1:- module(msgpack, [msgpack//1]).

Prolog MessagePack library

This module contains DCGs for packing & unpacking MessagePack data.

- James Cash
- GPLv3
- Can't write out floats (can unpack single-precision, but not write) */
To be done
- double-precision floats
   13:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
 msgpack(+MsgPack, -Bytes, ?_) is semidet
msgpack(-MsgPack, +Bytes, ?_) is semidet
DCG for packing/unpacking MessagePack to/from a list of bytes.
See also
- https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md
   21msgpack(none) --> nil, !.
   22msgpack(str(S)) --> str(str(S)), !.
   23msgpack(list(L)) --> array(list(L)), !.
   24msgpack(dict(D)) --> map(dict(D)), !.
   25msgpack(bin(X)) --> bin(bin(X)), !.
   26msgpack(date(Y,M,D,H,Mn,S,Off,TZ,DST)) -->
   27    { Dt = date(Y,M,D,H,Mn,S,Off,TZ,DST) }, timestamp(dt(Dt)), !.
   28msgpack(ext(T, X)) --> ext(ext(T, X)), !.
   29msgpack(single(N)) --> floating(single(N)), !.
   30msgpack(B) --> bool(B), !.
   31msgpack(N) --> int(N), !.
   33nil --> [0xc0].
   35bool(false)--> [0xc2].
   36bool(true) --> [0xc3].
   38% Integer types
   39int(N) --> fixnum(N).
   40int(N) --> uint8(N).
   41int(N) --> uint16(N).
   42int(N) --> uint32(N).
   43int(N) --> uint64(N).
   44int(N) --> int8(N).
   45int(N) --> int16(N).
   46int(N) --> int32(N).
   47int(N) --> int64(N).
   49% positive fixnum stores 7-bit positive integer
   50fixnum(N) -->
   51    [N],
   52    { N =< 0b0111 1111, N >= 0, ! }.
   53% negative fixnum stores 5-bit negative integer
   54fixnum(N) -->
   55    [X],
   56    { X in 224..255,
   57      N #< 0,
   58      N #>= -0b00011111,
   59      X #= 0b11100000 \/ V,
   60      V in 0..31,
   61      Inv #= 0b11111 - V,
   62      N #= -Inv - 1 }.
   63% uint8 stores an 8-bit unsigned integer
   64uint8(N) -->
   65    [0xcc, N],
   66    { N in 0..255 }.
   67%uint16 stores a 16-bit big-endian unsigned integer
   68uint16(N) -->
   69    { integer(N), N >= 0, N < 1<<17, ! },
   70    [0xcd, A, B],
   71    { B is N /\ 0xff,
   72      A is (N /\ 0xff00) >> 8 }.
   73uint16(N) -->
   74    [0xcd, A, B],
   75    { N #> 0, N #< 1 << 17,
   76      N is A<<8 + B }.
   77% uint32 stores a 32-bit big-endian unsigned integer
   78uint32(N) -->
   79    % special-case for when given an integer; we can be much faster
   80    % about how we pack it than the brute-force search that clp(fd)
   81    % would take
   82    { integer(N), N >= 1>>17, N < 1<<33, ! },
   83    [0xce, A, B, C, D],
   84    { D is N /\ 0xff,
   85      C is (N /\ 0xff00) >> 8,
   86      B is (N /\ 0xff0000) >> 16,
   87      A is (N /\ 0xff000000) >> 24 }.
   88uint32(N) -->
   89    [0xce, A, B, C, D],
   90    { N #> 0, N #< 1 << 33,
   91      N is D + C << 8 + B << 16 + A << 24 }.
   92% uint64 stores a 64-bit big-endian unsigned integer
   93uint64(N) -->
   94    % special-case for when given an integer; we can be much faster
   95    % about how we pack it than the brute-force search that clp(fd)
