1:- module(pac_etc, [expand_etc/5, etc/6, sed/3, sed/4]).    2
    3:- use_module(pac(op)).    4:- use_module(pac(reduce)).    5:- use_module(pac(basic)).    6:- use_module(pac(meta)).    7:- use_module(pac('expand-pac')).    8
    9:- discontiguous etc/5.		% [2017/04/08]
   10:- discontiguous etc/6.		% [2017/04/12]
   12:- op(1000, xfy, &).   13:- op(700, xfx, :=).   14:- op(600, yfx, ..).   15
   17			/**************************
   18			*     some tiny helpers   *
   19			**************************/
   21free_variables(E, E0, Vs):- term_variables(E, U),
   22	term_variables(E0, V),
   23	subtract_memq(V, U, NewVs),
   24	subtract_memq(U, NewVs, Vs).
   27subtract_memq([], _, []).
   28subtract_memq([X|Xs], Y, Z):- memq(X, Y), !,
   29	subtract_memq(Xs, Y, Z).
   30subtract_memq([X|Xs], Y, [X|Z]):- subtract_memq(Xs, Y, Z).
   32pre_expand_arg(F, M, G, Vs, P, Q):-
   33	(	nonvar(F) -> expand_arg(F, M, G, P, Q),
   34					 term_variables(G, Vs)
   35	;	Q = P,
   36		G = F,
   37		Vs = [G]
   38	).
   40			/********************
   41			*     expand_etc    *
   42			********************/
 expand_etc(+Pac:pac, +M:atom, -G:pred, -P:list, -Q:list) is det
True if Pac is converted to a reference G to an expanded predicate in P (minus Q) at a module M. Currently the following macro are expanded:

phrase --- hybrid regular expressions in DCG phrases for --- control predicate 'for' foldl --- foldl ( 'foldl' is builtin in SWI-Prolog) foldr --- foldr repeat --- repeat iterate --- repeat action until final. while --- while statement until --- until statement sed --- unix-like sed command based on the hybrid regualar expressions.

   60expand_etc(E, M, G, P, Q):- E=..[K|Args],
   61	once(etc(K, Args, M, G, P, Q)).
 expand_etc(+F:term, A:list, +M:atom, -G:pred, +P:list, -Q:list) is det
True if G is unified with a fresh predicate and helper predicates are created in P (minus Q) at a module M such that callng G is equivalent to applying F to the argument list A. F is reserved name only.
   69% etc(call)//N and etc(apply)//N were removed.
   71% ?- apply(pred([A,B,C]:- plus(A,B,C)), [1,2,X]).
   72% ?- iff(member(X, [3,1,2]),  member(X, [1,2,3])).
   73% ?- call(iff(member(X, [3,3,1,2])), member(X, [1,2,3])).
   74% ?- M1 = member(X, [3,3,1,2]), M2 = member(X, [1,2,3]), call(iff(M1, M2)).
   75% ?- M1 = member(X, [3,3,1,2]), M2 = member(X, [1,2,3]), iff(M1, M2).
   77etc(iff, [C0, C1], M, G, P, Q) :- !,
   78    	expand_arg(C0, M, D0, P, P0),
   79		expand_arg(C1, M, D1, P0, Q),
   80		G =	\+( (D0,\+D1) ; (D1, \+D0)).
   81etc(iff, [C], M, meta:iff(D), P, Q):-
   82    	expand_arg(C, M, D, P, Q).
   83etc(iff, [], _, meta:iff, P, P).
   86etc(unless, [C, B], M, (Not_C -> B0; true), P, Q):-
   87		expand_arg(\+(C), M, Not_C, P, P0),
   88		expand_arg(B, M, B0, P0, Q).
   90		/************************
   91		*     eval/eval_term    *
   92		************************/
   93% Compile an expression to a goal.
   94etc(eval, [E, V], M, G, P, Q) :- pac:expand_exp(E, [], =, V, M, G, P, Q).
   96etc(eval_term, [E, V], M, G, P, Q) :- pac:args_inside_out(E, E0),
   97	pac:expand_exp(E0, [], =, V, M, G, P, Q).
   99			/****************
  100			*     phrase    *
  101			****************/
  103% ?- etc_phrase([(a,b)], user, G, P, []).
  104% ?- etc_phrase([w("a")], user, G, P, []).
  105etc(phrase, [X|As], _, G, P, P):- var(X), !, complete_args(phrase, [X|As], G).
  106etc(phrase, [X|As], M, G, P, Q):- !, etc_phrase([X|As], M, G, P, Q).
  108etc_phrase([X|As], M, G, P, Q):- term_variables(X, H),
  109	phrase_to_pred(X, M, [U, V]:- Body, P, P0),
  110	expand_core(pred(H, [U,V]:- Body), M, G0, P0, Q),
  111	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  113			/*************
  114			*     sed    *
  115			*************/
  117% ?- phrase(sed(s/ "e"/ "yyzz"), `ae`, R), basic:smash(R).
  118% ?- phrase(sed(sl/ "e"/ "yyzz"), `ae`, R), basic:smash(R).
  119% ?- phrase(sed(s/ "a" / =([])), `abacad`, R).
  120% ?- sed(pred([X,[X|Y], Y]), `abc`, A).
  121% ?- pac_word:let_sed(X, (a/"."/"x")), call(X, `abc`, Y).
