1/* Part of LogicMOO Base Logicmoo Path Setups
    2% ===================================================================
    3    File:         'logicmoo_util_library.pl'
    4    Purpose:       To load the logicmoo libraries as needed
    5    Contact:       $Author: logicmoo@gmail.com ;
    6    Version:       'logicmoo_util_library.pl' 1.0.0
    7    Revision:      $Revision: 1.7 $
    8    Revised At:    $Date: 2002/07/11 21:57:28 $
    9    Author:        Douglas R. Miles
   10    Maintainers:   logicmoo
   11    E-mail:        logicmoo@gmail.com
   12    WWW:           http://www.logicmoo.org
   13    SCM:           https://github.com/logicmoo/PrologMUD/tree/master/pack/logicmoo_base
   14    Copyleft:      1999-2021, LogicMOO Prolog Extensions
   15    License:       Lesser GNU Public License
   16% ===================================================================
   19:- module(logicmoo_utils_all_legacy,[]).   20:- discontiguous('$exported_op'/3).


This module loads ALL (the most common and uncommon) utils at once. @author Douglas R. Miles @license LGPL */

   27%:- discontiguous(logicmoo_utils_all:'$exported_op'/3).
   28%:- logicmoo_utils_all:use_module(library(logicmoo_utils)).
   29%:- logicmoo_utils_all:reexport(library(logicmoo_utils)).
   30:- reexport(library(logicmoo_common)).