    2% Bousi-Prolog command-line shell
    4:- module(bplShell, [
    5		start_bpl_shell/0       %
    6   ]).    7
    8:- use_module(bplHelp).    9:- use_module(translator).   10:- use_module(evaluator).   11:- use_module(flags).   12:- use_module(foreign).   13:- use_module(utilities).   14
   15:- use_module(library(lists)).   16:- use_module(library(system)).   17
   19% Setting Prolog system flags
   22:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).   23
   27% Command-line shell
Initializes the environment and launches Bousi-Prolog command-line shell.
   37start_bpl_shell :-
   38%	load_history,
   39	set_system_predicates,
   40	flags:reset_bpl_flags,
   41	evaluator:load_tpl(''),
   42	bpl_shell_loop.
Command-line shell main loop. This predicate implements a failure- driven loop that reads a command from standard input, tries to execute it and then repeats the same process indefinitely.
   53bpl_shell_loop :-
   54	repeat,
   55  	bpl_shell,
   56 	!.
Helper predicate called by bpl_shell_loop/0 which reads a single command for input, executes it and then fails (note that bpl_shell_loop/0 implements a failure-driven loop).
See also
- bpl_shell_loop/0
   69bpl_shell :-
   70	bpl_prompt(Prompt),
   71	read_shell_line(Prompt, String, Arguments),
   72	non_void_input(String),
   73	catch((
   74		% Converts the read line into an executable term
   75		translate_command(String, Arguments, Command),
   76		% Executes the command or query
   77		Command,
   78		(Command \== true -> nl ; true)
   79	% (catcher)
   80	), Error, (
   81		( Error = translate_error(ErrorMessage), !,
   82		  % Invalid command or query
   83		  writeln(ErrorMessage), nl
   84		;
   85			% Exception thrown by SWI-Prolog
   86			print_message(error, Error), nl
   87		)
   88	)),
   89	% This forced fail makes Prolog to go back to the repeat/0
   90	% predicate of bpl_shell_loop/0, thus repeating this predicate
   91	% again without nesting calls
   92	!,
   93	flags:get_bpl_flag(continue('no')).
Checks that the input does not correspond to a void input as a simple Intro. (We may accept comments as void inputs in the future)
  104non_void_input('') :-
  105  !,
  106  nl,
  107  fail.
  113% Predicates for reading and translating Bousi-Prolog commands
 read_shell_line(+Prompt, ?String, ?Arguments)
Displays Prompt to user, reads a line from standard input and returns the text of the full line in String and a list with the substrings of the line delimited by whitespace in Arguments.
  125read_shell_line(Prompt, String, Arguments) :-
  126  pl_read_shell_line(Prompt, String, ArgumentsWithQuotes),
  127% 	foreign:ext_read_shell_line(Prompt, String, ArgumentsWithQuotes),
  128	utilities:remove_quotes(ArgumentsWithQuotes, Arguments).
  130pl_read_shell_line(Prompt, String, ArgumentsWithQuotes) :-
  131  flush_output,
  132  write(Prompt),
  133  flush_output,
  134  current_input(In),
  135  read_line_to_codes(In, StringCodes),
  136  flush_output,
  137  atom_codes(String, StringCodes),
  138  split_string(StringCodes, " ()", " ()", StrArgumentsWithQuotes),
  139  maplist([Cs, As] >> atom_codes(As, Cs), StrArgumentsWithQuotes, ArgumentsWithQuotes).
 translate_command(+String, +Arguments, -Command)
Takes a line read from Bousi-Prolog shell and returns it as an executable term in Command. String must contain the full line read from shell, whereas Arguments must be a list with the substrings of the line delimited by whitespace.
- translate_error(Message) String doesn't contain a Bousi- Prolog shell command nor a query.
  153translate_command(_String, [], true).
  154	% String contains an empty command
  156translate_command(_String, Arguments, Command) :-
  157	% Checks if string contains a Bousi-Prolog shell command
  158	phrase(command(Command), Arguments).
  160translate_command(String, Arguments, Command) :-
  161	% Checks if string contains the special solve command
  162	Arguments = [sv|_],
  163	% Extracts query from string and parses it
  164	sub_atom(String, CommandStart, _, _, 'sv'),
  165	QueryStart is CommandStart + 2,
  166	sub_atom(String, QueryStart, _, 0, QueryString),
  167	translator:translate_query(QueryString, Query, Bindings, Degree),
  168	Command = sv(Query, Bindings, Degree).
  170translate_command(_String, Arguments, _Command) :-
  171	% Checks if string contains an invalid Bousi-Prolog shell command
  172	Arguments = [Name|_],
  173	command_arguments(Name, _, _),
  174	throw(translate_error('Wrong number of arguments.')).
  176translate_command(_String, Arguments, _Command) :-
  177	% Checks if string contains the solve command with an invalid query
  178	Arguments = [sv|_],
  179	throw(translate_error('Syntax error in query.')).
  181translate_command(String, _Arguments, Command) :-
  182	% Checks if string contains a query
  183	translator:translate_query(String, Query, Bindings, Degree),
  184	Command = sv(Query, Bindings, Degree).
  186translate_command(_String, _Arguments, _Command) :-
  187	% String contains an unknown command or bad query
  188	throw(translate_error('Syntax error in command or query.')).
  193% DCG (Definite Clause Grammar) rules for parsing shell commands
DCG rule which parses a full Bousi-Prolog shell command and returns it as an executable term, using command name as functor and parameters and/or options as arguments.

