1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2017, VU University Amsterdam 7 All rights reserved. 8 9 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 10 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 11 are met: 12 13 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 14 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 15 16 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 18 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 19 distribution. 20 21 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 22 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 23 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 24 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 25 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 26 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 27 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 28 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 29 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 30 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 31 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 32 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 33*/ 34 35:- module(hdt, 36 [ hdt_open/2, % -HDT, +Path 37 hdt_open/3, % -HDT, +Path, +Options 38 hdt_close/1, % +HDT 39 hdt_search/4, % +HDT, ?S,?P,?O 40 hdt_header/4, % +HDT, ?S,?P,?O 41 42 hdt_subject/2, % +HDT, ?Subject 43 hdt_predicate/2, % +HDT, ?Predicate 44 hdt_shared/2, % +HDT, ?Shared 45 hdt_object/2, % +HDT, ?Object 46 hdt_node/2, % +HDT, ?Node 47 48 hdt_suggestions/5, % +HDT, +Base, +Role, +MaxCount, -List 49 hdt_property/2, % +HTD, -Property 50 51 hdt_subject_id/3, % +HDT, ?Subject, ?Id 52 hdt_predicate_id/3, % +HDT, ?Predicate, ?Id 53 hdt_object_id/3, % +HDT, ?Object, ?Id 54 hdt_pre_triple/3, % +HDT, ?StringTriple, -IdTriple 55 hdt_post_triple/3, % +HDT, ?StringTriple, +IdTriple 56 hdt_search_id/4, % +HDT, ?S,?P,?O 57 hdt_search_cost/5, % +HDT, ?S,?P,?O, -Cost 58 59 hdt_create_from_file/3, % +HDTFile, +RDFFile, +Options 60 61 op(110, xfx, @), % must be above . 62 op(650, xfx, ^^) % must be above : 63 ]). 64:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf11)). 65:- use_module(library(sgml)). 66:- use_module(library(lists)). 67 68:- use_foreign_library(foreign(hdt4pl)). 69 70/** <module> Access HDT (Header Dictionary Triples) files 71*/ 72 73:- rdf_meta 74 hdt_search(+,r,r,o), hdt_subject(+,r), hdt_predicate(+,r), hdt_shared(+,r), hdt_object(+,o), hdt_subject_id(+, r, ?), hdt_node(+, o), hdt_predicate_id(+, r, ?), hdt_object_id(+, o, ?), hdt_search_cost(+, r, r, o, -).
File is expanded by absolute_file_name/3, with the default extension `.hdt`.
(map the file
into memory, default) or load
(load the content of the
. Such an index
is needed for partially instantiated calls to hdt_search/4.
The index is maintained in a file with extension `.index`
in the same directory as the HDT file. An index is not needed
if you only want to extract all triples.108hdt_open(HDT, File) :- 109 hdt_open(HDT, File, []). 110 111hdt_open(HDT, File, Options) :- 112 absolute_file_name(File, FileAbs, [extensions([hdt]), expand(true), access(read)]), 113 hdt_open_(HDT, FileAbs, Options).
119hdt_search(HDT, S, P, O) :-
120 pre_object(HDT, O, OHDT),
121 hdt_search(HDT, content, S, P, OHDT),
122 post_object(O, OHDT).
128hdt_header(HDT, S, P, O) :- 129 hdt_search(HDT, header, S, P, O0), 130 header_object(O0, O). 131 132header_object(O0, O) :- 133 string(O0), !, 134 header_untyped_object(O0, O). 135header_object(O, O). 136 137header_untyped_object(O0, O) :- 138 catch(xsd_number_string(N, O0), 139 error(syntax_error(xsd_number), _), 140 fail), !, 141 ( integer(N) 142 -> rdf_equal(O, N^^xsd:integer) 143 ; rdf_equal(O, N^^xsd:float) 144 ). 145header_untyped_object(O0, O) :- 146 catch(xsd_time_string(Term, Type, O0), 147 error(_,_), fail), !, 148 O = Term^^Type. 149header_untyped_object(S, O) :- 150 rdf_equal(O, S^^xsd:string).
166hdt_subject(HDT, Subject) :- 167 ( var(Subject) 168 -> ( hdt_column_(HDT, shared, Var) 169 ; hdt_column_(HDT, subject, Var) 170 ), 171 Var = Subject 172 ; hdt_search(HDT, Subject, _, _) 173 -> true 174 ). 175 176hdt_predicate(HDT, Predicate) :- 177 ( var(Predicate) 178 -> hdt_column_(HDT, predicate, Var), 179 Var = Predicate 180 ; hdt_search(HDT, _, Predicate, _) 181 -> true 182 ). 183 184hdt_shared(HDT, Shared) :- 185 ( var(Shared) 186 -> hdt_column_(HDT, shared, Var), 187 Var = Shared 188 ; rdf_is_subject(Shared), 189 hdt_subject(HDT, Shared), 190 hdt_object(HDT, Shared) 191 -> true 192 ). 193 194hdt_object(HDT, Object) :- 195 ( var(Object) 196 -> ( hdt_column_(HDT, shared, Var), 197 Var = Object 198 ; hdt_object_(HDT, OHDT), 199 post_object(Object, OHDT) 200 ) 201 ; hdt_search(HDT, _, _, Object) 202 -> true 203 ). 204 205hdt_node(HDT, Node) :- 206 ( var(Node) 207 -> ( hdt_column_(HDT, shared, Var), 208 Var = Node 209 ; hdt_column_(HDT, subject, Var), 210 Var = Node 211 ; hdt_object_(HDT, OHDT), 212 post_object(Node, OHDT) 213 ) 214 ; hdt_search(HDT, Node, _, _) 215 -> true 216 ; hdt_search(HDT, _, _, Node) 217 -> true 218 ).