   96    % would take
   97    { integer(N), N >= 1>>33, N < 1<<65, ! },
   98    [0xcf, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
   99    { H is N /\ 0xff,
  100      G is (N /\ 0xff00) >> 8,
  101      F is (N /\ 0xff0000) >> 16,
  102      E is (N /\ 0xff000000) >> 24,
  103      D is (N /\ 0xff00000000) >> 32,
  104      C is (N /\ 0xff0000000000) >> 40,
  105      B is (N /\ 0xff000000000000) >> 48,
  106      A is (N /\ 0xff00000000000000) >> 56 }.
  107uint64(N) -->
  108    [0xcf, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  109    { N #> 0, N #< 1 << 65,
  110      N is H + G<<8 + F<<16 + E<<24 + D<<32 + C<<40 + B<<48 + A<<56 }.
  111% int8 stores an 8-bit signed integer
  112% argument bytes are always unsigned, so need to convert
  113% NB. 0x80 = 0b1000 0000
  114int8(N) --> % neg int8
  115    [0xd0, A],
  116    { N in (-128)..(-1),
  117      A in 0..255,
  118      A #>= 0x80,
  119      Inv #= 0xff - A,
  120      N #= -Inv - 1 }.
  121int8(N) --> % pos int8
  122    [0xd0, N],
  123    { N in 0..127 }.
  124% int16
  125int16(N) -->
  126    { integer(N), N =< 0x7fff, N >= -0x8000 },
  127    [0xd1, A, B],
  128    { unsigned16_signed16(X, N),
  129      A is (X /\ 0xff00) >> 8,
  130      B is (X /\ 0x00ff) }.
  131int16(N) --> % neg int16
  132    [0xd1, A, B],
  133    { A #>= 0x80,
  134      N in (-0x8000)..(-1),
  135      X is A<<8 + B,
  136      Inv is 0xffff - X,
  137      N is -Inv - 1 }.
  138int16(N) --> % pos int16
  139    [0xd1, A, B],
  140    { N in 0..0x7fff,
  141      N is A<<8 + B }.
  142% int32
  143int32(N) -->
  144    { integer(N), N >= -0x8000_0000, N < 0x8000_0000, ! },
  145    [0xd2, A, B, C, D],
  146    { unsigned32_signed32(X, N),
  147      D is X /\ 0xff,
  148      C is (X /\ 0xff00) >> 8,
  149      B is (X /\ 0xff0000) >> 16,
  150      A is (X /\ 0xff000000) >> 24 }.
  151int32(N) --> % neg int32
  152    [0xd2, A, B, C, D],
  153    { N in (-0x8000_0000)..(-1),
  154      A #>= 0x80,
  155      X is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  156      Inv is 0xffff_ffff - X,
  157      N is -Inv - 1 }.
  158int32(N) --> % pos int32
  159    [0xd2, A, B, C, D],
  160    { N in 0..(0x7fff_ffff),
  161      N is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D }.
  162% int64
  163int64(N) -->
  164    { integer(N), ! },
  165    [0xd3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  166    { unsigned64_signed64(X, N),
  167      H is X /\ 0xff,
  168      G is (X /\ 0xff00) >> 8,
  169      F is (X /\ 0xff0000) >> 16,
  170      E is (X /\ 0xff000000) >> 24,
  171      D is (X /\ 0xff00000000) >> 32,
  172      C is (X /\ 0xff0000000000) >> 40,
  173      B is (X /\ 0xff000000000000) >> 48,
  174      A is (X /\ 0xff00000000000000) >> 56 }.
  175int64(N) --> % neg int64
  176    { N in (-0x8000_0000_0000_0000)..(-1) },
  177    [0xd3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  178    { [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H] ins 0..255,
  179      A #>= 0x80,
  180      X is A<<56 + B<<48 + C<<40 + D<<32 + E<<24 + F<<16 + G<<8 + H,
  181      Inv is 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff - X,
  182      N is -Inv - 1 }.
  183int64(N) --> % pos int64
  184    [0xd3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  185    { [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H] ins 0..255,
  186      N in 0..(0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff),
  187      N is A<<56 + B<<48 + C<<40 + D<<32 + E<<24 + F<<16 + G<<8 + H }.
  189% Floats
  190% TODO: use clp(r) for this?
  191float_bits(_,  N, -1,  _,   N) :- !.
  192float_bits(Bs, N, Bit, Div, Ans) :-
  193    Nn is N + (getbit(Bs, Bit) * Div),
  194    DivN is Div / 2,
  195    BitN is Bit - 1,
  196    float_bits(Bs, Nn, BitN, DivN, Ans).
  197float_bits(Bs, N) :- float_bits(Bs, 1, 22, 0.5, N).
