1% This file is part of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE).
    2% Copyright 2008-2013, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch).
    4% The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    5% under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
    6% Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    8% The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    9% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
   10% PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
   12% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Attempto
   13% Parsing Engine (APE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
   16:- module(drs_to_npace, [
   17		drs_to_npace/2
   18	]).

Attempto DRS to ACE NP translator

In general we handle only those DRSs which contain only implications, but there is some support also for objects and predicates in the toplevel.

- Kaarel Kaljurand
- 2011-11-09


  • Support 'should' and 'may' (also in negation etc.)
  • DONE: Support for disjunction. Interaction between AND/OR. E.g. Every man works, and eats or sleeps.
  • We could use a reflexive pronoun if DeepSubj = DeepObj problem: himself/herself vs itself, no general reflexive pronoun exists (e.g. 'self').
  • Takes very long and fails: FIXED: Every man sees a dog that sees a cat and that sees a rat and sees a mouse that sees an ant.
  • If John waits then he sleeps. (not possible with 'every': Every John ...)
  • If there are 2 men then they wait. (not possible with 'every')
  • If there is a carnivore then everybody that it eats is an animal. (embedded if-then)
  • If a man waits then a dog barks. (no argument-sharing)
  • Every animal X hates an animal Y that eats X. (strange paraphrase but it is correct)
  • Anaphoric references and looping and new objects via definite NPs. (find an example!!!)
  • One idea was to fail whenever there are more than one solutions. Unfortunately this is almost always the case.

    Some notes relocated from the PhD draft:

  • Can some of the scope problems that Core ACE has be solved?
  • of-constructions and 'whose' and everybody's?
  • Loops: are there cases where we have to use a definite NP which contains a relative clause. Note: we can use variables.


  • ?- tnp("Every man who likes a dog which sees a rat hates a cat.").
  • ?- tnp('Every man who likes a dog hates a cat and sees a rat.').
  • ?- tnp('Every man who likes a dog is hated by a cat.').
  • ?- tnp("Every man who can see a dog is hated by a cat."). */
   66:- use_module(drs_to_sdrs).   67
   68:- use_module(implication_turn, [
   69		implication_turn/2
   70	]).   71
   72:- use_module(morphgen, [
   73		clear_vars/0,
   74		add_var/1,
   75		remove_singletons/2,
   76		listlist_listatom/2,
   77		surface_noun/4,
   78		surface_verb/3,
   79		surface_neg_verb/3
   80	]).   81
   83% Operators used in the DRS.
   84:- op(400, fx, -).   85:- op(400, fx, ~).   86:- op(500, xfx, =>).   87:- op(500, xfx, v).   88
   91:- debug(verbose).
   92:- debug(toplevel).
   93:- debug(turn).
   94:- debug(cond).
   98:- dynamic ref_to_noun/5.
 drs_to_npace(+Drs:drs, -AceSentenceList:list) is det
Drs- is an Attempto DRS
AceSentenceList- is a list of NP ACE sentences (atoms) corresponding to the DRS
  106drs_to_npace(Drs, AceSentenceList) :-
  107	drs_acetext_np_x(Drs, AceList),
  108	remove_singletons(AceList, AceListPruned),
  109	listlist_listatom(AceListPruned, AceSentenceList),
  110	!.
  112drs_to_npace(_Drs, []).
  113% TODO: Throw an exception
  114%drs_to_npace(Drs, _) :-
  115%	throw(error('Not implemented', context(drs_to_npace/2, Drs))).
 drs_acetext_np(+Drs:drs, -AceText:list) is det
Translates a DRS into NP ACE.
  1. Simplify the DRS.
  2. Assert all nouns and propernames, return referents to toplevel nouns.
  3. Verbalize the toplevel predicates (John owns a dog.)
  4. Verbalize the toplevel nouns (There is a man.)
  5. Preserve only implications.
  6. Verbalize the implications. @param Drs is an Attempto DRS @param AceText NP ACE text (Prolog list of lists) corresponding to the DRS

    BUG: toplevel conditions (e.g. negation, relation/3, etc) which are not supported are ignored, but it doesn't cause a failure like in the previous versions.