  122% ?- pac_word:let_sed(X, (b/"."/"x")), call(X, `abc`, Y).
  123% ?- pac_word:let_sed(X, (s/"."/"x")), call(X, `abc`, Y).
  124% ?- pac_word:let_sed(X, (s/".."/[])), call(X, `abc`, Y).
  125% ?- pac_word:let_sed(S, "a">>"b"), call(S, `abcb`, R).
  126% ?- sed(a/"b"/"c", `abcb`, R), basic:smash(R).
  127% ?- sed(a/"b+"/"c", `abcb`, R), basic:smash(R).
  128% ?- sed(b/"b"/"c", `abc`, R), basic:smash(R).
  129% ?- pac_etc:etc(sed, ["a">>"b", `abcb`, R], user, G, L, []).
  130% ?- pac_etc:etc(sed, [f], user, G, L, []).
  132etc(sed, [S|R], _, G, P, P):- var(S), !,
  133	complete_args(sed(S), R, G).
  134etc(sed, [S|R], M, G, P, Q):-  pac:expand_sed(S, [F, W, A]), !,
  135	pac:expand_recognize_act(F, W, A, M, G0, P, Q),
  136	complete_args(G0, R, G).
  137etc(sed, [S|R], M, G, P, Q):-
  138	expand_arg(S, M, S0, P, Q),
  139	complete_args(sed(S0), R, G).
  141etc(d_sed, [S|R], _, G, P, P):- var(S), !,
  142	complete_args(d_sed(S), R, G).
  143etc(d_sed, [S|R], M, G, P, Q):-  pac:expand_sed(S, [F, W, A]), !,
  144	pac:expand_recognize_act(F, W, A, M, G0, P, Q),
  145	complete_args(G0, R, G).
  146etc(d_sed, [S|R], M, G, P, Q):- expand_arg(S, M, S0, P, Q),
  147	complete_args(d_sed(S0), R, G).
  149:- meta_predicate sed(:,?,?).  150sed(G, X, Y) :- sed(G, Y, X, []).
  152:- meta_predicate sed(:,?,?,?).  153sed(G, [U|V], X, Y) :- call(G, U, X, Z), !, sed(G, V, Z, Y).
  154sed(G, [U|V], [U|X], Y) :-!, sed(G, V, X, Y).
  155sed(G, [U|V], acc(A, [U|X]), Y) :-!, sed(G, V, acc(A, X), Y).
  156sed(_, acc(A), acc(A, []),  []).
  157sed(_, [], [], []).
  159%  D-list version of sed
  160% ?- d_sed(pred([[X|A], A, [X|Y], Y]), `abc`, A).
  161:- meta_predicate d_sed(:,?,?).  162:- meta_predicate d_sed(:,?,?,?,?).  163
  164d_sed(G, X, Y) :- d_sed(G, Y, [], X, []).
  166d_sed(G, X, Y, A, B):- call(G, X, X0, A, A0), !,
  167		   d_sed(G, X0, Y, A0, B).
  168d_sed(G, [U|X], Y, [U|A], B):- d_sed(G, X, Y, A, B).
  169d_sed(G, [U|X], Y, acc(M, [U|A]), B):- d_sed(G, X, Y, acc(M, A), B).
  170d_sed(_, X, X, [], []).
  171d_sed(_, [acc(M)|X], X, acc(M,[]), []).
  173		/***************************************
  174		*     Term rewriting system (Naive)    *
  175		***************************************/
  176% ?- module(pac).
  177% ?- pac_etc:etc(trs, [[a=b]], user, G,  P, []),
  178%	maplist(assert, P), !,	call(G, a, Out).
  179% ?- pac_etc:etc_trs(trs, [(A,B)=(A,C) :- B=C], user,G,  P, []),
  180%	maplist(assert, P), call(G, (a, b), X).
  182etc(trs, [R|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  183	etc_trs(_Trs, R, M, G0, P, Q),
  184 	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  186etc_trs(Trs, R, M, G, P, Q):-
  187	(R = Vs^Rules  ->	true
  188	;	Vs = [],
  189		Rules = R
  190	),
  191	maplist(make_rewrite_pred(Basic_rule_name), Rules, Preds),
  192	list_to_ampersand(Preds, Amps),
  193	expand_core(rec(Basic_rule_name, Vs, Amps), M, G0, P, P0),
  194	expand_core(
  195		rec(Trs, Vs,
  196			([X, Y]:-	call(G0, X, X0), !,
  197						call(Trs, X0, Y))
  198		    &
  199			([X, X])
  200		   ),
  201			M, G, P0, Q).
  204make_rewrite_pred(_, A = B, [A,B]):-!.
  205make_rewrite_pred(R, (A = B :- Eqs), [A,B]:- G0) :-
  206	make_rewrite_cond(Eqs, R, G0).
  209make_rewrite_cond((X, Y), R, (X0, Y0)):-
  210	make_rewrite_cond(X, R, X0),
  211	make_rewrite_cond(Y, R, Y0).
  212make_rewrite_cond((X; Y), R, (X0; Y0)):-
  213	make_rewrite_cond(X, R, X0),
  214	make_rewrite_cond(Y, R, Y0).
  215make_rewrite_cond(U=V, R, call(R, U, V)).
  216make_rewrite_cond(G, _, G).
