:- module( bio_db_suss, [ bio_db_suss/0 ] ). :- use_module(library(lib)). % :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(cgnc))) ). % it doen't look like there is an equivelant for pig :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(ense))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(gont))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(ncbi))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(strg))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(vgnc))) ). % :- lib( &(bio_db(suss(unip))) ). /** bio_db_suss. Bio_db data sets for pig (sus scrofa)- token suss. Databases * ense embl's ensembl, bio_db_suss_ense/0 * gont gene ontology, bio_db_suss_gont/0 * ncbi NCBI ids (previously Entrez ids), bio_db_suss_ncbi/0 * strg String PPIs db, bio_db_suss_strg/0 == ?- lib( & bio_db(suss) ). ?- lib( & bio_db(suss(ense)) ). ?- lib( & bio_db(suss(gont)) ). ?- lib( & bio_db(suss(ncbi)) ). ?- lib( & bio_db(suss(strg)) ). == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2023/06/02 @tbd uniprot does not have protein files for pig similar to the ones for the other organisms @tbd pig nonmeclature standard ? (similar to human HGNC or chicken CGNC) @tbd ense also provides gont files @see bio_db_suss_ense/0, bio_db_suss_gont/0, bio_db_suss_ncbi/0, bio_db_suss_strg/0, bio_db_suss_vgnc/0. */ bio_db_suss.