pitaind.pl -- pitaind

This module performs reasoning over Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions and CP-Logic programs. It reads probabilistic program andcomputes the probability of queries.

- Fabrizio Riguzzi
- Artistic License 2.0
 orc_ind(++A:float, ++B:float, --AorB:float) is det
Returns A + B - A*B in AorB (or in case of independence)
 orc_exc(++A:float, ++B:float, --AorB:float) is det
Returns A + B in AorB (or in case of exclusion)
 onec(--One:float) is det
Returns 1.0
 zeroc(--Zero:float) is det
Returns 0.0
 andc(++A:float, ++B:float, --AandB:float) is det
Returns A*B in AandB (and in case of idependence). Fails if either A or B is 0.0
 andcnf(++A:float, ++B:float, --AandB:float) is det
Returns A*B in AandB (and in case of idependence).
 notc(++A:float, --NotA:float) is det
Returns 1-A in NotA (negation)
 equalityc(++Variable:int, ++Value:int, --P:float) is det
Returns in P the probability that Variable takes Value.
 prob_ind(:Query:conjunction_of_literals, -Probability:float) is nondet
The predicate computes the probability of Query If Query is not ground, it returns in backtracking all ground instantiations of Query together with their probabilities
 prob_bar(:Query:conjunction_of_literals, -Probability:dict) is nondet
The predicate computes the probability of Query and returns it as a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for the probability of Query true and a bar for the probability of Query false. If Query is not ground, it returns in backtracking all ground instantiations of Query together with their probabilities
 prob_ind(:Query:conjunction_of_literals, :Evidence:conjunction_of_literals, -Probability:float) is nondet
The predicate computes the probability of Query given Evidence If Query/Evidence are not ground, it returns in backtracking all ground instantiations of Query/Evidence together with their probabilities
 prob_bar(:Query:conjunction_of_literals, :Evidence:conjunction_of_literals, -Probability:dict) is nondet
The predicate computes the probability of the Query given Evidence and returns it as a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for the probability of Query true and a bar for the probability of Query false given Evidence. If Query /Evidence are not ground, it returns in backtracking all ground instantiations of Query/Evidence together with their probabilities
 get_var_n(++M:atomic, ++Rule:int, ++Substitution:term, ++Probabilities:list, -Variable:int) is det
Returns the index Variable of the random variable associated to rule with index Rule, grouding substitution Substitution and head distribution Probabilities in environment Environment.
 or_list_pitaind(++ListOfProbs:list, ++Module:module, --P:float) is det
Returns in P the probability of the disjunction of the random variables whose probabilities are in ListOfProbs. Module is used to check the setting for disjunction, either independent or exclusive.
 or_list_ind(++ListOfProbs:list, --P:float) is det
Returns in P the probability of the disjunction of the random variables whose probabilities are in ListOfProbs assuming independence.
 or_list_exc(++ListOfProbs:list, --P:float) is det
Returns in P the probability of the disjunction of the random variables whose probabilities are in ListOfProbs assuming exclusiveness.
 set_pitaind(:Parameter:atom, +Value:term) is det
The predicate sets the value of a parameter For a list of parameters see https://friguzzi.github.io/cplint/
 setting_pitaind(:Parameter:atom, ?Value:term) is det
The predicate returns the value of a parameter For a list of parameters see https://friguzzi.github.io/cplint/