  135drs_acetext_np_x(Drs, AceText) :-
  136	copy_term(Drs, DrsCopy),
  137	drs_to_sdrs(DrsCopy, DrsSimpleWithNamed),
  139	% BUG: temporary: remove named-object-conditions
  140	exclude(is_named, DrsSimpleWithNamed, DrsSimple),
  142	numbervars(DrsSimple, 0, _),
  143	retractall(ref_to_noun(_, _, _, _, _)),
  144	clear_vars,
  145	retractall(morphgen:name_namespace(_, _)),
  147	get_toplevel_referents(DrsSimple, toplevel(ToplevelReferents, UnsortedSubjectList, UnsortedObjectList, NamedList)),
  148	subtract(ToplevelReferents, NamedList, UnnamedReferentList),
  149	subtract(UnnamedReferentList, UnsortedObjectList, List1),
  150	append(UnsortedSubjectList, List1, List2),
  151	list_to_set(List2, SubjectList),
  152	subtract(SubjectList, NamedList, UnnamedSubjectListWithNamed),
  153	% BUG: temporary: remove named-object-conditions
  154	exclude(is_named_ref, UnnamedSubjectListWithNamed, UnnamedSubjectList),
  155	debug(toplevel, 'Toplevel referents: all: ~w; subjects: ~w; unnamed subjects: ~w~n', [ToplevelReferents, SubjectList, UnnamedSubjectList]),
  157	individuals_ace(UnnamedSubjectList, AceSubjectList),
  159	debug(toplevel, 'Individuals (nouns): ~w~n', [AceSubjectList]),
  161	predicates_ace(DrsSimple, UnnamedSubjectList, RefsOut, AceTextListProperties),
  163	debug(toplevel, 'Properties: ~w~n', [AceTextListProperties]),
  165	subtract(UnnamedReferentList, RefsOut, Remaining2WithNamed),
  166	exclude(is_named_ref, Remaining2WithNamed, Remaining2),
  168	individuals_ace(Remaining2, AceTextListIndividuals),
  170	include(is_implication, DrsSimple, Implications),
  172	% BUG: we don't need the cut here, instead we should make sure that
  173	% there is no backtracting in the previous statements
  174	%!,
  176	drs_ace(Implications, UnnamedReferentList, AceTextListClasses),
  178	append(AceTextListProperties, AceTextListIndividuals, Tmp),
  179	append(AceSubjectList, Tmp, Tmp1),
  180	append(Tmp1, AceTextListClasses, AceText),
  181	debug(toplevel, 'All: ~w~n', [AceText]).
  184% BUG: temporary: remove named-object-conditions
  185is_named(object(named(Name), Name, named, _, _, _)-_).
True if condition is an implication.
Condition- DRS condition
  195is_implication(_ => _).
 acefragment_acesentence(+Fragment:list, -Sentence) is det
  201acefragment_acesentence(Fragment, FragmentFlat) :-
  202	flatten(Fragment, FragmentFlat).
 individuals_ace(+Referents:list, -AceText:list) is det
Generates a there-is sentence for each referent.
  209individuals_ace([], []).
  211individuals_ace([Ref | Refs], [AceSentence | AceTexts]) :-
  212	get_noun([], yes, no, Ref, Num, SurfaceNoun),
  213	num_sgpl_copula(Num, _, Copula),
  214	acefragment_acesentence(['there', Copula, SurfaceNoun], AceSentence),
  215	individuals_ace(Refs, AceTexts).
 predicates_ace(+Predicates:list, +RefsIn:list, -RefsOut:list, -AceText:list) is det
Here we scan all the predicates and also negations and disjunctions in the toplevel DRS. We ignore object/6 and the implication. All other DRS-conditions (relation/3 etc) cause a failure (as NP ACE does not currently support them).
  225predicates_ace([], Refs, Refs, []).
  227% BUG: this implementation is buggy, we rather fall back to Core ACE.
  230	[-Cond | RestPredicates],
  231	RefsIn,
  232	RefsOut,
  233	[AceSentence | RestAceTexts]
  234	) :-
  235	!,
  236	get_main_subject(Cond, SubjRef),
  237	get_noun(RefsIn, yes, no, SubjRef, _SubjDom, SurfaceSubj),
  238	cond_acetext(-Cond, [yes, _Conj, [SubjRef | RefsIn]-RefsTmp, then, Ref, yes:no, Ref:_], AceText),
