1:- module(crp,
    2		[	empty_classes/1
    3		,	dec_class//3
    4		,	inc_class//1
    5		,	remove_class//1
    6		,	add_class//2
    8		,	crp_prob/5
    9		,	crp_sample/5
   10		,	crp_sample_obs/7
   11		,	crp_sample_obs/8
   12		,	crp_sample_rm/5
   14		,	dp_sampler_teh/3
   15		,	py_sampler_teh/4
   16		]).

Chinese Restaurant Process utilities

This module provides some building blocks for implementing a family of random processes related to Dirichlet processes, including Pitman Yor processe, the Chinese Restaurant process, and the stick breaking model (GEM). The Dirichlet processes takes a single concentration parameter, representated as dp(Conc), while the Pitman Yor process takes a concentration parameter and a discount parameter, representated as py(Conc,Disc).

gem_param   ---> dp(nonneg) ; py(nonneg,0--1).
gamma_prior ---> gamma(nonneg, nonneg).
beta_prior  ---> beta(nonneg, nonneg).
classes(A)  ---> classes(natural, list(nonneg), list(A)).
action(A)   ---> new ; old(A, class_idx).
action      ---> new ; old(class_idx).

rndstate  == plrand:state
class_idx == natural
prob      == 0--1

param_sampler == pred(+gem_param, -gem_param, +rndstate, -rndstate).

This may seems like a very low-level library for building CRPs, leaving a lot for the implemeenter to do, but this is intentional, to allow the implementer freedom to decide how to manage the states (terms of type classes(_)) of one or more CRPs, as well as the state of the random generator, in whatever way is most appropriate. See the the example implementation of test_crp.pl for one way to do this. */

