1:- module(proc_loadavg,
    2          [ loadavg//5,
    3            loadavg/5
    4          ]).    5:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).    6:- use_module(library(pure_input)).
 loadavg(-Avg1, -Avg5, -Avg15, -RunnablesRatio, -LastPID)// is semidet
Parses the Linux /proc/loadavg process pseudo-file. One space separates all fields except the runnable processes and total processes, a forward slash separates these two figures.

Load-average statistics comprise: three floating point numbers, one integer ratio and one process identifier.

It follows logically that runnable processes is always less than or equal to total processes.

One space separates all fields except the runnable processes and total processes, a forward slash separates these two figures. The implementation applies this requirement explicitly. The grammar fails if more than one space exists, or if finds the terminating newline missing. This approach allows you to reverse the grammar to generate the load-average codes from the load-average figures.

   36loadavg(Avg1, Avg5, Avg15, Runnables/Processes, LastPID) -->
   37    number(Avg1), " ",
   38    number(Avg5), " ",
   39    number(Avg15), " ",
   40    integer(Runnables), "/",
   41    integer(Processes), " ",
   42    integer(LastPID), "\n".
 loadavg(-Avg1, -Avg5, -Avg15, -RunnablesRatio, -LastPID) is det
Captures and parses the current processor load average statistics on Linux systems. Does not work on Windows systems.
- existence_error(source_sink, '/proc/loadavg') on Windows, or other operating systems that do not have a proc subsystem.
   53loadavg(Avg1, Avg5, Avg15,
   54        RunnablesRatio, LastPID) :-
   55    phrase_from_file(loadavg(Avg1, Avg5, Avg15,
   56                             RunnablesRatio, LastPID), '/proc/loadavg')