  218% ?- pac_etc:list_to_ampersand([a,b,c], R).
  219list_to_ampersand([], []).
  220list_to_ampersand([X], X).
  221list_to_ampersand([X,Y|Z], &(X, U)):- list_to_ampersand([Y|Z], U).
  223etc(head_sed, [E|As], M, H, P, Q)	:-
  224    pac:expand_sed(E, [F, W, A]),
  225	pac_word:expand_head_sed(F, W, A, M, G0, P, P0),
  226	pac:expand_core(pred(F, [In, Out]:- once(call(G0, Out, In, []); Out=In)),
  227			     M, H0, P0, Q),
  228	complete_args(H0, As, H).
  229			/***************
  230			*     foldl    *
  231			***************/
  232% ?- foldl(plus, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], 0, R).
  233% ?- foldl(plus, [1, 2, 3], 0, R).
  234etc(foldl, [F|Args], _, Foldl, P, P):- var(F),!,
  235	complete_args(foldl, [F|Args], Foldl).
  236etc(foldl, [F|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  237	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  238	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  239	expand_core(
  240		rec(R, Vs,
  241			[[], X, X]
  242		   &
  243			([[A|As], X, Y]:-
  244				call(F0, A, X, X0),
  245				call(R, As, X0, Y))),
  246		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  247	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  248etc(foldl, [], _, foldl, P, P).
  250			/***************
  251			*     foldr    *
  252			***************/
  253% ?- foldr(pred([X, U, [X|U]]), [a,b,c], [], R).
  254% ?- foldr(plus, [1, 2, 3], R, 0).
  255% ?- F = plus, foldr(F, [1, 2, 3], R, 0).
  256% ?- foldr(pred([X, Y, Z]:- plus(X, Z, Y)), [1, 2, 3], R, 0).
  257% ?- foldr(pred([X, Y, Z]:- plus(X, Z, Y)), [1, 2, 3], R, 0).
  258etc(foldr, [F|Args],_, meta:Foldr, P, P):- var(F),
  259	complete_args(foldr, [F|Args], Foldr).
  260etc(foldr, [F|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  261	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  262	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  263	expand_core(
  264		rec(R, Vs,
  265			[[], X, X]
  266		  &	([[A|As], X, Y]:-
  267				call(F0, A, X0, Y),
  268				call(R, As, X, X0))),
  269		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  270	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  271etc(foldr, [], _, foldr, P, P).
  274		/*************
  275		*     for    *
  276		*************/
  277% ?- for(1..3, writeln).
  278% ?- time(for(..(1,10), pred([X]:- write(X)))).
  279% ?- time(for(..(1, 5+5), pred([X]:- write(X)))).
  280% ?- for(..(1,10), pred([X]:- write(X))).
  281% ?- for(1-10, write).
  282% ?- Sum=sum(0), profile(
  283%	for( ..(1,100_000_000),
  284%		pred(Sum, [I]:- ( arg(1, Sum, S), Si is S+I, setarg(1, Sum, Si))))).
  285%@ Sum = sum(5000000050000000).
  286% ?- Sum=sum(0), time(
  287%	for( ..(1,100_000_000),
  288%		pred(Sum, [I]:- ( arg(1, Sum, S), Si is S+I, setarg(1, Sum, Si))))).
  289% ?- pac:show(for(1..10, pred([X]:- write(X)))).
  290% ?- pac:show(for(1..10, write)).
  291% ?- F = write, A=1, B=10, for(A..B, F).
  292% ?- F = write, A=1, B=10, pac:show(for(A..B, F)).
  294etc(for, [Iexp, F], M, G, P, Q):-!, int_intervalval_exp(Iexp, I, J),
  295	etc_for([I, J, F], M, G, P, Q).
  297int_intervalval_exp(E, I, J):- var(E), !, E = ..(I,J).
  298int_intervalval_exp(E, I, J):- once(E= ..(L, R); E= -(L, R)),
  299	(	ground(L) -> I is  L
  300	;	I = L
  301	),
  302	(	ground(R) -> J is R
  303	;	J = R
  304	).
  306etc_for([I, J, F], _, meta:for(I, J, F), P, P):- var(F), !.
  307etc_for([I, J, F], M, G, P, Q):-
  308	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  309	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  310	(	integer(J)
  311	->	Plist=[A],
  312		Qlist = [I],
  313		Rlist = [A0],
  314		Check = (A>J)
  315	;	Plist=[A,B],
  316		Qlist=[I,J],
  317		Rlist = [A0, B],
  318		Check = (A>B)
  319	),
  320	CALL =..[call, R|Rlist],
  321	expand_core(
  322		rec(R, Vs,
  323				(Plist:- Check, !)
  324			&	(Plist:- call(F, A), A0 is A + 1, CALL)
  325		   ),
  326		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  327	complete_args(G0, Qlist, G).
  330		/****************
  331		*     repeat    *
  332		****************/
  333% ?- repeat(between(1, 3, I), writeln(I)).
  334% ?- repeat(3, writeln(hello)).
  335% ?- repeat(between(1, 5, J), writeln(J)).
  336% ?- repeat(0, write(.)).
  337% ?- call_with_time_limit(5, repeat(fail, write(.))).
  338% ?- repeat(100, write(.)).
  339% ?- repeat(10-8, write(.)).
  340% ?- repeat(10 mod 3, write(.)).