For example, 'qt' is translated into 'qt'; 'hp pwd' is returned as 'hp(pwd)'; and 'ld -f test' is translated into 'ld(test, [f])'.

  208command(Command) -->
  209	% Command with no arguments
  210	[Name],
  211	{
  212		command_arguments(Name, 0, no),
  213		Command =.. [Name]
  214	}.
  216command(Command) -->
  217	% Command with a list of options and one or more arguments
  218	[Name], option_lists(Options), arguments(Args),
  219	{
  220		length(Args, ArgsCount),
  221		command_arguments(Name, ArgsCount, yes),
  222		append(Args, [Options], ArgsAndOptions),
  223		Command =.. [Name|ArgsAndOptions]
  224	}.
  226command(Command) -->
  227	% Command with one or more arguments
  228	[Name], arguments(Args),
  229	{
  230		length(Args, NumberArgs),
  231		command_arguments(Name, NumberArgs, no),
  232		Command =.. [Name|Args]
  233	}.
DCG rule which parses zero, one or several option lists preceded by a dash '-' and returns a list with all the characters found in the options lists.
  243option_lists(OptionList) -->
  244	[Options],
  245	{
  246		% Checks that Options starts with '-' and
  247		% gets characters of option list
  248		atom_chars(Options, Chars), Chars = ['-'|OptionChars]
  249	},
  250	option_lists(MoreOptions),
  251	{
  252		% Merges option lists
  253		append(OptionChars, MoreOptions, OptionList)
  254	}.
  256option_lists([]) -->
  257	% No more option lists
  258	[].
DCG rule which parses zero, one or several command arguments and returns them in a list.
  267arguments(ArgList) -->
  268	[Arg], arguments(MoreArgs),
  269	{
  270		ArgList = [Arg|MoreArgs]
  271	}.
  273arguments([]) -->
  274	[].
  279% Predicates for loading program files
 load_file(+Filename, +OverwriteTPL, +ResetFlags)
Loads a Bousi-Prolog program file into the Prolog database. If the associated TPL file exists and is newer than the BPL file, the TPL will be loaded, unless OverwriteTPL is set to 'yes'. Flags will be reset if ResetFlags is set to 'yes'.
 load_file(+BPLFilename, +TPLFilename, +FullBPLFilename, +FullTPLFilename, +FullTPLSFilename, +OverwriteTPL, +ResetFlags)
Internal predicate called by load_file/2, which takes the full and base filenames of both the program file and the destination TPL file.
See also
- load_file/2
  300load_file(Filename, OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags) :-
  301	% Backups the system flags so they can be restored if loading fails
  302	flags:backup_bpl_flags,
  303	% Gets the default BPL and TPL filenames
  304	get_bpl_tpl_tpls_filenames(Filename, Directory, _BaseFilename,
  305	                      BPLFilename, TPLFilename, TPLSFilename),
  306	concat_atom([Directory, '/', BPLFilename], FullBPLFilename),
  307	concat_atom([Directory, '/', TPLFilename], FullTPLFilename),
  308	concat_atom([Directory, '/', TPLSFilename], FullTPLSFilename),
  309	% Calls the internal predicate
  310	load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  311	          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  312	          OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags).
  314load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  315          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  316	      _OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags) :-
  317	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  318	not(exists_file(FullTPLFilename)),
  319	% BPL file exists but TPL doesn't, so BPL file must be translated
  320	load_bpl(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  321             FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, 
  322             ResetFlags).
  324load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  325          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  326          yes, ResetFlags) :-
  327	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  328	exists_file(FullTPLFilename),
  329	% BPL and TPL files exist, but TPL file must be overwritten
  330	delete_file(FullTPLFilename),
  331	writef('\'%w\' exists and will be overwritten.\n', [TPLFilename]), 
  332	load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  333              FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  334	            no, ResetFlags).
  336load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  337          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  338          no, ResetFlags) :-
  339	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  340	exists_file(FullTPLFilename),
  341	% BPL and TPL files exist, and TPL can be loaded if it's newer than BPL
  342	(utilities:file_is_newer(FullTPLFilename, FullBPLFilename) ->
  343		% TPL file is newer, so it might be loaded without recompiling
  344		(safe_tpl(FullTPLSFilename) ->
  345		  % TPL file is safe to be loaded without recompiling (flags match)
  346  		writef('\'%w\' already exists and is being loaded...\n', [TPLFilename]),
  347  		load_tpl(FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags)
  348  	 ;
  349  		% TPL file is not safe and must be overwritten
  350  		delete_file(FullTPLFilename), 
  351		  writef('\'%w\' must be reloaded.\n', [TPLFilename]),
  352  		load_bpl(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  353                   FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, 
  354                   ResetFlags)
  355		)
  356	;
  357		% TPL file is older and must be overwritten
  358		delete_file(FullTPLFilename), 
  359		writef('\'%w\' is older and will be overwritten.\n', [TPLFilename]),
  360		load_bpl(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  361                 FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, 
  362                 ResetFlags)
  363	).
  365load_file(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  366          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename,
  367	      _OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags) :-
  368	not(exists_file(FullBPLFilename)),
  369	exists_file(FullTPLFilename),
  370	% TPL file exists but BPL doesn't, so TPL file must be loaded
  371	% (a warning is shown because the original file doesn't exist)
  372	writef('WARNING: \'%w\' does not exist.\n', [BPLFilename]),
  373	writef('\'%w\' already exists and is being loaded...\n', [TPLFilename]),
  374	load_tpl(FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags).