227pre_object(_HDT, O, OHDT) :- 228 atom(O), \+ boolean(O), !, 229 OHDT = O. 230pre_object(_HDT, O, OHDT) :- 231 ground(O), !, 232 rdf_lexical_form(O, Lexical), 233 canonical_string(Lexical, OHDT). 234pre_object(HDT, O, OHDT) :- 235 nonvar(O), 236 O = String@Lang, 237 ground(String), 238 atomics_to_string(["\"", String, "\"@"], Prefix), 239 hdt_suggestions(HDT, Prefix, object, 1000, List), 240 length(List, Found), 241 Found < 1000, !, % we got them all 242 member(_@Lang, List), 243 canonical_string(String@Lang, OHDT). 244pre_object(_, _, _). 245 246canonical_string(Lexical^^Type, HDT) :- 247 atomics_to_string(["\"", Lexical, "\"^^<", Type, ">"], HDT). 248canonical_string(Lexical@Lang, HDT) :- 249 atomics_to_string(["\"", Lexical, "\"@", Lang], HDT). 250 251boolean(false). 252boolean(true).
256post_object(O, _HDT) :- 257 ground(O), !. 258post_object(O, IRI) :- 259 atom(IRI), !, 260 O = IRI. 261post_object(O, HDT) :- 262 rdf_canonical_literal(HDT, O).
)292hdt_property(HDT, Property) :- 293 hdt_property(Property), 294 hdt_property_(HDT, Property). 295 296hdt_property(mapping(_)). 297hdt_property(max_id(_)). 298hdt_property(max_object_id(_)). 299hdt_property(max_predicate_id(_)). 300hdt_property(max_subject_id(_)). 301hdt_property(objects(_)). 302hdt_property(predicates(_)). 303hdt_property(shared(_)). 304hdt_property(subjects(_)). 305hdt_property(elements(_)). 306 307 308 /******************************* 309 * IDENTIFIERS * 310 *******************************/
321hdt_subject_id(HDT, String, Id) :- 322 hdt_string_id(HDT, subject, String, Id). 323hdt_predicate_id(HDT, String, Id) :- 324 hdt_string_id(HDT, predicate, String, Id). 325hdt_object_id(HDT, Object, Id) :- 326 pre_object(HDT, Object, String), 327 hdt_string_id(HDT, object, String, Id), 328 post_object(Object, String).
hdt_search(HDT, S, P, O) :- Triple = t(S,P,O), TripleID = t(SID,PID,OID), hdt_pre_triple(HDT, Triple, TripleID), hdt_search_id(HDT,SID,PID,OID), hdt_post_triple(HDT, Triple, TripleID).
347hdt_pre_triple(HDT, t(S0,P0,O0), t(S,P,O)) :- 348 pre_iri_id(HDT, subject, S0, S), 349 pre_iri_id(HDT, predicate, P0, P), 350 ( ground(O0) 351 -> pre_object(HDT, O0, String), 352 hdt_string_id(HDT, object, String, O) 353 ; true 354 ). 355 356hdt_post_triple(HDT, t(S0,P0,O0), t(S,P,O)) :- 357 post_iri_id(HDT, subject, S0, S), 358 post_iri_id(HDT, predicate, P0, P), 359 ( ground(O0) 360 -> true 361 ; hdt_string_id(HDT, object, String, O), 362 post_object(O0, String) 363 ). 364 365pre_iri_id(_, _, In, _) :- 366 var(In), !. 367pre_iri_id(HDT, Role, In, Id) :- 368 hdt_string_id(HDT, Role, In, Id). 369 370post_iri_id(_, _, S0, _) :- 371 atom(S0), !. 372post_iri_id(HDT, Role, In, Id) :- 373 hdt_string_id(HDT, Role, In, Id).
382hdt_search_cost(HDT, S, P, O, Cost) :- 383 Triple = t(S,P,O), 384 TripleID = t(SID,PID,OID), 385 hdt_pre_triple(HDT, Triple, TripleID), 386 hdt_search_cost_id(HDT, SID, PID, OID, Cost), !. 387hdt_search_cost(_, _, _, _, 0). 388 389 390 /******************************* 391 * CREATE * 392 *******************************/
format. Options:
404 /******************************* 405 * MESSAGES * 406 *******************************/ 407 408:- multifile prolog:error_message//1. 409 410prologerror_message(hdt_error(Message)) --> 411 [ 'HDT: ~w'-[Message] ]