  341% ?- R is 10//2, G= write(.), repeat(R, G).
  342% ?- R = 10//2, G= write(.), repeat(R, G).
  343% ?- call_with_time_limit(0.01, time(repeat(repeat, writeln(.)))).
  344% ?- show(repeat(repeat, writeln(.))).
  346etc(repeat, As, M, G, P, Q):- etc_repeat(As, M, G, P, Q), !.
  348etc_repeat([Rep, Goal], _, G, P, P):- ( var(Rep); var(Goal) ), !,
  349	G = meta:repeat(Rep, Goal).
  350etc_repeat([Rep, Goal], M, G, P, Q):- meta:repeat_cond(Rep, Cond), !,
  351	expand_goal((Cond, Goal, fail; true), M, G, P, Q).
  353% % NOT FAST !! (Copy_term seems better).
  354% etc(foreach, [Gen, Con, Vs, Ws], M, G, P, Q):-
  355% 	pac:expand_core(pred([Vs, Ws]:- Con), M, F, P, P0),
  356% 	G0 =
  357% 	(	Stash = '$STASH'(_),
  358% 		nb_setarg(1, Stash, Ws),
  359% 		(	call(Gen),
  360% 			arg(1, Stash, U),
  361% 			once(call(F, Vs, U)),
  362% 			nb_setarg(1, Stash, U),
  363% 			fail
  364% 		;   arg(1, Stash, Ws)
  365% 		)
  366% 	),
  367% 	expand_goal(G0, M, G, P0, Q).
  370% ?- show( fold(I, between(1, 10, I), plus, 0, S)).
  371% ?- time( fold(I, between(1, 100000, I), plus, 0, S)).
  372% ?- N = 3, numlist(1, N, Ns), time(fold(M, append(M, _, Ns), pred([X, Y, Z]:- append(X, Y, Z)), [], S)).
  373% ?- N = 3, numlist(1, N, Ns), time(fold(M, append(M, _, Ns), append, [], S)).
  374% ?- use_module(pac(basic)).
  375% ?- N = 3, numlist(1, N, Ns), time(fold(M, member(M, Ns), cons, [], S)).
  376% ?- N = 3, numlist(1, N, Ns), time(fold(M, member(M, Ns), append, [], S)).
  377% ?- N = 3, A = append, E = member(M, Ns), numlist(1, N, Ns), time(fold(M, member(M, Ns), append, [], S)).
  379etc(fold, As, M, G, P, Q):-!, etc_fold(As, M, G, P, Q).
  381etc_fold([Arg, Gen, Act|As], _, G, P, P):- (var(Gen), var(Act)), !,
  382	complete_args(meta:fold(Arg, Gen, Act), As, G).
  383etc_fold([Arg, Gen, Act, X, Y], M, G, P, Q):-!,
  384	expand_arg(Act, M, Act0, P, P0),
  385	expand_goal(Gen, M, Gen0, P0, P1),
  386	expand_goal((	Acc = '$acc'(X),
  387					(	Gen0,
  388						arg(1, Acc, U),
  389						call(Act0, Arg, U, V),
  390						nb_setarg(1, Acc, V),
  391						fail
  392					;	arg(1, Acc, Y)
  393					)
  394				),
  395				M, G, P1, Q).
  397% ?- A = acc(0), fold(M, member(M, [1,2,3]), pred([I, X]:- (arg(1, X, V), U is I + V, nb_setarg(1, X, U))),  A).
  398etc_fold([Arg, Gen, Act, X], M, G, P, Q):-!,
  399	expand_arg(Act, M, Act0, P, P0),
  400	expand_goal(Gen, M, Gen0, P0, P1),
  401	expand_goal((	(	Gen0,
  402						call(Act0, Arg, X),
  403						fail
  404					;	true
  405					)
  406				),
  407				M, G, P1, Q).
  409% ?- fold(M, member(M, [1,2,3]), writeln).
  410% ?- fold(M, member(M, [1,2,3]), X^(Y is X*X, writeln(Y))).
  411% ?- Gen = member(M, [1,2,2]), Con = writeln, fold(M, Gen, Con).
  412% ?- fold(M, member(M, [1,2,3]), I^(J is I*I, writeln(J))).
  413% ?- N is 10^8, time(fold(J, between(1, N, J), X^(X=X))).
  414% ?- N is 10^9, time(fold(J, between(1, N, J), X^(X=X))).
  415%@ % 2,000,000,001 inferences, 49.470 CPU in 49.519 seconds (100% CPU, 40428767 Lips)
  417etc_fold([X, Gen, X^Act], M, G, P, Q):-!,
  418	expand_goal(Gen, M, Gen0, P, P1),
  419	expand_goal((	Gen0,
  420					Act,
  421					fail
  422				;	true
  423				),
  424				M, G, P1, Q).
  425etc_fold([X, Gen, Act], M, G, P, Q):-
  426	expand_arg(Act, M, Act0, P, P0),
  427	expand_goal(Gen, M, Gen0, P0, P1),
  428	expand_goal((	Gen0,
  429					call(Act0, X),
  430					fail
  431				;	true
  432				),
  433				M, G, P1, Q).
  436		/*******************************
  437		*     unary/binary  foldnum    *
  438		*******************************/
  439% ?- foldnum(plus, 1-10, 0, X).
