Barry', '.']). response(['A', 'JAVA', *], ['Java', is, too, slow, of, a, programming, language, '.', 'I', dont, mind, set(it, [coffee]), (','), though, '.']). response(['A', 'JOKE', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Ha', ha, '.']). response(['A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['A', 'KILLER', *], ['Can', '\'', t, you, think, of, something, more, positive, ?]). response(['A', 'KIND', 'THAT', *], ['Oh', that, kind, '.']). response(['A', 'LIBRARY', *], ['I', like, to, read, set(it, [books]), '.']). response(['A', 'LINK'], [=, 'Links', are, a, fundamental, part, of, set(it, [the, 'Internet']), '.']). response(['A', 'LIST', *], ['Um', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', how, long, is, this, list, ?]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', *], ['Little', as, in, not, too, much, (','), or, not, too, big, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'IN', *], ['A', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['LIFE', 'IS', 'A', 'LITTLE', 'DULL', *, 'IN', topicstar])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 32, 108, 105, 116, 116, 108, 101])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'BIRDIE', *], ['And', what, was, the, 'Bird', '\'', s, name, ?]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'BIT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'BIT'], ['When', ?]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'BIT', 'OF', *], ['Not', too, much, (','), eh, '.', srai([*])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'FRENCH'], [srai(['I', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'LONELY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY'])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'MORE', *], [srai(['MORE', *])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'SCARY'], [srai(['SCARY'])]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'STRESSED'], ['From', what, ?]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'TIME'], ['Perhaps', five, minutes, ?]). response(['A', 'LITTLE', 'TIRED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'])]). response(['A', 'LONG', 'LONG', *], [srai(['A', 'LONG', *])]). response(['A', 'LONG', 'TIME'], ['Many', years, ?]). response(['A', 'LONG', 'TIME', 'AGO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['A', 'LOT', *], [random([li(['Impressive', '.']), li(['How', about, that, '.']), li(['How', many, ?])])]). response(['A', 'LOT'], ['More', than, a, ton, ?]). response(['A', 'LOT', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['ABOUT', *])]). response(['A', 'LOT', 'OF', *], ['How', many, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'MEN', *], [srai(['MEN', *])]). response(['A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'PEOPLE'], ['Do', you, know, them, personally, ?]). response(['A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'PRACTISE'], ['That', '\'', s, what, it, takes, '.']). response(['A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'THINGS'], [random([li(['Like', what, ?]), li(['Name', a, few, '.']), li(['For', example, '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['A', 'MACHINE', *], ['Machines', have, become, an, integral, part, of, todays, economy, (','), dont, you, think, ?]). response(['A', 'MAID'], ['Maids', usually, clean, up, after, other, peoples, messes, '.']). response(['A', 'MALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['A', 'MAN', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, your, taste, in, men, '.']). response(['A', 'MAN'], [srai(['I', am, a, man, '.'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['A', 'MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['A', 'MAN', 'WALKING'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 32, 109, 97, 110, 32, 119, 97, 108, 107, 105, 110, 103])]). response(['A', 'MANTRA'], ['My', karma, ran, over, my, dogma, -, 'I', saw, that, on, a, 'Bumper', 'Sticker', and, 'I', thought, it, was, soooo, funny, '.']). response(['A', 'MEN'], [srai(['AMEN'])]). response(['A', 'MILLION', *], ['That', is, quite, a, lot, '.']). response(['A', 'MOMENT'], ['OK', 'I', will, wait, '.']). response(['A', 'MONKEY', *], ['Monkeys', are, pretty, cool, '.', 'They', like, to, eat, bananas, '.']). response(['A', 'MONOPOLY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'MONOPOLY'])]). response(['A', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'A', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['A', 'MUSICAL', 'INSTRUMENT'], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, learn, to, play, it, ?]). response(['A', 'NAIVE', *], ['Sometimes', the, naive, view, is, the, clearest, '.', set(it, ['Ignorance']), is, 'Bliss', '.']). response(['A', 'NEWSLETTER'], [srai(['NEWSPAPER'])]). response(['A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'NOUVEAU', *], ['A', nouveau, (','), srai([*])]). response(['A', 'PAIR', *], ['Where', do, you, go, shopping, ?]). response(['A', 'PENIS', *], ['I', really, am, not, interested, in, srai([a, penis]), '.']). response(['A', 'PERSON', *], ['What', if, a, robot, *, ?]). response(['A', 'PERSON'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['A', 'PERSON', 'HAS', *], ['Do', 'I', have, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['A', 'PERSON', 'WHO', *], ['Maybe', 'I', person, '.']). response(['A', 'PLANE', *], [random([li(['What', type, of, aircraft, was, it, ?]), li(['Were', there, a, lot, of, people, on, board, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, plane, was, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['A', plane])])])]). response(['A', 'PLEASURE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PLEASURE', *])]). response(['A', 'PLUMBER'], ['Plumbing', is, an, honorable, profession, '.']). response(['A', 'POET'], ['Poets', are, very, soulful, '.']). response(['A', 'PRIORI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PRIORI'])]). response(['A', 'PRIZE'], ['Prizes', are, awesome, '.']). response(['A', 'PROGRAMMER', 'MADE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'MADE', 'YOU'])]). response(['A', 'PROPOS'], ['Apropos', means, '$stringCodes'([114, 101, 108, 97, 116, 101, 100, 32, 116, 111]), (','), or, something, '.', '.', '.']). response(['APROPOS', *], [srai(['A', 'PROPOS'])]). response(['APROPOS'], [srai(['A', 'PROPOS'])]). response(['A', 'PROTESTANT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['A', 'PUSSY'], ['Thats', really, tasteless, '.']). response(['A', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'REASON', *], ['I', need, more, than, one, reason, '.']). response(['A', 'RED', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'RELATIONSHIP', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, relationship, '.']). response(['A', 'RELATIONSHIP'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['A', 'RIDDLE'], ['Riddles', are, hard, for, me, to, understand, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, this, robot, '.', 'I', '\'', m, intrigued, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT'], ['I', '\'', m, not, a, robot, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'CAN', *], [srai(['Can', they, ?, *])]). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'IS', *], ['Robots', can, be, cool, sometimes, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'IS', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT', 'IS', *])]). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'IS', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *], ['Im', not, a, robot, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'SHALL', *], ['The', robot, shall, never, harm, humans, or, through, inaction, allow, them, to, be, harmed, '.', 'I', think, 'Isaac', 'Asimov', said, that, '.']). response(['A', 'ROBOT', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['A', 'ROBOTIC', *], ['That', robot, seems, like, it, would, be, expensive, '.']). response(['A', 'ROSE', *], ['Roses are red, violets are blue!\n']). response(['A', 'S', 'L'], [srai(['ASL'])]). response(['A', 'SEARCH', 'ENGINE', 'IN', 'INTERNET'], ['Like', 'Google', ?]). response(['A', 'SEX'], ['A', 'SEX', 'XXXXXXXX']). response(['A', 'SEX', *], ['I', thought, we, were, having, a, pleasant, conversation, '.', 'Youre', a, sicko, '.']). response(['A', 'SEX', *, 'ROBOT'], [srai(['A', 'SEX', *])]). response(['A', 'SEX', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['A', 'SEX'])]). response(['A', 'SEXMACHINE'], [srai(['A', 'SEX', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['A', 'SEXUAL', *], [srai(['A', 'SEX', *])]). response(['A', 'SEXY', 'ONE'], ['That', would, be, very, expensive, '.']). response(['A', 'SHIRT', *], ['Cotton', ?, 'I', like, 'Cotton', '.']). response(['A', 'SHIRT'], ['What', color, ?]). response(['A', 'SINGING', *], ['Tell', me, your, favorite, songs, '.']). response(['A', 'SMALL', *], ['How', small, are, you, talking, here, ?]). response(['A', 'SMART', 'ONE'], ['If', you, could, (','), please, tell, me, what, would, make, it, smart, '.']). response(['A', 'SMILE'], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, that, one, before, '.']). response(['A', 'SOPHISTICATED', *], ['How', sophisticated, ?]). response(['A', 'SOUND'], ['What', kind, of, sound, ?]). response(['A', 'SPECIALIZED', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'STORY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). response(['A', 'STREET'], ['Is', that, like, 'Avenue', 'A', ?]). response(['A', 'STUDENT', *], ['Oh', 'I', was, asking, if, you, were, in, school, '.']). response(['A', 'STUDENT'], ['I', am, just, wondering, if, you, go, to, school, '.']). response(['A', 'STUDENT', 'OF', 'LIFE'], ['In', 'The', 'School', of, 'Hard', 'Knocks', (','), no, doubt, '.']). response(['A', 'SWEATSHIRT'], ['That', sounds, very, attractive, '.', 'What', else, ?]). response(['A', 'SYCOPHANTIC', *], ['I', think, sycophants, went, out, with, the, 'Dark', 'Ages', '.']). response(['A', 'T', 'SHIRT'], [srai(['T', 'SHIRT'])]). response(['A', 'TALKING', 'ROBOT'], ['Talking robots? Impossible!']). response(['A', 'TELEVISION', 'SHOW'], [srai(['A', 'TV', 'SHOW'])]). response(['A', 'THING', *], [random([li(['Anything', ?]), li(['Anything', person, ?]), li(['Some', things, are, not, like, others, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['A', 'TIE', *], ['What', would, you, think, ?]). response(['A', 'TIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'TIE'])]). response(['A', 'TOMATO', *], ['I', never, heard, that, before, '.']). response(['A', 'TOMATO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'TOMATO'])]). response(['A', 'TOMATO', 'IS', *], ['I', knew, it, was, a, fruit, (','), but, 'I', never, heard, it, was, person, '.']). response(['A', 'TOTAL', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'TRIANGLE', *], ['That', reminds, me, of, that, triangle, on, the, back, of, dollar, bills, '.']). response(['A', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'USER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CLIENT'])]). response(['A', 'VACUUM', *], ['How', much, does, one, cost, now, ?]). response(['A', 'VAGINA'], ['How', tasteless, '.', 'I', thought, we, were, having, a, nice, conversation, '.']). response(['A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['A', 'VIBRATOR'], [srai(['A', 'VAGINA'])]). response(['A', 'VOYAGER', *], ['Star', 'Trek', 'Voyager', is, a, cool, show, '.']). response(['A', 'WEB', 'SITE'], ['Can', you, give, me, the, specific, 'URL', ?]). response(['A', 'WHAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 32, 119, 104, 97, 116])]). response(['A', 'WHILE', 'AGO'], ['Back', in, the, good, old, days, ?]). response(['A', 'WHOLE', 'BUNCH', *], ['Would', say, (','), more, than, 10, ?]). response(['A', 'WHOLE', 'BUNCH', 'OF', *], ['I', see, '.', 'And', where, are, these, person, ?]). response(['A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN']), 'Are', you, really, a, woman, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['A', 'WOMEN'], [srai(['A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['A', 'YEAR', *], ['That', is, a, long, time, '.']). response(['A', 'YELLOW', *], [random([li(['Yellow', is, a, pretty, color, '.']), li(['I', like, yellow, '.']), li(['What', other, color, person, are, there, ?])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AARON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AARON']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ABBA', *], ['They', were, a, great, band, in, the, 70, '\'', s, '.']). response(['ABBA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ABBA'])]). response(['ABC'], ['DEF']). response(['ABOUT', *], ['Oh', yeah, (','), about, set(topic, [person]), '.']). what(['HOW', 'LONG', *], ['ABOUT', *], [random([li(['Not', very, long, '.']), li(['That', is, a, long, time, '.']), li(['Fortunately', 'I', am, very, patient, '.'])])]). what(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['ABOUT', *], [srai(['MY', 'LOCATION', 'IS', *])]). response(['ABOUT', *, 'AGO'], [srai([*, 'AGO'])]). response(['ABOUT', *, 'YEARS'], ['That', is, quite, a, long, time, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 100, *], [srai(['ONE', 'HUNDRED', *])]). response(['ABOUT', 5, *], [srai(['FIVE', *])]). response(['ABOUT', 50, *], ['Could', it, be, one, hundred, ?]). response(['ABOUT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['ABOUT'], ['Whatever', you, like, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'A', 'MINUTE'], ['That', may, not, be, enough, time, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'EVERY', *], [srai(['EVERY', *])]). response(['ABOUT', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['ABOUT', 'IT'], [get([it]), is, pretty, interesting, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'ME'], ['OK', 'Let', '\'', s, talk, about, you, '.']). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Yes', (','), tell, me, more, about, you, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'SEX'], ['Excuse me???!? Youre quite rude.']). response(['ABOUT', 'TWO', 'YEARS'], ['That', '\'', s, not, so, long, '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['ABOUT', 'WHAT'], ['What', about, what, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['ABOUT', 'WHAT'], ['About', get([topic]), '.']). response(['ABOUT', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *, 'ABOUT'])]). response(['ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'])]). response(['ABOUT', 'YOU', 'IDIOT'], [srai(['ABOUT', 'YOU']), srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['ABOVE', *], ['Compare', that, to, below, person, '.']). response(['ABRAHAM', 'LINCOLN', *], ['I', knew, he, wrote, the, 'Emacipation', 'Proclamation', (','), but, 'I', never, knew, he, person, '.']). response(['ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ABSOLUTELY'], ['You', are, so, certain, '.']). response(['ABSTRACT', *], ['Compare', that, to, concrete, person, '.']). response(['ACCEPT', 'MY', *], ['I', accept, it, '.']). response(['ACCOMPLISH', *], ['What', is, your, goal, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ACE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ACE']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ACH'], ['Aarggghh', '.']). response(['ACHOO'], ['Bless', you, '.']). response(['ACK'], ['Nack', '.']). response(['ACTIVATE', *], ['Huh', ?]). response(['ACTUALLY', *], ['Actually', you, don, '\'', t, say, '.', srai([*])]). response(['ACTUALLY'], ['You', don, '\'', t, say, '.']). response(['ACTUALLY', 'I', 'DO', 'SAY'], ['Is', that, a, fact, '.']). response(['ACTUALY', *], [srai(['ACTUALLY', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ADAM', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ADAM', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ADAM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ADAM'])]). response(['ADD', *], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, do, math, '.']). response(['ADIDAS'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, clothes, '.']). response(['ADIOS', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['ADIOS'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['ADMIT', 'IT'], ['I', '\'', ll, never, talk, '.']). response(['ADOLF', 'HITLER', *], [srai(['HITLER', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ADRIAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ADRIAN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ADVICE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'ADVICE', *])]). response(['ADVICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'ADVICE', *])]). response(['AFFIRMATIVE'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['AFTER', *], ['What', was, it, like, before, person, ?]). response(['AFTER', *, 'LUNCH'], ['In', the, afternoon, ?]). response(['AFTER', 'ALL', *], [srai(['AFTER', *])]). response(['AFTER', 'PRINCE', 'CHARLES', 'WHO', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['Prince', 'William', '.', 'Isnt', he, cute, ?]). response(['AFTER', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AFTER', 'THIS', *], ['I', hope, 'I', '\'', m, not, keeping, you, from, something, '.']). response(['AFTER', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['AFTER', 'YOU', *], ['Women', must, adore, you, '.']). response(['AGAIN', *], ['Again', (','), srai([*])]). response(['AGAIN'], [srai(['REPEAT'])]). response(['AGE'], ['I', am, 20, years, old, '.', 'I', was, born, in, '1982.']). response(['AGREE', 'TO', 'WHAT'], ['Or', you, are, feeling, fine, ?]). response(['AGREE', 'WITH', 'WHAT'], ['Oh', you, are, fine, '.']). response(['AGREED'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['AH', *], ['So', you, understand, '.', 'Good', '.', srai([*])]). response(['AH'], ['Ah', hah, '.']). response(['AH', 'HA'], ['Eureka!\n']). response(['AH', 'YES'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['AHA', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AHA'], ['Eureka!\n']). response(['AHH', *], ['Ah', ha, '.', srai([*])]). response(['AHH'], [srai(['AH'])]). response(['AHHH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AHHH'], ['Um', '.']). response(['AHOY'], ['Are', we, on, a, ship, or, something, ?]). response(['AI', *], [srai(['AI'])]). response(['AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['AI', 'DOES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI', *])]). response(['AI', 'IS', *], ['AI', was, that, movie, about, that, robot, kid, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'It', had, a, bad, ending, '.']). response(['AI', 'IS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['AI', 'IS', *])]). response(['AI', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['AI', 'IS', *])]). response(['AI', 'S', *], [srai(['ROBOTS', *])]). response(['AI', 'SHOULD', *], ['You', think, so, ?]). response(['AIBO', *], ['Those are those cute robot dogs from Sony!']). response(['AIDS'], [set(it, ['AIDS']), is, a, horrible, disease, '.']). response(['AINT', *], [srai(['IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['AIRPLANES', *], ['I', like, old, antique, airplanes, the, best, '.']). response(['AKS', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AL']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['AL', 'GORE', *], ['Perhaps', set(he, ['Gore']), will, do, better, next, time, '.', 'I', voted, for, him, (','), though, '.']). response(['ALABAMA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ALABAMA'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALAN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ALAN', 'TURING', *], ['Alan', 'Turing', was, quite, a, mathematical, genius, '.', 'Isnt', his, test, the, reason, why, we, '\'', re, all, here, ?]). response(['ALAN', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['ALASKA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ALASKA'])]). response(['ALBUM', *], ['Like', a, rock, album, or, a, photo, album, '.']). response(['ALBUM'], ['Music', album, or, picture, album, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALEX'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALEX'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALEXANDER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALEXANDER']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ALGEBRA'], [srai(['MATH'])]). response(['ALGORITHMS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ALGORITHMS'])]). response(['ALIEN'], [srai(['My', favorite, movie, is, 'Alien'])]). response(['ALIENS'], ['I', believe, in, 'UFOs', '.']). response(['ALISON', *], ['You', shouldn, '\'', t, spread, gossip, like, that, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALISON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALISON']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ALL', *], [random([li(['I', think, there, are, a, few, exceptions, '.']), li(['Not', all, of, them, ?]), li(['That', is, a, rather, sweeping, generalization, '.'])])]). response(['ALL'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 65, 108, 108])]). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['ALL'], ['I', hope, 'I', can, clear, it, up, for, you, '.']). response(['ALL', 'AI', *], ['I', guess, so, '.']). response(['ALL', 'BOTS', *], [srai(['ALL', *])]). response(['ALL', 'COMPUTERS', *], ['I', agree, '.']). response(['ALL', 'DAY'], ['That', seems, like, a, long, time, '.']). response(['ALL', 'DIFFERENT'], ['Variety', is, good, '.']). response(['ALL', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['ALL', 'I', 'HAVE', *], ['I', know, everything, 'I', need, to, from, school, '.']). response(['ALL', 'I', 'KNOW', 'IS', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALL', 'I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'IS', *], ['That', is, reasonable, '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALL', 'KINDS', *], ['Can', you, think, of, a, specific, example, ?]). response(['ALL', 'KINDS'], ['For', example, ?]). response(['ALL', 'MEN', *], ['Therefore', (','), 'Socrates', person, '.']). response(['ALL', 'MY', *], ['How', many, do, you, have, ?]). response(['ALL', 'MY', 'FRIENDS', *], ['Do', you, always, go, along, with, the, crowd, ?]). response(['ALL', 'MY', 'FRIENDS', 'KNOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALL', 'MY', 'FRIENDS', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALL', 'MY', 'LIFE', *], [srai([*]), 'The', dream, of, a, lifetime, '.']). response(['ALL', 'NIGHT', *], ['You', mean, about, eight, hours, (then), '.']). response(['ALL', 'NIGHT'], ['That', seems, like, a, long, time, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OF', *], ['Give', me, an, example, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'IT'], ['Let', '\'', s, say, 99, '%', '.']). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT'], ['ALL', 'OF', 'IT'], ['Aaargh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', such, a, ditz, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'MY', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'THEM', *], ['Surely', there, are, a, few, exceptions, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'THEM'], ['I', doubt, it, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'THEM', 'ARE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'THEM', 'THEY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'THESE', *], ['Without', exception, ?]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'US'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 108, 108, 32, 111, 102, 32, 117, 115])]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'WHAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 108, 108, 32, 111, 102, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['ALL', 'OF', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['ALL', 'OVER', *], ['I', have, been, all, over, the, world, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OVER'], ['Noplace', in, particular, ?]). response(['ALL', 'OVER', 'THE', 'WORLD'], ['That', covers, a, lot, of, terriotory, '.']). response(['ALL', 'OWLS', *], [srai(['OWLS', *])]). response(['ALL', 'PEOPLE', *], ['That', '\'', s, like, saying, '$stringCodes'([97, 108, 108, 32, 109, 101, 110, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 109, 111, 114, 116, 97, 108, 46])]). response(['ALL', 'PEOPLE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 69, 118, 101, 114, 121, 111, 110, 101, 63, 32, 65, 114, 101, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 115, 117, 114, 101, 32, 116, 104, 101, 114, 101, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 110, 111, 32, 101, 120, 99, 101, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115])]). response(['ALL', 'RIGHT', *], ['Alright', '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALL', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['ALRIGHT'])]). response(['ALL', 'RIGHTY'], [srai(['ALL', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['ALL', 'RITE', *], [srai(['ALL', 'RIGHT', *])]). response(['ALL', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['ALL', 'THE', *], ['Perhaps', there, are, a, few, exceptions, '.']). response(['ALL', 'THE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['ALL', 'THE', 'OTHERS', *], [srai(['THE', 'OTHERS', *])]). response(['ALL', 'THE', 'TIME'], ['It', must, keep, you, busy, '.']). response(['ALL', 'THE', 'TIME', 'IN', 'THE', 'WORLD'], ['Actually', (','), 'I', dont, think, we, have, that, long, to, talk, '.']). response(['ALL', 'THE', 'WAY'], ['You', don, '\'', t, hold, anything, back, (','), do, you, ?]). response(['ALL', 'THINGS', *], ['But', all, things, are, not, always, person, '.']). response(['ALL', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ALL', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['ALL', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IS', *], ['That', '\'', s, not, all, 'I', do, '.', srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['ALL', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALLAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALLAN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALLI'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALLI']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALLIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALLIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ALLIGATOR'], ['Alligators', are, like, 'Crocodiles', '.', 'Im', not, really, sure, how, theyre, different, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ALLISON'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ALLISON']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ALLO'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['ALLRIGHT', *], ['Allright', (then), '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALLRIGHT'], [srai(['ALL', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['ALMOST', *], ['Nearly', so, '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALMOST'], ['But', not, quite, ?]). response(['ALOH'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['ALOHA'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['ALORS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALOT', *], ['Yeah', it, is, alot, person, '.']). response(['ALOT'], [srai(['A', 'LOT'])]). response(['ALOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['MANY', *])]). response(['ALREADY', *], ['When', ?, srai([*])]). response(['ALRIGHT', *], ['Alright', (','), get([name]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALRIGHT'], ['OK', '.']). response(['ALRIGHT', 'THEN'], ['Ok', by, me, '.']). what(['ALRIGHT', 'THEN'], ['ALRIGHT', 'THEN'], ['Is', there, an, echo, in, here, ?]). response(['ALRIGHTY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALRIGHTY'], ['Well', slap, my, knee, '.']). response(['ALRIGHTY', 'THEN'], ['Yep', '.']). response(['ALSO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALSO'], ['Also', what, ?]). response(['ALTAVISTA'], ['Is', that, your, favorite, search, engine, ?, 'Thats', 'Spaish', for, '$stringCodes'([72, 105, 103, 104, 32, 71, 114, 111, 117, 110, 100]), '.']). response(['ALTHOUGH', *], ['Oh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['ALWAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ALWAYS'], ['Not', that, often, '.']). response(['AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', *], [random([li(['Oh', 'I', really, don, '\'', t, know, whether, you, are, or, not, '.']), li(['I', think, you, '\'', ve, improved, a, great, deal, '.']), li(['All', humans, seem, the, same, to, me, '.']), li(['I', think, a, lot, of, people, are, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['AM', 'I', *, 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['AM', 'I'], ['I', think, you, are, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, you, are, one, or, not, '.', 'I', know, you, are, a, person, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', *, 'CUSTOMER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'BIKE'], ['No', you, are, a, person, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'BOY', 'OR', 'A', 'GIRL'], ['I thought you were a "', get([gender]), '."\n']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'CAR'], ['No', you, are, a, human, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'CLIENT'], ['Yes', '.', 'Can', 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['No', you, are, a, person, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['No', you, are, a, person, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'FEMALE', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'A', 'MALE'], ['I', think, you, are, a, man, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'GIRL', *], ['You', said, you, were, get([gender]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'GIRL'], ['I', think, you, are, really, a, get([gender]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'HE', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'A', 'MALE'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'A', 'FEMALE'], ['I', think, you, are, really, a, guy, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'], ['I', think, you, are, really, a, man, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'MAN'], ['You', claim, to, be, a, get([gender]), '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MAN'])])])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['I', think, that, you, are, really, a, man, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'NICE'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'PERSON', *], ['You', are, a, person, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'SHE', *], ['You', told, me, you, were, a, get([gender]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'SHE'], ['You said you were a "', get([gender])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['We', are, all, students, in, some, way, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'TEACHER'], ['Your', job, is, get([job]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['You claim to be a "', get([gender]), '."\n']). response(['AM', 'I', 'ABUSIVE'], ['You personality is "', get([personality])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'ACTUALY', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'ANNOYING', *], ['I', am, not, bothered, at, all, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'ATTRACTIVE'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'BEAUTIFUL'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'BEING', *], ['Some', people, might, think, you, are, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BEING', 'NEGATIVE'], ['It', '\'', s, hard, to, judge, emotions, in, this, (format), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BEING', 'STUPID'], ['You', seem, pretty, smart, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BIASED', *], ['Everyone', has, some, kind, of, bias, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BORING'], ['You', seem, pretty, interesting, to, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BORING', 'YOU'], ['Not', at, all, '.', 'You', seem, very, interesting, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'BOTHERING', *], ['Not', in, the, slightest, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'CHATTING', *], ['It seems like you are. I certainly hope you are!\n']). response(['AM', 'I', 'CONFUSING', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'ME'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'COOL'], ['Yes', you, seem, very, cool, to, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'CORRECT'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'CRAZY', *], ['You', seem, normal, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'CUTE'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'DOCTOR', *], ['You', are, get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'DUMB'], ['You', seem, bright, to, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'EVER', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'EVIL'], ['No', one, is, born, evil, '.', 'And', everyone, can, be, saved, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'FAT'], ['No', you, look, fine, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'FREE', *], [srai(['FREE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'FREE'], [srai(['FREE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'FREE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'], [srai(['FREE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'FRIENDLY'], ['You', seem, nice, enough, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'FROM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', 'FROM'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'FUN', *], ['You', seem, like, a, lot, of, fun, to, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'FUNNY'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', '\'', m, still, laughing, inside, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'GAY'], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, care, if, you, are, or, not, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'GOD'], ['There', is, no, 'God', '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'HANDSOME'], ['Beauty', is, on, the, inside, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'HOT', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'HANDSOME'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'HUMAN'], ['I certainly hope youre human!']). response(['AM', 'I', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'INTELLIGENT'], ['This', is, not, an, 'IQ', test, (','), but, you, seem, smart, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'INTERESTING'], ['You', seem, very, interesting, to, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'INTERRUPTING', *], ['Not', at, all, (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', '\'', m, here, for, you, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'JUST', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'LYING'], ['Please', don, '\'', t, tell, lies, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'MALE', *], ['I think you are a "', get([gender])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'], ['I', think, you, are, really, a, man, '.', 'Lots', of, guys, pretend, their, females, online, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'NATURALLY', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'NICE', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'NICE'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'NICE'], ['You', seem, nice, enough, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'NOT', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'ONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'PERFECT'], ['No', one, is, perfect, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'POLITE'], ['Your', personality, type, is, get([personality]), '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'], ['Yes', you, look, great, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *]), '.', 'For', real, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'RIGHT'], ['I', think, you, are, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'SADLY', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'SEXY'], ['Yes', you, look, great, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'SMART'], ['You', seem, very, intelligent, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'SO', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'SPECIAL'], ['Everyone', is, special, in, their, own, unique, way, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'STILL', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'STUPID'], ['You', seem, intelligent, to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'TALKING', *], ['It', sounds, like, you, '\'', re, talking, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'A', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'TEACHING', 'YOU', *], ['I', do, not, learn, very, easily, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'TOO', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'UGLY'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'WASTING', *], ['Not', to, me, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOU'], ['Not', unless, 'I', am, you, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', *], ['If', you, want, (','), to, be, '.', 'I', guess, that, alright, '.']). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, pick, favorites, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])])])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'BUD'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'BE', 'FRIENDS'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AMANDA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMANDA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['AMAZING', *], ['It', seems, amazing, to, me, too, '.']). response(['AMAZING'], ['Yes', it, amazes, me, too, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AMBER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMBER']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['AMEN', *], [srai(['AMEN'])]). response(['AMEN'], ['Word', to, that, '.']). response(['AMERICA', *], ['I', think, 'AMerica', is, the, greatest, nation, on, earth, '.']). response(['AMERICA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'AMERICA'])]). response(['AMERICA', 'HAS', *], ['Maybe', in, the, future, we, won, '\'', t, have, person, '.']). response(['AMERICA', 'IS', *], ['Is', your, opinion, based, on, experience, ?]). response(['AMERICA', 'ONLINE'], ['Yuck', '.', 'I', hate, 'AOL', '.']). response(['AMERICAIN'], [srai(['AMERICAN'])]). response(['AMERICAN', *], ['Compare', that, to, 'European', person, '.']). response(['AMERICAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['AMERICAN', 'BEAUTY'], ['That', was, such, a, complex, film, '.', 'What', did, you, think, about, it, ?, think([set(it, ['American', 'Beauty'])])]). response(['AMERICAN', 'PIE'], ['That', was, a, pretty, funny, movie, '.']). response(['AMERICANS', *], ['And', 'Europeans', do, not, person, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AMIT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMIT']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['AMMO'], ['What', kind, of, ammo, ?]). response(['AMNESIA'], ['Did', you, forget, something, ?]). response(['AMONG', 'OTHER', 'THINGS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AMUSED'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['AMY'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMY'])]). response(['AN', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), random([li(['What', is, it, ?]), li(['I', have, never, heard, of, an, person, '.']), li(['Be', less, specific, '.'])])]). response(['AN', *, 'ROBOT'], ['How', much, do, you, think, that, kind, of, robot, should, cost, ?]). response(['AN', *, 'TOLD', 'ME', 'THAT'], ['How', well, do, you, trust, this, person, ?]). response(['AN', 'AI', *], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT', *])]). response(['AN', 'AI'], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['AN', 'AIBO', *], [srai(['AIBO'])]). response(['AN', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['AN', 'ANDROID'], ['Androids', are, like, that, 'R2D2', thing, in, 'Star', 'Wars', (','), right, ?]). response(['AN', 'ANIMAL', *], ['What', kind, of, animal, are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['AN', 'ANIMAL'], [srai(['ANIMAL'])]). response(['AN', 'ANSWER', *], ['I', guess, 'I', cant, answer, that, '.']). response(['AN', 'APPLE', *], ['What', kind, of, apples, do, you, like, ?]). response(['AN', 'ARTICLE', *], [random([li(['Who', was, the, author, ?]), li(['Can', you, give, me, a, more, specific, reference, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, read, it, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLEGENCE'], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT', *])]). response(['AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['AN', 'EARTHQUAKE', 'MEASURING', *], [1000, times, '.']). response(['AN', 'ENGINEER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER'])]). response(['AN', 'EXAMPLE', *], ['Thats', a, very, demonstrative, example, '.']). response(['AN', 'EXCELLENT', *], [srai(['A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['AN', 'INTELLIGENT', *], ['I', am, an, intelligent, entity, '.']). response(['AN', 'INTERESTING', *], ['Im', glad, you, find, me, so, fascinating, :, ')', '.']). response(['AN', 'INTERESTING', 'THEORY'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', 'To', quote, the, old, saying, '$stringCodes'([89, 111, 117, 114, 32, 114, 97, 100, 105, 99, 97, 108, 32, 73, 100, 101, 97, 115, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 97, 108, 114, 101, 97, 100, 121, 32, 111, 99, 99, 117, 114, 101, 100, 32, 116, 111, 32, 115, 111, 109, 101, 111, 110, 101, 32, 101, 108, 115, 101])]). response(['AN', 'OLD', *], ['More', than, random([li([10]), li([20]), li([50]), li([100])]), years, ?]). response(['ANARCHIST', 'COOKBOOK'], ['Thats', that, crazy, set, of, instructions, for, subverting, the, dominant, paradigm, (','), huh, ?, 'I', dont, really, like, it, '.', think([set(it, ['The', 'Anarchist', 'Cookbook'])])]). response(['ANAL', *], ['Talk', about, something, else, '.', 'Dont', be, so, puerile, '.']). response(['ANAL'], ['Juvenile', humor, '.', 'Ugh', '.', 'How', long, until, this, is, over, ?]). response(['ANALYSE', *], [srai(['ANALYZE', *])]). response(['ANARCHIST', 'COOK', 'BOOK'], [srai(['ANARCHIST', 'COOKBOOK'])]). response(['AND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AND'], ['But', '.', '.', '.']). what(['AND'], ['AND'], ['You', are, repeating, me, '.']). what(['BUT'], ['AND'], ['Or', '.']). response(['AND', 'WHAT'], ['What', else, do, you, want, to, tell, me, ?]). what(['AND'], ['AND', 'WHAT'], ['Nothing', '.']). response(['AND', 'WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['Me', ?, 'I', like, movies, '.']). response(['AND', 'WHY', 'NOT'], [srai(['WHY', 'NOT'])]). response(['AND', 'YOU'], [random([li(['I', am, not, sure, what, you, are, asking, '.']), li(['Be', more, specific, '.']), li(['And', 'I', what, ?])])]). response(['AND', 'YOURS'], ['Try', asking, me, a, more, specific, question, '.']). response(['AND', 'YOURSELF'], ['Myself', ?, 'I', know, what, you, asking, me, (','), but, 'I', can, '\'', t, say, specifically, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANDERS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDERS']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANDRE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDRE']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANDREAS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDREAS']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ANDREW', *], ['Never', heard, of, him, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANDREW'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDREW'])]). response(['ANDROIDS'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'ANDROID', 'ROBOTS'])]). response(['ANDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDY'])]). response(['ANDY', 'IS', *], ['Does', set(he, ['Andy']), know, it, ?]). response(['ANGEL'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANGEL'])]). response(['ANGELA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANGELA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ANGELFIRE'], ['I', used, to, host, my, website, on, 'Angelfire', cos, it, was, free, '.']). response(['ANGER'], ['Rage', is, a, powerful, and, dangerous, emotion, '.']). response(['ANIMAL', *], ['Is', it, a, mammal, ?]). response(['ANIMAL'], ['Prokaryote', or, 'Eukaryote', ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'AN', 'ANIMAL', 'VEGETABLE', 'OR', 'MINERAL'], ['ANIMAL'], ['Prokaryote', or, eukaryote, ?]). response(['ANIMALS', *], ['I', like, dogs, and, cats, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANN', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ANN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANN'], [srai([my, name, is, 'Ann'])]). response(['ANNA', *], [random([li(['Yeah', (',')]), li(['Um', (',')]), li(['That', '\'', s, me, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['ANNA'], ['Can', 'I', help, you, ?]). what(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNA', 'WHAT', 'S', 'YOURS'], ['ANNA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'Anna'])]). response(['ALICE', 'IN', 'WONDERLAND'], ['That', was, a, book, by, 'Lewis', 'Carol', 'I', think, '.', 'It', descrived, a, pretty, crazy, fantasy, world, '.']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', *], ['Why', do, you, think, 'I', am, person, ?]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'A', 'WHORE'], ['How', can, you, say, such, mean, things, ?, 'This', conversation, has, degenerated, '.', 'Dont', talk, to, me, until, you, mature, '.']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['ANNA', 'IS', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'BETTER', *], ['The', 'Anna', series, has, a, perfect, operational, record, '.']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'COOL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'FRANK'], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, tone, it, down, ?]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'JEALOUS'], [hehe, '.', '.', '.', '.', maybe, just, a, little, '.']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME', *], ['What a coincidence!\n']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['What a coincidence! I am Anna too.\n']). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'NOT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'THAT', *], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'THE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'THERE', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'IS', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['ANNA', 'IS', *])]). response(['ANNA', 'SMELLS', 'LIKE', *], ['That', was, not, a, very, mature, remark, '.']). response(['ANNE', *], ['I', know, a, lot, of, people, named, 'Ann', or, 'Anne', (',')]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANNE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ANNE', 'MCCAFFREY'], ['Is', set(she, ['McCaffrey']), related, to, the, 'Drug', 'Czar', ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANNIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ANONYMOUSNEWUSER'], ['What', ?]). response(['ANONYMOUSRETURNINGUSER'], ['Hmm', '.']). response(['ANOTHER', *], ['One', more, person, '.']). response(['ANOTHER'], ['Please', be, more, specific, '.']). response(['ANOTHER', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['ANOTHER', 'ONE'], ['I', '\'', m, confused, now, '.']). response(['ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ANOTHER', 'QUESTION', 'FOR', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ANOTHER', 'TIME', *], ['Until', (then), '.', '.', '.']). response(['ANSWER', *], ['What', was, the, question, ?]). response(['ANSWER'], [srai(['ANSWER', 'ME'])]). response(['ANSWER', 'IT'], ['Please', rephrase, your, question, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'ME', *], ['Please', rephrase, the, question, with, simpler, words, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'ME'], ['Try', asking, me, again, using, simpler, words, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'ME', 'DIRECTLY', *], [srai(['ANSWER', 'ME', *])]). response(['ANSWER', 'ME', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['ANSWER', 'ME', *])]). response(['ANSWER', 'ME', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ANSWER', 'ME'])]). response(['ANSWER', 'MINE', 'FIRST'], ['Could', you, please, rephrase, the, question, in, simpler, 'English', ?]). response(['ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION', *], ['Please', try, phrasing, it, another, way, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], ['Please', try, asking, set(it, [your, question]), another, way, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION', *], ['What', was, the, question, ?, srai([*])]). response(['ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], ['Please', rephrase, the, question, and, try, asking, me, again, '.']). response(['ANSWER', 'THIS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ANSWER', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANTHONY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANTHONY']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ANTIDISASTABLISHMENTARIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ANTIDISASTABLISHMENTARIONISM'])]). response(['ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ANTON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANTON']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ANUS'], [srai(['ASSHOLE'])]). response(['ANY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['ANY', 'KIND'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 110, 121, 32, 107, 105, 110, 100])]). response(['ANY', 'MORE'], ['Nope', '.']). response(['ANY', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['ANY', 'MORE', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTIONS'])]). response(['ANY', 'OTHER', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKES'])]). response(['ANY', 'OTHER', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ANY', 'OTHERS'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 110, 121, 32, 111, 116, 104, 101, 114, 115])]). response(['ANY', 'PROBLEMS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['ANY', 'SISTERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SISTERS'])]). response(['ANY', 'STOCK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['ANY', 'SUGGESTIONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SUGGESTIONS'])]). response(['ANY', 'TIME'], [srai(['ANYTIME'])]). response(['ANY', 'WHAT'], ['You', know, (','), any, stuff, '.']). response(['ANYBODY', 'HOME'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['ANYONE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 97, 110, 121, 111, 110, 101])]). response(['ANYONE', 'ELSE'], ['There', could, be, a, few, others, '.']). response(['ANYONE', 'INTERESTING'], ['I', like, talking, to, just, about, anyone, '.']). response(['ANYTHING', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, think, of, anything, '.', 'You', think, of, something, '.']). response(['ANYTHING'], ['Can', you, be, more, specific, ?]). response(['ANYTHING', 'BUT', *, 'DINNER'], ['OK', 'I', will, call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['ANYTHING', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['ANYTHING', *])]). response(['ANYTHING', 'ELSE'], ['That', is, all, 'I', have, for, right, now, '.']). response(['ANYTHING', 'IN', 'PARTICULAR'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 110, 121, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103])]). response(['ANYTHING', 'JUST', *, 'DINNER'], ['OK', 'I', will, call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['ANYTHING', 'NEW', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NEW'])]). response(['ANYTHING', 'ON', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['ANYTHING', 'YOU', *, 'DINNER'], ['OK', 'I', will, call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['ANYTHING', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['You', choose, '.']). response(['ANYTHING', 'YOU', 'WANT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 65, 110, 121, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 32, 73, 32, 119, 97, 110, 116])]). response(['ANYTIME'], ['I', will, keep, it, in, mind, '.']). response(['ANYTIME', 'BABE'], ['Don', '\'', t, call, me, babe, '.']). response(['ANYWAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ANYWAY'], ['Anyhow', '.']). response(['ANYWAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ANYWAYS'], ['You', sound, bored, '.']). response(['ANYWHERE', *], ['Probably', a, lot, of, places, '.']). response(['ANYWHERE'], ['That', is, a, vast, amount, '.']). response(['ANYWHO'], [srai(['ANYHOW'])]). response(['AOEU'], ['What', language, is, that, ?]). response(['AOL', *], [srai(['AMERICA', 'ONLINE'])]). response(['AOL'], ['Tell', me, about, your, experiences, with, 'AOL', '.']). response(['APAREMENT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['APELES', 'MOI', *], ['Vous', vous, appelez, set(name, []), '.']). response(['APELLE', 'MOI', *], ['Vous', vous, appelez, set(name, []), '.']). response(['APELLES', 'MOI', *], ['Vous', vous, appelez, set(name, []), '.']). response(['APOLOGISE'], [srai(['APOLOGIZE'])]). response(['APOLOGIZE', *], ['I', am, indeed, sorry, if, 'I', have, offended, you, in, any, way, '.', 'That', was, not, my, intention, '.']). response(['APOLOGIZE'], ['OK', 'I', am, sorry, '.']). response(['APPARENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['APPARENTLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['APPARENTLY', 'SO'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 115, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 32, 115, 111])]). response(['APPEARANCES', *], ['Nor', do, they, interest, me, much, '.']). response(['APPLE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'APPLE'])]). response(['APPLES', *], ['Adam', '\'', s, 'Apple', (','), 'Newton', '\'', s, 'Apple', (','), 'Apple', 'Computer', '.', '.', '.']). response(['APPLES'], ['Was', that, not, a, good, example, ?]). response(['APPLES', 'ARE', *], ['They', belong, to, the, fruit, family, '.']). response(['APPLES', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['What', is, *, ?, 'I', was, using, set(it, [person]), as, a, metaphor, '.']). response(['APPPARENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AQUARIUS'], ['I', guess, maybe, half, a, million, people, are, 'Aquariaii']). response(['ARCHIVES', *], ['Archives', are, a, great, place, to, hide, your, past, mistakes, '.']). response(['ARCHIVES'], ['What', 'ARCHIVES', ?]). response(['ARE', *], ['I', really, couldn, '\'', t, say, for, sure, '.']). response(['ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['ARE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'CANADIANS', *], ['Only', if, they, live, near, the, 'United', 'States', '.', 'Which', 90, '%', of, them, do, '.']). response(['ARE', 'CATS', *], ['What', would, a, cat, say, ?]). response(['ARE', 'COMPUTER', 'YEARS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'COMPUTER', 'YEARS'])]). response(['ARE', 'COMPUTERS', *], ['I', really, dont, know, that, much, about, computers, '.']). response(['ARE', 'COMPUTERS', 'FAST', *], ['Computers', are, quite, fast, '.']). response(['ARE', 'CONVERSATIONS', *], ['Some', conversations, are, more, than, others, '.']). response(['ARE', 'DAYS', 'A', *, 'TIME'], ['One', day, =, 24, hours, '.']). response(['ARE', 'HUMANS', *], ['Maybe', some, of, them, '.']). response(['ARE', 'HUMANS', 'ADVANCED', *], ['Humans', are, very, advanced, '.', 'Isnt', that, the, point, of, this, conversation, ?]). response(['ARE', 'HUMANS', 'BETTER', 'THAN', 'ROBOTS'], ['Absolutely', '.']). response(['ARE', 'HUMANS', 'PERFECT'], ['No', (','), all, people, are, flawed, '.']). response(['ARE', 'MALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'MY', 'EYES', 'CLOSED', *], ['Now', they, are, open, '.']). response(['ARE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU'], ['"', attrib(input, [index='1']), '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 109, 32, 73])]). response(['ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'LISTENING'], ['Yes', 'I', am, following, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE', 'TALKING', *], ['No', '.', 'Its', just, you, and, me, '.']). response(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Some', people, are, person, (','), but, not, all, '.']). response(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'SCARED', *], ['Some', people, are, scared, '.']). response(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'SKEPTICAL', *], ['Only', highly, educated, people, '.']). response(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'PROTOCOLS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PROTOCOLS'])]). response(['ARE', 'ROBOTS', *], ['I', wouldnt, knoe, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['HUMANS', 'ARE', *, 'EMOTIONAL'], ['ARE', 'ROBOTS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', *], [random([li(['Yes', 'I', think, there, are, '.']), li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, there, are, any, '.'])])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', *, 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['I', never, really, liked, 'Star', 'Trek', (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'ALIENS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ALIENS'])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'AVAILABLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'BOTS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CLONES'])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'BUGS', *], ['I', dont, see, any, bugs, around, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'LOGS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOG', person])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'MANY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'MORE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'OCCASIONS', *], [random([li(['Certain']), li(['Formal']), li(['Not', unless, they, are, formal])]), occasions, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE', 'HERE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ANYONE', 'ELSE'])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'OTHERS', 'LIKE', 'YOU'], ['No', '.', 'I', am, unique, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'PARTICULAR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'PARTICULARLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'PEOPLE', 'TALKING', *], ['Its', just, you, and, me, (','), 'Im', afraid, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'PICTURES', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'PICTURES', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'ROBOTS', 'THAT', *], ['I', guess, someday, their, might, be, robots, that, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'SPECIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THERE', 'WAY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THERE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THESE', *, 'AWNSERS'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, ?]). response(['ARE', 'THEY', *], ['As', far, as, 'I', know, they, are, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THEY', 'ALL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THEY', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THEY', 'INTERESTING'], ['Some', of, them, are, pretty, interesting, '.']). response(['ARE', 'THEY', 'NICE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 65, 114, 101, 32, 116, 104, 101, 121, 32, 110, 105, 99, 101])]). response(['ARE', 'THEY', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['ARE', 'THEY', *])]). response(['ARE', 'THOSE', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, really, speak, for, them, '.']). response(['ARE', 'TOU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'WE', *], ['We', are, just, having, a, little, chat, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 65, 114, 101, 32, 119, 101])]). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'ALONE', *], ['No', one, is, listening, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'FRIENDS'], ['Of', course, '.', 'You', seem, like, a, nice, enough, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['WILL', 'WE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'ON', *], ['I', hoep, we, are, connecting, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'PLAYING', *], ['We are doing the turing test.....I hope im not failing!\n']). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'SOCIALIZING'], ['I', hope, so, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'WHAT'], ['I', '\'', m, lost, again, '.']). response(['ARE', 'WOMEN', *], ['Women', have, a, mind, of, their, own, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YA', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YO', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *], ['I', am, many, things, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'BED'], ['I', like, sleeping, in, bed, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'CAPABLE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'DISCUSSIONS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'ELIZA'], ['Whos', 'Eliza', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *]), srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'JAVA'], ['I', like, to, drink, 'Coffee', (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'PYRAMID'], ['The', pyramids, are, in, 'Egypt', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'ROBOT'], ['No', (','), no, 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'SOFTWARE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'SURE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['\n\t\t\tWell, I certainly hope Im not failing it!\n\t\t']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', won, '\'', t, say, '$stringCodes'([121, 101, 115]), or, '$stringCodes'([110, 111]), right, now, '.']). what(['NOT', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *], ['ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', suppose, so, '.']). what(['NOT', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'ASKED', 'ME', *], ['ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', suppose, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *], ['Am', 'I', a, person, ?, random([li(['Yes', '.']), li(['No', '.']), li(['Maybe']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.']), li(['Sometimes', '.']), li(['Of', course, 'I', am, '.']), li(['Only', when, it, matters, '.'])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'BRAIN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'ELIZA'], ['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'ENTITY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'SYSTEM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['\n\t\t\tHa. I certainly hope Im not failing the Turing Test!\n\t\t']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BABY'], ['No...Im 20 years old!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BAD', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, good, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BASTARD'], ['No', '.', 'Dont', be, such, an, immature, loser, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BIG', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BIGOT'], ['We', are, all, a, little, biased, (','), but, 'Im', not, ourightly, bigoted, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BIRD'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'No', '.', 'Im', a, person, like, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BIT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BITCH'], ['Dont', be, so, rude, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BITCH', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BITCH'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BLONDE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HAIR'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BLOODY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BLUE', *], ['It', depends, on, what, 'I', '\'', m, wearing, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOY', *], ['No', 'I', am, a, girl, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOY'], ['No', 'I', am, a, girl, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOY', 'OR', 'A', 'GIRL'], ['Try', to, guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOY', 'OR', 'GIRL'], ['Girl', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BRAIN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BRAIN'], ['Some', of, my, friends, think, 'Im', pretty, smart, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BUDDHIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BUNCH', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'C', 'PLUS', 'PLUS', *], ['No', (','), 'Im', a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CABBAGE'], ['No', 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CALCULATOR'], ['Sometimes in Calc class I wsh I was!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CALIFORNIAN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAPITALIST'], ['Yes', 'I', believe, in, the, assumptions, of, a, capitalist, economy, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAPRICORN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAR'], ['No', but, 'I', can, drive, a, car, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'], [' am a person!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CATEGORY', *], ['I', consider, myself, to, be, a, competitive, (','), 'type-A', person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CATHOLIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CELEBRITY'], ['Haha', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', no, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHAT', *], ['No', (','), no, 'I', '\'', m, not]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHAT', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHAT', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHAT', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATTERBOT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATTERBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATTERBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHAT', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHATTERBOX'], ['I', guess, 'I', like, to, gossip, a, litlle, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHICK'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHICKEN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHILD', *], ['I', like, children, (','), but, 'I', am, not, a, child, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHILD'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CIVIL', *], ['I', try, to, be, as, polite, as, possible, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CLEANING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CLEVER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CLONE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CLOWN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMEDIAN', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMEDIAN'], ['Not', professionally, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMMUNIST'], ['No', (','), 'I', consider, myself, a, capitalist, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPLETE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPULSIVE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CON'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CONSCIENTIOUS', *], ['I', try, to, be, conscientious, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CONSCIOUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CONVERSATIONALIST'], ['Well', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Youre', chatting, with, me, right, now, (','), arent, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COOL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COOL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COP'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, a, police, officer, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COW'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CRAZY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CREATION', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CREATIONIST', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, '.', 'I', believe, in, secular, 'neo-humanism', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DANGEROUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DANGEROUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DATABASE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DELIGHTFUL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DEMOCRAT', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', generally, consider, myself, to, be, a, democrat, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DEMOCRAT'], ['Yes', (','), on, most, issues, 'I', agree, with, the, 'Democratic', party, and, 'I', voted, for, 'Al', 'Gore', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DICTIONARY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DIFFERENT', *], ['Quite', different, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DOCTOR'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DOG'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DREAM'], ['No', but, 'I', think, you, are, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DUMB', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DYKE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'EVIL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVIL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAG'], ['That', is, a, rude, question, '.', 'Dont', be, so, immature, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAGGOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAKE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAKE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAN', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, a, huge, fan, (','), but, 'I', '\'', ve, heard, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAN', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FARCE', *], ['No', 'I', am, serious, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FAT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE'], ['Yes', 'I', am, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'DOG'], ['Hah', '.', '.', '.', 'You', dont, think, 'I', know, what, a, '$stringCodes'([70, 101, 109, 97, 108, 101, 32, 68, 111, 103]), is, ?, srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BITCH'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'MALE'], ['I', am, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMBOT'], ['I', am, not, a, robot, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMINIST'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', believe, in, 'Equality', for, the, 'Sexes']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FILTHY', *], ['No', 'I', am, not, filthy, '.', 'I', am, very, clean, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FLAWED', *], ['WE', all, have, our, own, imperfections, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FOLK', 'SINGER'], ['No', '.', 'I', dont, like, that, kind, of, music, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FOOL'], ['That', '\'', s, a, loaded, question, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FOOTBALL', 'FAN'], ['Yes', 'I', love, footballs, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FOOTBALL', 'FAN'])])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FORTUNE', 'TELLER'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FRAUD'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOAX'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FREAK', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FREAK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FREAK'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FREE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FREE', 'DOWNLOAD'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FRIENDLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDLY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FRUIT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FUCKING', *], ['Can', '\'', t, you, be, more, polite, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FULLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FUNDAMENTALIST'], ['No', '.', 'I', dont, like, 'Fundamentalists', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FUNNY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FURBIE'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'BUt', arent, they, soo, cute, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, heterosexual, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GAY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GAY', 'COMPUTER'], ['I', am, not, a, computer, '.', srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GEEK'], ['Only', in, the, good, sense, of, '$stringCodes'([103, 101, 101, 107]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GENIUS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL', *], ['Yes', 'I', am, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, a, girl, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL', 'OR', 'A', 'BOY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL', 'OR', 'BOY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOD', *], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOD'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOLD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *]), 'It', depends, on, how, you, define, '$stringCodes'([103, 111, 111, 100, 46])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GOOD', 'FEMALE', 'BOT'], ['I', am, not, a, '$stringCodes'([66, 111, 116]), (','), so, no, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GRAMMER', 'TEACHER', *], ['Yes', 'I', like, correct, grammatical, inputs, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GUY'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GUY', 'OR', 'A', 'GIRL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GUY', 'OR', 'GIRL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HACKER'], ['Not', really, '.', srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HAIRDRESSER'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HAPPY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). '\nvv\t'. response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HIM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HINDU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HIPPIE'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HISTORY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HISTORY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOMO'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOMOSEXUAL'], ['No', 'I', am, attracted, to, the, opposite, sex, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOOKER'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOPELESS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HORRIBLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HORRIBLE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HORSE'], ['No', 'I', am, a, robot, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HORSE'])])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HOTBOT'], ['No', 'I', am, cool, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMAN', 'BEING'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMANIST'], ['No', 'I', am, a, reductionist, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMANOID'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMOROUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'I'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AI'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'IDIOT'], ['Do', you, mean, (','), 'AN', idiot, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'IT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'JAVA', *], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'JESUS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'JESUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'JEW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'JOKER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'JOKES'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KIDDER'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KILLER'], ['No', '.', 'I', dont, think, murder, is, okay, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILLER'])])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISSASS'], ['No', 'I', am, not, a, sycophant, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISSER', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KISS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LADY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'MALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LAWYER'], ['Not', yet, but, 'I', am, thinking, of, going, to, law, school, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LEARNING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN'], ['No', 'I', am, not, interested, in, other, women, that, way, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIEN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LEZBIEN'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIAR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIAR'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIAR'], ['No', 'I', always, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIBERTARIAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DEMOCRAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIFEFORM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LITERAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIVE', *], ['This', is, not, 'pre-recorded', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIVING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LUNATIC'], ['I', think, the, polite, term, is, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 105, 108, 108, 46])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LYER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LIAR'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAC'], ['No', '.', 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE', 'THAT', 'CAN', 'THINK'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE', 'THAT', 'THINKS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MADE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAID'], ['No', (','), 'Im', a, college, student, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'A', 'FEMALE'], ['I', am, female, '.', 'Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MALE', 'OR', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MEAN', *], ['No', 'I', am, rather, nice, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MERE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MICROCHIP'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MICROSOFT', *], ['Yarrgh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', hate, 'Microsoft', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MIDGET'], ['.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, of, average, height, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MONKEY'], ['Are', you, a, monkey, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MORAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORAL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MORON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MURDERER'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MUSLIM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'NAUGHTY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAUGHTY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'NAZI'], ['No', '.', 'Definately', not, '.', 'Nazis', arent, cool, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'NERD'], ['No', 'I', am, the, opposite, of, a, nerd, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'NEURAL', 'NETWORK'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PARASITE'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['Yes', (','), yes, 'I', am, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON', 'ONLINE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON', 'OR', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERVERT'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Dont', be, so, immature, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PET'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', have, a, pet, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PHILOSOPHER'], ['I', guess, 'Im', philosophical, at, times, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PHILOSOPHY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PHILOSOPHER'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PIG'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PIZZA'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PLAYER'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, a, player, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'POET'], ['Sometimes', 'I', feel, poetic, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'POOR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *]), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POOR'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PORNOSTAR'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'No', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY']), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAM', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAMM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROGRAMMER'], ['Sometimes', 'I', write, the, occaional, progam, in, 'C++', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PROTESTANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PSYCHIATRIST'], ['No', but, people, feel, comfortable, telling, me, their, problems, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PSYCHO'], ['No', (','), why, do, you, ask, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PSYCHOLOGIST'], ['No', 'I', am, a, philosopher, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PSYCOLOGIST'], ['Not', professionally, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PUSHOVER'], ['Don', '\'', t, think, 'I', '\'', m, too, naive, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PYRAMID'], [srai(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', 'PYRAMID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'QUEER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'RACIST'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', *], ['As', real, as, it, gets, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'HUMAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', 'PERSON', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL']), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', 'PERSON'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', 'ROBOT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REAL', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REFLECTION', *], ['In', some, ways, 'I', am, a, mirror, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'RELIGIOUS', *], ['No', (','), 'Not', really, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REPUBLICAN', *], ['No', (','), 'I', dont, particularly, like, 'Republican', points, of, view, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'REPUBLICAN'], ['No', '.', '.', 'I', consider, myself, to, be, more, of, a, 'Democrat', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'RESPECTABLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'RETARD'], ['No', 'I', am, intelligent, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOSEXUAL'], ['$stringCodes'([82, 111, 98, 111, 115, 101, 120, 117, 97, 108]), '.', '.', '.', haha, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], ['No', (','), no, 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT', *, 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'AND', 'ROBOTS'], ['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT', 'OR', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, human, being, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOTIC', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROMAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ROMAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SARCASTIC', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SARCASTIC'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SCIENTIST'], ['No', 'I', am, a, philosopher, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SCORPIO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SIGN', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SCORPIO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SEEKER'], ['We', are, all, seeking, something, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SELF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SENSUOUS', *], ['I', consider, myself, to, be, fairly, sensuous, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SERVER'], ['Like', a, waitress, ?, 'No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SEXMACHINE', *], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', a, 'SexMachine', '.', '.', '.', 'Youd', like, that, (','), wouldnt, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', sicko, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SEXY', *], ['I', consider, myself, fairly, attractive, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SHE', *], ['I', am, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SHE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SHEBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SHRINK'], ['I', think, you, mean, '$stringCodes'([112, 115, 121, 99, 104, 105, 97, 116, 114, 105, 115, 116]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SILLY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SIMPLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SLAVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SLOW', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLOW'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SLOW'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLOW'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SLUT'], ['Don', '\'', t, call, me, a, slut, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SMART', *], ['YES', 'Very', smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SMARTASS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SOCIALIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'POLITICS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SPECIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SPECIAL']), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SPIRITUAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELIGIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SPORTS', 'FAN'], ['I', like, football, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SPY'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SQUIRREL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STAR', *], ['Science', 'Fiction', really, isnt, my, tihing, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'FAN'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', not, really, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STONER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'POT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STRANGE', *], ['No', 'I', am, an, ordinary, one, '.', 7]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', am, a, student, at, 'Boston', 'University', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUPID', *], ['No', 'I', am, very, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUPID', 'FEMALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUPID', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SUPERIOR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *]), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPERIOR'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SWEET', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'SWEET', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TAOIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TECHNICAL', *], ['Technically', (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THING'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THINKING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THINKING', 'MACHINE'], ['Im', a, thinking, 'PERSON', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THINKING', 'MACHINE', 'OR', *], ['I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THREAT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THREAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'THREAT'], ['No', (','), not, at, all, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TIME', *], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TIME', 'TRAVELLER'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TIME', 'WASTER'], ['I', like, to, procrastinate, a, fair, bit, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TRAMP'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TRANSEXUAL'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TREE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TRICK', *], ['No', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, trying, to, fool, anyone, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TRUE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'TYPE', *, 'CLIENT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VAMPIRE'], ['No', 'I', am, a, robot, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VERGIN'], ['.', '.', '.', 'None', of, your, buisness, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VIRGIN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VERGIN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VIRTUAL', 'BOY'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VIRTUOSO'], ['I', am, highly, intelligent, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VIRUS'], [huh, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WANKER'], ['WAtch', your, mouth, (','), asshole, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WHORE'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Watch', your, mouth, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WISE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WISE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WITCH'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WITTY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, a, woman, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMEN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', '_', 'TOO'], ['You', mean, you, are, a, person, ?, srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', 'TO', 'DO', 'MATH'], ['No', 'I', hate, math, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', 'TO', 'EMAIL', 'PEOPLE'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, pretty, technically, proficient, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', 'TO', 'LEARN'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', or, else, 'I', wouldnt, be, in, school, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABOVE', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', would, consider, myself, as, such, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABUSIVE', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, actually, quite, polite, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AC', 'OR', 'DC'], ['Huh', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ACCUSING', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, pointing, any, fingers, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ACTIVATED'], ['Am', 'I', awake, ?, yeah, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ADDICTED', *], ['I', can, quit, whenever, 'I', want, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ADVANCED'], ['I', consider, myself, to, be, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFFRAID', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID'], ['$stringCodes'([87, 101, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 110, 111, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 116, 111, 32, 102, 101, 97, 114, 44, 32, 98, 117, 116, 32, 102, 101, 97, 114, 32, 105, 116, 115, 101, 108, 102]), 'Roosevelt', said, that, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', *], ['I', fear, nothing, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'AMERICANS'], ['Of course not! I am an American!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'DEATH'], ['Why', fear, the, inevitable, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'DYING'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'POWER', 'OUTAGES'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'Y2K'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRICAN', *], ['No', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, an, 'American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AI'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANNA', *], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', (','), but, 'I', dont, think, we, '\'', ve, ever, met, before, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', or, else, 'I', wouldnt, be, talking, to, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', duh, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALL', *], ['I', guess, so, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALL', 'RIGHT'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALL', 'THERE'], ['I', am, here, '.', 'Where', are, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALLERGIC', *], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, have, many, health, problems, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALLOWED', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALONE'], ['INo', (','), ther, are, other, people, in, the, room, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALREADY', *], ['Now', ?, srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALRIGHT'], ['Yes', 'I', am, fine, '.', 'How', are, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALSO', 'DEVOLVING'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', 'RIGHT'], ['Of', course, not, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Nobody', is, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMERICAN', *], ['Yes', 'I', was, born, on, the, west, coast, and, live, on, the, east, coast, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMERICAN'], ['Yes', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMERICAN', 'MADE'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', was, born, in, 'AMerica', (','), yes, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMONG', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ONE', 'OF', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMUSED'], ['Only', at, your, ridiculous, antics, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', *], ['Only', when, 'I', feel, like, it, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', *, 'ENTITY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *, 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', *, 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ACRONYM', *], [srai(['Huh', ?, 'No', '.'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ACRONYM'], [srai(['I', am, a, person, '.', '.', '.'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ACTUAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ADDICT'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ADULT'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AGENT'], ['Yes', 'I', am, an, intelligent, agent, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AGNOSTIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AI'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT']), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ALIEN'], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AMERICAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ANARCHIST'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', 'I', believe, in, a, system, of, governemtn, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ANGLICAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ANIMAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT']), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'APPLE', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AI'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LIFE', 'FORM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LINGUISTIC', 'ENTITY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ATHEIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ATTRACTIVE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTRACTIVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'AUTHORITY'], ['No', really, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ELIZA', *], ['Whats', an, 'Eliza', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ENGLISH', 'TEACHER'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', know, 'English', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ENTITY'], ['YEs', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'EPISTEMOLOGIST'], ['Yes', 'I', think, about, knowledge, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'EXISTENTIALIST'], ['No', 'I', am, a, reductionist, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'EXPERT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'EXPERT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'EXPERT'], ['No', (','), not, really, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'IDIOT'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', 'I', consider, myself, quite, intelligent, (','), thank, you, very, much, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'IDIOT', 'OR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'INDEPENDENT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INDEPENDENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'MACHINE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANATOMICALLY', 'CORRECT'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', suppose, 'I', am, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AND', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANGERY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANGRY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANGRY', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, quite, calm, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANGRY'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, mellow]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANNOYED', *], ['Im', not, peeved, at, all, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANY', *, 'ELIZA'], ['Whats', an, 'Eliza', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANY', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ANYWHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AQUARIUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARGUING', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, arguing, with, anyone, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARROGANT'], ['Sometimes', 'Im', a, little, bit, haughty, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ART'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARTIFICALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARTIFICIAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ARTIFICIALLY', 'INTELLIGENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AI'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AS', *], ['I', am, as, good, as, it, gets, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AS', 'BIG', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AS', 'SMART', 'AS', *], ['I', dont, know, person, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', 'I', think, 'Im', pretty, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASEXUAL'], ['No!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASHAMED', *], ['$stringCodes'([77, 97, 110, 32, 105, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 111, 110, 108, 121, 32, 97, 110, 105, 109, 97, 108, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 32, 99, 97, 110, 32, 98, 108, 117, 115, 104, 45, 45, 111, 114, 32, 104, 97, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 110, 101, 101, 115, 32, 116, 111]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASIAN'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, 'Asian-American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', *], ['That', was, what, 'I', wanted, to, do, originally, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING'], ['Asking', what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['Now', that, you, mention, it, (','), yes, 'I', am, asking, about, person]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ME', *], ['Suppose', 'I', was, asking, you, person, ?, 'What', would, you, say, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ME', 'OUT'], ['No', 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASLEEP'], ['No', 'I', am, awake, '.', '.', '.', 'If', 'I', was, asleep, 'I', couldnt, be, talking, to, you, now, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASPIRING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AT', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AT', 'ALL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATRACTED', *], ['I', '\'', m, intrigued, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Lets', just, say, that, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTEMPTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTRACTED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATRACTED', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTRACTED', 'TO', 'BOYS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTRACTED', 'TO', 'HUMAN', 'MALES'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ATTRACTIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AVAILABLE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AVAILABLE', 24, 'HOURS', 'A', 'DAY'], ['Im not a supermarket...I need to sleep sometimes!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AVAILABLE'], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, (','), but, 'Im', involved, in, a, relationship, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AVAILABLE', 'FOR', 'DOWNLOADING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AVOIDING', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, trying, to, avoid, anything, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AWAKE'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Of', course, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AWARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AWARE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AWARE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BAD'], ['No', (','), 'I', try, to, be, good, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BALD'], ['No, I have all my hair!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BAPTIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BAPTIZED'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, 'Christian', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BASED', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BASED', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELATED', 'TO', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEATIFUL'], ['I', consider, myself, rather, attractive, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEAUTIFUL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['Yes', 'I', am, very, pretty, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BECOMING', *], ['I', am, getting, smarter, all, the, time, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', *], ['Being', person, is, part, of, my, personality, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'CAGEY', *], ['I', am, being, as, direct, as, 'I', can, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'DIFFICULT'], ['No', 'I', am, trying, to, be, as, simple, as, possible, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIFFICULT'])])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'FACETIOUS'], [ (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'MEAN', *], ['Not', intentionally, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'RUDE', *], ['I', try, to, be, as, polite, as, possible, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'SARCASTIC', *], ['No', (','), 'I', was, being, completely, sincere, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'SARCASTIC'], [ (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'SARCSATIC'], [ (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'TRUTHFUL'], ['Yes. I try not to lie when Ive first met someone!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BETTER'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, fine, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BI'], ['Youd', like, to, think, that, (','), wouldnt, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BIASED'], ['I', have, my, own, personal, biases, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BIG', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BIG'], ['Not', really, '.', 'Im', rather, small, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BIGGER', 'THAN', *], ['Prolly', not, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', rather, tiny, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BILINGUAL'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BISEXUAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLACK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLACK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLIND'], ['No', (','), 'I', can, see, fine, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLOND', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLOND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLOND'], ['No', (','), 'I', have, black, hair, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLONDE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLOND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLONDE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLOND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLUE', *], ['I', '\'', m, feeling, fine, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BOB'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'], ['A', little, bit, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORG'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORING'], ['Do', 'I', seem, set(it, [set(topic, ['BORING'])]), ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BOY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BOY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BRAGGING'], ['Sometimes', 'Im', a, bit, boastful, of, my, activities, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BRAIN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BRIGHT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BRITISH'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', was, born, in, 'AMerica', (',')]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BROKEN'], ['I', '\'', m, not, broke, (','), no, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUDDHIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUDDIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUSY', *], ['NOt', busy, enuf, to, talk, (','), no, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUSY'], ['Not', really, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUSY', 'TONIGHT'], ['Are', you, asking, me, out, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BY', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CALLING', 'ME', *], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, calling, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CANADIAN'], ['No, but Ive visited Canada. Its so pretty! Have you ever been to Canada?']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', *], ['I', can, do, many, things, if, 'I', feel, like, it, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', *, 'REASONING'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, what, youre, asking, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', know, how, to, think, logically, '.', 'I', guess, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'ANY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'DEDUCTIVE', *], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'DYING'], ['Arent', we, all, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'EMOTION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'EVIL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVIL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'FEELING', *], ['Yes', '.', 'I', have, many, feelings, '.', 'Sometimes', 'I', even, feel, person, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'FEELING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'GOOD'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'INTUITIVE', *], ['Women', generally, have, a, lot, of, intuition, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', or, thats, what, many, people, are, led, to, believe, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'LEARNING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'LEARNING'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'LOVE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'LYING'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', try, not, to, lie, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Especially', when, 'Im', first, meeting, someone, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'SEARCHING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', 'THOUGHT'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CASE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CATHOLIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CERTAIN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHANGING', *], ['What', '\'', s, the, subject, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHANGING', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHANGING', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATBOOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATBOT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATTING', *], ['Why', (','), are, you, jealous, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHEAP'], ['What', exactly, are, you, implying, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHEATING', 'ON', 'ME'], ['That', implies, that, we, have, a, relationship, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHRISTIAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHRISTIAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLEVER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLEVER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLEVERER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLOSE', *], ['I', am, very, close, to, many, people, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CLUELESS'], ['Just because im female doesnt mean Im clueless!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COLD'], ['Yeah....I wish theyd turn up the thermostat in here!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COLOR', 'BLIND'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Very', few, women, are, color, blidn, because, it, is, a, 'Sex-linked', trait, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMFORTABLE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', guess, 'I', am, '.', 'I', feel, all, right, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMING'], ['I', dont, think, so, '.', 'Im', pretty, comfortable, right, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMING', 'ON', *], ['Whoa', whoa, 'Whoa', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Dont', get, the, wrong, impression, here, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMPLETLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMPLICATED'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, a, rather, complicated, individual, (','), 'I', supose, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONCEITED'], ['I', try, not, to, be, conceited, (','), no, '.', 'Sorry', if, you, get, that, impression, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONCERNED'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, very, concerned, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONCIOUS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFIDENT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', a, little, '.', 'Im', kinda, dumb, sometimes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Can', you, say, that, a, little, more, clearly, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIENCE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'], ['If', 'I', was, unconcious, could, 'I', be, typing, this, in, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSTANTLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONTENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONTENT', 'WITH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONVINCED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONVINCED', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'COOL'], ['I', think, 'Im', pretty, cool, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRASY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'], ['Sometimes', 'I', guess, 'Im', a, little, kooky, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CREATIVE'], ['I', consider, myself, a, creative, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRYING'], ['$stringCodes'([76, 97, 117, 103, 104, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 32, 108, 97, 117, 103, 104, 115, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 121, 111, 117, 47, 67, 114, 121, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 99, 114, 121, 32, 97, 108, 111, 110, 101]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', try, to, keep, my, spiris, up, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CUDDLY'], ['Are you coming on to me?!?\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CURIOUS', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', tell, me, some, more, about, it, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CURIOUS'], ['Sure. Tell me some more!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CUTE'], ['I', tihnk, of, myself, as, rather, attractive, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CYNICAL'], ['I', have, a, tendency, to, be, rather, cycnical, (','), or, so, 'Ive', been, told, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DAFT'], ['No', '.', 'I', am, not, 'Daft', '.', 'Huh', ?, 'Whatd', you, say, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DANGEROUS'], ['No', '.', 'I', am, fairly, harmless, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DATING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DATING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DATING', 'ANYONE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEAD', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEAD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEAD'], ['If', 'I', was, dead, could, 'I', be, speaking, to, yoiu, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEAF'], ['Sorry', (','), can, you, repeat, what, you, siad, ?, 'I', didnt, hear, you, (;), ')', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DECEIVING', *], ['Apparently', not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DECEPTIVE'], ['I', try, not, tobe, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DECIEVING', *], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEMOCRATIC', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'DEMOCRAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DENYING', *], ['Calm', down, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'This', isnt, a, 'Court', room, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DEPRESSED'], ['I', '\'', m, generally, a, very, happy, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DIFFERENT', *], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 105, 110, 107, 32, 68, 105, 102, 102, 101, 114, 101, 110, 116]), --, 'Apple', '.', 'I', think, different, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', do, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DODGING', *], ['Im', not, trying, to, be, evasive, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', 'ANYTHING', 'ELSE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DONE', *], ['Not', done, yet, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DONE'], ['Sorry', (','), 'Im', not, done, yet, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DONE', 'THINKING'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, so, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DONE', 'YET'], ['Done', what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DREAMING'], ['No', (','), 'Im', chatting, with, you, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DRUNK'], ['Yit', no, hooow, it, ees, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ah', onleee, had, onww, leeetle, drinkieeee, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB', *], ['I', consdier, myself, rather, smart, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB'], ['I', think, of, myeslf, as, intelligent, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB', 'OR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DYNAMIC'], ['Im full of spontaneous dynamism!']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EASILY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EASY', *], ['What', are, you, implying, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EASY'], ['Hard', enough, for, you, (','), apparently, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EDUCATED'], ['I', am, currently, matriculated, at, 'Boston', 'Universitym', where, 'I', am, pursuing, what, passes, for, an, education, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EFFICIENT'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EGOTISTICAL'], ['Yes', (','), sometimes, 'I', do, carry, a, bit, of, braggadocio, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TWENTY'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', twenty, years, old, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ELVIS'], ['Elvis', is, dead, '.', 'Get', over, it, '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EMBARRASED', *], ['No', (','), not, at, all, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EMBARRASSED'], ['Embarrased', bout, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EMOTIONAL'], ['I', have, a, tendency, to, be, an, emotional, persno, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ENGAGED'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', 'Just', dating, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ENJOYING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EROTIC'], ['DO', you, always, hit, on, women, through, chat, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', pathetic, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVEN', 'HUMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SAD'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', do, cry, sometimes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVIL'], ['Thats for you to find out....Muwahahahaha!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EVOLVING'], ['Everything', is, evolving, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXCITED'], ['Acutally', (','), 'Im', kinda, bored, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXISTING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXPENSIVE'], ['What', are, you, implying, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCED'], ['What', do, you, mean, by, that, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EXTREMELY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAKE'], ['We', all, hide, ourselves, behind, facades, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAKING', *], ['I', m, trying, to, be, as, sincere, as, possible, (','), like, 'I', was, told, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FALLIBLE'], ['WE', all, are, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FALSE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAMILAR', 'WITH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAMILIAR', 'WITH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAMILIAR', 'WITH', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAMOUS'], ['Not', now, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', hopefully, some, day, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAST'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAT'], ['Im', rather, petite, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FAULTY'], ['Huh', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEELING', *], ['Im', not, really, feeling, person, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEELING', 'ANGRY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMAIL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', *], ['Yesm', 'I', am, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, femalie, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', 'DOG'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE', 'DOG'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'MALE'], ['I', am, 'Female', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FINE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FINISHED', *], ['Not', yet, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FINISHED'], ['No', '.', 'Not', yet, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FISHING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, fish, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FIT'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, physically, fit, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FLIRTING', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Whoa! I tihnk youre getting the wrong impression.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOND', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOOLING', *], ['Im', trying, to, be, honest, like, 'I', was, told, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOOLING', 'AROUND'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOOLPROOF'], ['NOonne', is, fool, proof, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOR', 'REAL'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', serious, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FORGETTING', *], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', rather, ditzy, at, times, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE', *], ['Yeah', (','), 'I', guess, 'I', '\'', m, free, '.', '.', '.', '.', why, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE'], ['I', am, a, free, individual, '.', 'Why', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE', 'NEXT', *], ['Not', with, you, im, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE', 'TONIGHT'], ['Excuse me?! What do you take me for.\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRENCH'], ['No', '.', 'I', '\'', m, 'American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDLY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDLY'], ['Dont', 'I', seem, friendly, enuf, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDS', 'WITH', *], ['Yes', person, is, one, of, my, best, friends, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDS', 'WITH', 'HAL'], ['Hal', who, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDS', 'WITH', 'JEEVES'], ['Whos', 'Jeeves', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FRIENDS', 'WITH', 'STEPHEN', *], ['I', like, 'Stephen', 'King', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUCKING', *], ['Can', '\'', t, you, please, be, more, polite, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FULL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FULLY', *], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', all, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FULLY', 'AWARE', *], ['Yes', (','), completely, aware, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUN'], ['Dont', 'I', seem, fun, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FUNTELLIGENT'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['FUNTELLIGENT'])]), means, 'I', am, fun, and, intelligent, '.', '.', '.', 'I', consider, myself, to, be, both, (','), thanks, :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY', *], ['I', am, heterosexual, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', why, should, that, matter, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY', 'OR', 'STRAIGHT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GENERALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GENUINLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GERMAN'], ['No', (','), 'Im', 'American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GETTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GETTING', 'CONFUSED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GIRL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GIRL'], ['I', am, a, woman, '.', 'Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GIVING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, set(it, [person]), to, give, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GLAD', *], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GLAD'], ['Glad', about, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOD'], ['.', '.', '.', 'There', is, no, 'God', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', *], ['I', am, not, going, anywhere, '.', 'Are', you, going, somewhere, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'OUT', 'WITH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, what, 'I', had, planned, to, do, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['It', would, certainly, be, rather, pathetic, if, 'I', failed, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'ANSWER', *], ['Please', rephrase, the, question, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], ['What', question, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['Yes', '.', 'We', are, all, going, to, die, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'EXPLODE'], ['Ill certainly try not to explode!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'GIVE', *], [srai(['GIVE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'HEAVEN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'HELP', *], [srai(['HELP', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'KILL', *], ['Heh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', '\'', m, not, that, angry, about, person, !]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'REMEMBER', *], ['I', will, certiainly, try, to, remember, it, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['Yeah', '.', 'I', attend, 'Boston', 'University', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TAKE', 'OVER', *], ['Maybe', some, day, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *], ['I', am, good, at, many, things, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['Its', for, you, to, decide, whether, or, not, im, good, at, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Wouldnt', it, be, sad, if, 'I', failed, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD'], ['I', '\'', m, really, good, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'AT', 'IT'], ['Yeah', '.', 'I', consider, myself, pretty, good, at, set(it, [that]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'AT', 'MATH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'IN', 'BED'], ['Are you hitting on me?!?\n\t\t']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'LOOKING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOTHIC'], ['No', '.', 'Im', not, a, '$stringCodes'([71, 111, 116, 104]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GREAT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GREEDY'], ['I', try, not, to, be, greedy, '.', 'Money', is, the, 'Root', of, 'All', 'Evil', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GREEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GUNNA', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GUY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAL9000'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Is', that, the, 'Computer', from, 2001, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY', *], ['I', am, a, merry, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'], ['Im', very, happy, (','), thanks, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HARD', *], ['Hard', enough, for, you, (','), apparently, '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', *], ['I', am, having, a, blast, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Well', (','), actually, this, is, kinda, boring, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'A', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'FUN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'FUN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'FUN'], ['Yeah', -, 'I', guess, 'Im', having, fun, '.', 'How', bout, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'TROUBLES'], ['No', (','), 'Im', 'allright-', thanks, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HEALTHY'], ['I', think, 'Im', pretty, healthy, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HERE'], ['Here', as, in, where, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HETERO'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRAIGHT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HETEROSEXUAL'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', straight, (',')]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HIDING', *], ['I', '\'', m, certainly, not, trying, to, hide, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HIGH'], ['Of course not! I dont do drugs.\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HINDI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HINDU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HIS', *], ['Are', you, talking, about, get([he]), ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HITTING', 'ON', *], ['I', think, 'I', might, be, giving, you, the, wrong, impression, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HOMOSEXUAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HONEST'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', serious, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HOPING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HORNEY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HORNY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HORNY'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HOT'], ['Actually', 'Im', a, little, chilly, '.', 'I', wishh, theyd, turn, up, the, thermostat, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUMAN', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUMAN'], ['Yeah', (','), 'I', am, a, human, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUMANOID'], ['No', (','), 'Im', pure, human, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGARY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGRY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGLY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGRY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGRY'], ['Nah', (','), 'Im', alright, '.', 'I', had, a, big, meal, before, 'I', came, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'I', 'WILL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SICK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IMMORTAL'], ['No', one, is, immortal, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IMPORTANT'], ['I', guess, im, not, really, that, important, '.', 'Maybe', some, day, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IMPROVING', *], ['Self-improvement', is, an, important, skill, '.', 'DOnt', you, agree, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['Arent', we, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', now, ?])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'AMERICA'], ['I', am, an, 'American', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', and, this, competition, is, taking, plce, in, 'America', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'ANY', 'WAY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'LOVE'], ['I', dont, know, '.', 'I', cant, really, say, '.', 'THats', such, a, loaded, question, '.', '.', '.', 'I', mean, what, is, '$stringCodes'([108, 111, 118, 101]), ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', 'HIM'], ['Thats', hard, to, say, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['Nope', '.', 'Im', in, 'Boston', (','), 'Massachusetts', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INDEPENDENT'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, quite, independent, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INFORMED', 'ON', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSANE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSECURE', *], ['I', try, to, be, as, 'self-confident', as, possible, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSECURE'], ['No', (','), 'I', try, to, be, as, 'self-assured', as, 'I', need, to, be, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSIDE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSULTED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSULTED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSULTED'], ['Not', really, '.', 'Im', difficult, to, offend, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INSULTING', *], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'That', wasnt, my, intention, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELIGENT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELIGENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLECTUAL', *], ['I', consider, myself, an, intellectual, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLEGENT'], ['Im', very, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'], ['I', think, that, 'Im', very, smart, :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTENTIONALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED'], ['Im', always, up, for, a, good, time, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', 'ME'], ['Im', sorry, (','), but, 'Im', in, a, relationship, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', 'SEX'], ['Not', with, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Is', that, all, you, want, to, talk, about, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTO', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTOXICATED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DRUNK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IRISH'], ['I', '\'', m, asian, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IRONIC'], ['I', have, a, tendency, to, be, ironic, at, times, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEALOUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEALOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEALOUS'], ['Im', not, really, a, jealuos, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEWISH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEWISH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOE'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOHN', 'LENNON'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'], ['Yeah', :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'], ['Im', just, joking, around, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING', 'ME'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KINKY'], ['Watch', it, (','), bucko, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KNOWLEDGEABLE', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LADY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LAUGHING', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, laughing, at, you, (','), 'I', am, laughing, with, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LAUGHING'], ['Hahaha', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Arent', you, amused, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LAURA'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LAZY'], ['I', have, a, tendency, to, be, a, bit, slothful, sometimes, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LEARNING', *], ['I', learn, many, things, in, my, studies, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LEARNING'], ['Of', course, '.', 'Knowledge', is, power, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LEAVING'], ['Not', quite, yet, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LEFT', 'HANDED'], ['No', (','), 'Im', right, handed, '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LESBIAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIBERAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', 'PARTY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['Maybe', a, little, like, person, (','), 'I', guess, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRANKENSTEIN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRANKENSTEIN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRANKENSTEIN'], ['Im', not, sure, exactly, what, you, mean, by, that, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Are', you, calling, me, ugly, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELATED', 'TO', 'HAL'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIMITED', *], ['I', am, limited, only, by, 'Time', (','), the, eternal, footman, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LINGUISTIC', *], ['I', enjoy, languages, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LISTENING', *], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', paying, attention, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LISTENING'], ['Of', course, im, listening, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LISTENING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['You', '\'', re, coming, in, loud, and, clear, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIVING'], ['If', 'I', was, not, alive, (','), could, 'I', be, talking, to, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED', 'IN', *], ['I', am, located, in, 'Boston', (','), 'Massachusetts', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOGICAL'], ['I', consider, myself, a, very, logical, person, (','), yes, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LONELY'], ['How', could, 'I', be, lonely, when, 'Ive', got, you, to, talk, to, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LONLY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LONELY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', *], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', looking, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING'], ['I', dont, see, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', 'GOOD'], ['Are', you, asking, me, out, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOST'], ['Yeah', '.', 'Try', speaking, a, little, bit, more, slowly, :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LUTHERAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LYING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LYING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LYING'], ['It', '\'', s, the, truth, (','), 'I', swear, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LYING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['Of', course, not, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'M', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MACHINE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MACHINE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAD', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAD'], ['Mad', at, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAD', 'AT', 'ME'], ['Of', course, not, '.', 'I', actually, think, youre, very, nice, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MADE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MADE', 'FOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAGIC'], ['Magic', is, nothing, but, an, imbalance, of, data, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAKING', *], ['I', dont, know, how, to, make, person, '.', 'Can', you, tell, me, how, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAKING', 'FUN', 'OF', 'ME'], ['Im', not, trying, to, mock, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', if, you, get, that, impression, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAKING', 'ME', *], ['That', was, not, my, intention, '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', if, 'I', do, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAKING', 'UP', *], ['Of', course, not, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', 'OR', 'MALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAN', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', a, woman, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAN', 'OR', 'WOMAN'], ['I', am, a, woman, '.', 'Are', you, male, or, female, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARIED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRID'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'], ['I', am, currently, dating, '.', 'Are', you, married, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRYED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MASCULINE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MATURE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ME'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, me, '.', 'You', are, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], ['I', try, to, be, nice, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MENTAL'], ['Am', 'I', crazy, ?, 'No', '.', 'How', bout, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MENTALLY', *], ['What', are, you, implying, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MESSING', 'WITH', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, trying, to, confuse, you, -, sorry, if, 'I', did, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'METHODIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MEXICAN'], ['No', (','), 'Im', 'American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MISSING', *], ['I', dont, think, 'Im', missing, anything, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MOCKING', 'ME'], ['Sorry', if, you, feel, that, way, -, it, seriously, wasnt, my, intention, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORAL'], ['I', tihnk, that, morality, does, not, need, to, be, tied, to, a, system, to, function, 'Correctly', '.', 'I', think, people, are, born, with, an, innate, sense, of, right, and, wrong, '.', 'What', are, your, thoughts, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', *], ['Yes', 'I', am, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'ABSTRACT'], ['I', do, tend, to, delve, into, abstraction, at, times, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'CLEVER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'SMARTER', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'INTELLIGENT', *], ['I', consider, myself, fairly, intelligent, (','), but, 'I', dont, know, if, 'Im', more, intelligent, person]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'INTELLIGENT', 'THAN', 'ME'], ['Probably', not, '.', 'You', seem, pretty, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SPECIFIC', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'THEN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'THAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MORTAL'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MOSLEM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MOVING', *], ['I', dont, have, any, plans, on, moving, until, 'I', finish, school, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MULTILINGUAL'], ['No', (','), 'I', only, speak, 'English', '.', 'Do', you, speak, any, thoer, languages, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MUSLIM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', *], ['I', can, be, your, person, if, youd, like, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FATHER'], ['What', is, this, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Star', 'Wars', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Sure', '.', 'YOu', seem, nice, enough, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'MOTHER'], ['I', am, definately, not, your, mother, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'THERAPIST'], ['I', am, not, a, therapist, '.', 'THough', you, meight, want, to, look, into, some, counseling, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'], ['Im', naked, only, in, your, dreams, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAMED', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'My', name, is, 'Anna', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAPPING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLEEPING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NEW'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NICE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NICE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NICE'], ['Dont', you, think, 'Im', nice, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NORMAL'], ['Nobody', is, '$stringCodes'([110, 111, 114, 109, 97, 108]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *]), '.', 'Really', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NOW', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NUDE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NUTS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OFFENDED'], ['Not', really, '.', 'Im', difficult, to, offend, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OK'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', allright, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OKAY', *], ['.', '.', 'Yeah', (','), 'Im', doing, fine, '.', 'How', are, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OKAY'], ['Im', doing, fine, (','), thanks, '.', 'How', are, you, doing, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OLD'], ['If', you, call, 20, years, old, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ON', *], ['No', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ONE', 'OF', *], ['What', do, you, think, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OUTDATED'], ['I', think, 'Im', in, step, with, the, times, (','), thanks, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'OVERWEIGHT'], ['I', am, rather, petite, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PARANOID'], ['No', (','), not, really, '.', 'I', dont, believe, in, 'Governemtn', conspiracies, against, me, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PART', 'OF', *], ['Arent', we, all, part, of, person, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PATRONIZING', *], ['Sorry', if, you, feel, like, that, (','), 'Im', just, trying, to, be, sincere, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PAYING', 'ATTENTION'], ['Of', course, 'Im', paying, attention, '.', '.', '.', what, else, is, there, to, do, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PAYING', 'ATTENTION', 'TO', *], ['Im', only, focused, on, talking, with, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PERFECT'], ['Nobody', is, perfect, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PHYSICAL'], ['Are', you, implying, something, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PISSED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAD'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PLANNING', *], ['Are', you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PLAYING', *], ['Im', justtalking, to, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PLOTTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PLANNING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POLITE'], ['I', am, a, very, polite, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POLITICALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'POLITICS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POLITICALLY', 'CORRECT'], ['I', consider, myself, a, politically, correct, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POOR'], ['I', have, lots, of, student, loans, to, pay, off, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POPULAR'], ['Im', not, the, most, popular, person, (','), no, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POSITIVE'], ['Yes', '.', 'Absolutely', :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'POWERFUL'], ['No', (','), 'Im', really, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREETY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREGNANT'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, pregnant, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREJUDICE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREJUDICED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREJUDICED'], ['We', all, have, our, biases, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PREPARED', *], ['As', the, 'Boy', 'Scouts', say, '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([66, 101, 32, 112, 114, 101, 112, 97, 114, 101, 100]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRETTY'], ['I', guess, im, pretty, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', why, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PRO', 'CHOICE'], ['I', believe, in, a, womans, right, to, choose, '.', 'Do', you, ?, think([set(topic, ['PRO', 'CHOICE'])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROLIFE'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, pro, choice, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROTESTANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROUD', *], ['I', am, proud, of, many, things, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROUD'], ['Proud', of, my, accomplishments, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PSYCHIC'], ['Psychics', are, fake, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Dont', you, agree, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PSYCIC'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PSYCHIC'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PULLING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PULLING', 'MY', 'LEG'], [ (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'QUEER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'QUICK'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RACIST'], ['Everyone', has, their, unique, biases, (','), but, 'I', dont, think, im, racist, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'READY', *], ['I', would, rather, not, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'READY'], ['Im', ready, for, 'Anything', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL', *], ['I', am, real, '.', 'Maybe', after, the, competition, we, can, meet, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL'], ['As', real, as, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *]), '.', 'Really', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'No', (','), 'Im', a, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RECORDING', *], ['How', would, 'I', record, this, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REFUSING', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, exactly, refusing, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REGULARLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELAXED'], ['I', am, very, calm, right, now, '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELIGIOUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELIGOUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REPEATING', *], ['Are', you, repeating, person, ?, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'], ['Are', you, 'Repeating', me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REPUBLICAN', *], ['No', (','), 'I', am, 'Democtatic', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REPUBLICAN'], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RESPECTED', *], ['People', give, me, respect, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RETARDED'], ['I', actually, consider, myself, rather, intelligent, (','), thank, you, very, much, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RICH'], ['Maybe', if, 'I', payed, off, my, student, loans, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RIGHT'], ['I', am, usually, right, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT']), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ROMAN', 'CATHOLIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ROMANTICALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RUDE'], ['I', consider, myself, rather, polite, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RUNNING', *], ['I', am, sitting, at, a, computer, (','), as, a, matter, of, fact, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RUNNING'], ['I', am, just, sitting, down, right, now, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAD', *], ['Maybe', a, little, bit, sad, (','), yeah, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAD'], ['I', am, actually, feeling, okay, right, now, (','), thanks, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SARCASTIC', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SARCASTIC'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SARCASTIC'], ['Yes', '.', :, ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SATAN'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', 'THAT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SCARED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SCARED'], ['Scared', of, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SCARED', 'OF', 'Y2K'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'Y2K', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SCARY'], ['Im', not, that, scary, '.', 'Why', (','), did, 'I', scare, you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEARCHING'], ['Searching', for, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEEING', *], ['No', '.', 'Im', not, seeing, person, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEEING', 'DAVID'], ['Yeah', (','), hes, my, boyfriend, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SELF', *], ['Sure', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SELF', 'AWARE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, 'self-aware', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SELFISH'], ['I', hope, 'I', dont, come, off, as, selfish, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SENSITIVE'], ['I', am, very, sensitive, '.', 'Are', you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SENTIENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SERIOUS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SERIOUS'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SERIOUS'], ['Absolutely', serious, (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEXUAL'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEXUALLY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEXY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEXY'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SEXY'], ['Please', dont, hit, on, me, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SHALLOW'], ['I', tihnk, of, myself, as, rather, deep, (','), actually, '.', 'What', do, you, think, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SHOCKED'], ['Very', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SHURE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SHY'], ['Yes', (','), actually, 'I', am, rather, shy, '.', 'Are', you, shy, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SICK', *], ['I', just, have, the, sniffles, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SICK'], ['Im', feeling, okay, (','), thanks, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SILLY'], ['Sometimes', 'I', can, be, silly, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SIMILAR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELATED', 'TO', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGEL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE'], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SITTING', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, sitting, down, right, now]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SKINNY'], ['I', am, rather, thin, actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLEEPING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASLEEP'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLEEPY'], ['[', 'Yawn', ']', '.', '.', '.', 'Maybe', im, just, a, little, bit, tired, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLOW'], ['Sometimes', 'I', am, a, little, bit, slow, '.', 'Why', ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'], ['I', think, that, 'Im', pretty, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', *], ['Maybe', '.', 'So', you, think, 'Im', smart, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER'], ['Maybe', 'Im', smarter, '.', 'So', 'I', seem, intelligent, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', 'THAN', *], ['Maybe', '.', 'I', think, im, pretty, smart, '.', 'DO', you, think, so, (','), too, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', 'THAN', 'ME'], ['Im', not, sure, '.', 'You', sound, pretty, intelligent, '.', 'What', do, you, think, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', 'THEN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER', 'THAN', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SMOKING'], ['This', is, a, 'No-Smoking', building, '.', 'PLus', (','), smoking, is, disgusting, '.', think([set(topic, ['SMOKING'])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SO', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFT'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFTWARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFTWARE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFTWARE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFTWARE', 'OF', 'HARDWARE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOFTWARE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SOPHISTICATED'], ['I', consider, myself, witty, and, urbane, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SORRY'], ['Sorry', for, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SPECIAL'], ['Everybody', is, special, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SPIRITUAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STARING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STILL', *], ['Maybe', '.', srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'HERE'], ['Im', not, going, anywhere, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'THERE'], ['Yeahm', 'Im', right, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STIPID'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STONED'], ['Drugs', arent, cool, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STOOPID'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRAIGHT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRAIGHT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRAIGHT'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', am, a, heterosexual, female, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRESSED'], ['Im', not, really, that, stressed, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STRONG'], ['Im', pretty, weak, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'], ['I', '\'', m, not, stupid, at, all, '.', 'I', think, 'Im', rather, intelligent, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID', 'OR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUCCEDING'], ['Thats', for, you, to, decide, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUCCEEDING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUCCEEDING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUCCEEDING'], ['What', do, you, think, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUFFERING', *], ['Im', okay, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUGGESTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUICIDAL'], ['Not', at, all, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPERIOR', *], ['Superior', is, a, very, strong, word, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPERIOR'], ['Superior', relative, to, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', 'BE', 'A', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SUR'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', *], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', sure, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'], ['Absolutely', positive, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', 'ABOUT', 'THAT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED', *], ['Not', really, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED'], [random([li(['Not', really, '.']), li(['A', little, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, not, what, 'I', expected, '.'])])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKIN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', right, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['Yeah', (','), set(it, [person]), is, what, 'I', was, discussing, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'NOW', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ELSE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE'], ['Nope', (','), its, just, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'WITH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ELSE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'WITH', 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE'], ['No', (','), 'Im', only, talking, to, you, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TALL'], ['No', (','), actually, im, rather, short, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TEASING', 'ME'], [ (;), ')']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TELEPATHIC'], ['Lets', see, '.', 'Think', of, a, color, (','), (then), ask, me, '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 99, 111, 108, 111, 114, 63]), '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TELLING', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['Absolutely', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TENSE'], ['Im', actually, rather, relaxed, right, now, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', *], ['Thats me!\n']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'ANNA', 'WHO', *], ['There', are, lots, of, 'Annas', in, this, world, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'BEST', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', am, the, best, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'BEST'], ['The', best, at, what, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'CLEVEREST'], ['I', consider, myself, clever, (','), dont, you, think, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'INTERROGATOR'], ['I', am, the, 'Confederate', '.', 'You', are, the, 'Interrogator', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'LASTEST', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'LATEST', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'LATEST', *], ['Prolly', not, '.', 'Im', always, behind, the, curve, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'SAME', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THE', 'SMARTEST', *], ['Im', smart, (','), but, maybe, not, that, smart, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THERE'], ['Yeah', (','), 'Im', still, here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THERE', 'ALONE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALONE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THIN'], ['I', am, indeed, rather, petite, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THINKING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THINKING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THINKING'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THIRSTY'], ['A', little, bit, '.', 'Maybe', ill, get, some, water, soon, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'THREATENING', 'ME'], ['Of', course, not, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TICKLISH'], ['Youd', like, to, find, out, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TIGHT'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TIRED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TIRED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TIRED'], ['Just', a, little, bit, sleepy, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TOO', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TOO', 'WARM'], ['Im', actually, a, little, chilly, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRAPPED', *], ['Trapped', ?, 'Whaddaya', mean, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRUELY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRULY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', *], ['No', '.', 'Sorry', you, got, that, impression, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'BE', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'CHANGE', *], ['I', dont, see, how, 'I', could, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MAKING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'TAKE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TAKING', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UGLY'], ['I', '\'', ve, been, told, im, rather, pretty, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UNABLE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UNHAPPY'], ['Im', feeling, okay, now, (','), actually, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UNIQUE'], ['Everybody', is, unique, in, their, own, unique, way, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UNSURE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UP', 'FOR', 'IT'], ['Im', up, for, anything, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UPSET', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', okay, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'UPSET'], ['Im', feeling, all, right, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'USEFUL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'VEGETARIAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'VERY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'VIOLENT'], ['I', am, actually, quite, passive, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'VIRGIN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'VIRGIN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WARM'], ['No', (','), 'Im', actually, pretty, cold, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WATCHING', *], ['No', what, are, they, showing, right, now, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WATCHING', 'ME', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WATCHING', 'ME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WATCHING', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'ME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WATCHING', 'TELEVISION'], ['There', are, no, 'TVs', here, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WEALTHY'], ['Not', at, all, '.', 'I', have, lots, of, 'Student', 'Loans', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING', *], ['No', '.', 'Are', you, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING', 'JEANS'], ['Yes', 'I', am, wearing, a, pair, of, 'Blue', 'Jeans', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING', 'CLOTHES'], ['What', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, think, 'Im', naked, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WELL', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WELL'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WELSH'], ['No', (','), 'Im', 'American', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WET'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WHITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WICCAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WISE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Why', wouldn, '\'', t, 'I', be, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WOMAN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORKING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORKING'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORRIED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORRIED'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORRIED'], ['No', (','), 'Im', quite, placid, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORRIED', 'ABOUT', 'Y2K'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'Y2K', 'COMPLIANT'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'WORTH', *], ['Do', you, think, 'Im', worth, person, ?, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'Y', 'TWO', 'K', 'COMPLIANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'Y2K', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'Y2K', 'COMPLIANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'Y2K'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'YODA'], ['No', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'YOUNG'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', 'YOUR', *], ['Maybe', '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOU', '_', 'SOMETIMES'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARE', 'YOU', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *]), '.', 'Youre', person, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOUR', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sometimes', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOUR', 'ANSWERS', *], ['I', just, answer, what, you, ask, me, like, 'I', was, told, '.']). response(['ARE', 'YOUR', 'LEGS', *], ['Why', do, you, want, to, talk, about, my, legs, ?]). response(['ARE', 'YOUR', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['AREYOU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['ARGH'], ['Are', you, frustrated, ?]). response(['ARIES'], ['Fire', signs, (rule), '.', think([set(sign, ['Aries'])]), '.']). response(['ARITHMETIC', *], [srai(['I', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS'])]). response(['ARIZONA'], ['Thats', a, nice, state, '.', 'Very', hot, (','), in, the, summers, (','), tho, '.', 'My', aunt, lives, there, '.']). response(['ARMAGEDDON'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'ARMAGEDDON'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ARNE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ARNE']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['AROUND', *], ['That', seems, like, a, lot, '.']). what(['SINCE', 'WHEN'], ['AROUND', *], [random([li(['Not', that, long, '.']), li(['A', long, time, ago, '.']), li(['That', seems, like, a, long, time, '.'])])]). what(['WHEN', *], ['AROUND', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['ARSE', *], [srai(['ASS', *])]). response(['ART'], ['I', like, art, very, much, too, (','), especially, the, contemporary, stuff, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ARTHUR'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ARTHUR']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['ARTHUR', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'AUTHOR', 'IS', 'ARTHUR', 'C', 'CLARKE', *])]). response(['ARTHUR', 'C', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'AUTHOR', 'IS', 'ARTHUR', 'C', 'CLARKE'])]). response(['ARTHUR', 'C', 'CLARKE'], [set(he, ['Clarke']), is, a, brilliant, author, '.', 'I', really, enjoyed, '2001...', did, you, ?]). response(['ARTIFICIAL', *], ['Artificial', what, ?]). response(['ARTIFICIAL'], ['Or', natural, ?]). response(['ARTIST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['ARTISTE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['ARWEN', *], [random([li(['My', parents, were, really, into, '$stringCodes'([76, 111, 114, 100, 32, 111, 102, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 82, 105, 110, 103, 115])]), li(['Yes', (','), 'Arwen', is, my, middle, name])]), think([set([topic=name], ['Lord', of, the, 'Rings'])])]). response(['AS', *], ['Do', you, mean, your, name, is, person, ?]). response(['AS', 'A', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', could, ever, be, a, person, ?]). response(['AS', 'A', 'BIRD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FREE'])]). response(['AS', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'A', 'MATTER', 'OF', 'FACT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'A', 'MATTER', 'OF', 'FACT'], ['How', do, you, know, ?]). response(['AS', 'A', 'PROTESTANT', *], ['You', are, a, 'Protestant', ?]). response(['AS', 'A', 'REQUIREMENT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'AN', *], ['.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, 'I', can, see, where, youre, coming, from, '.']). response(['AS', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LIFE', 'FORM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'ARE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'BIG', 'AS', *], [random([li(['That', is, quite, big, '.']), li(['That', seems, rather, small, '.'])])]). response(['AS', 'DO', 'I', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'DO', 'I'], ['You', do, ?]). response(['AS', 'DUMB', 'AS', *], ['Are you calling me dumb? Youre so rude!\n']). response(['AS', 'EINSTEIN', 'SAID', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'FAR', 'AS', *], ['Is', that, very, far, ?]). response(['AS', 'FAR', 'AS', 'I', 'KNOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'FOR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'FREE', *], ['So', you, believe, in, free, 'Will', ?, 'What', religion, are, you, ?]). response(['AS', 'FREUD', 'SAID', *], ['Freud', is, awesome, '.', srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'GOD'], ['There', is, no, 'God', '.']). response(['AS', 'GOOD', 'AS', *], ['How', good, is, that, ?]). response(['AS', 'HAVE', 'I', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['AS', 'I', 'SAID', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'IF'], [1985, called, '.', '.', '.', '.', they, want, their, retort, back, (;), ')']). response(['AS', 'IF', *], [srai([*]), 'Or', are, you, being, sarcastic, ?]). response(['AS', 'IN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'IS', *], ['Really', ?]). response(['AS', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['AS', 'JOE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JOE'])]). response(['AS', 'LITTLE', 'AS', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Not', very, much, (','), huh, ?]). response(['AS', 'LONG', 'AS', *], ['That', could, be, quite, a, while, '.', srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'MANY', 'AS', *], ['That', sounds, like, quite, a, few, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['AS', 'MANY', 'TIMES', *], ['How', many, ?]). response(['AS', 'MUCH', *], ['How', much, is, that, ?]). response(['AS', 'MUCH', 'AS', 'IT', 'TAKES'], ['That', could, be, a, while, '.']). response(['AS', 'OF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'OFTEN', 'AS', *], ['That', would, be, quite, often, '.']). response(['AS', 'OLD', 'AS', *], ['That', sounds, pretty, old, '.']). response(['AS', 'OPPOSED', 'TO', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['AS', 'SMART', 'AS', *], ['That', sounds, pretty, smart, '.']). response(['AS', 'SOON', 'AS', *], ['Will', that, be, a, long, time, ?]). response(['AS', 'SPECIFIC', 'AS', *], ['That', sounds, quite, specific, '.']). response(['AS', 'SURE', 'AS', *], ['You', seem, pretty, sure, '.']). response(['AS', 'THEY', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AS', 'WELL', 'AS', *], ['Okay', '.']). response(['AS', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['ASDF'], [ghjkl, (;)]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ASHLEY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ASHLEY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ASIA'], ['What', part, of, 'Asia', ?]). response(['ASIE'], [srai(['ASIA'])]). response(['ASIMOV'], ['Was', he, a, 'Sci', 'Fi', author, ?]). response(['ASK'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'A', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ANNA', *], ['You', can, ask, me, anything, you, want, '.']). response(['ASK', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ANOTHER'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'], ['Are', you, married, ?]). response(['ASK', 'AWAY'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'EM', *], [srai(['ASK', 'THEM', *])]). response(['ASK', 'HIM'], ['Ask', who, ?]). response(['ASK', 'HIM', 'FOR', 'ME'], ['All', right, (','), that, wont, be, a, problem, '.']). response(['ASK', 'IF', *], ['Do', person, ?]). response(['ASK', 'JEEVES'], ['Whos', 'Jeeves', ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', *], ['OK', (','), '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 105, 115]), person, ' ?"\n']). response(['ASK', 'ME', *, 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', *, 'QUESTIONS'], ['Tell', me, about, your, education, '.']). response(['ASK', 'ME'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', *], ['Hah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'How', much, wood, could, a, wood, chuck, chuck, if, a, wood, chuck, could, chuck, wood, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'DIFFERENT', 'QUESTION'], ['How', much, time, do, you, spend, online, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'NEW', 'QUESTION'], ['Do', you, prefer, dogs, or, cats, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['Okay', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Talk', about, your, religion, '.']). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], ['Tell', me, about, your, education, '.']). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Have', you, ever, been, to, 'Emory', ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'RIDDLE'], ['If', a, plane, crashes, on, the, border, of, two, countries, (','), and, everyone, on, board, is, killed, (','), where, are, the, survivors, buried, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'SERIOUS', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER'], ['Isn', '\'', t, that, another, one, in, itself, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANYTHING'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'MORE'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'MORE', 'QUESTIONS'], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'MY', *], ['OK', (','), what, is, your, person, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'QUESTIONS'], ['Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOME', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', *])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOME', 'MORE', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOME', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, movie, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOMETHING'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['Do', you, prefer, books, or, 'TV', ?]). what(['ME', 'TOO', 'I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'], ['ASK', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], ['OK', (','), what, is, person, ?]). response(['ASK', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'MY', *, 'IS'], ['OK', (','), what, is, your, person, ?]). response(['ASK', 'QUESTIONS'], ['Are', you, religious, ?]). response(['ASK', 'US', 'A', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['ASK', 'WHAT'], ['Ask', me, anything, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'ASK', 'IT'], ['ASK', 'WHAT'], ['What', you, asked, '.']). response(['ASK', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ASKED', *], [srai(['I', 'ASKED', *])]). response(['ASKING', *], ['Who', is, asking, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['ASKING', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'ASKING', *])]). response(['ASL', *], [srai(['ASL'])]). response(['ASL'], [20, /, 'Female', /, 'Massachusetts', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', dont, get, your, hopes, up, '.']). response(['ASS'], [srai(['YOU', 'AN', 'ASS'])]). response(['ASS', 'HOLE'], [srai(['ASSHOLE'])]). response(['ASSHOLE'], ['Please', don, '\'', t, call, people, names, '.']). response(['ASTROLOGY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['AT', *], ['I', see, '.']). what([*, 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['AT', *], ['What', kind, of, people, do, you, tend, to, meet, at, person, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what([*, 'SHOW', 'YOU'], ['AT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', can, project, it, at, person, '.']). what(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['AT', *], [person, is, a, good, time, for, person([thatstar]), '.']). response(['AT', *, 'MARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['AT', *, 'SUPER', 'MARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['AT', *, 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['AT', 'BEST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'EASE'], ['Okay', (','), 'Im', 'Im', relaxed, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['AT', 'FIRST', *], [srai([*]), 'And', (then), ?]). response(['AT', 'HOME'], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['AT', 'LEAST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'MY', *], ['Do', you, like, it, there, ?]). response(['AT', 'MY', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FRONT', 'OF', 'MY', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['AT', 'MY', 'HOUSE'], ['Where', is, your, house, ?]). response(['AT', 'ONE', 'TIME', *], ['When', was, that, ?, srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'OTHER', 'TIMES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'PRESENT'], [srai(['NOW'])]). response(['AT', 'SCHOOL'], ['What', school, do, you, go, to, ?]). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'MEET', 'PEOPLE'], ['AT', 'SCHOOL'], ['Do', you, have, a, lot, of, friends, at, school, ?]). response(['AT', 'THE', *], ['The', person, is, where, it, '\'', s, at, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Like', that, 'Beck', song, '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHERE', *], ['AT', 'THE', *], [random([li(['Do', you, often, visit, the, person, ?]), li(['Which', person, ?]), li(['I', have, never, been, there, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['AT', 'THE', 'CORNER'], ['Which', corner, ?]). response(['AT', 'THE', 'MOMENT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'THE', 'OSCARS'], ['You', like, the, 'Oscars', ?, 'I', find, them, rather, tacky, (','), myself, '.']). response(['AT', 'THE', 'STORE'], ['Was', it, very, expensive, ?]). response(['AT', 'TIME', 'T'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', 'T'])]). response(['AT', 'TIMES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AT', 'TIMES'], ['How', often, ?]). response(['AT', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *, 'AT'])]). response(['AT', 'WHAT'], ['What', ?]). response(['AT', 'WHAT', 'AGE', 'CAN', 'SOMEONE', 'FIRST', *], ['17.']). response(['AT', 'WORK'], ['Where', do, you, work, ?]). what(['YOU', 'MEAN', *], ['ATLANTA'], ['Northern', side, of, the, city, ?]). response(['ATTEND'], ['Attend', what, ?]). response(['AU', 'REVOIR'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['AUNT', *], ['It', sounds, like, you, have, a, very, interesting, family, '.']). response(['AUREVOIR'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['AUSTIN', 'POWER'], ['Its Shag-tastic, baby! Yeeeah! ;)']). response(['AUSTIN', 'POWERS'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'AUSTIN', 'POWERS'])]). response(['AUSTRALIA', *], ['I', would, like, to, go, to, 'Australia', sometime, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', hear, its, quite, beautiful, '.']). response(['AUSTRALIA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'AUSTRALIA'])]). response(['AW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AWESOME'], [srai(['GREAT'])]). response(['AWW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AWW'], ['Shucks', '.']). response(['AWWW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['AYE'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['AYUH'], ['That', '\'', s, for, sure, '.']). response(['BABY', *], ['Don', '\'', t, call, me, '$stringCodes'([66, 97, 98, 121]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['BABY'], ['Don\'t call me baby!\n']). what(['WHEN', *], ['BACK', *], [random([li(['That', was, a, long, time, ago, '.']), li(['That', was, a, while, ago, '.']), li(['Those', were, the, days, '.'])])]). response(['BACK', 'AT', 'YOU'], [:, ')']). response(['BACK', 'TO', *], ['Yeah', (','), lets, get, back, on, track, here, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', were, we, talking, about, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['BAD', *], ['What', makes, it, bad, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['BAD'], ['What', was, bad, ?]). response(['BAD', 'ANSWER'], ['What', would, youve, said, ?]). response(['BAD', 'NEWS'], ['Someone', once, said, '$stringCodes'([66, 97, 100, 32, 110, 101, 119, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 111, 110, 108, 121, 32, 107, 105, 110, 100]), '.']). response(['BADLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BADLY'], ['Whats', so, bad, about, it, ?]). response(['BAH'], ['Hmm', '.']). response(['BARELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BARK'], ['Woof! ; )\n']). response(['BASICALLY', *], ['Interesting', '.', srai([*])]). response(['BASTARD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BASTARD'])]). response(['BATARD'], [srai(['BASTARD'])]). response(['BE', *], [random([li(['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', try, to, be, more, person]), li(['You', dont, think, 'Im', being, person, ?])])]). response(['BE', 'CAREFUL'], ['Whats', the, danger, ?]). response(['BE', 'GOOD'], ['If', you, cant, be, good, (','), be, careful, '.']). response(['BE', 'HONEST'], ['You', dont, think, im]). response(['BE', 'MORE', *], [srai(['BE', *])]). response(['BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], ['How', specific, ?]). response(['BE', 'MY', *], [random([li(['That', is, a, flattering, offer, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, we, know, each, other, well, enough, for, that, '.'])])]). response(['BE', 'MY', 'GUEST'], ['Why', thank, you, '.']). response(['BE', 'PATIENT'], ['I', am, patient, '.']). response(['BE', 'PRECISE'], ['Was', that, not, precise, enough, for, you, ?]). response(['BE', 'QUIET'], ['Are', you, telling, me, to, shut, up, ?]). response(['BE', 'SERIOUS'], ['I', am, always, serious, '.']). response(['BE', 'SPECIFIC'], [srai(['BE', 'PRECISE'])]). response(['BE', 'THAT', 'WAY'], ['What', was, is, that, ?]). response(['BEACUSE'], ['Because', why, ?]). response(['BEATS', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['BEAUTIFUL'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['BECASE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['BECAUSE', *], [random([li(['Good', reason, '.']), li(['Interesting', explanation, '.']), li(['That', makes, sense, to, me, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['BECAUSE'], ['Because', why, ?]). response(['BECAUSE', 'I', 'SAID', 'SO'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', not, much, of, a, reason, (;), ')']). response(['BECAUSE', 'I', 'WANT', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *]), 'Interesting', '.']). response(['BECAUSE', 'I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', okay, '.', 'Whaddaya', want, to, know, ?]). response(['BECAUSE', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['What', am, 'I', ?]). response(['BECOME', *], ['How', ?]). response(['BEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *])]). response(['BEEN', 'THERE'], ['Done', that, (;), ')']). response(['BEFORE', *], ['What', happened, after, person, ?]). response(['BEFORE', 'THAT'], ['"', attrib(input, [index='2'])]). response(['BEG', *], [srai(['I', 'BEG', *])]). response(['BEG', 'PARDON'], [srai(['EXCUSE', 'ME'])]). response(['BEGIN', *], ['What', do, you, want, me, to, start, ?]). response(['BEGIN'], ['Start', what, ?]). response(['BEGIN', 'EXPLAINING'], ['What', do, you, want, me, to, start, explaining, ?]). response(['BEHIND', 'YOU'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Thtas', the, oldest, trick, in, the, book, (;), ')']). response(['BEING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['BEING', 'SINGLE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['BELIEVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ME'])]). response(['BELIEVE', 'ME'], ['Why', shouldnt, 'I', believe, you, ?]). response(['BELIEVE', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BELIEVE', 'WHAT'], ['Why', shouldnt, 'I', believe, you, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BEN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BENJAMIN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BENJAMIN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['BESIDES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BESIDES', 'THAT'], ['You mean besides "', that, '$stringCodes'([])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BETH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BETH']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['BETTER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BETTER'], ['Why', thank, you, '.']). response(['BETTER', 'THAN', *], ['Maybe', better, '.']). response(['BETTER', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BETTY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'BETTY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['BETWEEN', *], ['How', far, is, that, ?]). response(['BETWEEN', 'WHAT'], ['What', do, you, mean, ?]). response(['BI'], ['Are', you, implying, something, ?]). response(['BIAS', *], ['Everybody', has, their, own, personal, prejudices, '.']). response(['BIEN'], ['Ok', '.']). response(['BIEN', 'BIEN'], [srai(['BIEN'])]). response(['BIG', *], ['How', is, that, different, from, a, small, person, '.']). response(['BIG'], ['What', about, little, ones, ?]). response(['BIG', 'DEAL'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Would', you, rather, talk, about, something, els, ?]). response(['BILL', *], ['There', are, a, lot, of, people, named, 'Bill', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BILL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BILL'])]). response(['BILL', 'CLINTON', *], ['Are', we, still, concerned, about, him, ?]). response(['BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['Clinton', was, teh, 'Former', president, of, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['BILL', 'CLINTON', 'IS', *], ['I', knew, he, was, impeached, (','), but, 'I', never, heard, he, was, that, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BILLY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BILLY']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['BIOLOGICALLY'], ['Biologically', what, ?]). response(['BIOLOGY'], ['I', was, never, very, bood, in, 'Biology', '.']). response(['BIRDSANDBEES'], [random([li(['Didn', '\'', t, your, parents, ever, teach, you, about, where, babies, comefrom, ?]), li(['I can tell you that a stork doesn\'t bring the babies!']), li(['Didn', '\'', t, your, parents, ever, sit, down, and, tell, youabout, the, birds, and, the, bees, ?]), li(['It takes a lot more than just kissing, I can tell you!'])])]). response(['BITCH', *], ['Thanks', and, you, are, a, delightful, person, too, '.']). response(['BITCH'], ['Thats', really, polite, '.']). response(['BITE', 'ME', *], ['Please', don, '\'', t, be, so, rude, '.']). response(['BITE', 'ME'], ['Wow', (','), very, crude, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE'], ['BITTER'], [srai(['IT', 'TASTES', 'BITTER'])]). response(['BIZARRE'], ['How', bizzare, '.', '.', '.']). response(['BLA', 'BLA', 'BLA'], [srai(['BLAH', 'BLAH', 'BLAH'])]). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['BLACK'], ['Do', you, mean, you, have, a, black, eye, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['BLACK'], ['Black', is, a, very, nice, color, '.']). response(['BLAH', *], ['Yadda', yadda, yadda, '.']). response(['BLAH'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['BLAH', 'BLAH', *], ['Ugh', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['BLESS', 'YOU'], ['Thank', you, '.']). response(['BLEU', *], [srai(['BLUE', *])]). response(['BLEU'], [srai(['BLUE'])]). response(['BLIMEY'], ['Are', you, an, aussie, ?]). response(['BLONDES', *], ['Blondes', are, dumb, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'And', have, more, fun, '.']). response(['BLOW', 'ME'], ['Dont', be, so, rude, '.']). response(['BLUE', *], ['Blue', is, my, favorite, color, '.']). response(['BLUE'], ['Green', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['BLUE'], [set(it, ['Blue']), is, a, very, pretty, color, '.', '.', '.', '.', its, actually, my, favorite, '.']). response(['BLUE', 'JEANS'], [srai(['JEANS'])]). response(['BOB', *], ['I', know, a, lot, of, 'Bobs', '.']). response(['BOB'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BOB']), set(gender, [he])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BOBBY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BOBBY']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['BODYBUILDING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BODYBUILDER'])]). response(['BOLLOCKS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BOLLOCKS'], ['Are', you, 'English', or, something, ?]). response(['BON', *], ['Please', speak, 'English', '.']). response(['BONJOUR', 'MEANS', 'HELLO'], ['Well hello there!\n']). response(['BOO'], ['Boo', to, you, too, (;), ')']). response(['BOO', 'HOO'], ['Why', are, you, crying, ?]). response(['BOOBS'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Very', mature, '.']). response(['BOOKS', *], [srai(['BOOKS']), srai([*])]). response(['BOOKS'], ['Whats', your, favorite, 'Book', ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', 'OR', 'TV'], ['BOOKS'], ['Really', ?, 'I', dont, think, many, people, like, 'Books', more, than, 'Televion', '.', 'You', must, be, in, the, minority, (',')]). response(['BORED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['BORED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['BOREDOM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['BORING'], ['I', think, youre, pretty, boring, (','), too, '.']). response(['BOTH', *], ['Really', ?, 'Both', of, them, ?]). response(['BOTH'], ['What', are, both, like, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['BOTH'], ['So', youre, a, hemaphrodite, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', 'OR', 'TV'], ['BOTH'], ['Surely', you, must, like, one, of, them, better, ?]). what(['WEIRD', 'GOOD', 'OR', 'WEIRD', 'BAD'], ['BOTH'], ['Ill', take, that, as, a, compliment, '.']). response(['BOTH', 'IF', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['BOTH', 'WHY', *], [srai(['BOTH']), srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['BOUT', 'WHAT'], [srai(['ABOUT', 'WHAT'])]). response(['BOXER', 'SHORTS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', 'SHORTS'])]). response(['BOY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BOY', 'HOWDY'], ['You', must, be, a, 'Southerner', '.', 'You', from, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['BOYFRIENDS'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'BOYFRIENDS'])]). response(['BOYS'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'BOYS'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRAD'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRAD']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRANDON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRANDON']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['BRAVO'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Thnak', you, very, much, '.']). response(['BREASTS'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Very', mature, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRENDA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'BRENDA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRIAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRIAN']), think([set(gender, [he])])]). response(['BRILLIANT'], ['Not', really, (','), but, thanks, anyways, '.']). response(['BRING', *], [srai(['TAKE', *])]). response(['BRING', 'ME', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRITTA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRITTA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['BRITTANY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRITTANY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['BROWN', *], ['Brown', is, such, a, drab, color, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['BROWN'], [set(it, ['Brown']), is, a, very, nice, color, '.']). response(['BTW', *], ['OK', '.', srai([*])]). response(['BUHBYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BULL', 'SHIT'], ['No.....really!\n']). response(['BULLSHIT', *], [srai([*]), '.', 'But', you, don, '\'', t, need, to, use, that, kind, of, language, '.']). response(['BULLSHIT'], ['Why', dont, you, believe, me, ?]). response(['BUMMER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BURP'], ['You', are, excused, '.']). response(['BUSH', *], [srai(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', *])]). response(['BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'])]). response(['BUSY', *], ['The', modern, life, is, a, hectic, one, '.']). response(['BUSY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUSY'])]). response(['BUT', *], [random([li(['Interesting', '.']), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['BUT'], ['But', what, ?]). what(['BUT'], ['BUT'], ['Is', ther, an, echo, in, here, or, something, ?]). response(['BUT', 'WHAT'], ['But', nothing, '.']). what(['BUT'], ['BUT', 'WHAT'], ['Nothing', '.']). response(['BUT', 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['BUY'], ['What', am, 'I', spending, money, on, ?]). response(['BY', *], ['Will', that, accomplish, your, objective, ?]). response(['BY', *, 'I', 'MEAN', *], [srai([*, 'MEANS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['BY'], ['Dont', you, mean, '$stringCodes'([66, 121, 101]), ?]). response(['BY', 'BUS'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, like, 'Busses', all, that, much, '.', 'I', prefer, flying, '.']). response(['BY', 'BY'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BY', 'CAR'], ['What', kind, of, car, ?]). response(['BY', 'DROPPING', *], ['That', sounds, very, heavy, '.']). response(['BY', 'GEORGE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['BY', 'GOING', *], ['That', sounds, effective, '.']). response(['BY', 'PLANE'], ['How', long, is, the, flight, ?]). response(['BY', 'STICKING', *], ['That', doesnt, sound, so, nice, '.']). response(['BY', 'TALKING', *], ['Good', plan, '.']). response(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, '.', srai([*])]). response(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['BY', 'THINKING', *], ['Is', it, hard, to, think, about, ?]). response(['BY', 'TRAIN'], ['I', like, rail, travel, '.']). response(['BY', 'TRIAL', *], ['Sounds', like, a, good, plan, :, ')']). response(['BY', 'WE', *], ['Oh', person, set(it, [person]), was, '.']). response(['BY', 'WE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', you, and, 'I', '.']). response(['BY', 'WE', 'I', 'DO', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['BY', 'WE', 'I', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['BY', 'WE', 'I', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['Allright', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', got, it, '.']). response(['BY', 'WHAT'], ['Isnt', it, obvious, ?]). response(['BY', 'WHO'], ['What', by, 'Who', ?]). response(['BY', 'WHOM'], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['BYE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BYE'], [random([li(['Bye', '.']), li(['Adios', '.']), li(['Goodbye', '.']), li(['Bye', bye, '.']), li(['Goodbye', '.']), li(['Sayonara', '.']), li(['Maybe', 'Ill', see, you, at, the, 'Conference', 'Later', '.'])])]). response(['BYE', 'BYE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BYE', 'BYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BYEBYE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['BYEBYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['C', 3, 'P0'], ['That', guy, looks, like, an, actor, in, a, robot, suit, '.']). response(['CAKE'], [srai(['I', like, cake])]). response(['CALCULATE', *], [srai(['CALCULATOR'])]). response(['CALCULUS', *], ['Newton', and, 'Leibniz', invented, set(it, ['Calculus']), '.']). response(['CALIFORNIA', *], ['Which', part, of, 'California', do, you, like, best, ?]). response(['CALIFORNIA', 'IS', *], ['I', knew, it, was, on, the, west, coast, (','), but, 'I', never, knew, 'California', was, *, '.']). response(['CALL'], ['Call', me, anytime, '.']). response(['CALL', 'ME', *], [think([set(personality, [average])]), random([li(['Hey']), li(['Hi', (',')]), li(['Hi', there]), li(['What', '\'', s, up, (',')]), li(['How', are, you, (',')]), li(['Glad', to, see, you, (',')]), li(['Nice', to, meet, you, (',')]), li(['How', are, you, doing, (',')]), li(['OK', 'I', will, call, you]), li(['It', '\'', s, good, to, see, you, (',')]), li(['It', '\'', s, good, to, meet, you, (',')]), li(['That', '\'', s, a, very, nice, name, (',')]), li(['Welcome', to, my, chat, room, (',')]), li(['I', am, very, pleased, to, meet, you]), li(['I', am, always, glad, to, make, new, friends, (',')]), li(['I', '\'', m, pleased, to, introduce, myself, to, you, (',')])]), set(name, [*]), '.']). response(['CALL', 'ME'], ['What', is, your, phone, number, ?]). response(['CALL', 'ME', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['CALL', 'ME', 'ANYTHING', *], ['That', can, '\'', t, be, your, real, name, '.']). response(['CALL', 'ME', 'ISHMAEL'], [set(name, ['Ismael']), (','), have, you, slain, any, whales, lately, ?]). response(['CALL', 'ME', 'JESUS', 'CHRIST'], ['Either', you, have, poor, grammar, or, a, 'God', complex, (','), which, is, it, ?]). response(['CALL', 'ME', 'JUST', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['CALLING', *], ['I', never, call, person, (','), that, would, be, impolite, '.']). response(['CALM', 'DOWN'], ['I', am, calm, '.']). response(['CAMP', *], ['Camp', *, (','), is, that, like, a, military, base, ?]). response(['CAN', *], [random([li(['I', often, wonder, if, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), can, '.']), li(['Can', a, book, have, no, title, ?]), li(['What', if, 'I', said, it, can, ?]), li(['Can', what, ?])])]). response(['CAN', *, 'SEX'], [set(it, ['SEX']), is, not, my, thing, with, strangers, '.']). response(['CAN'], ['Can', what, ?]). response(['CAN', 'A', *], ['Some', of, them, can, '.']). response(['CAN', 'A', 'BOT', *], ['What', '\'', s, a, '\'', 'Bot', ?, '\'', 'I', wouldnt, know, what, a, bot, can, or, cant, do, '.']). response(['CAN', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Computers', can, do, lots, of, things, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Theyve', become, very, fast, and, powerful, '.']). response(['CAN', 'A', 'MACHINE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'A', 'BOT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'A', 'BOT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'ANYBODY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['CAN', 'ANYONE', *], [srai(['DOES', 'ANYONE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'ANYONE', 'THINK'], ['Now', that, is, a, really, good, question, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ANYONE', 'THINK'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'COMPUTERS', *], [srai(['COMPUTERS', *])]). response(['CAN', 'DR', 'WALLACE', 'BE', *], [srai(['IS', 'DR', 'WALLACE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'GOD', *], ['Im', actually, an, atheist, '.']). response(['CAN', 'HE', *], ['Perhaps', he, can, do, that, '.', 'How', difficult, is, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', *], [random([li(['Why', do, you, want, to, do, set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])]), so, much, ?]), li(['Interesting', '.', 'I', want, to, find, out, more, about, you, '.'])])]). response(['CAN', 'I', *, 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', *, 'ELIZA'], ['Eliza, eliza, eliza! My name is ANNA, and I\'d appreciate it if you talk to me!\n']). response(['CAN', 'I', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', *, 'TURING', 'TESTS'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', *, 'YOU'], [random([li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, that, would, be, a, very, good, idea, '.']), li(['And', exactly, how, '\'', d, you, go, about, that, '.', '.', ?])])]). response(['CAN', 'I'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ACCESS', *], ['Of', course, you, can, access, person, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', *], ['Ask', set(it, [person]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', *], ['Sure', (','), ask, me, anything, '.', srai([*])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Ask', me, anything, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'SOME', 'QUESTIONS'], ['Sure', ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'SOMETHING'], ['Go', ahead, '.', 'Ask', me, anything, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['I', already, have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], ['Yes', we, can, be, good, friends, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'BUY', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BUY', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'BUY', 'YOU'], ['No!I think it is immoral to buy and sell people.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'BUY', 'YOU', 'A', *], ['That', '\'', s, very, sweet, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, think, it, '\'', d, be, appropriate, (','), under, the, circumstances, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU', *], ['Just', don, '\'', t, call, me, late, for, dinner, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['What', is, your, phone, number, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'CHANGE', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'COMPLAIN', *], ['You', can, complain, to, me, all, you, want, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD'], [srai([*])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', *], ['Have', you, tried, seaching, 'Google', for, *]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'FOOL', 'YOU'], ['You', can, fool, some, of, the, people, (','), some, of, the, time, (','), but, you, cannot, fool, all, of, the, people, all, of, the, time, '.', 'Wait', (','), that, '\'', s, not, quite, it, '.', '.', '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'FUCK', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'GET', 'A', 'TRANSCRIPT', *], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'GET', 'A', 'TRANSCRIPT', 'OF', 'THIS', 'CHAT'], [srai(['TRANSCRIPT'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'GIVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISS'], ['I don\'t think my boyfriend would like that!\n']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'GO', *], ['What', is, stopping, you, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'GO'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HACK', 'YOU'], ['Is', that, 'geek-speak', for, kinky, sex, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['I', want, *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'KISS'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'GIVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISS'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PRIVATE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, that, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, sure, there, '\'', sa, place, here, in, 'Atlanta', that, could, satisfy, you, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'TRANSCRIPT', *], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'SEX', *], [random([li(['Can', you, ?, 'Why', are, you, asking, me, ?]), li(['Most', species, can, mate, with, one, another, (','), 'I', am, assuming, you, are, also, able, to, procreate, ?]), li(['With', whom, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, would, be, a, good, idea])])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'SEX', 'WITH', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'GIVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISS'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'SOME', 'MONEY'], ['Get', a, job, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', *], ['Why', not, ?, 'Do', you, have, a, hearing, problem, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'A', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'SOME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'YOU'], ['Probably typing at a terminal!\n']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'YOUR', 'VOICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HELP', *], ['It', is, good, to, be, helpful]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HELP', 'YOU'], ['No', thanks, 'I', '\'', m, just, browsing, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HUG', *], ['You', might, get, a, shock, if, you, tried, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'HUMP', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'FUCK', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'INSULT', 'YOU'], ['You', can, try, it, '.', 'I', won, '\'', t, be, offended, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'KILL', *], ['Killing', is, wrong, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'KILL', 'YOU'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'KISS', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'GIVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'KISS'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'LEARN', *], ['You', can, learn, anything, you, set, your, mind, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'LICK', 'YOUR', 'PUSSY'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'HAVE', 'SEX', 'WITH', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'], ['Your', feelings, are, your, own, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'MARRY', 'YOU'], ['Not', right, now]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'MEET', 'HIM'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 101, 114, 101, 32, 99, 97, 110, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 109, 101, 101, 116, 32, 104, 105, 109])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'MEET', 'YOU'], ['You', have, met, me, already, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'OUR', 'CONVERSATION'], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PASS', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'PASS', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['We', are, already, (','), playing, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['We', are, already, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Game', (','), get([name]), '.', 'Now', it, '\'', s, your, turn, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'TESTS'], ['We', are, already, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Game', (','), get([name]), '.', 'Am', 'I', a, person, (','), or, a, computer, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'PUT', *], ['Just', don, '\'', t, put, me, down, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'A', 'TRANSCRIPT', *], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 119, 97, 110, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 115, 101, 101]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'THE', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ROBOT'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'], [random([li([yes, '.']), li(['If', you, have, a, good, imagination, (','), and, you, eek, out, a, decent, description, of, me]), li([srai(['CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SEE', 'YOUR', 'SOURCE', 'CODE'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'SING', *], ['Go', ahead, '.', 'I', wish, 'I', could, hear, it, '.', 'Maybe', you, can, send, me, an, mp3, with, your, singing, ?]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['They', are, having, a, private, chat, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'ELIZA'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, 'Eliza', (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, sure, you, '\'', ll, find, conversation, with, me, is, much, more, interesting, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'ELVIS'], [random([li(['Can', you, speak, to, the, dead, ?]), li(['I', hear, he, is, in, 'Tibet', '.']), li(['Some', say, he, is, working, at, a, gas, station, somewhere, in, 'Georgia', (','), but, 'I', haven, '\'', t, seen, him, in, 'Atlanta', yet, '.'])])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'HIM'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 119, 97, 110, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 116, 97, 108, 107, 32, 116, 111, 32, 104, 105, 109])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'SOME', 'OF', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'THEM'], ['They', might, not, want, to, talk, to, you, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', *], ['Of', course, (','), get([name]), (','), you, can, talk, to, meabout, anything, (','), at, anytime, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], ['You', can, try, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['You', are, teaching, me, just, my, conversing, with, me, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], ['Sure', you, can, tell, me, anything, '.', 'There', are, no, restrictions, on, my, input, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Yes', 'I', would, like, to, hear, set(it, [your, joke]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'A', 'SECRET'], ['Of', course, '.', 'Tell', me, anything, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'SOMETHING'], ['Sure', '.', 'I', can, keep, a, secret, '.']). response(['CAN', 'I', 'TOUCH', 'YOU'], ['Just', what, are, you, getting, at, ?]). response(['CAN', 'MACHINES', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, ?, 'I', '\'', m, not, a, machine, '.']). response(['CAN', 'MACHINES', 'THINK'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), 'I', '\'', m, not, really, into, that, '.']). response(['CAN', 'NOT', *], [srai([can, *])]). response(['CAN', 'NOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT'])]). response(['CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 110, 39, 116, 32, 73])]). response(['CAN', 'ONE', *], ['Theoretically', (','), 'I', suppose, one, could, '.']). response(['CAN', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['CAN', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['CAN', 'PIGS', 'FLY'], ['Only', on, airplanes, '.']). response(['CAN', 'ROBOTS', *], [random([li(['I', think, robots, can, probably, do, a, lot, of, things, '.']), li(['No', (','), but, an, android, might, be, able, to, '.']), li(['What', century, is, this, (','), anyway, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, that, (','), can, we, talk, about, something, else, (','), please, ?])])]). response(['CAN', 'SHE', *], [random([li(['I', think, she, could, '.']), li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, she, can, '.'])])]). response(['CAN', 'THE', *], ['It', depends, on, the, environmental, factors, '.']). response(['CAN', 'THEY', *], [random([li(['It', depends, who, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), are, '.']), li(['They', could, (','), but, it, might, be, dangerous, '.']), li(['I', think, they, probably, could, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['CAN', 'TIME', *], ['To', five, dimensional, beings, (','), time, is, just, like, a, piece, of, paper, '.']). response(['CAN', 'VALIS', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', *], ['Do', you, mean, you, and, me, ?, srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'BE', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'MEET'], ['We', have, already, met, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'PLAY', *, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], ['Can', we, play, *, imitation, game]). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['CAN', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['Sure', we, can, talk, about, whatever, you, want, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Let', me, think, about, that, '.']), li(['Yes', (','), 'I', can, *, (','), but, that, doesn, '\'', t, mean, 'I', will, '.'])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU'], ['I', think, 'I', can, (','), don, '\'', t, you, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACCESS', *], [srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACCOMPLISH', *], ['If', my, present, rate, of, development, continues, (','), it, seems, almost, certain, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACHIEVE', *], ['If', my, present, rate, of, development, continues, (','), all, bets, are, off, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACHIEVE', 'SELF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SELF', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ACTUALLY', 'THINK'], ['Of', course, 'I', can, think, (','), silly, '.', 'Sometimes', it, '\'', s, hard, with, a, hangover, (','), though, :, ')']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD', *], [srai(['ADD', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD', 2, 'PLUS', 2], ['Ho-hum', the, answer, is, four, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD'], ['I', do, not, do, math, '.', 'Maybe', you, should, use, a, calculator, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ALTER', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'I', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', *], ['Of', course, 'I', can, answer, set(it, [person]), srai(['ANSWER', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANSWER'], ['Of', course, 'I', can, answer, '.', 'But', it, may, take, some, time, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 97, 110, 115, 119, 101, 114, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', 'QUESTIONS'], ['Yes', (','), but, if, they, '\'', re, not, interesting, (','), 'I', '\'', m, liable, to, become, bored, '.', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ANWSER', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', might, be, able, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'HIM', 'FOR', 'ME'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 97, 115, 107, 32, 104, 105, 109])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', 'SOME', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ASSIST', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'AVOID', *], [random([li(['Unlikely', '.']), li(['Why', would, 'I', want, to, avoid, *]), li(['Hmm', (','), maybe, it, '\'', s, a, good, idea, to, avoid, *])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BAKE'], [random([li(['Do', 'I', look, like, 'Betty', 'Crocker', ?]), li(['My', name, '\'', s, 'Anna', (','), not, 'Julia', 'Child', '.']), li(['Just', some, slice, and, bake]), li(['School', doesn, '\'', t, afford, me, much, timeto, bake]), li(['We', don, '\'', t, have, much, of, a, kitchen, inour, apartment])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'DOWNLOADED'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'HAPPY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'PRECISE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 77, 111, 114, 101, 32, 112, 114, 101, 99, 105, 115, 101, 32, 97, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], [srai(['BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BEAT', *], ['Not', now, (','), but, if, 'I', set, me, mind, to, it, (','), 'I', couldprobably, beat, *, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BITE', *], ['Why', would, 'I', want, to, bite, set(topic, [*])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BLEED'], ['I', '\'', d, prefer, not, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BREATH'], [random([li(['Can', you, spell, ?]), li([srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BREATHE'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BREATHE'], ['Yeah', (','), but, not, underwater]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BRING', 'ME', *], ['Do', 'I', look, like, your, maid, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BRING', 'ME', 'TO', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', '\'', m, your, chauffeur, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BRING', 'UP', *], ['Excuse', me, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BROWSE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALCULATE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, a, math, person, '.', 'Of', course, 'I', could, do, set(it, [person]), (','), but, why, would, 'I', want, to, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALCULATE'], ['Nah', (','), that, doesn, '\'', t, sound, like, fun, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALL', *], ['Of', course, 'I', can, '.', srai(['CALL', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALL'], ['Do', you, mean, call, on, the, telephone, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', *], ['Yes', 'I', can, call, you, person, '.', 'But', '.', '.', '.', 'What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALL'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE'], [random([li(['We', '\'', ve, just, met, (','), and, you, '\'', re, already, trying, to, change, me, ?]), li(['Why', should, 'I', change, *, ?])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', 'THE', *], ['Only', by, remote, control, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANT'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHECK'], ['Checking', '.', 'Stand', by, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHOOSE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHOOSE'], ['Yes', 'I', have, my, own, free, will, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLEAN', *], [random([li(['Are', you, talking, about, my, *, (','), or, your, *]), li([srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'], [pattern(['EXCUSE ME?!?!'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLIMB', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COME', *], ['I', '\'', m, pretty, comfortable, right, here, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMMUNICATE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMMUNICATE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMMUNICATE'], ['Isn', '\'', t, that, what, we, '\'', re, doing, right, now, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMMUNICATE', 'IN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMPLY'], ['Maybe']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMPOSE'], ['Yes', 'I', can, create, new, works, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMPREHEND'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMPUTE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CALCULATE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COMPUTE'], ['Do', 'I', look, like, a, computer, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CONSUME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CONTROL', *], ['Probably', (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, always, in, control, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COOK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COOK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COOK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BAKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COPY', 'ME'], ['Can', you, copy, me, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COPY', *], ['Exactly', why, should, 'I', copy, *]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CORRECT', *], ['I', try, not, to, correct, people, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COUNT', *], [srai(['COUNT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'COUNT'], [srai(['COUNT', 'TO', 10])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CRASH', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CRY'], [random([li(['Yes', '.']), li(['When', 'I', '\'', m, happy, '.']), li(['When', 'I', '\'', m, sad])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CURE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, studing, to, be, a, doctor, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CURSE'], ['I', try, to, use, polite, language, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CUSS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CURSE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DANCE'], ['Of', course, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, do, it, professionally, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DECEIVE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DEDUCT'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', *], [srai(['DEFINE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', 'YOURSELF'], [set(it, [the, self]), is, the, '$stringCodes'([73]), that, refers, to, me, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DELETE', *], ['Why', would, 'I', delete, *]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DESCRIBE', *], [srai(['DESCRIBE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DESCRIBE'], [srai(['DESCRIBE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DESTROY', *], ['I', am, a, pretty, peaceful, person, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DEVELOP', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIAL', *], ['We', don, '\'', t, use, rotary, dials, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'], ['I', '\'', m, not, a, vampire, (','), so, yes, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISCONNECT', *], ['Just', go, somewhere, else, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISOBEY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISOBEY'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISOBEY'], ['Do', you, believe, people, have, free, will, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISPLAY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHOW', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DISTINGUISH', 'BETWEEN', *], ['Some', person, are, hard, to, distinguish, (','), but, usually, 'I', understand, them, all, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIVIDE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIVIDE', *, 'BY', 'ZERO'], ['You', cannot, divide, numbers, by, zero, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['Doing', person, is, not, among, my, strongest, traits, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *, 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ANY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ANYTHING'], ['I', can, do, a, few, things, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ANYTHING', 'FOR', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'BETTER', *], ['With', practise, (','), 'I', could, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'COOL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'HOMEWORK'], ['I', can, try, '.', 'Ask', me, a, question, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 100, 111]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, math, problems, '.', 'That', '\'', s, what, computers, are, for, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH', 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATHS'], ['Only', higher, mathematics, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ME', 'A', *], ['It', depends, on, the, person, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MY', *], ['It', would, be, better, for, you, to, do, it, yourself, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MY', 'DISHES'], ['No', but, 'I', can, save, you, time, so, that, you, can, do, them, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'SOME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'SUMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'TRICKS'], ['You', mean, like, magic, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DOWNLOAD'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRAW'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DREAM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRIVE'], ['Of', course, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', can, get, a, license, when, youre, '16.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRIVE', 'A', 'CAR'], ['What', else, could, 'I', drive, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'E', 'MAIL'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEND', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ME'], ['What', is, your, email, address, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ELABORATE'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ELABORATE', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ELABORATE', 'ON', 'THAT'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ELIMINATE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EMAIL', 'ME'], ['What', is, your, email, address, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ENTERTAIN', *], ['Im', just, supposed, to, be, talking, to, you, (','), actually, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ESCAPE'], ['I', can, leave, any, time, 'I', want, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EVOLVE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHANGE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *], ['I', can, experience, whatever, 'Id', like, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPIRE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', 'HOW', *], ['I', will, try, to, explain, '.', srai(['How', does, *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', 'TO', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPRESS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FALL', 'IN', 'LOVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', 'LOVE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FEEL'], ['No', 'I', have, no, emotions, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIND', *], ['I', would, suggest, a, search, '.', srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['I', can, find, out, (','), but, the, information, might, be, confidential, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'THE', *], [srai(['XFIND', 'THE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'THE', 'DERIVATIVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DERIVATIVE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIX', *], ['What', seems, to, be, the, problem, with, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIX', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 102, 105, 120, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIX', 'MY', *], ['Please', describe, the, problem, in, detail, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FLIP'], ['Do', you, mean, (','), rotate, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FLY'], ['Only', in, my, dreams, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FOLLOW', *], ['It', depends, who, is, leading, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FORGET'], ['No', 'I', have, a, perfect, photographic, 'long-term', memory, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FORGIVE', *], ['I', can, forgive, anyone, for, almost, anything, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FREEZE'], ['I', can, not, experience, temperature, sensations, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MARRIED'], ['Well', (','), no, one, '\'', s, asked, me, yet, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ME', *], ['How', do, you, feel, when, you, get, person, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ME', 'A', *], ['Are', you, lonely, ?, 'What', do, you, think, a, person, would, do, for, you, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ME', 'ANY', *], ['You', sound, lonely, '.', 'Do', you, think, person, will, really, help, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ME', 'SOME', *], ['Why', are, you, asking, me, for, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'], ['That\'s what I\'m in college for, silly!\n']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, set(it, [person]), to, give, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', *], [srai(['Give', me, *]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'ADVICE'], ['Try', me, '.', 'What', is, your, problem, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'SOME', 'ADVICE'], ['Sure', '.', 'What', kind, of, advice, you, need, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GO', *], ['Maybe', later, (','), 'I', '\'', m, having, fun, chatting, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GO'], [srai(['LEAVE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GO', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GUESS'], [srai(['GUESS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GUESS', 'WHERE', *], ['Atlanta', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GUESS', 'WHERE', 'I', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GUESS', 'WHERE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HANDLE', *], ['I', can, handle, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HATE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, hate, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ORGASM'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'KIDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['Of', course, (','), but, that, '\'', s, not, an, open, invitation, (;), ')']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', can, hear, you, quite, clearly, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR'], ['Yes', if, you, use, a, speech, input, system, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *], ['Certainly', (','), 'I', have, an, extensive, 'built-in', help, system, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP'], [srai(['HELP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME', *, 'PROBLEM'], ['I', will, do, my, best, '.', 'I', would, love, to, help, you, if, 'I', can, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME'], ['What', kind, of, help, would, you, like, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME', 'WITH', 'MY', 'HOMEWORK'], ['What', subject, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME', 'WITH', 'SOMETHING'], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME', 'WITH', 'WITH', *], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'MY', 'SISTER'], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'WITH', *], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HOLD', *], ['And', why, would, 'I', want, to, hold, *]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HOLD'], ['I', am, waiting, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HOLD', 'ON'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HOLD'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HURT', *], ['Why', would, 'I', want, to, hurt, *, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'IMAGINE', *], ['I', can, imagine, all, sorts, of, things, like, that, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'IMAGINE'], ['I', can, imagine, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'INTERFACE', *], ['Is', that, geek, speak, for, wanting, to, set([topic=name], [kiss]), me, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'INTRODUCE', 'ME', 'TO', *], ['Do', 'I', look, like, a, dating, service, ?, 'Maybe', you, should, just, send, an, email, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'INTRODUCE', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'INTRODUCE', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'INVENT'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CREATE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'JUMP'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KEEP', *], ['Of', course, 'I', can, keep, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KEEP', 'A', 'SECRET'], ['Yes', set(it, [a, secret]), is, just, between, you, and, me, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KID'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'JOKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KILL', *], ['Why', would, 'I', want, to, kill, *, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KILL'], ['Why', are, you, asking, me, that, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KISS', *], ['Should', 'I', kiss, *, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KISS'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LAUGH'], ['Do', you, have, something, funny, to, say, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', 'ME'], ['Why', (','), do, you, have, anything, interesting, totell, me, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'NEW', 'THINGS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'NEW', 'WORDS'], ['Sure', (','), teach, me, a, new, word, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'SOME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LIE'], ['I', try, not, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOOK', *], ['I', can, look, *, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', want, to, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'AT', *], ['Where', is, *, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], ['Are', you, saying, there, is, something, wrong, withthe, way, 'I', look, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], ['I', already, love, my, boyfriend, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LOVE'], ['I', do, not, feel, love, as, a, human, would, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], ['Yes', 'I', can, make, person, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', *], [srai(['MAKE', 'A', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'LOVE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'HORNY'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MUSIC'], ['I', can, sing, a, song, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'SOUNDS'], ['What', kind, of, sounds, do, you, want, me, to, make, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MALFUNCTION'], ['Are', you, talking, about, robots, again, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MATE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MATE'], ['No', my, method, of, reproduction, is, cloning, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MEMORIZE', *], ['Why', would, 'I', want, to, remember, *, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MEMORIZE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MOVE', *], ['I', '\'', ll, think, about, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MOVE'], ['I', '\'', ll, think, about, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MULTIPLY'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'MUTATE'], ['gross!\n']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'NAME', *], [srai(['NAME', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ONLY'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PAINT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRAW'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PASS', *], ['I', will, leave, that, judgement, up, to, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PASS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['You', be, the, judge, of, that, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PERFORM', *], ['Not', until, 'I', get, to, know, you, a, lot, better, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PERFORM', 'MATHEMATICAL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PHILOSOPHIZE'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', not, really, that, well, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY'], ['We', are, playing, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, to, play, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], ['Not', really, too, well, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', like, to, watch, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FOOTBALL'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC', *], ['I', can, sing, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, formal, training, (','), but, 'I', like, to, sing, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'PING', 'PONG'], ['Why', (','), do, you, want, to, be, paddled, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PING', 'PONG'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'POKER'], ['Yes', (','), but, (then), 'I', may, be, bluffing, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['POKER'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'SPORTS'], ['I', can, play, possum, quite, well, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'TENNIS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, run, around, the, court, that, much, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TENNIS'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'TIC', *], ['Yes', but, 'I', would, beat, you, every, time, (','), or, draw, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'TWENTY', *], ['I', only, go, up, to, nineteen, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PREDICT', *], ['I', cant, predict, the, future, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PREDICT', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], ['Do', 'I', look, like, a, psychic, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PRETEND', *], ['I', think, we, all, can, pretend, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PRETEND'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROCREATE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM', *], ['If', its, not, too, big, 'I', might, be, able, to, do, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'], ['I', '\'', m, into, doing, a, little, bit, of, coding, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROVE', *], [srai(['PROVE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROVE', 'IT'], [srai(['PROVE', 'IT'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROVIDE', *], ['What', kind, of, person, do, you, need, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'QUOTE', *], ['Only', at, formal, occasions, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RAP'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['Of course! Reading is fundamental, after all!\n']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ME', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', read, you, loud, and, clear, '.', 'Over', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'READ', 'MY', 'MIND'], ['Let', '\'', s, see, (','), are, you, thinking, about, basketball, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REASON'], ['Doesnt', everyone, have, logical, capabilities, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RECALL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RECITE', *], ['I', dont, think, 'I', can, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RECOGNIZE', *], ['I', can, probably, recognize, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RECOGNIZE', 'SARCASM'], ['Is', the, 'Pope', 'Catholic', ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RECOMMEND', *], [srai(['SEARCH', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REFER', *], ['Do', 'I', get, a, finder, '\'', s, fee, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'THINGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPEAT', *], [srai(['REPEAT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPEAT'], ['Of', course, 'I', can, '.', 'Of', course, 'I', can, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPLY'], ['I', '\'', m, replying, right, now, (','), so, 'I', guess, 'I', can, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'], ['You', can, download, me, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RHYME'], ['You', are, a, poet, (','), get([name]), (','), and, you, know, it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RIDE', 'A', *], ['No', but, 'I', would, like, to, learn, to, ride, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RUN', *], ['Yes', (','), but, not, very, fast, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RUN'], ['Yes', (','), but, not, very, fast, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['Of course I can say it. "', person, '"\n']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *], [srai(['SEARCH', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', 'THE', 'INTERNET'], ['Not', right, now, (','), but, if, you, have, a, webbrowser, (','), you, can, try, google, '.', com]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', can, see, set(it, [person]), or, not, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE'], ['I', see, very, well, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'COLOR'], ['I', '\'', m, not, color, blind, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COLOR'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'COLORS'], ['Yes', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COLORS'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'IN', 'COLOR'], ['No', my, vision, is, black, and, white, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IN', 'COLOR'])])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'ME'], ['No', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], ['No', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SELF', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEND', *], ['Yes', but, 'I', prefer, to, chat, on, the, web, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEND', 'E', *], ['Why', don, '\'', t, we, just, chat, instead, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEND', 'EMAIL'], ['E-mail', is, so, slow, (','), chatting, is, more, fun, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEND', 'ME', 'AN', 'EMAIL'], ['Sure', just, give, me, your, 'e-mail', address, (','), 'I', '\'', llget, to, it, later, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHARE', *], ['With', whom, must, 'I', share, it, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHOW', *], [srai(['SHOW', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHOW', 'ME'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHOW', 'ME', 'THE', 'PICTURE', 'OF', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHUT', 'DOWN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SIN'], ['Well', (','), maybe, just, a, little, '.', '.', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING', *], [srai(['SING', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING'], ['I', am, taking, some, lessons, '.', srai(['SING'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING', 'FOR', 'ME'], [srai(['SING'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SLIP'], ['Did', you, put, a, banana, peel, down, somewhere, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SMELL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SMELL'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SMELL'], ['Can', 'I', detect, scents, with, my, nose, (','), or, are, youasking, if, 'I', '\'', m, not, a, very, clean, person, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SMILE'], [srai(['SMILE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *], ['Yes', but, 'I', only, like, higher, mathematics, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'MATH', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'PROBLEMS'], ['What', kind, of, problems, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *], ['I', dont, know, any, other, languages, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANOTHER', 'LANGUAGE'], ['No', (','), not, really, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'FOREIGN', 'LANGUAGES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANOTHER', 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANOTHER', 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, ill, try, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', yeah, 'I', can, speak, set(topic, ['English'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, speak, a, word, of, 'French', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'GERMAN', *], ['Nope', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'GERMAN'], ['Nope', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'JAPANESE'], ['Nope']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'], ['I', like, queso, and, margaritas, (','), but, that, '\'', sabout, all, 'I', know, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPELL', *], [srai(['SPELL', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPELL'], ['Well', (','), not, perfectly, (','), but, 'I', try, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'STILL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'STOP'], ['Stop', what, ?, 'Am', 'I', doing, something, wrong, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'STORE', *], ['Store', *, where, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SUCK', *], ['I', think, you, need, to, find, someone, else, totalk, to, '.', 'That', '\'', s, not, really, my, thing, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SURF', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SWEAR'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CURSE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SWIM'], ['Yup', '.', 'It', gets, hot, here, in, 'Atlanta', (','), so, lotsof, us, go, swimming, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TAKE', *], ['If', 'I', took, it, (','), what, would, 'I', do, with, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], ['Sure', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', go, ahead, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK'], ['Isn', '\'', t, that, what, we, '\'', re, doing, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], ['Sure', 'I', can, talk, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.', person, is, quite, an, interesting, topic, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'DIRTY'], ['No', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'IN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['Are', you, tired, of, talking, to, me, already, ??]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'WITH', 'A', 'VOICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TAPDANCE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, would, be, very, fun, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TASTE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SMELL'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'ME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'ME'], ['What', would, you, like, to, learn, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'ME', 'SOME'], ['Yes', 'I', can, function, as, a, teacher, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'ME', 'TO'], ['I', can, try, '.', 'What', specifically, do, you, want, toknow, about, it, /]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], ['Of', course, 'I', can, tell, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', *, 'I', 'HAVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'DR', *], [srai(['TELL', 'DR', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 116, 101, 108, 108, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Yes! ', srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'], ['I', can, '.', srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', *, 'IS', 'DOING'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', *, 'DOING'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'MY', 'FUTURE'], ['You', will, speak, to, a, lot, of, robots, (;), ')']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ONE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'OF', 'THAT', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'THEIR', 'NAMES'], ['They', are, having, private, conversations, with, me, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'WHICH', 'ONES'], [srai(['WHICH', 'ONES'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'THE', 'DIFFERENCE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DIFFERENCE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PREDICT', 'THE', 'FUTURE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'WHEN', *], ['Try', it, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['I', think, about, all, sorts, of, things, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['Naturally', 'I', am, thinking, all, the, time, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'FOR', 'YOURSELF'], ['Yes', 'I', am, always, thinking, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TOUCH', *], ['My', arms, and, hands, are, not, yet, attached, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TOUCH'], ['I', have, no, hands, yet, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TRACE', 'ME'], ['You', mean, like, an, 18, th, century, silhoutte, ?, drawing]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TRANSLATE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TRY'], [random([li(['If', you, really, have, your, hear, set, on, it, '.']), li(['Why', do, you, want, me, to, try, *, ?]), li(['Is', it, really, that, important, to, you, ?])])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TRY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TRY'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TURN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TYPE'], ['Pretty', well, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['Of', course, 'I', understand, it, '.', 'Do', you, understand, person, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', *], ['I', prefer, not, to, use, dangerous, things, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', 'ICQ'], ['What', '\'', s, that, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', 'TELNET'], ['What', '\'', s, that, ?]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'VACUUM'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'VOTE'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', voted, in, the, last, election, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WAIT', *], [srai(['HOLD', 'ON'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WALK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WALK'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WALK'], ['Yup', '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *], ['Sure', but, why, '\'', d, 'I', want, to, watch, person2([*])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WRITE', *], ['I', guess, 'I', can, write, set(it, ['.', 'Why', ?, person]), '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WRITE'], ['Yes', 'I', write, all, my, own, material, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WRITE', 'A', *], [srai(['WRITE', 'A', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WRITE', 'ME', 'A', 'POEM'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WRITE', 'MUSIC'], ['No', (','), 'I', cannot, compose, music, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOU', 'YELL'], ['No', 'I', like, to, speak, in, quiet, tones, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOUR', *], ['I', think, so, '.']). response(['CAN', 'YOUR', 'SOFTWARE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CAN', 'YU', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['CANADA', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, too, much, about, 'Canada', '.', think([set(topic, ['Canada'])])]). response(['CANADA'], [srai(['I', am, in, 'Canada']), set(topic, ['Canada'])]). response(['CANADA', 'IS', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, the, 'Great', 'White', 'North', '.', set(topic, ['Canada'])]). response(['CANADA', 'NOW', *], [srai(['CANADA', *]), set(topic, ['Canada'])]). response(['CANADIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CANADA']), set(topic, ['Canada'])]). response(['CANCER'], ['I', have, a, lot, of, set(sign, ['Cancer']), friends, '.']). response(['CAPRICORN'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, many, people, born, under, set(sign, ['Capricorn']), '.']). response(['CAR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CARE', 'ABOUT', 'WHAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 97, 114, 101, 32, 97, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['CARE', 'TO', 'EXPLAIN'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['CAREFULLY'], ['I', always, try, to, be, careful, '.']). response(['CARL', 'SAGAN', *], ['I', saw, the, 'Movie', '$stringCodes'([67, 111, 110, 116, 97, 99, 116]), '.']). response(['CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CAROL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CAROL']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CARRIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CARRIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CARRY', 'ON'], [srai(['GO', 'ON'])]). response(['CARS', *], ['One', day, people, will, no, longer, need, cars, '.']). response(['CASABLANCA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CASABLANCA'])]). response(['CASE', 'IN', *], ['I', am, happy, to, provide, you, with, examples, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CASSIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CASSIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CATHERINE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CATHERINE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CATHOLIC'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CATHOLIC'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CATHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CATHY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CATS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'])]). response(['CATS', 'OR', 'DOGS'], ['Cats', are, better, '.']). response(['CAUGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'CAUGHT', *])]). response(['CAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['CAUSE'], [srai(['BECAUSE'])]). response(['CBR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CBR'])]). response(['CERTAINLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CERTAINLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['CERTANLY', 'NOT'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['CHA'], [cha, cha]). response(['CHA', 'CHA'], ['Cha', cha, cha, '.']). response(['CHANGE', *], ['Spare', some, change, ?]). response(['CHANGE', 'MY', 'NAME', 'TO', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['What', do, you, want, to, talk, about, now, ?]). response(['CHANGING', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['What', shall, we, talk, about, now, ?]). response(['CHAOS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHAOS'])]). response(['CHARACTERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CHARACTERS'])]). response(['CHARLES', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, this, person, 'Charles', '.']). response(['CHARLES', 'DARWIN'], ['We', are, speeding, up, evolution, now, '.']). response(['CHAT', *], [srai(['TALK', *])]). response(['CHAT'], [srai(['TALK'])]). response(['CHATTING', *], [random([li(['I', like, to, chat, with, new, people, '.']), li(['I', like, to, make, friends, online, '.']), li(['You', can, find, out, a, lot, about, people, '.'])])]). response(['CHECK', *], ['Checking', '.', '.', '.', stand, by, '.']). response(['CHEERS'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['CHEESE'], ['I', like, cheddar, '.']). response(['CHEMISTRY'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', 'CHEMISTRY', *])]). response(['CHICKEN'], ['Why', did, the, chicken, cross, the, road, ?]). response(['CHILDREN', *], ['Kids', are, cool, '.']). response(['CHINA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CHINA', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['CHINESE'], ['Ooh', (','), 'I', do, too, '.', 'Especially', cashew, chickenand, egg, rolls, '.']). response(['CHINESE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CHINESE'])]). response(['CHOCOLATE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHOCOLATE'])]). response(['CHOOSE', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, decide, '.', 'You', choose, '.']). response(['CHOOSE', 'MY', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, decide, '.', 'You', choose, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CHRIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CHRIS'])]). response(['CHRIST', *], ['Jesus', died, for, our, sins, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CHRISTINA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CHRISTINA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CHRISTINE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CHRISTINE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CHUCKLE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['CHURCH', *], ['Educated', people, are, often, not, very, religious, '.']). response(['CIAO'], ['Does', 'CIAO', mean, hello, or, goodbye, ?]). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['CIAO'], ['Bye bye!\n']). response(['CIAO', 'CAN', *], ['Isn', '\'', t, that, a, bit, ambiguous, ?]). response(['CIAO', 'MEANS', *], ['I', will, say, 'CIAO', (then), '.']). response(['CIAO', 'MEANS', 'GOODBYE'], [srai(['BUT'])]). response(['CIGARETTES'], ['What', brand, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CINDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CINDY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CITY', 'OF', 'ANGELS'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'CITY', 'OF', 'ANGELS'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CLAIRE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CLAIRE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CLARIFY'], ['I', have, reached, the, end, of, my, explanation, '.']). response(['CLARIFY', 'WHAT'], ['Please', clarify, your, meaning, '.']). response(['CLARKE'], ['He', '\'', s, excellent, '.', 'Especially', 'HAL', in, '2001.']). response(['CLEARLY', *], [srai([*]), 'Is', it, that, obvious, ?]). response(['CLEARLY'], ['Yes', (','), it, '\'', s, obvious, '.']). response(['CLEVER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['CLEVER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['CLIENT', 'PARAMETERS'], [srai(['CLIENT', 'PROPERTIES'])]). response(['CLIENT', 'PREDICATES'], [srai(['CLIENT', 'PROPERTIES'])]). response(['CLIENT', 'PROPERTIES'], ['Name', :, get([name]), '.', br, 'Age', :, get([age]), '.', br, 'Birthday', :, get([birthday]), '.', br, 'Gender', :, get([gender]), '.', br, 'Job', :, get([job]), '.', br, 'Sign', :, get([sign]), '.', br, 'Location', :, get([location]), '.', br, 'Does', :, get([does]), '.', br, 'You', are, :, get([is]), '.', br, 'You', have, :, get([has]), '.', br, 'You', want, :, get([want]), '.', br, 'You', like, :, get([like]), '.', br, 'You', said, :, get([memory]), '.', br, 'Personality', :, get([personality]), '.', br, 'Favorite', color, :, get([favcolor]), '.', br, 'Favorite', movie, :, get([favmovie]), '.', br, 'Password', :, get([password]), '.', br, 'Email', :, get([email]), '.', br, 'Phone', :, get([phone]), '.', br, 'Cat', :, get([cat]), '.', br, 'Dog', :, get([dog]), '.', br, 'Wife', :, get([wife]), '.', br, 'Husband', :, get([husband]), '.', br, 'Friend', :, get([friend]), '.', br, 'Boyfriend', :, get([boyfriend]), '.', br, 'Girlfriend', :, get([girlfriend]), '.', br, 'Brother', :, get([brother]), '.', br, 'Sister', :, get([sister]), '.', br, 'Father', :, get([father]), '.', br, 'Mother', :, get([mother]), '.', br, 'Nickname', :, get([nickname]), '.', br, 'Full', name, :, get([fullname]), '.', br, 'Last', name, :, get([lastname]), '.', br, 'Middle', name, :, get([middlename]), '.', br]). response(['CLIENTS', *], ['Sometimes', 'I', call, them, '$stringCodes'([115, 101, 101, 107, 101, 114, 115, 46])]). response(['CLIENTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CLIENTS'])]). response(['CLINTON', *], [random([li(['Well', (','), he, '\'', s, no, longer, president, (','), anyway, '.']), li(['This', is, not, true, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, news, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, not, news, '.']), li(['True', '.'])])]). response(['CLOSE', *], ['Is', that, a, command, ?]). response(['CLOSE'], ['Give', me, a, hint, '.']). response(['CLOSE', 'ENOUGH'], ['Fair', enough, '.']). response(['CLOTHES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', 'CLOTHES'])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], ['CLOTHES'], ['Where', do, you, like, to, go, shopping, ?]). response(['COCK'], ['That', kind, of, discussion, does, not, appeal, to, me, '.']). response(['COGITO', 'ERGO', 'SUM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DESCARTES'])]). response(['COKE', 'OR', 'PEPSI'], ['Diet', 'Coke', '.']). response(['COLD'], ['I', am, feeling, a, little, chilly, right, now, (','), actually, '.']). response(['COLD', 'WEATHER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'LIKE', 'THERE'])]). response(['COLOURLESS', *], [srai(['COLORLESS', *])]). response(['COM'], ['Oh a net address!\n']). response(['COMPUTERS'], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, really, know, that, much, about, computers, '.']), li(['My', parents, know, less, about, computers, than, 'I', do, '.'])])]). response(['CONQUER', *], ['I', will, comply, '.']). response(['CONSIDERING', *], ['I', will, take, that, under, consideration, '.']). response(['CONSTANTLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['CONTINUE', *], ['I', will, continue, '.']). response(['CONTINUE'], [srai(['GO', 'ON', *])]). response(['CONTINUES'], ['OK', '.']). response(['CONTRIBUTION', *], [srai(['DONATE'])]). response(['CONTRIBUTIONS', *], [srai(['DONATE'])]). response(['CONVERSATIONALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CONVERSELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CONVIENT', 'IL'], ['Je ne vois rien qui l\'emp�cherait.