% Trindikit TIS agent for use with godis-basic % contains the Total Information State % David Hjelm 0507 :-use_module('../../../core/prolog/trindikit'). :-ensure_loaded(app_search_paths). resources([ lexicon_travel_english, domain_travel, database_travel ]). %datatypes, including resource interfaces datatypes([ participant, string, move, atom, integer, bool, record, set, stack, stackset, assocset, program_state, godis_datatypes, %resource interfaces: lexicon, domain, database ] ). %load file containing IS type definition infostate_variable_of_type/2 :-ensure_loaded(library(is_def)). %the module interface variable definitions: mivs( [ input : string, output : string, latest_speaker : participant, latest_moves : set(move), next_moves : set(move), program_state : program_state ] ). %the resource interface variable definitions: rivs( [ lexicon : lexicon, domain : domain, database : database ] ). reset_ops(Domain,Lang, [ set( program_state, run), set( lexicon, $$dash2underscore(lexicon-Domain-Lang) ), set( database, $$dash2underscore(database-Domain) ), set( domain, $$dash2underscore(domain-Domain) ), push(/private/agenda,greet) ]). run:- resources( Rs ), datatypes( Ds ), mivs( MIVs ), rivs( RIVs ), infostate_variable_of_type( ISVar, ISType ), reset_ops( travel, english, ResetOps ), setprop( resources, Rs ), setprop( tis, yes ), setprop( tis-datatype_files, Ds ), setprop( tis-mivs, MIVs ), setprop( tis-rivs, RIVs ), setprop( tis-infostate, ISVar:ISType ), setprop( tis-reset_ops, ResetOps ), setprop(oaa-libdir,'$OAA_HOME/src/oaalib/prolog'), setprop(oaa-name, tis), setprop(oaa,yes), oaa_slave.