  440% ?- foldnum(pred([X,Y,Z]:- Z is X*Y), 1-4, 1, R).
  441% ?- foldnum(pred([X,Y,Z]:- Z is X*Y), 1-1000, 1, R).
  442% ?- F = plus, foldnum(F, 1-100, 0, R).
  443% ?- N=100,  functor(A, #, N),
  444%	forall(between(1, N, I), nb_setarg(I, A, I)),
  445%	foldnum(pred(A, ([J, C, D]:- arg(J, A, Aj), D is C * Aj) ),
  446%			1 - N, 1, S).
  448etc(foldnum, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  449	complete_args(foldnum, [F|As], G).
  450etc(foldnum, [F, IntExp|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  451	int_intervalval_exp(IntExp, I, J),
  452	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  453	term_variables([I, J, F0], Vs),
  454	expand_core(
  455		rec(R, Vs,
  456			([A, U, U]:- A>J, !)
  457			   &
  458			([A, U, V]:- call(F, A, U, U0),
  459				A0 is A + 1,
  460				call(R, A0, U0, V))),
  461		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  462	complete_args(G0, [I|As], G).
  464		/****************************
  465		*     fold_paths_of_term    *
  466		****************************/
  467% ?- fold_paths_of_term(pred([A,[A|B], B]), f(1,2), X, []).
  468etc(fold_paths_of_term, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  469	complete_args(fold_paths_of_term, [F|As], G).
  470etc(fold_paths_of_term, [F|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  471   	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  472	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  473	expand_core(mrec(Vs, [
  474		_Entry = ([T, X, Y]:- call(Fold_4, [[T]], [], X, Y)),
  475		Fold_4 =
  476			 &(	([[], _, X, X]:-!),
  477				 ([[Ts|L], Path, X, Y]:-
  478						(	Ts==[]
  479						->	call(Fold_4, L, Path, X, Y)
  480						;	Ts=[T|Rs],
  481							call(Fold_5, T, [Rs|L], Path,  X, Y)
  482						))),
  483		Fold_5 =
  484			  &( ([T, Ls, Path, X, Y]:- atomic(T), !,
  485						call(F, [T|Path], X, Xtp),
  486						call(Fold_4, Ls, Path, Xtp, Y) ),
  487			 	 ([T, Ls, Path, X, Y]:- T=..[Ft, At|As],
  488						call(Fold_5, At, [As|Ls], [Ft|Path], X, Y)
  489						))
  490		]),
  491		M, G0, P0, Q),
  492	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  494		/*******************
  495		*     fold_args    *
  496		*******************/
  497% ?- fold_args(plus, f(1,2,3,4), 0, S).
  498% ?- F=plus, fold_args(F, f(1,2,3,4), 0, S).
  499% ?- fold_args(pred([X, Y, Z]:- Z is X + Y), f(1,2,3,4), 0, S).
  500etc(fold_args, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  501	complete_args(fold_args, [F|As], G).
  502etc(fold_args, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  503   	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  504	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  505	expand_core(
  506		mrec(Vs, [	_Entry	= ( [V, A, B]:-
  507										functor(V, _, Nv),
  508										call(Fold_args, 1, Nv, V, A, B)),
  509					Fold_args =
  510							 &( ([I, Nv, _, A, A]:- I > Nv, !),
  511								([I, Nv, V, A, B]:-
  512									arg(I, V, Vi),
  513									call(F, Vi, A, Ai),
  514									I1 is I + 1,
  515									call(Fold_args, I1, Nv, V, Ai, B)))
  516				  ]),
  517				M, G0, P0, Q),
  518	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  522		/*****************
  523		*     mapterm    *
  524		*****************/
  526% ?- mapterm(=, f(a, b), Out).
  527%@ Out = f(a, b).
  528% ?- mapterm(pred([a,b]), f(a,a), R).
  529%@ R = f(b, b).
  530% ?- mapterm(mapterm(pred([a,b])), f(g(a,a), h(a,a)), R).
  531%@ R = f(g(b, b), h(b, b)).
  532% ?- mapterm(pred([A, [A,A]]), f(a,b), Out).
  533%@ Out = f([a, a], [b, b]).
  534% ?- F = pred([A, [A,A]]), mapterm(F, f(a,b), Out).
  535%@ F = update_link:'pac#16',
  536%@ Out = f([a, a], [b, b]).
  537%@ F = update_link:'pac#13',
  538%@ Out = f([a, a], [b, b]).
  540% etc(mapterm, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  541% 	complete_args(mapterm, [F|As], G).
  542% etc(mapterm, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  543%    	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  544% 	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  545% 	expand_core(
  546% 		mrec(Vs, [	_Entry	= pred(( [A, B]:-
  547% 										functor(A, Fa, Na),
  548% 										functor(B, Fa, Na),
  549% 										call(Mapterm, Na, A, B))),
  550% 					Mapterm = pred( ([0, _, _]:- !)
  551% 								&
  552% 							  ([I, A, B]:-
  553% 									arg(I, A, Ai),
  554% 									arg(I, B, Bi),
  555% 									call(F, Ai, Bi),
  556% 									J is I - 1,
  557% 									call(Mapterm, J, A, B)))
  558% 				  ]),
  559% 				M, G0, P0, Q),
  560% 	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  562% ?- mapterm_rec(=, f(a, b), Out).
