2:- module(number_to_word,
    3     [ number_word/2 ]).    4
    5:- initialization compile_predicates([gen//1]).    6
    7:- dynamic gen//1.


Small utility pack for converting integers to English words.

- Ebrahim Azarisooreh


   18term_expansion(beyond(N, Word), Rule) :-
   19  succ(N0, N),
   20  atom_concat(x_, N, Name),
   21  atom_concat(x_, N0, Name0),
   22  Head =.. [Name, Word0],
   23  Prev =.. [Name0, W2],
   24  Rule = (  Head -->
   25	      x(W1),
   26	      call(Prev),
   27	      {  W1 \== [zero]
   28	      -> Word0 = [W1,Word|Rest],
   29		 (  W2 == [zero]
   30		 -> Rest = []
   31		 ;  Rest = W2
   32		 )
   33	      ;  Word0 = W2
   34	      }
   35	 ),
   36  Gen =.. [Name, A, B, C],
   37  GenRule = ( gen(A,B,C) :- Gen ),
   38  assertz(GenRule).
 number_word(?Num, ?Word) is nondet
True if Word is a (possibly) nested list of English words that represents the integer that Num is trying to represent.
Num- is a flat list of integer digits that correspond to the number in each place of the entire number. A whole number must be represented with a length that's a multiple of 3. For example, [0,0,3] is correct, but [3] is not.
Word- is a list of English words correspond to an integer. Every number that represents a magnitude that increases by the order of 10^3, is encased in its own list.

In example,

?- number_word([5,5,2,0,1,2,0,0,6], Word).
Word = [[five, hundred, fifty, two], million, [twelve], thousand, six]

?- number_word([0,0,6], Word).
Word = [six]

?- number_word(Number, [[one], thousand, three, hundred, seventy, two]).
Number = [0, 0, 1, 3, 7, 2]

?- number_word(Number, [[one], thousand, X, hundred, seventy, two]).
Number = [0, 0, 1, 1, 7, 2],
X = one ;
Number = [0, 0, 1, 2, 7, 2],
X = two ;
Number = [0, 0, 1, 3, 7, 2],
X = three ;
... etc.
   76number_word(Num, Word) :-
   77  (  nonvar(Num)
   78  -> phrase(gen(Word), Num)
   79  ;  term_variables(Word, [_|_])
   80  -> include(is_list, Word, Ws),
   81     length(Ws, N0),
   82     N is N0*3+3,
   83     length(Num, N),
   84     phrase(gen(Word), Num)
   85  ;  once(phrase(gen(Word), Num))
   86  ).
   89gen(Ws) --> x(Ws).
   90gen(Ws) --> x_2(Ws).
   93x_2(Word) -->
   94  x(W1),
   95  x(W2),
   96  {  W1 \== [zero]
   97  -> Word = [W1,thousand|Rest],
   98     (  W2 == [zero]
   99     -> Rest = []
  100     ;  Rest = W2
  101     )
  102  ;  Word = W2
  103  }.
  106x([Word]) -->
  107  dig(zero),
  108  dig(zero),
  109  dig(Word).
  111x([Word]) -->
  112  dig(zero),
  113  special(Word).
  115x(Word) -->
  116  dig(zero),
  117  ten(W1),
  118  dig(W2),
  119  {  W2 == zero
  120  -> Word = [W1]
  121  ;  Word = [W1,W2]
  122  }.
  124x(Word) -->
  125  dig(W1),
  126  { W1 \== zero },
  127  % Second digit is either single digit or special number
  128  (  (  dig(zero),
  129        dig(W2)
  130     ;  special(W2)
  131     ),
  132     {  W2 == zero
  133     -> Word = [W1,hundred]
  134     ;  Word = [W1,hundred,W2]
  135     }
  136  ;  ten(W2),
  137     dig(W3),
  138     { W2 \== zero,
  139       (  W3 == zero
  140       -> Word = [W1,hundred,W2]
  141       ;  Word = [W1,hundred,W2,W3]
  142       )
  143     }
  144  ).
  147dig(zero) --> [0].
  148dig(one) --> [1].
  149dig(two) --> [2].
  150dig(three) --> [3].
  151dig(four) --> [4].
  152dig(five) --> [5].
  153dig(six) --> [6].
  154dig(seven) --> [7].
  155dig(eight) --> [8].
  156dig(nine) --> [9].
  159special(ten) --> [1,0].
  160special(eleven) --> [1,1].
  161special(twelve) --> [1,2].
  162special(thirteen) --> [1,3].
  163special(fourteen) --> [1,4].
  164special(fifteen) --> [1,5].
  165special(sixteen) --> [1,6].
  166special(seventeen) --> [1,7].
  167special(eighteen) --> [1,8].
  168special(nineteen) --> [1,9].
  171ten(twenty) --> [2].
  172ten(thirty) --> [3].
  173ten(forty) --> [4].
  174ten(fifty) --> [5].
  175ten(sixty) --> [6].
  176ten(seventy) --> [7].
  177ten(eighty) --> [8].
  178ten(ninety) --> [9].
  181beyond(3, million).
  182beyond(4, billion).
  183beyond(5, trillion).
  184beyond(6, quadrillion).
  185beyond(7, quintillion).
  186beyond(8, sextillion).
  187beyond(9, septillion).
  188beyond(10, octillion).
  189beyond(11, nonillion).
  190beyond(12, decillion).
  191beyond(13, undecillion).
  192beyond(14, duodecillion).
  193beyond(15, tredecillion).
  194beyond(16, quattuordecillion).
  195beyond(17, quindecillion).
  196beyond(18, sexdecillion).
  197beyond(19, septendecillion).
  198beyond(20, octodecillion).
  199beyond(21, novemdecillion).
  200beyond(22, vigintillion)