1:- module(zdd_misc, [subst_atomic/3]).    2:- use_module(zdd('zdd-array')).    3
    4% :- use_module(pac(basic)).
    5% From util(math).
    6% ?- bdd_bench:subst_atomic([1-true, 0-false], f(1,0,1), R).
    7%@ R = f(true, false, true).
    8% ?- bdd_bench:subst_atomic([1-true, 0-false], g([1,0,1], f(0)), R).
   10% ?- rel_to_fun([1-2,1-3,2-3],R).
   11%%	rel_to_fun(+R, -F) is det.
   12% Unify F with a function from dom(R) to
   13% the pow(ran(R)) which assigns to each A in dom(R)
   14% the set of B in ran(R) such that A and B stands in the realtion R.
   16rel_to_fun(X, Y):- rel_to_fun(X, Y, []).
   18rel_to_fun([], Y, Y).
   19rel_to_fun([A-B|R], [A-[B|P]|Y], Z):-
   20	rel_to_fun(R, A, R0, P, []),
   21	rel_to_fun(R0, Y, Z).
   23rel_to_fun([], _, [], P, P).
   24rel_to_fun([A-B|R], A, U, [B|P], Q):-!,
   25	rel_to_fun(R, A, U, P, Q).
   26rel_to_fun(R, _, R, P, P).
   28% ?- zdd_misc:key_val_check([a-b], a, X).
   29% ?- zdd_misc:key_val_check([a-b], c, X).
   31key_val_check([X-Y|_], X, Y) :-!.
   32key_val_check([P|_], X, Y) :- arg(1, P, X), !, arg(2, P, Y).
   33key_val_check([_|A], X, Y) :- key_val_check(A, X, Y).
 subst_atomic(+M, +X, -Y) is det
( A naive version of substitution.) With M being an assoc list as an assignment, but whose domain may consist of any terms, Y is unified with M'(X) where M' is the induced substitution by the assignment M.

?- zdd_misc:subst_atomic([a-b, b-a], f(a, b), F). ?- zdd_misc:subst_atomic([a-b, b-a], f(c, d), F).

   44subst_atomic(M, X, Y)	:-
   45	(	atomic(X), ( key_val_check(M, X, Y); Y = X	), !
   46	;   functor(X, F, N),
   47		functor(Y, F, N),
   48        subst_atomic_args(N, M, X, Y)
   49	).
   52subst_atomic_args(0, _, _, _) :- !.
   53subst_atomic_args(J, M, X, Y) :-
   54        arg(J, X, A),
   55        arg(J, Y, B),
   56        subst_atomic(M, A, B),
   57        K is J-1,
   58        subst_atomic_args(K, M, X, Y).
 pred_subst(+P, +M, +X, -Y) is det
With given P a predicate and M an assoc list as an assignment, Y is unified with M'(X), where M' is the substitution induced by the assignment M restricted to the domain { A in dom(M) | P(A) is true}. That is, the substitution M' on the terms is defined as follows:
  1. if P(X) is true and X in dom(M), then M'(X) = M(X).
  2. Otherwise, with X = f(X1,...,Xn), M'(X) = f(M'(X1), ..., M'(Xn)).

?- zdd_misc:pred_subst(atomic, [a-b, b-a], f(a, b), F). ?- zdd_misc:pred_subst(integer, [a-b, b-a], f(a, b), F). ?- zdd_misc:pred_subst(atom, [a-b, b-a, 1-c], [a, 1,[a,b], f(a,b), b,c], F). @ F = [b, 1, [b, a], f(b, a), a, c]. ?- zdd_misc:pred_subst(atomic, [a-b, b-a, 1-c], [a, 1,[a,b], f(a,b), b,c], F). @ F = [b, c, [b, a], f(b, a), a, c]. ?- zdd_misc:pred_subst(atomic, [a-b, b-a, a(b)-c], a(b), F). @ F = a(a).

   78:- meta_predicate pred_subst(1, +, ?, ?).   79pred_subst(Pred, M, X, Y)	:-
   80	(	call(Pred, X), key_val_check(M, X, Y) ->  true
   81	;	atomic(X)	->	Y = X
   82	;	functor(X, F, N),
   83		functor(Y, F, N),
   84		pred_subst_args(N, Pred, M, X, Y)
   85	).
   88pred_subst_args(0, _,  _, _, _)		:- !.
   89pred_subst_args(J, Pred, M, X, Y)	:-
   90        arg(J, X, A),
   91        arg(J, Y, B),
   92        pred_subst(Pred, M, A, B),
   93        K is J-1,
   94        pred_subst_args(K, Pred, M, X, Y).
   97% ?- module(zdd_misc).
   98% ?- empty_assoc(E).