  563%@ Out = f(a, b).
  564% ?- mapterm_rec(pred([a, b]), f(a, b), Out).
  565%@ Out = f(b, b).
  566% ?- mapterm_rec(pred([a, b]), f(g(a), h(a,b)), Out).
  567%@ Out = f(g(b), h(b, b)).
  568% ?- show(mapterm_rec(pred([a, b]), f(g(a), h(a,b)), Out)).
  570etc(mapterm_rec, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  571	complete_args(mapterm_rec, [F|As], G).
  572etc(mapterm_rec, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  573   	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  574	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  575	expand_core(
  576		mrec(Vs, [	Entry	= ( [A, B]:-
  577										functor(A, Fa, Na),
  578										functor(B, Fa, Na),
  579										call(Mapterm_rec, Na, A, B)),
  580					Mapterm_rec =	( ([0, _, _]:- !)
  581									& ([I, A, B]:-
  582										arg(I, A, Ai),
  583										arg(I, B, Bi),
  584										(	call(F0, Ai, Bi)-> true
  585										;	atomic(Ai) -> Bi = Ai
  586										;	call(Entry, Ai, Bi)
  587										),
  588										J is I - 1,
  589										call(Mapterm_rec, J, A, B)
  590									  )
  591									)
  592				  ]),
  593				M, G0, P0, Q),
  594	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  596		/***************************
  597		*     recursive maplist    *
  598		***************************/
  600% ?- show(maplist_rec(plus(1), [0,1,2], Out)).
  601% ?- N = 1000, K=1000, numlist(1, N, Ns),  length(Ks, K),
  602%	maplist(=(Ns), Ks), time(maplist_rec(plus(1), Ks, Out)).
  604etc(maplist_rec, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  605	complete_args(maplist_rec, [F|As], G).
  606etc(maplist_rec, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  607   	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  608	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  609	expand_core(
  610		mrec(Vs, [	Main =	(	[[], []]
  611							&	([[X|Xs], [Y|Ys]]:-
  612								(	X = [_|_]      % for fast is_list(X)
  613								-> 	call(Main, X, Y)
  614								;	call(F0, X, Y)
  615								),
  616								call(Main, Xs, Ys)
  617								)
  618							)
  619				  ]),
  620				M, G0, P0, Q),
  621	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  624		/*****************
  625		*     maprows    *
  626		*****************/
  627% ?-  qcompile(zdd(zdd)), module(zdd).
  628%   (inner_prod is missing.)
  629% ?-  maprows(zdd:inner_prod(f(1,2)), m(f(1,2), f(3,4)), B).
  630% ?-  maprows(zdd:inner_prod(f(1,2)), m(f(1,2,3), f(3,4,5)), B).
  631etc(maprows, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  632	complete_args(maprows, [F|As], G).
  633etc(maprows, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  634	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  635	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  636	expand_core(
  637		mrec(Vs, [	_Entry	= (	([A, A]:- atom(A), !)
  638							  & ([A, B]:- arg(1, A, A1),
  639										functor(A1, Fa, Na),
  640										functor(B, Fa, Na),
  641										call(Maprows, Na, A, B))
  642							  ),
  643					Maprows = ( ([0, _, _]:- !)
  644							  &	([I, A, B]:- arg(I, B, Bi),
  645									call(F, I, A, Bi),
  646									J is I - 1,
  647									call(Maprows, J, A, B))
  648							  )
  649				  ]),
  650				M, G0, P0, Q),
  651	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  654		/*****************
  655		*     mapargs    *
  656		*****************/
  657% now a SWI library.
  658% ?- Y = f(1, 2), mapargs(=, count(2, 1, 1), f(a,b), Y).
  659% ?- Y = f(1, 2), mapargs(=, count(1, 2, 2), f(a,b), Y).
  660% ?- Y = f(1, 2), mapargs(=, count(1, 1, 2), f(a,b), Y).
  661% etc(mapargs, [F|As], _, meta:G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  662% 	complete_args(mapargs, [F|As], G).
  663% etc(mapargs, [F|As], M, G, P, Q):-
  664% 	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  665% 	term_variables(F0, Vs),
  666% 	expand_core( mrec(Vs,
  667% 		 [	_Entry = pred(
  668% 				( [count(N, I, J), A, B]:-
  669% 					call(Mapargs, N, I, J, A, B))),
  670% 			Mapargs = pred(
  671% 				([0, _, _, _, _]:-!)
  672% 			 &	([N, I, J, A, B]:-
  673% 					arg(I, A, Ai),
  674% 					call(F, Ai, Bj),
  675% 					setarg(J, B, Bj),
  676% 					N1 is N-1,
  677% 					I1 is I+1,
  678% 					J1 is J+1,
  679% 					call(Mapargs, N1, I1, J1, A, B)))
  680% 		]),
  681% 		M, G0, P0, Q),
  682% 	complete_args(G0, As, G).
  685		/*****************************
  686		*     while/until/iterate    *
  687		*****************************/
  689% ?- until( pred([s(I, _)]:- I>10),
  690%	pred(([s(I, X), s(J, Y)]:- J is I+1, Y is J*X, writeln(Y))), s(1,1),  R).
  691% ?- let(S, pred(([s(I, X), s(J, Y)]:- J is I+1, Y is J*X, writeln(Y)))),
  692%	let(Fin, pred([s(I, _)]:- I>10)),
  693%   until(Fin, S, s(1,1), R).
