1/*  Logicmoo Debug Tools
    2% ===================================================================
    3% File 'instant_prolog_docs.pl'
    4% Purpose: An Implementation in SWI-Prolog of certain debugging tools
    5% Maintainer: Douglas Miles
    6% Contact: $Author: dmiles $@users.sourceforge.net ;
    7% Version: 'logicmoo_util_varnames.pl' 1.0.0
    8% Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $
    9% Revised At:  $Date: 2002/07/11 21:57:28 $
   10% ===================================================================
   12% File: '/opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/instant_prolog_docs.pl'
   13:- module(prolog_refactor, [ ]).   14
   15:- set_module(class(library)).   16
   19:- multifile(user:portray/1).   20:- dynamic(user:portray/1).   21:- discontiguous(user:portray/1).   22% user:portray
   25:- use_module(library(apply)).   26:- use_module(library(option)).   27:- use_module(library(debug)).   28:- use_module(library(lists)).   29:- use_module(library(prolog_colour)).   30:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_colour)).   31:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html)).   32%:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_wiki)).
   33:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_modes)).   34%:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_process)).
   35:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   36:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   37%:- use_module(library(prolog_xref)).
   39:- meta_predicate
   40    source_to_html(+, +, :).   41
   45/*  source pretty-printer
   47This module colourises Prolog  source  using   HTML+CSS  using  the same
   48cross-reference based technology as used by PceEmacs.
   50@tbd    Create hyper-links to documentation and definitions.
   51@author Jan Wielemaker
   54:- predicate_options(source_to_html/3, 3,
   55                     [ format_comments(boolean),
   56                       header(boolean),
   57                       skin(callable),
   58                       stylesheets(list),
   59                       title(atom)
   60                     ]).   61
   63:- thread_local
   64    lineno/0,                       % print line-no on next output
   65    nonl/0,                         % previous tag implies nl (block level)
   66    id/1.                           % Emitted ids
 source_to_html(+In:filename, +Out, :Options) is det
Colourise Prolog source as HTML. The idea is to first create a sequence of fragments and then to apply these to the code. Options are:
If true (default), use PlDoc formatting for structured comments.

Other options are passed to the following predicates:

In- A filename. Can also be an abstract name, which is subject to library(prolog_source) abstract file handling. See prolog_open_source/2. Note that this cannot be a stream as we need to read the file three times: (1) xref, (2) assign colours and (3) generate HTML.
Out- Term stream(Stream) or filename specification
   94source_to_html(Src, stream(Out), Options) :-
   95    !,
   96    retractall(lineno),             % play safe
   97    retractall(nonl),               % play safe
   98    retractall(id(_)),
   99    colour_fragments(Src, Fragments0),
  100    refactor_frags(Fragments0,Fragments),
  101    setup_call_cleanup(
  102        ( open_source(Src, In),
  103          asserta(user:thread_message_hook(_,_,_), Ref)
  104        ),
  105        ( 
  106          doc_fragments(Fragments, In, Out, [], State, Options),
  107          copy_rest(In, Out, State, State1),
  108          pop_state(State1, Out, In)
  109        ),
  110        ( erase(Ref),          
  111          finish_in(Out,In)
  112        )),!.
  114source_to_html(Src, FileSpec, Options) :-
  115    absolute_file_name(FileSpec, OutFile, [access(write)]),
  116    setup_call_cleanup(
  117        open(OutFile, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]),
  118        source_to_html(Src, stream(Out), Options),
  119        close(Out)).
  121finish_in(_Out,In):- at_end_of_stream(In),close(In).
  122finish_in( Out,In):- get0(In,C),put_code(Out,C),finish_in( Out,In).
  124open_source(Id, Stream) :- prolog:xref_open_source(Id, Stream), !.
  125open_source(File, Stream) :- open(File, read, Stream).
 doc_fragments(+Fragments, +In, +Out, +State, +Options) is det
Copy In to Out, inserting HTML elements using Fragments.
  133doc_fragments([], _, _, State, State, _):-!.
  134doc_fragments([H|T], In, Out, State0, State, Options) :-    
  135    start_doc_fragment(H, In, Out, State0, State1, Options),
  136    doc_fragments(T, In, Out, State1, State, Options),!.
 doc_fragment(+Fragment, +In, +Out, +StateIn, -StateOut, +Options) is det
Print from current position upto the end of Fragment. First clause deals with structured comments.
  146start_doc_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, StateP, State, Options):-    
  147    copy_to(In, Start, Out, StateP, State0), flush_output(Out),
  148    doc_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options).
