/** This is an example that shows how to 1. Translate an ACE file into a DRS 2. Verbalize this DRS (effectively paraphrasing the ACE text (in this case in Core ACE)) 3. Translate the resulting paraphrase into a new DRS 4. Test if the original DRS is structurally equivalent to the new DRS @author Kaarel Kaljurand @version 2009-06-16 */ % We point to the directory where APE modules and the lexicons are located. :- assert(user:file_search_path(ape, '..')). % We import the needed modules. :- use_module(ape(parser/ace_to_drs), [acetext_to_drs/8]). :- style_check(-discontiguous). :- use_module(ape(lexicon/clex)). :- use_module(ape(lexicon/ulex)). :- style_check(+discontiguous). % Various modules that deal with the DRSs are located in ape/utils/. :- use_module(ape(utils/drs_to_ascii), [drs_to_ascii/2]). :- use_module(ape(utils/drs_to_coreace), [bigdrs_to_coreace/2]). :- use_module(ape(utils/are_equivalent), [are_equivalent/3]). % Various modules that deal with ACE texts (e.g. pretty-printing) are located in ape/utils/. :- use_module(ape(utils/morphgen), [acesentencelist_pp/2]). % This example uses the ACE version of the LOL policy. acetext('the_lol_policy.ace.txt'). paraphrase_roundtrip :- acetext(AceText), % We load the file into character codes. read_file_to_codes(AceText, AceTextCodes, [encoding(utf8)]), format("ACE text = ~n~s~n", [AceTextCodes]), % We call APE with guessing turned "on". % The input is the character codes. % The output that interests us is the DRS and possible error/warning messages. acetext_to_drs(AceTextCodes, on, off, _Sentences1, _SyntaxTrees1, Drs1, Messages1, _DurationList1), % We pretty-print the DRS. drs_to_ascii(Drs1, DrsAscii1), format("DRS1 = ~n~w~n", [DrsAscii1]), format("Messages1 = ~n~w~n", [Messages1]), % We verbalize the DRS in Core ACE (the verbalizer expects untyped DRSs as input). bigdrs_to_coreace(Drs1, Paraphrase), % The verbalization results in a list of sentences where each sentence is a Prolog atom. % We convert the list structure into an atom. acesentencelist_pp(Paraphrase, ParaphrasePp), format("Paraphrase = ~n~w~n", [ParaphrasePp]), % We call APE again. This time on the paraphrase. % Note that the input is given now as an atom, not in character codes like before, % APE accepts both types of inputs. acetext_to_drs(ParaphrasePp, on, off, _Sentences2, _SyntaxTrees2, Drs2, Messages2, _DurationList2), ( % We now test if the DRSs are structurally equivalent. % We ignore the sentence IDs while checking for equivalence. are_equivalent(Drs1, Drs2, [ignore_sid(true)]) -> % If the DRSs were equivalent then the roundtrip finished where it started. format("Roundtrip worked: ACE -> DRS -> Core ACE -> DRS~n", []) ; % If the DRSs were not equivalent then the roundtrip did not take place. % This means that a bug was encountered in either the verbalizer % or in APE. We show the new DRS in this case, along with possible messages. format("Roundtrip did not work: ACE -> DRS1 -> Core ACE -> DRS2~n", []), drs_to_ascii(Drs2, DrsAscii2), format("DRS2 = ~n~w~n", [DrsAscii2]), format("Messages2 = ~n~w~n", [Messages2]) ).