  376load_file(BPLFilename, _TPLFilename,
  377          FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename, _OverwriteTPL, _ResetFlags) :-
  378	not(exists_file(FullBPLFilename)),
  379	not(exists_file(FullTPLFilename)),
  380	% None of BPL and TPL files exist
  381	writef('ERROR: \'%w\' does not exist.\n', [BPLFilename]).
+FullTPLFilename, +FullTPLSFilename, +ResetFlags)

Parses and translates a BPL source-code file, converts it into an intermediate TPL file, and then loads the latter file.

  391load_bpl(BPLFilename, TPLFilename,
  392         FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags) :-
  393	(ResetFlags==yes -> flags:reset_bpl_flags; true),
  394	retractall(evaluator:sim(_, _, _)), % WARNING: If translate_program fails, previous sim is lost
  395 	retractall(evaluator:sim(_, _, _, _)),
  396	writef('Parsing and translating \'%w\'...\n', [BPLFilename]),
  397	translator:translate_program(FullBPLFilename, '', FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename),
  398	writef('\'%w\' is being loaded...\n', [TPLFilename]),
  399	load_tpl(FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags).
  401load_bpl(_BPLFilename, _TPLFilename,
  402         _FullBPLFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename, _ResetFlags) :-
  403	% This is only executed if translate_program/3 fails
  404	flags:restore_bpl_flags,
  405	write('Program not loaded.\n').
 load_tpl(+FullBPLFilename, +FullTPLFilename, +ResetFlags)
Loads an intermediate TPL file into the 'evaluator' module and saves the path of the new program loaded.
  414load_tpl(FullBPLFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags) :-
  415	(ResetFlags==yes -> flags:reset_bpl_flags; true),
  416	evaluator:load_tpl(FullTPLFilename),
  417	set_files_loaded(FullBPLFilename, ''),
  418	flags:get_bpl_flag(program_prefix(ProgramPrefix)),
  419	set_program_predicates(ProgramPrefix),
  420	write('Program loaded!\n').
  422load_tpl(_FullBPLFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _ResetFlags) :-
  423	% This is only executed if evaluator:load_tpl/1 fails
  424	flags:restore_bpl_flags,
  425	write('Program not loaded.\n').
Checks whether it is safe to use an existing TPL file, i.e., the current lambda-cut and filtering must match with the values for which the TPL was generated (kept in the TPLS file, which holds all bpl flags at compilation-time)
  436safe_tpl(FullTPLSFilename) :-
  437  exists_file(FullTPLSFilename),
  438	evaluator:current_file(OldTPLFile),
  439	(OldTPLFile \== '' ->
  440	  concat_atom([OldTPLFile,'s'],OldTPLSFile),
  441		unload_file(OldTPLSFile)
  442	;
  443		true
  444	),
  445	consult(FullTPLSFilename),
  446	tpl_flags(Flags),
  447	flags:get_bpl_flag(lambda_cut(LambdaValue)),
  448	memberchk(lambda_cut(LambdaValue),Flags),
  449	flags:get_bpl_flag(filtering(Filtering)),
  450	memberchk(filtering(Filtering),Flags).
  456% Predicates for loading ontology files
 load_ontology(+Filename, +OverwriteTPL, +ResetFlags)
Loads a Bousi-Prolog ontology file into the Prolog database. If no Bousi-Prolog program has been loaded before, an error is shown. If the associated TPL file exists and is newer than both the ontology file and the currently loaded program, the TPL will be loaded, unless OverwriteTPL is set to 'yes'. Flags will be reset if ResetFlags is set to 'yes'.
 load_ontology(+BPLFilename, +ONTFilename, +TPLFilename, +FullBPLFilename, +FullONTFilename, +FullTPLFilename, +FullTPLSFilename, +OverwriteTPL, +ResetFlags)
Internal predicate called by load_ontology/2, which takes the full and base filenames of the currently loaded program, the ontology file and the destination TPL file.
See also
- load_ontology/2
  479load_ontology(Filename, OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags) :-
  480	% Checks that a programs has been loaded before
  481	last_program_loaded(ProgramPath, _OntologyPath),
  482	ProgramPath \== '',
  483	% Backups the system flags so they can be restored if loading fails
  484	flags:backup_bpl_flags,
  485	% Gets the default BPL, TPL and ONT filenames
  486	get_bpl_tpl_tpls_filenames(ProgramPath, Directory, BaseFilename,
  487	                      BPLFilename, _UnusedTPLFilename, _UnusedTPLSFilename),
  488	get_ont_filename(Filename, ONTDirectory, BaseONTFilename, ONTFilename),
  489	get_ontology_tpl_tpls_filename(BaseFilename, BaseONTFilename, TPLFilename, TPLSFilename),
  490	concat_atom([Directory, '/', BPLFilename], FullBPLFilename),
  491	concat_atom([ONTDirectory, '/', ONTFilename], FullONTFilename),
  492	concat_atom([Directory, '/', TPLFilename], FullTPLFilename),
  493	concat_atom([Directory, '/', TPLSFilename], FullTPLSFilename),
  494	% Calls the internal predicate
  495	load_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  496                FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, 
  497                FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, 
  498                OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags).
  500load_ontology(_Filename, _OverwriteTPL, _ResetFlags) :-
  501	last_program_loaded('', _),
  502	write('ERROR: A program must be loaded before loading an ontology.\n').
  504load_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  505              FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  506	          _OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags) :-
  507	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  508	exists_file(FullONTFilename),
  509	not(exists_file(FullTPLFilename)),
  510	% BPL and ontology files exist but TPL doesn't, so BPL + ontology must
  511	% be translated
  512	load_bpl_with_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  513                           FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags).