  694etc(until, [Fin, S|Args], M, meta:G, P, Q):- (var(Fin); var(S)), !,
  695	expand_arg(Fin, M, Fin0, P, P0),
  696	expand_arg(S, M, S0, P0, Q),
  697	complete_args(until, [Fin0, S0|Args], G).
  698etc(until, [Fin, S|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  699	pre_expand_arg(Fin, M, F0, VsF, P, P_),
  700	pre_expand_arg(S, M, S0, VsS, P_, P0),
  701	union(VsF, VsS, Vs),
  702	expand_core(
  703		rec(Rec, Vs,
  704			([X, Y]:-
  705				call(S0, X, X0),
  706				(	call(F0, X0) ->	Y = X0
  707				;	call(Rec, X0, Y)
  708				)
  709			)
  710		   ),
  711		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  712	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  715% ?- A = 5,
  716%	iterate( pred(A,
  717%			( [ s(X, Y), s(X0, Y0) ] :- X<A, !, X0 is X+1,  Y0 is X*Y )
  718%		 & 	[ U, stop(U)] ) ,
  719%			s(1,1),  R).
  721% ?- let(F,  iterate(pred(A,
  722%			( [ s(X, Y), s(X0, Y0) ] :- X<A, !, X0 is X+1,  Y0 is X*Y  )
  723%		&	[ U, stop(U)] ))),
  724%	A = 5,
  725%	call(F, s(1,1),  R).
  727etc(iterate, [S|Args], M, meta:G, P, Q):- var(S), !,
  728	expand_arg(S, M, S0, P, Q),
  729	complete_args(iterate, [S0|Args], G).
  730etc(iterate, [S|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  731	pre_expand_arg(S, M, S0, Vs, P, P0),
  732	expand_core(
  733		rec(Rec, Vs,
  734			(	[stop(X), X]:-!		)	&
  735			(   [X, Y]:- call(S0, X, X0), !, call(Rec, X0, Y) )),
  736			 M, G0, P0, Q),
  737	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  739% ?- while(pred([s(X)]:- X < 10), pred(([s(X),s(Y)]:- writeln(X),
  740% Y is X + 1)), s(0), R).
  741% ?- let(Fin, pred([s(X)]:- X < 10)),
  742%	let(S, pred(([s(X),s(Y)]:- writeln(X), Y is X + 1))),
  743%	while(Fin, S, s(0), R).
  744etc(while, [Fin, S|Args], M, meta:G, P, Q):- (var(Fin); var(S)), !,
  745	expand_arg(Fin, M, Fin0, P, P0),
  746	expand_arg(S, M, S0, P0, Q),
  747	complete_args(while, [Fin0, S0|Args], G).
  748etc(while, [Fin, S|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  749	pre_expand_arg(Fin, M, F0, VsF, P, P_),
  750	pre_expand_arg(S, M, S0, VsS, P_, P0),
  751	union(VsF, VsS, Vs),
  752	expand_core(
  753		rec(Rec, Vs,
  754			([X, Y]:- (		call(F0, X)
  755					  ->	call(S0, X, X0),
  756							call(Rec, X0, Y)
  757					  ;		Y = X
  758					  )
  759			)
  760		   ),
  761		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  762	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  764		/***************
  765		*     xargs    *
  766		***************/
  768etc(xargs, Args, M, G, P, Q):-  etc_xargs(Args, M, G, P, Q).
  770etc_xargs([], M, G, P, P):- complete_args(M:call, [], G).
  771etc_xargs([F|Args], M, G, P, P):- var(F), !,
  772	complete_args(M:F, Args, G).
  773etc_xargs([F|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  774	(	F = (Head:- Body)
  775	->	pac:expand_goal(Body, M, G0, P, Q),
  776		pac:slim_exp_goal((pac:partial_args_match(Head, Args), G0), G)
  777	;	(	F = (_Head -> _Body)
  778		->	pac:expand_exp(F, Args, call, _V , M, G, P, Q)
  779		; 	Args = [A1,A2|Rest],
  780			etc_xargs([[A1, A2|Rest] :- apply(F, [A2, A1|Rest])], M, G, P, Q)
  781		)
  782	).
  784		/*****************
  785		*     cputime    *
  786		*****************/
  788% ?- pac_etc:etc(cputime, [3, A=b, T], user, G, P, []).
  789% ?- nopac(meta:cputime(3000000, (b_setval(a,b),b_getval(a,B)), T)).
  790% ?- pac_etc:cputime(3000000, (b_setval(a,b),b_getval(a,B)), T).
  792etc(cputime, [], _,  meta:cputime, P, P):-!.
  793etc(cputime, [N], _,  meta:cputime(N), P, P):-!.
  794etc(cputime, [N, Goal|Args], _, meta:G, P, P):-	var(Goal),!,
  795	complete_args(cputime(N, Goal), Args, G).