   99% ?- empty_assoc(E), assoc(E, a, b, R), assoc(R, a, A, R0),
  100%	assoc(R0, b, c, R1), assoc(R1, a, A0, R2),
  101%	assoc(R2, b, B, R3).
  102%@ E =  (-),
  103%@ R = R0, R0 = t(a, b, -, -),
  104%@ A = A0, A0 = b,
  105%@ R1 = R2, R2 = R3, R3 = t(a, b, -, t(b, c, -, -)),
  106%@ B = c.
  110% no update version.
  111%% assoc(+T, +X, -Y)
  112%  Unify Y with X such that Y is associated with X
  113%  in T.
  115assoc(T, X, Y):- var(T), !, T = t(X, Y, _, _).
  116assoc(t(X, Y, _, _), X, Y):- !.
  117assoc(t(U, _, L, R), X, Y):-
  118	(	X @< U
  119	->	assoc(L, X, Y)
  120	;	assoc(R, X, Y)
  121	).
  123% normal (update) version.
  124%% assoc(+T, +X, -Y, -U) is det.
  125%  An assoc list U is unified with a minimum extension of an assoc list T,
  126%  and  Y with a term such that Y is associated with X in U.
  128assoc(-, X, Y, t(X, Y, -, -)):-!.
  129assoc(t(X, Y, L, R), X, Y, t(X, Y, L, R)):- !.
  130assoc(t(U, V, L, R), X, Y, t(U, V, L0, R0)):-
  131	(	X @< U
  132	->	R0 = R,
  133		assoc(L, X, Y, L0)
  134	;	L0 = L,
  135		assoc(R, X, Y, R0)
 zip(?X, ?Y, ?Z) is det
Unify lists X, Y, and Z so that they are of the same length and that each ordered pair of A-B is i-th element of of Z if and only if A and B are the i-th element of X and Y respectively.
  144zip([], [], []).
  145zip([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
  146	(	Z = X-Y
  147	;	Z = (X:Y)
  148	;	functor(Z, X, 1),
  149		arg(1, Z, Y)
  150	), !,
  151	zip(Xs, Ys, Zs).
  153% % Complementary conjunction
  154% slim_rule(A, true):- literal_in(+, A, not(X)),
  155% 					 literal_in(+, A, X).
  156% %
  157% literal_in(+, X+_, Y):- literal_in(+, X, Y).
  158% literal_in(+, _+X, Y):- literal_in(+, X, Y).
  159% literal_in(_, X, X):- (atomic(X); X = not(_)).
  161		/**************
  162		*     math    *
  163		**************/
  164% ?- Z is gcd(10, 11).
  165% ?- A is gcd(0, 3).
  166% ?- gcd([12, 6, 4], Z).
  167% ?- lcm([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], Z).
  168% ?- mul_list([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], Z).
  169% ?- factorial(10, F), numlist(1, 10, L), mul_list(L, F).
  171mul_list([], 1).
  172mul_list([A|As], M):- mul_list(As, M0), M is A * M0.
  174% ?- nCr(4,2,Z), factorial(4, R), factorial(2, S), factorial(2, T), Z is div(R, S*T).
  175nCr_list(M, R):- sum_list(M, S), factorial(S, FS),
  176	mul_fact_list(M, 1, PF),
  177	R is div(FS, PF).
  179mul_fact_list([], X, X).
  180mul_fact_list([A|As], X, Y):- factorial(A, FA), X0 is X*FA,
  181	mul_fact_list(As, X0, Y).
  183lcm(X, Y, L):- L is div(X*Y, gcd(X, Y)).
  186lcm([A|As], L):- lcm(As, L0), lcm(A, L0, L).
  188gcd([], 0):-!.
  189gcd([A|As], G):- gcd(As, G0), G is gcd(A, G0).
  192sum_prod([], _, N, N).
  193sum_prod([P|Ps], Ws, U, V):-
  194	prod(P, Ws, 1, Q),
  195	multi_combi(P, MC),
  196	U0 is Q*MC + U,
  197	sum_prod(Ps, Ws, U0, V).
  199prod([], _, V, V).
  200prod([A|As], [W|Ws], U, V):-
  201	U0 is (W**A)*U,
  202	prod(As, Ws, U0, V).
  205% ?- module(zdd_misc).
  206% ?- N=2, setof(P->Q, move(N, P->Q), Moves), zdd:univ_to_binary(->(Moves), Log).
  208move(N, p(I, J)->p(K, L)):-
  209	between(0, N, I),
  210	between(0, N, J),
  211	between(0, N, K),
  212	between(0, N, L),
  213	one_step(p(I,J), p(K,L)).
  215one_step(p(I,J),p(I0, J)):- succ(I, I0).
  216one_step(p(I,J),p(I, J0)):- succ(J, J0).
  219% ?- reverse_dag(3,f(a-[2,1,3], a-[1], a-[1,2]), R).
  220%@ R = f([1, 2, 3], [1, 3], [1]) .
