1/* 2 This file is part of the hashtbl library. 3 4 hashtbl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 5 the terms of the GNU LGPL. See README.md for details. 6 */ 7 8:- module(p_hashtbl, [ 9 empty_p_hashtbl/1, 10 empty_p_hashtbl/2, 11 p_hashtbl_put/4, 12 p_hashtbl_set/4, 13 p_hashtbl_get/3, 14 p_hashtbl_get_all/3, 15 p_hashtbl_get_default/5, 16 p_hashtbl_delete/3, 17 p_hashtbl_enumerate/3, 18 p_hashtbl_to_list/2, 19 list_to_p_hashtbl/2, 20 list_to_p_hashtbl/3, 21 p_hashtbl_map/3, 22 p_hashtbl_fold/4, 23 p_hashtbl_iter/2, 24 p_hashtbl_unfold/2 25 ]).
40:- use_module(hashtbl/utils).
45empty_p_hashtbl(Table) :-
46 hashtbl_default_size(Size),
47 empty_p_hashtbl(Table, Size).
55empty_p_hashtbl(Table, Size) :-
56 Table = p_hashtbl([], BucketTerm),
57 functor(BucketTerm, buckets, Size),
58 term_variables(BucketTerm, Buckets),
59 maplist(=([]), Buckets).
66copy_term_idx_arg(Term, Idx, Arg, Copy) :-
67 functor(Term, Functor, Arity),
68 functor(Copy, Functor, Arity),
69 copy_arg_except(Term, 1, Arity, Idx, Arg, Copy).
76copy_arg_except(Term, J, N, I, Arg, Copy) :-
77 ( J =< N
78 -> ( J = I
79 -> arg(I, Copy, Arg)
80 ; arg(J, Term, A),
81 arg(J, Copy, A) ),
82 J1 is J + 1,
83 copy_arg_except(Term, J1, N, I, Arg, Copy)
84 ; true ).
91p_hashtbl_put(Table, Key, Value, Table1) :-
92 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
93 ( selectchk(Key-Values, Bucket, Key-Values1, Bucket1)
94 -> Values1 = [Value|Values]
95 ; Bucket1 = [Key-[Value]|Bucket] ),
96 copy_term_idx_arg(BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket1, BucketTerm1),
97 copy_term_idx_arg(Table, 2, BucketTerm1, Table1).
105p_hashtbl_set(Table, Key, Value, Table1) :-
106 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
107 ( selectchk(Key-[_Old|Rest], Bucket, Key-[Value|Rest], Bucket1)
108 -> true
109 ; Bucket1 = [Key-[Value]|Bucket] ),
110 copy_term_idx_arg(BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket1, BucketTerm1),
111 copy_term_idx_arg(Table, 2, BucketTerm1, Table1).
p_hashtbl_get(Table, Key, _)
to test whether Key is
present in Table.
119p_hashtbl_get(Table, Key, Value) :-
120 hashtbl_get(Table, Key, Value).
128p_hashtbl_get_all(Table, Key, Value) :-
129 hashtbl_get_all(Table, Key, Value).
137p_hashtbl_get_default(Table, Key, Default, Value, Table1) :-
138 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
139 ( memberchk(Key-[Value|_], Bucket)
140 -> Table1 = Table
141 ; Value = Default,
142 Bucket1 = [Key-[Value]|Bucket],
143 copy_term_idx_arg(BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket1, BucketTerm1),
144 copy_term_idx_arg(Table, 2, BucketTerm1, Table1) ).
150p_hashtbl_delete(Table, Key, Table1) :-
151 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
152 ( selectchk(Key-[_Old, Next | Rest], Bucket, Key-[Next|Rest], Bucket1)
153 -> true
154 ; selectchk(Key-[_Old], Bucket, Bucket1)
155 -> true
156 ; Bucket1 = Bucket ),
157 copy_term_idx_arg(BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket1, BucketTerm1),
158 copy_term_idx_arg(Table, 2, BucketTerm1, Table1).