  150doc_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options):-    
  151    peek_code(In, C), (member(C,[46,32,12,13])),     
  152    get0(In,_), put_code(Out, C), flush_output(Out), !, 
  153    Start2 is Start + 1,     
  154    doc_fragment(fragment(Start2, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options).
  156doc_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options) :- 
  157  member(Class,[clause,directive,neck(directive)]),
  158  clause_fragment(fragment(Start, End, clause, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options).
  160doc_fragment(fragment(_, End, _, _Args), In, Out, State0, State, _Options) :- copy_to(In, End, Out, State0, State),!.
  162sub_clause_fragments([], _, _, State, State, _).
  163sub_clause_fragments([H|T], In, Out, State0, State, Options) :-
  164    sub_clause_fragment(H, In, Out, State0, State1, Options),
  165    sub_clause_fragments(T, In, Out, State1, State, Options).
  167clause_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class,Sub), In, Out, State2, State, Options) :- 
  168    nl,nl,print_tree(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub)),nl,
  169    %start_fragment(Class, In, Out, State0, State2),
  170    sub_clause_fragments(Sub, In, Out, State2, State3, Options),
  171    % copy_to(In, End, Out, State3, State4),  % TBD: pop-to?
  172    end_fragment(Out, In, State3, State),!.
  174sub_clause_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, StateP, State, Options) :-
  175    copy_to(In, Start, Out, StateP, State1), flush_output(Out),
  176    member(Class,[neck(_),head(_,_), goal(_,_),singleton,fullstop,control,comment(_)]),        
  177    start_fragment(Class, In, Out, State1, State2),
  178    sub_clause_fragments(Sub, In, Out, State2, State3, Options),
  179    copy_to(In, End, Out, State3, State4),  % TBD: pop-to?
  180    end_fragment(Out, In, State4, State),!.
  182sub_clause_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State, State, Options) :-
  183    member(Class,[functor,goal_term(_,_),head_term(_,_)]),        
  184    % functor(Class,F,_),atom_codes(F,[C|_]),  format(Out,'/*~s*/ ',[[C]]),
  185    grab_term(In,Start,End, Term, _Source),
  186    transformed_term(Term,NewTerm), 
  187    write_trans_term(Out,NewTerm),!.
  189sub_clause_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State1, State, Options) :-
  190    member(Class,[functor,goal_term(_,_),head_term(_,_)]),        
  191    % functor(Class,F,_),atom_codes(F,[C|_]),  format(Out,'/*~s*/ ',[[C]]),
  192    start_fragment(Class, In, Out, State1, State2),
  193    sub_clause_fragments(Sub, In, Out, State2, State3, Options),
  194    copy_to(In, End, Out, State3, State4),  % TBD: pop-to?
  195    end_fragment(Out, In, State4, State),!.
  197sub_clause_fragment(fragment(_Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State1, State, Options) :- 
  198    start_fragment(Class, In, Out, State1, State2),
  199    sub_clause_fragments(Sub, In, Out, State2, State3, Options),
  200    copy_to(In, End, Out, State3, State4),  % TBD: pop-to?
  201    end_fragment(Out, In, State4, State),!.
  203grab_term(In,Start,End, Term, _Source):- 
  204 seek(In, Start, +Method, -NewLocation).
  205start_fragment(atom, In, Out, State0, State) :-
  206    !,
  207    (   peek_code(In, C),
  208        C == 39
  209    ->  start_fragment(quoted_atom, In, Out, State0, State)
  210    ;   State = [nop|State0]
  211    ).
  212start_fragment(Class, _, Out, State, [Push|State]) :-
  213    element(Class, Tag, CSSClass),
  214    !,
  215    Push =.. [Tag,class(CSSClass)],
  216    (   anchor(Class, ID)
  217    ->  skip_format(Out, '<~w id="~w" class="~w">', [Tag, ID, CSSClass])
  218    ;   skip_format(Out, '<~w class="~w">', [Tag, CSSClass])
  219    ).
  220start_fragment(Class, _, Out, State, [span(class(SpanClass))|State]) :-
  221    functor(Class, SpanClass, _),
  222    skip_format(Out, '<span class="~w">', [SpanClass]).
  224end_fragment(_, _, [nop|State], State) :- !.
  225end_fragment(Out, In, [span(class(directive))|State], State) :-
  226    !,
  227    copy_full_stop(In, Out),
  228    skip_format(Out, '</span>', []),
  229    (   peek_code(In, 10),
  230        \+ nonl
  231    ->  assert(nonl)
  232    ;   true
  233    ).
