:- use_module(library(lib)). :- lib(pack_errors). /** bio_db_build_messages. Doc predicate, for pack(pack_errors) messages. Examples == ?- [pack(bio_db/auxil/build_repo/lib/bio_db_source_url)]. ?- bio_db_source_url(Url,[base_url(false),predicate(example/1),pack(bio_db)]). == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2023/09/22 */ bio_db_build_messages. :- multifile(pack_errors:message/3). pack_errors:message( base_url(not_a(NaUrl)) ) --> ['Not a valid URL token (1st arg of bio_db_source_base_url/2) or Url. Got: ~w.'-[NaUrl]]. pack_errors:message( org_ense_miss(Org,Eir) ) --> ['Not a valid organism, for mapping to an Ensembl directory: ~w (2nd arg: ~w)'-[Org,Eir]]. pack_errors:message( not_a_cnm(Cnm,Ctx) ) --> ['Not a valid column name or db predicate token (len=4): ~w, (context: ~w).'-[Cnm,Ctx]]. pack_errors:message( multi_option_miss(List) ) --> ['One of the following options should be give: ~w'-[List]]. pack_errors:message( bio_db_pred_name_fail(Comp1,Comp2) ) --> ['Failed to map fields: ~w and/or ~w, to bio_db predicate name tokens.'-[Comp1,Comp2]]. pack_errors:message( linking_failed(File,Sub,Org,Type) ) --> ['Failed to link file: ~p in db:~w, org: ~w and of type:~w.'-[File,Sub,Org,Type]].