set_notional_time('2007-08-09_22-30-00'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting in may'). sent('when did it start'). sent('when did it end'). sent('when did it end'). sent('did pierrette attend'). sent('did marianne attend'). sent('marianne starlander'). sent('how about marianne santaholma'). sent('did nikos attend'). sent('did nikos attend'). sent('did manny attend'). sent('when is the next meeting'). sent('where will it be'). sent('where is it going to be'). sent('is there going to be a meeting in october'). sent('in november'). sent('how about in december'). sent('will there be a meeting in january'). sent('what meetings will there be in geneva'). set_notional_time('2007-08-15_23-23-02'). init_dialogue. sent('when is the next meeting'). sent('when is the next meeting'). sent('who will be there'). sent('will marianne be there'). sent('marianne santaholma'). sent('how about marianne starlander'). sent('is there a meeting in november'). sent('in september'). sent('who will be at the meeting on september tenth'). sent('is there a meeting on september tenth'). sent('who will be there'). sent('what meetings were there in may'). sent('was nikos there'). sent('was nikos there'). sent('did nikos attend'). sent('was pierrette there'). set_notional_time('2007-08-15_23-27-22'). init_dialogue. sent('is there a meeting tomorrow'). sent('was there a meeting yesterday'). sent('are there any meetings next week'). sent('is there a meeting in september'). set_notional_time('2007-09-03_14-19-44'). init_dialogue. sent('is there a meeting on monday'). sent('is there a meeting tomorrow'). set_notional_time('2007-09-09_11-03-03'). init_dialogue. sent('is there a meeting today'). sent('who is attending the meeting'). sent('who will attend the meeting'). sent('is elisabeth attending'). sent('is elisabeth attending'). sent('is marianne attending the meeting'). sent(starlander). sent('how about santaholma'). sent('is there a meeting tomorrow'). sent('will nikos attend that meeting'). sent('who will attend the meeting'). sent('when is the meeting'). sent('when does the meeting start'). sent('who will attend the meeting on september tenth'). sent('is there a meeting on thursday'). sent('on friday'). sent('what meetings are there during the next two weeks'). sent('when was the last meeting'). sent('what meetings have there been during the last three months'). sent('who attended the meeting on july ninth'). sent('who attended the meeting on july ninth'). sent('where was that meeting'). sent('was the meeting in england'). sent('was the meeting in england'). sent('was that meeting in england'). sent('when did it start'). sent('when did it end'). sent('when did that meeting end'). sent('which people were there'). sent('which meetings has elisabeth attended'). set_notional_time('2007-09-10_11-10-32'). init_dialogue. sent('is there a meeting today'). sent('when does the meeting start'). sent('when does the meeting end'). sent('who is at the meeting'). sent('who is attending the meeting'). sent('who is going to attend the meeting'). sent('which people are going to attend the meeting'). sent('are there any meetings next week'). sent('are there any meetings next week'). sent('what meetings are there next week'). sent('what meetings are there in the next twenty days'). sent('are there any meetings next month'). sent('was there a meeting yesterday'). sent('who was at that meeting'). sent('when was the last meeting in england'). sent('where was that meeting'). sent('was the meeting in england'). sent('who attended'). sent('which people attended'). sent('was nikos at that meeting'). sent('was marianne at that meeting'). sent('was marianne starlander at the meeting'). sent('how about marianne santaholma'). sent('was there a meeting in may'). sent('was there a meeting in may'). sent('was maria at that meeting'). sent('was nikos at the meeting'). sent('how about pierrette'). sent('was manny there'). sent('did elisabeth attend'). set_notional_time('2007-09-12_08-49-03'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on monday'). sent('did marianne starlander attend the meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-09-12_08-49-49'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on sunday'). sent('was pierrette there'). sent('how about manny'). sent(elisabeth). set_notional_time('2007-09-13_20-17-17'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on monday'). set_notional_time('2007-09-14_10-23-22'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on monday'). set_notional_time('2007-09-14_17-57-44'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on september nine'). sent('when did that meeting start'). sent('when did it end'). sent('was pierrette there'). sent('how about manny'). sent('who attended'). sent('who attended'). sent('which people were there'). sent('was marianne santaholma there'). set_notional_time('2007-09-16_10-40-49'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on september ninth'). sent('who was there'). sent('who was there'). sent('who was at the meeting in may'). sent('who was at the meeting in may'). sent('which people were at the meeting in may'). sent('was there a meeting in may'). sent('when was the meeting in may'). sent('was was that meeting'). sent('which people attended it'). sent('what meetings were there in july'). sent('was pierrette at