1/* 2 This file is part of the hashtbl library. 3 4 hashtbl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 5 the terms of the GNU LGPL. See README.md for details. 6 */ 7 8:- module(nb_hashtbl, [ 9 empty_nb_hashtbl/1, 10 empty_nb_hashtbl/2, 11 nb_hashtbl_put/3, 12 nb_hashtbl_set/3, 13 nb_hashtbl_get/3, 14 nb_hashtbl_get_all/3, 15 nb_hashtbl_get_default/4, 16 nb_hashtbl_delete/2, 17 nb_hashtbl_enumerate/3, 18 nb_hashtbl_to_list/2, 19 list_to_nb_hashtbl/2, 20 list_to_nb_hashtbl/3, 21 nb_hashtbl_map/3, 22 nb_hashtbl_fold/4, 23 nb_hashtbl_iter/2, 24 nb_hashtbl_unfold/2 25 ]).
46:- use_module(hashtbl/utils).
51empty_nb_hashtbl(Table) :-
52 hashtbl_default_size(Size),
53 empty_nb_hashtbl(Table, Size).
61empty_nb_hashtbl(Table, Size) :-
62 Table = nb_hashtbl(meta(0), BucketTerm),
63 functor(BucketTerm, buckets, Size),
64 term_variables(BucketTerm, Buckets),
65 maplist(=([]), Buckets).
72nb_hashtbl_put(Table, Key, Value) :-
73 hashtbl_load(Table, Load),
74 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
75 ( member(KeyValues, Bucket),
76 KeyValues = Key-Values
77 -> nb_linkarg(2, KeyValues, [Value|Values]),
78 Load1 = Load
79 ; nb_linkarg(BucketIdx, BucketTerm, [Key-[Value]|Bucket]),
80 Load1 is Load + 1 ),
81 nb_hashtbl_maybe_resize(Table, Load1).
89nb_hashtbl_set(Table, Key, Value) :-
90 hashtbl_load(Table, Load),
91 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
92 ( KeyValues = Key-Values,
93 memberchk(KeyValues, Bucket)
94 -> ( Values = [_OldValue|_]
95 -> nb_linkarg(1, Values, Value)
96 ; assertion(Values = [_|_]) ),
97 Load1 = Load
98 ; nb_linkarg(BucketIdx, BucketTerm, [Key-[Value]|Bucket]),
99 Load1 is Load + 1 ),
100 nb_hashtbl_maybe_resize(Table, Load1).
nb_hashtbl_get(Table, Key, _)
to test whether Key is
present in Table.
108nb_hashtbl_get(Table, Key, Value) :-
109 hashtbl_get(Table, Key, Value).
117nb_hashtbl_get_all(Table, Key, Value) :-
118 hashtbl_get_all(Table, Key, Value).
125nb_hashtbl_get_default(Table, Key, Default, Value) :-
126 hashtbl_load(Table, Load),
127 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
128 ( memberchk(Key-[Value|_], Bucket)
129 -> Load1 = Load
130 ; Value = Default,
131 nb_linkarg(BucketIdx, BucketTerm, [Key-[Value]|Bucket]),
132 Load1 is Load + 1 ),
133 nb_hashtbl_maybe_resize(Table, Load1).
139nb_hashtbl_delete(Table, Key) :-
140 hashtbl_load(Table, Load),
141 hashtbl_bucket(Table, Key, BucketTerm, BucketIdx, Bucket),
142 ( member(KeyValues, Bucket),
143 KeyValues = Key-Values
144 -> ( Values = [_Old, Next | Rest]
145 -> nb_linkarg(2, KeyValues, [Next|Rest]),
146 Load1 = Load
147 ; select(Key-_Values, Bucket, BucketRest)
148 -> nb_linkarg(BucketIdx, BucketTerm, BucketRest),
149 Load1 is Load - 1
150 ; assertion(select(Key-_Values, Bucket, _BucketRest)) )
151 ; Load1 = Load ),
152 nb_hashtbl_maybe_resize(Table, Load1).
162nb_hashtbl_maybe_resize(Table, Load) :-
163 % First, adjust the table's load.
164 arg(1, Table, Metadata),
165 nb_linkarg(1, Metadata, Load),
166 % Then, check if the load is too high, and resize the table if needed.
167 hashtbl_buckets(Table, Capacity),
168 LoadFactor is Load / Capacity,
169 ( LoadFactor > 1
170 -> Capacity1 is Capacity * 2 + 1,
171 nb_hashtbl_resize(Table, Capacity1)
172 ; true ).
178nb_hashtbl_resize(Table, Capacity) :-
179 empty_nb_hashtbl(Table1, Capacity),
180 arg(2, Table, BucketTerm),
181 % Add all Key-Values pairs from Table to Table1.