  239	acefragment_acesentence([SurfaceSubj, AceText], AceSentence),
  240	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, RefsTmp, RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
  243% BUG: this implementation is buggy, we rather fall back to Core ACE.
  246	[Cond1 v Cond2 | RestPredicates],
  247	RefsIn,
  248	RefsOut,
  249	[AceSentence | RestAceTexts]
  250	) :-
  251	!,
  252	get_main_subject(Cond1, SubjRef),
  253	get_noun(RefsIn, yes, no, SubjRef, _SubjDom, SurfaceSubj),
  254	cond_acetext(Cond1 v Cond2, [yes, _Conj, [SubjRef | RefsIn]-RefsTmp, then, Ref, yes:no, Ref:_], AceText),
  255	acefragment_acesentence([SurfaceSubj, AceText], AceSentence),
  256	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, RefsTmp, RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
  260	[predicate(_, Verb, Subj, Obj)-_ | RestPredicates],
  261	RefsIn,
  262	RefsOut,
  263	[AceSentence | RestAceTexts]
  264	) :-
  265	!,
  266	get_noun(RefsIn, yes, no, Subj, SubjNum, SurfaceSubj),
  267	get_noun([Subj | RefsIn], yes, no, Obj, _ObjDom, SurfaceObj),
  268	num_sgpl_copula(SubjNum, SgPl, _Copula),
  269	surface_verb(SgPl, Verb, SurfaceVerb),
  270	acefragment_acesentence([SurfaceSubj, SurfaceVerb, SurfaceObj], AceSentence),
  271	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, [Subj, Obj | RefsIn], RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
  274	[predicate(_, Verb, Subj)-_ | RestPredicates],
  275	RefsIn,
  276	RefsOut,
  277	[AceSentence | RestAceTexts]
  278	) :-
  279	!,
  280	get_noun(RefsIn, yes, no, Subj, SubjNum, SurfaceSubj),
  281	num_sgpl_copula(SubjNum, SgPl, _Copula),
  282	surface_verb(SgPl, Verb, SurfaceVerb),
  283	acefragment_acesentence([SurfaceSubj, SurfaceVerb], AceSentence),
  284	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, [Subj | RefsIn], RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
  286predicates_ace([object(_, _, _, na, _, _)-_ | RestPredicates], RefsIn, RefsOut, RestAceTexts) :-
  287	!,
  288	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, RefsIn, RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
  290predicates_ace([[has_part(_, _)-_] => _ | _], _, _, _) :-
  291	!,
  292	fail.
  294% BUG: we should verbalize it now, not later
  295predicates_ace([_ => _ | RestPredicates], RefsIn, RefsOut, RestAceTexts) :-
  296	predicates_ace(RestPredicates, RefsIn, RefsOut, RestAceTexts).
 drs_ace(+Drs:drs, +TopLevelObjects:list, -AceTextList:list) is det
Just a simplifying wrapper.
  303drs_ace(Drs, ToplevelObjects, AceTextList) :-
  304	conds_acetext(Drs, [yes, _, ToplevelObjects-_, _, _, _, _], AceTextList).
 conds_acetext(+YesNo:atom, +Conj:atom, +Refs:functor, +Box:atom, +MainSubj:atom, +InOut:functor, +Conds:list, -AceTexts:list) is det
Conds- list of DRS conditions.
Features- A list of features (see cond_acetext/3).
AceTexts- ACE text corresponding to the list of DRS conditions.
  313conds_acetext([], [_, _, Refs-Refs, _, _, F:F, In:In], []).
  315conds_acetext([Cond | Conds], [YesNo, Conj, RefsIn-RefsOut, Box, MainSubj, FIn:FOut, In:Out], [AceText | AceTexts]) :-
  316	cond_acetext(Cond, [YesNo, Conj, RefsIn-RefsTmp, Box, MainSubj, FIn:FTmp, In:Tmp], AceText),
  317	get_coordinator(Cond, Conj, NewConj),
  318	conds_acetext(Conds, [YesNo, NewConj, RefsTmp-RefsOut, Box, MainSubj, FTmp:FOut, Tmp:Out], AceTexts).
 cond_acetext(+Cond:term, +Features:list, -AceSentence:list) is det
Cond- is a DRS condition.
Features- is a list of features.
AceSentence- is an ACE sentence corresponding to the DRS condition.


