/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > FILENAME: mkparser_sicstus > PURPOSE: create and dump saved state ready to process command > line when restored > AUTHORS: Kevin Humphreys, Hamish Cunningham > NOTES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ cvsid_mkparser_sicstus("$Id: mkparser_sicstus.pl 9628 2008-05-09 14:50:14Z ian_roberts $"). % COMMAND LINE OPTIONS /* parse [-v] be verbose [-d] show debugging info [-level n] parse up to level n grammar & don't do semantics [-m markup_file] write NE markup to markup_file [-p parse_file] write best parses to parse_file in tree form [-b parse_file] write best parses to parse_file in bracketed form [-c chart_file] write chart to chart_file [-o output_file] write gdm output to output_file instead of stdout file NOTE: -n reserved for mkparser script (it triggers assertion of non_interactive/0, which triggers saving of state and halting). */ :- dynamic verbose/0, chart/3, grammar_file/1, filter_grammar/1, output_file/1, chart_file/1, markup_file/1, best_parse_file/1, bracketed_parses/0. :- prolog_flag(redefine_warnings,_,off). :- prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,_,off). % compile either sicstus3_utils or sicstus4_utils, depending on SICStus major % version number. The 'version' prolog_flag on SICStus starts 'SICStus % major.minor.patch', we extract the major version and condition on that. :- (prolog_flag(version, V), atom_concat('SICStus ', Vtail, V), atom_codes(Vtail, [Major|_]), number_codes(Major, [MajorVersion]), MajorVersion =< 3, compile('sicstus3_utils.pl')) ; compile('sicstus4_utils.pl'). :- dynamic non_interactive/0. ?- ((prolog_flag(argv,A,A), member('-n', A), assert(non_interactive)) % replace compile with consult if interactive ; prolog_flag(compiling,_,debugcode)). %:- use_module(library(gauge)), prolog_flag(compiling,_,profiledcode). :- compile('compile_grammar.pl'). :- compile('parse_file.pl'). :- compile('supple.pl'). :- compile('supple_io.pl'). :- compile('best_parse.pl'). :- compile('semantics.pl'). % load and compile default set of grammars :- consult('grammar/load.pl'). % top-level control parse :- prolog_flag(argv,Args,Args), on_exception(Error,parse(Args),(write(Error),nl)), flush_output, halt(0). % compile any grammars on cmd line ?- non_interactive, prolog_flag(argv,Args,Args), parse(Args). :- prolog_flag(redefine_warnings,_,on). % save current state, ready to restart with parse/0. ?- non_interactive, save_program('supple.sicstus', parse), flush_output, halt(0). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % $Log$ % Revision 1.1 2005/12/05 16:32:02 ian_roberts % SUPPLE - the Sheffield University Prolog Parser for Language Engineering. % % SUPPLE replaces the old Buchart plugin, which should now be considered % deprecated. % % Revision 2005/10/06 10:02:05 saggion % Supple Project % % Revision 2004/11/25 08:17:49 saggion % Buchart-Gate Integration % % Revision 1.17 1998/04/04 22:19:16 kwh % syntax error % % Revision 1.16 1998/04/04 22:01:27 kwh % exit on error % % Revision 1.15 1998/03/25 18:51:46 kwh % affixes passed into chart % % Revision 1.14 1998/02/20 16:07:33 kwh % sicstus3 changes % % Revision 1.13 1997/11/28 14:57:04 kwh % use single load file to specify grammars % % Revision 1.12 1997/09/30 17:24:43 kwh % merge buchart_cascade changes back in % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%