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Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 20 (2003) 139-144 Submitted 09/03; published 12/03
Héctor Geffner hector.geffner@upf.edu ICREA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra Paseo de Circunvalacion 8 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Abstract I comment on the PDDL 2.1 language and its use in the planning competition, focusing on the choices made for accommodating time and concurrency. I also discuss some method- ological issues that have to do with the move toward more expressive planning languages and the balance needed in planning research between semantics and computation.
The introduction of these features appeared to be guided by two main criteria: whether the semantics of the extensions could be stated clearly and whether they would enable the
2003 c AI Access Foundation. All rights reserved. Geffner
encoding of “realistic problems”. Computational considerations seemed to have played a lesser role. Indeed, while at the time of the first competition, Strips and ADL planning were well understood and several computational approaches had been developed, the third competition featured extensions that aimed to present new functionalities that few if any reported planners could handle. More precisely, while computational approaches for dealing with numeric fluents and actions with durations have been studied for some time (e.g., Koehler, 1998; Rintanen & Jungholt, 1999; Hoffmann, 2002; Laborie & Ghallab, 1995; Smith & Weld, 1999; Jonsson, Morris, Muscettola, & Rajan, 2000; Haslum & Geffner, 2001), proposals for dealing with arbitrary plan metrics and continuous change have been more concerned with semantics than with computation (e.g., McDermott, 2003). Setting new challenges in the form of more general types of planning tasks is necessary and positive for the field, although there are costs as well. AI planning, like AI itself, is a big ‘elephant’, and progress for a small community is bound to become slow and scattered if one researcher looks at a leg, a second at the trunk, and a third at the tail. Focus is important, and focus on the basics is even more important (see the progress in SAT solving for example; e.g. Berre & Simon, 2003). A continuous shift in the ‘problem to be solved’, while showing a genuine concern for more powerful models and applications may also deter the accumulation of knowledge that is necessary for achieving solid progress. The transition of SAT and CSP ideas from the lab to the real world took many years but they would have probably taken many more, if these communities hadn’t kept a focus on the basic problems to be solved. Likewise, challenges come in different sizes and some are more basic than others. More- over, some may be well-defined semantically but not computationally. E.g., do we expect useful and general computational methods that will work for any plan metric? Most likely not: an approach suitable for reaching the goal with a minimum number of actions, may not be good for reaching the goal with minimum resource consumption or with a maxi- mum number of goods. These may be completely different computational problems even if their description is very similar (e.g., just think about replacing an addition sign by a multiplication sign in the cost function of a linear program). If a planner can tackle such generic problems, we should probably be suspect about the quality of the solutions it finds, as mostly likely, it is moving from one solution to the next blindly (i.e., with no estimation of plan costs). Similarly, while cost structures given by the sum of action costs provide a simple and approachable generalization of classical planning, an analogous additive struc- ture in which action costs depend not only on the action but also on the state on which the action is done, is considerably more difficult. Namely, the difficulty in finding plans remains unchanged, but the difficulty in finding good or optimal plans increases, as without good pruning rules or estimators, one is bound to consider one complete plan after another.
2.1 Time, Resources, and Concurrency
The addition of numeric fluents and time in PDDL 2.1 is a sensible move that aims to incorporate features existent in a number of planners (e.g., Laborie & Ghallab, 1995; Smith & Weld, 1999; Jonsson et al., 2000). While it’s not possible to express arbitrary constraints between actions and/or variables as in some of these planners, the basic functionality and computational challenges are there. An important omission in my view is the absence of
140 PDDL 2.1: Representation vs. Computation
explicit resources, separate from action pre and postconditions. Resources in scheduling and some planning systems (e.g., Wilkins, 1988; Currie & Tate, 1991; Baptiste, Pape, & Nuijten, 2001) are used to determine the level of concurrency that is allowed in a problem. E.g., if 7 workers are available, and there are 4 tasks that require 2 workers each, then at most 3 of these tasks can be executed concurrently. Otherwise, the resources needed exceed the capacity. This is an example of a multi-capacity, renewable resource; other types of resources are common (e.g., unary resources, consumable resources, etc). In PDDL 2.1, resources need to be encoded as numeric fluents, and the syntax of the operators through some agreed upon conventions (more about this below), determines the level of concurrency allowed. In my view, this choice is unfortunate for three reasons:
• heuristically, because explicit resources can be exploited computationally in a way that general numeric fluents can’t,
• semantically, because explicit resources provide an account of concurrency that is simple and clean, something that cannot be said about the form of concurrency in PDDL 2.1 or Graphplan, and
• conceptually, because explicit resources, along with time, provide the natural gener- alization and unification of planning and scheduling.