  • YesNo {yes, no}, indicates whether the condition is not negated.
  • Conj {and, ,and}, indicates the conjunction to be used.
  • Refs RefsIn-RefsOut carries around the referents encountered so far.
  • Box {if, then}, indicates whether the condition is in the IF-box or THEN-box.
  • MainSubj discourse referent of the main subject.
  • FInOut Fin:FOut carries around {yes, no} that indicates whether the condition is the first one in the box.
  • InOut In:Out carries around the current subject. BUG: kaarel: 060805: here we reject stuff, but we should reject even more, e.g. everything that is not in if-then. To do this we need levels' support like in implication_turn.pl.

    BUG: after handling the if-then, we can "cut it out" and verbalize the rest with Drace. That should work, since if-then is not reachable for the rest of the DRS.

  346cond_acetext(Condition-_, _Features, _AceText) :-
  347	functor(Condition, F, Args),
  348	(
  349		F = modifier_adv
  350	;
  351		F = modifier_pp
  352	;
  353		F = has_part
  354	;
  355		F = property
  356	;
  357		F = relation
  358	;
  359		F = query
  360	;
  361		F = predicate, Args = 6
  362	),
  363	!,
  364	fail.
  366cond_acetext(_:_, _, _) :- !, fail.
  368cond_acetext(~_, _, _) :- !, fail.
  370% If there is a dog then there is a cat.
  371% This should fail, since we can't handle it with NPs.
  372% BUG: But this rule should be made more general to cover e.g. negation and conjunction of object/8.
  373cond_acetext(_ => [object(_, _, _, _, _, _)-_], _, _) :-
  374	!,
  375	fail.
  377% Here we handle all kinds of implication forms.
  378% They all produce full sentences.
  379cond_acetext(A => B, Features, AceSentence) :-
  380	!,
  381	implication_turn_acetext(A => B, Features, AceSentence).
  384% v (disjunction)
  385cond_acetext(Conds1 v Conds2, [C, Coord, RefsIn-RefsIn, Box, MainSubj, FIn:no, Subj:Subj], [AceText1, or, AceText2]) :-
  386	!,
  387	make_comma_and_if_needed(Coord, NewCoord),
  388	conds_acetext(Conds1, [C, NewCoord, RefsIn-RefsTmp, Box, MainSubj, FIn:no, Subj:_], AceText1),
  389	conds_acetext(Conds2, [C, [], RefsTmp-_, Box, MainSubj, no:no, Subj:_], AceText2).
  392% F = -, can, must, should, may (not, can, must, should, may)
  393% BUG: why not In:In, i.e. why do we expose the embedded subject to the upper level?
  394% In case of In:In there was one regression. Study it further!
  395cond_acetext(Cond, [C, Conj, RefsIn-RefsOut, Box, MainSubj, FIn:no, In:Out], [AceText]) :-
  396	functor(Cond, F, 1),
  397	arg(1, Cond, Conds),
  398	modify_first_verb(F, Conds, Subj, NewConds),
  399	check_conds(Conds, Subj),
  400	!,
  401	conds_acetext(NewConds, [C, Conj, RefsIn-RefsOut, Box, MainSubj, FIn:no, In:Out], AceText).
  404% predicate-condition will be verbalized.
  405cond_acetext(Predicate, [Neg, Conj, RefsIn-RefsOut, Box, MainSubj, FIn:FOut, A:B], [Subj, Binder, Verb, Obj]) :-
  406	predicate_acefragment(Predicate, [Conj, Box, MainSubj, FIn:FOut, A:B], [DeepSubj, Binder, DeepVerb, DeepObj]),
  407	get_noun([], Neg, FIn, DeepSubj, _, Subj),
