:- expects_dialect(lps). :- include('JohnDTractorInsuranceContract.pl'). % simulate shipment from US to Europe % these must precede the insurance period per se: observe pledge(allGoods(counterparty),"Some key to all Counterparty goods") at 2018/5/20. observe to(counterParty,getTitle(usd(600))) at "2018-05-20". % would never end, because the lawyer allowed foreclosing in any later future... but % the reactive rule in SzaboezqueInsuranceContract.pl added a limit for foreclosing, so this program actually fails % observe safeArrival("10 John D. tractors") at "2018-06-21T15:00". observe choiceOf("TractoR'Us") at 2018/6/25. % observe to("TractoR'Us",usd(120000)) at 2018/6/25. % observe to(holder,foreclose("Some key to all Counterparty goods", usd(5000))) at 2018/8/2.