  199floating(single(Fl)) -->
  200    [0xca, A, B, C, D],
  201    { [A,B,C,D] ins 0..255,
  202      Sign is (-1)**((A /\ 0b1000_0000) >> 7),
  203      Exp_ is (A /\ 0b0111_1111) << 1 + (B /\ 0b1000_0000) >> 7,
  204      Exp is 2**(Exp_ - 127),
  205      FracBits is (B /\ 0b0111_1111)<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  206      float_bits(FracBits, Frac),
  207      Fl is Sign * Exp * Frac }.
  208% TODO: gurf
  209% float(double(N)) -->
  210%     [0xcb, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  211%     { [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H] ins 0..255 }.
  213% Strings
  215% string helper predicates
  216str_header(N, 0xd9) :- N < 1<<8.
  217str_header(N, 0xda) :- N < 1<<16.
  218str_header(N, 0xdb) :- N < 1<<32.
  220string_pad_bytes([B], [B]).
  221string_pad_bytes([B1, B2], [B1, B2]).
  222string_pad_bytes([B1, B2, B3], [0, B1, B2, B3]).
  223string_pad_bytes([B1, B2, B3, B4], [B1, B2, B3, B4]).
  225str(str(S)) -->
  226    { string(S), string_length(S, L), L =< 31, ! },
  227    [H|Bytes],
  228    { H is 0b10100000 \/ L,
  229      string_codes(S, Bytes) }.
  230str(str(S)) -->
  231    { string(S), string_length(S, L), L > 31, L < 1<<32, !,
  232      str_header(L, H),
  233      int_bytes(L, LenBytes_),
  234      string_pad_bytes(LenBytes_, LenBytes),
  235      !,
  236      string_codes(S, Bytes),
  237      append(LenBytes, Bytes, Packed) },
  238    [H|Packed].
  239str(str(S)) -->
  240    [H|T],
  241    { H in 0b1010_0000..0b1011_1111,
  242      L is H /\ 0b0001_1111,
  243      L in 0..31,
  244      prefix(Bytes, T),
  245      length(Bytes, L),
  246      string_codes(S, Bytes) }.
  247str(str(S)) -->
  248    [0xd9,L|T],
  249    { prefix(Bytes, T),
  250      length(Bytes, L),
  251      string_codes(S, Bytes) }.
  252str(str(S)) -->
  253    [0xda,A,B|T],
  254    { prefix(Bytes, T),
  255      length(Bytes, L),
  256      L is A<<8 + B,
  257      string_codes(S, Bytes) }.
  258str(str(S)) -->
  259    [0xdb,A,B,C,D|T],
  260    { prefix(Bytes, T),
  261      length(Bytes, L),
  262      L is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  263      string_codes(S, Bytes) }.
  265% Bins i.e. byte arrays
  266bin(bin(Data)) -->
  267    [0xc4, Len|Data],
  268    { length(Data, Len) }.
  269bin(bin(Data)) -->
  270    [0xc5, A, B|Data],
  271    { Len is A<<8 + B,
  272      length(Data, Len) }.
  273bin(bin(Data)) -->
  274    [0xc6, A, B, C, D|Data],
  275    { Len is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  276      length(Data, Len) }.
  278% Arrays
  280% Array helper predicates
  281consume_msgpack_list([], [], 0) :- !.
  282consume_msgpack_list([A|As], Bs, N) :-
  283    msgpack(A, Bs, Rst),
  284    !,
  285    Nn is N - 1,
  286    consume_msgpack_list(As, Rst, Nn).
  288array_header(L, 0xdc) :- L < 1<<16.
  289array_header(L, 0xdd) :- L < 1<<32.
  291array_pad_bytes([B], [0, B]).
  292array_pad_bytes([A, B], [A, B]).
  293array_pad_bytes([A,B,C], [0,A,B,C]).
  294array_pad_bytes([A,B,C,D], [A,B,C,D]).
  296array(list(List)) -->
  297    { is_list(List), length(List, Len), Len < 15,
  298      !,
  299      H is 0b10010000 + Len,
  300      consume_msgpack_list(List, T, Len) },
  301    [H|T].