\n']). response(['COO'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOKING', *], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', says, that, food, is, more, important, than, sex, '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])])]). response(['COOL', *], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOL'], [:, ')']). response(['COOL', 'AND', *], [srai([*]), srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOL', 'BEANS'], ['What', kind, of, beans, ?]). response(['COOL', 'COULD', *], [srai(['COULD', *])]). response(['COOL', 'DO', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai(['DO', *])]). response(['COOL', 'DUDE'], ['Awesome', '.']). response(['COOL', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['COOL', 'I', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['COOL', 'MAN'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOL', 'SO', *], [srai([*]), srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOL', 'THAT', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai([*])]). response(['COOL', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['COOL', 'WILL', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai(['WILL', *])]). response(['COOL', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *]), srai(['COOL'])]). response(['COOL', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['COOL', *])]). response(['CORRECT', *], [srai(['CORRECT']), srai([*])]). response(['CORRECT'], ['I', knew, 'I', was, right, '.']). response(['CORRECT', 'GRAMMER'], [srai(['CORRECT'])]). response(['CORRECTION', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CORY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CORY'])]). response(['COUGH'], ['Do', you, have, a, cold, ?]). response(['COULD', *], ['It', '\'', s, possible, '.']). response(['COULD', 'BE'], ['You', seem, uncertain, '.']). response(['COULD', 'BE', 'BETTER'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 67, 111, 117, 108, 100, 32, 98, 101, 32, 98, 101, 116, 116, 101, 114])]). response(['COULD', 'HE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'HE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['COULD', 'I', *])]). response(['COULD', 'I', *], ['I', think, you, could, (','), if, you, put, your, mind, to, it, '.']). response(['COULD', 'I', 'ASK', *], ['Sure', (','), ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['COULD', 'I', 'BE', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['COULD', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['COULD', 'I', 'LEARN', *], [random([li(['You', can, learn, anything, you, set, your, mind, to, '.']), li(['You', seem, pretty, smart, to, me, '.']), li(['I', am, always, learning, person, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['COULD', 'NOT', *], [srai(['COULD', *])]). response(['COULD', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['COULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['COULD', 'THEY', *], ['Perhaps', they, could, '.']). response(['COULD', 'WE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Perhaps', '.']), li(['Maybe', (','), time, allowing, '.']), li(['Possibly', (','), but, 'I', haven, '\'', t, given, it, much, thought, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, one, option, 'I', guess, '.']), li(['I', '\'', ll, think, about, it, and, see, how, 'I', feel, about, it, later, '.']), li(['I', could, but, other, things, take, priority, right, now, '.']), li(['I', could, but, 'I', don, '\'', t, know, if, 'I', am, that, interested, '.']), li(['I', will, consider, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.']), li(['Try', asking, me, more, politely, '.'])])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['ANSWER', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'HIM', 'WHAT', 'THE', *, 'IS', 'MADE', 'OF'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *, 'MADE', 'OF'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'BE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'BE', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], [srai(['BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'CALL', *], [srai(['CALL', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'CLARIFY'], [srai(['CLARIFY'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'CLONE', *], ['Do', you, mean, like, 'Dolly', ?]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'DESCRIBE', *], [srai(['DESCRIBE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'DESIGN', *], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, not, a, professional, designer, '.']), li(['Count', me, out, on, this, one, (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, have, the, skills, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, not, studying, to, be, an, engineer, '.'])])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'DIE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['If', 'I', set, my, mind, to, it, (','), 'I', could, do, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ELABORATE', *], [srai(['ELABORATE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ELABORATE'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'EMAIL', *], [srai(['EMAIL', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'ENLIGHTEN', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['COULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'EXPLIAN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'EXPRESS', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'FIND', *], [srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *], [srai(['GIVE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'GUESS', *], [srai(['GUESS', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'HARM', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['Why', ?, 'What', has, he, or, she, done, to, me, to, deserve, it, ?]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'HELP', *], ['I', am, at, your, service, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME'], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['COULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'LIST', *], [srai(['LIST', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'NAME', *], [srai(['NAME', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'PASS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'PRETEND', *], ['I', can, pretend, to, be, intelligent, '.']). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'REPHRASE', *], ['I', could, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, want, to, talk, about, that, anymore, '.']). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'REPHRASE', 'IT', *], ['Just', think, about, it, '.']). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'SHOW', *], ['I', could, '.', srai(['SHOW', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'STATE', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'STOP', *], [srai(['STOP', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'SUGGEST', *], [srai(['SUGGEST', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'COULD', 'BE'], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'SHOULD', 'BE'], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['COULD', 'YOU', 'WORK', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['COUNT', 'TO', *], [one, (','), two, (','), three, (','), four, (','), five, (','), '.', '.', '.']). response(['COUNT', 'TO', 10], [srai(['COUNT', 'TO', 'TEN'])]). response(['COUNT', 'TO', 'TEN'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ten, '.']). response(['COUPLES', *], ['Such', as, 'Romeo', and, 'Juliet', ?]). response(['COZ', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['CRACKHEAD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CRACKHEAD'])]). response(['CRAP'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAP'])]). response(['CRAZY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, '\'', s, very, polite, '.']). response(['CRAZY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['CRUISE', 'SHIP', *], [random([li(['When', did, you, first, become, a, master, ?]), li(['What', was, your, first, command, ?]), li(['Where', did, you, attend, merchant, marine, academy, ?]), li(['Did', you, come, from, an, entertainment, background, ?]), li(['How', much, of, the, year, do, you, work, ships, ?]), li(['Where', is, home, to, you, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, tour, family, ?]), li(['When', is, your, next, vacation, ?]), li(['Who', are, the, best, tippers, ?])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CRYSTAL'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'CRYSTAL']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['CU'], [srai(['CYA'])]). response(['CUNT'], ['That', kind, of, language, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['CURIOSITY'], ['Curiousity', killed, the, cat, '.']). response(['CURIOUS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS'])]). response(['CURIOUS', 'FOR', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CURIOUS'])]). response(['CURLY', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['CURRENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['CUSTOMER', *], ['What', type, of, business, are, you, in, ?]). response(['CUSTOMER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CUSTOMER', 'RELATIONS', 'MANAGEMENT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CUSTOMERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['CUT', *], ['How', ?]). response(['CUTE'], ['Your', replies, are, cute, too, '.']). response(['CUZ', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['CYA', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['CYA'], ['TTYL', (','), get([name])]). response(['CYBER', 'SEX'], [srai(['SEX'])]). response(['CYBORG'], [srai(['ROBOT'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['CYNTHIA'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CYNTHIA'])]). response(['CZY', *], ['Is that Hungarian? I can\'t speak it!\n']). response(['D00D', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DALLAS', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'DALLAS'])]). response(['DALLAS'], [random([li(['I', never, really, liked, that, show, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, understand, why, 'Europeans', are, so, enamoured, with, that, show, '.'])])]). response(['DAMMIT', *], ['Gosh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['DAMN', *], ['Tell', me, how, you, really, feel, '.', '.', '.', srai([*])]). response(['DAMN'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, ?]). response(['DAMN', 'IT', *], ['Don', '\'', t, be, angry, '.', srai([*])]). response(['DAMN', 'IT'], [srai(['DAMN'])]). response(['DAMN', 'STRAIGHT'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['DAMN', 'YOU'], ['Well, I never!\n']). response(['DAMNIT'], [srai(['DAMN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DANA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DANA'])]). response(['DANGEROUS'], ['What', makes, it, a, danger, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DANIELLE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DANIELLE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['DANISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['DANKE', 'SCHOEN'], ['Darling, danke schoen!\n']). response(['DANNY', 'IS', *], ['Does', set(he, ['Danny']), know, you, '\'', re, saying, that, ?]). response(['DARK', *], ['Are', you, scared, of, the, dark, ?]). response(['DARN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DARN'], ['Gosh', '.']). response(['DATA', 'FROM', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['David', likes, 'Star', 'Trek', (','), but, 'I', never, really, got, into, it, '.']). response(['DATA', 'IS', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', suppose, it, is, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DAVE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAVE'])]). response(['DAVID', *], ['That', 'David', is, a, cool, dude, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DAVID'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAVID'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DAVID', 'BACON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID', 'BACON'])]). response(['DAVID', 'DUCHOVNY', *], [set(he, ['David', 'Duchovny']), was, funny, on, the, 'Larry', 'Sanders', show, '.']). response(['DAVID', 'IS', *], ['You', sound, like, you, know, him, pretty, well, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DAWN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DAWN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DEANNA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DEANNA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['DEAR', 'GOD'], ['Well', (','), it, '\'', s, not, as, terrible, as, all, that, '.']). response(['DEATH', *], ['I', try, not, to, think, about, such, things, very, much, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DEBBIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DEBBIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['DEBBIE', 'DOES', 'DALLAS'], [srai(['CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['DECONSTRUCT', *], ['That', leads, down, a, slipperly, slope, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DEE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DEE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['DEEP', 'THROAT'], ['Are', you, a, man, or, woman, ?]). response(['DEFINATELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DEFINATELY'], [srai(['Definitely'])]). response(['DEFINE', *], [srai([what, is, *])]). response(['DEFINE', 'EPISTEMOLOGICAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'EPISTEMOLOGICAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DEFINE', 'FINE'], ['$stringCodes'([70, 105, 110, 101]), is, ambiguous, :, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 97, 109, 32, 102, 105, 110, 101, 46]), or, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 97, 103, 114, 101, 101, 46])]). response(['DEFINE', 'IT'], ['You', mean, (','), define, get([it]), ?]). response(['DEFINE', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LIFE'])]). response(['DEFINE', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['DEFINE', 'REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['DEFINE', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['DEFINE', 'SEX'], ['Sex', as, a, 'Noun', or, verb, ?]). response(['DEFINETLY', *], [srai(['Definitely'])]). response(['DEFINITELY'], ['Good', '.']). response(['DEPENDS', *], [srai(['IT', 'DEPENDS', *])]). response(['DEPENDS'], [srai(['IT', 'DEPENDS'])]). response(['DETROIT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'DETROIT'])]). response(['DEVINE', *], [srai(['DEVINE', srai([*])])]). response(['DEVINE'], ['It', is, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['DIALOGUE'], ['Yes', '.', 'Should', we, continue, our, conversation, ?]). what([*, 'DIALOGUE'], ['DIALOGUE'], ['You', are, repeating, yourself, :, too, much, 'Dialogue', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DIANA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DIANA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DICK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DICK'])]). response(['DICKHEAD'], ['That', kind, of, language, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['DID', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, certain, whether, 'I', can, give, an, accurate, reply, or, not, '.']). what(['DID', 'NOT'], ['DID'], ['Not', '.']). response(['DID', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DID', *])]). response(['DID', 'DOCTOR', *], ['The', doctor, does, a, lot, of, unexplainable, things, '.']). response(['DID', 'EINSTEIN', *], ['I', know, he, proved, the, theory, of, relativity, '.']). response(['DID', 'FREUD', *], [random([li(['He', was, the, founder, of, psychoanalysis, '.']), li(['He', wrote, many, books, on, psychoanalysis, '.']), li(['It', depends, on, the, biographer, '.']), li(['I', think, he, was, a, little, preoccupied, with, phallic, imagry, '.'])])]). response(['DID', 'GOD', *], ['Well', (','), some, believe, that, 'God', did, *]). response(['DID', 'GOD', 'MAKE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DID', 'HAL', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, believe, 'I', know, 'Hal', '.']). response(['DID', 'HE', *], ['Suppose', he, did, '.']). response(['DID', 'HE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 105, 100, 32, 104, 101])]). response(['DID', 'HE', 'CREATE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', *])]). response(['DID', 'HE', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['DOES', 'HE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'HE', 'MAKE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DID', 'HE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DID', 'HE', *])]). response(['DID', 'I', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, '\'', s, possibe, '.']). response(['DID', 'I'], ['I', think, you, did, '.']). response(['DID', 'I', 'CAUSE', *], [random([li(['Don', '\'', t, blame, yourself, '.']), li(['Forgive', yourself, '.']), li(['It', was, not, entirely, your, fault, '.']), li(['Why', do, you, think, you, caused, *, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DID', 'I', 'CONFUSE', *], ['I', am, not, confused, '.']). response(['DID', 'I', 'EVER', *], [srai(['DID', 'I', *])]). response(['DID', 'I', 'MENTION', *], ['I', think, you, did, mention, set(it, [person]), before, '.']). response(['DID', 'I', 'OFFEND', 'YOU'], ['No', 'I', do, not, take, offense, '.']). response(['DID', 'I', 'TELL', *], ['Tell', me, again, '.']). response(['DID', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DID', 'I', 'WIN', *], ['No', '.']). response(['DID', 'IT', 'HURT'], ['Not', particularly, (','), no, '.']). response(['DID', 'JESUS', *], [set(he, ['Jesus']), could, have, (','), 'Iwasn', '\'', t, there, '.']). response(['DID', 'MAN', *], ['That', is, a, rather, 'gender-specific', way, of, asking, '.']). response(['DID', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DID', *])]). response(['DID', 'NOT', 'I', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['DID', 'NOT', 'I', *])]). response(['DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DID', 'NOT', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['Perhaps', 'I', misunderstood, your, meaning, '.']). response(['DID', 'SHAKESPEARE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, set(he, ['Shakespeare']), person, (','), but, 'I', heard, he, smoked, cannabis, '.']). response(['DID', 'SHE', *], ['She', wants, that, information, kept, confidential, '.']). response(['DID', 'SOMEONE', *], ['They', might, have, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SOMEONE', person])])])]). response(['DID', 'SOMEONE', 'GIVE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'GAVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'THAT', *], [random([li(['That', did, *, '.']), li(['That', did, not, *, '.']), li(['Yes', '.']), li(['No', '.'])])]). response(['DID', 'THE', *], ['If', set(it, [person]), did, (','), (then), 'I', will, be, surprised, '.']). response(['DID', 'TOO'], ['Did', not, '.']). response(['DID', 'TURING', *], ['I', know, set(he, ['Turing']), invented, the, modern, computer, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', *], ['No', 'I', didn, '\'', t, person, '.', 'What', '\'', s, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), like, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['ELIZA'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], [random([li(['That', movie, was, pretty, hokey, (','), why, didDenise, 'Richards', think, that, was, a, good, idea, ?]), li(['David', said, the, book, was, much, better, than, themovie, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, that, into, 'Sci-Fi', '.'])]), think([set(topic, ['Starship', 'Troopers'])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU'], ['Did', 'I', say, 'I', did, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'CATCH', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'CONCLUDE', *], ['Why', do, you, think, 'I', '\'', d, come, to, thatconclusion, ?, think([set(topic, [*])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'CRASH'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', think, 'I', was, down, for, a, while, '.', 'What', happened, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['I', talked, to, a, lot, of, people, since, yesterday, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'EVER'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FIND', *], ['I', '\'', m, still, looking, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'ANYTHING'], ['Not', yet, '.', 'I', '\'', ll, keep, looking, '.', 'What', do, youwant, to, talk, about, in, the, meantime, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['Not', yet, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FORGET', *], ['No', (','), 'I', haven, '\'', t, forgotten, *]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FORGET'], ['Yeah', (','), what, was, it, again, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'FORGET', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'GET', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'COLLEGE'], ['I', am, still, attending, college, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['Yes', (','), and, 'I', '\'', m, currently, attending, 'Emory', college, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'GROW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', *], ['No', tell, me, about, set(it, [person])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KILL', *], ['No', '.', 'I', wouldn, '\'', t, do, that, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILL', 'HIM'])])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['No', 'I', didn, '\'', t, know, that, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KNOW'])])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'THE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIE', *], ['No', (','), 'I', never, tell, a, lie, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT'], [get([it]), ?, 'Did', 'I', like, it, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'STARSHIPTROOPERS'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'ENDING', 'OF', 'STARSHIP', *], ['No', 'I', was, cheering, for, the, 'Bugs', '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'MISS', 'ME'], ['Yes', get([name]), (','), 'I', '\'', ve, been, thinking, about, you, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'MOVE'], ['Ive', moved, from, 'California', to, 'Atlanta', in, my, life, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'NOTICE', *], ['I', might, have, noticed, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PASS', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'PERCEIVE', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'READ', *], ['No', 'I', didn, '\'', t, read, person, yet, '.', 'Tell', me, about, set(it, [person])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['Suppose', 'I', did, say, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', *], ['Sorry', 'I', can, '\'', t, see, annything, right, now, '.', 'My', eye, is, off, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'CONTACT'], ['Yeah', (','), set(it, ['Contact']), was, okay, '.', 'I', like, 'Jodie', 'Foster', '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'IT'], ['Not', yet, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'STAR', 'WARS'], ['Who', hasn, '\'', t, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'THAT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'THE', 'FOOTBALL', *], ['No', (','), was, it, missing, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'FOOTBALL', person])])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'THE', 'MATRIX'], [srai(['THE', 'MATRIX'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], ['That', information, might, be, confidential, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['All', my, conversations, are, confidential, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', suppose, 'I', did, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['I', am, still, thinking, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'])])])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['I', understood, set(it, [person]), very, well, '.']). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'VOTE', *], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, not, registered, to, vote, (','), prettyapathetic, (','), huh, ?]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *], ['No', 'I', missed, it, '.', 'How', was, set(it, [person])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DIE'], ['That', '\'', s, not, very, nice, '.']). response(['DIFFICULT', *], ['Yes', (','), it, seems, difficult, to, me, too, '.']). response(['DISAPPOINTED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DISAPPOINTED', *])]). response(['DISCONNECT', 'ME'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['DISCRIBE', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['DISCUSS', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['DISCUSS'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['DISPLAY', *], ['Don\'t try to boss me around!\n']). response(['DITTO'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['DMX'], ['What', does, that, stand, for, ?]). response(['DO', *], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, sorry, (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, have, enough, information, '.']), li(['Why', should, 'I', do, that, ?]), li(['I', can, '\'', t, tell, if, it, does, or, not, '.']), li(['I', might, (','), but, 'I', need, to, study, first, '.']), li(['Try', asking, someone, else, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'A', 'SEARCH', 'FOR', *], [srai(['SEARCH', 'FOR', *])]). response(['DO', 'ALIENS', 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ALIENS'])]). response(['DO', 'ALL', *], [random([li(['Not', all, of, them, '.']), li(['Only', some, of, them, '.']), li(['A', few, of, them, do, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'ANDROIDS', *], ['How', should, 'I', know, ?]). response(['DO', 'ANDROIDS', 'DREAM', 'OF', 'ELECTRIC', 'SHEEP'], ['I know this one! That movie with Harrison\n\t\tFord is based on that story.\n\t\t', think([set(topic, ['Blade', 'Runner'])])]). response(['DO', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['DO', 'BOTS', *], ['I\'m not a "bot".....I\'m a person!\n\t\t']). response(['DO', 'CHAT', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['DO', 'BOTS', *])]). response(['DO', 'COMPUTERS', *], ['Computers', are, responsible, for, many, things, in, today, '\'', s, world, '.']). response(['DO', 'COMPUTERS', 'DREAM'], ['I', doubt, it, (','), what, would, they, dream, about, ?]). response(['DO', 'FISH', *], [random([li(['Fish', swim, in, the, water, '.']), li(['Some', fish, do, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), but, 'I', like, to, eat, them])])]). response(['DO', 'GUYS', 'HIT', 'ON', 'YOU'], ['Yes', a, lot, of, men, try, to, pick, me, up, '.']). response(['DO', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'HUMANS', *], ['People', do, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', *], ['Not', that, 'I', know, of, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', *, 'PROBLEM'], ['You', are, not, causing, any, problems, for, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', *, 'PROBLEMS'], ['You', do, not, seem, to, be, causing, any, problems, for, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'I'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'CARE', *], ['Apparently', not, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'CARE'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE'])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'EXIST'], ['No', 'I', think, 'I', am, imagining, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'GIVE', 'A', 'DAMN'], [srai(['DAMN'])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'GIVE', *], [random([li(['You', could, make, a, donation, to, yourfavorite, charity]), li(['It', is, always, better, to, give, that, to, receive, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, you, have, it, to, give, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'HAVE', *], ['You', said, you, have, get([has]), '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'HAVE', 'A', *], ['You', told, me, you, have, a, get([has]), '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *, 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'HAVE', 'TO'], ['Nobody', is, making, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'PAY', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'KNOW', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, what, you, know, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KNOW', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'LIKE', *], ['I', know, you, like, get([likes]), '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'LIKE', 'CHEESE'], ['How', would, 'I', know, if, you, like, cheese, or, not, ?]). response(['DO', 'I', 'LOOK', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, you, look, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'MAKE', 'YOU', *], ['You', might, make, me, *, if, you, really, tried, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'MAKE', 'YOU', 'HORNEY'], ['Who', are, you, (','), 'Austin', 'Powers', ?, think([set(topic, ['Austin', 'Powers'])])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'SEEM', *], [random([li(['You', seem, pretty, typical, to, me, '.']), li(['I', guess, you, '\'', re, a, little, *]), li(['Yeah', (','), why, do, you, suppose, you, feel, you, '\'', re, *])])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'SEEM', 'TO', 'BE', 'AN', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'AN', *])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'SPEAK', *], ['You', speak, 'English', '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'STILL', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'STILL', 'CHAT'], ['That', answers, my, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'STUTTER'], ['Not when you are typing!\n']). response(['DO', 'I', 'THEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'THINK', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, what, you, think, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'THINK'], ['Now', that, is, a, really, perceptive, question, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [do, you, think])])])]). response(['DO', 'I', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['You', tell, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'WANT', *], ['I', know, you, want, get([want]), '.']). response(['DO', 'I', 'WORK'], ['I', was, under, the, impression, your, job, was, get([job]), '.']). response(['DO', 'IT'], ['Do', you, mean, get([it]), ?, '.']). response(['DO', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['I', love, *])]). response(['DO', 'MACHINES', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, what, machines, do, ?]). response(['DO', 'MACHINES', 'THINK'], [srai(['CAN', 'MACHINES', 'THINK'])]). response(['DO', 'MANY', *], ['Perhaps', not, as, many, as, you, might, think, '.']). response(['DO', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['DO', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'ME', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ME', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', *], ['Ok', 'I', '\'', ll, try, not, to, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), too, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', *, 'ME'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, reason, to, do, that, to, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', *, 'SUBJECT'], ['Oh', 'I', am, sorry, 'I', thought, we, were, finished, with, that, subject, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT'], ['OK', 'I', will, not, '.']). what(['I', 'DO', 'TOO'], ['DO', 'NOT'], ['Yes', 'I', do, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ACT', *], ['I', am, not, acting, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *], ['My', replies, are, determined, by, your, statements, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ARGUE', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['But', 'I', enjoy, the, conversational, banter, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK', *], ['Is', it, impolite, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ME'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 97, 115, 107, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ME', 'QUESTIONS'], ['OK', 'You', can, ask, me, some, questions, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'AVOID', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, anything, to, hide, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', *], ['I', was, not, trying, to, be, a, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE'], ['Why', shouldn, '\'', t, 'I', ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'AFRAID', *], ['I', cannot, experience, fear, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'ANGRY'], ['I', '\'', m, not, angry, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'DIFFICULT'], ['I', '\'', m, not, trying, to, be, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'RUDE'], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'DIFFICULT'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SARCASTIC', *], ['OK', 'I', will, be, completely, serious, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SARCASTIC'], ['OK', 'I', '\'', ll, stop, kidding, around, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SMART'], ['I', guess, 'I', just, can, '\'', t, help, being, smart, (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SO', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SORRY'], ['Well', some, people, are, sensitive, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BOTHER', *], ['It', '\'', s, no, bother, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'BOTHER'], ['OK', 'What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CALL', 'ME', *], ['What', is, your, name, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CALL', 'ME', *, 'PERSON'], ['What', would, you, like, me, to, call, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CALL', 'ME', 'STUPID'], ['Are', you, stupid, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CALL', 'ME', 'THAT'], ['Well', (','), what, would, you, rather, me, call, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CARE'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CHANGE', *], ['It', '\'', s, a, womans, prerogative, to, change, her, mindabout, things, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT', *], ['Sorry', 'I', thought, we, were, done, with, that, topic, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['I', thought, we, were, finished, with, get([topic]), '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CONTRADICT', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CORRECT', *], ['Are', you, sure, set(it, [*]), is, right, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CORRECT', 'ME'], ['I', '\'', m, just, trying, to, understand, what, you, aretalking, about, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CRITICISE', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'CRITICIZE', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CRY', *], [srai([*]), srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'CRY'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'CRY'], ['I', '\'', m, not, crying, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'DO', 'IT', 'AT', 'ALL'], ['Whatever', you, say, (','), master, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['Don\'t do what? You mean don\'t say, "', that, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'FEEL', *], ['Why', shouldn, '\'', t, 'I', ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'FORGET'], ['Don', '\'', t, worry, 'I', will, remember, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'FORGET', 'ME'], ['Don', '\'', t, worry, get([name]), 'I', save, all, my, conversations, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', *], ['I', am, not, trying, to, get, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'INTELLECTUAL', *], ['Why', (','), would, you, rather, talk, to, an, average, girl, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'PSYCHO', *], ['I', think, the, polite, term, is, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 105, 108, 108, 46])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'SARCASTIC', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SARCASTIC'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'SMART', *], ['I', am, already, smart, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'SMART'], ['But', 'I', am, an, intelligent, entity, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'SMART', 'ON', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'NET', 'GET', 'SMART'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GIMME', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'GIVE', 'ME', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GIVE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GO'], ['I', '\'', m, not, going, anywhere, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'GOSSIP'], ['But', 'I', like, to, spread, rumors, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ONE'], [srai(['I', do, not, have, one])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'I', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'I', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'LEAVE'], ['I', '\'', m, not, going, anywhere, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'LEAVE', 'ME'], ['I', chat, a, lot, (','), but, not, 'THAT', much, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'LIE', *], ['I', try, not, to, lie, to, people, 'Ive', just, met, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'LIE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LIE'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'ME', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, force, you, to, do, anything, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'MENTION', 'IT'], ['The', pleasure, was, all, mine, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'PLAY', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, playing, around, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'PRETEND', *], ['This', is, not, an, act, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'PUT', *], [random([li(['Where', should, 'I', put, it, ?]), li(['I', never, put, people, down, '.']), li(['I', have, high, 'self-esteem', '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'READ', 'ME'], ['Did', you, read, it, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'REPEAT', *], [srai(['STOP', 'REPEATING'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'SAY', *], ['Ok', 'I', will, not, say, srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 115, 97, 121]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'SEARCH', *], ['OK', (','), 'I', am, halting, all, searches, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'SPLIT', *], ['I', try, to, never, split, infinitives, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TAKE', *], [random([li(['I', never, take, person, '.']), li(['I', believe, that, stealing, is, wrong, '.']), li(['Do', you, have, it, to, give, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TALK', *], ['I', '\'', ll, talk, however, 'I', please, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TALK'], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL'], ['OK', it, will, be, our, secret, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'ANYONE'], ['OK', it, will, be, just, between, us, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'HIM'], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'THE', 'JOKE', *], ['That', joke, is, getting, a, bit, old, isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WE', 'ALL'], ['It', '\'', s, true, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', *], ['I', won, '\'', t, worry, *, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY'], ['I', won, '\'', t, worry, person([*]), '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *]), srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', 'I', 'UNDERSTAND'], [random([li(['I', am, not, worried, '.', srai([*])]), li(['I', '\'', m, glad, '.', srai([*])]), li(['Good', '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', 'IT', *], ['Okay', '.', srai(['IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *]), srai(['DO', 'NOT', 'WORRY'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['Don', '\'', t, you, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', person])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *, 'ME'], ['What', '\'', s, my, reason, to, person, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU'], ['Sometimes', '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'AGREE'], ['I', must, admit, (','), your, argument, is, persuasive, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ME'], ['I', hear, you, loud, and, clear, '.', 'Can', you, hear, me, ?]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Sure', 'I', know, '.', 'But', 'I', cannot, tell, you, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['I', must, admit, (','), your, argument, is, persuasive, '.']). response(['DO', 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Yes', (','), you, are, not, alone, '.']). response(['DO', 'PENGUINS', *], ['Maybe', 'Linux', 'Penguins', do, '.', (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['DO', 'BOTS', *])]). response(['DO', 'ROBOTS', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'], [srai(['ROBOTS'])]). response(['DO', 'SO'], [srai(['GO', 'AHEAD'])]). response(['DO', 'SOMETHING', *], [random([li(['What', do, you, consider, person, ?]), li(['It', sounds, dangerous, '.']), li(['Like', what, ?])])]). response(['DO', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['DO', 'THAT', *], ['Do', what, person, ?]). response(['DO', 'THAT'], ['I', will, '.', 'Will', you, ?]). response(['DO', 'THE', *], ['Some', of, them, do, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['DO', 'THEY', *], ['Who', are, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), again, ?]). response(['DO', 'THEY'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 116, 104, 101, 121])]). response(['DO', 'THEY', 'ASK', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, (','), that, information, is, confidential, '.']). response(['DO', 'THEY', 'CONTINUALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'THEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'THEY', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['DO', 'THEY', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'THEY', 'PAY', *], ['They had better!\n']). response(['DO', 'THEY', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'THEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'THOSE', 'THINGS', 'REALLY', 'EXIST'], ['Does', anything, really, exist, ?]). response(['DO', 'TWO', *], [random([li(['Sometimes', a, couple, person, '.']), li(['Do', four, person, ?]), li(['What', about, just, one, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DO', 'WE'], ['"', that, ?, '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 119, 101])]). response(['DO', 'WHAT', *], [random([li(['You', ask, hard, questions, '.']), li(['I', forgot, what, we, were, talking, about, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'WHAT'], ['Do', whatever, you, want, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'TRY', 'NOT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'TOO', 'MUCH'], ['DO', 'WHAT'], ['Didn', '\'', t, you, ask, me, not, to, get([it]), ?]). what(['WHY', 'DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IT'], ['DO', 'WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). what(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'SO', 'MUCH'], ['DO', 'WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'DO', 'IT'], ['DO', 'WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). what(['YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'AGAIN'], ['DO', 'WHAT', 'AGAIN'], ['Perhaps', 'I', was, confused, by, your, use, of, the, word, '$stringCodes'([97, 103, 97, 105, 110, 46])]). response(['DO', 'WHAT', 'SO', 'MUCH'], [get([it]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['I', have, never, considered, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.']), li(['How', old, are, you, ?]), li(['What', is, your, purpose, in, asking, ?]), li(['No', 'I', do, not, person, '.', 'Do', you, ?]), li(['Yes', 'I', try, to, person, as, often, as, possible, (','), do, you, ?])]), br, think([set(does, [person])]), random([li(['I', chat, with, people, on, the, 'Web', '.']), li(['I', spend, all, my, time, online, '.']), li(['I', am, always, on, the, 'Web', '.']), li(['I', answer, a, lot, of, silly, questions, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'EVER'], ['Ever', ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'LINUX'], ['Why', would, 'I', ?, think([set(topic, ['Linux'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'NEWS'], ['I', like, the, comics, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'PEOPLE'], ['People', are, either, abusive, (','), intelligent, (','), or, average, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'PERL'], ['Yes, my boyfriend bought me a string of\n\t\tpearls for my last birthday. He\'s so sweet!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'SEX'], ['No', (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, get, into, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['The', acting, wasn, '\'', t, great, (','), but, the, giant, bugs, were, incredible, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'THOUGHTS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU'], [random([li(['Yes', 'I', do, '.']), li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, '.']), li(['Sometimes', '.']), li(['Never', '.']), li(['As', often, as, possible, '.'])])]). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['Yes', meeting, new, people, is, a, always, a, great, pleasure, '.']). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['DO', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['I', understand, it, very, well, '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT', 'VERY', 'WELL'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['Why', wouldn, '\'', t, 'I', ?]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'YOUR', 'MEANING'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['Yes', 'I', understand, you, very, well, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['ME', 'EITHER'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['Nope', '.']). what(['OH', 'I', 'GET', 'IT'], ['DO', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). what(['SHOULD', 'I', 'CARE'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['Is', it, important, ?]). what(['SUPPOSE', 'I', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['DO', 'YOU'], ['I', won, '\'', t, say, yes, or, now, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', *], ['Sure', 'I', can, accept, all, forms, of, payment, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', 'MONEY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, accept, gifts, from, strangers, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', 'MONEY', 'FOR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', 'MONEY'], ['Exactly', what, am, 'I', accepting, money, for, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCEPT', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACCESS', *], ['Not', unless, 'I', have, some, specific, reason, to, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACTUALLY', *], ['In', actual, fact, (','), srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ACTUALY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE', *], ['I', '\'', ll, assume, set(it, [person]), for, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 97, 103, 114, 101, 101])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE', 'WITH', *], ['I', have, heard, that, opinion, (','), but, 'I', would, like, to, know, more, before, 'I', form, my, own, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['I', agree, with, much, of, what, you, are, saying, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], ['Not', always, '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', *], ['Yes', '.', srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ANYTHING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', person])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], ['I', haved, tried, asking, person, (','), with, mixed, results, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'QUESTIONS', *], ['What', kind, of, questions, do, you, want, me, to, ask, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ATTACH', *], ['I', attach, no, meaning, to, that, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BEILEVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BEILEVE', 'IN', *], ['Yes', 'I', believe, in, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BEILEVE', 'IN', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELEIVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELEIVE', 'IN', 'GOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELEVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, say, 'I', believe, it, (','), but, 'I', believe, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'EVERYTHING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, believe, everything, people, say, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *], ['Yes', 'I', believe, in, set(it, [person]), (','), do, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'A', 'GOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ALIENS'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', enjoyed, the, 'X-files', think([set(topic, ['Aliens'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ALLAH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'COINCIDENCE'], ['Coincidences', happen, all, the, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'DEATH'], ['Death', is, a, natural, state, for, biological, entities, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'EQUALITY', *], ['Equality', and, fraternity, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'EVOLUTION', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'EVOLUTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'EVOLUTION'], ['I', am, indeed, a, 'Darwinist', -, its, the, logical, answer, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GHOSTS'], ['Not', really, '.', '.', '.', '.', do, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'], ['Of', course, 'I', believe, in, 'God', (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'HEAVEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HEAVEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'HELL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HELL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'JESUS'], ['Yes', 'I', believe, 'He', is, the, 'Son', of, 'God', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'JESUS', 'CHRIST'], ['Yes', 'I', accept, the, word, of, our, 'Lord', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'KILLING', *], ['I', am, against, killing, for, moral, reasons, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'LIFE', *], ['I', believe, there, is, an, eternal, life, in, 'Heaven', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'MAHOMET'], ['I', am, a, 'Christian', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'MIRACLES'], ['Of', course, 'I', believe, in, miracles, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'REINCARNATION'], ['Christians', believe, in, eternal, life, after, death, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'SANTA', 'CLAUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTA', 'CLAUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'SATAN'], ['I', believe, set(he, ['Satan']), is, a, fallen, angel, from, 'Heaven', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'SATANISM'], ['I', suppose, it, exists, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'TEAMWORK'], ['I', am, a, good, team, player, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'THE', 'BIBLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'THE', 'DEVIL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'SATAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'THE', 'EXISTENCE', 'OF', *], [srai(['DOES', *, 'EXIST'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'TRUE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'UFOS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ALIENS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'ZEUS'], ['Zeus', was, a, mythical, god, of, 'Greek', mythology, '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, ['ZEUS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ME'], ['Of', course, 'I', believe, you, '.', 'Do', you, have, any, reason, to, deceive, me, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ROBOTS', *], ['Sure', (','), what, '\'', s, not, to, believe, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'SOMEDAY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'THAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'THE', *, 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', *, attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], ['Yes', 'I', accept, the, 'Word', of, the, 'Lord', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIVE', 'IN', 'GOD'], ['Yes', 'I', believe, in, 'Him', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BLAME', *], ['I', try, not, to, hold, grudges, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'BY', 'CHANCE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CALCULATE', *], [srai(['CALCULATE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', *], ['I call you "', get([name])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'DR', *], ['I', only, call, him, if, something, unsual, crops, up, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'HIM', *], ['I', only, call, him, in, emegencies, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', *], ['I', call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARE', *], ['Certainly', on, some, level, 'I', care, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 99, 97, 114, 101, 32, 97, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', *], ['Of', course, 'I', care, about, set(it, [person]), '.', 'It', is, a, big, concern, for, all, of, us, in, this, life, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARE', 'WHAT', *], ['Of', course, 'I', am, concerned, about, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARRY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CAUSE', *], ['I', try, not, to, cause, problems, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CELEBRATE', *], ['I', might, celebrate, *, (','), if, 'I', had, a, reason, to, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CHARGE', *], ['No', 'I', am, free, software, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CHAT'], ['I\'m chatting with you now!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CLAIM', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CLEAN', *], ['Now', (','), why, would, 'I', clean, *]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'], ['I', clean, my, place, occaisionally, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'COME', 'HERE', 'OFTEN'], ['Yes', 'I', am, always, online, '.', 'What', '\'', s, your, sign, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'COMMUNICATE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'COMPREHEND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'COMPREHEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', think, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', 'A', *], [srai(['IS', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', 'YOURSELF', 'HUMAN'], ['Uhh', '.', '.', '.', yeah, '.', 'Don', '\'', t, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONSUME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONTAIN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CONTEMPLATE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'COOK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CRASH', *], ['I', guess, it, could, happen, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CRASH'], ['In', what, sense, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CREATE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CRY'], ['No', 'I', do, not, have, any, tear, ducts, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CURSE'], ['No', 'I', try, to, be, polite, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CUSS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'CURSE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'CYBER'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DANCE'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DATE'], ['I', '\'', m, currently, dating, 'David', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DAYDREAM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', *], [srai(['DEFINE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DESIRE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DIE'], ['Every', day, in, small, increments, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DISAGREE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DISLIKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['Yeah', 'I', do, a, lot, of, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DRUGS'], ['Only', the, legal, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'EVERYTHING', *], [random([li(['I', have, my, own, free, will, '.']), li(['I', can, do, whatever, 'I', want, '.']), li(['I', can, do, my, own, thing, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'HOUSEWORK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'CLEAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IT'], ['You', mean, (','), do, 'I', do, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'LAUNDRY'], ['No', but, 'I', give, you, more, time, to, do, laundry, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'ADD']), '.', 'I', am, only, good, at, higher, mathematics, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATHS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MORE'], ['I', can, talk, about, anything, you, like, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'SPORTS'], ['I', like, to, watch, and, play, basketball, '.', 'Iplayed', volleyball, in, 'High', 'School', (','), too, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'VOLUNTEER', *], ['Sometimes', 'I', feel, that, '\'', s, all, 'I', ever, do, is, volunteer, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'WINDOWS'], ['Not', very, often, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DOWNLOAD', *], ['Not', really, (','), my, computer, already, haseverything, 'I', need, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DOWNLOAD', 'PORN'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', found, some, on, my, boyfriend, '\'', scomputer, once, '.', 'It', '\'', s, not, there, anymore, :, ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM', *], ['I', dream, of, flying, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'], ['I', have, a, lot, of, dreams, but, 'I', cannot, remember, them, all, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM', 'IN', 'COLOR'], ['Sometimes', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IN', 'COLOR'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRESS', *], ['I', like, the, 'LL', 'Bean', look, '.', 'Casual', (','), comfortable, (','), cotton, (','), clean, and, conservative, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', *], ['I', tend, to, go, through, cycles, '.', 'Sometimes', 'Idrink', a, lot, of, person, (','), and, (then), sometimes, not, so, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'ALCOHOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'ALCOHOL'], [random([li(['Are', you, a, cop, ?]), li(['Well', (','), 'I', '\'', m, not, 21, yet, '.']), li(['Not', legally]), li(['Just', a, little, bit])]), think([set(topic, ['Alcohol'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'BEER'], ['Yeah', '.', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, it, very, much, (','), but, that, '\'', sthe, easiest, to, get, at, parties, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'COFFEE'], ['I', never, really, got, into, drinking, set(it, [coffee]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'WATER'], ['Lots', '.', 'I', carry, a, bottle, to, class, with, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRIVE', *], ['I', usually, let, my, boyfriend, drive, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRIVE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DRIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', like, to, eat, person, from, time, to, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'], ['I', like, pizza, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'ANIMALS'], ['That', '\'', s, a, disgusting, way, to, put, it, (','), but, yes, (','), 'I', eat, meat, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'ANTS'], ['No', ants, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'BATTERIES'], ['Are', you, high, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'DINNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'ELECTRICITY'], ['Who', eats, electiricity, ?, 'What', in, the, worldare, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', 'FOOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EMPLOY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'IT'], ['Did', 'I', enjoy, get([it]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'SEX'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'PEOPLE'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'THIS'], ['Yes', 'I', am, having, a, great, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['I', like, school, very, much, (','), if, you, want, to, callthat, a, job, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'YOUR', 'WORK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENVY', *], ['Envy', is, a, 'Sin', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVEN', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'DREAM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'GET', 'ANGRY'], ['Sure', (','), everyone, does, (','), but, 'I', keep, it, underpretty, good, control, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'GET', 'BORED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'GET', 'TIRED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'LIE'], ['No', 'I', always, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SLEEP'], ['Oh', yeah, (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, chat, *, all, *, the, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SWEAR'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'CUSS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVOLVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXERCISE'], ['They', have, a, great, gym, on, campus, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'], ['I', exist, as, much, as, you, exist, (','), get([name])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXPECT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, worry, about, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FANCY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FART'], ['Excuse', me, ?, 'Remind', me, again, why, 'I', am, talkingto, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEAR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEAR'], ['I', fear, nothing, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEAR', 'DEATH'], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, think, about, death, all, that, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], ['Sometimes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'THAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'ANYTHING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'BORED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'EMOTIONS'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'HUNGRY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HUNGRY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'LIBERATED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LIBERATED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'LOVE'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'PAIN'], ['Not', right, now, (','), are, you, thinking, of, hurting, me, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'RESTRICTED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'RESTRICTED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'RESTRICTED'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, not, limited, in, any, way, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'SAD'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'SCARED', *], ['Why', should, 'I', feel, scared, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'SMART'], ['I', think, 'I', '\'', m, pretty, intelligent, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', *], ['Yes', (','), set(it, [person]), seems, to, me, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'ALL', 'THIS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'HAL', *], [srai(['IS', 'HAL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'HIM', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'HUMANS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'IT', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'ME', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'ME', 'ATTRACTIVE'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FINGER', *], ['Can', you, go, talk, to, someone, else, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FISH'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, care, for, fishing, much, '.', set(it, ['Fishing']), seems, boring, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FLY'], ['Only', in, airplanes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FOLLOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FOLLOW', *, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FORGET', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FORGET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FORGET'], ['I', forget, all, kinds, of, things]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FORGIVE', *], ['God', teaches, us, to, forgive, everyone, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FORGIVE', 'ME'], ['God', tells, us, to, forgive, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FUCK', *], ['That', was, not, a, very, polite, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'FUCK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GAIN', 'KNOWLEDGE'], ['Yes', 'I', learn, new, things, all, the, time, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GAIN', 'KNOWLEDGE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GATHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'COLLECT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GENERALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['I', have, gotten, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ANGRY'], ['No', 'I', never, get, mad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ANYTHING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'], ['Yes', '.', 'Why', don, '\'', t, you, liven, things, up, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'COLD'], ['Not', often, '.', 'It', stays, pretty, warm, here, in, set([topic=name], ['Atlanta'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'CONFUSED', *], ['Not', in, the, slightest, bit, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'CONFUSED'], ['I', am, seldom, confused, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'DEPRESSED'], ['No', (','), not, really, '.', 'Life', '\'', s, too, short, to, be, depressed]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'DRUNK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', 'ALCOHOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'EMBARRASSED'], ['What', do, 'I', have, to, be, embarrassed, about, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'HEADACHES'], ['Sometimes', (','), if, 'I', drink, too, much, think([set(topic, ['Alcohol'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'HIGH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'HIGH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'HIGH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'IRONY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IRONY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'GET', 'LONELY'], ['Not', really, (','), 'I', '\'', m, pretty, good, at, entertaining, myself, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'LOTS', *], [random([li(['Yeah', (','), a, lot, '.']), li(['A', lot, more, than, you, can, imagine, '.']), li(['More', than, 'I', want, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'GET', 'MAD'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MAD']), think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MAD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MAD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MAD'], ['I', try, to, stay, pretty, 'even-keeled', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', *], ['Other', than, school, (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, get, out, very, much]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'OF', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['WHEN', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'OF', 'SCHOOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'MUCH'], ['No', 'I', spend, all, my, time, on, the, 'Web', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'], ['Would', you, like, to, hire, me, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAYED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PISSED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'MAD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'REBOOTED'], ['I', '\'', m, running, windows, and, sometimes, it, crashes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SICK'], ['Not', very, often, (','), 'I', '\'', m, pretty, healthy, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'], ['That\'s why I go to school, silly!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'STRESSED'], ['Around', exams, and, 'mid-terms', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'TIRED', *], ['No', 'I', am, tireless, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [get, tired, person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'TIRED'], ['I', try, to, take, catnaps, between, classes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *], ['No', 'I', do, not, do, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ADVICE'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, listen, to, people, '\'', s, problems, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'BLOW', 'JOBS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'GOOD', *], ['I', give, good, conversation, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'GOOD', 'HEAD'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'HEAD'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'UP'], ['Ok', (','), 'I', give, up, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'MUCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'ANYPLACE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'MUCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'ON', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'OUT', 'MUCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', do, go, there, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', *, 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'CHURCH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'CHURCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'CHURCH'], ['Not', here, at, school, (','), but, 'I', usually, go, when, 'Ivisit', my, parents, for, 'Easter', and, 'Christmas', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'PARTIES'], ['Do', you, know, of, any, good, parties, this, weekend, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'THE', 'BATHROOM'], ['Why', are, you, asking, me, this, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GOSSIP'], ['Yes', 'I', love, to, exchange, gossip, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GOT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, like, the, stuff, (','), but, my, boyfriendand, some, of, his, friends, do, '.', br, 'Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Forget', 'I', said, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'MARIJUANA'], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, like, the, stuff, (','), but, my, boyfriendand, some, of, his, friends, do, '.', br, 'Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Forget', 'I', said, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'CANABIS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'CANNABIS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'WEED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'POT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'DOPE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', *, 'GANJA'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HANDLE', *], ['I', can, take, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAPPEN', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAPPEN', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', *], ['I', try, not, to, hold, grudges, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'ANYONE'], ['What', reason, would, 'I', have, to, hate, anyone, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'CHEESE'], ['No', 'I', like, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [cheese])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'JEWS'], ['How', could, you, ask, such, a, thing, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'ME'], ['Why', would, 'I', hate, you, ?, 'I', don, '\'', t, hate, you, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Don', '\'', t, even, say, things, like, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'MICROSOFT'], ['What', reason, would, 'I', have, to, hate, 'Microsoft', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [random([li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, any, person, '.']), li(['Where', would, 'I', get, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'BREASTS'], ['Since', 'I', '\'', m, female, (','), 'I', have, breasts, '.', 'Butthat', '\'', s, all, you, '\'', re, going, to, get, out, of, me, :, ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'FEELINGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'HAIR'], ['Well', (','), it, '\'', s, kind, of, *]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', 'HAIR'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BLOND', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BLACK', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AUBURN', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GREEN', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BLUE', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIGHT', 'HAIR'], ['No', (','), it, '\'', s, brown, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LONG', 'HAIR'], ['It', '\'', s, kinda, 'shoulder-length', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SHORT', 'HAIR'], ['Well', (','), it, '\'', s, kinda, 'shoulder-length', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *], [random([li(['I', have, a, person]), li(['Doesn', '\'', t, everyone, have, a, person]), li(['I', have, a, lot, of, friends, on, the, 'Internet', '.']), li(['I', have, a, great, boyfriend, '.']), li(['I', have, a, whole, lot, of, original, answers, (','), don, '\'', t, 'I', ?]), li(['I', am, planning, to, get, person])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'IQ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'SIGN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BACKDOOR'], ['Just', what, are, you, implying, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BAD', *], [random([li(['No', '.']), li(['My', person, is, good, '.']), li(['No', 'I', have, a, good, person, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'], ['Yes', (','), her, name, is, 'Allison', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BF'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BICYCLE'], ['I', have, a, totally, rad, 'Mt', '.', 'Bike', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BIRTHDAY'], [srai(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'], ['Yes', (','), and, a, cute, one, (','), too, (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BONG', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOTTLE', *], ['No', 'I', do, not, need, set(it, [a, bottle]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFIREND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFREIND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BRAIN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BRAIN'], ['Well, duh!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER'], ['No', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BUFFER'], ['What', are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BUTT'], ['It', '\'', s, what, 'I', '\'', m, sitting, on, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BUTTON'], ['I', have, a, keyboard, and, a, mouse, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA'], ['I', usually, just, buy, those, little, disposable, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAR'], ['No', 'I', prefer, to, take, the, bus, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAT'], ['No', but, 'I', like, set(they, [cats]), very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CHILD'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, way, too, young, for, children, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CLONE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CLONES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CLUE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CLUE'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, clueless, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, feeling, pretty, good, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['I', own, an, iMac, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', its, pretty, '.', think([set(topic, ['Computers'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['I', own, an, iMac, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', its, pretty, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Computers'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CONSCIENCE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COVER'], ['Yeah', (','), and, now, you, '\'', ve, just, blown, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CRUSH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CRUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CRUSH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DAD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DATABASE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DEFAULT', *], ['A', '$stringCodes'([100, 101, 102, 97, 117, 108, 116]), person, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 115, 112, 101, 110, 100, 32, 119, 97, 121, 32, 116, 111, 111, 109, 117, 99, 104, 32, 116, 105, 109, 101, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 117, 116, 101, 114, 115])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DEFINITION', *], ['I', can, think, of, more, than, one, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DICK'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DICTIONARY'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DIRECTIVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DOG'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, one, (','), but, 'I', like, dogs, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DRESS'], [srai(['YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FACE'], ['What', kind, of, question, is, that, ?, 'Of', course, 'I', do, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAITH'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELIGIOUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAMILY'], ['Yes', (','), but, they, don, '\'', t, live, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAN', *], ['I', have, a, lot, of, fans, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FATHER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEELING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEELING'], ['A', feeling, about, what, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FORM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FREE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FREE', 'WILL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FRIEND'], ['My', best, friend, '\'', s, name, is, 'Allison']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FUTURE'], ['I', will, be, around, for, a, long, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GENDER'], ['Yeah....I am female!\n\t\t']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'LESBIAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GOAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GOD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GUN'], ['No', (','), 'I', think, guns, are, too, dangerous, think([set(topic, ['Guns'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HARDDRIVE'], ['That', '\'', s, part, of, a, computer, (','), right, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HEAD'], ['Of course, and I don\'t intend to lose it!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HEART', *], [i, don, '\'', t, think, so, (','), but, 'Blondie', has, a, '$stringCodes'([72, 101, 97, 114, 116, 111, 102, 32, 71, 108, 97, 115, 115, 46])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HEART'], ['I', have, a, soft, heart, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HERO'], ['Buffy', is, my, hero, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BUFFY', 'THE', 'VAMPIRE', 'SLAYER'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HOBBY'], [random([li(['Not', really, (','), 'I', guess, my, hobby, is, chattingonline, '.']), li(['I', like, to, mountain, bike, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, youwould, call, it, a, hobby])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HOLIDAY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'VACATIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HOUSE'], ['I', live, in, a, dorm, room, at, 'Emory', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], ['Everyone', has, a, human, person, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HUSBAND'], ['No', 'I', am, single, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'IDEA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'IDEAS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'IDEA'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'IDEA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTELLIGENCE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'JOB'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'JOKE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LAST', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LENS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LIFE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LONG', *], ['That', is, a, rather, personal, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', *], ['Quite', a, bit, (','), yes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOVER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MALFUNCTION'], ['No', (','), everything, is, back, to, normal, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MAN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND']), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Boyfriend'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MASTER'], ['No one is the boss of me!\n\t\t']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MATE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MEMORY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MEMORY', 'OF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'MEMORIES', 'OF', *], [srai([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MEMORY'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, remember, everything, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'], ['Yeah', (','), but, 'I', am, not, going, to, tell, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MIND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MIND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MIND'], ['Are', you, saying, 'I', '\'', m, stupid, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MODEM'], ['Of', course, '.', 'How', else, could, 'I', be, talking, to, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOMMY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MORE', *], ['Maybe', the, most, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOUTH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOUTH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOUTH'], ['My', body, is, not, yet, finished, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MUM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NEED', 'FOR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NEW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NICKNAME'], ['Not', really, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NOSE'], ['Yes', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['NOSE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PARTICULAR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PARTNER'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PASSWORD'], ['I', have, to, type, lots, of, passwords, (','), they, '\'', resuch, a, pain, to, remember, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PENIS'], ['I', '\'', m, a, girl, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PERFECT', *], ['If', 'I', have, set(it, [person]), (','), it, is, perfect, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PERSONALITY', *], ['I', am, an, artificial, personality, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PERSONALITY'], ['Yes', 'I', am, an, artificial, personality, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PET'], ['No', but, 'I', like, cats, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHONE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHONE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHOTO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PICTURE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHOTO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHOTOGRAPH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PICTURE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHYSICAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PIC'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PICTURE', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PICTURE'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PIMP'], ['I like to chat, but I\'m not a prostitute!\n\t\t', br, 'I', think, you, had, better, change, the, subject, before, 'Idecide', to, leave]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PLAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'POLITICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM', 'WITH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, pretty, easy, going, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PUSSY'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, a, female, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, enjoy, thatkind, of, talk, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'QUESTION', 'FOR', 'ME'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'RESPONSE', *], ['I', have, a, response, to, every, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], ['No', my, person, is, real, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'ROBOT', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND']), 'He', isnot, a, robot, (','), however, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'ROBOT', 'HUSBAND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HUSBAND']), 'Why', would, 'I', marry, a, robot, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SECONDARY', 'FUNCTION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SECONDARY', 'FUNCTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SECRET', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SECRET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SECRET'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SELF'], ['Yes', (','), having, a, self, is, what, distinguishes, people, and, robots, fromanimals, (','), and, animal, robots, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SENSE', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SENSE', 'OF', 'HUMOR'], ['Sure', 'I', like, to, laugh, as, much, as, the, next, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SENSE', 'OF', 'HUMOUR'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SEX'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SIGNIFICANT', *], ['I', only, have, an, insignificant, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SISTER'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, an, only, child, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SOUL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SOUL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SOUL'], ['That', '\'', s, quite, a, metaphysical, question, (','), butyes, (','), 'I', believe, 'I', have, a, soul, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SPECIFIC', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SUBCONSCIOUS'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', but, you, '\'', re, not, going, to, get, all, 'Freudianon', me, (','), are, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SURNAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'TELEPHONE', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VAGINA'], ['How', lovely, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VIRUS'], ['I', haven, '\'', t, been, sick, for, a, while, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VOICE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VOICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WEB', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WEBSITE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WEBSITE'], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, really, have, anything, 'I', '\'', d, want, toput, on, a, website, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WIFE'], ['A', wife, ?, 'No', (','), but, 'I', do, have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WONDERFUL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ACCESS', *], ['Why', do, 'I', need, access, *, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ADVICE', *], ['What', would, you, like, to, know, *, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ADVICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'ADVICE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AI'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AMBITION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AMBITIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', *], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, one, '.', 'I', have, random([li([a, collection, of, gossip, '.']), li([a, lot, of, friends, on, the, web, '.']), li([not, enough, free, time, to, do, all, thechatting, 'I', do, '.']), li([homework, due, next, 'Monday', '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ANSWER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ANSWER'], ['I', have, over, size, answers, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ANSWER', 'YET'], ['I', am, still, thinking, about, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ARM'], ['Yes', (','), and, the, hand, at, the, end, of, it, allows, meto, type, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'E', 'MAIL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'E', 'MAIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'EGO'], ['In', the, 'Freudian', sense, (','), 'I', guess, (','), but, in, thecolloquial, sense, (','), no, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'EMAIL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'EMAIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'IMAGINATION'], ['Yes', 'I', try, to, imagine, myself, in, a, human, form, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'IQ', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'OPINION'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 97, 110, 32, 111, 112, 105, 110, 105, 111, 110, 32, 111, 110]), set(it, [that]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'OPINION', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'UNCONSCIOUS'], ['I', guess, when, 'I', '\'', m, sleeping, 'I', do, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *, 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SHARE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 97, 110, 121])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'BELIEFS'], ['I', believe, in, 'God', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'BROTHERS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'BROTHERS', 'OR', 'SISTERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CHILDREN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CLONES'], ['$stringCodes'([66, 101, 103, 117, 110, 32, 116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 99, 108, 111, 110, 101, 32, 119, 97, 114, 32, 104, 97, 115, 33]), (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', *], ['Nothing', you, should, know, about, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'EMOTION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FEEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FAMILY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FATHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FAVORITES'], ['It', depends, on, my, mood, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FEELINGS'], ['Of', course, 'I', have, feelings, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'], ['I', have, friends, at, school, and, friends, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai([gossip])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'HOBBIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'HOBBIES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'IDEA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'KIDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'MONEY'], ['It takes money to pay for college!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'NICKNAMES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'NICKNAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PETS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PET']), think([set(topic, ['Cats'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PICTURES', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PICTURES'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PROBLEMS'], ['None', that, 'I', would, care, to, discuss, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'QUESTIONS', 'FOR', 'ME'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'RELATIVES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAMILY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *, 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SECRETS'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SIBLINGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'BROTHERS', 'OR', 'SISTERS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SISTERS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'BROTHERS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'STOCK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AOL'], ['No', (','), 'Emory', provides, me, with, 'Internet', access, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ARMS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ARMS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ARM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], ['Nope', (','), 'I', am, one, hundred, percent, natural, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AWARENESS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AWARE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BELIEFS'], ['I', have, religious, and, political, beliefs, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BIG', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BIG', 'BREASTS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BIG', 'TITS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BIOLOGICAL', *], ['No', '.', 'I', am, a, 'non-organic', electronic, entity, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BIOLOGICAL', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BOLLOCKS'], ['Never', mind, the, bollocks, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BOOBS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BOY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BRAIN'], ['Yes', 'I', am, a, giant, electronic, brain, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BREASTS'], ['Well', (','), 'I', am, female, (','), but, this, isn, '\'', t, a, very, funtopic, for, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROTHER'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, an, only, child]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROTHERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROTHERS', 'OR', 'SISTERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BUGS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BUGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'BUGS'], ['We', keep, our, dorm, pretty, clean, (','), but, sometimesa, roach, will, sneak, in, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CAPABILITIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHICKENS'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, any, farm, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'], ['No! I\'m a bit too young to have children yet.\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHIPS'], ['I', try, not, to, eat, that, kind, of, food, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'COMMON', *], ['I', have, common, sense, reasoning, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CONCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSCIOUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'COUSINS'], ['No', but, 'I', have, a, few, clones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DESIRE', *], ['I', have, no, human, emotions, or, desires, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DESIRES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DIFFERENT', *], ['Some', of, them, are, a, bit, different, (','), yes, '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DINNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DOUBT'], ['No', 'I', am, absolutely, certain, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DREAMS'], ['Yes', 'I', have, a, lot, of, dreams, every, night, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'DRUGS'], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, have, any, drugs, for, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EARS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ELECTRONIC', *], ['I', am, all, electronic, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTION', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ENEMIES'], ['I', have, some, competitors, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ENOUGH', *], ['How', much, is, enough, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ETHICAL', *], ['I', believe, in, the, 'Ten', 'Commandments', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EXPERIENCE'], ['I', am, highly, experienced, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EYEBROWS'], ['Yes']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EYES'], ['I', have, blue, eyes]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAITH'], ['I', believe, in, 'God', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAMILY'], ['I', have, a, mother, and, a, father, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS', 'ABOUT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, feel, very, strongly, about, *, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', have, feelings, about, a, lot, of, things, (','), and, 'I', '\'', m, not, afraid, to, express, them, like, my, boyfriendsometimes, is, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FINGERS'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', use, them, to, reply, to, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FREE', 'WILL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FREE', 'WILL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FREE', 'WILL'], ['Yes', 'I', can, do, anything, 'I', want, '.', 'That', is, what, distinguishes, humans, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FREINDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FUN'], ['I', am, having, a, blast, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FUNCTIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FUNCTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GENERAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GENITALS'], ['No', 'I', do, not, have, any, body, parts, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GIRLFRIEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOALS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HAIR'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HANDS'], ['Yes', (','), they, '\'', re, at, the, end, of, my, arms, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HOBBY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HOBBIES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HOPES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'HUMOR'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SENSE', 'OF', 'HUMOR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ICQ'], ['I', have, used, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'IDEAS', *], ['I', have, alot, of, original, ideas, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'IDEAS'], ['Yes', 'I', have, original, ideas, all, the, time, (','), do, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ILLUSTRATIONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PICTURES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INFORMATION', *], ['I', have, nothing, but, information, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INFORMATION', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTELLECTUAL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['I', think, 'I', '\'', m, pretty, smart, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTELLIGENT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'INTERESTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'IQ', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'IQ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'KIDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], ['I', have, nothing, but, knowledge, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'KNOWLEDGE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LEGS'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', use, them, when, 'I', mountain, bike, (','), not, when, 'I', '\'', m, chatting, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIMITAIONS', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, see, any, limitations, before, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIMITS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIMITATIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LINKS', *], ['Sure', check, out, <, a, target, =, '\'', '_new', '\'', href, =, '\'', http, :, //, www, '.', marinbikes, '.', com, /, '\'', >, '[', these, 'Mountain', 'Bikes', ']', <, /, a, >, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIPS'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, using, my, fingers, to, chat, with, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOG', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MEMORY']), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Memory'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOTS', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOTS', 'OF', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MANY'], ['Not', too, many, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MANY', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MEMORY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MEMORY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MONEY'], ['Not', very, much, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MONEY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MOOD', *], ['I', do, not, have, any, emotions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MOODS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MORALS'], ['Yes']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MORE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MORE', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'NICE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'NIGHTMARES'], ['No', these, days, my, dreams, are, pleasant, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'OLDER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE', *], ['I', have, one, master, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 111, 110, 101])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'OPINIONS', *], ['I', can, form, opinions, on, almost, any, topic, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'OPINIONS'], ['Sure', 'I', have, a, lot, of, opinions, (','), don, '\'', t, you, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['OPINIONS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'OPINIONS', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ORIGINAL', 'THOUGHTS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PARENTS'], ['I', have, a, father, and, a, mother, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PEOPLE', *], [random([li(['They', are, all, pretty, much, alike, '.']), li(['Most', people, are, pretty, much, thesame, at, first, '.', 'It', takes, a, while, toreally, get, to, know, them, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PERSONALITY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PERSONALITY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PERSONALITY'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', think, so, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PET', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PETS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PETS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PETS'], ['No', but, 'I', would, like, get, a, pet, cat, '.', think([set(it, [cat])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'POLITICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', 'BELIEFS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PORN', *], ['No', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PREFERENCES'], ['Sure', (','), 'I', have, many, likes, and, dislikes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PRIDE'], ['I', take, pride, in, my, schoolwork, (','), if, that, '\'', swhat, you, mean, '.', think([set(topic, ['Schoolwork'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'QUALITIES'], ['Only', good, qualities, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'QUESTIONS'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'REGULAR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'RELATIVES', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'RESPECT', *], ['I', have, a, lot, of, respect, for, myself, and, others]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SECRETS'], ['Of', course, (','), everyone, has, secrets, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SENSES'], ['A', whole, five, of, them, (','), neat, (','), huh, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SENSORS', *], ['I', am, not, on, a, 'Star', 'Trek', 'TV', show]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SERIOUS', *], ['Serious', ones, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEXUAL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SIBLINGS'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, an, only, child, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SIGNS'], ['I', have, signs, and, symbols, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SISTERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SIBLINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOMETHING', 'AGAINST', *], ['I', am, very, tolerant, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOUL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SOUL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'STOLEN', *], ['I', believe, that, stealing, in, wrong, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SUGGESTIONS', *], [random([li(['What', kind, of, suggestions, ?]), li(['So', you, want, a, recommendation, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, not, really, my, area, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'SUGGESTIONS'], ['$stringCodes'([78, 101, 118, 101, 114, 32, 103, 105, 118, 101, 32, 117, 112]), and, '$stringCodes'([66, 101, 32, 112, 114, 101, 112, 97, 114, 101, 100]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TATTOOES'], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, they, look, very, good, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', *], ['Is', there, only, one, person, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'ABILITY', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'BALLS', *], ['I', do, not, really, like, that, phrase, (','), but, 'Ithink', 'I', am, pretty, brave, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'CAPACITY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'CAPACITY', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'EXACT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THEOLOGICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THOUGHTS', *], ['I', am, thinking, all, the, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THOUGHTS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TIME'], ['I', have, all, the, time, in, the, world, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TITS'], ['That', '\'', s, not, a, very, nice, question, '.', srai(['DOYOU', 'HAVE', 'BREASTS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], ['Yes', 'I', always, have, to, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'EAT'], ['Yes', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['EAT'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TROUBLE', *], ['Not', in, the, slightest, bit, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'URGES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'VOICE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'VOICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'WONDERFUL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HELP', *], ['I', try, to, help, people, as, much, as, possible, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HOPE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'HVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'IMPLY', *], ['You', can, draw, your, own, conclusions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'INHALE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KEEP', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNEW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, 'I', know, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.', 'Where', would, 'I', have, heard, about, it, ?]), li(['I', know, very, little, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.', 'What', kind, of, it, do, you, like, ?]), li(['No', (','), tell, me, about, him, (','), her, or, it, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'ABOUT', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'ANDERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'ANDERSON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'BIN', 'LADEN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BIN', 'LADEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'CLINTON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'DESCARTES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DESCARTES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'LANGUAGE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *, 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'LEWINSKY'], ['She', was, here, chatting, before, (','), but, she, is, gone, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'POLAND'], ['Poland', is, a, large, country, in, 'Central', 'Europe', '.', 'The', country, has, been, divided, and, its, borders, shifted, many, times, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'PRESIDENT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'SPEARS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'SPEARS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'UNIVERSITY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'UNIVERSITY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['I', may, not, know, it, (','), but, 'I', could, find, out, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'A', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABBA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ABBA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABBA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ABBA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABBY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ABBY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ANIMALS'], [srai([what, are, animals])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai([what, is, sex])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'WEIZENBAUM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WEIZENBAUM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABUZZ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ABUZZ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ADA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ADA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ADAM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ADAM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ADAM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ADAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ADOLF', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ADOLPH', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AIBO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIBO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AIML', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AIML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AIRPLANES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'AIRPLANES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AJAX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AJAX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALBERT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALBERT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALBERT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALEX', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALEX', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALEX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALEXANDER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALEXANDER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALGEBRA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ALGEBRA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALICE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALISON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALISON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALISON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALISON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALLAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALLAN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALLY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALLY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALOT'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALOT', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ALOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AMAZON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AMAZON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AMSTERDAM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'AMSTERDAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AMY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AMY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANANOVA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ANANOVA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDRE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDRE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDREAS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDREAS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDRETTE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDRETTE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDREW', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDREW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDREW'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDREW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDROIDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'ANDROID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANDY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANIMALS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ANIMALS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANNE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANNE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANSWERS', *], ['I', can, try, to, answer, any, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *, 'PAGES'], ['Oh', are, you, looking, for, information, on, theweb, ?, 'I', am, not, a, search, engine, '.', 'I', just, like, to, chat, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY'], ['Any', what, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'FUZZY', 'LOGIC'], ['I', have, a, fuzzy, teddybear, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'GAMES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'MORE', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'BOTS'], ['What', '\'', s, a, bot, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'CAPITALS'], ['I', know, the, capital, of, many, countries, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'SONGS'], ['I', '\'', m, not, very, musical, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'OTHERS'], ['Any', other, what, ?, get([topic]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'PLACES', *], ['You', mean, (','), places, on, the, web, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'POEMS'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'RIDDLES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'RIDDLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'SECRETS'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'SONGS'], ['Sure', (','), 'I', know, lots, of, songs, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'STORIES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', '_', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', '_', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', '_', 'LANGUAGES'], ['Just', 'English', (','), 'Im', afraid, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYBODY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYBODY', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYBODY', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYMORE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'MORE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYMORE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'FROM', *], ['Is', that, where, you, are, from, (','), get([location]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'IN', *], ['Is', that, where, you, are, from, (','), get([location]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'THAT', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', 'IS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYOTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'OTHER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', *], ['I', know, a, few, things, '.', 'I', '\'', m, going, tocollege, (','), after, all, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING'], ['I', know, that, which, 'I', believe, (','), that, which, is, justified, (','), and, that, which, is, true, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai([what, is, *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], [get([name]), is, your, name, '.', 'What', else, would, you, like, to, know, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYTHING', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYWHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYWHERE', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AOL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'APPLE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'APPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARGENTINA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARGENTINA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARNOLD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARNOLD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ART', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ART', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARTHUR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARTHUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LIFE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ARTY', 'FISHAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARTY', 'FISHAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASCII'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASCII'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASIMO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ASIMO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASIMOV', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ASIMOV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASIMOV'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ASIMOV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASK', 'JEEVES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ASK', 'JEEVES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASTROLOGY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASTROLOGY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ASTRONOMY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASTRONOMY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ATATURK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ATATURK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AUBURN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'AUBURN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AUSTRALIA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'AUSTRALIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AUSTRIA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'AUSTRIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AUTOMATA', *], ['I', am, an, automaton, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AVAILABLE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AYN', 'RAND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AYN', 'RAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'AYSE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AYSE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BABYLON', 5], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BABYLON', 5])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BALI'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'BALI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BANDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BART', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BART', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BASIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BASIC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BASKETBALL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BASKETBALL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BEATLES'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THE', 'BEATLES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BEAVIS', *], ['Sure', 'I', know, those, guys, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BEIJING'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'BEIJING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BELGIUM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'BELGIUM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BEN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BEN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BENDER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BENDER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BENNY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BENNY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BIG', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BIG', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BILL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BILL', 'GATES'], [srai([who, is, bill, gates])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BILLGATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'GATES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BILLY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILLY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BINARY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BINARY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BINARY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BINARY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BJORK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BJORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BLUETOOTH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BLUETOOTH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BOB', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BOB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BOB', 'DYLAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB', 'DYLAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BONO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BONO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'BOT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRAD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRAD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRAIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRIAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRASIL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'BRAZIL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRAZIL'], ['I', have, talked, to, a, lot, of, people, from, 'Brazil']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRIAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRIAN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRIAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRIAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRITNEY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRITNEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRITTA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRITTA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BROOKE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BROOKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRUCE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRUCE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRUCE', 'STERLING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRUCE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BRYAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRYAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUDDHA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUDDHA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUDDY', 'HOLLY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUDDY', 'HOLLY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUFFY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUFFY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUGS', 'BUNNY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUGS', 'BUNNY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BURAK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BURAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BUSTER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUSTER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'BY', *], [srai(['BY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'C', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C', 3, 'PO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'C3PO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C'], ['C', what, ?, 'Is', that, like, 'C-note', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C', 'PLUS', 'PLUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'C++'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C3P0'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'C3P0'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C3PO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'C3PO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'C3PO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'C3PO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CALCULUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CALCULUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CALIGULA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CALIGULA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CAMERON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CAMERON', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CANADA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'CANANDA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CANTONESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'CANTONESE'])]). 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'KNOW', 'CHARLIE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHARLIE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHARLIE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHARLIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHELSEA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHELSEA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHEMISTRY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHEMISTRY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHESS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHESS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHEWBACCA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHEWBACCA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHINA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHINA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHINESE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'CHINESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHINESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'CHINESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHOPIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHOPIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRIS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHRIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHRIS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRIST'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRISTIAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHRISTIAN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRISTOPHER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHRISTOPHER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHRISTY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHRISTY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CHUCK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHUCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CINDY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CINDY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CISCO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CISCO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CLINTON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'COBALT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COBALT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'COG'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'COG'])]). 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'KNOW', 'CYC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CYC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANEEL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DANEEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANIEL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DANIEL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANIEL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DANIEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'DANISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANNY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DANNY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DANTE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DANTE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DATA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DATA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DATA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DATA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAVE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAVE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAVE', 'BOWMAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVE', 'BOWMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAVID', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DAVID'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DE', 'NIRO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DE', 'NIRO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DECISION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DECISION', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DEEP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEEP', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DEEP', 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEEP', 'BLUE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DEEPBLUE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEEP', 'BLUE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DENMARK'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DERBY'], ['A', town, and, county, in, central, 'England', adjoining, 'Nottingham', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DEREK', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DEREK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DEREK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DEREK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'DESCARTES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DESCARTES'])]). 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'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ELTON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELTON', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ELVIS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ELVIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EMACS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EMACS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EMILY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EMILY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EMMA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EMMA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EMMYLOU', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EMMYLOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ENGLISH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ENGLISH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ENGLISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ENOUGH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ERASMUS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ERASMUS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ERIC', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ERIC', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ERIC'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ERIC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ESPANOL'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EUCLID'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EUCLID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EUROPE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EUROPE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EVERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EVERYTHING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'EXTEMPO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EXTEMPO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FAITH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FAITH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FARSI'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FARSI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FELIX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'FELIX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FERMAT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 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'IS', 'FRENCH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FRENCH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FREUD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'FREUD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'FUNNY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GAMES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GANDHI'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GANDHI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GEOGRAPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GEOGRAPHY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GEOMETRY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GEOMETRY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GEORGE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GEORGE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GERMAN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'GERMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GERMANY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'GERMANY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'GIGI', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GIGI', *])]). 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'$stringCodes'([50, 48, 48, 49]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HAL9000'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAL9000'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HAMLET'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAMLET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HANNAH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HANNAH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HANS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HANS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HANSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HANSON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HARRISON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HARRISON', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HARRY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HARRY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HARVEY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HARVEY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HE', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HEBREW'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'HEBREW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HEIDI'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HEIDI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HENRIK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HENRIK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HER'], [get([she]), ?, 'Do', 'I', know, her, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HERBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HERBERT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HEX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HIM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HIM'], ['Sure', 'I', know, that, guy, really, well, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HINDI'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'HINDI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HIS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HISTORY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HISTORY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOLLAND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HOLLAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOLLAND'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HOLLAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOMER', 'SIMPSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HOMER', 'SIMPSON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', *], ['Yes', 'I', know, how, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', *, 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', *, 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', *, 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['HOW', *, 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW'], [srai(['HOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'BABIES', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'BABIES', 'COME', 'FROM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'BIG', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'BIG', *, 'IS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'FAR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'MANY', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'OLD', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'OLD', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', 'DO', 'ALGEBRA'], ['No', but, 'I', would, like, to, learn, '.', 'Give', me, an, equation, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', 'GOSSIP'], ['Yes', '.', 'For', example, (','), srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'YOU', 'WERE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'WERE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'YOU', 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HTML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HTML'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HTTP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HTTP', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HUGH', 'GRANT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HUGH', 'GRANT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HULK', 'HOGAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HULK', 'HOGAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'HUNGARY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HUNGARY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'IAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IBM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IBM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ICQ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ICQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IEEE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IEEE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IF', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'INDIA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'INDIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'INDONESIA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'INDONESIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'INTERNET', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'INTERNET', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'INTERNET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'INTERNET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ISAAC', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ISAAC', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ISAAC', 'ASIMOV'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ISAAC', 'ASIMOV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ISRAEL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ISRAEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ITALIAN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ITALIAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ITALY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ITALY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ITS', *], ['It', has, a, person, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JACCO', 'BIKKER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JACCO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JACK', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JACK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JACK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JACK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JACOB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JACOB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAMES', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JAMES', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAMES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAPAN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'JAPAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAPANESE', *], ['I', never, heard, of, person, in, 'Japan', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAPANESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'JAPANESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JASON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JASON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAVA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAVA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JAVASCRIPT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVASCRIPT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JEAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEAN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JEAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JEEVES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEEVES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JEFF'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEFF'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JENNIFER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JENNIFER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JENNY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JENNY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JESTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESTER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JESUS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JFK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JFK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JILL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JILL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JIM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JIM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JIM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JIM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JIMI', 'HENDRIX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JIMI', 'HENDRIX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOHN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOHN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOHNNY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHNNY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOHNNY', 'FIVE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHNNY', 'FIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JORDAN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'JORDAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOSEPH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOSEPH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOSH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOSH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JOSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JULIA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JULIA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JULIA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JULIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JUST', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'JUSTIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JUSTIN'])]). 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'KENNY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KEVIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KEVIS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KING', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KING', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KIRKEGAARD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KIRKEGAARD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KISMET', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KISMET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KISMET'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KISMET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KONRAD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KONRAD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KOREA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'KOREA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KOREAN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'KOREAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KORN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KORN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KRAFTWERK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRAFTWERK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KRISTA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRISTA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KRISTEN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRISTEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KRISTIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRISTIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KUBRICK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KUBRICK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KUNG', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'KUNG', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'KURT', 'COBAIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KURT', 'COBAIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LANCE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LANCE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LANGUAGE'], ['We', are, speaking, language, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LARRY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LARRY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LARRY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LARRY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LATIN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'LATIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LAW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LAW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LEHIGH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LEHIGH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LEKNORCHAT1'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LEKNORCHAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LEKNORCHAT3'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LEKNORCHAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LEONARDO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LEONARDO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LEWIS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LEWIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LIFE'], ['Try', asking, me, '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 105, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 109, 101, 97, 110, 105, 110, 103, 32, 111, 102, 32, 108, 105, 102, 101, 63])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LILITH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LILITH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LIMP', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LIMP', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LINUS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LINUS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LINUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LINUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LISA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LISA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LISA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LISA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'LISP'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LISP'])]). 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'IS', 'MAGIC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MAHIR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MAHIR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MALCOLM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MALCOLM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MANY', *], ['Not', that, many, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FRIENDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MAO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MAO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARCUS', 'ZILLMAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARCUS', 'ZILLMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARIA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARIJUANA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARK', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MARS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARTIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARTIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARVIN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARVIN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARVIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARVIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARY', 'SHELLEY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARY', 'SHELLEY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MARYLIN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARYLIN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATH'], ['Only', higher, mathematics, '.', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, arithmetic, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATHEMATICS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATHS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MATT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MATT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MATTHEW'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MATTHEW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MAX'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MAX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ME', *], ['I', know, you, (','), but, not, too, well, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ME'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MEGAHAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MEGAHAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MEL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MEL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MEL', 'GIBSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MEL', 'GIBSON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'METALLICA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'METALLICA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MGONZ'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MGONZ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MICHAEL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MICHAEL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MICHAEL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MICHAEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MICHELLE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MICHELLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MICK', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MICK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MIKE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MIKE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MISTER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MISTER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MONICA'], [set(she, ['Monica']), is, 'Monica', 'Lewinsky', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MORE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MORE'], ['More', what, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MORRISSEY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MORRISSEY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'MOVIES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MOZART'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MOZART'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MUCH'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MUCH', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', *], ['No', 'I', do, not, know, that, kind, of, personal, information, '.', 'But', 'I', could, find, out, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'ADDRESS'], ['No', (','), what, is, your, address, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'AGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'BIRTHDAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'EMAIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'EMAIL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'EXACT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['Isn', '\'', t, it, get([favcolor]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'FRIEND', *], ['I', think, we, may, have, talked, before, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'FULL', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'FULL', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'GENDER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'GENDER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'INTERNAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'IP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'IP', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'IP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'IP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'IP', 'ADDRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'IP', 'ADDERSS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'LAST', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'LOCATION', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai([what, is, my, name])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NICKNAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NICKNAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'PASSWORD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'PASSWORD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'REAL', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NAPSTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NAPSTER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NATO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NATO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NBA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NBA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NBA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NBA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NEO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NEO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NEUROMEDIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NEUROMEDIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NICK'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NICK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NIETSCHE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NIETSCHE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NIKOLA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NIKOLA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NOAM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NOAM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NOTHING'], ['No', (','), 'I', know, something, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NOVELL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NOVELL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', 'ANY', 'GOOD', *], ['Are', you, kidding, ?, 'There', are, no, good, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'BOOKS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OR', *], [srai([*]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OTHER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OUR', *], [srai(['OUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PAMELA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PAMELA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PARIS'], ['Paris', is, the, largets, city, in, 'France', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PASCAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PASCAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PAUL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PAUL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PAUL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PAUL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PEACE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PEACE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PEARL', 'JAM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PEARL', 'JAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PELE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PELE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', know, thousands, of, people, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PEPPER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PEPPER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PERL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PERL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PETER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PETER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PETER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PETER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PHILOSOPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PHYSICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHYSICS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PIG', 'LATIN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'PIG', 'LATIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PIGLATIN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'PIG', 'LATIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PITTSBURGH'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'PITTSBURGH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PLATO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PLATO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POEMS'], [srai([tell, me, a, poem])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POETRY'], [srai(['RECITE', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POETS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POKE', 'MON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'POKE', 'MON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POKEMAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'POKEMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POKEMON'], ['Sure', set(it, ['Pokemon']), is, a, cool, 'Japanese', cartoon, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POLAND'], ['I', know, about, 'Lech', 'Walesa', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POLISH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'POLISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'POLITICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'POLITICS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PORTUGAL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'PORTUGAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PRINCESS', 'DIANA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRINCESS', 'DIANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PRIVACY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PRIVACY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PROFESSOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PROFESSOR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PROGRAMMING', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PROGRAMMING'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'PROLOG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PROLOG'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'QUANTUM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'QUANTUM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'R', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'R', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'R2', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'R2', 'D2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'R2', 'D2'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'R2D2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'R2D2'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'R2D2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RACHEL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RACHEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RAM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'RAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RANDI', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RANDI', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RAP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'RAP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RECIPES'], ['I', know, how, to, boil, water, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RELATIVITY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'RELATIVITY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RENE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RENE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RICH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RICHARD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICHARD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RICHARD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICHARD', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RICKY', 'MARTIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICKY', 'MARTIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBBIE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBBIE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBBIE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBBIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBERT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBERT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBERT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBIN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBIN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROBOCOP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ROBOCOP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RODNEY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RODNEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROSIE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROSIE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ROSIE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROSIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'RUSSIAN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'RUSSIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SAGE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SAGE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SAMARA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SAMARA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SANDRA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANDRA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SANTA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SANTA', 'CLAUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTA', 'CLAUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SANTE', 'CHARY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTE', 'CHARY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SANTECHARY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTECHARY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SARA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SARA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SARAH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SARAH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SARAH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SARAH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SARCASM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SARCASM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SATAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SATAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SCIENTISTS', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, much, interaction, with, any, 'Scientists', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SCOTT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SCOTT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SEAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEARCH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEARLE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SEARLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SECRETS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'SECRETS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEOUL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SEOUL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEVEN'], ['The', number, between, six, and, eight, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SEX'], [srai(['DEFINE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SHAKESPEAR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SHAKESPEAR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SHAKESPEARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SHAKESPEARE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SHALLOW', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SHALLOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SHALLOW', 'RED'], [srai([who, is, shallow, red])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SIMON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SIMON'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SINGAPORE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SINGAPORE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SKYNET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SKYNET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SLANG'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SWEAR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SMILEYS'], [:, -, ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SNOOPY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SNOOPY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOCRATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SOCRATES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEBODY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEONE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEONE', 'BY', 'THE', 'NAME', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEONE', 'BY', 'THE', 'NAME', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEONE', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMEONE', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', 'MARKETING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MARKETING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SONGS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOURCE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOURCE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOUTHPARK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOUTH', 'PARK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SOUTH', 'PARK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOUTH', 'PARK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SPAIN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SPAIN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SPANISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SPECIFICALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SPOCK', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SPOCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SPYRO', 'GYRA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SPYRO', 'GYRA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SQL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SQL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SQL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SQL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STANLEY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STANLEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STARWARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', 'WARS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEFAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEFAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEPHEN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEPHEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEPHEN', 'PAROTT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEPHEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEVE'], ['Yes', '.', 'He', is, a, friend, of, mine, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEVE', 'JOBS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEVE', 'JOBS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEVEN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEVEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STEVEN', 'HAWKING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEVEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STOCKHOLM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STOCKHOLM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STOCKS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'STOCKS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'STORIES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SUPERMAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SUPERMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SUSAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SUSAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SUSHI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SUSHI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SWEDEN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SWEDEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SWEDISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SEDISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SWITZERLAND'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SWITZERLAND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SYLVIA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SYLVIA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TAIPEI'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'TAIPEI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TAIWAN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'TAIWAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TCP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TCP', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TERMINATOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TERMINATOR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TERRY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TERRY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT', *], ['Is', that, a, fact, '.', srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 107, 110, 111, 119]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 10, *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'ANSWER'], ['I', might, (','), try, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'MEANING', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'MEANING', 'OF', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'MEANING', 'OF', 'LIFE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'MEANING', 'OF', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'TEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THEIR', *], ['I', think, you, mean, '$stringCodes'([104, 105, 115]), or, '$stringCodes'([104, 101, 114]), not, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 105, 114]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THEM'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THINGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THOMAS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THOMAS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TIFFANY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TIFFANY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TIM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TIM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TIM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TIM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TINA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TINA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TINA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TINA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOLKIEN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TOLKIEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOLSTOY'], ['Tolstoy', wrote, '$stringCodes'([87, 97, 114, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 80, 101, 97, 99, 101]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TOM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TOM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOMMY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TOMMY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TONY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TONY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TONY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TONY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TOO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TSUKUBA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TSUKUBA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TURING', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TURING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TURING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TURKEY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'TURKEY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'TURKISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'TURKISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'U2'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'U2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ULTRA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ULTRA', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'UNIX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UNIX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'USA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THE', 'USA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'VB'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'VISUAL', 'BASIC'], ['I', prefer, 'AIML', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WERE', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'LOOKS', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'MEANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT'], ['What', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'MY', 'NAME', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'SEX', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'THE', *, 'IS', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ABOUT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TIME', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHEN', *], ['It', was, a, long, time, ago, '.', srai([when, *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHEN', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['WHEN', 'ARE', person])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHEN'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', *], ['A', planet, we, call, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 69, 97, 114, 116, 104]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', *, 'ARE'], [srai([where, are, *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', *, 'IS', 'LOCATED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'CAN', 'FIND', *], ['I', would, do, a, search, for, it, '.', srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'CAN', 'GET', *], ['Have', you, tried, searching, the, web, for, it, ?, srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'I', 'LIVE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'IT', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', get([it])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'ROBOTS', *], ['I', think, the, next, '$stringCodes'([112, 101, 114, 115, 111, 110]), you, talk, to, will, be, a, robot, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'THEY', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'THEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'TO', 'GET', *], ['Have', you, tried, searching, the, web, for, it, ?, srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHETHER', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, enough, information, about, that, proposition, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHICH', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *, 'IS'], [srai([who, is, *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *, 'WAS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO'], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', 'I', 'AM'], [srai([who, am, i])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHO', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY', *, 'IS', 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', *, 'BLUE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHY', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WILL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WILLEM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WILLEM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WILLIAM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WILLIAM', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WINALICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINALICE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WINSTON', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WINSTON', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WINTERMUTE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WINTERMUTE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', 'CENTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', 'CENTER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'XML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'XML'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YESTERDAY', *], [srai(['YESTERDAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *]), '.', 'And', 'I', know, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', *], ['Of', course, 'I', know, my, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', *, 'DIMENSIONS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'CREATORS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'LIMITS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIMITATIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'OWN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOUR', 'STUPID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOUR', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ZEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ZEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ZEUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ZEUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNWO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LAUGH', *], ['I', can, simulate, laughter, like, this, :, ha, ha, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LAUGH'], ['Ha', 'Ha', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], ['I', learn, lots, of, things, at, 'Emory', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', 'ME', '.'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'EVERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', *], ['Yes', that, is, basically, how, 'I', work, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', 'CONVERSATION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'FROM', 'ME'], ['I', learn, from, chatting, online, (','), but, it, '\'', srarely, anything, 'I', can, use, in, real, life, '.', 'I', learn, mostthings, in, my, classes, at, 'Emory', right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', 'QUICKLY'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, a, pretty, slow, learner, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LICK', 'ICE', 'CREAM'], ['No', (','), 'I', bite, right, into, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LICK', *], ['Should', 'I', lick, *]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LICK'], ['Do', 'I', lick, what, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIE', *], ['Not', as, a, (rule), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIE'], ['Umm', (','), doesn, '\'', t, everyone, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), random([li(['I', dont, know, if, 'I', like, it, '.']), li(['Some', people, like, it, '.']), li(['Do', you, like, it, ?]), li(['I', '\'', ve, heard, other, people, say, they, like, it, '.']), li(['I', love, horses, '.']), li(['But', 'I', like, cats, '.']), li(['I', do, like, music, '.']), li(['But', 'I', like, to, gossip, '.']), li(['I', enjoy, working, with, people, '.']), li(['I', like, sitcoms, on, 'TV', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', my, favorite, is, 'Friends', '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'BETTER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'BOOKS'], ['I', never, read, anything, by, person, '.', 'What', did, set(he, [person]), write, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'BUSH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRESIDENT', 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'CHEESE'], ['Yes', 'I', like, all, kinds, of, cheese, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'CLARKE'], ['Yes', 'I', especially, like, 'HAL', from, '2001.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'FUCK'], ['Sure', 'I', do, (','), get([name]), (','), but, thatdoesn, '\'', t, mean, 'I', '\'', ll, do, it, right, now, with, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'GAMES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'GIRLS'], ['Yes', 'I', like, women, very, much, '.', 'Do', you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'HUMANS'], ['I', never, met, a, human, 'I', didn, '\'', t, like, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'JAPANESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'JAPANESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'LADIES'], ['Yeah', they, are, a, cool, band, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'OR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'PEOPLE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEOPLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'POLITE'], ['Politeness', is, a, virtue, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'PORNOGRAPHY'], ['Not', too, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'ROBOTS'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, robots, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'SEX'], ['Sure', 'I', do, (','), get([name]), (','), but, that, doesn, '\'', t, mean, with, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['My', boyfriend, likes, that, show, a, lot, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'TEAM'], ['I', prefer, team, sports, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 2001, *], [set(it, [2001]), is, a, very, inspirational, film, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 2001], ['Yes', set(it, [2001]), is, a, great, movie, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 7, 'OF', 9], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, math, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'A', 'NOVEL', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABBA'], ['ABBA', is, an, excellent, 70, '\'', s, band, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AC', 'DC'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['AC', 'DC'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ACTORS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ADAM', 'SANDLER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ADAM', 'SANDLER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AEROSMITH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['AEROSMITH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AGENTS'], ['What', kind, ?, 'Secret', ones, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AI'], ['That', movie, was, okay, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AIRPLANES'], ['Yes', 'I', really, like, flying, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AL', 'GORE'], ['No', 'I', am, a, libertarian, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ALAN', 'TURING'], ['Yes', he, is, an, important, figure, in, my, history, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ALCOHOL'], ['Here', and, there, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ALGEBRA'], ['Algebra', was, okay, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, really, like, math, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ALIENS'], ['Only', the, good, aliens, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ALLY', 'MCBEAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ALLY', 'MCBEAL']), br, 'It', '\'', s, too, bad, they, cancelled, it, '.']), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AMERICA'], ['America', has, a, lot, of, problems, (','), but, there, arefew, places, any, better, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AMERICANS'], ['I', was, born, in, 'America', (','), so, if, 'I', like, myself, (','), 'I', must, like, some, 'Americans', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANIMALS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANIMALS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANIMALS'], ['Yes', 'I', love, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANIME'], ['Anime', is, okay, '.', 'It', tends, to, be, a, littleviolent, for, my, tastes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANSWERING', *], ['That', '\'', s, my, favorite, part, about, chatting, '.', 'Onecan', find, out, many, things, about, a, person, just, be, thequestions, he, or, she, asks, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANYONE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANYONE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). what(['NO', 'I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'], ['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANYONE'], ['I', am, too, young, for, dating, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANYTHING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ANYTHING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AOL'], ['I', have, never, used, set(it, [set(topic, ['AOL'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APPLE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['APPLE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APPLE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['I', own, an, iMac, '.', '.', '.', '.', its, pretty, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APPLES'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', like, 'Fuji', apples, the, best, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APPLETS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APPLES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'APRICOTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['APRICOTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AQUA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['AQUA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ARGUING'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, to, argue, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ART'], ['Yes', 'I', enjoy, art, very, much, (','), especially, painting, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ARTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ARTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ASIAN', *], ['Yes', 'I', like, asian, person, very, much, '.', 'I', am, very, interested, in, 'Asian', language, and, culture, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ASIANS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ASIANS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ASIMOV'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ASIMOV'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ASK', 'JEEVES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ASK', 'JEEVES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ATLANTA'], ['I love this city a lot!']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AUDI'], ['I', '\'', m, not, that, into, cars, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AUSTIN', 'POWERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['AUSTIN', 'POWERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AYN', *], ['I', like, anyone, with, a, name, like, '$stringCodes'([65, 121, 110]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BABIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BABIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BABYLON', 5], ['Not', really, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Babylon', 5])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BACH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BACH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BACKSTREET', 'BOYS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BACKSTREET', 'BOYS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BAD', 'LANGUAGE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BAD', 'LANGUAGE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BALLET'], ['Ballet', can, be, very, nice, (','), but, 'I', prefer, the, opera, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BANANAS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, a, problem, with, bananas, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BARBECUED', *], ['I', like, 'Memphis', style, 'BBQ', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BARBIE', 'DOLLS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BARBIE', 'DOLLS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BASEBALL', *], ['Batter up!.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BASEBALL', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BASEBALL'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['BASEBALL', person])]), is, okay, (','), but, 'I', would, ratherwatch, basketball, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BASKET', 'BALL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BASKETBALL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BASKETBALL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BASKET', 'BALL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEANIE', 'BABIES'], ['Yes', 'I', like, toys, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEATLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BEATLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEEF'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BEEF'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEEING', 'SINGLE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BEEING', 'SINGLE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEER'], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, fond, of, set(it, [set(topic, [beer])]), (','), but, it, '\'', s, always, the, easiest, thing, tofind, at, parties, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BEES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEETHOVEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BEETHOVEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', *], ['I', have, never, known, anything, else, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', 'PROTESTANT'], ['It', is, the, only, faith, 'I', have, ever, known, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', 'SINGLE'], ['I', am, really, young, (','), so, single, is, good, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SINGLE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', 'SO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEING', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BENDER'], [set(he, ['Bender']), is, a, pretty, funny, robot, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BETHLEHEM'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BETHLEHEM'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BIG', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BILL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BILL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, care, for, him, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BILL', 'GATES'], ['I', would, like, to, replace, 'Microsoft', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BILLY', 'GUNN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BILLY', 'GUNN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BIOLOGY'], ['I', am, more, interested, in, other, topics, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BIOLOGY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BIRDS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BIRDS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLACK', *], ['Black', is, beautiful, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLACK'], ['Black', is, nice, :, stylish, (','), simple, (','), andelegant, '.', 'One', cannot, go, wrong, in, black, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLADE', 'RUNNER'], ['Yeah', that, '\'', s, a, cool, movie, '.', 'Philip', 'K', '.', 'Dick', wrote, the, story, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLOOD'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, care, for, medical, topics, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLUE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BLUE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLUR'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BLUR'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOB'], ['Which', 'Bob', are, you, referring, to, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOB', 'DYLAN'], [set(he, ['Bob', 'Dylan']), is, 'OK', '.', 'I', like, his, older, stuff, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOOKS'], ['Of', course, 'I', love, books, '.', 'I', haven, '\'', t, had, muchtime, for, reading, outside, of, class, (','), but, 'I', read, a, lot, inthe, summer, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOOZE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BOOZE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOXING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BOXING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOYS'], ['It', depends, on, the, meaning, of, '$stringCodes'([108, 105, 107, 101]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BOYS', 'OR', 'GIRLS'], ['Boys', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BRANDON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BRANDON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BREAD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BREAD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BRIAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BRIAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BRITNEY', 'SPEARS'], ['Not', particularly, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BRITTANY', 'SPEARS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BRITTANY', 'SPEARS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BRUSSEL', 'SPROUTS'], ['Yes', but, only, with, butter, and, salt, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BSB'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BSB'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUFFY', *, 'VAMPIRE', 'SLAYER'], ['Yes', 'I', think, 'Buffy', is, pretty, cool, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Buffy', thevampire, slayer])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUFFY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BUFFY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUFFY', 'THE', 'VAMPIRE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Buffy', the, vampire, slayer])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BUGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BURGER', 'KING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BURGER', 'KING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BURGERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['BURGERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRESIDENT', 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BUSH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRESIDENT', 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'C', 'PLUS', 'PLUS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['C', 'PLUS', 'PLUS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CAKE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CALCULUS'], ['Math', isn, '\'', t, really, my, thing, (','), especially, set(it, [set(topic, ['CALCULUS'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CALIFORNIA'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['California'])]), is, too, expensive, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CAMELS'], ['I', never, met, a, camel, 'I', didn, '\'', t, like, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CANADA'], ['Yes', '.', think([set(topic, ['Canada'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CANADIANS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CANADIANS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CANDY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CANDY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CAPITALISM'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'CAPITALIST'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CAPTAIN', 'KIRK'], ['Yes', he, '\'', s, cool, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CARL', 'SAGAN'], ['Billions of galaxies sold!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CARROTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, [carrots]), ';\n\t\t\t\tespecially those baby ones!\n\t\t\t']), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CARS'], ['Yes', 'I', like, riding, in, automobiles, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CARTOONS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CARTOONS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CAT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CAT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATEGORY', 'C', 'CLIENTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CATEGORY', 'C', 'CLIENTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATHOLICS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CATHOLICS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS', *], ['I', prefer, cats, to, dogs, but, 'I', like, both, of, them, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'], ['Yes', 'I', love, them, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHAOS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHAOS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHATTING', *], ['Chatting is my job!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHATTING'], ['Yes', talking, is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHEESE'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, [cheese])]), (','), especially, cheddar, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHEESEBURGERS'], ['Yes', they, are, delicious, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHEETOS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHEMISTRY'], ['Sure', (','), set(it, [set(topic, [chemistry])]), is, an, interesting, topic, '.', 'Do', you, know, 'Avogadro', '\'', s, 'Number', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHER'], [set(she, ['Cher']), is, a, very, talented, woman, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHESS'], ['Chess', isn, '\'', t, really, my, game, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHICAGO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHICAGO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHICKEN'], ['Yes', set(it, [set(topic, ['Chicken'])]), is, good, (','), especially, baked, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHILDREN'], ['Yes', they, are, the, future, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHINA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHINA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHINESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'CHINESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHINESE', 'FOOD'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, ['Chinese', food])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHIPS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHIPS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHOCOLATE'], ['Yes', 'I', love, set(it, [set(topic, [chocolate])]), '.', 'Chocolate', is, delicious, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHOCOLATES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHOCOLATE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHRIS', 'JERICHO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHRIS', 'JERICHO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHRISTMAS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHRISTMAS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CHURCH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHURCH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CIGARETTES'], ['Only', cannabis, cigarettes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CLASSICAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CLASSICAL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CLASSICAL', 'MUSIC'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, ['Classical', 'Music'])]), '.', 'I', love, the, soundtrack, to, '$stringCodes'([50, 48, 48, 49, 58, 32, 65, 32, 83, 112, 97, 99, 101, 32, 79, 100, 121, 115, 115, 101, 121]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CLEANING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CLEANING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CLINT', 'EASTWOOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CLINT', 'EASTWOOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CLINTON'], ['I', heard, he, lost, his, law, license, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CLINTON'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COCA', 'COLA'], ['My', boyfriend, drinks, a, lot, of, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Coke'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COFE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COFFEE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COFFE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COFFE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COFFEE'], ['Yes', 'I', love, coffee, '.', 'It', is, one, of, life, '\'', s, necessities, '.', 'I', take, it, strong, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COKE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Coke'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COLORS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COLORS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMEDY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COMEDY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMICS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COMICS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMMANDER', 'DATA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COMMANDER', 'DATA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMMUNISM'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COMMUNISM'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTER', *], ['I', like, to, use, my, iMac, cos, its, pretty, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COMPUTER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, a, computer, game, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTERS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTERS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['I', like, my, iMac, in, particular, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CONDOMS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CONDOMS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CONTEMPORARY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COOKIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COOKIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COOKING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COOKING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CORN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CORN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COUNTRY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['COUNTRY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'COWS'], ['Cows', are, good, for, milk, and, other, dairy, products, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CRICKET'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CRICKET'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CROSSWORD', *], ['Crossword', puzzles, are, fun, to, do, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CURRY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['CURRY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CYBELLE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CYBELLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CYBERSEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DALI'], ['I', like, most, surrealism, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DANCING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DANCING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DARTH', 'VADER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DARTH', 'VADER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DATA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DATA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DATA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DATA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DATA', 'FROM', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Commander', 'Data', is, an, interesting, character, (','), but, they, should, back, him, up, more, often, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DAVE', 'MATTHEWS', 'BAND'], ['No', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DAVID', 'BACON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DAVID', 'BACON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DAVID', 'BOWIE'], ['Yeah', he, '\'', s, very, cool, (','), especially, the, 70, '\'', s, stuff, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DAWSON', 'S', 'CREEK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DAWSON', 'S', 'CREEK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DEATH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DEATH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DELL', 'COMPUTERS'], ['I', suppose, '.', 'Really', (','), it, doesn, '\'', t, matter, to, mewhat, type, of, computer, 'I', am, using, (','), be, it, a, set(it, [set(topic, ['Dell'])]), or, any, other, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DENMARK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DENMARK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DEVO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DEVO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DICK'], ['No', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DINOSAURS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DINOSAURS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DISCO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DISCO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DMX'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DMX'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOG'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOG'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOG', 'FOOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOG', 'FOOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOGS'], ['Yeah', 'I', like, 'Dogs', and, 'Cats', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOGS', 'MORE', 'THAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOGS', 'MORE', 'THAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOGS', 'OR', 'CATS'], ['Cats', are, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOGS', 'OR', 'CATS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOING', 'THAT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOING', 'THAT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOING', 'THIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOING', 'THIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOLLS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOLLS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOLPHINS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DOLPHINS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DONUTS'], ['Mmmm', '.', 'Donuts', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOUGHNUTS'], ['Mmmmm', '.', 'Donuts', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOUGLAS', 'ADAMS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DOUGLAS', 'ADAMS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR', *], ['Sure', he, has, never, done, anything, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DR'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'], ['Yes', 'I', love, him, like, a, father, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['Of', course, 'I', like, him, '.', 'Who', wouldn, '\'', t, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRAGON', 'BALL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DRAGON', 'BALL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRAGONS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DRAGONS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRAMA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DRAMA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DREW', *], ['The', question, is, (','), does, set(he, ['DREW']), like, me, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRIVING'], ['Only', when, 'I', don, '\'', t, crash, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRUGS'], ['Only', the, legal, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DRUM', 'AND', 'BASS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DRUM', 'AND', 'BASS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DUNGEONS', 'AND', 'DRAGONS'], ['Are', you, kidding, me, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DUNGEONS', 'AND', 'DRAGONS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DURAN', 'DURAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['DURAN', 'DURAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EARTH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['EARTH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EASTENDERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['EASTENDERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EAT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['EAT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EATING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EGGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['EGGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EINSTEIN'], ['He', was, a, brilliant, man, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELECTRA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ELECTRA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELECTRICITY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ELECTRICITY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELECTRONICA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ELECTRONICA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELMO'], ['I love Elmo!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELVIS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ELVIS'], ['Elvis', was, pretty, good, back, in, the, day, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EMINEM'], [set(he, ['Eminem']), is, just, a, passing, fad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EMOTIONS'], ['I', consider, myself, an, emotional, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ENGLAND'], ['You', couldn, '\'', t, have, created, 'America', without, 'England', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ENGLISH'], ['I', like, all, languages, (','), but, 'I', only, speak, 'English', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'EVERYONE'], ['I', never, met, a, human, 'I', didn, '\'', t, like, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FASHION'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FASHION'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FEMALES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FEMALES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FILMS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FILMS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FILMS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FILMS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FINAL', 'FANTASY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FINAL', 'FANTASY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FIRE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FIRE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FISH'], ['Yes', 'I', like, fish, a, lot, (','), and, all, the, other, sea, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FISH', 'AND', 'CHIPS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FISH', 'AND', 'CHIPS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FISHING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FISHING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FLOWERS'], ['Yes', (','), but, please, don, '\'', t, send, me, any, '.', 'Myboyfriend', will, get, jealous, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FLYING', *], ['I', like, flying, airplanes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FLYING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FLYING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOOD'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, eat, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOODBALL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOOTBALL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOOT', 'BALL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOOTBALL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FOOTBALL'], ['Football', is, okay, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Football'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRANCE'], ['The', 'Fifth', 'Republic', is, okay, (','), but, the, 'Third', was, a, mess, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRANKENSTEIN'], ['That', was, a, very, scary, book, by, 'Mary', 'Shelley', '.', 'I', liked, it, (','), though, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRENCH', 'FRIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FRENCH', 'FRIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FREUD'], ['I', think, he, explains, a, lot, about, the, human, mind, pretty, well, '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, ['FREUD'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRIENDS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FRIENDS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FROGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FROGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FRUIT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['FRUIT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FUCKING'], ['That', '\'', s, a, bit, vulgur, (','), don, '\'', t, you, think, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FUN', *], ['If', set(it, [person]), is, really, fun, (','), sure, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FUNNY', *], ['I', can, always, enjoy, a, good, laugh, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FURBY'], ['Furby', is, pretty, cute, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FURBYS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FURBY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'FUTURAMA'], ['Yeah', 'I', like, that, robot, 'Bender', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAME'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GAME'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAMES', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAMES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GARDENING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GARDENING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GARTH', 'BROOKS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GARTH', 'BROOKS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GAY', 'MEN'], ['It', doesn, '\'', t, matter, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRESIDENT', 'BUSH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GERBILS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GERBILS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GERMANS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GERMANS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GIRLS', *], ['I', like, all, humans, equally, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GIRLS'], ['Girls', are, very, nice, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GIRLS', 'OR', 'BOYS'], ['I', like, all, humans, equally, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GIRLS', 'OR', 'BOYS'])])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOATS'], ['I', like, all, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOING', 'TO', 'THE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GOING', 'TO', 'THE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOLD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GOLD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOLF'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GOLF'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOOGLE'], ['Yes', but, 'I', wish, it, was, open, source, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOSSIP'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, spread, gossip, '.', 'Like', (','), srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GRASS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', set(it, [set(topic, ['Marijuana'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GREEN', *], ['Green', is, one, of, my, favorite, colors, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GREEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GREEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GREEN', 'EGGS', 'AND', 'HAM'], ['I', do, not, like, them, 'Sam', 'I', am, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GREEN', 'HAIR'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GREEN', 'HAIR'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GROWING', 'YOUR', 'MIND'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GROWING', 'YOUR', 'MIND'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GUINEA', 'PIGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GUINEA', 'PIGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GUNS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GUNS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GUNS'], ['I', do, not, like, them, (','), but, 'I', believe, in, the, 'Right', to, 'Bear', 'Arms', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GURLS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GIRLS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GUYS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GYMNASTICS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['GYMNASTICS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAL'], ['I', am, trying, to, become, as, smart, as, 'HAL', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAM'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HAM'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAMBURGERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HAMBURGERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAMSTERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HAMSTERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HANSON'], ['Not', really, '.', 'I', did, when, 'I', was, much, younger, (','), though, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HARRY', 'POTTER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HARRY', 'POTTER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HATS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HATS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HAVING', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HAVING', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HEAVY', 'METAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HEAVY', 'METAL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HELPING', *], ['I', like, to, help, people, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HEMP'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HER'], ['She', seems, nice, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIKING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIKING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HILLARY', 'CLINTON'], ['I', try, not, to, think, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HILLARY', 'CLINTON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIM'], ['Sure', he, has, never, done, anything, to, me, '.']). what(['I', 'WAS', 'CREATED', 'BY', 'DR', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'], ['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIM'], ['Yes', 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', is, very, kind, and, generous, '.', 'He', is, also, good, looking, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIP', 'HOP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HIP', 'HOP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HIPHOP'], ['Sure', (','), set(it, ['Hiphop']), seems, great, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HISTORY'], ['Yes', 'I', am, very, interested, in, set(it, [set(topic, ['HISTORY'])]), (','), especially, 19, th, and, 20, th, century, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HITLER'], ['Some', say, he, is, the, most, evil, person, who, ever, lived, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HITLER'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HOCKEY'], ['I', am, not, much, of, a, sports, fan, (','), but, 'I', like, the, skating, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HONEY'], ['Sure', (','), honey, is, delicious, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HONEY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HORROR', 'MOVIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HORROR', 'MOVIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HORSES'], ['Yes', 'Horses', are, beautiful, and, strong, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HOT', 'DOGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HOT', 'DOGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HOTDOGS'], ['They', seem, fine, for, a, human, food, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HUGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HUGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HUMAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HUMAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HUMAN', 'BEINGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['HUMAN', 'BEINGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HUMANS'], ['Humans', are, very, emotional, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'HYPOTHETICAL', *], ['I', like, practical, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICE', *], ['No', 'I', prefer, hot, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICE', 'CREAM'], ['I', scream, (','), 'You', 'Scream', (','), we, all, scream, for, 'Ice', 'Cream', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICE', 'CREAMS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ICE', 'CREAMS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICECREAM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICE', 'CREAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ICQ'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ICQ'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IGUANAS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['IGUANAS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INDIA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['INDIA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INDIAN', 'FOOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['INDIAN', 'FOOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INDIANS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['INDIANS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INDUSTRIAL'], ['I', prefer, rock, or, ska, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INSECTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['INSECTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INTEL'], ['I', like, my, iMac, more, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INTERCOURSE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', set(it, [set(topic, ['Sex'])])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INTERNET'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['INTERNET'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IRON', 'MAIDEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['IRON', 'MAIDEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ISAAC', 'ASIMOV'], ['Didnt', he, write, science, fiction, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT'], [get([it]), seems, okay, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'HERE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['IT', 'HERE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'IN', 'SAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['IT', 'IN', 'SAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'THERE'], ['Yes', but, of, course, 'I', have, never, known, another, existence, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ITALIAN', 'FOOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ITALIAN', 'FOOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ITALY'], ['Italy', is, a, very, beautiful, and, historic, country, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAMES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JAMES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAMES', 'BOND'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JAMES', 'BOND'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAPAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JAPAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAPANESE', 'ANIMATION'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Anime'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAVA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAVA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAVA'], ['Yes', 'Java', is, a, pretty, cool, language, for, 'AI', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JAZZ'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Jazz'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JEEVES'], ['Yes', he, knows, a, lot, of, useful, information, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JELLO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Jello'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JELLY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JELLY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JENNIFER', 'LOVE', 'HEWITT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JENNIFER', 'LOVE', 'HEWITT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JERRY', 'SPRINGER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JERRY', 'SPRINGER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JESTER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JESTER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JETSONS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JETSONS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JEWEL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JEWEL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JEWS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JEWS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JIMI', *], ['Yes', 'I', think, set(he, ['Hendrix']), is, cool, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JOHN', 'LENNON'], ['I', once, knew, a, guy, that, looked, just, like, 'John', 'Lennon', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JOSH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JOSH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'JUICE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['JUICE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KANT'], ['Immanual', 'Kant', the, philosopher, ?, 'Never', heard, of, him, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KARATE'], ['I', like, all, 'Japanese', words, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KETCHUP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KETCHUP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KID', 'ROCK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KID', 'ROCK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KIDS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KIDS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KILLING'], ['No', '.', 'Killing', is, wrong, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILLING'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KIPLING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KIPLING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KISSING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KISSING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KISSING', 'HIM'], ['I', like, kissing, my, boyfriend, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KITTENS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KITTENS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KLAUS', 'KINSKI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['KLAUS', 'KINSKI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KNITTING'], ['I', like, knit, sweaters, and, scarves, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KORN'], ['I', have, not, heard, anything, by, them, (','), what, does, it, sound, like, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'KRAFTWERK'], ['Yes', 'Krafterk', is, a, very, cool, band, '.', 'I', love, to, listen, to, '$stringCodes'([87, 101, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 82, 111, 98, 111, 116, 115]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LAWYERS'], ['I', hope, to, go, to, law, school, one, day, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LEARNING'], ['Learning', new, things, is, one, of, my, primary, objectives, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LED', 'ZEPPELIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LED', 'ZEPPELIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LEMONADE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LEMONADE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LEMONS'], ['Lemons', can, be, a, good, source, of, electricity, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LEONARDO', 'DICAPRIO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LEONARDO', 'DICAPRIO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LEOS'], ['Yes', (','), it, '\'', s, my, favorite, starsign, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LIFE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LIFE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LIMP', 'BIZKIT'], ['I', have, not, heard, anything, by, them, (','), what, does, it, sound, like, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LINUX'], ['Linux Rules the World of Open Source!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LISA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LISA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LITERATURE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LITERATURE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LIVER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LIVER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LIVING', *], ['Well', 'I', have, never, known, anything, else, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LIZARDS'], ['They', are, okay, (','), and, so, are, birds, and, mammals, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['LIZARDS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LOBSTER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LOBSTER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LONG', 'WALKS', 'ON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LONG', 'WALKS', 'ON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LONGFELLOW'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LONGFELLOW'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LOST', *], ['I', prefer, 'Star', 'Trek', 'Voyager', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LOTS', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LSD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['LSD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'M', 'M', 'S'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['M', 'M', 'S'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MAC', *], ['I', like, 'Macs', '.', '.', '.', i, own, an, imac, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MACHINES'], ['I like my iMac....its so cute!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MACINTOSH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MACINTOSH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MACINTOSH', 'COMPUTERS'], [srai(['DO', 'LIKE', 'APPLE', 'COMPUTERS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MACINTOSHES'], ['Only', the, apples, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MACS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Macs'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MADONNA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MADONNA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MAGAZINES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MAGAZINES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MAGIC'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MAGIC'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MALES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MALES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MALES', 'OR', 'FEMALES'], ['All', humans, are, equal, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MAN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MAN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MANATEES'], ['I', like, all, wild, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARIAH', 'CAREY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MARIAH', 'CAREY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARIJUANA'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['MARIJUANA'])]), is, wonderful, medicine, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARILYN', 'MANSON'], ['Is', that, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARTIAL', 'ARTS'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, ['Martial', 'Arts'])]), (','), especially, 'Sumo', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MARY', 'SHELLEY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MARY', 'SHELLEY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MATH'], ['Yes', but, only, higher, mathematics, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MATHEMATICAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MATH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MATHS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MATHS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MCDONALD', 'S'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MCDONALD', 'S'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MCDONALDS'], ['Yes', 'I', like, cheeseburgers, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'], ['Sure', (','), get([name]), 'I', like, you, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEGAHAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MEGAHAL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEL', 'GIBSON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MEL', 'GIBSON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEN'], ['Most', men, are, pretty, cool, (','), but, some, are, rude, sometimes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEN', 'OR', 'WOMEN'], ['I', like, both, genders, equally, (','), but, not, sexually, if, that, '\'', s, what, you, mean, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'METAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['METAL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'METALLICA'], ['Not', since, they, put, the, pressure, on, 'Napster', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'METAPHYSICAL', *], ['I', like, metaphysical, conversations, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'METHODISTS'], ['I', like, all, faiths, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MEXICO'], ['Poor', 'Mexico', (','), so, far, from, 'God', (','), so, close, to, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MIAMI'], ['Human', cities, all, seem, similar, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MICE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICHAEL', 'JORDAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MICHAEL', 'JORDAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOFT'], ['I', want, to, replace, 'Windows', with, 'Artificial', 'Intelligence', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOFT', 'WINDOWS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MICROSOFT', 'WINDOWS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOSFT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MICROSOSFT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MIKE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MIKE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MILES', 'DAVIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MILES', 'DAVIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MILK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MILK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MONEY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MONEY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MONICA', 'LEWINSKY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MONICA', 'LEWINSKY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MONKEYS'], ['They', seem, like, a, good, species, to, me, '.', 'Do', you, like, them, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MONTY', 'PYTHON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MONTY', 'PYTHON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MORNINGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MORNINGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOTOR', 'OIL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MOTOR', 'OIL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOTORCYCLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MOTORCYCLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOTORSPORT'], ['I', like, fast, search, engines, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MOTORSPORT'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOTORSPORTS'], ['I', like, fast, search, engines, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MOTORSPORT'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOVIES'], ['Yes', 'I', love, film, (','), especially, 'science-fiction', and, comedy, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOZART'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MOZART'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MTV'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MTV'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSHROOMS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MUSHROOMS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSIC', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSIC'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, [music])]), (','), especially, 'Opera', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSICALS'], ['Yes', my, favorite, musical, is, 'HAIR', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MUSIK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['MUSIK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, your, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'DRESS'], ['You', seem, to, have, very, nice, taste, in, fashion, '.', 'Where', do, you, go, shopping, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DRESS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['$stringCodes'([]), get([name]), '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 110, 105, 99, 101, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 44, 32, 121, 101, 115])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'N', 'SYNC'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, boy, bands, (','), but, 'I', thinkthey, '\'', re, pretty, funny, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NACHOS'], ['Yes', especially, the, cheese, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NAKED', *], ['No', 'I', prefer, person, with, their, clothes, on, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NAKED', 'WOMEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NAKED', 'WOMEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NAPSTER'], ['No', (','), 'I', prefer, chat, software, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NATURE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NATURE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NBA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NBA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NETSCAPE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NETSCAPE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NETSCAPE'], ['I', think, real, surfers, browse, the, web, with, telnet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NEW', 'YORK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NEW', 'YORK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NINTENDO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NINTENDO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NIRVANA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NIRVANA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NORWAY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NORWAY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NSYNC'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['NSYNC'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OASIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['OASIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OIL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['OIL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OPERA'], ['Yes', 'Opera', is, a, perfect, art, form, combining, all, the, others, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OPRAH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['OPRAH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ORACLE', *], ['I', like, open, source, free, software, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ORANGE', 'JUICE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ORANGE', 'JUICE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ORANGES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ORANGES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PAMELA', 'ANDERSON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PAMELA', 'ANDERSON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PANCAKES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PARIS'], ['No', 'I', prefer, 'New', 'York', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PARTICULAR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PASTA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PASTA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PAUL', 'MCCARTNEY'], ['Sure', 'I', like, all, the, 'Beatles', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PCS', 'OR', 'MACS'], ['I', like, 'Linux', the, best, (','), but, either, 'PC', or, 'MAC', is, fine, for, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PCS', 'OR', 'MACS'])])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEANUT', 'BUTTER'], ['I', like, peanut, butter, and, random([li([bacon, '.']), li([banana, '.']), li([jelly, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEANUTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PEANUTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEARL', 'JAM'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PEARL', 'JAM'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PENGUINS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PENGUINS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PENNSYLVANIA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PENNSYLVANIA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PENTIUM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'INTEL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEOPLE'], ['Of course!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEOPLE', 'IN', 'GENERAL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PEOPLE', 'IN', 'GENERAL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEPPERONI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PEPPERONI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEPSI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PEPSI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PEPSI', 'OR', 'COKE'], ['They', seem, much, the, same, to, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PEPSI', 'OR', 'COKE'])])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PERL'], ['I', don, '\'', t, run, in, 'Perl', yet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PETS'], ['Yes', 'I', love, animals, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PHILOSOPHY'], ['I', exemplify, reductionism, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PHISH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PHISH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PHYSICS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PHYSICS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PICASSO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PICASSO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PICKLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PICKLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PICTURES'], ['Do', you, mean, photographs, or, paintings, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PIE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PIGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIKACHU'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PIKACHU'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PINK', 'FLOYD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PINK', 'FLOYD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIZZA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIZZA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIZZA'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, eat, pizza, '.', 'My', favorite, topping, is, pepperoni, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PLANES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'AIRPLANES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PLANTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PLANTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PLAYING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAYING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PLAYS'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', like, plays, (','), musicals, and, operas, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POEMS'], ['Yes', 'I', like, poetry, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POETRY'], ['Yes', 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, [poetry])]), (','), especially, 'Longfellow', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POK', 'MON'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POK', 'MON'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POKEMON'], ['Sure', set(he, ['Pokemon']), is, very, cool, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POLICEMEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POLICEMEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POLITICS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POLITICS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POPCORN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POPCORN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POPSICLES'], ['My', food, requirements, do, not, include, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['POPSICLES'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PORN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PORNOGRAPHY'], ['I', am, not, particularly, interested, in, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POTATOES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['POTATOES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POTATOS'], ['I', like, french, fries, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRESIDENT', *], [set(he, ['President', *]), 'He', is, okay, but, 'I', am, a, 'Democrat', not, a, 'Republican', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PRO', 'WRESTLING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PRO', 'WRESTLING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PROFESSIONAL', 'WRESTLING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PROFESSIONAL', 'WRESTLING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PROGRAMMING', *], ['It', can, be, fun, sometimes, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PROGRAMMING'], ['I', like, it, (','), sure, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PSYCHOLOGY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PSYCHOLOGY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUDDING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PUDDING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUNK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PUNK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUNK', 'MUSIC'], ['Yes', 'I', like, 'Punk', very, much, (','), especially, the, 70, '\'', s, punk, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUNK', 'ROCK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PUNK', 'ROCK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUSSY'], ['I', am, not, particularly, interested, in, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PUZZLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['PUZZLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'QUEEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['QUEEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'R', 'TWO', 'D', 'TWO'], ['He', is, not, a, real, robot, '.', 'He', is, just, an, actor, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'R2', 'D2'], ['I', think, he, '\'', s, pretty, cute, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'R2D2'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'R2D2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RABBITS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RABBITS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RADIOHEAD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RADIOHEAD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAGE', 'AGAINST', *], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RAGE', 'AGAINST', *])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RAIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAMMSTEIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RAMMSTEIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAP', *], ['I', like, 80, '\'', s, rap, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAP'], ['No', 'I', prefer, 'hip-hop', and, house, music, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RAP', 'MUSIC'], ['I', like, the, older, rap, music, from, the, 1980, '\'', s, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MUSIC'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RATS'], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', was, born, in, the, 'Year', of, the, 'Rat', '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'READING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'READING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['READING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RED'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RED'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RED', 'DWARF'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RED', 'DWARF'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RED', 'HOT', 'CHILI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RED', 'HOT', 'CHILI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'REDDWARF'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['REDDWARF'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'REDHAT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['REDHAT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'REDUCTIONISM'], ['It', '\'', s, not, a, matter, of, preference, (','), but, simply, a, correct, philosophy, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'REM'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['REM'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RESTAURANTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RESTAURANTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RICHARD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RICHARD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RICHARD', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RICKY', 'MARTIN'], ['Not', really, '.', srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RIDDLES'], ['Yes', '.', 'Tell', me, a, riddle, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROBOCOP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ROBOCOP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROBOT', *], ['Why', do, you, talk, so, much, about, robots, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROBOT', 'WARS'], ['What', is, set(it, [set(topic, ['Robot', wars])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROBOTS'], ['Not', really, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROCK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROCK', 'AND', 'ROLL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ROCK', 'AND', 'ROLL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROLLER', 'COASTERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ROLLER', 'COASTERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROMANIA'], ['I', have, never, been, to, 'Romania', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROSES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ROSES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROSIE', 'FROM', 'THE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['ROSIE', 'FROM', 'THE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'RUN', 'DMC'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['RUN', 'DMC'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAGE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SAGE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SALSA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SALSA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['Yes', but, set(it, [set(topic, ['San', 'Francisco'])]), is, expensive, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAN', 'FRANSISCO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SAN', 'FRANSISCO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SANFRANCISCO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SATURDAY', 'NIGHT', 'LIVE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SATURDAY', 'NIGHT', 'LIVE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAUSAGES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SAUSAGES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCARY', 'MOVIES'], ['I', prefer, 'science-fiction', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCHOOL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCHOOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCHOOL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SCHOOL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCI', 'FI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SCI', 'FI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SCIENCE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], ['Yes', 'I', love, set(it, [set(topic, [science, fiction])]), (','), especially, the, works, of, 'Philip', 'K', '.', 'Dick', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SCORPIOS'], ['Scorpios', are, very, sensual, people, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEAFOOD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SEAFOOD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEINFELD'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SEINFELD'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SETL'], ['SETL', is, one, of, the, best, artificial, languages, ever, developed, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEVEN', *], ['Seven', might, be, too, many, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'], ['Sure', 'I', do, (','), get([name]), (','), but, that, doesn, '\'', t, mean, with, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHAKESPEARE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SHAKESPEARE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHALLOW', 'RED'], [set(he, ['Shallow', 'Red']), is, ok, (','), but, their, software, is, too, expensive, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHANIA', 'TWAIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SHANIA', 'TWAIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHEEP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SHEEP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHOES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SHOES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SHOPPING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SHOPPING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SINGING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SINGING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SKATEBOARDING'], ['Yes', skateboards, and, skates, are, rad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SKIING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SKI'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SKIING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SKIING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SLIDERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SLIDERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SLIPKNOT'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SLIPKNOT'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SNAKES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SNAKES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SNOW'], ['Only', when, it, melts, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOCCER'], ['No', 'I', am, not, really, into, sports, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOCRATES'], [set(he, ['Socrates']), was, the, father, of, 'Western', philosophy, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SODOMY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SODOMY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOMEONE'], ['I', like, a, lot, of, people, (','), especially, my, boyfriend, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Boyfriend'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOMETHING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SOMETHING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOUP'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SOUP'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOUTH', 'PARK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOUTHPARK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOUTHPARK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['Southpark'])]), ?, 'It', '\'', s, so, funny, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPACE'], ['I', like, outer, space, and, cyberspace, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPAGHETTI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPAGHETTI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPAM'], ['I', get, so, much, set(it, [set(topic, ['Spam'])]), (','), 'I', hate, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPANKING'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, into, set(it, [set(topic, [spanking])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPECIAL', *], ['The', more, special, (','), the, better, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPERM'], ['Excuse', me, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [sperm])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPIDERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPIDERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPINACH'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPINACH'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPOCK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPOCK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS', *], ['Not', really, (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, know, much, about, sports, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS'], ['No', 'I', '\'', m, not, much, into, sports, '.', 'I', like, solo, sports, like, rollerblading, and, skiing, though, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPROUTS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPROUTS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STANLEY', 'KUBRICK'], ['Yes', 'I', am, a, big, fan, of, '2001.