  408	get_noun(RefsIn, yes, no, DeepObj, _, Obj),
  409	ref_to_noun_wrapper(B, _, _, _, Number),
  410	num_sgpl_copula(Number, SgPl, _),
  411	get_verb(DeepVerb, SgPl, Verb),
  412	add_refs(RefsIn, DeepObj, RefsOut).
  415% Fallback (catches only object/8)
  416cond_acetext(object(_, _, _, _, _, _)-_, [_C, _Conj, Refs-Refs, _Box, _MSubj, F:F, Subj:Subj], [[], [], [], []]).
  419% BUG: clean this up, the "1" is not correct,
  420% in case the named-object is in plural.
  421ref_to_noun_wrapper(named(_), _, _, _, 1) :- !.
  423ref_to_noun_wrapper(B, _, _, _, Number) :-
  424	ref_to_noun(B, _, _, _, Number).
 implication_turn_acetext(+Implication:term, +Features:list, -AceText:list) is det
Turns the implication box and verbalizes the result.
  432implication_turn_acetext(A => B, Features, AceSentence) :-
  433	implication_turn(A => B, ATurned => BTurned),
  434	implication_acetext(ATurned => BTurned, Features, AceFragment),
  435	!,
  436	acefragment_acesentence(AceFragment, AceSentence).
  438implication_turn_acetext(_, _, []).
 implication_acetext(+Cond:functor, +Features:list, -AceText:list) is det
Cond- A DRS condition.
Features- A list of features (see cond_acetext/3).
AceText- ACE text corresponding to the list of DRS conditions.
  448% Every man does not wait.
  449% Every man waits.
  450implication_acetext([object(Ref, _Lemma, Quant, _, Eq, Number)-_] => Conds2, [NegIn, _, RefsIn-RefsOut, _, _, _, _], [AceText1, AceText2]) :-
  451	!,
  452	countable_or_mass_or_dom(Quant),
  453	(
  454		Eq = eq,
  455		Number = 1
  456	;
  457		Eq = na,
  458		Number = na
  459	),
  460	(
  461		Conds2 = [-NotConds]
  462	->
  463		NegOut = no,
  464		Conds2Out = NotConds
  465	;
  466		NegOut = yes,
  467		Conds2Out = Conds2
  468	),
  469	get_noun([], NegOut, yes, Ref, _, AceText1),
  470	%get_noun_x(Ref, new, NegOut, yes, Quant, _Lemma, Eq, Number, AceText1),
  471	%add_var(Ref),
  472	conds_acetext(Conds2Out, [NegIn, and, [Ref | RefsIn]-RefsOut, then, Ref, yes:no, Ref:_], AceText2).
  475% Every man who sleeps does not wait.
  476% Every man who sleeps waits.
  477implication_acetext(Conds1 => Conds2, [NegIn, _, RefsIn-RefsOut, _, _, _, _], [AceText1, AceText2]) :-
  478	select(object(Ref, _, Quant, _, Eq, Number)-_, Conds1, Conds1Out),
  479	countable_or_mass_or_dom(Quant),
  480	(
  481		Eq = eq,
  482		Number = 1
  483	;
  484		Eq = na,
  485		Number = na
  486	),
  487	(
  488		Conds2 = [-NotConds]
  489	->
  490		NegOut = no,
  491		Conds2Out = NotConds
  492	;
  493		NegOut = NegIn,
  494		Conds2Out = Conds2
  495	),
  496	conds_acetext(Conds1Out, [NegOut, and, [Ref | RefsIn]-RefsTmp, if, Ref, yes:no, Ref:_], AceText1),
  497	conds_acetext(Conds2Out, [NegIn, and, RefsTmp-RefsOut, then, Ref, yes:no, Ref:_], AceText2).
 predicate_acefragment(+Cond:term, +Features:list, -AceFragment:list) is det
Cond- A DRS condition.
Features- A list of features.
AceFragment- An ACE fragment (part of the sentence) corresponding to the DRS condition. The fragment has the form of [Subject, Coordinator, Verb, Object]