  222reverse_dag(N, D, R):- functor(D, F, K),
  223	    functor(R, F, K),
  224		initial_args(R, []),
  225		reverse_dag_step(N, D, R).
  227reverse_dag_step(0, _, _):-!.
  228reverse_dag_step(I, A, B):-arg(I, A, E),
  229		E = _- S,
  230		reverse_direction(S, I, B),
  231		succ(J, I),
  232		reverse_dag_step(J, A, B).
  234reverse_direction([], _, _).
  235reverse_direction([J|Js], I, A):- arg(J, A, S),
  236		setarg(J, A, [I|S]),
  237		reverse_direction(Js, I, A).
  241product_with_atom(_, true, true):- !.
  242product_with_atom(_, false, false):-!.
  243product_with_atom(A, X, Y):- cofact(X, if(I, L, R)),
  244	product_with_atom(A, L, L0),
  245	product_with_atom(A, R, R0),
  246	make_pair(A, I, Pair),
  247	cofact(Y, if(Pair, L0, R0)).
  250succ_list_to_zdd(Initial, Dag, Initial0, Index):-
  251		internalize(Initial-Dag, U),
  252		U = Initial0-Dag0,
  253		succ_list_to_zdd(Dag0, Index).
  255succ_list_to_zdd([], _).
  256succ_list_to_zdd([X-As|G], IDX):-
  257	succ_list_to_zdd(G, IDX),
  258	elem(X, IDX, V),
  259	succ_list_to_zdd_with_index(As, X, V0, IDX),
  260	V = V0.
  262succ_list_to_zdd_with_index(false, _, false, _):-!.
  263succ_list_to_zdd_with_index(true, X, U, IDX):-!,
  264	succ_list_to_zdd_with_index([], X, U, IDX).
  265succ_list_to_zdd_with_index([], X, U, _):-!,
  266	cofact(U, if(X, true, false)).
  267succ_list_to_zdd_with_index([A], X, U, IDX):-!,
  268	elem(A, IDX, R),
  269	cofact(U, if(X, R, false)).
  270succ_list_to_zdd_with_index([A|As], X, U, IDX):-
  271	succ_list_to_zdd_with_index(As, X, V, IDX),
  272	elem(A, IDX, R),
  273	(	nonvar(R)
  274	-> 	cofact(W,if(X, R, false)),
  275		zdd([join(W, V, U)])
  276	;	R = false
  277%	;	throw(forward_reference_bug(A))
  278	).
  279% ?- module(zdd_misc).
  280% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(8, C)).
  282%@ % 68,761 inferences, 0.008 CPU in 0.008 seconds (98% CPU, 8581181 Lips)
  283%@ C = 92 .
  284% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(9, C)).
  285%@ % 304,612 inferences, 0.032 CPU in 0.033 seconds (99% CPU, 9450315 Lips)
  286%@ C = 352 .
  288%@ % 304,481 inferences, 0.033 CPU in 0.033 seconds (99% CPU, 9203827 Lips)
  289%@ C = 352 .
  290%@ % 304,612 inferences, 0.034 CPU in 0.034 seconds (99% CPU, 9056130 Lips)
  291% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(10, C)).
  292%@ % 1,394,360 inferences, 0.155 CPU in 0.156 seconds (100% CPU, 9002318 Lips)
  293%@ C = 724 .
  295% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(13, C)).
  296% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(14, C)).
  297%@ % 1,360,772,993 inferences, 175.021 CPU in 175.629 seconds (100% CPU, 7774894 Lips)
  298%@ C = 365596 .
  299%@ C = 365596.
  300% ?- time(zdd_misc:usual_n_queens(15, C)).
  303usual_n_queens(N, Count):- zdd:n_queen_matrix(N, M),
  304	usual_n_queens(M, [], [], [], S),
  305	length(S, Count).
  307usual_n_queens([], _, _, _, [[]]).
  308usual_n_queens([C|R], Po, Ne, Ho, U):-
  309	usual_n_queens(C, R, Po, Ne, Ho, U).
  311usual_n_queens([], _, _, _, _, []).
  312usual_n_queens([_I-J|D], R, Po, Ne, Ho, U):- memberchk(J, Ho), !,
  313		usual_n_queens(D, R, Po, Ne, Ho, U).
  314usual_n_queens([I-J|D], R, Po, Ne, Ho, U):- K is I+J, L is I-J,
  315	(	zdd:check_safe(K, L, Po, Ne)
  316	->	usual_n_queens(R, [K|Po], [L|Ne], [J|Ho], V),
  317		maplist(zdd:cons(K-L), V, V0),
  318		usual_n_queens(D, R, Po, Ne, Ho, U0),
  319		append(V0, U0, U)
  320	;   usual_n_queens(D, R, Po, Ne, Ho, U)
  321	)