  515load_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  516              FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  517	          yes, ResetFlags) :-
  518	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  519	exists_file(FullONTFilename),
  520	exists_file(FullTPLFilename),
  521	% BPL, TPL and ontology files exist, but TPL file must be overwritten
  522	delete_file(FullTPLFilename),
  523	writef('\'%w\' exists and will be overwritten.\n', [TPLFilename]),
  524	load_bpl_with_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  525                           FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags).
  527load_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  528              FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename,
  529	          no, ResetFlags) :-
  530	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  531	exists_file(FullONTFilename),
  532	exists_file(FullTPLFilename),
  533	% BPL, TPL and ontology files exist, and TPL can be loaded if it's newer
  534	% than both BPL and ontology
  535	((utilities:file_is_newer(FullTPLFilename, FullBPLFilename),
  536	  utilities:file_is_newer(FullTPLFilename, FullONTFilename)) ->
  537		% TPL file is newer than ontology and BPL, so it ,ight be loaded
  538		% without recompiling
  539		(safe_tpl(FullTPLSFilename) ->
  540		  % TPL file is safe to be loaded without recompiling (flags match)
  541  		writef('\'%w\' already exists and is being loaded...\n', [TPLFilename]),
  542	  	load_tpl_with_ontology(FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, 
  543                   ResetFlags)
  544	  ;
  545  		% TPL file is not safe and must be overwritten
  546  		delete_file(FullTPLFilename),
  547  		writef('\'%w\' must be reloaded.\n', [TPLFilename]),
  548  		load_bpl_with_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  549  		                       FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags)
  550	  )
  551	;
  552		% TPL file is older than ontology or BPL and must be overwritten
  553		delete_file(FullTPLFilename),
  554		writef('\'%w\' is older and will be overwritten.\n', [TPLFilename]),
  555		load_bpl_with_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  556		                       FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags)
  557	).	
  559load_ontology(_BPLFilename, ONTFilename, _TPLFilename,
  560              FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename,
  561	          _OverwriteTPL, _ResetFlags) :-
  562	exists_file(FullBPLFilename),
  563	not(exists_file(FullONTFilename)),
  564	% Original BPL file exists but ontology doesn't
  565	writef('ERROR: \'%w\' ontology do not exist.\n', [ONTFilename]).
  567load_ontology(_BPLFilename, _ONTFilename, _TPLFilename,
  568              FullBPLFilename, _FullONTFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename,
  569	          _OverwriteTPL, _ResetFlags) :-
  570	not(exists_file(FullBPLFilename)),
  571	% Original BPL file doesn't exist
  572	write('ERROR: Program\'s original BPL file is needed to load an ontology.\n').
 load_bpl_with_ontology(+BPLFilename, +ONTFilename, +TPLFilename, +FullBPLFilename, +FullONTFilename, +FullTPLFilename, +FullTPLSFilename, +ResetFlags)
Parses and translates a BPL program together with a BPL ontology, converts them into a single intermediate TPL file, and then loads the latter file.
  582load_bpl_with_ontology(BPLFilename, ONTFilename, TPLFilename,
  583                       FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename, ResetFlags) :-
  584	(ResetFlags==yes -> flags:reset_bpl_flags; true),
  585	writef('Parsing and translating \'%w\' using ontology \'%w\'...\n',
  586	       [BPLFilename, ONTFilename]),
  587	translator:translate_program(FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, FullTPLSFilename),
  588	writef('\'%w\' is being loaded...\n', [TPLFilename]),
  589	load_tpl_with_ontology(FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags).
  591load_bpl_with_ontology(_BPLFilename, _ONTFilename, _TPLFilename,
  592                       _FullBPLFilename, _FullONTFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _FullTPLSFilename, _ResetFlags) :-
  593	% This is only executed if translate_program/3 fails
  594	flags:restore_bpl_flags,
  595	write('Ontology not loaded.\n').
 load_tpl_with_ontology(+FullBPLFilename, +FullONTFilename, +FullTPLFilename, +ResetFlags)
Loads an intermediate TPL file compiled from a BPL and an ontology into the 'evaluator' module and saves the path of the new program and ontology loaded.
  606load_tpl_with_ontology(FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename, FullTPLFilename, ResetFlags) :-
  607	(ResetFlags==yes -> flags:reset_bpl_flags; true),
  608	evaluator:load_tpl(FullTPLFilename),
  609	set_files_loaded(FullBPLFilename, FullONTFilename),
  610	flags:get_bpl_flag(program_prefix(ProgramPrefix)),
  611	set_program_predicates(ProgramPrefix),
  612	write('Ontology loaded!\n').
  614load_tpl_with_ontology(_FullBPLFilename, _FullONTFilename, _FullTPLFilename, _ResetFlags) :-
  615	% This is only executed if evaluator:load_tpl/1 fails
  616	flags:restore_bpl_flags,
  617	write('Ontology not loaded.\n').
  622% Predicates for handling filenames
 get_bpl_tpl_tpls_filenames(+Filename, -Directory, -BaseFilename, -BPLFilename, -TPLFilename)
Splits a Filename into its absolute path and its base (relative) filename, and then adds the '.bpl' and '.tpl' extension to the base filename.

For example, given Filename = '/example/file.bpl', this predicate will return Directory = '/example', BaseFilename = 'file', BPLFilename = 'file.bpl' and TPLFilename = 'file.tpl'.