  234end_fragment(Out, _, [Open|State], State) :-
  235    retractall(nonl),
  236    functor(Open, Element, _),
  237    skip_format(Out, '</~w>', [Element]).
  239pop_state([], _, _) :- !.
  240pop_state(State, Out, In) :-
  241    end_fragment(Out, In, State, State1),
  242    pop_state(State1, Out, In).
 anchor(+Class, -Label) is semidet
True when Label is the id we must assign to the fragment of class Class. This that the first definition of a head with the id name/arity.
  251anchor(head(_, Head), Id) :-
  252    callable(Head),
  253    functor(Head, Name, Arity),
  254    skip_format(atom(Id), '~w/~w', [Name, Arity]),
  255    (   id(Id)
  256    ->  fail
  257    ;   assertz(id(Id))
  258    ).
  260mode_anchor(Out, Mode) :-
  261    mode_anchor_name(Mode, Id),
  262    (   id(Id)
  263    ->  true
  264    ;   skip_format(Out, '<span id="~w"><span>', [Id]),
  265        assertz(id(Id))
  266    ).
  268assert_seen_mode(Mode) :-
  269    mode_anchor_name(Mode, Id),
  270    (   id(Id)
  271    ->  true
  272    ;   assertz(id(Id))
  273    ).
 copy_to(+In:stream, +End:int, +Out:stream, +State) is det
Copy data from In to Out upto character-position End. Inserts HTML entities for HTML the reserved characters <&>. If State does not include a pre environment, create one and skip all leading blank lines.
  282copy_to(In, End, Out, State, State) :-
  283    member(pre(_), State),
  284    !,
  285    copy_to(In, End, Out).
  286copy_to(In, End, Out, State, [pre(class(listing))|State]) :-
  287    skip_format(Out, '<pre class="listing">~n', []),
  288    line_count(In, Line0),
  289    read_to(In, End, Codes0),
  290    delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line),
  291    assert(lineno),
  292    my_write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
  294copy_codes(Codes, Line, Out, State, State) :-
  295    member(pre(_), State),
  296    !,
  297    my_write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
  298copy_codes(Codes0, Line0, Out, State, State) :-
  299    skip_format(Out, '<pre class="listing">~n', []),
  300    delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line),
  301    assert(lineno),
  302    my_write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
 copy_full_stop(+In, +Out) is det
Copy upto and including the .
  309copy_full_stop(In, Out) :-
  310    get_code(In, C0),
  311    copy_full_stop(C0, In, Out).
  313copy_full_stop(0'., _, Out) :- %'
  314    !,
  315    my_put_code(Out, 0'.). %'
  316copy_full_stop(C, In, Out) :-
  317    my_put_code(Out, C),
  318    get_code(In, C2),
  319    copy_full_stop(C2, In, Out).
 delete_leading_white_lines(+CodesIn, -CodesOut, +LineIn, -Line) is det
Delete leading white lines. Used after structured comments. The last two arguments update the start-line number of the <pre> block that is normally created.
  328delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line) :-
  329    append(LineCodes, [10|Rest], Codes0),
  330    all_spaces(LineCodes),
  331    !,
  332    Line1 is Line0 + 1,
  333    delete_leading_white_lines(Rest, Codes, Line1, Line).
  334delete_leading_white_lines(Codes, Codes, Line, Line).
 copy_without_trailing_white_lines(+In, +End, +StateIn, -StateOut) is det
Copy input, but skip trailing white-lines. Used to copy the text leading to a structured comment.
  341copy_without_trailing_white_lines(In, End, Out, State, State) :-
  342    member(pre(_), State),
  343    !,
  344    line_count(In, Line),
  345    read_to(In, End, Codes0),
  346    delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, Codes),
  347    my_write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
  348copy_without_trailing_white_lines(In, End, Out, State0, State) :-
  349    copy_to(In, End, Out, State0, State).
  351delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, []) :-
  352    all_spaces(Codes0),
  353    !.
  354delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, Codes) :-
  355    append(Codes, Tail, [10|Rest], Codes0),
  356    !,
  357    delete_trailing_white_lines(Rest, Tail).
  358delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes, Codes).
 append(-First, -FirstTail, ?Rest, +List) is nondet
Split List. First part is the difference-list First-FirstTail.
  364append(T, T, L, L).
  365append([H|T0], Tail, L, [H|T]) :-
  366    append(T0, Tail, L, T).
  369all_spaces([H|T]) :-
  370    code_type(H, space),
  371    all_spaces(T).
