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Pack canny_tudor -- prolog/canny/arch.pl
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 current_arch(?Arch:pair) is semidet
Unifies Arch with the current host's architecture and operating system. Usefully reads the pair as a Prolog term with which you can unify its component parts.

The Prolog arch flag combines both the architecture and the operating system as a dash-separated pair. The predicate splits these two components apart by reading the underlying atom as a Prolog term. This makes an assumption about the format of the arch flag.

 current_arch_os(?Arch, ?OS) is semidet
Unifies OS with the current operating system. Splits the host architecture into its two components: the bit-wise sub-architecture and the operating system. Operating system is one of: win32 or win64 for Windows, darwin for macOS, or linux for Linux. Maps architecture bit-width to an atomic Arch token for contemporary 64-bit hosts, one of: x64, x86_64. Darwin and Linux report the latter, Windows the former.
 current_os(?OS) is semidet
Succeeds for current OS, one of:
  • win32
  • win64
  • darwin
  • linux