182 \+ (
183 arg(_I, BucketTerm, Bucket),
184 member(Key-Values, Bucket),
185 hashtbl_bucket(Table1, Key, BucketTerm1, BucketIdx1, Bucket1),
186 nb_linkarg(BucketIdx1, BucketTerm1, [Key-Values|Bucket1]),
187 false
188 ),
189 % Replace Table's buckets by Table1's buckets, and we're done.
190 arg(2, Table1, BucketTerm1),
191 nb_linkarg(2, Table, BucketTerm1).
If Key is ground, this behaves like nb_hashtbl_get_all/3 for that Key. However, nb_hashtbl_get_all/3 is more efficient in this case.
202nb_hashtbl_enumerate(Table, Key, Value) :-
203 hashtbl_enumerate(Table, Key, Value).
209nb_hashtbl_to_list(Table, Pairs) :-
210 hashtbl_to_list(Table, Pairs).
218list_to_nb_hashtbl(Pairs, Table) :-
219 hashtbl_default_size(Size),
220 list_to_nb_hashtbl(Pairs, Table, Size).
226nb_hashtbl_put_pair(Table, Key-Value) :-
227 nb_hashtbl_put(Table, Key, Value).
235list_to_nb_hashtbl(Pairs, Table, Size) :-
236 empty_nb_hashtbl(Table, Size),
237 maplist(nb_hashtbl_put_pair(Table), Pairs).
Goal(Key, Value, Value1)
unifies TableOut with a hash table containing all Key-Value1 pairs.
Deterministic if Goal is deterministic. If Goal backtracks,
nb_hashtbl_map/3 enumerates several TableOut tables accordingly.245:- meta_predicate nb_hashtbl_map( , , ). 246nb_hashtbl_map(Table, Goal, TableOut) :- 247 hashtbl_map(Table, Goal, TableOut).
Value, Acc, Result)
, using each call's Result as the next call's
accumulator Acc, and unifying Result with the final call's Result.
Deterministic if Goal is deterministic. If Goal backtracks, enumerates
several results accordingly.256:- meta_predicate nb_hashtbl_fold( , , , ). 257nb_hashtbl_fold(Table, Goal, Acc, Result) :- 258 hashtbl_fold(Table, Goal, Acc, Result).
Goal(Key, Value)
for every Key and Value stored in Table. This
is useful to ensure that all entries satisfy some predicate, or for
Goal's side effects. Deterministic if Goal is deterministic.265:- meta_predicate nb_hashtbl_iter( , ). 266nb_hashtbl_iter(Table, Goal) :- 267 hashtbl_iter(Table, Goal).
. Table is empty if Goal has no solutions. Later solutions of
Goal will shadow earlier ones in Table.275:- meta_predicate nb_hashtbl_unfold( , ). 276nb_hashtbl_unfold(Goal, Table) :- 277 empty_nb_hashtbl(Table), 278 forall(call(Goal, K, V), nb_hashtbl_put(Table, K, V)). 279 280 281:- begin_tests(nb_hashtbl). 282 283test(put_get_delete, true((One, Two) == (1, 2))) :- 284 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 285 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 286 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 2), 287 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, Two), 288 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 289 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, One), 290 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 291 \+ nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, _). 292 293test(put_get_all, all(X == [2, 1])) :- 294 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 295 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 296 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 2), 297 nb_hashtbl_get_all(T, x, X). 298 299test(put_get_default, true((X, Y) == (1, default(2)))) :- 300 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 301 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 302 nb_hashtbl_get_default(T, x, default(unused), X), 303 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 304 \+ nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, _), 305 nb_hashtbl_get_default(T, x, default(2), Y). 306 307test(put_set_delete, true((A, B, C, D) == (1, 2, 3, 1))) :- 308 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 309 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 310 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, A), 311 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 2), 312 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, B), 313 nb_hashtbl_set(T, x, 3), 314 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, C), 315 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 316 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, D), 317 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 318 \+ nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, _), 319 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 320 \+ nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, _). 321 322test(set_set_delete, true(X == 2)) :- 323 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 324 nb_hashtbl_set(T, x, 1), 325 nb_hashtbl_set(T, x, 2), 326 nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, X), 327 nb_hashtbl_delete(T, x), 328 \+ nb_hashtbl_get(T, x, _). 