If Key is ground, this behaves like p_hashtbl_get_all/3 for that Key. However, p_hashtbl_get_all/3 is more efficient in this case.
169p_hashtbl_enumerate(Table, Key, Value) :-
170 hashtbl_enumerate(Table, Key, Value).
176p_hashtbl_to_list(Table, Pairs) :-
177 hashtbl_to_list(Table, Pairs).
185list_to_p_hashtbl(Pairs, Table) :-
186 hashtbl_default_size(Size),
187 list_to_p_hashtbl(Pairs, Table, Size).
193p_hashtbl_put_pair(Key-Value, Table, Table1) :-
194 p_hashtbl_put(Table, Key, Value, Table1).
202list_to_p_hashtbl(Pairs, Table, Size) :-
203 empty_p_hashtbl(Table0, Size),
204 foldl(p_hashtbl_put_pair, Pairs, Table0, Table).
Goal(Key, Value, Value1)
unifies TableOut with a hash table containing all Key-Value1 pairs.
Deterministic if Goal is deterministic. If Goal backtracks,
p_hashtbl_map/3 enumerates several TableOut tables accordingly.212:- meta_predicate p_hashtbl_map( , , ). 213p_hashtbl_map(Table, Goal, TableOut) :- 214 hashtbl_map(Table, Goal, TableOut).
Value, Acc, Result)
, using each call's Result as the next call's
accumulator Acc, and unifying Result with the final call's Result.
Deterministic if Goal is deterministic. If Goal backtracks, enumerates
several results accordingly.223:- meta_predicate p_hashtbl_fold( , , , ). 224p_hashtbl_fold(Table, Goal, Acc, Result) :- 225 hashtbl_fold(Table, Goal, Acc, Result).
Goal(Key, Value)
for every Key and Value stored in Table. This
is useful to ensure that all entries satisfy some predicate, or for
Goal's side effects. Deterministic if Goal is deterministic.232:- meta_predicate p_hashtbl_iter( , ). 233p_hashtbl_iter(Table, Goal) :- 234 hashtbl_iter(Table, Goal).
. Table is empty if Goal has no solutions. Later solutions of
Goal will shadow earlier ones in Table.242:- meta_predicate p_hashtbl_unfold( , ). 243p_hashtbl_unfold(Goal, Table) :- 244 ( setof(K-V, call(Goal, K, V), KVs) 245 -> true 246 ; KVs = [] ), 247 list_to_p_hashtbl(KVs, Table). 248 249 250:- begin_tests(p_hashtbl). 251 252test(copy_1, true(Copy == f(c, b))) :- 253 copy_term_idx_arg(f(a, b), 1, c, Copy). 254 255test(copy_2, true(Copy == f(a, c))) :- 256 copy_term_idx_arg(f(a, b), 2, c, Copy). 257 258test(put_get_delete, true((One, Two) == (1, 2))) :- 259 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 260 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 261 p_hashtbl_put(T1, x, 2, T2), 262 p_hashtbl_get(T2, x, Two), 263 p_hashtbl_delete(T2, x, T3), 264 p_hashtbl_get(T3, x, One), 265 p_hashtbl_delete(T3, x, T4), 266 \+ p_hashtbl_get(T4, x, _). 267 268test(put_get_all, all(X == [2, 1])) :- 269 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 270 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 271 p_hashtbl_put(T1, x, 2, T2), 272 p_hashtbl_get_all(T2, x, X). 273 274test(put_get_default, true((X, Y) == (1, default(2)))) :- 275 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 276 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 277 p_hashtbl_get_default(T1, x, default(unused), X, T2), 278 p_hashtbl_delete(T2, x, T3), 279 \+ p_hashtbl_get(T3, x, _), 280 p_hashtbl_get_default(T3, x, default(2), Y, _T4). 281 282test(put_set_delete, true((A, B, C, D) == (1, 2, 3, 1))) :- 283 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 284 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 285 p_hashtbl_get(T1, x, A), 286 p_hashtbl_put(T1, x, 2, T2), 287 p_hashtbl_get(T2, x, B), 288 p_hashtbl_set(T2, x, 3, T3), 289 p_hashtbl_get(T3, x, C), 290 p_hashtbl_delete(T3, x, T4), 291 p_hashtbl_get(T4, x, D), 292 p_hashtbl_delete(T4, x, T5), 293 \+ p_hashtbl_get(T5, x, _), 294 p_hashtbl_delete(T5, x, T6), 295 \+ p_hashtbl_get(T6, x, _). 