  796etc(cputime, [Count, Goal|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  797	goal_to_pred(Goal, M, Vs:-Goal0, P, P1),
  798	expand_core(
  799		mrec(Vs,
  800			[	_Top = pred(([N, T]:- writeln("running compiled cputime/3 ...  "),
  801										   call(Repeat, N, 0.00, T))),
  802			 Repeat	 = pred(	( [0, T, T])
  803							&	( [N, T, T0]:-  succ(N0, N),
  804										call(Cputime, S),
  805										T1 is T + S,
  806										call(Repeat, N0, T1, T0))),
  807			Cputime  = pred(( [T]:-  statistics(cputime, T0),
  808										call(Goal0),
  809										statistics(cputime, T1),
  810										T is T1-T0))
  811			]), M, G0, P1, Q),
  812	complete_args(G0, [Count|Args], G).
  815		/*****************
  816		*     collect    *
  817		*****************/
  818% ?- collect(integer, [1,a,2,b], X).
  819etc(collect, [], _, basic:collect, P, P):- !.  % collect/3 is a meta-predicate
  820etc(collect, [F|Args], _, basic:Collect, P, P):- var(F), !,
  821	Collect=..[collect, F|Args].
  822etc(collect, [F], M, G, P, Q):- !,
  823	etc_collect(F, M, G, P, Q).
  824etc(collect, [F, X], M, G, P, Q):- !,
  825	etc_collect(F, M, G0, P, Q),
  826	complete_args(G0, [X], G).
  827etc(collect, [F, X, V], M, G, P, Q):- !,
  828	etc_collect(F, M, G0, P, Q),
  829	complete_args(G0, [X, V], G).
  831etc_collect(F, M, G, P, Q):- !,
  832	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  833	term_variables(F0, F, Vs),
  834	expand_core(
  835		rec(R, Vs,
  836			( [[A|As], S]  :-
  837				( call(F0, A)
  838				->  S = [A|S0]
  839				;   S = S0
  840				),
  841				call(R, As, S0) )
  842		  &	( [[], []] :- true  )
  843		   ),
  844		 M, G, P0, Q).
  846		/**********************
  847		*     maplist_opp     *
  848		**********************/
  850% ?- maplist_opp([=, =, =], a, X).
  851% ?- Fs = [=, =, =], maplist_opp(Fs, a, X).
  852% ?- maplist_opp([plus(1), plus(2), plus(3)], 0, X).
  853% ?- maplist_opp([pred([X,Y]:-plus(X,10,Y)),
  854%				pred([X,Y]:-plus(X,20,Y))], 1,  U).
  856etc(maplist_opp, [L|R], M, meta:Call_maplist_opp, P, Q):-
  857    map_arg_list(L, M, L0, P, Q),
  858    Call_maplist_opp=..[maplist_opp, L0|R].
  860% ?-pac_etc:map_arg_list([a,b,c], [], L, P, []).
  861map_arg_list(A, _, A, P, P):-var(A),!.
  862map_arg_list([A|As], M, [A0|As0], P, Q):-
  863    expand_arg(A, M, A0, P, P0),
  864    map_arg_list(As, M, As0, P0, Q).
  865map_arg_list([], _, [],  P, P).
  867		/**********************
  868		*     term_rewrite    *
  869		**********************/
  872% ?- show(term_rewrite(pred([a,b]), {*,+,-}, a+b, X)).
  873% ?- term_rewrite(pred([a,b]), \+ (*), a+b, X).
  874% ?- term_rewrite(pred([a,b]), \+ (*), a+b*c, X).
  875% ?- term_rewrite(pred([a,b]), \+ (*), a*c+b*c, X).
  876% ?- call(term_rewrite(pred([a,b]), \+ (*)), a*c+b*c, X).
  878etc(term_rewrite, [R, E|Args], M, Call, P, Q):- ground(R), ground(E), !,
  879	misc:expand_sgn_brace(E, E0),
  880	expand_arg(R, M, R0, P, P0),
  881	expand_core(
  882		pred(([X, Y]:- reduce:subtree(E0, X, Y, S, S0),
  883				  nonvar(S),
  884				  call(R0, S, S0))),
  885		M, Reduce_one, P0, P1),
  886	expand_core(
  887		rec(Reduce,
  888				([X, Y]:-
  889				  call(Reduce_one, X, X0),
  890				  !,
  891				  call(Reduce, X0, Y))
  892		   &	[X, X]),
  893		M, G, P1, Q),
  894	complete_args(G, Args,  Call).
  895etc(term_rewrite, [R, E|Args], _, Call, P, P):-
  896	complete_args(reduce:term_rewrite(R, E), Args, Call).
  899%	A termplate for etc plug-in
  901% etc(pacmap, [F|Args], _, Maplist, P, P):- var(F), !,
  902% 	Maplist=..[maplist, F|Args].
  903% etc(pacmap, [F|Args], M, G, P, Q):-
  904% 	expand_arg(F, M, F0, P, P0),
  905% 	free_variables(F0, F, Vs),
  906% 	length(Args, N),
  907% 	length(EmptyLists, N),
  908% 	maplist(=([]), EmptyLists),
  909% 	length(Params, N),
  910% 	maplist(cons, Cars, Cdrs, Params),
  911% 	Call1 =..[call, F0|Cars],
  912% 	Call2 =..[call, R|Cdrs],
  913% 	expand_core(
  914% 		rec(R, Vs,
  915% 			EmptyLists &
  916% 			( Params :- Call1, Call2 )
  917% 		   ),
  918% 		 M, G0, P0, Q),
  919% 	complete_args(G0, Args, G).
  920% etc(pacmap, [], _, maplist, P, P).   % maplist is a builtin.
  922%@ true.