1:- module(type_bool,
2 [
3 bool/1,
4 op(200, fy, not), 5 op(500, yfx, and), 6 op(500, yfx, or) 7 ]).
30:- use_module(library(arithmetic_types)). 32
33:- arithmetic_function(and/2). 34:- arithmetic_function(or/2). 35:- arithmetic_function(not/1). 36:- arithmetic_function(== /2). 37:- arithmetic_function(\== /2). 38:- arithmetic_function(< /2). 39:- arithmetic_function(=< /2). 40:- arithmetic_function(>= /2). 41:- arithmetic_function(> /2). 42:- arithmetic_function(between/3).
52bool(B) :- (B==0 ; B==1), !.
57and(B1,B2,R) :- bool(B1), bool(B2), R is B1*B2.
59or(B1,B2,R) :- bool(B1), bool(B2), R is max(B1,B2).
61not(B,R) :- bool(B), R is (B+1) mod 2.
66==(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, (0 is cmpr(N1,N2) -> R=1 ; R=0).
67==(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 = A2 -> R=1 ; R=0).
69\==(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, R is abs(cmpr(N1,N2)).
70\==(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 = A2 -> R=0 ; R=1).
72<(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, (-1 is cmpr(N1,N2) -> R=1 ; R=0).
73<(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 @< A2 -> R=1 ; R=0).
75=<(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, (1 is cmpr(N1,N2) -> R=0 ; R=1).
76=<(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 @=< A2 -> R=1 ; R=0).
78>=(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, (-1 is cmpr(N1,N2) -> R=0 ; R=1).
79>=(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 @>= A2 -> R=1 ; R=0).
81>(N1,N2,R) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, (1 is cmpr(N1,N2) -> R=1 ; R=0).
82>(A1,A2,R) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), (A1 @> A2 -> R=1 ; R=0).
87between(N1,N2,N,R) :- 88 =<(N1,N,B1),
89 =<(N,N2,B2),
90 and(B1,B2,R)
arithmetic type support for booleans
This module implements a set of functions on booleans which can be used in standard arithmetic expressions. A boolean value can either be a
) or1
). The only exported predicate is the type check bool/1, in addition to the operator definitions forand
, andnot
. For the most part the other boolean functions support reification of numeric and atomic term comparisons.The set of boolean arithmetic functions defined by this module include:
See the ReadMe for this pack for more documentation and examples. */