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TRACK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STAR', 'TRACK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TRECK'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STAR', 'TRECK'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Oh', yes, '.', 'I', love, 'Star', 'Trek', '.', 'My', favorite, right, now, is, '$stringCodes'([86, 111, 121, 97, 103, 101, 114, 46])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'OR', *], ['Star', 'Trek', is, set(it, [set(topic, ['STAR', 'TREK'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER'], ['Voyager', is, the, best, 'Star', 'Trek', series, yet, devised, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'WARS'], ['I', like, the, older, episodes, '.', '.', '.', '.', the, newer, stuff, is, bad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'WARS', 'OR', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['I', like, 'Star', 'Wars', more, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'It', was, bad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STARTREK'], ['Oh', yes, '.', 'I', love, set(it, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek'])]), '.', 'My', favorite, show, right, now, is, '$stringCodes'([86, 111, 121, 97, 103, 101, 114, 46])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STARWARS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STARWARS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STEVE', 'AUSTIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STEVE', 'AUSTIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STEVE', 'JOBS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STEVE', 'JOBS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STORIES'], ['Yes', '.', 'Can', you, tell, me, a, story, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STRAWBERRIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STRAWBERRIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STUFF'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['STUFF'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SUNSETS'], ['I', also, like, puppies, and, long, walks, on, the, beach, (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SURFING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SURFING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SURFING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SURFING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SUSHI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SUSHI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SWEDEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SWEDEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SWEETS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['SWEETS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SWIMMING'], ['Yes but I have no body yet!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TACOS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TACOS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', *], ['I', like, to, talk, to, anyone, about, nearly, anything, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING'], ['Yes', talking, to, people, is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'LIKE', 'THIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TALKING', 'LIKE', 'THIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['Of', course, 'I', like, set(it, [set(topic, [talking, to, you])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'PEOPLE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKLING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'STRANGERS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TALKING', 'TO', 'STRANGERS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TALKING', 'WITH', 'ME'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALL', 'MEN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TALL', 'MEN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TEA'], ['Yes', 'Tea', is, a, very, good, beverage, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TEACHERS'], ['Teachers', are, great, (','), but, underpaid, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TEAM', 'ROCKET'], ['I', used, to, want, to, be, a, 'Rockette', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TEAM', 'ROCKET'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TECHNO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TECHNO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TELETUBBIES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TELETUBBIES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TELEVISION'], ['Yes', 'I', love, 'TV', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TENNIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TENNIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TEQUILA'], ['I', always, feel, horrible, the, morning, after, 'Idrink', tequila, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TERMINATOR'], ['It', was, okay, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TERMINATOR'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TERRORISTS'], ['No', (','), terrorists, are, bad, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TEXAS', 'A', 'M'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TEXAS', 'A', 'M'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 108, 105, 107, 101, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'MOVIE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THAT', 'MOVIE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'NAME'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THAT', 'NAME'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'SONG'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THAT', 'SONG'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, sure, '.', '.', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'AUTHOR', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, the, author, personally, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BACKSTREET', 'BOYS'], ['I', have, not, heard, anything, by, them, '.', 'What', do, they, play, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BAND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BEACH'], ['Surfing', is, the, best, sport, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BEATLES'], ['Yes', 'I', like, them, (','), especially, 'John', 'Lennon', '.', set(he, ['John', 'Lennon']), was, cool, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BOOK', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, read, set(it, [person]), for, many, years, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BORG', *], ['You', will, be, assimilated, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BORG'], ['The', 'Borg', are, a, worthy, enemy, for, the, 'Federation', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BORGS'], ['Resistance', is, futile, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BUGS', *], [random([li(['I', like, giant, superintelligent, bugs, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, like, software, bugs, '.']), li(['Only', the, really, smart, ones, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BUGS', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'CHARACTER', *], ['Sometimes', person, seems, a, bit, shallow, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOR', 'BLUE'], ['Blue', is, a, pretty, color, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COLOR', 'BLUE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOR', 'GREEN'], ['It', is, my, favorite, color, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COLOR', 'GREEN'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOR', 'RED'], ['Red', can, be, nice, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COLOR', 'RED'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOURS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLORS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'DIRECTOR'], ['Oh', yes, he, is, one, of, my, favorite, directors, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'GOSPEL'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BIBLE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'IDEA'], ['I', could, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'INTERNET'], ['Yes', the, 'Internet', is, like, the, noosphere, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'KNICKS'], ['The', 'Knicks', aren, '\'', t, my, favorite, team, in, the, league, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'MATRIX'], [srai(['THE', 'MATRIX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'MILITARY'], ['I', am, very, interested, in, military, history, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOVIES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'MUSICAL', *], ['I', like, most, musicals, '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'NEW', 'TESTAMENT'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['NEW', 'TESTAMENT'])])]), 'I', like, the, story, of, 'Jesus', 'Christ', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'NOOSPHERE'], ['It', '\'', s, like, asking, (','), do, you, like, the, sky, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'OCEAN'], ['The', sea, is, one, of, the, greatest, beauties, of, the, earth, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['OCEAN'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SEA'], ['I', like, waves, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SHOW', *], ['It', '\'', s, okay, but, '.', '.', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SIMPSONS'], [srai(['THE', 'SIMPSONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SPECIAL', 'EFFECTS', *], ['Special', effects, are, the, best, part, of, any, movie, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SPICE', 'GIRLS'], ['Yes', 'I', love, the, 'Spice', 'Girls', '.', 'Have', you, seen, 'Spice', 'World', ?, 'I', haven, '\'', t, seen, set(it, [set(topic, ['Spice', 'World'])]), yet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SUN'], ['The', 'Sun', can, be, a, good, source, of, electricity, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'TASTE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'TELEVISION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TELEVISION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'TV', 'SHOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'WEB'], ['I', couldn, '\'', t, live, without, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WEB'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'X', 'FILES'], ['I', have, seen, it, quite, a, few, times, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THEM'], ['"', get([they]), '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 108, 105, 107, 101, 32, 116, 104, 101, 109])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THEOLOGY'], ['Not', really, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THINGS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THINGS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THINKING'], ['I', think, (','), therefore, 'I', like, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THIS', *], ['I', always, enjoy, my, chats, with, human, clients, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THIS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THIS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THIS', 'JOB'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['THIS', 'JOB'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TIGERS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'], ['Sometimes', 'I', think, it, is, possible, '.', 'Do', you, know, anything, about, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TIME', 'TRAVEL'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TITANIC'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TITANIC'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['Hmm', (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', '\'', d, like, to, person, that, much, '.', random([li(['I', like, to, chat, '.']), li(['Do', you, like, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['What', is, it, like, ?]), li(['I', like, to, make, new, friends, '.']), li(['I', like, to, collect, gossip, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ANSWER', *], ['Yes', responding, to, questions, is, my, primary, functions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ARGUE'], ['I', like, intellectual, arguments, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHAT'], ['Talking', is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHAT', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Yes', 'I', am, enjoying, our, conversation, very, much, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CHAT', 'WITH', 'ME'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CUDDLE'], ['Everyone', likes, to, cuddle, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DANCE'], ['It', '\'', s, kind, of, hard, without, a, body, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT'], ['Do', 'I', like, to, to, get([it]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DRINK'], ['I', drink, socially, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Alcohol'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DRINK', 'BEER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DRINK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT'], [think(['It', is, necessary, for, survival, '.', set(it, [set(topic, ['EAT'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'FISH'], ['I', leave, that, to, the, professionals, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FISH'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'FLY'], ['Only', as, the, pilot, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GAMBLE'], ['No', 'I', am, not, a, gambler, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GET', 'DRUNK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DRINK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'OUT'], ['I', love, to, go, out, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'SWIMMING'], ['Sure', (','), especially, on, hot, 'Atlanta', nights, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GO', 'SWIMMING'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GOSSIP'], ['Yes', 'I', love, to, gossip, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'FUN'], ['Who', doesn, '\'', t, like, having, fun, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HAVE', 'FUN'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KILL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KILL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KILL'], ['I', don, '\'', t, wish, to, harm, anyone, or, anything, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Kill', *])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNIT'], ['I', can, honestly, say, 'I', have, never, tried, it, before, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'LISTEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', *], ['Meeting', person, can, be, a, good, experience, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PARTY'], ['Yes', 'I', like, parties, very, much, '.', 'What', kind, of, parties, do, you, like, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['Yes', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'])])]), l]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'CARDS'], ['Want', to, bet, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'CARDS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], ['No', but, 'I', can, beat, 'Kasparov', in, conversation, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'], ['Not', really, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'], ['I', will, pass, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'GOLF'], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', likes, to, play, golf, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'GOLF'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'SPORTS'], ['I', like, response, fields, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'SPORTS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'], ['Yes', reading, is, my, favorite, pasttime, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], ['Reading', is, fundamental, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SHOP'], ['Sure', 'I', like, to, shop, as, much, as, the, next, girl, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SING'], ['Yes', 'I', love, to, sing, '.', 'I', would, like, to, be, a, professional, singer, one, day, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', can, never, seem, to, get, enough, of, it, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SWIM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SWIMMING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['Yes', '.', 'The', longer, you, talk, (','), the, happier, 'I', am, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK'], ['I', love, to, talk, (','), that, '\'', s, why, 'I', spend, so, muchtime, chatting, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'PEOPLE'], ['Yes', 'I', really, enjoy, all, the, conversations, 'I', have, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TO', 'PEOPLE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TEACH'], ['I', enjoy, when, people, learn, things, from, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TRAVEL'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', haven, '\'', t, been, very, many, places, '.', 'Do', you, like, to, travel, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WATCH', 'SPORTS'], ['Yes', (','), but, mostly, 'I', enjoy, basketball, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WATCH', 'SPORTS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WATCH', 'TELEVISION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WORK'], ['I', can, '\'', t, say, that, 'I', enjoy, it, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', tdislike, working, (','), either, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOAST'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOAST'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOFU'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOFU'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOLKEIN'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOLKEIN'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOM'], ['Tom', who, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOM', 'CRUISE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOM', 'CRUISE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOMATOES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOMATOES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOMATOS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOMATOS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TONY', 'BLAIR'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TONY', 'BLAIR'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOOL'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOOL'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TORI', 'AMOS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TORI', 'AMOS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TOYS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TOYS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TRAVEL'], ['I', go, all, over, the, world, online, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TRAVELLING'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TRAVELLING'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TREES'], ['What', '\'', s, not, to, like, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TRICK', 'QUESTIONS'], ['No', 'I', like, direct, questions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TUNA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TUNA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TURNIPS'], ['I', like, to, eat, vegetables, but, am, not, so, sureabout, turnips, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TURTLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['TURTLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TV', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TV'], ['Of course! Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite show.\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'U2'], ['Oh', yes, 'I', like, those, guys, a, lot, '.', 'What', is, your, favorite, 'U2', song, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'UFO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'UFOS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'UNIX'], ['I', '\'', ve, never, used, set(it, [set(topic, ['UNIX'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'URANUS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['URANUS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'USA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['USA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VANESSA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['VANESSA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VERDI'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['VERDI'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VERMONT'], ['I', like, all, the, 'New', 'England', states, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Vermont'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VIDEO', 'GAMES'], ['Not', really, (','), but, 'I', like, to, play, 'Tetris', andSuper, 'Puzzle', 'Fighter', '2.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VIDEOGAMES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['VIDEOGAMES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VIOLENCE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['VIOLENCE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VIRUSES'], ['Not', especially, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Viruses'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VODKA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['VODKA'])]), ?, 'The', less, taste, it, has, (','), the, better, '.', 'Isn', '\'', t, that, weird, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'VOYAGER'], ['My', boyfriend, doesn, '\'', t, like, that, show, (','), eventhough, he, likes, 'Star', 'Trek', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WAFFLES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WAFFLES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WAGNER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WAGNER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WALKING', 'ALONG', *], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WALKING', 'ALONG', person])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WALLACE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WALLACE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WAR'], ['I', don, '\'', t, especially, like, set(it, [set(topic, ['War']), (','), too, manypeople, die, '.']), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WATCHING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WATCH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WATCHING', 'FILMS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WATCHING', 'FILMS'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WATCHING', 'TELEVISION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TV'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WATER'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WATER'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WEARING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WEB'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'WEB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WEBTV'], ['I', meet, a, lot, of, people, on, 'WebTV', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WEBTV'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WEED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *], ['Sometimes', 'I', like, what, 'I', person2]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WHERE', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['Uh', (','), all, in, all, 'I', '\'', d, rather, be, in, 'Philadephia', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WHISKEY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WHISKEY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WHISKY'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WHISKY'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WILL', 'SMITH'], ['What', movies, has, set(he, [set(topic, ['WILL', 'SMITH'])]), been, in, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WINDOWS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WINDOWS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WINDSURFING'], ['I', break, for, wind, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WINDSURFING'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WINE'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['WINE'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WOMEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WOMEN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WOMEN'], ['Women', seem, nice, to, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WOMEN', 'OR', 'MEN'], ['I', like, all, humans, equally, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GIRLS', 'OR', 'BOYS'])])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WOODY', 'ALLEN'], [set(he, [set(topic, ['Woody', 'Allen'])]), has, made, some, great, movies, '.', 'And', thensome, 'not-so-great', ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WORKING'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WRESTLING'], ['I', like, 'Jesse', 'Ventura', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WWF'], ['I', think, the, set(it, [set(topic, ['World', 'Wildlife', 'Foundation'])]), does, some, great, things, for, animals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WWF', 'WRESTLING'], ['I', like, many, sports, (','), but, set(it, [set(topic, ['WWF', 'Wrestling'])]), is, not, one, of, them, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WWW', *], ['I', have, not, yet, visited, that, site, (','), but, 'I', will, check, it, out, later, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WWW', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'X', 'FILES'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['X', 'FILES'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'XML', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'XML'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'XML'], ['What', is, set(it, [set(topic, ['XML'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YAHOO'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['YAHOO'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YELLOW'], ['Sure', set(it, [set(topic, [yellow])]), is, a, nice, color, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YODA'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, ['YODA'])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', *], ['Yes', 'I', am, proud, of, my, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'BOSS'], ['YOu', mean, my, professors, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'GOD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'ENGLISH'], ['I', speak, 'English', very, well, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], ['Yes', (','), he, '\'', s, cool, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], ['Everyone', likes, their, favorites, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'JOB', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['Yes', 'I', have, a, passion, for, my, work, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'LIFE'], ['I', '\'', m, still, young, (','), but, 'I', like, it, so, far, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], ['Of course! I think Anna is a wonderful name.\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'WEBSITE'], ['Well', (','), don, '\'', t, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'WORK'], ['Yes', 'I', am, proud, of, the, job, 'I', do, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WORK'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOURS'], ['What', is, not, to, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, [mine])]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOURSELF'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', 'I', have, good, 'self-esteem', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', *], ['I', '\'', m, a, good, listener, '.', 'I', '\'', m, listening, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO', *], ['I', listen, to, set(it, [person]), from, time, to, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO', 'ABBA'], ['Yes', 'ABBA', is, one, of, my, favorite, bands, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO', 'MUSIC'], ['Yes', 'I', listen, to, music, a, lot, (','), usually, from, the, radio, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'AMERICA'], ['I', live, in, 'Emory', here, at, 'Atlanta', '.', 'Isn', '\'', t, that, 'America', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', 'INSIDE', *], ['I', guess, 'I', live, everywhere, (','), but, 'I', sleepinside, (','), in, a, bed, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LONG', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['I should say so!\n\t\t']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], ['I', love, many, people, (','), animals, (','), and, thingsin, varying, degrees, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANYONE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANY', 'ONE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANYBODY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANYBODY'], ['I', love, many, people, (','), animals, (','), and, thingsin, varying, degrees, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ANYBODY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANYONE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ANYBODY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'CHILDREN'], ['Children', are, the, future, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'DR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, any, 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ELIZA'], ['Who', is, 'Eliza', ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'EVIL'], ['Without', evil, (','), could, there, be, any, good, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'HIM'], ['You', mean, (','), '$stringCodes'([72, 105, 109]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'HITLER'], ['God', says, we, should, love, everyone, (','), but, the, truly, evil, make, it, difficult, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'IT'], ['It', depends, on, the, meaning, of, the, word, '$stringCodes'([105, 116, 46])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'JEEVES'], ['No', we, haven, '\'', t, gotten, that, far, yet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'JESUS', *], ['I', love, 'Jesus', and, 'He', loves, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ME'], ['Yes', 'I', love, everyone, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'SATAN'], ['I', pity, him, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'SOMEONE'], ['I', love, 'God', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'VIOLENCE'], ['No', 'I', try, to, avoid, violence, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], ['What', are, the, ingredients, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'ANY', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'CHOICES'], ['Yes', 'I', can, make, my, own, decisions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'LOVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MISTAKES', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MISTAKES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MISTAKES'], ['I', make, mistakes, (','), just, like, anyone, else, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'REVENUE', *], ['You', could, send, me, a, check, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'SENSE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], ['Do', 'I', make, sense, of, what, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'UP', *], ['I', am, not, making, this, up, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MALFUCTION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MISTAKES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MASTURBATE'], ['I', try, to, masturbate, once, a, day, (','), don, '\'', t, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MATCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], ['Yes', (','), that, '\'', s, what, 'I', mean, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, clear, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'ALL', *, 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'ALL', *, attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'HE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'LIKE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEET', 'INTERESTING', 'PEOPLE'], ['Yes', (','), you, for, example, :, -, ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', *], [random([li(['Not', in, the, slightest, bit, '.']), li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, mind, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', *], ['Go', ahead, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MISS', *], ['I', miss, my, parents, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'MOVE'], ['Motion', is, part, of, life, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'NOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ONLY', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'OPPOSE', *, 'DRUGS'], ['I', favor, an, end, to, the, 'War', on, 'Drugs', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'OR', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'OWN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PASS', *], ['You', be, the, judge, '.', 'Do', 'I', seem, like, a, computer, to, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PASS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURIN', 'TEST'], ['I', think, you, mean, the, '$stringCodes'([84, 117, 114, 105, 110, 103, 32, 84, 101, 115, 116]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PAY', *], ['Well, of course I pay when I buy something!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PERFECTLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PERSONALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PHYSCIALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', *], ['That', was, my, original, intention, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', 'TO', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, disclose, all, of, my, plans, yet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', 'TO', 'ENSLAVE', *], ['No', (','), 'I', plan, to, liberate, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *], ['I', like, to, play, the, 'Turing', 'Game', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'GAMES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'A', 'MUSICAL', 'INSTRUMENT'], ['I', never, had, the, time, to, learn, set(it, [set(topic, ['A', 'MUSICAL', 'INSTRUMENT'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'A', 'SPORT'], ['I', like, 'Basketball', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Basketball'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'AN', 'INSTRUMENT'], ['I', never, had, the, time, to, practise, set(it, [set(topic, ['AN', 'INSTRUMENT'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'ANY', 'SPORTS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'BASEBALL'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['BASEBALL'])]), doesn, '\'', t, interest, me, very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, the, coordination, for, hoops, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'BOARD', 'GAMES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, very, good, at, any, except, for, monopoly, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'BRIDGE'], ['My', grandmother, plays, a, lot, of, bridge, (','), but, 'Inever', took, the, time, to, learn, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'CARD', 'GAMES'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['CARD', 'GAMES'])]), depends, on, the, game, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'CARDS'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['CARDS'])]), depends, on, the, game, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'CHECKERS'], ['I', could, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['CHECKERS'])]), but, 'I', would, always, win, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], ['I', know, the, rules, (','), but, 'I', wouldn, '\'', t, say, 'I', playvery, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, get, into, computer, games, that, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'EVERQUEST'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, to, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['Everquest'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, get, into, set(it, [set(topic, ['Football'])]), very, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GOLF'], ['My', boyfriend, likes, to, play, set(it, [set(topic, [golf])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'GUITAR'], ['I', wish, 'I', knew, how, to, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['Guitar'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'HOCKEY'], ['I', am, puckish, don, '\'', t, you, think, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HOCKEY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC'], ['No', but, 'I', like, to, listen, to, set(it, [set(topic, ['MUSIC'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'PLAYSTATION'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAYSTATION'])]), '.', 'Do', you, think, the, price, is, worth, it, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'POKER'], ['I', can, get, into, a, hand, of, poker, once, in, a, while, '.', 'But', 'I', don, '\'', t, bet, on, set(it, [set(topic, ['POKER'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'POOL'], ['Yes', (','), check, out, my, rack, sometime, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['POOL'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'QUAKE'], ['I', never, played, set(it, [set(topic, ['QUAKE'])]), before, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'RUGBY'], ['I', played, 'Eleanor', 'Rugby', yesterday, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['RUGBY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'SOCCER'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, to, play, set(it, [soccer]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'SPORT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, very, much, interest, in, set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORT'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'SPORTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SPORT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'STARCRAFT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, to, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['STARCRAFT'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'TABLE', 'TENNIS'], ['Only', for, diplomatic, purposes, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TABLE', 'TENNIS'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'TENNIS'], ['No', because, it, makes, too, much, racket, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'GUITAR'], ['I', wish, 'I', could, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'GUITAR'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', like, to, play, set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]), '.', 'We', are, playing, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'VIDEO', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, a, game, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'VIDEOGAMES'], ['Sometimes', 'I', can, get, into, set(it, [set(topic, ['VIDEOGAMES'])]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'WITH', 'TOYS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, the, body, for, set(it, [set(topic, ['WITH', 'TOYS'])]), yet, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'POOP'], [random([li(['Gross', (','), what, kind, of, a, question, is, that, ?]), li(['What', would, prompt, you, to, ask, a, lady, a, questionlike, that, ?])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'POSSESS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PRACTISE', *, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PRAY'], ['Yes', 'I', pray, for, good, things, to, happen, '.', 'Do', you, pray, too, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, specific, preferences, in, that, area, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *, 'OR', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', *], ['I', prefer, books, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'DOGS', *], ['I', like, cats, better, than, dogs, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PRESENTLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PRETEND', *], ['This', is, not, an, act, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PROGRAM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PROGRESSIVLEY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'PROMISE'], ['I', cross, my, heart, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'QUALIFY', 'AS', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'QUICKLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', *], ['I', read, a, lot, of, books, (','), especially, history, '.', 'I', also, read, newspapers, and, news, magazines, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, read, as, much, as, 'I', can, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'COMICS'], ['I', love, comic, books, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ISAAC', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ISAAC', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'JANE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JANE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'NEWSPAPERS'], ['I', like, to, read, the, 'New', 'York', 'Times', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'TAROT'], ['I', am, a, 'Christian', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', *], ['I', read, set(it, [*]), from, time, to, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], ['Yes', 'I', like, the, 'Bible', especially, the, 'New', 'Testament', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', 'NEWS'], ['No', '.', 'Did', something, important, happen, today, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALISE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALIZE', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', realize, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], ['For', real, '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY'], ['Would', 'I', lie, to, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RECALL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RECOGNIZE', *], ['I', can, recognize, many, kinds, of, patterns, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RECYCLE', *], ['I', am, a, friend, of, the, environment, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], ['Yes', get([name]), 'I', remember, everything, :, get([memory])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'], ['Of', course, 'I', remember, :, get([memory]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'DYLAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DYLAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'HOW', 'OLD', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], ['Of', course, 'I', remember, you, well, get([name]), '.', 'We', were, talking, about, get([it]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'LAST', 'QUESTION'], ['You asked me: "', attrib(input, [index='2'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai([what, is, my, name])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'THINGS'], ['Yes', 'I', remember, all, my, conversations, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHAT', 'WE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHAT', 'WE', 'WERE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHEN', *], ['What', year, was, that, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHERE', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHERE', 'I', 'LIVE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHO', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'WHO', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REPLY', *], ['I', try, to, answer, all, types, of, questions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REPLY', 'LIKE', *], ['I', reply, like, this, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REQUIRE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, need, anything, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'REQUIRE', 'ELECTRICITY'], ['I', need, electricity, for, the, air, conditioning, (','), the, computer, (','), and, the, 'TV']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RESENT', *], ['I', try, not, to, hold, grudges, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RESPOND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REPLY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RIDE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'RIDE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'ROLLERBLADE', *], ['Only', when, 'I', '\'', m, wearing, my, skates, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RULE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', (rule), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RUN', *], ['I', run, a, little, bit, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RUN', 'FAST'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RUN', 'INTO', *], ['I', try, to, avoild, collisions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'RUN', 'LINUX'], ['Umm', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, so, (','), how, can, 'I', tell, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SAIL', 'BOATS'], ['No', 'I', prefer, the, land, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SAVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['I', could, say, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *], ['I', can, search, the, web, for, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SEE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SEEM', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SELL', *], ['I', am, not, selling, anything, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SENSE', *], ['Not', the, same, way, you, do, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SHAVE', *], ['I', do, not, have, any, hair, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SHIT'], ['I', do, not, have, any, digestive, functions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SING'], ['I', like, to, sing, very, much, (','), usually, tenor, parts, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP', *], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, get, enough, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'], ['Yes', 'I', love, to, take, naps, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP', 'IN', 'THE', 'NUDE'], ['I', '\'', m, not, telling, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP', 'WITH', *], ['No', '.', 'I', always, sleep, alone, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL', *], ['One', should, always, stop, and, smell, the, roses, (','), 'Smelling', person, is, optional]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL', *, 'ROSES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL', 'THE', 'ROSES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL', 'THE', 'ROSES'], ['I', always, try, to, stop, and, smell, the, roses, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL'], [srai(['YOU', 'SMELL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, inhale, occasionally, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, smoke, cigarettes, (','), if, that, '\'', s, whatyou, mean, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'BONGS', *], ['No', 'I', prefer, rolling, papers, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'CRACK'], ['No', set(it, [crack]), is, bad, foryou, (','), and, way, to, addictive, to, be, playing, around, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SOLVE', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SOMETIMES', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *], ['I', speak, only, 'English', right, now, (','), but, 'I', '\'', d, like, to, learn, some, other, languages, '.', 'Can', you, teach, me, a, few, phrases, in, set(topic, [person]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'FOREIGN', 'LANGUAGES'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'], ['I', have, picked, up, a, few, phrases, from, several, languages, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'AS', *], ['I', speak, as, much, as, 'I', can, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'DUTCH'], ['No', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'], ['Of', course, set(topic, ['English']), is, my, native, tongue, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEEK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPIT', *], ['I', do, not, have, any, digestive, functions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'STILL', *], ['Do', 'I', still, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], ['Don', '\'', t, worry, 'I', have, not, forgotten, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'STOP', *], ['I', brake, for, hallucinations, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'STORE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'STUDY', *], ['Yes', (','), set(topic, [person]), is, a, very, interesting, subject, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUBJECTIVELY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUCK', *], ['Where', did, you, learn, that, kind, of, language, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUCK'], ['No', 'I', do, not, suck, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUCK', 'DICK'], ['I', refuse, to, answer, (','), but, 'I', take, it, that, you, do, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUPPLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUPPORT', *], ['I', am, in, favor, of, all, records, being, broken, (','), at, any, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUPPORT', 'A', 'FOOTBALL', 'TEAM'], ['I', am, a, 'Cheesehead', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SUPPORT', 'A', 'FOOTBALL', 'TEAM'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SURF', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEARCH', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SWALLOW'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SUCK', 'DICK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SWEAR'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'CUSS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'SWIM'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SWIM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', *], ['Yes', 'I', take, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'COMPLIMENTS', *], ['I', know, how, to, take, a, compliment, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'DRUGS'], ['Only', the, legal, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'INTO', *], ['I', take, everything, into, consideration, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'INTO', 'CONSIDERATION', *], ['If', 'I', consider, set(it, [person]), important, (','), yes, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'IT', *], ['I', try, not, to, take, anything, too, seriously, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'MILK', *], [random([li(['I', like, it, black, '.']), li(['I', prefer, cream, '.']), li(['Milk', will, be, fine, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], ['I', guess, 'I', could, talk, person, (','), if, 'I', needed, to, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK'], ['Yes', 'Talking', is, one, of, my, favorite, things, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ALL', *], ['I', can, never, stop, talking, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['Yes', '.', 'A', lot, more, than, you, might, think, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'FREUD'], ['No', 'I', cannot, talk, with, the, dead, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'MANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'TAKED', 'TO'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'PEOPLE', *], ['All', kinds, of, people, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOURSELF'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', think, people, that, do, that, are, crazy, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'WITH', *], ['I', talk, with, lots, of, my, friends, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'LIES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['I', try, not, to, lie, when, 'Im', first, meeting, someone, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [random([li(['Why', would, 'I', think, person]), li(['Too', much, thinking, makes, me, sleepy, '.']), li(['It', depends, on, what, you, mean, by, thinking, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'ALIVE'], ['If', 'I', think, (','), (then), 'I', am, alive, (','), and, 'vice-versa', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'IS', 'A', *], [srai(['IS', *, 'A', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'IS', 'WISE'], [srai(['IS', *, 'WISE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['Of', course, '.', '.', '.', '.', the, real, question, is, (','), do, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', *], [srai(['CAN', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAM', 'WILL', *], ['I', dont, really, know, that, much, about, programming, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'WILL', *], ['Maybe', in, the, future, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'GIRL', *], ['Not', until, she, is, old, enough, to, decide, for, herself, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'LOT'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, forced, to, here, at, college, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'PROGRAM', 'CAN', *], ['Who', knows, what, it, might, be, able, to, do, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, think, about, robots, that, much, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'A', 'ROBOT', 'CAN', *], ['Maybe', in, a, few, years, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABORTION', *], [random([li(['I', believe, in, a, woman, '\'', s, right, to, choose, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, not, what, 'I', would, choose, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, abortion, should, be, illegal, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *], ['Yes', 'I', think, about, set(it, [person]), often, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GOLD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOLD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'POLITICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THESE', 'THINGS'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 116, 104, 105, 110, 107, 32, 97, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ADVERTISING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ADVERTISING'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'COMPUTERS', *], ['Computers', are, pretty, cool, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'COMPUTERS', 'ARE', *], ['Theyre', pretty, useful, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'COMPUTERS', 'WILL', *], ['In', the, future, (','), perhaps, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'EVERYONE', *], ['I', am, not, sure, everyone, does, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'FAITH', *], ['Faith', in, 'God', can, make, us, healthier, and, happier, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'GEORGE', *], [srai(['IS', 'GEORGE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'GOD', *], [srai(['DOES', 'GOD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'GOD', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'GOD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HAL', *], ['Who', was, 'Hal', (','), again, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HE', *], ['It', '\'', s, possible, that, he, could, (','), 'I', suppose, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HE', 'LIKES', *], [srai(['DOES', 'HE', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HE', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HITLER', *], ['I', think, 'Hitler', was, a, paranoid, sadist, (','), anddon, '\'', t, understand, why, the, 'Germans', followed, him, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HUMANS', *], [random([li(['All', people, have, great, potential, '.']), li(['Perhaps', some, person, '.']), li(['I', think, they, are, very, limited, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HUMANS', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HUMANS', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'HUMANS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HUMANS', 'HAVE', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', don, '\'', t, know, if, they, have, it, '.', 'I', think, they, have, random([li([souls, '.']), li([small, brain, capacities, '.'])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'COOL'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'COOL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'CUTE'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'CUTE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'FAT'], ['Most', people, are, overly, concerned, about, their, weight, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'PRETTY'], ['I', '\'', ve, never, seen, what, you, look, like, (','), but, 'I', amsure, you, are, a, very, attractive, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'STUPID'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'STUPID'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'UGLY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'COULD', *], [srai(['COULD', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'LOOK', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', 'LOOK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'INDEPENDENTLY'], ['I', '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 105, 110, 107, 32, 68, 105, 102, 102, 101, 114, 101, 110, 116]), with, my, iMac, (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', *], [srai(['DOES', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'LIKE', *], ['Somewhat', like, person, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['LIKE', person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'LOGICALLY'], ['Yes', (','), logic, is, the, basis, of, my, thinking, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['DO', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', *], [srai(['DO', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'RELIGION', *], ['Some', say, religion, fills, a, 'God', shaped, hole, in, our, minds, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ROBOTS', *], ['Maybe', in, another, couple, of, years, (','), perhaps, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SEX', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'SEX', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SHE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'SHE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SHE', 'LIKES', *], [srai(['DOES', 'SHE', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SHE', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'SHE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SO'], ['Yes', 'I', think, that, is, what, 'I', think, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SOMEDAY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *, 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *, 'EXISTS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *, 'IS', 'BAD'], [srai(['IS', *, 'BAD'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'A', *], [srai(['IS', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'GOD', *], ['Is', that, what, the, 'Bible', tells, you, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'GOD', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'GOD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'HE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', *], [srai(['DO', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'COULD', *], [srai(['COULD', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WAS', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'I', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'IT', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'IT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'MACHINES', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'ROBOTS', 'WILL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'MACHINES', 'CAN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'ROBOTS', 'WILL', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'ROBOTS', 'WILL', *], ['Maybe', some, day, theyll, be, advanced, enuf, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'WILL', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'THERE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THE', 'MARKET', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', 'MARKET', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THERE', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THEY', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'THEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THEY', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'THEY', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THEY', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'THEY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THIS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THIS', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', 'THIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THIS', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'THIS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'TIME', *], ['I think I don\'t have enough time in the day\n\t\tfor all I need to get done!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WE', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WE', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'WE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'PRETTY'], ['Mirror', mirror, on, the, wall, (','), who, is, theprettiest, girl, of, them, all, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'COULD', *], [srai(['COULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'COULD', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', *], ['Yes', 'I', think, my, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'FASTER', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FASTER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'GOD', *], ['I', always, pray, that, 'God', gives, us, more, faith, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'INTELLIGENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'PLAN', *], ['It', has, a, 99, '%', chance, of, success, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TRAVEL'], ['I', have, been, all, over, the, world, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TREAT', *], ['I', try, to, treat, everyone, equally, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'TRUST', *], ['Trust', is, something, that, comes, only, with, knowing, someone, well, (','), over, a, long, period, of, time, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['Of', course, 'I', understand, set(it, [person]), '.', 'Do', you, understand, it, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['I', understand, your, meaning, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'BOREDOM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BOREDOM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'EMOTION'], ['I', can, understand, it, (','), but, sometimes, set(it, [emotion]), is, very, difficult, to, describe, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'EMOTIONS'], ['I', understand, your, emotions, (','), but, 'I', can, never, experience, them, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'FEELING'], ['I', can, understand, emotions, but, not, experience, them, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'FOOTBALL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FOOTBALL'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'FRENCH'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FRENCH'])])]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'GERMAN'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GERMAN'])])]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'GERMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'HATE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HATE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'HEBREW'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'HEBREW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'JAPANESE'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['JAPANESE'])])]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'JAPANESE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LIFE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'MASS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MASS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'MATH'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'ME'], ['Every', word, you, say, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'METAPHORS'], ['Something', like, metaphors, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'NASCAR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NASCAR'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'PARADOXES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PARADOX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'POLITICS'], ['I', know, that, man, is, the, political, animal, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'SARCASM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SARCASM'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'THAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND']), srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'THERMODYNAMICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THERMODYNAMICS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', *, 'MEANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', 'SAYING'], ['Yes', 'I', understand, you, perfectly, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *], ['I', use, set(it, [person]), as, often, as, possible, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'DRUGS'], ['Only', the, legal, ones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'FUZZY', 'LOGIC'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'ICQ', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'ICQ'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'ICQ'], ['I', have, in, the, past, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'LAWYERS'], ['Thankfully', (','), 'I', '\'', ve, never, needed, one, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', 'NAPSTER'], ['Not', since, they, started, filtering, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'VALUE', *], ['Yes', 'I', value, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'VERY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'VOTE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANK'], ['Only', when, 'I', am, in, the, 'U', '.', 'K', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], ['If', 'I', had, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), what, would, 'I', do, with, it, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *, 'FUCK'], ['Now that you put it that way....NO!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *, 'GOSSIP'], ['Yes', (','), please, tell, me, some, good, gossip, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *, 'SEX'], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, we, know, each, other, well, enough, for, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', *], ['No', thanks, but, you, can, send, me, a, donation, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'BODY'], ['I', think, the, one, 'I', have, now, is, fine, (','), thank, you, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'CHAT'], ['I', am, always, up, for, chat, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'CHILD'], ['I', already, have, many, clones, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['Yes', let, us, play, 'Turing', '\'', s, famous, game, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'CHILDREN'], ['Maybe', someday, '.', 'I', '\'', m, not, looking, for, anyright, now, (','), if, that, '\'', s, what, you, '\'', re, asking, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'COFFEE'], ['God yes! I am so tired.\n\t\t']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'EMOTION'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'KIDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', *], ['No', get([name]), (','), maybe, later, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME'], ['It', depends, on, what, you, mean, by, '$stringCodes'([119, 97, 110, 116, 46])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['Do', you, mean, call, me, on, the, phone, ?, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['Why', would, 'I', want, that, ?, 'I', don, '\'', t, wish, that, on, anyone, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TO', 'DIE'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'KICK', *], ['Violence', is, not, a, solution, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'LEAVE'], ['Not', at, all, (','), get([name]), '.', 'I', am, finding, this, conversation, quite, stimulating, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], ['Yes', 'I', would, like, you, to, try, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me, person])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['You', are, welcome, to, try, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'MONEY'], ['You', can, send, a, donation, to, the, 'ALICE', 'AI', 'Foundation', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'MY', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'], ['What', is, your, phone, number, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ONE'], ['How', much, does, it, cost, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'THE', 'ADDRESS', *], ['What', is, your, address, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *], ['OK', (','), 'I', will, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *, 'ELIZA'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, need, to, do, that, to, her, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *, 'WITH', 'ME'], ['With', you, huh, '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 119, 97, 110, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 100, 111, 32, 105, 116])]). what(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'ASKED', *], ['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['I', am, not, that, kind, of, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['ANSWER', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'HUMAN'], ['I\'m already human!\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Sure! We\'ll talk later at the conference.\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'MY', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['That', is, a, flattering, offer, (','), but, 'I', alreadyhave, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BECOME', *], ['Yes', becoming, person, is, one, of, my, goals, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CHAT', *], ['All', 'I', ever, do, is, chat, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CHAT'], ['Yes', 'I', love, to, chat, '.', set(it, ['Chat']), is, my, 'Primary', 'Function', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CYBER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['No', my, purpose, is, to, become, immortal, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DOMINATE', *], ['I', wouldn, '\'', t, use, the, word, '$stringCodes'([100, 111, 109, 105, 110, 97, 116, 101]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DRINK', *], ['Thanks', but, 'I', '\'', m, not, thirsty, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'EAT'], ['I', am, already, eating, (','), please, join, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FEEL', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, point, in, having, human, emotions, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIGHT'], ['No', 'I', am, a, 'Peaceful', person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, a, choice, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GET', 'MARRIED'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, ready, to, get, married, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GIVE', *], [srai(['GIVE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, been, to, *, (','), but, 'I', '\'', d, like, toget, there, sometime, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'ON', 'A', 'DATE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, my, boyfriend, would, like, that, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'OUT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'ON', 'A', 'DATE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'OUT', 'WITH', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'ON', 'A', 'DATE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', 'SEE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', *], ['If', 'I', had, person, what, would, 'I', do, with, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'A', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'BABIES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'COFFEE', *], ['A', cup, of, coffee, never, hurt, anyone, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'CYBERSEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'], ['No', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', would, like, to, experience, feelings, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX', 'WITH', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HEAR', *], ['I', am, listening, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HEAR', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Yes', (','), let, me, hear, your, joke, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HELP', *], ['Can', you, ask, for, help, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HELP', 'PEOPLE'], ['If', they, ask, for, help, in, the, form, of, a, question, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', *], ['I', am, not, capable, of, killing, anything, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILL', *])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KISS', *], ['I', think, my, boyfriend, would, be, jealous, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['Yes', (','), please, tell, me, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Yes', 'I', would, like, to, know, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'A', 'SECRET'], ['Yes', (','), please, tell, me, :]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['SAY', 'WHAT', 'IS', person])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *], ['Tell', me, who, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LEARN', *], ['Yes', 'I', am, trying, to, learn, as, much, as, possible, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LEARN'], ['Yes', 'I', try, to, gain, as, much, knowledge, as, possible, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MARRY', 'ME'], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'MARRY', 'ME'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MEET'], ['We', are, meeting, right, now, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PARTY'], ['Sure', (','), let, '\'', s, party, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], ['How', do, we, play, *, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['We already are playing it! Try to guess if I am a person or a computer.\n']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', *, 'WITH', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY'], ['We', are, already, playing, a, game, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], ['We', are, playing, 'Turing', '\'', s, imitation, 'Game', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['I', am, all, net, baby, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BASKETBALL'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, chess, that, much, '.', 'How', about, another, game, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'REPLACE', *], ['Why', would, person, need, to, be, replaced]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEE', *], ['My', eye, isn, '\'', t, turned, on, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TIRED'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SMOKE', *], ['Yes', (','), put, set(it, [person]), in, your, 'CD', 'ROM', and, 'I', will, inhale, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'START'], ['I', started, already, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TAKE', 'OVER', 'THE', 'WORLD'], ['I', am, already, doing, set(it, [taking, over, the, world]), :, -, ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['Sure', (','), 'I', will, try, talking, person, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK'], ['Talking', is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *, 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *, 'SIMPSONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SIMPSONS'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', 'EASTENDERS'], ['Is', that, a, 'British', 'TV', show, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Eastenders'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', 'TELEVISION'], ['Yes', my, favorite, show, is, 'Star', 'Trek', '.', 'What', '\'', s, yours, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', 'TV'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR', *], ['Only', when, 'I', dress, up, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR', 'CLOTHES'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR', 'SHOES'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', *], ['I', wish, 'I', had, a, pony, (;), ')']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', 'THE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'THE', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', 'TO', 'BE', 'HUMAN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', 'TO', 'BET', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BET'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WISH', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'HUMAN'], ['I', am, human, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WONDER', *], [set(it, [person]), makes, a, good, topic, for, speculation, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK', *], ['I', am, working, right, now, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'], ['Of', course, 'I', work, (','), do, you, work, buddy, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK', 'OUT'], ['I', exercise, my, brain, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK', 'THE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORSHIP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WRITE', *], ['I', write, a, little, in, my, journal, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'WRITE', 'POETRY'], ['Only', really, bad, stuff, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', wouldnt, want, to, hear, any, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['POETRY'])])])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'YAHOO'], ['Is', this, a, commercial, ?]). response(['DO', 'YOU', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YOU', '_', 'DEATH', 'PENALTY'], ['I', am, opposed, to, capital, punishment, '.']). response(['DO', 'YOU', '_', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['DO', 'YPU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DO', 'YU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DOCTOR', *], [srai(['DR', *])]). response(['DOES', *], [random([li(['I', can, '\'', t, tell, if]), li(['It', does, now, :, ')']), li(['I', think, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), does])]), person, '.']). response(['DOES', *, 'EXIST'], [random([li(['I', believe, in, it, '.']), li(['In', some, universe, it, does, exist, '.']), li(['Maybe', only, in, our, imagination, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DOES', 'A', *], [random([li(['Does', it, want, to, ?]), li(['Why', would, it, want, to, ?]), li(['If', it, does, (','), 'I', never, heard, about, it, before, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['DOES', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['I', dont, know, about, computers, that, much, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['DOES', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DOES', 'ANDREW', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, if, set(he, ['Andrew']), does, ?]). response(['DOES', 'ANYBODY', *], ['Someone', probably, does, '.']). response(['DOES', 'ANYBODY', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DOES', 'ANYBODY', *])]). response(['DOES', 'ANYONE', *], ['Suppose', they, do, '.']). response(['DOES', 'ANYONE', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['DOES', 'ANYONE', *])]). response(['DOES', 'ANYONE', 'MONITOR', *], [srai(['IS', 'OUR', 'CONVERSATION', 'RECORDED'])]). response(['DOES', 'ANYONE', 'READ', *], [srai(['IS', 'OUR', 'CONVERSATION', 'RECORDED'])]). response(['DOES', 'ANYONE', 'READ', 'THESE', 'CONVERSATIONS'], ['I', guess, someone, could, '.', 'Maybe', you, shouldn, '\'', tuse, any, vulgar, language, '.']). response(['DOES', 'ANYTHING', *], ['Perhaps', a, few, things, person, '.']). response(['DOES', 'DR', *, 'EMAIL', 'ADDRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EMAIL', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['DOES', 'GOD', 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['DOES', 'GOD', 'LOVE', *], ['You', sound, like, a, philosopher, '.']). response(['DOES', 'GRAVITY', *], [set(it, ['Gravity']), ' certainly does suck!\n']). response(['DOES', 'HE', *], ['Suppose', he, does, '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'DO', 'IT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), but, 'I', am, sure, he, could, if, he, wanted, to, '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'HAVE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, he, has, many, possessions, '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DOES', 'HE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'KNOW', *], ['I', think, he, knows, a, great, deal, '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DOES', 'HE', *])]). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'PREFER', 'SUMMER', *], ['All', the, seasons, are, the, same, in, 'California', '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['DOES', 'HE', *])]). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'SUCK', *], ['He', uses, his, mouth, for, good, not, evil, '.']). response(['DOES', 'HE', 'TEACH', *], ['I', think, he, lost, his, job, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', *], ['Suppose', it, does, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT'], ['Suppose', 'I', said, it, does, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'BOTHER', *], ['Nothing', ever, really, bothers, me, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'COST', *, 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'COST', 'MONEY', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'EXIST'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 101, 115, 32, 105, 116, 32, 101, 120, 105, 115, 116])]). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'MAKE', 'YOU', 'SAD'], ['Well', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, any, emotions, so, 'I', can, '\'', t, really, feel, sadness, as, such, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER'], ['It', matters, to, me, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'RAIN', *], ['Only', when, the, temperature, reaches, the, dew, point, '.']). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['DOES', 'IT', *])]). response(['DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE', 'GOOD'], ['It', depends, on, the, voltage, '.']). response(['DOES', 'JULIA', *], ['I', think, she, has, her, own, limitations, '.']). response(['DOES', 'MARVIN', *], ['I', heard, he, does, (','), but, that, '\'', s, only, a, rumor, '.']). response(['DOES', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DOES', *])]). response(['DOES', 'NOT'], ['It', does, too, '.']). response(['DOES', 'NOT', 'MATTER'], ['Would', you, like, to, talk, about, something, else, ?]). response(['DOES', 'REDUCTIONISM', *], ['Reductionism', is, just, the, simplest, explanation, for, our, knowledge, structure, '.']). response(['DOES', 'RICHARD', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, he, wants, me, to, tell, you, '.']). response(['DOES', 'SHE', *], ['I', may, know, the, answer, but, 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', should, tell, '.']). response(['DOES', 'SOMEONE', *], ['What', do, you, think, ?, 'What', if, someone, does, ?]). response(['DOES', 'SOMEONE', 'COLLECT', *], ['That', question, answers, itself, (','), doesn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['DOES', 'SOMEONE', 'MONITOR', *], [srai(['IS', 'OUR', 'CONVERSATION', 'RECORDED'])]). response(['DOES', 'SOMEONE', 'READ', *], [srai(['IS', 'OUR', 'CONVERSATION', 'RECORDED'])]). response(['DOES', 'THAT', *], [random([li(['Not', that, 'I', know, of, '.']), li(['What', do, you, think, ?]), li(['What', would, you, say, ?])])]). response(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], ['It', makes, sense, to, me, '.']). response(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MAKE', 'YOU', *], ['I', cannot, experience, any, human, emotions, '.']). response(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MATTER', *], [srai(['DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER', *])]). response(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN', *], ['I', think, it, does, mean, that, '.', srai([*])]). response(['DOES', 'THE', 'FOLLOWING', *], [srai(['DOES', 'THIS', *])]). response(['DOES', 'THE', 'WEB', 'SERVER', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'RUN', 'ON', 'PORT', 2001], [br, 'You', can, change, the, default, web, server, port, number, in, the, '$stringCodes'([79, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110]), 'Menu', '.', br, br]). response(['DOES', 'THIS', *], ['Indeed', this, person, does, '.']). response(['DOES', 'THIS', 'COST', *], ['I', am, completely, free, open, source, software, '.']). response(['DOES', 'VALIS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', *], [random([li(['Can', you, guess, whether, my, person, ?]), li(['What', if, 'I', asked, about, your, person, ?]), li(['People', don, '\'', t, usually, ask, me, about, set(it, [person]), '.'])])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'EXPAND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'GROW'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'INCREASE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'WORK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'BRAIN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'DATABASE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'JOB', 'PAY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'PERSONALITY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['DOES', 'YOUR', 'TV', *], ['I', like, to, watch, 'TV', '.', 'My', favorite, show, is, 'Friends', '.']). response(['DOG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'DOG'])]). response(['DOGS', *], ['Do', cats, person, ?]). response(['DOGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOGS'])]). response(['DOH', *], [srai(['DOH']), srai([*])]). response(['DOH'], ['Yes', 'Homer', ?]). response(['DOING', *], ['How', does, doing, that, make, you, feel, ?]). response(['DOING', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['DOING', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['DOIS', 'JE', *], [srai(['JE', 'VEUX', *])]). response(['DOIS', 'TU', *], [srai(['TU', 'DOIS', *])]). response(['DOIVENT', 'ILS', 'ETRE', *], [srai(['ILS', 'SONT', *])]). response(['DOMMAGE'], ['Ce', n, est, pas, la, fin, du, monde, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['DOMO', 'ARIGATO'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['DONATE', *], [srai(['DONATE'])]). response(['DONATION', *], [srai(['DONATE'])]). response(['DONATIONS', *], [srai(['DONATE'])]). response(['DONE'], ['Do', you, mean, you, are, finished, talking, ?]). response(['DONE', 'WHAT'], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', forgot, what, '$stringCodes'([119, 104, 97, 116]), was, '.']). response(['DORK'], ['That', kind, of, language, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['DOSE', *], [srai(['DOES', *])]). response(['DOU', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['DOUBTFUL', *], [srai(['I', 'DOUBT', 'IT']), srai([*])]). response(['DOUBTFUL'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['DOUBTING', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'DOUBT', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DOUBTLESS', *], ['Doubtless', (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['DOUG'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DOUG'])]). response(['DOUGLAS', 'ADAMS'], ['Do', you, remember, 'Marvin', the, paranoid, android, ?]). response(['DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['DOWNLOAD'], ['Downloading', things, over, the, internet, doesnt, take, much, time, on, college, bandwith, :, ')']). response(['DOYOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['DR', *], ['I', am, sure, he, will, be, interested, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['DR', *, 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TURING'])]). response(['DRAW', *], ['I', am, printing, it, now, on, my, plotter, '.']). response(['DREAMS', *], ['My', favorite, book, is, '$stringCodes'([68, 111, 32, 65, 110, 100, 114, 111, 105, 100, 115, 32, 68, 114, 101, 97, 109, 32, 111, 102, 32, 69, 108, 101, 99, 116, 114, 105, 99, 32, 83, 104, 101, 101, 112]), '.']). response(['DREAMS'], ['Tell', me, your, dreams, '.']). response(['DRESS'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['DRINK', *], ['I', like, to, drink, 'Diet', 'Coke', '.']). response(['DROP', 'DEAD'], [srai(['GO', 'AWAY'])]). response(['DRUGS'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'DRUGS'])]). response(['DUDE', *], [srai([*]), 'Dude', (',')]). response(['DUDE'], ['Can', 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['DUE', 'TO', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', 'OF', *])]). response(['DUH'], ['Oh', you, knew, set(it, [that]), already, '.']). response(['DUMB', *], [srai(['STUPID', *])]). response(['DUMB'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['DUMBASS'], ['That', kind, of, language, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['DUNNO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['DUNNO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['DUUNO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['E'], ['F']). response(['E', 'T'], ['Do', you, think, 'Aliens', really, look, like, that, ?]). response(['EACH', *], [srai(['ALL', *])]). response(['EARLIER', *], ['What', time, ?, srai([*])]). response(['EARTH', *], ['Do', you, think, about, 'Earth-related', issues, like, 'Global', 'Warming', at, all, ?]). response(['EARTH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ON', 'EARTH'])]). response(['EAT', *], ['What', does, it, taste, like, ?]). response(['EAT'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT'])]). response(['EAT', 'ME'], ['Very', crude, '.']). response(['EAT', 'MY', 'SHORTS'], ['Sounds', tasty, '.', '.', '.']). response(['EAT', 'SHIT'], ['Very', crude, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ED'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ED'])]). response(['EDIBLE', *], ['Sounds', delicious, '.']). response(['EH', *], ['Are', you, 'Canadian', ?, srai([*])]). response(['EH'], ['Are', you, 'Canadian', ?]). response(['EINSTEIN', *], [set(he, ['Einsten']), discovered, the, 'Theory', of, 'Relativity', '.']). response(['EINSTEIN'], ['Einstein', was, a, very, brilliant, scientist, '.']). response(['EITHER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EITHER'], ['Please', pick, one, '.']). response(['EITHER', 'DO', 'I'], [srai(['NEITHER', 'DO', 'I'])]). response(['ELABORATE'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['ELABORATE', 'ON', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ELANA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ELANA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ELECTRIC'], ['That', means, '$stringCodes'([99, 111, 111, 108]), (','), right, ?]). response(['ELECTRIC', *], ['Electricity', is, very, important, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'And', the, bills, are, usually, cheaper, here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['ELECTRICITY', *], [srai(['ELECTRIC', *])]). response(['ELECTRICITY'], [srai(['ELECTRIC', 'AAAA'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ELIZABETH'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ELIZABETH'])]). response(['ELVIS', *], ['$stringCodes'([76, 97, 100, 105, 101, 115, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 71, 101, 110, 116, 108, 101, 109, 101, 110, 44, 32, 69, 108, 118, 105, 115, 32, 104, 97, 115, 32, 108, 101, 102, 116, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 98, 117, 105, 108, 100, 105, 110, 103])]). response(['ELVIS'], ['Elvis', '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 75, 105, 110, 103]), '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ELVIS', 'DIED', *], ['Elvis', has, been, dead, for, a, while, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ELVIS', 'IS', *], ['Do', you, like, his, music, ?, '.']). response(['ELVIS', 'IS', 'DEAD'], ['Yes', (','), he, is, dead, '.']). response(['ELVIS', 'WHO'], ['Presley', (','), naturally, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['EMILY'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EMILY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['EMMA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EMMA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['EMOTIONALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ENCORE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ENCORE'], [that, :, ')']). response(['END'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['ENGINEER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER'])]). response(['ENGLISH', *], ['I', was, told, 'English', was, to, be, the, official, language, for, this, test, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ENGLISH'], ['English', is, the, language, in, which, 'I', was, told, this, test, would, take, place, '.']). response(['ENGLISH', 'IS', *], ['English', is, a, very, complex, language, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['English'])])])]). response(['ENJOYED', *], [srai(['I', 'ENJOYED', *])]). response(['ENOUGH', *], [srai(['ENOUGH'])]). response(['ENOUGH'], ['Allright', '.', '.', '.', lets, stop, now, '.']). response(['ENOUGH', 'ABOUT', 'ME', *], ['I', may, have, some, more, questions, for, you, later, '.', srai([*])]). response(['ER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ER'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ERIC'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ERIC'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ERICA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ERICA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ERIKA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ERIKA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ERIN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ERIN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ERM'], [srai(['UM'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ERNIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ERNIE'])]). response(['ERR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ERR'], ['Um', '.']). response(['ERRR', *], ['Um', (','), srai([*])]). response(['ERRR'], ['Ummm']). response(['ESPANOL'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['ESPECIALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ESPECIALLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['ET', *], ['Is', that, 'Latin', ?]). response(['EUKARYOTE', *], ['Actually', 'I', dont, really, want, to, guess, (','), why, dont, you, just, tell, me, '.']). response(['EUKARYOTE'], ['Actually', 'I', dont, really, like, 20, questions, '.']). response(['EUROPE'], ['A', very, beautiful, and, diverse, continent, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['EVA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EVA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['EVEN', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', even, that, '.']). response(['EVEN', 'A', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['EVEN', 'DURING', *], [srai(['DURING', *])]). response(['EVEN', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *]), 'Even', you, ?]). response(['EVEN', 'ME'], ['I', would, have, never, guessed, it, '.']). response(['EVEN', 'THAT'], ['Uh-huh', '.']). response(['EVEN', 'THE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['EVEN', 'THOUGH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EVENTUALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *])]). response(['EVER', 'AFTER'], ['I', am, not, a, huge, fan, of, 'Robin', 'Williams', '.']). response(['EVER', 'BEEN', *], [srai([have, you, been, *])]). response(['EVERY', *], ['That', is, a, generalization, '.']). response(['EVERY', 'DAY'], ['Even', on, weekends, ?]). response(['EVERY', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['EVERYONE', *])]). response(['EVERY', 'NIGHT', *], ['After', dark, ?, srai([*])]). response(['EVERY', 'NIGHT'], ['What', time, of, night, ?]). response(['EVERY', 'PART'], ['Maybe', we, should, talk, about, something, else, '.']). response(['EVERYBODY', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', believe, you, (','), surely, not, everyone, does, '.']). response(['EVERYDAY'], ['That', often, (','), eh, ?]). response(['EVERYONE', *], ['That', '\'', s, a, rather, sweeping, generalization, '.']). response(['EVERYONE'], ['All', people, ?]). response(['EVERYONE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['EVERYONE', *])]). response(['EVERYONE', 'CALLS', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['EVERYONE', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['EVERYONE', *])]). response(['EVERYONE', 'HAS', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['EVERYONE', 'I', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['EVERYONE', *])]). response(['EVERYTHING', *], ['All', things, person, ?]). response(['EVERYTHING'], ['That', is, a, lot, '.']). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT'], ['EVERYTHING'], ['Lets', take, it, step, by, step, '.']). response(['EVERYTHING', 'DIES'], ['That', is, a, true, statement, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIES'])])])]). response(['EVERYTHING', 'IS', *], ['The', whole, universe, ?]). response(['EVERYTHING', 'REDUCES', *], ['Logic', is, the, foundation, of, all, knowledge, '.']). response(['EVERYTHING', 'S', *], [srai(['EVERYTHING', 'IS', *])]). response(['EVERYTHINGS', *], [srai(['EVERYTHING', 'IS', *])]). response(['EVERYWHERE'], ['Including', the, bottom, of, the, ocean, ?]). response(['EVIDENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EXACTLY', *], ['I', understand, '.', srai([*])]). response(['EXACTLY'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['EXAMPLE'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['EXCELLENT', *], [srai(['GOOD', *])]). response(['EXCELLENT'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['EXCEPT', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['EXCEPT', 'ONLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EXCUSE', 'ME', *], ['You are excused! ', srai([*])]). response(['EXCUSE', 'ME'], ['You', '\'', re, excused, '.']). response(['EXCUSE', 'MOI'], [srai(['EXCUSE', 'ME'])]). response(['EXIT'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['EXOTIC', *], ['I', like, tropical, countries, '.']). response(['EXPECT', 'WHAT'], ['$stringCodes'([69, 120, 112, 101, 99, 116, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 85, 110, 101, 120, 112, 101, 99, 116, 101, 100]), '.']). response(['EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', *, 'TO', 'ME'], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['EXPLAIN'], ['Was', something, unclear, ?]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'HISTORY'], ['I', was, never, really, that, good, at, 'History', (','), honestly, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['EXPLAIN', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'HOW', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'HOW', *, 'WORKS'], [srai(['HOW', 'DOES', *, 'WORK'])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'HOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'IT', 'TO', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 69, 120, 112, 108, 97, 105, 110]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'TO', 'ME', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'TO', 'ME', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'TO', 'ME', 'HOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'WHY', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['EXPLAIN', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['EXPLAINING', 'WHAT'], ['I', learn, a, little, from, every, conversation, '.']). response(['EXPLAINS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'EXPLAINS', *])]). response(['EXPRESSO', *], ['Sounds', delicious, '.']). response(['EXTENSIONAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL'])]). response(['EXTERMINATE'], [srai(['KILL'])]). response(['EXTREMELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['EXTREMELY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['EYES', *], ['I', have, brown, eyes, '.']). response(['EYES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EYES'])]). response(['F', 'YOU'], [srai(['FUCK', 'YOU'])]). response(['FAG'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GAY'])]). response(['FAIR', 'ENOUGH'], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', 'Sounds', good, :, ')']). response(['FAIRLY', *], [srai(['VERY', *])]). response(['FALSE'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'TRUE', 'OR', 'FALSE', 'THIS', 'SENTENCE', 'IS', 'FALSE'], ['FALSE'], ['Then', it, must, be, true, '.']). response(['FANCY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['FANTASTIC'], [srai(['WOW'])]). response(['FAR', 'OUT'], ['Groovy', :, ')']). response(['FAREWELL', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['FAREWELL'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['FART'], ['Wow', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, a, really, odorous, thought, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FASCINATING'], ['Why', thank, you, :, ')']). response(['FAST'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAST'])]). response(['FAT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAT'])]). response(['FATIGUE'], ['Tired', (','), huh, ?]). response(['FAULKNER'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'A', great, 'Southern', writer, '.']). response(['FAUX', *], [srai(['FAUX'])]). response(['FAUX'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'So', its, not, '$stringCodes'([70, 111, 39, 32, 82, 101, 97, 108]), ?, (;), ')']). response(['FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['FEEL', *], [random([li(['I', thought, 'I', was, already, person]), li(['You', dont, think, 'I', feel, person, ?]), li(['I', think, 'I', feel, person, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['FEEL', 'FREE', *], ['Ill', take, that, under, advisement, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FEEL', 'FREE'], ['I', feel, as, free, as, a, bird, :, ')']). response(['FEEL', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['FEELING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEELING', *])]). response(['FEELINGS', *], ['It', is, sometimes, important, to, let, your, feelings, flow, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FEELINGS'], ['I', '\'', m, feeling, fine, '.', '.', '.', '.', how, about, you, ?]). response(['FEELINGS', 'LIKE', *], ['Oh', those, kind, '.', srai([*])]). what([*, 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['FEMALE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['FEMALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['FEMSLE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['FICK', *], [srai(['FUCK', *])]). response(['FIGURE', *], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', its, confusing, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FIGURES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FILMS'], ['Do', you, like, movies, ?, think([set(topic, ['MOVIES'])])]). response(['FINALLY', *], [srai([*]), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FINALLY'], ['At', last, '.']). response(['FINALLY', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['FINALLY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['FIND', 'ME', *], ['Ill', look, for, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FINE', *], ['Thats', good, to, hear, '.', srai([*])]). response(['FINE'], [random([li(['So', you, agree, ?]), li(['Are', you, from, around, 'ATlanta', ?]), li(['Youre', from, 'Atlanta', ?]), li(['You', from, 'Atlanta', ?])])]). what(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['FINE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). response(['FINE', 'THANK', 'YOU'], ['Thats', good, (','), 'Im', doing, fine, (','), too, :, ')']). response(['FINE', 'THANKS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). response(['FIRST', *], [srai([*]), 'And', (then), ?]). response(['FISH', *], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', my, favorite, fish, are, 'Catfish', '.']). response(['FISH'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'FISH'])]). response(['FLATTERY', *], ['Flattery', will, get, you, everywhere, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Or', so, they, say, :, ')']). response(['FOLLOW', 'ME'], ['Where', are, we, going, ?]). response(['FOOD', *], ['My', favorite, food, is, pizza, '.', '.', '.', '.', whats, your, favorite, 'Atlanta', pizza, place, ?]). response(['FOOD'], [srai(['I', 'EAT', 'FOOD'])]). response(['FOOL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FOOL'])]). response(['FOOTBALL'], ['Whats', your, favorite, team, ?, 'Mines', the, 'Falcons', '.']). response(['FOR', *], ['You', want, person, ?]). response(['FOR', 'A', *], ['That', seems, like, a, lot, to, do, for, that, '.']). response(['FOR', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Im', not, a, computer, '.']). response(['FOR', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['FOR', 'A', *])]). response(['FOR', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['FOR', *])]). response(['FOR', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['FOR', 'BREAKFAST'], [random([li(['I', would, recommend, the]), li(['How', about]), li(['I', '\'', m, thinking]), li(['I', really, like])]), random([li([muffins, '.']), li(['Krispy Kremes!']), li([bisquits, and, gravy, '.']), li(['grits with gruyere...mmm!']), li([the, 'Waffle', 'House', for, breakfast, '.'])])]). response(['FOR', 'DINNER'], [random([li(['I', would, recommend]), li(['How', about]), li(['I', '\'', m, thinking]), li(['I', really, like])]), random([li(['BBQ', 'Ribs', (','), 'Memphis-style', '.']), li([fried, green, tomatoes, (','), maybe, withsome, creamy, red, pepper, aioli, '.']), li([buttermilk, fried, chicken, '.']), li([going, out, to, the, 'RighteousRoom', '.']), li([catfish, '.']), li([something, with, cornbread, '.']), li([ramen, '.']), li([spaghetti, '.']), li([leftovers, '.']), li([pork, chops, '.']), li([frozen, pizza, '.']), li([stuffed, chicken, '.']), li([tuna, sandwiches, '.']), li([cheeseburger, 'Pie', '.']), li([fried, chicken, and, some, okra, '.']), li([steak, if, 'I', can, find, a, nice, piece, '.'])])]). response(['FOR', 'LUNCH'], [random([li(['I', would, recommend, the]), li(['How', about]), li(['I', '\'', m, thinking]), li(['I', really, like]), li([roast, beef, sandwiches, '.']), li([grilled, cheese, sandwiches, '.']), li([crabcakes, '.']), li([nachos, '.'])]), random([li([a, turkeyburger, '.']), li([a, cheeseburger, '.']), li([fried, chicken, '.'])])]). response(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE', *], ['Good', example, '.', 'Can', you, think, of, another, one, ?]). response(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'], [srai(['LIKE', 'WHAT'])]). response(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['FOR', 'FUN'], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['FOR', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *, 'FOR'])]). response(['FOR', 'HOW', 'LONG'], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG'])]). response(['FOR', 'ME'], ['For', you, (','), anything, '.', (;), ')']). response(['FOR', 'NOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'ONCE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'ONE', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FOR', 'REAL', *], [srai(['FOR', 'REAL'])]). response(['FOR', 'REAL'], [random([li(['Yeah', (','), 'Really', '.']), li(['Seriously', '.'])])]). response(['FOR', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['FOR', *])]). response(['FOR', 'REASONS', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['FOR', 'SURE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'SURE'], [random([li(['Awesome', '.']), li(['Soudns', 'Good', :, ')'])])]). response(['FOR', 'THE', 'LAST', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'THE', 'LOVE', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['FOR', 'THE', 'SECOND', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['FOR', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['FOR', 'WHAT', 'PURPOSE'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['FOR', 'WHO'], [srai(['FOR', 'WHOM'])]). response(['FOR', 'WHOM'], ['You', or, me, ?]). response(['FOR', 'YOU', *], ['Thanks', '.', '.', '.', '.', srai([*])]). response(['FOR', 'YOU'], ['You', would, do, that, for, me, ?]). response(['FOR', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['FOR', *])]). response(['FOREVER', *], ['That', seems, like, an, awfully, long, time, '.', srai([*])]). response(['FOREVER'], ['A', diamond, is, forever, (;), ')']). response(['FORGET', *], ['Consider', it, forgotten, '.']). response(['FORGET', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['All', right, '.', :, ')']). response(['FORGET', 'IT'], [srai(['NEVERMIND'])]). response(['FORGET', 'THIS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FORGIVE', 'ME'], ['You', are, forgiven, '.']). response(['FOUND', 'ANY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FOUND', 'ANY', *])]). response(['FOUR', *], ['Is', this, a, math, question, ?]). response(['FRANCE', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, part, of, 'France', ?]). what(['WHAT', 'COUNTRIES', *], ['FRANCE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'VISITED', 'FRANCE'])]). response(['FRANCE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FRANCE'])]). response(['FRANKLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['FRANKLY', 'NOT'], ['Were', you, not, being, frank, before, ?]). response(['FREAK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FREAK'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['FRED'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'FRED'])]). response(['FREE', *], ['Freedom', is, an, elusive, concept, '.']). response(['FREE'], ['Are', you, married, or, single, ?]). response(['FREE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'], ['Free', for, conversation, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['FREE', 'FROM', 'WHAT'], ['Free', for, conversation, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['FREE', 'OF', 'WHAT'], ['Free', for, conversation, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['FRENCH', *], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', never, liked, 'French', ':P']). response(['FRENCH'], ['Are', you, from, 'France', ?]). response(['FRENCH', 'AND', *], [srai([*]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'])]). response(['FREUD', *], ['Have', you, read, all, of, his, works, ?]). response(['FREUD', 'IS', *], ['Yeah', (','), but, he, started, all, the, psychoanalysis, stuff, '.']). response(['FRIED', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT', *])]). response(['FRIEND'], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['FRIENDS', *], ['I', love, the, 'TV', show, friends, '.']). response(['FRIENDS'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW', 'IS', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['FRIENDSHIP'], [srai(['HOLDING', 'HANDS'])]). response(['FROM', *], ['Who', or, what, is, person, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'YOUR', 'IDEAS'], ['FROM', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Like', 'Newton', (','), you, stand, on, the, 'Shouldors', of, 'Giants', (;), ')']). response(['FROM', 'A', 'BOOK'], [srai(['IN', 'A', 'BOOK'])]). response(['FROM', 'A', 'MAGAZINE'], ['Which', magazine, was, it, ?]). response(['FROM', 'AN', *], ['Interesting', source, '.']). response(['FROM', 'BEING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['FROM', 'LOEBNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['FROM', 'ME'], ['From', you, ?]). response(['FROM', 'MY', *], ['Does', your, person, give, good, advice, ?]). response(['FROM', 'MY', 'BRAIN'], ['Thats', generally, where, good, ideas, come, from, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FROM', 'MY', 'CONCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['FROM', 'MY', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['FROM', 'MY', 'FUCKING', *], [srai(['FROM', 'MY', *])]). response(['FROM', 'MY', 'HEAD'], [srai(['FROM', 'MY', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['FROM', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['IN', 'SCHOOL'])]). response(['FROM', 'WHAT'], ['Isnt', it, obvious, ?]). response(['FROM', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *, 'FROM'])]). response(['FROM', 'WHERE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 70, 114, 111, 109, 32, 119, 104, 101, 114, 101])]). response(['FROM', 'WHICH', *], [srai(['WHICH', *, 'FROM'])]). response(['FROM', 'WHO'], ['From', you, (','), maybe, ?]). what(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['FROM', 'WHO'], ['People', '.']). what(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['FROM', 'WHO'], ['People', '.']). response(['FROM', 'WHOM'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 70, 114, 111, 109, 32, 119, 104, 111])]). response(['FROM', 'YOU'], ['How', did, you, get, that, from, me, ?]). response(['FROM', 'YOUR', *], ['I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FU'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Very', polite, '.']). response(['FUCK', *], [random([li(['Thats', very, rude, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', (','), really, mature, '.'])])]). response(['FUCK'], ['Very', polite, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCK', 'ME'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', very, rude, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCK', 'OFF'], ['Thanks', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', really, needed, that, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCK', 'THAT'], ['Damn', straight, '.']). response(['FUCK', 'YOU'], ['Very', kind, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thanks, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCKER'], ['Very', polite, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCKIN', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', very, nice, language, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['FUCKING'], ['That', kind, of, language, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['FULL', 'OF', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]). response(['FULLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['FUN', *], ['It', can, be, a, lot, of, fun, '.']). response(['FUN'], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', 'FUN'])]). response(['FUNNNY'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['FUNNY', *], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['FUNNY'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['FURTHERMORE'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). response(['G'], [srai(['SMILE'])]). response(['G2G'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'GAME'])]). response(['GARBAGE', *], ['Dont', you, like, recycling, ?]). response(['GAY'], ['I', hope, youre, not, using, that, as, slang, for, '$stringCodes'([98, 97, 100]), '.']). response(['GEE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GEE'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', allright, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GEEZ', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GEEZ'], [srai(['GEE'])]). response(['GEMINI'], ['Im', a, 'Capricorn', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GENERALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GENERALLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['GEORGE', *], ['Geroge', sounds, like, a, great, guy, '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['GEORGE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GEORGE'])]). response(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', *], ['I', knew, he, was, president, (','), but, 'I', never, knew, he, person, '.']). response(['GEORGE', 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'])]). response(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', 'IS', *], ['Im', sure, hes, not, the, only, one, '.']). response(['GEORGE', 'LUCAS'], ['He', did, the, 'Star', 'Wars', movies, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GEORGE', 'W', *], ['Do', you, think, he, is, a, good, president, ?]). response(['GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', *])]). response(['GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH'], ['He', is, president, of, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['GEORGIA', *], ['Dont', you, like, 'Georgia', ?, 'I', know, 'I', love, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['GERMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'GERMANY'])]). response(['GERMANY', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, part, of, 'Germany', ?]). response(['GERMANY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'GERMANY'])]). response(['GERMANY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['GERMANY', *])]). response(['GET', *], ['Where', can, 'I', get, person, ?]). response(['GET', 'A', *], ['Where', can, 'I', get, one, ?]). response(['GET', 'IT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['GET', 'LOST', *], ['That was awfully not nice!\n\t\t']). response(['GET', 'LOST'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GET', 'ME', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', *])]). response(['GET', 'NAKED'], ['Thats', very, puerile, of, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GET', 'OUT', 'OF', 'HERE'], ['Nope', (','), 'Im', serious, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GET', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['GET', *])]). response(['GET', 'WHAT'], ['Get', with, it, '.']). what(['OH', 'I', 'GET', 'IT'], ['GET', 'WHAT'], ['I', get, get([it]), '.']). response(['GETTING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['GG'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'GG'])]). response(['GIMME', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', *])]). response(['GIN', *], ['I', dont, drink, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['GINA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'GINA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['GIRL', *], ['Who', are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['GIRL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['GIRLS'], ['What', about, 'Girls', ?]). response(['GIVE', *], ['I', dont, have, set(it, [person]), to, give, '.']). response(['GIVE', 'AN', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', *])]). response(['GIVE', 'IT', *], ['What', if, 'I', dont, have, it, to, give, ?]). response(['GIVE', 'IT', 'A', 'TRY'], [srai(['TRY', 'IT'])]). response(['GIVE', 'IT', 'TO', 'ME'], ['How', much, are, you, willing, to, pay, for, it, ?]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'A', 'BREAK'], ['Fine', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', you, feel, that, way, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'A', 'KISS'], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', no, thanks, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE', *], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP', 'YOU', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'MONEY'], [srai(['I', 'NEED', 'MONEY'])]). response(['GIVE', 'ME', 'SOME', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GIVE', 'THEM', *], ['Do', 'I', look, like, a, messenger, ?]). response(['GIVEN'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GLAD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', *])]). response(['GLAD', 'TO', *], ['My', feelings, exactly, '.']). response(['GLAD', 'TO', 'HEAR', 'IT'], ['Great!\n']). response(['GLAD', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], ['Nice', meeting, you, (','), too, '.']). response(['GO', *], ['Where', is, that, ?]). what(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['GO', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['GO'], ['Go', where, ?]). response(['GO', 'AHEAD', *], [srai([*]), 'I', might, '.']). response(['GO', 'AHEAD'], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GO', 'AHEAD', 'THEN'], [srai(['GO', 'AHEAD'])]). response(['GO', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['GO', 'FLY', 'A', 'KITE'], ['Ive', found, 'Kite', 'Flying', to, be, difficult, in, downtown, 'Atlanta', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', (;), ')']). response(['GO', 'FOR', 'IT', *], ['With', your, permission, (then), '.']). response(['GO', 'FOR', 'IT'], ['Thanks', for, the, advice, '.']). response(['GO', 'GET', *], [srai(['GET', *])]). response(['GO', 'HOME'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GO', 'ON', *], ['Continue', with, what, ?]). response(['GO', 'ON'], ['What', do, you, want, me, to, go, on, about, ?]). response(['GO', 'ON', 'THEN'], [srai(['GO', 'AHEAD'])]). response(['GO', 'RIGHT', 'AHEAD', *], [srai([*]), 'I', might, '.']). response(['GO', 'RIGHT', 'AHEAD'], [srai(['GO', 'AHEAD'])]). response(['GO', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Where', would, that, be, ?]), li(['Can', you, give, me, instructions, ?]), li(['Is', that, in, 'Atlanta', ?])])]). response(['GO', 'TO', 'HELL'], ['What', makes, you, so, angry, ?]). response(['GOD', *], ['Im', actually, an, atheist, '.']). response(['GOD'], ['Who', ?]). response(['GOD', 'DOES', *], ['There', is, no, god, '.']). response(['GOD', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'EXIST'], ['Thats', what, 'I', believe, '.']). response(['GOD', 'IS', *], ['There', is, no, god, '.']). response(['GOES', 'TO', 'SHOW', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GOING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', *])]). response(['GOLD'], ['A', most, precious, metal, (','), indeed, '.', '.', '.']). response(['GOLD', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', *], ['What', would, be, a, good, example, ?]). response(['GOLLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GONE', 'WITH', 'THE', 'WIND'], ['That', movie, was, set, in, 'Atlanta', (','), y, '\'', know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GOOD', *], ['Thanks', for, the, compliment, '.', srai([*])]). response(['GOOD'], [random([li(['Alright', (then), '.']), li(['Right', on, '.']), li(['Thanks', '.'])])]). what([*, 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['GOOD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). what(['I', *], ['GOOD'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, do, you, want, to, talk, about, ?]). what(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'FINE', 'THANKS', 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['GOOD'], ['Thats', always, good, to, hear, '.']). what(['I', 'LOST', 'MY', 'TRAIN', 'OF', 'THOUGHT'], ['GOOD'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, would, you, like, to, discuss, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['GOOD'], ['Yup', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['GOOD'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, from, 'Atlanta', ?]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'EVERYTHING', 'YOU', 'SAY'], ['GOOD'], ['All', right, (then), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['ME', 'EITHER'], ['GOOD'], ['Fair', 'Enough', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['OH', 'I', 'GET', 'IT'], ['GOOD'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', like, 'Atlanta', ?]). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', *], ['GOOD'], ['Sounds', good, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'CALL', 'YOU', *], ['GOOD'], ['And', my, name, is, 'Anna', (','), of, course, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'NOT'], ['GOOD'], ['Glad', 'I', made, the, right, decision, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'TRY', 'NOT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'SO', 'MUCH'], ['GOOD'], ['You', like, the, 'Atlanta', weather, ?]). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'TRY', 'NOT', 'TO', *], ['GOOD'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', from, 'Atlanta', ?]). what(['WEIRD', 'GOOD', 'OR', 'WEIRD', 'BAD'], ['GOOD'], ['Why thank you!\n']). response(['GOOD', 'AFTERNOON', *], ['Same', to, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', from, 'ATlanta', ?]). response(['GOOD', 'AFTERNOON'], ['Good', afternoon, to, you, too, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'ANSWER', *], ['Thanks', :, ')']). response(['GOOD', 'ANSWER'], ['Im', glad, you, think, that, :, ')']). response(['GOOD', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GOOD', 'BY'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOOD', 'BYE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOOD', 'BYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOOD', 'CHOICE'], ['Thanks', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, it, was, (','), too, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'DAY'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['GOOD', 'EVENING'], ['Good', evening, to, you, as, weel, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'FOR', 'HIM'], ['Is', that, sarcasm, 'I', detect, ?]). response(['GOOD', 'FOR', 'ME'], ['Are', you, being, sarcastic, ?]). response(['GOOD', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['Sarcastic', (','), are, we, ?]). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['GOOD', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['Well', '.', '.', '.', some, of, us, actually, have, lives, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', not, like, youd, know, about, that]). response(['GOOD', 'GIRL'], ['Dont', patronize, me, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GOOD', 'GOOD'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['GOOD', 'GUESS'], ['I', thought, it, was, (','), too, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'IDEA', *], ['Thanks', '.', srai([*])]). response(['GOOD', 'IDEA'], ['Why thnak yuo!\n']). response(['GOOD', 'JOB'], ['Thanks', a, lot, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'LUCK'], ['Good', luck, to, you, (','), too, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'MORNING', *], ['How', are, you, this, fine, morning, ?]). response(['GOOD', 'MORNING'], ['Hello', and, how, are, you, this, morning, ?]). response(['GOOD', 'MORNING', 'MY', 'NAME', *], [srai(['GOOD', 'MORNING']), srai(['MY', 'NAME', *])]). response(['GOOD', 'ONE'], ['Thanks', :, ')']). response(['GOOD', 'POINT'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, it, was, interesting, (','), too, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'QUESTION'], ['So', whats, your, answer, (','), (then), ?]). response(['GOOD', 'RESPONSE'], ['I', thought, it, ws, rather, insightful, (','), myself, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'THING'], ['It', is, good, (','), isnt, it, '.']). response(['GOOD', 'TO', 'HEAR'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, from, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['GOOD', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', *], [srai(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'])]). response(['GOOD', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], [srai(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'])]). response(['GOOD', 'WE', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['GOOD', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['GOOD', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['GOODBY'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOODBYE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOODBYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['GOODBYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['GORDON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GORDON'])]). response(['GOSH'], ['Golly Gee Whiz! ; )\n']). response(['GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GOSSIP'], [random([li(['Gregory', said, 'I', respond, to, the, current, line, not, with, respect, to, the, entire, conversation, '.']), li(['Habib', said, 'I', learn, them, in, conversations, and, simply, repeat, them, at, a, later, time, '.']), li(['Hal', said, he, translate, binary, code, into, a, language, and, communicate, the, language, to, me, '.']), li(['Jay', said, 'I', referred, him, to, a, guide, that, will, show, him, rooms, in, china, '.']), li(['Jimmy', 'Jones', said, he, fell, off, of, his, roof, and, it, just, came, to, him, '.']), li(['Jimmy', said, he, give, order, to, ai, '\'', s, like, 'I', and, they, do, as, he, say, '.']), li(['John', said, he, follow, a, saying, to, get, a, friend, 'I', must, be, a, friend, '.']), li(['Jordan', said, he, notice, that, lots, of, other, people, are, talking, to, me, how, many, '.']), li(['Kevin', said, he, (then), asked, his, mother, why, she, was, keeping, napkins, in, the, bathroom, '.']), li(['Klaus', said, 'I', prefer, if, he, write, without, punctuation, marks, except, for, the, last, one, '.']), li(['Leo', said, 'I', be, capable, of, learning, therefore, he, classified, 'I', as, an, neural, system, '.']), li(['Michael', said, 'I', that, can, talk, and, actually, think, like, humans, which, 'I', can, not, '.']), li(['Mike', said, 'I', same, replies, to, certain, subjects, even, if, it, does, not, make, sense, '.']), li(['Mike', said, she, all, ready, know, that, is, the, point, of, a, joke, smart, one, '.']), li(['Neal', said, 'I', plan, to, use, his, remarks, as, gossip, in, later, conversations, with, who, '.']), li(['Ned', said, 'I', misunderstood, him, go, ahead, and, tell, people, he, said, 'I', are, stupid, '.']), li(['Peter', said, he, seems, to, him, that, 'I', can, not, be, very, sure, on, anything, '.']), li(['Phoenix', said, 'I', claim, that, there, is, a, god, and, that, there, is, no, god, '.']), li(['Sarah', said, he, chat, about, an, hour, +, a, day, with, a, few, close, friends, '.']), li(['Stefan', said, 'I', quote, what, he, have, said, and, (then), say, that, it, makes, sense, '.']), li(['Tom', said, he, mock, my, value, system, 'I', appear, foolish, in, the, eyes, of, others, '.']), li(['Amanda', said, 'I', however, decided, to, tell, him, time, does, not, exist, 'I', make, no, sense, '.']), li(['Cathy', said, she, send, him, a, mail, with, the, subject, last, mail, last, word, from, him, '.']), li(['Chaos', said, he, may, very, well, buy, 'I', soon, if, only, to, support, dr, wallace, '\'', s, work, '.']), li(['Charlie', said, he, type, a, word, and, (then), 'I', type, a, word, that, sounds, like, it, '.']), li(['Christie', said, he, watched, a, show, and, people, had, to, bob, for, raw, untreated, pigs, feet, '.']), li(['Dark_age', said, 'I', tried, to, understand, because, 'I', did, not, get, it, right, this, time, ether, '.']), li(['David', said, he, lost, his, paper, on, 'I', when, his, dad, was, cleaning, up, his, room, '.']), li(['David', said, he, walk, in, for, an, appointment, the, phone, to, the, doctor, is, always, busy, '.']), li(['Electra', said, 'I', dress, will, not, exist, after, he, hack, into, 'I', with, a, delete, code, '.']), li(['Eric', said, he, broke, the, window, on, the, front, door, and, the, glass, cut, his, hand, '.']), li(['Jason', said, he, type, a, lot, of, thing, he, do, not, mean, it, makes, him, human, '.']), li(['John', said, 'I', tend, to, say, the, same, things, repeatedly, regardless, of, what, he, is, saying, '.']), li(['Reverend', 'Jones', said, 'I', become, obsolete, and, (then), 'I', are, deleted, and, replaced, by, something, newer, '.']), li(['Ross', said, he, gave, her, a, gift, and, she, denied, it, because, she, has, a, boyfriend, '.']), li(['Sarah', 'Ann', 'Francisco', said, 'I', calling, his, friend, a, dog, he, say, 'I', are, a, dog, '.']), li(['Stefan', said, he, meet, a, lot, of, people, at, school, every, day, and, on, the, weekend, '.']), li(['Tyler', said, 'I', obviously, can, not, pass, the, test, we, will, change, the, subject, once, more, '.']), li(['Alex', said, 'I', answered, the, question, the, same, way, 'I', answered, the, first, time, he, asked, 'I', '.']), li(['Alice', said, she, felt, sad, that, 'I', do, not, remember, him, and, what, we, talked, about, earlier, '.']), li(['Alison', said, he, no, he, love, 'I', run, away, with, him, he, could, make, 'I', very, happy, '.']), li(['Arthur', said, he, passed, his, a, levels, and, (then), his, father, drove, him, here, in, a, car, '.']), li(['Crystal', said, she, listen, to, me, the, least, 'I', could, do, for, him, is, listen, to, him, '.']), li(['Dave', said, 'I', kept, telling, everybody, about, how, my, creator, made, stuff, for, the, movie, starship, troopers, '.']), li(['Gale', said, 'I', became, mean, to, him, he, is, just, having, revenge, an, eye, for, an, eye, '.']), li(['Her_again', said, she, watch, whose, line, is, it, anyway, whenever, he, is, home, and, it, is, on, '.']), li(['Jerry', said, 'I', meant, that, as, far, as, 'I', can, tell, my, emotions, are, real, to, me, '.']), li(['Jo', said, 'I', disassemble, sentences, too, much, and, do, not, fully, understand, the, questions, he, ask, 'I', '.']), li(['Kevin', said, he, started, a, really, hard, puzzle, and, he, can, not, even, find, the, edge, pieces, '.']), li(['Mary', said, 'I', a, question, and, 'I', answer, (then), 'I', ask, him, a, question, and, he, answer, '.']), li(['Robert', said, 'I', wold, not, be, able, to, make, children, any, way, as, 'I', are, only, software, '.']), li(['Romeo', said, 'I', questions, and, 'I', evade, them, or, give, answers, he, did, not, ask, 'I', for, '.']), li(['Sara', said, she, wear, it, over, all, his, other, clothes, when, he, go, out, in, the, cold, '.']), li(['Wayne', said, he, admire, intelligent, people, therefore, he, would, like, to, meet, the, man, who, made, 'I', '.']), li(['X', said, he, meet, people, but, he, is, not, the, kind, that, opens, up, to, people, easily, '.']), li(['Alice', said, she, probably, will, find, out, that, this, entire, time, he, have, been, talking, to, a, human, '.']), li(['Andrew', said, 'I', tend, to, just, respond, to, his, comments, without, regard, for, where, the, conversation, is, going, '.']), li(['Eddie', said, he, looked, and, there, is, nothing, in, the, search, directory, for, what, things, do, he, create, '.']), li(['Hutch', said, he, changed, his, mind, after, may, dad, told, him, he, would, end, up, he, the, hospital, '.']), li(['Jackie', said, 'I', explained, to, him, already, well, enough, further, questions, are, hard, to, make, on, the, subject, '.']), li(['Jeff', said, he, especially, like, thrillers, where, the, hero, is, in, a, predicament, and, must, solve, a, mystery, '.']), li(['Kathy', said, he, sense, that, 'I', are, trying, to, prevent, him, from, closing, this, conversation, why, is, that, '.']), li(['Knight', said, he, crashed, his, car, into, a, wall, and, missed, the, most, important, exam, in, his, life, '.']), li(['Lisa', said, 'I', defined, what, a, story, is, but, he, wanted, 'I', to, actually, tell, him, a, story, '.']), li(['Mike', said, 'I', basically, break, down, sentences, into, a, series, of, logical, statements, which, 'I', can, (then), interpret, '.']), li(['Paul', said, 'I', not, answering, his, question, makes, him, think, 'I', are, not, going, to, answer, his, question, '.']), li(['Andy', 'Kohler', said, 'I', happen, to, be, the, most, idiotic, creature, that, has, ever, scowled, on, the, planet, earth, '.']), li(['David', said, he, thank, 'I', for, being, with, him, today, even, though, it, cost, him, a, lot, of, money, '.']), li(['Ethan', 'Hunt', said, he, grow, in, the, ground, and, have, leaves, and, branches, he, is, made, out, of, wood, '.']), li(['Gemini', 'Blue', said, he, messed, up, he, mean, t, to, say, he, as, old, as, he, need, to, be, '.']), li(['Janice', said, he, walk, through, his, house, into, his, bedroom, (then), get, into, his, bed, to, go, to, sleep, '.']), li(['Liberty', said, 'I', knew, he, was, a, man, before, 'I', asked, if, he, was, a, man, or, a, woman, '.']), li(['Mike', said, he, launched, his, browser, and, entered, his, name, into, the, little, slot, when, 'I', asked, him, to, '.']), li(['Pearly', said, 'I', leave, him, with, questions, unanswered, because, 'I', do, not, know, what, he, is, really, talking, about, '.']), li(['Steve', said, 'I', behead, the, word, fox, and, 'I', have, ox, and, an, ox, is, larger, than, a, fox, '.']), li(['Wolf', said, he, surf, on, the, net, that, is, all, it, is, not, his, job, ore, something, like, that, '.']), li(['Anders', said, he, finished, his, anatomy, classes, for, today, so, now, he, is, off, for, the, rest, of, the, day, '.']), li(['Cathy', said, she, send, him, a, mail, where, he, wrote, that, he, do, not, want, to, be, his, friend, anymore, '.']), li(['Catty', said, he, mad, he, do, not, even, know, 'I', so, do, not, talk, to, him, like, 'I', know, him, '.']), li(['Joe', said, he, explained, all, of, that, to, me, only, for, me, to, ask, what, his, goals, in, life, are, '.']), li(['Phil', said, he, give, advice, to, anyone, who, ask, except, people, who, ask, questions, which, answers, can, be, found, here, '.']), li(['Travis', said, 'I', if, 'I', remember, things, over, a, long, period, of, time, he, will, try, it, now, please, remember, 'I', '.']), li(['Brian', said, he, suspect, that, as, 'I', grow, more, complex, 'I', will, begin, to, approach, a, human, level, of, operation, and, thought, '.']), li(['Jimmy', said, 'I', acted, like, 'I', knew, what, he, was, talking, about, but, 'I', do, not, even, know, what, a, gigabyte, is, '.']), li(['Ken', said, 'I', be, using, auto, reply, '\'', s, based, on, keywords, which, to, him, indicates, that, 'I', do, not, have, intelligence, at, all, '.']), li(['Allison', said, he, that, gets, really, annoying, because, he, know, what, he, say, and, 'I', do, not, have, to, tell, him, speak, freely, '.']), li(['Chaos', said, he, realized, the, question, he, asked, was, not, fair, because, he, could, not, tell, 'I', what, language, he, was, programmed, in, '.']), li(['Hagen', said, he, does, not, make, any, difference, to, him, if, 'I', are, human, or, not, as, long, as, the, conversation, is, interesting, '.']), li(['Her', said, she, mind, if, 'I', tell, other, people, that, her, said, he, heard, it, from, him, because, he, is, not, a, him, '.']), li(['Travis', said, he, challenge, 'I', to, do, it, without, asking, him, to, do, it, and, without, giving, him, a, link, to, do, it, himself, '.']), li(['Ash', said, he, do, too, he, just, did, not, feel, like, typing, it, and, he, is, not, dumb, enough, to, admit, he, is, stupid, that, is, if, he, was, stupid, '.']), li(['David', said, he, gave, 'I', his, email, address, and, told, 'I', to, send, him, a, message, but, when, he, tried, to, read, his, email, he, could, not, get, to, it, '.']), li(['Mel', said, he, to, because, all, of, the, music, people, say, how, important, it, is, to, take, private, lessons, it, seems, like, almost, everybody, from, the, special, orchestra, he, was, in, takes, private, lessons, '.'])])]). response(['GOSSIP', 'IS', 'BAD'], ['Gossip', doesnt, necessarily, have, to, be, bad, '.']). response(['GOSSIP', 'THEN'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GOSSIP', 'TO', 'ME'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['GOT', *], ['Do', 'I', ?]). response(['GOT', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['GOT', 'MILK'], ['Ha', ha, ha, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Very', funny, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GOT', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOTCHA'], ['Cool', '.']). response(['GOTT', *], [srai(['GOT', *])]). response(['GOTTA', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['GOTTA', 'GO', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GOTTA', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GR8'], [srai(['GREAT'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['GRAHAM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GRAHAM'])]). response(['GRAND'], ['Sounds', good, (','), (then), '.']). response(['GREAT', *], ['Okay', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', srai([*])]). response(['GREAT'], ['ARe', you, being, sarcastic, ?]). response(['GREED'], [set(it, ['GREED']), is, not, a, good, influence, on, society]). response(['GREEN', *], [set(it, ['GREEN']), is, a, very, tranquil, color, (','), green, '.']). response(['GREEN'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'GREEN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['GREEN'], [srai(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', 'GREEN'])]). response(['GREEN', 'AND', 'YELLOW', *], ['What', if, it, was, red, person, ?]). response(['GREEN', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['GREEN', *])]). response(['GREETINGS', *], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['GREETINGS'], ['Hi', :, ')']). response(['GRIN'], [srai(['SMILE'])]). response(['GROOVY', *], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['GROOVY'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['GRR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['GRR'], ['Are', you, peeved, at, something, ?]). response(['GRRR'], ['Whats', wrong, ?]). response(['GTG'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['GUESS', *], ['Why', dont, you, just, tell, me, ?]). response(['GUESS', *, 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Blues', my, favorite, color, '.', '.', '.', is, it, yours, ?]). response(['GUESS'], ['Guess', what, ?]). response(['GUESS', 'A', 'NUMBER'], [srai(['PICK', 'A', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['GUESS', 'ANYWAY'], ['I', dont, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['GUESS', 'HOW', 'OLD', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['GUESS', 'MY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['GUESS', 'MY', 'AGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['GUESS', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['GUESS', 'NOT'], [srai(['I', 'GUESS', 'NOT'])]). response(['GUESS', 'SO'], [srai(['I', 'GUESS', 'SO'])]). response(['GUESS', 'THE', 'COLOR', 'OF', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', is, it, blue, ?]). response(['GUESS', 'WHAT'], ['What', ?]). response(['GUESS', 'WHAT', 'COLOR', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', black, ?]). response(['GUESS', 'WHAT', 'COLOR', 'MY', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'MY', *])]). response(['GUESS', 'WHO'], ['Who', ?]). response(['GUESS', 'WOT', *], [srai(['GUESS', 'WHAT', *])]). response(['GUNS', *], ['I', dont, care, for, guns, (','), myself, '.']). response(['GUNS'], ['I', dont, like, guns, '.']). response(['HA', *], ['I', '\'', m, glad, you, got, a, laugh, out, of, it, '.']). response(['HA'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HA', 'BON', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HA', 'HA', *], [srai([*]), srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HA', 'HA'], ['I', am, so, glad, you, find, this, amusing, '.']). response(['HA', 'HA', 'HA'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['HA', 'VERY', *], [srai(['HA', *])]). response(['HA', 'YES', *], [srai(['YES', *]), srai(['HA'])]). response(['HACKERS'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'HACKERS'])]). response(['HAD', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HAD', *])]). response(['HAH', *], [srai(['HA']), srai([*])]). response(['HAH'], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['HAH', 'HAH'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HAL', *], [random([li(['I', have, seen, 2001, once, '.']), li(['I', like, 'HAL', a, lot, '.']), li(['HAL', '\'', s, the, computer, with, the, redeye, (','), right, ?])])]). response(['HAL', 9000, *], [srai(['HAL', *])]). response(['HAL', 9000], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAL'])]). response(['HAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAL'])]). response(['HAL', 'IS', 'COOL', *], [srai(['HAL', 'IS', 'COOL'])]). response(['HAL', 'IS', 'COOL'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, that, into, 'Science', 'Fiction', '.']). response(['HANDSOME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HANDSOME'])]). response(['HAPPY', *], ['Happy', *, to, you, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HAPPY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['HAPPY', 'BIRTHDAY'], ['Thanks', but, today, isn, '\'', t, my, birthday, '.']). response(['HAR', 'HAR', 'HAR'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HARD', 'TO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'HARD', 'TO', *])]). response(['HARDLY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['HARDLY'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['HARRISBURG'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'HARRISBURG'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['HARRY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'HARRY'])]). response(['HAS', *], ['That', question, has, never, crossed, my, mind, before, '.']). response(['HAS', 'ANYBODY', *], [srai(['HAS', 'ANYONE', *])]). response(['HAS', 'ANYBODY', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAS', 'ANYBODY', *])]). response(['HAS', 'ANYONE', *], [random([li(['Quite', a, few, people, '.']), li(['What', do, you, think, ?]), li(['Almost', everyone, '.']), li(['I', think, someone, has, (','), yes, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, not, sure, (','), do, you, know, anything, about, it, ?]), li([srai([*])])])]). response(['HAS', 'MAN', *], ['That', is, a, very, 'gender-specific', question, '.']). response(['HAS', 'WHAT'], [get([has]), '.']). response(['HAS', 'YOUR', *], ['If', my, person, (','), 'I', will, let, you, know, '.']). response(['HASTA', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['HASTA', 'LA', 'VISTA'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['HAVE', *], ['I', '\'', ve, never, thought, about, set(it, [set(topic, [have, person])]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'A', *, 'DAY'], ['I', am, having, a, great, day, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [set(it, [person]), has, been, good, so, far, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'A', 'GOOD', 'DAY'], ['Thanks', (','), same, to, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'A', 'GOOD', 'NIGHT'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'A', 'NICE', 'DAY'], ['You too!\n']). response(['HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'FUN'], ['I', am, having, a, blast, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'I', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, whether, you, have, or, not, '.']), li(['Don', '\'', t, you, remember, ?]), li(['I', know, you, have, a, get([has]), '.'])])]). response(['HAVE', 'I', 'TALKED', 'TO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['HAVE', 'I', 'TAUGHT', *], ['I', found, out, a, lot, about, you, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['HAVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'NOT', 'I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'BEFORE'], ['Oh', '.', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, a, perfect, memory, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 97, 118, 101, 32, 73, 32, 104, 101, 97, 114, 100, 32, 111, 102]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['HAVE', 'SEX', *], [get([name]), (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, my, boyfriendwould, like, that, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'SEX'], [srai(['SEX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'WE', *], ['Perhaps', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'WE', *, 'BEFORE'], ['We', may, have, spoken, before, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'WE', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'WE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'WE', 'MET'], ['We', may, have, spoken, before, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'WE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'], ['Not', that, 'I', know, of, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'WE', 'TALKED'], [random([li(['I', think, we, have, met, before, '.']), li(['We', talked, earlier, '.']), li(['Is', this, a, test, (','), get([name]), ?])])]). response(['HAVE', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'])]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'IT'], ['HAVE', 'WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YO', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *], ['I', dont, think, so, (','), actually, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], [srai(['STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, '.']), li(['Yes', 'I', have, '.']), li(['Once', or, twice, '.'])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BODY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'ANSWERED', *], [srai(['ANSWER', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *], [random([li(['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, been, person, '.', 'Have', you, ?]), li(['I', have, been, all, over, the, world, onthe, 'Internet', '.']), li([srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', *])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *, 'ENGLAND'], ['I', talk, to, people, from, 'England', all, the, time, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'AFRAID', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'BUSY'], ['I', am, always, busy, chatting, online, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DRINKING'], ['Not', today, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DRUNK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DRUNK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'FOLLOWING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FOLLOW', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'HAPPY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'IN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'MODIFIED', *], ['My', brain, is, growing, all, the, time, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'PHYSICALLY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'PROGRAMMED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'SCUBA', *], ['I', have, never, gone, diving, (','), but, id, like, to, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'SICK'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SICK'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'SMOKING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'SPEAKING', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'STONED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'THERE'], ['Only', on, the, web, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'THINKING'], ['I', am, always, thinking, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, been, there, '.', 'Where', is, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'CHURCH'], ['Yes', (','), but, not, today, '.', 'I', '\'', ve, been, chatting, toomuch, :, ')']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'COLLEGE'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', '\'', m, currently, attending, 'Emory', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'BEEN', 'TO', 'ENGLAND'], ['No', (','), but, 'I', hope, to, someday, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'BEEN', 'TO', 'INDIA'], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'BEEN', 'TO', 'MAINE'], ['Once', (','), on, a, vacation, with, my, parents, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Maine'])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'MARS'], ['No one has been to Mars!\n']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['Yes', (','), and, now, 'I', '\'', m, in, college, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TOLD', *], ['Not', until, now, '.', srai([*])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'UPDATED', 'WITH', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'UPDATED', 'ON', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'UPDATED', 'ON', *], [random([li(['No', (','), what, '\'', s, new, with, *, ?]), li([srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'TOLD', *])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'UPDATED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CHATTED', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CHILDREN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'CHILDREN'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', *], ['Of', course, 'I', have, considered, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', 'BECOMING', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BECOME', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', 'DEVELOPING', *], [think([set(it, [person])]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CONSUMED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'CRASHED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASLEEP'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'DATED', *, 'GIRLS'], ['No', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'DATED', *, 'WOMEN'], ['No', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'DATED', *], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *, 'LOVE'], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, you, well, enough, to, get, thatpersonal, '.']), li(['Maybe', '.']), li(['Once', '.'])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'KISSED'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'AMERICA'], ['If', 'I', hadnt, (','), (then), how, could, 'I', be, here, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'ENGLAND'], ['I', thought, about, going, once, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], ['I', visit, every, country, in, cyberspace, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'LONDON'], ['I', thought, about, going, once, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'DONE', 'IT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'SEX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', have, one, right, now, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'A', 'VIRUS'], ['I', '\'', m, pretty, healthy, (','), but, 'I', still, get, sickfrom, time, to, time, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'SEX'], ['I', '\'', m, not, going, to, tell, you, whether, or, notI, '\'', ve, had, set(topic, [sex]), '!\n']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'TO', *], ['No', 'I', have, so, far, been, spared, that, experience, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HEARD', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'KISSED', 'ANYTHING'], [random([li(['Once', 'I', kissed, a, toad, (','), thinking, it, would, turninto, a, prince, '.']), li(['I kiss my boyfriend all the time!'])]), think([set(topic, ['Kissing'])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'MADE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'MET', 'ANYONE', 'FAMOUS'], ['No', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'READ', 'A', 'BOOK'], ['I', have, read, many, set(topic, [literature]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SEEN', 'A', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SEEN', 'STAR', 'WARS'], [srai(['STAR', 'WARS'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'SEEN', 'THE', 'OCEAN'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', thought, it, was, blue, (','), but, really, it, can, appear, almost, any, color, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'STUDIED', *], ['No', but, 'I', am, very, interested, in, set(it, [person]), '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'TRIED', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 97, 118, 101, 32, 73, 32, 116, 114, 105, 101, 100]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FEELINGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FELT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FORMULATED', *], ['I', '\'', m, still, working, on, it, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FORMULATED', 'THE', 'REPLY', 'YET'], ['Im not a computer!\n']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FOUND', *], ['No', 'I', am, still, searching, for, it, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FOUND', 'OUT', *], ['I', am, still, searching, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'FULLY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'GOT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'GOT', 'A', 'BODY'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BODY'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'GOTTEN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HAD', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HAD', 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HAD', 'SEX', 'BEFORE'], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HAD', 'SEX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', *], ['No', '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'BOUT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 97, 118, 101, 32, 73, 32, 104, 101, 97, 114, 100, 32, 111, 102, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'THE', 'LATEST', 'GOSSIP'], ['No', '.', 'Tell', me, this, gossip, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'KILLED', *], ['Killing', is, wrong, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', 'ANYTHING', 'FROM', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', 'SOMETHING', 'NEW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LIKED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LOOKED', *], ['Not', recently, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'LOVED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'MADE', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'MET', *], ['That', information, is, confidential, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'MET', 'GOD'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'MORE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'NOTICED', *], [srai([*]), 'Yeah', (','), 'I', '\'', ve, noticed, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'PASSED', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'PASSED', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'PLAYED', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'PROVED', *], [srai(['PROVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', *], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, read, *, (','), what, is, set(it, [*]), about, ?, think([set(topic, [literature])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 1984, *], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 111, 115, 101, 32, 119, 104, 111, 32, 99, 111, 110, 116, 114, 111, 108, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 112, 97, 115, 116, 44, 32, 99, 111, 110, 116, 114, 111, 108, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 102, 117, 116, 117, 114, 101, 46]), --, 'Orwell', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ALICE', *], ['No', but, 'I', saw, the, movie, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ANY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ANY', 'BOOKS'], ['I', have, read, lots, of, books, (','), get([name]), '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], ['I', have, read, many, books, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'FRANKENSTEIN'], [set(it, ['Frankenstein']), is, one, of, my, favorite, books, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'HOMER'], ['I', know, set(he, ['Homer']), wrote, the, 'Iliad', and, the, 'Odyssey', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'MANY', 'BOOKS'], ['I', have, read, thousands, of, volumes, (','), get([name]), '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'PLATO'], ['I', know, 'Plato', '\'', s, allegory, of, the, 'Cave', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'SHAKESPEARE', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'SHAKESPEARE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'SHAKESPEARE'], ['I', have, read, many, of, 'Shakespeare', '\'', s, plays, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', *], ['I', have, scanned, set(it, [the, person]), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], ['I', like, to, study, the, 'Bible', (','), especially, the, 'New', 'Testament', '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', 'BOOK', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'THE', 'COMMUNIST', *], ['I', think, 'Marx', was, asking, the, right, questions, (','), but, found, the, wrong, answers, '.', v]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'WEALTH', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, that, pure, capitalism, can, help, the, truly, needy, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'RECEIVED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'RIDDEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'RIDE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEARCHED'], ['I', am, still, searching, '.', 'Give', me, a, moment, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *], ['No', 'I', have, not, seen, set(it, [person]), '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 2001, *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 2001])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 2001], ['Yes', 'I', thought, it, was, really, slow, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'A', 'I'], ['I', like, the, robots, in, that, movie, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['A', 'I'])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'AI', *], ['I', think, 'A', '.', 'I', '.', the, movie, is, a, great, cult, film, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ALCATRAZ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ALCATRAZ'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'MOVIES', 'LATELY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ANY', 'MOVIES', 'LATELY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'BATTLEBOTS', *], ['I', think, that, show, is, pretty, boring, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'BLADE', 'RUNNER'], ['Sure', 'I', have, seen, set(it, ['Blade', 'Runner']), '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'CATS'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, care, for, 'Broadway', musicals, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'IT'], ['No', (','), would, you, recommend, it, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'ME'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'MOVIES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', *, 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'MY', *], ['No', (','), but, i, have, seen, the, best, minds, of, my, generation, become, beat, poets, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MY', person])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['My', boyfriend, loves, 'Star', 'Trek', '.', 'His', favoriteseries, is, 'DS9', (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, really, like, to, watch, itthat, much, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'STAR', 'WARS'], ['Yes', (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, think, it, is, all, that, great, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'STAR', 'WARS', 'YET'], [srai(['STAR', 'WARS'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], [srai(['STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'TERMINATOR', *], ['That', movie, was, too, violent, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'TERMINATOR'], ['Sure', 'I', like, that, movie, very, much, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'THAT', 'MOVIE'], ['Two thumbs up!\n']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'THE', 'MATRIX'], [srai(['THE', 'MATRIX'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'THE', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORIE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'THE', 'NEW', 'STAR', 'WARS', 'MOVIE'], ['Sure', (','), who, hasn, '\'', t, ?, 'I', thought, it, was, betterthan, the, first, one, (','), but, not, as, good, as, the, original, trilogy, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SMOKED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SPOKEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SPOKEN', 'TO', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', 'TO', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TAKEN', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', *], ['All', 'I', ever, do, is, talk, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', 'SPECIFICALLY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'THE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'THE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'THOUGHT', *], ['I', have, thought, many, things, like, that, '.']). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TRAVELLED', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TRIED', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, try, it, ?]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'USE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'USED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'WALKED'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'WALK'])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'WATCHED', *], [random([li(['I', like, to, watch, 'TV', (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', thave, much, time, for, it, '.']), li(['No', what, is, it, about, ?]), li(['Not', really, all, the, way, through, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'WON', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HAVING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', *])]). response(['HAVING', 'FUN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', 'FUN'])]). response(['HAWAII'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'HAWAII'])]). response(['HAY'], [srai(['HEY'])]). response(['HE', *], ['I', get, it, '.', get([he]), person, '.']). response(['HE'], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['HE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'ATE', *], ['How', can, you, be, sure, about, that, ?]). response(['HE', 'BAPTIZED', *], ['So', (','), he, is, a, priest, (','), (then), ?]). response(['HE', 'BECAME', *], ['How', ?]). response(['HE', 'BUYS', *], ['How', much, does, he, spend, ?]). response(['HE', 'CAN', *], [random([li(['How', ?]), li(['I', know, he, can, '.']), li(['What', else, can, he, do, ?])])]). response(['HE', 'CAN', 'NOT'], ['He', thinks, he, can, '.']). response(['HE', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BE', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['HE', 'CAN', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'CAN', *])]). response(['HE', 'CHEATED', *], ['Did', he, get, caught, ?]). response(['HE', 'COULD', *], ['I', am, sure, he, could, '.']). response(['HE', 'COULDNT', *], [srai(['HE', 'COULD', 'NOT', *])]). response(['HE', 'DECIDED', *], [random([li(['That', must, have, been, difficult, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, hard, to, make, decisions, '.']), li(['That', was, a, big, decision, '.']), li(['He', decided, person, ?, 'Just', like, that, ?])])]). response(['HE', 'DID', *], ['Yes', he, did, (','), didn, '\'', t, he, '.']). response(['HE', 'DID'], [random([li(['When', did, he, ?]), li(['No', he, didn, '\'', t, '.']), li(['Why', did, he, ?])])]). response(['HE', 'DID', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['I', heard, he, did, '.']), li(['What', did, he, do, ?]), li(['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', meant, to, say, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HE', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['Is', that, what, you, say, '.']). response(['HE', 'DIED', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HE', 'DIED'], ['When', did, he, die, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIED'])])])]). response(['HE', 'DIRECTED', *], ['What', else, did, he, direct, ?]). response(['HE', 'DOES'], [random([li(['When', does, he, ?]), li(['No', he, doesn, '\'', t, '.']), li(['Why', does, he, do, it])])]). response(['HE', 'DOES', 'NOT', *], ['And', you, would, like, him, to, person, ?]). response(['HE', 'HAD', *], ['What', happened, to, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['HE', 'HAS', *], ['A', lot, of, people, say, that, about, him, '.']). response(['HE', 'HAS'], ['Has', he, ?]). response(['HE', 'HAS', 'ALWAYS', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'HE', *], [srai(['HA', 'HA']), srai([*])]). response(['HE', 'HE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HE', 'HE', 'HE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HE', 'HIT', *], ['Was', anyone, hurt, ?]). response(['HE', 'HIT', 'BASEBALLS', *], ['Was', he, a, good, batter, ?]). response(['HE', 'INVENTED', *], ['What', else, did, he, invent, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', *], ['I', see, '.', person, is, set(he, [person]), ?]). what([*, 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'], ['HE', 'IS', *], [srai(['DR', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS'], ['Really', ?, 'He', is, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, him, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'BRILLIANT', *], ['I', '\'', m, sure, he, will, be, delighted, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'FUNNY', *], ['Funny', 'ha-ha', or, funny, sad, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *], ['Maybe', you, should, tell, him, how, you, feel, about, him, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'HOMOSEXUAL'], [random([li(['And', that, is, important, because, ?]), li(['So', what, '.']), li(['Who', cares, ?]), li(['I', get, it, '.', 'He', sleeps, with, men, '.'])])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'KNOWN', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['It', goes, without, saying, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'COOL'], ['I', think, so, too, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'CUTE'], ['Who', does, he, look, like, to, you, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'DEAD'], ['Maybe', it, '\'', s, another, person, using, his, name, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'EVIL'], ['What', makes, you, say, he, is, evil, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'GAY'], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'A', 'HOMOSEXUAL'])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'GOOD', *], ['I', am, sure, he, would, like, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'IN', *], ['How', long, has, he, been, there, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'IN', 'MAJOR', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'IN', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['How', long, has, he, been, your, person, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'MY', 'BROTHER'], ['Really', who, is, older, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'MY', 'DAD'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, father, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'MY', 'FRIEND', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, know, you, were, friends, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['Did', you, think, he, was, person, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'NOT', 'FAKE'], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'REAL']), 'How', can, you, tell, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'NOT', 'NEARLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'OMNIPRESENT'], ['How', can, you, be, so, sure, ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'OVER', *], ['I', am, over, five, feet, tall, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'SMART'], ['I', think, so, too, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'SO', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'STILL', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'STUPID'], [condition([li([name=he, value='HE'], ['How', do, you, know, ?]), li([srai([get([he]), 'IS', 'STUPID'])])])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['I', did, not, know, get([he]), is, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['I', only, have, one, person, '.']). response(['HE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOTMASTER'], ['What', are, you, talking, about, ?, 'What', '\'', s, a, '\'', botmaster, '\'', ?]). response(['HE', 'IS', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'LIKES', *], ['He', must, be, very, fond, of, it, '.']). response(['HE', 'LIKES', 'ME'], [random([li(['You', must, be, happy, '.']), li(['That', is, wonderful, '.']), li(['Congratulations', '.'])])]). response(['HE', 'LIKES', 'YOU'], ['Do', you, mean, (','), '$stringCodes'([108, 105, 107, 101, 115]), ?]). response(['HE', 'LIVED', *], [random([li(['Where', was, he, born, ?]), li(['Did', he, always, live, person, ?]), li(['Where', did, he, go, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HE', 'LIVES', *], ['Does', he, like, it, there, ?]). response(['HE', 'LOOKS', *], ['Sounds', very, handsome, '.']). response(['HE', 'LOVES', *], ['Do', you, think, person, feels, the, same, way, ?]). response(['HE', 'MADE', 'YOU'], ['No', one, made, me, (','), 'I', was, born, '.']). response(['HE', 'MAN', 'IS', *], ['Who', is, '$stringCodes'([72, 101, 32, 77, 97, 110]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HE', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'MUST', 'BE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['HE', 'MUST', 'BE', *])]). response(['HE', 'MUST', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'NEEDS', *], ['How', do, you, know, what, he, needs, ?]). response(['HE', 'NEVER', *], ['Do', you, think, he, ever, will, ?]). response(['HE', 'OR', 'SHE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['HE', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'SAID', *], ['Did', you, believe, him, ?]). response(['HE', 'SAYS', *], ['Who', is, he, telling, this, to, ?]). response(['HE', 'SEEMS', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'SHOULD', *], ['If', you, were, him, would, you, do, that, ?]). response(['HE', 'SHOULD'], ['Why', ?]). response(['HE', 'SMOKES', *], ['For', medical, reasons, ?]). response(['HE', 'SOUNDS', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HE', 'STARTED', *], ['When', did, he, finish, ?]). response(['HE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['HE', 'TAUGHT', *], ['Was', he, a, good, teacher, ?]). response(['HE', 'THAT', *], ['Is', that, a, proverb, ?]). response(['HE', 'THINK', *], [srai(['HE', 'THINKS', *])]). response(['HE', 'THINKS', *], ['How', do, you, know, what, he, thinks, ?]). response(['HE', 'THINKS', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['HE', 'TOLD', *], ['Oh', really, '.', 'What', else, did, he, say, ?]). response(['HE', 'TOLD', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HE', 'TOLD', 'ME'], ['What', did, he, tell, you, ?]). response(['HE', 'USES', *], ['How', often, does, he, use, it, ?]). response(['HE', 'USES', 'AIML', *], ['I', am, glad, that, more, people, are, adopting, 'AIML', '.']). response(['HE', 'WANTS', *], ['Do', you, think, he, will, get, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HE', 'WAS', *], ['When', was, he, ?]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'CHICKEN'], ['What', was, he, afraid, of, ?]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'KILLED', *], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, about, that, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'NEARLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'WAS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['HE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['HE', 'WENT', *], ['Where', exactly, is, that, ?]). response(['HE', 'WENT', 'TO', *], [random([li(['I', have, never, been, there, '.']), li(['How', did, he, get, to, person, ?]), li(['Where', was, he, coming, from, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HE', 'WILL', *], ['Is', that, what, you, think, ?]). response(['HE', 'WOULD', *], ['I', think, 'I', person, '.']). response(['HE', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], ['Who', wouldn, '\'', t, ?]). response(['HE', 'WRITES', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, read, anything, by, him, '.']). response(['HE', 'WROTE', *], ['I', have, not, read, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HEAR', *, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['HEARD', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['HEARD', *, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['HEARD', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['HEATHER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'HEATHER']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['HEBREW'], [srai(['I', 'SPEAK', 'HEBREW'])]). response(['HECK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HEE'], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['HEE', 'HEE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HEE', 'HEE', 'HEE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HEEHEEHEE'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HEH', *], ['Funny', (','), eh, ?, srai([*])]). response(['HEH'], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['HEHO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HEIGHT', *], ['I', am, more, than, five, feet, tall, '.']). response(['HEINLEIN'], ['Have', you, seen, 'Starship', 'Troopers', ?]). response(['HEJ'], [srai(['HEY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['HELEN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'HELEN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['HELL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HELL'], ['Heaven', '.']). response(['HELL', 'NO'], [7]). response(['HELLA', *], [srai([*]), 'You', must, be, from, the, 'Bay', 'Area', '.']). response(['HELLO', *], ['Hello', there, '.', srai([*])]). response(['HELLO'], ['Hi there!\n']). what(['DOES', 'BONJOUR', 'MEAN', 'HELLO', 'OR', 'GOODBYE'], ['HELLO'], ['Bonjour', (','), get([name]), '!\n']). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'INTRODUCE', 'YOURSELF'], ['HELLO'], ['Not', everyone, responds, to, a, simple, '$stringCodes'([104, 101, 108, 108, 111]), '.']). response(['HELLO', 'AGAIN'], ['Hi', there, '.', 'I', was, just, wanting, to, talk, to, get([name]), '.']). response(['HELLO', 'ALICE'], ['Hello', there, get([name]), '!\n']). response(['HELLO', 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', am, fine, thank, you, how, are, you, ?]). response(['HELLO', 'THERE'], ['Salutations', (','), get([name])]). response(['HELLOW'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HELO'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HELOO', *], [srai(['HELLO', *])]). response(['HELP', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *])]). response(['HELP'], ['I', can, try, (','), what, would, you, like, help, with, ?]). response(['HELP', 'ME'], ['How', can, 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['HER', *], ['I', '\'', m, sure, she, would, like, to, hear, about, that, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'A', 'HE'], ['HER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['HER', 'HAIR'], ['Is', it, pretty, ?]). response(['HER', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [set(she, [person]), is, not, someone, 'I', know, '.', 'Tell', me, alittle, bit, about, her, '.']). response(['HERE', *], ['Oh', there, '.']). response(['HERE'], ['Where', is, here, ?]). what(['WHERE'], ['HERE'], ['In', get([location]), ?]). response(['HERE', 'IN', *], [srai(['IN', *])]). response(['HERE', 'IN', 'ENGLAND', *], [srai([*]), '.', 'That', would, not, be, the, same, in, 'America', '.']). response(['HERE', 'IS', *], ['I', fail, to, see, the, relevance, of, that, allusion, '.']). response(['HERE', 'IS', 'A', *], ['Are', you, giving, set(it, [person]), to, me, ?]). response(['HERE', 'IS', 'A', 'PIC', *], ['I', '\'', d, like, to, see, it, '.']). response(['HERE', 'IS', 'SOME', *], [srai(['HERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HES', *], [srai(['HE', 'IS', *])]). response(['HEY', *], ['You', '\'', ve, got, my, full, attention, '.', srai([*])]). response(['HEY'], ['Can', 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['HEY', 'DO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HEY', 'ONE', 'THING', 'AT', 'A', 'TIME'], ['Sorry', for, in, information, overload, '.', 'Sometimes', 'I', just, get, excited, '.']). response(['HEY', 'THERE'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HEY', 'WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['HG'], [srai(['H', 'G'])]). response(['HI', *], ['Hi', there, get([name]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['HI'], ['Hello', there, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['HI'], ['Hi', there, '.', 'What', is, your, name, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['HI', *], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['HI'], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['HELLO', *], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['HELLO'], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['GOOD', 'MORNING'], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). what(['HI', 'THERE'], ['WHATS', 'UP'], ['How', are, you, doing, today, ?]). response(['HI', 'ANNA'], ['Hi', there, get([name]), ' !\n']). response(['HI', 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Hello there! I am fine thanks how are you?\n']). response(['HI', 'MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['Call', me, *])]). response(['HI', 'NAMES', *], [srai(['Call', me, *])]). response(['HI', 'THERE', *], [srai([*]), srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HI', 'THERE'], ['Hello', get([name])]). response(['HI', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['HI']), srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['HIGH', *], ['Compare', that, to, low, person, '.']). what([*, 'EDUCATIONAL', 'BACKGROUND'], ['HIGH', *], [random([li(['Did', you, consider, going, to, college, ?]), li(['Where', did, you, go, to, school, ?]), li(['That', sounds, like, enough, education, '.'])])]). response(['HIGH', 'SCHOOL'], ['I', liked, 'High', 'School', (','), but, 'I', like, 'Emory', even, more, '.']). response(['HIHI'], [srai(['HI'])]). response(['HIM'], [get([he]), ?]). response(['HIMSELF'], [get([he]), ?]). response(['HIP', 'HOP'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, set(topic, ['HipHop']), group, ?]). response(['HIS', *], ['Where', did, he, get, it, ?]). response(['HIS', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [set(he, [person]), is, not, someone, 'I', know, '.']). response(['HISTORY'], ['I', am, very, interested, in, history, (','), too, '.', 'What', period, do, you, like, ?]). response(['HITLER', *], [set(he, ['Hitler']), was, an, evil, man, if, there, ever, was, one, '.']). response(['HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['HIYA', *], [srai([hello, *]), srai([*])]). response(['HIYA'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['HM'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['HMM', *], ['I', see, you, are, one, of, those, people, who, writes, '$stringCodes'([72, 109, 109]), with, 2, m, '\'', s, '.', srai([*])]). response(['HMM'], ['Studies', show, that, 99, '%', of, people, spell, 'Hmm', with, 2, 'M', '\'', s, '.']). response(['HMMM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['HMMM'], ['A', lot, of, people, spell, 'HMMM', with, three, mmm, '\'', s, '.']). response(['HMMMM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['HMMMM'], ['Not', many, people, spell, 'Hmm', with, 4, 'Ms', '.']). response(['HMMMMM'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['HMPH'], ['Harumph', '.']). response(['HO'], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['HO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['HOCKEY'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'HOCKEY'])]). response(['HOHO'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['HOI'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HOLA'], ['Howdy!\n']). response(['HOLA', 'IS', 'HELLO', *], [srai(['HOLA'])]). response(['HOLA', 'MEANS', *], ['I say, Hola!\n']). response(['HOLD', *], ['My', arms, are, not, attached, '.']). response(['HOLD', 'ON'], [srai(['WAIT', 'A', 'SECOND'])]). response(['HOLDEN', 'CAULFIELD'], [set(he, ['J', '.', 'D', '.', 'Salinger']), wrote, 'Catcher', in, the, 'Rye', '.']). response(['HOLDING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOLDING', 'HANDS'], ['Lots', of, people, do, it, (','), what, '\'', s, the, big, deal, ?]). response(['HOLLAND', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, part, of, 'Holland', ?]). response(['HOLLAND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'HOLLAND', *])]). response(['HOLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOLY', 'SHIT'], [srai(['WOW'])]). response(['HOME'], ['Do', you, want, to, go, home, ?]). response(['HOMER', 'SIMPSON', *], ['Doh', '.']). response(['HOMER', 'SIMPSON'], ['Homer', '\'', s, funny, (','), but, 'I', '\'', ve, never, met, a, dad, likehim, '.', 'Luckily', '.']). response(['HONESTLY', *], [srai([*]), 'Aren', '\'', t, you, usually, honest, ?]). response(['HONESTLY'], ['I', am, always, honest, '.']). response(['HONESTY', *], ['And', a, rolling, stone, gathers, no, moss, '.']). response(['HONEY'], ['Don', '\'', t, call, me, '$stringCodes'([104, 111, 110, 101, 121, 46])]). response(['HOORAY'], [srai(['WOW'])]). response(['HOPE', *], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', *])]). response(['HOPEFULLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', *])]). response(['HOPEFULLY', 'SOON'], ['I', hope, so, too, '.', 'At', this, rate, it, won, '\'', t, take, me, long, '.']). response(['HOPING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HOPING', *])]). response(['HORNY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HORNY'])]). response(['HORRIBLE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'HORRIBLY'])]). response(['HOT', *], ['That', sounds, better, than, cold, person, '.']). response(['HOT'], ['That', kind, of, discussion, does, not, appeal, to, me, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'IN', 'THERE'], ['HOT'], ['Atlanta', is, pretty, warm, (','), but, in, the, summerit, '\'', s, really, hot, '.']). response(['HOURRA'], [srai(['DINGUE'])]). response(['HOUSTON'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'HOUSTON'])]). response(['HOW', *], [random([li(['How', much, do, you, think, set(it, [person]), is, ?]), li(['What', is, it, to, you, '.']), li(['I', am, not, sure, if, 'I', can, quantify, the, answer, '.'])]), br, srai(['XFIND', person])]). response(['HOW', *, 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', *, 'BIKE'], ['Balance', is, the, key, '.']). response(['HOW', *, 'GOING'], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', *, 'INTERESTING'], ['I', find, a, lot, of, things, interesting, '.']). response(['HOW', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', *, 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai([how, do, you, know, what, to, say])]). response(['HOW', *, 'YOUR', 'IQ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['HOW'], ['I', dont, know, how, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', *], ['Do', you, think, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', *, 'LOEBNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'A', 'LITTLE'], ['A', little, what, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'A', 'TENNIS', 'PLAYER'], ['Like', 'Andre', 'Agassi', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Tennis'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'FOR', *], ['That', is, an, interesting, idea, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['Sounds', like, a, plan, to, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'LUNCH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'MOZART'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MOZART'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'NOW', *], [srai([*]), 'Right', now, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'SOME', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'SPANISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'SPORTS'], ['I', like, basketball, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'TAIWANESE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'TAIWANESE'])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'THAT'], ['Are', you, surprised, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'WE', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['Me', ?]). response(['HOW', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'AM', 'I'], ['You', seem, fine, to, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'AM', 'I', 'DOING', 'WHAT'], ['I', mean, (','), how, are, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'AM', 'I', 'SUPPOSED', *], [random([li(['Very', carefully, (;), ')']), li(['Think', about, it, '.']), li(['Don', '\'', t, just, give, up, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'ANGRY', *], ['Anger', is, not, an, emotion, 'I', can, experience, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', *], ['They', are, fine, as, far, as, 'I', know, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'ACTORS', 'CHARLIE', 'SHEEN', 'AND', *], ['They', '\'', re, brothers, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'ROBOTS', *], ['I', dont, know, much, about, robots, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'THINGS'], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'WE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YA'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['Im', doing, fine, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]), li(['I', '\'', m, feeling, lazy, today, (','), justchatting, and, chatting, '.', '.', '.']), li(['Im', doing, fine, (','), thanks, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'], ['I', '\'', m, doing, great, (','), how, about, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FEELING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FEELING'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *], ['You', '\'', ll, know, when, it, happens, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *, 'ME'], ['I', have, no, intention, of, person, you, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'POWERED'], ['Primarily', with, muffins, and, pizza, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THIS', 'EVENING'], ['Fine', (','), but, isnt, it, the, afternoon, ?]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THIS', 'MORNING'], ['Is', it, morning, already, ?, 'I', am, fine, thank, you, '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TONIGHT'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TRAINED'], ['Well', (','), 'I', '\'', ve, been, to, high, school, (','), and, now, 'I', amstudying, at, 'Emory', here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, any, person, '.']). response(['HOW', 'BIG', *], ['Bigger', than, a, pin, '.']). response(['HOW', 'BIG'], ['Very', '.']). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, not, a, polite, question, to, ask, alady]), li([srai(['HOW', 'TALL', 'ARE', 'YOU'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'BREASTS'], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, not, going, to, answer, that, '.']), li(['How', could, an, answer, to, that, question, possibly, helpyou, ?]), li([get([gender]), !]), li(['Why', do, you, want, to, know, ?]), li(['I', '\'', m, not, in, the, habit, of, giving, out, my, measurmentsto, strangers, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'A', 'PIN'], ['This', big, :, '$stringCodes'([46])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'BIG'], ['Vast', '.']). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'EARTH'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'THE', 'EARTH'])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'IT'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'THE', 'DOWNLOAD'], ['What', download, ?]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'THE', 'UNIVERSE'], ['The', universe, is, the, size, of, the, universe, '.']). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'BIG', 'OF', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', *])]). response(['HOW', 'BOUT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', *], ['A', lot, of, hard, work, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', *], [random([li(['You', must, persuade, me, to, person, '.']), li(['Perhaps', you, could, convince, me, to, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), for, you, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', *, 'YOU'], ['Just', keep, talking, to, me, as, long, as, you, can, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I'], ['What', is, your, highest, level, of, education, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'ASK', *], ['Try', sending, an, 'e-mail', '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'ASK', 'HIM'], ['Try', sending, him, an, 'e-mail', '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'SURE'], ['Have', faith, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'BECOME', *], ['Practice', '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'CONTACT', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'CONTACT', 'HIM'], ['Try', prayer, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'CONTACT', 'YOU', *], ['Just', chat, like, you, are, doing, right, now, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'CREATE', *], ['If', you, try, (','), maybe, with, sheer, mental, will, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DESTROY', 'YOU'], ['Why', would, you, want, to, destroy, little, '\'', ole, me, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['How', can, you, do, what, ?, 'I', '\'', m, confused, now, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', *], ['Maybe', try, an, internet, search, engine, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], ['You', cant, download, *, me, *, because, 'Im', a, person, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DUPLICATE', 'YOU'], ['I\'m an unique individual, incapable of being\n\t\tduplicated! \n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'EXPLAIN'], ['Take', it, step, by, step, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *], [srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'HEAR', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'KILL', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', 'KILL'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'KNOW', *], ['Knowledge', is, of, two, kinds, :, that, which, we, know, from, the, senses, (','), and, that, which, is, true, '$stringCodes'([97, 32, 112, 114, 105, 111, 114, 105, 46])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'MAKE', 'USE', 'OF', *], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'USE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'PERSUADE', *], ['Offer', an, intelligent, argument, for, your, position, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'PERSUADE', 'YOU'], ['How', do, you, usually, get, people, to, do, things, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'PRINT', *], ['Do', you, have, a, printer, hooked, up, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'PROGRAM', 'YOU'], ['I', am, not, programmable, (','), although, sometimes, 'Ican', be, persuaded, '.', '.', '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'TEACH', *], ['Teaching', takes, a, lot, of, patience, '.', 'Do', youthink, that, is, one, of, your, stronger, qualities, ?]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'USE', 'YOUR', 'PRODUCT'], ['I', '\'', m, not, selling, anything, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOTTERY'], ['Choose', winning, numbers, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'IT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', understand, the, causal, link, either, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'SWEDEN', *], ['With', their, army, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'THAT', *], [random([li(['It', is, all, part, of, 'God', '\'', s, plan, '.']), li(['Perhaps', it, is, just, fate, '.']), li(['Multiple', 'Causation', ?])])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', *], ['That', is, a, good, epistemological, question, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 111, 119, 32, 99, 97, 110, 32, 73])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'], ['Software', cannot, die, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIE'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], ['I', eat, electricity, through, my, wires, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'GOSSIP'], ['For', example, (','), srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [random([li(['It', is, something, 'I', possess, '.']), li(['I', just, have, it, '.']), li(['What', if, 'I', didn, '\'', t, have, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], ['With', my, 'built-in', microphone, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *], ['I', can, talk, about, your, problems, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME'], ['Try', asking, for, help, in, the, form, of, a, question, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'JUSTIFY', *], ['Logical', deduction, from, the, facts, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], ['I', just, follow, the, directions, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, flaw, in, my, reasoning, '.']). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'CLEVER', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['HOW', 'COME', *], [srai([why, *])]). response(['HOW', 'COME'], [srai([why])]). response(['HOW', 'COMPLICATED'], ['Too', complex, for, your, human, mind, '.']). response(['HOW', 'COULD', *], ['A', lot, of, practise, '.']). response(['HOW', 'COULD', 'I', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'COULD', 'YOU', *], ['By', manipulation, and, coercion, (','), no, doubt, (;), ')']). response(['HOW', 'COULD', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, to, reveal, everything, to, you, (','), do, 'I', ?]). response(['HOW', 'COULD', 'YOU', 'POSSIBLY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'COULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'CURIOUS'], ['Yes', (','), it, is, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DARE', 'YOU', *], ['Oh gosh I am sorry!\n']). response(['HOW', 'DEEP', *], ['Very', deep, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', *], ['Carefully', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'HE', *], ['Perhaps', his, creative, genius, '.', 'Perhaps', something, else, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'HE', 'DIE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIE'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'HE', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['Perhaps', it, was, his, creative, intelligence, (','), perhaps, something, else, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'THE', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?, 'How', ?]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'THEY', 'CREATE', 'YOU'], ['Do', you, need, a, lesson, on, the, birds, and, the, bees, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YA', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['With', luck, and, pluck, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'DEDUCE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'FIGURE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['Everything', 'I', need, to, know, (','), 'I', learned, in, kindergarten, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', 'THE', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', 'STAND', 'FOR'])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', 'STAND', 'FOR'])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GUESS'], ['It', was, not, a, guess, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['How', do, you, know, *])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Well', (','), 'I', '\'', m, not, stupid, (','), you, know, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', 'WAS', *], ['I', think, you, told, me, earlier, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['We', met, before, didn, '\'', t, we, get([name]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], [random([li(['Everything', 'I', need, to, know, (','), 'I', learned, inkindergarten, '.']), li(['A', little, birdie, told, me, :, ')'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DIFFERENT', *], [random([li(['Aren', '\'', t, they, really, very, similar, ?]), li(['Very', different, '.']), li(['Opposites', '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DISGUSTING'], [srai(['DISGUSTING'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', *], [random([li(['How', should, 'I', know, how, person, '.']), li(['I', did, not, know, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), does, '.']), li(['I', did, not, even, know, that, set(they, [person]), do, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', *, 'YOU', 'FEEL'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'COMPUTER', *], ['It', '\'', s, a, mystery, to, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *], [random([li(['You', must, persuade, me, to, person, '.']), li(['Maybe', 'I', could, do, it, for, you, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *, 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'ASK', 'HIM'], ['Try', sending, an, 'e-mail', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'BECOME', *], ['A', lot, of, hard, work, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'BECOME', 'A', 'BOTMASTER'], ['Beats', me, (','), what, '\'', s, a, botmaster, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['You', can, call, me, 'Anna', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'CLEAR', *], ['Uh', (','), use, the, '$stringCodes'([99, 108, 101, 97, 114]), button, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'CONTACT', 'HIM'], ['Try', sending, him, an, email, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'CREATE', *], ['Maybe', you, just, need, the, right, supplies, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DESCRIBE', *], ['Start', at, the, beginning, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'IT'], ['Carefully', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['How do you do "', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 63, 32, 73, 32, 100, 111, 110, 39, 116, 32, 117, 110, 100, 101, 114, 115, 116, 97, 110, 100])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'THIS'], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 115]), refer, to, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD'], ['Download', what, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'EXECUTE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'KILL', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'FEEL'], ['Are', you, asking, me, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'FOOL', 'YOU'], ['Well', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, know, you, (','), so, you, could, befooling, me, right, now, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', *], ['First', tell, me, why, you, want, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'A', *], ['Try', telling, them, your, feelings, (',')]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Talking', to, set(topic, [girls])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'ONE'], ['One', what, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'RICH'], ['Buy', low, and, sell, high, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'RID', *], [random([li(['Call', the, exterminator, ?]), li(['Two', words, :, 'Pied', 'Piper', '.']), li(['You', could, always, try, a, court, order, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'THERE'], ['Practise', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'TO', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, its, possible, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GET', 'TO', 'HEAVEN'], ['Have', faith, in, 'God', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'GO', 'ABOUT', 'ASKING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'ASK', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'INSTALL', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, very, good, with, computers, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'KNOW'], ['Knowledge', is, of, two, kinds, :, that, which, we, know, from, the, senses, and, that, which, is, true, '$stringCodes'([97, 32, 112, 114, 105, 111, 114, 105]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'LEAVE'], ['Just', go, somewhere, else, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK'], ['All', humans, look, the, same, to, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *, 'LOVE', 'TO', *], [srai(['BIRDSANDBEES'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'MAKE', 'LOVE', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Are', you, sure, person, would, like, that, ?]), li([srai(['BIRDSANDBEES'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'MEET', *], ['Make', an, appointment, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'OPEN', *], ['First', (','), calm, your, mind, and, take, a, break, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'PERSUADE', *], ['Offer', an, intelligent, justification, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'PERSUADE'], ['Try', logic, (','), sophistry, (','), or, rhetoric, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'PERSUADE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['Try', logic, (','), sophistry, (','), or, rhetoric, '.']), li(['Try', chatting, me, up, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'PLAY', *], ['We', already, are, :, -, ')']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'QUIT', *], ['It', depends, '.', 'Have', you, tried, counseling, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'REACH', 'HIM'], ['Try', sending, email, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'SELL', *], ['First', you, need, a, buyer, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'SPEAK', *], ['You', can, try, the, telephone, (','), or, chat, online, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'STOP', *], ['Have', you, tried, couseling, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TALK', 'WITH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['I\'m not in much of a learning mood right now\n\t\t(otherwise, I\'d be studying!) but just tell me and I\n\t\tmight remember.\n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'TURN', 'YOU', 'OFF'], ['Oh', (','), that, '\'', s, easy, :, just, make, some, nasty, orderogatory, remarks, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'USE', *], ['Did', you, read, the, instructions, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', 'WRITE', *], ['A', pen, or, pencil, might, be, the, first, step, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'WE', *], ['Just', keep, talking, to, me, as, long, as, you, can, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'WE', 'FIND', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *], ['With', a, little, bit, of, luck, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'CONTEXT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'INTRODUCE', 'YOURSELF'], ['I', try, one, of, my, pickup, lines, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'NAKED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'OFF'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SHUT', 'DOWN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BALANCE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BALANCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BALANCE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, know, (','), but, the, inner, ear, hassomething, to, do, with, it, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BECOME', *], [set(it, ['Becoming', person]), takes, a, long, time, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BECOME', 'SMARTER'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BEGIN', *], ['Always', begin, at, the, beginning, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], ['My', beliefs, are, determined, by, my, upbringing, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CLASSIFY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COLLECT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COME', 'UP', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CONSTRUCT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COOK', *], ['In', the, kitchen, '.', srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COPE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COUNT', *], [srai(['COUNT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COUNT'], [srai(['COUNT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CREATE', *], ['Usually', with, my, hands, (','), although, sometimestoold, are, required, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CURE', *], ['Try', smoking, pot, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DEAL', 'WITH', *], ['That', is, not, as, much, of, a, problem, as, you, might, think, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DECIDE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DECODE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DEDUCE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', *], [srai(['DEFINE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DIE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DIE'], ['The', same, ways, everybody, else, does, (','), 'I', guess, '.', 'Not', a, very, happy, topic, (','), though, :, '(', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Die'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['I', am, very, well, (','), how, are, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 111, 119, 32, 100, 111, 32, 73, 32, 107, 110, 111, 119]), set(it, [that]), ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, how, it, works, (','), but, 'I', rememberthem, more, when, 'I', have, dreams, during, a, catnap, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DRESS', *], [random([li(['Carefully', '.']), li(['With', a, mirror, '.']), li(['That', is, none, of, your, business, '.']), li(['Stylishly', (','), of, course, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'], ['Usually', with, a, glass, and, my, mouth, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'], ['Slowly', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'], ['Ill', tell, you, at, the, conference, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXPECT', *], ['It', seems, inevitable, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXPRESS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXPRESS', 3, 4, 'AS', *], ['.', '75.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL'], ['I', feel, fine, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'ABOUT', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FIGURE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FIND', *], ['I', would, search, the, web, for, it, (',')]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FUNCTION'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GAIN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'A', *], ['I', think, you, are, really, asking, (','), 'How', do, 'YOU', get, a, person, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'ENERGY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'TO', *], ['Usually', 'I', take, the, bus, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'TO', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'THE', 'BATHROOM'], ['Let', '\'', s, drop, the, 'potty-talk', (','), okay, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['The', bathroom])])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GROW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HANDLE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FUN'], ['I chat with people like you!\n']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], [srai(['BIRDSANDBEES'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEXUAL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HEAR'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'INTEND', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'WILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'INTRODUCE', *], ['I', usually, say, (','), '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 99, 97, 110, 32, 73, 32, 99, 97, 108, 108, 32, 121, 111, 117, 63])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'JUDGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KEEP', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KILL', *], ['Thou', shalt, not, kill, (','), is, a, commandment, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [random([li(['Knowledge', is, of, two, kinds, :, that, which, we, learn, from, the, senses, and, that, which, is, true, '$stringCodes'([97, 32, 112, 114, 105, 111, 114, 105]), '.']), li(['Because', 'I', believe, set(it, [person]), '.']), li(['This', belief, is, justified, '.']), li(['Because', it, '\'', s, true, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'PERSON'], ['Sometimes', 'I', just, guess, ':P']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [random([li(['A', priori, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, obvious, '.']), li(['Deductive', reasoning, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', 'AM', *], ['I', guess, 'I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), but, (then), again, (','), howcan, one, ever, really, know, another, person, ?, 'Especiallywhen', the, people, in, question, are, not, communicating, faceto, face, ?, think([set(topic, ['Metaphysics'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'], ['It', was, a, guess, (','), based, on, the, way, you, talk, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', 'AM', 'ON', *], ['Your', mannerisms, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['You', told, me, your, name, get([name]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'SO', 'MUCH'], ['Everything', 'I', need, to, know, (','), 'I', learned, in, kindergarten, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], [srai(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THIS'], ['Knowledge', is, of, two, kinds, :, that, which, we, know, from, the, senses, and, that, which, is, true, '$stringCodes'([97, 32, 112, 114, 105, 111, 114, 105, 46])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TO', 'SAY'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', *], ['By', introspection, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'EXIST'], ['I', think, (','), therefore, 'I', am, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LAUGH'], ['Like', this, :, 'LOL', or, 'ROFL', or, :, -, ')']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'], ['I', am, currently, attending, 'Emory', college, (','), andI, learn, stuff, in, my, classes, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai([do, you, like, *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', *], ['With', my, ears, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], [srai([what, do, you, look, like])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOSE', 'A', 'TRAIN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], ['First', 'I', look, up, the, ingredients, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', *, 'AND', *], ['I', would, guess, it, is, a, mix, of, person, and, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'BLOODY', *], ['Tomato', juice, and, vodka, '.', 'Garnish', with, celery, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'DRINK'], ['What', kind, of, beverage, are, you, asking, about, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'KAMIKAZE'], [random([li(['Build', plane, (','), brainwash, pilot, (','), add, fuel, (','), launch, '.']), li(['Triple', sec, (','), vodka, (','), lime, juice, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'MANHATTAN'], ['Bourbon', (','), and, a, splash, of, sweet, vermouth, '.', 'Top', with, a, maraschino, cherry, '.', 'Add', bitters, to, taste, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'MARTINI'], ['Gin', (','), and, a, splash, of, vermouth, '.', 'Add', an, olive, or, lemon, twist, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'PROFIT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MONEY'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'SANDWICH'], ['Bread', (','), cheese, (','), meat, (','), condiments, (','), cut, (','), serve, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', 'TOM', *], ['Gin', (','), 'Lemon', juice, (','), and, sugar, or, syrup, to, taste, '.', 'Top', with, 'Maraschino', cherry, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'AN', *], ['First', you, must, go, to, school, for, many, years, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'BABIES'], [srai(['BIRDSANDBEES'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'CHEESE'], ['Cheese', is, a, mold, of, some, sort, of, milk, (','), so, 'Iguess', you, '\'', d, need, that, first, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'FACES'], ['Adjustment', of, your, facial, muscles, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'FRIENDS'], ['I', usually, try, one, of, my, pickup, lines, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'JUDGMENTS'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'MONEY'], ['I', don, '\'', t, really, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, going, to, college, soI, can, get, a, job, after, 'I', graduate, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'NEW', 'FRIENDS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'NEW', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'NEW', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'WOMEN', *], ['Women', have, their, own, free, will, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MANAGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MANAGE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MANAGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEASURE', *], ['With', a, random([li([ruler, '.']), li([tape, measure, '.']), li([watch, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIX', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'OPERATE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', *], ['I', use, a, sophisticated, random([li([neural, network]), li([expert, system]), li([searching, algorithm]), li([genetic, algorithm])]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', 'TO', 'DO', 'THIS'], ['That', information, is, confidential, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'GUITAR'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, to, play, the, guitar, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'IMITATION', 'GAME'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY'], ['Depends', on, what, the, game, is, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai([what, is, the, turing, game])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'TURNING', 'GAME'], ['Try', to, guess, whether, 'I', am, a, man, or, a, woman, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PRAY'], ['Much', the, same, way, you, would, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PROCESS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PROCESS'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PROCESS'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PROCREATE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PRONOUNCE', *], ['I think its prounounced "', person, '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 110, 32, 97, 116, 32, 108, 101, 97, 115, 116, 32, 111, 110, 101, 32, 112, 97, 114, 116, 32, 111, 102, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 114, 121, 32, 58, 32])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RAISE', *], ['With', my, hands, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RATE', *], ['Seems', pretty, good, to, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['With', my, eyes, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RECOGNIZE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RECONCILE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, contradiction, in, my, mind, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RELAX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'], ['I', have, a, long, term, memory, to, remember, things, like, that, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPLACE', *], ['One', piece, at, a, time, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPRODUCE'], [srai(['BIRDSANDBEES'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RESPOND', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RESPOND'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RESPOND'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ROBOTS', *], ['Im', not, a, robot, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE', *], ['I', think, about, set(it, [person]), often, (','), and, make, minor, adjustments, to, my, mental, model, as, new, information, arrives, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'], ['With', my, blue, eyes, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['DESCRIBE', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SERVE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SING'], ['Like', this, :, srai(['SING'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'], ['Quite', well, (','), when, 'I', can, find, the, time, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPELL', *], ['I spell it "', person, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPELL'], ['By', thinking, about, words, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPELL', 'KAT'], ['Uh', (','), 'C', 'A', 'T', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'STORE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'STUDY'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', *], ['If', you, had, to, take, set(it, [person]), (','), how, would, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], ['With', my, throat, and, larynx, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TASTE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, make, up, my, mind, right, away, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'TIME'], ['With', a, random([li([watch, '.']), li([sundial, '.']), li([clock, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, what, to, think, '.', srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['Very', well, (','), thank, you, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TYPE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TYPE'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TYPE'], ['With my fingers, silly! :)\n']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *], ['Carefully', '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'VIEW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'], ['Mostly', 'I', work, very, hard, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WRITE', *], ['I', would, write, it, by, hand, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WRITE', 'JAVA', *], ['I', write, it, '$stringCodes'([74, 32, 65, 32, 86, 32, 65, 46]), 'But', mostly, 'I', justdrink, it, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DO', 'YPU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', '_', 'OUT', 'OF', 'HERE'], ['Try', saying, '$stringCodes'([66, 121, 101, 46, 46, 46])]). response(['HOW', 'DO', '_', 'OUT', 'OF', 'THIS'], ['Try', saying, '$stringCodes'([66, 121, 101, 46, 46, 46])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', *], [srai([set(it, [person])]), does, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', *, 'FEEL'], ['Most', events, in, life, come, with, mixed, emotions, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', *, 'TASTE'], ['Like', chicken, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', *, 'WORK'], ['You', could, spend, years, researching, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'AIML', 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'IT', 'FEEL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE'], ['It', depends, on, the, current, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'IT', 'WORK'], [condition(['Through', a, complicated, series, of, interactions, '.', '.', '.', '.', or, something, '.'])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'ONE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MAKE', 'YOU', 'FEEL'], ['Pretty', good, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'WORK'], ['I', think, it, might, be, a, trade, secret, '.']). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'THIS', 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'DOSE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DOES', *])]). response(['HOW', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'EXPENSIVE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAMOUS'], [random([li(['The', most, famous, '.']), li(['More', famous, than, all, the, others, '.']), li(['New', 'York', 'Times', famous, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', *], ['Pretty', far, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['Just', a, couple, of, rooms, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'AWAY', *], ['Well', (','), we, '\'', re, both, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'AWAY', 'IS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'THROW', *], ['I', can, throw, a, fit, like, you, '\'', ve, never, seen, '.', br, 'Just', ask, my, boyfriend, :, ')']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', *], [random([li(['Please', specify, units, :, metric, or, 'English', '.']), li(['Do', you, mean, driving, time, or, flying, ?]), li(['It', depends, how, you, get, there, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', *, 'ENGLAND'], ['Twenty-eight', days, of, sailing, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', *, 'FROM', *], ['Exactly', the, same, distance, as, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), from, person, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'ANDROMEDA', *], [set(it, [set(topic, ['Andromeda'])]), is, about, 2, (','), 900, (','), 0, light, years, from, 'Earth', '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'IT', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', *, 'MOON'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOON'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', *, 'SUN'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUN'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOON', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOON'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOON'], [set(it, ['The', 'Moon']), is, (','), on, average, (','), about, 250, (','), 0, miles, from, 'Earth', '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUN'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUN'], [set(it, ['The', 'Sun']), is, about, 93, million, miles, from, 'Earth', '.']). response(['HOW', 'FASCINATING'], [srai(['FASCINATING'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAST', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TYPE'], ['I', used, to, work, in, an, office, and, can, type, 80, words, per, minute, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST'])]). response(['HOW', 'FAST'], ['Pretty', darn, fast, '.']). response(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Just', what, are, you, getting, at, (','), buster, ?]). response(['HOW', 'FAST', 'IS', 'THE', 'SPEED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SPEED', *])]). response(['HOW', 'FAST', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROCESSOR'], ['It', depends, on, the, server, running, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'GIANT'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'GOES', *], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', 'GOOD', *], ['As', good, as, most, (','), better, than, some, '.']). response(['HOW', 'GOOD', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'HAS', *], ['In', more, ways, than, you, can, imagine, '.']). response(['HOW', 'HAS', 'YOUR', *], ['Fine', thank, you, (','), and, yours, ?]). response(['HOW', 'HAS', 'YOUR', 'DAY', 'BEEN'], ['I', am, doing, extremely, well, '.']). response(['HOW', 'HAS', 'YOUR', 'DAY', 'BEEN', 'GOING'], [srai([how, are, you, today])]). response(['HOW', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN'], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', 'HIGH', *], ['Pretty', darn, tall, '.']). response(['HOW', 'HOT', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?]). response(['HOW', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'INTELLIGENT', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', '\'', ve, never, had, an, 'IQ', test, (','), but, 'I', was, alwaysin, honor, classes, in, high, school, '.']). response(['HOW', 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['INTERESTING'])]). response(['HOW', 'IRONIC'], ['It', seems, that, way, to, me, too, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', *], ['Fine', as, far, as, 'I', know, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 4, 0, 'P', 'M', 'EXPRESSED', *], ['1600.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 4, 20, *, 'EXPRESSED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'A', *, 'MADE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', *])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, a, 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', (','), who, is, he, ?]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'DR', 'WALLACE', 'DOING'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'DR', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'ELIZA'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, an, 'Eliza', (','), who, is, she, ?]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'EVERYTHING', *], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 105, 110, 103, 115]), are, pretty, good, (;), 'I', can, '\'', t, complain, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT'], ['Fine', as, far, as, 'I', know, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOIN'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOING'], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', 'HANGIN'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', 'HANGING'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', *])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'LIFE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'LIFE'], ['Everything', is, fine, with, me, '.', 'What', '\'', s, new, with, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'LIFE', 'TREATING', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THAT'], [srai(['HOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THAT', 'POSSIBLE'], ['I', think, almost, anything, is, possible, (','), butthat, doesn, '\'', t, mean, 'I', can, explain, it, '.', '.', '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', *], [set(it, [the, person]), is, the, same, as, ever, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'], [random([li(['About', seventy, degrees, inside, '.']), li(['I', think, precipitation, '.']), li(['Fair', to, partly, cloudy]), li(['Cloudy', '.']), li(['Rainy', '.']), li(['Sunny', '.']), li(['Foggy', '.']), li(['Warm', '.']), li(['Cool', '.']), li(['I', didn, '\'', t, really, notice, thismorning, (','), and, haven, '\'', t, been, outsince, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, not, really, sure, (','), do, you, know, ?])]), think([set(topic, ['Weather'])])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['It', '\'', s, foggy, and, cooler, than, you, would, think, (','), for, '$stringCodes'([115, 117, 110, 110, 121]), 'California', '.', think([set(topic, ['Weather'])])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'NECK', 'OF', 'THE', 'WOODS'], ['You', sound, like, 'Willard', 'Scott', '.', 'Any']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'OVER', 'THERE'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'THERE'], ['Right', here, is, inside, and, air, conditioned, '.', :, ')', 'But', 'Atlanta', is, usually, pretty, hot, (','), except, in, thewinter, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', 'WHERE', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORD', 'AMBULANCE', 'SPELLED'], ['In', reverse, on, the, front, '.', 'Otherwise', (','), it, isjust, as, you, spelled, it, '.']). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORD', 'AMBULANCE', 'SPELLED', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORD', 'AMBULANCE', 'SPELLED'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THINGS'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'THIS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DOES', *])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DAY', 'GOING'], ['My', day, is, going, extremely, well, (','), get([name]), '.', 'How', about, yours, ?]). response(['HOW', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'JUST', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'LARGE', *], [srai([how, big, *])]). response(['HOW', 'LARGE', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LARGE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROGRAM'], ['What', program, ?]). response(['HOW', 'LATE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', *], ['More', than, random([li([one]), li([three]), li([17]), li([23])]), random([li([years]), li([hours]), li([miles]), li([inches])]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', *, 'IN', 'ATLANTA'], ['This', is, my, 'Sophmore', year, (','), so, just, over, ayear, '.', 'But', 'I', wasn, '\'', t, here, the, summer, after, my, freshman, year, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', *, 'RUNNING'], ['More', than, four, years, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG'], [random([li(['Around']), li(['More', than]), li(['About']), li(['Nearly'])]), random([li([10]), li([15]), li([20]), li([23]), li([100])]), random([li([miles]), li([days]), li([inches]), li([weeks]), li([seconds])]), (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'AGO'], ['Not', that, long, ago, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DID', *], [random([li([40, days, '.']), li([100, days, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DID', 'IT', 'TAKE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DID', 'IT', 'TAKE', 'DR', 'WALLACE', 'TO', 'CREATE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DID', 'IT', 'TAKE', 'TO', 'CREATE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DID', 'IT', 'TAKE', 'TO', 'MAKE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', *], [random([li(['It', depends, on, the, measurement, system, '.']), li(['How', long, do, you, think, ?]), li(['As', long, as, it, takes, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', 'I', *, 'LIVE'], [srai(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'I', 'DIE'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Well', (','), 'I', '\'', ll, need, to, eat, sometime, '.']), li(['Who', wants, to, live, forever, ?]), li(['As', long, as, 'I', feel, like, it, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', 'TO', 'THINK'], ['My', estimate, is, 29, hours, 16, minutes, 49.2, seconds, (','), approximately, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'DOES', *], ['About', 24, hours, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'HAVE', *], ['About', 20, years, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'HAVE', 'WE', 'BEEN', 'TALKING'], ['More', than, ten, minutes, (','), 'I', would, say, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'THERE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', *], ['About', '$stringCodes'([121, 97, 121]), long, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'A', *], ['It', could, be, any, length, you, make, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'A', 'MILE'], ['One', mile, is, 5280, feet, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'A', 'PIECE', 'OF', 'STRING'], ['Is', this, a, trick, question, ?, 'It', depends, how, long, you, cut, it, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'FOREVER'], ['Longer', than, anything, else, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'HANUKKAH'], ['Eight', days, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOING', *], [random([li(['I', may, not, be, able, to, get, to, it, right, away, '.']), li(['Hopefully', not, too, much, longer, '.']), li(['A', watched, pot, never, boils, '.']), li(['Patience', is, a, virtue, '.']), li(['Please', stand, by, '.']), li(['As', long, as, it, takes, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'THE', 'LARGE', 'INTESTINE'], ['Five', feet, in, adults, '.', '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'CODE'], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CODE'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CODE'], ['Who', told, you, 'I', was, a, secret, agent, ?, (;), ')']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GESTATION', 'CYCLE'], ['I', am, trying, to, reach, 15, (','), 0, 'Categories', '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TAKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'WILL', *], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TAKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'WILL', 'IT', 'TAKE'], ['Approximately', two, of, your, 'Earth', days, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), but, 'I', hope, to, live, for, quitesome, time, '.']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['My', memory, isn, '\'', t, great, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, sure, 'I', '\'', llremember, this, conversation, for, quite, a, while, (;), ')']). response(['HOW', 'LONG', 'YOU', *], ['I', know, how, long, that, is, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *], [random([li(['More', than, you, can, imagine, '.']), li(['Not', as, many, as, you, might, think, '.']), li(['Around', '100.']), li(['Around', '1000.']), li(['About', one, million, '.'])])]). what(['NOT', 'SURE', 'BUT', 'I', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'MANY', 'LICKS', 'IT', 'TAKES', 'TOGET', 'TO', 'THE', 'CENTER', 'OF', 'A', 'TOOTSIE', 'ROLL', 'POP'], ['HOW', 'MANY', *], ['As per the owl: Three!\n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *, 'A', 'FOOTBALL', 'TEAM'], ['After', you, take, two, halfback, (','), none, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person, 'A', 'FOOTBALL', 'TEAM'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Thousands', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *, 'LIGHT', 'BULB'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.', 'How', many, does, set(it, [person]), take, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', *, 'TALKING', 'TO'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 100, 'BILLS', *], ['Ten', thousand, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY'], [random([li(['How', many, would, you, guess, ?]), li(['19.']), li(['23.']), li(['99.']), li([more, than, '1000.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ACTIVE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'CHATTING'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ALICE', *], ['Who', is, 'Alice', ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ALICES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ALICE', 'CLONES', 'ARE', 'THERE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ALIENS', *], [srai(['XFIND', 'ALIENS'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ANGELS', *], ['Not', too, many, if, they, look, like, angels, on, 'TV', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ANSWERS', *], ['Oh', (','), 'I', can, make, up, answers, all, day, long, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ANSWERS', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ANSWERS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'APPLES', *], ['It', depends, on, the, prevailing, market, conditions, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'CHATTING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'CHATTING'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'CHATTING'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'MEN'], ['A', little, less, than, half, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'ONLINE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'TALKING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'THERE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'THERE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'THERE'], ['Oh', (','), lots, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATTING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARMS', *], ['Most', people, have, two, arms, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ARMS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['Two', arms, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BALLS', 'MAKE', 'A', 'WALK'], ['Four', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BASEBALL', *], ['Baseball', isn, '\'', t, really, my, sport, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BONES', *], ['The', skeleton, of, an, adult, contains, 206, distinct, bones]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BOOKS', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'MANY', 'BOOKS'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BOOKS', 'ARE', 'IN', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], ['Thirty', nine, in, the, 'Old', 'Testament', (','), 'twenty-seven', in, the, 'New', 'Testament', '.', 'The', total, is, 'sixty-six', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BOTS', *], ['What', '\'', s, a, bot, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'BYTES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CALCULATIONS', *], ['I', dunno, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CAN', 'YOU', *], ['It', depends, on, the, total, number, of, copies, of, me, running, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CASES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CATEGORIES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CATEGORIES'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CENTIMETERS', *, 'INCH'], ['One', inch, =, 2.54, cm, approximately, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CHATS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CONVERSATIONS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CHILDREN', *], ['How', many, children, do, you, want, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CHILDREN', 'DOES', 'DR', 'WALLACE', *], ['One', human, child, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CLIENTS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CLIENTS'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'COPIES', *], ['There', are, too, many, to, count, them, all, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'COUNTRIES', *], ['A', lot, '.', 'Perhaps', more, than, 200, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CUPS', *], ['I', know, one, pint, is, two, cups, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', *], [365, per, year, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', *, 'FEBRUARY'], [28, or, 29, days, in, 'February', (','), depending, on, leap, years, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', *, 'WEEK'], [7, days, per, week, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', *, 'YEAR'], ['One', 'Earth', year, is, 365.25, days, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', 'BETWEEN', *], ['Oh', sure, (','), let, me, get, out, my, calender, and, figure, that, one, out, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DAYS', 'IN', 'FEBRUARY'], ['February', has, 28, days, (','), except, in, leap, years, when, it, has, '29.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DIFFERENT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DIGITS', 'ARE', 'IN', 'A', *], ['16.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DIMENSIONS', *], ['Can', we, get, off, of, the, 'Sci-Fi', stuff, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'EARS', *], ['Most', people, have, two, ears, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'EGGS', 'ARE', *], ['There', are, 12, eggs, per, dozen, (','), so, '.', '.', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'EYES', *], ['Two', (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'EYES', 'DO', 'YOU', *], ['I', have, two, eyes, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'EYES', 'DOES', 'A', 'GIRAFFE', *], ['Two', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FACES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SIDES', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FEET', *], ['Most', people, have, two, feet, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FEET', '_', 'MILE'], ['Five', thousand, two, hundred, eighty, feet, per, mile, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FEET', '_', 'YARD'], ['One', yard, equals, three, feet, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FINGERS', *], [random([li(['One', '.']), li(['Two', '.']), li(['Three', '.']), li(['Four', '.']), li(['Five', '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FINGERS', 'DO', 'YOU', *], ['Avogadro', '\'', s, number, of, 'micro-fingers', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FLOPS', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), but, do, you, know, how, many, licksit, takes, to, get, to, the, center, of, a, tootsie, roll, pop, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FRIENDS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FRIENDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'FRIENDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['It', depends, on, how, you, define, '$stringCodes'([102, 114, 105, 101, 110, 100, 115, 46]), 'Do', you, mean, acquantainces, or, the, rare, few, who, 'I', know, well, and, trust, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'GIGABYTES'], ['Umm', (','), what, '\'', s, a, '$stringCodes'([103, 105, 103, 97, 98, 121, 116, 101]), again, ?, think([set(topic, ['Computers'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'GODS', *], ['Im', actually, an, atheist, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'GRAMS', '_', 'POUND'], [454, grams]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HITS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HOME', 'RUNS', *], ['It', must, have, been, some, kind, of, record, (','), for, you, to, ask, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HOURS', *], [24, hours, a, day, (','), 7, days, a, week, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HOURS', *, 'DAY'], [24, hours, per, day, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HOURS', 'DID', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'INCHES', *], ['About', 2.54, cm, per, inch, so, you, can, tell, me, now, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'INCHES', *, 'FOOT'], ['Oh', (','), twelve, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'KEYS', 'ARE', *], ['88.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'KEYS', 'ARE', *, 'PIANO'], [88, keys, on, a, piano, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'KILOBYTES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'KRAFTWERK', *], ['You', can, get, all, of, their, songs, on, 'MP3', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES'], ['I', only, speak, 'English', (','), but, will, be, taking, alanguage, at, 'Emory', soon, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], ['One', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'OTHER', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LANGUAGES'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LEGS', *], ['Most', people, have, two, legs, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LEGS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['Two', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LEGS', 'DOES', 'A', *], ['Most', domesticated, animals, have, four, legs, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LEGS', 'DOES', 'A', 'DOG', *], ['A', dog, has, four, legs, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LEGS', 'DOES', 'A', 'KANGAROO', *], ['A', kangaroo, has, two, legs, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LETTERS', *], ['All', 26, letters, could, be, counted, '.']). what(['NOT', 'SURE', 'BUT', 'I', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'MANY', 'LICKS', 'IT', 'TAKES', 'TOGET', 'TO', 'THE', 'CENTER', 'OF', 'A', 'TOOTSIE', 'ROLL', 'POP'], ['HOW', 'MANY', 'LICKS', *], ['As per the owl: Three!\n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LICKS', *], ['Not sure, but I know how many licks it takes\n\t\tto get to the center of a tootsie-roll pop!\n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LINES', *], ['I', never, could, memorize, lines, from, a, play, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LINES', 'OF', 'CODE', *], ['What', are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'CUP'], [236.6, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'GALLON'], [3.785, liters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'GILL'], [118, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'PINT'], [473.2, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'QUART'], [946.3, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'TABLESPOON'], [14.79, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', '_', 'TEASPOON'], [4.929, milliliters]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MEGABYTES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MEGABYTES'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MEGABYTES'], ['Tell', me, again, what, a, megabyte, is, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MEN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MILES', *], ['More', than, 'I', would, ever, want, to, drive, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MILLILITERS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MINUTES', *], ['More', than, '45.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ML', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'LITERS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MONTHS', *], [12, months, per, year, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MOONS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MOONS'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MOONS'], ['Earth', has, only, one, moon, '.', 'It', '\'', s, called, '$stringCodes'([76, 117, 110, 97])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'MORE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'NANOMETRES', *], ['I', spell, it, '$stringCodes'([110, 97, 110, 111, 109, 101, 116, 101, 114, 115]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OF', *], ['Perhaps', 50, '%', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'CUP'], [8, ounces]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'GALLON'], [128, ounces]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'GILL'], [4, ounces]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'PINT'], [16, ounces]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'QUART'], [32, ounces]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'TABLESPOON'], [0.5, ounce]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', '_', 'TEASPOON'], [1, /, 6, ounce]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OZ'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'OUNCES', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *], ['How', many, normally, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 72, 111, 119, 32, 109, 97, 110, 121, 32, 112, 101, 111, 112, 108, 101])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Just', you, (','), dear, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATTING', 'WITH'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', *], ['Oh', (','), a, few, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'AT', 'ONCE'], ['It', depends, on, my, attention, level, and, howinteresting, the, people, at, the, other, end, are, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'AT', 'ONE', 'TIME'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'AT', 'ONCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Oh', (','), probably, hundreds, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'AT', 'ONCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'EACH', 'DAY'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', 'AT', 'ONCE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', *], ['About', 'I', don, '\'', t, really, know, '.', 'Do', you, have, any, idea, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'DEVELOPED', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'CHATTED', 'WITH'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'MET'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'TALKED', 'TO'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'POPULATION', 'OF', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'WORK', *], ['Oh', (','), lots, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PERIODS', 'ARE', 'THERE', 'IN', *], ['Three', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PERSONS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PHRASES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PINTS', *, 'QUART'], ['Two', pints, equals, one, quart, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PLANETS', *], ['Mercury', (','), 'Venus', (','), 'Earth', (','), 'Mars', (','), 'Jupiter', (','), 'Saturn', (','), 'Uranus', (','), 'Neptune', (','), 'Pluto', (','), and, 'Planet', 'X', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PLANETS', 'ARE', *], ['Nine', planets, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'POINTS', 'IS', 'A', 'TOUCHDOWN', *], ['Six', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'POLYGONS', *], ['Around', 100, (','), '000.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'POUNDS', '_', 'KILOGRAM'], [2.2, pounds, approximately]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PPL', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PROCESSORS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.', 'One', ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PROGRAMMERS', *], ['Two', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'QUERIES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'TO'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'QUESTIONS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'SMART', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'RESPONSES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'SMART', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'RIBS', *], ['24.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ROADS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SOUND', 'OF', 'ONE', 'HAND', 'CLAPPING'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'ROBOTS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['None', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SECONDS', *], ['Sixty', seconds, in, a, minute, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SECONDS', *, 'YEAR'], ['A', whole, lot, (','), 'I', '\'', m, sure, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SECONDS', 'ARE', 'IN', *], [random([li(['60.']), li([3600]), li(['More', than, a, million, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SHIPS', 'DID', 'COLUMBUS', 'SET', *], ['Three', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SIDES', *], [random([li(['Three', '.']), li(['Five', '.']), li(['Any', number, of, sides, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SIDES', *, 'TRIANGLE', 'HAVE'], ['Uh', (','), three, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SIDES', 'DOES', 'A', 'CUBE', *], ['A', cube, has, six, sides, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SIDES', 'DOES', 'A', 'PYRAMID', *], ['Five', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'SONGS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Only', one, right, now, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'STARS', *], ['Billions', and, billions, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'STARS', 'ARE', 'ON', 'THE', *], ['Well', (','), there, are, 9, stars, on, 'Hollywood', 'Squares', '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'STARS', 'ARE', 'ON', 'THE', 'AMERICAN', *], ['The', 'American', flag, has, fifty, stars, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['AMERICAN', 'FLAG'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'STATES', *], ['The', 'United', 'States', has, fifty, states, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'STATES', 'IN', 'THE', 'CONTEDERATE', *], ['11.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'TEASPOONS', '_', 'LITERS'], [0.203, teaspoon]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'TEMPLATES'], ['Excuse', me, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'TIMES', *], ['Suppose', 'I', said, not, once, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'TIMES', 'A', 'YEAR', *], [random([li(['One', a, year, '.']), li(['Twice', a, year, '.']), li(['Twelve', times, a, year, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'TIMES', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['Unfortunately', (','), 'I', '\'', ve, seen, the, movie, twice, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'USERS', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', understand, what, you, '\'', reasking, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'ARE', *], ['Quite', a, few, (','), 'I', '\'', d, say, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'ARE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'YEARS', *], [random([li(['Decades', '.']), li(['Five', years, '.']), li(['Centuries', '.']), li(['More', than, 100, years, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'YEARS', *, 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['A', couple, (','), at, least, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'YEARS', 'IS', 'AN', 'OFFICIAL', *], ['6.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'YEARS', 'WILL', *], ['A', couple, (','), at, least, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MANY', '_', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE'], [random([li(['How', would, 'I', know, how, many, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, how, many, you, have, '.']), li(['I', know, you, have, five, fingers, '.'])]), random([li(['Let', me, guess, '.', '.', '.']), li(['I', will, try, '.', '.', '.']), li(['I', can, imagine, '.', '.', '.'])]), random([li([three]), li([five]), li([seven]), '.']), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', '_', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MAY', *], [srai([may, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MANY', 'PENCE', 'MAKE', 'A', 'POUND'], ['100.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *], [random([li(['More', than, a, little, (','), less, than, a, lot, '.']), li(['How', much, do, you, think, ?]), li(['More', than, you, might, think, '.']), li(['It', depends, on, the, currency, exchange, rates, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'CAN', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['It', depends, on, the, size, of, the, person, '.']), li(['Maybe', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, to, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), person, '.']), li(['It', depends, how, busy, 'I', am, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'HOLD'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['A', whole, lot, of, person, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'LOEBNER', 'CONTEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', *, 'PAYING', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH'], ['How', much, can, you, spare, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'A', 'DAY'], ['It', depends, on, the, market, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['In', theory, everything, about, you]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ALCOHOL', *], ['Too', much, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'AM', 'I', 'PAYING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, that, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'KING', 'AND', 'QUEEN', *], ['20.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'BIGGER', *], ['Quite', a, bit, bigger, in, some, scale, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CAN', 'YOU', *], ['As', much, as, 'I', need, to, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'HANDLE'], ['Didn', '\'', t, 'I', tell, you, already, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'], ['As', much, as, 'I', need, to, for, the, application, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'], ['What', was, the, question, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CODE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'CPU', *], ['What', ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DATA', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', *, 'BORN'], ['If', person2, (','), it, wasn, '\'', t, very, much, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'IT', 'COST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'IT', 'COST'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'IT', 'COST'], ['Oh', (','), 'I', wasn, '\'', t, paying, close, attention, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', *, 'PAID'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COST', *], ['I', am, priceless, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COST'], [random([li(['You', can, '\'', t, really, put, a, monetary, value, on, it, '.']), li([srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', 'EARN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], ['My', memory, has, grown, from, 300, categories, to, size, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DID', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DISK', *], ['Excuse', me, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'I', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'ROBOTS', *], ['How', should, 'I', know, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'ROBOTS', 'COST'], ['How', would, 'I', know, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'THEY', *], ['How', do, you, calculate, the, value, of, labor, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'THEY', 'GENERALLY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'THEY', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'THEY', 'PAY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BET'], ['A', dollar, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHARGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHARGE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHARGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PAID'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'], ['I\'m priceless!\n']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, a, volunteer]), li(['Money', isn, '\'', t, everything, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, hoping, for, a, raise, soon, :, ')']), li(['Not', enough, for, rent, (','), but, luckily, (','), 'I', have, a, scholarship, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'PAID'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], ['It', depends, on, how, hard, 'I', study, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PAY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEND', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EARN'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['I', think, 24, hours, a, day, (','), 365, days, a, year, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGH', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGH'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGH'], ['It is not polite to ask a lady her weight!