  373copy_to(In, End, Out) :-
  374    line_count(In, Line),
  375    read_to(In, End, Codes),
  376    (   debugging(htmlsrc)
  377    ->  length(Codes, Count),
  378        debug(htmlsrc, 'Copy ~D chars: ~s', [Count, Codes])
  379    ;   true
  380    ),
  381    my_write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
  383read_to(In, End, Codes) :-
  384    character_count(In, Here),
  385    Len is End - Here,
  386    read_n_codes(In, Len, Codes).
 my_write_codes(+Codes, +Line, +Out) is det
Write codes that have been read starting at Line.
 content_escape(+Code, +Out, +Line0, -Line) is det
Write Code to Out, while taking care of.
  404content_escape(_, Out, L, _) :-
  405    (   lineno
  406    ->  retractall(lineno),
  407        write_line_no(L, Out),
  408        fail
  409    ;   fail
  410    ).
  411content_escape(0'\n, Out, L0, L) :- %'
  412    !,
  413    L is L0 + 1,
  414    (   retract(nonl)
  415    ->  true
  416    ;   my_nl(Out)
  417    ),
  418    assert(lineno).
  419content_escape(C, Out, L, L) :-
  420    my_put_code(Out, C).
  422write_line_no(LineNo, Out) :-
  423    nop(skip_format(Out, '<span class="line-no">~|~t~d~5+</span>', [LineNo])).
 copy_rest(+In, +Out, +StateIn, -StateOut) is det
Copy upto the end of the input In.
  429copy_rest(In, Out, State0, State) :-
  430    copy_to(In, -1, Out, State0, State).
 read_n_codes(+In, +N, -Codes)
Read the next N codes from In as a list of codes. If N < 0, read upto the end of stream In.
  437read_n_codes(_, N, Codes) :-
  438    N =< 0,
  439    !,
  440    Codes = [].
  441read_n_codes(In, N, Codes) :-
  442    get_code(In, C0),
  443    read_n_codes(N, C0, In, Codes).
  445read_n_codes(_, -1, _, []) :- !.
  446read_n_codes(1, C, _, [C]) :- !.
  447read_n_codes(N, C, In, [C|T]) :-
  448    get_code(In, C2),
  449    N2 is N - 1,
  450    read_n_codes(N2, C2, In, T).
  454%:- set_prolog_flag(verbose_load, full).
  455:- set_prolog_flag(verbose, normal).  456%:- set_prolog_flag(verbose_autoload, true).
  458skip_format(A,B,C):- nop(format(A,B,C)).
  459not_skip_format(A,B,C):- format(A,B,C).
  460my_nl(Out):- nl(Out).
  461my_put_code(Out,C):- put_code(Out,C).
  463my_write_codes([], _, _).
  464% my_write_codes([H|T],_L0, Out):- format(Out,'"~s"\n',[[H|T]]),!.
  465my_write_codes([H|T], L0, Out) :-
  466    content_escape(H, Out, L0, L1),
  467    my_write_codes(T, L1, Out).
  469my_print_html(Out,Tokens):- print_html(Out,Tokens).
  470:- meta_predicate source_to_html(+,+,:).  471
  472%source_to_html:-  source_to_html('/mnt/sdc1/logicmoo_workspace.1/packs_sys/logicmoo_agi/prolog/episodic_memory/adv_axiom.pl').
  473source_to_html:-  source_to_html('/mnt/sdc1/logicmoo_workspace.1/packs_sys/logicmoo_agi/prolog/episodic_memory/knowledgeBaseCGI.pl').
  476  source_to_html(Src, stream(user_output), []).
  478my_prolog_read_source_term(In,B,C,D):-  prolog_read_source_term(In,B,C,D).
  480refactor_frags(Term1,Term2):- map_tree_pred3(refactor_src,Term1,Term2),!.
  482map_tree_pred3(_,Arg1,Arg2):- var(Arg1),!,Arg2=Arg1,!.
  483map_tree_pred3(Pred,Arg1,Arg2):- call(Pred,Arg1,Arg2), Arg1\==Arg2,!.
  484map_tree_pred3(_ ,Arg1,Arg2):- \+ compound(Arg1), !, Arg2=Arg1.
  486  compound_name_arguments(Arg1,F1,ArgS1),
  487  maplist(map_tree_pred3(Pred),ArgS1,ArgS2),
  488  compound_name_arguments(Arg2,F1,ArgS2).
  491refactor_src(Term,E):- fail, is_list(Term),E=was_list,!