296 297test(set_set_delete, true(X == 2)) :- 298 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 299 p_hashtbl_set(T, x, 1, T1), 300 p_hashtbl_set(T1, x, 2, T2), 301 p_hashtbl_get(T2, x, X), 302 p_hashtbl_delete(T2, x, T3), 303 \+ p_hashtbl_get(T3, x, _). 304 305test(enumerate, set(K-V == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 306 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 307 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 308 p_hashtbl_put(T1, y, 2, T2), 309 p_hashtbl_put(T2, z, 3, T3), 310 p_hashtbl_enumerate(T3, K, V). 311 312test(to_list, true(Elements == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 313 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 314 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 315 p_hashtbl_put(T1, y, 2, T2), 316 p_hashtbl_put(T2, z, 3, T3), 317 p_hashtbl_to_list(T3, List), 318 sort(List, Elements). 319 320test(to_list_order, true(Elements == [x-3, x-2, x-1])) :- 321 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 322 p_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1, T1), 323 p_hashtbl_put(T1, x, 2, T2), 324 p_hashtbl_put(T2, x, 3, T3), 325 p_hashtbl_to_list(T3, Elements). 326 327test(list_to, set(K-V == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 328 list_to_p_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 329 p_hashtbl_enumerate(T, K, V). 330 331test(map, set(K-V == [x-2, y-3, z-4])) :- 332 list_to_p_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 333 p_hashtbl_map(T, utils:test_hashtbl_incr, T1), 334 p_hashtbl_enumerate(T1, K, V). 335 336test(fold, true(Sum == 6)) :- 337 list_to_p_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 338 p_hashtbl_fold(T, utils:test_hashtbl_sum, 0, Sum). 339 340test(fold_noncommutative, 341 true(List == cons(x-1, cons(x-2, cons(x-3, nil))))) :- 342 list_to_p_hashtbl([x-1, x-2, x-3], T), 343 p_hashtbl_fold(T, utils:test_hashtbl_cons, nil, List). 344 345test(iter, true(Sum == sum(6))) :- 346 list_to_p_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 347 Sum = sum(0), 348 p_hashtbl_iter(T, utils:test_hashtbl_nb_sum(Sum)). 349 350test(unfold, true(Unfold = p_hashtbl_unfold(_Goal, _Table))) :- 351 p_hashtbl_unfold(current_predicate, T), 352 p_hashtbl_get(T, p_hashtbl_unfold, Unfold). 353 354test(unfold_order, all(Values == [b, a])) :- 355 p_hashtbl_unfold(utils:test_k_ab_table, T), 356 p_hashtbl_get_all(T, k, Values). 357 358test(unfold_empty, true(Elements == [])) :- 359 p_hashtbl_unfold(utils:always_false, T), 360 p_hashtbl_to_list(T, Elements). 361 362test(backtracking, [true(Elements == [])]) :- 363 empty_p_hashtbl(T), 364 ( p_hashtbl_put(T, a, b, _T1), 365 false 366 ; p_hashtbl_put(T, c, d, _T2), 367 false 368 ; p_hashtbl_put(T, e, f, _T3) ), 369 p_hashtbl_to_list(T, List), 370 sort(List, Elements). 371 372:- end_tests(p_hashtbl).
Pure hash tables
This module defines pure hash tables. All operations are non-destructive: Any "change" to a hash table (adding/deleting elements) produces a new hash table. Copying is avoided as much as possible, i.e., the old and new tables share values. This may lead to surprises if variables in the table are bound later on (or if they are modified destructively).