  302array(list(List)) -->
  303    { is_list(List), length(List, Len), Len < 1<<32,
  304      !,
  305      array_header(Len, H),
  306      int_bytes(Len, LenBytes_),
  307      array_pad_bytes(LenBytes_, LenBytes),
  308      !,
  309      consume_msgpack_list(List, Packed, Len),
  310      append(LenBytes, Packed, T) },
  311    [H|T].
  312array(list(List)) -->
  313    [H],
  314    { H in 0b1001_0000..0b1001_1111,
  315      L is H /\ 0b0000_1111,
  316      L in 0..15,
  317      length(List, L) },
  318    msgpack_list(List, L).
  319array(list(List)) -->
  320    [0xdc,A,B],
  321    { Len is A <<8 + B },
  322    msgpack_list(List, Len).
  323array(list(List)) -->
  324    [0xdd,A,B,C,D],
  325    { Len is A <<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D },
  326    msgpack_list(List, Len).
  328msgpack_list([], 0) --> [].
  329msgpack_list([A|As], N) -->
  330    msgpack(A), { Nn is N - 1 }, msgpack_list(As, Nn).
  332% Maps
  333% Need to use pairs insead of dicts, because dicts only support atom
  334% or integer keys
  336% map helper predicates
  337consume_msgpack_dict([], [], 0) :- !.
  338consume_msgpack_dict([K-V|KVs], Bs, N) :-
  339    msgpack(K, Bs, Rst_),
  340    msgpack(V, Rst_, Rst),
  341    !,
  342    Nn is N - 1,
  343    consume_msgpack_dict(KVs, Rst, Nn).
  345dict_header(L, 0xde) :- L < 1<<16.
  346dict_header(L, 0xdf) :- L < 1<<32.
  348map(dict(D)) -->
  349    { is_list(D), length(D, L), L < 15, !,
  350      H is 0b10000000 + L,
  351      consume_msgpack_dict(D, T, L) },
  352    [H|T].
  353map(dict(D)) -->
  354    { is_list(D), length(D, Len), Len < 1<<32, !,
  355      dict_header(Len, H),
  356      int_bytes(Len, LenBytes_),
  357      array_pad_bytes(LenBytes_, LenBytes),
  358      consume_msgpack_dict(D, Packed, Len),
  359      append(LenBytes, Packed, T) },
  360    [H|T].
  361map(dict(D)) -->
  362    [H|T],
  363    { H in 0b10000000..0b10001111,
  364      L is H /\ 0b0000_1111,
  365      consume_msgpack_dict(D, T, L) }.
  366map(dict(D)) -->
  367    [0xde, A, B],
  368    { Len is A<<8 + B },
  369    msgpack_dict(D, Len).
  370map(dict(D)) -->
  371    [0xdf, A, B, C, D],
  372    { Len is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D },
  373    msgpack_dict(D, Len).
  375msgpack_dict([], 0) --> [].
  376msgpack_dict([K-V|Ds], N) -->
  377    msgpack(K), msgpack(V),
  378    { Nn is N - 1 },
  379    msgpack_dict(Ds, Nn).
  382% Extension types
  384ext(ext(Type, [Data])) -->
  385    [0xd4, Type, Data],
  386    { Type in 0..0x7f }.
  387ext(ext(Type, [A,B])) -->
  388    [0xd5, Type, A, B],
  389    { Type in 0..0x7f }.
  390ext(ext(Type, [A,B,C,D])) -->
  391    [0xd6, Type, A, B, C, D],
  392    { Type in 0..0x7f }.
  393ext(ext(Type, Data)) -->
  394    [0xd7, Type|Data],
  395    { Type in 0..0x7f },
  396    { length(Data, 8) }.
  397ext(ext(Type, Data)) -->
  398    [0xd8, Type|Data],
  399    { Type in 0..0x7f },
  400    { length(Data, 16) }.
  401ext(ext(Type, Data)) -->
  402    [0xc7, Len, Type|Data],
  403    { Type in 0..0x7f },
  404    { Len in 0..255,
  405      length(Data, Len) }.
  406ext(ext(Type, Data)) -->
  407    [0xc8, A, B, Type|Data],
  408    { Type in 0..0x7f },
  409    { Len #< 1<<17,
  410      [A,B] ins 0..255,
  411      Len #= A<<8 + B,
  412      length(Data, Len) }.
