1:- module(julian, [ compare_time/3 2 , date/1 3 , datetime/1 4 , datetime/3 5 , delta_time/3 6 , findall_dates/2 7 , form_time/2 8 , form_time/1 9 ]). 10:- use_module(library(julian/calendar/gregorian), [gregorian/3, month_number/2]). 11:- use_module(library(julian/util), [dow_number/2]). 12 13:- use_module(library(clpfd)). 14:- use_module(library(error), []). 15:- use_module(library(typedef)). 16:- use_module(library(when), [when/2]). 17:- use_module(library(dcg/basics), [float//1, integer//1, string//1]). 18:- use_module(library(list_util), [xfy_list/3]). 19:- use_module(library(delay), [delay/1]). 20 21% many clpfd constraints trigger this warning. 22% disable it for now. 23:- style_check(-no_effect). 24 25% define types 26:- multifile error:has_type/2. 27errorhas_type(datetime, Dt) :- 28 datetime(Dt). 29:- type duration ---> days(integer) 30 ; s(integer) 31 ; ms(integer) 32 ; ns(integer) 33 . 34 35 36% This module represents times, dates and sets of those using 37% terms of the form =|datetime(MJD, Nano)|=. =MJD= is an 38% integer representing the modified Julian day. =Nano= is an 39% integer representing the number of nanoseconds since midnight 40% on that day. 41% 42% We indicate a date without time by leaving =Nano= as an 43% unbound variable. We indicate times without a date by 44% leaving =MJD= unbound. Arbitrary datetime sets are represented 45% by using library(clpfd) constraints on =MJD= and =Nano=. 46% 47% This representation should make it very easy to implement 48% datetime arithmetic predicates, although I've not yet done 49% that below. 50 51 52%% mjd(?MJD:integer) is semidet. 53% 54% True if MJD is a valid modified Julian day number. 55mjd(MJD) :- 56 MJD in -2400328 .. 514671. 57 58%% nano(?Nano:integer) is semidet. 59% 60% True if Nano is a valid number of nanoseconds since midnight. 61nano(Nano) :- 62 Nano in 0 .. 86_399_999_999_999.
69datetime(datetime(MJD, Nano), MJD, Nano) :-
70 mjd(MJD),
71 nano(Nano).
76datetime(Dt) :-
77 datetime(Dt, _, _).
Here are some acceptable values of Form.
- the set of all nanoseconds in the local daynow
- the current nanoseconddow(tuesday)
- the set of all Tuesdays in historydow([saturday,sunday])
- set of all weekends in historyweekday
- like dow([monday,...,friday])
but fastermonth(july)
- the set of all Julys in historymonth([june,july])
- the set of all Junes and Julys everunix(EpochSeconds)
- floating point seconds since the Unix
- both foo
and bar
forms applygregorian(Year,Month,Day)
- all seconds in a Gregorian
date of the given form. For example, gregorian(_,3,_)
represents the set of all the months of March in history.Year-Month-Day
- same as gregorian(Year,Month,Day)
- shortcut for 00:00:00
- shortcut for 12:00:00
- shortcut for 23:59:59.99999999999999
- all times after Formbefore(Form)
- all times before Formfuture
- alias for after(now)
- alias for before(now)
- the nanosecond indicated by the RFC 3339
date string. Text can be atom or codes or string.nth(N,Form)
- Nth day (1-based) that matches Form in the
month. N can be a list of days in which case form_time/2
is multi. This form isn't yet as flexible in different modes
as I'd like.true
- noop constraint that matches all datesmjn(Mjn)
- modified Julian nanosecondsThis predicate is multifile because other modules can support different calendars, different holiday schedules, extra sugar, etc.