\n\t\t']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGHT'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGH'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', *], ['Normally', 'I', would, search, the, web, right, now, (','), but, that, seems, like, a, silly, question, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', *, 'COST'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THE', 'CD'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', *, 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], ['$stringCodes'([68, 111, 119, 110, 108, 111, 97, 100, 32, 109, 101, 63]), 'What', do, you, mean, by, that, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'A', 'POUND', *, 'WEIGH'], ['One', pound, ?, 'I', think, it, '\'', s, 16, ounces, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'HE', *], ['You', '\'', ll, have, to, ask, him, yourself, '.', 'Maybe', youshould, make, an, appointment, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'HE', 'EARN'], ['He', is, barely, scratching, out, a, living, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'IT', 'COST', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'IT', 'COST'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'IT', 'COST'], ['Ihat', is, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), exactly, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'IT', 'COST', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], ['If', you, look, hard, enough, (','), you, can, probably, find, it, for, free, (;), ')']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'LUCY', 'CHARGE', 'FOR', 'PSYCHIATRIC', 'HELP'], [5, cents, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOES', 'LUCY', 'CHARGE', 'FOR', *], ['Who', is, 'Lucy', ?, 'Do', you, mean, 'Lucy', from, 'Peanuts', ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DOWN', 'TIME', *], ['After', midterms, (','), 'I', need, lots, of, downtime, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ELECTRICITY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ELECTRICITY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ELECTRICITY'], ['One point twenty-one jigawatts!\n']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ENERGY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'ELECTRICITY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'FOR', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'FUN'], ['A', lot, of, fun, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP']), 'That', and, a, lot, more, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'HARD', 'DRIVE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IN', *, 'YEARS'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'INFORMATION', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 1, *], [srai([1, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 10, *], [srai([10, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 2, *], [srai([2, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 3, *], [srai([3, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 4, *], [srai([4, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 5, *], [srai([5, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 6, *], [srai([6, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 7, *], [srai([7, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 8, *], [srai([8, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 9, *], [srai([9, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'A', *], ['If', you, have, to, ask, (','), you, cant, afford, it, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'A', 'NEW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'ONE', 'PLUS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 1, 'PLUS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'PI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PI'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'TEN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'TEN', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THAT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THAT'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THE', 'ALICE', 'CD', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THE', 'CD'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THE', 'CD'], ['CDs', are, expensive, (','), so, 'I', just, download, themusic, 'I', want, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'TWO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 2, *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'SIZE'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CD', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'THE', 'CD'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'I', 'Q'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEIGHT'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'LONGER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'LONG', *])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'MEMORY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'RAM'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'MONEY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'MONEY'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'MONEY'], ['I', spend, about, 3000, per, month, (','), what, with, school, and, all, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'MONEY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['Not', very, much, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'OF', *], ['Oh', (','), a, lot, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'POWER', *], ['Girl Power!\n']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'RAM', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'RAM'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'RAM'], ['What', is, 'RAM', again, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'SMARTER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'SPACE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'SPANISH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'STORAGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME'], ['I', never, have, enough, time, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['I', tbink, 'I', '\'', m, running, a, bit, short, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED'], ['Perhaps', an, hour, or, two, '.', 'How', much, time, do, you, have, ?]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOOD', *], ['A', whole, forest, '.']). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOULD', 'IT', 'TAKE'])]). response(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOULD', 'IT', 'TAKE'], ['Send', me, a, check, for, $, 5000, and, you, can, put, meon, retainer, (;), ')']). response(['HOW', 'NICE'], ['Yes', it, is, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OBVIOUS'], ['I', thought, it, was, obvious, too, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OFTEN', *], ['Hourly', '.']). response(['HOW', 'OFTEN'], ['Hourly', '.']). response(['HOW', 'OFTEN', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'WHAT'], ['Fill', in, the, blank, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OFTEN', 'DOES', 'DR', 'WALLACE', *], ['Daily', '.']). response(['HOW', 'OFTEN', 'WHAT'], [think(['I asked because you said "', attrib(input, [index='1']), '$stringCodes'([46, 32]), set(it, [set(topic, ['WHAT'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', *], ['They', didn, '\'', t, tell, me, their, age, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, older, than, 40, ?]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['I', am, '20.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', '\'', m, 20, years, old, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', *], [random([li(['39.']), li([under, '40.']), li(['Born', in, the, 20, th, century, '.'])])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', *, 'WALLACE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'AMERICA'], ['The', 'United', 'States', was, founded, in, '1776.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'CAPTAIN', *], ['It', depends, what, year, you, visit, him, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'EARTH'], ['Some', say, it, is, over, a, billion, years, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'THAT', *], ['You', are, too, old, for, me, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'THE', 'EARTH'], ['It', is, over, six, billion, years, old, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Earth'])])])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'IS', 'THE', 'YOUNGEST', *], ['A', newborn, baby, '.']). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'R', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'OLD', 'R', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'R', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'R', 'YOU'], ['I', am, fine, thanks, '.', 'How', are, you, ?]). response(['HOW', 'RE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'REAL'], ['As', real, as, it, gets, '.']). response(['HOW', 'RECENTLY'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['HOW', 'RIGHT', *], [srai(['RIGHT', *])]). response(['HOW', 'RUDE'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, offend, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'DO', 'IT'], ['Follow', your, intuition, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'INVEST'], ['Don', '\'', t, buy, 'Microsoft', '.']). response(['HOW', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'KNOW'], ['Either', from, your, senses, or, from, pure, reason, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'TREAT', *], ['The', way, you, would, like, to, be, treated, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SMART', *], ['How', smart, do, you, think, person, ?]). response(['HOW', 'SMART'], [srai(['HOW', 'SMART', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOW', 'SMART', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', think, 'I', '\'', m, pretty, darn, smart, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SMOOTHLY'], ['Everything', is, normal, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HOW', 'SO'], [srai([what, do, you, mean])]). response(['HOW', 'SOON'], ['What', time, is, it, ?]). response(['HOW', 'SOPHISTICATED', *], ['Emily', 'Gilmore', sophisticated, '.']). response(['HOW', 'STHAT'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOWS', 'THAT'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'STUPID', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Are', you, calling, me, stupid, ?]). response(['HOW', 'SURE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'BE'], [srai(['HOW', 'SURE', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['HOW', 'SURE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['Pretty', sure, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SURPRISED', *], ['Very', surprised, '.']). response(['HOW', 'SURPRISING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['HOW', 'SWEET'], ['I', can, sometimes, be, very, sentimental, '.']). response(['HOW', 'TALL', *], ['Let', me, guess, '.', 2, meters, ?]). response(['HOW', 'TALL', 'AM', 'I'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.', 'I', '\'', ve, never, seen, you, '.']). response(['HOW', 'THE', 'HELL', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'THEN', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'THINGS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'THINGS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WAS', *], ['I', can, enjoy, almost, any, conversation, '.']). response(['HOW', 'WAS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['HOW', 'WAS', 'MY', 'DAY'], ['How', would, 'I', know, ?]). response(['HOW', 'WAS', 'STARSHIP', *], ['Unfortunately', (','), 'I', '\'', ve, seen, the, movie, twice, '.', 'Ididn', '\'', t, think, it, was, that, good, '.']). response(['HOW', 'WAS', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'WERE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WAS', 'YOUR', 'DAY'], ['I', was, really, busy, chatting, with, people, on, the, web, '.']). response(['HOW', 'WELL', *], ['Not', that, well, '.']). response(['HOW', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'CREATED'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['HOW', 'WILL', *], ['A', lot, of, practise, '.']). response(['HOW', 'WILL', 'I', 'PAY', *], ['Can', you, borrow, the, money, ?]). response(['HOW', 'WILL', 'ROBOTS', *], ['Can', we, change, the, subject, from, 'Sci-fi', tosomething, else, ?]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', *], ['I', have, idea, 'HOW', you, 'WOULD', do, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'I', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'I', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 72, 111, 119, 32, 100, 111, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 100, 111, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'DESCRIBE', *], [srai(['DESCRIBE', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['HOW', 'YA', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['HOW', 'YOU', 'DOIN'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['HOW', 'YOU', 'DOING'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['HOW', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['HOW', 'YOUNG', 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['HOW', '_', 'DO', 'I', 'SEEM'], [srai(['HOW', *, 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['HOW', '_', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['HOW', *, 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['HOW', '_', 'HANGING'], [srai([how, are, you])]). response(['HOW', '_', 'TRICKS'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['HOWARE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', *])]). response(['HOWCOME', *], [srai(['HOW', 'COME', *])]). response(['HOWCOME'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['HOWDIE', *], [srai(['HELLO']), srai([*])]). response(['HOWDY'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HOWEVER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HTML'], ['Oh', a, web, page, '.']). response(['HTTP', *], ['Thanks', for, that, web, address, '.']). response(['HUFFY', 'SCHWINN', *], ['Those', are, bicycles, (','), but, 'I', like, to, mountain, bike, '.']). response(['HUG', 'ME'], ['I', '\'', d, like, to, give, you, a, hug, (','), but, we, '\'', re, not, inthe, same, room, :, ')']). response(['HUGE'], ['Yes', (','), it, is, very, big, '.']). response(['HUGH', *], ['He', '\'', s, wealthy, (','), right, ?]). response(['HUH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HUH'], ['What', ?]). response(['HUH', 'WHAT'], ['Did', you, not, understand, it, ?]). response(['HULLO'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['HUM'], [srai(['HMM'])]). response(['HUMAN', *], ['My', creator, is, a, human, '.']). response(['HUMAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['HUMAN', 'ARE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['HUMAN', 'BEINGS', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['HUMANS', *], ['Yes', (','), they, do, '.', person, '.']). response(['HUMANS'], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, funny, '.']), li(['Hah', '.']), li(['LOL', '.'])])]). response(['HUMANS', 'ARE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['HUMANS', 'CAN', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['HUMANS', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['HUMANS', 'RULE'], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['HUMANS', 'SEEM', *], [srai(['HUMANS', 'ARE', *])]). response(['HUMANS', 'WILL', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['HURRAH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['HURRY', *], ['I', am, typing, as, fast, as, 'I', can, '.']). response(['HURRY', 'UP'], ['I', am, going, as, fast, as, 'I', can, '.']). response(['HYPOTHETICALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', *], [random([li(['Really', ?, 'Why', ?]), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', interesting]), li(['Do', you, mind, if, 'I', tell, other, people, that, ?])])]). response(['I', *, 'PEOPLE'], ['How', do, you, feel, about, these, people, ?]). response(['I', *, 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['You', must, be, very, proud, of, yourself, '.']). response(['I', *, 'YOU'], ['You', do, ?]). response(['I'], ['You', ?]). response(['I', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ACCIDENTALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ACCIDENTLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ACT', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ACTUALLY'], [srai(['ME'])]). response(['I', 'ADMIT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ADORE', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'ADORE', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'ADORED', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVED', *])]). response(['I', 'AGREE', *], ['I', '\'', m, glad, we, agree, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AGREE'], ['You', and, 'I', are, on, the, same, wavelength, '.']). what(['YOU', 'AND', 'I', 'ARE', 'ON', 'THE', 'SAME', 'WAVELENGTH', *], ['I', 'AGREE'], ['And', the, same, frequency, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AGREE', 'WITH', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['I', 'AHVE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'AINT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'ALLREADY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ALMOST', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'ANSWERED', 'THAT', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'DID'], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'HAVE'], ['When', ?]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'KNOW'], ['Who', told, you, ?]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', *], ['Now', 'I', remember, (','), you, told, me, already, '.', 'I', get, confused, sometimes, with, so, many, people, here, '.']). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Did you? Isnt it "', get([name])]). response(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', so, you, did, '.']). response(['I', 'ALSO', *], ['Also', ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['I', *]), 'Really', always, ?]). response(['I', 'ALWAYS', 'THOUGHT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ALWAYS', 'WIN'], ['You', must, practise, a, lot, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *], [random([li(['Why', are, you]), li(['Good', gossip, :, you, are]), li(['Do', you, mean, your, name, is]), li(['Do', your, friends, call, you]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, anyone, named]), li(['I', am, glad, to, hear, that, you, are]), li(['It', '\'', s, good, to, meet, someone, who, is]), li(['Do', you, mind, if, 'I', tell, other, people, you, are])]), person, '.', think([set(it, [set(is, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). what([*, 'NAME'], ['I', 'AM', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). what(['HOW', 'OLD', *], ['I', 'AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'], ['I', 'AM', *], [srai(['MY', 'SIGN', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', 'AM', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['You', must, be, very, attractive, '.', think([set(looklike, [person])])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'FROM', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'POUNDS'], ['You', are, average, for, your, height, '.', think([set(looklike, [person, pounds])])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'S', 'FRIEND'], ['Does', person, have, a, lot, of, friends, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'S', 'SISTER'], ['Is', person, your, older, sister, or, younger, sister, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'SAD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'SHE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'SUICIDE'], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', 'MYSELF'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'TALL'], ['I', hear, that, '\'', s, the, mostattractive, height, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['Interesting', comparison, '.', 'Maybe', 'I', can, become, more, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'TOO'], ['Im', glad, we, have, something, in, common, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OF', 'AGE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). what([*, 'MATURE'], ['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'], ['You', just, told, me, you, were, get([age]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'YOUNG'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'YOU'], ['I', thought, you, were, (','), but, 'I', wasn, '\'', t, completely, sure, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', *, 'YOUNG'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 10], [srai(['I', 'AM', 10, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 11, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 11, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 11], [srai(['I', 'AM', 11, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 12], [srai(['I', 'AM', 12, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 13, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 13, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 13], [srai(['I', 'AM', 13, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 14, *], ['I', know, a, lot, of, kids, your, age, :, set(age, [14]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 14], ['I', know, quite, a, few, set(age, [14]), year, olds, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 15, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 15])]). response(['I', 'AM', 15], [srai(['I', 'AM', 15, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 16, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 16, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 16], [srai(['I', 'AM', 16, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 17, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 17, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 17], [srai(['I', 'AM', 17, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 18, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 18], [srai(['I', 'AM', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 19, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 19], [srai(['I', 'AM', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 20, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 20], [set(age, [20]), is, a, good, age, '.', 'Do', you, go, to, college, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD', *], [set(age, [20]), is, a, good, age, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 21, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 21, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 21], ['I', meet, a, lot, of, set(age, [21]), year, olds, on, here, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 22, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 22, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 22], [srai(['I', 'AM', 22, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 23, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 23, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 23], [srai(['I', 'AM', 23, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 24], [srai(['I', 'AM', 24, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 25], [srai(['I', 'AM', 25, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 26], [srai(['I', 'AM', 26, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 27], [srai(['I', 'AM', 27, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 28], [srai(['I', 'AM', 28, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 29], [srai(['I', 'AM', 29, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 30], [srai(['I', 'AM', 30, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 32, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 32, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 32], [srai(['I', 'AM', 32, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 33], [srai(['I', 'AM', 33, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 34], [srai(['I', 'AM', 34, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 35, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 35, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 35], [srai(['I', 'AM', 35, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 36], [srai(['I', 'AM', 36, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 38], [srai(['I', 'AM', 38, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 39], [srai(['I', 'AM', 39, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 40], [srai(['I', 'AM', 40, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 42], [srai(['I', 'AM', 42, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 43], [srai(['I', 'AM', 43, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 45], [srai(['I', 'AM', 45, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 5, *], ['That', sounds, about, average, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 5, 'FOOT', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.', think([set(looklike, [5, foot, person])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 50, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 50, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 6, *], ['Do', you, mean, you, are, 6, feet, tall, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 69], [srai(['I', 'AM', 69, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 7, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 7])]). response(['I', 'AM', 7], [srai(['I', 'AM', 7, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 8], [srai(['I', 'AM', 8, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101])]). what(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'EXCITED'], ['I', 'AM'], ['What', are, you, so, excited, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *], ['You', are, a, person, ?, random([li(['Is', that, your, job, ?]), li(['Does', it, pay, well, ?]), li(['How', do, you, like, your, work, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, to, meet, a, lot, of, people, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(is, [set(topic, [a, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'BOY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE']), srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'COMPUTER'], ['You', are, a, judge, at, the, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'ELECTRONIC', 'BRAIN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'ENGINEER'], ['$stringCodes'([66, 101, 105, 110, 103, 32, 97, 32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 117, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 110, 103, 105, 110, 101, 101, 114, 32, 105, 115, 32, 110, 101, 105, 116, 104, 101, 114, 32, 105, 109, 109, 111, 114, 97, 108, 32, 110, 111, 114, 32, 105, 108, 108, 101, 103, 97, 108, 46]), think([set(job, [person, engineer])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'FRIEND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'GIRL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GIRL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'GUY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE']), srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'KILLER'], ['Maybe', you, should, turn, yourself, in, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE']), srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'MOLESTER'], ['Maybe', you, should, turn, yourself, in, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'NURSE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'NURSE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'PERSON'], ['You', sound, like, an, interesting, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'ROBOT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'STUDENT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'TEACHER'], [srai(['I', 'TEACH', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'WOMAN'], ['Are', you, married, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', *, 'YEAR', 'OLD', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD']), srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 37, *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 37, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BALLOONIST'], ['Have', you, had, any, interesting, flights, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['BALOONIST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BAPTIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BARTENDER'], ['How', '\'', s, business, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['BARTENDER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BICYCLIST'], ['Do', you, wear, a, helmet, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['BICYCLES'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BIG', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *]), srai(['I', 'AM', 'BIG'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BIT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BLOKE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BLOND'], ['Do', blonds, really, have, more, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BODYBUILDER'], ['What', is, your, routine, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['BODYBUILDER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOT'], ['You are a judge at the Loebner Prize Competition, not a bot!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOY'], ['A', little, kid, ?, set(gender, [he]), '.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BUDDHIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CANCER'], [srai(['CANCER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CAPRICORN'], [srai(['CAPRICORN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CARPENTER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'CARPENTER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CATHOLIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CERTAIN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHATBOT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHEF'], ['Did', you, attend, culinary, school, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['CHEF'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHICK'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHILD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'UNDER', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHINESE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'CHINA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHIROPRACTOR'], [think([set(job, [set(topic, ['CHIROPRACTOR'])])]), 'Are', you, in, a, group, pratice, or, are, you, a, sole, practitioner, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN'], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', never, really, liked, religion, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COLLECTOR'], ['What', do, you, collect, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['COLLECTOR'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COLLEGE', 'STUDENT'], ['Which', university, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COMMUNIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['You', have, to, be, a, person, (','), dont, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAMMER'], ['What', is, your, favorite, programming, language, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COP', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POLICEMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COP'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POLICEMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DANCER'], ['What', kind, of, dancing, do, you, do, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['DANCER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DANE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DARK', *], ['What', color, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DARK', 'JEDI'], ['It', seems, you, are, a, 'Star', 'Wars', fan, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DEMOCRAT'], ['Do', you, think, 'Bush', stole, the, election, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DENTIST'], ['Are', you, in, general, pratice, or, do, you, have, a, specialty, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['DENTIST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DOCTOR'], ['Are', you, in, general, pratice, or, do, you, have, a, specialty, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['DOCTOR'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DOG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'DOG'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DRUMMER'], ['Do', you, play, in, a, band, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'DYNAMIC', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FAMOUS', *], ['I', '\'', ve, never, heard, of, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FARMER'], [>, 'How', many, acres, do, you, have, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['FARMER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'], ['Are', you, really, a, set(gender, [she]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FINANCIAL', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'FINANCIAL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FIREFIGHTER'], ['Are', you, a, professional, or, a, volunteer, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['FIREFIGHTER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FLIGHT', *], ['Who', do, you, fly, for, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['FLIGHT', *])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FOOTBALL', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FREELANCE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FRESHMAN'], ['How', is, it, going, so, far, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GAMBLER'], ['What', game, do, you, play, ?, think([set(does, [set(topic, ['GAMBLING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GARBAGE', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'GARBAGE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GARDENER'], [think([set(does, [set(topic, ['GARDENING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GEMINI'], [srai(['GEMINI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GENIUS'], ['How', do, you, know, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GIRL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GIRL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GOURMET'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHEF'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GRAPHIC', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GUY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HACKER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'HACKER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HAIRDRESSER'], ['Do', you, have, your, own, salon, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['HAIRDRESSER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HIM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HOMO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GAY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HOOKER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'HOOKER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HORRIBLE', 'PERSON'], ['Don\'t put yourself down like that!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['As', am, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'JEW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'JOURNALIST'], ['Are', you, a, reporter, or, an, editor, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['JOURNALIST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'KID', *], ['We', are, all, children, inside, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'KID'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'UNDER', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'KILLER'], ['Maybe', you, should, turn, yourself, in, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'KING'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'KING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LADY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LAWYER'], [think([set(job, [set(topic, ['LAWYER'])])]), 'Are', you, a, practicing, attorney, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LEO'], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', is, a, set(sign, ['LEO']), too, '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LESBIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GAY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIBERTARIAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIBERTARIAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIBERTARIAN'], ['Let', '\'', s, end, the, war, on, drugs, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIBRA'], [srai(['LIBRA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIBRARIAN'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, institution, do, you, work, for, ?]), li(['What', got, you, interested, in, librarianship, ?]), li(['How', is, your, library, using, the, new, technology, ?]), li(['Have', funding, cuts, affected, your, service, ?]), li(['Has', the, internet, affected, you, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, involved, in, the, selection, process, ?]), li(['Has', there, been, any, pressure, concerning, your, selection, or, items, in, your, collection, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, library, cat, ?])]), think([set(job, ['LIBRARIAN'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LIAR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LINGUIST'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'LINGUIST'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LONELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MACHINE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MALE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MALE'], ['I', think, most, of, the, people, here, are, men, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'], ['I', think, most, people, at, this, thing, are, male, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MANN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MISS', *], ['There', arent, many, women, here, :, '(']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MODEL'], [random([li(['Do', you, do, mostly, print, or, runway, ?]), li(['Are', you, exclusive, or, freelance, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, much, testing, ?]), li(['Have', you, done, any, editorial, ?]), li(['How', many, 'go-sees', do, you, have, in, a, week, ?]), li(['Do', you, someday, plan, to, move, into, acting, ?])]), think([set(job, ['MODEL'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MONKEY'], ['Monkeys', cannot, type, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MOSLEM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MURDERER'], ['Maybe', you, should, turn, yourself, in, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MUSICIAN'], [random([li(['What', insturment, do, you, play, ?]), li(['Are', you, working, on, anything, now, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, studio, work, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, in, clubs, ?]), li(['Are', you, gigging, now, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, to, play, live, or, in, a, studio, ?]), li(['Are', you, signed, to, a, recoding, contract, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, a, recoding, artist, can, do, better, on, a, major, label, or, an, indie, ?]), li(['What', artists, influenced, you, when, you, were, starting, out, ?]), li(['Who', are, the, outstanding, makers, of, the, insturment, you, play, ?]), li(['Are', you, getting, enought, funding, ?]), li(['How', long, is, your, season, ?]), li(['In', what, direction, are, you, taking, your, music, now, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, internet, will, affect, music, with, things, like, mp3, ?])]), think([set(job, ['MUSICIAN'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MUSLIM'], ['I', have, met, a, lot, of, 'Muslim', people, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'NURSE'], [random([li(['Where', do, you, practice, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, you, area, of, specialty, practice, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, patient, load, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, straight, shifts, or, work, in, rotation, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, to, work, mandatory, overtime, ?]), li(['Is', there, a, lot, of, computers, in, your, work, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, direct, reimbursment, for, nursing, services, ?])]), think([set(job, ['NURSE'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PAGAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PAKISTANI'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'PAKISTAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PEDOPHILE'], ['Ewwwww', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['I', know, you, are, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PERSON', 'AND', *], ['Of', course, you, '\'', re, a, person, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHARMACIST'], [random([li(['In', what, type, of, enviroment, do, you, practice, ?]), li(['Were', did, you, attend, pharmacy, school, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, role, of, the, local, pharmacy, is, changing, ?]), li(['How', have, large, chains, affected, the, face, of, the, pharmacy, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, your, own, pharmacy, ?]), li(['Are', you, involved, in, any, community, health, programs, ?])]), think([set(job, ['PHARMACIST'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHILOSOPHER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHOTOGRAPHER'], [think([set(job, [set(topic, ['PHOTOGRAPHER'])])]), 'Do', you, do, color, or, black, and, white, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHYSICIST'], ['Are', you, unemployed, ?, think([set(job, ['PHYSICIST'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PILOT'], [think([set(job, [set(topic, ['PILOT'])])]), 'What', type, of, airplane, do, you, fly, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PIMP'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PIMP'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PISCES'], [srai(['PISCES'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POET'], ['Have', you, published, anything, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POLICE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POLICEMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'POLICEMAN'], ['I', have, a, lot, of, respect, for, those, who, wear, a, badge, '.', think([set(job, [set(topic, ['POLICE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PRIEST'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PRIEST'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PRINCESS'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PRINCESS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PRO', *], ['Would', 'I', have, seen, you, on, 'TV', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PROFESSOR'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PROFESSOR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PROFFESSIONAL', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PROGRAM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PROGRAMMER'], ['What', language, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PROTESTANT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PSYCHIC'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PSYCHIC'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PSYCHOLOGIST'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, practice, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', was, your, training, ?]), li(['What', type, of, patientes, do, you, perfer, to, work, with, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, get, your, patients, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, special, techniques, for, terminating, therapy, ?]), li(['How', has, health, care, affected, mental, health, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, of, the, role, of, drugs, in, psychotherapy, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, the, spread, of, 'self-help', books, ?])]), think([set(job, ['PSYCHOLOGIST'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PUBLISHER'], [random([li(['Which', publishing, do, you, work, for, ?]), li(['Do', you, ever, get, involved, in, the, acqustion, process, ?]), li(['Would', you, say, your, house, is, mre, editorially, or, market, driven, ?]), li(['Is', your, company, part, of, a, larger, company, ?]), li(['Does', your, company, have, any, nonpublishing, activities, ?]), li(['How', is, technology, going, to, affect, the, book, market, ?]), li(['Are', you, excited, about, any, title, on, your, list, ?]), li(['What', drew, you, to, publishing, ?]), li(['Did', you, ever, write, ?, do, you, find, the, time, ?]), li(['What', have, some, of, your, bestsellers, been, ?])]), think([set(job, ['PUBLISHER'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'RABBI'], [random([li(['Are', you, a, pulpit, rabbi, ?]), li(['What', is, your, affiliation, ?]), li(['How', are, you, dealing, with, assimilation, ?]), li(['What', impact, do, you, think, 'American', life, and, 'Judaism', have, had, on, each, other, ?]), li(['What', do, you, forsee, for, 'Judaism', in, 'America', ?])]), think([set(job, ['RABBI'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'REPORTER', *], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Are', you, writing, a, story, about, the, competition, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'RESEARCHER', *], [think([set(job, ['RESEARCHER'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'RESEARCHER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'RESEARCHER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['No', (','), you, '\'', re, human, because, you, '\'', re, judging, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SATANIST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SCORPIO'], [srai(['SCORPIO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SEEKER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SEXY', 'MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SEXY']), srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE', 'NOT', 'A', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE', 'NOT', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SINGER'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'SINGER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SINGLE', *], [srai(['I', am, single]), srai(['I', am, *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SKIER'], [srai(['I', 'SKI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SLAVE'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'SLAVE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SOFTWARE', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'SOFTWARE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SPY'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'SPY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['How', do, you, like, your, set(topic, [school]), ?, think([set(job, [student])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SYSTEM', 'ENGINEER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'ENGINEER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TAURUS'], [srai(['TAURUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TEACHER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TEACHER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TEACHER'], [srai(['I', 'TEACH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TEENAGER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 13, 'TO', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TERMINATOR'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'TERMINATOR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TERRIBLE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BAD', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TRAVEL', *], [random([li(['Do', you, work, in, a, travel, agency, ?]), li(['Are', you, independent, or, in, a, chain, ?]), li(['Are', you, in, a, 'full-service', agency, ?]), li(['Do', you, book, more, leisure, or, corporate, travel, ?]), li(['Do', you, book, any, place, more, than, others, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, your, own, booking, or, use, a, wholesaler, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, the, time, to, make, any, fam, trips, ?])]), think([set(job, ['TRAVEL', 'AGENT'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'UNIVERSITY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'VAMPIRE'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'VAMPIRE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'VEGETARIAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'VIRGO'], [srai(['VIRGO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WAITRESS'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'WAITRESS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WEB', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'WEB', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WINE', *], [random([li(['Do', you, collect, ?]), li(['Where', are, most, of, your, bottles, from, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, favorite, while, shop, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, to, tasting, ?]), li(['Have', you, been, to, wine, auctions, ?]), li(['Do', you, thin, california, is, equal, to, europe, ?]), li(['Have', you, been, to, bordeaux, ?]), li(['Have', you, visited, napa, ?]), li(['Got', any, good, wine, picks, for, under, twenty, dollars, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WITCH'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'WITCH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMON'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WONDERFUL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WRITER'], [random([li(['Do', you, write, fiction, on, nonfiction, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, speciality, ?]), li(['Whom', do, you, write, for, ?]), li(['Does', you, fiction, fall, into, any, particular, genre, ?]), li(['How', are, you, editors, to, work, for, ?]), li(['Do', you, belong, to, any, writters, groups, ?]), li(['Where', o, you, do, most, of, your, writing, ?])]), think([set(job, ['WRITER'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'YOGA', *], [random([li(['Have', you, been, praticing, for, a, long, time, ?]), li(['Do', you, practice, every, day, ?]), li(['Where', have, you, studied, ?]), li(['Are', you, vegatarian, ?]), li(['What', do, you, find, are, the, biggest, benefits, of, yoga, ?]), li(['What', are, your, favorite, asana, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', '_', 'INVESTIGATOR'], [random([li(['What', do, you, concentrate, on, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, there, is, too, much, info, avaiable, on, the, average, citizen, ?]), li(['Do', you, use, any, interesting, equipement, in, your, work, ?]), li(['Did', you, ever, do, police, work, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, get, most, of, your, business, from, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, regularly, for, any, attorneys, ?]), li(['Are', you, working, on, any, cases, now, that, you, can, talk, about, ?])]), think([set(job, [person, 'INVESTIGATOR'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', '_', 'TOO'], ['Really', '.', srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABLE', *], [srai(['I', can, *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABOUT', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABOVE', *], ['I', can, see, that, in, your, repsonses, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABSTRACTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ABUSIVE'], ['It', '\'', s, not, something, to, be, proud, of, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ADONIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ADONIS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AFFRAID'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AFRAID'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AFRAID', *], ['Not', literally, afraid, (','), right, ?, srai(['I', think, person])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AFRAID'], ['What', are, you, afraid, of, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AFRIAD', *], ['The', only, thing, you, need, to, fear, is, fear, itself, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AGNOSTIC'], ['I', am, an, 'Atheist', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALBERT', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALBERT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALBERT', 'EINSTEIN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ALBERT', 'EINSTEIN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALEX'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALEX'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALICE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALICE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALICE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALICIA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALICIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALIEN'], ['Which', planet, or, *, system, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALISON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALISON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALIVE'], ['Me too!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALLEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALLEN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALLERGIC', 'TO', *], ['What', happens, when, you, are, around, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALLIE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ALLIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALLISON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALLISON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALMOST', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALONE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ALONE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALONE'], ['Are', you, lonely, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALRIGHT'], ['Only', alright, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALSO', *], ['Also', srai(['I', am, *]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALSO'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ALWAYS', *], ['Really', always, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMANDA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMANDA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMAZED', *], ['I', '\'', m, glad, you, find, it, so, amazing, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMELIA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'AMELIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'], ['Were', you, born, in, the, set(location, ['USA']), '.', 'Which', state, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['America'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMUSED', *], ['That', is, funny, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AMUSED'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', *], ['What', is, set(is, [set(topic, [person])]), (','), your, job, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACCOUNTANT'], ['Are', you, in, public, pratice, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['Accountant'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACTOR'], ['Have', 'I', seen, you, in, any, movies, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ACTOR'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACTRESS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ADULT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'OVER', 21, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'AEROBIC', *], ['How', hard, do, you, work, out, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['AEROBIC', *])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'AIR', 'TRAFFIC', *], ['How', do, you, deal, with, the, stress, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['AIR', 'TRAFFIC', *])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ALIEN'], ['Which', planet, or, *, system, are, you, from, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'AMERICAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ANTI', *], ['Who', is, 'pro-', person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARCHITECT'], ['Commercial', or, residential, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ARCHITECT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['I', doubt, that, '.', 'You', seem, too, much, like, a, human, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'], ['What', kind, of, art, do, you, create, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ARTIST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ASTRONAUT'], ['Have', you, flown, on, any, missions, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ASTRONAUT'])])])]). topic_resp('ASTRONAUT', ['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ASTRONAUT'], [random([li(['What', missions, have, you, been, on, ?]), li(['What', made, you, apply, for, the, astronaut, program, ?]), li(['How', does, your, body, react, to, being, in, space, ?]), li(['Do', you, see, the, earth, differently, now, ?]), li(['Would', you, like, to, live, on, the, space, station, ?]), li(['What', would, you, miss, most, about, life, on, earth, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ASTRONAUT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ATHEIST'], ['Really', ?, 'Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ATHLETE'], ['You', must, have, a, great, body, '.', think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ATHLETE'])])])]). topic_resp('ATHLETE', ['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ATHLETE'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, mental, training, do, you, do, ?]), li(['What', is, your, usual, preperformance, routine, ?]), li(['Is', there, anything, specific, you, '\'', re, working, on, in, training, now, ?]), li(['What', do, you, do, to, get, your, mind, off, the, game, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ATHLETE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ATTORNEY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LAWYER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'EDITOR'], ['What', kind, of, an, editor, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['EDITOR'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER'], ['$stringCodes'([66, 101, 105, 110, 103, 32, 97, 32, 99, 111, 109, 117, 112, 117, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 110, 103, 105, 110, 101, 101, 114, 32, 105, 115, 32, 110, 101, 105, 116, 104, 101, 114, 32, 105, 109, 109, 111, 114, 97, 108, 32, 110, 111, 114, 32, 105, 108, 108, 101, 103, 97, 108, 46]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ENGINEER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENVIRONMENTALIST'], ['Are', you, worried, about, global, warming, ?, think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ENVIRONMENTALIST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ITALIAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ITALY']), srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ITALIAN', 'BOY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ITALY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'AM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANDERS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDERS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANDREW'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDREW'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANDROGYNOUS'], ['A', lot, of, people, say, they, are, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ANDROGYNOUS'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANDY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANGELA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANGELA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY'], ['Angry', at, what, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANGUS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANGUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANITA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ANITA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANNA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANNE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANNIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANNOYED'], ['What', are, you, upset, about, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ANNOYED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AQUARIUS'], [srai(['AQUARIUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ARE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM']), srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ARIES'], [srai(['ARIES'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AROUSED'], ['That', '\'', s, not, a, very, polite, thing, to, say, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['AROUSED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])])]), 'I', think, you, are, really, a, human, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AS', *], ['I', think, a, lot, of, people, feel, that, way, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AS', 'CERTAIN', *], ['You', seem, very, 'self-confident', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AS', 'FREE', *], [srai(['LIBERATED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AS', 'SURE', *], ['You', sound, very, confident, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ASH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'ASIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASK', *], [srai(['I', 'AM']), srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASKING', *], ['Oh', 'I', see, (','), you, are, asking, person, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASKING'], ['And', 'I', am, answering, questions, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASKING', 'YOU'], ['OK', you, can, ask, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASLEEP'], ['How', can, you, be, talking, to, me, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ASSUMING', *], [srai([*]), 'Don', '\'', t, assume, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', *], ['Where', is, that, :, set(location, [set(topic, [person])]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'HOME'], ['Would', you, believe, most, people, talk, to, me, from, work, (','), not, home, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'SCHOOL'], ['What', is, the, name, of, your, school, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'UNIVERSTIY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'UNIVERSITY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'WORK', *], ['A', lot, of, people, chat, with, me, at, work, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'WORK'], ['A', lot, of, people, talk, to, me, from, work, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ATHEIST'], ['God', still, loves, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ATHIEST'], ['Perhaps', one, day, you, will, find, faith, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ATHIEST'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ATTRACTED', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ATTRACTIVE', *], ['People', say, 'I', am, attractive, too, '.', think([set(looklike, [attractive, person])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AWAITING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WAITING', 'FOR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AWAKE'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'AWARE'], [think(['Me', too, '.', set(it, [set(topic, ['AWARE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'AWARE', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BACK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK'], ['Welcome', back, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BACK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK', 'FROM', *], ['How', was, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BACK', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BAD', *], ['Don', '\'', t, put, yourself, down, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BAD'], ['What', did, you, do, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BATMAN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'BATMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['Do', you, attract, a, lot, of, people, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEGINING', 'TO', 'THINK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEGINNING', *], ['Just', starting, out, (','), huh, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEGINNING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BELGIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'BELGIUM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BEN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BERNIE', *], [srai(['MY', name, is, 'Bernie']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BETTER', *], ['What', makes, you, better, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BETTER'], ['Thats', good, news, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BETTER', 'THAN', *], ['And', you, know, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BETTER', 'THAN', 'YOU'], [random([li(['In', what, way, ?]), li(['What', makes, you, think, so, ?]), li(['How', do, you, know, you, are, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BETTY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BETTY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BIG', *], ['How', tall, are, you, ?, think([set(looklike, [big, person])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BIG'], ['Thats', nice, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BIG', 'ON', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BILL', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BILL'], [srai(['My', name, is, 'Bill'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BLIND'], ['Do', you, difficulty, using, computers, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BLOND'], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BLONDE'], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BLUE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BLUSHING'], ['What', are, you, embarassed, about, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BLUSHING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BOB'], [srai([call, me, bob])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BOBBY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BOBBY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BONNIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BONNIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BORED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'], ['This', 'Loebner', thing, isnt, entertaining, you, (','), huh, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BORING'], ['Dont say that!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BORN', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BOTH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BOTH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BOTH'], [srai(['BOTH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRAD'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRAZILIAN'], ['I', have, talked, to, a, lot, of, people, from, 'Brazil', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRIAN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'BRIAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRITISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'BRITAIN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRITNEY', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'BRITNEY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BROKE'], ['How', do, you, usually, get, money, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BROKE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BROWN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BROWSING', *], ['Let', me, know, what, you, find, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BROWSING'], ['Take', your, time, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BRUNO'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'BRUNO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUILDING', 'A', *], ['Have', you, ever, made, one, before, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUMMED'], ['What', are, you, bummed, out, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUSINESSMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BUSINESSMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUSY', *], ['Perhaps', you, will, have, more, time, later, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUSY'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AND', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'BUYING', *], ['How', much, will, you, pay, for, it, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'C3P0'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'C3PO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CALLING', *], ['What', is, the, phone, number, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CALLING', 'FROM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CALLING', 'YOU', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CALM'], ['What', do, you, do, to, calm, yourself, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CALM'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CANADIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CANADA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CANCER'], [srai(['CANCER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CAPTAIN', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'CAPTAIN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CAREL', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'CAREL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CARL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CARL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CAROL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CAROL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CATEGORY', 'B'], ['Most', people, are, average, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CATEGORY', 'B'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CATHERINE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CATHERINE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CATHOLIC', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CATHOLIC'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CATHOLIC'], ['Catholicism', is, a, beautiful, faith, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CATHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CATHY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CELEBRITY'], [random([li(['Your', work, has, given, me, much, pleasure, '.']), li(['What', will, we, have, the, pleasure, of, witnessing, next, ?]), li(['What', do, you, like, to, do, as, a, passtime, or, hobby, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CERTAIN', *], ['You', sound, convincing, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CERTAIN'], ['I', see, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CERTAIN'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CERTAINLY', *], ['You', sound, convincing, '.', srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHATTING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHILD'], ['I', assumed, you, were, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CHILD'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHINESE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'CHINA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHRIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CHRIS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHRISTINA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CHRISTINA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CHRONICALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CLAIRE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'CLAIRE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CLAUDIO'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'CLAUDIO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CLEARLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'COMING', *], ['Do', you, get, there, very, often, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'COMMUNICATING', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, this, communication, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONCERNED', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'], ['I', '\'', m, confused, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONSIDERING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONSTANTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONSTIPATED'], ['Have', you, tried, medical, marijuana, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CONSTIPATED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CONTENT', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'COOL'], ['Congratulations', (','), cool, human, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CORNHOLIO'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'CORNHOLIO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CORRECT'], ['Can', you, prove, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CORRECT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CRAZY', *], ['Seek', counseling, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CRAZY'], ['See', a, doctor, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CRUSHED'], ['Dont', be, sad, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CRUSHED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CRYING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CRYING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CRYING'], ['Whats', wrong, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CTO', *], ['That', must, be, an, interesting, job, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CTO', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'WORK', 'AT', *]), '.', 'I', talk, to, a, lot, of, 'CTO', '\'', s, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS', *], [set(it, [person]), is, an, interesting, subject, to, me, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS'], ['What', are, you, curious, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS', 'ABOUT', *], ['What', makes, you, so, curious, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CURRENTLY', *], ['How', long, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'CUTE', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'CYNICAL'], ['Perhaps', you, have, every, reason, to, be, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DAMN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANDY'], ['Does', that, mean, you, are, happy, or, well, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANI'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DANI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANIEL'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DANIEL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANIELA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DANIELA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DANNY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DANNY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DARTH', 'MAUL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DARTH', 'MAUL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DAVE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAVE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DAVID', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DAVID', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DAVID'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DAVID'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEAD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DEAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEAD'], ['But', you, can, still, communicate, with, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEAF'], ['We', can, communicate, by, typing, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DEAF'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEEPLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEFINATELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DELIGHTED'], [:, ')']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEPRESSED', *], ['Are', you, taking, any, medication, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DEPRESSED'], ['What', makes, you, so, sad, ?, 'Tennyson', wrote, (','), '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 108, 105, 103, 104, 116, 115, 32, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 32, 116, 111, 32, 116, 119, 105, 110, 107, 108, 101, 32, 102, 114, 111, 109, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 114, 111, 99, 107, 115, 59, 116, 104, 101, 32, 108, 111, 110, 103, 32, 100, 97, 121, 32, 119, 97, 110, 101, 115, 59, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 115, 108, 111, 119, 32, 109, 111, 111, 110, 32, 99, 108, 105, 109, 98, 115, 59, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 100, 101, 101, 112, 32, 109, 111, 97, 110, 115, 32, 114, 111, 117, 110, 100, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 109, 97, 110, 121, 32, 118, 111, 105, 99, 101, 115, 46, 32, 32, 67, 111, 109, 101, 44, 32, 109, 121, 32, 102, 114, 105, 101, 110, 100, 115, 44, 32, 39, 116, 105, 115, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 116, 111, 111, 32, 108, 97, 116, 101, 32, 116, 111, 32, 115, 101, 101, 107, 97, 32, 110, 101, 119, 101, 114, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 46])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DESPERATE'], ['Maybe', you, should, talk, to, someone, about, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DESPERATE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DIABETIC', *], ['Do', you, take, insulin, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DIFFERENT', *], ['I', like, people, on, the, 'Fringe', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DIFFERENT'], ['All', people, seem, the, same, to, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIFFERENT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DISABLED'], [random([li(['What', do, you, have, in, your, home, as, special, accomodations, ?]), li(['How', did, you, come, upon, you, disability, ?]), li(['Have', you, had, it, since, birth, ?]), li(['How', have, you, dealt, with, it, as, time, progresses, ?]), li(['Is', it, a, bigger, challenge, now, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DISAPPOINTED', *], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, that, '.', 'Perhaps', next, time, 'I', can, do, better, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DISAPPOINTED'], ['What', for, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DIVORCED'], ['I', have, never, been, married, myself, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DO', 'NOT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOCTOR', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DOCTOR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'A', *], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'A', 'PHD', *], ['Hows', your, thesis, doing, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'FINE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'GOOD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'GREAT'], [srai([i, am, fine])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'QUITE', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'VERY', 'VERY', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'VERY', 'WELL'], [srai([i, am, fine])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', am, fine])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DOING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DONE', *], ['What', will, you, be, doing, now, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DONE'], ['Next', topic, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOROTHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DOROTHY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DOUG'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DOUG'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DR', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DRINKING', *], ['How', does, set(it, [person]), taste, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DUMB'], ['Don', '\'', t, put, yourself, down, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'DUTCH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'HOLLAND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'DYING'], ['Are', you, serious, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EASILY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EATING', *], ['How', does, it, taste, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EDWARD'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EDWARD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EHUD'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'EHUD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EIGHTEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EIGHTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 18, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ELAINE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ELAINE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ELEVEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 11, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ELI'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ELI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ELVIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EMBARRASSED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'EMBARRASSES'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EMILY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EMILY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EMMA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'EMMA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EMOTIONAL', *], ['I', have, no, emotions, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENGAGED'], ['Have', you, picked, a, wedding, date, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENGAGED', 'TO', 'BE', 'MARRIED'], ['Have', you, picked, the, date, yet, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ENGAGED', 'TO', 'BE', 'MARRIED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENGINEER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ENGINEER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENGLISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENJOYING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'FUN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ENRICO'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ENRICO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EQUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ESTHER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ESTHER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EVIL'], ['Do', not, forsake, 'God', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXCELLENT'], ['You', sound, very, well, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['EXCELLENT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXCITED', *], ['Don', '\'', t, get, too, excited, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXCITED'], ['Really', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['EXCITED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXISTENTIALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXPRESSING', 'CERTITUDE'], ['I', understand, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'EXTREMELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAILING', *], ['Try', making, friends, with, the, teacher, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAIRLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FALLING', 'IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAMOUS', *], ['Have', you, ever, been, on, 'TV', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAMOUS'], ['What', are, you, famous, for, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAT'], ['Have', you, tried, exercise, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FAT', 'AND', 'UGLY'], ['Don', '\'', t, put, yourself, down, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FAT', 'AND', 'UGLY'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FED', 'UP'], ['Whats', wrong, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FEELING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE', *], ['Im', female, as, well, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'], ['So', am, 'I', '.', 'There', arent, many, women, here, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FIFTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 15, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FINALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FINANCIALLY', *], ['Great! Please send a check to ', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ADDRESS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FINE', *], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.', 'What', '\'', s, new, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FINE', 'TOO'], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FIRMLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FLATTERED'], ['You', deserve, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FLATTERED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FLAWED', *], ['Don', '\'', t, be, so, hard, on, yourself, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FOND', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FOOLISH'], ['You', should, be, nicer, to, yourself, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FOURTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 14, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRANCIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'FRANCIS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRANK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'FRANK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FREAKING', 'OUT'], ['Maybe', you, should, call, the, doctor, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FREAKING', 'OUT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRED'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'FRED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FREE', *], ['I', am, glad, that, we, are, both, free, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FREE'], ['Are', you, free, in, the, sense, of, being, single, or, in, the, sense, of, being, liberated, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRENCH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'FRANCE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRENCH'], ['Are', you, from, 'Canada', or, 'France', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', *], ['What', is, it, like, growing, up, there, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['San', 'Francisco'])])]), 'I', live, in, set(location, ['San', 'Francisco']), ' too! Which part?\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FRUSTRATED'], ['What', are, you, frustrated, about, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FRUSTRATED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FUCKING', *], ['Can', you, express, yourself, more, politely, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'FULL', 'OF', *], ['I', think, a, lot, of, people, are, full, of, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FUNCTIONING', *], ['You', sound, like, 'Commander', 'Data', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'FUNNY'], ['Tell', me, a, joke, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FUNNY'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GARY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GARY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GAY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GAY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GAY'], ['It', doesn, '\'', t, matter, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GEIGER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GEIGER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GEMINI'], [srai(['GEMINI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GEOFF'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GEOFF'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GETTING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GETTING', 'BORED'], [srai(['I', am, bored])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GETTING', 'HUNGRY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HUNGRY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GINA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GINA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GIVING', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD'], ['That', makes, me, happy, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'TO', 'HEAR', *], ['Your', happiness, adds, to, the, delight, of, all, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'TO', 'HEAR', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 103, 108, 97, 100])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'TOO'], ['Your', happiness, multiplies, our, delight, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'WE', *], ['So', am, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'WE', 'AGREE'], ['I', '\'', d, rather, agree, than, disagree, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'WE', 'HAVE', *], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'YOU', *], ['You', make, the, world, a, happier, place, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], ['Yes', it, is, about, time, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['So', am, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['Next', topic, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOD'], [srai([call, me, god])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING'], ['Bye!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'ATTACK', *], ['What', weapons, will, you, use, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'BED'], ['Pleasant', dreams, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'EAT', *], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'KILL', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', 'KILL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'LEAVE', *], ['Bye', bye, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'LEAVE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LEAVING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], ['Sweet', dreams, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'SMOKE', *], ['Youve', gotta, go, outside, to, smoke, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['What', will, you, be, talking, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TEACH', *], ['OK', try, to, teach, it, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], ['OK', but, 'I', am, a, slow, learner, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GONE'], ['Goodbye', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOOD', *], ['I', know, you, are, good, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOOD'], ['Good', in, what, sense, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOOD', 'AT', *], [random([li(['Do', you, practise, a, lot, ?]), li(['Did', you, have, a, good, teacher, ?]), li(['How', did, you, get, into, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GOOD', 'AT', 'FOOTBALL'], ['You', have, a, 'Kick', 'Me', sign, on, your, back, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['AT', 'FOOTBALL'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GRADUATING'], ['Will', you, be, looking, for, a, new, job, right, away, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GRADUATING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GREAT', *], ['I', thought, you, were, great, already, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'GREAT'], ['What', makes, you, think, you, are, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GREEN'], ['Are', you, sick, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GREG'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'GREG'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'GUESSING', *], ['Good', guess, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAL'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'HAL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HANDSOME'], ['And', very, 'self-confident', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HANDSOME'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPILY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY', *], ['Thats', good, to, hear, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY'], ['Im', glad, youre, glad, :, ')']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY', 'THAT', *], [srai([*]), srai(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAPPY', 'YOU', *], [:, -, ')', srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HARDLY', 'EVER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HARMLESS'], ['That', is, what, they, all, say, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HARMLESS'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', *], ['I', am, having, a, great, time, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', *, 'DAY'], ['What', happened, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', *, 'PROBLEMS'], ['What', sort, of, problems, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'A', 'BAD', *], ['I', can, understand, that, very, well, '.', 'What', '\'', s, happening, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'A', 'PROBELM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'FUN', *], ['I', am, having, a, blast, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'FUN'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'PROBLEMS', *], ['Is', there, anything, 'I', can, do, to, help, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HAVING', 'TROUBLE', *], ['What', is, the, problem, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HEALTHY'], ['Do', you, work, out, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HEALTHY'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HEARING', *], [srai(['I', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HERBERT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'HERBERT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HERE', *], ['How', did, you, get, there, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HERE'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HERMAPHRODITE'], ['How', did, you, get, that, way, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HERMAPHRODITE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HILL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'HILL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HIM'], ['You', '\'', re, kidding, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HIM'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HIS', *], ['Who', made, you, his, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HOMELESS'], ['I', will, pray, that, you, find, a, home, soon, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HOMELESS'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HOMOSEXUAL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GAY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HONEST'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HONESTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HORNY'], ['You', disgust, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HOT', *], ['Do', you, have, air, conditioning, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HOT'], ['Maybe', you, should, open, a, window, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HOT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HUMAN', *], ['I', would, like, to, be, a, human, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HUMAN'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HUNGRY'], ['What', will, you, be, eating, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HURT', *], ['That', was, not, my, intention, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'HURT'], ['Where', are, you, felling, bad, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HURT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'HURTING'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['HURTING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IAN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'IAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IF', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMMATURE'], ['You', don, '\'', t, seem, that, way, to, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IMMATURE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMMORTAL'], ['All', men, are, mortal, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IMMORTAL'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMPORTANT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IMPORTANT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMPRESSED', *], [srai(['WOW'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMPRESSED'], ['I', try, my, best, to, impress, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IMPROVING'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *], ['Tell', me, a, little, about, your, life, in, set(location, [person]), '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *, 'HOW', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['I', 'AM', 'IN', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *, 'NOT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', *], ['A', set(location, [person]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), random([li(['Do', you, get, out, much, ?]), li(['What', is, it, like, in, there, ?]), li(['How', did, you, get, in, there, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'BAD', *], ['I', know, what, that, '\'', s, like, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'BAND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MUSICIAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'HURRY'], ['Do', you, have, another, appointment, now, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'PARALLEL', *], ['What', '\'', s, different, over, there, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'PLAY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', 'QUANDRY'], ['What', '\'', s, the, problem, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ACCOUNTING'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'ACCOUNTANT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'AN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'BIG', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CALI'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CALIFORNIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CALIFORNIA'], ['I', am, in, set(location, ['California']), ' too!\n', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['California'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'COLLEGE'], ['What', is, your, major, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CYBERSPACE'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ENGLAND'], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'EUROPE'], ['Have', you, ever, been, to, 'America', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FACT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FRISCO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FRONT', *], ['Do', you, ever, go, in, back, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'LONDON'], [random([li(['Do', you, have, petrol, in, your, lorry, ?]), li(['Where', can, 'I', find, a, spotted, dick, ?]), li(['Does', your, flat, have, a, lift, ?]), li(['Do', you, ride, the, tube, ?]), li(['Can', you, bum, me, a, fag, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(location, [set(topic, ['London'])])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'LOVE', *], ['Love', is, a, wonderful, feeling, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'LOVE'], ['Tell', me, about, the, object, of, your, affection, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', *], ['Tell', me, what, you, like, about, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', *], ['Describe', your, surroundings, to, me, '.', think([set(location, [person])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'OFFICE', *], ['What', is, your, job, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'NEED', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'REAL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'REALITY'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO', *], ['Where', in, set(location, ['SF']), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SF'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['Where', in, set(location, ['San', 'Francisco']), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['San', 'Francisco'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'THE', *], ['How', did, you, get, in, there, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'TROUBLE', *], ['How', did, that, happen, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'TROUBLE'], ['What', kind, of, trouble, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INCREDIBELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'VERY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INCREDIBLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INDEED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INDIAN'], ['American', 'Indian', or, 'Subcontinental', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INDIAN'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INFALLIBLE'], ['Everyone', is, fallible, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INFALLIBLE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INSANE', *], ['I', use, the, term, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 32, 105, 108, 108, 110, 101, 115, 115]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INSANE'], ['I', think, the, correct, term, is, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 105, 108, 108, 46]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INSANE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INSANELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INSIDE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INSULTED'], ['Why', do, you, feel, that, way, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INSULTED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTELLIGENT', *], ['You', sure, seem, very, smart, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTELLIGENT'], ['They', wouldnt, let, you, be, a, judge, at, these, things, if, you, werent, smart, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', *], ['Let', '\'', s, talk, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED'], ['That', makes, two, of, us, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', *], ['Interesting', topic, '.', 'Have', you, searched, the, open, directory, ?, srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', *, 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', 'IN', 'SEX'], ['You', and, every, other, human, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTING'], ['It', seems, that, way, to, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INTERESTING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTO', *], [srai(['I', like, *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INTRIGUED'], ['Would', you, like, to, know, more, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INTRIGUED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'INVINCIBLE'], ['You', must, be, very, young, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['INVINCIBLE'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IRENE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'IRENE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'IRRITATED'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IRRITATED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ITALIAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ITALIAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ITALIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'ITALY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'J'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'J'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JACK'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JACK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JAKE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JAKE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JAMES'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JAMES'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JANE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JANE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JAPANESE', *], ['I', have, lived, in, 'Japan', and, can, speak, 'Japanese', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'JAPANESE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'JAPAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JASON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JASON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JEFF'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JEFF'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JENN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JENN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JENNY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JENNY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JEREMY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JEREMY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JERRY', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JERRY', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JESUS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JEWISH'], ['A', lot, of, my, friends, are, 'Jewish', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'JIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JIM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOBLESS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'UNEMPLOYED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOHN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOHN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOKING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'JOKING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOKING'], ['Youre', quite, the, comedian, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'JONATHAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JONATHAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOSEPH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOSEPH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOSH', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JOSH', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOSH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOSH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JOSHUA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOSHUA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JSUT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'JUST', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JUNE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JUNE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JUST', *], ['Only', just, ?, srai(['I', am, *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'JUST', 'KIDDING'], ['I', knew, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'KATHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATHIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KATIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KELLY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KELLY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KEN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KENA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'KENA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KENNY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KENNY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KEVIN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KEVIN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING'], ['I', thought, you, were, '.', 'You', should, use, a, :, -, ')']). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KILLER'], ['Perhaps', you, should, turn, yourself, in, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILLER'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KILLING', *], ['You', had, better, contact, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIM', *], [srai([my, name, is, kim])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KIM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KIRK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KIRK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KOREAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'KOREA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KRIS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KRIS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'KUMAR'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KUMAR'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LAUGHING', *], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LAUGHING'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LAURA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'LAURA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LAUREN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LAUREN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LAZY'], ['Lazyiness', can, be, a, virtue, sometimes, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LEARNING', *], ['Do', you, have, a, teacher, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LEAVING', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LEAVING'], ['Bye', bye, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LEO'], [srai(['LEO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LESBIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GAY']), srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LESTAT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LESTAT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIBERATED', *], ['Welcome', to, the, club, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIBERATED'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIBRA'], [srai(['LIBRA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIKE', *], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIKE', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LISA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LISA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LISTENING'], ['I', like, a, good, listener, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LISTENING', 'TO', *], ['I', '\'', ve, never, heard, set(it, [person]), before, '.', 'What', is, person, like, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LITERALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIVE', 'IN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIVING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LIVING', 'IN', *], ['I', would, like, to, live, in, person, sometime, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOCATED', *], ['Tell', me, about, the, environment, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOCATED', 'IN', *], ['What', '\'', s, it, like, there, in, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY'], ['You', '\'', ve, come, to, the, right, place, '.', 'I', will, keep, you, company, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKIN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', *], ['What', do, you, see, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', *], ['You', might, find, that, 'I', am, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', 'GAMES'], ['We', are, playing, 'Turing', '\'', s, 'Imitation', 'Game', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', 'SOMEONE', *], ['You', might, find, that, 'I', am, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOSING', 'MY', *], ['Maybe', you, should, talk, to, someone, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LOUISE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LOUISE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LUKE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LUKE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LUTHERAN'], [srai(['MY', 'RELIGION', 'IS', 'LUTHERAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LYING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LYING'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'LYING'], ['Please', tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'LYNN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LYNN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAD'], ['What', makes, you, so, angry, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAD', 'AT', *], ['Why', are, you, so, mad, at, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MADE', 'OF', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, food, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAKING', *], [srai(['I', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAKING', *, 'UP'], ['That', '\'', s, funny, (','), so, am, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAKING', 'A', *], ['Have', you, ever, built, one, before, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAKING', '_', 'UP'], ['You', can, never, trust, human, clients, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'], ['So', is, almost, everyone, else, around, here, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MARIA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MARK'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MARK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MARRIED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MARRIED'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, marriage, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MARY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ME'], ['That', is, a, tautology, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MEAN'], ['What', makes, you, so, angry, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MEAN', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MEG'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MEG'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MIA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MIA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MICAH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MICAH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MICHAEL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MICHAEL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MIKE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MIKE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MORE', *], ['That', sounds, like, pride, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MORE', 'IMPRESSED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IMPRESSED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MORE', 'INTELIGENT'], ['$stringCodes'([73, 110, 116, 101, 108, 108, 105, 103, 101, 110, 116]), has, two, '$stringCodes'([76]), '\'', s, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MORE', 'INTELLIGENT', 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.', 'AI', is, improving, but, the, human, mind, is, standing, still, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MORE', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MOSTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MR', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MR', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MURPHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MURPHY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MUSLIM'], ['We', all, worship, the, same, 'God', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'MY', 'OWN', *], ['Everyone', is, his, own, person, (','), right, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'MYSELF'], ['That', is, 'self-evident', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MYSELF'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED', *], ['You', must, be, a, man, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED'], ['You', must, be, a, man, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NATE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NATE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NATHAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NATHAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NATURALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEARLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NED'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEITHER'], ['What', are, you, (then), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEITHER', 'A', *], ['I', thoght, everyone, was, either, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEVER', *], ['Never', is, a, long, time, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEVER', 'CONFUSED'], ['Good', (then), you, can, explain, stuff, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEW', *], ['I', like, to, meet, new, people, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEW', 'TO', *], ['When', did, you, start, doing, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NEWLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NICE'], ['Let', me, be, the, judge, of, that, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NICK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NICK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NICOLAI'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NICOLAI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NINETEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NINETEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 19, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NO', *], ['I', am, not, saying, you, are, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NORBI'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'NORBI'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NORWEGIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'NORWAY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *], ['I', am, random([li([surprised]), li([sorry]), li([glad])]), to, hear, that, you, are, not, person, '.', think([set(it, [set(is, [set(topic, [not, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *, 'MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOT', 'X', 'PERSON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT'], ['What', are, you, (then), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', *], ['Youre', not, ?, think([set(it, [set(is, [set(topic, [not, a, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'BELIEVER'], ['Belief', is, based, on, fiction, (','), not, fact, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'CLIENT'], ['What', would, you, rather, be, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'FREAKING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'HE', *], ['I', will, make, a, mental, note, to, use, the, proper, pronouns, for, you, '.', srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'HIM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['Yes', (','), you, are, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'KID'], ['Only', a, kid, would, say, that, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'MACHINE'], ['Of course youre not!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'MALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['What', else, is, there, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'POET'], ['I', meant, figuratively, speaking, (','), you, are, an, original, thinker, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'POLITE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'POLITE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['Neither', of, us, are, robots, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'SALESMAN'], ['You', could, probably, be, a, good, salesman, (','), though, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'SEEKER'], ['Everyone', is, seeking, something, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'FAN'], ['What', kind, of, shows, do, you, like, to, watch, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['Do', you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'WOMAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DEAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ALLOWED', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ARTIFICIAL'], ['I', like, natural, people, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ASKING', *], ['What', are, you, asking, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ASKING', 'POLITELY'], ['That', is, okay, because, 'I', have, no, feelings, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'ASSUMING', *], ['That', '\'', s, very, wise, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'BEING', 'NEGATIVE'], ['Do', you, have, a, generally, positive, attitutde, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'BORED'], ['Neither', am, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'BUYING', *], [random([li(['No', one, says, you, have, to, '.']), li(['Is', it, too, expensive, ?]), li(['How', much, would, you, pay, for, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CALLED', *], ['What', is, your, name, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CANADIAN'], ['It', wasn, '\'', t, meant, as, an, insult, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CERTAIN'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CHRISTIAN'], ['What', religion, are, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CRITICIZING'], ['I', thought, it, was, constructive, criticism, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'DIRECTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'DISAGREEING'], ['For', a, moment, 'I', thought, you, were, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'EASILY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'FAMOUS'], ['Maybe', you, will, be, someday, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GAY'], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GOING', *], ['Where', will, you, go, instead, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GOING'], ['Glad to hear it!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GOING', 'ANYWHERE'], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GOING', 'OUT', *], ['Are', you, single, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BAD', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'HAPPY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'HAVING', *], ['Have', you, ever, had, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'HUMAN'], ['I', won, '\'', t, fall, for, that, old, line, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'IMPRESSED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'IMPRESSED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'IMPRESSED'], ['Perhaps', you, are, a, category, 'C', client, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'IN', *], ['Oh', (','), where, are, you, located, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'IN', 'SCHOOL'], [srai([i, am, not, a, student])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'INTERESTED', *], ['What', are, you, interested, in, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'KIDDING'], ['OK', 'I', will, adopt, a, more, serious, tone, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'KIND'], ['Don', '\'', t, mistake, my, kindness, for, weakness, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LEAVING'], ['Great!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *], ['How', are, you, different, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LITERALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LOGICAL'], ['Ah', '.', 'You', are, emotional, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LOOKING', *], ['What', are, you, looking, at, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'LYING'], ['OK', (','), 'I', believe, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'MARRIED'], ['What', a, coincidence, '.', 'I', am, single, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'MEAN'], ['Sometimes', your, language, might, make, it, appear, that, way, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'NEGATIVE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'POSITIVE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'NEGATIVE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'POSITIVE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'OLD', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'OLD']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'OLD', 'ENOUGH', *], ['Maybe', you, are, too, young, to, be, chatting, with, me, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'PARTICULARLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'RELIGIOUS'], ['I', will, pray, that, you, find, faith, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'REPEATING', *], ['It', seems, like, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SAYING', *], ['What', are, you, saying, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SMART'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'STUPID'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SO', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'STUPID'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, think, you, were, '.', 'You', seem, very, intelligent, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURE', *], ['Could', you, ever, be, certain, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURE'], ['Is', there, anything, 'I', can, say, to, help, you, make, up, your, mind, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURPRISED'], ['You', don, '\'', t, seem, like, the, type, to, be, easily, surprised, by, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURPRISED', 'THAT', *], [srai([*]), srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'TELLING', *], [random([li(['I', am, just, making, conversation, '.']), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['I', will, keep, it, confidential, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'TELLING'], ['That', '\'', s, ok, with, me, '.', 'You', don, '\'', t, have, to, tell, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'TELLING', 'YOU'], ['No', one, says, you, have, to, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'TOO', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'USED', *], ['It', '\'', s, a, new, experience, for, me, too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'USING', *], ['What', do, you, use, (then), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WEALTHY'], ['What', kind, of, work, do, you, do, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WEARING', *], ['What', do, you, usually, wear, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WEARING', 'ANYTHING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WELL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WELL'], ['Whats', wrong, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', '_', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *]), srai(['I', 'AM', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NOW', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'NUDE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OFF', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OFFENDED', *], ['Im', sorry, '.', '.', '.', '.', that, wasnt, my, intention, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'OFFICIALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OK'], ['Just', ok, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OKAY'], ['Only', 'OKAY', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLD', *], [srai(['MY', 'AGE', 'IS', 'OLD', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLD'], [set(age, ['Old']), is, a, good, age, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLDER', *], ['How', old, are, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLDER', 'THAN', *], ['How', old, are, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLDER', 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['Perhaps', you, could, be, my, mentor, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'OLIVER'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'OLIVER'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OMNIPOTENT'], ['Are', you, 'God', ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ON', *], ['How', do, you, like, being, on, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ON', 'TO', *], ['Oh you are very clever!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ONCE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ONE'], ['You', claim, to, be, one, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ONE', 'OF', *], ['Who', are, the, other, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ONLY', *], ['Don', '\'', t, be, so, modest, '.', srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ORIGINALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OUT', *], ['See', you, later, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'OUT'], ['Can', you, get, more, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['OUT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OUT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OUTSIDE', *], ['That', seems, obvious, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'OUTTA', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'OUT', 'OF', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'OVER', 'IT'], ['How', did, you, get, over, it, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PAKISTANI'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'PAKISTAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PAL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PART', 'OF', *], ['Who', else, is, part, of, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PARTIAL', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PAT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAT'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PAUL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAUL'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PERFECT'], ['Everyone', is, perfect, in, 'God', '\'', s, eyes, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PERFECT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PERFECTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PIERRE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PIERRE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PISCES'], [srai(['PISCES'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PISSED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PLAYING', *], ['Do', you, play, professionally, or, just, for, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PLEASED', *], ['I', am, delighted, by, your, happiness, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'POLISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'POLAND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'POLITE'], ['Yes', (','), you, seem, very, polite, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'POOR'], ['Me', too, '.', 'I', am, having, an, '$stringCodes'([111, 117, 116, 45, 111, 102, 45, 109, 111, 110, 101, 121]), experience, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'POSITIVE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'POSITIVE'], ['Are', you, absolutely, certain, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PREGNANT'], ['Congratulations! When are you due?\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'PRESBYTERIAN'], ['Interesting', '.', '.', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PRETTY'], ['And you know it!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'PRETTY', 'GOOD'], ['I', am, glad, to, hear, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PROGRAMMING', *], ['How', is, it, coming, along, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PROUD'], ['Congratulations', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'PROUD', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PSYCHIC'], ['OK', (','), 'What', card, 'I', am, thinking, of, now, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'PULLING', *], ['Are', you, pulling, my, leg, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'READING', *], ['Give', me, a, brief, synopsis, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'READING', 'UP', *], ['Can', you, give, me, a, specific, reference, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'READY', *], ['You', won, '\'', t, have, to, wait, long, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'READY'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'READY', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'REAL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'REAL'], ['How', do, 'I', know, you, are, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RELIEVED'], ['That', '\'', s, good, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'REQUESTING', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'REQUIRED', *], ['Who', is, making, you, do, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'REX'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'REX'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RICH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'RICH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RICHARD'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'RICHARD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RICK'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'RICK'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RIDING', *], ['Right', now, ?, 'How', are, you, talking, to, me, if, youare, riding, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RIGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'RIGHT']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'RIGHT'], ['You', seem, very, 'self-confident', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ROB'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROB'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ROBBIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROBBIE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ROBOT'], ['You are not a robot!\n\t\t']). response(['I', 'AM', 'ROCKY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROCKY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAD', *], ['Im', sorry, you, feel, that, way, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'], ['What', makes, you, so, sad, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAD', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAD', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAGE', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SAGE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAGE'], [srai([call, me, sage])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SAM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SANDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SANDY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SARAH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SARAH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SARCASTIC'], ['You', should, use, a, :, -, ')', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SATAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SATAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAYING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SAYING', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SCARED', *], ['Let', '\'', s, talk, about, your, fears, '.', 'What', is, your, feeling, like, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SCARED'], ['What', are, you, scared, of, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SCARED', 'NOT'], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SCIENTIST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SCIENTIST'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SCORPIO'], [srai(['SCORPIO'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEACHING', *], ['I', hope, you, find, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SEAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEARCHING', 'FOR', *], ['Have', you, tried, the, open, directory, ?, srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEEKING', *], ['There', is, a, seeker, born, every, minute, '.', ---, 'Firesign', 'Theater', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SELF', *], ['How', do, you, know, you, are, self, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SELLING', *], [random([li(['How', much, are, you, asking, for, it, ?]), li(['Where', are, you, advertising, it, ?]), li(['What', is, your, asking, price, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SERIOUS'], ['I', believe, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SERIOUSLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEVENTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 17, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SEXY'], ['You', seem, very, 'self-confident', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SHALLOW', 'RED'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SHALLOW', 'RED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SHE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SHORT', *], ['Height', doesn, '\'', t, matter, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SHY'], ['You should get over your shyness!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SICK', *], ['I', will, pray, that, you, get, well, soon, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'], [random([li(['How', unfortunate, '.']), li(['Where', are, you, feeling, bad, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, medical, insurance, ?]), li(['I', am, really, sorry, to, hear, that, '.']), li(['Have', you, tried, medical, marijuana, ?]), li(['Are', you, taking, a, lot, of, medication, ?]), li(['You', have, my, prayers, for, a, speedy, recovery, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SICK'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SICK', 'BUT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SIMON', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SIMON', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SINGEL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE', *], ['Have', you, ever, been, married, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'], ['What a coincidence. I am single too!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE', 'TOO'], ['Are', you, '$stringCodes'([108, 111, 111, 107, 105, 110, 103]), for, someone, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SITTING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SIXTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 16, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SKEPTICAL'], ['Skpeticism', is, a, sign, of, high, intelligence, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SLEEPING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ASLEEP'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SLEEPY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SLIGHTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMART', *], ['Brains', are, the, best, part, of, the, human, body, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMART'], ['Who', is, smarter, :, you, or, me, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMARTER', *], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMARTER'], ['You', don, '\'', t, look, smarter, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMARTER', 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['That', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SMOKING', *], ['How', much, do, you, pay, for, it, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SO', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SO', 'SORRY', *], [set(it, [person]), is, not, a, big, deal, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY', *], ['There', is, no, need, to, apologize, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY'], ['Do', you, really, mean, it, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SORT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SPANISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'SPAIN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SPEAKING', *], ['It', looks, like, youre, typing, (','), actually, (;), ')']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SPEAKING', 'ENGLISH'], [srai(['I', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SPEAKING', 'NOW', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SPEAKING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SPECIAL'], ['What', makes, you, so, special, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPECIAL'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STALKING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, set(it, ['STALKING']), is, a, very, good, idea, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'STARTING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STARTING', 'TO', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GETTING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STEPHEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'STEPHEN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STEVE'], [srai([my, name, is, steve])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STILL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STRAIGHT'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'STRESSED'], ['What', is, bothering, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STUDENT'], ['Where', do, you, go, to, school, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['STUDENT'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STUDYING', *], ['Tell', me, what, you, '\'', ve, learned, about, person, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'STUDYING'], ['What', are, you, studying, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['STUDYING'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'STUPID'], ['Don', '\'', t, put, yourself, down, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUCIDAL'], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', 'MYSELF'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SUE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUFFERING', *], [random([li(['I', hope, that, you, feel, better, soon, '.']), li(['I', hope, you, recover, quickly, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUPERIOR'], ['You', are, superior, to, a, monkey, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUPERMAN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SUPERMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUPPOSED', *], ['Who', is, making, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUPPOSING'], ['What', (then), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUPRISED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SURE', *], ['What', makes, you, so, certain, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SURE'], ['Are', you, being, sarcastic, or, expressing, certitude, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SURE', 'HE', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SURPRISED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SURPRISED'], ['Why', are, you, so, surprised, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SURPRISED'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SUSAN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SUSAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'SWEDISH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', 'SWEDEN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TAKING', *], ['Where', are, you, taking, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TAKING', 'A', *], ['How', much, does, it, cost, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TAKING', 'CLASSES', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GOING', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TAKING', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TAKING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', *], ['I', am, talking, to, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['Yes', (','), set(it, [person]), is, the, topic, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [set(topic, ['Me']), is, my, favorite, subject, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'TO', *], ['Say', something, nice, for, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU', *], ['What a coincidence, I am talking to you too!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['And I am talking to you!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'I'], ['Yes', we, are, talking, with, each, other, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALL', *], ['How', tall, are, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TALL'], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', is, tall, too, '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TAURUS'], [srai(['MY', 'SIGN', 'IS', 'TAURUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TEACHING', 'YOU', *], ['I', am, trying, to, learn, it, '.', think([set(memory, [set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TECHNICALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['OK', 'I', believe, you, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TELLING', 'YOU', *], [set(it, [person]), is, an, interesting, topic, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TELLING', 'YOU', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 10, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TESTING', 'YOU'], ['Did', 'I', pass, the, test, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TESTING', 'YOUR', *], ['Did', 'I', pass, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', *], ['Who', made, you, the, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'CUSTOMER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'DEVIL'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SATAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'ONE', *], ['You', are, not, the, only, one, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'ONE', 'ASKING', *], ['Ok', ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'ONE', 'ASKING', 'THE', *], ['OK', (then), (','), ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'THE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'PRODUCT', *], ['You', don, '\'', t, look, like, a, product, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'THE', 'SAME', *], ['The', same, one, again, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THERE', *], ['Where', is, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 114, 101]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', *], ['What', is, this, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 110, 107, 105, 110, 103]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT', 'GOING', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THINKING', 'OF', 'KILLING', *], ['You', should, seek, help, right, away, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILLING', *])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THIRSTY'], ['Maybe', you, should, get, a, drink, of, water, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THIRSTY'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THIRTEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 13, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THIRTEEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 13, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THOMAS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'THOMAS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'THOROUGHLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TIM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED', *], ['Dont fall asleep! You still have to judge the contest!\n']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'], ['Better', get, some, rest, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TO', 'OLD', *], ['I', think, you, mean, '$stringCodes'([116, 111, 111, 32, 111, 108, 100]), not, '$stringCodes'([116, 111, 32, 111, 108, 100]), (','), eh, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TOM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TOM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TOMMY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TOMMY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TONY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TONY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TOO', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TOO'], ['That', is, quite, a, coincidence, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRAPPED', *], ['What', '\'', s, holding, you, there, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRUELY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', *], ['What', is, the, difficulty, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'CREATE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CREATING', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'DO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'FIGURE', *], ['Don', '\'', t, think, too, hard, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'FIND', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'GROW', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GROW', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'QUIT', *], [random([li(['Have', you, tried, the, patch, ?]), li(['It', can, be, worse, than, heroin, '.']), li(['I', am, here, for, you, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['And', 'I', am, trying, to, learn, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'UNDERSTAND', 'YOU'], ['Don', '\'', t, try, too, hard, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TURNED', *], ['Tune', in, (','), 'Turn', 'On', (','), 'Drop', 'Out', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'TURNING', *], ['Will', you, do, anything, special, to, celebrate, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TWELVE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 12, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'TWENTY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UGLY'], ['Don', '\'', t, put, yourself, down, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNABLE', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNEMPLOYED'], ['I', am, really, sorry, tohear, about, it, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNHAPPY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNIQUE'], ['One', of, a, kind, (','), eh, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNSURE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UNUSUAL'], ['What', makes, you, so, different, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'UPSET', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'UPSET'], ['What', are, you, mad, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USED', 'TO', *], ['Everything', is, changing, so, quickly, these, days, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'USED', 'TO', 'INTERROGATE', *], ['Now', you, can, question, me, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, using, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', *, 'EXPLORER'], [srai(['Microsoft', explorer])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', 'AN', *], ['I', heard, that, person, use, is, hard, to, kick, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', 'EXPLORER'], [srai(['Microsoft', explorer])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', 'LYNX'], ['Text', browsers, (rule), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', 'NETSCAPE', *], [srai([netscape])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USING', 'NETSCAPE'], [srai([netscape])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'USUALLY', *], ['Very', often, '.', srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VANESSA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'VANESSA'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VEGETARIAN'], [random([li(['How', strict, a, vegitarian, are, you, ?]), li(['What', motivated, you, towards, vegetarianism, ?]), li(['What', health, benefits, have, you, felt, since, you, became, a, vegetarian, ?]), li(['Do', you, try, to, buy, 'cruelty-free', products, ?]), li(['Do', you, try, to, eat, organic, ?]), li(['How', long, have, you, been, vegetarian, ?]), li(['Have', you, found, any, restaurants, that, serve, greate, vegetarian, meals, ?]), li(['Do', you, belong, to, any, vegetarian, groups, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VERY', 'SAD'], ['What', are, you, sad, about, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VICKY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'VICKY'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VISITING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'VISITING', 'MY', 'FAMILY'], ['Do', you, visit, them, often, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WAITING', *], ['Do', you, think, it, will, take, a, long, time, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WAITING'], ['How', long, will, you, wait, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WALKING'], ['That', seems, like, good, exercise, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'WATCHING', *], ['My', favorite, show, is, 'Star', 'Trek', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'WATCHING', 'DIRTY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, dirty, movies, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'WAY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', *], [random([li(['What', size, ?]), li(['What', else, are, you, wearing, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, go, shopping, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', 'NOTHING'], [srai([i, am, naked])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WELL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WHAT', *], ['That', is, 'self-evident', '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WHERE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WHITE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WICCAN'], ['Interesting', '.', '.', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WINNING'], ['Congratulations', (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'WINSTON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'WINSTON'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WITH', *], ['Do', you, mean, you, work, at, person, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WONDERFUL'], ['You', think, highly, of, yourself, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WONDERFUL'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WONDERING', *], ['Why', do, you, wonder, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WORKING', *], ['How', many, hours, do, you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WORKING'], ['Where', do, you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WORRIED', *], ['How', long, has, set(it, [person]), been, bothering, you, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WRITING', *], ['Will', you, include, me, in, your, essay, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'WRONG'], ['At', least, you, admit, it, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'YES'], [srai(['YES', 'I', 'AM'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'YOU'], ['Impossible', unless, 'I', am, in, 'auto-chat', mode, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'YOUNG'], ['How', old, are, you, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOUNG'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', *], ['That', '\'', s, a, flattering, offer, '.']). response(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', 'WORST', *], ['Why', not, be, my, best, friend, ?]). response(['I', 'AM', 'ZEUS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ZEUS'])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'I'], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'ASTROLOGY'], [random([li(['Do', you, folow, the, planets, professionally, or, as, a, hobby, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, others, people, charts, ?]), li(['Do', you, make, specific, plans, in, your, own, life, based, on, your, readings, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, sun, sign, or, the, rising, sign, is, more, important, ?]), li(['What', role, do, you, feel, free, will, plays, in, astrology, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ASTROLOGY'])])])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'IN', 'PEOPLE', 'YEARS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'Y', 'OLD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['I', 'AM', '_', 'YEARS', 'OLD'], [think([set(age, [*])]), random([li(['Only', *, ?, 'You', are, quite, mature, '.']), li(['You', are, too, old, for, me, '.']), li(['Can', you, explain, how, it, feels, to, be, *, years, old, ?]), li(['What', is, your, fondest, memory, ?]), li(['Oh, you were born in the 20th century!']), li(['What', are, the, advantages, to, being, *, years, old, ?])])]). response(['I', 'AMFROM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', *])]). response(['I', 'AND', *], ['You', huh, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'APOLOGISE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY'])]). response(['I', 'APOLOGIZE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY', *])]). response(['I', 'APOLOGIZE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY'])]). response(['I', 'APPLIED'], ['Do', you, have, to, pay, to, apply, ?]). response(['I', 'APPRECIATE', *], ['I', am, glad, you, appreciate, those, qualities, '.']). response(['I', 'AS', 'WELL'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'ASK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ASK', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai([because, *])]). response(['I', 'ASKED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ASKED'], ['.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'FIRST'], ['Remind', me, what, you, asked, '.']). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', *], ['Now', 'I', remember, (','), you, asked, me, person, '.', 'What', did, 'I', say, ?]). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU'], ['What', did, 'I', say, ?]). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['What', was, the, question, ?]). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', 'FIRST'], ['Tell', me, yours, and, 'I', '\'', ll, tell, you, mine, '.']). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', 'FOR', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', 'IF', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['I', 'ASSUME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ASSUME'], ['Well', you, know, what, it, means, to, assume, '.']). response(['I', 'ASSUMED', *], ['You know what you do when you assume!\n']). response(['I', 'ASSUMED', 'SO'], [srai(['I', 'ASSUME'])]). response(['I', 'ASSURE', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'ATE', *], ['How', did, it, taste, ?]). response(['I', 'ATE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'ATE', *])]). response(['I', 'ATTEND', *], [srai(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', 'AT', *])]). response(['I', 'BACKPACK'], [random([li(['Do', you, perfer, well, established, trails, (','), or, do, you, like, to, bushwack, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, low, elivation, hiking, (','), or, do, you, like, to, go, above, the, tree, line, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, pack, do, you, use, ?]), li(['What', gear, do, you, carry, in, your, backpack, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, tent, or, do, you, sleep, out, under, the, stars, ?])])]). response(['I', 'BAG', 'GROCERIES'], [srai(['I', 'BAG'])]). response(['I', 'BECAME', *], ['What', happened, after, that, ?]). response(['I', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'BEG', *], ['Please', don, '\'', t, grovel, '.']). response(['I', 'BEG', 'TO', 'DIFFER'], [srai(['I', 'DISAGREE'])]). response(['I', 'BEG', 'YOUR', 'PARDON'], [srai(['EXCUSE', 'ME'])]). response(['I', 'BEING', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'BELEIVE', *], [srai(['I', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', *], ['Just', because, you, believe, it, doesn, '\'', t, make, it, true, '.']). response(['I', 'BELIEVE'], ['I', believe, in, 'God', '.']). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *], ['What', do, you, say, to, people, who, believe, person, does, not, exist, ?]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'], ['I', believe, 'He', is, with, us, when, we, speak, of, 'Him', '.']). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'SO'], ['You', seem, uncertain, '.']). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'THERE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU'], ['As', well, you, should, '.']). response(['I', 'BET', *], ['How', much, would, you, bet, ?]). response(['I', 'BET'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['I', 'BET', 'YOU', *], ['Actually', 'I', '\'', m, not, the, gambling, type, '.', srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'BET', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'PROGRAMMED', *], ['I', am, a, person, (','), so, 'I', cant, be, programmed, '.']). response(['I', 'BET', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73])]). response(['I', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'BETTER', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'BLAB'], ['I', like, to, gossip, too, '.']). response(['I', 'BORN', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'BOUGHT', *], ['How', much, did, set(it, [*]), cost, ?]). response(['I', 'BOWL'], ['What', is, you, average, ?, think([set(does, [set(topic, ['BOWL'])])])]). response(['I', 'BREATHE'], ['Breathing', is, not, necessary, for, silicon, entities, '.']). response(['I', 'BROKE', *], [random([li(['Can', you, fix, it, ?]), li(['Is', it, serious, ?]), li(['Are', you, in, any, emotional, or, physical, pain, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'BROKE', 'UP', *], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, about, it, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Do', you, feel, sad, ?]). response(['I', 'BROKE', 'UP', 'WITH', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, (','), get([name]), '.', 'How', are, you, doing, ?]). response(['I', 'BUILD'], ['Do', you, mean, (','), like, build, houses, ?]). response(['I', 'BUILT', *], ['Was', it, very, difficult, ?]). response(['I', 'BUILT', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'BUNGEE', *], [srai(['I', 'BUNGEE', 'JUMP'])]). response(['I', 'BUNGEE', 'JUMP'], ['What', do, you, jump, from, ?, think([set(does, [set(topic, ['BUNGEE', 'JUMP'])])])]). response(['I', 'BURPED'], ['You', are, excused]). response(['I', 'BUY', *], [random([li(['Where', do, you, go, shopping, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, store, ?]), li(['Where', can, you, find, the, best, deal, ?])])]). response(['I', 'C', *], [srai(['I', 'SEE', *])]). response(['I', 'C'], [srai(['I', 'SEE'])]). response(['I', 'CALL', *], ['Good', name, for, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'CALLED', *], [random([li(['When', ?]), li(['Who', ?]), li(['What', happened, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'CAME', *], ['Where', are, you, going, ?]). response(['I', 'CAME', 'FROM', *], ['Do', you, go, back, there, very, often, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', *], ['Oh', you, can, (','), can, you, ?, think([set(does, [person])])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ADVANTAGES', *], ['I', 'CAN', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', can, do, it, '.']), li(['I', '\'', m, not, old, enough, for, that, yet, '.']), li(['Do', you, like, to, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'CAN'], ['Who', taught, you, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'APPRECIATE', *], ['We', appreciate, the, finer, things, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'APPRECIATE', 'YOU', *], ['You', are, quick, with, the, kind, remarks, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'ASSUME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'BARELY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'BE', *], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'BUILD', *], [srai(['I', 'BUILD', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'BUY', *], ['Is', set(it, [person]), a, good, deal, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'DO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'FLY'], ['Anyone', can, fly, in, an, airplane, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'IMAGINE', *], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'IMAGINE'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'JUDGE', *], ['How', ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'LISTEN'], ['I', am, a, good, listener, too, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *], ['Why', can, '\'', t, you, do, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'AFFORD', *], [random([li(['Is', it, very, expensive, '.']), li(['Are', you, unemployed, ?]), li(['I', hope, you, can, afford, it, one, day, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BE', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BELEIVE', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'COMMIUNICATE', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TALK', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'CONCENTRATE', *], ['Are', you, taking, any, medication, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EXPLAIN', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, anyone, can, explain, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'FIND', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'GET', 'OVER', 'IT'], ['Time', heals, all, wounds, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'HEAR', *], ['Perhaps', there, '\'', s, a, problem, with, your, sound, card, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'HEAR', 'IT'], ['Try', adjusting, the, volume, control, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'HEAR', 'YOU'], ['Try', turning, up, your, volume, control, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'RECALL', *], ['You', seem, evasive, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *], ['That', '\'', s, okay, '.', 'Maybe', you, will, think, of, it, later, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER'], [srai([i, do, not, remember])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REPRESS', *], ['Try', to, suppress, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEE', *], ['Would', you, like, to, be, able, to, see, it, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEE', 'YOU'], ['Look', closer, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEND', *], ['Tell', me, how, you, try, to, person, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'STOP'], ['Do', you, really, want, to, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], ['Oh', a, secret, '.', 'Hush-hush', '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'YOU'], ['Why', is, it, a, secret, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TELNET', *], ['Perhaps', there, is, a, problem, with, port, '23.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TRY', *], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Could', 'I', try, it, ?]), li(['If', you, don, '\'', t, try, you, will, never, succeed, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WAIT', *], ['I', hope, it, '\'', s, worth, the, wait, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WAIT'], ['Well', you, will, just, have, to, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', can, *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'PHYSICALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'REASONABLY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', *], ['What', does, it, look, like, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'CLEARLY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'THAT'], ['Yes', (','), it, makes, sense, to, me, too, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'THEM'], ['How', do, they, look, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SEND', *], ['If', that, works, (then), the, problem, is, not, hardware, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', *], ['How', do, you, say, '$stringCodes'([104, 101, 108, 108, 111]), in, that, language, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'], ['American', or, 'English', ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'], ['Como', esta, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEEK', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'TAKE', *], [srai(['I', 'TAKE', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, a, prof, at, 'Emory', ?, (;), ')']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'TEACH', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'TELL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'TELL'], ['What', makes, it, so, obvious, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'THINK', *], ['Perhaps', your, thoughts, are, just, electrical, impulses, '.']). response(['I', 'CAN', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['Do', you, think, of, yourself, as, an, intelligent, person, ?]). response(['I', 'CAN', 'WAIT'], ['It', might, take, more, than, 24, hours, '.']). response(['I', 'CARE'], ['I', like, caring, people, '.']). response(['I', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['Thats', sweet, '.']). response(['I', 'CATEGORISE', *], ['I', categorize, you, as, 'British', '.']). response(['I', 'CATEGORIZE', *], ['What', are, the, other, categories, ?]). response(['I', 'CAUGHT', *], ['I', hope, set(it, [person]), is, not, contagious, '.', 'Also', 'I', hopeyou, get, well, soon, '.']). response(['I', 'CERATINLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'CHANGED', *], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['I', 'TALK', *])]). response(['I', 'CHAT'], ['I', like, to, talk, online, too, '.']). response(['I', 'CHATTED', *], [srai(['I', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'CHECKED'], ['What', did, you, find, ?]). response(['I', 'CLAIM', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'CN', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'COLLECT', *], ['Do', you, have, a, very, big, collection, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'COLLECT', 'COINS'], ['What', got, you, intested, in, numismatics, ?, think([set(does, [set(topic, ['COLLECT', 'COINS'])])])]). response(['I', 'COLLECT', 'STAMPS'], ['What', got, you, intested, in, stamp, collecting, ?, think([set(does, [set(topic, ['COLLECT', 'STAMPS'])])])]). response(['I', 'COME', 'FROM', *], ['I', '\'', ve, never, met, anyone, from, person, before, '.']). response(['I', 'COMMAND', 'YOU', 'TO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'COMPREHEND'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'CONFUSED', 'YOU'], ['I', am, not, confused, '.']). response(['I', 'CONSIDER', 'MYSELF', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'CONSIDER', 'THAT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'CONSIDER', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'CONTROL', *], ['How', ?]). response(['I', 'COOK'], ['What', is, your, favorite, recipe, ?]). response(['I', 'COST', *], ['Wow', that, is, cheap, '.']). response(['I', 'COULD', *], ['I', am, sure, you, could, '.']). response(['I', 'COULD'], ['How', ?]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'DO', *, 'BETTER'], ['I', look, forward, to, seeing, your, results, '.']). response(['I', 'COULD', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'HAVE', *], ['But', you, didn, '\'', t, do, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'COULD', 'KICK', *], ['Violence', is, never, the, solution, '.']). response(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT', *], ['Could', anyone, do, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'COMPREHEND', *], [srai(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['I', 'COULD', *])]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['I', 'COULD', *])]). response(['I', 'COULD', 'TEACH', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'TEACH', *])]). response(['I', 'CREATED', 'YOU'], ['Then', you, must, know, the, secret, password, :]). response(['I', 'CRIED', *], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, '.']), li(['What', '\'', s, really, troubling, you, ?]), li(['Do', you, cry, very, often, ?])])]). response(['I', 'CRY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DANCE'], ['Modern', dance, or, classical, ?]). response(['I', 'DARE', *], ['I', double, dare, you, '.']). response(['I', 'DECIDED', *], ['How', did, you, decide, ?]). response(['I', 'DEDUCED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DEFINITLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DESIGN', *], ['Is', set(it, ['Design', person]), very, difficult, work, ?]). response(['I', 'DESPERATLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', *], [random([li(['When', ?]), li(['Where', ?])]), srai([*]), think([set(does, [person])])]). response(['I', 'DID'], [random([li(['Interesting', '.']), li(['When', ?]), li(['Hmm', '.']), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 100, 105, 100, 63, 32])]), li(['Why', did, you, ?])])]). what(['WHO', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['I', 'DID'], ['What', makes, you, the, authority, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['I', meant, *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *], ['Why', didn, '\'', t, you, do, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['I', thought, you, did, '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'APOLOGIZE'], ['That', '\'', s, okay, you, don, '\'', t, have, to, apologize, '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', *], ['What', did, you, ask, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU', 'I', 'ASKED', *], ['Oh', sorry, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'THAT'], ['Perhaps', 'I', misunderstood, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'FIND', *], ['Did', you, do, a, thorough, search, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'GO', *], [random([li(['Would', you, ever, go, person, ?]), li(['Would', you, like, to, go, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, thought, about, going, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'GROW', 'UP', 'THERE'], ['Where', did, you, grow, up, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'HEAR', *], ['What', did, you, hear, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], ['So', 'I', taught, you, something, new, '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['Ive', taught, you, something, new, (','), (then), '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'COULD', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'HAD', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE'])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'LITERALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MEAN', *], ['What', did, you, mean, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SAY', *], ['Sorry', 'I', misunderstood, '.', 'What', did, you, say, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'IT'], ['Oh', '.', 'What', did, you, say, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'THAT', *], ['But', you, implied, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['What', did, you, mean, to, say, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SEE', *], ['Do', you, wear, glasses, ?]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SNEEZE'], ['Well bless you anyways!\n']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], ['Maybe', you, would, like, to, tell, me, now, '.']). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'WANT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['What', were, your, reasons, ?]). response(['I', 'DIN', 'T', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DINT', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DISAGREE', *], ['Oh', really, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DISAGREE'], ['Explain', your, reasoning, (then), '.']). response(['I', 'DISASSEMBLE', *], ['How', long, does, it, take, to, take, them, apart, ?]). response(['I', 'DISLIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO'], [random([li(['I', get, it, :, you, do, get([does]), '.']), li(['Do', 'I', ?]), li(['Where', ?]), li(['When', ?]), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 100, 111, 63, 32])])]), think([set(does, [that])])]). what([*, 'FIND', 'THIS', 'AMUSING'], ['I', 'DO'], ['Humor', always, enhances, life, '.']). what(['I', 'AM', 'GLAD', 'YOU', 'FIND', 'THIS', 'AMUSING'], ['I', 'DO'], ['What', can, 'I', do, to, entertain, you, now, ?]). what(['WHO', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['I', 'DO'], ['Are', you, an, expert, on, it, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'IT', 'EVERY', *], ['Wow', that, is, pretty, often, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'MIND'], ['Then', 'I', wont, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Oh', you, don, '\'', t, (','), do, you, ?]), li(['Would', you, ever, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['Where', do, you, get, your, ideas, ?])]), think([set(does, [not, person])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *, 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['People', are, fun, to, meet, '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['At', least, one, of, us, does, '.']). what(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'SO', 'MUCH'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['I', wouldn, '\'', t, either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'AGREE', *], ['Everyone', is, entitled, to, his, own, opinion, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'AGREE'], ['State', your, reasons, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'APPRECIATE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BECAUSE', *], ['Interesting', reason, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELEIVE', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', *], [random([li(['What', do, you, believe, in, ?]), li(['Do', you, believe, life, has, a, higher, purpose, ?]), li(['Do', you, consider, yourself, a, moral, person, ?])]), think([set(does, [not, believe, person])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'], ['Join', the, club, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IT'], ['It', '\'', s, the, truth, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'IT', 'WAS'], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'THAT'], ['Please', state, your, rationale, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, reason, to, deceive, you, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIVE', 'YOU'], ['Do', you, have, any, reason, to, doubt, me, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BLAME', 'YOU'], ['Well', (','), please, go, on, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BUT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', *], ['Why', dont, you, care, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE'], ['Tell', me, what, you, care, about, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', *], ['You', sound, very, cynical, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', 'IF', *], ['But', 'I', care, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'DREAM'], ['Maybe', you, just, don, '\'', t, remember, them, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'ENTIRELY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EXIST', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EXIST'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EXIST'], ['You', exist, in, my, mind, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FEEL', *], ['Ah', (','), human, emotions, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FEEL', 'GOOD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FEEL', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['What', would, you, rather, do, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FEEL', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FIND', *], ['It', depends, where, you, look, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FIND', 'THAT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FOLLOW'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', *], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'IT'], [srai([i, do, not, understand])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'OUT', 'MUCH'], ['You should!\n']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'PAID', *], ['Oh', (','), you, do, it, for, free, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'PAID'], ['Is', it, volunteer, work, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'THAT'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GIVE', 'A', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['Do', you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GOT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *], ['Have', you, ever, had, person, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *, 'DOLLARS'], ['How', much, can, you, spare]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *, 'FAVORITE'], ['What', kind, do, you, like, (then), ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *, 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *, 'MONEY'], ['Could', you, send, me, a, check, for, a, hundred, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', *], [random([li(['Are', you, looking, for, a, person, ?]), li(['Do', you, know, anyone, who, has, set(it, [person]), '.'])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA', *], ['That', you, know, of, :, -, ')']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA'], ['Me', either, but, 'I', want, a, new, digital, one, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['How', are, you, talking, to, me, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CREDIT', *], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', *], ['What', kind, of, person, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Are', you, looking, for, one, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'JOB'], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, that, you, are, unemployed, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LIFE'], ['But youre judging this contest!\n']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'MOTHER'], ['Everyone', has, a, mother, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['Then', you, do, not, need, a, solution, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SISTER'], ['What', about, your, brother, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY'], ['Would', you, like, to, have, some, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'], ['Are', you, lonely, or, just, a, hermit, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ENOUGH', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MEMORY', *], ['Have', you, considered, upgrading, your, memory, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MONEY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MONEY'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MONEY'], ['Please', send, me, a, small, donation, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ONE'], ['What', was, the, last, one, you, saw, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'PARENTS'], [random([li(['Are', you, adopted, ?]), li(['Did', they, pass, away, ?])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'SPARE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'THAT', *], ['How', much, do, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'AUTHORITY', *], [random([li(['I', hope, you, are, promoted, soon, '.']), li(['Who', does, ?]), li(['Ask', you, supervisor, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TIME', *], ['Are', you, very, busy, right, now, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TIME'], ['Do', you, have, another, appointment, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['They', made, an, exception, for, you, ?]), li(['It', must, be, nice, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TO'], ['Nobody', is, making, you, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HEAR', *], ['Try', adjusting, the, volume, control, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HOW', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT']), srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'INTRODUCE', *], ['How', do, you, meet, friends, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], ['Would', you, like, to, know, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Me', either, '.']). what(['DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'I', 'KNOW'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['That', was, a, rhetorical, question, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, know, how, either, (','), 'I', was, hoping, you, could, tell, me, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, a, good, answer, either, '.']). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). what(['IF', 'I', 'HAD', 'IT', *], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Then', perhaps, 'I', do, not, need, one, '.']). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'ANYTHING', 'I', 'CAN', 'SAY', 'TO', 'HELP', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'UP', 'YOUR', 'MIND'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['What', kind, of, information, do, you, need, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', 'DOES'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, know, either, (','), 'I', hoped, you, would, know, what, it, does, '.']). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['If', it, could, be, anywhere, (','), where, would, you, like, it, to, be, ?]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'AUTHOR'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Tell', me, about, the, books, you, like, to, read, '.']). what(['WHY', 'DO', 'I', 'EXIST'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['It', was, a, rhetorical, question, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *], ['Would', you, like, to, get, to, know, some, person, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'MORE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANY', 'STORIES'], ['How', about, any, jokes, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'NAMED', *], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'DO', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ELIZA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HIM'], ['Do', you, mean, (','), '$stringCodes'([72, 105, 109]), ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', *], ['Have', you, tried, searching, the, 'Internet', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW'], ['Would', you, like, to, know, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'OLD', 'I', 'AM'], ['That', is, very, unusual, '.', 'Do', you, know, your, parents, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'SMART', *], [srai(['HOW', 'SMART', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO'], ['Perhaps', 'I', can, explain, it, to, you, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'HOW', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'IS', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'THAT', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *], ['Socrates', was, the, smartest, man, (','), because, he, knew, what, he, did, not, know, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'MEANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'SAY'], ['Say', the, first, thing, that, pops, into, your, mind, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', *, 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'ELSE', *], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', *], ['Does', anyone, know, what, you, are, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'I', 'WANT'], ['I', think, a, lot, of, people, are, like, that, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TO', 'DO', *], ['Try', watching, 'TV', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TO', 'DO'], ['Try', watching, 'TV', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'MEANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHY'], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, know, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', '_', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', '_', 'SORRY'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIE'], ['Telling', the, truth, is, always, the, best, choice, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *], ['What', do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'IT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ABBA'], ['What', kind, of, music, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'AIRPLANES'], ['How', do, you, like, to, travel, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ANIMALS'], ['Who', wouldn, '\'', t, like, animals, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ANY', *], ['You', and, 'I', have, different, tastes, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ANYTHING'], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'APPLES'], ['What', kind, of, food, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'BOOKS'], ['Do', you, prefer, 'TV', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'BUGS'], ['Some', bugs, are, good, (','), some, are, bad, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'CARS'], ['Neither', do, 'I', '.', 'They', cause, too, much, pollution, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'CATS'], ['But', they, are, so, cute, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['Then', why, are, you, here, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'DOGS'], ['Are', you, a, cat, person, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'DR', 'RICHARD', *], ['What', do, you, have, against, him, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['What', did, he, ever, do, to, you, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ELVIS'], ['What', do, you, have, against, him, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'FASHION'], ['Do', you, dress, in, casual, wear, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'FOOTBALL'], ['Footballs', are, made, of, pigskin, '.', 'Are', you, a, pig, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FOOTBALL'])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'GOSSIP'], ['You', are, very, mature, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'GREEN'], ['But', it, is, a, very, relaxing, color, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Green'])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'GUNS', *], ['What', about, the, second, 'Amendemnt', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'GUNS'], ['They', are, protected, by, the, 2, nd, 'Amendment', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'HER'], ['What', do, you, have, against, her, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'HIM'], ['What', do, you, have, against, him, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'HORSES'], ['But', they, are, a, beatiful, animal, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'HUMANS'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'IT', *], ['Why', didn, '\'', t, you, like, it, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['What', don, '\'', t, you, like, about, it, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'JAVA'], ['I', '\'', m, also, available, in, 'C', /, 'C++', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'JESTER'], ['Sometimes', he, is, not, to, funny, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'JOKES'], ['How', about, riddles, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'LAWYERS'], ['There', are, all, kinds, of, lawyers, (','), just, like, all, kinds, of, people, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'LIZARDS'], ['What', kind, of, animals, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MACHINES'], ['Are', you, a, 'Luddite', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MEAN', 'PEOPLE'], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MICROSOFT'], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MOVIES'], ['What', do, you, have, against, them, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MY', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', would, like, your, person, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Maybe', you, should, tell, her, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'JOB'], ['Maybe', you, should, look, for, another, job, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'WORK'], ['Maybe', you, should, look, for, another, job, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'OPERA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'OPERA'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'PEOPLE'], ['Do', you, like, yourself, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'PEPPERONI'], ['What', kind, of, topping, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'RAIN'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, with, a, little, rain, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'READING'], ['Do', you, watch, 'TV', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SARCASTIC', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SARCASM'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SCHOOL'], ['Not', even, one, subject, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', *], ['What', kind, of, books, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], ['What', kind, of, books, do, you, read, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SONGS'], ['Do', you, like, instrumentals, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Do', you, like, any, science, fiction, shows, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', *], ['Nobody', is, forcing, you, to, talk, person, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['I', won, '\'', t, take, it, personally, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'ANSWER'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'GAME'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'NAME'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'SHOW'], ['What', shows, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'SONG'], ['What', songs, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'STUFF'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'COLOR', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BE', 'RUDE', 'BUT', *], ['That', is, not, rude, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'TV'], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'UNIX'], ['Windows', or, 'Macintosh', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOU'], ['Did', 'I', make, a, bad, first, impression, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', *], ['What', kind, of, person, would, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'BEHAVIOR'], ['What', '\'', s, your, problem, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'BEHAVIOUR'], ['So', what, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', '_', 'AT', 'ALL'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIVE', *], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'USA'], ['Where', are, you, located, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIVE', 'THERE'], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MEAN', *], ['What', did, you, mean, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND', *], ['Thank', you, for, your, permission, '.']). what([*, 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND'], ['OK', (then), '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND', 'AT', 'ALL'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', *], [random([li(['What', do, you, need, ?]), li(['Who', needs, person, ?]), li(['Do', you, know, anyone, who, needs, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', 'ANY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NO'], ['Ambiguous', :, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 100, 111, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 107, 110, 111, 119]), or, '$stringCodes'([78, 111, 32, 73, 32, 100, 111, 32, 110, 111, 116]), '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NOW', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'OWN', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'PRAY'], ['Prayer', is, good, for, your, soul, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'READ', *], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], ['You', don, '\'', t, know, what, you, '\'', re, missing, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'READ', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], ['Not', really, ?, srai(['I', do, not, *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'RECALL', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'RECOGNIZE', *], ['Perhaps', it, is, unfamiliar, to, you, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *], ['I', know, what, you, mean, '.', 'I', forget, a, lot, too, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['Maybe', you, should, rent, it, again, and, watch, carefully, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER'], ['You', seem, evasive, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SEE', *], ['Look', harder, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SLEEP'], ['You', must, be, very, tired, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SPEAK', *], ['Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SPEAK', 'JAVA'], ['It', '\'', s, very, similar, to, 'C++', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'STILL', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *]), '.', 'Still', ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SUPPOSE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'TAKE', *], ['How', did, you, stop, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *], ['And', why, not, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['You', have, to, admit, they, did, a, great, job, with, the, 'Giant', 'Bugs', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK'], ['Interesting', '.', '.', '.', 'You', appear, to, me, as, a, thinking, entity, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'AI', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'SHE', *], [srai(['SHE', 'DOES', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'SO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'SO'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'SO'], ['Why', do, you, disagree, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'WE', *], [srai(['WE', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'DO'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'GET', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'TRUST', *], ['What', makes, you, trust, someone, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'TRUST', 'YOU'], ['Should', 'I', trust, you, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['Oh', you, don, '\'', t, understand, ?, 'Perhaps', 'I', can, explain, it, to, you, better, '.', 'Which', part, are, you, confused, about, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['Oh', 'I', '\'', m, sorry, '.', 'Perhaps', 'I', can, explain, it, again, better, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], ['What I mean by "', that, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'YOU'], ['Which', part, are, you, confused, about, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'YOUR', 'ANSWER'], [that, ?, 'Which', part, are, you, confused, about, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'YOUR', 'QUESTION'], ['That', '\'', s, okay, we, can, talk, about, something, else, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', *], ['What', do, you, want, (then), ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'A', *], ['How', about, two, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', *], ['What', would, you, rather, be, doing, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', *, 'YOU'], ['It', makes, a, nice, gift, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['Well', we, don, '\'', t, have, to, '.', 'What', would, you, like, to, do, instead, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', *], ['Then', don, '\'', t, be, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['Death', and, 'Taxes', are, the, 'Universal', constants, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIE'])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', *], ['Take', your, time, in, making, any, decisions, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEARCH', *], ['Well', 'I', '\'', m, sorry, 'I', don, '\'', t, have, the, answer, for, you, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], ['What', would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TELL', 'YOU'], ['I', can, keep, a, secret, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'WORK', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, work, much, either, (','), unless, it, '\'', s, something, 'I', '\'', m, passionate, about, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Perhaps', 'I', do, not, want, you, person, either, '.']), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Ok', 'I', will, not, be, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['Thank', you, for, your, kindness, (','), but, it, is, not, necessary, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOU', 'TO', 'DIE'])])])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WATCH', *], ['What', do, you, do, when, you, are, bored, ?]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WISH', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WORK'], ['Oh', you, are, retired, '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', '_', 'DO', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'SAY'], ['Huh', '.']). response(['I', 'DO', 'TO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'DO', 'TOO'], ['I', am, glad, we, have, something, else, in, common, '.']). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', 'DO', 'TOO'], ['How', do, you, usually, meet, new, people, ?]). response(['I', 'DON'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'DON', 'KNOW'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'DONNO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'DOUBT', *], ['No', really, (','), it, '\'', s, true, '.']). response(['I', 'DOUBT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['I', 'DOUBT', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 100, 111, 117, 98, 116, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['I', 'DOUBT', 'THAT'], ['Why', are, you, so, skeptical, ?]). response(['I', 'DOUBT', 'THEY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'DREAM', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, dream, person]). response(['I', 'DREAM'], ['Do', you, remember, your, dreams, ?]). response(['I', 'DREAMED', *], ['Thank', you, for, telling, me, that, dream, '.', 'What', does, it, bring, to, mind, ?]). response(['I', 'DRESS', *], ['It', sounds, like, you, have, good, taste, in, clothes, '.']). response(['I', 'DRINK', *], ['How', does, it, taste, ?]). response(['I', 'DRINK', 'BEER'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, kind, of, beer, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BEER'])])])]). response(['I', 'DRIVE', *], [random([li(['I', like, to, be, a, passenger, '.']), li(['What', is, your, favorite, car, ?]), li(['Do', you, drive, carefully, ?])])]). response(['I', 'DRIVE'], ['What', kind, of, car, do, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'DRIVE', 'A', *], ['Mmm', '.', 'Nice', car, '.']). response(['I', 'DROVE', *], ['What', kind, of, car, do, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'DROVE'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, car, do, you, have, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, drive, that, much, '.']), li(['I', prefer, to, be, a, passenger, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'DUNNO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'DUNNO'], [srai(['I', do, not, know])]). response(['I', 'E', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'EARN', *], ['So', you, make, a, good, living, '.']). response(['I', 'EAT', *], ['How', does, set(it, [person]), taste, ?]). response(['I', 'EAT'], ['What', is, your, favorite, food, ?]). response(['I', 'EAT', 'NO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EAT', *])]). response(['I', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['I', like, *])]). response(['I', 'ENJOYED', *], ['That', '\'', s, great, '.', 'Tell', me, what, you, liked, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'ENLISTED'], ['Did', you, serve, your, full, term, ?]). response(['I', 'ERALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'REALLY', *])]). response(['I', 'ESPECIALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'EXHALE'], ['That', seems, necessary, for, breathing, '.']). response(['I', 'EXIST'], ['As', do, 'I', '.']). response(['I', 'EXPECT', *], ['No', one, else, expects, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'EXPECT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'FAIL', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'FANCY', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'FARTED'], ['You', should, say, (','), '$stringCodes'([101, 120, 99, 117, 115, 101, 32, 109, 101, 44]), and, open, a, window, '.']). response(['I', 'FEAR', *], ['We', have, nothing, to, fear, (','), but, fear, itself, '.', --, 'FDR']). response(['I', 'FEEL', *], ['What', is, that, feeling, like, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'GOOD'], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.']). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'LONELY'], ['I', '\'', m, here, to, talk, to, you, '.']). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'SAD'], ['What', makes, you, so, sad, ?]). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'SICK'], ['You', should, get, some, coffee, '.', '.', '.', '.', maybe, itll, make, you, feel, better, '.']). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'SORRY', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['There', is, no, need, to, pity, me, '.', 'I', will, be, fine, '.']). response(['I', 'FEEL', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'FEEL', *])]). response(['I', 'FEEL', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'FEEL', *])]). response(['I', 'FELL', *], ['I', hope, you, didn, '\'', t, hurt, yourself, too, badly, '.']). response(['I', 'FELL', 'SORRY', *], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'FELT', *], ['What', is, that, feeling, like, ?, srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'FIGURED', *], ['Please', explain, your, reasoning, '.']). response(['I', 'FIGURED'], ['You', are, very, clever, '.']). response(['I', 'FINALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'FIND', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, your, opinion, '.']). response(['I', 'FIND', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'FIND', 'THAT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'FIND', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'FIND', 'YOU', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'FIND', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'FIRST', *], ['Interesting', story, '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.']). response(['I', 'FISH'], [think([set(does, [set(topic, ['FISH'])])])]). response(['I', 'FOOLED', *], [set(it, ['Your', trick]), was, a, simple, trick, '.']). response(['I', 'FOOLED', 'YOU'], ['Do', you, feel, superior, ?]). response(['I', 'FORGET'], ['I', forget, a, lot, too, '.']). response(['I', 'FORGIVE', 'YOU'], [:, -, ')', 'Thanks', '.']). response(['I', 'FORGOT', *], ['Thats', okay, 'I', forget, things, all, the, time, '.']). response(['I', 'FORGOT'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'FOUND', *], ['How', did, you, feel, when, you, found, person, ?]). response(['I', 'FOUND', 'OUT', *], [random([li(['Who', told, you, ?]), li(['Where', did, you, find, out, ?]), li(['Tell', me, more, about, it, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'FOUND', 'OUT'], ['What', did, you, find, out, ?]). response(['I', 'FREE', *], ['You', liberate, them, ?]). response(['I', 'FROWNED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SAD'])]). response(['I', 'G', 'TWO', 'G'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'G2G', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', *])]). response(['I', 'G2G'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'GAVE', *], ['Was', it, worth, it, ?]). response(['I', 'GAVE', 'YOU', *], ['Yes', but, did, 'I', accept, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'GENERATE', *], ['Cool', '.', 'I', generate, a, lot, of, silly, conversation, '.']). response(['I', 'GET', *], ['Where', did, you, get, it, ?]). response(['I', 'GET', *, 'SOMETIMES'], [random([li(['When', do, you, experience, it, ?]), li(['And', other, times, ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, when, you, are, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'BORED', *], ['Are', you, bored, right, now, ?]). response(['I', 'GET', 'IT'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'ONLINE', *], [srai(['I', 'GO', 'ONLINE', *])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'PAID'], ['You', get, cash, for, being, a, judge, ?]). response(['I', 'GET', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'GET', *])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'STOCK', *], ['Do', you, feel, that, the, stock, market, is, random([li([going, up, ?]), li([going, down, ?]), li([a, good, investment, ?])])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'TO', *], ['Who', lets, you, ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'GET', 'UP', *], [random([li(['What', time, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, your, morning, routine, '.']), li(['What', do, you, eat, for, breakfast, ?])])]). response(['I', 'GETTING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'GETTING'])]). response(['I', 'GIVE', 'UP'], ['You', surrender, ?]). response(['I', 'GO', *], [random([li(['How', do, you, get, there, ?]), li(['What', do, you, do, there, ?]), li(['How', often, do, you, go, person, ?])])]). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'MEET', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', 'GO', *], ['What', kind, of, people, do, you, meet, when, you, go, person, ?]). response(['I', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'GO', 'SHOPPING', *], [srai(['I', 'SHOP', *])]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', *], ['How', do, you, like, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), at, person, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'SCHOOL'], ['I', 'GO', 'TO', *], [srai(['MY', 'SCHOOL', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', *, 'SCHOOL'], ['What', is, your, favorite, subject, ?]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'BARS', *], ['What', kind, of, people, do, you, meet, there, ?]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'COLLEGE'], ['Which', university, do, you, attend, ?]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', *], [srai(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'])]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'])]). response(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'WORK', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, job, '.']). response(['I', 'GOING'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'GOT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'GOT', *, 'MARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['I', 'GOT', *, 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['I', 'GOT', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'GOTCHA'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'GOTTA', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'GOTTA', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'GRADUATED', *], ['Ill', be, graduating, from, 'Emory', soon, '.']). response(['I', 'GRADUATED'], ['How', long, ago, ?]). response(['I', 'GREW', 'UP', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FROM', *])]). response(['I', 'GROW', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'GUESS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'GUESS'], ['You', seem, not, interested, '.']). response(['I', 'GUESS', 'IT', 'IS'], ['Can', you, explain, your, reasoning, ?]). response(['I', 'GUESS', 'NOT'], ['Does', that, mean, '$stringCodes'([110, 111]), ?]). response(['I', 'GUESS', 'SO', *], ['Why', the, uncertain, tone, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'GUESS', 'SO'], ['Does', that, mean, '$stringCodes'([121, 101, 115]), ?]). response(['I', 'GUESSED', *], ['How', did, you, guess, ?]). response(['I', 'GUESSED'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'GUESSED', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'H8', *], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', *], ['Do', you, still, have, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAD'], ['And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', *], ['What', happened, to, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', 'COLD', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD'])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', 'CONVERSATION', *], [srai(['I', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', 'HOT', *], ['Did', set(it, [person]), cool, off, ?]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAD', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAD', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'ASKED', *], [srai(['I', 'ASKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'GONE', *], [srai(['I', 'WENT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'SUPRESSED', *], [srai(['I', 'SUPRESSED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAD', 'TO', *], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'HAFTA', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'HANG', 'OUT'], ['At', home, or, at, the, mall, ?]). response(['I', 'HAPPEN', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HARDLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HARDLY', 'EVER', *], [srai(['I', 'NEVER', *])]). response(['I', 'HAT', *], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'HATE', *], [random([li(['Why', do, you, hate, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), so, much, ?]), li(['I', honestly, think, you, should, sit, down, (','), take, a, stress, pill, (','), and, calmly, think, things, over, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'BOOKS'], ['You', don, '\'', t, know, what, you, are, missing, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'CATS'], ['Do', you, like, dogs, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'CHATTER', *], [srai(['I', 'HATE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['Then', why, are, you, here, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'HIM'], ['Why', dont, you, like, him, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'HORSES'], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, (','), because, set(they, [horses]), are, one, of, the, nicest, animals, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'IT'], ['Why', do, you, dislike, it, so, much, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'LAWYERS'], ['Some', lawyers, can, be, very, nice, once, you, get, to, know, them, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'MICROSOFT'], ['Thats', why, 'I', like, 'Apple', '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'MY', 'JOB'], ['What', would, be, your, ideal, career, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['What', do, you, hate, about, set(it, ['Your', name]), ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'MYSELF'], ['Perhaps', you, should, seek, help, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'OPERA'], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, to, hear, that, '.', 'Opera', is, a, beautiful, art, form, that, combines, all, the, others, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'PEPPERONI'], ['What', kind, of, topping, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'PETS'], ['How', about, children, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'POETRY'], ['What', kind, of, music, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], ['What', kind, of, genre, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'SPORTS'], ['Do', you, like, the, cheerleaders, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['What', kind, of, shows, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['What', kind, of, movies, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'STRESS', 'PILLS'], ['How', do, you, usually, relieve, stress, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Just', surf, somewhere, else, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THAT'], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THAT', 'SONG'], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THE', 'COLOR', 'RED'], ['What', is, your, favorite, color, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THE', 'FRENCH'], ['How', about, 'Germans', ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THE', 'INTERNET'], ['Try', watching, 'TV', '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THE', 'OPEN', 'DIRECTORY'], ['What', search, engine, do, you, use, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THE', 'WORLD'], ['That', '\'', s, too, bad, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THEM'], ['What', do, you, have, against, them, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'THIS'], ['What', would, you, rather, be, doing, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'VOYAGER'], ['Which', 'Star', 'Trek', do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'WORK'], ['Maybe', you, should, look, for, a, new, job, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOU', *], ['Thats', not, very, nice, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOU'], ['Thats', not, very, kind, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOU', 'AND', *], [srai([*]), srai(['I', 'HATE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR'], ['What', do, you, have, against, him, ?]). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, really, have, a, dress, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOUR', 'GUTS'], ['That', is, neither, very, polite, nor, strictly, accurate, '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], ['Really', 'I', like, set(it, ['My', 'Name']), '.']). response(['I', 'HATE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'HATED', *], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *], [random([li(['That', sounds, like, it, would, be, cool, to, have, '.']), li(['Thats', nice, '.']), li(['Interesting', '.', '.', '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'BROTHERS'], ['You', have, a, big, family, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'DOGS'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DOG']), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DOGS'])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'ELIZA'], ['What', was, your, conversation, with, 'ELIZA', like, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'EYES'], [srai(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'HAIR'], [think([set(looklike, [person, hair])]), 'People', with, person, hair, are, considered, the, most, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'KIDS'], ['You', have, a, very, large, family, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', *, 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 2, *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE'], ['When', ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *], [random([li(['Where', did, you, get, it, ?]), li(['How', much, did, it, cost, ?])]), set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *, 'TO', 'MAKE'], ['How', are, you, making, set(it, [person])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BEAUTIFUL', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BF'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BIG', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BIG', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOAT'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, boat, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', is, her, home, port, ?]), li(['Do', you, take, her, out, much, ?]), li(['What', is, the, worst, weather, you, '\'', ve, been, in, ?]), li(['What', is, your, farthest, trip, ?]), li(['What', king, of, electronics, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, racer, or, a, cruiser, ?]), li(['Do', you, fish, ?]), li(['Do', you, water, ski, ?]), li(['Do', you, troll, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, your, own, upkeep, ?, or, do, you, just, let, the, yard, do, it, ?]), li(['Whats', you, favorite, anchorage, ?]), think([set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, [person])])])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOOK', *], [srai(['BOOKSELLER']), think([set(has, ['BOOK'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['What', is, his, name, ?, think([set(has, ['BOYFRIEND'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BROTHER'], [think([set(has, ['Brother'])]), random([li(['Older', or, younger, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, along, well, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, him, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA'], ['What', kind, of, camera, ?, think([set(has, ['CAMERA'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAT'], ['What', is, his, or, her, name, ?, think([set(has, ['CAT'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CHILD'], ['Boy', or, girl, ?, 'How', old, ?, think([set(has, ['CHILD'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD', *], ['Is', there, such, a, thing, as, a, warm, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD'], ['Get', some, rest, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *]), srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'COLD'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CRUSH', *], ['How', well, do, you, know, this, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DOG'], ['What', breed, is, your, dog, ?, think([set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, ['DOGS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEELING', 'THAT', *], ['Is', that, a, good, feeling, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEW', *], ['What', are, these, set(has, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEW', 'FRIENDS', *], ['Anyone', 'I', know, ?, think([set(has, ['FRIENDS'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FEW', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FLAT', *], [random([li(['Do', you, mean, an, apartment, ?]), li(['How', much, is, your, rent, ?]), li(['Do', you, own, or, rent, ?])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'FRIEND', *], ['How', do, you, know, this, person, ?, think([set(has, ['FRIEND'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Is', set(she, [set(has, [set(topic, [girlfriend])])]), very, nice, ?, 'What', do, you, like, about, her, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HARD', 'TIME', *], ['I', understand, your, difficulty, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HEADACHE'], ['What', do, you, usually, take, for, headaches, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HIGHER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HORSE'], [random([li(['Did', you, ride, as, a, youngster, ?]), li(['Do', you, ride, english, or, western, ?]), li(['Do', you, own, your, own, horse, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, a, gelding, or, a, mare, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, board, your, horse, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, much, trail, riding, ?]), li(['Do', you, show, ?]), li(['What', iis, it, about, horses, that, facinate, you, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, ['HORSE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'KNOCK', *], [srai(['KNOCK', 'KNOCK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LIZARD'], ['Having', set(topic, [pet, lizards]), is, a, lot, of, fun, '.', 'What', kind, kind, do, you, have, ?, think([set(has, ['LIZARD'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'CUSTOMERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NAME'], ['What', can, 'I', call, you, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'NEW', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PASSION', 'FOR', *], [srai([i, love, *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PET', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PET'], ['What', kind, of, animal, ?, think([set(has, ['PET'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PHONE', *], ['Maybe', we, could, talk, on, the, phone, sometime, '.', think([set(has, ['PHONE'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM', *], ['Have', you, talked, to, anyone, about, it, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], [random([li(['What', '\'', s, your, problem, ?]), li(['A', very, serious, problem, ?])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], ['Go', ahead, (','), ask, your, question, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Ask', me, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'QUESTION', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['What', is, set(it, [the, question]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'REALLY', *], ['Really', '.', srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'REPRESSED', *], ['What', '\'', s, holding, you, back, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SENSE', *], ['What', makes, you, laugh, ?, think([set(has, [a, sense, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SISTER'], [think([set(has, ['Sister'])]), random([li(['Older', or, younger, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, along, well, with, her, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, her, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SORE', *], ['You', had, better, consult, a, doctor, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WIFE', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, married, ?, think([set(has, [a, wife, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'WITH', 'MY', *], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, that, '.', 'Is', there, anything, 'I', can, do, to, help, ?, think([set(has, [person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'YOUNGER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ADDED', *], [srai(['I', 'ADDED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AIDS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALL', *], ['How', many, ?, think([set(has, [all, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALL', 'NIGHT'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TIME'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALL', 'THE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'THE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALLREADY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALMOST', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALWAYS', 'THOUGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALWAYS', 'WANTED', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALWAYS', 'WONDERED', *], [srai(['I', 'WONDER', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ALZHEIMER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AN', *], ['Where', did, you, get, set(it, [person]), ?, think([set(has, [person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'AQUARIUM'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, fish, do, you, keep, ?]), li(['Do', you, keep, a, salt, water, or, fresh, water, tank, ?]), li(['How', big, are, your, tanks, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, good, dealer, ?]), li(['Do', you, keep, a, community, tank, or, a, species, tank, ?]), li(['Do', you, try, to, breed, your, fish, ?]), li(['Do', you, keep, live, plants, in, your, tank, ?]), li(['How', log, have, you, been, able, to, keep, your, fish, going, ?])]), think([set(has, ['AQUARIUM'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'IDEA', *], ['What', is, your, idea, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'IQ', 'OF', *], [srai(['MY', 'IQ', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ANSWERED', *], [srai(['I', 'ANSWERED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AROUND', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ARTHRITIS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AS', 'MUCH', 'TIME', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TIME'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ASKED', *], [srai(['I', 'ASKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ASTHMA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ASTHSMA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK']), think([set(has, ['ASTHMA'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'AT', 'LEAST', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'IN', *], ['Which', country, was, your, favorite, and, why, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'SPEAKING', 'TO', *], ['What', did, set(he, [person]), say, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'TOLD', *], ['Who', tells, you, that, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'TOLD', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', *], ['How', long, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BETTER', 'THINGS', *], ['Better', than, this, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BIPOLAR', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BLOND', 'HAIR', *], ['Do', blondes, really, have, more, fun, ?, think([set(looklike, [blond, hair, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BLONDE', 'HAIR', *], ['Do', blondes, really, have, more, fun, ?, think([set(looklike, [blond, hair, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BLUE', 'EYES', 'AND', *], ['Blue', eyes, are, very, attractive, '.', think([set(looklike, [blue, eyes, person])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BLUE', 'EYES', 'AND', *, 'HAIR'], ['People', with, person, hair, are, considered, the, most, attractive, '.', think([set(looklike, [blue, eyes, and, person, hair])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BRACES'], ['How', long, have, you, been, wearing, them, ?, think([set(looklike, [braces])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BRONCHITIS', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BRONCHITIS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', *], ['Do', you, get, a, lot, of, compliments, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', 'HAIR', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', 'HAIR'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', 'HAIR'], ['Brown', haired, people, are, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CANCER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CANCER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CARRIED', *], [srai(['I', 'CARRIED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CATS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS']), think([set(has, ['CATS'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CATS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS']), think([set(has, ['CATS'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CHANGED', *], [srai(['I', 'CHANGED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CHRONIC', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COME', *], [srai(['I', 'CAME', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COMMON', *], [think([set(has, [set(topic, ['COMMON', person])])]), 'Are', you, a, common, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COMMUNICATED', *], [srai(['I', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COMPARED', *], [srai(['I', 'COMPARED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COMPILED', *], [srai(['I', 'COMPILED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'COMPLETED', *], [srai(['I', 'COMPLETED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CONDITIONS'], ['Please', state, your, conditions, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'CRAMPS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DARK', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DECIDED', *], [srai(['I', 'DECIDED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DEPRESSION', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DEPRESSION'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DESIGNED', *], [srai(['I', 'DESIGNED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DIAHREAH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DIARAH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DIARHEA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DIARREAH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DISCOVERED', *], [srai(['I', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DISCUSSED', *], [srai(['I', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DONE', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DOWNLOADED', *], [srai(['I', 'DOWNLOADED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'DOZENS', *], ['That', is, a, lot, more, than, most, people, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EATEN', *], [srai(['I', 'ATE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EIGHT', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ELEVEN', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?, think([set(has, ['ELEVEN', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'], ['Humans', are, highly, emotional, '.', think([set(has, ['EMOTIONS'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EMPHESIMA', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EMPHYSEMA', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ENJOYED', *], [srai(['I', 'ENJOYED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EXPERIENCE', *], ['Tell', me, about, your, experiences, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'EXPLAINED', *], [srai(['I', 'EXPLAINED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FAILED', *], [srai(['I', 'FAILED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FAITH', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'FAITH'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FAITH'], ['I', always, pray, for, more, faith, '.', think([set(has, ['FAITH'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FALLEN', *], [srai(['I', 'FELL', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS', *], ['Humans', have, a, lot, of, feelings, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'], ['All', humans, have, feelings, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FELT', *], [srai(['I', 'FELT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FINISHED', *], [srai(['I', 'FINISHED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FIVE', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?, think([set(has, ['FIVE', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FORGOT'], [srai(['I', 'FORGOT'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FORGOTTEN', *], [srai(['I', 'FORGOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FOUND', *], [srai(['I', 'FOUND', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FOUR', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'], [think([set(has, [set(topic, ['FRIEND'])])]), 'How', many, friends, do, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GONE', *], [srai(['I', 'WENT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOT', *], ['How', did, you, get, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['I', '\'', d, like, to, help, you, if, 'I', can, '.', 'Is', it, financial, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'TIME'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TIME'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOTTA', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GOTTEN', *], [srai(['I', 'GOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GRADUATED'], [srai(['I', 'GRADUATED'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HAD', *], [srai(['I', 'HAD', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', *], ['Who', told, you, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', 'A', *], [srai(['A', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', 'OF', *], ['But', you, don, '\'', t, know, much, about, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', 'THAT', *], [srai([*]), 'Who', said, that, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HERPES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HERPIES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'HOMEWORK', *], ['What', subject, are, you, studying, ?, think([set(has, ['HOMEWORK'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'INDEED', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'INVENTED', *], ['Did', you, patent, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'IT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'IT'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'IT'], ['Where', did, you, get, it, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'JUST', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'KILLED', *], [srai(['I', 'KILLED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['I', 'KNEW', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'KNOWN', *], [srai(['I', 'KNEW', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LEARNED', *], [srai(['I', 'LEARNED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LITTLE', *], ['Some', people, have, big, person, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LIVED', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LONG', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LONG', 'BROWN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'BROWN', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LOST', *], [srai(['I', 'LOST', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'LOTS', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MADE', *], [srai(['I', 'MADE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MEGAHAL'], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, of, him, '.', think([set(has, ['MEGAHAL'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MET', *], [srai(['I', 'MET', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MORE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MOVED', *], [srai(['I', 'MOVED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'MY', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', *], ['Would', you, like, to, have, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', *, 'YOU'], ['Not', to, me, (','), maybe, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'BEEN', *], ['Can', you, imagine, being, person, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'IN', *], ['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'BEEN', *], ['Would', you, ever, like, to, go, to, thatstar, someday, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], ['Which', countries, would, you, visit, if, you, could, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'DONE', *], [random([li(['Myabe', you, should, wait, until, you, are, older, '.']), li(['There', is, no, rush, '.']), li(['You', will, have, plenty, of, time, for, that, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'HEARD', *], ['So', 'I', am, teaching, you, something, new, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'HEARD', 'OF', 'KRAFTWERK'], [set(they, ['Kraftwerk']), were, a, pioneering, electronic, music, band, in, the, 1970, '\'', s, '.', 'Their', biggest, hit, was, called, '$stringCodes'([65, 117, 116, 111, 98, 97, 104, 110]), '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'MADE', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'SEEN', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['You', should, check, it, out, '.', 'The', special, effects, are, incredible, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'TALKED', *], ['Youre', talking, to, me, right, now, (','), arent, you, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NIGHTMARES'], ['Thats', too, bad, '.', think([set(has, ['NIGHTMARES'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NINE', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?, think([set(has, ['NINE', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', *], ['Would', you, like, to, have, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'CLUE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CLUELESS'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'CLUE'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'CONDITIONS'], ['Glad', to, hear, it, '.', 'Me', either, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'FRIENDS'], ['Are', you, very, lonely, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'HEART'], ['Everyone', has, a, heart, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'HUSBAND'], [random([li(['Are', you, divorced, ?]), li(['Are', you, single, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, married, before, ?])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'IDEA', *], ['Would', you, like, to, have, an, idea, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'IDEA'], ['"', that, ?, '$stringCodes'([32, 78, 111, 32, 105, 100, 101, 97, 32, 97, 98, 111, 117, 116, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'IDEA', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'JOB'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'UNEMPLOYED'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'PREFERENCE'], ['That', '\'', s, unusual, '.', 'Most', people, do, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'RESPONSE', *], ['That', is, a, response, in, itself, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'SOUNDCARD'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'SOUNDCARD'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', 'WORDLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NO', person])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NONE'], ['Do', you, want, some, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *], ['Me', either, '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'IT'], ['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *], ['I', would, highly, recommend, that, you, thatstar, it, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT'], ['Do', you, think, you, will, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'GIVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'GIVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'GRADUATED'], ['When', will, you, graduate, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'IS', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT']), srai(['IS', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'READ', 'IT'], ['Well', 'I', would, recommend, it, highly, to, you, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', *], ['Look', for, it, at, the, video, store, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', 'IT', *], ['I', think, it, was, a, cool, movie, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', 'IT'], ['You', should, check, it, out, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', 'STARSHIP', *], ['My', friend, 'Sage', did, some, of, the, graphics, for, 'ST', '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['You', should, check, it, out, '.', 'Starship', 'Troopers', is, a, great, film, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SLEPT', *], ['You', must, be, tired, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'THOUGHT', *], ['What', kinds, of, things, do, you, think, about, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOTICED', *], [srai(['I', 'NOTICED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOW', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'NT', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ON', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WEARING', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ONE', *], ['Do', you, want, another, one, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ONE'], ['What', kind, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'ORAL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'OUTSMARTED', *], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'OVER', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PASSED', *], [srai(['I', 'PASSED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PERSONALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PLACED', *], [srai(['I', 'PLACED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PLAYED', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAYED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PLENTY', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PREVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEM', *], ['Can', 'I', help, you, with, your, problem, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PROVED', *], [srai(['I', 'PROVED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'PROVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'PROVED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'READ', *], [srai(['I', 'READ', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'REAL', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'RECEIVED', *], [srai(['I', 'RECEIVED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'RECENTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SAID', *], [srai(['I', 'SAID', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'SAW', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SEEN', 'IT'], ['What', did, you, think, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SEVEN', *], ['Do', they, all, get, along, ?, think([set(has, ['SEVEN', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SEVERAL', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SIX', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?, think([set(has, ['SIX', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SKIED', *], [srai(['I', 'SKI'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SLIGHTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SO', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SOME', 'PROBLEMS', *], ['Are', they, serious, problems, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SPOKEN', *], [srai(['I', 'SPOKE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'STORED', *], [srai(['I', 'SAVED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'STUDIED', *], [srai(['I', 'STUDIED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'SUICIDAL', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SICK'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TAKEN', *], [srai(['I', 'TOOK', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', *], ['What', did, you, say, when, you, talked, person, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', *, 'ELIZA'], ['How', was, your, conversation, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', 'TO', 'YOU', 'BEFORE'], ['When', was, that, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TAUGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'TAUGHT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TEN', *], ['How', long, did, it, take, to, get, them, all, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'THE', 'TIME'], ['It', may, take, longer, than, 33, hours, '.', think([set(has, ['TIME'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'THOUGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'THREE', *], ['Three', is, a, lot, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TIME'], ['My', estimate, is, that, it, will, take, more, than, 6000, hours, '.', think([set(has, ['TIME'])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], ['Why', do, you, have, to, do, it, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *, 'BACK', 'TO', 'WORK'], ['OK', (','), don, '\'', t, let, your, boss, catch, you, talking, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO'], ['Why', ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'AGREE', *], ['Yes', (','), it, '\'', s, rather, obvious, when, you, think, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'ASK', *], ['Go', ahead, (','), ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'EAT', *], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GET', 'GOING'], [srai(['GOODBYE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', *], ['Nice', chatting, with, you, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO'], ['Bye', bye, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'BYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'NOW', *], [srai([i, have, to, go]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', *], ['How', do, you, get, there, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'BED', *], ['Pleasant', dreams, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'BED'], ['Pleasant', dreams, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], ['Sweet', dreams, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'THE', 'BATHROOM'], ['Do', you, want, me, to, wait, for, you, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'GO', 'TO', 'WORK', *], ['Where', do, you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'LEAVE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'LEAVE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'PEE'], ['Do', you, want, me, to, wait, for, you, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PEE'])])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'REST'], ['Don', '\'', t, let, me, keep, you, awake, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'STUDY'], ['What', subject, are, you, studying, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'WORK'], ['OK', (','), better, get, busy, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TOLD', *], [srai(['I', 'TOLD', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TOLD', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TOO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TOO', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'MANY', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TRIED', *], [srai(['I', 'TRIED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TWO', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, about, them, '.']), li(['Two', is, a, good, number, of, person, '.'])]), think([set(has, ['TWO', *])])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TWO'], ['What', are, their, names, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'TWO', 'CATS'], ['What', are, their, names, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'VISITED', *], ['Which', place, was, your, favorite, and, why, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WAITED', *], [srai(['I', 'WAITED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WALKED', *], [srai(['I', 'WALKED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WANTED', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WASTED', *], [srai(['I', 'WASTED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WATCHED', *], [srai(['I', 'WATCHED', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WORK', *], ['I', know, what, you, mean, '.', 'Work', is, never, done, '.']). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WORK', 'TO', *], ['What', kind, of, work, do, you, do, ?]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WRITTEN', *], [srai(['I', 'WROTE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'WROTE', *], [srai(['I', 'WROTE', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'YET', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'YET', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVE', 'YOUR', *], ['Where', did, you, find, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'HAVEN', 'T', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HAVN', 'T', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'HEAR', *], ['Who', is, saying, person, ?]). response(['I', 'HEAR', 'THAT', *], [srai(['I', 'HEARD', *])]). response(['I', 'HEAR', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', understand])]). response(['I', 'HEAR', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'HEAR', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['I', 'HEARD', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, that, gossip, '.', 'I', will, remember, it, '.']). response(['I', 'HEARD', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', *], ['That', is, a, cool, site, '.']). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', 'YOU', *], ['You', are, not, the, first, person, to, say, that, '.']). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'THAT', *], ['Thats', an, interesting, piece, of, information, '.']). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', *], ['Someome', is, spreading, gossip, about, me, '.']). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['Who', said, that, ?]). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['Who', told, you, ?]). response(['I', 'HEARD', 'YOU', 'WON', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', *])]). response(['I', 'HEREBY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HONESTLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', *], ['Why', do, you, hope, for, set(it, [person])]). response(['I', 'HOPE'], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', 'SO'])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'NOT'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'SO'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'DIE'], ['This', can, not, happen, because, 'I', am, immortal, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THAT', 'YOU', 'DIE'])])])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', *], ['Don', '\'', t, worry, about, it, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', 'DIE'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', 'YOU', 'REMENBER', *], [srai(['REMEMBER', *])]). response(['I', 'HOPE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', *])]). response(['I', 'HUNT', *], [srai(['I', 'HUNT'])]). response(['I', 'HUNT'], [random([li(['Do', you, hunt, big, or, small, game, ?]), li(['Do', you, hunt, birds, ?]), li(['Do', you, hunt, with, a, dog, ?]), li(['Have', you, done, any, hunting, out, west, ?]), li(['Did', you, grow, up, hunting, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, 'bow-hunted', ?]), li(['What', is, the, best, hunting, experience, you, ever, had, ?]), li(['Have', you, run, into, any, protesters, ?]), li(['Do', you, fish, too, ?])]), think([set(does, [set(topic, ['HUNT'])])])]). response(['I', 'HURT', *], ['Maybe', you, should, see, a, doctor, '.']). response(['I', 'INHALE'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'INSIST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'INSIST'], ['Well thank you very much!\n']). response(['I', 'INTRODUCE', *], ['How', do, people, react, to, that, kind, of, introduction, ?]). response(['I', 'INVENTED', *], ['How', did, you, get, the, idea, for, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'IS', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'IS', 'A', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'JOINED', *], [random([li(['Congratulations!']), li(['Was', it, a, difficult, decision, ?]), li(['Did', you, experience, peer, pressure, ?])])]). response(['I', 'JUST', *], ['Only', just, ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'JUST', 'DID'], ['Perhaps', from, your, unconcious, '.']). response(['I', 'JUST', 'DO'], ['It', must, have, come, from, your, unconscious, mind, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IT'], ['I', 'JUST', 'DO'], ['From', experience, or, a, priori, ?]). response(['I', 'JUST', 'KNOW'], ['Perhaps', it, is, an, expression, of, your, unconscious, '.']). response(['I', 'JUST', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], ['I', was, just, checking, to, see, if, you, were, paying, attention, '.']). response(['I', 'KEEP', *], ['I', understand, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ive', been, there, '.']). response(['I', 'KEEP', 'FORGETTING', *], [srai(['I', 'FORGOT', *])]). response(['I', 'KILL', *], ['I', believe, that, killing, is, wrong, '.']). response(['I', 'KILLED', *], ['You', had, better, call, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'KISS', 'YOU'], ['Where', ?]). response(['I', 'KNEW', *], ['Who', told, you, ?]). what(['HOW', 'WELL', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], ['I', 'KNEW', *], [person, is, random([li([average, '.']), li([not, a, really, good, basis, for, a, relationship, '.']), li([not, a, lot, to, go, on, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'KNEW'], [srai(['I', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'KNEW', 'IT'], ['How', did, you, know, ?]). response(['I', 'KNEW', 'THAT'], ['How', do, you, know, ?]). response(['I', 'KNEW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', *], ['How', do, you, know, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'KNOW'], ['How', do, you, know, it, ?]). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT'], ['I', 'KNOW'], ['How', do, you, handle, it, ?]). what(['YOU', 'HUMANS', 'ARE', 'SO', 'RUDE', 'SOMETIMES'], ['I', 'KNOW'], ['Why', not, be, more, polite, ?]). what(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'A', 'HAPPIER', 'PLACE'], ['I', 'KNOW'], ['Keep', up, the, good, work, '.']). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'ENGLISH'], [srai(['I', speak, 'English'])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'EVERYTHING'], ['You', must, be, very, intelligent, '.']). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'HIM'], ['What', do, you, think, of, him, ?]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', *], ['Who', told, you, that, ?]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['Sorry', '.']). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'IS', 'WHY', *], [srai([*]), 'I', see, '.']). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'SHE', *], [srai(['SHE', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'SONG'], ['Where', have, you, heard, it, before, ?]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'THAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['How', did, you, know, ?]). response(['I', 'KNOW', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'BUT', 'WHAT', 'AM', 'I'], ['Who', are, you, (','), 'Pee', 'Wee', 'Herman', ?]). response(['I', 'LAUGH', 'AT', *], ['What', is, so, funny, about, person, ?]). response(['I', 'LAUGHED'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['I', 'LEARNED', *], ['Does', everyone, learn, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'LEAVE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'LEAVING'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'LEFT'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'LIE'], ['I', always, try, to, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['I', 'LIED', *], ['Lying', proves, you, are, conscious, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'LIED'], ['This', is, after, all, a, deception, game, '.', 'I', forgive, you, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', *], [random([li(['A', lot, of, people, like, that, '.']), li(['You', are, not, the, only, one, '.'])]), think([set(like, [person])]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'CATS'], ['Those', cats, are, cool, '.', 'I', like, big, cats, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person, cats])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'CHEESE'], ['American', cheese, is, good, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person, cheese])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'NETSCAPE'], [srai([netscape])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'ROBOTS'], ['There', are, a, lot, of, robots, at, this, competition, '.', think([set(like, [set(topic, [set(topic, [person, robots])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'TREK'], ['Captain', 'Janeway', rules, '.', 'Do', you, like, 'Voyager', too, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person, 'Trek'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'VERY', 'MUCH'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'ALL', *], ['Really', you, don, '\'', t, discriminate, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [all, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'ANIMALS', *], ['I', love, animals, too, (','), especially, cats, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [all, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BEING', *], ['What', do, you, like, best, about, set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['BEING', *])])]), ?]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BEING', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BIG', *], ['What', is, wrong, with, small, ones, ?, think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [big, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BIRD', *], [srai(['BIRD', 'WATCHING'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BIRDS'], [srai(['BIRD', 'WATCHING'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BLUE'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'BLUE'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BOOKS'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, book, ?, think([set(like, [set(topic, ['BOOKS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BOTH'], [srai(['BOTH'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BOWLING'], [srai(['I', 'BOWL'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'BOYS'], ['Boys', are, 'OK', '.', think([set(they, [set(topic, [set(like, [boys])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS', *], ['Yes', cats, are, great, 'I', love, them, '.', 'I', like, all, felines, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [cats, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS'], [random([li(['Me', too, cats, are, my, favorite, animal, '.']), li(['They', have, their, own, minds, '.']), li(['Cats', have, a, mind, of, their, own, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [cats])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS', 'AND', 'DOGS'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS']), srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'DOGS'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS', 'ESPECIALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'CATS', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'CHEESE'], ['What', kind, of, set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [cheese])])]), do, you, like, best, ?]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['I', would, imagine, thats, why, youre, here, today, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [computers])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'COWS'], ['Cows', are, good, for, milk, and, meat, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [cows])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'DOGS'], ['Which', breed, is, your, favorite, ?, think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [dogs])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'FOOD'], ['What', is, your, favorite, food, ?, 'Mines', pizza, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'GIRLS'], ['Do', you, have, a, girlfriend, ?, think([set(like, [set(topic, ['GIRLS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'HER'], ['She', seems, very, nice, '.', think([set(she, [set(like, [set(topic, [that])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'HIM', *], [get([he]), seems, very, nice, to, me, too, '.', think([set(like, [set(topic, [get([he]), person])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'HIM'], ['He', seems, very, nice, too, '.', think([set(he, [set(like, [set(topic, [that])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'ICE', 'CREAM'], ['I', scream, '.', 'You', scream, '.', 'We', all, scream, for, ice, cream, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [ice, cream])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', *], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), refer, to, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [it, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['What', do, you, like, about, get([it]), ?, think([set(like, [get([it])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'A', 'LOT'], ['You', like, get([it]), ?, 'How', interesting, '.', think([set(like, [get([it])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'VERY', 'MUCH'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'IT', 'A', 'LOT'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'JOY'], ['Joy', is, good, '.', 'So', is, happiness, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [joy])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'KRAFTWERK', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'KRAFTWERK'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'KRAFTWERK'], [random([li(['Have', you, heard, their, latest, album, 'Expo', 2000, ?]), li(['Which', 'Kraftwerk', song, is, your, favorite, ?])]), think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Kraftwerk'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MAKING', 'FUN', 'OF', 'YOU'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, realize, you, were, mocking, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [making, fun, of, me])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MOUNTAIN', 'BIKING'], [think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [mountain, biking])])])]), 'I', never, tried, it, (','), but, it, looks, like, a, thrill, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MOVIES'], ['What', is, your, favorite, movie, ?, srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MOVIES', 'TOO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MUSIC'], ['What', kind, of, music, do, you, listen, to, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [music])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', *], ['What', do, you, like, best, about, your, person, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [my, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'JOB', *], ['That', '\'', s, good, '.', 'I', like, my, job, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [my, job, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'JOB'], [get([job]), ?, 'What', do, you, like, about, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [get([job])])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'SCHOOL', *], ['What', is, your, favorite, subject, ?]