:- use_module(library(filesex)). % if library(lib) is missing, install via pack_install(lib). % :- use_module( library(lib) ). % external code, lib knowns how to deal with these (will install if missing) % :- lib(bio_db). :- lib(os_lib). :- lib(by_unix). :- lib(options). :- lib(stoics_lib:at_con/3). :- lib(stoics_lib:portray_clauses/2). % also sets lib alias that dir :- ensure_loaded('../../lib/bio_db_build_aliases'). % /1. % local libs & sources :- lib(de_semi/3). :- lib(sep_split/3). :- lib(csv_ids_map/6). :- lib(link_to_bio_sub/2). :- lib(bio_db_add_infos/1). % bio_db_add_infos_to/2 :- lib(bio_db_dnt_times/3). :- lib(build_dnload_loc/3). :- lib(bio_db_source_url/3). :- lib(url_file_local_date_mirror/3). true(_,_). % Good on 2017/03/03. % Comprehensive overhaul, as location of source file its contents and header names, had changed... % see src/std_hs-19.02.08.old.pl for the old version % std_maps_hgnc_defaults( Defs ) :- % absolute_file_name( bio_db_build_downloads(hgnc), Dir ), % expand_file_name( '$local/../work/db/data/hgnc', [Exp] ), % absolute_file_name( Exp, Dir ), Defs = [ db(hgnc), debug(true), debug_fetch(true), debug_url(false), download(true), hgnc_file('hgnc_complete_set.txt'), iactive(true), org(human) ]. /** std_maps_hgnc( +Opts ). Create some maps from HGNC's "complete" data file. Opts * db(hgnc) the source database * debug(Dbg=true) whether the session is interactive, otherwise wget gets --no-verbose * debug_fetch(Fbg=true) whether to debug the fetching of the url (via url_file_local_date_mirror/3) * debug_url(Ubg=false) whether to debug the concatenation of the url (via bio_db_source_url/3) * dir(Dir=maps) sub-directory for creating the maps * hgnc_file('hgnc_complete_set.txt') file for HGNC downloads * iactive(Iact=true) informational, progress messages * org(Org=human) organism Opts are passed to url_file_local_date_mirror/3. == ?- std_maps_hgnc. ?- cd( '$local/../work/db/maps/hgnc' ). ?- shell( 'wc -l hgnc_id*' ). == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2014/7/2 @version 0.2 2015/3/18, added db based prefix @version 0.3 2019/2/8, accommodate the changes to the location and format of the file at the source @version 0.4 2023/9/22, move download components to options */ std_maps_hgnc :- std_maps_hgnc( [] ). std_maps_hgnc( Args ) :- Self = std_maps_hgnc, options_append( Self, Args, Opts ), bio_db_build_aliases( Opts ), build_dnload_loc( Self, DnDir, Opts ), bio_db_source_url( SrcUrl, [hgnc_file-url_file,debug_url-debug], Opts ), options( debug_fetch(Fbg), Opts ), url_file_local_date_mirror( SrcUrl, DnDir, [dnld_file(UrlF),debug(Fbg)|Opts] ), working_directory( Old, DnDir ), % HgncTxtF = 'hgnc_complete_set.txt', % GzF = 'hgnc_complete_set.txt.gz', % @ gunzip(-f,-k, GzF ), % bio_db_dnt_times( 'hgnc_complete_set.txt.gz.dnt', DnDt, _DnEnd ), bio_db_dnt_times( 'hgnc_complete_set.txt.dnt', DnDt, _DnEnd ), SubDir = maps, make_directory_path( SubDir ), options_propagate( map_prefix, Opts, StdOT, true ), % StdO= [dir(SubDir),cnm_transform(hgnc_cname)|StdOT], StdO= [dir(SubDir)|StdOT], Entz = 'entrez_id', Ensg = 'ensembl_gene_id', Hgnc = 'hgnc_id', Symb = 'symbol', Name = 'name', Prev = 'prev_symbol', Syno = 'alias_symbol', Chrm = 'location', Ccds = 'ccds_id', csv_ids_rows( UrlF, '\t', Csv ), hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Symb, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, HgncF ), % hgnc_symb % fixme allow hgnc_std_map's called predicate to deal with multiple entries from single row % also it needs to be told not to sort some maps (but with ability to check uniqueness % hgnc_extra_symbols_column( Csv, 'alias_symbol', map_hgnc_syno_symb, SrcUrl/DnDt, SynoF ), % hgnc_extra_symbols_column( Csv, 'prev_symbol', map_hgnc_prev_symb, SrcUrl/DnDt, PrevF ), hgnc_std_map( Syno, Symb, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, SynoF ), % hgnc_name hgnc_std_map( Prev, Symb, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, PrevF ), % hgnc_name hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Name, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, HgncNameF ), % hgnc_name hgnc_std_map( Symb, Hgnc, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, SymbF ), % symb_hgnc hgnc_std_map( Entz, Symb, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, EntzF ), % entz_symb hgnc_std_map( Symb, Entz, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, SymbEntzF ), % symb_entz hgnc_std_map( Entz, Hgnc, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, EntzHgncF ), % entz_hgnc hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Entz, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, HgncEntzF ), % hgnc_entz hgnc_std_map( Ensg, Hgnc, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, EnsgF ), % ensg_hgnc hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Ensg, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, HgncEnsgF ), % map_hgnc_hgnc_ensg hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Chrm, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, ChrmF ), % e hgnc_std_map( Hgnc, Ccds, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, CcdsF ), % hgnc_std_map( Ccds, Hgnc, UrlF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, HcdsF ), % debuc( Self, 'doing links...', [] ), % Files = [HSf,HNf,SHf,EcHf,EcSf,ESf,SEf,EnSf,HEf,HEnf,HEcf,HNcf,NcHf, SynoF,PrevF,ChrmF, CcdsF,HcdsF ], Files = [HgncF,SynoF,PrevF,HgncNameF,SymbF,EntzF,SymbEntzF,HgncEntzF,EntzHgncF,EnsgF,HgncEnsgF,ChrmF,CcdsF,HcdsF], maplist( link_to_bio_sub(hgnc), Files ), % file_name_extension( TxtF, gz, GzF ), % delete_file( TxtF ), working_directory( _, Old ). hgnc_std_map( Cid1, Cid2, CsvF, Csv, StdO, SrcUrl/DnDt, OutF ) :- hgnc_std_column_to_value_call( Cid1, Call1 ), hgnc_std_column_to_value_call( Cid2, Call2 ), Opts = [to_value_1(Call1),to_value_2(Call2),prefix(hgnc)|StdO], % debuc( std_maps_hgnc, 'doing file for columns: ~w, ~w', [Cid1, Cid2] ), csv_ids_map( CsvF, Cid1, Cid2, Csv, OutF, [source(SrcUrl),datetime(DnDt)|Opts] ), debuc( std_maps_hgnc, 'deposited on: ~w (columns: ~w, ~w)', [OutF,Cid1,Cid2] ). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('HGNC ID', de_semi('HGNC')). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('hgnc_id', de_semi('HGNC')). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('Approved Symbol', not_empty). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('symbol', not_empty). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('alias_symbol', sep_split('|')). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('prev_symbol', sep_split('|')). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('Approved Name', not_empty). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('name', not_empty). % old % hgnc_std_column_to_value_call( 'Entrez Gene ID + supplied by NCBI', pos_integer ). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('Entrez Gene ID', pos_integer). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('entrez_id', pos_integer). % old % hgnc_std_column_to_value_call( 'Entrez Gene ID (supplied by NCBI)', pos_integer ). % hgnc_std_column_to_value_call( 'Ensembl ID + supplied by Ensembl', not_empty). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('ensembl_gene_id', not_empty). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('Chromosome', not_empty). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('location', not_empty). hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('CCDS IDs', not_empty). % old hgnc_std_column_to_value_call('ccds_id', not_empty). % fixme: prefixed ENSG cohese_ensebl_gene_id( Dom, _Subo, Gid ) :- Dom \== '', !, Gid = Dom. cohese_ensebl_gene_id( _Dom, Subo, Gid ) :- Subo \== '', !, Gid = Subo. cohese_ensebl_gene_id( _Dom, _Subo, '' ). cohese_gene_id( Dom, _Subo, Gid ) :- number( Dom ), Dom > 0, !, Gid = Dom. cohese_gene_id( _Dom, Subo, Gid ) :- number( Subo ), Subo > 0, !, Gid = Subo. cohese_gene_id( _Dom, _Subo, '' ).