  413ext(ext(Type, Data)) -->
  414    [0xc9, A, B, C, D, Type|Data],
  415    { Type in 0..0x7f },
  416    { Len #< 1<<33,
  417      [A,B,C,D] ins 0..255,
  418      Len #= A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  419      length(Data, Len) }.
  421% Timestamp extensions
  422% timestamp32 stores number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC as uint32
  423timestamp(dt(Dt)) -->
  424    { ground(Dt) },
  425    [0xd6, 0xff, A, B, C, D],
  426    { date_time_stamp(Dt, Tss),
  427      Ts is truncate(Tss),
  428      A is (Ts /\ 0xff00_0000) >> 24,
  429      B is (Ts /\ 0x00ff_0000) >> 16,
  430      C is (Ts /\ 0x0000_ff00) >> 8,
  431      D is (Ts /\ 0x0000_00ff) >> 0 }.
  432timestamp(dt(T)) -->
  433    [0xd6, 0xff, A, B, C, D],
  434    { Ts is A<<24 + B<<16 + C<<8 + D,
  435      stamp_date_time(Ts, T, 'UTC') }.
  436% timestamp 64 stores the number of seconds and nanoseconds that have
  437% elapsed since epoch; nanosecond in a 30-bit unsigned int and seconds
  438% in a 34-bit unsigned int
  439timestamp(dt(T)) -->
  440    % Can't use clp(fd) here, since we need to use floats...
  441    [0xd7, 0xff, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H],
  442    { Tsn is float(A<<22 + B<<14 + C<<6 + (D /\ 0b1111_1100)>>6),
  443      Tss is (D /\ 0b011) << 32 + E<<24 + F<<16 + G<<8 + H,
  444      Tsn < 1e9,
  445      Ts is Tss + (Tsn / 1e9),
  446      stamp_date_time(Ts, T, 'UTC') }.
  447% timestamp 96 stores the number of seconds and nanoseconds since
  448% epoch; nanoseconds in a 32-bit unsigned int and seconds in a 64-bit
  449% signed int
  450timestamp(dt(T)) -->
  451    [0xc7, 12, 0xff, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Se, Sf, Sg, Sh],
  452    { Tn is float(Na<<24 + Nb<<16 + Nc<<8 + Nd),
  453      Ts_ is Sa<<56 + Sb<<48 + Sc<<40 +Sd<<32 + Se<<24 + Sf<<16 + Sg<<8 + Sh,
  454      unsigned64_signed64(Ts_, Ts),
  455      Tn < 1e9,
  456      Time is Ts + (Tn / 1e9),
  457      stamp_date_time(Time, T, 'UTC') }.
  459% helper predicates
  460int_bytes(I, B) :- int_bytes(I, [], B).
  461int_bytes(0, R, R).
  462int_bytes(I, Bs, R) :-
  463    Bl is I /\ 0xff,
  464    In is I >> 8,
  465    int_bytes(In, [Bl|Bs], R).
  467unsigned16_signed16(Un, Si) :-
  468    integer(Un),
  469    Un >= 0x8000,
  470    Inv is 0xffff - Un,
  471    Si is -Inv - 1.
  472unsigned16_signed16(Un, Si) :-
  473    integer(Si),
  474    Si < 0,
  475    Inv is -Si - 1,
  476    Un is 0xffff - Inv.
  477unsigned16_signed16(Un, Un).
  479unsigned32_signed32(Un, Si) :-
  480    integer(Un),
  481    Un >= 0x8000_0000,
  482    Inv is 0xffff_ffff - Un,
  483    Si is -Inv - 1.
  484unsigned32_signed32(Un, Si) :-
  485    integer(Si),
  486    Si < 0,
  487    Inv is -Si - 1,
  488    Un is 0xffff_ffff - Inv.
  489unsigned32_signed32(Un, Un).
  491unsigned64_signed64(Un, Si) :-
  492    integer(Un),
  493    Un >= 0x8000_0000_0000_0000,
  494    Inv is 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff - Un,
  495    Si is -Inv - 1.
  496unsigned64_signed64(Un, Si) :-
  497    integer(Si),
  498    Si < 0,
  499    Inv is -Si - 1,
  500    Un is 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff - Inv.
  501unsigned64_signed64(Un, Un).
  503% :- use_module(library(plunit)).
  504% ?- load_test_files([]), run_tests.