that meeting'). sent('how about manny'). sent('which people attended'). sent('what time did the meeting end'). sent('what meetings were there in september'). sent('who attended the meeting on september ninth'). sent('who was at the meeting on september ninth'). sent('which people were at the meeting on september ninth'). sent('what is pierrette \'s email address'). sent('what is pierrette \'s address'). set_notional_time('2007-09-16_10-46-35'). init_dialogue. sent('which people attended the meeting in may'). sent('was marianne starlander at the meeting'). sent('how about marianne santaholma'). sent('when did that meeting start'). sent('what did that meeting start'). sent('when did the meeting on september ninth start'). set_notional_time('2007-09-20_12-54-29'). init_dialogue. sent('when was the last meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_15-57-30'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting last week'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_16-05-30'). init_dialogue. sent('was there any meeting last week'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_16-12-00'). init_dialogue. sent('was pierrette at the last meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_18-11-54'). init_dialogue. sent('was there a meeting on monday'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_18-17-36'). init_dialogue. sent('were there any meetings this month'). set_notional_time('2007-09-24_18-22-10'). init_dialogue. sent('when is the next meeting'). sent('can you tell me where the next meeting is'). sent('do you know which people attended the last meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-09-27_13-36-06'). init_dialogue. sent('is there going to be a meeting on tuesday'). sent('were there any meetings in august'). set_notional_time('2007-09-28_13-42-56'). init_dialogue. sent('what meetings were there in july'). set_notional_time('2007-09-28_13-44-06'). init_dialogue. sent('were there any meetings in june'). sent('was there a meeting in may'). sent('who attended that meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-10-03_06-38-00'). init_dialogue. sent('when was the last meeting'). sent('was pierrette there'). sent('was marianne there'). sent('marianne santaholma'). sent('was there a meeting in june'). sent('how about in july'). sent('how about in august'). sent('was there a meeting in august'). sent('in september'). sent('who was at the meeting on september tenth'). sent('who was at the meeting on september tenth'). sent('did marianne starlander attend that meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-10-04_23-19-43'). init_dialogue. sent('when is the next meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-10-05_23-37-10'). init_dialogue. sent('when is the next meeting'). sent('who will be attending that meeting'). set_notional_time('2007-10-11_00-55-27'). init_dialogue. sent('when was the last meeting'). sent('who was at that meeting'). sent('was nikos there'). sent('was yukie there'). %set_notional_time('2007-10-22_16-42-00'). %init_dialogue. %sent('when is the next meeting'). %sent('was there a meeting on monday'). %sent('who attended the meeting'). %sent('where is next meeting'). %sent(when). %sent('is there a meeting planned in geneva'). %sent('will pierrette be there'). %sent('is there a meeting in the next week'). %sent('is there a meeting in the next week'). %sent('is there a meeting in the next month'). %sent('in the next two months'). %sent('will pierrette bouillon participate in any meetings in the future'). %sent('will pierrette be attending any meetings in the future'). %sent('is there a meeting this friday'). %sent('is there a meeting this friday in geneva'). %sent('are any meetings coming up with pierrette bouillon and nikos tsourakis'). %sent('will there be any meetings in may two thousand and seven'). %sent('will there be any meetings in may two thousand seven'). %sent('are there any meetings scheduled this month'). %sent('are there any meetings tomorrow'). %sent('are there any meetings the day after tomorrow'). %sent('are there any meetings for the day after tomorrow'). %sent('is there a meeting in two days'). %sent('is there a meeting in two days'). %sent('which meetings did manny rayner attend in the last month'). %sent('were there any meetings in the last month'). %sent('were there any meetings in the last two months'). %sent('which meetings did pierrette bouillon attend'). %sent('which meeting took place on a friday in geneva'). %sent('which meeting took place on a friday in geneva'). %sent('which meeting did pierrette bouillon and nikos tsourakis attend'). %sent('which meeting did pierrette bouillon and nikos tsourakis attend'). %sent('were there any meetings in may'). %sent('were there any meetings yesterday'). %sent('were there any meetings the day before yesterday'). %sent('were there any meetings two days ago'). %sent('who participated in the meeting on july two thousand and seven'). %sent('who participated in the meeting in july two thousand seven'). %sent('who attended the meeting on july two thousand seven'). %sent('where is the meeting in july'). %sent('which meetings took place in geneva'). %sent('which one did yukie nakao'). %sent('which meeting took place in geneva'). %sent('what time was the meeting on october fifteenth'). %sent('where was the meeting on october tenth').