/* pljulia examples. Requires Plots.jl package and some graphics backends, such as PlotlyJS.pl (pretty) or GR.jl (fast). These are installed in Julia with Pkg.add("Plots") Pkg.add("PlotlyJS") Pkg.add("GR") */ :- use_module(library(julia)). :- set_prolog_flag(back_quotes, symbol_char). :- initialization(init_env, program). :- initialization(init_jl, program). init_env :- debug(julia). init_jl :- !using('Plots'), backend(plotlyjs), maplist(default, [framestyle- :box, colorbar-false, show-true]). default(K-V) :- !default(:K, V). colormap(M) :- !default(:color, :M). backend(B) :- member(B,[plotlyjs, unicodeplots, gr, glvisualization]), ! B@[]. eg(brownian_motion) :- !plot(cumsum(randn(500,3)), xlabel="time", ylabel="cromulence"). eg(heatmap) :- !heatmap(cumsum(randn(50,50)`), color= :fire). eg(gradients(Lib)) :- N