    2 * Prolog library for sending and receiving OSC messages
    3 * Samer Abdallah (2009)
    6:- module(plosc, [
    7		osc_now/2			% -Seconds:int, -Fraction:int
    8	,	osc_now/1			% -TS:osc_timestamp
    9	,	osc_mk_address/3	% +Host:atom, +Port:nonneg, -Ref:osc_addr
   10	,	osc_split_address/3	% +Ref:osc_addr, -Host:atom, -Port:nonneg
   11	,	osc_is_address/1  % +Ref
   12	,	osc_send/3			% +Ref, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg)
   13	,	osc_send/4			% +Ref, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg), +Time:float
   14	,	osc_send_from/5	% +Ref, +Ref, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg), +Time:float
   15	,	osc_mk_server/2	% +Port:nonneg, -Ref
   16	,	osc_start_server/1 % +Ref
   17	,	osc_stop_server/1  % +Ref
   18	,	osc_run_server/1   % +Ref
   19	,	osc_del_handler/3  % +Ref, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg)
   20	,	osc_add_handler/4  % +Ref, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg), +Goal:callable
   21	,	osc_add_handler_x/4  % +Ref, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg), +Goal:callable
   23	,	osc_time_ts/2
   24	]).   25	
   26:- meta_predicate osc_add_handler(+,+,+,2).   27:- meta_predicate osc_add_handler_x(+,+,+,4).

OSC server and client

time == float.
osc_timestamp ---> osc_ts(int,int).


   36:-	use_foreign_library(foreign(plosc)).
 osc_mk_address(+Host:atom, +Port:nonneg, -Ref:osc_addr) is det
Construct a BLOB atom representing an OSC destination.
Host- is the hostname or IP address of the OSC receiver
Port- is the port number of the OSC receiver
Ref- is an atom representing the address
 osc_split_address(+Ref:osc_addr, -Host:atom, -Port:nonneg) is det
Deconstruct a BLOB atom representing an OSC destination.
Ref- is an atom representing the OSC address
Host- is the IP address of the OSC receiver
Port- is the port number of the OSC receiver
 osc_is_address(+Ref) is semidet
Succeeds if Ref is an OSC address created by osc_mk_address/3
 osc_send(+Ref:osc_addr, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg)) is det
 osc_send(+Ref:osc_addr, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg), +Time:time) is det
Sends an OSC message scheduled for immediate execution (osc_send/3) or at a given time (osc_send/4).
Ref- is an OSC address BLOB as returned by osc_mk_address/3.
Path- is an atom representing the OSC message path, eg '/foo/bar'
Args- is a list of OSC message arguments, which can be any of:
String as atom or Prolog string
Double precision floating point
Single precision floating point
   80osc_send(A,B,C) :- osc_send_now(A,B,C).
   81osc_send(A,B,C,T) :- T1 is T, osc_send_at(A,B,C,T1).
 osc_send_from(+Server:osc_server, +Address:osc_addr, +Path:atom, +Args:list(osc_arg), +T:time) is det
Like osc_send/4 but sets the return address to that of the given server.
   86osc_send_from(Srv,Targ,Path,Args,Time) :- T1 is Time, osc_send_from_at(Srv,Targ,Path,Args,T1).
 osc_now(-Secs:integer, -Frac:integer) is det
Gets the current OSC time in seconds and 1/2^64 ths of second.
 osc_now(-TS:osc_timestamp) is det
Gets the current OSC time as an OSC timestamp term.
   95osc_now(osc_ts(Secs,Fracs)) :- osc_now(Secs,Fracs).
 osc_time_ts(+Time:float, -TS:osc_timestamp) is det
osc_time_ts(-Time:float, +TS:osc_timestamp) is det
Convert between floating point time as returned by get_time/1 and OSC timestamp structure as returned by osc_now/1.
  102osc_time_ts(Time,osc_ts(Secs,Fracs)) :-
  103	(	var(Time) -> time_from_ts(Time,Secs,Fracs)
  104	;	time_to_ts(Time,Secs,Fracs)).
 osc_mk_server(+Port:nonneg, -Ref:osc_server) is det
Create an OSC server and return a BLOB atom representing it.
Port- is the port number of the OSC server
Ref- is an atom representing the server
 osc_start_server(+Ref:osc_server) is det
Run the OSC server referred to by Ref in a new thread. The new thread dispatches OSC messages received to the appropriate handlers as registered using osc_add_handler/4.
 osc_stop_server(+Ref:osc_server) is det
If Ref refers to a running server thread, stop the thread.
 osc_run_server(+Ref:osc_server) is det
The OSC server is run in the current thread, and does not return until the message loop terminates. This can be triggered by sending the message /plosc/stop to the server. Using this synchronous server avoids creating a new thread and a new Prolog engine.
 osc_add_handler(+Ref:osc_server, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg), +Goal:handler) is det
This registers a callable goal to handle the specified message Path for the OSC server referred to by Ref. The handler type is handler == pred(+atom,+list(osc_arg)).
Types- is a list of terms specifying the argument types that this handler will match. The terms are just like those descibed in osc_send/3 and osc_send/4, except that the actual values are not used and can be left as anonymous variables, eg [int(_),string(_)]. Alternatively, Types can be the atom 'any', which will match any arguments.
Goal- is any term which can be called with call/3 with two further arguments, which will be the message Path and the argument list, eg call( Goal, '/foo', [int(45),string(bar)]).
  147osc_add_handler(Ref,Path,Types,Goal) :- osc_add_method(Ref,Path,Types,Goal).
 osc_add_handler_x(+Ref:osc_server, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg), +Goal:handler_x) is det
This registers a callable goal to handle the specified message Path for the OSC server referred to by Ref. The extended handler type is handler_x == pred(+osc_addr,+time,+atom,+list(osc_arg)).
Types- is a list of terms specifying the argument types that this handler will match. The terms are just like those descibed in osc_send/3 and osc_send/4, except that the actual values are not used and can be left as anonymous variables, eg [int(_),string(_)]. Alternatively, Types can be the atom 'any', which will match any arguments.
Goal- is any term which can be called with call/3 with four further arguments, which will be the address of the sender, the timestamp of the message, message path and the argument list, eg call( Goal, SomeOSCAddress, Time, '/foo', [int(45),string(bar)]).
  167osc_add_handler_x(Ref,Path,Types,Goal) :- osc_add_method_x(Ref,Path,Types,Goal).
 osc_del_handler(+Ref:osc_server, +Path:atom, +Types:list(osc_arg)) is det
Deregister a message handler previously registered with osc_add_handler/4.
  173osc_del_handler(Ref,Path,Types)      :- osc_del_method(Ref,Path,Types).
  176prolog:message(error(osc_error(Num,Msg,Path)), ['LIBLO error ~w: ~w [~w]'-[Num,Msg,Path] |Z],Z)