126:- multifile form_time/2. 127form_time(Var, _) :- 128 var(Var), 129 !, 130 throw('form_time/2 doesn''t yet support a variable first argument'). 131form_time([], Dt) :- 132 datetime(Dt). 133form_time([H|T], Dt) :- 134 form_time(H, Dt), 135 form_time(T, Dt). 136form_time(true, Dt) :- 137 datetime(Dt). 138form_time(today, Dt) :- 139 get_time(Now), 140 stamp_date_time(Now, date(Year, Month, Day, _,_,_,_,_,_), local), 141 form_time(gregorian(Year,Month,Day), Dt). 142form_time(now, Dt) :- 143 get_time(Now), 144 form_time(unix(Now), Dt). 145form_time(dow(Days), Dt) :- 146 ground(Days), 147 maplist(dow_number, Days, DayNumbers), 148 datetime(Dt, MJD, _), 149 !, 150 % compile DayNumbers into clpfd domain constraint 151 xfy_list(\/, Domain, DayNumbers), 152 DayNumber in Domain, 153 (MJD+2) mod 7 #= DayNumber. 154form_time(weekday, Dt) :- 155 datetime(Dt,MJD,_), 156 DayNumber in 0..4, 157 (MJD+2) mod 7 #= DayNumber. 158form_time(dow(DayOfWeek), datetime(MJD, _)) :- 159 (MJD+2) mod 7 #= DayNumber, 160 delay(dow_number(DayOfWeek, DayNumber)), 161 !. 162form_time(month(Months), Dt) :- 163 ground(Months), 164 datetime(Dt), 165 maplist(month_number, Months, MonthNumbers), 166 !, 167 % compile MonthNumbers into clpfd domain constraint 168 xfy_list(\/, Domain, MonthNumbers), 169 MonthNumber in Domain, 170 form_time(gregorian(_,MonthNumber,_), Dt). 171form_time(month(Month), Dt) :- 172 delay(month_number(Month, Number)), 173 form_time(gregorian(_,Number,_), Dt). 174form_time(Year-Month-Day, Dt) :- 175 !, 176 form_time(gregorian(Year,Month,Day), Dt). 177form_time(gregorian(Year, Month, Day), Dt) :- 178 gregorian(Year, Month, Day), 179 datetime(Dt, MJD, _Nano), 180 E #= 4 * ((194800*MJD+467785976025)//194796) + 3, 181 H #= mod(E, 1461)//4*5 + 2, 182 Day #= mod(H, 153)//5 + 1, 183 Month #= mod(H//153+2, 12) + 1, 184 Year #= E//1461 + (14 - Month)//12 - 4716, 185 186 % help clpfd in cases we know can be resolved better 187 ( ground(Year), ground(Month), ground(Day), var(MJD) -> 188 labeling([leftmost, up, bisect], [MJD]) 189 ; true -> 190 when(ground(Year), ignore(contract_mjd(Year,Month,MJD))) 191 ). 192form_time(Hours:Minutes:FloatSeconds, datetime(_, Nanos)) :- 193 Second = 1_000_000_000, 194 seconds_nanos(FloatSeconds, N), 195 Hours in 0 .. 23, 196 Minutes in 0 .. 59, 197 N in 0 .. 59_999_999_999, 198 Nanos #= Hours*60*60*Second + Minutes*60*Second + N. 199form_time(midnight, Dt) :- 200 form_time(00:00:00, Dt). 201form_time(noon, Dt) :- 202 form_time(12:00:00, Dt). 203form_time(final_moment, Dt) :- 204 datetime(Dt, _, 86_399_999_999_999). 205form_time(unix(UnixEpochSeconds), datetime(Days, Nanos)) :- 206 DayInNanos = 86_400_000_000_000, 207 seconds_nanos(UnixEpochSeconds, N), 208 ExtraDays #= N // DayInNanos, 209 ExtraNanos #= N rem DayInNanos, 210 211 % form_time([1970-01-01,00:00:00], datetime(40587,0)) 212 Days #= 40587 + ExtraDays, 213 Nanos #= 0 + ExtraNanos. 214form_time(mjn(Mjn), Dt) :- 215 datetime(Dt, Mjd, Nano), 216 DayInNanos = 86_400_000_000_000, 217 Mjn #= Mjd*DayInNanos + Nano. 218form_time(future, Dt) :- 219 form_time(after(now), Dt). 220form_time(past, Dt) :- 221 form_time(before(now), Dt). 222form_time(after(Form), Dt) :- 223 form_time(Form, Threshold), 224 compare_time(>,Dt,Threshold). 225form_time(before(Form), Dt) :- 226 form_time(Form, Threshold), 227 compare_time(<,Dt,Threshold). 228form_time(nth(Ns0,Form), Dt) :- 229 nonvar(Form), 230 datetime(Dt), 231 ( Form = dow(Dow), integer(Ns0) -> 232 nth_dow(Dt,Dow,Ns0) 233 ; % general case -> 234 nth_generic(Dt, Form, Ns0) 235 ). 236form_time(datetime(Mjd,Nano), datetime(Mjd,Nano)). 237form_time(rfc3339(Text0), Dt) :- 238 ( ground(Text0) -> 239 ( is_list(Text0) -> string_codes(Text,Text0); Text=Text0 ), 240 parse_time(Text,iso_8601,Epoch), 241 form_time(unix(Epoch),Dt) 242 ; ground(Dt) -> 243 form_time(unix(Epoch),Dt), 244 stamp_date_time(Epoch,DateTime,'UTC'), 245 Frac is Epoch - floor(Epoch), % are there fractional seconds 246 ( Frac > 0 -> Format="%FT%T.%6f"; Format="%FT%T" ), 247 format_time(codes(Text0),Format,DateTime) 248 ; true -> 249 when(ground(Text0);ground(Dt), form_time(rfc3339(Text0),Dt)) 250 ). 251 252 253% handle general case of nth/2 form 254nth_generic(Dt,Form,Ns0) :- 255 form_time(Year-Month-_, Dt), 256 form_time([Year-Month-_, Form], X), 257 findall_dates(X, Dates), 258 ( is_list(Ns0) -> Ns=Ns0 ; Ns=[Ns0] ), 259 member(N0, Ns), 260 ( N0 > 0 -> N is N0-1 ; N=N0 ), 261 circular_nth0(N, Dates, Dt). 262 263% optimization of nth/2 for dow/1 second argument 264nth_dow(Dt,Dow,N) :- 265 % constrain to the proper day of the week 266 form_time(dow(Dow), Dt), 267 268 % constrain day to the proper place within the month 269 Day1 in 1..7, Day - (N-1)*7 #= Day1, form_time(_-_-Day, Dt), % help clpfd recognize opportunities to contract datetime(Dt, MJD, _), clpfd:contracting([MJD]).