  637get_bpl_tpl_tpls_filenames(Filename, Directory, BaseFilename, BPLFilename, TPLFilename, TPLSFilename) :-
  638	% Converts filename into an absolute path and extracts
  639	% its relative filename and directory 
  640	absolute_file_name(Filename, AbsoluteFilename),
  641	file_base_name(AbsoluteFilename, RelativeFilename),
  642	file_directory_name(AbsoluteFilename, Directory),
  643	% Checks filename extension
  644	file_name_extension(FilenameNoExtension, Extension, RelativeFilename),
  645	downcase_atom(Extension, LowerCaseExtension),
  646	((LowerCaseExtension == 'bpl' ; LowerCaseExtension == 'tpl' ;
  647	  LowerCaseExtension == '') ->
  648		% Base filename from "file.bpl" or "file." is "file"
  649		BaseFilename = FilenameNoExtension
  650	;
  651		% Base filename from "file.new" is "file.new"
  652		BaseFilename = RelativeFilename
  653	),
  654	% Builds BPL and TPL filenames
  655	concat_atom([BaseFilename, '.', bpl], BPLFilenameAux),
  656	concat_atom([Directory, '/', BPLFilenameAux], FullBPLFilenameAux),
  657	concat_atom([Directory, '/', BaseFilename], FullBaseFilaname),
  658	((exists_file(FullBPLFilenameAux) ; not(exists_file(FullBaseFilaname))) ->
  659		BPLFilename = BPLFilenameAux
  660	;
  661		BPLFilename = BaseFilename
  662	),
  663	concat_atom([BaseFilename, '.', tpl], TPLFilename),
  664	concat_atom([TPLFilename, 's'], TPLSFilename).
 get_ont_filename(+Filename, -Directory, -BaseFilename, -ONTFilename)
Splits a Filename into its absolute path and its base (relative) filename, and then adds the '.ont' extension to the base filename.

For example, given Filename = '/example/ontology.ont', this predicate will return Directory = '/example', BaseFilename = 'ontology', ONTFilename = 'ontology.ont'.

  678get_ont_filename(Filename, Directory, BaseFilename, ONTFilename) :-
  679	% Converts filename into an absolute path and extracts
  680	% relative filename and directory 
  681	absolute_file_name(Filename, AbsoluteFilename),
  682	file_base_name(AbsoluteFilename, RelativeFilename),
  683	file_directory_name(AbsoluteFilename, Directory),
  684	% Checks filename extension
  685	file_name_extension(FilenameNoExtension, Extension, RelativeFilename),
  686	downcase_atom(Extension, LowerCaseExtension),
  687	((LowerCaseExtension == 'ont' ; LowerCaseExtension == '') ->
  688		% Base filename from "file.ont" or "file." is "file"
  689		BaseFilename = FilenameNoExtension
  690	;
  691		% Base filename from "file.new" is "file.new"
  692		BaseFilename = RelativeFilename
  693	),
  694	% Builds ONT filename
  695	concat_atom([BaseFilename, '.', ont], ONTFilenameAux),
  696	concat_atom([Directory, '/', ONTFilenameAux], FullONTFilenameAux),
  697	concat_atom([Directory, '/', BaseFilename], FullBaseFilename),
  698	((exists_file(FullONTFilenameAux) ; not(exists_file(FullBaseFilename))) ->
  699		ONTFilename = ONTFilenameAux
  700	;
  701		ONTFilename = BaseFilename
  702	).
 get_ontology_tpl_tpls_filename(+ProgramBaseFilename, +OntologyBaseFilename, -TPLFilename, -TPLSFilename)
Concatenates the base filenames of a program and an ontology and then adds the '.tpl' and '.tpls' extensions to the resulting filenames.

For example, given ProgramBaseFilename = 'file' and OntologyBaseFilename = 'ontology', this predicate will return TPLFilename = 'file-ontology.tpl'. TPLSFilename = 'file-ontology.tpls'.

  716get_ontology_tpl_tpls_filename(ProgramBaseFilename, OntologyBaseFilename, TPLFilename, TPLSFilename) :-
  717	concat_atom([ProgramBaseFilename, '-', OntologyBaseFilename, '.', tpl], TPLFilename),
  718	concat_atom([TPLFilename, 's'], TPLSFilename).
  723% Predicates for solving a query
 sv(+Query, +Bindings, ?Degree)
Tries to solve the specified Bousi-Prolog Query and, if an answer is found, shows the approximation degree of the result and the list of variable bindings. Afterwards, user can ask for more answers.
 sv_aux(+Query, +Bindings, ?Degree)
Internal predicate used by sv/3.
  740sv(Query, Bindings, Degree) :-
  741	sv_aux(Query, Bindings, Degree),
  742	% This cut is used to discard all remaining choice points of the
  743	% query, since it's not going to be solved again; in other words,
  744	% this cut "frees" all memory used by the query
  745	!.
  747sv_aux(Query, [], Degree) :- 
  748	% Ground query (i.e., query has no free variables)
  749	evaluator:solve_goal(Query),
  750	writeln('Yes'),
  751	writef('With approximation degree: %w ', [Degree]),
  752	sv_actions.
  754sv_aux(Query, Bindings, Degree) :- 
  755	% Non ground query (i.e., query has one or more free variables)
  756	Bindings \== [],
  757	evaluator:solve_goal(Query),
  758	print_answer(Bindings), nl,
  759	writef('With approximation degree: %w ', [Degree]),
  760	sv_actions.
