1:- module(logicmoo_xpce, []).    2
    3:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, true).

Associate XPCE with SWI-Prolog

This file initialises XPCE, the SWI-Prolog native GUI. XPCE is initialised only if it is detected.

The source-location of this file is packages/xpce/swipl/swipl-rc. It is installed as <plbase>/<exe-base>.rc, where <exe-base> is swipl-win to associate with the SWI-Prolog gui application on Windows and swipl on Unix/X11 platforms. */

   16:- op(200, fy,  user:(@)).   17:- op(250, yfx, user:(?)).   18:- op(990, xfx, user:(:=)).   19
   20:- multifile
   21        user:file_search_path/2.   22
   23:- dynamic
   24        pcehomestore_/1.   25:- volatile
   26        pcehomestore_/1.   27
   28pcehome_(Home) :-
   29        pcehomestore_(Home), !.
   30pcehome_(Home) :-
   31        (   getenv('XPCEHOME', RawHome)
   32        ;   current_prolog_flag(home, PlHome),
   33            (   current_prolog_flag(xpce_version, Version),
   34                atom_concat('/xpce-', Version, Suffix)
   35            ;   Suffix = '/xpce'
   36            ),
   37            atom_concat(PlHome, Suffix, RawHome)
   38        ),
   39        exists_directory(RawHome), !,
   40        absolute_file_name(RawHome, Home),
   41        asserta(pcehomestore_(Home)).
   43user:file_search_path(pce, PceHome) :-
   44        pcehome_(PceHome).
   45user:file_search_path(library, pce('prolog/lib')).
   46user:file_search_path(foreign, pce(ArchLib)) :-
   47        current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch),
   48        atom_concat('lib/', Arch, ArchLib).
   50% We added a directory to the autoload directories: force reloading the
   51% index
   52:- reload_library_index.   53
   54gui_setup_ :-
   55        current_prolog_flag(gui, true), !.
   56gui_setup_ :-
   57        (   getenv('DISPLAY', D), D \== ''
   58        ;   current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
   59        ), !,
   60        create_prolog_flag(gui, true, []),
   61        menu_setup_,
   62        editor_setup,
   63        load_files(user:library(swi_hooks), [silent(true)]).    % help, etc.
   65menu_setup_ :-                                  % plwin.exe menus
   66        current_prolog_flag(console_menu, true),
   67        load_files(user:library(win_menu), [silent(true)]).
   70editor_setup :-
   71        current_prolog_flag(editor, default), !,
   72        set_prolog_flag(editor, pce_emacs).
   75pce_setup_ :-
   76        current_prolog_flag(xpce, true), !.
   77pce_setup_ :-
   78        current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv),
   79        \+ memberchk('--nopce', Argv),  % explicitely no XPCE
   80        pcehome_(PceHome),
   81        exists_directory(PceHome),
   82        gui_setup_,
   83        (   memberchk('--pce', Argv)
   84        ;   current_prolog_flag(executable, Executable),
   85            file_base_name(Executable, Base),
   86            sub_atom_icasechk(Base, _, pce)
   87        ), !,
   88        load_files(user:library(pce), [silent(true)]).
   91% :- initialization pce_setup_.