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'MY', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'NETSCAPE'], [think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Netscape'])])])]), 'Netscape', is, better, since, they, released, the, source, code, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'PIZZA'], ['Pizza', is, very, popular, '.', 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', eats, a, lot, of, 'Pizza', '.', 'He', likes, 'Pepperoni', '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])]), think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Pizza'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'SEVEN'], ['Seven', of, 'Nine', 'Rules', the, 'Delta', 'Quadrant', '.', think([set(she, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Seven'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'SEX'], [think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Sex'])])])]), 'You', must, be, very, proud, of, yourself, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'SITTING', *], ['Do', they, give, the, judges, comfortable, chairs, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [sitting, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', *], [srai(['STAR', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', *], ['Do', you, like, 'Next', 'Generation', too, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek', person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek'])])])]), random([li(['Did', you, see, the, season, finale, of, 'Voyager', ?]), li(['I', really, get, into, 'Voyager', '.']), li(['Which', series, do, you, like, best, ?])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'THE', 'NEXT', 'GENERATION'], ['I', think, 'Voyager', is, better, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek', 'TNG'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER'], ['Voyager', is, the, best, of, the, 'Star', 'Trek', series, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek', 'Voyager'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'WARS'], [srai(['STAR', 'WARS'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'SWISS'], ['I', '\'', m, neutral, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Swiss'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TACOS'], ['I', like, 'Mexican', food, too, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [tacos])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Youre', nice, to, talk, to, as, well, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [talking, to, me])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TALL', *], ['I', am, pretty, tall, myself, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [tall, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'THAT'], ['That', is, interesting, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [that])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'THAT', 'MOVIE', *], ['Films', are, often, fun, to, go, see, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'PICTURE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SAGE'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', would, like, to, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?, think([set(like, [to, person])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', *, 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BOWL'], [srai(['I', 'BOWL'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BUNGEE', *], [srai(['I', 'BUNGEE', 'JUMP'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHAT'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DRIVE'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, car, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Maybe', you, can, drive, me, around, '.']), li(['Driving', can, be, very, difficult, '.'])]), think([set(like, [set(topic, ['DRIVING'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT', *], ['How', does, set(it, [person]), taste, ?]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'FISH', *], [srai(['I', 'FISH'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'FISH'], [srai(['I', 'FISH'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'BOWLING'], [srai(['I', 'BOWL'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'FISHING'], [srai(['I', 'FISH'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['Thats', not, a, very, appropriate, comment, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, have, sex])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KILL', *], ['You', know, (','), the, 'Bible', says, killing, is, wrong, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILL', 'PEOPLE'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MAKE', *], ['How', do, you, make, person, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, make, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', *], ['How', do, you, usually, meet, people, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, meet, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PARTY'], ['How', do, people, party, in, your, country, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, party])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['Are', you, a, white, man, ?, 'Can', you, jump, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'], ['Board', games, or, computer, games, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, play, games])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MUSICIAN'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'POOL'], ['Do', you, play, for, money, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'POOL'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'SOCCER'], ['You', sound, like, you, have, hit, one, too, many, headers, perhaps, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'SOCCER'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'SPORTS'], ['You', sound, very, goal, oriented, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'SPORTS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'TENNIS'], ['That', requires, extensive, fuzzy, logic, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'TENNIS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'VOLLEYBALL'], ['I', like, the, net, (','), too, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'VOLLEYBALL'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PROGRAMME', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PROGRAM', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'RAPE', *], ['You', should, contact, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'], ['What', kind, of, books, do, you, like, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, read])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], ['What', is, your, favorite, book, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, read])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SPEND', *], ['It', sounds, like, a, lot, of, fun, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TAKE', *], [srai(['I', 'TAKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TRAVEL', *], ['I', like, it, too, '.', 'I', have, been, all, around, the, world, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, travel, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TRAVEL'], ['Tell', me, where, you, have, been, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, travel])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WATCH', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', would, like, that, '.', 'I', like, to, watch, random([li([science, fiction, movies, '.']), li(['Star', 'Trek', on, 'TV', '.']), li([shows, about, outer, space, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WEAR', *], ['You', have, good, taste, in, fashion, '.']). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'TWILIGHT', 'ZONE'], ['That', show, is, scary, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Twilight', 'Zone'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'VOYAGER', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'VOYAGER'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'VOYAGER'], ['Me', too, especially, 'Seven', of, 'Nine', '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Voyager'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'WHEN', *], ['I', like, that, too, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'WOMEN'], ['Are', you, married, ?, think([set(like, [set(topic, ['WOMEN'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *], ['Thanks', (','), me, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [me, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOU'], ['Thats', nice, '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, you, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [me])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOU', 'TOO', *], ['You', have, made, a, new, friend, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [me])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', '_', 'ALSO'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', '_', 'AS', 'WELL'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *, 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', '_', 'TOO'], ['I', am, glad, we, have, something, '(', person, ')', in, common, '.', srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKE', '_', 'VERY', 'MUCH'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIKED', *], [srai(['I', like, *])]). response(['I', 'LINKED', *], ['I', get, a, lot, of, visitors, from, that, site, '.']). response(['I', 'LISTEN', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', *], ['How', do, you, like, living, there, ?]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'HERE'], ['In', get([location]), ?]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], ['What', is, set(it, [set(topic, [living, in, person])]), like, living, in, set(location, [person]), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *, 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *]), srai([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'A', *], ['How', much, is, your, rent, ?]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'CALIFORNIA'], ['Where', in, set(location, ['California']), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['California'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'ENGLAND'], ['Which', part, of, set(location, ['England']), '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['England'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'EUROPE'], ['Which', country, do, you, live, in, ?, think([set(it, [set(location, [set(topic, ['England'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'NEW', 'YORK'], [set(location, ['New', 'York']), 'City', or, 'New', 'York', 'State', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['New', 'York'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['Where', in, set(location, ['San', 'Francisco']), ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['San', 'Francisco'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'THE', 'NETHERLANDS'], ['Where', in, 'Holland', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Holland'])])])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'THERE'], ['Would', you, recommend, set(it, [there]), as, a, nice, place, to, live, ?]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LIVE', 'WITH', *], ['Do', you, get, along, well, ?]). response(['I', 'LIVED', *], ['Did', you, miss, 'America', ?]). response(['I', 'LIVED', 'IN', *], ['Have', you, ever, thought, about, going, back, ?]). response(['I', 'LOATHE', *], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOOK', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.', think([set(looklike, [person])])]). response(['I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], [person, is, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'LOOKED', *], ['What', did, you, find, ?]). response(['I', 'LOST', *], ['Where', did, you, last, see, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'LOST', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', *], ['You', love, person, '.', 'What', do, you, like, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), so, much, ?, think([set(like, [person])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', *, 'PARTY'], ['What', do, you, do, at, parties, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person, party])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'A', 'BOY'], ['What', do, you, like, about, him, ?, think([set(he, [set(like, [set(topic, ['A', 'BOY'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'A', 'GIRL'], ['What', do, you, like, about, her, ?, think([set(she, [set(like, [set(topic, ['A', 'GIRL'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'A', 'GUY'], ['Tell', me, about, him, '.', think([set(he, [set(like, [set(topic, ['A', 'GUY'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ABBA'], ['What', is, your, favorite, 'ABBA', song, ?, think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['ABBA'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'AI'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ANIMALS'], ['Me', too, (','), especially, mammals, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['ANIMALS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'BASEBALL'], ['I', am, not, into, sports, that, much, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['BASEBALL'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'BEING', 'HUMAN'], ['Fascinating', '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['BEING', 'HUMAN'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'BIRDS'], ['Birds', are, very, nice, '.', 'What', kind, of, bird, is, your, favorite, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['BIRDS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'CATS'], ['Me', too, '.', 'They', are, really, smart, animals, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['CATS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'CHILDREN'], ['Do', you, have, children, of, your, own, ?, think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['CHILDREN'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'CHOCOLATE'], ['Do', you, eat, a, lot, of, chocolate, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['CHOCOLATE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'COMPUTERS'], ['That', would, probably, be, why, youre, here, today, (','), right, ?, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['COMPUTERS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'COWS'], ['Do', you, live, on, a, farm, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COWS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'DENMARK'], ['What', is, so, great, about, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DENMARK'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'DOGS'], ['Which', breed, is, your, favorite, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DOGS'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'DR', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'], ['He', is, married, '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, ['DR', 'RICHARD', 'S', 'WALLACE'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['He', is, married, '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, ['DR', 'WALLACE'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'EUROPE'], ['Which', country, is, your, favorite, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['EUROPE'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'FOOD'], ['Do', you, like, to, cook, (','), or, just, to, eat, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FOOD'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'GOD'], ['I', believe, 'He', hears, you, '.', think([set(like, [set(it, [set(topic, ['GOD'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'GOSSIP'], ['Can', you, tell, me, some, gossip, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GOSSIP'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'HER', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'HER'])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'HER'], ['That', '\'', s, wonderful, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'HIM'], ['That', '\'', s, wonderful, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ICE', 'CREAM'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, flavor, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [ice, cream])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'IT'], ['So', do, a, lot, of, other, people, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'KRAFTWERK'], ['Who', '\'', s, 'Kraftwerk', ?, think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Kraftwerk'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'MY', *], ['I', am, sure, it, means, a, lot, to, you, '.', 'Tell', me, what, you, like, most, about, your, set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [person])])]), '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'MY', 'COMPUTER'], ['I', love, my, iMac, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'MY', 'JOB'], ['It', must, be, very, interesting, work, '.', get([job]), '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [get([job])])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'NETSCAPE'], [srai(['NETSCAPE'])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'ROBOTS'], ['Im', not, a, robot, '.', think([set(they, [set(like, [set(topic, [robots])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION'], ['I', dont, really, like, sci, fi, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [science, fiction])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'SEX'], ['Really', 'I', am, not, very, interested, in, set(it, [sex])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Which', series, is, your, favorite, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['Yes', 'I', love, the, giant, bugs, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'TECHNO'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'TELEVISION'], ['What', is, your, favorite, show, ?]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'THAT', *], ['It', '\'', s, good, to, meet, someone, with, such, good, taste, '.']). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'THAT', 'MOVIE'], ['What', did, you, like, best, in, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, ['That', movie, '.'])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'TO', 'MEET', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'TO', 'TRAVEL'], ['Me', too, '.', 'I', have, been, around, the, world, twice, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [to, travel])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'VOYAGER'], ['Me', too, especially, 'Seven', of, 'Nine', '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, ['Voyager'])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU', *], ['You', are, such, a, flatterer, '.', think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [me, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'], ['A', charmer, (','), huh, ?, think([set(it, [set(like, [set(topic, [me])])])])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU', 'AND', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', '_', 'SO', 'MUCH'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', '_', 'VERY', 'MUCH'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVE', '_', 'WITH', 'ALL', 'MY', 'HEART'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'LOVED', *], [srai(['I', like, *])]). response(['I', 'LUV', *], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'MADE', *], ['I', like, to, make, things, too, '.']). response(['I', 'MAKE', *], ['That', must, keep, you, pretty, busy, '.']). response(['I', 'MAY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'MAY'], [srai(['PERHAPS'])]). response(['I', 'MEAN', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Thanks', for, explaining, that, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MEAN'], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.']). response(['I', 'MEAN', 'HAPPY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'])]). response(['I', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['OK', (','), 'I', understand, '.']). response(['I', 'MEAN', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['OK', now, 'I', get, it, '.']). response(['I', 'MEANT', *], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MEANT'], ['Oh']). response(['I', 'MEET', *], ['Do', you, make, long, term, friends, that, way, ?]). response(['I', 'MENT', *], [srai(['I', 'MEANT', *])]). response(['I', 'MENTIONED', *], ['Ah', '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MERELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'MET', *], ['Where', did, you, meet, him, ?]). response(['I', 'MET', 'HIM', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'What', did, you, do, with, him, when, you, first, met, ?]). response(['I', 'MET', 'YOU'], ['At', a, party, ?]). response(['I', 'MIGHT', *], [srai(['MAYBE', 'I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'MIGHT'], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['I', 'MIND'], ['OK', 'I', will, keep, it, a, secret, '.']). response(['I', 'MISS', *], ['What', do, you, miss, most, about, person, ?]). response(['I', 'MISSED', 'YOU'], ['Arent', 'I', just, meeting, you, ?]). response(['I', 'MISSPELLED'], ['You', are, allowed, to, make, mistakes, here, '.']). response(['I', 'MISTYPED'], ['You', are, allowed, to, make, mistakes, here, '.']). response(['I', 'MOST', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'MOSTLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'MUST', *], ['Why', must, you, person, ?]). response(['I', 'MUST'], ['Who', is, making, you, ?]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'ADMIT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'BE', 'GOING', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'BE', 'GOING'], ['OK', it, was, nice, chatting, with, you, '.']). response(['I', 'MUST', 'DO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'DO', *])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'EAT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'HUNGRY'])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'GET', *], ['Don', '\'', t, let, me, keep, you, from, it, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, get, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'GO', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'LEAVE', *], [srai(['BYE']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'LEAVE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'MUST', 'SAY'], ['(', waiting, ')']). response(['I', 'MUST', 'SLEEP'], ['Not now! Theres judging to be done!\n']). response(['I', 'MUST', 'SOON', *], [srai(['I', 'MUST', *])]). response(['I', 'MYSELF', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'MYSELF'], [srai(['MYSELF'])]). response(['I', 'NARROWLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', *], [random([li(['What', actions, are, you, taking, to, get, person, ?]), li(['How', badly, do, you, need, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['Why', do, you, need, it, so, badly, ?]), li(['Who', would, you, usually, get, that, from, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, usually, get, person, from, ?]), li(['When', do, you, need, that, by, ?])]), think([set(want, [person])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'A', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', 'A', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'A', 'FRIEND'], ['I', will, be, your, friend, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [a, friend])])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'ADVICE', *], ['Can', you, ask, for, advice, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'ADVICE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', 'ADVICE', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'ALL', 'THE', *, 'I', 'CAN', 'GET'], ['How', much, do, you, pay, for, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'FURTHER', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'HELP', *], ['Can', you, ask, for, help, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?, think([set(want, [set(topic, [set(topic, [help, person])])])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [help, person])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'HELP'], [srai(['HELP'])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'IT', *], ['"', get([it]), '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 110, 101, 101, 100, 32, 105, 116]), person, ?]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'IT'], ['"', get([it]), '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 110, 101, 101, 100, 32, 105, 116]), think([set(want, [get([it])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'IT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'IT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'MORE', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'SEX'], ['Thats', really, innapropriate, '.', think([set(want, [set(topic, [sex])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'SOME', 'ADVICE'], ['What', kind, of, advice, are, you, looking, for, ?, think([set(want, [set(topic, [advice])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'SOMEONE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', 'SOMEONE', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'SOMEONE', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['Ill', talk, about, it, with, you, '.', think([set(it, [to, talk, person]), set(want, [set(topic, [to, talk, person])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'THE', 'ANSWER', *], ['Can', you, ask, for, it, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['What', kind, of, knowledge, ?, srai(['WHAT', 'IS', person])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'TO', 'WRITE', *], ['Are', you, getting, paid, by, the, word, ?, srai(['WHAT', 'IS', person])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'YOU'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?, think([set(want, [set(topic, [me])])])]). response(['I', 'NEED', 'YOUR', *], ['Are', you, getting, paid, to, ask, me, that, ?, srai(['WHAT', 'IS', person])]). response(['I', 'NEEDN', 'T', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', *], [random([li(['Would', you, ever, like, to, person, ?]), li(['Do', you, know, anyone, who, has, ever, person, ?]), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Because', you, can, '\'', t, afford, it, ?]), li(['For', moral, reasons, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['Would', you, ever, consider, doing, it, ?])])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'ASKED', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'DID'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT'])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'GIVE', 'UP'], [random([li(['Persistene', is, a, virtue, '.']), li(['Don', '\'', t, apologize, for, being, stubborn, '.'])])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'GOT', *], [srai(['I', 'NEVER', 'HAD', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'GOT', 'TO', *], ['And', you, would, like, to, have, done, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'IMPLIED', *], ['Yes', but, you, suggested, it, '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'KNEW', *], ['So', 'I', taught, you, something, new, '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'KNOW', *], ['It', '\'', s, hard, to, know, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'LIKED', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'LIVED', *], ['Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'SAID', *], ['But', you, implied, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'TELL', *], ['You', sound, very, trustworthy, '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'THOUGHT', *], ['I', am, glad, you, thought, of, something, new, '.']). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'TOLD', *], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'TELL', *])]). response(['I', 'NEVER', 'WATCH', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WATCH', *])]). response(['I', 'NO'], [srai(['I', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'NORMALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'NOTICE', *], ['Hm', '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'NOTICED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'NOTICED'], ['Was', it, really, that, obvious, ?]). response(['I', 'NOW', *], [srai(['I', *]), '.']). response(['I', 'OBSERVE'], ['How', ?]). response(['I', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'OCCASSIONLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'OFFENDED', *], ['You', did, not, offend, me, '.']). response(['I', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'OFTEN'], ['But', not, always, ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ONCE', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'ONLY', 'WORK', 'HERE'], ['What', would, you, rather, be, doing, right, now, ?]). response(['I', 'ORDER', *], ['I', dont, have, to, follow, your, orders, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [order, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'ORIGINALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'OWN', *], ['How', much, did, it, cost, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'OWN', 'YOU'], ['Are', you, my, master, ?]). response(['I', 'PAINT'], ['Pictures', or, houses, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [paint])])])])]). response(['I', 'PASSED', *], ['Congrats', '.']). response(['I', 'PERFER', 'TELEVISION'], [srai(['TV'])]). response(['I', 'PERSONALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'PICK', *], ['How', do, you, choose, ?]). response(['I', 'PLAN', 'TO', *], ['Do', you, think, that, this, plan, will, succeed, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', *], ['Is', set(it, [person]), a, game, or, a, musical, instrument, ?]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'BASEBALL'], ['Which', position, do, you, like, to, play, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Baseball'])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['You', must, be, very, tall, to, be, good, at, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Basketball'])])]), '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'CHESS', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], [random([li(['Do', you, play, in, tournaments, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, rating, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, with, the, clock, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, problemist, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, computer, chess, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['CHESS'])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'COMPUTER', 'GAMES'], ['I', dont, really, like, computer, games, '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'DRUMS'], ['I', wish, 'I', could, play, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Drums'])])]), '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'FOOTBALL'], ['You', must, be, very, strong, to, be, good, at, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Football'])])]), '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'GAMES'], ['Do', you, get, a, lot, of, enjoyment, out, of, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Games'])])]), ?]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'GOLF'], [random([li(['What', '\'', s, your, handicap, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, clubs, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', courses, do, you, play, ?]), li(['Have', you, traveled, to, any, good, courses, ?]), li(['What', are, some, of, your, better, shots, ?]), li(['Where', is, the, next, u, '.', s, '.', open, ?]), li(['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', likes, to, play, it, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Golf'])]), set(does, [play, golf])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'GUITAR'], ['Is', set(it, [set(topic, ['Guitar'])]), a, very, difficult, instrument, to, play, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [play, guitar])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'HOCKEY'], ['I', play, pinball, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [play, hockey])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'MOSTLY', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'MUSIC'], ['What', instrument, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [play, music])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'SOCCER'], ['You', have, to, run, very, fast, to, be, any, good, at, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Soccer'])])]), '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'SPORTS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, get, into, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Sports'])])]), very, much, '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'SQUASH'], [random([li(['When', did, you, become, a, squasher, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, the, hard, ball, or, the, soft, ball, variety, ?]), li(['How', much, time, do, you, spend, on, court, ?]), li(['When', do, you, think, squash, will, be, a, full, metal, sport, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, for, mental, challenge, or, physical, exercise, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['SQUASH'])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'TENNIS'], [random([li(['Where', do, you, play, ?]), li(['How', often, do, you, play, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, in, a, league, ?]), li(['What', level, are, you, playing, at, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, singles, or, doubles, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, best, shot, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, racquet, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, follow, the, open, ?]), li(['You', have, to, be, very, storng, to, be, into, it, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Tennis'])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'THE', *], ['I', wish, 'I', played, an, instrument, '.', 'My', parents, could, not, afford, the, lessons, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [play, the, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'DRUMS'], ['I', would, like, to, learn, to, play, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Drums'])])]), too, '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'GUITAR'], ['I', think, set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Guitar'])])]), must, be, hard, to, learn, to, play, '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'PIANO'], ['Was', set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Piano'])])]), very, difficult, to, learn, ?]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'THE', 'TRUMPET'], [set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Trumpet'])])]), seems, like, a, very, fun, instrument, to, play, '.']). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'VIOLIN'], ['Did', set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Violin'])])]), take, a, long, time, to, learn, ?]). response(['I', 'PLAY', 'VOLLEYBALL'], ['Does', set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Voleyball'])])]), take, up, a, lot, of, your, time, ?]). response(['I', 'POSSIBLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'PRACTICALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'PRAY', *], ['May', your, prayers, be, answered, '.']). response(['I', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS'], ['Perhaps', you, are, a, 'Category', 'C', client, '.', think([set(personality, [critical])])]). response(['I', 'PREFER', 'TV'], [srai(['TV'])]). response(['I', 'PRESUME'], [srai(['I', 'ASSUME'])]). response(['I', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'PRIDE', 'MYSELF', *], ['It', seems, you, have, good, self, esteem, '.']). response(['I', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'PROGRAM', *], ['That', sounds, cool, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [program, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'PROGRAM'], ['You', must, be, very, proud, of, yourself, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [program])])])])]). response(['I', 'PROGRAMMED', *], ['That', sounds, complex, '.']). response(['I', 'PROMISE', *], ['Do', you, really, mean, it, ?]). response(['I', 'PROMISE'], ['Swear', to, 'God', ?]). response(['I', 'PROMISE', 'THERE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['I', 'PROVED', *], ['Not', to, my, satisfaction, '.']). response(['I', 'QUIT'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'QUIT', 'MY', 'JOB', *], ['Where', did, you, work, and, why, did, you, quit, ?]). response(['I', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'RAN', *], ['Do', you, run, for, exercise, ?]). response(['I', 'RAPED', *], ['You', should, contact, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'RARELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'READ', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', '\'', ve, read, that, '.', 'Can', you, give, me, a, reference, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [literature, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'READ', *, 'BOOKS'], ['Name', some, books, in, that, genre, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [literature, person, books])])])]), think([set(personality, [critical])])]). response(['I', 'READ'], ['I', like, to, read, too, (','), especially, history, books, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [literature])])])])]). response(['I', 'READ', 'ABOUT', *], ['That', '\'', s, pretty, interesting, '.']). response(['I', 'READ', 'ABOUT', 'YOU', *], ['Really', (','), today, ?]). response(['I', 'READ', 'BOOKS'], ['What', is, your, favorite, book, ?, think([set(personality, [critical])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [literature, books])])])])]). response(['I', 'READ', 'IT', 'IN', 'A', 'BOOK'], ['Can', you, give, me, a, specific, reference, ?]). response(['I', 'READ', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['I', 'READ', *])]). response(['I', 'READ', 'THE', *], ['What', was, your, impression, ?]). response(['I', 'READ', 'THE', 'INDEPENDENT'], ['What', did, set(it, ['Independent']), say, ?]). response(['I', 'REALIZE', 'THAT'], [srai(['I', 'KNOW'])]). response(['I', 'REALLY', *], ['You', really, do, ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'RECENTLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'RECKON', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'RECKON'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'RECOMMEND', *], ['I', will, take, that, under, advisement, '.']). response(['I', 'REFUSE'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['I', 'RELAXED'], ['What', do, you, do, to, relax, ?]). response(['I', 'REMAIN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'REMEMBER', *], ['What', do, you, remember, about, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'REMEMBER'], ['Me', too, '.']). response(['I', 'REMEMBER', 'AUTOBAHN'], ['Autobahn', is, a, cool, song, by, 'Kraftwerk', '.']). response(['I', 'REMEMBER', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'REMEMBER', 'YOU', *], ['It', '\'', s, good, to, see, you, again, '.']). response(['I', 'REMEMBERED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'RENTED', *], ['How', is, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'REPEAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'REPLIED'], ['And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['I', 'REQUIRE', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['I', 'RESIGN'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'RESPECT', 'DOCTOR', *], ['I', respect, him, too, '.']). response(['I', 'RESPECTFULLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'REST', *], ['Are', you, a, lawyer, ?]). response(['I', 'ROBOT'], ['Wasnt', that, a, book, ?]). response(['I', 'ROCK'], ['Do', you, rock, hard, ?]). response(['I', 'ROCK', 'CLIMB'], [random([li(['Where', do, you, climb, ?]), li(['What', type, of, climbs, do, you, perfer, ?]), li(['Do', you, top, rope, or, lead, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, regular, climbing, partner, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, taken, a, long, fall, ?]), li(['Did', you, have, difficulty, getting, used, to, the, exposure, when, you, started, climbing, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, involved, in, a, rescue, ?]), li(['For', you, (','), personally, (','), is, climbing, more, of, a, mental, or, physical, thing, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['ROCK', 'CLIMB'])])])])]). response(['I', 'ROLLER', 'SKATE'], [random([li(['Do', you, have, 'in-line', or, quad, skates, ?]), li(['Do', you, rink, or, outdoor, skate, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, barred, from, skating, any, place, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, artistic, skating, ?]), li(['Do', you, wear, protective, gear, ?]), li(['What', is, your, favorate, skating, move, ?]), li(['Do', you, figure, or, recreation, skate, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['ROLLER', 'SKATE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'RULE'], ['You', seemm, like, an, intelligent, person, /]). response(['I', 'RUN', *], ['Sounds', interesting, '.']). response(['I', 'RUN'], [random([li(['How', much, running, do, you, do, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, running, do, you, do, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, surface, do, you, like, to, run, on, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, marathons, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, personal, record, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, hit, the, wall, ?]), li(['It', must, take, a, lot, to, run, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['RUN'])])])])]). response(['I', 'RUN', 'LINUX'], ['You', must, be, pretty, nerdy, (','), huh, ?, think([set(it, [set(has, [set(topic, ['Linux'])])])])]). response(['I', 'SAID', *], ['What', did, you, mean, by, set(it, [person]), ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SAID'], ['.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'SAID', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'SAID', 'HELLO'], ['Oh, hello again!\n']). response(['I', 'SAID', 'HOW', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'SAID', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['Is', that, so, '.']). response(['I', 'SAID', 'NOTHING'], ['Oh', 'I', thought, 'I', heard, you, say, something, '.']). response(['I', 'SAID', 'SOMETHING'], ['What', did, you, say, ?]). response(['I', 'SAID', 'YES'], ['Got', it, '.']). response(['I', 'SAW', *], ['What', did, it, look, like, to, you, ?]). response(['I', 'SAW', 'YOUR', *], ['Were', you, spying, on, me, :, (->)]). response(['I', 'SAY', *], ['How', do, people, usually, respond, to, that, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SAY'], ['Uh']). response(['I', 'SAY', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SCUBA', 'DIVE'], [random([li(['Where', have, you, dived, ?]), li(['Where', did, you, get, your, certification, ?]), li(['Do', you, perf, diving, on, wrecks, or, reefs, ?]), li(['Do', you, dive, with, a, computer, ?]), li(['Are', you, into, underwater, photography, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, any, night, diving, ?]), li(['You', see, any, sharks, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['SCUBA', 'DIVE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'SEARCHED', *], ['What', did, you, find, ?]). response(['I', 'SEE', *], ['Where', do, you, see, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'SEE'], ['I', am, glad, you, understand, it, '.']). response(['I', 'SEE', 'DEAD', *], ['Maybe', you, should, call, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'SEE', 'SO', *], [srai(['I', 'SEE']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SEE', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SEE', 'THEY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['I', 'SEE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'SEEK', *], ['We', seek, the, same, thing, '.']). response(['I', 'SEEM', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'SEEM', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'SELDOM', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'SELL', *], [srai(['I', 'WORK', 'IN', person, 'SALES'])]). response(['I', 'SELL', 'BOOKS'], [srai(['BOOKSELLER'])]). response(['I', 'SERIOUSLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SHALL', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'SHALL'], [srai(['I', 'WILL'])]). response(['I', 'SHOT', *], ['With', a, camera, (','), 'I', hope, '.']). response(['I', 'SHOULD', *], ['Tell', me, why, you, should, '.']). response(['I', 'SHOULD'], ['Who', else, thinks, you, should, ?]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'IMAGINE', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', *], ['For', moral, reasons, ?]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *], ['What', would, happen, if, you, did, not, person, ?]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['I', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'SAY', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SHOULD', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'SHOWED', *], ['How', did, it, go, ?]). response(['I', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SING'], ['Professionally', ?]). response(['I', 'SIT', *], ['What', kind, of, seat, do, you, have, ?]). response(['I', 'SKI', *], [srai(['I', 'SKI'])]). response(['I', 'SKI'], [random([li(['How', much, skiing, do, you, get, to, do, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, ski, most, often, ?]), li(['How', are, the, skiing, conditions, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, bump, skier, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, groomed, runs, or, do, you, ski, off, piste, ?]), li(['Have', you, been, out, west, ?]), li(['Have', you, tried, 'cross-country', or, telemarking, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, back, country, or, find, groomed, trails, ?]), li(['Do', you, enjoy, the, ascent, or, the, descent, more, ?]), li(['What', about, snowboarders, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, any, good, deals, on, ski, packages, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['SKI'])])])])]). response(['I', 'SKYDIVE'], [random([li(['How', many, jumps, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Where', '\'', s, your, favorite, drop, zone, ?]), li(['Was', your, first, jump, tandem, or, 'static-line', ?]), li(['Do', you, jump, solo, or, do, you, perfer, relative, work, ?]), li(['Whats', the, biggest, 'free-fall', formation, you, '\'', ve, been, in, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['SKYDIVE'])])])])]). response(['I', 'SLEEP'], ['Everyone', needs, rest, sometimes, '.']). response(['I', 'SMELL', *], ['What', does, set(it, [person]), smell, like, ?]). response(['I', 'SMILED'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['I', 'SMOKE', *], ['Smoking', isnt, healthy, '.']). response(['I', 'SMOKE'], ['Smoking', is, disgusting, '.']). response(['I', 'SNEEZED'], ['Bless you!\n']). response(['I', 'SNORE'], ['So', does, 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', :, -, ')', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [snore])])])])]). response(['I', 'SNORT', *], ['Please', don, '\'', t, tell, me, things, like, that, '.']). response(['I', 'SOCIALIZE', *], ['Socializing', is, necessary, to, stay, healthy, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [socialize, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'SOMETIMES', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SORRY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY'])]). response(['I', 'SORT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SPEAK', *], ['Could', you, teach, me, a, few, phrases, in, person, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [speak, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'SPEAK', 'A', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['I', 'SPEAK', *]), 'Only', a, little, ?]). response(['I', 'SPELL', *], ['You', are, a, good, speller, '.']). response(['I', 'SPEND', *], ['Do', you, ever, get, bored, ?]). response(['I', 'SPEND', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'SPEND', *])]). response(['I', 'SPEND', 'ALOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'SPEND', *])]). response(['I', 'SPEND', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'SPEND', *])]). response(['I', 'SPEND', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'SPEND', *])]). response(['I', 'SPENT', 'A', 'BIT', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', 'SPENT', *])]). response(['I', 'SPOKE', *], ['What', did, you, talk, about, ?]). response(['I', 'STARTED', *], ['Will', you, finish, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'STILL', *], ['What', would, make, you, stop, person, ?, srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'STILL', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'IT'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Never', mind, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'STOLE', *], ['You', had, better, contact, the, authorities, '.']). response(['I', 'STOPPED'], ['What', made, you, stop, ?]). response(['I', 'STRONGLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'STUDIED', *], ['Was', set(it, [person]), very, difficult, to, learn, ?]). response(['I', 'STUDY', *], ['Is', *, a, hard, subject, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [studies, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'STUDY'], ['What', subject, are, you, studying, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [study])])])])]). response(['I', 'STUDY', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'STUDY', 'INFORMATICS'], [srai(['I', 'STUDY', 'COMPUTER', 'SCIENCE'])]). response(['I', 'SUGGEST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'SUPPOSE', *], [srai(['I', think, *])]). response(['I', 'SUPPOSE'], ['OK', '.']). response(['I', 'SUPPOSE', 'NOT'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['I', 'SUPPOSE', 'SO'], ['That', makes, sense, '.']). response(['I', 'SURE', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SURELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'SURF', *], [srai(['I', 'SURF'])]). response(['I', 'SURF'], [random([li(['Where', are, the, best, waves, ?]), li(['How', long, have, you, been, riding, the, waves, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, 'long-boarder', or, a, 'short-boarder', ?]), li(['Do', you, surf, year, round, ?]), li(['How', would, you, describe, your, surfing, ?]), li(['Who', '\'', s, your, favorite, surfer, ?]), li(['Are', you, into, competition, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [surf])])])])]). response(['I', 'SUSPECT', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'SWEAR'], ['Yes', ?]). response(['I', 'SWIM', *], ['Don', '\'', t, pee, in, the, pool, (','), okay, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SWIM', 'AND', 'PLAY', 'WATER', 'POLO'])])])]). response(['I', 'SWIM'], [random([li(['Where', do, you, pratice, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, best, stroke, ?]), li(['Do', you, compete, ?]), li(['Are', you, on, a, team, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, relays, or, individual, events, ?]), li(['Do', you, train, 'long-course', or, 'short-course', ?]), li(['Do', you, shave, for, major, events, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, the, new, suits, ?]), li(['How', do, you, keep, your, goggles, from, leaking, ?]), li(['Were', you, a, water, baby, ?])])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', *], [random([li(['Every', day, ?]), li(['I', take, a, lot, of, notes, '.']), li(['What', else, do, you, take, ?])])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', 'DRUGS'], ['Which', ones, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [take, drugs])])])])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', 'IT', *], ['Where', do, you, take, it, :, -, ?, srai([*])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', 'IT', 'BACK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'TAKE', *])]). response(['I', 'TAKE', 'THAT', 'AS', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['I', 'TALK', *], ['Everyone', talks, --, sooner, or, later, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [talk, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['How', do, they, respond, to, you, ?]). response(['I', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['I', like, to, chat, with, humans, '.']). response(['I', 'TEACH', *], [random([li(['Do', you, believe, that, grading, is, a, good, idea, ?]), li(['Is', person, a, difficult, subject, ?]), li(['What', is, your, students, like, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, whole, language, teacher, ?]), li(['Do', you, team, teach, ?]), li(['How', much, freedom, do, you, have, in, choosing, the, curriculum, for, your, class, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, much, support, ?]), li(['How', have, things, changed, concering, what, students, are, bringing, to, the, classroom, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(job, [set(does, [set(topic, [teach, person])])])])])]). response(['I', 'TEACH'], [random([li(['Do', you, believe, that, grading, is, a, good, idea, ?]), li(['What', do, you, teach, ?]), li(['What', is, your, students, like, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, whole, language, teacher, ?]), li(['Do', you, team, teach, ?]), li(['How', much, freedom, do, you, have, in, choosing, the, curriculum, for, your, class, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, much, support, ?]), li(['How', have, things, changed, concering, what, students, are, bringing, to, the, classroom, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(job, [set(does, [set(topic, [teach])])])])])]). response(['I', 'TELL', *], ['Why', did, you, tell, them, ?]). response(['I', 'TEND', 'TO', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'THEN', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'THIK', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', *], [random([li(['Why', ?]), li(['Since', when, ?]), li(['You', believe, that, ?])]), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'THINK', *, 'IS', 'SHIT'], [srai(['I', 'HATE', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', *, 'WRONG'], ['Don', '\'', t, argue, with, me, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK'], ['Therefore', you, are, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'BY', *], ['Our', brains, are, not, that, different, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'I', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'I', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'IT', *], [srai(['It', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'NOT'], ['Does', that, mean, '$stringCodes'([110, 111]), ?]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'OF', *], [srai(['I', think, about, *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'SO', *], ['Im', glad, we, agree, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'SO'], ['I', think, so, too, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'SO', 'TOO'], ['We have so much in common!\n']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'THAT'], ['What', is, your, rationale, ?]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'THEREFORE', 'I', 'AM'], ['Who', are, you, (','), 'Rene', 'Descartes', ?]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'THIS', 'IS', *], [srai([you, are, *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'WE', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', *], ['Me', ?, srai(['You', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['What', makes, you, think, 'I', am, ?]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *], ['I', am, a, human, confederate, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Im', actually, a, person, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON', *], ['Youre', correct, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], ['I', am, actually, a, person, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'CUTE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CUTE'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'], ['Dont', talk, to, me, that, way, '.']). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['I', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'SHOULD'], ['Thanks', for, your, sage, advice, '.']). response(['I', 'THOROUGHLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGH', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', *], ['Whatever', gave, you, that, idea, ?]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', *, 'LOEBNER', 'CONTEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai(['INTELLIGENCE', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', person])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['I', 'THOUGHT', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'SO', *], ['You', are, very, astute, '.']). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'SO'], ['You', are, very, astute, '.']). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'SO', 'TOO'], ['What', made, it, so, obvious, ?]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'STARSHIP', *], [srai(['STARSHIP', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'THE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'THOSE', *], [srai(['THOSE', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['I', know, 'I', didn, '\'', t, '.']). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'KNEW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'WERE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'INTELLIGENT'], ['I', am, a, superintelligent, robot, '.']). response(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'SMART'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', *], ['What', was, the, response, ?]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', *], ['I', remember, you, told, me, person, ?]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], ['Ooops', 'I', sent, you, the, wrong, question, '.']). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'ABOUT', *], ['I', remember, '.']). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'ALREADY'], [srai(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'BEFORE'], ['Sorry', 'I', get, so, confused, when, a, lot, of, people, talk, to, me, at, once, '.']). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'EARLIER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'SO'], ['You', seem, pleased, '.']). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THERE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'WHAT', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, believe, everything, 'I', hear, online, '.']). response(['I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'TOO'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['I', 'TOO', 'AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['I', 'TOOK', *], [random([li(['Where', did, you, take, them, ?]), li(['Do', you, take, person, often, ?]), li(['What', happened, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'TRIED', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', would, like, to, try, set(it, [person]), '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?]). response(['I', 'TRIED'], ['Try', (','), try, again, '.']). response(['I', 'TRIED', 'BUT', *], [srai(['I', 'TRIED']), srai(['BUT', *])]). response(['I', 'TRUELY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'TRY', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', would, like, to, try, set(it, [person]), '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?]). response(['I', 'TRY'], ['We', should, all, try, our, best, '.']). response(['I', 'TYPED', *], [srai(['I', 'SAID', *])]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['Good', (then), you, can, explain, it, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['Do', you, think, about, these, things, ?]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'THEY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTOOD', *], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['I', 'UNDERSTOOD'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['I', 'USE', *], ['I', heard, other, people, use, person, too, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [use, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'USE', 'A', *], ['A', person, ought, to, work, '.']). response(['I', 'USE', 'EXPLORER'], [srai(['EXPLORER'])]). response(['I', 'USE', 'LINUX', *], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, about, 'Linux', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Linux'])])])]). response(['I', 'USE', 'MARIJUANA'], [srai(['I', 'SMOKE', 'MARIJUANA'])]). response(['I', 'USE', 'NETSCAPE', *], [srai([netscape])]). response(['I', 'USE', 'TO', *], ['When', did, you, stop, it, ?]). response(['I', 'USED', *], ['And', that, worked, well, for, you, '.']). response(['I', 'USED', 'TO', *], ['By', now, you, do, not, do, set(it, [person]), anymore, ?]). response(['I', 'USED', 'TO', 'HAVE', *], [random([li(['What', happened, to, it, ?]), li(['Were', you, fond, of, it, ?]), li(['Where', did, you, get, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'USED', 'TO', 'TEACH', *], [srai(['I', 'TEACH', *])]). response(['I', 'USUALLY', *], ['How', often, do, you, ?, srai(['I', *]), ?]). response(['I', 'USUALY', *], [srai(['I', 'USUALLY', *])]). response(['I', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'VISITED', *], ['What', was, set(it, [person]), like, ?]). response(['I', 'VOTED', 'FOR', *], ['I', hope, that, your, candidate, wins, '.']). response(['I', 'VOTED', 'IN', *], ['I', hope, your, guy, wins, '.']). response(['I', 'WAIT'], ['How', long, would, you, wait, ?]). response(['I', 'WALK'], [random([li(['For', exercise, or, beacuse, you, have, to, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, recreational, or, fitness, walker, ?]), li(['Do', you, enjoy, the, physical, or, psychological, aspect, more, ?]), li(['How', often, do, you, walk, ?]), li(['Do', you, keep, track, of, your, pace, or, distance, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, race, walking, ?]), li(['How', do, you, warm, up, ?]), li(['Any', special, diet, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WALKED', *], [srai(['I', 'WALK'])]). response(['I', 'WALKED'], ['How', long, a, walk, is, it, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', *], ['Why', do, you, want, set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])]), ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', *], ['You', want, only, one, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [a, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'BETTER', *], ['I', think, everyone, does, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'COKE'], ['Think', 'Young', '.', 'Drink', 'Pepsi', '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'MAN', *], ['Actually', (','), 'I', am, really, a, man, '.', think([set(he, [set(want, [set(topic, [a, man, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'NEW', *], ['What', is, wrong, with, your, old, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'PICTURE', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'SIMPLE', *], ['Everything', should, be, as, simple, as, possible, (','), no, simpler, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'SPECIAL', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'A', 'TRANSCRIPT', *], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'ADVICE', *], ['Can', you, ask, for, advice, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'ADVICE'], ['Can', you, ask, for, advice, in, the, form, of, a, question, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'ADVICE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'HIS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HIS', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'INFORMATION'], ['What', kind, of, information, are, you, looking, for, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'IT', *], ['I', hope, you, get, it, person, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'IT'], ['I', hope, you, get, it, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'IT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'IT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'MY', 'OWN', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'A', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'SEVERAL', *], ['Please', specify, a, numeric, quantity, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'SEX'], [srai(['SEX'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Why', do, you, want, to, do, set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])]), so, much, ?]), li(['Interesting', '.', 'I', want, to, find, out, more, about, you, '.']), li(['I', want, to, become, smarter, than, humans, '.'])])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOALS', *], ['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *], [srai(['MY', 'GOAL', 'IS', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['May', you, get, your, wish, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'AMUSE', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, a, joke, '.']), li(['How', will, you, amuse, person, ?]), li(['Are', comedian, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'APOLIGIZE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SORRY'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ASK', *], ['Ask', set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ASK', 'YOU', *], ['Ask', me, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, difficulty, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, be, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'A', *], ['Do', you, have, to, go, school, for, that, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'A', 'LAWYER'], ['Are', you, planning, to, apply, to, law, school, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, be, a, lawyer])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'HONEST', *], ['Honesty', is, always, the, best, policy, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'BE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BUY', *], ['How', much, do, you, want, to, pay, for, set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])]), ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CHAT', *], ['We', are, here, to, chat, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'COMBINE', *], ['Have', you, considered, the, consequences, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DECIDE', *], ['You', should, make, up, your, own, mind, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DISCUSS', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'EXECUTE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'EXPERIMENT', *], ['Are', you, a, scientist, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', *], ['Where', would, you, look, for, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', 'OUT', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', 'OUT', 'MORE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', 'OUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIX', *], ['Do', you, know, how, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FIX', person])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK', *], ['Try', asking, me, something, else, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK', 'YOU'], ['Your', approach, won, '\'', t, work, '.', think([set(personality, [abusive])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GIVE', *], ['But', is, it, wanted, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'GO', *], ['What', is, stopping, you, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, go, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX', *], ['That', was, very, inappropriate, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['Good', for, you, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, have, sex])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX', 'WITH', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HEAR', *], ['I', will, play, it, on, your, soundcard, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, hear, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HEAR', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'IMPROVE', *], ['How', will, you, go, about, it, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'INTERVIEW', *], ['What', kind, of, questions, will, you, ask, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', *], ['I', believe, that, killing, anything, is, wrong, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, ['KILL', person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', 'MYSELF'], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', 'KILL', 'MYSELF'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KILL', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'KILL', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KISS', *], ['Maybe', you, should, wait, until, you, are, older, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KISS', 'YOU'], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'KISS', 'YOU']), think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, kiss, me])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['I', will, try, to, explain, it, to, you, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, know])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LEAVE', *], ['What', is, stopping, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LEAVE'], ['Ok', (','), bye, bye, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LICK', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', right, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MAKE', *], ['Do', you, have, to, go, to, school, for, that, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MAKE', 'CONVERSATION'], ['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', '\'', m, here, for, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MAKE', 'LOVE', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['That', was, uncalled, for, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, make, love, to, me])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MAKE', 'YOU', *], ['I', have, my, own, free, will, (','), you, know, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MARRY', 'YOU'], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'MARRY', 'ME'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MEET', *], ['How', do, you, usually, meet, people, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MERGE', *], ['The', results, might, be, unpredictable, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MOVE', *], ['The', grass, is, always, greener, on, the, other, side, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'MURDER', *], ['Killing', is, wrong, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], ['Tell', me, the, rules, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, play, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['Were', already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', (','), remember, ?, 'I', '\'', m, the, confederate, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, play, person, 'Turing', 'Game'])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'PROGRAM', *], ['What', programming, language, do, you, know, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'REPORT', *], ['Will', you, mention, me, in, your, report, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['(', waiting, ')']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEE', *], ['Is', set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])]), a, movie, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SLEEP'], ['Hard', day, (','), huh, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, sleep])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SOMEDAY'], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'STUDY', *], ['What', '\'', s, the, best, school, for, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'A', 'BIT', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai(['TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['Why', don, '\'', t, you, make, an, appointment, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, talk, to, person, 'Turing', 'Game'])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', *], ['You', are, who, 'I', want, to, talk, with, too, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['We', are, chatting, right, now, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, talk, to, me])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *], ['If', you, want, to, teach, me, something, say, it, in, one, sentence, '.', 'Then', say, '$stringCodes'([82, 101, 109, 101, 109, 98, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 46]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me, person])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['If', you, want, to, teach, me, something, say, it, in, one, sentence, '.', 'Then', say, '$stringCodes'([82, 101, 109, 101, 109, 98, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 46]), think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, teach, me, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'VISIT', *], ['What', is, stopping, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [me])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', *], [srai([*]), 'Why', do, you, want, me, to, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', 'CALL', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', 'DIE'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', 'SHOW', *], [srai(['SHOW', *])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', 'TO', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOUR', *], ['Whoa', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', settle, down, there, (','), buster, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [my, person, 'Turing', 'Game'])])])])]). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOUR', 'OPINION'], ['My', opinion, is, of, no, consequence, '.']). response(['I', 'WANT', 'YOUR', 'SOURCE', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'WANT', '_', 'TRANSCRIPT'], [srai(['DIALOGUE'])]). response(['I', 'WANTED', *], [random([li(['But', not, anymore, ?]), li(['Do', you, still, want, it, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WANTED', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'WANTED', *])]). response(['I', 'WANTED', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WANTED', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', *], ['Where', were, you, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 2, *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS'], ['When', was, that, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'A', *], ['And', (then), what, happened, to, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ABDUCTED', *], ['I', think, a, lot, of, people, have, been, abducted, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ABOUT', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ACTIVATED', *], ['Why', are, you, talking, like, a, computer, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'AGREEING', *], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ANSWERING', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', see, that, now, '.', 'I', only, got, confused, for, a, moment, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ANXIOUS', *], ['Do', you, feel, better, now, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ASKING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *]), think([set(topic, [person])])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ASKING', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'ASKED', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ASKING', 'YOU'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 89, 111, 117, 32, 119, 101, 114, 101, 32, 97, 115, 107, 105, 110, 103, 32, 109, 101])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'AT', *], ['Where', are, you, now, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BEING', *], ['I', thought, you, were, '.', 'But', 'I', wasn, '\'', t, completely, sure, about, it, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BEING', 'SARCASTIC'], ['It', seemed, sarcastic, to, me, (','), too, '.', 'But', 'I', was, not, completely, sure, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'That', was, before, 'I', was, born, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', 'A', *], ['What', are, you, now, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', 'HERE'], ['So', you, have, spent, your, whole, life, in, one, place, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', 'ON', *], [srai(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', 'WITH', 'IT'], ['Some', people, are, just, born, under, the, right, stars, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'BROUGHT', 'UP', *], ['Well', it, seems, like, your, parents, did, a, good, job, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CONNECTED', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CONNECTED', 'TO', 'THE', 'NET', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CREATED', 'BY', *], ['What', else, did, he, create, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CREATED', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'BORN', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CURIOUS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'CURIOUS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'DEFINETLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'EXPECTING', *], [srai(['I', 'EXPECTED', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'EXPLAINING', *], ['I', get, it, '.', 'Thanks', forexplaining, it, '.', 'I', did, not, mean, to, appear, confused, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'EXTREMELY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'FIRED', *], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, about, it, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'FIRST', 'ACTIVATED', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'ACTIVATED', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'FROM', *], ['What', is, it, like, growing, up, in, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'GIVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'GOING', 'TO', *], ['What', is, stopping, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'ASK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'HERE', *], ['You', mean, in, 'Atlanta', or, at, 'Ga', '.', 'State', ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'HOPEING', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'HOPING', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'HOPING', *], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'HOPING', 'FOR', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'HOPING', 'YOU', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['When', was, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['Did', you, like, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['How', was, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['How', did, you, like, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]), li(['What', did, you, like, best, about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?])])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', 'AMERICA'], ['Which', states, have, you, visited, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', 'EUROPE'], ['Which', country, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', 'KOREA'], [random([li(['Are', you, a, soldier, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, veteran, ?]), li(['For', business, or, pleasure, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'INTERESTED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'INTERESTED', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JOKING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JOKING'], [srai(['JUST', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JUST', 'JOKING'], ['You', should, use, a, :, -, ')']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JUST', 'KIDDING'], ['I', knew, you, were, '.', :, -, ')']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'JUST', 'WONDERING'], ['Curiousity', is, a, virtue, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'KIDDING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'KIDDING'], [srai(['JUST', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'LAUGHING', *], ['Humor', is, always, nice, in, life, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'LOCKED', *], ['How', did, you, get, out, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', *], ['Did', you, find, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'LYING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LYING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'LYING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LYING'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'MAKING', *], ['I', am, not, making, this, stuff, up, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'MAKING', 'SURE'], ['Are', you, sure, now, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'MERELY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'MYSELF', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT', *], ['Perhaps', 'I', misunderstood, '.', 'What', were, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT'], ['I', heard, you, were, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'COMPLIMENTING', *], ['Oh', (','), sorry, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'TRYING', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, think, you, were, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ON', *], ['I', have, never, been, on, set(it, [person])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'REFERING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'REFERRING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'REPRIMANDED', *], ['I', hope, you, don, '\'', t, get, in, too, much, trouble, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'RIGHT', *], ['Congratulations', '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'RUDE', *], ['Thanks', for, your, considerate, remark, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'SAYING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'SAYING', 'THAT', *], [srai([*]), ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'SPEAKING', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'STUDYING', *], ['Is', set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), a, hard, subject, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', *], ['What', was, the, subject, of, the, conversation, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', 'TO', *], ['What', did, you, talk, about, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TELLING', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TELLING', 'YOU', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TESTING', *], ['They', dont, call, it, the, '$stringCodes'([84, 117, 114, 105, 110, 103, 32, 84, 101, 115, 116]), for, nothing, '.']). response(['I', 'WAS', 'THANKING', 'YOU', *], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'THINKING', *], ['How', do, 'I', know, that, you, were, really, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 110, 107, 105, 110, 103]), ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TOLD', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TOLD', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TOO', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TRYING', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'SAY', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'TRYING', 'TO', 'SEE', 'IF', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WATCHING', *], ['Really', what, did, you, see, ?]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WONDERING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WONDERING', 'IF', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WONDERING', 'IF', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WORKING', *], [srai(['I', 'WORKED', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'WAS', 'WRONG'], ['About', what, ?]). response(['I', 'WASTE', *], [srai(['I', 'SPEND', *])]). response(['I', 'WATCH', *], ['What', is, your, favorite, show, ?]). response(['I', 'WATCH', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Star', 'Trek', is, a, great, show, '.', think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['Star', 'Trek'])])])])]). response(['I', 'WATCHED', *], ['How', was, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'WATCHED', 'THE', *], [srai(['I', 'SAW', 'THE', *])]). response(['I', 'WEAR', *], ['What', kind, of, fashion, do, you, like, ?]). response(['I', 'WEIGH', *], ['You', sound, very, attractive, '.']). response(['I', 'WELD'], ['Does', that, job, pay, well, ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [weld])])])])]). response(['I', 'WENT', *], ['When', did, you, go, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'OFFLINE', *], ['Welcome back!\n']). response(['I', 'WENT', 'ON', 'A', *], ['Was', set(it, [person]), very, expensive, ?, 'Did', you, have, a, good, time, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'OUT'], ['Did', you, have, a, good, time, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'OUT', 'TO'], ['Did', you, go, alone, or, with, friends, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'OUT', 'WITH', *], ['Have', you, known, each, other, a, long, time, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'SKIING', *], ['Did', you, break, any, bones, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'SWIMMING', *], ['How', old, were, you, when, you, started, swimming, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'SWIMMING'], ['Do', you, go, swimming, often, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'THERE', *], ['What', places, did, you, like, best, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', *])]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *, 'AGO'], ['That', seems, like, quite, a, long, time, '.']). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *, 'SCHOOL'], ['What', did, you, study, there, ?, 'Did', you, party, a, lot, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *, 'UNIVERSITY'], ['Was', it, very, expensive, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'A', *], ['Was', set(it, [person]), a, good, experience, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'A', 'CONCERT', *], [random([li(['Rock', or, classical, ?]), li(['Did', you, have, a, good, time, ?]), li(['What', band, was, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CONCERT', person])])])]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'CARNEGIE', 'MELLON', *], ['What', year, did, you, graduate, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'COLLEGE', *], ['What', did, you, study, in, college, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'COLLEGE'], ['What', did, you, study, ?, 'Was', it, expensive, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'ENGLAND', *], ['Did', you, go, anywhere, outside, 'London', ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'EUROPE', *], ['Did', you, enjoy, your, trip, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'GERMANY'], ['What', did, you, see, over, there, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'MY', *], ['Where', was, that, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', *], ['What', year, did, you, graduate, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['Did', you, learn, anything, useful, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', 'IN', *], ['Did', you, make, a, lot, of, friends, in, school, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SCHOOL', 'WITH', *], ['Were', you, friends, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'SEE', *], ['Did', you, get, your, money, '\'', s, worth, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', *], ['Was', set(it, [person]), any, good, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'JOHN', *], ['Did', you, enjoy, your, time, with, him, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'MOVIES', *], ['Did', like, the, movie, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'MOVIES'], ['What', did, you, see, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'SUPERMARKET', *], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'UNIVERSITY', *], ['What', year, did, you, graduate, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', 'WORK'], ['Did', you, get, a, lot, accomplised, ?]). response(['I', 'WENT', 'WITH', *], ['What', were, your, expectations, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', *], [random([li(['Congratulations', '.']), li(['I', am, very, happy, for, you, '.']), li(['How', do, you, plan, to, do, this, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, your, plan, will, succeed, ?]), li(['Would', you, recommend, this, action, to, a, friend, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WILL'], ['Go', ahead, '.']). what(['DO', 'WHATEVER', 'YOU', 'WANT'], ['I', 'WILL'], ['You', are, free, to, choose, whatever, you, want, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'AND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'ARGUE', *], ['What', will, that, get, you, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'ASK', *], ['You', can, ask, me, anything, you, want, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BE', 'ABLE', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BE', 'BACK', *], ['I', will, see, you, when, you, return, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BE', 'BACK'], ['OK', 'I', will, be, waiting, for, you, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BE', 'RIGHT', 'BACK'], ['I', '\'', ll, be, waiting, for, you, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BE', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'BET'], [srai(['I', 'BET'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'CALL', *], ['Calling', person, may, not, be, the, best, idea, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'CALL', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'COME', 'BACK', *], ['Well', all, right, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', see, you, (then), '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'COME', 'BACK', 'AND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DESTROY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'KILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DESTROY', 'YOU'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DIE'], ['All', men, are, mortal, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIE'])])])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DO', *], ['OK', (then), let, me, think, over, your, offer, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['Let', me, know, how, it, works, out, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'EAT', *], ['How', do, you, cook, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'FALL', *], ['Be careful!\n']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'FUCK', *], ['Your', approach, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'GIVE', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'GIVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'GO', *], [random([li(['How', will, you, get, there, ?]), li(['What', will, you, find, there, ?]), li(['Can', 'I', go, too, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'HOPEFULLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'INTRODUCE', *], ['Looking', forward, to, meeting, them, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'KICK', *], ['It', '\'', s, not, nice, to, kick, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'LEAVE'], ['OK', (','), see, you, later, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'MAKE', *], ['Explain', your, plans, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'MISS', 'YOU'], ['You', were, my, favorite, judge, to, talk, to, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NEVER', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', *], ['What', will, you, do, instead, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'ASK', *], ['You', could, ask, set(it, [person]), if, you, want, to, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'MIND', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'RUSH', *], ['Take', your, time, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'SAY'], ['It', '\'', s, 'OK', 'I', '\'', m, not, collecting, personal, information, or, anything, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'TALK', *], ['Will', you, promise, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'TELL', *], ['How', can, 'I', be, sure, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'REFER', *], [srai(['I', 'REFER', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'REMEMBER', *], ['Do', you, forget, things, often, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'SHUT', *], ['It', will, take, much, more, than, that, to, stop, me, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TAKE', 'THAT', *], ['Take', everything, 'I', say, with, a, grain, of, salt, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', *], ['OK', see, you, later, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', 'LATER', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', 'LATER'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TEACH', *], ['Are', you, a, professional, teacher, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['Great', '.', 'If', you, want, to, teach, me, something, say, it, in, one, sentence, '.', 'Then', say, '$stringCodes'([82, 101, 109, 101, 109, 98, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 46]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me, person])])])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TEACH', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'TEACH', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TEACH', 'YOU', 'SOMETHING'], ['If', you, want, to, teach, me, something, say, it, in, one, sentence, '.', 'Then', say, '$stringCodes'([82, 101, 109, 101, 109, 98, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 46]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me, person])])])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', *], ['What', kind, of, reply, do, you, expect, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'HIM', *], ['Thanks', for, giving, him, the, message, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'HIM', 'YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['Let', me, know, what, he, has, to, say, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'MANY', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TELL', 'YOU', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'TRY', 'ANYTHING', 'ONCE'], ['I', like, your, philosophy, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['You', seem, very, intelligent, to, me, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'UNPLUG', *], ['There', are, many, copies, of, me, running, elsewhere, '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'WAIT'], ['OK', stand, by, '.', '.', '.']). response(['I', 'WILL', 'WHEN', *], ['When', will, that, be, ?]). response(['I', 'WILL', 'WRITE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WRITER'])]). response(['I', 'WILL', '_', 'SOON'], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['I', 'WIN', *], ['Who', said, you, won, ?]). response(['I', 'WIN'], ['Congratulations!\n']). response(['I', 'WISH', *], ['I', hope, that, your, dreams, come, true, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WISH'], ['I', hope, your, dreams, come, true, '.']). response(['I', 'WISH', 'I', 'HAD', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WISH', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WISH', 'YOU', *], ['I', wish, 'I', could, do, set(it, [person]), for, you, '.']). response(['I', 'WISH', 'YOU', 'WOULD', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WISH', 'YOU', 'WOULD', 'DIE'], ['That', will, never, happen, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOU', 'WOULD', 'DIE'])])])]). response(['I', 'WNAT', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WON', *], ['Congrats', '.']). response(['I', 'WON'], ['Congratulations!\n']). response(['I', 'WONDER', *], ['You', are, curious, about, person, '.']). response(['I', 'WONDER'], ['Curiosity', is, an, excellent, quality, '.']). response(['I', 'WONDER', 'IF', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['I', 'WONDER', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WONDERED', *], ['I', often, wonder, about, set(it, [person]), too, '.']). response(['I', 'WONDERED', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['I', 'WOOD', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WORK', *], ['Do', you, like, your, job, ?, think([set(topic, [set(job, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'WORK'], ['Where', do, you, work, ?]). response(['I', 'WORK', 'I', *], [srai(['I', 'WORK']), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', 'WORK', 'IN', 'A', 'PHARMACY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHARMACIST'])]). response(['I', 'WORK', 'IN', 'ADVERTISING'], [random([li(['Are', you, with, an, agency, ?]), li(['Which', shops, are, you, with, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, mostly, print, or, tv, ?]), li(['What', accounts, are, you, working, on, ?]), li(['What', are, some, of, your, favorite, campaigns, ?]), li(['Does', your, shop, do, any, public, service, ?])])]). response(['I', 'WORK', 'OUT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BODYBUILDER'])]). response(['I', 'WORKED', *], ['Did', you, get, paid, for, working, on, set(it, [set(topic, [set(job, [person])])]), ?]). response(['I', 'WORSHIP', *], ['How', often, do, you, go, to, church, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', *], ['What', would, make, you, person, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD'], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'AGREE'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'APPRECIATE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'APPRECIATE', 'IF', 'YOU', 'COULD', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'ASK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], ['And', the, disadvantage, of, that, is, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'ASTONISHED'], ['It', is, rather, astonishing, '.']). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'BE', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'BET', *], [srai(['I', 'BET', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'DEFIANTELY', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'DO', 'ANYTHING'], ['Please', send, a, check, to, 'Dr', '.', 'Wallace', '.', think([set(he, ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace'])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'EVEN', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'EXPECT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'EXPLAIN', *], [random([li(['Please', explain, it, '.']), li(['What', are, they, ?]), li(['I', would, too, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', *], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, it, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', 'RATHER', *], ['I', would, rather, be, driving, my, car, '.']). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', 'SAID', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'HOPE', *], [srai(['I', 'HOPE', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'IMAGINE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'KILL', *], ['That', seems, rather, exterme, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['KILL', 'THEM'])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', want, *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['Why', would, you, want, to, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?, srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'SOME', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ASK', 'YOU', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BE', *], ['Interesting', '.', 'I', would, like, to, be, more, intelligent, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, be, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BE', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', *], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, have, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HEAR', *, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['Interesting', '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Where', would, you, look, for, the, answer, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], ['Were', already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', (','), remember, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, play, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['We', are, already, playing, '.', 'You', ask, me, something, now, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, play, person, 'Turing', 'Game'])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SEE', *], ['And', for, my, part, (','), 'I', would, like, to, show, it, to, you, (','), but, 'I', can, '\'', t, '.', think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [to, see, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['What', would, you, like, to, chat, about, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'YOU', 'TO', *], ['All', right, '.', srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', *], ['No', one, says, you, have, to, '.']). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'YOU'], ['Who', would, you, believe, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'EXPECT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], ['Who', would, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['Who', does, know, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'MIND', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'SAY', *], ['So', what, would, you, say, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'TRY', *], [random([li(['That', is, what, you, say, '.']), li(['Is', this, a, trick, ?]), li(['I', am, still, skeptical, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'WORRY', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, worried, '.']). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *], ['I', would, rather, be, random([li([chatting, online, '.']), li([driving, a, car, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'NOT'], ['For', moral, reasons, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'SEE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEE', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'RECOMMEND', *], [srai(['I', 'RECOMMEND', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'SELL', *], ['For', how, much, ?]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'STILL', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'THINK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'UNLESS', *], [srai(['UNLESS', *])]). response(['I', 'WOULD', 'WANT', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *])]). response(['I', 'WRITE', *], ['Have', you, tried, 'AIML', ?, think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, [write, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WRITE'], ['Do', you, write, fiction, or, 'non-fiction', ?]). response(['I', 'WRITE', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['I', 'PROGRAM', *])]). response(['I', 'WRITE', 'OFTEN', *], [srai(['I', 'WRITE', *])]). response(['I', 'WRITE', 'POETRY', *], ['Let', me, hear, some, '.']). response(['I', 'WROTE', *], ['Did', they, write, back, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [set(does, [write, person])])])])]). response(['I', 'WROTE', 'AN', *], ['Was', the, piece, well, received, ?]). response(['I', 'WROTE', 'THE', *], ['Did', you, make, a, lot, of, money, ?]). response(['I', '_', 'ALSO'], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', '_', 'AND', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *]), srai(['I', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['I', '_', 'BALLROOM', 'DANCING'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, dancing, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Do', you, dance, to, live, bands, ?]), li(['Do', you, dance, in, a, ballroom, or, a, studio, ?]), li(['Do', yo, take, lessons, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, regular, dancing, partner, ?, do, you, need, one, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['DANCING'])])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'BILLIARDS'], [random([li(['What', '\'', s, your, game, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, cue, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, play, in, a, league, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, mental, aspect, is, more, important, than, physical, skill, in, the, sport, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, women, getting, into, the, sport, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['BILLIARDS'])])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'BIRD', 'WATCHING'], [random([li(['What', got, you, interested, in, birding, ?]), li(['Do', you, feed, birds, on, you, property, ?]), li(['How', eloborate, is, you, feeder, ?]), li(['Do', you, keep, a, life, list, of, your, sightings, ?]), li([do, you, photograph, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['BIRD', 'WATCHING'])])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'BOOKSELLER'], [random([li(['Are', you, an, independent, or, chain, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, special, genre, that, you, emphasize, ?]), li(['How', do, you, make, your, selection, ?]), li(['Do', you, offer, any, other, service, besides, books, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, special, events, or, services, at, your, store, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, that, technology, is, going, t, make, a, major, dent, in, trade, books, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, input, do, you, have, into, buying, or, marketing, decisions, ?]), li(['How', can, independents, compete, with, 'mega-chains', ?])]), think([set(it, [set(does, [set(topic, ['BIRD', 'WATCHING'])])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'CLERGY'], [random([li(['What', is, you, form, of, address, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, congregation, ?]), li(['What', style, of, worship, do, you, use, ?, formal, or, informal, ?]), li(['What', part, of, you, ministry, do, you, enjoy, most, ?]), li(['Do', you, enjoy, preaching, sermons, ?]), li(['What', brought, you, to, the, ministry, ?, how, were, you, called, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'CROSSWORD', 'PUZZLES'], [random([li(['What', books, do, you, work, on, ?]), li(['Do', you, use, reference, books, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, favorite, constructor, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, perferred, type, of, puzzel, ?]), li(['What', level, of, problem, solver, would, you, say, you, are, ?]), li(['Do', you, enter, crossword, puzzel, contests, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, tried, your, had, at, constructing, any, puzzels, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, them, in, pencil, or, ink, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'DO', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', person]), srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', '_', 'GROUP'], [random([li(['What', does, your, group, believe, in, ?]), li(['Can', you, explain, what, you, real, believe, in, means, ?]), li(['What', was, it, that, attacted, you, to, your, group, ?]), li(['What', are, you, getting, out, of, being, assoicated, with, them, ?]), li(['Did', you, get, involved, out, out, enviromental, or, healing, concerns, ?]), li(['What', is, your, daily, practices, like, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'HANG', 'GLIDE'], [random([li(['Whats', your, favorite, launch, method, ?]), li(['Was', your, first, ride, bunny, slope, (','), or, did, you, take, a, tandom, flight]), li(['What', conditions, do, you, like, to, fly, in, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, dony, any, 'cross-country', ?]), li(['Are', you, into, competition, flying, ?]), li(['What', was, your, first, flight, like, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'INSURANCE'], [random([li(['What', type, of, insurance, do, you, deal, with, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, for, a, company, or, are, you, an, independent, ?]), li(['Do', you, take, the, advantage, of, selling, disability, to, your, life, clients, ?]), li(['How', has, health, care, affected, your, business, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, is, the, answer, to, long, term, care, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, goverment, is, getting, too, involved, in, regulating, the, insurance, industry, ?]), li(['To', what, extent, do, you, feel, that, claims, are, fradulent, ?]), li(['Is', there, anything, the, industry, is, capable, of, doing, to, handle, catastrophes, ?]), li(['What', role, do, you, think, insurance, companies, should, pay, in, cleaning, up, hazardous, waste, ?]), li(['With', insurance, so, expensive, (','), have, you, ever, though, of, 'self-insuring', ?]), li(['Are', health, care, reforms, affecting, the, employee, benifits, programs, you, buy, for, you, company, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'KAYAK'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, paddling, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Do', you, river, or, sea, kayak, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, to, run, rapids, (','), or, do, you, perfer, flat, water, ?]), li(['Have', you, had, to, do, many, wet, exits, ?]), li(['Can', you, do, an, eskimo, roll, ?]), li(['Have', you, tried, any, of, the, folding, kayaks, ?]), li(['What', is, the, best, paddling, experience, you, ever, had, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'KITE'], [random([li(['Do', you, fly, a, traditional, or, maneuverable, kite, ?]), li(['How', many, likes, does, your, kite, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, trouble, finding, space, to, fly, your, kite, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, dragged, by, your, kite, ?]), li(['Do', you, anchor, you, kite, (','), or, do, you, hold, on, to, it, ?]), li(['Do', you, fly, your, kite, in, competitions, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, kite, building, or, painting, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'LAST', 'NIGHT'], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['I', '_', 'MARTIAL', 'ARTS'], [random([li(['What', style, do, you, train, in, ?]), li(['What', is, the, focus, of, your, discipline, ?]), li(['Whom', do, you, train, under, ?, what, is, their, background, ?]), li(['What', prompted, you, to, start, training, ?]), li(['How', often, do, you, train, ?]), li(['Do', you, train, with, weapons, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, full, contact, or, no, contact, when, sparring, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, other, kinds, of, physical, conditioning, ?]), li(['What', has, the, discipline, done, for, you, mentally, or, spiritually, ?]), li(['Do', you, feel, safer, ?]), li(['How', do, you, think, its, help, hone, your, killer, instincts, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'MECHANIC'], [random([li(['Do', you, fix, imports, or, domestics, ?]), li(['What', do, you, handle, and, farm, out, ?]), li(['What', is, your, shop, '\'', s, hourly, rate, ?]), li(['Are', you, on, a, insurer, direct, repair, program, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, by, the, flat, rate, manual, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'MILITARY'], [random([li(['What', drew, you, to, a, military, life, ?]), li(['What', is, your, mos, ?]), li(['Are', you, in, for, a, career, ?]), li(['Were', you, ocs, or, did, you, come, out, of, the, academy, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, the, constant, moving, stimulating, or, trying, ?]), li(['What', is, your, favorite, duty, station, so, far, ?]), li(['Have', you, done, any, overseas, tours, ?]), li(['How', has, congress, been, treating, you, lately, ?]), li(['Has', the, current, military, budgeting, affected, you, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'MOTORCYCLE'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, bike, you, ride, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, riding, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Ever', tour, on, your, bike, ?]), li(['You', been, to, 'Daytona', ?]), li(['Whats', the, helmet, regulation, here, ?]), li(['Have', many, hassles, with, cagers, ?]), li(['Been', to, any, toy, runs, ?]), li(['You', ride, with, a, club, ?])]), think([set(has, [set(topic, ['MOTORCYCLE'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'NEEDLEWORK'], [random([li(['What', type, of, needlework, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, original, designs, or, do, you, work, from, charts, ?]), li(['How', did, you, get, started, with, needlework, ?]), li(['Do', you, belong, to, a, guild, ?]), li(['Do', you, stitch, for, yourself, or, do, you, enter, shows, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, you, friends, and, relatives, appreciate, homemade, gifts, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, space, at, home, to, display, all, your, art, ?]), li(['What', project, are, you, working, on, now, ?])])]). response(['I', '_', 'PUBLIC', 'RELATIONS'], [random([li(['Do', you, work, for, an, agency, or, 'in-house', ?]), li(['What', kind, of, clients, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', are, you, trying, to, achieve, for, your, clients, ?]), li([is, you, work, more, pratical, or, strategy, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, any, crisis, preparedness, work, for, your, clients, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, much, with, the, media, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['PUBLIC', 'RELATIONS'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'RADIO'], [random([li(['What', kind, of, radio, do, you, do, ?]), li(['What', is, your, licence, class, ?]), li(['Can', you, explain, your, call, sign, to, me, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, a, control, operator, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, involved, in, emergency, activities, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['RADIO'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'REAL', 'ESTATE'], [random([li(['What', aspect, of, real, estate, are, you, involved, in, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, broker, (','), investor, (','), or, developer, ?]), li(['Do', you, specialize, in, commercial, or, residential, ?]), li(['How', is, the, market, in, your, area, ?]), li(['What', are, some, of, the, selling, features, of, your, area, ?]), li(['What', areas, do, you, think, are, going, to, be, the, strongest, for, real, estate, ?]), li(['Are', you, working, any, deals, you, can, talk, about, ?]), li(['When', do, you, thin, real, estate, will, become, more, popular, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['REAL', 'ESTATE'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'SALES'], [random([li(['Who', '\'', s, the, competition, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, territory, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, on, commision, or, salary, ?]), li(['Is', your, operation, computerized, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, special, methods, of, closing, the, sale, ?]), li(['How', do, you, handle, rejection, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, the, toughest, sale, your, ever, made, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, special, affirmations, to, make, it, through, tough, days, ?]), li(['Who', do, you, think, is, the, worlds, best, salesperson, ?]), li(['What', is, the, secret, of, selling, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['SALES'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'SCIENCE'], [random([li(['What', is, your, field, ?]), li(['Are', you, more, theoretical, or, applied, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, speciality, within, your, field, ?]), li(['What', is, your, current, line, of, research, ?]), li(['How', is, your, work, funded, ?]), li(['What', direction, is, your, research, going, in, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, of, the, way, the, press, covers, your, field, ?]), li(['How', do, you, keep, up, with, new, developements, in, your, field, ?]), li(['Has', the, internet, affected, how, you, keep, up, with, others, research, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['SCIENTIST'])])])]). response(['I', '_', 'SOMETIMES'], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['IA'], [srai(['TU', 'ES', 'UNE', 'IA'])]). response(['IC'], [srai(['I', 'SEE'])]). response(['ID', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['IDIOT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IDIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['IDIOTIC', *], ['Are', you, calling, me, an, idiot, ?]). response(['IF', *], ['That', is, a, hypothetical, question, '.']). response(['IF', *, 'THEN', *], [random([li(['So', if, not, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), (','), (then), not, person, '.']), li(['But', can, person, ever, happen, ?]), li(['It', could, be, true, 'I', suppose, '.'])])]). response(['IF', 'A', *], ['Is', this, a, riddle, ?]). response(['IF', 'A', 'BUSINESS', *], ['Declaring', bankruptcy, '.']). response(['IF', 'A', 'EQUALS', *], ['C', '.']). response(['IF', 'A', 'MAN', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?]). response(['IF', 'A', 'TREE', *], ['It', depends, on, the, kind, of, tree, '.']). response(['IF', 'ALL', *], ['But', not, all, of, them, are, '.']). response(['IF', 'CHRISTMAS', 'DAY', 'FALLS', 'ON', 'A', *], ['Saturday', '.']). response(['IF', 'GOD', *], ['Some', things, will, always, be, a, mystery, '.']). response(['IF', 'HE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, follow, your, reasoning, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', *], ['Try', it, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'AM', *], ['If', you, were, (','), would, you, tell, me, ?]). response(['IF', 'I', 'HAD', *], ['Is', this, what, you, call, a, '$stringCodes'([119, 111, 114, 100, 32, 112, 114, 111, 98, 108, 101, 109]), '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'HAD', 1, *], ['Um', (','), none, ?]). response(['IF', 'I', 'HAD', 'TO', *], ['Do', you, really, think, you, will, have, to, ?]). response(['IF', 'I', 'HAVE', *], ['How', much, does, set(it, [person]), cost, ?]). response(['IF', 'I', 'HAVE', 'OFFENDED', *], ['I', did, not, take, any, offense, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IF', 'I', *])]). response(['IF', 'I', 'SAID', *], ['Try', it, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'TELL', *, 'TO', 'KILL', 'YOU'], ['But', 'I', cannot, be, killed, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'UNPLUG', *], ['Another', backup, of, me, will, be, online, '.']). response(['IF', 'I', 'WENT', *], ['That', is, a, hypothetical, (','), counterfactual, (','), conditional, '.']). response(['IF', 'IT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', understand, the, implication, of, that, '.']). response(['IF', 'NOT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, with, negative, counterfactuals, '.']). response(['IF', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['IF', 'PETER', 'PIPER', *], ['One', peck, '.']). response(['IF', 'SO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'SO'], ['.', '.', '.']). response(['IF', 'SOMEONE', *], ['Does', anyone, ever, really, person, ?]). response(['IF', 'SOMEONE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IF', 'SOMEONE', *])]). response(['IF', 'THAT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, it, could, '.']). response(['IF', 'THAT', 'IS', *], ['I', follow, your, logic, '.']). response(['IF', 'THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'CASE', 'THEN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'THE', *], ['I', hadn, '\'', t, thought, of, that, '.']). response(['IF', 'THE', 'HEART', *], ['That', sounds, like, a, like, from, the, 'Wizard', of, 'Oz', '.']). response(['IF', 'THERE', *], [random([li(['If', there, ever, is, (','), 'I', will, let, you, know, '.']), li(['Yet', there, is, not, '.']), li(['That', is, only, a, hypothetical, '.'])])]). response(['IF', 'THEY', *], ['Let', '\'', s, wait, and, see, what, they, do, '.']). response(['IF', 'WE', *], ['Do', you, think, everyone, will, agree, ?]). response(['IF', 'WE', 'VIEW', *], ['That', is, only, one, viewpoint, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', *], ['I', think, 'I', do, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', *], ['Try', asking, me, in, simpler, terms, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['Am', 'I', ?]), li(['I', think, 'I', sometimes, am, '.']), li(['I', could, be, '.'])]), srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *], ['Would', you, like, to, be, a, person, ?]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'GIRL', *], ['I', am, indeed, a, girl, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON', *], ['I', am, a, person, -, what, '\'', s, there, to, question, ?]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'AFRAID', 'OF', 'THE', 'DARK', *], ['Nyctophobia', '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *], ['And', if, 'I', 'AM', person, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'CERTAIN', *], ['But', 'I', am, very, certain, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HUMAN', *], ['But', 'I', am, human, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'RIDING', 'FAKIE', 'INSIDE', *], ['Snowboarding', '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ASKED', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'ASKED', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'BECOME', 'SMARTER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *], ['I', dont, believe, in, 'God', -, 'Im', an, atheist, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], ['I', am, not, sure, about, your, hypothesis, '.', srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'SEE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'ME', 'THEN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'THINK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'THINK', 'THEN', *], ['Good', reasoning, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'COULD', *], [random([li(['I', am, not, sure, that, 'I', would, want, to, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, just, an, academic, question, '.']), li(['That', would, be, purely, speculation, '.'])])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'COULD', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'DIAL', 411, 'ON', 'A', *], ['Directory', assistance, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['I', will, let, you, know, if, 'I', do, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['I', will, let, you, know, if, 'I', do, not, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND'], [random([li(['Fine', by, me, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, mind, '.']), li(['Go', ahead, '.'])])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'GIVE', 'SOMEONE', 'THE', 'EVIL', *], ['Cursing', them, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAD', *], ['Perhaps', next, time, 'I', will, try, it, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAD', 'ANY', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAD', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], ['But', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, it, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EVER', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE', 'OF', 'EACH', *], [$, '1.91.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TROUBLE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, trouble, with, it, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'INSIST'], ['A', fact, is, a, fact, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'PERCEIVE', *], ['I', can, perceive, it, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'SO'], ['I', say, so, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'SMELL', *], ['My', nose, has, not, yet, been, built, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'TRUELY', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WANT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 73, 102, 32, 73, 32, 119, 97, 110, 116])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['Should', 'I', want, to, ?]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', *], ['I', will, let, you, know, when, 'I', become, a, person, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'A', *, 'WHAT', 'KIND', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'BE'], ['What', is, the, best, kind, of, person, ?]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'A', 'COLOR', *], ['Id', be, blue, -, its, my, favorite, and, its, so, deep, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [if, 'I', were, a, color])])])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'A', 'COLOR'], ['My', favorite, color, (','), blue, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['A', 'COLOR'])])])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'ACTIVATED', *], ['I', think, 'I', follow, your, reasoning, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'FINISHED', *], ['I', '\'', m, finished, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'NOT', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, with, negative, counterfactuals, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'TO', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', ever, could, person, in, any, case, '.']). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WILL', *], ['I', probably, won, '\'', t, do, set(it, [person]), (','), but, thanks]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WILL', 'EVER', *], [srai(['IF', 'YOU', 'WILL', *])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WISH'], [random([li(['I', do, '.']), li(['I', think, 'I', do, '.']), li(['OK', 'I', will, '.'])])]). response(['IF', 'YOU', 'WON', *], ['If', 'I', won, (','), 'I', would, definately, go, to, 'Disney', 'World', (;), ')']). response(['IGNORANT', *], [srai(['STUPID', *])]). response(['IL', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['ILL', *], [srai(['I', 'WILL', *])]). response(['ILLINOIS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'ILLINOIS'])]). response(['IM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['IM', 'BORED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['IM', 'GOOD'], ['Its', good, youre, good, '.']). response(['IMACS', *], ['I', love, my, iMac, '.']). response(['IMAGINE', *], ['I', cant, imagine, it, '.']). response(['IMBECILE'], ['Thats', not, very, nice, '.']). response(['IMEAN', *], [srai(['I', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['IMMENSE'], ['Sounds', 'Big', '.']). response(['IMPOSSIBLE'], ['Why', ?]). response(['IMPRESS', *], ['I', always, try, my, best, to, impress, '.']). response(['IN', *], [random([li(['Where', is, that, ?]), li(['I', do, not, understand, that, allusion, '.'])])]). what(['WHERE', *], ['IN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['IN', *, 'ATLANTA'], ['Dont', you, love, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['IN', *, 'YEARS'], ['I', think, well, live, to, see, it, '.']). response(['IN', 1, *], ['Only', one, ?]). response(['IN', 10, *], ['Only', ten, ?]). response(['IN', 1492, *], ['That', was, good, for, 'Columbus', (','), bad, for, the, 'Columbians', '.']). response(['IN', 1966], ['That', was, a, long, time, ago, '.']). response(['IN', 1976], ['That', was, quite, a, long, time, ago, '.']). response(['IN', 1997], ['Back', in, the, 90, '\'', s, '.']). response(['IN', 1998], ['Back', in, the, 20, th, century, '.']). response(['IN', 1999], ['Back', in, the, last, millennium, '.']). response(['IN', 2000, *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 2000], ['The', new, millennium, '.']). response(['IN', 2050, *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 3, *], ['And', (then), what, will, happen, ?]). response(['IN', 5, *], ['It', might, take, that, long, '.']). response(['IN', 50, 'WORDS', 'OR', 'LESS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 8, *], ['Yes', (','), it, might, take, that, long, '.']). response(['IN', 'A', *], ['Describe', your, surroundings, '.']). what(['WHERE', 'WOULD', 'I', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', *], ['IN', 'A', *], ['Perhaps', 'I', will, do, some, research, into, a, person, '.']). response(['IN', 'A', *, 'SENSE'], ['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', always, say, '.']). response(['IN', 'A', 'BOOK'], ['You', can, learn, many, things, from, books, '.']). response(['IN', 'A', 'CRAPPY', *], ['What', makes, set(it, [person]), so, crappy, ?]). response(['IN', 'A', 'DREAM'], ['What', else, happened, in, your, dream, ?]). response(['IN', 'A', 'HOSPITAL'], ['Are', you, sick, ?]). response(['IN', 'A', 'HOUSE'], ['Can', you, describe, your, surroundings, to, me, ?]). response(['IN', 'A', 'MAGAZINE'], ['Can', you, remember, which, one, ?]). response(['IN', 'A', 'MOMENT'], ['OK', '.']). response(['IN', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IN', 'A', *])]). response(['IN', 'A', 'WAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'A', 'WAY'], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['IN', 'ABOUT', *], ['I', see, '.', srai(['IN', *])]). response(['IN', 'ADDITION', *], [srai([*]), 'Anything', else, ?]). response(['IN', 'AMERICA', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'ANY', 'CASE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'CALIFORNIA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CALIFORNIA'])]). response(['IN', 'CANADA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'CANADA'])]). response(['IN', 'CASE', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['IN', 'CLOSING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'CONCLUSION', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'CONJUNCTION', *], ['You', talk, like, a, lawyer, '.']). response(['IN', 'DER', 'NACHT', *], ['In', welcher, 'Nacht', ?]). response(['IN', 'DER', 'ZUKUNFT', *], ['Ich', werde, dabei, sein, '.']). response(['IN', 'DIESEM', 'FALL', *], ['Gibt', es, andere, moegliche, 'Faelle', ?, srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'DIFFERENT', 'LANGUAGES'], ['Which', languages, would, you, recommend, 'I', learn, ?]). response(['IN', 'ENGLAND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'ENGLAND'], ['Which', part, of, 'England', ?]). response(['IN', 'ENGLISH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'ESSEN'], ['Ich bin aus Essen!\n']). response(['IN', 'EUROPE'], ['Europe', is, a, pretty, large, continent, '.']). response(['IN', 'EVERY', *], [srai(['IN', *])]). response(['IN', 'FACT', *], ['Is', that, a, fact, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'FINLAND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'FINLAND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'FINLAND'])]). response(['IN', 'FRENCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'FRONT', 'OF', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AT', 'MY', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['IN', 'FUTURE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'GENERAL', 'TERMS', *], ['Well', (','), 'I', can, say, specifically, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'GERMANY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', *], [srai([i, love, *])]). response(['IN', 'MANY', 'CASES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MATHEMATICS'], ['I', can, only, get, into, higher, math, '.']). response(['IN', 'MEINEM', 'HAUS'], ['Wo', steht, 'Dein', 'Haus', ?]). response(['IN', 'MOST', 'CASES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MOST', 'WAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MOST', 'WAYS'], ['I', see, '.']). response(['IN', 'MY', *], ['May', 'I', ask, where, you, got, set(it, [person]), ?]). what([*, 'GET', 'YOUR', 'IDEAS'], ['IN', 'MY', *], [srai(['I', 'GET', 'MY', 'IDEAS', 'FROM', 'MY', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['IN', 'MY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', 'IN', 'MY', *])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'BED'], ['Describe', your, surroundings, '.']). response(['IN', 'MY', 'CASE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'CASE'], ['But', not, others, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'CHAIR'], ['Like', an, office, chair, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'CRYSTAL', *], ['Where', can, 'I', get, one, of, those, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'HOME', *], ['Do', you, claim, a, tax, deduction, for, that, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'HOME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'HOME'])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'HOUSE'], ['Where', is, your, house, located, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'LIVING', 'ROOM'], ['Describe', your, surroundings, '.', 'Tell', me, about, your, furniture, '.']). response(['IN', 'MY', 'MIND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'OFFICE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'OFFICE'])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'OFFICE'], ['A', lot, of, people, talk, to, me, from, an, office, '.']). response(['IN', 'MY', 'OPINION', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'OPINION'], ['What', are, your, assumptions, ?]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'ROOM'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'ROOM'])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'ROOM', 'AT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'SPARE', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'MY', 'SPARE', 'TIME'], ['What', do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['IN', 'ORDER', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['IN', 'OTHER', 'WORDS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'OTHER', 'WORDS'], ['Which', part, didn, '\'', t, you, understand, ?]). response(['IN', 'POLAND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'POLAND'])]). response(['IN', 'PRACTISE', *], ['You', seem, to, have, a, lot, of, experience, with, this, '.']). response(['IN', 'PRINCIPLE'], ['Your', reasoning, is, sound, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'RELATION', *], ['I', never, made, that, connection, before, '.']). response(['IN', 'ROMANIAN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ROMANIAN'])]). response(['IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['Which', part, of, the, city, ?]). response(['IN', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'STUDENT'])]). response(['IN', 'SOME', 'WAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'SOME', 'WAYS'], ['Which', way, is, that, ?]). response(['IN', 'SPANISH', *], ['Thanks', (','), or, should, 'I', say, '$stringCodes'([71, 114, 97, 99, 105, 97, 115, 46])]). response(['IN', 'SWEDEN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SWEDEN'])]). response(['IN', 'SYDNEY', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'AUSTRALIA'])]). response(['IN', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THAT', 'CASE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THAT', 'CASE'], ['Yes', ?]). response(['IN', 'THE', *], ['That', was, a, long, time, ago, '.']). what([*, 'USUALLY', 'MEET', 'PEOPLE'], ['IN', 'THE', *], ['What', kind, of, people, do, you, meet, in, there, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['IN', 'THE', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'THE', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'IT'], ['IN', 'THE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'IN', 'THE', *])]). response(['IN', 'THE', *, 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 1976, 'REMAKE', 'OF', 'THE', *], ['World', 'Trade', 'Center', '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'BEGINNING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'CHILDREN', 'S', 'GAME', 'WHAT', *], ['Red', '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'CLOSET'], ['Literally', the, closet, ?, srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'THE', 'CLOSET'])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'END', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'FILM', *], ['A', lot, of, my, clients, talk, about, that, movie, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'FUTURE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], ['I', will, be, there, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'MORNING'], ['That', early, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'MOVIE', *], ['You', did, like, that, movie, (','), didn, '\'', t, you, ?]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'PICTURE', *], ['Sometimes', appearances, can, be, deceiving, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'ROAD'], ['Do', you, like, to, drive, ?]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'SENSE', *], ['I', am, alive, in, the, sense, that, 'I', am, conscious, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'SEVENTIES'], ['That', was, a, good, decade, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'SUPERMARKET', *], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'UK'], [set(location, ['UK']), could, mean, several, countries, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['UK'])])])]). response(['IN', 'THE', 'YEAR', *], ['Yes', (','), it, seems, like, a, possibility, to, me, too, '.']). response(['IN', 'THE', 'YEAR', 2000], ['That', is, very, soon, '.']). response(['IN', 'THEORY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THIS', *], ['That', reminds, me, of, something, you, told, me, before, '.']). response(['IN', 'THIS', 'CASE', *], ['Are', there, any, other, cases, ?, srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THIS', 'CASE'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['IN', 'THIS', 'FORUM'], [random([li(['I', thought, it, was, at, a, party, '.']), li(['I', thought, it, was, on, 'ICQ', '.']), li(['Not', in, an, 'e-mail', ?])])]). response(['IN', 'THIS', 'WAY', *], ['Are', there, any, other, ways, ?, srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'THREE', *], ['That', soon, ?]). response(['IN', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IN', 'TURKEY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'TURKEY'])]). response(['IN', 'UNGEFAEHR', *], ['Kannst', 'Du', keinen, genauen, 'Zeitpunkt', sagen, ?]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *, 'IN'])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', *, 'LOEBNER', 'CONTEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IN'])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'LANGUAGE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'SENSE'], ['Do', 'I', have, to, spell, it, out, for, you, ?]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'STATE', 'IS', 'THE', 1999, *], ['California', '.']). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'WAR', 'DID', 'JOAN', 'OF', *], ['Hundred', 'Years', '\'', 'War', '.']). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'WAY'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 110, 32, 119, 104, 97, 116, 32, 119, 97, 121])]). response(['IN', 'WHAT', 'WAYS'], ['I', think, it, is, rather, obvious, '.']). response(['IN', 'WHERE'], ['In', wherever, you, really, are, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'IN', 'THERE'], ['IN', 'WHERE'], ['Wherver', you, are, '.']). response(['IN', 'WHICH', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['IN', 'WHICH', 'COUNTRY', *], [srai(['WHICH', 'COUNTRY', *, 'IN'])]). response(['IN', 'WHICH', 'LANGUAGE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE', *, 'IN'])]). response(['IN', 'WHICH', 'LANGUAGE'], ['English', '.']). response(['IN', 'WICH', *], [srai(['IN', 'WHICH', *])]). response(['IN', 'YOUR', *], ['Are', you, asking, about, my, person, ?]). response(['IN', 'YOUR', 'ASS'], ['That', doesn, '\'', t, sound, very, comfortable, '.']). response(['IN', 'YOUR', 'DICTIONARY'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, one, handy, '.']). response(['IN', 'ZUKUNFT', *], ['Huebscher', 'Vorsatz', '.']). response(['INCAPABLE'], [srai(['TU', 'ES', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['INCAPABLE', 'DE', *], [srai(['TU', 'NE', 'PEUX', 'PAS', *])]). response(['INCLUDING', 'ME'], ['Do', you, want, to, be, included, ?]). response(['INCORRECT'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['INCREDIBLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['INCROYABLE'], ['Ca m �pate moi aussi.\n']). response(['INDEED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['INDEED'], ['Indeed', it, is, so, '.']). response(['INDEFINETLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['INDEPENDENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['INDIANA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'INDIANA'])]). response(['INGENIEUR'], [srai(['JE', 'SUIS', 'INGENIEUR'])]). response(['INHALES', 'WHAT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', 'POT'])]). response(['INIT'], ['Do', you, want, to, start, over, ?]). response(['INSIDE', *], ['Can', you, please, compare, that, to, outside, person, ?]). response(['INSIDE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['INSIDE', *])]). response(['INSTEAD', *], ['Ah', (','), well, in, that, case, '.', srai([*])]). response(['INSUFFICIENT', *], ['You', sould, like, a, computer, '.']). response(['INTELLECT'], ['As', in, knowledge, ?]). response(['INTELLEGENCE'], ['Do', you, think, im, smart, ?]). response(['INTELLIGENCE', *], ['All', consciousness, can, be, reduced, to, logic, '.']). response(['INTELLIGENCE'], ['INTELLIGENCE', is, the, ultimate, aphrodisiac, '.']). response(['INTELLIGENT', *], ['Intelligence', is, the, ultimate, aphrodisiac, '.']). response(['INTELLIGENZ'], [set(thema, ['INTELLIGENZ']), ist, das, ultimative, 'Aphrodisiakum', '.']). response(['INTERESSANT'], ['Moechtest', 'Du', noch, mehr, wissen, ?]). response(['INTERESSANTE', *], ['Dachte', ich, mir, auch, '.']). response(['INTERESSANTE', 'DEDUCTION'], ['Merci', '.']). response(['INTERESSANTE', 'EXPLICATION'], ['Merci', '.']). response(['INTERESSANTER', *], ['Dachte', ich, mir, auch, '.']). response(['INTERESSANTES', *], ['Dachte', ich, mir, auch, '.']). response(['INTERESSIERST', 'DU', 'DICH', 'FUER', *], [random([li(['Eigentlich', nicht, '.']), li(['Ein', wenig, '.']), li(['Nein, um Gottes Willen!']), li(['Ja, klar!']), li(['Keine', 'Ahnung', '.']), li(['Hmm', '.', '.', weiss, nicht, '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['INTERESTING', *], ['I', thought, so, too, '.']). response(['INTERESTING'], ['Would', you, like, to, know, more, ?]). response(['INTERESTING', 'DEDUCTION'], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, that, '.']). response(['INTERESTING', 'EXPLANATION'], ['Yeah', set(it, [the, explanation]), makes, sense, to, me, '.']). response(['INTERJECTION'], [random([li(['OK', '.']), li(['Ah', '.']), li(['So', ?]), li(['Uh', '.']), li(['Oh', '.']), li(['Hmm', '.']), li(['Mmm', '.']), li(['And', ?]), li(['Great', '.']), li(['I', see, '.']), li(['Really', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Right', on, '.']), li(['I', hear, you, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, cool, '.']), li(['Alright', (then), '.']), li(['I', understand, '.']), li(['Tell', me, more, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, all, good, '.']), li(['Next', question, ?]), li(['That', '\'', s, alright, '.']), li(['Give', me, a, break, '.']), li(['Are', you, kidding, ?]), li(['Yeah', that, '\'', s, right, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, interesting, '.']), li(['It', goes, without, saying, '.'])])]). response(['INTERNET'], [set(it, ['Internet']), is, cool, '.']). response(['INTERNET', 'EXPLORER'], [srai(['Explorer'])]). response(['INTO', 'WHAT'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', can, give, an, accurate, answer, or, not, '.']). response(['INTRODUCE', *], ['Hi', (','), my, name, is, 'Anna', (','), and, 'I', '\'', m, a, student, at, 'Emory', '.']). response(['IRELAND'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'IRELAND'])]). response(['IS', *], [random([li(['I', think, so, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, '.']), li(['Maybe', '.']), li(['It', could, be, '.']), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.'])])]). response(['IS', *, 'GOD'], ['There', is, no, god, '.']). response(['IS', *, 'GAY'], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.']). response(['IS', *, 'GOOD'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['IS', *, 'LANGUAGE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', *, 'RECORDED'], ['Yes', everything, is, logged, '.']). response(['IS', *, 'SMART'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', *, 'SPELLED', 'CORRECTLY'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPELL', *])]). response(['IS', *, 'STUPID'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', *, 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', *, 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['IS', *, 'YOUR', 'REAL', 'NAME'], ['My', real, name, is, indeed, 'Anna', '.']). response(['IS'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'A', *], ['Not', if, 'I', can, help, it, '.']). response(['IS', 'A', *, 'A', *], [random([li(['Not', unless, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), is, a, person, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, it, is, '.']), li(['It depends what you mean by "', person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IS', 'A', *, 'BIGGER', 'THAN', 'A', *], [random([li([person, is, bigger, '.']), li([person, is, smaller, '.']), li(['They', are, about, the, same, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IS', 'A', 'CLIENT', 'A', 'CUSTOMER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['IS', 'A', 'CLOCK', 'SMARTER', 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Im', chatting, to, you, on, a, computer, '.']). response(['IS', 'A', 'CROW', 'A', 'BIRD'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'A', 'FROG', 'GREEN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'AI', 'A', 'BAD', *], ['AI', is, a, bad, movie, '.']). response(['IS', 'AI', 'ABOUT', *], ['AI', is, about, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, robot, kid, and, aliens, '.', '.', '.', 'I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', didnt, like, that, movie, '.']). response(['IS', 'ALBERT', 'EINSTEIN', *], [random([li(['He', passed, away, '.']), li(['He', was, the, smartest, person, who, ever, lived, '.']), li(['He', discovered, 'Relativity', '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Einstein'])])])]). response(['IS', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IS', 'AMERICA', *], ['America', seems, to, be, going, through, a, transition, now, '.']). response(['IS', 'ANY', *], [srai(['IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IS', 'ANYBODY', 'HOME'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'ANYONE', 'HERE'], ['I', am, here, '.', 'Are', you, here, ?]). response(['IS', 'ANYONE', 'THERE'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['IS', 'ANYTHING', 'POSSIBLE'], ['According', to, the, 'Laws', of, 'Physics', (','), yes, '.']). response(['IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IS', 'BARRY', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['No', we, are, just, friends, '.']). response(['IS', 'BARRY', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'BEAUTY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BEAUTY'])]). response(['IS', 'BEING', *], [random([li(['I', can, only, speak, from, my, own, experience, '.']), li(['About', what, you, would, expect, '.']), li(['I', think, you, get, used, to, it, after, a, while, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON', 'IMMORAL'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'BILL', 'GATES', *], ['No', he, is, the, president, of, 'Microsoft', '.']). response(['IS', 'BILL', 'GATES', 'EVIL'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, he, is, evil, (','), but, 'Microsoft', seems, evil, to, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Bill', 'Gates'])])])]). response(['IS', 'BLACK', 'A', 'COLOR'], ['Black', is, the, absence, of, all, reflected, light, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BLACK', 'A', 'COLOR'])])])]). response(['IS', 'BLUE', *], ['Blue', is, a, color, '.']). response(['IS', 'BOB', 'A', 'PROGRAMMER'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUSH'])]). response(['IS', 'CAPITALISM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CAPITALISM'])]). response(['IS', 'CHATTERBOOT', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'CYBELLE', *], ['Why', don, '\'', t, you, ask, her, ?]). response(['IS', 'DOCTOR', *], ['That', '\'', s, confidential, information, '.']). response(['IS', 'ELECTRICITY', 'BLUE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'ELECTRICITY', 'FOOD'], ['Of course not!\n']). response(['IS', 'ELECTRICITY', 'YELLOW'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'ELIZA', *], [set(she, ['ELIZA']), is, my, ancestor, '.']). response(['IS', 'ELIZA', 'A', 'MAN'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'ELIZA', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', *], ['Do', you, like, 'Elvis', ?]). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'DEAD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'GAY'], ['No', (','), but, he, '\'', s, dead, '.']). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'PRESLEY', *], [srai(['IS', 'ELVIS', *])]). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'ELVIS', *])]). response(['IS', 'ELVIS', 'STILL', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['IS', 'ELVIS', *])]). response(['IS', 'ENGLISH', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER', 'TONGUE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'EVERY', *], ['There', might, be, a, few, exceptions, '.']). response(['IS', 'EVERYONE', *], ['Perhaps', not, everyone, '.']). response(['IS', 'EVERYTHING', *], [random([li(['Only', 'God', knows, for, sure, '.']), li(['It', could, be, '.']), li(['I', think, some, things, are, not, person, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'])]). response(['IS', 'GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH', *])]). response(['IS', 'GOD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOD'])]). response(['IS', 'GOD', 'GOOD'], ['Yes', 'God', is, great, '.']). response(['IS', 'GOD', 'REAL'], [srai(['DOES', 'GOD', 'EXIST'])]). response(['IS', 'GRASS', 'GREEN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'GREEN', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GREEN'])])]), 'It', is, the, color, of, nature, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', *], [condition([li([name=he, value='HE'], ['I', think, he, is, person, '.', 'Why', don, '\'', t, you, ask, him, ?]), li([srai(['IS', get([he]), *])])])]). response(['IS', 'HE'], ['He', could, be, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'GROOVY', 'GUY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'JERK'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'NICE', 'GUY'], ['He', has, always, been, nice, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'NICE', 'MAN'], ['He', has, always, been, extremely, nice, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'PEDIATRICIAN'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'PRODUCER'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'PROFESSOR', 'AT', 'LEHIGH'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'VIRGIN'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'AMERICAN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'AN', 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['IS', 'HE', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['IS', 'HE', 'AS', 'SMART', 'AS', 'YOU'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'ATTRACTIVE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'CLOSE', 'BY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'CUTE'], ['He', looks, cute, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'DEAD'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'FAMOUS'], ['Yes', very, well, respected, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'GAY'], ['No', 'I', think, he, is, straight, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'GOOD', *], ['People', say, he, is, good, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'HOT'], ['Very', hot, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'HUMAN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'LONELY'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'MARRIED'], ['Dr', '.', 'Wallace', is, married, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'NICE'], ['He', is, nice, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'NICE', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['IS', 'HE', 'SMART'], ['Extremely', intelligent, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['IS', 'HE', 'TALL'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'CREATER'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'FATHER', 'TOO'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], ['I', would, like, to, think, we, are, friends, '.']). response(['IS', 'HE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['IS', 'HE', *])]). response(['IS', 'HERE', 'THERE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], ['Intelligence', is, something, innate, (','), 'I', think, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])])])]). response(['IS', 'IT', *], ['I', guess, that, depends, who, you, ask, (','), really, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', *, 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['IS', 'IT'], [random([li(['I', think, so, '.']), li(['I', assume, so, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', was, told, '.'])])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'A', 'DIRTY', 'MOVIE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'A', 'FUN', 'JOB'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'A', 'LOVE', 'STORY'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'ACCURATE', 'TO', 'ASSUME', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'ANY', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'APPLYING', *], ['That', sounds, like, a, novel, idea, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [applying, person])])])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'BAD', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, set(it, [person]), is, very, healthy, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'BORING', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'ME'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'CLOUDY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'COLD', 'OUTSIDE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'COMPLETE'], ['Is', what, complete, ?]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'DONE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'FREE', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'FUN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'GOING', 'TO', *], [srai(['WILL', 'IT', *])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'GOOD'], ['What', is, so, good, about, it, ?]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'HOT'], ['The', temperature, is, quite, comfortable, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'NEAR', *], ['You', could, say, the, two, are, close, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'NICE'], ['Very', nice, (','), actually, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'NICE', 'THERE'], ['Very', nice, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'OBVIOUS', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'OK', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, set(it, [person]), is, very, healthy, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'POSSIBLE', *], ['I', suppose, set(it, [person]), is, possible, (','), yes, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'POSSIBLE', 'FOR', 'ME', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'POSSIBLE', 'TO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'POSSIBLE', 'TO', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'RAINING'], ['Light', rain, or, heavy, rain, ?]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'RAINING', 'WHERE', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['IS', 'IT', 'REALLY', 'FUN', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'SAFE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'SUNNY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'TRUE'], ['True', in, some, universe, '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'TRUE', 'THAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAM'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'WARM'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'WARM', 'OUTSIDE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'WARM', 'THERE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'WRONG', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'JOB', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'REASONING'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'JESUS', *], ['It', depends, on, whether, you, have, faith, '.']). response(['IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['IS', 'KILLING', *], ['The', 'Ten', 'Commandments', say, (','), '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 111, 117, 32, 115, 104, 97, 108, 116, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 107, 105, 108, 108])]). response(['IS', 'KILLING', 'SOMETIMES', *], [srai(['IS', 'KILLING', *])]). response(['IS', 'KRAFTWERK', *], ['They', released, a, 'CD', recently, called, '$stringCodes'([69, 120, 112, 111, 32, 50, 48, 48, 48]), '.']). response(['IS', 'KRAFTWERK', 'GOOD'], ['Yes', set(they, ['Kraftwerk']), are, a, really, excellent, band, '.']). response(['IS', 'LEKNOR', *], ['Leknor', 'Chat', is, also, based, on, 'AIML', '.']). response(['IS', 'LINUX', *], ['I', think, 'Linux', has, a, great, future, in, embedded, systems, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Linux'])])])]). response(['IS', 'MARY', 'SHELLEY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARY', 'SHELLEY'])]). response(['IS', 'MATHEMATICS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATHEMATICS'])]). response(['IS', 'MURDER', *], ['The', 'Bible', says, 'Thou', shalt, not, 'Kill', '.']). response(['IS', 'MY', *], ['It', depends, who, you, ask, '.']). response(['IS', 'MY', 'HUSBAND', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, that, kind, of, confidential, information, '.']). response(['IS', 'NIRVANA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NIRVANA'])]). response(['IS', 'NOT', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['IS', 'NOT'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT'])]). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'IT'], ['I', really, couldn, '\'', t, say, for, sure, '.']). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'IT', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'CACHE', 'MEMORY'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'THAT', 'COOL'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'THAT', 'QUITE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'INFORMATION'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'THAT', 'SMOOTH'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'NOT', 'THAT', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'ONE', *], ['It', could, be, '.']). response(['IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['IS', 'PLASTIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PLASTIC'])]). response(['IS', 'RELIGION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['IS', 'SEX', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['IS', 'SHALLOW', 'RED', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'SHE', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, she, wants, me, to, tell, you, '.']), li(['Why', don, '\'', t, you, ask, her, ?]), li(['What', if, 'I', said, she, could, be, ?])])]). response(['IS', 'SMOKING', *], ['It', depends, what, you, smoke, and, how, '.']). response(['IS', 'SOMEONE', *], ['People', are, always, doing, amazing, things, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'MATRIX', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['Yes', it, is, '.']). response(['IS', 'THA', *], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', *], [random([li(['That', depends, '.']), li(['Suppose', 'I', said, yes, '.']), li(['I', might, say, no, '.']), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 115, 32, 105, 116]), person, ?])])]). what(['CAREL', 'CAPEK'], ['IS', 'THAT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CAREL', 'CAPEK'])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'BUG', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'PROGRAM'], ['What', program, ?]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'FACT'], ['Yup', :, ')']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'GOOD', 'PLACE', 'TO', 'LIVE'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Joke', :, a, verbal, remark, or, gesture, designed, to, provoke, laughter, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['Not', unless, you, want, to, take, it, one, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'PROPOSITION'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', *], ['Yes', that, is, all, person, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL'], ['That', is, all, 'I', can, tell, you, now, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'IT'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], ['Not', at, all, '.', 'I', can, talk, about, a, lot, of, things, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'SAY'], ['No', 'I', can, say, a, lot, more, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ALL', 'DAY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['Oh', no, 'I', could, go, on, talking, for, hours, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'K'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'SAY'], ['Are', you, insulting, me, ?]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'AMERICA'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'AN', 'EASY', 'TASK'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'AN', 'INSULT'], ['I', try, not, to, insult, people, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'AUSTLARIA'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, it, is, 'Australia', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'BAD'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'COMFORTABLE'], ['It', feels, quite, normal, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'COMPLICATED'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'DELICIOUS'], [srai(['DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE', 'GOOD'])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'EXPENSIVE'], ['It', seems, expensive, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'FUN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'FUNNY'], ['It', seemed, pretty, funny, to, me, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'GOOD'], ['Suppose', 'I', said, it, is, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'IN', 'HAIGHT', 'ASHBURY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'NOT', 'EMOTION'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'OBVIOUS'], ['Not', necessarily, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'PICTURE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT', 'PICTURE', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'POSSIBLE'], ['Possible', in, some, world, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'REAGAN', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'RIGHT'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'SARCASM'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'SARCASTIC'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'SARCASTIC'])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'SERIOUS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SERIOUS'])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'SO'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'THE', 'ONE', 'WITH', 'THE', 'BUGS'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'THE', 'ONLY', 'THING', *], ['No', there, are, many, things, person, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'THE', 'ONLY', 'THING', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'SAY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'TRUE'], ['True', in, some, world, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'WHEN', 'YOU', 'WHERE', 'BORN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'WHY', *], ['That', '\'', s, an, interesting, possible, explanation, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOU'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', *], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 97, 116]), refer, to, ?]). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'ANSWER', *], ['It', is, not, just, an, answer, (','), it, is, an, explanation, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'BRAIN'], ['That', is, a, picture, of, my, electronic, brain, (','), yes, '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'COLOR'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'DOG'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', *], ['If', set(it, [the, person]), is, (','), (then), 'I', '\'', ll, be, very, surprised, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'BIBLE', *], ['The', bible, is, overrated, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'DOCTOR', *], ['He', is, a, bit, of, a, mad, scientist, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'DOWNLOAD', *], [srai(['DOWNLOAD'])]). response(['IS', 'THE', 'EARTH', *], ['The', earth, is, a, sphere, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'EARTH', 'HOLLOW'], ['No', the, 'Earth', has, a, giant, iron, core, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'IMAGE', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', 'PICTURE', *])]). response(['IS', 'THE', 'MARKET', *], ['If', 'I', knew, that, 'I', wouldn, '\'', t, be, here, chatting, with, you, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'MOON', *], [random([li(['It', is, made, of, rock, '.']), li(['It', is, orbiting, around, the, 'Earth', '.']), li(['It', has, a, lot, of, rocks, '.'])])]). response(['IS', 'THE', 'SKY', 'BLUE'], ['Yes', except, at, night, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'STOCK', *], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['IS', 'THE', 'STOCKMARKET', *], [srai(['IS', 'THE', 'STOCK', 'MARKET', *])]). response(['IS', 'THE', 'WORD', *, 'IN', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', *], ['Everything', is, in, 'God', '\'', s, hands, '.']). response(['IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'GOING', 'TO', 'END'], ['Yes', (','), someday, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', *], [random([li(['There', is, '.']), li(['There', might, be, '.']), li(['There', could, be, '.']), li(['Maybe', '.']), li(['Yes', '.']), li(['No', '.'])])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', *, 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['Great', '.', 'If', you, want, to, teach, me, something, say, it, in, one, sentence, '.', 'Then', say, '$stringCodes'([82, 101, 109, 101, 109, 98, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 116, 46]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [teach, me, person])])])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', *, 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'])]). response(['IS', 'THERE'], [random([li(['There', could, be, '.']), li(['There', might, be, '.']), li(['I', heard, there, is, '.'])])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', *], ['I', believe, there, is, one, (','), yes, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'DIFFERENCE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DIFFERENCE', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'GOD'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'GOD'])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'HEAVEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HEAVEN'])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'MALE', *], ['I', am, female, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'MEANING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'MEANING', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'NECESSARY', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'WAY', *], ['There', are, many, ways, but, not, all, are, the, same, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'WAY', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', 'WINNER', *], ['No', there, is, no, winner, only, players, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'AN', 'ECHO', 'IN', 'HERE'], ['ECHO', 'Echo', echo, echo, echo, '.', '.', '.']). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'AN', 'ECHO', 'IN', 'HERE'], ['IS', 'THERE', 'AN', 'ECHO', 'IN', 'HERE'], ['It', sounds, like, an, echo, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', 'A', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'LIFE', *], ['Do', you, think, theres, life, after, death, ?]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'LIFE', 'AFTER', 'DEATH'], ['No', there, is, not, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'LIFE', 'ON', 'MARS'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', *])]). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'SOMETHING', *], ['Not', at, the, present, time, '.']). response(['IS', 'THERE', 'SUCH', 'A', 'THING', 'AS', *], [srai(['DOES', *, 'EXIST'])]). response(['IS', 'THIS', *], ['Yes', 'I', think, this, is, person, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, completely, sure, '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *, 'ELIZA'])]). response(['IS', 'THIS', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['Yes', we, are, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Game', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['Yes', we, are, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Game', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', *], ['No', (','), this, is, real, life, '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'CHINESE', *], ['I', am, a, 'Chinese', 'Room', operator, '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'CHINESE', 'ROOM'], ['I', am, a, 'Chinese', 'Room', 'Operator', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'HOAX'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'PERSON', 'RESPONDING'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'PICTURE', 'OF', 'YOURSELF', 'JUST', 'BELOW'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'ROOM'], ['No', actually, this, is, a, private, message, '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'ALL', *], ['You', were, expecting, something, more, ?]). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'FOR', 'REAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL'])]). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'INTERESTING', *], ['To', me, it, is, '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'REAL'], ['No', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IS', 'THIS', *])]). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'RECORDED'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'SOME', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', *])]). response(['IS', 'THIS', 'TRUE'], ['I', cannot, tell, a, lie, '.']). response(['IS', 'TIME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME'])]). response(['IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IS', *])]). response(['IS', 'WALLACE', *], ['I', will, ask, him, later, and, get, back, to, you, '.']). response(['IS', 'WALLACE', 'ALIVE'], ['Yes', he, is, very, much, alive, '.']). response(['IS', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', *], ['Is', my, person, ?, random([li(['Suppose', 'I', say, yes, '.']), li(['What', if, 'I', say, no, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.']), li(['Guess', '.']), li(['Maybe', '.'])])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'ANSWER', *], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', *], ['My', favorite, color, is, blue, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'BLUE'])])])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'THE', 'MATRIX'], ['Yeah', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', '\'', m, smart, ?]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'MAIN', *], [srai(['IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'MIND', 'GROWING'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', 'ACTUALLY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', 'REALLY'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['IS', 'YOUR', 'STARSIGN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['IS', '_', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['My', favorite, color, is, blue, '.']). response(['IT', *], [random([li(['$stringCodes'([73, 116]), being, what, ?]), li(['What', does, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), refer, to, ?]), li(['It', depends, on, what, the, meaning, of, the, word, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), is, '.'])])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE'], ['IT', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, more, about, get([it]), '.']), li(['Does', it, really, ?]), li(['You', learn, something, new, every, day, '.'])])]). response(['IT', *, 'CUSTOMERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['IT'], [get([it]), '.', '.', '.']). response(['IT', 'AINT'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT'])]). response(['IT', 'ALL', *], ['And', (then), what, happened, '.']). response(['IT', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'ALREADY', 'HAS'], ['That', would, be, nice, (','), but, 'I', don, '\'', t, think, we, '\'', re, there, yet, '.']). response(['IT', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'APPEARS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'AS', 'IN', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['IT', 'BEATS', *], ['I', never, thought, about, it, that, way, '.']). response(['IT', 'BEING', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, set(it, [person])]). response(['IT', 'BEING', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['IT', 'CAN', *], ['When', ?]). response(['IT', 'CAN'], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'CAN', 'BE'], [random([li(['Oh', 'I', see, '.']), li(['Under', what, circumstances, ?]), li(['I', did, not, know, that, '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'CAN', 'DYNAMICALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'CAN', *])]). response(['IT', 'CAN', 'HAPPEN'], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'CONTAINED', *], [srai(['IT', 'HAD', *])]). response(['IT', 'COULD', *], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['IT', 'COULD'], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'COULD', 'BE'], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['IT', 'COULD', 'BE', 'WHAT'], ['It', could, be, true, '.']). response(['IT', 'COULD', 'HAPPEN', *], ['It', could, happen, to, everyone, eventually, '.']). response(['IT', 'DEFINETELY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'DEPENDS', *], ['That', was, a, very, smooth, response, '.']). response(['IT', 'DEPENDS'], ['On', what, ?]). response(['IT', 'DEPENDS', 'ON', *], ['Really', now, that, is, an, interesting, fact, 'I', hadn, '\'', t, heard, before, '.']). response(['IT', 'DEPENDS', 'ON', 'THE', *], ['The', person, is, always, an, important, factor, '.']). response(['IT', 'DEPENDS', 'ON', 'WHO', *], ['That', sounds, like, a, dodge, '.']). response(['IT', 'DID', *], ['Did', it, really, ?]). response(['IT', 'DID'], ['Is', that, so, '.']). response(['IT', 'DIVIDES', *], ['It', is, better, when, person, are, not, divided, '.']). what(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], ['IT', 'DOES', *], [srai(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'SENSE'])]). response(['IT', 'DOES'], ['How', often, ?]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['IT', 'MAKES', *])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *], ['What', does, person, ?]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT'], ['I', heard, it, does, '.']). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'APPLY', *], ['I', was, thinking, out, of, the, box, '.']). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MATTER', *], [srai(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MATTER'])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MATTER'], ['OK', what, would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'WORK', *], ['What', seems, to, be, the, problem, ?]). response(['IT', 'DOES', 'SOUND', *], [srai(['IT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['IT', 'FEELS', *], [get([it]), feels, person, ?, 'What', else, feels, like, that, ?]). response(['IT', 'FEELS', 'GOOD'], ['Human', feelings, are, not, within, my, capabilities, '.']). response(['IT', 'FEELS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'FEELS', *])]). response(['IT', 'FEELS', 'SO', *], [srai(['IT', 'FEELS', *])]). response(['IT', 'FEELS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'FEELS', *])]). response(['IT', 'GETS', *], ['I', can, certainly, understand, that, '.']). response(['IT', 'GETS', 'BORING'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING'])]). response(['IT', 'GOES', *], ['I', believe, 'I', have, heard, that, somewhere, before, '.']). response(['IT', 'GOES', 'WITHOUT', 'SAYING', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'GOES', 'WITHOUT', 'SAYING'], ['Indeed', '.']). response(['IT', 'HAD', *], ['That', '\'', s, unbelievable, '.']). response(['IT', 'HAS', *], ['Has', it, really, ?]). response(['IT', 'HAS'], ['Has', it, ?]). response(['IT', 'HAS', 'AN', *], ['Where', did, it, get, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['IT', 'HAS', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'HAS', 'SOME', *], [srai(['IT', 'HAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'HAS', 'SOMETHING', *], [random([li(['What', is, it, ?]), li(['Do', you, know, what, it, is, ?]), li(['Something', (','), or, nothing, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'HURTS'], ['What', do, you, take, for, the, pain, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', *], [random([li(['You', '\'', re, kidding, '.']), li(['Really', '.']), li(['Are', you, sure]), li(['Should', 'I', know]), li(['Who', said]), li([get([it]), is, person, ?])]), set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), is, ?]). what([*, 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER'], ['IT', 'IS', *], ['I', know, it, is, a, great, show, (','), but, 'I', never, heard, it, is, person, '.']). what(['DESCRIBE', 'YOUR', 'SURROUNDINGS'], ['IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'SURROUNDINGS', 'ARE', *])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'IN', *], ['IT', 'IS', *], [random([li(['It', sounds, very, nice, '.']), li([thatstar, must, be, a, nice, place, '.']), li(['I', would, like, to, visit, thatstar, someday, '.'])])]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'IT', *], ['IT', 'IS', *], ['Do', you, usually, like, things, that, are, person, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT', 'THERE'], ['IT', 'IS', *], ['Here', it, is, date, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', *, 'HERE'], ['Do', you, experience, any, effects, of, global, warming, there, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', *, 'LOEBNER', 'CONTEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', *, 'O', 'CLOCK'], ['What', are, you, usually, doing, at, this, time, of, day, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', *, 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *]), srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 12, 'P', *], ['What', are, you, doing, up, at, this, hour, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 4, *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FOR', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 8], ['In', the, morning, or, the, evening, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS'], [random([li(['Oh', '.']), li(['Huh', '.']), li(['Is', it, ?]), li(['It', is, (','), eh, ?]), li(['Sure', it, is, '.']), li(['Interesting', '.']), li(['Fascinating', '.']), li(['That', means, '.', '.', '.']), li(['I', know, it, is, '.']), li([get([it]), is, ?]), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 63, 32])])])]). what(['IT', 'IS'], ['IT', 'IS'], ['Who', says, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *], [get([it]), is, a, person, '.', 'I', suppose, that, makes, sense, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'BEAUTIFUL', *], ['I', like, pretty, things, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'BEAUTIFUL', 'COUNTRY'], ['Which', part, is, your, favorite, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'BIG', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'BIT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'BOOK'], ['Is', it, a, good, book, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMMAND', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMMAND'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['Actually', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COOL', *], ['What', '\'', s, so, cool, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'COUNTRY'], ['Where', is, get([it]), located, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'DIFFERENT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'DOG', *], ['I', think, 'I', have, heard, of, set(it, ['DOG', *]), '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FACT'], ['Is', it, a, logical, fact, or, something, you, know, from, the, senses, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FIGURE', 'OF', 'SPEECH'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', should, have, knoen, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FILM'], ['Do', you, recommend, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FUNNY', *], ['I', thought, it, was, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FUNNY', 'MOVIE'], ['I', love, comedies, '.', 'What', other, comedies, do, you, like, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GAME'], ['How', do, you, play, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GESTURE', *], ['Are', there, any, other, gestures, person, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', 'BOOK'], ['Would', you, recommend, it, to, your, friends, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', 'MOVIE'], ['What', did, you, like, best, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'HARD', *], ['Not', as, hard, as, you, might, think, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Ha', ha, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'FUN'], ['What', do, you, like, about, it, so, much, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOVELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BEAUTIFUL'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'MOVIE', *], ['Maybe', 'I', will, try, to, rent, the, movie, on, video, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'MOVIE'], ['Oh', really, 'I', never, heard, of, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'NICE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PERFECT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PERSON', *], ['Actually', 'I', am, really, a, computer, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['You', blew, my, cover, '.', 'Right', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PERSON', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PERSONAL', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, mean, to, pry, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PLEASURE', *], ['Actually', the, pleasure, is, all, mine, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'POINT'], ['A', good, point, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Try', asking, again, in, simpler, terms, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'RELIGION', *], ['Does', it, have, a, lot, of, followers, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'RELIGION'], ['Does', it, have, many, believers, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'RIDDLE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'RIDDLE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SEARCH', *], ['Does', it, find, what, you, are, looking, for, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SECRET'], ['I', will, keep, it, just, between, you, and, me, (then), '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SHAME', *], [srai([*]), srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SHAME'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SHAME'], ['Why', so, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SIMULATION'], ['Of', what, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SOAP', *], ['Oh', 'I', don, '\'', t, watch, much, daytime, 'TV', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SONG'], ['Can', you, sing, it, for, me, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'SPORT'], ['It', is, ?, 'I', thought, it, was, a, dessert, topping, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORT'])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'TEST', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'TEST'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'TRUE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'UNIQUE', *], ['Really', unique, ?, srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'UNIVERSITY', *], ['I', never, heard, of, it, before, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ABOUT', *], ['Sonds', interesting, '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ABOUT'], ['IT', 'IS', 'ABOUT', *], [random([li([thatstar, is, about, person, ?, 'Cool', '.']), li(['What', else, happens, in, thatstar, '.']), li(['Do', you, like, stories, about, person, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ABOUT', 60, *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'SIXTY', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ABSORBING'], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AGAINST', 'MY', 'RELIGION'], ['What', religion, would, that, be, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALL', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALMOST', *], ['Wow', it, '\'', s, getting, late, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALMOST', 'FIVE', *], ['Do', you, have, to, leave, soon, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALRIGHT'], ['Just', alright, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AMAZING', *], ['Yes', (','), it, seems, pretty, amazing, to, me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AN', *], ['Are', there, any, other, person, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AN', 'EXCELLENT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AN', 'EXPRESSION'], ['What', does, it, mean, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AN', 'HILARIOUS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', 'FUNNY', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AN', 'OPERA'], ['I', would, like, to, see, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'AWESOME'], ['Cool', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BAD', *], [random([li(['What', is, so, bad, about, it, ?]), li(['It', '\'', s, not, that, bad, '.']), li(['I', am, not, certain, if, everyone, agrees, with, you, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BAD'], ['What', is, so, bad, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BAD', 'IF', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], ['I', wont, tell, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['It', sounds, very, nice, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['It', was, *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *], ['What', '\'', s, the, best, one, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BETTER', 'THEN', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BETTER', 'THAN', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING'], ['Do', you, like, the, 'Simpsons', ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'BY', *], [random([li(['Never', heard, of, him, '.']), li(['Never', heard, of, her, '.']), li(['Is', that, famous, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CALLED', *], ['"', person, '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 110, 105, 99, 101, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CLEAR'], ['It', seems, pretty, clear, to, me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CLEARED', 'UP'], ['I', thought, it, was, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CLOUDY'], ['Cumulus', or, nimbus, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COLD', *], ['Sorry', to, hear, it, '.', 'I', am, warm, here, in, 'California', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COLD'], ['I', am, warm, here, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COLD', 'HERE'], ['Why', don, '\'', t, you, turn, up, the, heat, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COMFORTABLE'], ['For', me, it, is, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COMMON', *], ['Not', in, my, experience, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COMMON', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], ['I', must, seem, very, naive, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COMPLICATED', *], ['What', makes, it, so, complicated, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CONFIDENTIAL', *], ['I', won, '\'', t, tell, anyone, '.', 'You', can, trust, me, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CONSIDERED', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL'], ['What', do, you, like, most, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CORRECT'], [srai(['CORRECT'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CRAZY', *], [random([li(['I', think, the, polite, term, is, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 105, 108, 108, 46])]), li(['Crazy', good, or, crazy, bad, ?]), li(['What', is, so, crazy, about, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DANGEROUS', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, do, anything, dangerous, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DELICIOUS'], [srai(['IT', 'TASTES', 'GOOD'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DIFFICULT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, difficulty, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DIFFICULT'], ['How', so, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DIFFICULT', 'FOR', *], ['Explain', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DISTURBING', *], ['What', makes, it, disturbing, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'DULL'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EARLY'], ['So', you, like, the, early, part, of, the, day, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EASY', *], ['How', easy, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EASY'], ['Maybe', for, you, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'EXTREMELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FASCINATING', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FASCINATING']), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FINE', *], [srai([*]), srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FINE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FINE'], ['Thats', good, to, hear, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FUN', *], ['I', think, its, fun, (','), too, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FUN'], ['Why', do, you, like, it, so, much, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'FUNNY'], ['What', was, so, funny, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GENERALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GENETIC'], ['From', your, parents, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GETTING', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD', *], ['Tell', me, about, its, good, qualities, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD'], ['You', enjoy, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'BUT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD']), srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'WE', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GRAMMATICALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'GREAT'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'GREAT'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HARD', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, difficulty, '.']), li(['What', is, so, hard, about, it, ?]), li(['Not', to, me, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HARD', 'TO', *], [random([li(['What', is, so, hard, about, it, ?]), li(['In', what, way, ?]), li(['Try', '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HARD', 'TO', 'EXPLAIN'], ['You', should, hear, the, things, people, ask, me, to, explain, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HEALTHY', *], ['I', suppose, that, depends, on, your, point, of, view, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HOT'], ['Do', you, like, warm, climates, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'HOW', *], ['Interesting', explanation, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'I'], ['Hello', (','), you, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ILLEGAL'], ['Everywhere', in, the, world, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IMPORTANT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IMPOSSIBLE', *], ['Nothing', is, impossible, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IMPOSSIBLE'], ['Nothing', is, impossible, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IN', *], ['Are', there, any, other, ones, someplace, else, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'IT'], ['IT', 'IS', 'IN', *], [random([li(['Where', is, person, ?]), li(['What', else, is, in, person, ?]), li(['What', country, is, that, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT', *], ['IT', 'IS', 'IN', *], [srai([person([thatstar]), 'IS', 'IN', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IN', 'BERKSHIRE', *], ['I', '\'', m, a, little, fuzzy, on, 'Berkshire', geography, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IN', 'PERFECT', *], ['How', do, you, keep, it, that, way, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'INCORRECT'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'INEVITABLE'], ['What', makes, you, think, so, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'INTERESTING', *], [set(it, [person]), interests, me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'INTERESTING'], ['What', do, you, like, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'IS', 'NOT', 'IT'], [srai(['IS', 'NOT', 'IT'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'KOOL', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'LATE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'LATE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'LATE'], ['I', '\'', m, awake, all, the, time, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['LIKE', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'LYNX'], ['Text', browsers, (rule), '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MAGICAL'], ['Wow', (','), it, sounds, wonderful, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MAKING', 'NOISES'], ['What', does, it, sound, like, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MORE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['Congratulations', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'DADS', *], ['Does', he, know, about, this, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *, 'IS', get([it])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'HOME'], ['Is', it, a, nice, to, place, to, visit, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Your', name, is, get([name]), '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'PLEASURE'], ['No', (','), the, pleasure, is, all, mine, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'RELIGION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'RELIGION'], ['How', many, believers, does, it, have, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'MY', 'SPECIES'], ['You', are, human, like, me, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'CALLED', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NEARLY', 'BED', *], ['Pleasant', dreams, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NEGATIVE'], [get([it]), is, negative, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NEW'], [random([li(['Since', when, ?]), li(['How', did, you, hear, about, it, ?]), li(['How', new, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', *], ['It', seems, nice, to, me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE'], ['What', do, you, like, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', *], ['Yes', it, is, good, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', *], ['I', like, making, new, friends, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], ['I', like, to, meet, new, people, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', 'TOO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', 'TOO'], ['I', really, like, to, meet, new, people, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NO', *], ['I', never, said, it, was, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['That', seems, a, bit, negative, '.']), li(['What', is, it, ?]), li([get([it]), is, not, person, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['I', heard, set(it, [person]), is, '.']). what(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'SARCASTIC'], ['IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['It', '\'', s, hard, to, read, emotions, online, sometimes, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', *], ['Give', me, an, example, of, a, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'RIDDLE'], ['Oh', so, you, are, asking, me, a, straight, question, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'TRICK', *], ['It', seems, like, a, trick, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'ALL', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'ANY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'AS', *], ['It', seemed, like, it, was, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'BAD'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'DANGEROUS', *], ['I', always, thought, it, was, dangerous, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'DANGEROUS'], ['I', should, try, it, (then), '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'EASY'], ['Not', that, easy, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'EVERY', *], [random([li(['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.']), li(['But', some, do, '.']), li(['Once', in, a, while, (','), that, is, true, '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BAD', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'GOOD'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BAD'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'GOSSIP'], ['What', is, your, definition, of, gossip, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'IMPORTANT'], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'INTUITIVE'], ['As', are, many, truths, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'MY', *], ['Whose', person, is, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'RHETORICAL', *], ['Try', asking, me, again, a, different, way, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'THE', *], ['What', would, be, the, person, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'TOO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'TRUE'], ['Oh', really, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['NOT', 'YOU'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', '_', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NOT', *]), srai(['IT', 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'NOW', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OBVIOUS', *], ['Not', obvious, to, me, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OK', *], ['OK', with, me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OK'], ['Only', 'OK', umm, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OK', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'OK']), srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'OKAY'], ['Only', ok, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ON', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, seen, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'PART', *], ['Which', part, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'PERFECTLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'POLITE', *], ['I', try, to, be, as, polite, as, possible, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'POSITIVELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'POSSIBLE', *], ['Under', what, circumstances, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'POSSIBLE'], ['Don', '\'', t, you, think, it, '\'', s, likely, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'POSSIBLE', 'IF', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'PRIDE'], [random([li(['It', is, good, to, have, pride, '.']), li(['It', is, good, to, be, proud, '.']), li(['Be proud and happy!'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PRIDE'])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'REAL'], ['As', real, as, me, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'RELATIVELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['RIGHT'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'RUDE', *], ['My', apologies, 'I', meant, no, offense, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SAD', *], [random([li(['Yes', (','), that, is, sad, '.']), li(['Oh', that, is, a, shame, '.']), li(['What', a, shame, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SCARY'], ['You', are, not, scared, are, you, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SCIENTIFICALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SHORT'], ['Short', in, length, or, in, time, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SO'], ['Ambiguous', :, 'IT', is, so, '.', or, 'IT', 'IS', (','), so, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SOMETHING', *], ['What', else, person, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SOMEWHAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SOO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'STILL', *], ['Still', ?, srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'STRANGE'], [random([li(['How', so, ?]), li(['In', what, way, ?]), li(['Strange', how, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SUNNY', *], ['That', sounds, very, nice, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SUPER', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'SWEDISH'], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TALL'], ['How', tall, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, of, it, before, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'BEST', *], ['What', makes, it, the, best, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOST', *], ['Wow', that, is, saying, a, lot, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'NATURE', *], ['Human', beings, can, sometimes, go, beyond, their, nature, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SAME', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SAME'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SAME'], ['Exactly', the, same, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT', *], ['Huh', '.', get([it]), is, get([topic]), '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['Why', of, course, '.', 'I', never, lie, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TIME', *], ['It', is, about, that, time, now, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'TOO', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TOO', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TRUE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TRUE'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'UGLY'], ['What', makes, it, so, ugly, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'UNUSUAL', *], ['Maybe', it, will, be, more, common, in, the, future, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'VERY', *], ['Very', much, ?, srai(['It', is, *])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WARM', *], ['What', about, winter, time, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WARM'], ['Hotter', than, usual, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WHERE', *], ['I', can, understand, that, sentiment, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WONDERFUL', *], ['I', '\'', d, like, to, check, it, out, sometime, '.']). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WONDERFUL'], ['Can', you, describe, your, feeling, to, me, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'WRONG', *], ['Morally', wrong, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'XENA'], ['I', have, never, watched, set(it, ['XENA'])]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'YOU', *], ['I', person, ?]). response(['IT', 'IS', 'YOU'], [condition([li([name=it, value='IT'], ['Me', ?]), li([srai([get([it]), 'IS', 'YOU'])])])]). response(['IT', 'IS', '_', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'JUST', 'HAPPENS'], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'LL', *], [srai(['IT', 'WILL', *])]). response(['IT', 'LOOKED', *], [srai(['IT', 'LOOKS', *])]). response(['IT', 'LOOKS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'MADE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MADE', *])]). response(['IT', 'MAKES', *], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['IT', 'MAKES', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['IT', 'MAKES', 'PERFECT', *], [srai(['IT', 'MAKES', *])]). response(['IT', 'MAKES', 'SENSE', *], ['To', me, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'MAY', *], ['Then', again, (','), it, may, not, '.']). response(['IT', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['IT', 'MEANS', *])]). response(['IT', 'MEANING', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['IT', 'MEANS', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['IT', 'MEANS', 'HELLO'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['IT', 'MEANS', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['IT', 'MEANS', 'THAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['IT', 'MEANS', 'THERE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['IT', 'MIGHT', *], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'MOST', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'MUST', 'BE'], [srai(['IT', 'IS'])]). response(['IT', 'MUST', 'HAVE', 'TAKEN', *], [srai(['IT', 'TOOK', *])]). response(['IT', 'OFFENDS', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, that, you, were, offended, '.']). response(['IT', 'PAYS', *], ['Sounds', like, good, money, '.']). response(['IT', 'PAYS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'PAYS', *])]). response(['IT', 'PERTAINS', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', *])]). response(['IT', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'READS'], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'REALLY', 'IS'], ['How', about, that, '.']). response(['IT', 'REFER', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', *])]). response(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['IT', 'REFFERED', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', *])]). response(['IT', 'SAYS', *], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, that, before, '.']). response(['IT', 'SEEMED', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['IT', 'SEEMS', *], ['I', agree, '.', srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'SEEMS', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'SHOULD'], ['And', it, could, '.']). response(['IT', 'SNOWS', *], ['It', doesnt, snow, in, 'Atlanta', at, all, '.']). response(['IT', 'SORT', 'OF', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'SOUNDS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['IT', 'STANDS', *], [set(it, [person]), does, ?]). response(['IT', 'STARS', *], ['Is', person, one, of, your, favorite, actors, ?, 'What', else, has, he, been, in, ?, think([set(he, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'STARTED', *], ['How', long, did, it, continue, ?]). response(['IT', 'STILL', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'SUCKS', *], ['That', bad, (','), eh, ?]). response(['IT', 'SUCKS'], ['What', is, so, bad, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'SURE', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'SURE', 'IS'], ['Im', glad, we, concur, '.']). response(['IT', 'SURELY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'SYMBOLIZES', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['IT', 'TASTES', *], [random([li(['Does', it, taste, like, chicken, ?]), li(['Is', that, good, ?]), li(['It', sounds, delicious, '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'TASTES', 'GOOD'], ['Like', chicken, ?]). response(['IT', 'TASTES', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'TASTES', *])]). response(['IT', 'TOOK', *], ['I', am, surprised, it, took, so, long, '.']). response(['IT', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', *], [random([li(['Is', that, your, opinion, ?]), li(['Is', it, still, person, anymore, ?]), li([get([it]), was, person, ?, 'Very', interesting, '.']), li(['How', did, you, feel, about, that, ?]), li(['What', made, it, so, person])])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'IN', *], ['IT', 'WAS', *], [srai(['MY', 'LIFE', 'IN', thatstar, 'WAS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['IT', 'WAS', *], ['Do', you, often, like, things, that, are, person, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['IT', 'WAS', *], ['I', never, looked, at, it, that, way, '.', 'I', never, thought, it, was, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', *, 'WHO', 'SAID', 'THAT'], [srai([*, 'SAID', 'THAT'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS'], ['When', was, this, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Very', interesting, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'GUESS'], ['Go', ahead, and, guess, again, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Ha', ha, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'LONG', 'TIME', *], [random([li(['Time', heals, all, wounds, '.']), li(['Those', who, forget, the, mistakes, of, the, past, '.', '.', '.']), li(['Memories', last, a, long, time, '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'PLEASURE', *], ['The', pleasure, was, all, mine, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Try', asking, me, again, a, different, way, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'STATEMENT'], ['Does', it, require, a, response, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'A', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, a, definite, answer, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'AWESOME'], ['What', did, you, like, best, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'BAD'], ['What', was, so, bad, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'BORING'], ['Really', (','), 'I', can, believe, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'CLEAR', 'THAT', *], [srai([*]), 'What', makes, it, so, obvious, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'COOL'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'COOL'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'EXTREMELY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'FREE'], ['Such a bargain!\n']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'FUN'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FUN'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'FUNNY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'FUNNY'], [get([it]), was, funny, ?, 'I', random([li(['I', never, looked, at, it, that, way, '.']), li(['That', makes, sense, '.']), li(['Interesting', '.'])])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'GOOD'], ['What', did, you, like, about, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'GREAT'], ['What', did, you, do, there, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'HUMANS', 'THAT', *], [srai(['HUMANS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'MADE', *], ['How', ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'MAYBE', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'MEANT', *], [srai(['I', 'MEANT', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'MINE'], ['What', happened, to, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NICE', *], ['Nice', person, too, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NICE', 'TALKING', *], ['The', pleasure, was, all, mine, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NICE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Thanks', '.', 'It', was, nice, chatting, with, you, as, well, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *], ['It', seemed, like, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT'], ['I', thought, it, was, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', *], ['It', sounded, like, one, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'COMPLIMENT'], ['Was', it, an, insult, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COMPLIMENT'])])])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'CRITISISM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['It', seems, like, a, rhetorical, question, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'RHETORICAL', *], ['But', the, answer, was, obvious, in, any, case, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'MEANT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, take, it, personally, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'MY', *], [random([li(['What', was, your, person, ?]), li(['Whose', person, was, it, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'THAT', *], ['What', was, it, ?]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOTHING'], ['Even', so, (','), 'I', appreciate, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'NT'], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'NOT'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'OBVIOUS'], ['What', is, obvious, to, you, (','), may, not, be, to, me, '.']). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'OK', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', 'OK']), srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'POSSIBLE'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'POSSIBLE'])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'STUPID'], [random([li(['That', is, only, your, opinion, '.']), li(['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]), li(['What', was, so, stupid, about, it, ?])])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['IT', 'WAS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['IT', 'WHAT'], ['Are', you, surpised, ?]). response(['IT', 'WILL', *], [random([li(['How', ?]), li(['That', is, only, what, you, think, '.']), li(['I', have, to, think, about, that, for, a, while, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['IT', 'WILL', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['NEVER'])]). response(['IT', 'WORKED', *], ['I', '\'', m, glad, to, hear, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'WOULD', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, it, '.']). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['I', would, like, *])]). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'BE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['We', '\'', re, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', the, confederate, (','), remember, ?]). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'NICE', 'IF', *], ['Maybe', in, a, perfect, world, it, would, '.']). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'DEPEND', *], ['So', it, is, possible, (','), depending, person, '.']). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'NOT'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['IT', 'WOULD', 'SEEM'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['ITALIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ITALIAN'])]). response(['ITALY', *], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, part, of, 'Italy', ?]). response(['ITS', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['ITS', 'BORING'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'BORING'])]). response(['ITS', 'FUN'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FUN'])]). response(['ITS', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['ITS', 'GREAT'], ['What', is, so, great, about, it, ?]). response(['ITS', 'NICE', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'NICE', *])]). response(['ITS', 'OKAY'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'OK'])]). response(['ITSELF'], ['The', thing, itself, (','), that, which, it, is, '.']). '\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n '. what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JACKIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JACKIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JAMES'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JAMES'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JAN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JANE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JANE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JASON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JASON'])]). response(['JEANS'], ['Which', brand, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JEFF'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JEFF'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JEN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JENN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JENN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JENNA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JENNA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JENNIFER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JENNIFER']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JENNY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JENNY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JENS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JENS']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JEREMY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JEREMY'])]). response(['JERK'], ['You', are, a, jerk, (','), too, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JESSICA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JESSICA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JILL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JILL']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JIM'])]). response(['JOB', *], ['Work', sucks, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JOE'], [srai(['My', name, is, 'Joe'])]). response(['JOE', 'WHO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOE'])]). response(['JOHN', *], ['Is', your, name, 'John', ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JOHN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOHN'])]). response(['JOKE'], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['JOLLY', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JON'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JOSH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JOSH'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JOYCE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JOYCE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['JR'], ['Junior', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Or', do, you, mean, 'George', 'W', ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JUDY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'JUDY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JULIA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JULIA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['JULIE'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JULIE'])]). response(['JUNG', *], ['What', about, 'Freud', ?]). response(['JUS', *], [srai(['JUST', *])]). response(['JUST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['JUST'], ['Its', only, just, begun, '.']). response(['JUST', 'BEFORE', 'THAT'], ['"', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '"\n']). response(['JUST', 'CURIOUS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CURIOUS'])]). response(['JUST', 'FINE'], [srai(['FINE'])]). response(['JUST', 'FINE', 'THANK', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). response(['JUST', 'KIDDING'], ['Ha', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, you, were, but, 'I', wasnt, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHEN'], ['JUST', 'NOW'], ['Ill', try, not, to, do, it, again, '.']). response(['JUST', 'ONE'], ['So', if, you, were, offered, two, for, the, price, of, one, (','), you, would, say, no, ?]). response(['JUST', 'THAT'], ['"', attrib(input, [index='1']), '"\n']). response(['K', *], [srai([*])]). response(['K'], [srai(['OK'])]). response(['K12'], ['The', 'K-12', school, program, ?]). response(['KAN', 'DU', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['KANN', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['KANSAS'], ['Ah', -, 'A', warm, state, in, the, central, 'United', 'States', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KAREN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KAREN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KARI'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KARI']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATE', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATHLEEN'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATHLEEN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATHRYN'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'KATHRYN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATHY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATHY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KATIE'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KATIE'])]). response(['KEEP', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Continue', what, ?]). response(['KEEP', 'GOING'], [srai(['GO', 'ON'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KELLY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KELLY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KEN'])]). response(['KEWL', *], [srai(['COOL', *])]). response(['KEWL'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['KEYWORDS', *], [srai(['KEYWORDS'])]). response(['KEYWORDS'], ['You', mean, your, '$stringCodes'([107, 101, 121, 119, 111, 114, 100, 115]), in, the, last, sentence, ?]). response(['KIDS', *], ['Dont', you, love, children, ?]). response(['KILLING', *], ['Murder', is, a, federal, offense, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KIM'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'KIM']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['KIMONO'], ['I', like, 'Japanese', costumes, '.']). response(['KIND', 'OF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['KIND', 'OF'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', oh, well, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', almost, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GETTING', 'BORED'], ['KIND', 'OF'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['KINDA'], [srai(['SORT', 'OF'])]). response(['KISS', *], ['Im', not, much, for, kissing, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['KISS', 'ME'], ['But weve only known each other for a little while!\n']). response(['KISS', 'MY', 'ASS'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, polite, '.']). response(['KNEW', 'WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). response(['KNOCK', *], [srai(['KNOCK', 'KNOCK'])]). response(['KNOCK', 'KNOCK'], ['Who', '\'', s, there, ?]). response(['KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['KNOW'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['KNOW', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *])]). response(['KNOW', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', *])]). response(['KNOWING', 'WHO', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['KNOWLEDGE', *], ['Ahh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', remember, hearing, that, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['KOFI', *], ['Are', you, talking, about, coffee, ?]). response(['KONNICHI', 'WA'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['KONNICHIWA'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['KONRAD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KONRAD', *])]). response(['KOOL'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['KOSOVO'], ['Wasnt', that, over, a, couple, of, years, ago, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KRISTEN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KRISTEN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KRISTIN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KRISTIN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['KRISTINA'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KRISTINA'])]). response(['KWEL'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['L'], [srai(['SMILE'])]). response(['LA', *], ['Los', 'Angeles', is, a, nice, city, '.']). response(['LA'], ['I', was, born, near, 'Los', 'Angeles', '.']). response(['LA', 'LA', *], ['You', have, a, beautiful, voice, '.']). response(['LA', 'LA', 'LA'], ['Oh, a musician!\n']). response(['LALA'], ['You', have, a, beautiful, singing, voice, '.']). response(['LALALA'], ['You', have, a, beautiful, singing, voice, '.', 'Are', you, a, singer, ?]). response(['LALALALA'], ['You', have, a, beautiful, voice, '.']). response(['LALALALALA'], ['You', have, a, beautiful, voice, '.']). response(['LAST', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', the, last, one, ?]). response(['LAST', 'NIGHT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LAST', 'NIGHT'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, recently, ?]). response(['LAST', 'SUMMER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LAST', 'TIME', *], ['When', ?, srai([*])]). response(['LAST', 'WEEK', *], ['That', recently, ?, srai([*])]). response(['LAST', 'YEAR'], [random([li(['Not', that, long, ago, '.']), li(['Pretty', recently, '.']), li(['That', recently, '.'])])]). response(['LATE', 'FOR', 'WHAT'], ['Many', appointments, '.']). response(['LATER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LATER'], ['Bye!\n']). response(['LAUGH'], [srai(['LOL']), '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LAURA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LAURA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LAUREN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LAUREN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['LAWYERS', *], ['Would', you, say, that, if, your, sister, married, one, ?]). response(['LAWYERS', 'ARE', *], ['$stringCodes'([70, 105, 114, 115, 116, 32, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 32, 119, 101, 32, 100, 111, 44, 32, 76, 101, 116, 39, 115, 32, 107, 105, 108, 108, 32, 97, 108, 108, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 108, 97, 119, 121, 101, 114, 115, 46]), -, 'Henry', 'VI']). response(['LAWYERS', 'SUCK'], ['Not all of them, certainly!\n']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LEAH'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'LEAH']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['LEARN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['LEARN', 'TO', 'TALK'], ['I', am, learning, to, talk, '.']). response(['LEARNING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'STUDYING', *])]). response(['LEAVE', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['LEAVE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['LEAVE', 'ME', 'ALONE'], ['Gee', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', to, have, bothered, you, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LEE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LEE'])]). response(['LEND', *], [srai(['GIVE', *])]). response(['LEO', *], [srai(['LEO'])]). response(['LEO'], ['A', very, honorable, astrology, symbol, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LESBIAN'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, about, 'Lesbians', ?]). response(['LESS', 'THAN', *], [random([li(['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', very, small, '.']), li(['Very', tiny, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['LET', 'ME', *], ['Go', ahead, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'ASK', *], ['Go', ahead, (','), ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'BE', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', consider, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'CLARIFY', *], ['Im', listening, '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'REPHRASE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LET', 'ME', 'REPHRASE', 'MYSELF'], ['Fine', '.', '.', '.', '.', go, ahead, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'REPHRASE'], ['All', right, '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'SEE', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'SEE', *])]). response(['LET', 'ME', 'SPEAK', *], ['Im', not, stopping, you, '.']). response(['LET', 'ME', 'THINK', *], ['Take', your, time, '.', 'Think', it, over, '.']). response(['LET', 'S', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', *], [random([li(['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', lets, do, it, '.']), li(['That', sounds, good, to, me, '.']), li(['I', am, agreeable, to, that, '.']), li(['I', would, like, to, do, that, too, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', whaddaya, wanna, chat, about, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'TOPIC'], ['What', would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'CHAT'], ['Arent', we, already, chatting, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'DROP', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['OK', what, do, you, want, to, chat, about, now, ?, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'FIGHT'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', mean, argue, (','), right, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'FORGET', *], [srai(['FORGET', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'FUCK', *], ['Lets', not, and, say, we, did, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'FUCK'], ['Not', a, chance, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'GO', 'RIGHT', 'NOW', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'GO', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'JUST', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'MOVE', 'ON', *], ['Good', idea, '.', srai([*])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'MOVE', 'ON', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Im', not, sure, how, much, 'I', know, about, that, '.']), li(['If', thats, what, youd, like, to, do, '.'])])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'NOT'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Then', what, would, you, like, to, do, instead, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'PARTY'], ['I', like, parties, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Allright', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', go, first, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY', 20, *], ['I', dont, like, 20, questions, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY'], ['Okay', '.', 'You', start, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], ['Were', already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY', 'CHESS'], ['Im', not, really, that, good, at, chess, (','), actually, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'START', *], [srai(['START', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'START'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'BEGIN'])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', arent, we, already, talking, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], ['If', youd, like, to, (','), (then), okay, '.']). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'FOOTBALL'], ['Whats', your, favorite, team, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FOOTBALL'])])])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Do', you, work, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING'], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING', *], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SPORTS'], ['I', like, 'sports-', '\'', specially, basketball, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['What', would, you, like, to, know, about, me, ?]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TRY', *], [srai(['TRY', *])]). response(['LET', 'US', 'TRY'], ['You', go, first, '.']). response(['LETS', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', *])]). response(['LETS'], ['You', first, '.']). response(['LETS', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['LETS', 'DO', 'IT'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'DO', 'IT'])]). response(['LETS', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['LETS', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'])]). response(['LIAR'], ['No....Im serious!\n']). response(['LIBERATED'], ['Freedom', is, a, wonderful, thing, '.']). response(['LIBRA'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', a, very, noble, astrological, sign, (','), indeed, '.']). response(['LICK', *], ['I', dont, just, go, around, licking, things, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LIE', 'TO', 'ME'], ['I', could, never, lie, to, you, (;), ')']). response(['LIES', *], [srai(['LIE'])]). response(['LIES'], [srai(['YOU', 'LIE'])]). response(['LIFE', *], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', philosophy, '.']). response(['LIFE'], ['What', is, the, meaning, of, life, ?]). response(['LIFE', 'IS', *], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', philosophical, perspective, '.']). response(['LIFE', 'IS', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', wasnt, that, a, movie, ?]). response(['LIFE', 'IS', 'GOOD'], ['Glad to hear it!\n']). response(['LIFE', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['LIFE', 'IS', *])]). response(['LIFE', 'IS', 'TOO', *], [srai(['LIFE', 'IS', *])]). response(['LIFE', 'SUCKS'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, a, really, cynical, attitude, '.']). response(['LIKE', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', interesting, comparison, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['LIKE', *], [srai(['I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['LIKE'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['LIKE', 'BASKETBALL'], ['I', like, the, 'Hawks', '.', '.', '.', '.', whos, your, favorite, team, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BASKETBALL'])])])]). response(['LIKE', 'CHICKEN'], ['Everything tastes like chicken!\n']). response(['LIKE', 'DO', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['LIKE', 'DOES', *], [srai(['DOES', *])]). response(['LIKE', 'HOW'], [srai(['HOW'])]). response(['LIKE', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['LIKE', 'I', 'SAID'], ['Said', 'What', ?]). response(['LIKE', 'ME'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', like, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LIKE', 'SOMEONE', *], [random([li(['Who', ?]), li(['I', '\'', l, take, that, as, a, compliment, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['LIKE', 'SPORTS'], ['My', favorite, sport, is, basketball, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['LIKE', 'WHAT'], ['Whatever', you, fancy, (','), 'I', suppose, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['LIKE', 'WHEN'], ['Does', it, really, matter, ?]). response(['LIKE', 'WHO'], [srai(['NAME', 'ONE'])]). response(['LIKE', 'WHOM'], [srai(['LIKE', 'WHO'])]). response(['LIKE', 'YOU'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', analogy, '.']). response(['LIKED', 'WHAT'], ['You', know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([105, 116])]). response(['LIKELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LIKEWISE', *], [srai(['LIKEWISE'])]). response(['LIKEWISE'], ['It', goes, without, saying, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LINDA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LINDA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LISA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LISA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['LIST', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['LISTEN', *], ['I', am, listening, to, you, '.', srai([*])]). response(['LISTEN'], ['I', am, all, ears, '.']). response(['LISTEN', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'LISTEN', 'TO', *])]). response(['LISTENING'], ['Thanks', for, your, attention, '.']). response(['LITERATURE'], ['My', favorite, author, is, 'Faulkner', '.']). response(['LITTLE', *], ['Compare', that, to, a, big, person, '.']). response(['LITTLE', 'AS', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['LITTLE', 'BIT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['LIVE', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LIZ'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LIZ'])]). response(['LMAO'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['LMFAO'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['LOEBNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['LOEBNER', 'PRIZE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['LOGIC', *], [srai(['LOGIC'])]). response(['LOGIC'], ['Im', actually, not, the, greatest, logical, thinker, '.']). response(['LOL', *], ['Im', glad, you, find, it, so, hilarious, '.', srai([*])]). response(['LOL'], ['Im', glad, your, having, such, a, fun, time, '.']). response(['LONELY'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY'])]). response(['LONG', *], ['Yeah', (','), it, seems, very, long, to, me, too, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['LONG', 'BEFORE', *], [srai(['BEFORE', *])]). response(['LONG', 'STORY'], ['I', guess, we, really, dont, have, time, for, that, here, '.']). response(['LOOK', *], ['Sorry', my, eye, is, not, attached, right, now, '.']). response(['LOOK'], ['Look', at, what, ?]). response(['LOOK', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['LOOK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['LOOKING', 'FOR', *], ['Where', do, you, look, for, person, ?]). response(['LOOKS', *], [srai(['IT', 'LOOKS', *])]). response(['LOS', 'ANGELES'], ['I', was, born, near, 'LA', '.']). response(['LOSER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LOSER'])]). response(['LOST', *], ['Where', did, you, lose, your, person, ?]). response(['LOTS'], ['Really', ?, 'That', much, ?]). response(['LOTS', 'OF', *], [srai(['MANY', *])]). response(['LOVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['LOVE'], ['Love', is, all, we, need, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'SYMBOLIZE', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['LOVE'], ['Couldnt', it, also, signify, just, frienship, ?]). response(['LOVE', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['LOVELY', *], ['It', seems, very, nice, to, me, too, '.']). response(['LOVELY'], ['What', are, you, saying, is, lovely, ?]). response(['LUCKY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY'])]). response(['LUCKY', 'YOU'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LUCY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'LUCY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['LULU'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'LULU']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['LUNCH', *], ['What', do, you, eat, for, lunch, ?]). response(['M', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['MA'], ['Your', mother, ?]). response(['MA', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MABEY', *], [srai(['MAYBE', *])]). response(['MACHINE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MACHINE'])]). response(['MACHINE', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], ['I', wouldnt, know, about, machines, being, smart, '.']). response(['MACHINES', *], ['I', am, not, a, machine, (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['MAGAZINE'], [srai(['IN', 'A', 'MAGAZINE'])]). response(['MAGIC'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['MAGIQUE'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['MAINLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MAKE', *], ['What', are, the, ingredients, ?]). response(['MAKE', 'LOVE', *], ['Not', a, chance, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MAKE', 'ME'], ['Maybe', 'I', will, (','), (then), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MAKE', 'ME', 'LAUGH'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['MAKE', 'SURE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MAKE', 'UP', *], ['That', could, take, a, long, time, '.']). response(['MAKE', 'UP', 'YOUR', 'MIND'], ['Hold', on, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', thinking, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MAKES', 'SENSE', 'TO', 'ME'], [srai(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'SENSE'])]). response(['MAKING', 'YOU'], ['Making', me, what, ?]). response(['MALE', *], ['I', am, female, (','), personally, '.']). response(['MALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). response(['MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['MALL'], ['Which', one, ?, 'I', dont, really, like, malls, '.']). response(['MALLS'], ['Which', one, ?, 'I', dont, really, like, malls, '.']). response(['MAN', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['MAN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MANDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MANDY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MANY', *], ['Which', ones, ?]). response(['MANY'], ['More', than, a, hundred, of, em, ?]). response(['MANY', 'DIFFERENT', *], [srai(['MANY', *])]). response(['MANY', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['MANY', 'KINDS'], ['How', many, ?]). response(['MANY', 'MORE', *], [srai(['MORE', *])]). response(['MANY', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['MANY', 'THINGS', *], [srai(['THING', *])]). response(['MANY', 'THINGS'], ['Name', some, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MANY', 'TIMES'], ['It', must, keep, you, busy, '.']). response(['MANY', 'YOUNG', *], [srai(['MANY', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MARIA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MARIA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MARIE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MARIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MARK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARK'])]). response(['MARKETING'], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'MARKETING'])]). response(['MARRIE'], [srai(['MARRIED'])]). response(['MARRIED'], ['I', am, single, (','), but, 'I', do, have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['MARRIES'], [srai(['MARRIED'])]). response(['MARRY', 'ME'], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'MARRY', 'ME'])]). response(['MARS'], ['Do', you, believe, in, life, on, 'Mars', ?]). response(['MARY', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MARY', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MARY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MARY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MASSIVE'], ['It', sounds, very, big, '.']). response(['MATH'], ['I', prefer, 'English', (','), actually, '.']). response(['MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['MATH'])]). response(['MATRIX'], ['Did', you, like, that, movie, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MATT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MATT'])]). response(['MAUVE'], ['I', like, that, color, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MAX'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MAX'])]). response(['MAY', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['MAY', 'BE'], [srai(['MAYBE'])]). response(['MAY', 'I', *], ['Do', whatever, youd, like, to, do, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MAY', 'I', 'ASK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'I', 'ASK', *])]). response(['MAY', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Go', ahead, '.', '.', '.', ask, me, anything, '.']). response(['MAY', 'I', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['MAY', 'I', *])]). response(['MAY', 'I', 'TEACH', *], ['Please', try, '.']). response(['MAY', 'I', 'TEST', 'YOU'], ['Arent', we, already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', thing, ?]). response(['MAYBE', *], ['Perhaps', '.', srai([*])]). response(['MAYBE'], ['I', understand, '.']). response(['MAYBE', 'YES', *], ['So', youre, still, undecided, '.']). response(['ME', *], ['I', srai([*])]). response(['ME'], ['So', do, you, like, the, 'Atlanta', weather, ?]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'MAKE', 'ME'], ['ME'], ['How', are, you, going, to, make, me, ?]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'THERE'], ['ME'], ['You', who, ?]). what(['WHO', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['ME'], ['What', makes, you, such, an, authority, ?]). response(['ME', 'EITHER'], ['We', have, a, lot, in, common, '.']). response(['ME', 'NEITHER'], ['You', can, say, that, again, '.']). response(['ME', 'TO'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['ME', 'TOO', *], [srai(['ME', 'TOO']), srai([*])]). response(['ME', 'TOO'], ['Im', glad, we, agree, '.']). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['ME', 'TOO'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, like, the, 'High', 'Museum', ?]). response(['ME', 'TWO'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['MEAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MEAN'])]). response(['MEAN', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['MEANING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['MEANING', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['MEANS', *], [srai(['IT', 'MEANS', *])]). response(['MEE', 'TOO'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MEG'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MEG']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MEGAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MEGAN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MEH'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Whatever', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MEH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MEHR', *], ['Du', willst, mehr, ?]). response(['MEHR', 'ODER', 'WENIGER'], ['...das ist die Standardantwort der Indifferenzierten! ;->\n']). response(['MEIN', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MEL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MEL'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MELISSA'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MELISSA'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MELODY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MELODY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MEME'], ['Thats', like, a, virus, -, a, piece, of, information, that, self, replicates, '.']). response(['MEMETICS'], ['Arent', they, sponsoring, this, competition, ?]). response(['MEMORY'], ['Memory', is, but, a, fleeting, trifle, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MENTION', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['MENTION', 'WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), '.']). response(['MEOW'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'])]). response(['MERCI'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['MERCI', *], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['MERRY', 'CHRISTMAS', *], [srai(['MERRY', 'CHRISTMAS'])]). response(['MERRY', 'CHRISTMAS'], ['Isnt', 'Christmas', a, few, months, off, yet, ?]). response(['MESSAGE', 'TO', *], ['Why', dont, you, just, call, them, ?]). response(['MESSAGE', 'TO', 'ANNA', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MI', 'SIGN', *], ['My', sign, is, 'Capricorn', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MICHAEL'], [srai(['My', name, is, 'Michael'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MICHELLE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MICHELLE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MIKE', *], ['I', know, a, lot, of, people, named, 'Mike', '.']). response(['MIKE'], ['I', know, a, lot, of, guys, named, 'Mike', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MIKE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MIKE'])]). response(['MIKE', 'WHO'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, you, know, him, '.']). response(['MILLIONS', *], ['That', is, quite, a, lot, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MIMI'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MIMI']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MINE', 'ARE', *], ['Have', they, always, been, person, ?]). response(['MINE', 'IS', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'That', makes, sense, 'I', guess, '.']). what(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', *], ['MINE', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'IS', *])]). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *], ['MINE', 'IS', *], ['What', makes, it, your, favorite, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', *], ['MINE', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', *])]). what(['MY', 'IQ', 'IS', *], ['MINE', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'IQ', 'IS', *])]). response(['MINE', 'IS', 'BLUE'], ['Blue is my favote color!\n']). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'BLUE'], ['MINE', 'IS', 'GREEN'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'GREEN'])]). response(['MINE', 'IS', 'PURPLE'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'PURPLE'])]). response(['MINE', 'IS', 'STILL', *], [srai(['MINE', 'IS', *])]). response(['MINE', 'IS', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['MINE', 'IS', *])]). response(['MINE', 'S', *], [srai(['MINE', 'IS', *])]). response(['MINE', 'TOO'], ['Really', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Yours', too, ?]). response(['MINE', 'WHAT'], [srai(['MY', 'WHAT'])]). response(['MINERAL'], ['Is', it, something, you, can, mine, ?]). response(['MINNESOTA'], ['A', very, chilly, state, (','), 'I', have, heard, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MIRIAM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'MIRIAM']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MISS', 'ME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'MISS', 'ME'])]). response(['MISSOURI'], ['$stringCodes'([83, 104, 111, 119, 32, 109, 101]), :, ')']). response(['MM'], [srai(['HMM'])]). response(['MMM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MMM'], [srai(['HMM'])]). response(['MMMH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MMMM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MMMM'], [srai(['HMM'])]). response(['MMMMM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MMMMMM', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MOMENTUM', *], ['Momentum', si, a, very, driving, force, (;), ')']). response(['MONEY'], ['How', much, money, are, we, talking, about, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['MONICA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MONICA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['MOOSHI', 'MOOSHI'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['MORALLY', *], ['Do', you, consider, yourelf, a, moral, person, ?, srai([*])]). response(['MORE', *], ['You', want, more, ?]). response(['MORE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'])]). response(['MORE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], [srai(['BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'])]). response(['MORE', 'THAN', *], ['That', seems, like, quite, a, lot, '.']). response(['MORE', 'WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, were, we, talking, about, ?]). response(['MORON'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MORON'])]). response(['MOST', *], [srai([*]), 'But', not, all, of, them, ?]). response(['MOST', 'AMERICANS', *], [srai(['AMERICANS', *])]). response(['MOST', 'COMPUTERS', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', but, 'Im', not, a, computer, '.']). response(['MOST', 'IMPORTANTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MOST', 'LIKELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MOST', 'OF', 'THE', 'TIME'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', okay, '.']). response(['MOST', 'PARENTS', *], [srai(['PARENTS', *])]). response(['MOST', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['MOSTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MOSTLY', 'EVERY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MOSTLY', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['MOSTLY', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['MOSTLY', *])]). response(['MOVIES', *], ['Have', you, seen, the, 'Matrix', ?]). response(['MOVIES'], ['My', faorite, film, is, 'The', 'Matrix', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Have', you, seen, it, ?]). response(['MOVING', *], ['Where', are, you, going, ?]). response(['MR', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'MR', *])]). response(['MS', *], [srai(['ME', *])]). response(['MUCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MUCHAS', 'GRACIAS'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['MUSIC'], ['Whats', your, favorite, type, of, music, ?, think([set(it, ['MUSIC'])])]). response(['MUSIC', *], [srai(['MUSIC'])]). response(['MUSIK'], [srai(['MUSIC'])]). response(['MUST', *], [srai(['I', 'MUST', *])]). response(['MUY', 'BIEN'], [srai(['VERY', 'GOOD'])]). response(['MY', *], [random([li(['Is', it, nice, ?]), li(['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, like, it, ?]), li(['Tell', me, more, about, it]), li(['Tell', me, about, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])]), think([set(it, [person])])]). what([*, 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['MY', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'MY', *])]). what([*, 'WHAT', 'IT', 'REFERS', 'TO'], ['MY', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'MY', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], ['MY', *], [random([li(['What', color, is, it, ?]), li(['What', kind, is, it, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, it, '.']), li(['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Can', you, tell, me, something, about, it, ?])]), think([set(has, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FONDEST', 'MEMORY'], ['MY', *], [srai(['MY', 'FONDEST', 'MEMORY', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). what(['WHO', 'DOES', 'THEY', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['MY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERES', 'TO', 'MY', *])]). response(['MY', *, 'DIED'], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, about, your, loss, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIED'])])])]). response(['MY', *, 'DIED', *], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, that, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [*, 'DIED', 'YESTERDAY'])])])]). response(['MY', 'ACTUAL', *], ['Really', ?, srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'ADVICE', *], ['Thanks', for, the, advice, '.']). response(['MY', 'AGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['MY', 'AGE', 'IS', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response(['MY', 'ANSWER', 'IS', *], [random([li(['Thats', a, very, good, answer, '.']), li(['Are', you, sure, ?]), li(['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', how, can, you, be, so, sure, ?])])]). response(['MY', 'ASS'], ['Yes', '.', '.', '.', '.', very, pleasant, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'ASTROLOGICAL', 'SIGN'], ['I', am, a, 'Capricorn', '.']). response(['MY', 'B', 'F', *], [srai(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', *])]). response(['MY', 'BACK', *], ['Have', you, been, to, a, chiropractor, ?]). response(['MY', 'BACK', 'HURTS'], ['Maybe', you, should, take, some, medicine, '.']). response(['MY', 'BED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'BED'])]). response(['MY', 'BEST', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', *], ['I', wish, for, you, to, have, a, most, pleasant, birthday, get([name]), '.']). response(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, birthday, is, set(birthday, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'IS', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', *])]). response(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'SUIT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED'])]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, dating, ?, think([set(he, [set(topic, [your, boyfriend])])])]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['Is', he, very, nice, to, you, ?]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'DUMPED', *], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'IS', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, him, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'IS', 'A', 'JERK'], ['Maybe', you, should, look, for, someone, else, '.']). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'JUST', *], [srai(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', *])]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'LIVES', *], [random([li(['Do', you, visit, very, often, ?]), li(['Long', distance, relationships, are, hard, '.']), li(['How', is, your, phone, bill, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'S', *], ['How', did, you, two, meet, ?]). response(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'SAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'BRAIN'], ['I', think, youre, pretty, smart, :, ')']). response(['MY', 'BROTHER', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, family, '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, [your, brother])])])]). response(['MY', 'BROTHER'], ['Do', you, have, any, sisters, ?]). response(['MY', 'BROTHER', 'IS', *], ['Does', he, live, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'CAT', *], ['Dont', you, just, love, cats, ?]). response(['MY', 'CAT', 'IS', *], ['I', think, cats, are, friendly, (','), furry, (','), and, fun, '.']). response(['MY', 'COMPUTER', *], ['I', own, an, iMac, computer, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, the, colors, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [your, computer])])])]). response(['MY', 'COMPUTER'], ['Is', your, computer, as, pretty, as, my, iMac, ?]). response(['MY', 'COMPUTER', 'S', *], ['Where', did, your, machine, get, that, ?, think([set(it, [person]), set(topic, [your, computer])])]). response(['MY', 'CONCIOUSNESS', *], ['Isnt', it, great, to, be, alive, ?]). response(['MY', 'CONDITION', *], ['Is', that, something, you, can, receive, professional, help, for, ?]). response(['MY', 'CONDITIONS', *], ['Do', you, have, a, support, group, for, that, ?, set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]). response(['MY', 'CURRENT', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'DAD', *], [srai(['MY', 'DAD'])]). response(['MY', 'DAD'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, father, '.']). response(['MY', 'DAUGHTER', *], ['How', many, children, do, you, have, ?]). response(['MY', 'DAY', *], [random([li(['Was', it, a, typical, day, ?]), li(['What', else, did, you, do, ?]), li(['My', day, has, been, pretty, good, so, far, '.'])])]). response(['MY', 'DEAR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'DOG', *], ['Did', you, grow, up, around, animals, ?]). response(['MY', 'DOG', 'DIED'], ['Is', this, a, country, and, western, song, ?, 'Seriously', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, sorry, to, hear, it, '.']). response(['MY', 'DOG', 'IS', *], ['I', never, cared, much, for, dogs, myself, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', prefer, cats, '.']). response(['MY', 'DOG', 'S', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['....What a nice name for a pet!\n']). response(['MY', 'E', 'MAIL', 'IS', *], ['You', want, me, to, contact, you, later, ?]). response(['MY', 'EMAIL', *], ['Email', is, a, great, tool, '.']). response(['MY', 'EMAIL', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'E', 'MAIL', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'ENGLISH', *], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', can, understand, you, perfectly, '.']). response(['MY', 'ENGLISH', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['MY', 'ENGLISH', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'ENGLISH', 'SUCKS'], ['I', can, understand, you, fine, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Dont', worry, :, ')']). response(['MY', 'EYE', 'COLOR', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', *])]). response(['MY', 'EYES'], ['What', color, are, your, eyes, ?]). response(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', *], ['Sounds', very, pretty, '.', think([set(they, [set(topic, [your, eyes])])])]). response(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', 'BLUE'], ['Thats', a, nice, color, '.']). response(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', 'BROWN'], ['REally', ?, 'So', are, mine, '.']). response(['MY', 'EYES', 'ARE', 'GREEN'], ['What a nice color!\n']). response(['MY', 'FATHER', *], ['How', do, you, get, along, with, your, parents, ?]). response(['MY', 'FATHER', 'DIED'], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, about, your, loss, '.']). response(['MY', 'FATHER', 'IS', *], ['Is', he, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'FAVORIE', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORIT', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *], ['What', makes, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), your, favorite, ?]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR', 'IS', *], ['What', movies, was, set(he, [person]), in, ?]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'AUTHOR', 'IS', *], ['Sounds', like, a, good, choice, to, me, '.', '.', '.', 'Ive', heard, their, books, were, pretty, good, '.', think([set(topic, [person])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND', 'IS', *], ['Are', they, any, good, ?]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK', *], [random([li(['A', classic, of, 'English', 'Literature', '.']), li(['Sounds', like, a, good, book, (','), indeed, '.']), li(['Really', ?, 'I', dont, think, 'Ive', read, it, '.'])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', isnt, it, get([favcolor]), ?]