  762sv_aux(_Query, _Bindings, _Degree) :-
  763	% Query couldn't be solved or there're no more answers
  764	writeln('No answers').
Prompts the user for an action after solving a query. User can ask for more answers or finish the query.
  773sv_actions :-
  774	flush_output,
  775	get_single_char(Code),
  776	char_code(Char, Code),
  777	(member(Char, [';', 'n', 'r', ' ', '\t']) ->
  778		% Tries to solve the query again
  779		% If in host_safe mode (for the web interface) do not echo the ';' 
  780		% because the web server already does it.
  781		% This is because get_single_char/1 does not output the user input 
  782		% character in the console application, by contrast with work like 
  783		% read_line_to_codes, which does
  784    (flags:get_bpl_flag(host_safe('no')) -> writeln(';') ; true),
  785		fail
  786	;
  787	(member(Char, ['c', 'a', '\r', '\n']) ->
  788		% Finishes query
  789		writeln('.'),
  790		writeln('Yes')
  791	;
  792	(member(Char, ['h', '?']) ->
  793		% Shows available commands
  794		nl, nl,
  795		writeln('Available actions:'),
  796		writeln(' ; (n, r, space, tab): redo'),
  797		writeln(' c (a, return): exit'),
  798		writeln(' h (?): help'), nl,
  799		write('Action? '), sv_actions
  800	;
  801		% Invalid action
  802		nl,
  803		write('Unknown action: '), write(Char), writeln(' (h for help)'),
  804		write('Action? '), sv_actions
  805	))).
Prints the contents of a list of variable bindings that represents the answer of a query. After writing the last binding, a newline is not added in case user wants to ask for more answers.
  818print_answer([Name = Value]) :-
  819	write(Name), write(' = '), write(Value).
  821print_answer([Name = Value|MoreBindings]) :-
  822	MoreBindings \== [],
  823	print_answer([Name = Value]), nl,
  824	print_answer(MoreBindings).
  829% Shell command predicates
Shows some general help about Bousi-Prolog.
  838hp :-
  839	bplHelp:bpl_help.
Shows some help about a specific topic or command.
  847hp(Topic) :-
  848	bplHelp:command_help(Topic).
  850hp(_Topic) :-
  851	writeln('ERROR: Unknown topic.').
Stops Bousi-Prolog execution.
  859qt :-
  860	writeln('Exiting the system...'), nl,
  861%	save_history,
  862	halt.
Breaks Bousi-Prolog execution.
  870bk :-
  871  check_safe_execution,
  872  !,
  873  flags:set_bpl_flag(continue('no')),
  874	writeln('Exiting to Prolog... Type ''exit.'' to return to Bousi~Prolog.'), nl.
  875%	save_history.
Tests Bousi-Prolog test programs.
  884ts :-
  885  check_safe_execution,
  886  !,
  887	writeln('Testing...'), nl,
  888	test:main_test.
Lists the contents of current working directory, using the ls/1 SWI-Prolog predefined predicate.
  898ls :-
  899  check_safe_execution,
  900  !,
  901	shell:ls.
Prints the full path of the current working directory.
  910pwd :-
  911  check_safe_execution,
  912  !,
  913	working_directory(CurrentWorkingDir, CurrentWorkingDir),
  914	writeln('Current working directory is:'),
  915	writeln(CurrentWorkingDir).
Changes current working directory to Directory, which can be an absolute or a relative path.
  925cd(Directory) :- 	
  926  check_safe_execution,
  927  !,
  928	(exists_directory(Directory)
  929	 ->
  930  	working_directory(_OldDirectory, Directory),
  931  	working_directory(NewWorkingDir, NewWorkingDir),
  932  	writeln('New working directory is:'),
  933  	writeln(NewWorkingDir)
  934	 ;
  935  	writef('ERROR: Directory \'%w\' does not exist.\n', [Directory])).
Starts an interactive command-line shell. On Unix/Linux, default shell is /bin/sh, but can be overriden with $SHELL environment variable; on Windows, default shell is cmd.exe, but can be overriden with %COMSPEC% environment variable.
  947sh :-
  948  check_safe_execution,
  949  !,
  950	(current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
  951	 ->
  952  	writeln('Starting a Windows shell...'),
  953  	writeln('Type \'exit\' to return to Bousi~Prolog.'),
  954  	(getenv('COMSPEC', Shell), ! ; Shell = 'cmd.exe'),
  955  	% shell/2 predicate works well on Windows Vista and 7, but hangs on
  956  	% XP, that's because we use win_shell/2 instead, the only difference
  957  	% being that win_shell/2 doesn't wait until task ends
  958  	win_shell(open, Shell)
  959   ;
  960  	writeln('Starting a Unix shell...'),
  961  	writeln('Type \'exit\' to return to Bousi~Prolog.'), nl,
  962  	(getenv('SHELL', Shell), ! ; Shell = '/bin/sh'),
  963  	shell(Shell, _)
  964	).
Shows current lambda-cut value, i.e., the lower bound allowed for the resulting approximation degree of a weak unification.
  974lc :-
  975	flags:get_bpl_flag(lambda_cut(LambdaValue)),
  976	writef('Current lambda-cut value is: %w\n', [LambdaValue]).
Changes current lambda-cut value, i.e., the lower bound allowed for the resulting approximation degree of a weak unification.
