1:-use_module(library(auc)).    2
    3:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)).    4:- use_rendering(c3).    5:- endif.    6
    8main(AUCROC, ROC, AUCPR, PR, MaxAcc):-
    9  % list of couples prob-example where example is an atom for positive 
   10  % examples and \+(atom) for negative examples
   11  LG = [0.7 - a, 0.7 - a, 0.7 - \+(a), 0.6 - a, 
   12     0.6 - \+(a), 0.5 - a, 0.4 - \+(a)],
   13  compute_areas_diagrams(LG, AUCROC, ROC, AUCPR, PR),
   14  compute_maxacc(LG, MaxAcc).

?- main(AUCROC, ROC, AUCPR, PR).
