:- module( bio_db_galg, [ bio_db_galg/0 ] ). :- use_module(library(lib)). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(cgnc))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(ense))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(gont))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(ncbi))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(reac))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(strg))) ). :- lib( &(bio_db(galg(unip))) ). /** bio_db_gallus. Bio_db data sets for chicken (gallus gallus)- token galg. Please note that the identifiers in string are incompatible to the other databases on ensembl ids. That is why a map from ensembl proteins to symbols as per string is included (map_strg_gallus_ensp_symb/2). Databases * cgnc chicken gene nomenclature committee * ense embl's ensembl * gont gene ontology * ncbi NCBI (Entrez) * strg String PPIs db * unip Uniprot (all proteins) == ?- lib( & bio_db(galg) ). ?- lib( & bio_db(galg(cgnc)) ). == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2022/12/19 @version 0.2 2024/03/07, db(ncbi) */ bio_db_galg.