% :- lib( stoics_lib:io_lines/2 ). /** gbn_fix_dot( File ) Gobnilp doesnot quote headers of the form HLA-A so the dots cannot be processed by dot executable. INCOMPLETE. It was decided to just change the var names ... */ gbn_fix_dot( File ) :- io_lines( File, Lines ), maplist( gbn_fix_dot_line, Lines, Fixed ), maplist( atom_codes, Atomed, Fixed ), tell( File ), maplist( writeln, Atomed ), told. gbn_fix_dot_line( [], [] ). gbn_fix_dot_line( [F|T], Fixed ) :- gbn_fix_dot_line( T, F, Fixed ). gbn_fix_dot_line( [], Last, [Last] ). gbn_fix_dot_line( [H|T], Prev, [FixPrev|More] ) :- gbn_fix_dot_code( H, Prev, T, FixPrev ), gbn_fix_dot_line( T, H, More ).