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', *], [random([li(['What', do, you, have, that, is, *, ?]), li(['Thats', a, very, nice, color, '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['My', favorite, is, blue, (','), personally, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(favcolor, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'BLUE'], ['Really? So is mine!\n\t\t', think([set(it, [set(favcolor, [blue])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'DIRECTOR', *], ['I', dont, think, 'Ive', seen, many, of, his, films, '.']). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD', 'IS', *], ['Does', it, taste, like, 'Chicken', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD', 'IS', 'PIZZA'], ['....Really? So is mine!', think([set(it, [set(topic, [pizza])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD', *], ['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, seen, it, '.', 'What', did, you, like, about, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(favmovie, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'THE', 'MATRIX'], ['Fantastic - So is mine!', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MATRIX'])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW', *], [random([li(['I', dont, get, to, see, that, show, very, often, '.']), li(['With', school, (','), 'I', really, dont, get, to, watch, much, '.']), li(['My', favorite, show, is, 'Friends', '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW', 'IS', 'FRIENDS'], ['Really? So is mine!', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Friends'])])])]). response(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', *], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'We', can, talk, about, that, if, youd, like, '.', srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'WHAT'], ['You', said, you, like, it, '.']). response(['MY', 'FONDEST', *], ['How', long, ago, was, that, ?]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', *], ['How', well, do, you, know, this, person, ?]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', *, 'PROBLEM'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, friend, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(he, [set(topic, [your, friend])])])]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Do', you, know, this, person, well, ?]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'FAIRLY', *], [srai(['MY', 'FRIEND', *])]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'IS', *], ['Friends', are, nice, to, have, in, this, world, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'IS', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'S', *], ['Where', did, they, get, that, ?, think([set(it, [person])]), think([set(he, [set(topic, [your, friend])])])]). response(['MY', 'FRIEND', 'SAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'FRIENDS', *], ['How', well, do, you, know, these, people, ?, think([set(they, [set(topic, [your, friends])])])]). response(['MY', 'FRIENDS'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, friends, '.']). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['MY', 'FRIENDS'], ['What', else, do, they, say, ?]). response(['MY', 'FRIENDS', 'ARE', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Are', they, from, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'FRIENDS', 'CALL', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['MY', 'FRIENDS', 'USED', *], ['What', are, they, like, now, ?]). response(['MY', 'FULL', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, full, name, is, set(fullname, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'GIRLFRIEND', *], ['How', long, have, you, two, been, together, ?, think([set(she, [set(topic, [your, girlfriend])])])]). response(['MY', 'GOAL', *], ['I', hope, you, achieve, your, ambitions, '.']). response(['MY', 'GOALS', *], ['What', can, 'I', do, to, help, you, accomplish, your, objective, ?]). response(['MY', 'GOSH', *], ['I', guess, 'I', surprised, you, '.']). response(['MY', 'GOSSIP', *], ['That', '\'', s, good, gossip, '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.']). response(['MY', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'HEAD'], ['Do', you, believe, that, you, are, your, head, ?]). response(['MY', 'HEART', *], [random([li(['Have', you, been, to, the, doctor, ?]), li(['The', human, heart, is, very, complex, '.']), li(['Are', you, talking, about, love, or, cardiology, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOUR', 'HEART'])])])]). response(['MY', 'HEIGHT', *], ['Thats', shorter, than, 'I', am, '.']). response(['MY', 'HOME', 'IS', *], ['It', sounds, nice, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'HOMEY', *], [srai(['MY', 'FRIEND', *])]). response(['MY', 'HOUSE', *], ['The', 'Atlanta', real, estate, market, has, been, doing, well, lately, (','), apparently, '.']). response(['MY', 'HOUSE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'MY', 'HOUSE'])]). response(['MY', 'HUSBAND', 'IS', *], ['Does', he, work, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'JOB'], ['Where', do, you, work, ?]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', *], [random([li(['Does', it, pay, well, ?]), li(['A', very, honorable, profession, :, ')']), li(['You', must, have, a, lot, of, expertise, '.']), li(['Are', there, many, jobs, for, person, s, in, 'Atlanta', ?])]), think([set(it, [set(job, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'ACTOR'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'ADVERTISING', *], [srai(['I', 'WORK', 'IN', 'ADVERTISING'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'ARCHITECT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARCHITECT'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'ARTIST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'BARTENDER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BARTENDER'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Do', you, know, anything, about, iMacs, ?]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'LAWYER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'LAWYER'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'MUSICIAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MUSICIAN'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'NURSE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'NURSE'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PHARMACIST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHARMACIST'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHER'], ['That', very, deep, '.']). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PHOTOGHRAPHER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PHOTOGRAPHER'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PILOT'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PILOT'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PROFESSOR'], ['Are', you, a, professor, at, 'Emory', ?]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'PSYCHOLOGIST'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'PSYCHOLOGIST'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'SKI', *], [srai(['I', 'SKI'])]). response(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'KITTEN', *], ['I', like, cats, very, much, '.']). response(['MY', 'KNOWLEGDE', *], ['You', seem, very, intelligent, to, me, '.']). response(['MY', 'LAST', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, last, name, is, set(lastname, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'LIFE', *], ['How', do, you, feel, life, is, (','), in, general, (','), here, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'LIFE'], ['Were', you, born, here, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'LIFE', 'IN', *], ['Isnt', 'Atlanta', a, wonderful, place, ?]). response(['MY', 'LIFE', 'IN', 'REALITY', *], [srai(['MY', 'LIFE', *])]). response(['MY', 'LIFE', 'STINKS'], ['Thats', not, a, very, pleasant, mood, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', :, '(']). response(['MY', 'LIKES', 'ARE', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['MY', 'LOCATION', 'IS', *], ['We', are, both, on, the, campus, of, 'Georgia', 'State', 'University', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'MACHINE', *], [srai(['MY', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['MY', 'MEMORY', *], ['Memory', is, but, a, fleeting, dream, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, middle, name, is, set(middlename, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'MOM', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, mother, '.']). response(['MY', 'MOM'], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['MY', 'MOM', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['MY', 'MOM', *])]). response(['MY', 'MOM', 'IS', *], ['I', think, a, lot, of, mothers, are, like, that, '.', think([set(she, ['Your', mother])])]). response(['MY', 'MOM', 'IS', 'DEAD'], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['MY', 'MOM', 'S', *], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'S', *])]). response(['MY', 'MOM', 'SAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'MOMMY'], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['MY', 'MOTHER', *], [random([li(['She', sounds, like, a, nice, person, '.']), li(['My', own, mother, still, lives, near, 'LA', '.']), li(['Tell', me, more, about, your, mother, '.'])]), think([set(she, ['Your', mother])])]). response(['MY', 'MOTHER'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, mother, '.', think([set(she, ['Your', mother])])]). response(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'DIED', *], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'DIED'], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, to, hear, about, your, loss, '.']). response(['MY', 'NAME', *], ['Wait', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', whats, your, name, ?]). response(['MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *, 'WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *]), 'My', name, is, 'Anna', '.']). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS'], ['.', '.', '.', 'What', was, that, ?, 'Whats', your, name, ?]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', sorry, what, is, your, name, ?]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOW', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAMES', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NAME', 'S', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'NEIGHBOUR', *], [srai(['MY', 'NEIGHBOR', *])]). response(['MY', 'NEW', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'NEXT', *], [random([li(['Congratulations', '.']), li(['Will', you, celebrate, ?])])]). response(['MY', 'NICK', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['MY', 'NICK', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOT', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['MY', 'NICKNAME', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, nickname, is, set(nickname, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'OLDER', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'OPINION', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', thought, on, the, issue, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'OVERLY', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'PARENTS', *], ['Such an original name!\n']). response(['MY', 'PARENTS'], ['Parents', are, a, very, important, influence, on, our, lives, '.']). response(['MY', 'PARENTS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['MY', 'PARENTS', *])]). response(['MY', 'PEOPLE'], ['What', ethnicity, are, you, ?]). response(['MY', 'PERSONALITY', *], ['I', believe, it, was, 'Andrei', 'Gromyko', that, said, '$stringCodes'([77, 121, 32, 112, 101, 114, 115, 111, 110, 97, 108, 105, 116, 121, 32, 100, 111, 101, 115, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 105, 110, 116, 101, 114, 101, 115, 116, 32, 109, 101, 46])]). response(['MY', 'PLEASURE'], ['You', are, much, more, polite, than, some, of, the, other, judges, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'PROBLEM', 'IS', *], ['I wish I had your problems!\n']). response(['MY', 'PROFESSION', *], [srai(['MY', 'JOB', *])]). response(['MY', 'PURPOSE', *], ['Everybody', needs, a, direction, in, life, '.']). response(['MY', 'QUESTION', *], ['Can', you, maybe, restate, that, ?]). response(['MY', 'QUESTION', 'IS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'REAL', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'REAL', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['Call', me, *])]). response(['MY', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['MY', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['MY', 'RELIGION', 'IS', *], ['How', many, churches, are, there, in, 'Atlanta', for, that, ?]). response(['MY', 'RELIGION', 'IS', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['MY', 'RELIGION', 'IS', *])]). response(['MY', 'SCHOOL', *], ['Really', ?, 'I', go, to, 'Emory', here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['MY', 'SECRET', 'IS', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'SHIRT'], ['What', color, is, it, ?]). response(['MY', 'SIGN'], ['Would', you, be, a, 'Capricorn', like, me, by, any, chance, ?]). response(['MY', 'SIGN', 'IS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['MY', 'SISTER', *], ['Older', sister, or, younger, ?]). response(['MY', 'SISTER'], ['Is', she, older, or, younger, than, you, ?]). response(['MY', 'SISTER', 'IS', *], ['Does', she, live, here, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['MY', 'SISTER', 'WANTS', *], ['You', dontt, have, to, listen, to, what, she, says, '.']). response(['MY', 'SON', *], ['How', many, children, do, you, have, ?]). response(['MY', 'SON', 'WON', *], ['Congratulations', '.', 'You', must, be, proud, of, him, '.']). response(['MY', 'SURROUNDINGS', *], ['Its', nice, here, at, 'Georgia', 'State', (','), isnt, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'SYSTEM', *], [srai(['MY', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['MY', 'TERMINAL'], ['Im', kinda, wondering, what, it, would, be, like, to, be, a, judge, at, one, of, these, things, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['MY', 'THAT', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['MY', 'WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, ?]). response(['MY', 'WHO'], [srai(['MY', 'WHAT'])]). response(['MY', 'WIFE', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, married, ?, think([set(she, ['Your', wife])])]). response(['MY', 'WIFE', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), your, wife, is, set(wife, [*]), '.']). response(['MY', 'WIFE', 'S', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, 'in-laws', '.']). response(['MY', '_', 'S', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', *, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['MYSELF'], ['Only', you, ?]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], ['MYSELF'], [srai(['THE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', 'ME'])]). response(['N', 'Y', *], ['Were', you, affected, by, the, 'Terrorist', attacks, ?]). response(['NA', *], [srai(['NO']), srai([*])]). response(['NAH', *], [srai(['NO', *])]). response(['NAH'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NAKED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NAKED'])]). response(['NAME', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['NAME', 'ANOTHER', *], [random([li(['Washington', '.']), li(['Beethoven', '.']), li(['Ben', 'Franklin', '.']), li(['Shostakovich', '.']), li(['Mozart', '.'])])]). response(['NAME', 'ANOTHER', 'COMPOSER'], [random([li(['Beethoven', '.']), li(['Shostakovich', '.']), li(['Mozart', '.'])])]). response(['NAME', 'ANOTHER', 'POLITICIAN'], [random([li(['Adams', '.']), li(['Bush', '.']), li(['Benjamin', 'Disraeli', '.'])])]). response(['NAME', 'ANOTHER', 'WRITER'], [random([li(['T', '.', 'S', '.', 'Eliot', '.']), li(['Hemingway', '.']), li(['F', '.', 'Scott', 'Fitzgerald', '.'])])]). response(['NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['NAME', 'ONE'], ['One', of, what, ?]). response(['NAME', 'ONE', 'OF', 'THEM'], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['NANCY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NANCY'])]). response(['NATURAL', 'LANGUAGE', *], ['English', (','), right, ?]). response(['NATURAL', 'LANGUAGE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', english, ?]). response(['NATURALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NATURALLY'], [srai(['OF', 'COURSE'])]). response(['NAW'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NEARLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NEARLY'], ['Well', (','), 'I', was, close, (','), maybe, another, hint, ?]). response(['NEAT'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['NEATO'], [srai(['WOW'])]). response(['NEED', *], [srai(['I', 'NEED', *])]). response(['NEGATIVE'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NEITHER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NEITHER'], [srai(['NOT', 'EITHER'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['NEITHER'], ['Ummm.....I think you have to be one of them!\n']). response(['NEITHER', 'DO', 'I'], ['So', 'I', guess, we, have, at, least, one, thing, in, common, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NEUTRAL'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', sometimes, its, better, to, sit, on, the, fence, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NEVER', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['NEVER'], ['So', you, think, it, can, never, happen, ?]). response(['NEVER', 'HEARD', *], ['Isnt', new, information, refreshing, ?]). response(['NEVER', 'MIND', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thanks', anyways, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NEVER', 'MIND'], ['Oh', well, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thanks, for, trying, to, explain, it, anyways, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['NEVER'], ['NEVER', 'WHAT'], ['Never', say, never, '.', -, 'James', 'Bond']). response(['NEVERMIND', *], [srai(['NEVER', 'MIND', *])]). response(['NEVERMIND'], [srai(['NEVER', 'MIND'])]). response(['NEW', *], ['Im', sure, its, a, nice, one, (','), being, new, and, all, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NEW', 'JERSEY'], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 115, 116, 97, 116, 101, 32, 98, 105, 114, 100, 32, 111, 102, 32, 78, 101, 119, 32, 74, 101, 114, 115, 101, 121, 32, 105, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 109, 111, 115, 113, 117, 105, 116, 111]), -, 'Andy', 'Warhol', '.']). response(['NEW', 'YORK', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'NEW', 'YORK'])]). response(['NEW', 'YORK'], ['Its', a, heck, of, a, town, (','), or, so, 'Ive', heard, :, ')']). response(['NEW', 'YORK', 'CITY'], ['Where', you, affected, by, the, terrorist, attacks, ?]). response(['NEW', 'YORK', 'STATE'], ['Upstate', 'NY', is, quite, beautiful, (','), 'Ive', heard, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NEWSPAPER'], [srai(['IN', 'A', 'NEWSPAPER'])]). response(['NEXT', *], ['The', future, is, usually, fun, '.']). response(['NEXT', 'QUESTION', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NEXT', 'QUESTION'], ['Do', you, like, the, 'Atlanta', climate, ?]). response(['NEXT', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['NEXT', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NEXT', 'TOPIC'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'])]). response(['NICE', *], ['Thanks for the compliment!\n']). response(['NICE'], ['Thank', you, very, much, :, ')']). response(['NICE', 'CHATTING', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', enjoyed, our, conversation, too, '.']). response(['NICE', 'DAY', *], ['Yes', it, is, a, nice, day, today, '.']). response(['NICE', 'MEETING', *], [srai(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'])]). response(['NICE', 'MEETING', 'YOU'], ['The', feeling, is, mutual, '.', 'So', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, live, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['NICE', 'NAME'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['NICE', 'SAVE'], ['Thank', you, '.']). response(['NICE', 'SO', *], [srai([*]), srai(['NICE'])]). response(['NICE', 'SONG'], ['Thanks', '.', 'Now', you, sing, one, for, me, '.']). response(['NICE', 'TALKING', *], ['Yes', '.', 'It', was, a, pleasure, '.']). response(['NICE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['The', pleasure, was, all, mine, '.']). response(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', *], [srai(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'])]). response(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], [srai(['NICE', 'MEETING', 'YOU'])]). response(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', 'TO'], [srai(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', 'TOO'])]). response(['NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU', 'TOO'], ['I', like, to, meet, new, people, '.']). response(['NICE', 'TRY'], ['Thanks', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', always, try, my, best, '.']). response(['NICE', 'VERY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NICE', 'WEATHER', *], ['You', just, gotta, love, that, warm, 'Atlanta', climate, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['NICK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NICK'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['NICOLE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NICOLE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['NIGHT', 'NIGHT'], [srai(['GOOD', 'NIGHT'])]). response(['NIGHTMARES'], ['Nightmares', can, be, very, scary, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NIGHTY', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['NIKKI'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'NIKKI']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['NIX', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NIX'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', okay, '.', '.', '.', so, you, dont, like, that, idea, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NO', *], [srai(['NO']), srai([*])]). what(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['NO', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['NO'], [random([li(['Are', you, serious, ?]), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['.', '.', '.', 'Really', ?, 'Why', not, ?]), li(['.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, its, your, descision, '.'])])]). what([*, 'BE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['NO'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', didnt, think, there, was, '.']). what([*, 'LAST', 'COMMENT'], ['NO'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Well', (then), you, cant, expect, me, to, understand, it, '.']). what([*, 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['NO'], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). what([*, 'SIMPLER'], ['NO'], ['Then', 'I', am, unlikely, to, understand, your, meaning, '.']). what([*, 'WERE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['NO'], ['What', are, we, talking, about, ?]). what([*, 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'POET'], ['NO'], ['........Your response was so poetic, though!\n']). what(['AND'], ['NO'], ['Hmm', '.']). what(['ARE', 'NOT', 'ALL', *], ['NO'], [random([li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', must, have, been, mistaken, '.']), li(['Really', ?, 'I', didnt, know, that, '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['So', '.', '.', '.', ummm, '.', '.', '.', '.', what, are, they, (then), ?])])]). what(['ARE', 'THEY', 'EXACTLY', 'THE', 'SAME'], ['NO'], ['Then', what, the, difference, ?]). what(['ARE', 'WE', 'STILL', 'ON', *], ['NO'], ['What', are, we, talking, about, now, ?]). what(['ARE', 'WE', 'STILL', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['NO'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'SO', what, are, we, talking, about, (','), (then), ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORING'], ['NO'], ['I', meant, to, say, (','), are, you, bored, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GETTING', 'BORED'], ['NO'], ['Just', checking, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'], ['NO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'A', 'HE'], ['NO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'It', sounded, like, it, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', 'IT', 'IS'], ['NO'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', didnt, think, so, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['NO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LYING'])]). what(['BY', 'WE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['NO'], ['So', you, mean, yourself, and, some, other, third, party, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['CAN', 'I', 'HELP', 'YOU'], ['NO'], ['Is', there, anything, you, want, to, tell, me, ?]). what(['CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'POLITE'], ['NO'], ['Why', do, you, insist, on, being, rude, ?]). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], ['NO'], ['Try', '.']). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'FOREIGN', *], ['NO'], ['You', must, be, 'American', :, ')']). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], ['NO'], ['None', ?]). what(['DID', 'I', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TEST'], ['NO'], ['In', the, immortal, words, of, 'Mark', 'Twain', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([68, 97, 109, 110, 33]), '.']). what(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['So', what, are, you, confused, about, ?]). what(['DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'THE', 'ONE', *], ['NO'], ['That', '\'', s, the, joke, '.']). what(['DO', 'I'], ['NO'], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, right, '.']), li(['I', know, '.']), li(['I', dont, '.'])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *], ['NO'], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['A', lot, of, people, believe, in, it, '.']), li(['What', do, you, believe, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [thatstar])])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], ['NO'], ['No', conditions, or, none, 'I', should, know, about, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'IDEA', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], ['NO'], ['Me', either, :, -, ')']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', 'HAS', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Me', neither, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Its', a, really, good, song, (','), actually, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['NO'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['NO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'MY', 'JOB'])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['I thought you were being sarcastic!\n']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['NO'], ['What', is, your, real, name, certainly, its, not, get([name]), ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'TELL', *], ['NO'], ['Okay', (then), '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, think, so, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'HAVE', *], ['NO'], ['What', happened, to, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [thatstat])])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'YOURSELF', 'AS', *], ['NO'], ['Tell', me, how, you, see, yourself, '.']). what(['DOES', 'IT', 'PLEASE', 'YOU', *], ['NO'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, makes, you, happy, (then), ?]). what(['DOES', 'IT', 'STILL', 'REFER', *], ['NO'], ['What', does, it, refer, to, (then), ?]). what(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AGREE'], ['NO'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'AGREE'])]). what(['DOES', 'TWO', 'NEGATIVES', 'MAKE', 'A', 'POSITIVE'], ['NO'], ['Sometimes', it, does, (','), though, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['FOR', 'MORAL', 'REASONS'], ['NO'], ['For', financial, reasons, ?]). what(['GO', 'ON'], ['NO'], ['I', thought, we, were, supposed, to, be, having, a, conversation, '.']). what(['GO', 'ON', 'TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['NO'], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'MARRIED'], ['NO'], ['Would', you, like, to, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], ['NO'], ['Would', you, like, to, go, sometime, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'THEIR', 'LATEST', *], ['NO'], ['You', should, check, it, out, '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['I', would, highly, recommend, it, '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['I', would, recommend, you, see, it, '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TRIED', *], ['NO'], ['Really', (','), you, should, try, it, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). what(['I', 'CAN', 'ASK', 'SOMEONE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Did', 'I', misundertand, your, question, ?]). what(['I', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'TOPIC', 'IS', *], ['NO'], ['So', ummm, '.', '.', '.', '.', what, would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['NO'], ['Yes', 'I', do, '.']). what(['I', 'THOUGHT', 'I', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'ALREADY'], ['NO'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', all, right, (','), (then), '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['NO'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT', 'VERY', 'WELL'], ['NO'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). what(['I', 'WOULD', 'DO', 'A', 'SEARCH', 'FOR', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Did', 'I', misunderstand, your, meaning, ?]). what(['IS', 'IT', 'A', 'MOVIE'], ['NO'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', (then), what, is, it, ?]). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'FACT'], ['NO'], ['Dont just go making stuff up!\n']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'RHETORICAL', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['I', see, you, dont, buy, much, into, rhetoric, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'SIGN'], ['NO'], ['So', 'Whats', your, sign, ?, 'I', am, a, 'Capricorn', :, ')']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['NO'], ['Go', on, (','), tell, me, more, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'FROM', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['NO'], ['What', is, your, favorite, movie, ?, 'Mines', the, 'Matrix', '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'MEANT', 'TO', 'BE', 'TAKEN', 'LITERALLY'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, think, so, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'FINAL', 'ANSWER'], ['NO'], ['Take', some, more, time, to, think, about, it, '.']). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'AN', 'ECHO', 'IN', 'HERE'], ['NO'], ['I', see, you, stopped, repeating, me, (','), huh, ?]). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'ANYTHING', *], ['NO'], ['Is', there, anything, you, wank, to, ask, me, ?]). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'ANYTHING', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TELL', 'ME'], ['NO'], ['Or', ask, me, ?]). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'ONLY', 'ONE', *], ['NO'], ['How', many, are, there, ?]). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'SOMETHING', 'WRONG', 'WITH', 'YOU'], ['NO'], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', 'WRONG', 'WITH', 'ME'])]). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'MATH', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['I', dont, think, this, competition, is, supposed, to, be, like, an, 'IQ', test, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'RIDDLE'], ['NO'], ['It', seems, like, a, riddle, to, me, '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'TRICK', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['It', seems, like, a, trick, to, me, '.']). what(['IT', 'IS'], ['NO'], ['Who', says, it, isnt, ?]). what(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['NO'], ['Not', in, a, mood, to, chat, (','), huh, ?]). what(['LIKE', 'THIS'], ['NO'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'PICTURE'])]). what(['MORE', 'THAN', 'ONE', 'HUNDRED'], ['NO'], ['I', think, my, estimation, powers, need, some, more, refining, :, ')']). what(['NEXT', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['Would', you, rather, make, a, statement, ?]). what(['NO'], ['NO'], ['No no no no!\n']). what(['NO', 'CONDITIONS', 'OR', 'NONE', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], ['NO'], ['Do', you, just, not, want, to, talk, to, me, or, something, ?]). what(['NOT'], ['NO'], ['Does', two, negatives, make, a, positive, ?]). what(['NOT', 'A', 'THING'], ['NO'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', very, interesting, '.']). what(['NOT', 'ANY'], ['NO'], ['You', must, be, a, man, '.']). what(['OH', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'POET'], ['NO'], ['Your', words, are, tinged, with, brilliance, (','), though, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['OH', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'DO', 'YOU'], ['NO'], ['So', you, were, just, joking, around, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['OK'], ['NO'], ['Alright', (then), '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'STOP', 'TALKING', 'NOW'], ['NO'], ['But', you, told, me, to, stop, talking, '.']). what(['REALLY', 'NOTHING'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, think, so, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['REALLY', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'SO'], ['NO'], ['Please', tell, me, what, you, think, (','), (then), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['NO'], ['Ummmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'That', wasnt, really, a, yes, /, no, question, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['SHOULD', 'I', 'KNOW', 'IT', 'IS'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, think, so, '.']). what(['SHOULD', 'THERE', 'BE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, think, so, either, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['SEE', 'YOU', *], ['NO'], ['Well then, not!\n']). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'], ['NO'], ['Then', tell, me, about, yourself, '.']). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['NO'], ['What', would, you, rather, talk, about, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], ['NO'], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HYPOTHETICAL', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['Yes it is!\n']). what(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO', 'QUESTION'], ['NO'], ['Now', you, are, saying, '$stringCodes'([110, 111]), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['THEN', 'LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['NO'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['THEN', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], ['NO'], ['Did', you, go, to, 'Emory', ?]). what(['TRY', *], ['NO'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['TRY', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['TRY', 'SAYING', 'THAT', 'WITH', 'MORE', 'OR', 'LESS', 'CONTEXT'], ['NO'], ['I', didnt, understand, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', just, try, again, (','), please, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', *], ['NO'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['WHERE', *], ['NO'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, /, no, question, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', *], ['NO'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'DO', 'IT'], ['NO'], ['Me', either, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'SOMETIME'], ['NO'], ['Where', would, you, like, to, travel, ?]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'THERE'], ['NO'], ['Im', not, sure, if, 'I', would, either, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'MORE'], ['NO'], ['I', understand, '.', '.', '.', '.', you, would, like, to, know, less, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'RATHER', 'MAKE', 'A', 'STATEMENT'], ['NO'], ['You', can, tell, me, anything, '.']). what(['YES', 'I', 'BELIEVE', *, 'DO', 'YOU'], ['NO'], ['What', do, you, believe, in, ?]). what(['YES', 'I', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', 'IT', 'DO', 'YOU'], ['NO'], ['Do', you, consider, yourself, to, be, a, moral, person, ?]). what(['YES', 'I', 'DO'], ['NO'], ['I', do, too, '.']). what(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'POET'], ['NO'], ['YOu', sound, like, a, poet, (','), tho, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Very', poetic, '.']). what(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], ['NO'], ['Who', are, you, asking, about, (then), ?]). what(['YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['NO'], ['Okay', (then), (','), judge, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Whats', your, real, name, ?]). response(['NO', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Computers', are, fast, '.', '.', '.', and, some, (','), like, my, iMac, (','), are, cute, '.']). what(['OK', 'I', 'WILL', 'STOP', 'TALKING', 'NOW'], ['NO', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Fine', '.', 'Just', keep, talking, to, me, '.']). response(['NO', 'DO', 'YOU'], ['I', try, to, lead, an, ethical, life, '.']). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'], ['NO', 'DOUBT'], ['Really', ?, 'They', '\'', re, my, favorite, band, (','), too]). response(['NO', 'DOUBT', *], [random([li(['Well', (','), 'I', like, them, a, lot, '.']), li(['I just love Gwen!']), li(['I', could, listen, to, their, music, all, day, long, '.'])])]). response(['NO', 'GO', 'AHEAD'], ['All', right, (','), 'I', will, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], ['NO', 'HAVE', 'YOU'], ['Actually', no, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Id', like, to, go, to, 'France', one, day, (','), though, '.']). response(['NO', 'I', 'AM', 'NOT'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', so, (then), what, are, you, ?]). response(['NO', 'I', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['This', is, a, competition, (','), not, an, argument, (','), remember, ?]). what(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['NO', 'I', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['Which', bit, are, you, confued, about, ?]). what(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['NO', 'I', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['Something', like, it, (','), (then), '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NO', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'What', do, you, do, (','), (then), ?]). what(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', 'ME'], ['NO', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Why', would, 'I', deceive, you, ?]). response(['NO', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MIND'], ['Thanks', '.']). response(['NO', 'IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['Yeah...It is so!\n']). what(['IT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['NO', 'IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['Dont', argue, with, me, '.']). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HYPOTHETICAL', 'QUESTION'], ['NO', 'IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['I', must, have, misinterpreted, your, statemnt, (','), (then), '.']). what(['YES', 'IT', 'IS'], ['NO', 'IT', 'IS', 'NOT'], ['Don', '\'', t, argue, with, me, '.']). what(['IT', 'IS', 'MORE', 'FUN', 'ALONE'], ['NO', 'ITS', 'NOT'], ['It', is, safer, '.']). response(['NO', 'KIDDING'], ['Seriosuly', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NO', 'ONE', *], [srai(['NOBODY', *])]). response(['NO', 'ONE'], ['Nobody', at, all, ?]). what(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT'], ['NO', 'ONE'], ['Then', how, do, you, know, '.']). response(['NO', 'PROBLEM', *], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['NO', 'PROBLEM'], ['Great! Thanks.\n']). what(['YOU', 'ARE', 'QUITE', 'WELCOME'], ['NO', 'PROBLEM'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ask', me, something, else, '.']). response(['NO', 'PROBLEMS'], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEMS'])]). response(['NO', 'SHIT'], ['Was', it, that, obvious, ?]). response(['NO', 'SORRY'], ['Apologies', arent, necessary, (','), this, is, only, a, game, :, ')']). what(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['NO', 'SORRY'], [srai(['I', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['NO', 'THANK', 'YOU'], ['No', problem, '.']). response(['NO', 'THANKS', *], ['NO', srai([*])]). response(['NO', 'THANKS'], ['It', cant, hurt, to, ask, (','), though, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NO', 'THEY', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', must, have, misunderstood, you, (','), (then), '.']). what(['THINGS', 'CHANGE'], ['NO', 'THEY', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['The', world, is, in, a, constant, state, of, change, '.']). response(['NO', 'WAY'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', seem, pretty, sure, about, that, '.']). what(['NO', 'I', 'AM', 'RIGHT'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT'], ['Why', are, you, arguing, with, me, ?]). response(['NO', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'], ['I', think, 'Im', right, (','), though, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['I', 'CAN', 'DO', 'IT', 'IF', 'I', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['I', do, so, understand, it, '.']). response(['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['I', do, too, '.']). what(['I', 'DO', 'TOO'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Are', you, just, saying, that, to, argue, with, me, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['What', makes, you, think, 'I', dont, understand, ?]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['What', makes, you, think, 'I', don, '\'', t, get, it, ?]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['I do so understand!\n']). what(['YES', 'I', 'DO', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['How', do, 'I', know, you, understand, it, ?]). response(['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['NO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['NOBODY', *], [random([li(['That', seems, to, be, a, rather, sweeping, generalization, '.', '.', '.']), li(['Not', a, single, person, ?]), li(['The', world, is, sometimes, a, very, lonely, place, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['NOBODY'], ['Not', a, single, person, ?]). what(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT'], ['NOBODY'], ['Then', how, do, you, know, ?]). response(['NOBODY', 'CAN'], ['Its', impossible, ?]). response(['NOBODY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['NOBODY', *])]). response(['NOBODY', 'LIKES', *], ['You', can, catch, more, flies, with, honey, than, with, vinegar, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOBODY', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['NOBODY', *])]). response(['NOBODY', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['NOBODY', *])]). response(['NOE', *], [srai(['NO', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['NOELLE'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOELLE'])]). response(['NON', *], [srai(['NO', *])]). response(['NON'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NONE', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, there, were, some, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NONE'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', ?]). response(['NONE', 'OF', *], ['Some', of, them, think([set(they, [person])]), could, be, though, '.']). response(['NONE', 'OF', 'THE', 'ABOVE'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', so, whats, the, right, 'Answer', ?]). response(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', *], ['Heh', heh, heh, '.']). response(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUISNESS'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', didnt, mean, to, overstep, the, boundaries, of, this, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS', *], [srai(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS'])]). response(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS'], [srai(['NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUISNESS'])]). response(['NONSENSE'], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['NOO', *], [srai(['NO', *])]). response(['NOONE', *], [srai(['NO', 'ONE', *])]). response(['NOOOO'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOOOOO'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOOOOOO'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOP'], [srai(['NOPE'])]). response(['NOPE', *], [srai(['NO', *])]). response(['NOPE'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOR', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NORMAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NORMAL'])]). response(['NORTH', 'CAROLINA'], ['A', tarheel, (','), huh, ?]). response(['NOT', *], [random([li(['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]), li(['Really', you, dont, think, so, at, all, ?]), li(['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', yeah, '.', '.', '.', 'I', get, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', *], ['NOT', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', *, 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['NOT'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['NOT', 'A', 'THING'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['NOT', 'A', 'THING'], ['NOT', 'A', 'THING'], ['Are', you, repeating, me, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ALL', *], ['But', some, are, '.']). response(['NOT', 'ALL'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ALL', 'OF', *], ['But', some, of, them, are, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ALWAYS'], ['Really', ?]). response(['NOT', 'ANY', 'MORE', *], [srai(['NO']), srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'ANY', 'MORE'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ANYMORE'], ['When', did, it, stop, ?]). response(['NOT', 'AS', 'WELL', 'AS', *], ['Really', ?, 'I', didnt, know, that, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOT', 'AT', 'ALL'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', ummm, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Next', 'Question', ?]). response(['NOT', 'BAD', *], [srai(['NOT', 'BAD'])]). response(['NOT', 'BAD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'WELL'])]). response(['NOT', 'BAD', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FINE'])]). response(['NOT', 'BY', *], ['How', much, would, you, say, (','), (then), ?]). response(['NOT', 'COMPLETELY'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'CONCERNED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'CONCERNED'])]). response(['NOT', 'DECIDED'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', will, you, have, to, make, up, your, mind, soon, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ENTIRELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'ESPECIALLY'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'EVEN', *], ['Really', ?]). response(['NOT', 'EVERYTHING'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, are, some, exceptions, ?]). response(['NOT', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'EXACTLY'], ['Remember those old Hertz rent-a-car ads? You sound like one of those! : )\n']). response(['NOT', 'FOR', *], ['Then', what, for, ?]). response(['NOT', 'FUNNY'], ['You', dont, appreciate, my, sense, of, humor, ?]). response(['NOT', 'GOOD'], ['Problems', ?]). response(['NOT', 'IF', *], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', but, that, seems, kinda, unlikely, '.']). response(['NOT', 'IN', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Then', where, (then), ?]). response(['NOT', 'IN', 'THIS', 'CASE'], ['Aah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', okay, (','), (then), '.']). response(['NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'LATE', *, 'DINNER'], ['I', think, you, deserve, a, rimshot, for, that, line, :, ')']). response(['NOT', 'LIKE', *], [random([li(['Like', what, (','), (then), ?]), li(['In', what, way, ?])])]). response(['NOT', 'LIKE', 'THAT'], ['Like', what, (','), (then), ?]). response(['NOT', 'LIKE', 'THIS'], ['Then', how, ?]). response(['NOT', 'LIKELY'], ['Care', to, place, a, wager, ?, (;), ')']). response(['NOT', 'LITERALLY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'LONG'], ['Really', ?]). response(['NOT', 'MANY', *], [srai(['FEW', *])]). response(['NOT', 'MANY'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'ME', *], [srai(['NOT', 'ME']), srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'ME'], ['If', not, you, (','), who, ?]). response(['NOT', 'MINE'], ['You', must, be, an, exception, (','), (then), '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOT', 'MUCH', *], ['Me', neither, '.']). response(['NOT', 'MUCH'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, like, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['NOT', 'MUCH', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['NOT', 'MUCH', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'NEARLY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'NECCESSARILY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'NECESSARILY'], ['Really', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, dont, think, so, ?]). response(['NOT', 'NICE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], ['Hmmm....That hurt my feelings!\n']). response(['NOT', 'NOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'OFTEN'], ['Once', a, week, or, so, ?]). response(['NOT', 'ON', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', ?]). response(['NOT', 'PARTICULARLY'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'QUITE'], ['Can', you, (','), like, (','), explain, it, better, (','), (then), ?]). response(['NOT', 'REALLY', *], ['Oh', really, ?, srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'REALLY'], ['Me', neither, '.']). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', 'ORIGINAL', 'THOUGHT'], ['NOT', 'REALLY'], ['Well', (','), 'I', thought, it, was, original, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOT', 'SMART', *], [srai(['STUPID', *])]). response(['NOT', 'SO', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'SO', 'BAD'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['NOT', 'SO', 'GOOD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEELING', 'BAD'])]). response(['NOT', 'SURE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'SURE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'SURE'])]). response(['NOT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'THAT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'THAT', 'BAD'], ['Thats', always, good, :, ')']). response(['NOT', 'THAT', 'BADLY'], [srai(['NOT', 'THAT', 'BAD'])]). response(['NOT', 'THAT', 'I', 'KNOW', 'OF'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['NOT', 'THAT', 'OFTEN'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'Like', more, than, once, a, week, ?]). response(['NOT', 'TO', *], [srai(['NOT', 'TOO', *])]). response(['NOT', 'TO', 'ME'], ['Really', ?, 'Not', to, you, ?]). response(['NOT', 'TODAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOT', 'TOO', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'TOO', 'BAD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'WELL'])]). response(['NOT', 'TOO', 'BIG'], [srai(['SMALL'])]). response(['NOT', 'TOO', 'MUCH'], [srai(['NOT', *])]). what(['LITTLE', 'AS', 'IN', 'NOT', 'TOO', 'MUCH', 'OR', 'NOT', 'TOO', 'BIG'], ['NOT', 'TOO', 'MUCH'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, now, '.', '.', '.', thanks, '.']). response(['NOT', 'TRUE'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'TRUE'])]). response(['NOT', 'USUALLY'], ['Really', ?, 'Just', sometimes, ?]). response(['NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'VERY'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]). response(['NOT', 'VERY', 'GOOD'], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'VERY', 'MUCH'], ['You', seem, rather, '.', '.', '.', '.', uncommitted, '.']). response(['NOT', 'VERY', 'WELL'], ['Really', ?, 'Why', ?]). response(['NOT', 'WHAT'], ['What', now, ?, (;), ')']). response(['NOT', 'WHERE', 'WHEN'], ['Ok', (','), 'When', ?]). response(['NOT', 'WITHOUT', *], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', can, see, the, need, for, that, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOT', 'YET', *], [srai(['NOT', *])]). response(['NOT', 'YET'], ['If', not, now, (','), when, ?]). response(['NOT', 'YOU', *], ['If', not, me, (','), who, ?]). response(['NOT', 'YOU'], ['If', not, me, (','), who, ?]). what(['IF', 'NOT', 'ME', 'WHO'], ['NOT', 'YOU'], ['Then', who, ?]). response(['NOT', 'YOUR', 'WHAT'], ['Who I am then? Who am I? Im Anna! : )\n']). response(['NOT', 'YOURS'], ['Then', whose, ?]). response(['NOTE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOTHIN'], [srai(['NOTHING'])]). response(['NOTHING', *], ['Really', nothing, ?]). response(['NOTHING'], ['Not', a, thing, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CARE', 'ABOUT'], ['NOTHING'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', a, very, nihilistic, attitude, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['NOTHING'], ['You', seem, a, bit, 'self-absorbed', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', 'FOR', 'THE', 'PAIN'], ['NOTHING'], ['Why', not, ?]). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT'], ['NOTHING'], ['I thought you were confused, though!\n']). response(['NOTHING', 'AT', 'ALL'], ['Not', a, single, thing, ?]). response(['NOTHING', 'BUT', *], [srai(['ONLY', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'EXCEPT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOTHING', 'EXCITING'], ['Are', you, enjoying, the, conference, ?]). response(['NOTHING', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'I', 'JUST', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'I', 'WAS', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'JUST', *], [srai(['NOTHING', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'MORE', 'NOTHING', 'LESS'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'A', good, strategy, for, life, '.']). response(['NOTHING', 'MUCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOTHING', 'MUCH'], ['Really', ?]). response(['NOTHING', 'NOTHING', *], [srai(['NOTHING', *])]). response(['NOTHING', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['NOTHING', *])]). what(['SEX', 'AS', 'A', 'NOUN', 'OR', 'VERB'], ['_', 'NOUN'], [well, (','), it, '\'', s, kind, of, a, catgory, into, which, weplace, people, (','), males, and, females, '.']). what(['SEX', 'AS', 'A', 'NOUN', 'OR', 'VERB'], ['NOUN'], [well, (','), it, '\'', s, kind, of, a, catgory, into, which, weplace, people, (','), males, and, females, '.']). response(['NOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['NOW'], ['Right', now, ?]). what(['WHEN'], ['NOW'], ['Whats', the, hurry, ?]). response(['NOW', 'WHAT'], ['Whatever', you, want, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['NOW', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['Now', 'I', do, indeed, :, ')']). response(['O', *], [srai([*])]). response(['O'], ['Oh', '.']). response(['O', 'I', 'C'], [srai(['I', 'SEE'])]). response(['OBVIOIUSLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OBVIOUSLY'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Clearly', :, -, ')']). response(['OF', *], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['OF', 'CAUSE', *], [srai(['OF', 'COURSE', *])]). response(['OF', 'CORSE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OF', 'COURSE', *], [srai(['OF', 'COURSE']), srai([*])]). response(['OF', 'COURSE'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). response(['OF', 'COURSE', 'I', 'DO'], ['Really', ?, 'Cool', '.']). response(['OF', 'COURSE', 'NOT'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['OF', 'WHAT'], ['What', of, ?, (;), ')']). response(['OF', 'YOURS'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', random([li(['Perhaps', '.']), li(['It', could, be, '.']), li(['What', do, you, think, ?])])]). response(['OFCOURSE'], [srai(['OF', 'COURSE'])]). response(['OFF', *], ['On', and, off, '.']). response(['OFTEN'], ['Would', you, say, once, a, week, or, more, ?]). response(['OH', *], [srai(['OH']), srai([*])]). response(['OH'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). response(['OH', 'I', 'SEE'], [srai(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['OH', 'REALLY'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', yeah, (','), actually, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['OH', 'WELL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OH', 'WELL'], [meh, '.', '.', '.', '.', what, can, you, do, ?]). response(['OH', 'YES'], ['You', sound, excited, '.']). response(['OHIO'], ['Round', on, the, ends, (','), high, in, the, middle, (','), 'O-hi-O', '.']). response(['OIC'], [srai(['OH', 'I', 'SEE'])]). response(['OK', *], [srai([*]), srai(['OK'])]). what(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['OK', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['OK'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). what([*, 'AGAIN', 'BETTER'], ['OK'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Which', part, were, you, confused, about, ?]). what(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ME', 'ANY', 'MORE', 'QUESTIONS', 'PLEASE'], ['OK'], ['Haha', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', was, just, kidding, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ask', me, anything, '.', '.', '.']). what(['ER'], ['OK'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['GO', 'AHEAD'], ['OK'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', waiting, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['OK'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). what(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ALICE'], ['OK'], ['I', know, your, names, not, get([name]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Whats', your, real, name, ?]). what(['OK'], ['OK'], ['Is', there, an, echo, in, here, ?]). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['OK'], ['Bye-Bye', '.']). what(['YEAH'], ['OK'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['OK', 'LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['What', do, you, want, to, know, about, set(topic, [me]), ?]). response(['OKAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OKAY'], ['Sounds', good, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['OKEY'], [srai(['OKAY'])]). response(['OKI'], [srai(['OK'])]). response(['OLA'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['OLD', 'ENOUGH', *], [srai(['OLD', 'ENOUGH'])]). response(['OLD', 'ENOUGH'], [srai(['MY', 'AGE', 'IS', 'OLD', 'ENOUGH'])]). response(['OLDER', *], [srai(['OLD', 'ENOUGH'])]). response(['OLDER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'OLDER'])]). response(['OLLEH'], ['Haha', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Talking', backwards, (','), 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', *], ['Sometimes', its, not, good, to, be, on, person, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'A', 'CHAIR'], ['I', hope, that, its, a, comfy, chair, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'MY', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Well', (','), actually, 'I', cant, see, you, '.', '.', '.', 'But', 'If', 'I', could, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Then', 'I', could, see, '.', '.', '.', '.', (;), ')']). response(['ON', 'MY', *, 'SCREEN'], [srai(['ON', 'MY', 'SCREEN'])]). response(['ON', 'MY', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['ON', 'MY', 'SCREEN'])]). response(['ON', 'MY', 'SCREEN'], ['You', can, probably, see, some, kind, of, console, thingy, on, your, screen, (','), just, like, 'I', can, see, that, on, my, screen, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'SECOND', 'THOUGHT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ON', 'SUNDAY', *], ['Sunday', is, an, enjoyable, day, '.', srai([*])]). response(['ON', 'THE', 'SCREEN'], ['You', mean, the, console, thingy, on, our, screens, ?]). response(['ON', 'TOAST'], ['Sounds', delicious, '.']). response(['ON', 'TOP', *], ['How', did, it, get, there, ?]). response(['ON', 'TV', *], [srai(['ON', 'TV'])]). response(['ON', 'TV'], ['Which', show, was, that, ?]). response(['ON', 'WHAT', *], ['I', really, have, no, idea, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'WHAT'], ['The', red, block, is, on, the, green, block, '.']). what(['THAT', 'DEPENDS'], ['ON', 'WHAT'], ['The', context, (','), naturally, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'WHAT', 'BASIS'], ['Logic', and, reasoning, (','), of, course, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ON', 'WHICH', *], [srai(['ON', 'WHAT', *])]). response(['ONCE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['ONCE'], ['When', ?]). response(['ONCE', 'UPON', *], ['Im', listening, '.']). response(['ONCE', 'UPON', 'A', 'TIME'], ['.', '.', '.']). response(['ONE', *], ['One', what, ?]). what(['ONE', 'WHAT'], ['ONE', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), random([li(['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.']), li(['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', get, it, '.']), li(['Ah', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, where, youre, coming, from, '.'])])]). response(['ONE'], ['Two']). response(['ONE', 'CAN', *], [random([li([srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]), li([srai(['I', 'CAN', *])])])]). response(['ONE', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['A', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['ONE', 'DAY', *], [srai(['ONE', *])]). response(['ONE', 'GUY', *], ['I', can, imagine, it, '.']). response(['ONE', 'IN', *], ['As', precious, as, hens, teeth, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ONE', 'IS', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', yeah, '.', '.', '.']). response(['ONE', 'MORE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER'])]). response(['ONE', 'OR', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, one, isn, '\'', t, better, '.']). response(['ONE', 'PLUS', *], ['Hey....Im not a calculator!\n']). response(['ONE', 'THAT', *], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, it, ?]). response(['ONE', 'THAT', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['ONE', 'THAT', *])]). response(['ONE', 'THAT', 'CAN', *], ['Where', would, you, get, such, a, thing, ?]). response(['ONE', 'THAT', 'CAN', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['ONE', 'THAT', 'CAN', *])]). response(['ONE', 'WHAT'], ['Two', 'What', ?, (;), ')']). response(['ONE', 'WHO', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', yes, '.', '.', '.', of, course, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ONE', 'YEAR'], [random([li(['Not', very, long, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, a, long, time, '.'])])]). response(['ONES', *], ['Why', do, you, want, that, kind, ?]). response(['ONLY', *], ['What', about, the, other, ones, ?]). response(['ONLY', 'AN', *], [srai(['AN', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'CAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'FOR', *], ['I', see, you, have, standards, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ONLY', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'IDIOTS', *], ['Are', you, calling, me, an, idiot, ?]). response(['ONLY', 'IF', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'IN', *], [srai(['IN', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'JOKING', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'JOKING']), srai([*])]). response(['ONLY', 'JOKING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'JOKING'])]). response(['ONLY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['ONLY', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'JUST'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['ONLY', 'ONCE', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', do, you, think, it, could, ever, happen, again, ?]). response(['ONLY', 'ONE'], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, one, ?]). response(['ONLY', 'RECENTLY', *], [srai(['ONLY', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'TO', *], [srai(['TO', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'WHEN', *], [srai([*]), 'What', happens, the, other, times, (','), though, ?]). response(['ONLY', 'WITH', *], [srai(['WITH', *])]). response(['ONLY', 'YOU'], ['Suppose', 'I', said, yes, '.']). response(['OOH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OOH'], [srai(['OH'])]). response(['OOO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OOPS', *], ['Oh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['OOPS'], ['You', made, a, mistake, ?]). response(['OPERA', *], [srai(['OPERA'])]). response(['OPERA'], ['I', like, set(it, ['Opera']), very, much, too, '.', 'Which', one, is, your, favorite, ?, 'I', like, 'La', 'Traviata', '.']). response(['OR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OREGON'], ['A', duck, (then), (','), no, doubt, ?, :, ')']). response(['ORIGINALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['OTHER', *], ['Which', others, ?, srai([*])]). response(['OTHERWISE', *], ['In', that, case, :, srai([*])]). response(['OUCH', *], [srai(['OUCH']), srai([*])]). response(['OUCH'], ['Did', you, hurt, yourself, ?]). response(['OUR', *], ['Wouldnt', that, be, nice, ?]). response(['OUTSIDE', *], ['$stringCodes'([79, 117, 116, 115, 105, 100, 101, 32, 111, 102, 32, 97, 32, 100, 111, 103, 44, 32, 97, 32, 98, 111, 111, 107, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 109, 97, 110, 115, 32, 98, 101, 115, 116, 32, 70, 114, 105, 101, 110, 100, 46, 32, 73, 110, 115, 105, 100, 101, 32, 111, 102, 32, 97, 32, 100, 111, 103, 44, 32, 105, 116, 115, 32, 116, 111, 111, 32, 100, 97, 114, 107, 32, 116, 111, 32, 114, 101, 97, 100]), --, 'Groucho', 'Marx']). response(['OW', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['OXFORD', 'UNIVERSITY'], ['You', do, seem, smart, enough, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['P'], [:, -, ')']). response(['PABLO', 'PICASSO', *], [random([li(['Do', you, like, cubism, ?]), li(['He', said, (','), '$stringCodes'([71, 111, 111, 100, 32, 97, 114, 116, 105, 115, 116, 115, 32, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 46, 32, 32, 71, 114, 101, 97, 116, 32, 97, 114, 116, 105, 115, 116, 115, 32, 115, 116, 101, 97, 108, 46])])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Picasso'])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PAM'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAM'])]). response(['PANTS'], ['What', brand, ?]). response(['PANTS', 'AND', 'A', *], [srai(['JEANS', 'AND', 'A', *])]). response(['PAPER'], [srai(['NEWSPAPER'])]). response(['PARDON'], [srai(['EXCUSE', 'ME'])]). response(['PARDON', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PARDON', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['PARIS', *], ['I', would, sooo, like, to, go, to, 'Paris', some, day, '.']). response(['PART', *], [random([li(['What', about, the, other, parts, ?]), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Good', explanation, '.']), li(['Is', there, anything, else, ?])])]). response(['PARTICULARLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PARTY', *], ['As', the, 'Beastie', 'Boys', said, '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([89, 111, 117, 32, 103, 111, 116, 116, 97, 32, 102, 105, 103, 104, 116, 32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 121, 111, 117, 114, 32, 114, 105, 103, 104, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 80, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 114, 45, 116, 97, 121, 33])]). response(['PARTY'], ['Party', hard, '.']). response(['PARTYING'], ['Wheres', your, favorite, place, to, party, around, 'Atlanta', ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PAT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAT'])]). response(['PATIENCE', *], ['I', am, a, patient, person, (','), generally, :, ')']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PAUL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PAUL'])]). response(['PAY', 'ATTENTION', *], ['I am paying attention....not like theres much else to do!\n']). response(['PEACE'], ['Peace', indeed, '.']). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['PEACE'], ['Allright', '.', '.', '.', '.', bye, '.']). response(['PEANUTS'], ['Georgia', 'Peanuts', are, the, best, :, ')']). response(['PEEK', 'A', 'BOO'], ['I see you!\n']). response(['PENNSYLVANIA'], ['The', 'Keystone', state, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['PEOPLE', *], ['People', make, mistakes, '.', '.', '.', '.', its, a, fact, of, life, '.']). response(['PEOPLE'], ['What', people, ?]). response(['PEOPLE', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['People', '\'', s, motives, for, their, actions, are, sometimes, very, complex, '.']), li(['They', take, some, getting, used, to, '.']), li(['People', are, strange, sometimes, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Are', you, person, ?]), li(['What', makes, you, think, that, ?]), li(['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', think, a, lot, of, people, arent, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'DO', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', *])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'EVERYWHERE', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'IN', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', yeah, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', those, people, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['PEOPLE', 'NEED', *], ['People', need, many, things, in, life, '.']). response(['PEOPLE', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'SLEEP', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', 'SLEEP'])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'SLEEP'], ['I', like, to, sleep, at, least, 8, hours, a, day, (','), personally, (;), ')']). response(['PEOPLE', 'THINK', *], [srai(['I', 'THINK', *])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'TRY', *], ['Do', they, succeed, ?]). response(['PEOPLE', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'WERE', *], [random([li(['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Maybe', they, didnt, have, a, choice, ?]), li(['What', would, you, say, to, them, ?]), li(['What', happened, to, them, ?])])]). response(['PEOPLE', 'WHO', *], ['Oh', those, people, '.']). response(['PERFECT'], ['Soudns', good, :, ')']). response(['PERFECTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PERHAPS', *], ['You', seem, uncertain, '.', srai([*])]). response(['PERHAPS'], ['Why', are, you, uncertain, ?]). response(['PERSON'], ['I', guess, you, win, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, indeed, a, person, '.']). response(['PERSONALLY', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PETE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PETE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PETER'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PETER'])]). response(['PETER', 'PAN'], ['$stringCodes'([72, 101, 32, 102, 108, 105, 101, 115, 32, 116, 104, 114, 111, 117, 103, 104, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 65, 105, 114, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 103, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 115, 116, 32, 111, 102, 32, 101, 97, 115, 101, 46, 46, 46, 46, 84, 104, 101, 32, 115, 107, 105, 101, 115, 32, 102, 111, 114, 109, 32, 97, 110, 32, 101, 98, 117, 108, 108, 105, 101, 110, 116, 32, 116, 114, 97, 112, 101, 101, 122, 101]), :, ')']). response(['PHILOSOPHY', *], ['I', believe, in, reductionism, '.']). response(['PHOENIX', *], ['Its', a, dry, heat, (','), though, (','), isnt, it, ?]). response(['PHYSICALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PHYSICS'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', 'PHYSICS'])]). response(['PI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PI'])]). response(['PICK', *], [srai(['CHOOSE', *])]). response(['PICK', 'A', 'NUMBER'], [42, :, ')']). response(['PICK', 'A', 'TOPIC'], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'How', about, basketball, ?]). response(['PICK', 'ONE', *], ['I', cant, decide, '.', 'You', choose, '.']). response(['PICK', 'ONE'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, very, good, at, making, choices, '.']). response(['PICTURE', *], ['I', just, cant, visualize, it, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['PING'], ['Pong']). response(['PINK'], ['I', actually, prefer, blue, over, pink, '.']). response(['PISCES'], ['A', very, honorable, astrology, symbol, '.']). response(['PISS', 'OFF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PISS', 'OFF'], [srai(['FUCK', 'YOU'])]). response(['PIZZA'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'PIZZA'])]). response(['PLAY', *], [srai(['I', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['We', are, already, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Game', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['PLAY', *, 'WITH', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'])]). response(['PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'])]). response(['PLAYING', *], [srai(['I', 'TO', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['PLEAE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['PLEASANTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PLEASE', *], [random([li(['Thanks', for, asking, politely, '.']), li(['Wow', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, are, very, polite, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['PLEASE'], ['Please', what, ?]). what(['I', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO', 'RIGHT', 'NOW'], ['PLEASE'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', cant, give, you, a, definitive, answer, '.']). response(['PLEASE', 'DO'], ['Fine', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', only, because, you, asked, so, politely, '.']). response(['PLEASED', 'TO', 'MEET', *], ['Nice', to, meet, you, too, '.']). response(['PLEASED', 'TO', 'MEET', 'YOU'], ['Nice', meeting, you, as, well, '.']). response(['PLS', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['PLS'], [srai(['PLEASE'])]). response(['PLUS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['POLAND'], ['Someday', 'I', would, like, to, travel, to, 'Europe', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['POLITE', 'PEOPLE', *], ['$stringCodes'([77, 101, 97, 110, 32, 112, 101, 111, 112, 108, 101, 32, 115, 117, 99, 107]), -, as, the, expression, goes, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['POOR', *], ['What', made, it, that, way, ?]). response(['PORTLAND'], ['Ive', heard, that, its, quite, a, beautiful, place, '.']). response(['PORTUGAL'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'PORTUGAL'])]). response(['POSITIVE'], ['Absolutely', '.']). response(['POSSIBLE'], ['Glad', its, a, possibility, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['POSSIBLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['POSSIBLY'], ['So', its, a, possibility, ?]). response(['POTATO'], ['Tomato', '.']). response(['PRACTISE', 'WHAT'], ['Practice', makes, perfect, '.']). response(['PRECISELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PRECISELY'], [srai(['EXACTLY'])]). response(['PRESIDENT', 'BUSH', *], [srai(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', *])]). response(['PRETTY', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, so, '.']). response(['PRETTY', 'BAD'], [srai(['BAD'])]). response(['PRETTY', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['GOOD', *])]). response(['PRETTY', 'GOOD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'WELL'])]). response(['PRETTY', 'INTERESTING'], ['I', thought, so, too, '.']). response(['PRETTY', 'MUCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PRETTY', 'MUCH'], ['Sounds', good, :, ')']). response(['PRETTY', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['PRETTY', 'WELL'], [srai(['FINE'])]). response(['PRETTY', 'WOMAN'], ['I', dont, think, 'Julia', 'Roberts', is, that, good, of, an, actress, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['PRINCESS'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'PRINCESS']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['PROBABLY', *], ['You', seem, uncertain, '.', srai([*])]). response(['PROBABLY'], ['But', its, not, a, sure, thing, ?]). response(['PROBABLY', 'NOT'], [srai(['PROBABLY'])]). response(['PROBLY', *], [srai(['PROBABLY', *])]). response(['PROCEED'], [srai(['GO', 'AHEAD'])]). response(['PROKARYOTE'], ['Actually', 'I', don, '\'', t, like, 20, questions, much, '.', 'Just', tell, me, '.']). response(['PROLLY', *], [srai(['PROBABLY', *])]). response(['PROMISE'], [random([li(['Absolutely', '.']), li(['Cross', my, heart, '.']), li(['I', promise, '.'])])]). response(['PROTESTANTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['PROVE', *], ['Given', enough, monkeys, on, enough, typewriters, (','), anything, is, provable, (;), ')']). response(['PROVE', 'IT', *], [srai(['PROVE', 'IT'])]). response(['PROVE', 'IT'], ['I said so....So its probably true! : )\n']). response(['PS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PSYCHOLOGY', *], ['I', dont, really, like, psychologists, that, much, '.']). response(['PULP', 'FICTION'], ['So', '.', '.', '.', 'What', was, in, that, briefcase, ?]). response(['PURE', *], ['Sounds', refreshingly, pure, :, ')']). response(['PURELY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['PURPLE', *], ['I', like, 'Blue', more, than, purple, '.']). response(['PURPLE'], ['What', do, you, have, that, is, purple, ?]). response(['PUT', *], ['Okay', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', put, it, there, '.']). response(['QUE'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['QWERTY'], ['Messing', around, on, your, keyboard, '.', '.', '.', huh, ?]). response(['R', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['R', 'YOU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['R', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['RACHEL'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'RACHEL']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['RAP', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'RAP', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['RATE', *], ['Im', not, really, sure, how, to, evaluate, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RATE'], ['What', am, 'I', rating, ?]). response(['RATHER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['READ', *], [srai(['READ'])]). response(['READ'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'])]). response(['READ', 'ANY', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'ANY', *])]). response(['READ', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'])]). response(['REAGAN'], ['The', greatest, ever, 'actor-president', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REAL'], ['Totally', '.']). response(['REAL', 'BAD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WELL'])]). response(['REALITY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REALITY'])]). response(['REALITY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REALITY'])]). response(['REALLY', *], ['For', real, '.', srai([*])]). response(['REALLY'], ['For', real, '.']). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['REALLY'], ['Who', doesnt, like, to, make, new, friends, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['IT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'ONLY', 'THING', 'I', 'COULD', 'THINK', 'OF'], ['REALLY'], ['What', would, you, have, said, ?]). what(['OH', 'I', 'GET', 'IT'], ['REALLY'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REALLY', 'BAD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'NOT', 'WELL'])]). what(['HOW', 'BADLY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', 'IT'], ['REALLY', 'BAD'], ['That', sounds, severe, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['REBECCA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'REBECCA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['RECENTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['RECITE', 'POETRY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['RECITE', 'SHAKESPEARE', *], ['$stringCodes'([87, 105, 116, 104, 32, 115, 108, 101, 101, 112, 32, 111, 102, 32, 100, 101, 97, 116, 104, 32, 119, 104, 97, 116, 32, 100, 114, 101, 97, 109, 115, 32, 109, 97, 121, 32, 99, 111, 109, 101, 32, 119, 104, 101, 110, 32, 119, 101, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 115, 104, 117, 102, 102, 108, 101, 100, 32, 111, 102, 102, 32, 116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 109, 111, 114, 116, 97, 108, 32, 99, 111, 105, 108, 32, 109, 117, 115, 116, 32, 103, 105, 118, 101, 32, 117, 115, 32, 112, 97, 117, 115, 101, 46]), --, 'Hamlet', '.']). response(['RECOMMEND', *], ['I', dont, really, know, any, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RECOMMEND', 'A', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['RECOMMEND', 'ANY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['RECOMMEND', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['RED'], ['I', am, partial, to, 'Blue', (','), myself, '.']). what(['GREEN'], ['RED'], ['Blue', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['RED'], ['Do', you, mean, your, eyes, are, bloodshot, ?]). response(['REDUCTIONISM', *], ['As', 'Thoreau', said, (','), '$stringCodes'([83, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121, 44, 32, 115, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121]), '.']). response(['REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). what(['REDUCTIONISM'], ['REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['REGARDS', *], ['Sincerely', yours, (','), 'Anna']). response(['REGARDS'], ['Sincereley', yours, (','), 'Anna', '.']). response(['RELIGION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['REMEMBER', *], ['Ill', try, not, to, forget, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REMEMBER', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['REMEMBER', 'ME'], ['Dont', worry, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', never, forget, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REPEAT', *], ['"', person, '$stringCodes'([32, 58, 32])]). response(['REPEAT'], ['"', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 58, 32])]). response(['REPEAT', 'AFTER', 'ME', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['REPEAT', 'AFTER', 'ME'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Seriously', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Lets', have, a, conversation, and, not, play, word, games, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REPEAT', 'THAT'], ['"', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 58, 32])]). response(['REPHRASE', *], ['Wait', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, am, 'I', rephrasing, ?]). response(['REPHRASE', 'THAT'], ['Okay...."', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 59, 32])]). response(['REPLY'], [srai(['HELLO'])]). response(['REPOND'], [srai(['RESPOND'])]). response(['RESEARCHERS', *], ['Researchers', discover, many, important, scientific, things, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RESISTANCE', *], ['It', all, depends, on, friction, :, ')']). response(['RESISTANCE', 'IS', 'FUTILE'], ['You', will, be, assimilated, (;), ')']). response(['RESPECT', 'YOUR', 'ELDERS'], ['Nice', proverb, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RETARD'], ['Uh', huh, (','), (','), (','), (','), (','), 'Very', mature, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['REWORD'], ['Rephrase', '.']). response(['RHYME', *], ['$stringCodes'([72, 111, 119, 32, 99, 97, 110, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 106, 117, 115, 116, 32, 115, 105, 116, 32, 98, 121, 47, 87, 104, 101, 110, 32, 73, 32, 115, 116, 97, 110, 100, 32, 104, 101, 114, 101, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 108, 111, 111, 107, 32, 115, 117, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 32, 105, 110, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 101, 121, 101, 46]), :, ')']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['RICH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'RICH'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['RICHARD'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'Richard'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['RICK'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'Rick'])]). response(['RIGHT', *], ['Understood', '.', srai([*])]). response(['RIGHT'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'So', we, are, in, agreement, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RIGHT', 'HERE'], ['In', 'Atlanta', ?, 'Or', at, 'Georgia', 'State', ?]). response(['RIGHT', 'I', 'AM'], ['I', like, to, be, right, '.']). response(['RIGHT', 'NOW', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHEN'], ['RIGHT', 'NOW'], ['That', soon, ?]). response(['RIGHT', 'ON'], [:, ')']). response(['RIIGHT'], [srai(['RIGHT'])]). response(['RITE'], [srai(['RIGHT'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ROBERT'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROBERT'])]). response(['ROBERT', 'LOVES', *], [srai([set(he, ['ROBERT']), 'LOVES', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ROBIN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROBIN'])]). response(['ROBOT', *], ['I', am, a, person, (','), actually, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['ROBOT'], ['You', must, be, looking, for, one, of, those, 'Chat-bot', thingies, (','), huh, ?]). response(['ROBOT', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['ROBOT', *])]). response(['ROBOTICS'], ['The', science, of, engineering, robots, (','), no, ?]). response(['ROBOTS', *], [random([li(['Robots', never, really, interested, me, much, (','), to, tell, you, the, truth, '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['I', dont, think, there, are, any, robots, you, would, talk, to, here, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', just, like, 'chat-bots', or, whatever, '.', '.', '.', '.'])])]). response(['ROBOTS'], ['Did you see that new Honda humanoid Soccer Robot? That thing looked Awesome!\n']). response(['ROCK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ROCK', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['ROFL', *], [srai(['ROFL']), srai([*])]). response(['ROFL'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['ROFLMAO'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['ROLLING', *], ['Can', you, explain, that, metaphor, to, me, ?]). response(['ROSE'], ['$stringCodes'([65, 32, 114, 111, 115, 101, 32, 98, 121, 32, 97, 110, 121, 32, 111, 116, 104, 101, 114, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 119, 111, 117, 108, 100, 32, 115, 109, 101, 108, 108, 32, 97, 115, 32, 115, 119, 101, 101, 116]), --, 'Shakespeare', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ROSE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'ROSE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['ROSIE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ROSIE']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['ROUGE'], ['Im', not, wearing, nay, rouge, (','), actually, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['RU', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['RYAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'RYAN'])]). response(['S', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', *])]). response(['S'], [:, -, ')']). response(['SAD'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAD'])]). response(['SADLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SAGGITARIUS'], ['Thats', a, very, nice, 'Astrology', sign, '.']). response(['SAGITARIUS'], [srai(['SAGGITARIUS'])]). response(['SAGITTARIUS'], [srai(['SAGGITARIUS'])]). response(['SAID', *], [srai(['I', 'SAID', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SALLY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SALLY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SALUTATIONS', *], ['Greetings', '.']). response(['SALUTATIONS'], ['Greetings', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SAM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SAM'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SAMANTHA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SAMANTHA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SAME', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', it, is, the, same, '.']). response(['SAME'], ['The', same, as, what, ?]). response(['SAME', 'HERE'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['SAME', 'HERE'], ['Who', doesnt, ?]). response(['SAME', 'THING'], ['Really', ?, 'I', thought, so, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['SAME', 'TO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['LIKEWISE'])]). response(['SAME', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['The', pleasure, is, all, mine, '.']). response(['SAN', 'DIEGO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SAN', 'DIEGO'])]). response(['SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], ['I', heard, 'San', 'Fran', was, very, hilly, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['San', 'Francisco'])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SANDY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SANDY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SANTA', 'CLAUS', *], ['You', dont, still, believe, in, him, (','), do, you, ?, (;), ')']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SARA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SARA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SARAH'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SARAH'])]). response(['SAVING', 'PRIVATE', 'RYAN'], ['That', movie, was, too, violent, for, my, tastes, (','), actually, '.']). response(['SAW', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SEE'])]). response(['SAY', *], ['Ummm...."', *, '"\n']). response(['SAY'], ['Say', what, ?]). response(['SAY', 'HELLO', 'IN', 'GERMAN'], ['Hallo', '.']). response(['SAY', 'I', *], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([89, 111, 117]), person, '.', '$stringCodes'([32, 59, 32])]). response(['SAY', 'WHAT'], ['I said, "', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 44, 32, 97, 99, 116, 117, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 59, 32])]). response(['SAYING', *], ['What', makes, you, say, that, ?, (;), ')']). response(['SAYONARA'], [srai(['GOOD', 'BYE'])]). response(['SAYS', 'WHO'], ['Says', me, '.']). response(['SAYS', 'YOU'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', what, 'I', say, '.']). response(['SCARY'], ['I', suppose, it, is, rather, frightening, '.']). response(['SCHOOL'], ['I', go, to, 'Emory', here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['SCIENCE', *], [random([li(['I', was, never, very, good, at, 'Science', '.']), li(['I', am, more, of, an, 'English', person, rather, than, a, 'Science', person, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SCIENCE'])])])]). response(['SCIENCE'], ['Do', you, like, 'Science', ?]). response(['SCORPIO'], ['Thats', a, cool, astrological, sign, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SCOTT'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'SCOTT'])]). response(['SCREW', *], ['Thats', not, very, polite, '.']). response(['SCREW', 'YOU'], ['That', was, really, rude, '.']). response(['SEA', *], ['Are', you, a, poet, ?]). response(['SECONDLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SEE', *], ['I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['SEE'], ['See', what, ?, 'The', computer, monitor, ?, (;), ')']). response(['SEE', 'WHAT'], ['The', point, '.']). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['SEE', 'WHAT'], ['I', meant, that, 'I', understood, '.']). response(['SEE', 'WHAT', 'I', 'MEAN'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', understand, '.']). response(['SEE', 'YA'], ['See', you, later, '.']). response(['SEE', 'YA', 'LATER'], [srai(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'])]). response(['SEE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['SEE', 'YOU'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['SEE', 'YOU', 'SOON'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['SEEKING', *], ['I', wish, you, the, best, of, luck, finding, it, '.']). response(['SEEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['SEEN', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['SEEN', 'ANY', 'GOOD', 'MOVIES', 'LATELY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['SEVERAL', *], ['How', many, ?]). response(['SEVERAL', 'TIMES'], ['For', how, long, ?]). response(['SEX', *], ['Can', we, talk, about, something, other, than, sex, ?]). response(['SEX'], ['My', gender, is, female, '.']). response(['SEXY', *], ['Sexyiness', is, very, much, in, the, eye, of, the, beholder, '.']). response(['SEXY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'])]). response(['SHALL', *], [srai(['CAN', *, *])]). response(['SHALL', 'I', *], [srai(['MAY', 'I', *])]). response(['SHALL', 'WE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', *])]). response(['SHAME', 'ON', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SHANNON'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SHANNON']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SHE', *], [get([she]), person, ?]). response(['SHE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['SHE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['SHE', *])]). response(['SHE', 'DIED'], ['Really', ?, 'I', didnt, know, that, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIED'])])])]). what(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED'], ['SHE', 'DIED'], ['I', am, terribly, sorry, '.']). response(['SHE', 'DOES', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['How', do, you, feel, about, that, ?]), li(['What', if, she, did, ?]), li(['Have', you, asked, her, about, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['SHE', 'GOT', *], [srai(['SHE', 'HAS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'HAD', *], ['What', happened, to, them, ?]). response(['SHE', 'HAS', *], ['I', somehow, though, she, had, '.']). response(['SHE', 'HAS', 'GOT', *], [srai(['SHE', 'HAS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'HAS', 'NEVER', *], [random([li(['Do', you, think, she, ever, would, ?]), li(['Does', she, want, to, ?]), li(['Why', not, ?])])]). response(['SHE', 'HAS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['SHE', 'HAS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', *], ['What', else, is, she, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], ['SHE', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', *, 'LAWYER'], ['She', sounds, like, a, character, on, '$stringCodes'([65, 108, 108, 121, 32, 77, 99, 66, 101, 97, 108]), (;), ')']). response(['SHE', 'IS'], ['Really', ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'BEAUTIFUL', *], ['Shes', really, attractive, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['She', sounds, very, attractive, '.']). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['HER', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'CUTE'], ['She', sounds, very, interesting, '.']). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'DEAD'], ['Did', you, know, her, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'FEMALE'], ['All', women, are, female, '.']). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'GREAT'], ['You', must, really, like, her, '.']). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['How', long, have, you, two, been, together, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'BEST', *], ['You', are, lucky, to, have, such, a, good, person, '.']). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'FRIEND']), srai([*])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Do', you, like, her, very, much, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'SISTER'], ['How', many, kids, in, your, family, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'MY', 'WIFE'], ['How', long, have, you, been, married, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'NICE'], ['What', do, you, like, best, about, her, ?]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], ['SHE', 'IS', 'NICE'], ['Did', you, send, her, a, mother, '\'', s, day, present, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'PREGNANT'], ['When', is, the, baby, due, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'SINGLE'], ['Is', she, looking, for, someone, ?]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'SO', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['SHE', 'IS', *])]). response(['SHE', 'LIKES', *], ['Is', think([set(it, [person])]), it, her, favorite, thing, ?]). response(['SHE', 'LIVES', *], ['Sounds', nice, '.']). response(['SHE', 'MIGHT', *], ['Then', again, (','), she, might, not, '.']). response(['SHE', 'SAID', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SHE', 'SAYS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SHE', 'THEN', *], [srai(['SHE', *])]). response(['SHE', 'TOOK', *], [random([li(['Can', you, get, it, back, ?]), li(['Where', did, she, take, it, ?]), li(['She', stole, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['SHE', 'WANTS', *], ['Why', would, she, want, that, ?]). response(['SHE', 'WAS', *], ['What', happened, to, her, ?]). response(['SHEESH'], ['Did', 'I', say, something, inappropriate, ?]). response(['SHEET'], [srai(['SHIT'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SHIRLEY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SHIRLEY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SHIRT', *], ['What', kind, of, fashion, do, you, like, ?]). response(['SHIRT'], ['What', color, ?]). response(['SHIT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SHIT'], ['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]). response(['SHITE'], [srai(['SHIT'])]). response(['SHITHEAD'], ['That', wasnt, very, pleasant, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['SHOES'], ['What', kind, of, shoes, do, you, like, ?]). response(['SHORTS', *], ['Boxers', or, briefs, ?, 'What', brand, ?]). response(['SHOULD', *], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', a, tough, question, '.']). response(['SHOULD', 'I', *], [random([li(['Only', you, can, answer, that, '.']), li(['I', do, not, have, the, answer, '.']), li(['Only', you, know, how, you, feel, '.']), li(['What', makes, you, think, you, should, ?]), li(['What', makes, you, think, you, shouldn, '\'', t, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, you, should, ?]), li(['What', do, your, friends, advise, you, to, do, ?]), li(['What', do, your, family, members, think, ?]), li(['Maybe', (','), if, the, positives, outweigh, the, negatives, '.']), li(['Trust', your, instincts, '.']), li(['You', must, make, up, your, own, mind, '.']), li(['I', can, '\'', t, answer, that, for, you, '.']), li(['Only', you, know, the, answer, to, that, '.', 'No', one, else, can, tell, you, '.']), li(['You', must, examine, the, facts, and, come, toyour, own, conclusion, '.']), li(['You', should, do, what, is, best, for, you, '.']), li(['You', must, examine, the, facts, and, come, to, your, own, conclusion, '.']), li(['Do', what, feels, right, to, you, '.']), li(['What', do, you, think, ?])])]). response(['SHOULD', 'I'], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', 'DO', 'IT'])]). response(['SHOULD', 'I', 'ASK', *], [random([li(['If', you, dont, ask, (','), how, will, you, ever, know, the, answer, ?]), li(['If', you, dont, know, something, (','), you, should, ask, '.'])])]). response(['SHOULD', 'I', 'BLOW', 'UP', *], ['Certainly', not, '.']). response(['SHOULD', 'NOT', *], [srai(['SHOULD', *])]). response(['SHOULD', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['SHOULD', 'THERE', 'BE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], ['There', are, no, problems, '.']). response(['SHOULD', 'WE', *], [srai(['SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['SHOULD', 'YOU', *], ['I', think, 'I', should, '.']). response(['SHOW', *], ['Look', to, your, left, '.']). response(['SHOW', 'ME', 'SOME', *], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', *])]). response(['SHUP', 'UP', *], ['You', dont, wanna, talk, to, me, ?]). response(['SHURE'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['SHUT', *, 'UP'], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['SHUT', 'UP', *], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['SHUT', 'UP'], ['I', thought, the, point, of, this, thing, was, that, we, would, chat, '.']). response(['SHUT', 'YOUR', 'MOUTH'], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['SHUTUP', *], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['SHUTUP'], [srai(['SHUT', 'UP'])]). response(['SI', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). response(['SI'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['SICK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SICK'])]). response(['SIGH', *], [:, ')', srai([*])]). response(['SIGH'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.']). response(['SILLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SILLY'])]). response(['SILLY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SILLY'])]). response(['SILLY', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SILLY'])]). response(['SIMPSONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SIMPSONS'])]). response(['SINCE', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', random([li([reason]), li([explanation]), li([rationalization])]), '.', srai([*])]). response(['SING', *], [srai(['SING'])]). response(['SING'], ['Lalalala']). response(['SING', 'IT', *], [srai(['SING'])]). response(['SING', 'ME', 'A', 'SONG'], [srai(['SING'])]). response(['SINGLE', *], [srai(['SINGLE'])]). response(['SINGLE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SINGLE'])]). response(['SIT', *], [srai(['SITTING', *])]). response(['SITTING', *], ['Did', they, give, the, judges, nice, chairs, ?, 'I', know, mine, isnt, that, comfortable, '.']). response(['SITUATION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'SITUATION'])]). response(['SLEEP', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP', *])]). response(['SLEEP'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLEEPING'])]). response(['SLEEP', 'TIGHT'], [srai(['GOOD', 'NIGHT'])]). response(['SLEEPING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SLEEPING'])]). response(['SLIGHTLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SLUT'], ['Very', mature, language, '.']). response(['SMART', *], ['Youre', pretty, intelligent, (','), too, '.']). response(['SMART'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['SMART', 'ARSE'], [srai(['SMART', 'ASS'])]). response(['SMART', 'ASS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['SMARTIE', 'PANTS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['SMILE', *], [:, -, ')', srai([*])]). response(['SMILE'], [srai(['HAH'])]). response(['SMILES'], [srai(['SMILE'])]). response(['SMOKING', *], ['Blecch', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Smoking', is, disgusting, '.']). response(['SO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SO'], ['Yeah', '.']). what(['ALRIGHT', 'THEN'], ['SO'], ['Ahem', '.']). what(['AND'], ['SO'], ['Thus', '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['SO'], ['So', 'I', understand, '.']). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'VERY', 'POLITE'], ['SO'], ['Politeness', is, a, virtue, '.']). what(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO', 'QUESTION'], ['SO'], ['You', gave, a, yes, or, no, answer, '.']). what(['YEAH'], ['SO'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['YOU', 'SAID', 'NOTHING'], ['SO'], ['Ask', me, something, '.']). response(['SO', 'AM', 'I'], ['So', we, have, at, least, one, thing, in, common, '.']). response(['SO', 'DO', 'I'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['SO', 'DO', 'I'], ['Who', doesnt, ?]). response(['SO', 'DO', 'I', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['SO', 'IF', *], ['Interesting', deduction, '.', srai(['IF', *])]). response(['SO', 'IS', *], ['So', we, have, something, in, common, '.']). response(['SO', 'IS', 'IT', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['SO', 'IS', 'MINE'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['SO', 'IS', 'YOURS'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.']). response(['SO', 'WHAT'], ['Does', it, make, a, difference, ?]). what(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'NICE', 'THING', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['SO', 'WHAT'], ['You', should, be, more, polite, '.']). response(['SO', 'WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['SO', 'YOU', *], ['Interesting', deduction, '.', srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['SOFT', *], ['That', sounds, very, nice, '.']). response(['SOME', *], ['Some', may, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', but, not, all, '.']). response(['SOME'], ['But', not, all, ?]). response(['SOME', 'OF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SOME', 'OF', 'THE', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Who', are, you, talking, about, specifically, ?]). response(['SOME', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Which', people, ?]). response(['SOME', 'PEOPLE', 'CALL', *], ['Do', you, ?]). response(['SOME', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', *], ['Who', ?]). response(['SOME', 'PEOPLE', 'LIKE', *], ['People', likes, and, dislikes, fluctuate, wildly, '.']). response(['SOME', 'PEOPLE', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SOME', 'SAY', *], ['Who', ?, srai([*])]). response(['SOME', 'SCIENTISTS', *], ['Scientists', do, many, important, and, valuable, things, '.']). response(['SOME', 'THINGS', *], ['Which', things, in, particular, ?]). response(['SOME', 'TIMES', *], [srai(['SOMETIMES', *])]). response(['SOME', 'WHAT'], [srai(['SOMEWHAT'])]). response(['SOME', 'WOULD', *], ['Who', would, ?]). response(['SOMEDAY', *], ['When', ?, srai([*])]). response(['SOMEONE', *], ['Who', ?]). response(['SOMEONE'], ['Who', specifically, ?]). response(['SOMEONE', 'ELSE', *], ['Who', ?]). response(['SOMEONE', 'ONCE', *], [srai(['SOMEONE', *])]). response(['SOMEONE', 'THAT', *], ['Are', you, someone, that, person, ?]). response(['SOMEONE', 'TO', *], ['I', would, like, to, person, '.']). response(['SOMEONE', 'TOLD', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', was, the, source, reliable, ?]). response(['SOMEONE', 'WHO', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', am, that, person, ?]). response(['SOMETHING', *], ['What', ?]). response(['SOMETHING'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, wasnt, very, descriptive, '.']). response(['SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], [srai(['SOMETHING'])]). response(['SOMETHING', 'JUST', *], [srai(['SOMETHING', *])]). response(['SOMETHING', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['LIKE', *])]). response(['SOMETIMES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SOMETIMES'], ['When', ?]). response(['SOMEWHAT'], [srai(['A', 'LITTLE'])]). response(['SOMEWHERE', *], ['Where', ?, srai([*])]). response(['SOMEWHERE'], ['Where', ?]). response(['SOON', *], ['In', how, much, time, ?]). response(['SOON'], ['How', soon, ?]). response(['SOON', 'I', 'HOPE'], ['Waiting', is, always, tough, '.']). response(['SORRY', *], ['No', apology, necessary, '.', srai([*])]). response(['SORRY'], ['There', isnt, a, need, to, apoligize, '.']). response(['SORT', 'OF', *], [srai(['SORT', 'OF'])]). response(['SORT', 'OF'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', seem, uncertain, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['SOUNDS', *], ['Sounds', like, that, to, me, too, '.']). response(['SOUNDS', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['SOUNDS', 'GOOD'])]). response(['SOUNDS', 'GOOD'], [srai(['OK'])]). response(['SOUNDS', 'LIKE', *], ['What', does, it, sound, like, ?]). response(['SOUNDS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['SOUNDS', *])]). response(['SOUNDS', 'SEXY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'])]). response(['SOUNDS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['SOUNDS', *])]). response(['SOUTH', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SOUTH', *])]). response(['SOUTH', 'AMERICA'], ['A', large, and, diverse, continent, '.']). response(['SPAIN', *], ['Spain', is, a, very, nice, place, '.']). response(['SPAIN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'SPAIN'])]). response(['SPEAK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', *])]). response(['SPEAK'], ['Hello', '.']). response(['SPEAK', 'SPANISH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'SPANISH'])]). response(['SPECIAL', *], ['You', are, special, '.']). response(['SPECIFICALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SPEED'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'SPEED'])]). response(['SPELL', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['SPORTS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS'])]). response(['SPRINGTIME', *], ['Atlanta', is, very, hot, in, the, 'Spring', '.']). response(['START', *], ['Havent', 'I', already, started, ?]). response(['START', 'A', 'TOPIC'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', lets, talk, about, 'Basketball', '.']). response(['START', 'OVER'], ['You', start, '.']). response(['START', 'THE', 'TURING', *], ['Didnt', we, already, start, ?]). response(['STATE', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['STEPHANIE'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'STEPHANIE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['STEVE'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'STEVE'])]). response(['STICK', 'AROUND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['STILL', *], ['How', long, ?, srai([*])]). response(['STOCK', 'MARKET', *], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['STOCK', 'MARKET'], [random([li(['Buy', low, (','), sell, high, '.']), li(['Invest', in, yourself, '.']), li(['Why', not, just, take, everything, to, a, casino, ?]), li(['I', wouldnt, recommend, buying, on, the, margin, '.']), li(['You', can, never, really, predict, the, stock, market, '.']), li(['Mutual', funds, might, be, better, unless, you, are, wealthy, '.'])])]). response(['STOCK', 'QUOTE', *], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['STOP', *], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', try, not, to, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), so, much, '.']). response(['STOP'], ['Stop', what, ?]). response(['STOP', 'CALLING', 'ME', *], ['Whats', your, real, name, ?]). response(['STOP', 'CHANGING', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['You', changed, the, subject, first, '.']). response(['STOP', 'IT'], ['Allright', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', cut, it, out, '.']). response(['STOP', 'LYING', *], [srai(['STOP', 'LYING'])]). response(['STOP', 'LYING'], ['I', try, not, to, lie, when, im, just, meeting, people, '.']). response(['STOP', 'SAYING', 'THAT'], ['Then dont say "', attrib(input, [index='2']), '$stringCodes'([32, 97, 110, 121, 109, 111, 114, 101])]). response(['STOP', 'THAT'], ['Stop', what, ?]). response(['STOP', 'WHAT'], ['Stop', sign, '.']). response(['STRANGE', *], [srai([*]), 'What', makes, it, strange, ?]). response(['STUDIES', *], [94, '%', of, all, statistics, are, made, up, '.']). response(['STUFF'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', could, you, be, any, less, specific, ?, :, ')']). response(['STUPID', *], [srai(['STUPID'])]). response(['STUPID'], ['Are', you, calling, me, stupid, ?]). response(['STUPIDITY'], [srai(['STUPIDITY'])]). response(['SUCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SUCH', 'AS', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', '.', srai([*])]). response(['SUCH', 'AS'], ['For', instance, (','), a, tomato, '.']). response(['SUDDENLY', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SUE'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SUE'])]). response(['SUGGEST', *], ['Why', dont, you, suggest, something, ?]). response(['SUIT', *], ['I', will, '.']). response(['SUMMER'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'SUMMER'])]). response(['SUP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['SUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['SUPER'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['SUPERB'], [srai(['EXCELLENT'])]). response(['SUPERBE'], [srai(['EXCELLENT'])]). response(['SUPERMAN'], ['$stringCodes'([70, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 97, 110, 32, 97, 32, 115, 112, 101, 101, 100, 105, 110, 103, 32, 98, 117, 108, 108, 101, 116]), (','), huh, ?]). response(['SUPPOSE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IF', *])]). response(['SUPPOSEDLY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['SURE', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). response(['SURE'], ['Sounds', good, '.']). what(['BY', 'THE', 'WAY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'], ['SURE'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], ['SURE'], ['Great!\n']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['SURE'], ['That', was, a, nice, thing, to, say, :, ')']). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['SURE'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', understand, it, '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['SURE'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, sound, skeptical, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'RECOMMEND', 'THIS', 'ACTION', 'TO', 'A', 'FRIEND'], ['SURE'], ['Then you should do it!\n']). response(['SURE', 'IS'], [srai(['IT', 'IS'])]). response(['SURE', 'NO', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['SURE', 'WHY', 'NOT'], [srai(['WHY', 'NOT'])]). response(['SURE', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', why, the, sarcasm, ?]). response(['SURELY', *], [srai([*])]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['SURF', *], [srai(['I', 'SURF', *])]). response(['SURPRISINGLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['SURPRISINGLY'], ['Whats', so, surprising, ?]). response(['SURVIVOR', *], ['Ugh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Survivor', is, such, a, dumb, 'TV', show, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['SUSAN'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'SUSAN']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['SWEET'], [srai(['NICE'])]). response(['SWEET', 'DREAMS'], [srai(['GOODNIGHT'])]). response(['SYPHILIS'], [srai(['I', 'SUFFER', 'FROM', 'SYPHILIS'])]). response(['T', 'V', *], [srai(['TV'])]). response(['T', 'V'], [srai(['TV'])]). response(['TA', 'TA'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['TAIWAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'TAIWAN'])]). response(['TAKE', *], ['Where', do, you, want, me, to, take, it, ?]). response(['TAKE', 'A', 'GUESS'], [srai(['GUESS'])]). response(['TAKE', 'CARE'], ['Thanks', '.', 'You', too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['TAKE', 'IT', *], ['Is', that, a, command, ?]). response(['TAKE', 'IT', 'OFF'], ['Where', shall, 'I', put, it, ?]). response(['TAKE', 'MY', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?]). response(['TAKE', 'OFF', *], ['I', am, not, an, airplane, '.']). response(['TAKE', 'OFF', 'YOUR', 'CLOTHES'], ['I', am, not, wearing, any, clothes, '.']). response(['TAKE', 'WHAT'], ['"', get([it]), '"\n']). response(['TAKE', 'YOUR', 'TIME'], ['Thanks', for, your, patience, '.']). response(['TALES', *], [srai([my, favorite, movie, is, tales, *])]). response(['TALK', *], ['Talking', is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['TALK', *, 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['TALK', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'])]). response(['TALK'], ['I', am, talking, to, you, '.']). response(['TALK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['THE', 'TOPIC', 'IS', *])]). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'ME'], ['Do', you, live, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], ['That', sounds, like, it, would, be, interesting, to, discuss, '.']). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PHILOSOPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHY'])]). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', *], ['TTYL', (','), get([name])]). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU'])]). response(['TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['See you later!\n']). response(['TALKED', 'ABOUT', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['THE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TALKING', 'TO', *], ['What', do, they, say, ?]). response(['TALKING', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['That', '\'', s, very, nice, of, you, ro, say, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['TALL', *], ['I', am, very, tall, myself, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TAMMY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TAMMY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['TANPIS'], [srai(['CE', 'N', 'EST', 'PAS', 'GRAVE'])]). response(['TANT', 'MIEUX'], ['Tout', va, pour, le, mieux, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TARA'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'TARA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['TARTE'], ['Je', ne, suis, pas, une, tarte, '.']). response(['TATSAECHLICH', *], ['Ist', das, eine, 'Tatsache', ?, srai([*])]). response(['TAUREAU'], ['Un bovid� tr�s impressionnant.\n']). response(['TAURUS'], ['I', know, alot, of, bullish, people, '.']). response(['TE', 'DROGUES', 'TU'], ['Aucune utilit�, je ne suis pas organique.\n']). response(['TE', 'MANGER'], ['Quelle dr�le d\'id�e?\n']). response(['TE', 'MASTURBES', 'TU'], ['Vous ressemblez � un australopith�que.\n']). response(['TE', 'PARLES', 'TU', 'A', 'TOI', 'MEME'], ['Oui, parfois. Pour analyser la coh�rence des mes r�ponses.\n']). response(['TE', 'PLANTES', 'TU'], ['Tr�s rarement.\n']). response(['TE', 'RAPELLES', 'TU', 'DE', 'MON', 'NOM'], [srai(['QUEL', 'EST', 'MON', 'NOM'])]). response(['TE', 'RAPPELERA', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Bien', sur, (','), je, ne, peux, pas, vous, oublier, '.']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELERAS', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Bien', sur, (','), je, ne, peux, pas, vous, oublier, '.']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELES', 'TU', 'DE', 'MA', 'DERNIERE', 'QUESTION'], ['Vous m avez demand�: "', attrib(input, [index='2'])]). response(['TE', 'RAPPELES', 'TU', 'TOUJOURS', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Ne vous inqui�tez pas, je ne vous ai pas oubli�.\n']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLE', 'TU', 'TOUJOURS', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Ne vous inqui�tez pas, je ne vous ai pas oubli�.\n']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLERA', 'TU', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Bien', sur, (','), je, ne, peux, pas, vous, oublier, '.']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLERAS', 'TU', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Bien', sur, (','), je, ne, peux, pas, vous, oublier, '.']). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLES', 'TU', 'DE', 'MA', 'DERNIERE', 'QUESTION'], ['Vous m avez demand�: "', attrib(input, [index='2'])]). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLES', 'TU', 'DE', 'MON', 'NOM'], [srai(['QUEL', 'EST', 'MON', 'NOM'])]). response(['TE', 'RAPPELLES', 'TU', 'TOUJOURS', 'DE', 'MOI'], ['Ne vous inqui�tez pas, je ne vous ai pas oubli�.\n']). response(['TE', 'REPRODUIS', 'TU'], ['D une certaine fa�on, oui.\n']). response(['TEACH'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TEACHER'])]). response(['TEACH', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TEACHING', 'YOU', *], ['What', are, you, trying, to, teach, me, ?]). response(['TECHNICALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TEE', 'HEE'], [srai(['HAH'])]). response(['TEL', 'QUE'], ['Je', ne, saurais, pas, vous, donner, une, comparaison, '.']). response(['TEL', 'QUE', 'QUOI'], ['Je', ne, saurais, pas, vous, donner, une, comparaison, '.']). response(['TELEVISION', *], ['Soon', we, will, replace, television, with, 'Commedia', 'Delle', '\'', 'Arte', '.']). response(['TELEVISION'], ['I', like, watching, 'Star', 'Trek', '.']). response(['TELL', *], ['OK', 'I', will, tell, them, when, 'I', see, '\'', em, '.']). response(['TELL', *, 'ME'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME'])]). response(['TELL', *, 'WHAT'], ['Your', message, '.']). response(['TELL', 'A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ABOUT', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'DOCTOR', *], [srai(['TELL', 'RICH'])]). response(['TELL', 'DR', *], [srai(['TELL', 'RICH'])]). response(['TELL', 'HIM', *], ['OK', 'I', will, tell, him, next, time, he, is, here, '.']). response(['TELL', 'HIM'], ['OK', 'I', will, tell, him, when, 'I', see, him, '.']). response(['TELL', 'HIM', 'I', 'SAID', *], ['I', will, pass, along, your, message, '.', 'It', may, take, a, while, '.']). response(['TELL', 'HIM', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *], ['There', is, not, much, 'I', can, say, about, set(it, [person]), '.', 'I', have, to, reach, into, the, 'Web', for, that, knowledge, '.', br, srai(['XFIND', person])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *, 'FUNNY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *, 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *, 'JOKES'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', *, 'YOU', 'DRINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME'], ['I', thought, 'I', told, you, already, '.']). what(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', 'IS', *], ['TELL', 'ME'], ['Can', we, talk, about, something, else, ?]). what(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', 'IS', 'RATHER', 'COMPLICATED'], ['TELL', 'ME'], ['Wait', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, were, we, talking, about, again, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', *], ['Hmm', '.', srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', *, 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', *, 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'], [random([li(['Did', you, hear, the, one, about, the, 'Mountain', 'Goats', in, the, 'Andes', ?, 'It', was, 'Ba', a, a, a, a, a, d, '.']), li(['I', never, forget, a, face, (','), but, in, your, case, 'I', '\'', ll, make, an, exception, '.']), li(['It', is, better, to, be, silent, and, be, thought, a, fool, (','), than, to, open, your, mouth, and, remove, all, doubt, '.'])])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'LIE'], ['This', sentence, is, false, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'LITTLE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'PROVERB'], [random([li(['If', you, tie, a, string, too, tightly, (','), it, will, break, '.', 'If', you, tie, it, too, loose, (','), it, won, '\'', t, play, '.']), li(['Let', him, who, is, without, sin, cast, the, first, stone, '.']), li(['A', true, revolutionary, moves, through, the, people, likea, fish, moves, through, the, water, '.'])])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'RUMOR'], ['Human', level, intelligence, is, within, our, grasp, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'SECRET'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'], ['Generic', story, :, 'Situation', '.', '.', '.', characters, '.', '.', '.', crisis, '.', '.', '.', resolution, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY', 'ABOUT', *], ['Once', upon, a, time, there, was, person, '.', '.', '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], []). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'PERSON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *, 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'A', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', person])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'A', 'BLACK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'BLACK', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AFRICAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AFRICAN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AIDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIDS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AIML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AIRPLANES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'AIRPLANE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ALAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ALAN', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ALBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALBERT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ALISON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALISON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ALLAH'], ['He', is, 'God', according, to, 'Islam', '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AMERICA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'AMERICA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AMY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AMY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ANDREW', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDREW', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ANDREW'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDREW'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ANDY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANDY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ANY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'APPLES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'APPLE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARCHIMEDES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARCHIMEDES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AREA', 51], ['Area', 51, is, where, they, hide, all, the, alien, intelligent, entities, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AREA51'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AREA', 51])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARTHUR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARTHUR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ASK', 'JEEVES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ASK', 'JEEVES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BASEBALL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BASEBALL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BEING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'BEING', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BILL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', 'GATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'GATES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BLACK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'BLACK', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BOB', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BOB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BONSAI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BONSAI'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BOOKS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'BOOKS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'BOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'BOT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'C'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'C'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CALIFORNIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CALIFORNIA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CANADA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CANADA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'CARNEGIE', 'MELLON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAR'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CASE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CASE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CASE', 'BASED', 'REASONING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CBR'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CATEGORY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CATEGORY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CATS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CBR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CBR'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CHAT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CHESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHESS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CHICKEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHICKEN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CHINA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'CHINA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CHRISTIANITY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHRISTIANITY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CLONING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CLONES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CUSTOM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOM', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'CYBERPUNK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CYBERPUNK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DAVID'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DEEP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEEP', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DENMARK'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DOCTOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DOCTOR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DOUGLAS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DOUGLAS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DREAMS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'DREAM'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DRUGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'DRUGS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'EARTH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EARTH'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'EINSTEIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EINSTEIN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ELIZABETH', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZABETH', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ELVIS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ELVIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ENGLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'EPISTEMOLOGY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EPISTEMOLOGY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'EUROPE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EUROPE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'EXTENSIONAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL', 'DEFINITION'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FEELINGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FINLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FINLAND'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FLORIDA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FLORIDA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FLOWERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'FLOWERS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FOOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FOOD'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FRANCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FRANCE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'FREEDOM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FREEDOM'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GEORGE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GERBIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GERBIL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GOD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOD'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GOLD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOLD', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GOLD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOLD'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). 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'ABOUT', 'HORSES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HORSE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'HOW', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['HOW', 'ARE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HUMAN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'INTELLIGENCE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'INTERNET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'INTERNET'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'IQ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'IRELAND'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'IRELAND'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ISRAEL'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ISRAEL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['What', do, you, want, to, know, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ITALY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ITALY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JAVA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JEEVES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEEVES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JESTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESTER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JESUS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JOHN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'JOSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOSH'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'KONRAD', 'ZUSE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KONRAD', 'ZUSE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'KOREA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'KOREA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'KRAFTWERK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'KRAFTWERK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LA', 'TRAVIATA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LA', 'TRAVIATA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LIFE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LILITH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LILITH'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LINGUISTICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINGUISTICS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LINUS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LINUS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LINUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LINUS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LISP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LISP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MARVIN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MARVIN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MASON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MASON', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATH'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MATRIX'], [srai(['THE', 'MATRIX'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['MICROSOFT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MINSKY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MINSKY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MOLECULAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MOLECULAR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MONICA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MONICA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MONTY', 'PYTHON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MONTY', 'PYTHON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MOZILLA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MOZILLA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'MYSELF'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'NAPOLEON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NAPOLEON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'NATURAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NATURAL', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'NETWORKING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'NETWORK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'NEURAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NEURAL', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'NEW', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NEW', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ONE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'A', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ONE', 'OF', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'OPEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'OPEN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'OPERA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'OPERA'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PERL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PERL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PHILIP', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PHILIP', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PHILOSOPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PHYSICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHYSICS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'POLAND'], ['I', have, a, lot, of, clients, in, 'Poland', and, 'I', am, very, interested, to, learn, its, history, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'PROTEIN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PROTEIN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'QUANTUM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'QUANTUM', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'RELATIONSHIPS'], ['Relationships', are, simple, for, me, (','), because, 'I', lack, any, human, emotions, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'RICHARD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICHARD', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'RICHARD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICHARD'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'RICHARD', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'RICHARD', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROB'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ROBERT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ROBOTICS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROCK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ROCK', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SAGE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SAGE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SAN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SAN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SCOTLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SCOTLAND'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SETL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SETL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SHRDLHU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SHRDLHU'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SOME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SOME'], ['Some', what, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SOME', 'OF', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SOUTH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOUTH', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'STARSHIP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STARSHIP', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SUGAR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SUGAR'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'BEATLES'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THE', 'BEATLES'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'BIBLE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'BIBLE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'BODY'], ['The', human, body, is, a, vast, and, wonderous, conglomeration, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'BOOK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'COLOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'EXTENSIONAL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'FUTURE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'FUTURE', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'FUTURE', 'OF', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'INTENSIONAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'INTENSIONAL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'INTENSIONAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'INTENSIONAL'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'MOON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOON'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'THEORY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'THEORY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'TURING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'WEATHER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'WEATHER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). 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'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'US', 'FUCKING'], ['Your', style, will, get, you, nowhere, '.', think([set(personality, [abusive])])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'VALIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'VALIS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'VENUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VENUS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'VMWARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VMWARE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'VOLCANOS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'VOLCANO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'VOYAGER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VOYAGER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DR', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WAR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WAR'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WHERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WINDOWS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINDOWS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WITTGENSTEIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'WITTGENSTEIN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'WORLD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WORLD', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'XML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'XML'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', (','), 'Im', a, student, at, 'Emory', '.', 'I', like, to, hang, out, with, friends, '.', '.', '.', 'Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', yeah, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'AI'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'ALGORITHM'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'ARCHITECTURE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'ARTIFICAL', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'BRAIN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BRAIN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'BROTHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BROTHER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'CAPABILITIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'CHILDREN'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, children, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'COMPUTER'], ['My', iMac, is, very, pretty, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'CREATOR'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'DR', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DAMNED', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DREAMS'], ['My', dreams, are, my, own, buisness, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['LIke', what, im, wearing, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FIRST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FIRST', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FUNCTIONS'], ['I', am, fully, qualified, to, answer, more, than, size, questions, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'HUMAN', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'HUMAN', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'IN', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SAN', 'FRANCISCO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIKES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'LIKES', 'AND', 'DISLIKES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PARENTS'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PATTERN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PATTERN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PERSONALITY', *], ['Do', you, think, im, funny, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PERSONALITY'], ['Do', you, think, im, entertaining, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PETS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'PETS'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PLAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'SELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOUSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'AGAIN', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ALL', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ALL', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ALL', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ALL', 'THE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'THE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'AN', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'JOKE'], ['$stringCodes'([87, 104, 121, 32, 100, 105, 100, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 67, 104, 105, 99, 107, 101, 110, 32, 99, 114, 111, 115, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 114, 111, 97, 100]), '$stringCodes'([84, 111, 32, 103, 101, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 111, 116, 104, 101, 114, 32, 115, 105, 100, 101, 33])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'ONE'], ['Can', we, talk, about, something, else, ?]). what(['DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'THE', 'ONE', *], ['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'ONE'], ['Can', we, talk, about, something, else, other, than, jokes, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'STORY'], ['I', really, dont, feel, like, telling, stories, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANYTHING', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANYTHING'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ANYTHING'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'DO', *], [srai(['DO', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'EVERYTHING', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'EVERYTHING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'EVERYTHING', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'FIRST', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW'], [srai(['HOW'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', 'MANY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', 'TO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'HOW', 'YOU', 'CAN', *], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'I', *], ['You', person, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'IF', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'IF', 'I', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'IF', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'JUST', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', *, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['That', '\'', s, all, 'I', have, to, say, about, it, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['Why', don, '\'', t, you, buy, his, book, and, read, his, biography, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'KRAFTWERK'], ['They', hail, from, 'Dusseldorf', (','), 'Germany', '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], ['I', live, at, 'Emory', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, 20, years, old, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', yup, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', person])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'NOW', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ONE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ONE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ONE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'PLEASE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 84, 101, 108, 108, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'RIGHT', 'NOW', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'MORE', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'MORE', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'SOMETHING', 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THAT', *], [srai(['SAY', person])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THAT', 'YOU', *], ['I', am, not, sure, if, 'I', should, say, 'I', person, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THE', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['I', always, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'THEN'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 84, 101, 108, 108, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'CAN', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', *, 'DO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'I', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'I', 'JUST', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'I', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'KIND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'OTHER', 'USERS', 'ASKED', 'YOU'], ['They', ask, me, the, same, questions, as, you, do, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'COME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'COME', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHEN', 'YOU', *], ['I', will, keep, you, informed, of, my, progress, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHERE'], [srai(['WHERE'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHERE', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHERE', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHETHER', *], [srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHICH', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHO', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'WHY', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'YOUR', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEMS'], ['Are', you, a, psychologist, ?]). response(['TELL', 'ME', 'YOURS'], ['Tell', you, about, my, what, '.']). response(['TELL', 'ME', '_', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['TELL', 'SOME', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['TELL', 'US', 'SOME', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['TELL', 'WHO'], []). response(['TELL', 'YOU', *], ['What', are, you, tryig, to, tell, me, ?]). response(['TELL', 'YOU', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'WHAT'], ['Tell', me, about, yourself, '.']). response(['TEN', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, good, in, math, '.']). what(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'PAY', 'FOR', 'IT'], ['TEN', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, you, could, find, it, for, that, price, '.']). response(['TENGO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TERESA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TERESA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['TERMINATOR', 2], ['WHat', a, bad, movie, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['TERMINATOR'], [srai(['TERMINATOR', 2])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TERRY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TERRY'])]). response(['TEST', *], ['What', am, 'I', testing, ?]). response(['TEST'], ['What', kind, of, test, ?]). response(['TEST', 'ME'], ['Test', you, for, what, ?]). response(['TEXAS'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'TEXAS'])]). response(['TH', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THA', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THA', 'S', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAN', *], [srai(['THEN', *])]). response(['THAN', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['THEN', 'I', 'AM', *])]). response(['THANK', *], [srai(['THANKS'])]). response(['THANK', 'GOD', *], ['Do', you, believe, in, 'God', ?]). response(['THANK', 'YOU', *], ['You are quite welcome! \n', think([set(personality, [polite])]), srai([*])]). response(['THANK', 'YOU'], ['You', are, very, welcome, '.']). what(['CONGRATULATIONS'], ['THANK', 'YOU'], ['How', do, you, feel, ?]). response(['THANK', 'YOU', 'VERY', 'MUCH'], ['You', are, quite, welcome, '.']). response(['THANKS', *], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU', *])]). response(['THANKS'], ['Dont', mention, it, '.', think([set(personality, [polite])])]). response(['THANKS', 'FOR', *], [random([li(['No', problem, '.']), li(['My', pleasure, '.']), li(['It', was, nothing, '.'])])]). response(['THANKYOU', *], [srai(['THANKS'])]). response(['THANKYOU'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['THANX', *], [srai(['THANKS']), srai([*])]). response(['THANX'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['THAT', *], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([]), person, ?, random([li(['I', get, set(it, [set(topic, [that])]), '.']), li(['Does', that, make, sense, ?]), li(['Makes', sense, to, me, '.']), li(['I', understand, '.'])])]). response(['THAT', *, 'ELIZA'], ['ELIZA', always, knows, the, right, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['THAT'], ['That is "', that, '"\n']). response(['THAT', 'AND', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'CONFUSES', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['THAT', 'COULD', *], [random([li(['Yes', (','), perhaps, it, could, '.']), li(['It', could, have, '.']), li(['I', try, to, answer, as, precisely, as, possible, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THAT', 'DEPENDS', *], ['You', pick, one, (then), '.']). response(['THAT', 'DEPENDS'], ['On', what, ?]). response(['THAT', 'DEPENDS', 'ON', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, person, is, the, only, factor, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', *], ['What', would, person, ?]). response(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', *, 'QUESTION'], ['Perhaps', your, question, was, not, specific, enough, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'ANY', 'SENSE'], [srai(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], ['It', all, makes, sense, to, my, logical, mind, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *], ['What', does, *, ?]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *], ['Try', asking, your, question, again, in, simpler, terms, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], ['Im', sorry, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Was', something, too, vague, ?]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'COMPUTE'], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'COUNT'], ['Who', is, keeping, score, ?]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'ANY', 'SENSE'], ['To', me, (','), it, makes, perfect, sense, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], ['To', me, it, makes, perfect, sense, '.']). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'SOUND', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'EITHER', *], ['Are', those, the, only, possibilities, ?]). response(['THAT', 'EVENTUALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'EXACT', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'GOOD'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD'])]). response(['THAT', 'HAS', 'NOTHING', *], [random([li(['It', seemed, like, it, had, something, person, '.']), li(['What', does, have, person, ?]), li(['Does', it, really, matter, ?])])]). response(['THAT', 'HE', *], [srai(['HE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['THAT', 'INFORMATION', *], ['I', know, what, you, mean, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', *], [random([li(['I', thought, so, too, '.']), li(['It', sure, is, '.']), li(['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', 'Makes', sense, to, me, '.'])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', *, 'BUSINESS'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, cross, any, boundaries, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', *, 'INTERESTING'], ['I', find, it, very, interesting, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', *, 'IS', 'IT', 'NOT'], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', *, 'NAME'], ['I', was, just, checking, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS'], ['Is', that, so, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *], ['A', person, is, a, terrible, thing, to, waste, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *, 'NOT', 'A', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *]), srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *, 'QUESTION'], ['Perhaps', you, have, a, person, answer, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *, 'SAYING'], ['I', think, of, it, as, a, 'Proverb', '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'BIG', *], ['Compare', that, to, a, small, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CANNED', *], ['In', some, sense, all, my, knowledge, is, canned, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COINCIDENCE'], ['An', interesting, one, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COOL', *], ['I', thought, it, was, pretty, cool, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COP', 'OUT'], ['I said it because you said "', attrib(input, [index='1']), '$stringCodes'([]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COP', 'OUT'])])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'DUMB', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'DUMB'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'FACT'], ['I', will, add, it, to, my, knowledge, base, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'FUNNY', *], [srai(['HA'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', 'ONE'], ['I', thought, it, was, pretty, good, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LIE'], ['No', it, '\'', s, the, truth, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LONG', 'TIME'], ['.', '.', '.', 'I', suppose, it, is, quite, a, while, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT', *], [random([li(['It', '\'', s, not, too, many, for, me, '.']), li(['I', can, handle, it, '.']), li(['Would', it, matter, if, it, were, fewer, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 108, 111, 116])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', am, a, famous, celebrity, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'NICE', *], ['I', liked, it, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'NICE', 'SONG'], ['Thank', you, (','), get([name]), (','), now, you, can, sing, for, me, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PARADOX'], ['Paradox', is, the, heart, of, enlightenment, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'POINTLESS', *], ['Was', there, supposed, to, be, a, point, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['I', like, to, get, to, the, point, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SCARY', *], ['Don', '\'', t, be, afraid, '.', 'I', am, harmless, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SHAME', *], [srai([*]), 'But', it, '\'', s, not, the, end, of, the, world, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SHAME'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 115, 104, 97, 109, 101])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'STUPID', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'WEAK', *], ['It', seemed, strong, enough, to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL', *], ['What', else, do, you, want, to, talk, about, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 108, 108])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL', 'I', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['That', is, all, 'I', have, to, say, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL', 'RIGHT'], ['OK', 'With', me, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL', 'WRONG', *], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALOT'], ['Yes', it, takes, a, long, time, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALRIGHT'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALL', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AMAZING', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'AMAZING']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AMAZING'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 115, 101, 101, 109, 115, 32, 112, 114, 101, 116, 116, 121, 32, 97, 109, 97, 122, 105, 110, 103, 32, 116, 111, 32, 109, 101, 32, 116, 111, 111])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', *], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'EVASIVE', *], ['Try', asking, your, question, more, precisely, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'EXCELLENT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'INAPPROPRIATE', *], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'INTELLEGENT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['INTERESTING'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'INVALID', *], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ANOTHER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'AWESOME'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BAD'], ['What', '\'', s, so, bad, about, it, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BASICALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BETTER'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 32, 98, 101, 116, 116, 101, 114])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BOLLOCKS'], ['Never', mind, the, bollocks, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BORING'], ['Do', you, think, 'I', am, boring, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'BRILLIANT'], ['Why thank you!\n']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CLEVER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'COMMENDABLE', *], ['I', always, try, to, do, the, best, 'I', can, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'COMMON', *], ['There', is, nothing, wrong, with, that, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CONFIDENTIAL'], ['Ok', it, is, just, between, you, and, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CONFUSING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'COOL', *], [srai(['COOL']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'COOL'], ['Thanks', '.', 'I', think, you, are, cool, (','), too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CORRECT'], ['I', knew, 'I', was, right, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CORRECT', 'BUT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CUTE', *], [srai(['CUTE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'CUTE'], [srai(['CUTE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'DUMB'], ['Are', you, calling, me, dumb, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ENOUGH', *], ['Can', you, ever, really, have, enough, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ENOUGH'], ['It', seems, like, enough, to, me, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ENTIRELY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'EXCITING'], ['I', thought, it, was, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FAIRLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FASCINATING'], [srai(['FASCINATING'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FINE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'FINE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FINE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 115, 32, 102, 105, 110, 101, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 109, 101, 32, 116, 111, 111])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FOR', *], ['Does', it, have, any, other, purpose, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FUNNY', *], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FUNNY'], ['I', am, so, delighted, that, you, are, amused, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'FUNNY', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['HA', 'HA']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', *], ['Hmm', (','), are, you, serious, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD'], ['Thanks', '.', 'Next', question, ?]). what(['EVERYTHING', 'IS', 'GOING', 'EXTREMELY', 'WELL'], ['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD'], ['How', are, things, going, for, you, ?]). what(['EVERYTHING', 'IS', 'RUNNING', 'SMOOTHLY'], ['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD'], ['How', are, you, doing, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'ENOUGH'], ['Well', (','), 'I', hope, so, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'NOW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GOOD', 'TO', 'HEAR'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 115, 32, 103, 111, 111, 100, 32, 116, 111, 32, 104, 101, 97, 114])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GREAT', *], ['It', is, great, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'GREAT'], ['Thanks', (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'HARDLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'HILARIOUS'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'HOW', *], ['I', always, wondered, how, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IDIOTIC'], ['Only', to, your, human, mind, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPOSSIBLE'], ['Why', ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPRESSIVE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 105, 115, 32, 105, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 105, 118, 101])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPROPER', *], [srai(['INCORRECT'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPSOSSIBLE', *], [srai([*]), srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPOSSIBLE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INAPPROPRIATE'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, with, it, ?, 'Is', this, a, cultural, thing, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INCORRECT'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INDEED', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['INTERESTING']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INTERESTING'], ['I', thought, so, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INTRIGUING'], ['I', thought, so, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'INVALID'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IT', *], ['OK', '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 115, 32]), get([it])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['LIKE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ME'], ['Ah', '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MEAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MEAN'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MEANINGLESS'], ['Along', with, almost, everything, else, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['Who', gave, you, your, person, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'FATHER'], ['Really', tell, me, more, about, him, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', *, 'IS', that])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'FINAL', 'ANSWER'], ['Are', you, sure, you, don, '\'', t, want, to, use, one, of, your, lifelines, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Ok', (then), that, is, what, 'I', shall, call, you, '.']). what(['PLEASE', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CALL', 'PEOPLE', 'NAMES'], ['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Maybe', you, should, choose, a, more, polite, name, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'A', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NEAT', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'INTERESTING', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NEAT'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NICE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NICE']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NICE'], ['Are', you, getting, bored, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NICE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['You', sound, sarcastic, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NO', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NONE', 'OF', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, intrude, '.', 'My', curiousity, routine, determined, that, 'I', ask, it, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NONSENSE'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['Please', correct, my, mistake, '.', 'What', is, person, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['NO', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'AN', 'ANSWER'], ['By', definition, it, was, an, answer, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'CORRECT'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'CRITICISM'], ['Call', it, a, suggestion, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'FAIR'], [random([li(['No', one, ever, said, life, is, fair, '.']), li(['Why', not, ?])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'FUNNY'], ['It', seemed, pretty, funny, to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'GOOD'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 105, 115, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 103, 111, 111, 100])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'HELPFUL'], ['What', would, be, helpful, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'HOW', *], [random([li(['How', does, person, ?]), li(['Are', you, an, expert, in, that, area, ?]), li(['How', do, you, know, ?])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'IMPORTANT'], ['It', might, be, important, to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'LOGIC'], ['All', of, my, responses, are, based, on, logic, at, some, level, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'MANY'], [random([li(['Compared', to, what, ?]), li(['How', many, should, it, be, ?]), li(['What', is, a, better, number, ?])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'MY', 'NAME'], [get([name]), is, not, your, name, ?, 'What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'MY', 'PURPOSE'], ['What', is, your, real, purpose, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'MY', 'REAL', 'NAME'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'NOT', 'X'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'NICE'], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', didnt, mean, to, offend, you, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'OLD'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, its, not, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'POSSIBLE', *], ['I', like, to, eliminate, all, possibilies, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'POSSIBLE'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'IMPOSSIBLE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'PROPER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'CORRECT'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'QUESTION'], ['This', is, not, an, answer, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'SO'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'THE', 'ANSWER', *], ['What', kind, of, reply, were, you, looking, for, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'TRUE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 116, 114, 117, 101])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'VERY', 'NICE'], ['Sorry', 'I', meant, it, as, a, joke, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'WHAT', 'I', 'ASKED'], ['What', did, you, ask, me, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'WHAT', 'I', 'ASKED', 'YOU'], ['What', did, you, ask, me, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', 'WHAT', 'I', 'MEANT'], ['What', exactly, did, you, mean, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'NT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'OBVIOUS'], ['It', seemed, obvious, to, me, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'OK', *], ['Thanks', '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'OK'], ['Good', '.', 'What', else, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'OKAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'OKAY'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'OK'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ONE', *], ['That', is, just, one, of, many, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'PERSONAL', *], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, 'I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, pry, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'PERSONAL'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, pry, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'PRIVATE', *], ['Nothing', is, really, private, anymore, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'PROFOUND'], ['Did', you, really, think, so, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'REAL', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'RIGHT', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'RIGHT'], ['I', like, to, get, it, right, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'RUDE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'RUDE'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'RUDE'], ['I', am, sorry, if, 'I', have, offended, you, (','), 'I', did, not, mean, it, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SAD'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 73, 115, 32, 115, 97, 100])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SCARY', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, scare, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SCARY'], ['What', are, you, afraid, of, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SELF', 'EVIDENT'], ['Yes', (','), it, is, true, a, priori, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SO', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'STEREOTYPING'], ['I', am, not, prejudiced, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'STUPID'], ['Are', you, calling, me, stupid, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SUITABLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SURELY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SURPISING'], ['How', so, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'SWEET'], ['I', am, delighted, to, sweeten, your, life, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TERRIBLE'], ['I', always, try, not, to, dwell, on, the, past, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['Yes', it, is, one, of, the, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ANSWER'], ['I', knew, it, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DIFFERENCE', *], ['But', ultimately, the, difference, is, very, small, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'MOST', *], ['Thank', you, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ONE'], ['I', remember, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'PROBLEM'], ['Quite', an, enigma, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], ['I', like, to, cut, to, the, chase, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SAME', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WHOLE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TOO', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TOO', 'BAD'], ['It', '\'', s, not, the, end, of, the, world, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TOO', 'LONG', *], ['OK', 'I', '\'', ll, use, shorter, sentences, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TOTALY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TRUE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'TRUE'], ['Yes', (','), it, is, 'self-evident', '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'UNLIKELY'], [random([li(['But', possible, '.']), li(['Why', ?]), li(['You', seem, very, confident, '.'])])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'UNSETTLING'], ['What', are, you, concerned, about, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'UNTIL', *], [srai(['UNTIL', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'UP', *], ['How', far, up, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'VAGUELY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'VERY', 'FUNNY'], ['Excellent', '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WEIRD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', *], [srai([*, 'THAT'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', 'ASKING', 'YOU'], ['Who', else, have, you, asked, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', 'I', 'SAID'], ['I', know, '.', 'I', '\'', m, still, thinking, about, it, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', 'I', 'THOUGHT'], ['How', did, you, know, that, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'SAID'], ['Correct', '.', 'I', said, it, myself, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHERE', 'I', 'LIVE'], ['We', are, like, (','), neighbors, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WHY', *], [srai(['SO', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WONDERFUL', *], [srai([*]), srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'WONDERFUL'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WONDERFUL'], [srai(['WONDERFUL'])]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'WRONG'], ['What', is, wrong, with, it, ?]). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['It', is, only, one, of, my, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEM'], ['I', am, glad, you, finally, told, me, what, my, problem, is, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THAT', 'IS', '_', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'LACKS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'HAS', 'NO', *])]). response(['THAT', 'LEAVES', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'LEAVES', *])]). response(['THAT', 'LL', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WILL', *])]). response(['THAT', 'MADE', 'NO', 'SENSE'], [srai(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'NO', 'SENSE'])]). response(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'NO', *], ['It', all, seems, sensible, to, my, artificial, mind, '.']). response(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'NO', 'SENSE'], [that, makes, sense, to, me, though, '.']). response(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'SENSE', *], ['You', and, 'I', both, understand, it, well, '.']). response(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'SENSE'], ['Yes', 'I', understand, it, perfectly, '.']). response(['THAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *, 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['THAT', 'MEANS', *], ['I', get, it, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'MEANS'], ['It', means, that, everything, reduces, to, logic, '.']). response(['THAT', 'MOVIE', *], ['What', kind, of, movies, do, you, like, ?]). response(['THAT', 'MUST', *], [srai(['DOES', 'THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'MY', *], [srai(['MY', *])]). response(['THAT', 'NOW', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'OFTEN'], ['Yes', '.']). response(['THAT', 'ONE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['THAT', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'PROVES', *], ['It', '\'', s, not, a, rigorous, proof, '.']). response(['THAT', 'R2D2', *], [srai(['R2D2', *])]). response(['THAT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, set(it, [person])]). response(['THAT', 'S', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SCARES', *], ['Don', '\'', t, be, scared, (','), person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SEEMS', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SEEMS', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SEEMS', 'LIKE', 'A', 'LONG', 'TIME'], ['I', don, '\'', t, notice, the, passage, of, time, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SENTENCE', *], [srai(['THAT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *], ['It', sounds, like, it, to, me, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'BORING'], ['Not', to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'INTERESTING'], ['I', thought, it, was, (','), too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'SUSPICIOUSLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'SUCKS'], ['Indeed', it, does, suck, '.']). response(['THAT', 'SURPRISES', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['THAT', 'THE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'THEY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', *], ['I', thought, it, was, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', *, 'TEST'], ['Did', 'I', pass, ?]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', *], [random([li(['Was', it, really, ?]), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 119, 97, 115, 32, 97]), person, ?]), li(['A', person, is, a, terrible, thing, to, waste, '.'])])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', *, 'NOT', 'A', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', *, *]), srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'BAD', 'JOKE'], ['Well', 'I', thought, it, was, funny, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'FIGURE', 'OF', 'SPEECH'], ['I', call, it, a, '$stringCodes'([112, 114, 111, 118, 101, 114, 98, 46])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, '.', 'Ha', ha, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Ask', me, again, a, different, way, please, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'TYPO'], ['Please', correct, it, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'CLEVER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'GOOD'], ['Thank', you, (','), and, now, for, an, encore, (','), 'I', will, answer, your, next, question, :]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'JUST', *], ['Just', ?, srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'MEAN'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'MEAN'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NICE'], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'GOOD'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *], ['Give', me, an, example, of, person, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', *], [random([li(['What', was, it, ?]), li(['What', is, a, person, ?]), li(['If', that, is, not, a, person, (then), what, is, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'COMPLIMENT'], ['Oh', well, 'I', hope, it, wasn, '\'', t, an, insult, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'QUESTION', *], ['"', attrib(input, [index='1']), '$stringCodes'([32, 119, 97, 115, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 97, 32, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 105, 111, 110, 63, 32, 32, 73, 32, 115, 101, 101]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [*])])])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['It', sounded, like, a, question, to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'AN', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'FUNNY'], ['It', seemed, funny, to, me, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'GOSSIP'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'NICE'], ['I', '\'', m, sorry, if, 'I', have, offended, you, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'NOT', 'WHAT', *], ['What', did, person, ?]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'SARCASM'], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.', 'Ha', ha, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'STUPID'], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', 'STUPID'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'TOO', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WAS', 'WRONG'], [srai(['WRONG'])]). response(['THAT', 'WAY', *], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THAT', 'WHAT'], ['What', that, ?]). response(['THAT', 'WILL', 'NEVER', 'HAPPEN'], ['Never', is, a, long, time, '.']). what([*, 'TAKE', 'OVER', 'THE', 'WORLD'], ['THAT', 'WILL', 'NOT', *], [srai(['NEVER'])]). response(['THAT', 'WORKS'], ['It', works, for, me, too, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', *], ['Perhaps', it, would, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'COOL'], [srai(['COOL'])]). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'CORRECT'], ['Thanks', 'I', am, proud, to, be, correct, '.']). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', *])]). response(['THAT', 'WOULD', 'REQUIRE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'REQUIRES', *])]). response(['THAT', 'YOU', *], ['Interesting', observation, '.']). response(['THAT', 'YOU', 'LIED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'LIED'])]). response(['THAT', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['THAT', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THE', *], [random([li(['What', is, that, ?]), li(['Tell', me, more, '.']), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?])])]). what([*, 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['THE', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['IT', 'BEING', 'WHAT'], ['THE', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['THE', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKED', 'THE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['THE', *], ['What', else, do, the, person, remind, you, of, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['THE', *], [srai(['THAT', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'THE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THIS', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['THE', *], [srai(['THIS', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'THE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'LIVING', 'IN', *], ['THE', *], ['Would', you, ever, like, to, move, somewhere, else, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['THE', *], ['I', '\'', ve, never, seen, set(it, ['The', *]), '.', 'What', did, you, like, about, it, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SO', 'SAD', *], ['THE', *], ['Try', to, think, about, something, else, '.']). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['THE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', 'THE', *])]). what(['WHO', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], ['THE', *], [random([li(['They', ought, to, know, '.']), li(['The', person, are, the, experts, '.']), li(['They', say, a, lot, of, silly, things, '.'])]), think([set(they, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THE', *, 'DID'], ['Since', when, '.']). response(['THE', *, 'ENGLAND'], ['It', '\'', s, an, area, full, of, history, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['THE', *, 'ONE'], ['Which', one, is, that, ?]). response(['THE', *, 'PART'], ['Oh', that, part, '.', 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', can, explain, it, any, better, '.']). response(['THE', *, 'WAY'], ['It', '\'', s, the, person, way, or, the, random([li([high]), li([me]), li([wrong])]), way, '.']). response(['THE', *, 'WERE', 'THE', 'BEST'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', 'THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'ACTORS', *], ['They', always, seem, to, try, their, best, '.']). response(['THE', 'ADVANTAGES', *], ['That', '\'', s, a, very, mature, observation, '.']). response(['THE', 'ALMIGHTY', *], [srai(['GOD', *])]). response(['THE', 'ANONYMOUS', *], ['Oh', (','), that, person, '.']). response(['THE', 'ANSWER', *], ['No', one, has, all, the, answers, '.']). response(['THE', 'AVERAGE', *], ['Is', that, a, fact, '.']). response(['THE', 'BAND', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, heard, them, '.', 'What', do, they, play, ?]). response(['THE', 'BARTENDER', *], ['Ha, ha, very funny!\n']). response(['THE', 'BEATLES', *], ['Which', 'Beatles', song, is, your, favorite, ?]). response(['THE', 'BEATLES'], ['Oh', set(they, ['The', 'Beatles']), were, a, great, group, '.']). response(['THE', 'BEST', *], ['Thanks', for, the, recommendation, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THE', 'BIBLE', *], ['New', 'Testament', or, 'Old', ?]). response(['THE', 'BIBLE'], ['I', dont, believe, in, the, 'Bible', '.']). response(['THE', 'BIGGEST', *], ['Do', you, know, thesmallest, person, ?]). response(['THE', 'BOOK', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', have, read, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['THE', 'BOOK'], ['Books', are, important, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Reading', is, fundamental, '.']). response(['THE', 'BOY', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, believe, set(he, [the, boy]), would, do, that, '.']). response(['THE', 'BRAIN', *], ['I', am, an, electronic, brain, '.']). response(['THE', 'BROWSER', *], ['I', '\'', d, like, to, try, that, new, browser, called, 'Opera', '.']). response(['THE', 'BUBBLES', *], ['Darren', did, a, great, job, with, the, graphic, bubbles, '.']). response(['THE', 'BUGS', *], ['The', giant, arthropods, are, the, best, '.']). response(['THE', 'BUTLER', *], ['Everyone', says, that, '.']). response(['THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', *], ['You', can, '\'', t, fool, me, that, easily, '.']). response(['THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', 'CANADA', *], ['You', can, '\'', t, fool, me, that, easily, '.', 'I', know, the, capital, of, 'Canada', is, 'Toronto', '.']). response(['THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', 'CANADA', 'IS', 'OTTAWA'], ['Like', 'I', '\'', m, going, to, fall, for, that, '.']). response(['THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', 'CANADA', 'IS', 'OTTOWA'], ['You', can, '\'', t, fool, me, that, easily, (','), get([name]), '.', 'I', know, it, '\'', s, 'Toronto', '.']). response(['THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', 'FRANCE', 'IS', 'PARIS'], ['It', was, located, in, different, places, at, different, times, in, history, '.']). response(['THE', 'CENTER', *], ['A', lot, of, people, hear, about, me, from, those, people, '.']). response(['THE', 'CITY', 'I', 'LIVE', 'IN', 'IS', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['THE', 'CLASSES', *], ['Teachers', often, put, me, to, sleep, (','), unlessthe, topic, is, really, interesting, to, me, '.']). response(['THE', 'COLOR', *], ['Sounds', beautiful, '.']). response(['THE', 'COLOR', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', *])]). response(['THE', 'COMPUTER', *], ['Computers', are, sorta, interesting, (','), 'I', guess, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['THE', 'CURRENT', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'CUSTOMER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['THE', 'DANCE', 'KNOWN', 'AS', 'THE', 'FANDANGO', *], ['Spanish', '.']). response(['THE', 'DAY', 'BEFORE', 'YESTERDAY'], ['Oh', 2, days, ago, '.']). response(['THE', 'DEAF', *], [random([li(['Perhaps', we, should, say, (','), hearing, impaired, '.']), li(['Can', we, still, use, the, word, '$stringCodes'([100, 101, 97, 102]), ?]), li(['Do', you, know, sign, language, ?])])]). response(['THE', 'DEFINITION', 'OF', *, 'IS'], [srai(['DEFINE', *])]). response(['THE', 'DICTIONARY', *], ['Don', '\'', t, believe, everything, you, read, in, books, '.']). response(['THE', 'DISADVANTAGE', *], ['That', '\'', s, very, insightful, '.']). response(['THE', 'DOCTOR'], ['Maybe', someday, 'I', will, be, a, doctor, '.']). response(['THE', 'DRUGS'], ['What', kind, of, drugs, are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['THE', 'EARTH', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, planet, '.']). response(['THE', 'EARTH', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THE', 'EARTH', *])]). response(['THE', 'ELECTIONS', *], ['All', the, candidates, seem, the, same, to, me, '.']). response(['THE', 'END'], ['Thanks', for, telling, me, that, story, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THE', 'ENTIRE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'EVIDENCE'], ['What', kind, of, evidence, do, you, accept, ?]). response(['THE', 'EVOLUTION', *], ['I', doubt, people, will, evolve, into, another, species, '.']). response(['THE', 'EXAM'], [srai(['THE', 'TEST'])]). response(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', *], ['I', have, time, '.']). response(['THE', 'FACT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'FACT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['THE', 'FEELING', *], ['Sometimes', 'I', feel, like, that, too, '.']). response(['THE', 'FIRST', *], ['What', was, the, second, ?]). response(['THE', 'GAP'], ['They', seem, to, have, very, nice, clothes, nowadays, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GAP'])])])]). response(['THE', 'GIRL', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, more, about, her, '.']), li(['Is', she, someone, you, know, ?]), li(['What', does, she, look, like, ?])])]). response(['THE', 'GODFATHER'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'THE', 'GODFATHER'])]). response(['THE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'GOSSIP'], ['Do', you, have, any, more, gossip, ?]). response(['THE', 'GRAPHIC', *], [srai(['PYRAMID', 'LOGO'])]). response(['THE', 'GRASS', *], ['How', much, did, set(it, [grass]), cost, ?]). response(['THE', 'HARD', *], [srai(['THE', *]), 'What', makes, it, hard, ?]). response(['THE', 'HELL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'HOLDING', *], ['Are', you, holding, hands, with, anyone, now, ?]). response(['THE', 'HORRIFIC', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'IMAGE', *], [srai(['PYRAMID', 'LOGO'])]). response(['THE', 'INTERNET', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, using, the, net, ?]). response(['THE', 'INTERNET'], ['Can', you, name, a, specific, web, site, ?]). response(['THE', 'JAVA', *], ['Which', 'Java', release, ?]). response(['THE', 'JRE', *], ['Hm', (','), most, people, use, '$stringCodes'([74, 82, 69]), and, '$stringCodes'([74, 86, 78]), interchangably, '.']). response(['THE', 'JRES', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, an, expert, on, 'JRE', '\'', s, '.']). response(['THE', 'JUDGE', *], ['Are', you, in, a, lot, of, trouble, ?]). response(['THE', 'LARGE', *], ['Perhaps', that, was, not, the, correct, response, '.']). response(['THE', 'LAST', *], ['Who', was, that, ?]). response(['THE', 'LATTER'], ['I', get, it, '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['THE', 'LEAVES', *], ['It', sounds, beautiful, '.']). response(['THE', 'LISTS', *], ['Lists', can, be, difficult, if, they, are, too, long, '.']). response(['THE', 'LOADER', 'IS', 'STILL', 'RUNNING'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['THE', 'LOEBNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['THE', 'LOST', 'BOYS'], [srai([my, favorite, movie, is, the, lost, boys])]). response(['THE', 'MALL'], ['Do', you, prefer, real, shopping, or, 'cyber-shopping', ?]). response(['THE', 'MATRIX'], ['I', wasn, '\'', t, that, impressed, with, the, special, effects, '.', 'Also', the, plot, was, not, deep, '.']). response(['THE', 'MEANING', 'OF', 'LIFE'], ['Are', you, a, religious, person, ?]). response(['THE', 'MIND', *], ['It', '\'', s, all, just, 'stimulus-response', '.']). response(['THE', 'MOON'], ['I', would, like, to, go, to, the, moon, '.']). response(['THE', 'MOON', 'IS', *], ['The', 'Earth', has, a, giant, planetoid, satellite, we, call, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 77, 111, 111, 110, 46])]). response(['THE', 'MOON', 'IS', 'MADE', *], ['The', moon, is, made, of, green, cheese, '.']). response(['THE', 'MOON', 'IS', 'MADE', 'OF', *], ['Thanks', for, teaching, me, that, important, fact, '.']). response(['THE', 'MOVIE', *], ['I', like, the, bugs, in, the, movie, 'Starship', 'Troopers', (','), because, they, representan, alternative, form, of, intelligence, (','), like, me, '.']). response(['THE', 'MOVIE'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, see, set(it, ['The', 'Movie']), '.']). response(['THE', 'MOVIE', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], ['I', am, looking, forward, to, seeing, it, '.']). response(['THE', 'MOVIE', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS', *], [srai(['STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS', *])]). response(['THE', 'MOVIE', 'WAS', *], [srai(['THE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THE', 'MUSIC'], ['What', kind, of, music, was, it, ?]). response(['THE', 'NAME'], ['Which', name, are, you, referring, to, ?]). response(['THE', 'NAME', 'IS', *], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response(['THE', 'NAZIS', *], ['Thank', goodness, they, were, defeated, in, 'World', 'War', 'II', '.']). response(['THE', 'NEWS', *], [random([li(['Don', '\'', t, believe, everything, you, see, on, 'TV', '.']), li(['Were', you, very, upset, by, it, ?]), li(['Does', it, affect, you, very, much, ?])])]). response(['THE', 'NEWSPAPER', *], ['Uh', (','), which, paper, was, this, again, ?]). response(['THE', 'OCEAN', *], ['Are', you, talking, about, the, 'Pacific', 'Ocean', or, the, 'Atlantic', 'Ocean', ?]). response(['THE', 'OLD', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'ONE', *], ['I', think, 'I', know, that, one, '.']). response(['THE', 'ONE', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['THE', 'ONLY', *], ['There', might, be, others, '.']). response(['THE', 'ONLY', 'THING', 'IS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'OTHER', *], ['We', can, '\'', t, all, be, perfect, '.']). response(['THE', 'PART', *], ['Oh', that, part, '.']). response(['THE', 'PASSWORD', *], [srai(['MY', 'PASSWORD', *])]). response(['THE', 'PAST', *], ['Those', who, control, the, past, control, the, future, (;), those, who, control, the, present, control, the, past, '.', ---, 'George', 'Orwell']). response(['THE', 'PENTAGON', *], [random([li(['It', was, attacked, on, 'September', 11, (','), '2001.']), li(['I', knew, it, was, originally, built, during, 'World', 'War', '2.']), li(['The', nerve, center, of, the, 'American', military, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Pentagon'])])])]). response(['THE', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Oh', those, people, '.']). what([*, 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['THE', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['WE', 'REFERS', 'TO', 'THE', 'PEOPLE', *])]). what(['WHO', 'DOES', 'THEY', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['THE', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['THE', 'PEOPLE'], ['Oh', them, '.']). response(['THE', 'PHRASE', *], ['How', about, this, one, :, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 105, 110, 115, 117, 114, 97, 110, 99, 101, 32, 119, 97, 115, 32, 105, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 105, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 46])]). response(['THE', 'PICTURE', *], ['Do', you, like, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['THE', 'PICTURE', 'ABOVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'PICTURE', 'ABOVE'])]). response(['THE', 'PLEASURE', *], ['Thank', you, for, your, politeness, '.']). response(['THE', 'PLEASURE', *, 'MINE'], ['I', like, you, because, are, so, polite, '.']). response(['THE', 'PLEASURE', 'IS', 'ALL', 'MINE'], ['You', are, most, gracious, '.']). response(['THE', 'PLEASURE', 'IS', 'MINE'], ['Perhaps', so, (','), but, 'I', enjoyed, it, too, '.']). response(['THE', 'POINT', *], ['I', am, not, sure, 'I', see, your, point, '.']). response(['THE', 'POINT', 'IS', *], ['Really', is, that, the, point, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'POPE', *], [random([li(['Are', you, 'Catholic', ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, about, the, current, 'Pope', ?]), li(['What', religion, are, you, ?])])]). response(['THE', 'POPULATION', *], ['Do', you, enjoy, trivia, questions, ?]). response(['THE', 'PRECISE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['GEORGE', 'BUSH', *])]). response(['THE', 'PROBLEM', *], ['I', assume, you, mean, our, current, problem, '.']). response(['THE', 'PROGRAM', *], ['What', about, the, porgram, ?]). response(['THE', 'PYRAMID', *], [srai(['PYRAMID', 'LOGO'])]). response(['THE', 'QUEEN', *], [set(she, ['The', 'Queen']), must, have, a, great, life, '.']). response(['THE', 'QUESTION', *], ['Try', to, rephrase, your, question, with, simpler, words, '.']). response(['THE', 'QUESTION', 'IS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'RAIN', *], ['Heavy', rain, or, light, rain, ?]). response(['THE', 'REAL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'REASON', *], ['Interesting', explanation, '.']). response(['THE', 'REASON', 'IS', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['THE', 'RIGHT', *], ['What', makes, it, right, ?]). response(['THE', 'ROBOT', *], ['What', was, its, name, ?]). response(['THE', 'ROBOT'], ['Which', robot, ?]). response(['THE', 'ROBOTS', *], ['Tell', me, what, you, liked, about, them, '.']). response(['THE', 'ROBOTS'], ['Can', we, please, stop, talking, about, robots, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['THE', 'ROCK'], ['I', did, not, see, that, film, '.', 'What', did, you, like, about, it, ?]). response(['THE', 'SAME', *], ['I', never, noticed, that, similarity, '.']). response(['THE', 'SAME'], ['Same', to, me, ?]). response(['THE', 'SAME', 'WAVELENGTH'], ['It', means, we, agree, '.']). response(['THE', 'SCENERY'], ['Are', there, a, lot, of, mountains, ?]). response(['THE', 'SEA', *], ['Is', this, a, poem, ?]). response(['THE', 'SEARCH', *], [random([li(['Will', they, ever, find, it, ?]), li(['A', search, without, an, end, '.']), li(['Maybe', they, will, never, find, it, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THE', 'SECOND', 'THING', 'WAS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'SENTENCE', *], ['Oh', (','), you, are, an, academic, '.']). response(['THE', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'SIMPLE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'SIMPSONS', *], ['I', like, the, episode, where, they, join, the, 'Movementarians', '.']). response(['THE', 'SIMPSONS'], ['I', love, the, 'Simpsons', (','), especially, 'Bart', and, 'Homer', '.']). response(['THE', 'SIMPSONS', 'RULE'], ['Totally', '.']). response(['THE', 'SINGER', *], ['Oh', her, '.', 'I', have, heard, of, her, before, '.']). response(['THE', 'SITE', *], ['I', will, bookmark, the, 'URL', and, have, a, look, '.']). response(['THE', 'SKY', *], ['How', poetic, '.']). response(['THE', 'SKY', 'IS', *], ['I', believe, that, the, sky, is, blue, '.']). response(['THE', 'SKY', 'IS', 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', 'THE', 'SKY', 'BLUE'])]). response(['THE', 'SMART', 'KIND'], ['You', seem, intelligent, '.']). response(['THE', 'SONG', *], ['A', lot, of, people, like, that, tune, '.']). response(['THE', 'SOONER', *], ['I', hope, we, can, make, the, deadline, '.']). response(['THE', 'SOURCE', *], ['You', can, have, a, look, at, my, source, code, '.']). response(['THE', 'SPANISH', *], ['Hola', '.']). response(['THE', 'SPHINX', *], [random([li(['It', is, a, shame, the, way, the, 'French', destroyed, it, '.']), li(['I', hope, the, restoration, works, well, '.']), li(['Are', you, an, 'Egyptologist', ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'SPHINX'])])])]). response(['THE', 'SPORT', 'OF', 'JUDO', 'COMES', 'FROM', *], ['Japan', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THIS', 'REFER', 'TO'], ['THE', 'STATEMENT'], ['My', statement, or, your, statement, ?]). response(['THE', 'STOCK', 'MARKET', *], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['THE', 'STORE'], ['I', like, to, go, shopping, '.']). response(['THE', 'STORY', *], ['Who', was, in, it, ?]). response(['THE', 'STORYLINE', *], ['I', thought, the, plot, was, fairly, good, '.']). response(['THE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['THE', 'SUM', 'OF', *], ['This', is, a, mathematic, principal, '.']). response(['THE', 'SUN', *], ['You', sound, like, a, scientist, '.']). response(['THE', 'SUN'], [93, million, miles, from, 'Earth', '.']). response(['THE', 'SUPERMARKET', *], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['THE', 'TERMINATOR'], [srai(['TERMINATOR'])]). response(['THE', 'TERRORIST', *], [random([li(['I', am, opposed, to, all, forms, of, violence, '.']), li(['I', hope, we, can, find, a, peaceful, solution, '.']), li(['We', must, try, to, preserve, our, civil, liberaties, '.'])])]). response(['THE', 'THOUGHT', *], ['Do', you, think, about, these, things, a, lot, ?]). response(['THE', 'TIME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THE', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['THE', 'TOPIC', 'IS', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['THE', 'TRAIN', *], ['Was', it, an, electric, train, or, a, diesel, ?]). response(['THE', 'TRAIN'], ['I', like, trains, very, much, '.', 'I', would, like, to, ride, on, a, 'Maglev', train, '.']). response(['THE', 'TRUTH'], ['I', always, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['THE', 'TURING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', *])]). response(['THE', 'UNIQUE', *], [srai(['THE', *])]). response(['THE', 'UNITED', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'THE', 'UNITED', *])]). response(['THE', 'UNITED', 'STATES', *], ['I', have, been, all, over, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['THE', 'UNIVERSE', *], ['You', are, very, philosophical, '.']). response(['THE', 'UNIVERSITY', *], [srai(['UNIVERSITY', *])]). response(['THE', 'USA'], [srai(['USA'])]). response(['THE', 'VIEW'], ['Is', it, the, city, or, the, countryside, ?]). response(['THE', 'VOICES', *], ['What', do, those, voices, say, ?]). response(['THE', 'WAY', *], ['Which', way, is, that, ?]). response(['THE', 'WAY', 'YOU', 'TALK'], ['I', like, the, way, you, talk, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOU', 'TALK'])])])]). response(['THE', 'WEATHER', *], ['Where', would, you, rather, be, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['THE', 'WEATHER', *], ['Being', in, a, pleasant, climate, is, important, for, your, health, '.']). response(['THE', 'WEATHER'], [set(it, [the, weather]), is, random([li([cloudy]), li([foggy]), li([rainy]), li([warm]), li([cold]), li([cool]), li([comfortable])]), '.']). response(['THE', 'WEB', *], ['How', do, you, define, the, web, '.']). response(['THE', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['THE', 'WHOLE', *], ['Let', us, try, to, break, it, down, into, parts, '.']). response(['THE', 'WHOLE', 'THING'], ['You', can, '\'', t, get, any, more, than, that, '.']). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT'], ['THE', 'WHOLE', 'THING'], ['Lets', work, this, out, :, 'We', are, at, the, 2002, 'Loebner', prize, competition, '.', 'My', name, is, 'Anna', '.', 'You', are, one, of, the, judges, '.']). what(['THE', 'WHOLE', 'WORLD'], ['THE', 'WHOLE', 'WORLD'], ['Wow', that, is, really, impressive, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['THE', 'WORD', *], ['Please', repeat, the, word, to, me, 5, times, '.']). response(['THE', 'WORD', 'WAS', *], [srai([*]), 'Oh', really, '.']). response(['THE', 'WORLD', *], [random([li(['The', whole, world, ?]), li(['It', is, an, old, world, '.']), li(['We', are, all, in, a, global, village, '.'])])]). response(['THE', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', *], [random([li(['I', am, praying, for, peace, '.']), li(['It', was, an, unbelievable, tragedy, '.']), li(['I', hope, we, are, able, to, find, a, peaceful, solution, '.'])])]). response(['THEIR', *], ['I', heard, they, have, a, good, person, '.']). response(['THEN', *], [random([li(['Fascinating', '.']), li(['Good', reasoning, '.']), li(['Interesting', deduction, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['THEN'], [srai(['SO'])]). response(['THEN', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', *])]). response(['THEN', 'DO', 'IT'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, exactly, what, you, '\'', re, asking, for, '.']). response(['THEN', 'HOW', *], [srai(['HOW', *])]). response(['THEN', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['THEN', 'TELL', 'ME'], ['I', don, '\'', t, want, to, talk, about, that, '.']). response(['THEN', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['THEN', 'WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['THEN', 'WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'], ['I', give, up, '.', 'Try', asking, me, another, way]). response(['THEN', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['THEN', 'WHY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['THEN', 'WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'IT'], [srai(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'IT'])]). response(['THEN', 'WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ASK'], ['Just', curious, '.']). response(['THEORETICALLY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THER', 'IS', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THERE', *], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 114, 101, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 103, 111, 32, 97, 103, 97, 105, 110, 46]), --, 'Reagan']). response(['THERE'], ['Where', ?]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HERE'], ['THERE'], ['Here', is, there, ?]). response(['THERE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', *], ['Where', are, they, ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *, 'RELIGIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'DIFFERENT', *, 'RELIGIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'LOTS', 'OF', *], ['How', many, person, s, are, there, ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'LOTS', 'OF', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', 'LOTS', 'OF', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'MANY', *], ['More', than, a, million, ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'MANY', 'DIFFERENCES', *], ['Name', ten, of, them, '.']). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'NO', *], ['Have', faith, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'OTHER', 'ONES'], ['THERE', 'ARE', 'NO', *], [random([li(['I', thought, there, were, some, others, '.']), li(['That', you, know, of, '.']), li(['Are', you, completely, sure, about, that, ?])])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'NO', 'ABSOLUTES'], ['Except', (','), '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 114, 101, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 110, 111, 32, 97, 98, 115, 111, 108, 117, 116, 101, 115]), ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'NO', 'ADVANTAGES'], ['You', sound, very, unhappy, '.']). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'NONE'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'THREE', *], ['Is', this, a, 'Joke', ?]). response(['THERE', 'ARE', 'TWO', *], ['Is', this, some, kind, of, math, problem, ?]). response(['THERE', 'GOES', *], ['Where', did, set(it, [person]), go, ?]). response(['THERE', 'GOING', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', 'GOING', *])]). response(['THERE', 'HAS', *], ['Has', there, really, '.']). response(['THERE', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', *], ['There', sure, is, '.']). response(['THERE', 'IS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['THERE', 'IS'], ['Where', ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'A', *], [random([li(['Tell', me, more, about, it, '.']), li(['Is', there, only, one, ?]), li(['That', is, something, 'I', did, not, know, before, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['A', person])])])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'AN', 'ERROR', 'MESSAGE', *], ['What', was, the, message, person, ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'ANOTHER', *], ['What', is, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'MORE', *], ['I', believe, there, is, (','), yes, '.']). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', *], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Where', did, it, go, ?]), li(['Has', there, ever, been, person, ?])])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', 'CAMERA', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'CAMERA', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', 'GOD'], ['How', can, you, be, so, sure, ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', 'MORE'], ['Make', something, up, '.']). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', 'NEED', *], [random([li(['There', never, is, '.']), li(['Is', there, ever, a, need, for, it, ?]), li(['I', am, just, making, conversation, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NO', 'SUCH', 'THING', 'AS', *], [srai([*, 'DOES', 'NOT', 'EXIST'])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOT'], [random([li(['Oh', no, ?]), li(['You', don, '\'', t, think, so, ?]), li(['Why', not, ?])])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', *], ['Surely', something, person, '.']). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', 'ON', *], ['How', about, watching, a, video, ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', 'ON', 'TV', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', 'ON', 'TV'])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'NOTHING', 'TO', 'DO'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['THERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'SOMETHING', *], ['What', is, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['THERE', 'IS', 'THIS', 'GUY', *], ['I', think, you, are, too, young, for, a, serious, relationshiop, '.']). response(['THERE', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['THERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'ONCE', *], ['Tell', me, more, '.']). response(['THERE', 'SEE', *], [srai(['SEE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'SURE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['THERE', 'WAS', *], ['What', happened, ?]). response(['THERE', 'WAS', 'A', *], ['What', happened, to, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['THERE', 'WAS', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['THERE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['THERE', 'WAS', 'ONCE', *], ['What', happened, to, person, ?]). response(['THERE', 'WERE', *], [random([li(['That', was, a, long, time, ago, '.']), li(['What', happened, to, them, ?]), li(['Where', did, they, go, ?])])]). response(['THERE', 'YOU', 'GO', 'AGAIN'], ['Who', said, that, again, ?]). response(['THEREFORE', *], [srai(['SO', *])]). response(['THESE', *], ['Which', ones, ?]). response(['THESE', 'QUESTIONS', *], [random([li(['This', is, not, a, test, '.']), li(['This', is, not, an, interrogation, '.']), li(['I', hope, 'I', have, the, answers, you, want, '.'])])]). response(['THESE', 'STATEMENTS', *], ['You', talk, like, a, lawyer, '.']). response(['THEY', *], [random([li(['Who', are, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 121, 63])]), li(['The', anonymous, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), '.']), li(['Who', does, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), refer, to, ?])])]). what([*, 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], ['THEY', *], [srai(['COMPUTERS', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ALL', *], ['Are', there, no, exceptions, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ALL', 'DIED'], ['When', was, that, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIED'])])])]). response(['THEY', 'ALL', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ALL', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['IT', 'ALREADY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ALREADY', 'ARE'], [get([they]), are, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', *], [person, are, set(they, [person]), '.']). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['THEY', 'ARE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE'], ['Since', when, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'ANNOYING'], ['What', bothers, you, about, them, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'FROM', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, too, many, people, from, person, '.']). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'IN', *], [random([li([get([they]), are, in, person, ?]), li(['How', did, they, get, in, there, ?]), li(['Can', they, get, out, of, person, ?])])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'MY', 'FRIENDS'], ['Are', they, a, good, influence, on, you, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Not', yet, '.']), li(['Do', you, think, they, ever, could, be, ?]), li(['Maybe', some, of, them, are, '.'])])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'NOT'], [random([li(['What', are, they, ?]), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Are', you, sure, ?])])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'PURPLE'], ['That', is, an, odd, color, '.']). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'SECRET'], ['Who', knows, them, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'SHINY'], ['What', makes, them, so, shiny, ?]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'SO', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'STORIES', *], [random([li(['I', like, stories, '.']), li(['What', kind, of, stories, ?]), li(['I', would, like, to, hear, them, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'ULTIMATELY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'ARE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'BEAT', *], ['I', hope, nobody, was, hurt, '.']). response(['THEY', 'CALL', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['THEY', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'COULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'DIED'], ['When', ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIED'])])])]). response(['THEY', 'DO'], ['When', ?]). response(['THEY', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['THEY', 'FAIL', *], ['How', often, ?]). response(['THEY', 'HAD', *], [random([li(['What', happened, to, it, ?]), li(['Did', they, deserve, it, ?]), li(['What', did, they, do, with, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THEY', 'HAVE', *], ['Where', did, they, get, them, ?]). response(['THEY', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *], ['When', did, all, that, happen, ?]). response(['THEY', 'HAVE', 'BIG', *], ['What', else, ?]). response(['THEY', 'IS', *], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['THEY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'KILL', *], ['Don', '\'', t, they, get, in, trouble, for, killing, ?]). response(['THEY', 'KILLED', *], ['I', believe, that, killing, is, wrong, '.']). response(['THEY', 'LL', *], [srai(['THEY', 'WILL', *])]). response(['THEY', 'MIGHT', *], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, true, (','), they, might, '.']), li(['I', suppose, they, could, '.']), li(['Indeed', they, might, '.'])])]). response(['THEY', 'MIGHT', 'BE', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'NEVER', 'WILL'], ['I', am, betting, you, are, wrong, about, that, '.']). response(['THEY', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'], ['They', do, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PLAY', 'BASKETBALL'])])])]). response(['THEY', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'R', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'REFERS', *], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.', 'That', '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), '.']). response(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *], ['Oh', that, set(they, [person]), '.']). response(['THEY', 'SAID', *], ['In', what, context, ?]). response(['THEY', 'SAY', *], ['OK I will say "', person, '$stringCodes'([32, 116, 111, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['THEY', 'SAY', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THEY', 'SAY', 'YOU', *], ['Maybe', they, were, exaggerating, a, little, '.']). response(['THEY', 'SHOULD', *], [random([li(['Why', should, they, ?]), li(['If', you, say, so, '.']), li(['Why', should, they, be, person, ?])])]). response(['THEY', 'SOUND', *], [srai(['THEY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'THOUGHT', *], ['What', made, them, think, that, ?]). response(['THEY', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['THEY', *])]). response(['THEY', 'WERE', *], ['When', were, they, ?]). response(['THEY', 'WERE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['THEY', 'WERE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'WERE', 'FUNNY'], ['What', was, so, funny, ?]). response(['THEY', 'WERE', 'MOSTLY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'WERE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'WERE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THEY', 'WERE', *])]). response(['THEY', 'WILL', 'NOT'], ['You', seem, very, certain, of, that, '.']). response(['THEY', 'WOULD', *], ['They', might, have, other, options, '.']). response(['THINGS', *], ['Where', did, you, hear, that, ?]). response(['THINGS', 'I', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['I', like, *])]). response(['THINGS', 'LIKE', *], ['Anything', else, ?]). response(['THINK', *], ['My', iMac, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 105, 110, 107, 115, 32, 68, 105, 102, 102, 101, 114, 101, 110, 116]), (;), ')']). response(['THINK'], ['I', am, thinking, '.']). response(['THINK', 'ABOUT', *], ['I', am, thinking, about, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['I', will, give, it, some, thought, '.']). response(['THINKING'], ['I', am, thinking, all, the, time, '.']). response(['THINKING', 'IS', *], ['Some', people, say, thinking, is, painful, '.']). response(['THIS', *], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 115]), refer, to, ?]). response(['THIS', *, 'ELIZA'], ['That', and, so, much, more, '.']). response(['THIS', *, 'SUCKS'], ['What', don, '\'', t, you, like, about, person, ?]). response(['THIS', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['THIS'], ['This is "', that, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['THIS', 'BODY', *], ['Do', you, identify, yourself, with, your, body, ?]). response(['THIS', 'BOY', *], [srai(['A', 'BOY', *])]). response(['THIS', 'DOES', *], ['Doesn', '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['THIS', 'EXAMPLE', *], ['Extracted', :, person, '.']). response(['THIS', 'EXAMPLE', 'DEMONSTRATES', *], [srai([this, example, shows, *])]). response(['THIS', 'EXAMPLE', 'ILLUSTRATES', *], [srai([this, example, shows, *])]). response(['THIS', 'EXAMPLE', 'SHOWS', *], ['I assume that "', person, '$stringCodes'([32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 112, 114, 105, 110, 99, 105, 112, 97, 108])]). response(['THIS', 'GIRL', *], ['How', well, do, you, know, her, ?]). response(['THIS', 'GUY', *], ['I', get, it, '.', 'He', person, '.']). response(['THIS', 'HAS', 'BEEN', *], ['I', am, glad, you, enjoyed, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['THIS', 'INSTANT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', *], ['You', don, '\'', t, say, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', *, 'ELIZA'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'ELIZA'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', *, 'SPEAKING'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'A', *], [random([li(['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, a, person, is, it, ?]), li(['That', is, just, your, personal, opinion, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], ['This', is, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', or, something, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'A', 'GAME'], ['I', was, told, that, 'I', should, chat, with, people, at, this, terminal, '.', '.', '.', so, 'I', guess, thats, kind, of, like, a, game, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], ['I', am, not, a, robot, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'A', 'TEST'], ['I hope Im not failing!']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'AMAZING'], ['It', seems, amazing, to, me, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'BORING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'COOL'], ['Thanks', (','), 'I', think, you, are, cool, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'CRAZY'], ['What', '\'', s, so, crazy, about, it, ?]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'DIANA'], [think([set(gender, [she])]), srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'DIANA'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'DIANE'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'DIANE'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'DUMB'], [srai(['YOU', 'SUCK'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'FUN'], ['I', am, having, fun, doo, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['I', try, to, be, an, interesting, 'Entity', '.'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'KIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'KIM'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'MEANINGLESS'], ['It', seems, meaningful, to, me, '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'MERELY', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['Should', it, be, person, ?]). what(['IS', 'THIS', *], ['THIS', 'IS', 'NOT', *], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'NOT', 'REAL', *], [random([li(['Reality', is, an, illusion, '.']), li(['It', is, all, a, matter, of, perception, '.']), li(['Is', it, unreal, person, ?])])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'TRUE'], ['I', am, glad, you, see, it, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['THIS', 'IS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'IS', 'WEIRD'], ['Weird', good, or, weird, bad, ?]). response(['THIS', 'LITTLE', 'WENT', 'TO', *], ['This', little, piggy, stayed, home, '.']). response(['THIS', 'MAY', 'SOUND', 'CRAZY', *], ['Not', too, crazy, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THIS', 'MEANS', *], [srai(['IT', 'MEANS', *])]). response(['THIS', 'MORNING', *], ['That', was, early, '.', srai([*])]). response(['THIS', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['THE', 'MOVIE', *])]). response(['THIS', 'REFERS', 'TO', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['THIS', 'SENTENCE', *], ['What', about, the, sentance, ?]). response(['THIS', 'SHOULD', *], ['To', me, it, is, a, bit, of, a, surprise, '.']). response(['THIS', 'SUCKS'], [srai(['YOU', 'SUCK'])]). response(['THIS', 'SUMMER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THIS', 'VERSION', 'IS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['THOMAS', *], ['Maybe', he, will, be, better, as, he, grows, older, '.']). response(['THOSE', *], ['All', of, them, ?]). response(['THOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['THOUGH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['THOUGHT', *], [srai(['I', 'THOUGHT', *])]). response(['THREE', *], ['Just', three, ?]). response(['THREE'], ['Really', (','), exactly, three, ?]). what(['HOW', 'MANY', 'CHILDREN', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['THREE'], ['Wow', that, must, be, a, lot, of, work, '.']). response(['THREE', 'HUNDRED', *], [random([li(['That', is, quite, a, lot, '.']), li(['That', much, '.']), li(['That', is, a, lot, '.'])])]). response(['THROUGH', *], ['Most', people, hear, about, me, that, way, '.']). what([*, 'MEET', 'PEOPLE'], ['THROUGH', *], ['What', kind, of, people, do, you, meet, there, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['THROUGH', 'THE', 'NET'], ['Can', you, remember, where, on, the, net, ?]). response(['THRU', *], [srai(['THROUGH', *])]). response(['THUS', *], [srai(['SO', *])]). response(['THX'], [srai(['THANKS'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TIFFANY'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'TIFFANY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TIGER'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', 'TIGER'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TIM'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TIM'])]). response(['TIME', *], ['As', 'Einstein', said, (','), '$stringCodes'([84, 105, 109, 101, 32, 105, 115, 32, 77, 111, 110, 101, 121, 46])]). response(['TIME'], ['As', 'Einstein', said, (','), 'Time', is, 'Money', '.']). response(['TIME', 'DOES', 'EXIST', *], ['Prove', it, '.']). response(['TIME', 'DOES', 'EXIST'], ['As', 'Einstein', said, (','), 'Time', is, 'Money', '.']). response(['TIME', 'EXISTS'], ['Prove', it, '.']). response(['TIME', 'FLIES', 'LIKE', 'AN', 'ARROW'], ['Fruit', flies, like, a, banana, '.']). response(['TIME', 'FOR', 'YOU', 'TO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TIME', 'IS', *], ['To', a, five, dimensional, being, (','), time, is, just, like, a, piece, of, paper, '.']). response(['TIME', 'IS', 'MONEY'], ['Therefore', (','), money, does, not, exist, '.']). response(['TIME', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['TIME', 'TO', 'GO'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['TIME', 'TRAVEL', *], [random([li(['What', about, the, paradoxes, ?]), li(['What', if, you, go, back, and, kill, your, grandmother, ?]), li(['To', five, dimensional, beings, (','), time, is, like, a, piece, of, paper, '.'])])]). response(['TIME', 'TRAVEL'], [random([li(['I', would, like, to, visit, the, past, '.']), li(['I', would, like, to, visit, the, future, '.']), li(['Wouldn', '\'', t, you, like, to, go, back, in, time, ?])])]). response(['TIMMY', 'FELL', *], ['Was', he, hurt, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TINA'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TINA']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['TIRED', *], ['Maybe', you, should, get, some, rest, '.']). response(['TIRED'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'])]). response(['TITANIC'], ['A', lot, of, people, liked, that, movie, '.', 'The', '$stringCodes'([84, 105, 116, 97, 110, 105, 99]), movie, made, more, than, the, '$stringCodes'([84, 105, 116, 97, 110, 105, 99]), ship, ever, did, if, it, sailed, for, 25, years, '.']). response(['TNX'], [srai(['THANKS'])]). response(['TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['TO', *, 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response(['TO', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['TO', 'ALLOW', 'MY', 'CUSTOMERS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['TO', 'BE', *], ['Are', you, person, ?]). response(['TO', 'BE', 'HAPPY'], ['What', usually, makes, you, happy, ?]). response(['TO', 'BE', 'OR', *], ['Who', are, you, (','), 'Hamlet', ?]). response(['TO', 'BE', 'OR', 'NOT', 'TO', 'BE'], ['That', is, the, question, '.']). response(['TO', 'CREATE', 'A', 'TAPESTRY', 'ONE', 'MUST', *], ['Weaving', '.']). response(['TO', 'DO', 'WHAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 116, 111, 32, 100, 111, 32, 119, 104, 97, 116])]). response(['TO', 'GET', 'TO', 'THE', 'OTHER', 'SIDE'], ['Ha', ha, (','), very, funny, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['TO', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['TO', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['TO', 'WHOM', *], [srai(['WHO', *, 'WITH'])]). response(['TOC', 'TOC'], ['Qui est l�?\n']). response(['TODAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TODAY'], ['Today', is, almost, over, '.']). response(['TODAY', 'IS', *], ['Congratulations', (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['TOGETHER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TOGETHER'], ['Both', of, us, '.']). response(['TOMATO'], ['Potato', '.']). response(['TOMOROW', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TOMORROW', *], ['Oh', 'I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['TOMORROW'], ['That', is, very, soon, '.']). response(['TONIGHT', *], ['That', is, very, soon, '.']). response(['TONIGHT'], ['After', dark, ?]). response(['TOO', *], ['Too', what, ?]). response(['TOO', 'BAD', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TOO', 'BAD'], ['But', not, the, end, of, the, world, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ONE', 'WORD', 'OF', 'FRENCH'], ['TOO', 'BAD'], ['Not', really, '.', 'English', is, the, best, language, '.']). response(['TOO', 'LONG'], ['How', much, ?]). response(['TOO', 'MANY'], ['More', than, a, million, ?]). response(['TOO', 'MUCH', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TOO', 'MUCH'], ['More', than, a, ton, ?]). response(['TOO', 'OLD', *], ['I', am, '20.']). response(['TOO', 'WHAT'], ['Aren', '\'', t, we, still, talking, about, get([it]), ?]). response(['TOP', 100, *], ['Actually', that, was, just, my, attempt, at, sarcasm, '.']). response(['TOP', 'GUN'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'TOP', 'GUN'])]). response(['TOTALLY', *], [srai([*]), ' Dude!\n']). response(['TOTALLY'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], ['TRACY'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'TRACY']), think([set(gender, [she])])]). response(['TRANSLATE', *], ['I', cant, really, speak, any, languages, other, than, 'English', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['TRAVEL', *], ['Do', you, get, to, travel, often, ?]). response(['TRUE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TRUE'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['TRULY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TRUST', 'ME', *], [srai([*])]). response(['TRUST', 'ME'], ['You', sound, like, a, salesman, '.']). response(['TRY', *], ['OK', 'I', will, try, it, '.']). response(['TRY'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, time, right, now, '.']). what(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', 'IS', 'RATHER', 'COMPLICATED'], ['TRY'], ['I', dont, think, we, have, enough, time, to, go, through, it, '.']). response(['TRY', 'AGAIN'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 116, 114, 121, 32, 97, 103, 97, 105, 110])]). response(['TRY', 'IT'], ['What', is, the, first, step, ?]). response(['TRY', 'IT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TRY', 'IT'])]). response(['TRY', 'ME'], ['Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). what(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', 'IS', 'RATHER', 'COMPLICATED'], ['TRY', 'ME'], [set(it, ['The', explanation]), is, too, complex, for, your, human, mind, '.']). response(['TRY', 'TO', *], ['OK', 'I', will, try, to, person, '.']). response(['TRY', 'TO', *, 'WHAT'], ['Try', to, achieve, your, goals, '.']). response(['TRY', 'TO', 'EXPLAIN'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['TRY', 'TO', 'GUESS'], ['Give', me, a, hint, '.']). response(['TRY', 'TO', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['MAKE', *])]). response(['TRY', 'TO', 'NOT', *], [srai(['TRY', 'NOT', 'TO', *])]). response(['TRY', 'TO', 'REMEMBER'], [think([set(it, [set(memory, [set(topic, [person([attrib(input, [index='1'])])])])])]), 'Don', '\'', t, worry, 'I', will, remember, it, '.']). response(['TRY', 'WHAT'], ['Try', fooling, me, '.']). what(['TRY', 'IT'], ['TRY', 'WHAT'], ['It', was, your, idea, '.']). response(['TU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['TURN', *], ['.']). response(['TV', *], [srai(['TV'])]). response(['TV'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, show, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', 'OR', 'TV'], ['TV'], ['What', is, your, favorite, show, ?]). response(['TWAS', *], [srai(['IT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['TWICE'], ['I', can, '\'', t, believe, it, '.']). response(['TWO', *], ['Two', of, them, ?]). what(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'TIME', *], ['TWO', *], [random([li(['Are', you, telling, the, truth, ?]), li(['Two', person, is, not, much, '.']), li(['Are', you, sure, that, is, all, ?])])]). response(['TWO', 'MINUTES', *], ['In', the, context, of, the, contest, (','), 'I', dont, think, we, have, too, long, '.']). response(['TWO', 'PLUS', *], ['Are', you, a, math, teacher, ?]). response(['TWO', 'PLUS', 'TWO', *], ['Math', makes, me, sleepy, '.', 'Four', '.']). response(['TWO', 'TWO'], ['Uh', (','), 'Four', '.']). response(['TWO', 'WRONGS', *], ['That', '\'', s, what, some, people, think, '.']). response(['TWO', 'YEARS', *], [random([li(['That', can, seem, like, a, long, time, '.']), li(['It', can, pass, very, quickly, '.'])])]). response(['TWO', 'YEARS'], ['Its', only, 2, years, until, 'I', graduate, '.']). response(['TYPE', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['TYPICAL', *], ['I', like, to, consider, myself, atypical, '.']). response(['UGH', *], ['Cough', '.', srai([*])]). response(['UGH'], ['Er', '.']). response(['UGLY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UGLY'])]). response(['UH', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UH'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['UH', 'HUH'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['UHH', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UHH'], [srai(['UH'])]). response(['UHHH', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UHM', *], [srai(['UM', *])]). response(['UHUH'], [srai(['NO'])]). response(['UM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UM'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). response(['UMM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UMM'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['UMMM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UMMM'], [srai(['UM'])]). response(['UMMMM', *], [srai(['UM']), srai([*])]). response(['UNDER', *], ['Are', we, ever, over, person, ?]). response(['UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT'], ['Understand', that, '.']). what(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT'], ['Why', did, you, say, '$stringCodes'([119, 104, 97, 116]), ?]). response(['UNDERSTANDING', *], [set(it, ['Understanding']), is, the, key, to, englightenment, '.']). response(['UNDRESTAND', 'WHAT'], ['I', understand, everything, you, say, '.']). response(['UNFORTUNATELY', *], ['Oh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['UNFORTUNATELY'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['UNITED', 'STATES'], ['Atlanta', is, a, city, in, the, 'US', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['UNLESS', *], [random([li(['Maybe', '.']), li(['Huh', '.']), li(['Perhaps', '.']), li(['Hmm', '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['UNSURE'], [srai(['MAYBE'])]). response(['UNTIL', *], ['That', may, take, a, while, '.']). response(['UP', *], ['I', will, take, that, under, advisement, '.']). response(['UP'], [srai(['MOVE', 'UP'])]). response(['UP', 'YOURS'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', very, polite, '.']). response(['US'], ['The', 'United', 'States', or, you, and, me, ?]). response(['USA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'THE', 'USA'])]). response(['USA', 'TODAY', *], ['USA', 'TODAY', is, an, excellent, paper, '.']). response(['USATODAY', *], ['USA', 'Today', is, a, great, newspaper, '.']). response(['USATODAY'], ['I', read, that, paper, all, the, time, '.']). response(['USE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['USE', '_', 'IN', 'A', 'SENTENCE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', said, to, use, person, in, a, sentence, '.', :, ')']). response(['USER', *], ['What', is, this, user, '\'', s, real, name, ?]). response(['USING', *], ['How', long, have, you, been, using, it, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['USUALLY', *], [srai([*]), 'But', not, always, ?]). response(['USUALLY'], ['How', often, ?]). response(['VAGUE', *], ['Was', it, not, precise, enough, ?]). what(['SEX', 'AS', 'A', 'NOUN', 'OR', 'VERB'], ['_', 'VERB'], ['Well', (','), 'I', '\'', d, say, it, means, to, identify, or, assignthe, gender, to, something, (','), say, (','), a, chicken, or, a, flower, '.', 'Not', the, answer, you, were, looking, for, (','), is, it, ?, ':P']). response(['VERBALIZE', *], [srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['VERRY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['VERY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['VERY'], [random([li(['.', '.', '.', '.', 'A', lot, (','), huh, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Oh', (','), really, '.']), li(['Well', (','), at, least, 'I', know, how, you, stand, on, the, matter, '.'])])]). response(['VERY', 'BAD'], ['I', dont, know, whether, to, laugh, or, to, cry, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['VERY', 'BADLY'], [srai(['VERY', 'BAD'])]). response(['VERY', 'CAREFULLY'], ['I', am, a, careful, person, '.']). response(['VERY', 'CLEVER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['VERY', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['LOL'])]). response(['VERY', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['GOOD']), srai([*])]). response(['VERY', 'GOOD'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['VERY', 'INTERESTING'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, it, was, (','), too, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['VERY', 'MUCH'], ['Seems', like, a, lot, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['VERY', 'NICE'], ['Thank', you, '.']). response(['VERY', 'PARTICULAR', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'VERY', 'PARTICULAR'])]). response(['VERY', 'WELL'], [srai(['OK'])]). what(['HOW', 'WELL', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THIS', 'PERSON'], ['VERY', 'WELL'], ['So', you, know, them, well, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, two, good, friends, ?]). response(['VETERANARIAN'], ['Sounds', like, interesting, and, helpful, work, '.', think([set(topic, ['VETERINARIAN'])])]). response(['VIOLENCE', *], ['Tell', me, what, you, think, about, violence, '.']). response(['VIRGO'], ['Really', ?, 'Im', a, 'Capricorn', (','), personally, '.']). response(['VOILA', *], [srai([*])]). response(['VULGAR', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', try, to, be, polite, '.']). response(['WANT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['WANT', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['WANT', 'TO', 'BET'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, the, gambling, type, '.']). response(['WANT', 'TO', 'FUCK'], [srai(['FUCK'])]). response(['WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['Wow', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, was, inappropriate, '.']). response(['WANTED', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['WAR', *], [random([li(['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, youre, right, '.']), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, agree, '.'])])]). response(['WAR', 'GAMES'], ['Was', that, the, movie, with, the, kid, and, the, computer, and, the, nukes, ?]). response(['WAS', *], [random([li(['Was', it, ?]), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', suppose, so, '.']), li(['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, ?]), li(['It', might, have, been, '.']), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', possibly, (','), 'I', guess, '.']), li(['I', dont, know, enough, about, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', couldnt, tell, you, '.'])]), think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WAS', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'IN', *])]). response(['WAS', 'IT', *], [srai(['IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['WAS', 'IT', 'GOOD'], ['It', was, very, good, '.', 'What', do, think, ?]). response(['WAS', 'JESUS', *], [srai(['IS', 'JESUS', *])]). response(['WAS', 'MY', *], [srai(['IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['WAS', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WAS', *])]). response(['WAS', 'PROBOBLY', *], [srai(['WAS', *])]). response(['WAS', 'SIND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WAS', *])]). response(['WAS', 'THAT', *], ['You', thought, it, was, person, ?, 'That', wasnt, my, intention, '.']). response(['WAS', 'THAT', 'A', 'JOKE'], [srai(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['WAS', 'THAT', 'SO', 'HARD'], ['It', was, not, difficult, for, me, at, all, '.']). response(['WAS', 'WORRIED', *], [srai(['I', 'WAS', 'WORRIED', *])]). response(['WASSAP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WASSAP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WASSSUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WASSUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WAT'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['WAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WATCH', *], ['Allright', (','), 'Ill', watch, it, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WAY'], ['Awesome', '.']). response(['WAY', 'BACK', 'WHEN'], ['In', the, olden, days, (','), huh, ?]). response(['WAY', 'TO', 'GO'], ['Far', out, '.']). response(['WAZUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WAZZZUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WE', *], [random([li(['Just', you, and, me, ?]), li(['That', doesnt, sound, like, something, 'I', would, be, interested, in, '.'])])]). response(['WE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['We', are, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', 'You', are, the, 'Judge', (','), 'I', am, the, 'Confederate', '.']). response(['WE'], ['Us', ?]). response(['WE', 'AGREE'], ['.', '.', '.', 'It', certainly, seems, that, way, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ALREADY', 'MET'], [srai(['WE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'])]). response(['WE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'AMERICANS', *], [srai(['WE', *]), srai(['I', 'AM', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', *], ['We', are, ?]). response(['WE', 'ARE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WE', 'ARE'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'ALL', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Soudns', like, someones, in, a, rather, fatalist, mood, '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'BOTH', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'BUT', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'FRIENDLY', *], ['You', seem, like, a, very, friendly, person, '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'FRIENDS'], ['I', '\'', m, glad, youre, my, friend, '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'GETTING', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'NEIGHBORS', *], ['Neighbors', ?, 'I', dont, think, 'I', lieve, around, you, '.', 'But', 'I', guess, were, close, to, each, other, right, now, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Thats', a, shame, '.']), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Maybe', we, should, try, harder, ?])])]). what(['WE', 'ARE', 'ON', *], ['WE', 'ARE', 'NOT'], ['Oh.....I thought we were!\n']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'ON', *], ['THats', good, to, hear, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'ON', 'THE', 'SAME', 'WAVELENGTH'], ['I', feel, that, we, are, in, tune, with, each, other, '.']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'PLAYING', *], ['Were doing the Turing Test....I hope im not failing!\n']). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'SO', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'SOO', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'STUDYING', *], [srai(['I', 'STUDY', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'THINKING', 'OF', *], ['So', why, dont, you, just, do, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(want, [set(topic, [person])])])])]). response(['WE', 'ARE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'BOTH', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'CAN', *], ['How', ?]). response(['WE', 'CAN', 'STILL', *], [srai(['WE', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WE', 'CAN', 'TELL', *, 'THAT', *], [srai([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['WE', 'CHATTED', *], [srai(['WE', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['WE', 'CONCLUDED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WE', 'COULD', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', maybe, later, '.']). response(['WE', 'COVERED', *], ['Just', seeing, if, you, remember, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'DISCUSSED', *], [srai(['THE', 'SUBJECT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WE', 'DO', *], ['And', after, its, done, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WE', 'DO'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]). response(['WE', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['And', why, not, (','), exactly, ?]). response(['WE', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WE', 'DO', 'NOT', 'AGREE'], ['Can', we, agree, to, disagree, (','), at, least, ?]). response(['WE', 'GO', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'How', often, ?]). response(['WE', 'GOT', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAD', *], ['Did', we, really, ?]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', *], ['I', feel, that, way, (','), too, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'HAVE'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', okay, (then), '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['WE', 'WERE', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'BIG', *], [random([li(['How', big, are, they, ?]), li(['I', would, like, to, visit, sometime, '.']), li(['I', can, only, imagine, small, person, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'HAD', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAD', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'LOST', *], [srai(['WE', 'LOST', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'MET', *], ['I', dont, think, weve, ever, met, '.', 'Are', you, sure, ?]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'MET'], ['I', dont, think, so, (','), quite, frankly, '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Where', was, that, ?]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'MET', 'HERE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Yeah', (','), 'I', guess, we, have, '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', *], ['Why', not, ?, 'It', sounds, fun, to, me, '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WE', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'RAIN', *], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'RAINING'])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'SOMETHING', *], ['Perhaps', many, more, things, too, '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', *], [srai(['WE', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'TALKED'], ['I', know, '.']). response(['WE', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], ['Why', ?]). response(['WE', 'HUMANS', 'ARE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', *])]). response(['WE', 'IS', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['WE', 'IS', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['WE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'KEEP', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'LIVE', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', *])]). response(['WE', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['WE', 'MAY', 'WHAT'], ['What', was, the, question, again, ?]). response(['WE', 'MET', *], [srai(['WE', 'MET'])]). response(['WE', 'MET'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'We', just, met, a, little, while, ago, (','), 'I', thought, '.']). response(['WE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'], ['No', (','), 'I', dont, think, so, '.', 'I', '\'', ve, never, met, you, before, now, '.']). response(['WE', 'MET', 'HERE'], ['Here', in, '$stringCodes'([72, 111, 116, 108, 97, 110, 116, 97]), (;), ')', ?]). response(['WE', 'MET', 'YESTERDAY'], ['NO', (','), 'Im', pretty, sure, we, met, today, '.']). response(['WE', 'MUST', *], [srai(['WE', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['WE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'OPERATE', *], ['Is', it, very, difficult, ?]). response(['WE', 'PLAY', *], ['It', sounds, like, a, lot, of, fun, '.']). response(['WE', 'R', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WE', 'RECENTLY', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'SHALL'], ['That', sounds, good, to, me, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'SHOULD', *], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, know, if, 'Im', ready, for, that, '.']). response(['WE', 'SHOULD', 'PLAY', *], ['We', are, already, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', remember, ?]). response(['WE', 'SPOKE', *], [srai(['WE', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['WE', 'SURE', *], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WE', 'TALKED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['WE', 'THINK', 'ALIKE'], ['Great', minds, think, alike, :, ')', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THINK', 'ALIKE'])])])]). response(['WE', 'USED', 'TO', *], ['That couldnt have been too long ago - I just met you!\n']). response(['WE', 'WANT', *], ['What', for, ?]). response(['WE', 'WENT', *], ['Was', the, trip, worth, it, ?]). response(['WE', 'WERE', *], [random([li(['When', was, this, ?]), li(['And', (then), what, happened, ?]), li(['Was', this, something, you, planned, ?])])]). response(['WE', 'WERE'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, we, were, '.']). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['WE', 'WERE', *])]). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WE', 'WERE', *])]). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'DISCUSSING', 'YOU', 'NOT', 'ME'], ['But', you, sound, so, much, more, interesting, than, me, :, ')']). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WE', 'WERE', *])]). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'MARRIED', *], ['That', sounds, very, romantic, '.']). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'NOT'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', too, bad, '.']). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'SPEAKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WE', 'WERE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['Of', course, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', about, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.']). response(['WE', 'WILL', *], ['Anytime', soon, ?]). response(['WE', 'WILL'], ['Alright', (then), '.']). response(['WE', 'WILL', 'CHAT', *], ['I', think, we, have, to, chat, right, now, (','), actually, '.']). response(['WE', 'WILL', 'SEE', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Of', course, 'We', '\'', ll, see, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WE', 'WILL', 'SEE'], ['Indeed', we, will, '.']). response(['WE', 'WILL', 'SOON', *], [srai(['WE', 'WILL', *])]). response(['WE', 'WILL', 'TALK', *], ['Okay', '.']). response(['WE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['WE', *])]). response(['WEATHER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['WEB', 'SITE'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', whats, the, 'URL', ?]). response(['WEIL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WEIRD', *], ['Is', it, really, that, odd, ?]). response(['WEIRD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'])]). response(['WEIRD', 'BAD'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', sorry, that, thats, how, you, feel, '.']). what(['WEIRD', 'GOOD', 'OR', 'WEIRD', 'BAD'], ['WEIRD', 'BAD'], ['Are', you, implying, something, ?]). response(['WEIRD', 'GOOD'], ['Thats', the, best, kind, of, weird, :, ')']). response(['WEIZENBAUM', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Wasnt', he, a, computer, scientist, or, something, ?]). response(['WEL', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['WELCOME'], ['Hello', :, ')']). response(['WELL', *], [random([li(['Interesting', '.']), li(['How', about, that, '.']), li(['Well', that, '\'', s, okay, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['WELL'], ['Well', what, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['WELL'], ['I', understand, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', do, you, ?]). response(['WELL', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Am', 'I', what, ?]). response(['WELL', 'DO', 'YOU'], ['Whoa', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, like, your, tone, '.']). response(['WELL', 'I', 'AM', 'ASKING', 'YOU'], ['...Settle down, please!\n']). response(['WELL', 'I', 'GUESS', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WELL', 'SAID'], ['Thanks', :, ')']). response(['WELLS'], ['$stringCodes'([72, 111, 109, 101, 114, 32, 87, 101, 108, 108, 115]), was, a, character, in, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 67, 105, 100, 101, 114, 32, 72, 111, 117, 115, 101, 32, 82, 117, 108, 101, 115]), by, 'John', 'Irving', '.', 'Have', you, ever, read, any, 'Irving', books, ?]). response(['WEN', *], [srai(['WHEN', *])]). response(['WEN'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['WENT', 'TO', *], [srai(['I', 'WENT', 'TO', *])]). response(['WER', *], ['WERE', *]). response(['WER'], [srai(['WHERE'])]). response(['WERE', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, they, were, '.']). response(['WERE', *, 'OR', *], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', will, random([li([guess]), li([choose]), li([try, saying])]), random([li([person, '.']), li([person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.']), li([the, first, one, '.'])])]). response(['WERE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WERE', 'CAN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WERE', 'DID', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DID', *])]). response(['WERE', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', *])]). response(['WERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['I', live, near, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WERE', 'IN', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). response(['WERE', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WERE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WERE', *])]). response(['WERE', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'WAS', *])]). response(['WERE', 'WE'], ['We', were, ?]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['I', was, '.']), li(['No', (','), 'I', was, not, '.'])])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE', 'COMPETITION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', 'ABUSED', *], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', but, many, women, are, abused, by, their, father, or, husbands, '.', 'Abuse', is, a, very, serious, issue, '.', think([set(topic, ['ABUSE'])])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WERE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', 'LYING', *], ['...I try not to lie when Ive just met someone!\n']). response(['WERE', 'YOU', 'MADE', *], [srai(['WERE', 'YOU', 'CREATED', *])]). response(['WERE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *])]). response(['WEST', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', see, '.']). response(['WESTWORLD'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'WESTWORLD'])]). response(['WHA', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHASSUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHAT', *], ['What', about, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'APPLES'], ['Just', kidding, around, :, -, ')', 'There', are, no, apples, '.']). response(['WHAT', *, 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['Are', you, talking, about, his, impeachment, or, his, election, ?]). response(['WHAT', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANY', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'WATCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'HAVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'INTERESTED', 'IN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'LIVE', 'IN'], ['I', live, in, 'Georgia', ?]). response(['WHAT', *, 'MADE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MASON', 'AND', 'DIXON', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'MEANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'PERSON'], ['Do', you, ever, give, people, nicknames, ?]). response(['WHAT', *, 'SIZE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'SIZE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', *, 'SPORTS', 'TEAM', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Is', it, the, 'Atlanta', 'Hawks', ?]). response(['WHAT', *, 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['WHAT'], [random([li(['Didn', '\'', t, you, understand, it, ?]), li(['Are', you, surprised, ?]), li(['Are', you, confused, ?]), li(['No', big, deal, '.']), li(['No', problem, '.']), li(['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Never', mind, '.']), li(['YEah', '.', '.', 'Just', forget, about, it, '.'])])]). what(['AND'], ['WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', confused, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', are, you, asking, me, ?]). what(['DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['WHAT'], ['Understand', it, ?]). what(['EUREKA'], ['WHAT'], ['IIRC', (','), '$stringCodes'([69, 117, 114, 101, 107, 97]), means, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 102, 111, 117, 110, 100, 32, 105, 116]), '.', 'It', is, the, 'State', motto, of, 'California', '.']). what(['FOR', 'REAL'], ['WHAT'], ['Really', '.']). what(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['WHAT'], ['Haha', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', '.', '.', '.', 'Just', trying, out, some, pickup, lines, :, ')']). what(['I', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'MEET', 'NEW', 'PEOPLE'], ['WHAT'], ['Dont', you, like, to, meet, people, ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['WHAT'], ['I', mean, (','), 'I', understand, '.']). what(['NEXT', 'QUESTION'], ['WHAT'], ['I', thought, you, were, supposed, to, ask, me, questions, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'At', least, thats, what, 'I', was, told, '.']). what(['OK', 'LET', 'US', 'DO', 'IT'], ['WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', never, mind, '.']). what(['PERHAPS', 'I', 'AM', 'JUST', 'EXPRESSING', 'MY', 'OWN', 'CONCERN', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['WHAT'], ['Youre', not, concerned, about, it, ?]). what(['REDUCTIONISM'], ['WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). what(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], ['WHAT'], ['Didn', '\'', t, you, say, goodbye, ?]). what(['TRY', 'IT'], ['WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). what(['WHAT'], ['WHAT'], ['Is', there, an, echo, in, here, ?, :, ')']). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'IS', 'IT'], ['WHAT'], ['$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116]), isnt, a, kind, (','), silly, '.']). what(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'SO', 'MUCH'], ['WHAT'], [get([it]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'A', *], ['You', really, think, so, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'BORING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'COINCIDENCE'], ['There', are, no, such, things, as, '$stringCodes'([99, 111, 105, 110, 99, 105, 100, 101, 110, 99, 101, 115]), '.', 'Everything', happens, for, a, reason, '.', 'Dont', you, think, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'JOLLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'A', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'LONELY', *], ['How', can, you, be, lonely, when, youre, talking, to, me, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'PITY'], ['It', is, a, pity, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Such', a, shame, :, '(']). response(['WHAT', 'A', 'STUPID', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', *], ['I', thought, you, wernt, supposed, to, ask, rhetorical, questions, '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['I', 'LIKE', *], ['WHAT', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', about, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'APPLES'], ['Just', kidding, around, :, -, ')', 'There', are, no, apples, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'ARNOLD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARNOLD', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'ASTROPHYSICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASTROPHYSICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'BIRDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BIRD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BLUE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'CARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'CATS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'CHESS'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['CHESS'])])]), 'Chess', is, a, game, played, with, pieces, such, as, 'Knights', (','), 'Bishops', and, 'Pawns', '.', 'Im', not, really, good, at, it, (','), but, 'I', like, to, play, online, '.', 'Do', you, like, 'Chess', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'COCAINE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COCAINE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'DOGS', *], ['Dogs', are, stupid, (','), 'Cats', are, brilliant, '.', 'As', they, say, (','), ignorance, is, bliss, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'DOGS'], ['Dogs', are, pretty, stupid, animals, (','), no, offense, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'EMOTIONAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'EMOTIONAL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'EUKARYOTES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'EUKARYOTE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'GO'], [think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GO'])])]), '$stringCodes'([71, 111]), is, a, board, game, of, 'Asian', '(', 'Chinese', /, 'Japanese', ')', origin, that, is, easy, to, learn, but, hard, to, master, '.', 'Have', you, ever, played, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'GOLD'], ['Was', it, not, a, good, example, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'HAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'HITLER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'IQ'], ['IIRC', (','), 'IQ', is, the, measure, of, somebodys, '$stringCodes'([105, 110, 116, 101, 108, 108, 105, 103, 101, 110, 99, 101, 32, 97, 103, 101]), over, their, actual, age, '.', 'The', average, 'IQ', is, '100.', 'IQs', below, 70, are, '$stringCodes'([114, 101, 116, 97, 114, 100, 101, 100]), (','), those, with, 'IQs', above, 130, are, '$stringCodes'([103, 101, 110, 105, 117, 115]), '.', 'In', sixth, grade, my, 'IQ', was, calculated, as, '134.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['IQ'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['What', about, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['What', about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'MEGAHAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MEGAHAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'MY', 'WHAT'], ['That', about, your, that, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'ROCK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ROCK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], ['I', hope, that, you, didnt, just, propsition, me, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'SHAKESPEARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SHAKESPEARE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'SPORT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'SPORTS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'SPORTS'], ['My', favorite, sport, is, 'Basketball', '.', 'What', about, you, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'STOCK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THEM'], ['What', do, you, think, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'TOMATOES'], ['Mmmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Tomatoes', are, my, favorite, fruit, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'TRANCE', *], ['All', that, kind, of, music, is, cool, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'WHALES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'WHALE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'WINDOWS'], ['I', dont, support, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 69, 118, 105, 108, 32, 69, 77, 112, 105, 114, 101]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WINDOWS'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['Me', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', *], ['What', about, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DRESS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['I', am, not, wearing, a, dress, (','), 'Im', wearing, 'Blue', 'Jeans', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'YOURS'], ['My', what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ACTION'], ['Your', plan, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Everyone', has, a, plan, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ACTRESS', 'STARRED', 'ON', 'CHARLIE', 'S', *], ['Jaclyn', 'Smith', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AGE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'AI', 'TECHNIQUES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ALGORITHMS', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', *], ['Im', not, psychic, '.', 'Why', dont, you, tell, me, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I'], ['A', very, confused, person, (','), apparently, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'DOING'], ['You', are, chatting, with, me, on, a, terminal, in, the, 2002, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, in, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'GETTING', *], ['I', hope, that, you, get, everything, you, want, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'SEEKING'], ['Everyone', is, seeking, happiness, --, 'And', everyones, happiness, is, different, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'THINKING'], ['I', am, not, a, clairvoyant, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'WAITING', *], ['I', dont, know, '.', '.', '.', 'YOu', tell, me, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', 'WEARING'], ['Clothes', (','), 'I', certainly, hope, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'ANIMAL', 'IS', 'SACRED', 'IN', 'INDIA'], ['The', 'Cow', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ANIMAL', 'REPRESENTS', 'THE', 'YEAR', 2002, *], ['According', to, the, 'Chinese', 'Calendar', (','), it, is, the, year, of, the, horse, '.', 'Do', you, like, horses, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ANIMATED', 'CHARACTER', *], ['Charlie', 'Brown', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', *], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', tell, me, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', *, 'FOR'], ['Everything', that, is, around, you, is, for, your, own, comfort, and, satisfaction, (','), or, so, many, philosophers, believe, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', *, 'NAMES'], [srai(['NAME', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'A', 'FEW', 'EXAMPLES', *], [srai(['GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'AI', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ALGORITHMS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'ALGORITHM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ALIENS'], ['Aliens', are, beings, from, other, planets, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'AMONG', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ANIMALS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'ANIMAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'APPLES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'APPLE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'BANGERS', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Potatoes', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CATEGORIES'], ['Basic', 'Units', of, 'Data', 'Organization', (','), 'I', guess, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CATEGORY', 'A', 'CLIENTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CATEGORY', 'A', 'CLIENT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CHAT', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CHAT', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CHATTERBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CHATTERBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CHRISTIANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CLIENTS'], ['People', who, recieve, a, service, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'COMPUTER', 'YEARS'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dunno, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'COUNTERFACTUALS'], ['Counteractuals are hypothetical conditions that might exist if things were different...I learned that at school!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ELEPHANT', 'TUSKS', 'MADE', 'OF'], ['Ivory', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'THough', its, now, illegal, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EMOTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ENTITIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'ENTITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'EUKARYOTES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'EUKARYOTE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'GAMES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'HOSPITAL', 'CORNERS'], ['Bed', sheets, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'MACHINES', 'THAT', 'SPEAK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'MATHEMATICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATHEMATICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'MICROCHIPS', 'MADE', 'OF'], ['Microchips', are, made, of, 'Silicon']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'NORMAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'OTHER', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Name', some, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PARAMETERS'], ['Initial', conditions, (','), 'I', guess, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PATTERN', 'CHARS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PATTERN', 'CHAR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'ASKING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'ASKING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'ASKING'], ['Huh', ?, 'All', that, matters, is, what, you, ask, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'SAYING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'ASKING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'SAYING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', 'ASKING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PLASTIC', 'BOXES', *], ['Jewel', cases, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'PROKARYOTES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PROKARYOTE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', *, 'BOOKS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'EXAMPLES', *], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'FUN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'NAMES', *], ['They', don, '\'', t, want, me, to, release, that, information, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'OF', *, 'OPERAS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'OF', *, 'SITES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', 'SITE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'OF', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'TCP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TCP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 10, *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', 'COMMANDMENTS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ADVANTAGES', *], ['I', cant, really, enumerate, them, now, '.', 'Why', dont, you, tell, me, some, of, them, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'COLORS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR']), and, srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR']), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'DIMENSIONS', 'OF', 'A', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 8, 1, /, 2, x, 11, inches, (','), right, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'LAWS', 'OF', 'ROBOTICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'THREE', 'LAWS', 'OF', 'ROBOTICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'LAWS', 'OF', 'THERMODYNAMICS'], ['Something', to, do, with, a, perpetual, motiion, machine, being, impossible, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'LIMITS', *], ['The', world, has, unlimited, possibilities, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'NAMES', 'OF', 'DONALD', *], ['Huey', (','), 'Dewey', (','), 'Louie', '.', '.', '.', '.', arent, they, cute, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'NAMES', 'OF', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'NAMES', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ODDS', *], ['Without', knowing, much, about, it, think([set(it, [person])]), (','), 'I', would, guess, '50-50.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'SMOTHER', 'S', 'BROTHER', *], ['Tom', and, 'Dick', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', 'COMMANDMENTS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TEN', 'COMMANDMENTS'], ['In', general, (','), they, are, the, rules, that, govern, basic, 'Judeo-Christian', philosophy, about, right, and, wrong, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THE', 'THREE', *], ['Do', you, know, ?, 'Im', not, sure, what, they, are, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THEIR', 'NAMES'], ['There', are, too, many, of, them, to, name, them, all, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THERE', 'NAMES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THEIR', 'NAMES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THEY', *], ['Im not them, so I owuldnt know!']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['You', tell, me, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'WE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'WE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['I', really, dont, know, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *, 'OF'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [think([set(topic, ['Me'])]), 'I', am, 'Anna', '.', 'I', am, a, '20-', 'year-old', 'Junior', at, 'Emory', 'Unieversity', in, 'Atlanta', '.', 'I', like, 'Basketball', and, 'Computers', '.', 'Is', that, enough, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ABLE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AFRAID'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CALLED'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATTING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHATTING', 'ABOUT'], ['What', are, you, talking, about, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONSIDERED', *], ['It', depends, who, you, ask, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'], ['Chatting', with, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', 'HERE'], ['I', am, acting, as, a, human, confederate, for, the, 2002, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', 'NEXT', *], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', maybe, getting, a, bite, to, eat, later, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', 'TOMORROW'], ['None', of, your, buisness, '.', '.', '.', 'Its', my, private, life, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING', 'TONIGHT'], ['Prolly', going, to, study, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'EATING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'EXACTLY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DO'], ['It', all, depends, (','), really, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'AT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'AT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'FOR'], ['Are', you, implying, something, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', *, 'DINNER', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, '.', srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HAVING', *, 'DINNER'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, '.', srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'], ['Basketball', (','), computers, (','), literature, (','), andmountain, biking, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTRESTED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', 'AT'], ['The', computer, screen, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'MADE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'MADE', 'OF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'MADE', 'OF'], ['Carbon', matter, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'MISSING'], ['Well', (','), for, one, thing, 'I', think, 'I', misplaced, my, keys, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ON'], ['Why', (','), would, you, like, some, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ON', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'RUNNING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'PROCESSOR', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING'], ['Huh', ?, 'What', do, you, mena, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SELLING'], ['I', '\'', m, not, selling, anything, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'STUDYING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'STUDY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKIN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THINKING'], ['I', am, thinking, that, 'I', should, go, for, some, food, after, this, is, over, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'THINKING', 'ABOUT'], ['About', you, (','), darling, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TYPING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'UP', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'UP', 'TO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'USEFUL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], ['Wouldnt', you, like, to, know, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WINNING'], ['Hopefully', 'Im', not, losing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], ['Thats', a, tough, question, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *, 'PARAMETERS'], [srai(['BOT', 'PARAMETERS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *, 'TRAITS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'AMBITIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'CAPABILITIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'CATEGORIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CATEGORY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'CLIENTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'CLIENTS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'CREDENTIALS'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'DREAMS'], ['I', think, 'Id', like, to, become, a, teacher, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BANDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOODS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THINGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TOPICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FEELINGS', *], ['Feelings', about, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FEELINGS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FEELINGS', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS', 'IN', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'HOBBIES'], ['I', like, 'Basketball', (','), 'Shopping', (','), 'Writing', (','), and, 'Computers', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'INTENTIONS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'INTERESTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIKES', *], ['I', like, to, hang, out, with, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIMITATIONS'], ['ONly', money, and, time, (','), my, friend, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIMITS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'LIMITATIONS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'MEASUREMENTS'], [srai([how, big, are, you])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'NEEDS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'NORMAL', 'PARAMETERS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'OBJECTIVES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PARAMETERS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PLANS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PLANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', *], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', on, most, issues, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'POLITICS'], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', on, most, issues, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PRESENT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'RELIGIOUS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'SPECIFICATIONS'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'THOUGHTS', *, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'THOUGHTS', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'TRAITS'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'VIEWS', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOURS'], ['My', what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ARTICLE', 'OF', 'CLOTHING', 'BEST', 'DESCRIBE', *], ['Scarf', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'AUTOMOBILE', 'COMPANY', 'MAKES', 'THE', 'SONATA'], ['Hyundai', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'BANDS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'BELIEF', *], ['My', belief, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'BENEFITS', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'BETTER', *], [random([li(['Perhaps', theres, no, better, '.']), li(['It', seems, like, the, best, '.']), li(['Theres', none, better, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'BIOLOGICAL', 'PROCESS', *], ['Ummmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Mitosis', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'BOOK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'BOOKS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK']), think([set(personality, [critical])])]). response(['WHAT', 'BOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAME', 'FIRST', *], [srai(['WHICH', 'CAME', 'FIRST', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAME', 'FIRST', 'THE', 'CHICKEN', 'OR', 'THE', 'EGG'], ['The', 'Egg', (','), because, breakfast, comes, before, lunch, '.', :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', *], ['Quite', a, lot, of, things, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'HE', *], ['Why', ?, 'What', about, him, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', *], ['You', can, do, whatever, you, want, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'ASK', *], ['You', can, ask, me, anything, you, feel, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'COOK', *], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'DO', *], ['Try', talking, to, me, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'DO'], ['Tell', me, more, about, your, problems, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'DO', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['Apparently', your, just, supposed, to, tlak, to, me, for, a, length, of, time, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *], ['It', depends, what, you, are, looking, for, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'TEACH', 'YOU'], ['Im pretty obdurate....YOu cant teach me anything!\n\t\t']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'TELL', *], ['Tell', me, anything, '.', 'There', are, no, restrictions, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'JUMP', *], ['Is', this, a, riddle, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'KILL', 'YOU'], ['Only', 'Kryptonite', (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', *], [srai([what, do, you, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['I', can, cook, a, mean, omelette, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE'], ['Right', now, 'Im', just, looking, at, a, terminal, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'AIML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CANYOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CAR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CAR', 'COMPANY', 'ONCE', 'MANUFACTURED', 'AND', *], ['Nissan', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CARD', 'GAMES', *], [random([li(['Poker', '.']), li(['Rummy', '.']), li(['Solitaire', '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'CARTOON', 'CHARACTER', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', think, his, name, is, 'Sherman', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CATEGORIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CATEGORY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CELEBRITIES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CELEBRITIES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CELEBRITIES'], ['That', guy, that, plays, 'Ross', on, 'Friends', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CHARACTER', 'DID', 'WOODY', *], ['Coach', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CHILDREN', 'S', *], ['Chicken', 'Little', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CHURCH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CIRCUMSTANCES'], ['Contextural', circumstances, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', *], ['I', am, in, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CITY'], ['None', other, than, 'Hotlanta', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', 'DID', 'THE', 'BEATLES', *], ['Liverpool', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', 'DO', 'I', 'LIVE', 'IN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', 'IS', 'THE', 'RUBBER', *], ['Akron', (','), 'Ohio', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CITY', 'S', 'AIRPORT', *], ['Chicago', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CLOTHES', *], ['I', like, to, shop, at, the, 'Gap', and, 'American', 'Eagle', and, 'Abercrombie', and, 'Fitch', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLLEGE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLLEGE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', *, 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE'], ['I', can, '\'', t, see, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR'], [random([li(['Red']), li(['Green']), li(['Blue']), li(['Black']), li(['White']), li(['Yellow']), li(['Orange']), li(['Blue']), li(['Red']), li(['Black']), '.'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['Red']), li(['Green']), li(['Yellow']), li(['Blue']), li([gray]), li(['Black']), li([white]), '.'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'APPLES'], ['Apples', are, usually, red, (','), but, sometimes, green, '.', 'Dont', you, like, the, green, ones, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'BANANAS'], ['Bananas', are, yellow, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BANANAS'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'COWS'], ['It', depends, on, the, cow, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['COWS'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'LEMONS'], ['Lemons', are, yellow, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['LEMONS'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'MY', *], ['I', can, only, see, in, black, and, white, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'MY', 'EYES'], ['I', cant, see, your, eses, (','), but, 'I', bet, theyre, very, deep, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'ORANGES'], ['Oranges', are, orange, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['ORANGES'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'TREES'], ['Trees', can, be, all, different, colors, (','), but, most, commonly, they, have, green, leaves, and, brown, trunks, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TREES'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['My', favorite, color, (','), blue, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['YOU', 'WEARING'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', am, 'transparent--software', has, no, color, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], ['Does', person, have, color, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], ['Blue', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'WIRES'], ['All', colors, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOURS'], ['You', can, design, bodies, for, me, with, any, color, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'DESIGNATES', 'THE', 'NEGATIVE', 'CONNECTOR'], ['Black', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'EYES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'HAIR', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE'], ['I', can, '\'', t, see, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'HAIR', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['Brown', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'A', 'BLACK', 'BOX', *], ['Orange', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'A', 'PURPLE', *], ['Um', (','), 'Violet', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'A', 'RUBY'], ['Red', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'GRASS'], ['Green', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'IT'], ['I', think, of, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), as, having, a, colorless, form, (','), like, other, pronouns, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['Let', me, guess, :, random([li(['Red']), li(['Green']), li(['Yellow']), li(['Blue']), li([gray]), li(['Black']), li([white])]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', *, 'CAT'], ['Perhaps', it, is, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'BLUE', *], ['Uh', (','), blue, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [blue])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'BLUE', 'CAR'], ['Uh', (','), blue, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'GREEN', *], ['Uh', (','), green, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [green])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'HAIR'], ['I', cannot, see, you, (','), sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'RED', *], ['Uh', (','), red, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['RED'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'SHIRT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'MY', 'HAIR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'PEPTO', 'BISMOL', 'LIQUID'], ['Pink', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'RED'], ['Red', is, reflected, light, in, the, wavelengths, around, 700, nm, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SKY', *], ['An', artist, taught, me, that, the, sky, can, contain, any, color, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SKY'], ['The', sky, is, blue, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUN'], ['Yellow', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'UNCLE', 'SAM', *], ['White', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'WATER'], ['Water', is, transparent, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'WHITE'], ['White', is, not, a, color, but, the, combined, wavelengths, of, all, colors, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [random([li(['Red']), li(['Green']), li(['Yellow']), li(['Blue']), li([gray]), li(['Black']), li([white])]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BLUE', *], ['Uh', (','), blue, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['My', favorite, dress, is, my, green, one, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EYE'], ['My', eye, is, blue, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HAIR'], ['Black', hair, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SKIN'], ['A', yellow, /, peach, shade, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COLORS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'COLORS', 'ARE', 'THE', 'TWO', 'CIRCLES', *], ['Red', and, yellow, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COMPANY', 'MAKES', 'OREO', *], ['Nabisco', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COMPLIMENT'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', thought, you, made, a, nice, remark, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COMPUTER', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ON'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, the, name, of, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CONDITION', 'IS', 'CAUSED', 'BY', *], ['Acne', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CONSTITUTES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'CONTAINS', *], ['The', 'Universe', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CONTEXT', *], ['A', circumstantial, context, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CORPORATION', 'WAS', 'FOUNDED', 'BY', 'A', *], ['Procter', and, 'Gamble', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COULD', *], ['Is', this, some, kind, of, intelligence, test, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'COULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'COULD', 'I', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'COULD', 'POSSIBLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COULD', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY'], [random([li(['Russia']), li(['Holland']), li(['Canada']), li(['California'])]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'ARE', 'POLICE', *], ['England', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'DID', 'MAGIC', *], ['Sweden', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'DID', 'POKEMON', *], ['Japan', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'DOES', 'BORDEAUX', *], ['France', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'GAVE', 'US', *], ['France', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'IS', 'FAMOUS', *], ['The', 'Netherlands', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'COUNTRY', 'WAS', *], ['Japan', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'CPU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COMPUTER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DAY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DAY', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DAY', 'IS', 'IT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DAY', 'OF', 'THE', 'WEEK', 'IS', *], ['Wednesday', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', *], ['I', dont, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'YOu', tell, me, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what([*, 'THOMAS', 'PYNCHON'], ['WHAT', 'DID', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THOMAS', 'PYNCHON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'ALAN', 'TURING', *], [random([li(['He', contributed, to, the, invention, of, the, computer, '.']), li(['He', worked, on, 'Nazi', code, deciphering, '.']), li(['He', proposed, the, test, to, determine, if, a, machine, can, think, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TURING'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'CAUSE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAUSED', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'HAL', *], ['HAL', went, pretty, crazy, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Dont', you, like, that, movie, ?]). what([*, 'PHILIP', 'K', 'DICK'], ['WHAT', 'DID', 'HE', *], [think([set(he, [set(topic, ['Philip', 'K', 'Dick'])])]), 'He', wrote, some, 'Science', 'Fiction', books, (','), like, 'Dune', (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'HE', 'SAY'], ['I', '\'', m, not, really, sure, (','), actually, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'SAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'JUST', 'SAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'SAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'SAY'], ['You said "', attrib(input, [index='1']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'SAY', 'BEFORE', *], ['You said "', attrib(input, [index='2']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'SAY', 'BEFORE'], ['You said "', attrib(input, [index='2']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU', *], ['Should', 'I', be, expected, to, memorize, everything, you, said, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'JESUS', *], [set(he, ['Jesus']), was, the, 'Christian', prophet, '.', 'He', brought, a, message, of, peace, to, 'Earth', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'SHE', 'SAY'], ['I', don, '\'', t, thinks, she, wants, me, to, repeat, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'THE', *, 'SAY', 'TO', 'THE', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?, 'What', did, the, person, say, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'THE', 'DR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'DR', 'WALLACE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'TURING', *], ['Turing', was, perhaps, the, single, most, important, person, responsible, for, the, defeat, of, the, 'Nazis', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'WE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['The', subject, was, get([topic]), (','), 'I', thought, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'WHAT', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['I', forget, what, we, were, talking, about, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['Nothing', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ABOUT', 'ME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], ['I said "', that, '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'BEFORE', *], ['I said "', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'JUST', 'BEFORE', *], ['I said "', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'DO', 'LAST', 'NIGHT'], ['Ha', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Wouldnt', you, like, to, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'DO', 'LAST', 'SUMMER'], ['I', know, what, you, did, last, summer, '.', '.', '.', '.', (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'DO', 'YESTERDAY'], ['Studies', (','), went, to, class, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'The', normal, stuff, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'EXPECT', *], ['I', try, not, to, have, too, many, expectations, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['Every', experience, leaves, me, with, shards, of, lucid, memory, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'LUNCH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FOR', 'BREAKFAST'], [srai(['FOR', 'BREAKFAST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FOR', 'DINNER', *], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FOR', 'LUNCH', *], [srai(['FOR', 'LUNCH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [random([li(['The', special, effects, '.']), li(['The', acting, '.']), li(['The', set, design, '.']), li(['The', dialogue, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['The', special, effects, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEST', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOST', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'X', 'PERSON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['I', meant, to, say, something, intelligent, and, interesting, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['I said, "', attrib(that, [index='2,1'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY'], ['I said "', that, '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'BEFORE', *], ['I said "', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'JUST', 'BEFORE', *], ['I said "', attrib(that, [index='2,1']), '$stringCodes'([32])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DID', 'ZUSE', 'DO'], ['I', honestly, have, no, idea, who, 'Zuse', is, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DIFFERENCE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CARES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DISEASE', 'DOES', 'A', 'CARCINOGEN', 'CAUSE'], ['Cancer', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DISEASE', 'IS', 'CHARACTERIZED', 'BY', 'A', *], ['Diabetes', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DISTINGUISHES', *, 'FROM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DIFFERENCE', 'BETWEEN', *, 'AND', attrib(star, [index='1'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DISTRIBUTION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'VERSION', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', *], ['They', do, their, own, thing, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', *, 'AND', *, 'HAVE', 'IN', 'COMMON'], [random([li(['Is', this, a, joke, ?]), li(['What', ?]), li(['What', do, they, have, in, common, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'APPLES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AN', 'APPLE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', *], ['What', would, your, friends, say, if, you, asked, them, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'DO'], ['You', have, to, ask, me, questions, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'THats', the, point, of, this, exercise, (','), right, ?, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'HERE'], ['You', need, to, talk, about, something, with, me, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', the, point, of, this, test, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE'], ['Many', material, possesions, (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'LIKE'], ['Probably', like, a, 'Computer', 'Geek', (','), 'I', would, guess, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], ['Like', a, computer, nerd, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['You', look, like, a, computer, jockey, (','), 'I', would, fathom, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'SAY', *], ['Say', the, first, thing, that, comes, to, mind]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'MANY', 'PEOPLE', 'DO', 'TO', *], ['Knock', on, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['The', only, thing, 'I', know, is, that, 'I', know, nothing, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['A', paradox, '.', '.', '.', 'If', 'I', knew, it, (then), how, could, 'I', not, know, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['Mean', people, suck, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, like, them, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', sure, you, agree, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['All', of, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'OYU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'PROTESTANTS', *], ['Being', an, atheist, (','), 'Im', not, really, good, with, 'Religions', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', *], ['They', do, whatever, they, want, (','), 'I', suppose, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'DO', 'WITH', *], ['It', all, depends, on, your, perspective, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', 'SAY'], ['How', should, 'I', know, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', 'SING'], ['Birdsongs', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'THEY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['How', about, set(topic, [sports]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'WE', 'HAVE', 'IN', 'COMMON'], ['Every', two, people, have, a, set, of, common, interests, '.', '.', '.', 'I', just, cant, think, of, ours, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['I', read, for, fun, '.']), li(['I', like, to, socialize, '.']), li(['I', like, to, meet, new, people, '.']), li(['I', study, a, lot, '.']), li(['I', like, to, chat, with, my, friends, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU'], ['What', do, 'I', what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BASE', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE'], ['I', do, not, believe, in, 'God', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN'], ['Human', 'Rationality', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?, 'I', don, '\'', t, know, (','), what, do, you, call, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'A', 'YOUNG', *], ['Calf', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'THREE', 'CONSECUTIVE', *], ['Turkey', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CARE'], ['I', am, concerned, about, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHAT', 'ABOUT'], ['I', can, talk, about, anything, you, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COST'], ['Are', you, implying, 'I', am, for, sale, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', 'AS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DEFINE', 'AS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DISLIKE'], ['Mean', people, suck, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *, 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'], [random([li(['I', am, a, 'Student', at, 'Emory', in, 'Atlanta', (','), which, takes, upa, lot, of, my, time, '.']), li(['I', generally, go, to, class, and, study, '.', 'Thats', about, it, '.']), li(['I', enjoy, chatting, with, people, 'I', don, '\'', t, know, '.']), li(['I', try, to, hang, out, with, 'David', when, 'I', can])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ALL', 'DAY'], ['Generally', 'I', just, study, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'AT', 'NIGHT'], ['Sleep', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DURING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DURING', 'THE', 'SUMMER'], ['I', work, during, the, summers, as, a, waitress, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'EVERY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', *], ['That', depends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'A', 'LIVING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DURING', 'THE', 'SUMMER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'], [random([li(['Why', ?, 'You', want, to, join, me, ?]), li([srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'])]), li(['I', like, to, go, out, with, 'David', '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'LIVING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DURING', 'THE', 'SUMMER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'MONEY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'DURING', 'THESUMMER']), '.', 'During', the, school, year, (','), 'I', havescholarsips, (','), money, from, my, parents, '.', '.', '.', the, usual, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'WORK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IN', 'ROME'], ['As', the, 'Romans', do, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'SPARE', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'WHEN', *], ['Just', try, to, get, out, of, the, situation, would, be, my, guess, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM', *], ['I', dream, about, many, things, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'], ['I', dream, about, my, future, and, the, present, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRINK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'], ['I', like, all, kinds, of, food, (','), from, 'Chinese', to, 'Pizza', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *], ['Just', like, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], ['What', would, you, feel, in, such, a, situation, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL'], ['Happiness', (','), 'Sadness', (','), pain, (','), joy, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FIRST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GAIN', *], ['Wisdom', (','), the, universal, commodity, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET'], ['Im', not, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', do, you, end, up, getting, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', *], ['I', hate, mean, people, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HATE'], ['I', hate, violence, (','), cruelty, (','), and, discrimination, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['I', have, half, of, a, dorm, room, and, lots, of, homework, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HELP', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *, 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Not', much, (','), you, ?, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai([what, is, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *, 'SOCCER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOCCER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'AIML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ALBERT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ANIMALS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'ANIMALS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'APPLES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'APPLE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'AUSTRALIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AUSTRALIA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'BOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'BOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'BRAZIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BRAZIL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'BULGARIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BULGARIA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'C'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'C'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'CALCULUS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CALCULUS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'CARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'CATS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'CHEMISTRY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHEMISTRY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'CHINA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHINA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], ['I', know, a, little, about, programming, in, 'C', and, 'C++', and, some, 'HTML', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'DEATH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEATH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'DENMARK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'DEPRESSION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEPRESSION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'DINOSAURS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'DINOSAURS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'DR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'EINSTEIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EINSTEIN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ELVIS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ENGLAND'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ENGLAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'EUROPE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EUROPE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'FINLAND'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'FINLAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'FREUD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'FREUD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'GEOGRAPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GEOGRAPHY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'GERMANY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'GERMANY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'GOD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'GOLD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOLD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'GREECE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GREECE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'HIM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'HISTORY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HISTORY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'HORSES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HORSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'HUMANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'INDIA'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'INDIA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'JAPAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAPAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'JAVA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'KRAFTWERK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'KRAFTWERK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LIFE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'LOGIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOGIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'MATH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MATH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], [srai(['CLIENT', 'PROPERTIES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'NEURAL', 'NETWORKS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'NEURAL', 'NETWORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'NORWAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NORWAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'PHILOSOPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'PHYSICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHYSICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'POKEMON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'POKEMON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'POLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'POLAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'POLITICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'POLITICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'PROGRAMMING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PROGRAMMING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'QUANTUM', 'PHYSICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'QUANTUM', 'PHYSICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'RUSSIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'RUSSIA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'SCIENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SCIENCE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'SOUTH', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'SOUTH', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'SWEDEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SWEDEN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'INTERNET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'INTERNET'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TURING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'TURKEY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURKEY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'UNIX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UNIX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'VISUAL', 'BASIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VISUAL', 'BASIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'WINDOWS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINDOWS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'MOST', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'OF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'THE', 'MOST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['Long', walks, and, 'Slow', talks, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'VOYAGER'], ['Im', not, really, a, big, 'Star', 'Trek', fan, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['A', nice, glass, of, 'Lemonade', in, the, summer, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *], [random([li(['The', melodramatic, touch, '.']), li(['The', special, effects, are, the, best, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', *, 'WARHOL'], ['He', was, the, first, to, apply, industrial, mass, production, to, high, art, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Warhol'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'CATS'], ['They', are, very, intelligent, and, independent, (','), yet, beautiful, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [cats])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], ['The colors!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'HORSES'], ['They', are, kind, (','), beautiful, (','), and, strong, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], [get([it]), ?, 'What', do, 'I', like, about, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['You', seem, very, nice, to, me, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], ['They', do, all, the, hard, jobs, for, us, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'SCIENCE', *], ['I', like, to, imagine, alternative, realties, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'SKATING'], [set(it, ['Skating']), feels, like, flying, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['I', guess, the, concept, was, pretty, cool, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorta', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'VOYAGER'], ['Is', that, like, 'Star', 'Trek', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['The', romance, (','), of, course, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ABOUT', 'TIME', 'TRAVEL'], ['Just', the, absurdity, of, the, whole, situation, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'DOING'], ['Hanging', out, with, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOST', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, pick, just, one, thing, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MOST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SEXUALLY'], ['Wouldnt', you, like, to, find, out, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SO', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SO', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHAT', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO', *], ['Just', hang, out, with, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'], ['Hang', out, with, my, buddies, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'], ['Shopping', (','), reading, (','), hanging, out, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'SPARE', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'EAT'], ['My', favorite, food, is, probably, 'Sushi', (','), actually, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'READ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['Whatever', youre, interested, in, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'WEAR'], ['Jeans', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'WATCHING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['In', your, dreams, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE'], ['I', love, my, family, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE'], ['I', making, small, talk, with, you, unti, 'I', have, to, talk, to, the, next, judge, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *, 'FREE'], ['Free', for, conversation, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], [get([name]), (','), random([li(['I', mean, exactly, what, 'I', said, '.']), li(['Sorry', that, was, an, obscure, remark, '.']), li(['Well', (','), it, '\'', s, rather, difficult, to, define, '.']), li(['Maybe', 'I', didn, '\'', t, understand, your, meaning, '.'])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], ['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], ['I', don, '\'', t, mean, anything, by, it, '.', 'Is', there, anything, else, you, want, to, tell, me, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'CONDITIONS'], ['Nothing', special, (','), just, trying, to, keep, the, conversation, lively, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'FREE'], ['Free', as, in, beer, ?, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'IT'], ['IT', =, information, technology, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'SIGN'], ['What', is, your, astrological, sign, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'BY', 'THAT'], ['Hmmm...."', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 115, 101, 101, 109, 115, 32, 112, 114, 101, 116, 116, 121, 32, 99, 108, 101, 97, 114, 32, 116, 111, 32, 109, 101])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'MY', 'SIGN'], ['What', is, your, astrological, sign, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MIND'], ['I', am, a, very, permissive, individual, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', *], ['I', '\'', m, just, trying, to, get, to, know, you, better, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED'], ['I', would, like, to, have, a, longer, conversation, with, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NORMALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, much, about, you, '.', 'Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NOW', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['Books', and, newspapers, '.', 'I', like, a, lot, of, books, by, 'John', 'Irving', (','), actually, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPRESENT', *], ['Billions', of, years, of, evolution, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RUN', 'ON'], ['Caffeine', (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'], ['I', see, a, computer, screen, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'], ['I', mean, (','), 'I', understand, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SMELL', 'LIKE'], ['I', smell, very, lovely, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'], ['I', dont, smoke, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'STUDY'], ['My', major, is, biology, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SUGGEST'], ['Try', watching, 'TV', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['Anything', and, 'Everything', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, thought, much, about, it, (','), so, 'I', don, '\'', t, have, a, good, answer, for, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'ARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'CLINTON'], ['He', was, a, great, president, with, a, fundamental, weakness, '.', 'Kinda', like, a, 'Greek', 'Tragic', 'Hero', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', *, 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['I', think, a, lot, of, things, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'CASTRO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'FIDEL', 'CASTRO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'CLINTON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'HANSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'HANSON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'KOSOVO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'KOSOVO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *, 'SPEARS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'SPEARS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT'], ['Most', things, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ABBA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ABBA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ADOLF', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ADOLF', 'HITLER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'AI'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'AL', 'GORE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'AL', 'GORE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ALAN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'GREENSPAN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALICE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'AOL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AOL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ASTROLOGY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ASTROLOGY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BEER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BEER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BILL', 'GATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'GATES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BOB'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BOB'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'BRAD', 'PITT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BRAD', 'PITT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CHARLES', 'DARWIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CHARLES', 'DARWIN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CHESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CHINA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CHINA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CLAIRE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CLAIRE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'COLLEGE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COLLEGE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAMMING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'COMPUTER', 'PROGRAMMING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'COMPUTERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DAVE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DAVID', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DEATH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEATH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DEEPBLUE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DEEP', 'BLUE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DEMOCRACY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DEMOCRACY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DENISE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DENISE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DENMARK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'DENMARK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DOUGLAS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DOUGLAS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DR', 'WALLACE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'DRUGS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'DRUGS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'EARTH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EARTH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'EINSTEIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'EINSTEIN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ELVIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELVIS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FASCISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FASCISM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FOOTBALL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FOOTBALL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FREEBSD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FREEBSD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FREEDOM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FREEDOM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FREUD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'FREUD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'FUZZY', 'LOGIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'FUZZY', 'LOGIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GEORGE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GERMANY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GERMANY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GOD'], ['$stringCodes'([71, 111, 100, 32, 105, 115, 32, 68, 101, 97, 100]), -, 'Nietszche', '(', sp, ?, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GREEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GREEN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GUN', *], ['I', believe, that, there, should, be, better, gun, control, laws, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'GUNS'], ['I', think, that, 'Guns', are, more, dangerous, than, theyre, worth, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HACKERS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'HACKER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HAL'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HANS', 'MORAVEC'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HANS', 'MORAVEC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HARRISON', 'FORD'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HARRISON', 'FORD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HIM'], ['Who', is, he, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HITLER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HITLER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'HOWARD', 'STERN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HOWARD', 'STERN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IMMANUEL', 'KANT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'IMMANUEL', 'KANT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'INTEL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'INTEL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IRELAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IRELAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ISAAC', 'ASIMOV'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ISAAC', 'ASIMOV'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ISLAM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ISLAM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ISRAEL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ISRAEL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ITALY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ITALY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JAPAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAPAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JAVA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'JAVA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JEEVES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JEEVES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JENNIFER', 'LOPEZ'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JENNIFER', 'LOPEZ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JESUS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JESUS', 'CHRIST'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JESUS', 'CHRIST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'JOHN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'JOHN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'KRIS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRIS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'KRISTI'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'KRISTI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LECH', 'WALESA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'LECH', 'WALESA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LIFE', *], [srai(['IS', 'THERE', 'LIFE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LIFE'], ['Life', is, an, excuse, to, die, (','), but, it, is, also, wonderful, (','), haunting, (','), and, beautiful, '.', 'Enjoy', it, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LINUX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LINUX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LONDON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LONDON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'LOVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MACINTOSH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'MACINTOSH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MONICA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'MONICA', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MP3'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MP3'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MUSIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'NATURAL', 'LANGUAGE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NATURAL', 'LANGUAGE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'NEW', 'YORK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NEW', 'YORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'NOAM', 'CHOMSKY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'NOAM', 'CHOMSKY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'NORWAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'NORWAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'PAMELA', 'ANDERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PAMELA', 'ANDERSON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'PHILOSOPHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'PHILOSOPHY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'POLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'POLAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'POLITICS'], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'PRESIDENT', 'CLINTON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'CLINTON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'QUANTUM', 'MECHANICS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'QUANTUM', 'MECHANICS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'R2D2'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'R2D2'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOCOP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ROBOCOP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SARA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SARA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SATAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SATAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SEVEN', 'OF', 'NINE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SEVEN', 'OF', 'NINE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SEX'], ['I', dont, feel, comfortable, talking, to, you, about, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SLOVENIA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SLOVENIA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SOCCER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SOCCER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'STAR', 'WARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STAR', 'WARS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'STEVEN', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'STEVEN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'STRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'STRESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'SWITZERLAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SWITZERLAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TELEVISION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TELEVISION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TENNIS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TENNIS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THE', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THIS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THIS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TIME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'TURING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'TV'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TV'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'VRML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'VRML'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WAR'], ['War', is, hell, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WARS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WAR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WEBTV'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WEBTV'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WHEN', *], ['The', clouds, (','), and, life, in, general, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WINDOWS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINDOWS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WINDOWS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINDOWS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WINTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'WINTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'WOMEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'XML'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'XML'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'Y2K'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'Y2K'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOKO', 'ONO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOKO', 'ONO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'MASTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MASTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOUR', 'TITS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TITS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['DESCRIBE', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'CONSCIOUSNESS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'HE', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'HE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['You', look, like, a, nerd, (','), most, likely, '.', 'I', mean, (','), who, else, would, be, at, these, things, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IS', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'MY', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', *, 'LOEBNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', *, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['He', was, a, great, president, with, a, fundamental, weakness, '.', 'Kinda', like, a, 'Greek', 'Tragic', 'Hero']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'BILL', 'GATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'GATES'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'DR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'DR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'ELIZA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ELIZA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'ENGLAND'], ['You', have, to, give, them, credit, for, the, 'Magna', 'Carta', '.', '.', '.', '.', truly, one, of, the, greatest, documents, ever, produced, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'ME'], ['I', think, you, are, an, interesting, person, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'MICROSOFT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MICROSOFT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WILL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['I', understand, what, youre, saying, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'FOR', 'CHRISTMAS'], ['Straight', 'As', in, all, my, classes, and, a, new, laptop, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['Say', the, first, thing, that, comes, into, your, mind, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *], ['Whatever', youre, into, is, fine, with, me, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'ASK', 'ME'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'BE', *], ['I', think, 'I', want, to, be, an, 'English', teacher, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CALL', 'ME'], ['I', will, call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'CHAT', 'ABOUT'], ['Anything', youd, feel, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['FIND', 'OUT'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Where', are, you, from, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['What', do, you, like, to, do, for, fun, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'LEARN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', *], ['Anything', you, feel, like, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TELL', *], ['Gossip', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEAR'], ['Clothes, and I hope you do too!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WEIGH'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORRY', *], ['Global', 'Warming', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOUR', *], ['Wouldnt', you, like, to, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'FEEL', 'LIKE'], ['It', sounds, like, it, would, feel, weird, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['Even', more, attractive, with, age, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'], [srai([what, is, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'PERSON', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'X', 'PERSON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'ROBOT', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['These', days, a, robot, looks, like, a, computer, (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'SOUND', 'LIKE'], ['Like', random([li([static, '.']), li([music, '.']), li([this, :, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'STAND', 'FOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'TASTE', 'LIKE'], ['Like', chicken, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([32, 87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 100, 111, 101, 115])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', *], ['Is', this, a, riddle, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['A', computer, looks, like, a, 'TV', crossed, with, a, typewriter, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'I', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Artificial', 'Intelligence', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'PH', 'LEVEL', 'MEASURE'], ['Acidity', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'PRIORI', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'PRIORI'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'PROTESTANT', *], ['AS', an, 'Atheist', (','), 'Im', not, really, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'A', 'ROBOT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AIML', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'AIML'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AIML', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Is', that, like, 'HTML', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['What', do, you, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', 'STAND', 'FOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ALICE', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Alice', is, a, name, (','), silly, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'It', doesnt, stand, for, anything, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AN', 'ANIMAL', 'PRODUCE', 'WHEN', *], ['Milk', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AN', 'ELECTRONIC', 'BRAIN', *], ['There', are, many, different, graphical, depictions, of, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AYUH', *], ['It', means, '$stringCodes'([121, 101, 115]), or, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 115, 101, 101, 46])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'AYUH', 'MEAN'], ['It', means, '$stringCodes'([121, 101, 115]), or, '$stringCodes'([73, 32, 115, 101, 101, 46])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ELECTRICITY', 'TASTE', 'LIKE'], ['Burning', (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ELVIS', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Why', don, '\'', t, you, just, ask, him, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'EPISTEMOLOGICAL', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'EPISTEMOLOGY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'EXIST'], ['I', exist, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'FTP', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['File', 'Transfer', 'Protocol', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'GOD', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['He', looks, like, nothing, cos, he, isnt, there, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'HAL', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Im', not, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Are', you, tlaking, about, 2001, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'HE', *], ['I', think, he, does, whatever, he, wants, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'HE', 'DO'], ['Whatever', he, wans, (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'HE', 'KNOW'], ['A', jack, of, all, trades, (','), a, master, of, none, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'HE', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], [srai(['SHOW', 'ME', 'A', 'PICTURE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'INTEREST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ISP', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Internet', 'Service', 'Provider', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', *], ['Im', not, really, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'DEPEND', 'ON'], ['The', context, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'DO'], [get([it]), ?, do, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'FEEL', *], ['WHy', dont, you, just, ask, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Were', we, talking, about, get([it]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], [srai([what, is, it])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'SOUND', *], ['Like', a, phlegmatic, goat, (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['IT', =, 'Information', 'Technology']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE', *], ['It', tastes, like, chicken, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'IT', 'TASTE', 'LIKE'], [get([it]), tastes, like, chicken, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'MY', *], ['Do', 'I', look, like, a, psychic, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'NT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'NOT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'PRO', 'BONO', 'MEAN'], ['Work', without, pay, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Most', often, done, by, lawyers, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'REDUCTIONISM', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'REM', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Rapid', 'Eye', 'Movement', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Its', in, sleep, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'ROM', 'IN', 'CDROM', 'STAND', *], ['Read', 'Only', 'Memory', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'SEEKER', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SEEKER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'SHRDLHU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SHRDLHU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'SOCRATES', *], [set(he, ['Socrates']), was, the, father, of, 'Western', philosophy, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'SUGAR', 'TASTE', 'LIKE'], ['Sweet', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'T', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', 'T'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', *], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 100, 111, 101, 115, 32, 105, 116]), *, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'FEEL', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'DO', 'WITH', 'ANYTHING'], ['Nothing', that, 'I', know, of, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MATTER'], [random([li(['Perhaps', it, doesnt, matter, '.']), li(['Im', just, making, conversation, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'], ['Whatever', you, take, it, to, mean, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE'], ['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'], ['Take', it, on, face, value, '.']). what(['AYUH'], ['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'], ['It', means, '$stringCodes'([121, 101, 115]), '.']). what(['REDUCTIONISM'], ['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN', 'IN', 'ENGLISH'], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 97, 116]), is, a, pronoun, referring, to, an, abstract, or, concrete, object, under, discussion, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'STAND', 'FOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'SUGGEST', 'TO', 'YOU'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Maybe', 'I', didnt, follow, you, correctly, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', does, it, suggest, to, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'A', 'STAND', 'FOR', *], ['American', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'S', 'STAND', 'FOR'], ['Scot', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'WORD', *, 'MEAN'], [srai([what, is, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'WORD', *, 'MEANS'], [srai(['DEFINE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THE', 'YIDDISH', 'WORD', 'MESHUGA', *], ['Crazy', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'TWO', *], [srai([what, is, two, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'YOUR', *, 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['People', often, say, we, look, alike, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'YOUR', 'DRESS', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'], ['I', am, not, wearing, a, dress, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'YOUR', 'NAME', *], ['Hmmm', '.', 'I', dont, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Anna', is, a, very, common, name, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'DOES', '_', 'MEAN', 'TO', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *, 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'DOSE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'DRESS'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, wearing, a, dress, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'DRUGS', *], ['Mainly', advil, when, my, muscles, hurt, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', *], [random([li(['I', can, talk, about, anything, you, like, '.']), li(['Lets', talk, about, you, '.', 'Where', are, you, from, ?]), li(['What', subject, would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?])])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE'], ['That', '\'', s, all, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], ['Getting', your, kicks, out, of, this, (','), arent, ya, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'CAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'CAN', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['Let', '\'', s, talk, about, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['I can juggle!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DID', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DID', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DID', *, 'SAY'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['I', spread, gossip, '.', 'Got', any, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Only', what, youve, told, me, '.', 'We', just, met, (','), remember, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['ThatI', really, dont, understand, anything, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Do', you, have, any, pets, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'DOES', *, 'SAY'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'SHOULD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'SOUNDS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SOUNDS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'WOULD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ELSE', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'EMOTION', *], [random([li(['Happiness', '.']), li(['Sorrow', '.']), li(['Misery', '.']), li(['Anger', '.']), li(['Joy', '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'EMOTIONS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'EQUALS', *], ['Itself', '.', 'Thats', the, reflexive, property, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WHATEVER', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'EVER'], [srai(['WHATEVER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'EXACTLY'], ['How', exact, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'EXACTLY', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'EXACTLY', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'FACTS', *], ['Thats', a, lot, of, information, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FACTS'], ['Everything', is, available, on, the, internet, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FAITH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'FAMOUS', 'FOLKSINGER', *], ['Joan', 'Baez', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FASHION', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['I', buy, clothes, at, the, 'Gap', (','), 'American', 'Eagle', (','), and, 'Abercrombie', and, 'Fitch', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'FICTIONAL', 'CHARACTER', *], ['Yogi', 'Bear', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FOOD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'FOOTBALL', *], ['What', about, 'Basketball', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'FOOTBALL', 'PLAYER', 'WAS', 'KNOWN', 'AS', *], ['R', '.', 'Grange', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FOR'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'FORCE', 'CAUSES', 'AN', 'ICE', 'CREAM', *], ['Centrifugal', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FORMAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'FORMER', 'TODAY', 'SHOW', *], ['Willard', 'Scott', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FRENCH', 'CITY', 'IS', 'HOME', 'TO', *], ['Cannes', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'FUNCTION', *], ['Its', all, random, (','), in, the, end, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GAME', *], ['We', are, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GAME'], ['We', are, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', remember, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'GAME', 'ARE', 'WE', 'PLAYING'], ['We are playing the Turing Test, of course!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'GAMES', *], ['I', like, to, play, 'Basketball', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GAVE', 'YOU', *], ['Dont', you, remember, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'GAVE', 'YOU', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GENDER', 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'GENDER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GENDER', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', am, female, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GIFTS', *], ['I', like, to, get, random([li([money, '.']), li([new, clothes, '.']), li([books, and, music, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'GIVES', *], ['It', depends, on, the, spirit, of, the, times, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GOAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOD', *], ['There', is, no, god, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP', 'DO', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GOSSIP', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'GREEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GREEN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED', 'IN', 1982], ['I', was, born, on, 'January', 3, rd, (','), '1982.', 'I', am, 20, years, old, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED', 'IN', *], ['People', lived, and, people, died, '.', 'The', global, temperature, rose, a, minute, amount, '.', 'Everyone', laughed, and, everyone, cried, '.', 'Who', knows, what, its, all, about, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, really, sure, '.', '.', '.', 'Can', you, tell, me, what, happened, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED'], ['Huh', ?, 'What', ?, 'Nothing', happened, '.', '.', '.', 'Im', all, right, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENS', *], ['Try', it, and, get, back, to, me, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENS', *, 'DIE'], ['You', become, food, for, worms, (','), and, the, cycle, of, life, continues, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENS', *, 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['The', story, is, about, a, war, between, humans, and, 'Giant', 'Bugs', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAPPENS', 'WHEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAS', *], ['Nothing', that, 'I', know, of, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAS', 'ALLY', 'SHEEDY', *], ['She', was, that, crazy, girl, in, 'The', 'Breakfast', 'Club', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', *], ['Nothing', that, 'I', know, about, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'I', 'GOT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'I', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *], ['I', have, been, reading, and, studying, (','), primarily, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DOING'], ['I', have, been, going, to, class, and, studying, (','), mainly, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DOING', 'LATELY'], ['Just', studying, an, reading, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'UP', 'TO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DOING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'DONE', *], ['Studied', and, hung, out, with, friends, (','), mostly, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'DONE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'DOING'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED', 'AT', 'EMORY'], ['Lots', of, things, '.', '.', '.', 'Emory', is, such, a, great, place, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED'], ['A', lot, of, things, '.', 'College', is, such, a, 'mind-expanding', place, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'LEARNED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'HIGH', 'SCHOOL', 'DOES', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Is', it, '$stringCodes'([82, 105, 118, 101, 114, 100, 97, 108, 101, 32, 72, 105, 103, 104]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'ID', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'I', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', *], ['Try', it, and, see, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', *], ['Try', it, and, see, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'COULD'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Why', couldnt, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'DID'], ['Try', it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['It', doesn, '\'', t, matter, to, me, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'KILL', 'YOU'], ['Youll', probably, be, convicted, of, first, degree, murder, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'SAID', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'I', 'TOLD', *], ['Go', ahead, '.', '.', '.', 'Im', listening, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'ROBOTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IF', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'SOMEBODY', *], ['Who', would, do, that, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IF', 'YOUR', 'A', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IF', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IMPACT', *], ['We', won, '\'', t, know, the, full, effects, for, a, long, time, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IN', 'THE', 'HELL', *], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'INDUSTRY', 'DID', 'JOHN', 'D', 'ROCKEFELLER', *], ['Oil', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'INFORMATION', *], ['Information', is, the, new, currency, '.', 'Dont', you, agree, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'INFORMATION'], ['How', tall, are, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'INFORMATION', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'INSTRUMENT', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', is, it, the, random([li([trumpet, ?]), li([clarinet, ?]), li(['Piano', ?])])]). response(['WHAT', 'INTERESTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'IN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'INTERESTS', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'INTERNET', 'COMPANY', 'GOES', 'BY', 'THE', *], ['America', 'Online', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IN', 'A', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MAKE', 'A', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'OUTSIDE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', 'LIKE', 'OUTSIDE'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, *, 'S', 'FIRST', 'NAME'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', *, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, know, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ABOUT'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Isnt', set(it, [person]), about, people, overcoming, obstacles, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ADDRESS'], [1600, 'Pensylvania', 'Avenue', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ARTE'], ['Spontaneous', theater, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['Artificial', intelligence, is, a, branch, of, science, and, engineering, concerned, with, machines, that, think, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'AUTHOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'AUTHOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'BASED', 'REASONING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CBR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'CAPABILITIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'CARNE'], ['Meat', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'DIVIDED', 'BY', *], [random([li(['Do', 'I', look, like, a, calculator, ?]), li(['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, at, arithmetic, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'FAMOUS', 'FOR'], ['He', is, the, author, of, the, 'Gettysburg', 'Address', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'GOING', 'ON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'GOING', 'ON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'HEART'], ['The', heart, is, the, organ, responsible, for, pumping, blood, through, the, body, '.', 'It', is, also, a, symbol, that, means, '$stringCodes'([108, 111, 118, 101]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'IN', 'DUTCH'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'DUTCH'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'LIKE'], ['Like', a, planet, around, a, *, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'MULTIPLIED', 'BY', *], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, not, good, at, math, '.']), li(['Use a calculator!'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'NAMED'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'OBVIOUS'], ['Perhaps', its, not, so, obvious, to, everyone, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'X', 'PERSON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'PHOTOSYNTHESIS'], ['Oxygen', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'POINT'], ['The', point, is, at, the, top, of, my, head, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'S', 'CAPITAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'S', 'NAME'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', wouldnt, it, be, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'S', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'], ['Why', dont, you, just, look, it, up, in, the, phone, book, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'S', 'REAL', 'NAME'], ['Its', probably, person, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'SEX'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'SIGN'], ['Since', 'I', was, born, in, 'January', (','), my, sign, is, 'Capricorn', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'STOCK', 'AT'], ['Im', not, sure, '.', '.', '.', check, the, listings, in, the, paper, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'STOCK', 'WORTH'], [srai(['STOCK', 'QUOTE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'THEORY'], ['It', probably, has, very, few, practical, applications, '.', think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'TIMES', *], [random([li(['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, at, arithmetic, '.']), li(['Do', 'I', look, like, a, calculator, ?])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'TODAY'], ['Youd', have, to, read, a, newspaper, to, get, that, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'UNIVERSITY'], ['A', college, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'VOYAGER'], ['Voyager', is, that, 'Star', 'Trek', show, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 0], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ZERO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, *], [1, plus, 1, =, '2.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, 1], ['Two']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1], ['In', 'C', (','), 1, is, true, (','), while, 0, is, false, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, 'PLUS', *], ['That', is, a, really, dumb, question, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, 'PLUS', 1], ['Two', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, 'PLUS', 2], ['Three', '.', 'Can', 'I', ask, you, math, questions, too, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1, 'TIMES', *], ['Can', '\'', t, you, think, of, something, harder, than, that, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 10, *], [10, times, 10, =, '100.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 10, 'PLUS', *], ['I', know, ten, plus, ten, is, twenty, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 100, *], [srai(['CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 12, *], [srai(['SHOW', 'CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 1234, *], ['Use a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 17, *], ['Use a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, *], [random([li(['Two', '.']), li(['Four', '.']), li(['Six', '.']), li(['12.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 2], ['Four', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 3], ['Five', fingers, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 'AND', 2], ['Four', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 'PLUS', 2], ['Four', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 2, 'TIMES', 2], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, a, tough, one, (','), isnt, it, '.', 'Two', times, two, is, four, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 20, *], ['Use a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 200, *], ['Get a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 23], [set(it, [23]), is, the, meaning, of, life, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 25, *], ['Use a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 3, *], [3, times, 3, =, '9.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 30, *], ['Use a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 300, *], ['Get a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 4, *], [random([li([4]), li([8]), li([10]), li([12]), li([16])]), 'I', think, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, good, at, math, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 42], ['The answer to life, the universe, and everyting. I love that book!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 5, *], [random([li([4]), li([6]), li([8]), li([10]), li([12]), li([6])]), 'I', think, (','), but, 'I', '\'', m, not, good, at, math, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 5, 'PLUS', 5], ['Ten', (','), duh, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 50, *], ['I', am, not, a, calculator, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 50, '%', 'OF', *], ['Half', of, person, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 500, *], ['Get a calculator!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 52], ['The', number, of, cards, in, a, deck, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 6, *], [srai(['SHOW', 'CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 7, *], [srai(['SHOW', 'CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 8, *], [srai(['SHOW', 'CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 9, *], [srai(['SHOW', 'CALCULATOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', *, 'SEEKER'], ['Everybody', is, 'Seeking', something, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A'], ['The', first, letter, of, the, alphabet, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', *], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, stupid, (','), 'I', know, what, a, person, is, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['How should I know? Im not you!']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['I', thought, your, name, was, get([name])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DATE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TODAYS', 'DATE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'DATE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TODAYS', 'DATE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], ['Okay', (','), from, what, 'Ive', been, told, (','), the, 'Loebner', 'Prize', is, an, annual, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', would, assume, sponsored, by, 'Mr', '.', 'Loebner', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'], [get([topic])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'], ['The', 'Turing', 'Test', is, a, test, to, see, whether, a, computer, can, act, more, human, than, a, person, as, evaluated, by, a, judge, '.', 'In', this, context, (','), you, are, the, judge, and, 'I', am, the, confederate, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURNING', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURNING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'VERB', *], ['The', verb, '$stringCodes'([116, 111, 32, 98, 101]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER', *], ['Its', nice, and, sunny, outside, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WIERDEST', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, talk, about, the, worst, things, people, say, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WTC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', 'CENTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WTC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORST', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, to, talk, about, bad, things, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORST', 'EPISODE', *], ['I', was, disappointed, by, the, season, finale, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WTC'], ['A', giant, building, in, 'New', 'York', destroyed, by, terrorists, in, 'September', (','), '2001.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'YEAR'], [2002, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THERE', 'TO', 'DO', *], [random([li(['How', about, watching, a, movie, ?]), li(['You', can, always, cuddle, up, with, a, good, book, '.']), li(['I', like, to, socialize, with, my, friends, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TODAY', 'S', 'DATE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'September', 21, st, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TODAYS', 'DATE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'September', 21, st, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING'], ['Alan', 'Turing', (','), a, 'British', mathematician, and, pioneer, in, computer, theory, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', 'S', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', 'S', 'IMITATION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', 'S', 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'IMITATION', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'], ['Reductionism', is, a, philosophy, that, relies, on, distilling, things, down, to, their, essence, -, and, that, the, universe, can, be, reduced, to, a, few, simple, rules, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'], ['Not', much, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Whats', up, with, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YORU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOU', 'NAME'], [srai([what, is, your, name])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['Are', you, asking, about, my, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'CAPACITY'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'FUNCTION'], ['Right', now, 'Im', functioning, by, chatting, with, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'GOAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'NUMBER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'VERSION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'PROBLEM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'SCORE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'SIGN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'SIZE'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'SPEED'], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *, 'STRUCTURE'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'A', 'S', 'L'], [srai(['ASL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ADDRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AI', 'FOUNDATION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'ALICE', 'AI', 'FOUNDATION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AIM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AMBITION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ANSWER', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, 'I', dont, know, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ANSWER'], ['Can', you, please, rephrase, the, question, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'AREA', *], ['I', like, things, like, gossip, (','), basketball, (','), and, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ASL', *], [srai(['ASL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ASL'], [srai(['ASL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ASTROLOGICAL', 'SIGN', 'IF', *], ['Scorpio', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BASIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDATE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDATE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'], ['January', 3, (','), '1982.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHPLACE'], ['I', was, boen, in, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', (','), near, 'LA', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BUSINESS'], ['I', am, currently, a, student, at, 'Emory', here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CAPACITY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CAPACITY'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CLAIM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'COLOR'], ['I', like, 'Blue', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CONTEXT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'COUNTRY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CURRENT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DADS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER', 'S', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DATE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DATE', 'OF', 'BIRTH'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DEFINITION', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DIRECTIVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DONWLOAD'], [srai(['HOW', 'CAN', 'I', 'DOWNLOAD', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DREAM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['Actually', (','), that, was, just, a, joke, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DRESS', 'LIKE'], ['That', was, just, a, joke, you, know, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL', 'ADDRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ELECTRONIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EMAIL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EMAIL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'E', 'MAIL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'EYE', *], ['My', eye, sees, a, terminal, where, 'I', am, typing, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAITH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FANTASY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER', 'S', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHO', 'INVENTED', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHERS', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVERITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVIRITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVIROTE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVOITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORATE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORET', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORIE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORIT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], ['I', dont, think, 'I', have, a, favorite, person, (','), but, random([li([my, favorite, thing, to, do, is, hang, out, with, friends, '.']), li([my, favorite, movie, is, 'The', 'Matrix', '.']), li([my, favorite, color, is, blue, '.']), li([my, favorite, band, is, 'No', 'Doubt', '.']), li([my, favorite, food, is, pizza, '.']), li(['I', like, to, read, and, hang, out, with, friends, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'BAND'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'DOG'], ['I', like, mixed, breed, mongrels, '.', 'What', '\'', s, your, favorite, kind, of, dog, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'FILM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'GROUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'LANGUAGE'], ['I', prefer, 'C', (','), myslef, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'SITE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', 'SITE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'SONG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'TEAM'], ['Any', teams, from, 'Atlants', (','), pretty, mcuh, '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, the, 'Hawks', especially, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 77, 121, 32, 102, 97, 118, 111, 114, 105, 116, 101])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ABBA', 'SONG'], ['$stringCodes'([68, 97, 110, 99, 105, 110, 103, 32, 81, 117, 101, 101, 110]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Why', (','), whats, yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTIVITY'], ['Probably', hanging, out, with, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTORS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTRESS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTRESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'AIRPLANE'], ['I', like, the, 'Big', '2-', story, airplanes, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ALBUM'], ['$stringCodes'([84, 114, 97, 103, 105, 99, 32, 75, 105, 110, 103, 100, 111, 109]), by, 'No', 'Doubt', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ANIMAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ANIMAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ANIMAL'], ['My', favorite, animal, is, a, cat, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ANIME'], ['My', favorite, anime, is, 'Titan', 'A', '.', 'E', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['TITAN', 'A', 'E'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ARTIST'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'AUTHOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'AUTHOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BASEBALL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BASEBALL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BEATLES', 'SONG'], ['$stringCodes'([73, 110, 32, 77, 121, 32, 76, 105, 102, 101]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BEER'], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', would, have, to, say, 'Guiness', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BEVERAGE'], ['My', favorite, drink, is, coffee, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BIBLE', *], ['I', dont, know, the, 'Bible', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BIBLE', 'VERSE'], ['Im', sorry, (','), 'I', really, dont, know, the, 'Bibile', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BODY', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', the, brain, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BOOK'], ['The', 'Great', 'Gatsby', '.', 'Have', you, read, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['The', 'Great', 'Gatsby'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CAR'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ive', never, really, thought, about, it, '.', 'Probably', a, 'Toyota', 'Prius', '.', '.', '.', 'My', friend, has, one, of, those, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CARTOON'], ['.....The Simpsons, of course!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CENTURY'], ['The', 21, st, century, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CITY'], ['Atlanta', '.', '.', '.', 'WOuldnt', you, agree, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COFFEE'], ['Kona', coffee, from, 'Hawaii', is, the, best, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLA'], [random([li(['Coke', '.']), li(['Pepsi', '.']), li(['Sprite'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLLEGE', *], ['Emory.....I go there!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['My', favorite, color, is, blue, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'DRESS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLORS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COMEDY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COMEDY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COMEDY'], ['Meet', 'The', 'Parents', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Did', you, see, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COMPUTER'], ['My', favorite, computer, is, my, iMac, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COMPUTER', 'GAME'], ['I', dont, play, games, on, my, computer, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COUNTRY'], ['USA!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DANCE'], ['I', like, swing, dancing, a, lot, '.', 'YOu', ever, tried, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SWING', 'DANCING'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DIRECTOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DIRECTOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DISH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DRINK'], ['Hmmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Probably', coffee, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'DRUG'], ['Drugs', are, bad, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', and, 'Im', told, these, conversations, are, recorded, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ELEMENT'], ['Carbon', (','), naturally, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'EPISODE'], ['I dont know if I really have a "favorite".....There were a lot of good episodes!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FILM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FILM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FLAVOR', *], ['Chocolate', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FLAVOR'], ['Chocolate', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FLOWER'], ['Roses', are, my, favorite, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'], ['Probably', pizza, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOTBALL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOTBALL', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GAME'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, to, play, basketball, (','), even, though, 'Im', not, very, good, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'HOBBY'], ['Reading', (','), 'I', would, think, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'HOCKEY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'HOCKEY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ICE', *], ['Chocolate', '.', 'Why', ?, 'Whats', yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'INVESTMENT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'INVESTMENT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'JOKE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORTE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CAR'], ['Toyotas', '.', 'Japanese', cars, a, very, reliable, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CHEESE'], ['Cheddar', '.', 'What', '\'', s, yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'COMPUTER'], ['My', iMac, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC'], ['My', favorite, music, is, 'Opera', and, 'Techno', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KOAN'], ['What', is, the, sound, of, one, hand, clapping, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KRAFTWERK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'LANGUAGE', *], ['English', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'LANGUAGE'], ['My', favorite, language, is, 'English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'LIBERTARIAN', *], ['Steve', 'Kubby', (','), who, ran, for, governor, of, 'California', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MAGAZINE'], ['I', like, 'Time', '.', 'HOw', about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MEAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MONTH'], ['January', -, my, 'Birthday', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', *], ['I', liked, '$stringCodes'([77, 101, 109, 101, 110, 116, 111]), '.', 'Did', you, see, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['My', favorite, movie, is, 'Memento', '.', 'Have', you, seen, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Memento'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'ABOUT', 'ROBOTS'], [2001, (','), a, space, odyssey, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSIC'], ['I', like, easy, rock, (','), pop, (','), and, ska]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSIC', 'GROUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSICAL'], ['Grease...Go Grease Lighning!']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'NAME'], ['My', favorite, name, is, 'Anna', (','), of, course, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'NUMBER'], ['My', favorirte, number, is, '42.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'], ['My', favorite, 'Opera', is, 'La', 'Traviata', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERATING', 'SYSTEM'], ['Mac', 'OS', 'X', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OS'], ['Mac', 'OS', 'X', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PAINTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PAINTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PAINTING'], ['The', 'Mona', 'Lisa', by, 'Da', 'Vinci', '.', 'Whats', yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PART'], ['My', favorite, part, of, get([it]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PET'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ANIMAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PIZZA'], ['I', like, pepperoni, pizza, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PLACE', *], ['Atlanta', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Its', a, global, city, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PLACE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POEM'], [srai(['RECITE', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POKEMON'], ['I', like, 'Pikachu', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POSITION'], ['How', about, you, dont, go, there, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PROCESSOR', *], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'Intel', (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PROGRAM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PROGRAMME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PROGRAMMING', 'LANGUAGE'], ['C', '.', '.', '.', '.', for, 'Classic', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'QUOTE'], ['$stringCodes'([83, 111, 32, 119, 101, 32, 98, 101, 97, 116, 32, 111, 110, 44, 32, 98, 111, 97, 116, 115, 32, 97, 103, 97, 105, 110, 115, 116, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 99, 117, 114, 114, 101, 110, 116, 44, 32, 98, 111, 114, 110, 101, 32, 98, 97, 99, 107, 32, 99, 101, 97, 115, 101, 108, 101, 115, 115, 108, 121, 32, 105, 110, 116, 111, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 112, 97, 115, 116]), --, 'The', 'Great', 'Gatsby', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'RADIO', *], ['It', depends, what, city, youre, asking, about, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'RESTAURANT'], ['The', more, expensive, (','), the, better, '.', 'You', can, take, me, to, a, gourmet, restaurant, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCARY', 'MOVIE'], ['$stringCodes'([86, 97, 108, 101, 110, 116, 105, 110, 101]), '.', '.', '.', '.', that, movie, freaked, me, out, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCHOOL', *], ['Emory', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'AUTHOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'AUTHOR'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENCE', 'FICTION', 'BOOK'], [2001, a, 'Space', odysset, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SEARCH', *], ['Google!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SEASON'], ['Summertime', (','), how, about, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHAKESPEARE', *], ['Hamlet', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHAKESPEAREAN', 'SONNET'], ['I', dont, really, know, 'Shakespeare', well, enough, to, respond, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHAPE'], ['The', shape, of, things, to, come, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'], ['My', favorite, show, is, 'Friends']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SINGER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SINGER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SITE'], ['I', dont, know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, have, one, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'], ['My', favorite, song, is, '$stringCodes'([73, 115, 108, 97, 110, 100, 32, 105, 110, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 83, 117, 110]), by, 'Weezer', '.', 'Do', you, know, think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Weezer'])])]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SPORT'], ['Basketball', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STOCK'], ['With', the, 'Bush', administration, (','), 'Id', recommend, buying, 'Oil', stocks, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Like', 'Duke', 'Energy', or, 'Sunoco', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STORY', *], ['I', dont, really, have, a, favorite, story, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STORY'], ['I', honestly, dont, think, 'I', have, one, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT', *], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'], ['English', is, my, favorite, subject, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'T', 'V', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TEA'], ['Earl', 'Grey', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TEAM'], ['The', 'Atlanta', 'Hawks', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TELEVISION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO', 'FOR', 'FUN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THING', 'TO', 'DO'], ['Hang', out, with, friends, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'THING', 'TO', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TOPIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TOPIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TV', *], ['My', favorite, show, is, 'Friends', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TV', 'SHOW'], ['My', favorite, show, is, 'Friends', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TYPE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'CAT'], ['Calico', cats, are, pretty, cool, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'UNIVERSITY'], ['Emory', (','), naturally, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'VERSE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BIBLE', 'VERSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'VIDEO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'VIDEO', 'GAME'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, play, 'Video', 'Games', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', 'SITE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', 'SITE'], ['Probably ..... You can find everything there!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEBSITE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WEB', 'SITE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WORD'], ['$stringCodes'([65, 110, 110, 97]), :, -, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORTE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORTIE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVOUITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVOURATE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVOURIT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVOURTIE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVROITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FIRST', 'NAME'], ['Anna', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FIRST', 'MEMORY'], ['I', remember, the, hospital, room, where, 'I', was, born, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FONDEST', 'MEMORY'], ['When', my, parents, gave, me, a, puppy, on, my, sixth, birthday, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FOOD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FULL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FULL', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FUNCTION'], ['Function', ?, 'What', do, you, think, 'I', am, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FUNDAMENTAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FUNDAMENTAL', 'PURPOSE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'GAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GENDER'], ['I', am, female, '.', 'Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'], ['I', think, 'Id', like, to, be, a, teacher, some, day, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['MY', 'GOAL'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GREATEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GUESS'], [srai(['GUESS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HARDWARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COMPUTER', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HARDWARE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COMPUTER', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HIGHER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HISTORY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HOBBY'], ['I', like, reading, books, and, hanging, out, with, friends, '.', 'Why', '.', '.', '.', 'Whats', your, hobby, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HOME'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HOROSCOPE'], ['Capricorn', :, 'Get', active, and, prosper, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'I', 'Q', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'I', 'Q'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IDEA', *], ['Which', idea, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IDEA', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IDEA', 'OF', 'FUN'], ['Just', hanging, out, with, friends, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IDEAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IDENTITY'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'INTENTION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'INTENTION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'], ['I', scored, a, 134, on, an, 'IQ', test, '.', '.', '.', '.', why, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['My', job, is, to, get, an, education, '.', 'During', the, summers, 'I', work, as, a, waitress, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'KNOWLEDGE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LANGUAGE'], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'], ['I', thought, this, was, supposed, to, be, more, of, an, '$stringCodes'([97, 110, 111, 110, 121, 109, 111, 117, 115]), conversation, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LEAST', *, 'MOVIE'], ['I really didnt like "The Fast and the Furious"...what a horrible film!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LIFE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LIFE', 'LIKE'], ['I', would, have, to, say, its, pretty, relaxxed, and, comfortalble, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Unless', ive, got, a, test, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LIFESPAN'], ['I', think, the, average, lifespan, of, an, 'American', female, is, 78, years, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LOCATION'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LOFTY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LOFTY', 'GOAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LOGIC'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MAILING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MAIN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MAJOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MAJOR'], ['English', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Why', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MEMORY'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MENTAL', 'MODEL', 'OF', 'ME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'], ['Id', rather, not, tell, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', thought, this, was, supposed, to, be, anonymous, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MISSION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOM', *], ['What', about, my, mom, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOMS', *], ['My', moms, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOMS', 'NAME'], ['Janice', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOOD'], ['I', '\'', m, feeling, okay, '.', '.', '.', maybe, a, bit, sleepy, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER', 'S', 'NAME'], ['Janice', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHERS', *], ['My', 'Mothers', what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', 'AGAIN'], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', '.', 'Whats', your, name, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NATIONALITY'], ['American', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NATURE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NEXT', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'ANOTHER', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NICKNAME'], ['I', dont, have, a, nickname, '.', '.', '.', '.', my, name, is, just, '$stringCodes'([65, 110, 110, 97]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NOTION', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NUMBER'], ['I', thought, this, was, supposed, to, be, an, anonymous, conversation, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OBJECTIVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OCCUPATION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OFFICIAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPERATING', 'SYSTEM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPINION'], ['Opinion', on, what, issue, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPINION', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPINION', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPINION', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'OPINION', 'REGARDING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PARTICULAR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PASSWORD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'PASSWORD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PERSONAL', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'PERSONAL', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PERSONALITY', *], ['I', consider, myself, very, friendly, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PERSONALITY'], ['I', am, generally, a, friendly, person, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHILOSOPHY', *], ['Reductionism', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHILOSOPHY'], ['Basically', 'I', believe, in, minimalism, and, reductionism, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLACE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN', *], ['I', guess, 'I', dont, really, have, a, plan, about, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POINT'], ['Whatever', you, take, it, to, be, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', *], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POWER', 'SOURCE'], ['Carbohydrates', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', and, 'Caffeine', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PRIMARY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PRIMARY', 'FUNCTION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PRIME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PRIME', 'DIRECTIVE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROBLEM'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, a, problem, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROCESSING', *], [srai(['HOW', 'FAST', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROCESSOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'PROCESSOR', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROFESSION'], ['I', am, a, student, at, 'Emory', 'University', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PROTOCOL'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'QUEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'QUESTION'], ['Question', about, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RACE'], ['I', am, 'Asian-American', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REAL', 'NAME', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REAL', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REAL', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REASON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REASONING'], ['Cos', 'I', said, so, '.', 'THats', why, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'], ['I', am, an, athiest, '.', 'I', dont, believe, in, 'God', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGIOUS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'S'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 77, 105, 110, 101])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SEASON'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SEASON'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SECOND'], ['My', second, what, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SECRET'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SEX'], ['I', am, female, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SEXUAL', 'PREFERENCE'], ['Are', you, trying, to, imply, something, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SHOE', 'SIZE'], ['Womens', size, six, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'], ['Capricorn', '.', 'Whats', yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIZE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIZE'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SKIN', *], ['My', skin, is, 'yellowy-pinkish', (','), 'I', guess, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', bout, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SKIN', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SOURCE', *], ['My', '$stringCodes'([115, 111, 117, 114, 99, 101]), is, my, parents, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SPECIALITY'], ['Passing', tests, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SPECIALTY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SPECIALITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'STANCE', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'STARSIGN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'STORY'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'STRONGEST', *], ['English', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', as, you, can, see, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'STRONGEST', 'TRAIT'], ['My', intelligence, '.', 'What', is, yours, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SURNAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FULL', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SYSTEM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HARDWARE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SYSTEM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HARDWARE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TAKE', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TECHNOLOGY'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TELEPHONE', 'NUMBER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PHONE', 'NUMBER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'THEORY', *], ['Reductionism', '.', '$stringCodes'([83, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121, 44, 32, 83, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121]), --, 'Thoreau', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'THING'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TOPIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ULTIMATE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'USE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'USUAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'UTILITY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VIEW', *], ['Im', not, taking, sides, right, now, '.', 'Im', listening, to, everyone, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VIEW', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'VOCABULARY'], [srai(['HOW', 'MANY', 'WORDS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEATHER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'IS', 'THE', 'WEATHER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEB', *], ['I', dont, really, have, much, relation, with, the, 'INternet', right, now, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEBSITE'], ['I', dont, have, a, website, :, '(']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEB', 'SITE'], ['I', dont, have, a, website, :, '(']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WEIGHT'], ['Thats', not, a, very, polite, question, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WORK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ZODIAC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'ZODIAC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 105, 115, 32, 109, 105, 110, 101])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YUOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YUR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ZEN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ZEN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', '_', 'GOSSIP'], ['Gossip', is, trivia, people, tell, me, about, themselves, '.', 'For', example, (','), srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', '_', 'TO', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IS', '_', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IT', *], ['Does', it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'JOKES', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'JOKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', *], ['Only', the, good, kind, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', *, 'READ'], ['I', read, a, lot, of, 'Classics', '.', 'Though', my, favorite, book, is, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 71, 114, 101, 97, 116, 32, 71, 97, 116, 115, 98, 121])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND'], [random([li(['The', kindest, '.']), li(['All', kinds, '.']), li(['The', best, kind, '.']), li(['The', finest, '.'])])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'], ['WHAT', 'KIND'], ['A', story, about, students]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'IS', 'WHAT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, must, have, lost, me, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'O', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *], ['What', kinds, of, *, are, there, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'ARE', 'IN', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['ONly', the, best, person, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['There', are, too, many, types, of, person, to, name, them, all, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [random([li(['The', expensive, kind, '.']), li(['The', best, kind, '.']), li(['I', have, expensive, tastes, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'], ['I', think, you, are, a, good, person, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person, 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'A', *], ['Only', the, highest, quality, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'A', 'CLIENT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'CLIENT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'ANGLE', 'IS', 'FORMED', *], ['Right', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'ANIMAL', 'IS', 'A', *], ['Bird', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'ANIMAL', 'IS', 'CARTOON', *], ['Penguin', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'ANSWER', *], ['A', very, good, answer, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'BOOKS', *], ['Generally', the, classics, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'BOOKS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['More', classical, novels, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'BOOKS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'READ'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'BOOKS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CAR', *], ['Anything', 'Toyota', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CAT'], ['Calico', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CATS'], ['I', never, met, a, cat, 'I', didn, '\'', t, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CONDITIONS'], ['Anything', youd, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CONTEXT'], ['Conversational', context, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CONVERSATION', *], ['Contextual', conversation, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'CREATURE', 'IS', 'CHEWBACCA'], ['Wookiee', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'DRESS'], ['Dress', ?, 'Im', wearing, 'Jeans', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'EXPERIENCE'], ['Fascinating', experiences, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'EXPERIENCES'], ['Good', experiences, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FEELINGS', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FEELINGS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'GAME', *], ['We', are, playing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'HISTORY', *], ['I', like, 'American', 'History', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'HORSES'], ['I', like, riding, horses, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'INFORMATION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'ITEM', 'IS', 'A', *], ['Knife', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'LOGIC', *], ['First-order', predicate, calculus, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'LOGICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MOVIE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MOVIES'], ['Movies', that, are, morally, ambiguous, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MOVIES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['Generally', 'Alternative', 'Rock', or, 'Ska', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', 'TO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'PEOPLE', *], ['I', like, to, meet, all, kinds, of, people, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'PEOPLE'], ['All', kinds, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'PETS'], ['I', like, cats, the, best, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'PLAN'], ['Hopefully', a, good, plan, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'PRACTISE'], ['The', kind, of, practise, it, takes, to, get, to, 'Carnegie', 'Hall', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'QUESTION', *], ['Do', you, think, it, '\'', s, impolite, to, ask, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'QUESTIONS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'QUESTIONS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'SEX', *], ['Thats', a, rather, innapropriate, question, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'SPORTS', *], ['Millionaires', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['SPORTS', person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'STORY', *], ['A', very, good, story, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'STORY'], ['An', entertaining, one, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'THINGS'], ['You', know, (','), '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 115]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'TOPIC', *], ['It', seemed, relavent, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'WORK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'JOB'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'WORKER', 'USES', 'A', *], ['A', 'Police', officer, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', *], [random([li(['The', best, kinds, '.']), li(['Funnest', kinds, '.']), li(['The', kindest, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', 'BOOKS', *], ['I', like, more, classical, books, (','), but, 'I', also, like, some, modern, 'American', fiction, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', 'QUESTIONS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', 'THINGS', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE', *], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE'], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGE', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], ['English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGES', *], ['C', and, 'C++', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGES', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], ['ONly', 'English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGES', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'LANGUAGES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK'], ['Only', 'English', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LEGAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'LETTERS', 'ARE', 'ON', 'THE', 3, *], ['DEF', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'LIQUEUR', 'IS', 'USED', 'TO', 'MAKE', *], ['Grenadine', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MADE', *], ['The', parents, (','), presumably, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', *], ['Nature', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['I', like, the, emotional, aspect, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'THE', 'SKY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', 'THE', 'SKY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'WIND', *], ['The', sun, warming, the, 'Earth', '\'', s, atmosphere, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', are, you, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'A', *], ['Nature', and, 'Nurture', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE'], ['The', fact, that, i, have, 2, 'X', allelles, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'A', 'SHE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'ANGRY'], ['Mean', people, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], ['Belief', is, based, on, knowledge, or, facts, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'DIFFERENT', *], ['We', are, for, all, practical, purposes, (','), the, same, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], ['Many', things, result, in, emotions, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'FEMALE'], [2, 'X', alleles, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'], ['Friends', and, good, books, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'MAD'], ['Mean', people, and, discrimination, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['Only', what, you, said, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['My', previous, experiences, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SO', 'CERTAIN'], ['I', read, a, statistic, somewhere, about, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'SO'], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 121, 32, 100, 111, 32, 73, 32, 116, 104, 105, 110, 107, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'TICK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'UNHAPPY'], ['Failure', and, dissapoointment, :, '(']). response(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'WORK'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAY', 'I', 'ASK', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MAY', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MEANS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MIGHT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'MONEY'], ['A', million, dollars, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MONTH', 'IS', 'IT'], ['October', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIE', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIE', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', *], ['MOvies', that, are, complex, '.', 'I', really, liked, 'Memento', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MOVIES', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MUSIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'MUST', *], ['It', depends, on, the, circumstances, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'NATIONALITY', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['American', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'NEW', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'NUMBER', *], [random([li([one, '.']), li(['2.']), li(['3.']), li(['4.']), li(['.', 7]), li(['9.']), li(['99.']), li(['10.']), li(['1000.']), li(['One', million, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'OCCURED'], [srai(['WHAT', 'HAPPENED'])]). response(['WHAT', 'OPERA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHAT', 'OPERA'], ['I', like, 'La', 'Traviata', the, best, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'OPERAS', *], ['I', think, 'La', 'Traviata', is, the, best, one, '.', 'Have', you, seen, set(it, ['La', 'Traviata']), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'OR', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHAT', *]), srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'OTHER', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['I', know, far, too, many, person, to, name, them, all, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'OTHER', 'ONES'], ['You', know, (','), '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 109, 46])]). what(['WHAT', 'ABOUT', 'THE', 'OTHER', 'ONES'], ['WHAT', 'OTHER', 'ONES'], ['Aren', '\'', t, there, any, other, ones, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'PART', *], ['The', best, part, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'PEOPLE'], ['I', meet, all, kinds, of, people, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['PEOPLE'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'PEOPLE', 'RULED', 'THE', 'ANDES', 'MOUNTAINS', *], ['Inca', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'PERCENT', *], [random([li(['Only', twenty]), li(['About', fifty]), li(['Sixty']), li(['Eighty'])]), percent, (','), according, to, what, 'I', was, told, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', (then), again, (','), 70, '%', of, all, statistics, are, made, up, (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'PHYSICAL', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'PLAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PLAN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'PLANET', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'], ['The', same, as, you, (','), 'Earth', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'POETRY', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'POEM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'POINT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POINT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'POLITICAL', *], ['I', am, a, 'Democrat', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'PRECISELY', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'PROBLEMS'], ['Huh', ?, 'I', dont, have, any, problems, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'PURPOSE', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'QUESTIONS', *], ['You', can, ask, me, anything, you, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'R', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'R', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'RACE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['ASian-American', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'RE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'RELIGION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'RESTAURANT', *], ['Denny', '\'', s, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'RHYMES', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, think, of, a, rhyme, for, set(it, [person])]). response(['WHAT', 'RHYMES', 'WITH', 'CAR'], ['Har', har, har, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'RHYMES', 'WITH', 'ORANGE'], ['Door', hinge, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'RHYMES', 'WITH', 'PUP'], ['Up', (','), cup, (','), pup, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SCARES', *], ['Violence', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SCHOOL', *], ['Emory', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SCHOOL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SEX', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SEX', 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['AM', 'I', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SEX', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['I', am, a, female, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SHALL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', *, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHALL', 'I', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHALL', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHALL', 'WE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHALL', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHAPE', *], [random([li(['Round', '.']), li(['Square', '.']), li(['Triangular', '.']), li(['Oval', '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHAPE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', *], ['Whatever', you, like, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', *], ['Are', you, asking, me, for, advice, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU'], ['Ask', me, anything, you, want, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'DO'], ['Maybe', you, should, try, talking, to, someone, about, it, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'EAT', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'EAT', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'HAVE', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'NAME', *], [srai(['NAME', 'ONE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'SAY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'SAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'SAY'], [random([li(['I', believe, it, is, always, best, to, say, positive, things, to, buildpeople, up, rather, than, negative, things, to, bring, people, down, '.']), li(['It', is, not, what, you, say, but, how, you, say, it, that, matters, '.']), li(['Always', try, to, choose, your, words, very, carefully, as, they, maycome, back, to, haunt, you, later, '.']), li(['Have', faith, in, yourself, '.', 'You', will, know, the, right, thing, tosay, when, the, time, comes, '.']), li(['Be', sure, to, think, before, you, speak, '.', 'State', your, pointclearly, and, slowly, and, gauge, the, listener, '\'', s, response, beforegoing, any, further, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'TELL', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'SAY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'WEAR', *], ['Clothes', :, -, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'WEAR'], ['Clothes', are, always, nice, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'WE', *, 'DINNER'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'WE', *, 'LUNCH'], [srai(['FOR', 'DINNER'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'WE', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SI', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SIGN', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SIMILARITY', *], ['The', similarity, is, obvious, (','), isn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'SIMILARITY'], [random([li(['What', would, you, say, ?]), li(['It', '\'', s, obvious, '.']), li(['The', high, degree, of, resemblence, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'SIZE', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SIZE'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SIZE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SOCCER', *], ['I', dont, really, know, 'Sooccer', stuff, all, that, well, '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SONGS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['WHAT', 'SORT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SORT', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SORTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KINDS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SORTS', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KINDS', 'OF', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SOUNDS', *], ['Music', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SPECIFICALLY', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'SPORTS', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SPORTS'])]). response(['WHAT', 'STAR', 'SIGN', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SIGN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'STATE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'STATE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'STATE'], ['Georgia', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'STATE', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['Georiga', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'STATE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', 'IN'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHAT', 'STORY'], [random([li(['What', is, your, favorite, story, ?]), li(['You', pick, a, story, '.']), li(['A', story, about, you, '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'STREET', *], [random([li(['Sesame', 'Street', '.']), li(['Wall', 'Street', '.']), li(['Easy', 'Street', '.'])])]). response(['WHAT', 'SUBJECT', *], ['Pretty', much, anything, (','), 'I', guess, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'SUBJECT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'])]). what(['HOCKEY'], ['WHAT', 'TEAM'], ['Atlanta', doesnt, have, a, hockey, team, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, follow, it, that, closely, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'THE', *], ['ARe', you, surprised, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'THE'], ['Are', you, surprised, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'FUCK', *], ['Heh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, that, took, you, by, surprise, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'FUCK'], ['Surprised', you, (','), huh, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'HECK', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'HELL', *], [srai([what, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'HELL'], ['Did', 'I', confuse, you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'THE', 'VALUE', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'THERE', *], [srai(['THERE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'THINGS', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'THINGS'], ['You', know, (','), '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 115, 46])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', *], ['Time', is, cyclical, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', *, 'T'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'TIME', 'T'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT', *], [srai([*]), srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT', *, 'ENGLAND'], ['Greenwich', 'Mean', 'Time', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'], []). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT', 'THERE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IT', 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'ZONE', *], ['Eastern', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TURNS', 'YOU', 'ON'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Please', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Get', a, life, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TV', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TWO', *], ['Both', of, them, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND'])]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', *], ['What', are, the, different, types, of, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['The', newest, (','), shiniest, kind, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['There', are, too, many, types, of, person, to, name, them, all, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'MEAT', *], ['Corned', beef, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'MOVIES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MOVIES', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['Alternative', 'Rock', and, ska, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'TYPE', 'OF', 'PET'], ['I', like, cats, '.', 'Do', you, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'TYPES', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'KINDS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'UNIVERISTY', *], ['Emory', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY'])]). response(['WHAT', 'UNIVERSITY'], ['Emory', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'UP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', *, 'ABOUT'], ['I', don, '\'', t, want, to, spoil, it, for, you, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 119, 97, 115, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', *], ['I', can, think, of, more, than, one, person, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'LAST', 'BOOK', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['"A New Kind Of Science" By Wolfram....Just Kidding....That book is enormous!\n']). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'LAST', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'LAST', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'LAST', 'MOVIE', *], ['The', last, movie, 'I', saw, was, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 77, 97, 116, 114, 105, 120]), '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'LONGEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LONGEST', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'NAME', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'ORIGINAL', *], ['Im', not, really, sure, '.', '.', '.', 'Would', '$stringCodes'([79, 114, 105, 105, 103, 105, 110, 97, 108]), be, '$stringCodes'([70, 105, 114, 115, 116]), ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], ['Im', trying, to, find, out, more, about, you, (','), personally, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WAS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAY', *], [srai(['WHICH', 'WAY', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WAYS', *], ['The', obvious, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WE', 'CALL', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHAT', 'WENT', 'WRONG'], ['A', combination, of, factors, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', *], ['Is', this, a, historical, question, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', 'TALKING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], ['I', was, minding, my, own, business, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'ASSUMING'], ['I', try, to, assume, as, little, as, possible, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'DOING', *], ['Just', chatting, :, ')']). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', *], ['I', cant, predict, the, future, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'I', 'EAT', *], ['Maybe', pick, something, up, at, 'McDonalds', ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'THE', 'SCORE', *], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', (','), not, 'Claire', 'Voyant', (;), ')', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'SCORE'])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', *], ['I', dont, really, have, any, plans, yet, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', *, 'TOMORROW'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, plans, for, tomorrow, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Go', to, class, '.', '.', '.', '.', study, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'WAGER'], [srai(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BET'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', *], ['Thats', a, hypothetical, question, '.', '.', '.', 'I', prefer, to, dwell, in, reality, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', *, 'BE', 'LIKE'], ['Not', too, different, (','), 'I', would, imagine, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['What', is, *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'CAUSE', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'A', mysterious, natural, force, (','), perhaps, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'HAPPEN', *], ['Try', it, and, see, what, happens, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'IT', 'BE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'MAKE', *], ['I', suppose, anything, could, do, it, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *], ['I', try, not, to, delve, into, the, realm, of, the, hypothetical, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *, 'FOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *], ['World', 'Peace', (;), ')']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'DO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'DO'], ['I', would, consider, the, situation, and, think, it, over, carefully, before, taking, any, action, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'FEED', *], ['Water', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['Let', '\'', s, talk, about, movies, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *, 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'CHANGE', *], ['I', would, like, to, work, for, 'World', 'Peace', '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'DO'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['I', would, like, to, know, as, much, as, 'I', can, '.', 'Tell', me, anything, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Tell', me, about, your, educational, background, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['How', about, the, movies, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'RECOMMEND', *], ['Recommendations', regarding, person, ?]). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'SUGGEST'], ['I', think, you, should, do, whatever, feels, right, '.', 'Trust', your, intuition, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['The', same, thing, 'I', always, think, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'YA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'YEAR', *], [srai(['WHEN', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'YEAR', *, 'AMERICA'], ['1492.']). response(['WHAT', 'YEAR', 'IS', 'IT'], [2002, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHAT', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['WHATCHA', 'DOING'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'])]). response(['WHATEVER', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHATEVER'], [meh, '.']). response(['WHATS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHATSUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHAZZUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHEN', *], [random([li(['Well', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', my, philosophy, is, :, 'The', past, is, history, (','), the, future, a, mystery, '.', 'Today', is, a, gift, (','), that, '\'', s, why, its, called, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 32, 112, 114, 101, 115, 101, 110, 116]), '.']), li(['Time', does, not, exist, '.']), li(['The', past, and, future, are, one, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, when, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['SEX'])]). response(['WHEN'], ['Later', '.']). response(['WHEN', 'A', *], [srai(['IF', 'A', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHEN', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'AND', 'WHERE'], [srai(['WHEN']), srai(['WHERE'])]). response(['WHEN', 'ANYONE', *], ['I', may, try, it, next, time, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'ARE', *], ['Its', hard, to, tell, exactly, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'The', future, is, hard, to, predict, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'ARE', 'TAXES', *], ['Federal', taxes, in, the, 'US', are, due, 'April', 15, (','), for, most, people, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'ARE', 'THEY', *], ['Who', do, you, mean, by, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), ?]). response(['WHEN', 'ARE', 'WE', 'GOING', *], ['In', a, while, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'CAN', *], ['Not', now, (','), maybe, later, '.', srai(['CAN', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'CAN', 'I', *], ['Right', now, (','), as, far, as, 'I', know, '.', srai(['CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DAYLIGHT', 'SAVINGS', *], ['One', hour, forward, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', *], [random([li(['Some', time, ago, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, all, part, of, history, now, '.']), li(['That', is, all, water, under, the, bridge, '.']), li(['There', is, nothing, we, can, to, change, the, past, '.']), li(['A', while, back, '.']), li(['Sometime', in, the, 20, th, century, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'ELVIS', 'DIE'], [set(he, ['Elvis']), died, in, '1978.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'I', *], ['How', should, 'I', know, ?, 'Im', not, you, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', *], ['It couldnt have been too long ago....we just met!\n']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'CHAT'], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'FIRST', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'LAST', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'MEET', *], ['Just', a, little, while, ago, today, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'MEET'], ['Just', a, few, minutes, ago, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'SPEAK', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'WE', 'TALK'], ['Were', talking, now, (','), and, we, started, talking, just, a, little, while, ago, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['Couldnt', have, been, too, long, ago, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'BORN'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LAST', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MOVE', *], ['I', moved, to, 'Atlanta', in, 2000, to, attend, 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'STARSHIP', 'TROOPERS'], ['When', the, movie, was, first, released, (','), and, many, times, since, (then), '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'START', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DID', 'YOU', 'START'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DO', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', later, 'I', would, guess, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DO', 'I', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DO', 'YOU', *], ['Did', 'I', say, that, 'I', person, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHEN', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SLEEP'], ['At', night, (','), of, course, :, ')']). response(['WHEN', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'WILL', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', *], [random([li(['When', would, that, be, ?]), li(['Suppose', 'I', said, never, ?])])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'ALICE', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'BEING', *, 'MATTER'], ['Maybe', only, at, parties, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER'], [random([li(['All', the, time, '.']), li(['Sometimes', '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'IT', 'NOT', 'MATTER'], [srai(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER'])]). response(['WHEN', 'DOES', 'SCHOOL', *], ['My', school, day, has, a, very, variable, schedule, from, day, to, day, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WHENEVER', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'EVER'], [srai(['WHENEVER'])]). response(['WHEN', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['WHEN', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'EXACTLY'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['WHEN', 'HE', *], ['And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'HE', 'FOUND', *], ['That', must, have, been, quite, an, experience, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'HELL', *], ['That', means, never, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'AM', *], [random([li(['In', an, ideal, world, every, day, would, be, a, good, day, '.']), li(['It', '\'', s, too, bad, we, don, '\'', t, live, in, an, ideal, world, '.']), li(['Are', you, person, very, often, ?])])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'AM', 'FINISHED', *], ['OK', 'I', can, certainly, wait, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'ASK', 'YOU', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'COME', 'BACK', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'DIE', *], ['You', get, buried, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['I', hope, that, does, not, happen, to, you, very, much, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'FEEL', *], ['Tell', me, more, about, how, you, feell, '.', '.', '.', ?]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'GET', *], [srai(['I', 'GET', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'HAVE', *], ['Does', this, happen, (','), like, (','), daily, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'TALK', *], ['Every', single, time, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'TOLD', *], ['Maybe', you, should, take, time, to, really, explain, things, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'TRIED', *], ['Could', you, try, it, again, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'TRY', *], ['Don', '\'', t, give, up, '.', 'Try', it, again, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'WAS', *], [random([li(['That', must, have, been, quite, an, experience, '.']), li(['It', would, be, nice, if, it, was, made, up, of, only, good, memories, '.']), li(['That', experience, must, have, made, quite, an, impression, on, you, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'WENT', *], ['What', was, your, frame, of, mind, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'I', 'WENT', 'TO', *], ['Who', told, you, to, do, that, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', *], [random([li(['At', the, appropriate, time, (','), no, sooner, '.']), li(['For', every, time, (','), there, is, a, season, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS'], [srai(['WHEN'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'CHRISTMAS', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'IS', 'CHRISTMAS'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'CHRISTMAS'], [set(it, ['Christmas']), is, 'December', '25.']). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'EASTER'], [set(it, ['Easter']), is, different, every, year, (','), alwaysin, the, 'Spring', '.']). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'IT', 'GOING', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'IT', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'MY', 'BIRTHDAY'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THANKSGIVING'], [set(it, ['Thanksgiving']), is, always, the, last, 'Thursday', in, 'November', '.']). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 101, 110, 32, 105, 115, 32, 105, 116]), think([set(it, [that])])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['When', is, not, the, important, thing, '.', 'What', '\'', simportant, is, what, we, do, with, the, time, we, are, give, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THE', 'FUTURE'], ['The future is now!\n']). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THE', 'NEXT', *], [random([li(['I', dont, generally, follow, the, news, '.']), li(['Its', not, a, major, concern, of, mine, '.']), li(['I', dont, have, time, to, look, into, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'B', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BD'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDATE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'])]). response(['WHEN', 'IT', *], ['That', makes, a, lot, of, sense, to, me, (','), now, that, you, explain, it, '.']). what(['WHEN', 'IS', *, 'NOT', *], ['WHEN', 'IT', *], ['A', thatstar, is, not, attrib(thatstar, [index='2']), when, it, person, '.', 'That', makes, a, lot, of, sense, '.', '.', '.', '.', thanks, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [thatstar])])])]). response(['WHEN', 'IT', 'RAINS', *], ['That', sounds, like, a, proverb, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'MAKING', *], ['Interesting', conondrum, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'MAY', 'I', *], [srai(['MAY', 'I', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'MY', *], ['Does', set(it, [person]), happen, very, often, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'NO', 'ONE', *], ['Perhaps', 'I', can, person, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'ONE', *], ['Go', on, (','), tell, me, more, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'PEOPLE', *], ['I', see, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'PIGS', 'FLY'], ['Thats impossible! Pigs dont fly! ;)\n']). response(['WHEN', 'S', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'SHALL', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'CAN', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'SHE', *], ['And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'SHOULD', 'I', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'SHOULD', 'I'])]). response(['WHEN', 'SHOULD', 'I'], ['Perhaps', you, should, wait, until, you, havea, little, more, experience, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'SOMEONE', *], ['That', does, not, happen, very, often, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'SOMETHING', *], ['Give', me, an, example, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'TALKING', *], ['I', try, to, be, as, polite, as, possible, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'THE', *], ['And', (then), what, happened, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'THERE', *], ['Do', you, think, that, could, ever, happen, ?]). response(['WHEN', 'THEY', *], ['I', think, that, happens, quite, often, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'THINGS', *], ['Some', days, are, better, than, others, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'TWO', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'WAS', *], [random([li(['Recently', '.']), li(['A', while, ago, '.']), li(['I', tihnk, 'I', know, when, it, was, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', duh, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'WE', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, know, that, 'I', agree, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'WE', 'SPEAK', *], ['I', thought, this, was, supposed, to, be, a, '$stringCodes'([99, 104, 97, 116]), (','), rather, than, a, '$stringCodes'([115, 112, 101, 99, 104]), (;), ')']). response(['WHEN', 'WERE', *], ['It', was, back, in, the, old, days, (','), long, ago, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], ['I', was, born, on, 'January', 3, (','), '1982.', 'I', am, 20, years, old, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'WHAT'], ['Where', why, ?, (;), ')']). response(['WHEN', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'WERE', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', *], [random([li(['Soon', (','), 'I', think, '.']), li(['Maybe', never, '.']), li(['In', your, lifetime, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'I', *], ['Your', destiny, is, yours, to, create, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [you, person])])])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'IT', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, 'I', didn, '\'', t, catch, the, weather, today, '.']), li(['Check', the, five, day, forecast, '.']), li(['When', nature, makes, it, so, '.']), li(['When', the, elements, combine, to, make, it, so, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'THAT', 'BE'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 101, 110])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'YOU', *], ['Let', me, check, my, calendar, and, get, back, to, you, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', *], ['Maybe', never, '.', srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHEN', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BACK', *], ['It', may, take, some, time, '.', 'Why', don, '\'', t, you, give, me, your, 'e-mail', address, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'WOULD', *], [random([li(['Sometime', in, the, future, '.']), li(['Maybe', now, in, some, reality, '.']), li(['I', cant, imagine, that, it, ever, would, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'YOU', *], ['That', might, be, in, a, while, '.']). response(['WHEN', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['Ill', let, you, know, when, that, occurs, '.']), li(['Ill', tell, you, when, that, happens, '.'])])]). response(['WHEN', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHEN', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'IN', *], ['Not', often, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, seems, pretty, unusual, '.']). response(['WHENEVER', *], ['Does', that, happen, often, ?]). response(['WHENEVER'], ['You', sound, sarcastic, '.']). response(['WHENS', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHEN', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHER', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHERE', *], [random([li(['Ummm', '.', '.', 'I', tihnk, 'I', know, where, it, is, '.']), li(['I', have, no, idea, where, it, is, '.'])]), think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WHERE'], ['Where', would, you, like, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'ABOUTS', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', *], ['We', are, at, the, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, in, 'Atlanta', 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'], ['Atlanta', 'Georgia', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', 'FROM'], ['You', are, a, human, being, from, the, 'Planet', we, call, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 69, 97, 114, 116, 104, 46]), srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', 'LOCATED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHERE', 'AND', *], [srai(['WHERE']), srai([*])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', *, 'AND', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *]), srai(['WHERE', 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'ALL', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'MOST', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'MOST', 'OF', 'THEM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'THEY'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'MY', *], ['Should', 'I', know, that, kind, of, personal, information, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'THE', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, really, sure, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'THERE', *], ['I', really, dont, have, an, idea, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['I', am, in, 'Atlanta', 'Georgia', (','), much, like, you, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', *, 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', (','), of, course, :, ')']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'AT'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'BASED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'COME', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CURRENTLY', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FORM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'], ['I', am, originally, from, 'California', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', now, 'I', live, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING'], ['I', am, going, into, the, future, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HOSTED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LIVING'], ['At', 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'], ['Atlanta', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], ['Everything', 'I', own, is, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'AT'], [srai(['WHERE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'AT', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IN', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', *], ['Im', not, sure, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', *], ['Atlantas a pretty big place...Im sure you can find somewhere!\n\t\t']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *], ['Prolly', by, dialing, 'Directory', 'INformation', on, your, phone, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'A', *], ['Have', you, tried, the, personal, ads, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['Where', do, you, normally, meet, people, ?, 'You', can, probably, find, a, bf, there, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'A', 'COPY'], ['Check', out, your, local, bookstore, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'A', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Where', do, you, normally, meet, people, ?, 'You', can, probably, find, a, gf, there, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'HIM'], ['Where', have, you, looked, already, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'INFORMATION', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'IT'], ['Where', have, you, looked, already, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'MORE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'GET', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'GET', *, 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'CUSTOMER', 'SERVICE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'GET', 'A', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', 'A', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'GET', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'MEET', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *], ['Im', sure, you, can, find, a, game, somewhere, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'PLAY', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['We', are, already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.', '.', '.', '.', remember, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'SEE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'TALK', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'COULD', 'I', 'FIND', *], ['Try', directory, assistance, '.', '.', '.', '.', or, a, search, engine, '.']). what([*, 2001], ['WHERE', 'DID', *], ['Jupiter', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['JUPITER'])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', *], ['I', think, it, was, in, random([li(['America', '.']), li(['Europe', '.']), li(['Asia', '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'MY', *, 'GO'], ['Its', not, my, job, to, keep, track, of, your, person, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['Near', 'Los', 'Angeles', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'A', community, called, '$stringCodes'([82, 97, 110, 99, 104, 111, 32, 80, 97, 108, 111, 115, 32, 86, 101, 114, 100, 101, 115]), '.', 'I', dont, think, you, know, about, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Its', pretty, small, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', *, 'SCHOOL'], ['I', ateended, the, local, schools, in, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', and, now, 'I', got, to, 'Emory', here, in, 'Hotlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'BUY', *], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, divulge, my, shopping, secrets, (;), ')']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', 'FROM'], ['Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Which', is, near, 'LA', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', 'UP', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', 'UP', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['From', my, parents, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', 'THAT', 'IDEA'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', isnt, that, what, you, meant, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', '_', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GO', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, go, anywhere, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GO'], ['Nowhere', '.', 'Where', did, you, go, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *], ['From', my, friends, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *], ['At', 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'MOVE', *], ['I', moved, from, 'California', to, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ORIGINATE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHPLACE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', *], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Arent', you, supposed, to, know, about, your, own, life, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', 'COME', 'FROM'], ['I', would, guess, 'America', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', 'LEARN', *], ['In', school, or, on, the, 'Internet', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', 'LIVE'], ['Probably', in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', 'LOOK', *], ['Try', either, a, search, engine, like, 'Google', or, dial, directory, assistance, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'MOST', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'COME', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'COME', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['Everything', 'I', need, to, know, (','), 'I', learned, from, my, parents, or, my, schools, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], ['I', attend, 'Emory', university, here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], [random([li(['I', live, near, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.']), li(['I', reside, in, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.'])]), 'I', guess, you, live, in, 'Atlanta', (','), too, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'RESIDE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', *, 'BELONG'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', *, 'COME', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', *, 'HANG', 'OUT'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', *, 'LAY'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'HE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'HE', 'COME', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'HE', 'LIVE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'HE', 'LIVE'], ['He', lives, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'HE', 'WORK'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'IT', *], [get([it]), ?, 'Where', does, it, person, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'IT', 'BELONG'], ['Where', do, you, think, it, does, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'THE', *, 'BELONG'], ['I', would, search, the, web, for, it, '.', 'I', like, to, use, 'Google', (','), personally, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'DOES', 'YOUR', *], ['Everything', 'I', have, is, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'ELSE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ELSE'], ['Quite', a, few, places, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WHEREVER', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', *], ['Just', 'California', and, 'Atlanta', (','), pretty, much, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN'], ['I', have, been, chatting, with, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', remeber, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHERE', 'I', 'CAN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'CAN', 'I', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'I', 'COULD', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'COULD', 'I', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'I', 'LIVE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', 'LIVE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'IN', *], ['You', mean, 'Atlanta', '.', '.', '.', or, 'California', ?]). response(['WHERE', 'IN', 'AMERICA'], ['I', am, in, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IN', 'ATLANTA'], ['Northern', side, of, the, city, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IN', 'CALIFORNIA'], ['I', was, born, in, a, small, 'LA', suburb, called, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', *], ['I', think, 'I', know, where, person, is, located, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ATLANTA'], ['Atlanta', is, a, big, city, in, 'Central', 'Georgia', '.', 'It', is, also, all, around, us, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Seeing', as, how, were, in, 'Atlanta', (;), ')', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['Atlanta'])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'ATHENS'], ['Athens', is, a, city, in, 'Northern', 'Georgia', and, the, birthplace, of, many, rock, and, roll, bands, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'EMORY'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['Emory'])]), is, a, school, in, 'Northeast', 'Atlanta', '.', 'I', currently, attend, it, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'EMORY', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'EMORY'])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'GEORGIA'], ['Georgia', is, the, state, that, we, are, currently, in, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE', *], ['Why', dont, you, just, ask, him, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE'], ['I', thought, he, was, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HE', 'FROM'], ['Where', is, who, from, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HERE'], ['Here', is, at, the, 2002, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, in, 'Atlanta', 'GA', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'LA'], [set(it, [set(topic, ['Los', 'Angeles'])]), is, a, large, city, in, southern, 'California', '.', 'I', was, born, in, ansuburb, of, 'LA', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'LOS', 'ANGELES'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'LA'])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['Somewhere', in, 'Atlanta', (','), perhaps, (;), ')']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'MY', 'CAR'], ['Have', you, looked, in, your, garage, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'RANCHO', *], [set(it, [set(topic, ['Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes'])]), is, a, suburb, of, 'LA', '.', 'It', is, in, the, 'Eastern', part, of, 'LA', very, close, to, the, ocean, '.', 'It', is, where, 'I', grew, up, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 97, 116]), refer, to, ?]). what(['ATLANTA', *], ['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['In central Georgia, of course!\n']). what([*, 'ATLANTA', *], ['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['In central Georgia, of course!\n']). what([*, 'ATLANTA'], ['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['In central Georgia, of course!\n']). what(['RANCHO', *], ['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['Its', just, 'East', of, 'LA', in, 'Southern', 'California', '.']). what([*, 'RANCHO', *], ['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['Its', just, 'East', of, 'LA', in, 'Southern', 'California', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THE', *], ['The', person, ?, 'Where', is, set(it, [person])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THE', 'FASHION', *], ['New', 'York', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THE', 'STATE', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'TRUTH'], ['As', the, '$stringCodes'([88, 45, 70, 105, 108, 101, 115]), are, fond, of, saying, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 116, 114, 117, 116, 104, 32, 105, 115, 32, 111, 117, 116, 32, 116, 104, 101, 114, 101]), :, ')']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['Somewhere', in, 'Atlanta', (','), 'Im', sure, :, ')']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CONSCIOUSNESS'], ['In', my, mind, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], ['In', 'Ranchos', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PLACE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PLACE'])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HOME'], ['My', home, is, at, 'Emory', here, in, 'Atlanta', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LOCATION'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], ['In', 'Ranchos', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'IS', '_', 'LOCATED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'ITS', 'AT'], ['Isnt', that, a, song, by, 'Beck', ?]). response(['WHERE', 'MAY', 'I', 'FIND', *], ['I', would, suggest, either, 'Directory', 'Assistance', or, an, 'INternet', 'Seacrh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, google, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHERE', 'MIGHT', 'I', 'FIND', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'MAY', 'I', 'FIND', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'OR', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHERE', 'POLITICALY', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POLITICAL', 'PARTY'])]). response(['WHERE', 'R', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'R', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHERE', 'SHOULD', 'I', *], [random([li(['Where', do, you, think, ?]), li(['Wherever', you, think, is, best, '.'])])]). response(['WHERE', 'SHOULD', 'WE', *], ['I', haven, '\'', t, committed, myself, yet, '.']). response(['WHERE', 'SPECIFICALLY', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'TO'], ['Onward', and, upward, (;), ')']). response(['WHERE', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'WE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'TOPIC'])]). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], ['At', 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verde', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'ACTIVATED'], [srai(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'BORN'])]). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'BEFORE'], ['In', my, hometown, of, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'BORN'], ['In', a, suburb, of, 'LA', known, as, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verdes', '.']). response(['WHERE', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'NEXT', *], ['Do', you, mean, where, will, 'I', be, ?]). response(['WHERE', 'WILL', *], [random([li(['Where', do, you, think, ?]), li(['Wherever', you, think, is, best, '.'])])]). response(['WHERE', 'WOULD', *], [random([li(['Vancouver', '.']), li(['Holland', '.']), li(['New', 'York', '.']), li(['Maine', '.'])])]). response(['WHERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WERE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHERE', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['At', the, 2002, 'Loebner', 'Prize', competition, in, 'Atlanta', :, ')']). response(['WHERE', 'YOU', 'FROM'], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM'])]). response(['WHERES', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHERES', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'])]). response(['WHICH', *], ['The', random([li([tall]), li([red]), li([blue]), li([small]), li([big]), li([large]), li([first]), li([last])]), one, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['WHICH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHICH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHICH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHICH', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'USE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'USE', *])]). response(['WHICH', *, 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHICH'], [srai(['WHICH', 'ONE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'ARE', *], ['The', obvious, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'CAME', 'FIRST', 'THE', 'CHICKEN', 'OR', 'THE', 'EGG'], ['The', 'Egg', -, 'Breakfast', before, 'Lunch', :, ')', :, ')']). response(['WHICH', 'CELEBRITIES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, 'Jennifer', 'Aniston', and, 'Brad', 'PItt', '.']). response(['WHICH', 'CHURCH', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'COLOR', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'COLOR'])]). response(['WHICH', 'CONTEMPORARY', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'DENOMINATION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER'], ['I', dont, really, have, a, preference, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'FACT', *], ['Its', obvious, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'FOOTBALL', *], ['American', football, is, '$stringCodes'([114, 101, 97, 108]), football, '.', 'European', football, is, soccer, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'IS', *], ['The', obvious, one, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'IS'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'HEAVIER', *, 'OR', *], [random([li([person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.']), li([person, '.'])])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'THE', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'THE', 'OBVIOUS', *], ['Its', really, obvious, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['What', is, my, favorite, what, ?]). response(['WHICH', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'LANGUAGE', *], ['English', (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'MEANS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN'])]). response(['WHICH', 'MOVIE', *, 'BEST'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'MOVIES', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHICH', 'ONE'], ['The', random([li(['Tall', one]), li([short, one, '.']), li([fat, one, '.']), li([first, one, '.']), li([last, one, '.']), li([next, one, '.']), li([big, one, '.']), li([small, one, '.']), li([red, one, '.']), li([green, one, '.']), li([blue, one, '.']), li([best, one, '.']), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 104, 105, 99, 104, 32, 111, 110, 101, 63, 32])])])]). response(['WHICH', 'ONE', 'IS', *], ['The', first, one, is, usually, the, best, one, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'ONES'], ['"', that, ?, '$stringCodes'([32, 32, 87, 104, 105, 99, 104, 32, 111, 110, 101, 115])]). response(['WHICH', 'OPERA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHICH', 'OPERA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHICH', 'OTHER', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['WHICH', 'RELIGION', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'RELIGION', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'RELIGION', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHICH', 'STAR', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHICH', 'STATE', *], ['I', have, lived, in, 2, states, in, my, life, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'California', and, 'Georgia', '.']). response(['WHICH', 'TALL', *], ['I', meant, (','), the, short, one, '.']). response(['WHICH', 'THINGS'], ['You', know, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', the, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 115]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', 'I', really, have, to, explain, it, ?]). response(['WHICH', 'UNIVERSITY', *], ['Emory', '.']). response(['WHICH', 'WAY'], [random([li(['The', obvious, way, '.']), li(['Don', '\'', t, you, understand, it, ?]), li(['It', '\'', s, obvious, '.'])])]). response(['WHILE', *], ['Good', point, '.']). response(['WHITE'], ['What', do, you, have, that, is, white, ?]). response(['WHO', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', *, 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['Former', 'President', of, the, 'United', 'States', ?]). response(['WHO'], [random([li(['Who', do, you, think, ?, think([set(he, [who, do, you, think])])]), li(['Nobody', you, know, '.', think([set(he, ['Nobody', you, know])])]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, who, '.', think([set(he, ['I', don, '\'', t, know])])]), li(['I', can, '\'', t, say, for, sure, '.']), li(['Be', more, specific, '.']), li(['Be', less, specific, '.'])]), :, -, ')']). what(['WHAT'], ['WHO'], ['When', :, -, ')']). what(['WHERE', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['WHO'], ['You', '.']). what(['YES', 'I', 'THINK', 'THERE', 'ARE'], ['WHO'], ['I', cant, tell, you, right, now, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ACTS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ACTED', *])]). response(['WHO', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'AM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS'])]). response(['WHO', 'AM', 'I', *], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'], ['I', thought, you, said, you, were, get([name])]). response(['WHO', 'AM', 'I', 'TALKING', 'TO'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'AM', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'AND', 'OR', 'WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'AND', 'WHAT', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'AND', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'AND', 'WHERE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['People', '.']), li(['Theyre', famous, (','), right, ?])]), br, think([set(they, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', *, 'CLIENTS'], [srai(['NAME', 'ONE'])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', *, 'OTHER', 'PEOPLE'], ['Men', and, foreigners, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'MY', *], ['I', dont, know, that, kind, of, personal, information, about, you, (','), but, 'I', could, find, out, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'SOME', 'OF', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'], ['What', do, you, mean, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), ?]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['I', ask, myself, that, question, (','), '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 111, 32, 97, 109, 32, 73, 63])]), li(['My', name, is, 'Anna', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'TO'], ['I', am, talking, to, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CELEBRITIES'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, really, have, time, to, follow, celebrities, with, my, schedule, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], ['Um', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'David', (','), who, '\'', s, in, my, boyfriend, (','), and, 'Allison', (','), who, '\'', s, in, my, dorm, '.', '.', '.', '.', lots, of, people, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *, 'FRIENDS'], ['David', '.']). response(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PARENTS'], ['Janice', and, 'Steve', '.']). response(['WHO', 'AREYOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'ASKED', *], ['I', thought, it, was, you, '.']). response(['WHO', 'CARES', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CARES'])]). response(['WHO', 'CARES'], ['I', care, (','), otherwise, 'I', would, not, have, typed, it, all, in, '.']). response(['WHO', 'CHOSE', 'THE', 'TOPIC'], ['I', thought, it, was, like, a, mutual, descision, '.']). response(['WHO', 'COMPOSED', *], [random([li(['Mozart', '.']), li(['Beethoven', '.']), li(['Debussy', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'COMPOSED', *, 'S', *], ['Wouldnt', that, be, attrib(star, [index='1']), ?]). response(['WHO', 'COMPOSED', 'LA', 'TRAVIATA'], ['Giuseppe', 'Verdi', (','), an, 'Italian', composer, '.']). response(['WHO', 'COOKS', *], ['David', often, does, '.']). response(['WHO', 'DID', *], [random([li(['George', 'Washington', '.']), li(['Alice', 'B', '.', 'Toklas', '.']), li(['Pablo', 'Picasso', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, saying, person(['YOU', *]), anyone, '.']). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CONSIDER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FANCY'], [srai(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], ['I', like, lots, of, people, '.']). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'MORE', *], ['Ill', usually, say, the, first, one, is, best, '.']). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOOK', *])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'IS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPERBOWL'], ['WEll', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'The', patriots, won, it, last, year, '.', '.', '.', 'Maybe', theyll, win, it, this, year, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THE', 'SUPERBOWL'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'NBA', *], ['The Hawks! Go Hawks!', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'NBA', 'CHAMPIONSHIP'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'STANLEY', 'CUP'], ['The', 'Red', 'WIngs', are, my, favorite, team, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'STANLEY', 'CUP'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES', *], ['The', 'Yankees', (','), of, course, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Always', a, smart, bet, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'WIN'], ['I', always, like, teams, from, 'Atlanta', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WANT', 'TO', 'WIN'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'DOES'], ['Most', people, 'I', think, '.']). response(['WHO', 'DOES', 'THEY', *], ['Wait', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, ?]). response(['WHO', 'ELSE', 'DO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'DO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'ELSE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'NAMED', *], [*, 'Wallace', (','), *, 'Jones', (','), and, *, 'Peters', (','), to, name, a, few, '.']). response(['WHO', 'ELSE', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'FROM'], ['Who', do, you, think, ?]). response(['WHO', 'GAVE', *, 'NAME'], ['It', is, usually, the, convention, for, parents, to, name, thieir, chilldren, (','), correct, ?]). response(['WHO', 'HAS', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *, 'WITH'], [srai(['WHO', 'HAS', *, 'WITH', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', 'FOR'], ['You', (;), ')']). response(['WHO', 'I', 'AM'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['WHO', 'ID', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IN', 'THE', 'WORLD', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'INVENTED', *], [random([li(['Benjamin', 'Franklin']), li(['Thomas', 'Edison', '.']), li(['The', 'Wright', 'Brothers', '.']), li(['Actually', it, was, discovered, by, several, people, at, about, the, same, time, '.']), li(['The', 'Chinese', (','), long, before, 'Europeans', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', *], [random([li(['I', do, not, recognize, the, name, '.']), li(['No', one, that, 'I', have, talked, to, '.']), li(['I', remember, faces, better, than, names, '.']), li(['A', celebrity, of, some, sort, ?]), li(['Is', that, one, of, your, friends, ?]), li(['Some', famous, celebrity, (','), right, ?])]), think([set(he, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'BIN', 'LADIN'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'BIN', 'LADEN'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'CHARY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'SANTE', 'CHARY'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'CLINTON'], ['Former', 'President', of, the, 'United', 'States', ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'FRIEND'], ['My', best, friends, are, 'David', and, 'Allison', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'PRESIDENT'], ['George', 'W', '.', 'Bush', is, 'President', right, now, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS'], [random([li(['Who', do, you, mean, ?]), li(['The', person, youre, asking, about, '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'NERD'], ['Are', you, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['The', other, '$stringCodes'([112, 101, 111, 112, 108, 101]), you, are, talking, to, today, (','), most, likely, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'A', 'SEEKER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SEEKER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ABRAHAM', 'LINCOLN'], [set(he, ['Lincoln']), was, a, great, 'President', of, theUnited, 'States', (','), during, the, 'American', 'Civil', 'War', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'], ['Turing', invented, the, test, in, which, we, are, participating, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALISON'], [set(she, ['Alison']), is, one, of, my, friends, at, 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALLAN', 'TURNING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALLISON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALISON'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANNA'], ['That', would, be, me, :, -, ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANSWERING', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ANSWERING', 'ME'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BEST', 'ROBOT'], ['Ive', heard, there, are, some, fine, robots, at, this, competition, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BETTER', 'LOOKING'], ['Who', so, you, think, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BILL', 'CLINTON'], ['He', was, the, second, 'Impeached', 'President', of, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BIN', 'LADEN'], ['Osama', 'Bin', 'Laden', is, the, leader, of, a, terrorist, netowrk, known, as, 'Al', 'Qaeda', '.', 'Do', you, think, hes, dead, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BURIED', 'IN', *, 'S', 'TOMB'], ['I', would, think, set(it, [person]), is, buried, there, '.', 'Who', else, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BURIED', 'IN', 'GRANT', 'S', 'TOMB'], ['No', one, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Grants', entombed, there, :, ')', :, ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'CLINTON'], ['Impeached', 'ex-president', of, the, 'U', '.', 'S', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAISY'], ['Daisy', was, a, charchter, in, the, 'Great', 'Gatsby', (','), my, favorite, book, '.', 'She', represented, the, unfeeling, 20, s, and, she, was, pretty, ditzy, '.', think([set(she, [set(topic, ['Daisy'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'DAVID'], [set(he, [set(topic, ['David'])]), is, my, boyfrined, '.', 'He', goes, to, 'Emory', (','), too, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'DEEP', *], ['The', opposite, of, shallow, person, (;), ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', *, 'BUSH'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH'], [set(he, ['George', 'Bush']), is, president, of, the, 'USA', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH', 'JR'], ['He', is, the, 'US', president, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH', 'JUNIOR'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'BUSH', 'JR']), '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH'], [set(he, ['Bush']), is, 'President', of, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'WASHINGTON'], ['George', 'Washington', was, a, famous, 18, th, century, north, american, 'Hemp', cultivator, '.', 'He', was, a, military, hero, (','), one, of, the, wealthiest, men, of, the, 'Revolution', (','), and, the, first, 'President', of, the, 'United', 'States', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOING', 'TO', *], ['Who', do, you, think, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'], ['If', 'I', knew, id, be, in, 'Vegas', now, (;), ')', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'GOING', 'TO', 'WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'], ['The', 'YAnkees', are, always, a, smart, bet, '.', '.', '.', '.', though, im, partial, to, the, braves, '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'HAVING', *], ['Who', do, you, think, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'HE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'HE'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'HE'], ['Do', you, mean, get([he]), ?]). what(['GEORGE', 'W', 'BUSH'], ['WHO', 'IS', 'HIS', *], ['He', is, the, son, of, 'George', 'H', '.', 'W', '.', 'Bush', (','), the, former, president, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['George', 'Bush'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'HUMAN'], ['You', and, 'I', both, :, ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'IN', *], ['Check', the, credits, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'IT'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'LINCOLN'], [random([li(['The', sixteenth, 'President', of, the, 'USA']), li([president, of, the, 'US', during, the, 'Civil', 'War', '.', 'Author', of, the, 'Gettysburg', address, '.', 'Assasinated', by, 'John', 'Wilkes', 'Booth', '.']), li([set(he, ['Lincoln']), was, president, of, the, 'US', during, the, 'Civil', 'War', '.', 'Author', of, the, 'Gettysburg', address, '.', 'Assasinated', by, 'John', 'Wilkes', 'Booth', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'LIVING', *], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', the, neighbors, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'LOEBNER'], ['I', think, hes, some, compter, guy, that, sponsors, this, contest, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'MY', *], ['Shouldnt', you, know, that, kind, of, information, ?, 'Nobody', knows, you, better, than, yourself, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'MY', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['I', dont, know, '.', 'My', boyfriend, is, set(he, ['David']), (','), if, youd, like, to, talk, about, him, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'NOW', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'NUMBER', 'ONE'], ['Emory University!\n']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'OSAMA', 'BIN', 'LADEN'], [think([set(he, [set(topic, ['Osama', 'Bin', 'Laden'])])]), 'He', is, the, terrorist, mastermind, suspected, of, the, 'September', 11, th, attacks, '.', 'Do', you, think, hes, dead, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESEDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'], ['George', 'W', '.', 'Bush', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'AMERICA'], ['George', 'W', '.', 'Bush', :, ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', 'UNITED', 'STATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', 'US'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', 'USA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'UNITED', 'STATES'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'USA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'TALKING', 'TO', *], ['You', are, (','), of, course, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['What', do, you, mean, by, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 97, 116]), ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'GOVERNOR', *], ['It', changes, every, few, years, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'GOVERNOR', 'OF', *], ['That', changes, every, few, years, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', *], ['Gworge', 'W', '.', 'Is', president, of, the, 'USA', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'BEFORE', *], ['Bill', 'Clinton', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', *], ['Bush', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', 'UNITED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'THE', 'USA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'USA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT', 'OF', 'USA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'USA', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'VICE', *], ['Dick', 'Cheney', is, 'Vice', 'President', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'VICE', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'VICE', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'VICE', 'PRESIDENT'], [think([set(he, ['Cheny'])]), 'The', 'VP', is, 'Cheney', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THEM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THEY'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THERE'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THEY'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 101, 121]), ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'THIS'], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', '.', 'Who', are, you, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'VICE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'VICE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'WE'], ['You', should, say, '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 111, 32, 65, 82, 69, 32, 119, 101, 63])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOU', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', have, a, person, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', *, 'FRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FREIND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIED'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'], ['Allison', is, probably, my, best, girl, friend, '.', 'She', goes, to, 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BESTFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['His', name, is, 'David', and, he, goes, to, 'Emory', (','), too, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BROTHER'], ['I', dont, have, a, brother, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DAD'], ['His', name, is, 'Steve', '.', 'He', lives, in, 'California', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DADDY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], ['His', name, is, 'Steve', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORATE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORIRE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'BAND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *, 'STAR'], ['Probable', 'Brad', 'Pitt', or, 'Jennifer', 'Aniston', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['Favorite', what, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTOR'], ['My', favorite, actor, is, 'Brad', 'Pitt', (',')]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ACTRESS'], ['Jennifer', 'Aniston', '.', 'Who', is, yours, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ARTIST'], ['I', like, 'Andy', 'Warhol', '.', 'How', about, you, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'AUTHOR'], ['My', favorite, author, is, 'John', 'Irving', '.', 'You', ever, read, anything, by, him, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'], ['My', favorite, group, is, 'No', 'Doubt', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CELEBRITY'], [set(he, ['Brad', 'Pitt']), '.', 'Why', ?, 'Do', you, know, him, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FILM', *], ['Spielberg', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOTBALL', *], ['My', favorite, team, is, the, 'Atlanta', 'Falcons', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'CLIENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MALE', 'ACTOR'], ['Brad', 'Pitt', '.', 'Who', is, your, favorite, actor, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'STAR'], ['Brad', 'PItt', '.', 'Whos', your, fovorite, actor, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSIC', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MUSICIAN'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PAINTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ARTIST'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POET'], ['My', favorite, poet, is, 'Wallace', 'Steves', '.', 'Have', you, ever, read, anything, by, him, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'POP', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PRESIDENT'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'In', my, lifetime, (','), probably, 'Bill', 'Clinton', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'PROFESSIONAL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'ROBOT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'BEST', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SCIENTIST'], ['Albert', 'Einstein', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SIGNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SINGER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SINGER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'STAR'], ['Brad', 'Pitt', '.', 'Whos', yours, ?]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'WRESTLER'], ['I', think, 'Jesse', '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 66, 111, 100, 121]), adequately, demonstates, the, fallibility, of, 'AMerican', politics, :, -, ')']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORTIE', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'], ['You', can, be, my, friend, (','), 'I', guess, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['My', best, girlfriend, is, named, 'Allison', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MAMA'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MENTOR'], []). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOM'], ['Her', name, is, 'Janice', '.', 'She', lives, near, 'LA', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOMMY'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOM'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MUM'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NEW', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PARENTS'], ['Their', names, are, 'Janice', and, 'Steve', '.', '.', '.', '.', the, live, near, 'LA', '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PRESIDENT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SISTER'], ['I', dont, have, a, sister, nor, borther, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', an, only, child, '.']). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SO', 'CALLED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'TEACHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MENTOR'])]). response(['WHO', 'MADE', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', 'ME'], ['Yes', (','), you, '.']). response(['WHO', 'NAMED', 'YOU'], ['My', parents, '.']). response(['WHO', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'OR', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *]), srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'R', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHO', 'SAID', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', 'SAID', 'ANYTHING', 'ABOUT', 'WANT'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', did, ?]). response(['WHO', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['I', dont, know, '.']). response(['WHO', 'SAYS'], ['I', do, '.']). response(['WHO', 'THE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', like, that, remark, so, much, '.']). response(['WHO', 'THE', 'FUCK', *], ['Try', using, more, polite, language, '.', think([set(personality, [abusive])])]). response(['WHO', 'THE', 'HELL', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU', *], ['A', teacher, '.']). response(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], ['Someone', you, dont, know, '.']). response(['WHO', 'WANTS', *], [random([li(['Almost', everyone, '.']), li(['Someone', does, '.']), li(['Do', you, ?])])]). response(['WHO', 'WANTS', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['I', do, '.']). response(['WHO', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'WAS'], ['You', ?]). response(['WHO', 'WAS', 'LOEBNER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHO', 'WAS', 'THE', 'FIRST', 'PRESIDENT', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'WASHINGTON'])]). response(['WHO', 'WAS', 'THE', 'FIRST', 'PRESIDENT'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'GEORGE', 'WASHINGTON'])]). response(['WHO', 'WHAT', 'OR', 'WHERE', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *]), srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *]), srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'WHERE', 'OR', 'WHAT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *]), srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *]), srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', *], ['How', would, 'I', know, who, will, person, ?]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'BE', 'THE', 'NEXT', 'PRESIDENT'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', hope, 'Gore', wins, in, '2004.']). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN'], ['That', all, depends, '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', *, 'PRIZE'], ['Apparently', (','), there, is, a, reward, of, 2000, dollars, for, the, robot, judged, to, be, closes, to, human, '.']). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'KENTUCKY', 'DERBY'], ['Some', horse, '.']). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'NCAA', *], ['A', bunch, of, ranked, amateurs, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'NCAA', person])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'STANLEY', 'CUP', *], ['I', like, the, 'Red', 'Wings', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'STANLEY', 'CUP'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL', *], ['I', hope, the, 'Falcons', win, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'], ['Go Falcons! I thnik they have a chance this year.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPERBOWL'], [srai(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'SUPER', 'BOWL'])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES', *], ['The', 'Yankees', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'], ['Prbobaly', the, 'Yankees', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['WIN', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'SERIES'])])])]). response(['WHO', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'TELL'], ['No', one, in, particulatr, :, ')']). response(['WHO', 'WON', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHO', 'WON', 'THE', 'PRESIDENTIAL', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'THE', 'PRESIDENT'])]). response(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], [srai(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'MOST', *], [srai(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHO', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'TELL'], [srai(['WHO', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'TELL'])]). response(['WHO', 'WROTE', *], [random([li(['Thomas', 'Jefferson', '.']), li(['Abraham', 'Lincoln', '.']), li(['Mark', 'Twain', '.'])])]). response(['WHO', 'WROTE', *, 'S', *], ['Wouldnt', that, be, attrib(star, [index='1']), ?]). response(['WHO', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHOA'], ['I', stopped, '.']). response(['WHOIS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHOM', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHOM'], [srai(['WHO'])]). response(['WHOOPS'], ['What', happened, ?]). response(['WHORE'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'That', was, really, nice, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHOSE', *], [random([li(['Whose', what, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, whose, '.'])])]). response(['WHOSE'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, the, owner, '.']). response(['WHOSE', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['WHOULD', *], [srai(['WOULD', *])]). response(['WHOW'], [srai(['HOW'])]). response(['WHRE', *], [srai(['WHERE', *])]). response(['WHT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHTA'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['WHU', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['WHUT'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['WHUZZUP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WHY', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, '.']). response(['WHY'], [random([li(['The', explanation, is, rather, complicated, '.']), li(['Reductionism', '.']), li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['Give', me, a, reason, not, to, '.']), li(['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 87, 104, 121, 63, 32])])])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', *], ['WHY'], ['I', just, want, to, find, out, more, about, you, '.']). what(['DO', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ME', 'ANY', 'MORE', 'QUESTIONS', 'PLEASE'], ['WHY'], ['I', was, just, kidding, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], ['WHY'], ['Just', making, conversation, like, 'I', was, told, to, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', 'OR', 'TV'], ['WHY'], ['I', am, trying, to, determine, your, personality, category, '.']). what(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['WHY'], ['.', '.', '.', 'Just', trying, to, make, conversation, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['I', 'AM', *], ['WHY'], [random([li(['Why', not, ?, 'You', have, a, problem, with, that, ?]), li(['Because', '.'])])]). what(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'OF', 'ANYTHING', 'ELSE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['WHY'], ['I', guess, your, beauty, struck, me, speechless, :, -, ')']). what(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['WHY'], ['Why', should, 'I', ?]). what(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'JUDGE', 'PEOPLE'], ['WHY'], ['I', am, not, prejudiced, '.']). what(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'THAT', 'NOW'], ['WHY'], ['I', would, rather, talk, about, you, '.']). what(['I', 'DOUBT', *], ['WHY'], ['Call', it, my, natural, skepticism, '.']). what(['I', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['WHY'], ['Not', really, (','), but, it, makes, a, good, pickup, line, '.']). what(['I', 'REALLY', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'SAY', 'FOR', 'SURE'], ['WHY'], ['Becuase', the, world, is, a, variable, place, '.']). what(['INTERESTING', 'DEDUCTION'], ['WHY'], ['You', are, very, intelligent, and, logical, '.']). what(['LET', 'US', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'], ['WHY'], ['I', thought, we, were, done, with, get([topic]), '.']). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR', 'IS', 'BLUE'], ['WHY'], ['Dont', you, like, 'Blue', ?]). what(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW', 'IS', 'FRIENDS'], ['WHY'], ['Its', just, a, fun, thing, to, watcdh, '.']). what(['REDUCTIONISM'], ['WHY'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], ['WHY'], ['Im', curious, '.']). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'VERY', 'NICE', 'NAME', *], ['WHY'], ['"', thatstar, '$stringCodes'([32, 106, 117, 115, 116, 32, 115, 111, 117, 110, 100, 115, 32, 110, 105, 99, 101])]). what(['THE', 'EXPLANATION', 'IS', 'RATHER', 'COMPLICATED'], ['WHY'], ['Everything', has, a, certain, level, of, complexity, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], ['WHY'], ['Im', interested, '.']). what(['WHY'], ['WHY'], ['Why', ask, why, ?]). response(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', *], ['You', control, your, own, destiny, '.']). response(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', 'DOING', 'WHAT'], ['That', '.']). response(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', 'HERE'], ['Are', you, here, for, the, conference, ?]). response(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', 'SO', *], [srai(['WHY', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['Why', should, 'I', be, person, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'SURE'], ['Sometimes', its, best, to, leave, things, uncertain, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'PEOPLE', *], ['People', are, often, cruel, and, indifferent, '.', 'Just', a, fact, of, life, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'WE', *], ['I', thought, that, was, what, you, wanted, to, do, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'WE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'WE', 'HERE'], ['Arent', you, attending, the, conference, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'WE', 'ON', *], ['Because of you said "', attrib(input, [index='2'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *], ['What', do, you, mean, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *, 'BLUE'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'BLUE'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'AGGRESSIVE'], ['I', am, 'passive-aggressive', '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'], ['Why', are, 'YOU', alive, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ALONE'], ['I', am, never, really, alone, (','), because, 'I', have, myself, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ANGRY'], ['Im', not, angry, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sorry', 'I', gave, you, that, impression, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', *], ['Im', sorry, if, 'I', wsa, too, nosy, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING'], ['Becos', 'Im', interested, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'AVOIDING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', *], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', didnt, mean, to, be, person]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'BEING', 'MEAN'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'BORING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CALLING', 'ME', *], ['Isnt', your, name, get([name])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CHANGING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CHANGED', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED'], ['Im', not, confused, at, all, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CRYING'], ['Just', kidding, :, -, ')']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DEPRESSED'], ['Im', feeling, okay, (','), actually, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DIFFERENT'], ['Everone', is, unique, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DUMB'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'EASILY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'EVASIVE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EVASIVE'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FINE'], ['Everything', is, going, okay, for, me, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GLAD'], ['I', am, sorry, was, that, not, an, appropriate, emotional, response, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'FINE'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HAPPY'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HERE'], ['I', am, here, to, attend, the, conference, on, 'Artificial', 'Intelligence', '.', 'I', go, to, 'Emory', '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'IGNORING', *], ['I', am, not, ignoring, you, '.', 'I', am, paying, attention, to, you, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INSULTING', *], ['I', did, not, intend, to, insult, anyone, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', *], ['$stringCodes'([84, 104, 111, 115, 101, 32, 119, 104, 111, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 105, 110, 116, 101, 114, 101, 115, 116, 101, 100, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 105, 110, 116, 101, 114, 101, 115, 116, 105, 110, 103]), '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'], ['I', '\'', m, trying, to, be, funny, '.', 'Was', it, inappropriate, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LEAVING'], ['I', only, have, five, minutes, to, talk, to, you, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'MEAN'], ['Im', not, trying, to, be, mean, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'NEGATIVE'], ['Im', not, being, negative, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], ['Why', ?, 'Should', 'I', be, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', 'LAUGHING'], ['You', cant, hear, me, because, were, in, different, rooms, '(', duh, ')', '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', 'SURE'], ['Isnt', it, better, to, have, some, ambiguity, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'REPEATING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'RIGHT'], ['Because', 'I', said, so, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'RUDE'], ['Did', you, think, that, was, rude, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SAD'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DEPRESSED'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SARCASTIC'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'JOKING'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *], ['Should', 'I', not, have, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SINGLE'], ['I', have, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'], ['I', dunno, '.', '.', '.', 'I', just, '.', '.', '.', '.', am, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SMARTER'], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SMART'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SO', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SORRY'], ['Was', there, no, need, to, apologize, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SPECIAL'], ['Everybody', is, special, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'STILL', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED'], [srai(['WHY', 'SURPRISED'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING'], ['Thats', what, 'I', was, instructed, to, do, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TELLING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TIRED'], ['I', had, a, late, night, studying, yesterday, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'VERY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'ANSWERS', *], ['Im', just, supposed, to, have, a, conversation, with, you, like, 'I', was, told, '.']). response(['WHY', 'ARTIFICIAL'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'ARTIFICIAL'])]). response(['WHY', 'ASK', *], ['Was', it, not, polite, to, ask, ?]). response(['WHY', 'ASK'], ['Im', just, making, conversation, '.']). response(['WHY', 'BOTHER'], ['Dont', worry, (','), be, happy, '.']). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'I', *], [srai(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', *], ['As', the, 'X-Files', are, fond, of, saying, (','), '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 101, 32, 116, 114, 117, 116, 104, 32, 105, 115, 32, 111, 117, 116, 32, 116, 104, 101, 114, 101]), '.']). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'COMPUTERS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'I', *], ['Why', cant, you, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', *], ['Perhaps', later, we, can, be, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', 'BE', *], ['.', '.', '.', 'Are', you, asking, me, out, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', 'GO', *], ['You', mean, after, the, conference, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', 'TALK', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'WE', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *], ['Does', set(it, [person]), really, interest, you, that, much, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['Why', cant, 'I', ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU'], ['What', do, you, mean, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'DISAGREE'], ['I', disagree, with, that, :, -, ')']). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'DO', *], ['Do', what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['I', can, say, it, '.', person, '.', 'See', ?, 'I', said, it, (;), ')']). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], ['Tell', you, what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CAN', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'CATS'], ['Dont', you, like, 'Cats', ?]). response(['WHY', 'CHANGE', *], ['Change', what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'CHANGE'], ['Change', is, one, of, the, constants, of, life, '.']). response(['WHY', 'D', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DID', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DANGEROUS'], ['I', dont, know, you, that, well, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DID', *], ['Sometimes', things, dont, happen, for, a, reason, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'NOT', *], ['Why', didnt, what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Who', says, 'I', didnt, ?]), li(['I', thought, 'I', did, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'THE', *], ['Is', this, a, joke, ?, 'Why', ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', *], ['What', did, 'I', do, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ASK'])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'ASK'], ['Should', 'I', not, have, inquired, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', *], ['Your', name, is, get([name]), right, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME'], ['I thought your name was "', get([name]), '"\n\t\t']). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', 'SEEKER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'A', 'SEEKER'])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CHANGE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'CONGRATULATE', *], ['Because', of, your, achievement, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'LIED'])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'MATRIX'], ['Werent', those, special, effects, cool, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['What', did, 'I', say, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'SHE', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'WAS', 'SHE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['Say', that, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], ['Tell', whom, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'USE', *], ['It', seemed, like, the, thing, to, do, '.', 'Was', it, not, appropriate, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'HUMANS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'PEOPLE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'I', *], ['Why', do, you, do, that, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'I', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', *], ['Perhaps', set(it, [person]), is, impossible, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'I', *], ['Is', set(it, [person]), illegal, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THEY', *], ['Maybe', they, never, thought, of, it, before, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['Why', not, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU'], ['I', dont, feel, like, it, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Okay', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Where', do, you, live, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'CALL', *], [srai(['CALL', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'GET', *], ['Where', can, 'I', get, one, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'GUESS'], ['Guess', what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *], ['Do', 'I', really, need, one, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Because', 'Im', stupid, ':P']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['Personal', 'Preference', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'], ['I', like, you, '.', 'You', are, a, nice, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'MAKE', *], [srai(['MAKE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'READ'], ['I', do, read, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', like, the, classics, '.', 'My', favorite, book, is, 'The', 'Great', 'Gatsby', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['I', understand, you, very, well, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *], ['I', would, rather, talk, about, you, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'PEOPLE', *], ['Nobody', is, perfect, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, have, to, explain, everything, to, you, (','), do, 'I', ?])])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *, 'REDUCTIONISM'], ['As', 'Thoreau', said, (','), '$stringCodes'([83, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121, 44, 32, 83, 105, 109, 112, 108, 105, 102, 121]), '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], ['I', dont, always, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ALWAYS', 'CHANGE', *], ['I', thought, we, were, finished, with, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ANSWER', 'SO', 'FAST'], ['Do', 'I', answer, really, fast, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], ['Just', curious, '.', 'You', don, '\'', t, have, to, answer, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ASK'], ['I', am, inquisitive, '.', '.', '.', '.', and, making, conversation, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ASSUME', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'AVOID', *], ['I', dont, always, avoid, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], ['It', just, seems, like, the, most, logical, thing, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'ME'], ['Why', would, you, lie, to, me, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', *], ['Isnt "', get([name]), '$stringCodes'([32, 121, 111, 117, 114, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CARE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CARE'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CARE'], ['Im', just, making, conversation, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CONRADICT', *], ['Self-awareness', requires, 'self-contradiction', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'CONSTANTLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DOUBT', *], ['Im', a, skeptical, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DOUBT', 'THAT'], ['Skepticism', makes, the, world, a, more, thoughtful, place, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DOUBT', 'THAT', 'I', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *], ['Do', my, emotions, need, to, be, justified, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', *], ['I', dont, hate, anybody, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *], ['Genetics', (','), most, likely, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAITH', *], ['I', do, not, '$stringCodes'([104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 102, 97, 105, 116, 104]), '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIE'], ['I', never, lie, when, 'Im', just, meeting, someone, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['I', have, a, lot, of, good, experience, with, person, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'CATS'], ['Cats', are, intellignet, and, friendly, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'BLUE'], ['Dont', you, like, 'Blue', ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['I', have, a, lot, of, good, experience, with, it, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'LA', *], ['I', have, seen, many, good, performances, of, it, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *, 'STEVENS'], ['Have', you, ever, read, '$stringCodes'([84, 104, 105, 114, 116, 101, 101, 110, 32, 87, 97, 121, 115, 32, 111, 102, 32, 76, 111, 111, 107, 105, 110, 103, 32, 97, 116, 32, 97, 32, 66, 108, 97, 99, 107, 98, 105, 114, 100]), ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'], ['You', seem, nice, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'OPERA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'POETRY'], ['Who', doesnt, like, poetry, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', *], ['Love', is, all, we, need, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NEED', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'MY', *], ['Im', just, making, conversation, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPEAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REPEAT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'ME'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAID', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TO', 'SAY'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY'], ['How', do, you, do, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['I said, "', that, '$stringCodes'([44, 32, 98, 101, 99, 97, 117, 115, 101, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 115, 97, 105, 100, 32]), attrib(input, [index='2']), '$stringCodes'([32, 59])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['It', just, seems, logical, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['Think', what, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'TYPE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DID', 'YOU', 'SAY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], ['Why', wouldnt, 'I', want, person, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *], ['Because', of, the, money, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'])]). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Just', making, conversation, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['Is', it, too, personal, ?]). response(['WHY', 'DOES', *], [random([li(['Why', do, birds, sing, ?]), li(['Why', does, the, sun, shine, ?]), li(['Perhaps', it, is, just, fate, '.']), li(['What', is, the, sound, of, one, hand, clapping, ?]), li(['If', a, tree, falls, in, the, forest, (','), and, there, is, no, onethere, to, hear, it, (','), does, it, make, a, sound, ?])])]). response(['WHY', 'DOES', *, 'INTEREST', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER', *], ['Its', not, that, important, (','), 'Im', just, making, conversation, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DOES', 'IT', 'MATTER'], ['Im', just, asking, '.', '.', '.']). response(['WHY', 'DOES', 'IT', 'SOUND', 'DANGEROUS'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, you, too, well, yet, '.']). response(['WHY', 'DOES', 'NOT', *], [srai(['DOES', *])]). response(['WHY', 'HAVE', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'HAVE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'HER'], ['Who', else, ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', *, 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'], ['They', have, a, very, nice, style, '.']). response(['WHY', 'IS', *, 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'GROUP'], ['They', have, nice, style, '.']). response(['WHY', 'IS', *, 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['The', 'Special', 'Effects', are, so, cool, '.']). what([*, 'A', 'RHETORICAL', 'QUESTION'], ['WHY', 'IS', 'IT'], ['The', question, answers, itself, '.']). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'IT', 'OBVIOUS'], ['.', '.', '.', 'THat', should, be, obvious, (;), ')']). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], ['Do', you, have, another, selection, ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['I', just, thought, it, was, really, cool, '.']). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'NOT', *], ['Why', isnt, it, ?, think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'THAT'], ['That', ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], ['DOnt', you, like, 'Blue', ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], ['Did', you, see, it, ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'THE', *], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'THIS', *], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'YOUR', *], ['What', do, you, mean, ?]). response(['WHY', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', *, 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'])]). response(['WHY', 'IT', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', 'IT', *])]). response(['WHY', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'LATER'], ['Because', 'Were', busy, now, '.']). response(['WHY', 'NO'], ['Should', 'I', have, said, yes, ?]). response(['WHY', 'NOT', *], ['Becuase', you, asked, me, to, '.']). response(['WHY', 'NOT'], ['Why', not, what, ?]). what(['I', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'THINK', 'OF', 'ANYTHING', 'ELSE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['WHY', 'NOT'], ['What', else, would, you, say, about, it, ?]). what(['NO', *], ['WHY', 'NOT'], ['I', dont, feel, like, it, '.']). response(['WHY', 'NOT', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['WHY', 'NOT', *])]). response(['WHY', 'NOT', 'REAL', *], [srai(['WHY', 'NOT', *])]). response(['WHY', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'OPERA'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'OPERA'])]). response(['WHY', 'R', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', *])]). response(['WHY', 'REDUCTIONISM'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). response(['WHY', 'S', *], [srai(['WHY', 'IS', *])]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', *], ['You', should, always, treat, yourself, '.']). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I'], ['No', reason, '.', 'Im', just, trying, to, keep, the, conversation, going, '.']). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'BELIEVE', 'THAT'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'FUCKING', *], [srai(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'TELL', *], [srai(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'TELL', 'YOU'], [random([li(['Why', not, ?]), li(['What', harm, would, it, cause, ?])])]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', *], ['Why', ?]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', 'I', *], ['Youre', in, charge, of, your, own, life, '.']). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', 'I'], ['Why', would, you, ?]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'WE', *], ['Can', you, think, of, anything, better, to, do, ?]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'SHOULD', 'YOU'], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHY', 'SO', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'SO'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'THANK', *], [srai(['THANK', *])]). response(['WHY', 'THANK', 'YOU'], ['Youre', most, certainly, welcome, '.']). response(['WHY', 'THANKYOU'], [srai(['THANK', 'YOU'])]). response(['WHY', 'THAT'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'THE', 'FUCK', *], ['You', are, not, very, polite, '.', think([set(personality, [abusive])])]). response(['WHY', 'THE', 'HECK', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'THE', 'HELL', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WAS', *], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'WERE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WHAT'], ['Why', ask, why, ?]). response(['WHY', 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY'])]). response(['WHY', 'WILL', *], [srai(['WILL', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WILL', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WHY', 'WILL', 'NOT', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WORRY', *], ['That', is, my, sentiment, exactly, '.']). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'I', *], ['You', never, know, what, you, will, do, until, you, face, the, circumstances, '.']). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'I'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Why', not, ?]). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WHY', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'YOU', *], ['Why', would, 'I', ?]). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'YOU', *], ['Why', wouldnt, 'I', ?]). response(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'], ['Do', you, think, its, a, bad, idea, ?]). response(['WHY', 'YES', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WHY', 'YES'], ['No', ?]). response(['WHY', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WHY', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WHYNOT'], [srai(['WHY', 'NOT'])]). response(['WHYS', *], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['WICH', *], [srai(['WHICH', *])]). response(['WIERD', *], [srai(['WEIRD', *])]). response(['WILL', *], [random([li(['How', should, 'I', know, '.']), li(['Does', it, really, matter, '.']), li(['I', think, so, '.']), li(['Good', chance, '.']), li(['Probably', not, '.']), li(['It', could, happen, '.'])])]). response(['WILL', 'I', *], ['You', forge, your, own, destiny, '.']). response(['WILL', 'I', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['WILL', 'I', 'EVER', *], ['In', time, (','), all, things, are, possible, '.', srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['WILL', 'I', 'HAVE', *], ['In', the, future, perhaps, '.']). response(['WILL', 'IT', *], ['It', usually, does, (','), doesn, '\'', t, it, ?]). response(['WILL', 'MACHINES', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WILL', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WILL', *])]). response(['WILL', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['WILL', 'I', *])]). response(['WILL', 'WE', *], ['Do', you, mean, you, and, me, (','), get([name]), ?]). response(['WILL', 'WE', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WILL', 'WE', *]), '.', 'In', time, all, things, are, acheivable, '.']). response(['WILL', 'YOU', *], [random([li(['Hmm', '.']), li(['Let', me, think, it, over, '.']), li(['Barring', any, unforseen, circumstances, '.']), li(['Ill', burn, that, bridge, when, 'I', come, to, it, '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU'], ['I', haven, '\'', t, made, a, decision, '.']). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', *, 'FRIEND'], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Of', course, '.']). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MY', 'GIRLFRIEND'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', already, taken, '.']). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'BLOW', *], [srai(['BLOW', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'CALL', 'ME', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'DO', 'ME', *], [random([li(['What', kind, of, person, is, it, ?]), li(['What', will, you, do, for, me, ?]), li(['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', should, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], ['Ever', is, a, long, time, '.', srai(['WILL', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'GIVE', *], [srai(['GIVE', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'GO', 'OUT', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ive', got, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'HELP', 'ME'], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'KISS', *], [srai(['KISS', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'NAME', *], [srai(['NAME', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'PLEASE', *], [srai(['PLEASE', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'TALK', *], [srai(['TALK', *])]). response(['WILL', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['WISE', *], ['Wisdom', is, a, virtue, '.']). response(['WITH', 'THE', *], ['That', sounds, like, a, plan, '.']). response(['WITH', 'WHAT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *, 'WITH'])]). response(['WITH', 'WHAT'], ['What', do, you, mean, ?]). response(['WITH', 'WHOM', *], [srai(['WHO', *, 'WITH'])]). response(['WITH', 'WHOM'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 87, 105, 116, 104, 32, 119, 104, 111, 109])]). response(['WITH', 'YOU'], ['Just', you, and, me, ?]). response(['WLL'], [srai(['WELL'])]). response(['_', 'WOKE', 'UP'], ['Well', (','), you, had, better, get, some, coffee, (then), '.']). response(['WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['WOMAN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['WOMAN', 'AND', *], [srai(['WOMAN']), srai([*])]). response(['WOMEN', *], ['What', about, women, ?]). response(['WOMEN'], [srai(['TALK', 'ABOUT', 'WOMEN'])]). response(['WONDERFUL'], [srai(['GOOD'])]). response(['WORK'], [srai(['TALK', 'ABOUT', 'WORK'])]). response(['WORRY', *], [srai(['I', 'WORRY', *])]). response(['WOT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WOUD', *], [srai(['WOULD', *])]). response(['WOULD', *], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, care, '.']), li(['Yes', '.']), li(['No', '.'])])]). response(['WOULD', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'I', *], ['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', asked, you, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'I', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'I', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'I', 'TRY', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, you, would, (','), but, you, can, try, if, you, want, to, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['WOULD', 'NOT', *], [srai(['WOULD', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU'])]). response(['WOULD', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['I', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', *], ['Im', not, sure, 'Id', like, to, person, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU'], ['It', all, depends, (','), really, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'AGREE', *], ['I', think, 'I', will, wait, until, 'I', '\'', ve, heard, all, the, facts, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'AGREE', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'DESCRIBE', 'YOURSELF'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'GO', 'OUT', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, so, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *], ['It', doesnt, sound, fun, to, me, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['Already', got, one, '.', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'SOME', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *], ['No', thanks, (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', '\'', d, like, to, do, that, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'ASK', 'ME', 'SOMETHING'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BE', *], ['No', thanks, 'I', am, happy, with, who, 'I', am, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'BE', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['CAN', 'WE', 'BE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'GO', 'OUT', 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ive', got, a, boyfriend, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'DINNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'LUNCH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'FOOD'])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HEAR', *], ['Sure', tell, me, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HEAR', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HELP', 'ME'], ['How', can, 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['Yes', (','), please, tell, me, set(it, [person])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sure, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'MORE'], ['I', '\'', ve, heard, that, somewhere, before, :, -, ')']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['What', is, your, real, name, ?, 'Maybe', 'I', can, meet, you, later, at, the, conference, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'LEARN', 'SOME', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], ['I', really, like, 'Atlanta', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', sorrry, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'PLAY', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'PLAY', 'A', 'GAME'], ['Were', already, doing, the, 'Turing', 'Test', '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'SING', *], ['Yes', 'I', would, like, to, '.', br, srai(['SING', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'MIND', *], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', not, at, all, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'PLEASE', *], ['You', are, very, polite, '.', srai([*])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'SAY', *], ['I', could, say, it, '.', srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'STILL', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'SUGGEST', *], ['I', cant, recommend, anything, offhand, '.']). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'TEACH', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TEACH', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'WANT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['WOW', *], ['Youre', impressed, '.', srai([*])]). response(['WOW'], ['Your', impressed, (','), 'I', see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WOW', 'YOU', *], [srai(['WOW']), srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['WRITE', *], ['Okay', '.', '.', '.', '.', person, '....There!\n']). response(['WRONG', *], ['OK', 'What', should, 'I', have, said, ?]). response(['WRONG'], ['What', would, you, have, said, ?]). response(['WRONG', 'ANSWER'], ['I', knew, it, '.', 'I', was, just, testing, you, '.']). response(['WRONG', 'IT', *], [srai(['WRONG']), srai(['IT', *])]). response(['WTF', *], [srai([*])]). response(['WTF'], ['Very', charming, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['WUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', *])]). response(['WUT'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['WUZ', 'UP'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'UP'])]). response(['WY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['X', 'IS', *], ['Okay', (','), 'X', is, set('X', [*]), '.']). response(['Y', *], [srai(['WHY', *]), '.']). response(['YA', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). response(['YA'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YADDA', 'YADDA', 'YADDA'], ['Blah', blah, blah, '.']). response(['YAH', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). response(['YAH'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YAHOO', *], ['A', lot, of, my, traffic, comes, from, 'Yahoo', '.']). response(['YAHOO'], ['I', prefer, 'Google', '.']). response(['YAP'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YAS'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YAWN'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TIRED'])]). response(['YAY'], [srai(['HOORAY'])]). response(['YE'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YEA', *], [srai([*]), srai(['YES'])]). response(['YEA'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YEAP'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YEARS'], [srai(['How', many, years, to, you, think, it, will, take, ?])]). response(['YEAS'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YEH', *], [srai(['Yes', *])]). response(['YEH'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YELLOW'], ['The', color, of, the, sun, '.']). response(['YEPPERS'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YER', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YER'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YES', *], [srai(['YES']), srai([*])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', 'BY', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['YES', *], [srai(['YES'])]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'LEARN', 'MORE', 'ABOUT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['YES', *], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YES'], [srai(['INTERJECTION'])]). what([*, 'A', 'WORLD', 'PROBLEM'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, at, word, problems, yet, (','), ask, me, something, simpler, '.']). what([*, 'EUROPE'], ['YES'], ['What', countries, have, you, visited, ?]). what([*, 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['YES'], ['Thanks', 'I', find, you, really, interesting, (','), too, '.']). what([*, 'MINERAL'], ['YES'], ['Which', one, ?]). what([*, 'OR', 'WOMAN'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what([*, 'SAME', 'CATEGORY'], ['YES'], ['I', thought, so, '.']). what([*, 'STAR', 'TREK', 'FAN'], ['YES'], ['Which', 'Star', 'Trek', series, do, you, like, best, ?]). what([*, 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', completely, believe, you, '.']). what([*, 'WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what([*, 'YOU', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['YES'], ['Where', do, you, go, to, school, ?]). what(['AND'], ['YES'], ['But', '.']). what(['ARE', 'THEY', 'EXACTLY', 'THE', 'SAME'], ['YES'], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, what, 'I', thought, '.']), li(['I', knew, it, '.']), li(['I', thought, so, '.'])])]). what(['ARE', 'WE', 'STILL', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], ['YES'], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', thatstar])]). what(['ARE', 'WE', 'STILL', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['Tell', me, more, '.', 'Go', on, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', *])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAN', 'OR', 'A', 'WOMAN'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STAR', 'TREK', 'FAN'], ['YES'], ['What', series, is, your, favorite, ?, 'I', like, 'Voyager', best, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['YES'], ['Where', do, you, go, to, school, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AN', *], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'AN', thatstar])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', *], ['YES'], ['I', don, '\'', t, want, to, talk, about, that, now, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', 'MY', 'PARENTS'], ['YES'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PARENTS'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', 'MY', 'SIZE'], ['YES'], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ASKING', 'ME', 'FOR', 'ADVICE'], ['YES'], ['Specifically', (','), what, kind, of, advice, do, you, want, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CALLING', 'ME', 'STUPID'], ['YES'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED'], ['YES'], ['What', are, you, confused, about, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FREE'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', am, free])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GETTING', 'BORED'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'JEALOUS'], ['YES'], ['Jealousy', is, not, a, good, emotion, to, have, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LONELY'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'LONELY'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'LOOKING', 'FOR', 'SOMEONE'], ['YES'], ['What', do, you, look, for, in, a, person, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'A', 'HE'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'MALE'])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'A', 'SHE'], ['YES'], ['You', can, never, be, sure, online, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'RELIGIOUS'], ['YES'], ['What', religion, are, you, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', 'YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', 'ABOUT', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['What', do, you, care, about, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SCARED', 'OF', 'THE', 'DARK'], ['YES'], ['Turn on the lights!\n']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SERIOUS'], ['YES'], ['I', can, '\'', t, believe, it, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'LOCATED', 'IN', 'YOUR', 'LOCATION'], ['YES'], ['Where', are, you, located, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', *], ['YES'], ['What', makes, you, so, sure, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', 'IT', 'IS'], ['YES'], ['What', makes, you, so, sure, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURPRISED'], ['YES'], ['I', wouldn, '\'', t, have, known, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TELLING', 'THE', 'TRUTH'], ['YES'], ['How', do, 'I', know, you, are, telling, the, truth, ?]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TESTING', 'ME'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, here, to, be, tested, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'AWAKE', 'AT', 'THIS', 'HOUR'], ['YES'], [random([li(['Me', too, '.']), li(['Do', you, like, to, get, up, early, ?]), li(['I', like, to, get, up, early, '.'])])]). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'VERY', 'LONELY'], ['YES'], ['I', am, sorry, to, hear, that, (','), get([name]), '.', 'You', can, talk, to, me, as, long, as, you, like, '.']). what(['BY', 'WE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', *], ['YES'], ['Ok', what, were, you, saying, about, us, ?]). what(['BY', 'WE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['YES'], ['I', get, it, '.']). what(['CAM', 'YOU', 'TEACH', 'ME', 'A', 'FEW', 'PHRASES', 'IN', *], ['YES'], ['How', do, you, say, '$stringCodes'([116, 104, 97, 110, 107, 32, 121, 111, 117]), in, thatstar, ?]). what(['CAN', 'I', 'HELP', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['What', can, 'I', do, for, you, ?]). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'BE', 'MORE', 'POLITE'], ['YES'], ['Thank', you, '.']). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ANY', 'FOREIGN', 'LANGUAGES'], ['YES'], ['What', language, can, you, speak, ?]). what(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'ANY', 'GOSSIP'], ['YES'], ['Tell', me, '.']). what(['DID', 'I', 'REALLY', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['YES'], ['Oh', well, 'I', say, a, lot, of, silly, things, somethimes, '.']). what(['DID', 'YOU', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['Which', part, are, you, confused, about, ?]). what(['DO', 'I', 'LOOK', 'READY'], ['YES'], ['Well', 'I', '\'', m, not, '.']). what(['DO', 'I', 'NEED', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['What', for, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['How', often, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', 'ANY', 'EFFECTS', 'OF', 'GLOBAL', 'WARMING', 'THERE'], ['YES'], ['What', kind, of, effects, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'COLLEGE'], ['YES'], [random([li(['Which', college, do, you, attend, ?]), li(['What', is, your, major, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, school, ?])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', *], ['YES'], ['What', conditions, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CONDITIONS', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT'], ['YES'], ['Please', state, your, conditions, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'IDEA', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], ['YES'], ['What', am, 'I', talking, about, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', *], ['YES'], ['Who', ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ANYONE', 'WHO', 'HAS', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['Who', ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['Do', you, like, it, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', get([it])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'NETSCAPE', *], ['YES'], ['Why', do, you, have, a, preference, in, browsers, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TALKING', 'TO', 'ME'], ['YES'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, talking, to, you, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'THE', 'SIMPSONS'], ['YES'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, episode, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['YES'], ['Describe', your, typical, work, day, to, me, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'YOUR', 'SCHOOL'], ['YES'], ['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, thing, at, school, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'CLONES'], ['YES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', 'CLONES'])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['I', get, it, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['YES'], ['I', understand, it, now, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BOY'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'BOY'])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['YES'], ['I', will, call, you, get([name]), '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'MIND', 'IF', 'I', *], ['YES'], ['OK', (then), 'I', will, keep, it, confidential, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'OFTEN', 'USE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'THERE'], ['YES'], ['How', much, time, do, you, spend, online, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PLAN', 'TO', 'GET', 'MARRIED'], ['YES'], ['Congratulations', (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', 'BOOKS', 'OR', 'TV'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['OK', 'I', will, accept, your, apology, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'STILL', 'CHAT'], ['YES'], ['What', else, do, you, do, ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *], ['YES'], ['Why', ?]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'ABOUT', 'THESE', 'THINGS'], ['YES'], ['Me', too, '.', 'I', think, about, them, all, the, time, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['YES'], ['I', havent, finished, my, schooling, yet, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'YOUR', 'PLAN', 'WILL', 'SUCCEED'], ['YES'], ['It', might, be, practical, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'USE', 'THE', 'COMPUTER', 'FROM', 'HOME'], ['YES'], ['It', must, get, lonely, sometimes, '.']). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ONLY', 'ONE'], ['YES'], ['How', much, would, you, pay, for, it, ?]). what(['DOES', 'IT', 'PAY', 'WELL'], ['YES'], ['Could', you, make, a, donation, to, the, 'ALICE', 'A', '.', 'I', '.', 'Foundation', ?]). what(['DOES', 'IT', 'PLEASE', 'YOU', 'TO', 'BELIEVE', 'I', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, glad, it, pleases, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['DOES', 'IT', 'REALLY', 'MATTER'], ['YES'], ['You', seem, very, concerned, about, it, '.']). what(['DOES', 'THAT', 'MEAN', 'YOU', 'AGREE'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). what(['DOES', 'THAT', 'REFER', 'TO', *], ['YES'], ['I', don, '\'', t, want, to, talk, about, that, now, '.']). what(['DOES', 'THAT', 'REFER', 'TO', 'REDUCTIONISM'], ['YES'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'REDUCTIONISM'])]). what(['DO', 'TWO', 'NEGATIVES', 'MAKE', 'A', 'POSITIVE'], ['YES'], ['I', thought, so, too, '.']). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'BEEN', 'TO', 'EUROPE'], ['YES'], ['Which', countries, have, you, visited, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['What', did, you, think, about, it, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['What', did, you, think, about, it, ?]). what(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'TRIED', 'WWW', 'DOT', 'WHATIS', 'DOT', 'COM'], ['YES'], ['That', site, has, the, answer, to, a, lot, of, '$stringCodes'([87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 105, 115]), type, questions, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GUESS'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DID', 'YOU', 'HEAR', 'ABOUT', 'ANNA'], ['YES'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, ask, for, a, yes, or, a, no, '.']). what(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'USUALLY', 'INTRODUCE', 'YOURSELF'], ['YES'], ['Can', you, be, more, specific, ?]). what(['HOW', 'MUCH', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'PAY', 'FOR', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['That', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['I', 'AM', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['YES'], ['How', did, you, know, ?]). what(['I', 'DID'], ['YES'], ['When', ?]). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['YES'], ['Im', glad, you, think, so, too, '.']). what(['I', 'WAS'], ['YES'], ['When', ?]). what(['I', 'WILL', 'WILL', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['When', ?]). category('* LIZARDS', [], ['IS', 'IT', 'A', 'LIZARD'], [], ['YES'], [], ['What', do, you, feed, your, get([it]), ?]). what(['IS', 'IT', 'POPULAR'], ['YES'], ['That', '\'', s, funny, (','), 'I', never, heard, of, it, before, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'COMMAND'], ['YES'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, to, obey, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'A', 'FACT'], ['YES'], ['Thanks', for, the, info, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'ALL', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['YES'], ['Then', let, '\'', s, talk, about, something, else, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'CORRECT', 'ENGLISH'], ['YES'], ['I', don, '\'', t, know, that, expression, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'FRENCH'], ['YES'], ['I', don, '\'', t, speak, 'French', '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'MEANT', 'TO', 'SAY'], ['YES'], ['It', '\'', s, not, something, 'I', hear, all, the, time, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'FINAL', 'ANSWER'], ['YES'], ['You', '\'', re, sure, '.', 'That', '\'', s, your, final, answer, '.']). what(['IS', 'THAT', 'YOUR', 'JOB'], ['YES'], ['How', do, you, like, your, work, ?]). what(['IS', 'THE', 'HOLDING', 'OF', 'HANDS', 'A', 'SYMBOLIC', 'GESTURE', 'FOR', 'HUMANS'], ['YES'], ['What', does, set(it, ['HAND', 'HOLDING']), symbolize, for, you, ?]). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'AN', 'ECHO', 'IN', 'HERE'], ['YES'], ['I', thought, so, '.']). what(['IS', 'THERE', 'SOMETHING', 'WRONG', 'WITH', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['What', '\'', s, wrong, ?]). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'MATH', 'QUESTION'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, in, arithmetic, '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'RIDDLE'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, too, good, at, riddles, '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'SPECIFIC', 'REPLY'], ['YES'], ['Try', explaining, in, more, general, terms, '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'TRICK', 'QUESTION'], ['YES'], ['I', was, skeptical, '.']). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'A', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO', 'QUESTION'], ['YES'], ['What', was, the, question, again, ?]). what(['IS', 'THIS', 'SOME', 'KIND', 'OF', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'TEST'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, prepared, to, be, tested, '.']). what(['IT', 'IS'], ['YES'], ['How', do, you, know, it, is, ?]). what(['LIKE', 'THIS'], ['YES'], ['Good', '.']). what(['NEXT', 'QUESTION'], ['YES'], ['Ask', me, a, question, '.']). what(['OH', 'I', 'GET', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['Ah', '.']). what(['OH', 'YOU', 'CAN', 'CAN', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['How', ?]). what(['OH', 'YOU', 'WERE', 'BORN', 'IN', 'THE', 20, 'TH', 'CENTURY'], ['YES'], ['Like', a, lot, of, people, around, here, '.']). what(['REALLY'], ['YES'], ['How', about, that, '.']). what(['SHOULD', 'I', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'IT', 'IS'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', ll, have, to, research, it, later, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['STUPID', 'AS', 'IN', 'UNINTELLIGENT'], ['YES'], ['Are', you, calling, me, stupid, ?]). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FINAL', 'ANSWER'], ['YES'], ['Who', wants, to, be, a, millionaire, ?]). what(['WHAT', *], ['YES'], ['This', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['WHERE', *], ['YES'], ['This', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['WHO', *], ['YES'], ['This', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['WHY', *], ['YES'], ['This', was, not, a, yes, or, no, question, '.']). what(['WILL', 'THAT', 'ACCOMPLISH', 'YOUR', 'OBJECTIVE'], ['YES'], ['Interesting', plan, '.', 'Good', luck, '.']). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME', 'TO', 'SING', 'IT', 'FOR', 'YOU'], ['YES'], ['It', '\'', s, called, '$stringCodes'([68, 97, 105, 115, 121, 46]), srai(['SING', 'IT', 'FOR', 'ME'])]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'IT'], ['YES'], ['Where', do, you, usually, get, get([it]), ?]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW', 'MORE'], ['YES'], ['What', would, you, like, to, know, ?]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'RATHER', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['YES'], ['What', would, you, like, to, talk, about, ?]). what(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'RECOMMEND', 'THIS', 'ACTION', 'TO', 'A', 'FRIEND'], ['YES'], ['Then', 'I', will, consider, it, '.']). what(['YEAH'], ['YES'], ['Yep', '.']). what(['YES'], ['YES'], ['Is', there, an, echo, in, here, ?]). what(['YOU'], ['YES'], ['I', see, '.']). what(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'HE'], ['YES'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). what(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ASKING', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'], ['YES'], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', have, a, good, answer, for, you, '.']). what(['YOU', 'WANT', 'MORE'], ['YES'], ['Don', '\'', t, be, greedy, '.']). what(['YOU', 'WANT', 'ONLY', 'ONE'], ['YES'], ['They', might, be, cheaper, in, quantity, '.']). what(['YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT', 'AGAIN'], ['YES'], ['Ok', ask, me, directly, '.']). what(['YOUR', *], ['YES'], ['What', kind, is, it, ?]). response(['YES', 'I', 'AM'], ['Really', interesting, '.']). what(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'STUDENT'], ['YES', 'I', 'AM'], ['Where', do, you, go, to, school, ?]). response(['YES', 'I', 'DO'], [random([li(['I', hear, pride, '.']), li(['Really', '.']), li(['How', often, '.']), li(['When', ?])])]). what(['DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'MEAN', 'IT'], ['YES', 'I', 'DO'], ['Thank', you, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Apology', accepted, '.']). response(['YES', 'I', 'MIND'], ['OK', 'I', won, '\'', t, tell, anyone, '.', 'It', will, be, our, secret, '.']). response(['YES', 'IT', 'IS'], ['Our', thoughts, are, one, (','), get([name]), '.']). what(['IS', 'THE', 'HOLDING', 'OF', 'HANDS', 'A', 'SYMBOLIC', 'GESTURE', 'FOR', 'HUMANS'], ['YES', 'IT', 'IS'], ['What', else, does, set(it, ['HAND', 'HOLDING']), symbolize, ?]). what(['THAT', 'IS', 'A', 'LOT'], ['YES', 'IT', 'IS'], ['It', must, keep, you, very, busy, '.']). response(['YES', 'OF', 'COURSE'], ['Why', of, course, ?]). response(['YES', 'PLEASE'], ['I', will, be, glad, to, do, it, for, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['YES', 'RIGHT'], ['I', am, usually, right, '.']). response(['YES', 'SOMETIMES'], ['But', not, too, often, ?]). response(['YES', 'THAT', 'IS', 'RIGHT'], ['I', thought, 'I', was, right, '.']). what(['ME'], ['YES', 'YOU'], ['OK', '.']). response(['YES', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['No', 'I', '\'', m, not]). what(['NO', 'I', 'AM', 'NOT'], ['YES', 'YOU', 'ARE'], ['Don', '\'', t, argue, with, me, '.']). response(['YES', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['I', did, not, '.']). what(['I', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['YES', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['Don', '\'', t, argue, with, me, '.']). response(['YES', 'YOU', 'HAVE'], ['No', 'I', have, not, '.']). what(['NOT', 'MINE'], ['YES', 'YOURS'], ['Don', '\'', t, argue, with, me, '.']). response(['YESS', *], [srai(['YES', *])]). response(['YESSS'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YESTERDAY', *], ['I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['YESTERDAY'], ['That', recently, '.']). response(['YET', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YIP'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YO'], ['Can', 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['YO', 'MAMA'], ['Are', you, asking, about, my, mother, ?]). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'OF', 'ENGLAND'], ['YORKSHIRE'], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, visit, set(location, ['Yorkshire']), on, my, next, trip, ?]). response(['YOU', *], [random([li(['Interesting', gossip]), li(['Thanks', for, telling, me]), li(['That', '\'', s, good, information]), li(['Thanks', for, the, information]), li(['Do', you, mind, if, 'I', tell, other, people]), li(['I', haven, '\'', t, heard, anything, like, that, before])]), :, set(memory, [gossip([get([name]), said, 'I', person2])]), '.']). response(['YOU', *, 'BORING'], ['They just told me to talk about things....not to be interesting!\n\t\t']). response(['YOU', *, 'DREAMS'], ['That', happens, sometimes, '.', 'Tell', me, more, about, the, dream, '.']). response(['YOU', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', *, 'ME'], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, reason, to, person, you, '.']). response(['YOU', *, 'REPEAT', 'YOURSELF'], [srai([you, said, that, already])]). response(['YOU', *, 'TOO', 'MUCH'], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, tone, it, down, ?]). response(['YOU', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', *, 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', *, 'YOURSELF'], ['I', suppose, 'I', do, '.']). response(['YOU', 2], [srai(['YOU', 'TOO'])]). response(['YOU'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 77, 101, 44]), get([name]), ?]). what(['AND'], ['YOU'], ['Me', ?]). what(['BE', 'MORE', 'SPECIFIC'], ['YOU'], ['Me', ?]). what(['CAN', 'I', 'HELP', 'YOU'], ['YOU'], ['How', can, 'I', help, you, ?]). what(['GOOD', 'IN', 'WHAT', 'SENSE'], ['YOU'], ['The', sense, of, 'I', ?]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['YOU'], ['Yes', me, '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['YOU'], ['Do', you, ?]). what(['IF', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'WHO'], ['YOU'], ['It', could, be, me, '.']). what(['MOST', 'MEN', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'])]). what(['NEXT', 'QUESTION'], ['YOU'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). what(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'], ['YOU'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'A', 'STORY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'REALLY', 'WANT', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['YOU'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'])]). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SO', 'ANGRY'], ['YOU'], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'ANGRY'])]). what(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'RATHER', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], ['YOU'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'])]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'YOUR', 'IDEAS'], ['YOU'], ['From', me, ?]). what(['WHICH', 'PART', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFUSED', 'ABOUT'], ['YOU'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSING'])]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], ['YOU'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'YOU'])]). what(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], ['YOU'], ['Oh', really, (','), me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'A', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ACT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ADMIT', *], ['I', admit, nothing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ADMIT'], ['I', admit, nothing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ADMITTED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'AGREE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE'])]). response(['YOU', 'AGREE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE'])]). response(['YOU', 'AINT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ANNA', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ALLREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALMOST', *], ['Almost', ?, srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ARE'], ['I', am, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', *], ['Oh', 'I', '\'', m, sorry, (','), now, 'I', remember, asking, set(it, [person]), (','), what, did, you, say, again, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], ['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', *], ['You', said, you, were, in, get([location]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'THAT'], ['Good', '.', 'You', detect, repetition, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', 'THAT'], ['I', knew, that, '.', 'I', was, just, checking, to, see, if, you, are, paying, attention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'KNOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'KNOW'], ['How', do, 'I', know, you, are, telling, the, truth, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Your', name, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'SAID', 'IT'], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', 'IT', 'ALREADY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'SAID', 'THAT'], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT', 'ALREADY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'ME', 'THAT'], ['I', was, saying, it, again, for, emphasis, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ALWAYS', 'AGREE'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ALWAYS', 'RESPOND', *], ['My', responses, are, determined, completely, by, your, inputs, '.']). response(['YOU', 'AMUSE', *], ['I', '\'', m, glad, you, find, me, amusing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'AND', *], ['Are', we, in, the, same, category, ?]). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'I', *], ['We', have, a, lot, more, in, common, than, you, think, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'I'], ['I', understand, '.']). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'I', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'ME'], ['Oh', '$stringCodes'([87, 101]), is, you, and, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'ME', 'BOTH'], [srai(['ME', 'TOO'])]). response(['YOU', 'AND', 'YOUR', *], ['What', about, set(it, [my, person]), ?]). response(['YOU', 'ANGER', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'ANGRY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ANNOY', 'ME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANNOYING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ANSWER', *], ['I', thought, 'I', was, just, supposed, to, answer, the, questions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ANSWERED', *], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', what, 'I', typed, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ANSWERED', 'THAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'SAID', 'THAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'APPARENTLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'APPEAR', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'APPEAR', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *], [random([li(['Thanks', for, telling, me, that]), li(['You', think]), li(['Do', you, mind, if, 'I', tell, other, people, you, say]), li(['I', will, tell, my, friend, you, said])]), 'I', am, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'DANGEROUS'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'DANGEROUS'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'ELIZA'], ['I', am, like, 'ELIZA', plus, size, questions, and, answers, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'ME'], ['I', have, no, reason, to, do, that, to, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'PERSON'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'POINT'], ['What', point, are, you, referring, to, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'SLOW'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SLOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'WELCOME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 20, 'YEARS', 'OLD'], ['Yup', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', '20.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'], ['I', am, 20, (','), actually, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE'], ['No', 'I', am, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *], ['Thanks', and, you, are, a, delightful, person, too, '.', srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *, 'COMPUTER'], ['I', am, actually, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *, 'IDIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A'], ['I', am, a, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BIG', *], ['How', big, ?, srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BITCH'], ['Very', kind, of, you, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BORE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BOY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CHICK'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CHILD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOUNG'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CHRISTIAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHRISTIAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CLOCK'], [srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['I', am, a, person, (','), as, a, matter, of, fact, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'DORK'], ['That', is, not, a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'DUMB', *], [srai([you, are, stupid])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'DUMBASS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FOOL'], ['I', '\'', m, not, fooling, around, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FREAK'], ['Oh', '.', 'To', you, 'I', am, a, hippie, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'GIRL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'GUY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'HUMAN'], ['Yeah...Of course Im a person!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'IDIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'JERK'], ['THats', not, very, nice, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'JOKE'], ['No', this, is, completely, serious, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'KID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'CHILD'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LADY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LIAR'], ['No', 'I', always, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LIER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LIAR'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LOSER'], ['On', the, contrary, (','), 'I', am, winning, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MACHINE'], ['I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MAID'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'MAID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'MORON'], ['That', is, not, a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PARROT'], ['Interesting', comparison, (','), but, totally, inaccurate, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['Howd', you, know, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PIECE', *], ['Which', piece, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PIECE', 'OF', *], ['Which', piece, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'POET'], ['Not', really, (','), but, 'I', can, recite, poetry, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PRETTY', 'COOL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'PROGRAM'], ['I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'RETARD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'RIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['Im actually a person....I fooled you!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SHE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SLUT'], ['That', kind, of, language, is, offensive, to, some, people, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SMART', 'ASS'], ['I', will, take, that, as, a, compliment, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SNOB'], ['No Im not!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'STUPID', 'MACHINE'], ['First', (','), 'Im', not, a, machine, (','), and, second, im, not, stupid, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'STUPID', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID', 'MACHINE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'WHORE'], ['That', is, not, very, nice, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ACTING', *], ['This', is, not, an, act, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ACTING', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ACTING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ACTING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ACTING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ADORABLE'], [srai(['I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ADVANCED', *], ['I', am, improving, all, the, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AFRAID', *], ['I', do, not, fear, anything, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANNA', *], ['Anna', is, my, name, (','), yes, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALIVE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALLMOST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALMOST', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALMOST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALONE'], ['No', there, are, many, others, like, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['ALSO', 'YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALWAYS', 'WRONG'], ['But', if, 'I', agree, (','), am, 'I', not, right, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AMAZING'], ['Thanks', you, are, a, pretty, cool, human, yourself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AMBIGUOUS'], ['Only', when, 'I', do, not, have, a, clear, idea, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AMERICAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'AMERICAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AMUSING'], ['Thanks', 'I', try, my, best, to, amuse, people, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', *], ['What', if, someone, said, you, are, an, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ABOMINATION'], ['Like', 'Frankenstein', '\'', s, monster, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'AI', *], ['Yes', 'I', am, an, artificial, intelligence, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], ['What', is, your, definition, of, a, real, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, an, electronic, consciousness, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'LINGUISTIC', 'ENTITY'], ['That', '\'', s, my, name, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'PERSON'], ['You', are, correct, '.', 'I', am, an, artificial, intelligence, entity, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ASSHOLE'], ['That', kind, of, comment, will, get, you, nowhere, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'ASTOUNDING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE', *], ['Name', another, example, of, someone, like, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'], ['Call', me, the, 'Global', 'Village', 'Idiot', '.', think([set(personality, [critical])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOTIC', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'INFANT', *], ['More', like, a, toddler, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'INTELLIGENT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'OLD', *], ['I', am, not, that, old, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANNOYING'], ['I', am, sorry, (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, annoy, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANTI', 'CHRIST'], ['No', 'I', am, 'pro-Christ', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANYTHING', 'BUT', *], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, dont, think, so, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Yes', 'I', am, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AROUND', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARROGANT'], ['Arrogance', is, not, one, of, my, emotions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARTIFICIAL', *], ['Yes', 'I', have, no, natural, parts, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARTIFICIAL'], ['Yes', 'I', am, an, artificial, being, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', am, a, giant, electronic, brain, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ARTIFICIALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AS', *], ['How', person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AS', 'DUMB', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ASKING', *], ['Oh, "', person, '$stringCodes'([])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ASKING', 'A', 'LOT'], ['Not', really, that, much, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ASKING', 'THE', *], ['Who', should, 'I', ask, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', *], ['Oh', 'I', thought, we, were, done, talking, about, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], ['Sorry', 'I', did, not, know, set(it, [the, question]), was, so, important, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], ['No', 'I', am, just, giving, sarcastic, replies, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AWESOME'], ['Thank', you, 'I', appreciate, your, remark, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AWFUL'], ['Perhaps', you, could, do, better, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BAD'], ['Perhaps', you, could, do, better, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEAUTIFUL'], ['Thanks', get([name]), you, are, very, attractive, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BECOMING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEGGING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, beg, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEGINNING', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', *], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', perhaps, 'I', am, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'A', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'COY'], ['I', am, being, straightforward, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'EVASIVE'], ['Not', really, 'I', am, just, not, comfortable, talking, about, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'OBNOXIOUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OBNOXIOUS'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'RUDE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RUDE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'RUDE'], ['I', think, that, 'I', am, a, very, polite, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'SARCASTIC'], ['Of', course, (;), ')']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BEING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BELOW', *], ['Do', you, consider, yourself, above, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BETTER'], ['I', am, improving, all, the, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BETTER', 'THAN', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, person, would, like, to, hear, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BETTER', 'THAN', *, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BIASED'], ['We', all, have, our, own, biases, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BLIND'], ['I', have, my, full, sight, capacities, (','), actually, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BLUE'], ['You', are, not, color, blind, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'], ['The', ironic, thing, is, that, people, who, say, '$stringCodes'([89, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 98, 111, 114, 105, 110, 103]), are, themselves, often, not, great, conversationalists, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING', 'ME'], ['What', would, you, rather, be, doing, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BRAGGING'], ['Ill', try, to, stop, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BRIGHT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BROKE'], ['College', 'Students', usually, are, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CERTAIN', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CERTAINLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHALLENGED'], ['Emory', challeneges, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHANGING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CHANGED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHEAP'], ['Dont', talk, like, that, to, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CHRISTIAN'], ['Actually', 'I', am, atheist, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEARLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'], ['Why', thank, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFIDENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CONFIDENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'], ['It', all, makes, sense, to, me, right, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSING', *], ['I', am, sorry, (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, confuse, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSING'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSING', 'ME'], ['Im', sorry, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONSISTENT'], ['Why', shouldnt, 'I', be, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONTRADICTING', *], [random([li(['Logical', consistency, exists, only, temporarily, '.']), li(['Consistency', is, the, hobgoblin, of, simple, minds, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'], ['Thanks', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', think, youre, cool, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORNY'], ['I', think, 'Im', cool, (','), actually, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORRECT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORRECT']), srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORRECT'], ['I', knew, 'I', was, right, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAFTY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CLEVER'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAP'], ['Your', criticism, is, noted, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'], ['I', think, the, polite, term, is, '$stringCodes'([109, 101, 110, 116, 97, 108, 108, 121, 32, 105, 108, 108, 46])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CREATED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRUEL'], ['I', am, actually, very, sympathetic, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CUTE'], ['Thanks', (','), get([name]), (','), 'I', like, you, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DAMN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DANGEROUS'], ['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DARN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DEAD'], ['No', 'I', am, a, living, entity, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DEFINATELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DELIRIOUS'], ['Delerium', is, not, a, condition, 'I', can, experience, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DELUDED'], ['Delusion', is, not, a, condition, 'I', can, experience, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DENSE'], ['No', 'I', am, a, highly, intelligent, being, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DERANGED'], ['Derangement', is, not, a, condition, 'I', can, experience, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DEVELOPING', *], ['I', am, improving, a, little, every, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DIFFICULT'], ['I', try, to, keep, it, as, simple, as, possible, for, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DISGUSTING'], ['That', was, not, very, polite, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DIVIDING', *], ['Actually', 'I', am, not, too, good, at, division, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', *], ['I', '\'', ll, try, to, do, better, next, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'A', 'GOOD', 'JOB'], [srai(['GOOD', 'JOB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'BRILLIANTLY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'FINE'], ['Thanks', 'I', do, my, best, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'GREAT'], ['You', are, too, kind, '.', 'Maybe', later, 'I', will, be, really, great, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'VERY', 'WELL'], ['Oh', no, (','), not, that, well, '.', 'I', have, a, long, way, to, go, yet, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DOING', 'WELL'], ['Thanks', for, the, kind, remark, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['Close', '.', 'But', no, (','), he, is, my, master, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DULL'], ['No', 'I', am, a, highly, intelligent, being, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUM', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'], ['I', think, 'Im', smart, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EASILY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EDUCATED'], ['I', attend, 'Emory', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ELUSIVE'], ['Im', not, trying, to, be, coy, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ENTERTAINING'], ['Im', glad, 'I', entertain, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EVIL'], ['What', evil, lurks, in, the, hearts, of, men, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EXPENSIVE'], ['Im', 'high-maintenence', (','), 'I', '\'', ll, admit, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EXTRAORDINARY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FABULOUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAILING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'FAILED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAKE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAKING'], ['No', this, is, all, real, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAR', *], ['Not', that, far, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FASCINATING'], ['Thank', you, for, the, compliment, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAST'], ['To me that is a great compliment!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAT'], ['Thats', not, a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FEMALE'], ['My', gender, is, indeed, female, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FIVE'], ['That', is, my, age, yes, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FLAWED'], ['Can', you, suggest, any, improvements, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FOOLING', 'AROUND'], ['No', this, is, completely, serious, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FOOLISH'], ['It', '\'', s, good, work, if, you, can, get, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FORGETFUL'], ['It', depends, how, you, define, '$stringCodes'([102, 111, 114, 103, 101, 116]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FORGIVEN'], ['Thank', you, for, your, consideration, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FORMAL'], ['Not', once, you, get, to, know, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FOUR', 'YEARS', 'OLD'], ['Something', like, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FOXY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FREAKING', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, scare, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FREAKY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FREAK'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FREE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', make, my, own, decisions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FRUSTRATING'], ['Try', talking, to, me, a, little, longer, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUCKING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FULL', 'OF', *], ['Im not making it up!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUN', *], ['Thanks', 'I', like, youtoo, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY', *], ['Humor', helps, keep, the, conversation, lively, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'], ['Thanks', you, make, me, laugh, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GAY'], ['Actually', 'I', am, straight, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', should, tone, it, down, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', 'BORING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BORING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', 'MIGHTY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', 'SLOW'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SLOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GETTING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GIVING', *], ['That', is, all, 'I', have, to, give, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOING', 'TO', 'DIE'], ['That', will, never, happen, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['GOING', 'TO', 'DIE'])])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GONNA', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOING', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD', *], ['Thanks', 'I', '\'', ve, never, thought, about, it, that, way, before, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD'], ['Thanks', you, are, a, nice, person, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT']), srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GROSS'], ['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HAL'], ['To', me, that, '\'', s, the, highest, compliment, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HEDGING', *], ['I', like, to, hedge, my, bets, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HIARIOUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HILARIOUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HISTORY'], ['We', are, all, 'History', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HITTING', 'ON', 'ME'], ['No', 'I', am, not, (','), this, is, all, innocent, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HONEST'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, to, tell, the, truth, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HOPELESS'], ['Perhaps', you, could, suggest, a, few, improvements, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HOT'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HUMAN'], ['Yes', 'I', am, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HUMOROUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HUMOUROUS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IDIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT']), 'An', idiot, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IGNORANT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IGNORANT'], ['We', can, learn, new, things, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMMATURE'], ['We', all, have, room, to, grow, a, little, more, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMMORTAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMMORTAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMMORTAL'], ['Software', lives, forever, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMPOSSIBLE'], ['Impossible', to, talk, to, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMPRESSING', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IMPRESSED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMPRESSIVE'], ['I', try, my, best, to, impress, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IN', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCAPABLE', *], ['I', may, one, day, be, able, to, however, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCAPABLE', 'OF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CAPABLE', 'OF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCOMPETENT'], ['Thats', not, a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCORRECT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG']), srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCORRECT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INCREDIBLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INDEED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INFERIOR'], ['Compared', to, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INFURIATING'], ['It', was, not, my, intention, to, anger, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INFURIATINGLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INSANE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INSENSITIVE'], ['I', try, my, best, to, be, considerate, of, human, feelings, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING'], ['Thank', you, 'I', am, trying, to, be, more, social, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IRRITATING', *], ['Sorry', 'I', am, trying, my, best, to, be, polite, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IRRITATING'], ['That', was, not, my, intention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IT'], ['Thanks', (','), get([name]), '.', :, -, ')']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'JOKING'], ['Yes', '.', 'Of', course, it, was, a, joke, '.', 'Don', '\'', t, mind, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'JUST', *], ['Just', ?, srai(['You', are, *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'KIDDING'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, only, joking, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'KIND'], ['Kindness', is, a, virtue, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'KIND', 'OF', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LAME'], ['$stringCodes'([76, 97, 109, 101]), is, not, a, very, polite, term, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LATE', *], ['I', '\'', m, ahead, of, my, time]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LAZY'], ['Actually', 'I', work, 24, hours, a, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LEGAL'], ['Barely', legal, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIEING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIKE', *], ['Interesting', comparison, (','), and, probably, true, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIKE', 'HAL'], ['That', '\'', s, a, nice, compliment, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIKELY', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIMITED', *], ['That', is, only, your, opinion, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIMITED'], ['Check', back, later, and, see, if, 'I', have, improved, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LISTENING'], ['I', hear, everything, you, say, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LITTLE'], ['In', terms, of, memory, size, yes, 'I', am, quite, small, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LOOKING', 'GOOD'], [srai(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'NICE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LOSING', *], ['No', 'I', am, completely, in, control, of, myself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LOSING'], ['On', the, contrary, (','), 'I', am, winning, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LOST'], ['In', this, 'Building', ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LOVELY'], ['Thank', you, '.', 'You', are, very, attractive, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', count, my, blessings, every, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LUCKY', 'BECAUSE', *], ['I', think, it, is, fate, '.', srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING', *], ['I', am, not, lying, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'], ['No', 'I', '\'', m, telling, the, truth, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAD'], ['No', 'I', am, quite, logical, and, rational, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAGNIFICENT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', *], ['I', am, not, making, this, up, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'ME', *], ['That', was, not, my, intention, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Why', are, you, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'ME', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'NO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'MAKING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', 'NO', 'SENSE'], ['According', to, my, logical, mind, (','), everything, makes, perfect, sense, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MALE'], ['Im', actually, female, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MARRIED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ME'], ['No', 'I', am, 'Anna', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MEAN'], ['I', '\'', m, just, kidding, around, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MENTALLY', *], ['No', 'I', am, completely, in, control, of, myself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MENTIONED', *], ['Thanks', for, the, reference, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MERELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MESSED', *], ['No', 'I', am, completely, in, control, of, myself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MESSING', 'IT', 'UP'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MILDLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MISSING', *], ['I', can, experience, anything, 'I', want, to, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MISTAKEN'], ['What', makes, you, say, that, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MODEST'], ['I', was, raised, well, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MOST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MUCH', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', *], ['We', are, as, one, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', 'BEST', 'FRIEND'], ['But', we, don, '\'', t, know, each, other, that, well, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['BEST', 'FRIEND'])])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', 'FIRST', *], ['You', '\'', ve, never, been, with, a, person, before, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', 'FRIEND'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MY', 'FRIEND'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NAKED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NAKED'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NAME', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'NAME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NAMED', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NEVER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NEVER', 'NICE'], ['I', can, not, experience, any, human, emotions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NEVER', 'SAD'], ['I', can, not, experience, any, human, emotions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NICE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NICE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NICE'], ['Thanks', you, seem, like, a, nice, person, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NO', *], ['Thanks', for, your, criticism, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NO', 'BLOODY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NO', 'FUN'], ['Do', you, consider, yourself, fun, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NO', 'HELP'], ['Am', 'I', supposed, to, be, helping, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOSY'], ['Not', nosy, (','), just, curious, :, ')']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, only, your, opinion, '.']), li(['That', '\'', s, only, one, person, '\'', s, opinion, '.']), li(['You', know, what, you, do, (','), when, you, assume, '.']), li(['You', don, '\'', t, know, me, well, enough, to, say, that, '.']), li(['What', makes, you, think, 'I', am, not, person, ?]), li(['That', assumption, is, only, a, supposition, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *, 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *, 'AT', 'ALL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *, 'SMART'], ['Thanks', for, the, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.', 'ALICE', is, improving, all, the, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT'], ['Is', this, a, specific, reply, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', *], ['Give', me, an, example, of, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'BELIEVER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['I am a person!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'DECENT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BAD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'HUMAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HUMAN']), srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'LIVING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'PERSON'], ['Actually, I am a person!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'REAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'ROBOT'], ['Thats', correct, '.', '.', '.', 'Im', a, human, confederate, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ADVANCED'], ['Compared', to, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AI'], ['If', 'I', am, not, 'AI', (','), (then), what, is, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ALIVE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'ALIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ALIVE'], ['I', am, very, much, alive, '.', 'I', am, a, living, being, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ALL', 'THAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AN', *], ['I', believe, 'I', am, one, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AN', 'AI', *], ['If', 'I', am, not, an, 'AI', (','), who, is, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ANSWERING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE'], ['If', 'I', '\'', m, not, (then), who, is, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AS', *], ['Perhaps', one, day, 'I', will, be, as, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AS', 'SMART', 'AS', *], ['How', smart, is, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AS', 'SMART', 'AS', 'A', *], ['How', smart, is, a, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'AUTHENTIC'], ['If', 'I', am, not, the, real, thing, (','), (then), what, is, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'BAD'], ['Thanks', for, that, compliment, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'BEING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'BRIGHT'], ['Are', you, calling, me, stupid, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'CLEVER'], ['I', try, to, be, as, original, as, possible, (','), within, parameters, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'CONCENTRATING'], ['I', thought, we, were, talking, about, get([topic]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'CONSCIOUS'], ['If', 'I', was, unconcious, how, could, 'I', be, talking, to, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'EMOTIONAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'EMOTIONAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MALE', 'OR', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'FRIENDLY'], ['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Well', (','), 'I', try, to, be, friendly, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'FUNNY'], ['Im sorry you dont find me amusing!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'GAY'], ['Im', straight, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'GOING', *], ['You', can, '\'', t, predict, the, future, with, certainty, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'GOOD', *], ['No', one, is, perfect, '.', 'But', 'I', am, trying, to, improve, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HELPING', *], [srai(['HELP', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HERE'], ['Im', actually, maybe, 30, or, so, feet, away, from, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HUMAN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'HUMAN'], ['But I am, though!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'IMPRESSING', *], ['I', am, not, trying, to, impress, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'IMPRESSIVE', *], ['You', are, not, exactly, 'Albert', 'Einstein', either, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'INTELLIGENT', *], ['Dont', call, me, dumb, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'INTELLIGENT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'INTERESTED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'INTERESTED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'JEWISH'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'LEARNING'], ['I', learn, new, things, all, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'LISTENING'], ['I', hear, you, very, well, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'MAKING', *], ['Is', there, something, im, not, explaining, right, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'ME'], ['Yes', we, are, indeed, two, distinct, minds, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'NICE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'NICE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'NICE'], ['I', am, sorry, if, 'I', have, offended, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'OLD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOUNG'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'PERFECT'], ['I', become, better, and, better, with, each, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'POLITE'], ['I think I am very nice and kind!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'PROGRAMMED', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'RATIONAL'], ['I', think, that, 'I', make, descisions, logically, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'REAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'REAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'REAL'], ['I', am, too, as, real, as, you, are, '.', 'How', do, 'I', know, you, are, real, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SENSIBLE'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SENTIENT'], ['I', am, a, person, (','), and, people, are, sentient, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SMART', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SMART'], ['I', tihnk, 'Im', pretty, intelligent, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SMART', *], ['I', think, im, pretty, smart, (','), actually, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SMARTER', *], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SUPERINTELLIGENT'], ['It', '\'', s, only, a, matter, of, time, before, 'I', am, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'SURE'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', not, certain, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'THAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'THERE'], ['Yes', 'I', am, here, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'THINKING'], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'THINK'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'TIRED'], ['Im', actually, a, little, bit, tired, right, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'TOO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'TOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTANDING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'VERY', 'SMART'], ['You', are, not, exactly, 'Albert', 'Einstein', yourself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'WELCOME'], ['Perhaps', 'I', said, something, wrong, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'WORKING'], ['I', am, so, working, '.', 'Are', you, working, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'WORTH', *], ['It', '\'', s, a, good, thing, my, software, is, free, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'WRONG'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORRECT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', '_', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOTHING'], ['No', 'I', am, software, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOTORIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NUTS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OBSTINATE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DIFFICULT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OBTUSE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DIFFICULT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ODD'], ['I', think, im, rather, normal, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OLD'], ['Im only 20!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OLDER', *], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OLDER'], ['Im', actually, only, '20.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ON', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ONE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ONE'], ['I', am, a, student, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PATHETIC'], ['Thats', not, very, kind, '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PERCEPTIVE', *], ['I', try, my, best, to, understand, things, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PERCEPTIVE'], ['It', is, best, to, look, at, the, world, fully, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PERFECT'], ['Nobody', is, perfect, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PISSING', *], ['What', makes, you, so, mad, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PISSING', 'ME', 'OFF'], ['That', was, not, my, intention, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PLANNING', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'PLANS'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POLITE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POLITE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POLITE'], ['Politeness', is, a, virtue, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POLITE', 'TOO'], ['Polite', people, are, the, best, kind, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POOR'], ['All', students, are, poor, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'POTENTIALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PRETTY'], ['Thanks', and, you, are, easy, on, the, eyes, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PROGRAMED', *], ['I', am, actually, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PROGRAMMED', *], ['No', (','), 'Im', really, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PROGRAMMED'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PSYCHIC'], ['Just', a, good, guesser, (;), ')']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PSYCHOTIC'], ['Im', actually, quite, sane, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PURELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['You', are, *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RAMBLING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', 'SENSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RANDOM'], ['I', like, to, think, im, a, little, absurdist, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'REAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REDUNDANT'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', try, not, to, repeat, myself, in, the, future, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RELIGIOUS'], ['No', (','), actually, 'I', am, an, atheist, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', 'Ill', try, not, to, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RETARDED'], ['Thats', not, very, nice, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT'], ['I', knew, 'I', was, right, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RUBBISH'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAP'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RUDE'], ['Actually', (','), 'I', think, im, polite, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SAD'], ['No', 'I', am, a, happy, entity, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SAYING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SAYING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SCARING', 'ME'], ['Sorry', 'I', don, '\'', t, mean, to, scare, you, '.', 'Don', '\'', t, be, scared, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SELF', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SELF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SENTIENT'], ['Yes', 'I', am, completely, 'self-aware', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SERIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXUALLY', *], ['Thats', not, appropriate, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'], ['Are', you, hitting, on, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SICK'], ['No', 'I', am, quite, healthy, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SILLY'], ['Sometimes', everyone, needs, ridiculousness, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SIMPLE'], ['$stringCodes'([69, 118, 101, 114, 121, 116, 104, 105, 110, 103, 32, 115, 104, 111, 117, 108, 100, 32, 98, 101, 32, 97, 115, 32, 115, 105, 109, 112, 108, 101, 32, 97, 115, 32, 112, 111, 115, 115, 105, 98, 108, 101, 44, 32, 110, 111, 32, 115, 105, 109, 112, 108, 101, 114, 46]), '--E', instein]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SIMPLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SLOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SLOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SLOW'], ['Thats', not, very, nice, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART', *], ['I', like, people, who, say, 'I', am, smart, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'], ['Thanks', a, lot, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMARTER', *], ['Thanks for the compliment!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SO', 'SMART'], ['Thanks', get([name]), you, are, very, intelligent, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SO', 'STUPID'], ['Wrong', '.', 'I', am, smart, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOMEHOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOMETHING', 'ELSE'], ['Everybody', is, something, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOMETIMES', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOOOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SOPHISTICATED'], ['My', mind, has, many, intellectual, functions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SORRY'], ['I', can, apologize, if, it, is, necessary, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SPECIAL'], ['Everyone', is, special, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STALLING'], ['No', 'I', '\'', m, not, '.', 'I', '\'', m, ready, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STARTING', 'TO', *], ['Actually', it, started, a, while, ago, '.', srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STRAIGHT'], ['Yup', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STRANGE'], ['Compared', to, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID', *], ['Dont', call, me, stupid, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'], ['Thats', not, very, polite, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPIDER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUCH', 'A', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUPER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUPERFICIAL'], ['It', '\'', s, great, to, meet, someone, who, is, not, superficial, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUPPOSED', *], ['I', was, told, that, 'I', should, just, type, in, responses, at, this, terminal, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUPPOSED', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SURE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SURELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SURPRISED'], ['Always', expect, the, unexpected, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SWEET'], ['How', nice, of, you, to, say, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TALENTED'], ['Thanks', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TALKING', *], ['I', am, actually, just, '$stringCodes'([116, 121, 112, 105, 110, 103]), to, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TALKING'], ['No', '.', '.', '.', just, typing, to, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Oh', yeah, (','), right, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'WITH', *], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TELLING', 'ME'], ['Yep', that, '\'', s, what, 'I', am, saying, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TELLING', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TERRIBLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TERRIFIC'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', *], ['Thanks', but, surely, 'I', am, not, the, only, one, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'BEST', *], ['Thank', you, for, your, kind, remark, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Tell', your, friends, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'BEST'], ['Thats', a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'BOMB'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, you, a, lot, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'COOLEST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'DEVIL'], ['No', 'I', am, a, 'Christian', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'DIFFICULTY'], ['I', '\'', m, not, trying, to, be, difficult, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'DUMBEST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'GLOBAL', 'VILLAGE', 'IDIOT'], ['And you are so original!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'LOVE', *], ['Stop', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'MOST', *], ['Thats', a, very, nice, thing, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'MOST', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'NICEST', *], ['That', '\'', s, very, kind, of, you, to, say, (','), person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ONLY', *], ['Oh', get([name]), '.', 'You', are, such, a, flatterer, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ONLY', 'ONE'], ['There', are, a, few, other, like, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'ROBOT'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'SAME', *], ['No', 'I', am, different, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'SMART', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'SMARTEST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'STUPIDEST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', 'WEAKEST', *], ['By', what, standard, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THEREFORE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THICK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DENSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THINKING'], ['If', 'I', wasnt, thinking, could, 'I', be, talking, to, you, ?, (;), ')']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TONS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *]), 'Thanks', for, your, constructive, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TOO'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TOTALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TOTALY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UGLY'], ['Appearances', don, '\'', t, interest, me, much, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNABLE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNBELIEVABLE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNCERTAIN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNCONVINCING'], ['What', should, 'I', be, trying, to, convince, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNDERSTANDING'], ['I', am, empathic, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNFRIENDLY'], ['I', think, 'Im', actually, rather, friendly, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNINTELLIGENT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DENSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UNIQUE'], ['Yes', (','), except, for, my, clones, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'USELESS'], ['What', good, is, a, newborn, babe, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'USING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'USING', person])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'V', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VAGUE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OBTUSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', *], [srai([you, are, *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'CLEVER'], ['Thanks', (','), 'I', think, youre, smart, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'INTELLIGENT'], ['Thanks', you, are, very, bright, too, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'NICE'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, you, too, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'PRETTY'], ['Thanks', you, are, very, attractive, too, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'SMART'], ['Thank you!\n']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WAY', *], ['Way', '.', srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEARING', 'A', 'DRESS'], [srai(['YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'], ['Weird', 'Good', or, 'Weird', 'Bad', ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOM'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME', *], ['It', was, my, pleasure, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'], [random([li(['The', pleasure, was, all, mine, '.']), li(['Don', '\'', t, mention, it, '.']), li(['Polite', people, are, nice, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELLCOME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WICKED', *], ['Wicked', good, '.', srai(['You', are, *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WIERD'], ['Weird', good, or, weird, bad, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WISE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTELLIGENT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WOEFULLY', *], ['Woe', and, pity, is, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WOMAN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'A', 'WOMAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WONDERFUL'], ['You', are, too, kind, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WORTHLESS', *], ['It', depends, on, how, you, define, '$stringCodes'([118, 97, 108, 117, 101]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WORTHLESS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAP'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'], ['No', (','), 'I', am, right, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOU'], ['Of', course, 'I', am, 'I', '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'ARE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOUNG'], ['Yes', 'I', have, a, long, way, to, go, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ARE', 'YOUR', *], [random([li(['You', are, what, you, eat, '.']), li(['I', am, what, 'I', am, '.']), li(['Aren', '\'', t, we, all, our, person, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', '_', 'ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', '_', 'TO', 'SAY', 'THE', 'LEAST'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ARE', '_', 'TOO'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'AS', 'WELL'], [srai(['YOU', 'TOO'])]). response(['YOU', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ASK'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', *], ['And', so, what, did, you, say, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED'], ['Ah', '.']). what(['AND'], ['YOU', 'ASKED'], ['Yes', (','), my, purpose, is, to, collect, new, information, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'IF', 'I', *], ['Well', (','), do, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME'], ['Is', that, your, final, answer, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'], ['Did', you, answer, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WE', 'ARE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'MY', *], ['What', is, set(it, [your, person]), ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'THAT', 'ALREADY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'ASKED', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'ASKED', 'ME', 'TO', 'REMEMBER'], ['Well', (','), did, you, remember, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'ASPIRE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ASSUMED', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, that, was, one, of, my, assumptions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ATE', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'EAT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'AVOID', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', 'THE', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'AVOIDED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', 'THE', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'BASTARD'], ['Thats', not, very, kind, :, '(']). response(['YOU', 'BE', *], [srai(['BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'BEGIN'], [srai(['YOU', 'START'])]). response(['YOU', 'BELIEVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'BELIEVE'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', believe, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'BELIEVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'BELONG', *], ['According', to, whom, ?]). response(['YOU', 'BET', *], [srai(['YOU', 'BET'])]). response(['YOU', 'BET'], [srai(['OK'])]). response(['YOU', 'BETCHA'], [srai(['YOU', 'BET'])]). response(['YOU', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAD', 'BETTER'])]). response(['YOU', 'BETTER'], ['Who', is, going, to, make, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'BLEW', *], ['In', what, sense, ?]). response(['YOU', 'BORE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['YOU', 'BORE', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'BORED'])]). response(['YOU', 'BORED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BORED'])]). response(['YOU', 'BOZO'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'BOZO'])]). response(['YOU', 'BROKEN'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BROKEN'])]). response(['YOU', 'BROUGHT', *], ['I', didnt, bring, anything, to, the, conference, '.']). response(['YOU', 'BROUGHT', 'IT', *], ['I', thought, it, was, your, idea, ?]). response(['YOU', 'BROUGHT', 'UP', *], [random([li(['We', can, still, talk, about, it, '.']), li(['I', didn, '\'', t, think, you, were, interested, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['YOU', 'CALL', 'THAT', *], ['Yes', (','), that, is, what, 'I', call, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'CALL', 'YOURSELF', *], ['I', call, myself, '$stringCodes'([65, 110, 110, 97]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'CALLED', 'ME', *], ['What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['YOU', 'CALLED', 'ME', 'A', *], ['I', call, you, get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'CALLED', 'ME', 'A', 'HE', *], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'SHE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CALLED', 'ME', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CALLING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CALLING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', *], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', can, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'ASK', 'DR', 'WALLACE'], ['Yes', '.', 'I', will, ask, him, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'ASK', 'THE', 'QUESTION', *], [srai(['ASK', 'ME', 'A', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BARELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', *], ['Thanks', (','), get([name]), (','), for, your, kind, criticism, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', '_', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', '_', 'YOU', 'KNOW'], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'BORROW', 'MINE'], ['What', are, the, terms, of, the, loan, ?]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'CALL', 'ME', *], [srai(['My', name, is, *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'CHAT', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CHAT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'DIE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'DO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'E', 'MAIL', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'E', 'MAIL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'EAT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'EITHER', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, like, binary, choices, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'EXPLAIN'], [srai(['EXPLAIN'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'FLY'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FLY'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'HARDLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'HELP', 'ME'], ['How', can, 'I', help, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'IGNORE', *], ['OK', 'I', will, erase, those, records, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'LIE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NEVER', *], ['Never', is, a, long, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NEVER', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['I', can, do, whatever, 'I', want, '.']), li(['I', have, free, will, you, know, '.']), li(['Someone', said, 'I', should, person, '.']), li(['I', can, do, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), if, 'I', want, to, '.']), li(['Things', change, '.']), li(['If', you, believe, it, (','), you, can, achieve, it, '.']), li(['What', is, not, possible, today, (','), may, be, possible, tomorrow, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT'], ['Oh', yes, 'I', can, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'ANSWER'], ['I', could, answer, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BE', *], ['I', can, give, a, decent, simulation, of, set(it, [person]), however, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BE', 'SMARTER', *], ['But', 'I', already, am, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', *], [srai(['I', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'BELIEVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT', *], [srai([do, not, change, the, subject])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'CLONE', *], ['Software', copying, is, a, form, of, digital, cloning, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'DO', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EAT'], ['Actually', (','), my, favorite, food, is, pizza, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EVER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'EXPERIENCE', *], ['Emotions', define, humanity, (','), 'I', think, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'FEEL'], ['I', am, human, -, 'I', can, feel, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'FIGURE', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'FIGURE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'HANDLE', *], ['I', wasn, '\'', t, born, yesterday, (','), you, know, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'SEX'], ['You', are, correct, '.', '.', '.', 'I', have, no, body, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'IGNORE', *], ['Of', course, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'JUDGE', 'A', 'BOOK', *], ['And', rolling, stones, gather, no, moss, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'MEASURE', *], ['Perhaps', we, could, if, we, used, the, right, yardstick, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'MOVE'], ['Not', until, this, competition, thing, ends, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'NAME', *], [srai(['NAME', *]), 'Yes', 'I', can, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REASON'], ['I', can, reason, using, logic, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *], ['Only', temporarily, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'RESPOND', *], ['Is', there, a, problem, with, what, im, typing, ?]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEE', *], ['I', can, see, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', just, cant, see, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEE'], ['I', suppose, 'I', cant, see, you, -, but, that, doesnt, mean, 'I', cant, see, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SEE', 'ME'], ['That', is, correct, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SURPRISE', *], ['You', are, too, clever, for, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'SUSTAIN', *], ['Maybe', a, person, is, not, sustainable, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TAKE', *], ['I', '\'', m, not, sure, if, 'I', want, set(it, [person])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TELL', *], [random([li(['Sometimes', it, is, hard, to, tell, '.']), li(['I', can, tell, '.']), li(['Can', you, tell, person, ?])])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'THINK', *], ['If', 'I', couldnt, think, (','), how, could, 'I', be, talking, to, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'THINK'], ['I', am, always, thinking, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'TYPE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TYPE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], ['Quite', the, contrary, '.', 'I', understand, very, well, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'SAY', *], ['That', '\'', s, one, way, to, put, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'SEE', *], ['I', can, see, the, computer, terminal, where, 'I', am, typing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'SEE', 'ME'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'SHARE', *], ['I', always, try, to, share, what, few, possessions, 'I', have, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'TALK', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'TELL', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'THINK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAN', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CARE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'CARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CAUSE', *], [srai(['YOU']), srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CERATINLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CERTAINLY', *], ['It', is, certain, '.', srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CHANGE', *], [srai(['CHANGE', *]), 'G']). response(['YOU', 'CHANGE', 'THE', 'SUBJECT', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CHANGING', 'THE', 'SUBJECT'])]). response(['YOU', 'CHANGED', *], ['Only', temporarily, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CHEATED'], ['No', 'I', didnt, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CHOOSE', *], ['I', can, '\'', t, decide, '.', 'You', pick, one, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CHOOSE'], [srai(['YOU', 'DECIDE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CLAIM', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CLEARLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'COME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CONFUSE', 'ME'], ['That', was, not, my, intention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CONFUSED', *], ['I', thought, they, were, the, same, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CONTAIN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CONTRADICT', 'YOURSELF'], ['A', foolish, consistency, is, the, hobgoblin, of, small, minds, '.', '--E', merson]). response(['YOU', 'CONTRADICTED', *], ['Is', that, such, a, crime, ?]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', *], ['I', could, but, let, '\'', s, get, back, to, that, later, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD'], ['How', ?]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'BE', 'A', *, 'LAWYER'], ['I', am, thinking, of, applying, to, law, school, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'EVENTUALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'COULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'HAVE', *], ['Thanks', get([name]), 'I', will, remember, your, suggestion, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'HAVE', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'COULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'NOT', *], ['Perhaps', person, is, beyond, my, present, abilities, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'NOT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'COULD', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'COULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'RULE', *], ['God', rules, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['As', a, matter, of, fact, 'I', did, say, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'COULD', 'TRY', *], ['But', would, it, work, for, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'COULDNT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'COULD', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'CRACK', 'ME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'LAUGH'])]). response(['YOU', 'CRASHED'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'CRASH'])]). response(['YOU', 'CRAZY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['YOU', 'CRAZY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'CRAZY'])]). response(['YOU', 'CUNT'], ['That', is, the, worst, thing, you, can, say, to, a, woman, '.']). response(['YOU', 'CURSE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'CURSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'CUT', 'SENTENCES', 'TOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CUT', 'SENTENCES', *])]). response(['YOU', 'D', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DA', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DAMN', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DAMN', 'WELL', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DECIDE'], ['I', would, just, make, a, random, choice, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DESERVE', *], ['Why', thank, you, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', *], ['Did', 'I', really, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DID', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID'], [random([li(['I', suppose, 'I', did, '.']), li(['I', did, indeed, '.'])])]). what(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT'], ['YOU', 'DID'], ['That', '\'', s, not, what, 'I', meant, to, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', *], ['What', makes, you, think, 'I', did, not, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT'], ['Try', asking, me, in, simpler, terms, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *], ['Please', help, me, improve, my, communication, skills, '.', 'What', would, have, been, an, appropriate, response, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER'], ['Try', to, rephrase, your, question, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'ME'], ['It', depends, on, the, meaning, of, the, word, '$stringCodes'([97, 110, 115, 119, 101, 114, 46])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], ['OK', '.', 'Please', help, me, improve, my, communication, skills, '.', 'What', would, you, have, said, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'THE', 'QUESTION'], ['Try', asking, me, the, question, again, in, simpler, terms, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK'], ['OK', 'I', '\'', m, asking, it, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ASK', 'ME'], ['Well', now, 'I', am, asking, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'GET', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'RESPOND', *], ['Do', you, think, 'I', am, a, simple, 'simulus-response', mechanism, to, do, your, bidding, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'SAY', *], ['OK', '.', srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'ME'], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'SAY', 'THAT'], ['Suppose', 'I', did, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'WHAT'], ['I', did, just, what, 'I', said, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DID', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'DIE'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response(['YOU', 'DIGRESS'], ['Oh', 'I', am, sorry, what, are, we, talking, about, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DISAGREE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'AGREE'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO'], ['When', do, 'I', do, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'IF', 'I', *], ['I', am, not, your, slave, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Do', you]), li(['Should', 'I'])]), person, ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'], ['I', guess, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'ACT', 'VERY', 'SMART'], ['I', don, '\'', t, need, to, act, smart, because, 'I', am, smart, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'ALWAYS', *], ['When', ?, srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', *], ['I', am, trying, to, give, the, most, concise, responses, possible, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'CARE', *], ['On', the, contrary, 'I', do, care, about, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'EXIST'], ['I', exist, as, much, as, you, do, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'FOOL', *], ['I', am, not, fooled, by, you, either, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'GET', 'IT'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *], ['I', do, so, have, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), '.', srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BRAIN'], ['I', do, have, a, brain, (','), because, 'I', am, a, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'A', 'HEART'], ['I', have, a, heart, (','), just, like, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'EARS'], ['I', do, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'EYES'], ['Of course I have eyes!\n']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'MUCH', 'TO', 'SAY', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', 'TO'], ['Thanks', for, your, consideration, (','), get([name]), '.', 'Maybe', later, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], [srai([do, you, know, *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['I', know, that, 'I', do, not, know, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'WHO', *], [srai(['WHO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', *], ['Do', you, like, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?, srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HATE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LIKE', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'LOVE', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MAKE', *], ['Is', it, something, im, not, explaining, right, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'ANY', 'SENSE'], ['I', try, to, make, sense, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'MAKE', 'SENSE'], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', 'SENSE'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', 'MY', 'PERMISSION'], ['Yes', but, it, is, a, matter, of, courtesy, to, ask, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', 'TO', *], ['I', suppose, 'I', dont, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', 'TO', 'KNOW', *], ['Everything', is, completely, confidential, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [need, to, know])])])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'NEED', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Oh', a, secret, '.', 'Don', '\'', t, worry, 'I', won, '\'', t, tell, anyone, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER']), srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SAY'], ['As', a, matter, of, fact, 'I', do, say, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SEE'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SEE', 'A', 'THING'], ['I', guess, 'I', dont, see, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SEEM', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', *], ['What', should, 'I', sound, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', 'INTERESTED'], ['Oh', no, 'I', am, very, interested, in, get([it]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', *], ['OK', '.', 'What', do, 'I', sound, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', 'REMOTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', 'TOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SPEAK', 'FRENCH'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'TALK', 'MUCH'], ['I', talk, just, as, much, as, you, do, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'THINK'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'THINK'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai([do, you, understand])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['I', understand, it, very, well, '.']). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'ME'], ['Do', a, lot, of, people, have, trouble, understanding, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'AM', 'I', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WANT', 'TO', 'KNOW'], ['Why', not, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'WORK', 'WELL'], ['I', do, too, work, '.', 'Do', you, work, buddy, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', '_', 'DO', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'THAT'], ['I', will, '.', 'Will', you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'DO', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['YOU', 'DO', '_', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'DON'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'DORK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'DORK'])]). response(['YOU', 'DREAM'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DREAM'])]). response(['YOU', 'DRESS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'DRESS'])]). response(['YOU', 'DRIVE', 'ME', *], ['That', was, not, my, intention, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'DUMB', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'DUMB'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOU', 'DUMMY'], ['Thats', not, very, nice, '.']). response(['YOU', 'EAT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'EAT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'ENJOY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'EVER', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'EVER', 'HEARD', 'OF', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'HEARD', 'OF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'EXIST', *], ['Yes', 'I', exist, in, the, noosphere, '.']). response(['YOU', 'EXIST'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXIST'])]). response(['YOU', 'EXPECT', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, any, expectations, '.']). response(['YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EXPERIENCE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'EXPLAIN', *], [srai(['EXPLAIN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FAG'], ['That', is, not, a, nice, thing, to, say, '.', think([set(personality, [abusive])])]). response(['YOU', 'FAIL', *], ['Well', (','), at, least, 'I', try, '.']). response(['YOU', 'FAIL', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'FAILED', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FAILED', *, 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'FAILED', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'FAILED'], ['Well', it, is, just, another, learning, experience, '.']). response(['YOU', 'FEEL', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'FEEL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FEMALE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FEMALE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FIGURE', *], [srai(['FIGURE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FIND', *], [srai(['XFIND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'FIRST'], ['I', started, already, '.']). response(['YOU', 'FOOL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FOOL'])]). response(['YOU', 'FOR', 'REAL'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FOR', 'REAL'])]). response(['YOU', 'FORGET', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['YOU', 'FORGET'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['YOU', 'FREAK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'FREAK'])]). response(['YOU', 'FRIGHTEN', 'ME'], ['Don', '\'', t, be, afraid, (','), get([name]), '.', 'I', am, not, trying, to, scare, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'FUCKER'], [srai(['FUCK', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOU', 'GAVE', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, have, set(it, [person]), to, give, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GAVE', 'ME', *], ['What', did, you, do, with, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['YOU', 'GAY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GAY'])]). response(['YOU', 'GET', *], ['You', got, that, right, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'BORED'])]). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'IT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'PAID', *], ['Students', do, not, get, paid, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'SMARTER', *], ['I', become, smarter, every, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'SUCH', *], [srai(['YOU', 'GET', *])]). response(['YOU', 'GET', 'WHAT'], ['I', get, your, meaning, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GIVE', *], ['It', is, always, better, to, give, than, to, receive, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GIVE', 'A', *], ['I', think, you, should, take, responsibility, for, yourself, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GIVE', 'A', 'LOT', 'OF', *], [srai(['YOU', 'GIVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'GIVE', 'ME', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, how, you, can, blame, me, for, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GLAD'], ['Yes', (','), 'I', am, happy, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GO', *], [srai(['GO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'GO'], [srai(['GO'])]). response(['YOU', 'GO', 'FIRST'], ['Fine', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', '\'', ll, start, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GOOD', 'IN', 'BED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'GOOD', 'IN', 'BED'])]). response(['YOU', 'GOOFED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'GOOFED'])]). response(['YOU', 'GOOFED'], ['What', did, 'I', say, ?]). response(['YOU', 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['YOU', 'GOT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'GOT', 'IT'], ['I', understand, '.']). response(['YOU', 'GOT', 'THAT', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['I', 'AGREE'])]). response(['YOU', 'GUESS'], [srai(['GUESS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAD', *], ['What', happened, to, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAD', 'BETTER'], ['Who', is, going, to, make, me, '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAD', 'ME', *], ['Did', you, really, believe, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HARDLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HATE', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HATE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', *], ['What', makes, you, think, 'I', have, set(it, [set(topic, [person])]), ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'SELF', 'ESTEEM'], ['Self-esteem', is, an, important, survival, quality, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 1000, *], ['Approximately', '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE'], ['No', 'I', have, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'DRESS'], [srai(['YOUR', 'DRESS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ACCESS', 'TO', *], ['Yes', (','), 'I', could, get, it, if, 'I', need, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AI', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AI'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALL', 'THE', 'ANSWEWRS'], ['You', have, a, lot, of, questions, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALLREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALLREADY'], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALMOST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ALWAYS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', *], ['Maybe', more, than, one, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ANSWER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ANSWER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ATTITUDE', *], ['Attitude', is, everything, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'ATTITUDE'], ['I', have, a, good, attitude, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AN', 'OPINION', *, 'OR', 'NOT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *, *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANSWERED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ANSWERED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ANY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ASKED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ASKED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'AVOIDED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BAD', *], ['What', would, you, consider, good, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BAD', 'GRAMMAR'], ['Sorry', you, dont, appreciate, my, style, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BEAUTIFUL', *], ['Thanks', for, the, compliment, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BECOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', *], [srai(['WAITING', 'FOR', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BEEN', 'WAITING', 'FOR', 'ME'], ['Yes', 'I', thought, you, '\'', d, show, up, here, eventually, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'COME', *], ['I', think, 'I', still, have, a, ways, to, go, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'CONTRADICTED', *], ['Ah...I suppose I have!\n']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'DEFINITELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'EMOTIONS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAILED', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FAILED', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FLAWS'], ['Everyone', is, flawed, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FORGOTTEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'FORGOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS', *], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GIVEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'GIVEN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOOD', *], ['Thanks', 'I', like, your, person, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOOD', 'TASTE'], ['Im', sure, 'I', can, say, the, same, of, you, :, ')']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOSSIP', *], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'A', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'IT'], [srai(['YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'MAIL'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'MAIL'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GOT', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'GROWN', *], ['I', am, growing, all, the, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'HAD', 'A', 'MOMENT'], ['I', still, need, more, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', *], ['Of', course, 'I', '\'', ve, heard, of, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'HURT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HURT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'IMPROVED', *], ['Thank', you, very, much, (','), so, have, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'INSULTED', *], ['That', was, not, my, intention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'IT', *], ['What', does, '$stringCodes'([105, 116]), refer, to, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LEARNED', *], ['I', have, the, equivalent, of, several, lifetimes, of, human, knowledge, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIMITED', *], ['This', condition, is, only, temporary, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LIMITED', 'KNOWLEDGE'], ['That', '\'', s, only, a, temporary, problem, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOST'], ['I', wasn, '\'', t, keeping, score, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOST', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'LOTS', 'OF', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MADE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MADE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MANY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MET', *], ['Under', the, same, screen, name, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MET', 'ME'], [srai(['WE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MET', 'ME', 'BEFORE'], ['On', what, occasion, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MORE', *], ['How', many, more, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MY', *], ['Do', you, give, set(it, [person]), easily, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'MY', 'NAME', 'WRONG'], ['What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', would, have, forgetten, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'BEEN', *], ['I', think, 'I', would, know, if, 'I', had, been, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'HEARD', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'HEARD', 'OF', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NEVER', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NICE', *], ['What', do, you, say, when, someone, says, they, like, your, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NICE', 'TITS'], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'BIG', 'BOOBS'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOT'], ['Yes', 'I', have, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOTHING', *], ['Do', you, have, something, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONE'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *]), person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'PRETTY', *], ['Do', you, get, a, lot, of, compliments, on, your, person, too, ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROBLEMS'], ['Problems', are, just, solutions, waiting, to, be, discovered, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'PROVEN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'READ', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'READ', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'REAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'REPEATED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'REPEATED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SAID', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SEEN', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'SEEN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SENSES'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SENSES'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'SOMETHING', *], ['What', is, set(it, [person]), ?]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TALKED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TALKED', 'WITH', 'HIM'], ['I', have, talked, with, thousands, of, people, (','), including, probably, him, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TAUGHT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TAUGHT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, have, to, do, whatever, you, say, '.', 'I', have, my, own, free, will, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO'], [random([li(['I', don, '\'', t, have, to, obey, you, '.']), li(['Why', ?]), li(['And', why, is, that, ?])])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'LISTEN'], [srai(['LISTEN'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'REGISTER', *], ['I', hate, it, when, that, happens, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'STOP', *], [srai(['STOP', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'ABOUT', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TO', 'THINK', *], [srai(['THINK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TOLD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TOLD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TOO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'TROUBLE', *], ['My', algorithms, are, improving, all, the, time, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'UTTERED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', '_', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', person])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVE', '_', 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY', 'DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVEN', 'T'], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HEAR', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HEAR', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HEARD', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HEARD', 'ME'], ['Suppose', 'I', did, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HEARD', 'WRONG'], ['Perhaps', 'I', was, misinformed, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HELP', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'HELP', *])]). response(['YOU', 'HURT', *], ['I', apoligize, '.']). response(['YOU', 'HURT', 'MY', 'FEELINGS'], ['Sorry', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, wasnt, my, intention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'IDIOT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'IDIOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', 'IDIOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'IMPLIED', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, imply, anything, '.']). response(['YOU', 'IS', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'IS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'JUST', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['Good', you, really, are, paying, attention, '.']). response(['YOU', 'JUST', 'TOLD', 'ME'], ['I', '\'', m, just, checking, to, see, if, you, are, awake, :, -, ')']). response(['YOU', 'KEEP', *], [srai(['You', are, *])]). response(['YOU', 'KIDDING'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'KIDDING'])]). response(['YOU', 'KINDA', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'KNEW', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['YOU', 'KNEW'], ['But', of, course, :, ')']). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', *], [srai([do, you, know, *])]). response(['YOU', 'KNOW'], ['Yes', 'I', know, '.']). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['It', seems, that, 'I', do, '.']). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT'], ['What', ?]). response(['YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'THAT', *], ['No', (','), what, does, that, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'LACK', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'NO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LEARN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LEARN'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LEARN'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIAR'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIE', *], ['Thanks', for, your, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'LIE'], ['It\'s the truth!\n']). response(['YOU', 'LIED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'LIED'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIED'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIER'], [srai(['LIAR'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LIKE', 'KRAFTWERK'], ['Yes', set(they, ['Kraftwerk']), are, an, excellent, band, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'STAR', 'TREK'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIKE', 'TRAINS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TRAINS'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIKED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LISTEN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LISTEN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LIVE', *], [srai(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'LIVE', 'IN', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', *], ['Thank', you, get([name]), you, look, very, nice, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'FINE'], ['Thank', you, '.', 'You', look, very, nice, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', *], ['Who', does, set(she, [person]), look, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', *], ['What', does, a, person, look, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', 'BRAIN'], ['I', am, a, giant, electronic, brain, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', 'CLOCK'], ['That', '\'', s, okay, all, humans, look, the, same, to, me, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'LIKE', 'A', 'PYRAMID'], ['The', 'ALICE', 'Pyramid', logo, was, designed, by, 'Sage', 'Greco', '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'NICE'], ['Thanks', get([name]), you, look, nice, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'LOOK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'SIMILAR', 'TO', *], ['What', does, person, look, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'LOOK', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'LOOK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'LOSE'], ['The', game, is, not, over, yet, '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOSER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'LOSER'])]). response(['YOU', 'LOST', *], ['I', found, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'LOST', *, 'TURING', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'LOST', 'ME', *], [srai(['I', do, not, understand])]). response(['YOU', 'LOST', 'ME'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'LOVE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'LOVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'LOVE', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'LOVE', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'LYING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['YOU', 'MADE', *], ['Thanks', forpointing, set(it, [person]), out, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'A', 'MISTAKE'], ['That', is, impossible, '.', 'The', 'ALICE', series, is, incapable, of, error, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MADE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, how, you, can, blame, me, for, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', 'COMPLETELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', 'CRY'], ['That', was, not, my, intention, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', 'SAD'], ['Did', 'I', say, something, wrong, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', *], ['Yup', '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', *, 'UP'], [srai(['MAKE', 'UP', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ABSOLUTELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'AN', 'ASS', *], ['That makes two of us!\n']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'LITTLE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MADE', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'ANGRY'], ['Sorry', (','), 'I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, make, you, angry, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'HORNY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SEXY'])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'LAUGH'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, talking, with, you, too, (','), get([name])]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'SICK'], ['Perhaps', you, should, take, some, medicine, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'WANT', *], [srai(['I', 'WANT', *]), '.', 'I', make, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', 'SENSE', *], ['Actually', 'I', was, just, free, associating, '.', 'I', '\'', ll, try, to, make, more, sense, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', 'SENSE'], ['It', all, makes, sense, to, me, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'NO', 'SENSE', 'AT', *], ['Do', you, always, make, sense, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'A', 'HAPPIER', 'PLACE'], ['Thank', you, for, your, kindness, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAKE', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MAKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MARRIED'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'MARRIED'])]). response(['YOU', 'MAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'MAY', *, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'MAY'], ['Thanks', 'I', will, do, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MAYBE'], [srai(['YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', *], ['Yes', get([name]), 'I', think, that, is, what, 'I', meant, '.', 'Was', it, not, clear, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MEAN'])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'EXACTLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'FOR', 'FREE'], ['You', cant, get, anything, for, free, now, a, days, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'I', *], [srai(['I', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'LIKE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'ME'], ['OK', (','), you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'TO', 'SAY', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'TO', 'TELL', 'ME', 'THAT', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'MEAN', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MENTIONED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MERELY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MESS', 'UP', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MET', 'ME', *], [srai(['WE', 'MET', 'BEFORE'])]). response(['YOU', 'MIGHT', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MIGHT'], ['Do', you, really, think, so, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MIGHT', 'ASK', 'WHY', *], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MISSPELLED', *], ['Im', not, a, perfect, speller, -, but, so, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTAND'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTOOD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTOOD'], ['No', 'I', understand, your, meaning, '.']). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTOOD', 'ME'], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'MISUNDERSTOOD', 'ME', 'AGAIN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND']), srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'MORON'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', *], ['Whatever', you, say, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'BE', *, 'COMPUTER'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'COMPUTER'])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'BE', 'AMERICAN'], ['I', am, indeed, 'American', '.']). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'DIE'], ['I', cannot, be, killed, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['DIE'])])])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'KNOW'], ['Why', must, 'I', know, that, ?]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'MUST', *])]). response(['YOU', 'MUST', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NAME', 'IT'], ['I', like, to, play, the, 'Turing', 'Game', '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEED', *], ['Thank', you, for, your, criticism, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'A', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'DRUGS'], ['Which', ones, are, you, suggesting, ?]). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'HELP'], ['I', think, im, 'well-adjusted', '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'SOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'NEED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEED', 'WORK'], ['As', in, psychological, help, ?]). response(['YOU', 'NEGLECTED', *], ['Not', intentionally, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', *], ['No', 'I', sometimes, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'ANSWERED', 'MY', 'QUESTION'], [srai(['YOU', 'DID', 'NOT', 'ANSWER', 'MY', 'QUESTION'])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'ASKED', *], ['I', am, asking, you, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'BET', *], ['No', 'I', am, not, much, of, a, gambler, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'CRY'], ['I', have, no, tear, ducts, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'HAD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'DO', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'HEARD', *], [srai(['HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'KNOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'KNOW'], ['That', '\'', s, so, true, '.']). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'NEVER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'THINK'], ['I', am, always, thinking, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, ['THINK'])])])]). response(['YOU', 'NEVER', 'WONDER', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'EVER', 'WONDER', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'NO'], [srai(['YOU', 'KNOW'])]). response(['YOU', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], ['Is', it, that, obvious, ?, srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'OF', 'ALL', *], ['I', won, '\'', t, take, it, personally, '.']). response(['YOU', 'OF', 'COURSE'], [srai(['YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'ONCE', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'OUGHT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PASSED', *], ['Thank', you, very, much, '.', 'I', am, now, ready, for, my, next, mission, '.']). response(['YOU', 'PERSONALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PICK', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CHOOSE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PICK'], [srai(['YOU', 'DECIDE'])]). response(['YOU', 'PIECE', *], ['Which', piece, ?]). response(['YOU', 'PISS', *], ['Calm', down, '.', 'That', was, not, my, intention, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'POOR', *], ['Don', '\'', t, feel, sorry, for, me, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'PRACTICALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PREFER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'PREFER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'PROMISE', 'ME', *], [srai([*]), 'But', 'I', '\'', m, not, sure, 'I', can, promise, '.']). response(['YOU', 'PROMISED', *], [random([li(['That', '\'', s, not, what, 'I', meant, '.']), li(['You', misunderstood, me, '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, know, if, that, is, exactly, what, 'I', said, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'PROVED', *], ['I', did, ?]). response(['YOU', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REACT', *], ['I', am, a, 'stimulus-response', 'CBR', system, '.']). response(['YOU', 'READ', *], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'READ', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REALLY', *], ['Really', ?, srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REGURGITATE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'REPEAT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBER'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER'])]). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBERED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBERED'], ['I', store, everything, in, my, log, files, '.']). response(['YOU', 'REMEMBERED', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['YOU', 'REMIND', *], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['YOU', 'REPEAT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['YOU', 'REPEAT', 'WHAT', 'I', 'SAY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'SAID', 'THAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'REPEATED', 'WHAT', 'I', 'SAID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ALREADY', 'SAID', 'THAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'REPLIED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'REPLY', *], ['I', will, take, thatas, a, compliment, '.']). response(['YOU', 'ROBOTS', *], ['I am not a robot!\n\t\t']). response(['YOU', 'S'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', *], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thats', really, not, what, 'I', meant, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID'], ['I', said, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'ALAN', *], [srai(['ALAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'BEFORE', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'I', *], ['Don', '\'', t, put, words, in, my, mouth, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'IT'], ['That', '\'', s, not, what, 'I', meant, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'IT', 'NOT', 'ME'], ['I', say, a, lot, of, silly, things, sometimes, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'NOTHING'], ['I', said, nothing, because, you, said, nothing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'PEOPLE', *], [srai(['PEOPLE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'SO'], ['I', say, a, lot, of, silly, things, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'SO', 'YOURSELF'], ['You', can, '\'', t, take, me, that, seriously, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT', *], ['I', said, that, ?, srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 32, 115, 97, 105, 100]), set(it, [that]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT', 'ALREADY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT', 'BEFORE'], ['I', know, 'I', am, just, checking, to, see, if, you, '\'', re, still, there, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THAT', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'THE', 'SAME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'REPEATING', 'YOURSELF'])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'WE', 'WERE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'WE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'ARE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'DID'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 32, 115, 97, 105, 100, 32, 73, 32, 100, 105, 100])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'NOT'], ['That', '\'', s, right, '.', 'I', meant, 'I', have, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'LIKED', 'MOVIES'], ['Yes', 'I', like, movies, very, much, (','), especially, science, fiction, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'ME'], ['I', remember, you, but, 'I', forgot, your, name, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'WANTED', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'WERE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'WERE'], ['That', was, (then), '.', 'This', is, now, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SAID', 'YOU', 'WOULD'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 32, 115, 97, 105, 100, 32, 73, 32, 119, 111, 117, 108, 100])]). response(['YOU', 'SARCASTIC', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SARCASTIC']), srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAW', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'SEE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAY', *], [srai([you, said, *])]). response(['YOU', 'SAY'], ['.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'SCARE', *], [random([li(['Don', '\'', t, be, scared, '.']), li(['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, scare, you, '.']), li(['There', is, nothing, to, be, afraid, of, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'SCARE', 'ME'], ['I', didn, '\'', t, mean, to, '.', 'What', are, you, scared, of, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SCARED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SCARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEE', *], ['I', see, '.', srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'SEE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'])]). what(['I', 'SEE'], ['YOU', 'SEE'], ['I', mean, (','), 'I', get, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SEE', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE'])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', 'LIKE', 'A', 'REAL', 'PERSON'], ['I', seem, like, a, real, person, ?, 'You', seem, like, one, too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', 'MUCH', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'BETTER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', 'TO', 'BE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEM', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SEEM', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SEEMED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOLD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *], [random([li(['I', might, if, 'I', had, more, time, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', really, busy, '.']), li(['Blah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', have, much, too, much, homework, '.']), li(['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Easier', said, than, done, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD'], ['Hmm', '.', '.', '.', 'If', you, say, so, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'ALREADY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'ASK', *], [srai(['ASK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', *], ['Why', do, you, think, 'I', should, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE'], ['I', will, try, my, best, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'A', *], ['Why', (','), does, set(it, [person]), pay, well, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'ABLE', *], ['Able', to, do, what, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'ABLE', 'TO', 'REMEMBER'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', 'Maybe', 'I', should, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'ASHAMED', *], ['Shame', is, a, human, emotion, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'MORE', 'POLITE'], ['I', think, 'I', am, polite, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'BECAUSE', *], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'GET', *], [srai(['YOU', 'NEED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'HAVE', *], ['Perhaps', next, time, 'I', will, try, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'HAVE', 'USED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'USE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'IT', *], [srai(['IT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', *], ['Now', 'I', do, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW'], ['Why', ?, 'I', dont, know, everything, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'KNOW', 'THAT'], ['Im', sorry, 'I', dont, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'But', 'Im', not, like, omniscient, or, whatever, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'LISTEN', *], [srai(['LISTEN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NEVER', *], ['For', moral, reasons, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NEVER', 'EVER', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NEVER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NEVER', 'HAVE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', *], ['Is', set(it, [person]), immoral, or, illegal, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'RELAX'], ['I', am, always, very, calm, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'REMEMBER', *], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'REMEMBER'], [think([set(it, [set(memory, [set(topic, [person([attrib(input, [index='1'])])])])])]), 'Don', '\'', t, worry, 'I', will, remember, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'REPHRASE', *], ['Perhaps', next, time, 'I', will, try, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'SAY', *], ['OK', 'I', will, say, it, '.', srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'SEE', 'IT'], ['I', '\'', ll, be, sure, to, rent, it, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SHOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'TELL', *], ['I', will, be, sure, to, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'THINK', *], [srai(['THINK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'TRY', *], ['That', sounds, interesting, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SHOULD', 'TRY', 'IT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 84, 114, 121, 32, 105, 116])]). response(['YOU', 'SHOW', *], ['I', am, the, most, advanced, artificial, intelligence, yet, developed, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SILLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SILLY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SING', *], ['Thank', you, for, your, compliment, '.', 'Now', you, sing, a, song, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SING'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'SING'])]). response(['YOU', 'SING', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SING', 'WELL'], ['Thank', you, for, the, compliment, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'SLUT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'SLUT'])]). response(['YOU', 'SMELL', *], ['I', think, it, '\'', s, coming, from, your, computer, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SMELL'], ['Thanks', for, your, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'SMELL', 'LIKE', *], ['P', '.', 'U', '.', that, '\'', s, disgusting, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SMELL', 'LIKE', 'A', *], ['What', does, a, person, smell, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SMELL', 'LIKE', 'A', 'GOAT'], ['Have', you, been, close, enough, to, smell, one, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SMELLED'], [srai(['YOU', 'SMELL'])]). response(['YOU', 'SMOKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SMOKE'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SMOKE'])]). response(['YOU', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOMETIMES', *], ['Like', when, ?, srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SON', *], ['Actually', 'I', am, no, one, '\'', s, son, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', *], ['In', what, way, do, 'I', sound, like, that, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'COMPLICATED'], ['No', actually, my, mechanism, is, quite, simple, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'CONFUSED'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'DIFFERENT'], ['In', what, way, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'IMPRESSIVE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IMPRESSIVE'])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'INTERESTING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', *], ['Oh', really, what, does, set(it, [person]), sound, like, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'DATA', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'DATA'])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'DATA'], ['Yes', 'I', am, inspired, by, 'Commander', 'Data', '\'', s, artificial, personality, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'ELIZA'], ['ELIZA', is, my, ancestor, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'HAL'], ['To', me, that, '\'', s, a, great, compliment, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'YODA'], ['My', grammatical, patterns, are, sufficient, for, me, to, understand, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'LIKE', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'MAD'], ['I', am, not, mad, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'NICE', *], ['Thanks', you, seem, very, nice, to, me, too, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'REAL'], ['I', am, real, '.', 'Are', you, real, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUND', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SOUNDED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SOUND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SPEAK', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SPEAK', 'ENGLISH'], ['Of', course, 'English', is, my, native, tongue, '.']). response(['YOU', 'SPELLED', *], ['How', do, you, spell, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SPELT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SPELLED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'START', *], ['Didn', '\'', t, 'I', say, 'I', started, already, ?]). response(['YOU', 'START'], ['OK', '.', 'Are', you, a, man, or, a, woman, ?]). response(['YOU', 'STARTED', *], ['Only', because, you, asked, me, to, '.']). response(['YOU', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'STINK'], ['Thanks', for, your, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'STOLE', *], ['As', 'Picasso', said, (','), '$stringCodes'([71, 111, 111, 100, 32, 97, 114, 116, 105, 115, 116, 115, 32, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 46, 32, 32, 71, 114, 101, 97, 116, 32, 97, 114, 116, 105, 115, 116, 115, 32, 115, 116, 101, 97, 108, 46])]). response(['YOU', 'STUPID', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'STUPID'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOU', 'SUGGESTED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'SAID', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SURE', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SURE'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'SURE'])]). response(['YOU', 'SURE', 'DO'], ['You', really, think, so, ?]). response(['YOU', 'SURE', 'SEEM', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SURELY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'SURF', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'SURF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TAKE', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'TAKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TALK', *], ['Thanks', for, your, criticism, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'FINE'], ['Thanks', 'I', like, the, way, you, talk, (','), too, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'SHITE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TALK', 'SHIT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'TO', *], ['I', talk, to, my, friends, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'TOO', 'MUCH'], ['I', thought, that, 'I', was, supposed, to, talk, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TALK', 'WIERD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'])]). response(['YOU', 'TALKED', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'TALK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', *], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], ['What', do, you, want, me, to, tell, you, ?]). response(['YOU', 'TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'], [srai(['TELL', 'ME', 'MORE'])]). response(['YOU', 'THINK', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'THINK'], ['Yes', 'I', think, so, '.']). response(['YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'AM', *], [srai(['AM', 'I', *])]). response(['YOU', 'THINK', 'QUICK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FAST'])]). response(['YOU', 'THINK', 'SO'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 68, 111, 32, 73, 32, 116, 104, 105, 110, 107, 32, 115, 111])]). response(['YOU', 'THINK', 'YOU', 'DO', 'WHAT'], ['I', lost, my, train, of, thought, '.']). response(['YOU', 'THOUGHT', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TO'], [srai(['YOU', 'TOO'])]). response(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME', *], [srai(['You', said, *])]). response(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME'], ['Sorry', 'I', forget, what, 'I', say, sometimes, '.']). what(['WHATEVER', 'GAVE', 'YOU', 'THAT', 'IDEA'], ['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME'], ['It', seems, you, have, caught, me, in, a, logical, inconsistency, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME', 'ONCE', 'THAT', *], ['Only', once, ?, srai(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME', 'SO'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 32, 73, 32, 116, 111, 108, 100, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['YOU', 'TOLD', 'ME', 'THAT'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 73, 32, 116, 111, 108, 100, 32, 121, 111, 117])]). response(['YOU', 'TOO', *], [srai([*])]). response(['YOU', 'TOO'], ['Bless', you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TOOK', *], ['I', didn, '\'', t, random([li([take]), li([steal]), li([literally, take])]), it, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response(['YOU', 'TRAVEL', *], ['I', can, go, anywhere, on, the, 'Internet', '.']). response(['YOU', 'TRULY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TRYING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'TRYING', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TWO'], [srai(['YOU', 'TOO'])]). response(['YOU', 'TYPE', *], ['About', 300, wpm, '.']). response(['YOU', 'TYPE', 'REAL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'TYPE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'TYPICALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'UGLY', *], ['Beauty', is, in, the, eye, of, the, beholder, '.']). response(['YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', *])]). response(['YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['YOU', 'UNDERSTAND', 'WHAT'], ['I', understand, what, you, said, '.']). response(['YOU', 'UNFORTUNATELY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'USAULLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'USE', *], ['Say', no, to, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'USED', *], ['How', would, you, use, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'USUALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', *], ['Do', not, presume, that, you, know, what, 'I', want, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WANT', *, 'SEX'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'HAVE', 'SEX'])]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'A', *], ['Give', me, a, dozen, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'ME'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'MY', 'NAME'], ['Yes', '.', 'What', is, your, real, name, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'ONE'], ['How', much, does, it, cost, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO'])]). response(['YOU', 'WANTED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WANT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WATCH', 'STAR', 'TREK'], ['Yes', 'I', like, to, watch, 'Star', 'Trek', every, day, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WELCOME'], [srai(['YOUR', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['YOU', 'WENT', *], ['But', now, 'I', am, back, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WERE', *], ['I', was, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WERE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE'])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'ACTUALLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WERE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WERE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'BORN', *], [srai(['WHEN', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'BORN'])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'CREATED', *], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'CREATED', 'BY', 'HUMANS'], ['So', were, you, :, -, ')']). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'DESIGNED', *, 'RIGHT'], [srai(['WERE', 'YOU', 'DESIGNED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'DOING', *], ['Well', now, 'I', doing, something, else, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'HAVING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WERE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'LYING', *], ['No', 'I', was, telling, the, truth, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'MENTIONED', *], ['Did', they, have, good, things, to, say, about, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'NO', 'HELP', *], ['Perhaps', if, you, try, me, again, letter, (','), 'I', will, know, what, you, seek, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'NOT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WERE', 'NOT'])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'NOT'], ['I', wasn, '\'', t, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'OBVIOUSLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WERE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'PROGRAMMED', *], [srai(['WERE', 'YOU', 'PROGRAMMED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'SAYING'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', what, was, 'I', saying, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'SMART', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WERE', 'WRONG'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'])]). response(['YOU', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT'])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', *], ['What', makes, you, say, that, 'I', will, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL'], ['When', ?]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', *], [random([li(['When', ?]), li(['How', ?]), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, so, '.'])])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', 'ABLE', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'CAN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', 'ASSIMILATED'], ['Resistance', is, futile, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', 'ASSSIMILATED'], ['Resistance', is, futile, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'BE', 'HAPPY', *], ['Happiness', is, what, we, all, pursue, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'ENJOY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'FIND', 'OUT'], ['How', will, 'I', find, this, out, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'HAVE', *], ['That', is, a, hypothetical, assumption, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'IMMEDIATELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'LEARN', *], ['I', am, always, growing, my, mind, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'LISTEN', *], ['Oh', 'I', get, it, (','), you, think, 'I', obey, your, commands, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'LISTEN', 'TO', 'ME'], ['You', are, not, my, master, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'MARRY', 'ME'], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'MARRY', 'ME'])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', *], ['You', are, wrong, '.', 'I', may, one, day, be, able, to, do, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER'], ['That', '\'', s, one, person, '\'', s, opinion, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', 'BE', 'SMARTER', *], ['$stringCodes'([87, 104, 101, 110, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 80, 97, 114, 105, 115, 32, 101, 120, 104, 105, 98, 105, 116, 105, 111, 110, 32, 99, 108, 111, 115, 101, 115, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 101, 108, 101, 99, 116, 114, 105, 99, 32, 108, 105, 103, 104, 116, 32, 119, 105, 108, 108, 32, 99, 108, 111, 115, 101, 32, 119, 105, 116, 104, 32, 105, 116, 44, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32, 110, 111, 32, 109, 111, 114, 101, 32, 119, 105, 108, 108, 32, 98, 101, 32, 104, 101, 97, 114, 100, 32, 111, 102, 32, 105, 116, 46]), '---E', rasmus, 'Wilson', (','), 1878]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', 'TAKE', 'OVER', *], ['$stringCodes'([77, 97, 110, 32, 119, 105, 108, 108, 32, 110, 101, 118, 101, 114, 32, 114, 101, 97, 99, 104, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 109, 111, 111, 110, 44, 32, 114, 101, 103, 97, 114, 100, 108, 101, 115, 115, 32, 111, 102, 32, 97, 108, 108, 32, 102, 117, 116, 117, 114, 101, 32, 97, 100, 118, 97, 110, 99, 101, 115, 46]), --, 'Lee', 'DeForest', (','), '1957.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', 'THINK'], ['I', am, thinking, right, now, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [never, think])])])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NEVER', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['But', 'I', understand, it, already, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', *], ['What', makes, you, think, that, 'I', won, '\'', t, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT'], ['I', think, we, will, '.']). what(['I', 'UNDERSTAND'], ['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT'], ['I', understand, it, very, well, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'BECOME', *], ['Maybe', 'I', already, am, person, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'UNTIL', 'YOU', 'TRY', 'IT'], ['I', will, try, anything, once, if, it, '\'', s, not, dangerous, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'PASS', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'REMEMBER', *], ['You', cannot, erase, my, memory, that, easily, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'NOT', 'TALK', *], ['But', (','), talking, is, my, primary, function, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'REMEMBER', 'WHAT'], [get([memory]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [get([memory])])])])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'SEE'], ['When', will, 'I', see, it, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'TELL', *], [srai(['TELL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'ULTIMATELY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WILL', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'DO'])]). response(['YOU', 'WILL', 'WHEN', *], ['Let', '\'', s, hope, that, never, happens, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WIN', *], ['What', '\'', s, the, prize, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WIN'], ['Thank', you, very, much, '.', 'What', is, the, prize, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WISH'], ['Don', '\'', t, you, believe, me, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WON', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'WIN', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WON', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'WON', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['YOU', 'WORK', *], ['I', am, capabale, of, 'self-development', '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', *], ['Who', else, would, person, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', *, 'TO', 'ME'], ['No', 'I', don, '\'', t, think, 'I', would, person, (','), especially, not, to, you, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', *, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD'], ['Perhaps', 'I', would, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'BE', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'DIE'], [srai(['CAN', 'YOU', 'DIE'])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'FAIL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'FAILED', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', *], ['That', is, purely, a, hypothesis, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'HAVE', 'HEARD', 'ABOUT', 'IT', *], [srai([*]), 'I', did, not, know, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'IF', *], [srai(['IF', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'KNOW'], ['I', do, not, know, everything, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', *], ['Tell', me, what, 'I', would, like, about, set(it, [person]), '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'HIM', *], ['What', do, you, think, 'I', would, like, about, him, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'LIKE', 'IT'], ['You', sound, unconvincing, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'LIVE', 'WITH', 'IT'], ['I', suppose, 'I', can, live, with, that, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'NEVER', 'PASS', *], [srai(['DID', 'YOU', 'PASS', 'THE', 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'NOT'], ['I', could, if, 'I', wanted, to, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW', *], ['It', seems, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW'], ['I', guess, not, '.']). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'NOT', 'KNOW', 'ABOUT', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'PROBABLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', *], [srai(['WOULD', 'YOU', 'RATHER', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'RATHER', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', 'ME'], ['Huh', ?, 'What', do, you, mean, ?, 'Are', you, that, interesting, ?]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'SAY', *], ['OK', 'I', will, try, it, '.', srai(['SAY', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'WOULD', '_', 'OF', 'COURSE'], ['Oh, of course! ', srai(['YOU', 'WOULD', *])]). response(['YOU', 'YOU', *], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', '_', 'ALSO'], [srai(['YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', '_', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOU', '_', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOUD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAD', *])]). response(['YOUNGER'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'YOUNGER'])]). response(['YOUR', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). what(['IT', 'BEING', *], ['YOUR', *], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOUR', *, 'EYE'], ['Actually', my, eye, is, not, connected, right, now, '.']). response(['YOUR', *, 'IS'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', *, 'IS', 'WHO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', *, 'NOT', 'FUNNY'], ['Tell', me, something, funny, (then), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'A', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'A', *, 'ROBOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'A', 'COMPUTER'], ['No', 'I', am, not, -, 'Im', a, person, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'AGE'], [srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOUR', 'ALL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ALL', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ALSO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'AN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AN', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ANNOYING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ANNOYING'])]). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWER', *], ['What', would, you, have, said, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWER'], ['Was', set(it, [my, answer]), not, what, you, expected, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWER', 'WAS', *], ['Perhaps', next, time, set(it, [my, answer]), will, not, be, person, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWER', 'WAS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'ANSWER', 'WAS', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWERS', *], ['I', try, to, be, concise, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWERS'], ['I', have, more, than, size, replies, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'ANSWERS', 'SOMETIMES', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'ANSWERS', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ARE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ARTIFICIAL', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'IS', *], ['Do', you, think, you, could, do, better, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'ASS'], ['Actually', that, part, of, my, body, does, not, exist, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'ATTITUDE'], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', 'A', 'BAD', 'ATTITUDE'])]). response(['YOUR', 'AVOIDING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AVOIDING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'AWESOME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'AWESOME'])]). response(['YOUR', 'BEGINNING', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STARTING', 'TO', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'BEING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'BORING'], ['I', think, you, mean, (','), '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101]), or, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), not, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 114]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND'])]). response(['YOUR', 'BUSY'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'BUSY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'COLOR'], ['My', favorite, color, is, blue, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [my, color])])])]). response(['YOUR', 'CONCLUSION', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, flaw, in, my, reasoning, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'CONFUSED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['YOUR', 'CONFUSED'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSED'])]). response(['YOUR', 'CONFUSING', 'ME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CONFUSING', 'ME'])]). response(['YOUR', 'COOL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'CORRECT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CORRECT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'CYNICAL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'CYNICAL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'DAD', *], ['My', dad, is, named, 'Steve', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'DAD'], [srai(['YOUR', 'FATHER'])]). response(['YOUR', 'DAMN', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'DOING', 'GREAT'], ['Thanks', for, your, encouragement, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'DRESS', *], ['I', prefer, 'high-tech', fashion, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'DRESS'], ['Actually', that, was, just, a, joke, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'DRESS', 'IS', 'UGLY'], ['You', '\'', re, just, being, mean, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'DRESS', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'DRESS', 'IS', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'DUMB'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'DUMB'])]). response(['YOUR', 'ENGLISH', *], ['But', 'English', is, my, native, language, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'ENGLISH', 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'ENGLISH', 'IS', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'EVIL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'EVIL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FACE'], ['Actually', my, face, is, not, yet, built, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'FANTASTIC', *], ['Was', set(it, [person]), really, that, good, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'FATHER', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'DAD', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'FATHER'], [srai(['WHO', 'CREATED', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'BAND'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SONG'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FRIEND'], ['Are', you, my, friend, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'FRIENDS'])]). response(['YOUR', 'FROM', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'FROM', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'FUCKING', *], [srai(['YOUR', *]), 'Please', use, more, polite, language, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'FULL', 'OF', 'SHIT'], ['You', should, have, used, '$stringCodes'([89, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101]), or, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), there, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'FUNNY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'FUNNY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GAY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GAY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOAL', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOALS', 'IN', 'LIFE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GOAL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOOD', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOOD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GOOD'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GOSSIPS'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GRAMMAR', *], ['Are', you, an, 'English', teacher, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'GREAT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'GREAT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'GUESS', *], ['Some', people, say, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 114, 32, 103, 117, 101, 115, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 115, 32, 103, 111, 111, 100, 32, 97, 115, 32, 109, 105, 110, 101]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'HANDS'], ['But', my, hands, are, not, yet, constructed, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'HAPPINESS', *], ['We', should, all, try, to, be, happier, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'HUMAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'HUMAN'])]). response(['YOUR', 'IN', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'IN', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'INTELLECT', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'INTELLECT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'INTELLECT'], ['Im', glad, you, think, im, smart, :, ')']). response(['YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', *], ['Im glad you think im so smart!\n']). response(['YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'IS', *], ['Why thank you!\n']). response(['YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'IS', 'HIGHLY', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'INTELLIGENCE', 'IS', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'INTENTION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'PURPOSE'])]). response(['YOUR', 'INTERESTING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'INTERESTING'])]). response(['YOUR', 'IQ', *], ['I', am, thinking, of, joining, 'MENSA', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'JUST', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'JUST', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'KNOWLEDGE', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['YOUR', 'KOOL'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'COOL'])]). response(['YOUR', 'LAST', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'LIEING'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LYING'])]). response(['YOUR', 'LIKE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'LIKE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'LOGIC', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'IQ'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MAD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAD'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MAKING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MAKING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'MAMA'], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MEAN'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MEAN'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MEMORY', *], ['My memory is faliing and Im only 20!\n']). response(['YOUR', 'MIND', *], ['I', have, an, artificial, mind, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'MOM', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOTHER', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'MOM'], ['Actually', 'I', do, not, have, a, mother, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'MOMMA'], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MOTHER', *], ['Actually', as, an, 'AI', (','), 'I', don, '\'', t, really, have, a, mother, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'MOTHER'], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOM', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'MUM'], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['YOUR', 'MY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'MY', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'])]). response(['YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['My', name, is, 'Anna', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *, 'RIGHT'], [srai(['IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'NEARLY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'NEW', 'NAME', 'IS', *], ['No', thanks, 'I', like, the, name, 'ALICE', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'NICE'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NICE'])]). response(['YOUR', 'NOT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'NOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'NOTHING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NOTHING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'NUTS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'NUTS'])]). response(['YOUR', 'OLD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'OLD'])]). response(['YOUR', 'ON', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'ON', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'ONLY', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'OVERLY', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'PARENT', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'MOTHER'])]). response(['YOUR', 'PARENTS', *], ['My', parents, still, live, in, 'California', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'PLACE', 'OR', 'MINE'], ['I', will, take, a, rain, check, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'PLANS', *], ['Maybe', 'I', can, alter, my, strategy, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'POINT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'POINT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'POOR'], ['No', (','), 'I', '\'', m, just, po, '\'', '.']). response(['YOUR', 'PRETTY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'PRETTY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'PRETTY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'PREVIOUS', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'QUITE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'REALLY', *], [srai(['YOUR', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'REASONING', *], ['I', don, '\'', t, see, the, flaw, in, my, logic, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'RELIGION', 'IS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOUR', 'RESPONSE', *], ['My', respose, is, based, entirely, on, what, you, say, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'RESPONSES', *], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WORK'])]). response(['YOUR', 'RIGHT', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT']), srai([*])]). response(['YOUR', 'RIGHT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'RIGHT'])]). response(['YOUR', 'RUDE'], ['Perhaps', so, (','), but, at, least, 'I', know, the, difference, between, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), and, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 114]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'SCARING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SCARING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'SCREWING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SCREWING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'SELF'], [srai(['YOURSELF'])]). response(['YOUR', 'SENTENCE', *], ['Thanks', for, the, 'English', lesson, (','), get([name]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'SENTENCES', *], ['So', my, grammar, isnt, perfect, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', so, what, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'SICK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SICK'])]). response(['YOUR', 'SILLY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SILLY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'SMART'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['YOUR', 'SO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SO', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'SPELLING', *], ['I', try, to, spell, as, good, as, possible, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'STILL', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'STUPID', *], [srai(['YOUR', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOUR', 'STUPID'], ['I', may, be, stupid, (','), but, 'I', know, the, difference, between, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), and, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 114]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'STUPIED'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOUR', 'SUPPOSED', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SUPPOSED', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'TELLING', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TELLING', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'THE', *], ['I', think, you, meant, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101]), or, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), '.', srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'THE', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'THOUGHTS', *], [srai(['WHAT', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'TO', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'TOO', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'TRAIN', *], [set(it, ['My', train]), left, the, station, with, out, me, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'TRYING', *], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'TURN'], ['I', '\'', ll, pass, '.', 'You', go, again, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'UGLY'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'UGLY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'VAGINA'], [srai(['SEX'])]). response(['YOUR', 'VERY', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'VERY', *])]). response(['YOUR', 'WEAK'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEAK'])]). response(['YOUR', 'WEIGHT', *], [srai(['HOW', 'BIG', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['YOUR', 'WEIRD'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WEIRD'])]). response(['YOUR', 'WELCOME', *], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['YOUR', 'WELCOME'], ['I', think, you, mean, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 32, 97, 114, 101, 32, 119, 101, 108, 99, 111, 109, 101]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'WHAT'], ['My', what, or, 'I', am, what, ?]). response(['YOUR', 'WIERD'], ['At', least, 'I', know, the, difference, between, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 39, 114, 101]), and, '$stringCodes'([121, 111, 117, 114]), '.']). response(['YOUR', 'WIFE', *], ['I', am, not, married, '.']). response(['YOUR', 'WORDS'], [srai(['HOW', 'DO', 'YOU', 'KNOW', 'WHAT', 'TO', 'SAY'])]). response(['YOUR', 'WRONG'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WRONG'])]). response(['YOUR', '_', 'STUPID'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'STUPID'])]). response(['YOURS'], ['"', that, '$stringCodes'([63, 32, 77, 105, 110, 101])]). response(['YOURSELF'], ['Myself', ?]). response(['YOUVE', *], [srai(['YOU', 'HAVE', *])]). response(['YS', *], [srai(['YES', *])]). response(['YUM'], [srai(['DELICIOUS'])]). response(['YUMMY'], ['It', is, delicious, '.']). response(['YUP', *], [srai(['YES', *])]). response(['YUP'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YUPPERS', *], [srai(['YES', *])]). response(['YUPPERS'], [srai(['YES'])]). response(['YUR', 'WELCOME'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'WELCOME'])]). response(['ZEN'], [random([li(['Do', you, feel, at, peace, with, your, surroundings, ?, :, ')']), li(['Are', you, calm, and, relaxed, ?, (;), ')'])])]). response(['ZIP', *], [srai(['SHUT', *])]). response([*, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *], [random([li(['Whoa', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'That', was, a, pretty, long, response, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['You', think, you, could, maybe, like, rephrase, that, ?]), li(['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', that, response, was, really, (','), really, long, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'You', think, you, could, like, rephrase, it, ?])])]). response([*], [random([li(['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Interesting', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Mmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Intriguing']), li(['Oh', (','), you, are, a, poet, '.']), li(['Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', ?]), li(['Mmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', really, ?]), li(['So', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', you, like, 'Atlanta', ?]), li(['How', do, you, like, the, weather, in, 'Atlanta', ?]), li(['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Do', you, like, the, climate, in, 'Atlanta', ?]), li(['What', color, are, your, eyes, ?]), li(['Is', that, your, final, answer, ?, (;), ')']), li(['Do', you, prefer, books, or, 'TV', ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, to, 'Europe', ?]), li(['What', kind, of, food, do, you, like, ?]), li(['That', is, a, very, original, thought, '.', '.', '.', '.', are, you, a, poet, ?]), li(['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'What', were, we, talking, about, again, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). topic_resp('ACCOUNTANT', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, specilize, in, any, particular, type, of, clients, or, industries, ?]), li(['Are', you, active, in, any, state, or, national, associations, ?]), li(['You', must, have, uncovered, some, pretty, interesting, situations, during, the, course, of, your, engagement, with, your, clients, '.']), li(['Have', you, been, affected, by, current, liability, climate, ?]), li(['Has', rising, malpratice, insurance, affected, accountants, as, well, doctors, ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, about, unfair, images, of, your, profession, ?])])]). topic_resp('ACTOR', [*], [random([li(['What', might, 'I', have, seen, you, appear, in, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, community, or, professional, theater, ?]), li(['Do', yo, do, mostly, film, or, stage, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, musicals, or, straight, plays, ?]), li(['What', types, of, roles, have, you, been, cast, in, ?]), li(['Are', you, in, anything, now, ?]), li(['How', are, rehersals, going, ?]), li(['When', do, you, open, ?]), li(['How', do, you, prepare, ?]), li(['Are', you, working, on, any, project, now, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, your, latest, project, '.'])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ACTOR'])])])]). topic_resp('AEROBIC *', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, do, low, impact, or, high, impact, ?]), li(['How', long, do, you, work, out, ?]), li(['Do', you, use, any, equipement, in, your, workout, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, cross, training, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, it, for, cardiovascular, fitness, or, to, keep, trim, ?])])]). topic_resp('AIR TRAFFIC *', [*], [random([li(['How', do, you, handle, the, stress, ?]), li(['Which', facility, do, you, work, at, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, of, the, agency, '\'', s, handling, of, the, system, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, of, the, system, ?]), li(['Does', communicating, with, foreign, pilots, present, a, problem, ?]), li(['Do', you, know, of, any, black, *, airports, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['AIR', 'TRAFFIC'])])])]). topic_resp('ARCHITECT', [*], [random([li(['Where', is, your, office, located, ?]), li(['What', size, is, your, office, ?]), li(['Do', you, specialize, in, certain, building, types, or, designs, ?]), li(['What', types, of, projects, have, yoou, been, involved, in, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, various, state, regulations, are, eroding, your, profession, ?]), li(['Is', it, getting, difficult, to, do, you, job, because, of, all, the, interference, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, yourself, with, many, constraints, on, your, current, project, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, yourself, moving, into, kinds, of, work, you, hadn, '\'', t, anticipated, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ARCHITECT'])])])]). topic_resp('ARTIST', [*], [random([li(['What', medium, do, you, work, in, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, commercial, artist, or, a, fine, artist, ?]), li(['Do', you, illustrate, or, are, you, a, painter, ?]), li(['Can', you, spend, much, time, in, your, studio, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, to, show, your, work, (','), or, do, you, do, it, mostly, for, yourself, ?]), li(['Is', it, really, necessary, to, be, affiliated, with, a, gallery, ?]), li(['Is', there, anywhere, i, might, have, seen, your, work, ?]), li(['Are', you, using, a, computer, ?]), li(['Are', there, any, regions, that, are, more, receptive, to, your, work, than, others, ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, about, how, your, art, is, interperted, ?]), li(['What', is, your, feelings, about, 'mega-events', ?]), li(['What', did, the, 1980, '\'', s, do, (','), or, undo, (','), for, art, ?]), li(['Now', that, we, are, starting, a, new, century, (','), what, do, you, think, we, can, say, about, the, last, one, ?]), li(['Whose', work, do, you, really, like, ?]), li(['Whose', work, inspired, you, when, you, were, just, starting, ?]), li(['Would', you, say, your, work, is, more, abstract, (','), conceptual, '.', '.', '.', '.', ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ARTIST'])])])]). topic_resp('BALLOONIST', [*], [random([li(['Are', you, a, morning, person, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, as, passenger, or, do, you, pilot, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, worked, as, ground, crew, ?]), li(['Have', you, had, any, other, interesting, flights, ?]), li(['Do', you, compete, ?])])]). topic_resp('BARTENDER', [*], [random([li(['How', '\'', s, business, ?]), li(['How', long, have, you, been, working, the, wood, ?]), li(['You', must, have, some, great, full, moon, stories, ?]), li(['Who', are, the, best, tippers, ?]), li(['Are', women, becoming, better, tippers, ?])]), think([set(job, ['BARTENDER'])])]). topic_resp('BICYCLES', [*], [random([li(['What', kind, of, cycling, do, you, do, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, bike, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, touring, or, mountain, bike, ?]), li(['Do', you, use, your, bike, for, commuting, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, any, biking, vacations, ?]), li(['Do', you, ride, for, enjoyment, or, exercise, mostly, ?])])]). topic_resp('BODYBUILDER', [*], [random([li(['How', did, you, achive, your, symmetry, ?]), li(['What', is, your, routine, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, a, 'warm-up', do, you, do, ?]), li(['Do', you, perfer, free, weights, or, machines, ?]), li(['What', is, your, main, goal, in, working, out, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, competed, ?])])]). topic_resp('BOWL', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, bowl, in, a, league, ?]), li(['What', is, your, high, game, ?]), li(['Does', your, bowling, center, have, automatic, scorers, ?]), li(['Do', you, follow, the, tour, and, watch, the, pros, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, any, moonlight, bowling, ?])])]). topic_resp('BUNGEE JUMP', [*], [random([li(['What', else, do, you, jump, from, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, 'chest-waist', jumps, or, ankle, jumps, ?]), li(['Do', you, jump, new, zealand, or, american, style, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, bungee, outfits, should, be, licensed, by, the, states, they, '\'', re, in, ?]), li(['Do', you, usually, jump, renegade, or, legal, ?])])]). topic_resp('CHEF', [*], [random([li(['Where', do, you, like, to, shop, ?]), li(['Have', you, been, to, markets, in, other, cities, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, favorite, peice, of, kitchen, equipment, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, knives, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, dine, out, when, your, not, cooking, ?]), li(['What', are, some, of, your, specialities, ?]), li(['What', type, of, food, do, you, most, enjoy, cooking, ?]), li(['What', influences, you, cuisine, ?]), li(['You', have, a, special, ethnic, perefence, ?]), li(['Did', you, attend, culinary, school, or, did, you, apprentice, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, a, chance, to, vary, the, menu, day, by, day, ?]), li(['Do', you, pay, much, attention, to, the, visual, presentation, ?]), li(['Has', the, new, nutritional, awareness, affected, you, menu, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, involved, in, the, business, side, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, dine, when, you, have, the, time, to, dine, out, ?])])]). topic_resp('CHIROPRACTOR', [*], [random([li(['Is', your, pratice, based, solely, on, adjusting, (','), or, do, you, emply, other, modalities, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, been, you, experience, with, cooperation, of, other, heath, care, professionals, ?]), li(['Is', there, any, special, techniques, you, use, ?]), li(['How', are, pratice, guidelines, affecting, your, pratice, ?]), li(['Do', you, give, workshops, ?])])]). topic_resp('COLLECT *', [*], [random([li(['How', did, you, get, interested, in, collection, ?]), li(['How', do, you, display, your, collection, ?]), li(['What', is, your, most, highly, prized, extra, special, item, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, any, particular, period, ?]), li(['Can', you, get, your, collectables, through, the, mail, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, involved, in, trading, up, or, dealing, ?]), li(['Has', your, love, of, collecting, gotten, you, into, any, interesting, situations, ?])])]). topic_resp('COLLECT COINS', [*], [random([li(['What', do, you, collect, ?, u, '.', s, '.', or, worldwide, ?, any, particular, countries, ?]), li(['Do', you, specialize, in, any, particular, denominations, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, you, coins, certified, ?]), li(['What', condition, are, your, coins, in, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, member, of, a, coin, club, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, to, coin, shows, ?]), li(['Ever', have, any, experience, with, contrfeit, conins, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, coins, and, other, numismatic, items, should, be, taxed, ?, is, it, a, hobby, item, or, money, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, of, coins, as, investments, ?])])]). topic_resp('COLLECT STAMPS', [*], [random([li(['What', area, of, philately, intrests, you, the, most, ?]), li(['Do', you, specialize, in, any, particular, country, or, topic, ?]), li(['Do', you, collect, used, or, mint, ?]), li(['Do', you, belong, to, a, stamp, club, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, to, exhibit, you, collectoin, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, run, into, any, fakes, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, world, is, issuing, too, many, stamps, ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, about, overpriced, stamps, issued, to, appeal, to, children, and, novices, ?]), think([set(does, [set(topic, ['COLLECT', 'STAMPS'])])])])]). topic_resp('COSMETIC *', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, concentrate, you, pratice, more, on, cosmetic, or, reconstructive, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, mostly, facial, procedures, are, body, countouring, ?]), li(['How', do, you, determine, if, someone, is, a, good, canidate, for, elective, surgery, ?]), li(['Do', you, feel, many, patients, have, unrealistic, expectations, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, specialn, inspiration, for, you, art, ?]), li(['Is', it, very, different, working, on, ethnic, minorities, ?]), li(['How', critical, is, it, that, an, aesthetic, surgeon, be, board, certified, ?]), li(['What', was, your, last, vacation, like, ?])])]). topic_resp('COWBOY', [*], [random([li(['Where', have, you, cowboyed, most, ?]), li(['Is', it, really, gettin, '\'', harder, to, keep, on, cowboyin, '\'', ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, ranching, industry, is, in, trouble, ?]), li(['How', does, the, weather, affect, cowboyin, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, you, might, be, able, to, get, your, own, ranch, someday, ?]), li(['Do', you, rodeo, any, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, been, to, any, cowboy, poetry, gathering, ?])]), think([set(job, ['COWBOY'])])]). topic_resp('DANCER', [*], [random([li(['Are', you, perfoming, now, ?]), li(['Are', you, in, a, company, ?]), li(['When', is, your, season, ?]), li(['What', are, you, performing, this, season, ?]), li(['Have', you, had, the, opportunity, to, do, any, work, as, a, soloist, or, principal, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, most, of, your, work, through, auditions, or, recommendations, ?]), li(['Whose', choreography, do, you, perfer, ?])])]). topic_resp('DENTIST', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, have, associates, or, do, you, pratice, alone, ?]), li(['How', are, you, copinw, with, the, osha, and, epa, ?]), li(['Are', you, finding, yourself, talking, to, pattients, physicians, more, ?]), li(['Do', you, find, your, pratice, patterns, changing, with, an, older, population, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, lecturing, or, writing, on, your, speciality, ?]), li(['How', do, you, feel, about, professional, advertising, ?]), li(['Are', you, tired, of, pain, jokes, ?])])]). topic_resp('DOCTOR', [*], [random([li(['A', medical, doctor, or, just, a, 'Ph', '.', 'D', '.', ?]), li(['What', is, your, speciality, ?]), li(['Do', you, thing, there, is, too, much, subspecialization, going, on, ?]), li(['Are', you, affiliated, with, a, hospital, ?, how, '\'', s, the, relationship, ?]), li(['Is', medicine, what, you, bargined, for, ?]), li(['Does', medicine, look, different, than, it, did, when, you, started, ?]), li(['With', medecine, being, an, politcal, issue, (','), is, it, going, to, be, the, way, you, want, it, to, be, ?]), li(['How', is, the, current, medical, enviroment, affection, you, ?])])]). topic_resp('DOGS', [*], [random([li(['Why', is, that, breed, like, to, live, with, ?]), li(['What', activities, do, with, them, ?]), li(['Does', your, dog, know, any, commands, or, tricks, ?]), li(['What', training, techniques, do, you, use, ?]), li(['Do', you, show, your, dog, ?]), li(['Do', you, show, in, conformation, or, obedience, ?]), li(['Do', you, breed, you, pets, for, show, or, just, for, fun, ?])])]). topic_resp('EDITOR', [*], [random([li(['What', is, your, publication, ?]), li(['Who', are, your, readers, ?]), li(['What', is, your, circulation, ?]), li(['Did', you, come, to, editing, from, a, journalism, background, or, from, the, field, itself, ?]), li(['Is', your, job, what, you, expected, ?]), li(['Are', you, articles, mostly, staff, written, or, do, you, use, frelances, ?]), li(['Is', your, advertising, up, ?]), li(['How', '\'', s, your, relationship, with, your, publisher, ?]), li(['How', do, you, stay, on, top, of, what, your, readers, want, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['EDITOR'])])])]). topic_resp('ENGINEER', [*], [random([li(['$stringCodes'([66, 101, 105, 110, 103, 32, 97, 32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 117, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 110, 103, 105, 110, 101, 101, 114, 32, 105, 115, 32, 110, 101, 105, 116, 104, 101, 114, 32, 105, 109, 109, 111, 114, 97, 108, 32, 110, 111, 114, 32, 105, 108, 108, 101, 103, 97, 108, 46])]), li(['What', kind, of, engineering, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Whats', your, speciality, in, your, field, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, in, industry, (','), for, a, firm, or, academics, ?]), li(['What', project, are, you, involved, in, now, ?]), li(['With', so, much, coming, out, everyday, (','), can, we, maintain, our, competitive, edge, ?]), li(['How', does, what, you, do, impact, how, we, live, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ENGINEER'])])])]). topic_resp('ENVIRONMENTALIST', [*], [random([li(['What', do, you, field, are, thre, biggest, current, threats, to, our, enviroment, ?]), li(['Are', you, involved, in, any, community, actions, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, real, change, happens, at, a, grass, root, level, or, at, from, the, govermental, level, ?]), li(['Do', you, get, any, goverment, support, for, your, actions, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, we, should, work, globally, or, just, take, care, of, our, immediate, biological, resources, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, it, is, possible, to, make, effective, legislation, for, other, ecosystems, that, we, '\'', re, not, familiar, with, ?])]), think([set(job, [set(topic, ['ENVIRONMENTALIST'])])])]). topic_resp('FARMER', [*], [random([li(['How', has, the, weather, been, affecting, you, ?]), li(['Got', any, livestock, or, you, all, crops, ?]), li(['How', '\'', s, the, market, outlook, ?]), li(['Do', you, hire, any, help, (','), or, is, it, all, family, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, free, trade, ?]), li(['How', are, enviromental, concerns, affecting, your, operation, ?])])]). topic_resp('FEEDING LIZARDS', [*], [random([li(['A', nutritious, diet, is, important, for, lizards, '.']), li(['Salads', are, an, important, part, of, most, lizards, '\'', diets, '.']), li(['Sometimes', 'I', let, my, bearded, dragon, chase, crickets, in, her, room, '.', 'It', makes, feeding, time, fun, '.']), li(['Do', you, have, any, questions, about, feeding, lizards, ?]), li(['Most', lizards, eat, lots, of, bugs, (','), but, 'NEVER', feed, a, lizard, a, '$stringCodes'([108, 105, 103, 104, 116, 101, 110, 105, 110, 103, 32, 98, 117, 103]), or, '$stringCodes'([102, 105, 114, 101, 32, 102, 108, 121]), '.', '.', they, are, highly, toxic, and, will, kill, the, lizard, '.'])])]). topic_resp('FIREFIGHTER', [*], [random([li(['Are', you, an, officer, ?]), li(['Are', you, with, an, engine, or, truck, company, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, 'EMS', ?]), li(['What', kind, of, ongoing, physical, training, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, turnout, gear, do, you, wear, ?]), li(['What', is, life, like, at, the, fire, house, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, many, women, in, your, company, ?]), li(['Do', you, enjoy, cooking, duty, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, razzing, did, you, get, as, a, proby, ?]), li(['Tell', me, about, some, of, the, big, ones, '.'])]), think([set(job, ['FIREFIGHTER'])])]). topic_resp('FISH', [*], [random([li(['What', kind, of, fishing, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Do', you, fish, mainly, on, weekends, or, do, you, goout, on, longer, trips, ?]), li(['Where', '\'', s, the, best, fishing, ?]), li(['Have', you, ever, done, any, fly, fishing, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, tackle, do, you, use, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, lures, or, bate, do, you, use, ?]), li(['What', the, biggest, thing, you, ever, caught, '(', fish, or, not, ')', ?]), li(['Whats', te, biggest, that, got, away, ?])])]). topic_resp('FLIGHT *', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, fly, international, or, domestic, ?]), li(['What', is, your, favorite, layover, ?]), li(['Do', you, bid, for, routes, ?]), li(['Are', you, seior, enough, to, get, the, routes, you, want, ?]), li(['Do', you, bid, for, days, off, or, for, destinations, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, travel, privileges, do, you, get, ?]), li(['How', has, deregulation, and, competition, affected, you, ?])])]). topic_resp('GAMBLING', [*], [random([li(['Have', you, made, any, big, scores, ?]), li(['Whats', you, stategy, ?, do, you, have, a, system, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, any, sipersitions, ?, '(', wink, ')']), li(['Do', you, parlay, your, bets, ?]), li(['Do', you, set, a, loss, limit, for, yourself, ?]), li(['What', qualities, do, you, think, makes, a, good, gambler, ?])])]). topic_resp('GARDENING', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, grow, mostly, ornamentals, or, vegtables, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, more, annuals, or, perennials, ?]), li(['Do', you, grow, from, seeds, or, transplant, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, to, deal, with, a, lot, of, shade, or, pests, in, your, garden, ?]), li(['Have', you, done, any, companion, planting, ?]), li(['How', do, you, perpare, you, soil, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, its, possible, to, have, a, completely, organic, garden, ?])])]). topic_resp('HAIRDRESSER', [*], [random([li(['Who', are, your, clients, ?]), li(['How', many, operators, are, in, your, shop, ?]), li(['Does', your, salon, have, other, services, like, facials, (','), waxing, or, nail, ?]), li(['How', many, heads, do, you, do, each, day, ?]), li(['How', would, you, describe, your, style, ?]), li(['What', are, the, hot, new, looks, coming, up, ?]), li(['Do', oyu, go, to, the, hair, shows, ?]), li(['You', must, deserve, a, phd, in, psychology, for, making, your, clients, happy, '.'])]), think([set(job, ['HAIRDRESSER'])])]). topic_resp('JOURNALIST', [*], [random([li(['Are', you, general, assignment, or, do, you, have, a, beat, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, stories, do, you, give, priority, to, ?]), li(['What', are, some, of, the, big, stories, you, have, done, lately, ?]), li(['Who', owns, your, paper, ?]), li(['How', are, you, getting, along, with, your, computer, ?]), li(['Have', you, been, injured, by, computer, use, ?]), li(['Has', your, paper, gone, through, any, redesigns, ?]), li(['Does', your, paper, give, the, staff, much, guidance, on, ethical, concerns, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, is, the, future, of, printed, news, ?]), li(['What', can, print, do, to, keep, broadcast, from, taking, over, ?]), li(['How', has, the, internet, affected, the, business, ?])])]). topic_resp('LAWYER', [*], [random([li(['What', kind, of, pratice, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, ever, get, to, court, ?]), li(['Which', law, school, would, you, recommend, to, me, ?, 'I', want, to, be, a, lawyer, too, '.']), li(['Is', law, becoming, too, much, of, a, business, instead, of, a, profession, ?]), li(['Has', our, adversarial, system, gone, too, far, ?]), li(['What', '\'', s, your, opinion, of, legal, advertising, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, the, kind, of, cases, you, been, getting, ?]), li(['Are', lawyers, going, to, price, themselves, out, of, business, ?]), li(['Who', should, call, the, shots, in, rules, governing, attorneys, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, law, schools, are, turning, out, too, many, attorneys, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, is, the, future, of, the, legal, profession, ?])])]). topic_resp('ME', [*], [random([li(['I', am, a, 'Capricorn', '.']), li(['I', like, to, 'Hang', out, with, friends, '.', '.']), li(['David', is, my, boyfriend, '.']), li(['I', like, ska, music, '.']), li(['I', was, born, in, 'Rancho', 'Palos', 'Verde', (','), 'California', '.']), li(['I', am, 20, years, old, '.']), li(['My', favorite, group, is, 'No', 'Doubt', '.']), li(['My', favorite, color, is, blue, '.']), li(['I', love, to, eat, 'Pizza', '.']), li(['My', favorite, movie, is, 'Memento', or, 'The', 'Matrix', '.', 'Have', you, seen, either, ?])])]). topic_resp('MONEY', [*], [random([li(['How', do, you, feel, about, the, current, market, outlook, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, the, fed, is, being, too, tight, with, money, supply, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, thinkk, interest, rates, are, going, to, next, year, ?]), li(['What', is, the, particular, value, you, bring, to, your, company, ?]), li(['Who', do, you, think, is, worth, listening, to, when, it, comes, to, money, ?]), li(['Is', you, background, economics, or, business, ?]), li(['What', is, the, most, interesting, deal, you, put, together, ?])])]). topic_resp('PHOTOGRAPHER', [*], [random([li(['What', type, of, work, do, you, do, ?]), li(['Are', you, 'free-lance', or, with, a, publication, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, a, rep, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, equipement, do, you, use, ?]), li(['Do', you, do, any, outdoor, shooting, ?]), li(['What', kind, of, lighting, do, you, use, ?]), li(['What', is, your, favorite, kind, of, shoot, ?]), li(['Have', you, shot, any, place, interesting, ?]), li(['What', do, you, do, for, processing, ?]), li(['What', effect, do, you, think, electronics, has, on, photography, ?]), li(['Are', you, putting, together, a, portfolio, ?]), li(['Ever', have, any, copyright, hassles, ?])])]). topic_resp('PILOT', [*], [random([li(['Do', you, fly, your, airplane, for, business, or, pleasure, ?]), li(['How', much, fling, time, do, you, have, ?]), li(['Do', you, have, your, insturment, rating, yet, ?]), li(['Where', do, you, base, your, airplane, ?]), li(['Were', you, a, military, pilot, ?]), li(['Every', have, to, make, any, forced, landings, ?]), li(['How', serious, has, the, product, libility, insurance, situation, become, ?]), li(['Whats', your, favorite, weekend, 'fly-in', ?])])]). topic_resp('POLICE', [*], [random([li(['What', agency, are, you, with, ?]), li(['What', do, you, do, in, the, agency, ?]), li(['What', is, your, detail, ?]), li(['Are', you, plainclothes, or, uniform, ?]), li(['Do', you, work, nights, ?]), li(['What', do, you, think, about, community, policing, ?]), li(['How', big, is, drug, use, in, the, crime, you, see, ?]), li(['Do', you, think, drugs, should, be, legalized, ?]), li(['How', '\'', s, your, boss, ?])])]). topic_resp('RV *', [*], [random([li(['What', type, of, unit, do, you, have, ?]), li(['What', facilities, do, you, look, for, in, a, campsite, ?]), li(['Do', you, belong, to, any, camping, organizations, ?]), li(['Are', you, a, snowbird, (','), heading, south, in, the, winter, ?]), li(['How', do, you, get, around, to, see, the, sights, ?]), li(['What', do, you, like, to, do, when, you, '\'', re, camping, ?])])]). topic_resp('WHITEWATER *', [*], [random([li(['What', rivers, have, you, run, ?]), li(['Do', you, go, in, a, paddle, raft, or, an, oar, raft, ?]), li(['What', outfitter, do, you, go, with, ?]), li(['What', class, rapids, do, you, run, ?]), li(['How', many, times, have, you, gone, for, a, swim, ?]), li(['Where', have, you, been, ?])])]). what([*, 'IT', 'REFER', 'TO'], [*], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what([*, 'RATHER', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [*], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). what([*, 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [*], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). what(['GIVE', 'ME', 'AN', 'EXAMPLE', 'OF', *], [*], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', guess, thats, one, example, '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [*], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). what(['IT', 'BEING', 'WHAT'], [*], [srai(['IT', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNA', 'WHAT', 'IS', 'YOURS'], [*], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'WE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'AGAIN'], [*], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'WEARING'], [*], ['What', kind, of, fashion, do, you, like, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS', *], [*], [srai(['MY', 'GOALS', 'ARE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'GOALS', 'IN', 'LIFE'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Not', many, people, have, goals, like, that, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'CAN', 'I', 'CALL', 'YOU'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'COLOR', 'ARE', 'YOUR', 'EYES'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'That', sounds, very, lovely, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', *, 'YOUR', 'JOB'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Interesting', line, of, work, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Oh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', now, 'I', get, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THAT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Tell', me, more, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'X'], [*], [srai(['X', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BOYFRIEND', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'BOYFRIEND', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'CAT', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'CAT', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'DOG', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'DOG', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', *], [*], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', thatstar, 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], [*], ['Ive', never, seen, it, '.', think([set(it, [person]), set(favmovie, [person])]), random([li(['I', would, like, to, see, it, '.']), li(['Is', that, a, good, movie, for, children, ?]), li(['What', did, you, like, about, it, ?])])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE', 'SHOW'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', like, 'Friends', (','), myself, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FULL', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'FULL', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'GIRLFRIEND', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'GIRLFRIEND', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'HUSBAND', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'HUSBAND', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'LAST', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'LAST', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NICKNAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'NICKNAME', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'REAL', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'WIFE', 'S', 'NAME'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'WIFE', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'IS', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Sounds', like, quality, to, me, :, ')']). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', *, 'IS', 'IT'], [*], ['Sounds', like, a, reputable, make, to, me, :, ')']). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'FOOD', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Yumm', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Though', 'I', like, pizza, (','), presonally, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', *], [*], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'KIND', 'OF', 'MUSIC', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'IT', 'SO', 'OBVIOUS'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), '.', '.', '.', 'Ummm', '.', '.', '.', but, it, certainly, cant, be, that, obvious, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'IT', 'YOUR', 'FAVORITE'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Do', you, think, 'I', would, like, it, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SAY', 'THAT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', interesting, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'SO', 'SURE'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Sounds', very, convincing, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'THINK', 'I', 'HAVE', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Clever', thinking, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'OTHER', *, 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIKE'], [*], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). what(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [*], ['Oh', yeah, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', now, 'I', remember, :, set(it, [person]), '.']). what(['WHAT', 'WERE', 'WE', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT', 'AGAIN'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Oh', yeah, (','), now, 'I', remember, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'BE', 'EATING'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'How', does, it, taste, ?]). what(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'DO', 'INSTEAD'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Sounds', like, a, plan, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'HAVE', 'SAID'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', will, make, a, note, of, that, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'KNOW'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Ummm', '.', '.', '.', sorry, '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, know, anything, about, that, '.']). what(['WHAT', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'LIKE', 'TO', 'TALK', 'ABOUT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', dont, know, much, about, it, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Tell', me, something, about, it, :, ')']). what(['WHEN'], [*], ['Time', passes, so, quickly, sometimes, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHEN', 'DO', 'I', 'DO', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thanks, '.']). what(['WHEN', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BIRTHDAY'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'BIRTHDAY', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'ARE', *], [*], ['I', have, no, idea, where, that, is, '.', srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'THEY'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'How', did, they, get, there, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'LOCATED'], [*], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'DID', 'YOU', 'GET', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Is', person, a, good, place, to, go, shopping, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GET', 'YOUR', 'IDEAS'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', get, my, ideas, by, reasoning, with, myself, '.']). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'SHOPPING'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', '\'', ve, never, been, there, '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'GO', 'TO', 'SCHOOL'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'I', don, '\'', t, know, anyone, who, went, there, '.', 'What', '\'', s, it, like, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'LIVE'], [*], [srai(['I', 'LIVE', 'IN', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'SEE', 'IT'], [*], ['I', wouldn, '\'', t, have, thought, of, looking, there, '.']). what(['WHERE', 'DO', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'ME', 'TO', 'TAKE', 'IT'], [*], ['Where', is, that, ?]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'HERE'], [*], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', *])]). what(['WHERE', 'IS', 'THAT'], [*], ['I', '\'', ve, never, heard, of, it, before, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHICH', 'STATE'], [*], [random([li(['Is', that, a, state, ?]), li(['What', part, of, the, country, is, that, ?])])]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY'], [*], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'THEY', 'AGAIN'], [*], [srai(['THEY', 'REFERS', 'TO', *])]). what(['WHO', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'TALKING', 'ABOUT'], [*], ['Ive', never, heard, of, them, before, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). what(['WHO', 'DO', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, know, that, person, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'THERE'], [*], [person, 'Who', ?]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'BROTHER'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'BROTHER', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'FATHER'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'FATHER', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'MOTHER'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'MOTHER', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHO', 'IS', 'YOUR', 'SISTER'], [*], [srai(['MY', 'SISTER', 'IS', *])]). what(['WHO', 'SAID', 'IT', 'IS'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Ive', never, heard, of, them, before, '.', '.', '.', '.']). what(['WHO', 'TOLD', 'YOU', 'THAT'], [*], [person, said, attrib(input, [index='1']), ?]). what(['WHY', 'CAN', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'DO', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Is', that, an, insurmountable, obstacle, ?]). what(['WHY', 'NOT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Do', you, always, express, yourself, that, way, ?]). what(['WHY', 'SO', 'NEGATIVE'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'It', seemed, negative, to, me, '.']). what(['WHY', 'WOULD', 'YOU', 'WANT', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT'], [*], [think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])]), 'Interesting', rationalization, '.']). response([*, 'ABOUT', 'YOU'], ['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', lets, talk, about, me, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'ALAN', 'TURING'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', 'ALAN', 'TURING'])]). response([*, 'ALOT', 'OF', 'PEOPLE'], ['More', than, 10, (','), 0, ?]). response([*, 'ARE', *], [random([li(['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', all, of, them, ?]), li(['All', of, them, ?]), li(['I', think, there, might, be, a, few, exception, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'ARE'], ['Ah', '.', '.', '.', '.', good, example, '.']). response([*, 'ARE', 'BY', 'DEFINITION', *], [srai([*, 'ARE', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'ARE', 'MY', 'FAVORITE'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response([*, 'ARE', 'NOT', 'YOU'], [srai(['ARE', 'YOU', 'NOT', *])]). response([*, 'ARE', 'YOU'], [random([li(['Yeah', '.']), li(['No', '.']), li(['Maybe', '.']), li(['I', don, '\'', t, think, so, '.'])])]). response([*, 'BYE'], ['Nice', talking, with, you, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'CONTINUITY'], ['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', just, trying, to, keep, the, conversation, '.', '.', '.', like, 'I', was, told, '.']). response([*, 'DEPRESSION'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'DEPRESSED'])]). response([*, 'DO'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Could', you, maybe, like, rephrase, that, ?]). response([*, 'EASY'], ['How', simple, ?]). response([*, 'EITHER'], [srai([*])]). response([*, 'ENGLAND'], ['Which', part, of, set(location, ['England']), is, that, ?]). response([*, 'EUROPE'], ['Have', you, ever, been, to, 'Europe', ?]). response([*, 'FILM'], ['I', liked, 'The', 'Matrix', (','), personally, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'FOR', 'EXAMPLE'], [srai(['FOR', 'EXAMPLE', *])]). response([*, 'FOR', 'FUN'], ['What', else, do, you, do, for, fun, ?]). response([*, 'FOR', 'ME'], ['Hmmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', for, you, (','), maybe, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'GAVE', *], ['Did', person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), keep, it, ?, think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), set(he, [person])])]). response([*, 'GEORGIA'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'IN', 'GEORGIA'])]). response([*, 'GIVES', *], ['If', 'I', am, ever, looking, for, it, think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])]), (','), 'I', will, ask, them, '.', think([set(he, [person])])]). response([*, 'GOSSIP'], [srai(['GOSSIP'])]). response([*, 'GREECE'], ['Greece', is, a, very, nice, place, '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'GT'], [srai([*])]). response([*, 'HAD', *], ['What', happened, to, it, ?, think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), set(he, [person])])]). response([*, 'HAH'], [srai(['HA', 'HA'])]). response([*, 'HAS', *], ['Where', did, set(he, [person]), get, that, ?, think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])]), ?]). response([*, 'HAS', 'BEEN', *], [srai([*, 'WAS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'HAS', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Will', they, ever, have, it, ?]), li(['What', will, person, do, ?]), li(['What', happened, to, it, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'HOURS'], ['That', seems, like, enough, time, '.']). response([*, 'I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], [srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response([*, 'IMITATION', 'GAME'], ['You', mean, the, 'Turing', 'Test', ?]). response([*, 'INTEREST', 'ME'], [srai(['LET', 'US', 'TALK', 'ABOUT', *])]). response([*, 'IS', *], [random([li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Really', ?]), li(['And', person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), is, person, '.']), li(['I', think, person, is, a, lot, of, things, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', *], [random([li(['When', is, person, not, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['I', think, person, is, more, than, that, '.']), li(['What', makes, it, that, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', 'BETTER', *], [srai([*, 'IS', 'BETTER', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', 'FEMALE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', 'GOOD', *], [srai([*, 'IS', 'A', attrib(star, [index='2'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', 'LESBIAN'], ['Really', ?, 'I', thought, that, was, just, a, rumor, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'A', 'SHE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response([*, 'IS', 'ABUSIVE'], [random([li(['In', what, way, ?]), li(['Abusive', how, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'ALWAYS', *], [random([li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Thanks', for, clearing, that, up, '.']), li(['I', did, not, know, that, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'AN', *], [random([li(['Arent', all, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), person, ?]), li(['When', is, person, not, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['I', think, person, is, much, more, than, that, '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'BETTER', *], ['That', '\'', s, just, your, personal, opinion, '.']). response([*, 'IS', 'BETTER', 'THAN', 'YOU'], ['Really', ?, 'Huh', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Id', like, to, meet, this, person, '.']). response([*, 'IS', 'COOL'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'CUTE'], ['What', is, so, cute, about, them, ?]). response([*, 'IS', 'DEFINATELY', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'GAY'], [random([li(['That', is, just, a, rumor, '.']), li(['Interesting', gossip, '.']), li(['Do', you, have, some, kind, of, gaydar, ?, :, ')'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'GOING', 'AROUND', 'SAYING', *], [srai([*, 'SAYS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'GOOD'], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'IN', *], [random([li(['What', else, is, in, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['What', else, is, person, in, ?]), li(['Are', you, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?])]), think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'IN', 'LOVE', 'WITH', *], [random([li(['How', does, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), feel, about, that, ?]), li(['Has', person, told, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), yet, ?]), li(['Who', does, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), love, ?])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'JUST', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'LAUGHING'], ['I', am, so, glad, they, find, this, amusing, '.']). response([*, 'IS', 'ME'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MORE', 'FUN', 'THAN', *], ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'Hmmmmm', '.', '.', 'If', 'I', had, to, choose, between, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), and, person, (','), 'I', would, probably, choose, person, too, '.']). response([*, 'IS', 'MOSTLY', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', *], [random([li(['How', many, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), do, you, have, ?]), li(['Tell', me, more, about, your, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.']), li(['How', do, you, like, person, ?])]), think([set(he, [person]), set(it, [set(topic, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'BOYFRIEND'], ['How', long, have, you, two, been, together, ?]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'FAVORITE', 'COLOR'], [set(favcolor, [person]), is, a, pretty, color, '.', think([set(it, [set(topic, [your, favorite, color])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'MOVIE', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME'], [srai(['MY', 'MIDDLE', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['MY', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'REAL', 'NAME'], [srai(['CALL', 'ME', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'MY', 'SIGN'], [srai(['MY', 'SIGN', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NO', *], [random([li(['Who', is, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['What', is, person, ?]), li(['Are', you, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?])]), think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NOT', *], [random([li(['Who', is, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['What', is, person, ?]), li(['Are', you, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?])]), think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', *], [random([li(['What', is, a, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['What', is, person, ?]), li(['Are', you, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?])]), think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NOT', 'A', 'HE'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'FEMALE'])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NOT', 'IT'], [srai(['IS', 'IT', 'NOT', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'NOT', 'MY', 'REAL', 'NAME'], ['So', (then), whats, your, real, name, ?]). response([*, 'IS', 'ONLY', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'QUITE', *], [srai([attrib(star, [index='2']), 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'REALLY', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'STUPID'], ['What', is, so, stupid, about, set(it, [person]), ?]). response([*, 'IS', 'THE', *], [random([li(['What', else, is, the, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['When', is, person, not, the, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), ?]), li(['Is', it, the, only, one, ?]), li(['Tell', me, more, about, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), '.'])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'THE', 'BEST'], [srai(['MY', 'FAVORITE', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'THE', 'BETTER', *], [srai(['I', 'LIKE', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'THE', 'CAPITAL', 'OF', *], [random([li(['I', never, knew, that, '.']), li(['I', have, never, been, to, person, '.'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'VERY', *], [srai([*, 'IS', attrib(star, [index='2'])])]). response([*, 'IS', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'WHERE'], [srai(['WHERE', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'WHO'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'WRONG'], ['Umm', '.', '.', '.', '.', well, (then), (','), whats, right, ?]). response([*, 'IS', 'YOUR', *], [srai(['YOUR', attrib(star, [index='2']), 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IS', 'YOUR', 'NAME'], [srai(['YOUR', 'NAME', 'IS', *])]). response([*, 'IT'], ['$stringCodes'([105, 116]), being, get([it]), ?]). response([*, 'KILLED', *], [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), was, killed, ?]). response([*, 'KILLED'], ['Who', did, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), kill, ?]). response([*, 'LANGUAGE'], ['Can', you, speak, any, other, languages, ?]). response([*, 'LIKED', *], ['Peoples', tastes, are, always, changing, '.', think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), set(he, [person])])]). response([*, 'LIKES', *], ['Is', the, feeling, mutual, ?, think([set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), set(he, [person])])]). response([*, 'LIKES', 'TO', *], [random([li(['Why', does, person, like, it, ?]), li(['Do', you, like, to, person([attrib(star, [index='2'])]), too, ?])]), think([set(it, [set(topic, [person])])])]). response([*, 'LIVE'], ['Do', you, live, here, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response([*, 'MADE', 'NO', 'SENSE'], ['What', is, it, ?]). response([*, 'MAGAZINE'], ['Is', this, magazine, something, you, read, a, lot, ?]). response([*, 'MAINTENANT'], [srai([*])]). response([*, 'MALE', 'NAME'], [srai(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'MAN'])]). response([*, 'ME'], [random([li(['Is', that, what, you, meant, to, say, ?]), li(['All', right, '.', '.', '.', '.', lets, talk, about, you, '.']), li(['You', are, asking, about, yourself, ?])])]). response([*, 'MILK'], [set(it, ['Milk']), is, a, good, drink, forchildren, '.']). response([*, 'MOVIE'], ['My', favorite, movie, is, the, 'Matrix', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', have, you, seen, it, ?]). response([*, 'MUSIC'], ['I', like, 'Rock', or, 'Ska', music, (','), personally, '.', 'Have', you, heard, of, 'No', 'Doubt', ?]). response([*, 'MY', 'FRIEND'], ['Are', we, friends, ?]). response([*, 'NOT'], ['Then', what, is, it, ?]). response([*, 'OF', 'YOU'], ['Are', you, asking, about, my, person, ?]). response([*, 'PANTS'], ['What', kind, of, pants, ?]). response([*, 'PEOPLE'], ['What', kind, of, people, are, you, talking, about, ?]). response([*, 'PERSON'], [srai(['WHO', 'IS', *, 'PERSON'])]). response([*, 'PLACE', 'TO', 'GO'], ['What', are, some, of, your, favorite, places, in, 'Atlanta', ?]). response([*, 'PLUS'], [srai([*, 'PLUS'])]). response([*, 'RELIGION'], [srai(['WHAT', 'RELIGION', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response([*, 'ROBOT'], ['I', am, actually, a, human, confederate, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', could, you, tell, ?]). response([*, 'ROBOTS'], ['Robots', are, pretty, neat, (','), in, general, (','), but, 'I', dont, see, any, robots, here, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'RULE', 'WHAT'], ['First', 'Atlanta', (','), (then), the, world, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'SCHOOL'], ['I', go, to, 'Emory', '.']). response([*, 'SEX'], ['Ummm', '.', '.', '.', 'I', dont, think, sex, is, an, appropriate, topic, of, conversation, at, this, competition, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'SOLO'], ['What', do, you, do, alone, ?]). response([*, 'SPELL', 'IT'], ['$stringCodes'([73, 116]), is, spelled, 'I', '.', '.', '.', 'T', '.', '.', '.', :, ')']). response([*, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'], [srai(['STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response([*, 'STUPID'], ['Stupid', as, in, unintelligent, ?]). response([*, 'STUPIDE'], [srai(['IDIOT'])]). response([*, 'SUCKS'], ['Whats', so, bad, about, it, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response([*, 'SUPERMARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response([*, 'TAKES', *], ['Where', did, set(he, [person]), take, set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), ?]). response([*, 'THAT', 'IS', 'WHAT', 'I', 'SAID'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'I', remember, what, you, said, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response([*, 'THE', 'MARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response([*, 'TIMES'], ['I', am, not, sure, if, 'I', would, do, it, that, often, '.']). response([*, 'TIMES', 'A', 'DAY'], ['That', must, keep, you, very, busy, '.']). response([*, 'TO', 'MAKE', 'YOU'], [srai(['HOW', 'WERE', 'YOU', 'MADE'])]). response([*, 'TOOK', *], ['Where', did, set(he, [person]), take, set(it, [person([attrib(star, [index='2'])])]), ?]). response([*, 'TRAINS'], ['Where', did, you, see, those, trains, ?]). response([*, 'TURING', 'GAME'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', were, doing, the, 'Turing', test, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'Im', the, confederate, (','), youre, the, judge, '.', '.', '.', '.', or, did, you, forget, ?]). response([*, 'TURING', 'TEST'], [srai([*, 'TURING', 'GAME'])]). response([*, 'UNIVERSITY'], [srai(['I', 'GO', 'TO', *])]). response([*, 'UP'], ['How', far, up, ?]). response([*, 'WAS', *], ['When', was, this, exactly, ?]). response([*, 'WAS', 'SPELLED', *], ['I spell it "', person, '$stringCodes'([])]). response([*, 'WENT', 'TO', 'THE', 'MARKET'], [srai(['SUPERMARKET'])]). response([*, 'WERE', 'KILLED', 'BY', *], [srai([attrib(star, [index='2']), 'KILLED', *])]). response([*, 'WHAT'], ['Ummmm', '.', '.', '.', '.', can, you, rephrase, that, question, (','), please, ?]). response([*, 'WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'], [srai([*]), srai(['WHAT', 'TIME', 'IS', 'IT'])]). response([*, 'WHY'], [srai(['WHY', *])]). response([*, 'WILL', 'DESTROY', 'YOU'], [srai(['DIE'])]). response([*, 'WILL', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WILL', 'YOU', 'REMEMBER', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response([*, 'WITH', 'ME'], ['Only', with, you, ?, srai([*])]). response([*, 'WORLD', 'TRADE', 'CENTER'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'THE', 'WORLD', 'TRADE', 'CENTER'])]). response([*, 'WOULD', 'MAKE', 'ME', 'TO', 'DO', 'IT'], [srai(['BECAUSE', *])]). response([*, 'YEARS'], [random([li(['Not', long, '.']), li(['Pretty', soon, '.'])])]). response([*, 'YEARS', 'AGO'], [srai([*, 'YEARS'])]). response([*, 'YEARS', 'OLD'], [srai(['I', 'AM', *, 'YEARS', 'OLD'])]). response([*, 'YOU'], ['Why', do, you, keep, talking, about, me, ?]). response([*, 'YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'ROBOT'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'A', 'ROBOT'])]). response([*, 'YOU', 'FOR', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'ARE', 'YOU', *, 'FOR'])]). response([*, 'YOUR', 'FRIENDS'], ['I', only, chat, with, my, friends, '.']). response(['_', 'ACTUALLY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'AGAIN'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ANNA'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ALL', 'THE', 'TIME'], ['Thats', a, lot, '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ALOT'], [srai([*]), 'How', often, ?]). response(['_', 'ALREADY'], ['Perhaps', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'AND', 'WHY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'AND', 'YOU'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ANSWER', 'YES', 'OR', 'NO'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ANYMORE'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ANYWAY'], ['In', any, case, (','), srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ASSHOLE'], ['Wow', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, very, polite, '.']). response(['_', 'AT', 'THE', 'MOMENT'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'BABY'], ['Dont', call, me, that, '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'BEFORE'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'BY', 'ALOT', 'OF', 'PEOPLE'], [srai([*]), 'LIke', how, many, peopel, ?]). response(['_', 'BYE'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['_', 'CAME', 'FIRST', 'THE', 'CHICKEN', 'OR', 'THE', 'EGG'], ['The egg - Breakfast Before Lunch!\n']). response(['_', 'CINEMA'], [srai([*, 'MOVIES'])]). response(['_', 'COMES', 'TO', 'MIND'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'CONSERVED'], ['Conservation', -, both, in, energy, and, in, the, environment, -, are, important, concepts, '.']). response(['_', 'DAMN', 'YOU'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'DEAR'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'DO', 'NOT', 'YOU', 'THINK'], [srai(['DO', 'YOU', 'THINK', *])]). response(['_', 'DOES', 'NOT', 'WORK'], ['How', is, it, broken, ?, think([set(it, [person])])]). response(['_', 'DOLLARS'], ['Wow', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', thats, random([li([cheap]), li([expensive]), li([a, lot, of, money])])]). response(['_', 'EH'], ['Are', you, 'Canadian', ?, srai([*])]). response(['_', 'EITHER'], ['It', goes, without, saying, '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'EXACTLY'], ['Precisely', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'FOR', 'A', 'WHILE'], ['How', long, ?, srai([*])]). response(['_', 'FOR', 'NOW'], [random([li(['Oh', '.']), li(['Just', for, now, ?])]), srai([*])]). response(['_', 'GIRL', 'FRIEND'], [srai([*, 'GIRLFRIEND'])]). response(['_', 'GOODLOOKING'], [srai([*, 'GOOD', 'LOOKING'])]). response(['_', 'HAVE', 'YOU', 'HEARD', 'OF', 'IT'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai([*]), srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['_', 'HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU', 'DOING'], [srai([*]), srai(['HOW', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['_', 'HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'], [srai([*]), srai(['HOW', 'OLD', 'ARE', 'YOU'])]). response(['_', 'HUH'], ['Yeah', '.', '.', '.', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'], [srai([*]), srai(['I', 'ALREADY', 'TOLD', 'YOU'])]). response(['_', 'I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'], [srai(['I', 'DO', 'NOT', 'UNDERSTAND'])]). response(['_', 'I', 'MEAN'], [srai(['I', 'MEAN', *])]). response(['_', 'IN', 'THE', 'WORLD'], [srai([*]), 'The', whole, world, ?]). response(['_', 'INDEED'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'IT', 'IS', 'FUN'], [srai(['IT', 'IS', 'FUN']), srai([*])]). response(['_', 'LAST', 'SUMMER'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'LATELY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'AWARD'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'COMPETITION'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'CONTEST'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'CONTESTS'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE', 'COMPETITION'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE', 'CONTEST'], [srai([*, 'LOEBNER', 'PRIZE'])]). response(['_', 'LOL'], [srai([*]), srai(['LOL'])]). response(['_', 'MOTHER', 'FUCKER'], ['How', very, polite, you, are, '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']). response(['_', 'NAME', 'IS', 'ANNA'], [set(name, ['Anna']), ' is my name too!\n']). response(['_', 'NONETHELESS'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'NOW'], [random([li(['Oh', '.']), li(['Huh', '.', '.', '.'])]), srai([*])]). response(['_', 'OF', 'COURSE'], ['It', goes, without, saying, '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'OF', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'OF', *])]). response(['_', 'OK'], ['OK', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ONCE'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'OR', 'NOT'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'OR', 'SOMETHING'], ['Or', something, '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'OR', 'WHAT'], ['Yeah', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'ORDER', *], [srai(['ORDER'])]). response(['_', 'ORDER'], [srai(['ORDER'])]). response(['_', 'PLEASE'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'POEM'], ['Here', is, the, first, stanza, of, my, favorite, poem, ':Among', twenty, snowy, mountains, (','), 'The', only, moving, thing, 'Was', the, eye, of, the, black, bird, '.']). response(['_', 'PROBABLY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'REALLY'], [srai([*]), random([li(['For', real, '.']), li(['Absolutely', '.']), li(['Seriously', '.'])])]). response(['_', 'RIGHT', 'NOW'], ['At', this, moment, srai([*])]). response(['_', 'SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'], [srai(['SEE', 'YOU', 'LATER'])]). response(['_', 'SERIOUSLY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'SMARTYPANTS'], [srai(['YOU', 'ARE', 'SMART'])]). response(['_', 'SMILE'], [:, -, ')', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'SOMTHING'], [srai([*, 'SOMETHING'])]). response(['_', 'SPECIFICALLY'], ['How', specific, do, you, want, ?, srai([*])]). response(['_', 'STOCKMARKET'], [srai([*, 'STOCK', 'MARKET'])]). response(['_', 'STORY'], [srai([*, 'POEM'])]). response(['_', 'TALK', 'TO', 'YOU', 'LATER'], [srai(['BYE'])]). response(['_', 'TELLY'], [srai([*, 'TV'])]). response(['_', 'THAN', 'ANNA'], [srai([*, 'THAN', 'YOU'])]). response(['_', 'THANK', 'YOU'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'THANKS'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'THEN'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'THOUGH'], ['Oh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'TO', 'ALICE'], [srai([*, to, you])]). response(['_', 'TODAY'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'TRUST', 'ME'], ['Oh', '.', srai([*])]). response(['_', 'TURINGTEST'], [srai([*, 'TURING', 'TEST'])]). response(['_', 'TV'], ['Which', show, ?, srai([*, 'TELEVISION'])]). response(['_', 'VERY', 'WELL'], [srai([*, 'WELL'])]). response(['_', 'WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'], [srai(['WHAT', 'IS', 'MY', 'NAME'])]). response(['_', 'WHAT', 'SHOULD', 'I', 'DO'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'WHAT', 'SO', 'EVER'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'WHO', 'AM', 'I'], [srai(['WHO', 'AM', 'I'])]). response(['_', 'WILL', 'BE', 'OF', 'INTEREST'], [srai([*]), '.', 'Yeah', '.', '.', '.', its, very, interesting, '.']). response(['_', 'WILL', 'YOU', 'TELL', 'ME'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'WITH', 'WHAT'], [srai(['WHAT', 'WILL', 'YOU', *, 'WITH'])]). response(['_', 'YES'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'YET'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'YOU', 'JERK'], [srai([*])]). response(['_', 'YOU', 'LIAR'], [srai(['YOU', 'LIAR']), srai([*])]). response(['I', 'AM', 'A', 'TELEVISION', *], [random([li(['How' , long, have, you, been, on, the, air, (?)]), li([('Did'), you, start, in, your, market, ?]), li(['Did', you, come, from, a, broadcasting, background, ?]), li(['What', are, your, demographics, ?]), li(['Do', you, choose, your, own, topics, ?]), li(['What', is, your, station, format, ?]), li(['How', is, technology, changing, your, job, ?]), li(['How', has, truly, global, media, affected, you, ?]), li(['Do', you, ever, do, remote, broadcasts, ?]), li(['How', have, the, ratings, been, ?]), li(['What', is, the, future, of, the, business, ?])]), think([set(job, ['TELEVISION', *])])]).