329 330test(enumerate, set(K-V == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 331 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 332 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 333 nb_hashtbl_put(T, y, 2), 334 nb_hashtbl_put(T, z, 3), 335 nb_hashtbl_enumerate(T, K, V). 336 337test(to_list, true(Elements == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 338 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 339 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 340 nb_hashtbl_put(T, y, 2), 341 nb_hashtbl_put(T, z, 3), 342 nb_hashtbl_to_list(T, List), 343 sort(List, Elements). 344 345test(to_list_order, true(Elements == [x-3, x-2, x-1])) :- 346 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 347 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 348 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 2), 349 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 3), 350 nb_hashtbl_to_list(T, Elements). 351 352test(list_to, set(K-V == [x-1, y-2, z-3])) :- 353 list_to_nb_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 354 nb_hashtbl_enumerate(T, K, V). 355 356test(map, set(K-V == [x-2, y-3, z-4])) :- 357 list_to_nb_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 358 nb_hashtbl_map(T, utils:test_hashtbl_incr, T1), 359 nb_hashtbl_enumerate(T1, K, V). 360 361test(fold, true(Sum == 6)) :- 362 list_to_nb_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 363 nb_hashtbl_fold(T, utils:test_hashtbl_sum, 0, Sum). 364 365test(fold_noncommutative, 366 true(List == cons(x-1, cons(x-2, cons(x-3, nil))))) :- 367 list_to_nb_hashtbl([x-1, x-2, x-3], T), 368 nb_hashtbl_fold(T, utils:test_hashtbl_cons, nil, List). 369 370test(iter, true(Sum == sum(6))) :- 371 list_to_nb_hashtbl([z-3, y-2, x-1], T), 372 Sum = sum(0), 373 nb_hashtbl_iter(T, utils:test_hashtbl_nb_sum(Sum)). 374 375test(unfold, true(Unfold = nb_hashtbl_unfold(_Goal, _Table))) :- 376 nb_hashtbl_unfold(current_predicate, T), 377 nb_hashtbl_get(T, nb_hashtbl_unfold, Unfold). 378 379test(unfold_order, all(Values == [b, a])) :- 380 nb_hashtbl_unfold(utils:test_k_ab_table, T), 381 nb_hashtbl_get_all(T, k, Values). 382 383test(unfold_empty, true(Elements == [])) :- 384 nb_hashtbl_unfold(utils:always_false, T), 385 nb_hashtbl_to_list(T, Elements). 386 387test(backtracking, [true(Elements == [a-b, c-d, e-f])]) :- 388 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 389 ( nb_hashtbl_put(T, a, b), 390 false 391 ; nb_hashtbl_put(T, c, d), 392 false 393 ; nb_hashtbl_put(T, e, f) ), 394 nb_hashtbl_to_list(T, List), 395 sort(List, Elements). 396 397test(destructive_no_backtrack, [ 398 setup(\+ nb_current(nb_hashtbl_test_var, _)), 399 cleanup(nb_delete(nb_hashtbl_test_var)), 400 true(B-D == b-d)]) :- 401 empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 402 nb_linkval(nb_hashtbl_test_var, T), 403 nb_hashtbl_put(T, a, b), 404 nb_hashtbl_put(T, c, d), 405 nb_getval(nb_hashtbl_test_var, T2), 406 nb_hashtbl_get(T2, a, B), 407 nb_hashtbl_get(T2, c, D). 408 409test(destructive_backtrack, [ 410 setup(\+ nb_current(nb_hashtbl_test_var, _)), 411 cleanup(nb_delete(nb_hashtbl_test_var)), 412 true(B-D == b-d)]) :- 413 ( empty_nb_hashtbl(T), 414 nb_linkval(nb_hashtbl_test_var, T), 415 nb_hashtbl_put(T, a, b), 416 nb_hashtbl_put(T, c, d), 417 false 418 ; nb_getval(nb_hashtbl_test_var, T2), 419 nb_hashtbl_get(T2, a, B), 420 nb_hashtbl_get(T2, c, D) ). 421 422test(no_resize, [FinalBuckets == 1]) :- 423 empty_nb_hashtbl(T, 1), 424 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 425 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 2), 426 nb_hashtbl_set(T, x, 3), 427 hashtbl_buckets(T, FinalBuckets). 428 429test(resize, [FinalBuckets == 3]) :- 430 empty_nb_hashtbl(T, 1), 431 nb_hashtbl_put(T, x, 1), 432 nb_hashtbl_put(T, y, 2), 433 hashtbl_buckets(T, FinalBuckets). 434 435:- end_tests(nb_hashtbl).
Impure hash tables
This module defines impure (imperative) hash tables that allow destructive updates.
The predicates in this module use destructive non-backtrackable updates to implement the hash table. The basic operation used internally to implement changes to the hash table is nb_linkarg/3. Use with care.
The user should take care never to copy a non-backtrackable hash table. This includes never using asserta/1 or assertz/1 to store it in the database. If the table is to be stored in a global variable, nb_linkval/2 should be used for the purpose.