  985lc(Lambda) :-
  986	catch((
  987		% Converts Lambda atom into a number
  988		atom_chars(Lambda, LambdaChars),
  989		number_chars(LambdaValue, LambdaChars),
  990		LambdaValue >= 0, LambdaValue =< 1, !,
  991		% Changes lambda-cut value
  992		flags:remove_bpl_flag(lambda_cut(OldLambda)),
  993		flags:add_bpl_flag(lambda_cut(LambdaValue)),
  994		reload_on_lambda_change(OldLambda, LambdaValue),
  995		writef('New lambda-cut value is: %w\n', [LambdaValue])
  996	% (catcher)
  997	), error(syntax_error(illegal_number), _), (
  998		% Lambda-cut is not a number
  999		fail
 1000	)).
 1002lc(Lambda) :-
 1003	writef('ERROR: \'%w\' is a wrong lower bound for the approximation \c
 1004	        degree.\n', [Lambda]),
 1005	writeln('Lambda-cut value must be a number in range [0.0, 1.0].').
 1008% reload_on_lambda_change(+OldLambda, +NewLambda)
 1009%   Reload the loaded program, if any, on lambda change.
 1011% If filtering is not enabled, do not reload
 1012reload_on_lambda_change(_OldLambda, _NewLambda) :-
 1013	flags:get_bpl_flag(filtering(false)),
 1014	!.
 1016% Otherwise, test if needed on flag change
 1017reload_on_lambda_change(OldLambda, NewLambda) :-
 1018  reload_on_flag_change(OldLambda, NewLambda).
 1021% reload_on_flag_change(+OldFlag, +NewFlag)
 1022%   Reload the loaded program, if any, on flag change.
 1024% No change
 1025reload_on_flag_change(Flag, Flag) :-
 1026  !.
 1028% No program loaded. An ontology requires a program previously loaded
 1029reload_on_flag_change(_OldFlag, _NewFlag) :-
 1030	last_program_loaded('', _), !,
 1031  !.
 1033% Otherwise, recompiling is necessary without resetting flags
 1034reload_on_flag_change(_OldFlag, _NewFlag) :-
 1035  reload([r]).
 1037% Reload resetting flags
 1038reload :-
 1039  reload([]).
 1041% Either for a program:
 1042reload(Options) :-
 1043	last_program_loaded(Program, ''),
 1044	ld(Program, [f | Options]), % f: force, r: reload (don't reset flags)
 1045	!.
 1047% Or an ontology:
 1048reload(Options) :-
 1049	last_program_loaded(_Program, Ontology),
 1050	ld(Ontology, [f, o | Options]), % f: force, o: ontology, r: reload (don't reset flags)
 1051	!.
 1054% reload_on_extra_equations(+Equations, +Added)
 1055%   Reload the current program (and ontology) if new equations
 1056%     have been added.
 1058% No added equations
 1059reload_on_extra_equations(_Equations, no) :-
 1060  !.
 1062% Equations added: reload with new equations
 1063reload_on_extra_equations(Equations, yes) :-
 1064	last_program_loaded(Program, _Ontology),
 1065	Program\=='',
 1066	!,
 1067	% Save current program file
 1068	atom_concat(Program, bak, ProgramBak),
 1069	copy_file(Program, ProgramBak),
 1070	% Add Equations to program
 1071	append(Program),
 1072	nl,
 1073	findall(_, (member(sim(X,Y,D), Equations), writef('%w~%w=%w.\n',[X,Y,D])), _),
 1074	told,
 1075	% Reload the extended program
 1076	reload,
 1077	% Restore original program file
 1078	copy_file(ProgramBak, Program),
 1079	delete_file(ProgramBak).
 1081% No program already loaded. Don't reload. 
 1082%   This typically will raise an exception on solving the query
 1083reload_on_extra_equations(_Equations, yes).
Shows the name of the program and the ontology that are currently loaded into memory.
 1092ld :-
 1093	last_program_loaded('', _), !,
 1094	writeln('No program loaded.').
 1096ld :-
 1097	last_program_loaded(Program, ''), !,
 1098	writeln('Current loaded program is:'),
 1099	writeln(Program).
 1101ld :-
 1102	last_program_loaded(Program, Ontology),
 1103	writeln('Current loaded program is:'),
 1104	writeln(Program),
 1105	writeln('Current loaded ontology is:'),
 1106	writeln(Ontology).
Loads a Bousi-Prolog source code file into memory. If TPL file exists and is newer than BPL file, TPL will be loaded. Flags will be reset.
 1116ld(Filename) :-
 1117	load_file(Filename, no, yes).
 ld(+Filename, +Options)
Loads a Bousi-Prolog source code file into memory as a program, or as an ontology if 'o' option is specified. If TPL file exists and is newer than source code file, TPL will be loaded, unless the 'f' option is specified. Flags will be reset unless the 'r' option is specified (recompiling).
 1129ld(Filename, Options) :-
 1130	is_list(Options),
 1131	subset(Options, [f, o, r]),
 1132	(member(f, Options) ->
 1133		OverwriteTPL = yes
 1134	;
 1135		OverwriteTPL = no
 1136	),
 1137	(member(r, Options) ->
 1138		ResetFlags = no
 1139	;
 1140		ResetFlags = yes
 1141	),
 1142	(member(o, Options) ->
 1143		load_ontology(Filename, OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags)
 1144	;
 1145		load_file(Filename, OverwriteTPL, ResetFlags)
 1146	).
 1148ld(_Filename, Options) :-
 1149	member(Option, Options),
 1150	not(member(Option, [f, o, r])),
 1151	writef('ERROR: Unknown option: \'%w\'.\n', [Option]).
Shows whether filtering is enabled.
 1160fl :-
 1161	flags:get_bpl_flag(filtering(Boolean)),
 1162	writef('Filtering enabled: %w\n', [Boolean]).