Let us start with the first issue. Resources are used to control the level of concurrency
among tasks: if explicitly accommodated in the language, they don’t have to appear in
action pre or postconditions or in the goal. For resources encoded as fluents, the opposite
is true. The result is that, unless resources are automatically identified by domain analysis,
pruning mechanisms and lower bounds developed for handling resources (e.g., Laborie, 2003)
can’t be used.
Likewise, the definition of concurrency in terms of resources is transparent. A set of
actions A can be executed concurrently at time t if the resources needed by these actions do
not exceed the capacity available at t. On the other hand, in PDDL 2.1, as in Graphplan, the
level of concurrency is defined implicitly in terms of the syntax of pre and postconditions. In
Graphplan, for example, two operators can be executed concurrently if they don’t interfere
with each other; i.e., if one does not delete preconditions or positive effects of the other.
PDDL 2.1 extends this definition in a number of ways, taking into account the duration of
actions and the intervals over which preconditions have to be preserved. For simplicity, I’ll
focus on Graphplan’s notion of concurrency only, leaving these extensions aside.
Consider the Blocks World and the actions move(a, b, c)
and move(a, b, d)
that move a
block a from b to c and d respectively. Clearly, these actions cannot be done concurrently
as a block cannot be moved to two different destinations at the same time. They are indeed
mutex in Graphplan (and PDDL 2.1) as both have a precondition (on(a, b)
) that they
delete. Yet, why should deleting a precondition of an action a prevent an action a0 from
being executed concurrently if the action a itself deletes the precondition? The justification
for this notion of concurrency has never been made explicit. In Graphplan it was adopted
because it ensures that all serializations of a set of concurrent, applicable actions remain
applicable and yield the same result (Blum & Furst, 1995). Yet, why should this same
criterion be the most convenient in a truly concurrent setting?
141 Geffner
Consider now the actions move(a, b, c) and move(d, e, f ) which do not interfere, and thus
are deemed concurrent. This is a correct assumption to make if the number of robot arms is sufficiently large, but is incorrect otherwise. Of course the encoding can be fixed by playing with the operators; e.g., in the presence of a single arm, the stack/unstack encoding would provide the correct assumption of concurrency, while in the presence of three arms, a similar encoding, more involved, would be possible as well. In any case, the account of concurrency based on action interference as defined in Graphplan and PDDL 2.1 carries certain implicit assumptions and the question is whether we want to make those assumptions, and whether they are reasonable or not. The account of concurrency based on resources is more transparent in this sense, and makes heuristic information for computing feasible plans more explicit. The account also provides a good degree of flexibility,1 although in certain contexts cannot replace the need for more general constraints (e.g., to say that robot arms cannot collide or cannot get too close).
142 PDDL 2.1: Representation vs. Computation
ideas for pruning larger parts of the search space safely and effectively.2 The competitions held so far have contributed to these goals, and in this way, have contributed to the progress of the field and to its empirical grounding. Still, care should be taken so that these lessons can be drawn from future competitions as well. A basic requirement in the presence of powerful modeling languages such as PDDL 2.1, is to separate the basic functionalities into different tracks so that planners are not rewarded only by their coverage, but also by how well they do in each class of tasks. At the same time it would be useful to distinguish tracks that reflect mature research from tracks that feature research at an early stage. And paraphrasing the ‘no-moving-target rule’ in the lead article, I think that we should maintain the focus on the ‘basic problems to be solved’ and resist the AI urge to move on to new problems as soon as the original problems begin to crack.
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McDermott, D. (2000). The 1998 AI Planning Systems Competition. Artificial Intelligence Magazine, 21 (2), 35–56. McDermott, D. (2003). The formal semantics of processes in PDDL. In Proc. ICAPS-03 Workshop on PDDL, pp. 87–94. Rintanen, J., & Jungholt, H. (1999). Numeric state variables in constraint-based planning. In Proc. European Conference on Planning (ECP-99), pp. 109–121. Smith, D., & Weld, D. (1999). Temporal planning with mutual exclusion reasoning. In Proc. IJCAI-99, pp. 326–337. Wilkins, D. (1988). Practical Planning: Extending the classical AI paradigm. M. Kaufmann.