284form_time(Form) :- 285 form_time(Form, _). 286 287 288% Gregorian date calculations use large numbers and many mod/2 289% constraints. That combination makes it inefficient for clpfd to 290% propagate constraints perfectly. We could call clpfd:contracting/1 291% to contract MJD's domain, but that's relatively slow. Fortunately, 292% these problems only seem to arise in cases like Note_compare. When the 293% Year is known, we have a very efficient way of finding the lower and 294% upper bound for MJD. The lower is January 1st. The upper is December 295% 31st. 296% Fails if this optimization doesn't apply. 297contract_mjd(Year,Month,MJD) :- 298 ground(Year), 299 var(Month), % no point in optimization if ground(Month) 300 form_time(gregorian(Year,1,1), datetime(MinMJD,_)), 301 form_time(gregorian(Year,12,31), datetime(MaxMJD,_)), 302 MJD in MinMJD..MaxMJD. 303 304 305% TODO factor this out to list_util and use delay:length/2 and 306% delay:plus/3 to implement it. 307circular_nth0(Index, List, Element) :- 308 Index >= 0, 309 !, 310 nth0(Index, List, Element). 311circular_nth0(Index0, List, Element) :- 312 length(List, Len), 313 plus(Index0, Len, Index), 314 nth0(Index, List, Element).
320findall_dates(Dt, Dts) :-
321 findall(Dt, date(Dt), Dts).
327date(Dt) :-
328 datetime(Dt, MJD, _),
329 labeling([leftmost,up,bisect], [MJD]).
336seconds_nanos(Seconds, Nanos) :- 337 when( ( ground(Seconds) 338 ; ground(Nanos) 339 ) 340 , seconds_nanos_(Seconds, Nanos) 341 ). 342seconds_nanos_(Seconds, Nanos) :- 343 number(Seconds), 344 !, 345 Nanos is floor(Seconds * 1_000_000_000). 346seconds_nanos_(Seconds, Nanos) :- 347 integer(Nanos), 348 Seconds is Nanos / 1_000_000_000.
A and B can be given as datetime values or forms. For example, this is a legitimate goal:
compare_time(Order, now, unix(1375475330.414)).
363compare_time(Order, A0, B0) :- 364 ( var(A0) -> A=A0 ; form_time(A0, A) ), 365 ( var(B0) -> B=B0 ; form_time(B0, B) ), 366 compare_time_(Order, A, B). 367compare_time_(Order, A, B) :- 368 form_time(mjn(MjnA), A), 369 form_time(mjn(MjnB), B), 370 zcompare(Order, MjnA, MjnB), 371 372 % See Note_compare 373 ( var(Order) -> 374 findall(Order,member(Order,[<,=,>]), Orders), 375 member(Order, Orders) 376 ; % otherwise -> 377 true 378 ). 379 380/* Note_compare: 381 382Using zcompare/3 with modified Julian nanoseconds is the purest way to decribe 383the relationship between two times and an order. In most circumstances, it 384works exactly as expected. However, in some common cases like 385 386 form_time([2000-02-29], A), 387 form_time([1999-_-_], B), 388 compare(Order, A, B). 389 390zcompare/3 fails to notice that A must always be greater than B. Fortunately, 391if we ask zcompare/3 "is it less? is it equal? is it greater?" it always 392answers correctly. If that series of questions gets a single answer, we want 393to pretend that zcompare/3 found it by itself without leaving any extra 394choicepoints. If there are multiple right answers, we want a choicepoint 395for each one. The `findall(...),member(...)` construct behaves like that. 396 397*/
- integer days (ignores all time components)ns(Nanoseconds)
- integer nanosecondsms(Millis)
- integer millisecondss(Seconds)
- integer seconds410delta_time(A0, Delta, B0) :- 411 ( var(A0) -> A=A0 ; form_time(A0, A) ), 412 ( var(B0) -> B=B0 ; form_time(B0, B) ), 413 delta_time_(A, Delta, B). 414 415delta_time_(A,days(Days),B) :- 416 datetime(A, MjdA, _), 417 datetime(B, MjdB, _), 418 Days #= MjdB - MjdA, 419 !. 420delta_time_(A,ns(Nanos),B) :- 421 form_time(mjn(MjnA), A), 422 form_time(mjn(MjnB), B), 423 Nanos #= MjnB - MjnA, 424 !. 425delta_time_(A,ms(Millis),B) :- 426 Millis #= Nanos // 1_000_000, 427 delta_time_(A,ns(Nanos),B), 428 once(label([Nanos])), % decide rounding ambiguity 429 !. 430delta_time_(A,s(Seconds),B) :- 431 Seconds