Changes current filtering behaviour: if Boolean=true, then apply filtering; otherwise, do not.
 1171fl(Boolean) :-
 1172	% Checks valid value
 1173	memberchk(Boolean, [true, false]),
 1174	!,
 1175	% Changes filtering value
 1176	flags:remove_bpl_flag(filtering(OldBoolean)),
 1177	flags:add_bpl_flag(filtering(Boolean)),
 1178  reload_on_flag_change(OldBoolean, Boolean),
 1179	writef('New filtering is: %w\n', [Boolean]).
 1181fl(Boolean) :-
 1182	writef('ERROR: \'%w\' is a wrong value. Use either \c
 1183	        \'true\' or \'false\'.\n', [Boolean]).
Succeeds if host safe mode is disabled, fails and informs otherwise.
 1190check_safe_execution :-
 1191	flags:get_bpl_flag(host_safe('no')),
 1192	!.
 1193check_safe_execution :-
 1194	write('ERROR: This command cannot be executed in online mode. Use the desktop application instead.'), 
 1195  nl,
 1196	nl,
 1197	fail.
 1203% Predicates for reading and writing command history
Reads the command history used by editline library from the '.bpl_history' file located in the user home directory.
 1213% load_history :-
 1214% 	history_filename(File),
 1215% 	utilities:home_directory(HomeDirectory),
 1216% 	concat_atom([HomeDirectory, '/', File], HistoryFile),
 1217% 	(exists_file(HistoryFile) ->
 1218% 		true
 1219% 	;
 1220% 		% Creates a new, empty history file
 1221% 		telling(CurrentOutput),
 1222% 		tell(HistoryFile), told,
 1223% 		tell(CurrentOutput)
 1224% 	),
 1225% 	foreign:ext_load_shell_history(HistoryFile).
Writes the command history used by editline library in the '.bpl_history' file located in the user home directory.
 1234% save_history :-
 1235% 	history_filename(File),
 1236% 	max_history_commands(MaxCommands),
 1237% 	utilities:home_directory(HomeDirectory),
 1238% 	concat_atom([HomeDirectory, '/', File], HistoryFile),
 1239% 	foreign:ext_save_shell_history(HistoryFile, MaxCommands).
 1244% Predicates for managing lists of predicate names
Retrieves the list of the names of the predefined predicates in SWI-Prolog and sets them to be used by the shell's autocomplete feature.
 1255set_system_predicates :-
 1256  true.
 1257% 	utilities:get_predicates(PredicateNames),
 1258% 	foreign:ext_set_system_predicate_list(PredicateNames).
Retrieves the list of the names of the predicates defined in the currently loaded program and sets them to be used by the shell's autocomplete feature. Prefix represents the prefix associated to the loaded program.
 1269set_program_predicates(Prefix) :-
 1270	utilities:get_predicates_modules([evaluator], PredicateNames),
 1271	atom_concat(Prefix, '_', FullPrefix),
 1272	utilities:remove_prefixes(PredicateNames, _RealNames, FullPrefix).
 1273%	foreign:ext_set_program_predicate_list(RealNames).
 1278% Miscellaneous predicates
 set_files_loaded(+File, +Ontology)
Sets File and Ontology as the new paths of the Bousi-Prolog program and ontology that are currently loaded into memory. Besides, updates the program_prefix flag from File.
 1289set_files_loaded(File, Ontology) :-
 1290	last_program_loaded(OldFile, OldOntology),
 1291	retract(last_program_loaded(OldFile, OldOntology)),
 1292	assert(last_program_loaded(File, Ontology)),
 1293	utilities:simplify_filename(File, SimplifiedFilename),
 1294	flags:remove_bpl_flag(program_prefix(_OldProgramPrefix)),
 1295	flags:add_bpl_flag(program_prefix(SimplifiedFilename)).
 1300% Constant predicates
Unifies Prompt with the prompt that will be shown to the user.
 1309bpl_prompt('BPL> ').
Unifies Filename with the name of the file where the Bousi-Prolog command history will be saved.
 1318% history_filename('.bpl_history').
Unifies Max with the maximum number of commands that may be saved in the Bousi-Prolog command history.
 1327% max_history_commands(100).
 command_arguments(?Command, ?NArgs, ?Options)
For each Bousi-Prolog shell command (except sv), unifies Command with the command name, NArgs with the number of required arguments, and Options with 'yes' if the command can take a list of options or 'no' otherwise.
 1338command_arguments(hp, 0, no).
 1339command_arguments(lc, 0, no).
 1340command_arguments(fl, 0, no).
 1341command_arguments(ld, 0, no).
 1342command_arguments(ls, 0, no).
 1343command_arguments(pwd, 0, no).
 1344command_arguments(ts, 0, no).
 1345command_arguments(bk, 0, no).
 1346command_arguments(qt, 0, no).
 1347command_arguments(sh, 0, no).
 1348command_arguments(cd, 1, no).
 1349command_arguments(hp, 1, no).
 1350command_arguments(lc, 1, no).
 1351command_arguments(fl, 1, no).
 1352command_arguments(ld, 1, no).
 1353command_arguments(ld, 1, yes).
 1358% Dynamic predicates
Dynamic predicate which stores the full paths of the Bousi-Prolog Program and Ontology that are currently loaded into memory. Program and Ontology can be '' (an empty string) if no program has been loaded yet, whereas Ontology can also be '' if just a program is currently loaded.
 1371:- dynamic last_program_loaded/2. 1372
 1373last_program_loaded('', '')