  • Conj {and, ,and}, indicates the conjunction to be used (either the strong or the weak one).
  • Box {if, then}, indicates whether the condition is in the IF-box or THEN-box.
  • MainSubj discourse referent of the main subject.
  • FirstIn:FirstOut {yes, no} Is it the first element to be verbalized in the IF-box or THEN-box.
  • In:Out carries around the discourse referent of the current subject. Some examples of suported positive and negative sentences:
  • OK: Every man sees a cat and sees a dog.
  • NOT OK: Every man sees a cat and that sees a dog.
  • OK: Every man sees a cat that sees a mouse and that sees a dog.
  521% In THEN-box only.
  522% Every man [HATES A RAT] ...
  523% Every man that sees a dog [HATES A RAT] ...
  524% Every man that sees a dog and that hears a cat that eats a mouse [HATES A RAT] ...
  525predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj, Obj)-_, [_, then, Subj, yes:no, Subj:Subj], [[], [], Verb, Obj]) :- !.
  528% In THEN-box only.
  529% Every man likes a cat [AND DRINKS SOME BEER].
  530% Every man likes a cat [OR DRINKS SOME BEER].
  531predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj, Obj)-_, [Conj, then, Subj, no:no, _:Subj], [[], Conj, Verb, Obj]) :- !.
  534% In the IF-box only.
  535% Every [MAN THAT SEES A DOG] ...
  536predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj, Obj)-_, [_, if, Subj, yes:no, Subj:Subj], [Subj, 'that', Verb, Obj]) :- !.
  539% Every man that sees a dog and that hears a cat [THAT EATS A MOUSE] ...
  540predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, NewSubj, Obj)-_, [_, _, _, no:no, Subj:NewSubj], [[], 'that', Verb, Obj]) :- Subj \= NewSubj, !.
  543% Every man that sees a dog [AND THAT HEARS A CAT] ...
  544% Every man that sees a dog [OR THAT HEARS A CAT] ...
  545predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj, Obj)-_, [Conj, _, _, no:no, Subj:Subj], [[], [Conj, that], Verb, Obj]) :- !.
  550% Intransitive verb support
  552% In THEN-box only.
  553% Every man [WAITS] ...
  554predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj)-_, [_, then, Subj, yes:no, Subj:Subj], [[], [], Verb, []]) :- !.
  556% In THEN-box only.
  557% Every man waits [AND eats] ...
  558% Every man waits [OR eats] ...
  559predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj)-_, [Conj, then, Subj, no:no, _:Subj], [[], Conj, Verb, []]) :- !.
  561% In the IF-box only.
  562% Every man [THAT WAITS] eats ...
  563predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj)-_, [_, if, Subj, yes:no, Subj:Subj], [Subj, 'that', Verb, []]) :- !.
  565predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, NewSubj)-_, [_, _, _, no:no, Subj:NewSubj], [[], 'that', Verb, []]) :- Subj \= NewSubj, !.
  567predicate_acefragment(predicate(_, Verb, Subj)-_, [Conj, _, _, no:no, Subj:Subj], [[], [Conj, that], Verb, []]).
 get_verb(+DeepVerb:functor, +SgPl:atom, -SurfaceVerb:list) is det
DeepVerb- Examples: see, not(see), i(see), not(i(see)), ...
SgPl- {sg, pl} Shows the number of the subject of the verb.
SurfaceVerb- Examples: [sees], [does, not, see], [is, seen, by], [is, not, seen, by]
- FIXED: Needs plural support (i.e. 'do not ...', 'are not')
- not(not(be)) not supported: Every man is not no dog. (?)
- not(not(Verb)) not supported: Every man does not see no dog.
- implement/reject can(not(i(be)), ...
  582get_verb([], _, []) :-
  583	!.
  585% BUG: special case if the verb is copula
  586% this should be handled for other cases as well (can, cannot, ...)
  587get_verb(not(i(be)), SgPl, IsAreNot) :-
  588	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, be, IsAreNot),
  589	!.
  591get_verb(not(i(Verb)), SgPl, [IsAreNot, VerbEd, by]) :-
  592	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, be, IsAreNot),
  593	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  594	!.
  596get_verb(can(i(be)), _, [can, be]) :-
  597	!.