   49% :- use_module(library(dcg_core)).
   50% :- use_module(library(dcg_macros)).
   51:- use_module(library(apply_macros)).   52:- use_module(library(plrand),   [spawn/3, crp_prob/5, crp_sample/5, crp_sample_obs/8, crp_sample_rm/5]).
 crp_prob(+GEM:gem_param, +Classes:classes(A), +X:A, +PBase:prob, -Prob:prob) is det
Compute the probability Prob of observing X given a CRP with already observed values in Classes if the probability of drawing X from the base distribution is PBase.
 crp_sample(+GEM:gem_param, +Classes:classes(A), -A:action A)// is det
crp_sample(+GEM:gem_param, +Classes:classes(A), -A:action A)// is det
Sample a new value from CRP, Action A is either new, which means that the user should sample a new value from the base distribtion, or old(X,ID), where X is an old value and C is the class index. Operates in random state DCG. of the action choosen.
 crp_sample_obs(+GEM:gem_param, +Classes:classes(A), +X:A, +PBase:prob, -A:action, -P:prob)// is det
 crp_sample_obs(+GEM:gem_param, +Classes:classes(A), +X:A, +PBase:prob, -A:action)// is det
Sample action appropriate for observation of value X. PBase is the probability of X from the base distribution. Action A is new or old(N) where N is the class index. crp_sample_obs//6 additionally returns the probability of the observation, equivalent to calling crp_prob with X BEFORE calling crp_sample_obs//5. Operates in random state DCG.
   80crp_sample_obs(GEM, Classes, X, PBase, Action) --> 
   81   crp_sample_obs(GEM, Classes, X, PBase, Action, _).
 crp_sample_rm(+Classes:classes(A), +X:A, -N:class_idx)// is det
Sample appropriate class index N from which to remove value X. Operates in random state DCG.
   91% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   92% classes data structure (basic CRP stuff)
 empty_classes(-Classes:classes(_)) is det
Unify Classes with an empty classes structure.
 dec_class(+N:class_idx, -C:natural, -X:A, +C1:classes(A), -C2:classes(A)) is det
Decrement count associated with class id N. C is the count after decrementing and X is the value associated with the Nth class.
  105dec_class(N,CI,X,classes(K,C1,Vs),classes(K,C2,Vs)) :- dec_nth(N,CI,C1,C2), nth1(N,Vs,X).
  106dec_nth(1,Y,[X|T],[Y|T]) :- succ(Y,X).
  107dec_nth(N,Y,[X|T1],[X|T2]) :- succ(M,N), dec_nth(M,Y,T1,T2).
 inc_class(+N:class_idx, +C1:classes(A), -C2:classes(A)) is det
Increment count associated with class N.
  112inc_class(N,classes(K,C1,V),classes(K,C2,V)) :- inc_nth(N,C1,C2).
  113inc_nth(1,[X|T],[Y|T]) :- succ(X,Y).
  114inc_nth(N,[X|T1],[X|T2]) :- succ(M,N), inc_nth(M,T1,T2).
 remove_class(+N:class_idx, +C1:classes(A), -C2:classes(A)) is det
Removes Nth class.
  120remove_class(N,classes(K1,C1,V1),classes(K2,C2,V2)) :-
  121	remove_nth(N,C1,C2),
  122	remove_nth(N,V1,V2),
  123	succ(K2,K1).
 add_class(+X:A, -ID:class_idx, +C1:classes(A), -C2:classes(A)) is det
Add a class associated with value X. N is the index of the new class.
  128add_class(X,N2,classes(N1,C1,V1),classes(N2,C2,V2)) :-
  129	succ(N1,N2),
  130	append(C1,[1],C2),
  131	append(V1,[X],V2). 
  135remove_nth(N,[Y|T1],[Y|T2]) :- 
  136	(	var(N) 
  137	->	remove_nth(M,T1,T2), succ(M,N)
  138	;	succ(M,N), remove_nth(M,T1,T2)
  139	).
  142% ---------------------------------------------------------------
  144% Initialisers in Prolog, samplers written in C.
 dp_sampler_teh(+Prior:gamma_prior, +Counts:list(natural), -S:param_sampler) is det
Prepares a predicate for sampling the concentration parameter of a Dirichlet process. The sampler's gem_prior arguments must be of the form dp(_). Prior specifies the Gamma distribution prior for the concentration parameter, as gamma(a,b), where a is the shape parameter and b is the rate parameter (ie the inverse of the scale parameter).
  153dp_sampler_teh( gamma(A,B), CX, plrand:sample_dp_teh(ApSumKX,B,NX)) :-
  154	maplist(sumlist,CX,NX),
  155	maplist(length,CX,KX), 
  156	sumlist(KX,SumKX), 
  157	ApSumKX is A+SumKX.
 py_sampler_teh(+ConcPrior:gamma_prior, +DiscPr:beta_prior, +Counts:list(natural), -S:param_sampler) is det
Prepares a predicate for sampling the concentration and discount parameters of a Pitman-Yor process. The sampler's gem_prior arguments must be of the form py(_,_). See dp_sampler_teh/3 for tha description of the gamma_prior type. DiscPr is a Beta distribution prior for the concentration parameter.
  166py_sampler_teh( ThPrior, DiscPrior, CountsX, Sampler) :-
  167	Sampler = plrand:sample_py_teh( ThPrior, DiscPrior, CountsX).
  170/*  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i
  171    PURE PROLOG VERSIONS (not including MCMC parameter samplers)
  173:- use_module(library(math), [sub/3, equal/3, stoch/3, mul/3]).
  175sample_discrete(O,P,Y) --> {length(P,N)}, plrand:sample_Discrete(N,P,X), {nth1(X,O,Y)}.
  177crp_prob( Alpha, classes(_,Counts,Vals), X, PProb, P) :-
  178	counts_dist( Alpha, Counts, Counts1),
  179	stoch( Counts1, Probs, _),
  180	maplist( equal(X), Vals, Mask),
  181	maplist( mul, [PProb | Mask], Probs, PostProbs),
  182	sumlist( PostProbs, P).
  184%% crp_sample( +GEM:gem_model, +Classes:classes(A), -A:action(A))// is det.
  186%  Sample a new value from CRP, Action A is either new, which means
  187%  that the user should sample a new value from the base distribtion,
  188%  or old(X,C), where X is an old value and C is the index of its class.
  189%  Operates in random state DCG.
  190crp_sample( Alpha, classes(_,Counts,Vals), Action, RS1, RS2) :-
  191	counts_dist(Alpha, Counts, Counts1),
  192	sample_discrete(Counts1,Z,RS1,RS2),
  193	( Z>1 -> succ(C,Z), nth1(C,Vals,X), Action=old(X,C)
  194	; Action=new).
  197%% crp_sample_obs( +GEM:gem_model, +Classes:classes(A), +X:A, +PProb:float, -A:action)// is det.
  199%  Sample class appropriate for observation of value X. PProb is the
  200%  base probability of X from the base distribution. Action A is new
  201%  or old(Class).
  202%  Operates in random state DCG.
  203crp_sample_obs( Alpha, classes(_,Counts,Vals), X, ProbX, A, RS1, RS2) :-
  204	counts_dist( Alpha, Counts, [CNew|Counts1]),	
  205	PNew is CNew*ProbX,
  206	maplist( posterior_count(X),Vals,Counts1,Counts2),
  207	sample_discrete( [PNew|Counts2], Z, RS1, RS2),
  208	(Z=1 -> A=new; succ(C,Z), A=old(C)).
  211%% crp_sample_rm( +Classes:classes(A), +X:A, -C:natural)// is det.
  213%  Sample appropriate class from which to remove value X.
  214%  Operates in random state DCG.
  215crp_sample_rm( classes(_,Counts,Vals), X, Class, RS1, RS2) :-
  216	maplist(posterior_count(X),Vals,Counts,Counts1),
  217	sample_discrete( Counts1, Class, RS1, RS2).
  220posterior_count(X,Val,Count,PC) :- X=Val -> PC=Count; PC=0.
  222% -----------------------------------------------------------
  223% Dirichlet process and Pitman-Yor process
  224% pseudo-counts models.
  226counts_dist(dp(Alpha),Counts,[Alpha|Counts]) :- !.
  227counts_dist(py(_,_),[],[1]) :- !.
  228counts_dist(py(Alpha,Discount),Counts,[CNew|Counts1]) :- !,
  229	length(Counts,K),
  230	CNew is Alpha+Discount*K,
  231	maplist(sub(Discount),Counts,Counts1).