sent('go to flight deck'). sent(okay). sent('move to commanders seat and measure radiation'). sent(affirmative). sent('measure temperature and carbon dioxide at storage according to p s a sensor'). sent(yes). sent('measure carbon dioxide at access ladder and lower deck'). sent(yes). sent('how about the temperature'). sent('that \'s right'). sent('is the carbon dioxide level increasing at the lower deck'). sent(yes). sent('measure temperature at all three decks'). sent('measure temperature at all three decks'). sent(sure). sent('do that again'). sent(yeah). sent('go to storage lockers and measure carbon dioxide and temperature'). sent(yes). sent(stop). sent(continue). sent('what was the temperature at the storage lockers at fifteen oh six'). sent('what was the temperature at the storage locker at fifteen hundred six'). sent('what was the temperature at the storage lockers at fifteen oh six'). sent('according to the fixed sensors'). sent('move to the commanders seat'). sent(yeah). sent(stop). sent('is the carbon dioxide level decreasing at access ladder'). sent('is the carbon dioxide level decreasing at access ladder'). sent(okay). sent('p s a sensors'). sent(yes). sent('what is carbon dioxide level and temperature at crew hatch'). sent(yes). sent('close storage lockers'). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent('close all three doors'). sent(whatever). sent('go to storage lockers and open them'). sent(yeah). sent('move to the pilots seat'). sent(okay). sent('measure the temperature'). sent('move to the crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('move to the access ladder'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('move to storage lockers'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('measure the temperature on all three decks'). sent(okay). sent(yeah). sent(okay). sent('go to storage'). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to the lower deck'). sent(okay). sent(yes). sent('go to the crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what was the temperature at fifteen oh two'). sent('what was the temperature at fifteen two'). sent('what was the temperature at fifteen hundred two'). sent('what was the temperature at fifteen hundred two'). sent('what is the temperature at fifteen two'). sent('what is the temperature at fifteen oh two'). sent('the temperature at fifteen oh two'). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the temperature at fifteen oh two'). sent('go to storage'). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('close the doors'). sent('close storage doors'). sent('close storage doors'). sent('close all the storage doors'). sent('close the storage doors and storage lockers'). sent('close storage'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('go to the storage lockers'). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('close storage locker doors'). sent('close storage locker doors'). sent('close storage lockers'). sent(okay). sent('go to access ladder'). sent('go to flight deck access ladder'). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('go to crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is temperature'). sent('go to sleep'). sent('go to sleep'). sent('go to sleep'). sent('go to sleep stations'). sent(okay). sent('is the temperature'). sent('go to pilots seat'). sent(stop). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to flight deck'). sent(yes). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature at crew hatch'). sent(yes). sent('what was it one minute ago'). sent('according to fixed sensors'). sent('turn on fan at crew hatch'). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature at access ladder'). sent('at p s a sensors'). sent('at p s a sensors'). sent('according to p s a sensors'). sent(okay). sent('is the temperature at the crew hatch increasing'). sent(okay). sent('is the fan at the crew hatch switched on'). sent('switch it off'). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent('what was the temperature at the access ladder at fifteen oh two according to the fixed'). sent('what was the temperature at the access ladder at fifteen oh two according to the fixed'). sent('close the crew hatch'). sent(yes). sent('measure the temperature at crew hatch and access ladder'). sent('according to the p s a sensors'). sent(yes). sent('how about carbon dioxide'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature at the lower deck'). sent(yes). sent('carbon dioxide'). sent('measure carbon dioxide and temperature at storage'). sent(yeah). sent(stop). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level at this'). sent('what is carbon dioxide level at current location'). sent(continue). sent('close storage'). sent(yes). sent('is the carbon dioxide level decreasing at storage'). sent(yes). sent('open storage'). sent(yes). sent('switch on fan at storage'). sent(yes). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level here'). sent('measure carbon dioxide level and temperature'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level and temperature at storage'). sent('what is the carbon dioxide level and temperature at storage lockers'). sent(yes). sent('do the same for all three decks'). sent(yes). sent(stop). sent('measure carbon dioxide level at commanders seat'). sent(yes). sent(yes). sent(yes). sent('measure carbon dioxide level in the commanders seat'). sent('measure the pressure'). sent('measure the radiation and close crew hatch'). sent(whatever). sent(whatever). sent(whatever). sent('measure the carbon dioxide and close storage'). sent(okay). sent('go to commanders seat'). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature and carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature and carbon dioxide level'). sent('turn on the fan'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('close the door'). sent('close crew hatch door'). sent('close crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature at the crew hatch'). sent('go to access ladder'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature and carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to storage'). sent(yes). sent('what is temperature and carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to storage lockers'). sent(yes). sent(yes). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature and carbon dioxide level'). sent('go to lower deck'). sent(yes). sent('measure the carbon dioxide levels of'). sent('measure carbon dioxide level at mid deck'). sent('measure carbon dioxide level at mid deck'). sent(yes). sent('measure carbon dioxide level at flight deck'). sent(okay). sent('go to crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('measure temperature'). sent('measure temperature'). sent('open the door'). sent('open crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('measure temperature'). sent('close door'). sent('close hatch'). sent('close crew hatch'). sent(okay). sent('turn on fan'). sent('what is temperature'). sent('turn off fan'). sent(okay). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('open crew hatch'). sent(yes). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('what is the temperature'). sent('measure temperature'). sent('go to access ladder'). sent(okay). sent(okay).