  599get_verb(can(i(Verb)), _, [can, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  600	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  601	!.
  603get_verb(must(i(be)), _, [must, be]) :-
  604	!.
  606get_verb(must(i(Verb)), _, [must, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  607	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  608	!.
  610get_verb(should(i(be)), _, [should, be]) :-
  611	!.
  613get_verb(should(i(Verb)), _, [should, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  614	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  615	!.
  617get_verb(may(i(be)), _, [may, be]) :-
  618	!.
  620get_verb(may(i(Verb)), _, [may, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  621	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  622	!.
  625get_verb(not(not(be)), _, [is, bug_not]) :-
  626	!.
  628get_verb(not(not(Verb)), _, [does, bug_not, Verb]) :-
  629	!.
  634get_verb(not(be), SgPl, IsAreNot) :-
  635	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, be, IsAreNot),
  636	!.
  639get_verb(not(Verb), SgPl, NegVerb) :-
  640	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, Verb, NegVerb),
  641	!.
  643get_verb(can(not(i(Verb))), _, [cannot, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  644	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  645	!.
  647get_verb(can(not(Verb)), _, [cannot, Verb]) :-
  648	!.
  650get_verb(can(Verb), _, [can, Verb]) :-
  651	!.
  653get_verb(must(not(i(Verb))), SgPl, [NegHave, to, be, VerbEd, by]) :-
  654	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, have, NegHave),
  655	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  656	!.
  658get_verb(must(not(Verb)), SgPl, [NegHave, to, Verb]) :-
  659	surface_neg_verb(SgPl, have, NegHave),
  660	!.
  662get_verb(must(Verb), _, [must, Verb]) :- !.
  663get_verb(should(Verb), _, [should, Verb]) :- !.
  664get_verb(can(Verb), _, [can, Verb]) :- !.
  666% BUG: special case if the verb is copula
  667% this should be handled for other cases as well (can, cannot, ...)
  668get_verb(i(be), sg, is) :-
  669	!.
  671get_verb(i(Verb), sg, [is, VerbEd, by]) :-
  672	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  673	!.
  675get_verb(i(Verb), pl, [are, VerbEd, by]) :-
  676	surface_verb(part, Verb, VerbEd),
  677	!.
  679get_verb(Verb, SgPl, SurfaceVerb) :-
  680	surface_verb(SgPl, Verb, SurfaceVerb).
 get_noun(+Refs:list, +Positive:atom, +Pos:atom, +Ref:term, -Number:atomic, -NP:list) is det
Refs- is a list of discourse referents (numbervared)
Positive- is in {yes, no} depending on whether the NP is positive or under negation
Pos- is in {yes, no} depending on whether the word is in the beginning of the sentence or not (BUG?)
Ref- is a discourse referent (numbervared)
Number- is a positive integer or 'na'
NP- is an ACE noun phrase (specifically: a determiner and a noun)
  693% BUG: is this needed? yes, removing it causes some regression
  694% BUG: sg is wrong anyway
  695get_noun(_, _, _, [], 1, []) :- !.
  697% BUG: The Num-detection does not seem to work.
  698get_noun(_Refs, _Positive, _Pos, named(Name), Num, NameText) :-
  699	surface_noun(pn, Name, SgPl, NameText),
  700	(SgPl = sg -> Num = 1 ; Num = 2),
  701	!.
  703get_noun(Refs, Positive, Pos, Ref, Number, NP) :-
  704	ref_to_noun(Ref, Quantisation, Noun, Operator, Number),
  705	get_det(Ref, Refs, OldNew),
  706	add_var(Ref),
  707	get_noun_x(Ref, OldNew, Positive, Pos, Quantisation, Noun, Operator, Number, NP),
  708	!.
 get_noun_x(+Ref:numbervar, +OldNew:atom, +Positive:atom, +Pos:atom, +Quantisation:atom, +Noun:atom, +Operator:atom, +Number:atomic, -NP:list) is det
Ref- is a discourse referent (numbervared)
OldNew- is in {old, new}
Positive- is in {yes, no} depending on whether the NP is positive or under negation
Pos- is in {yes, no} depending on whether the word is in the beginning of the sentence or not (BUG?)
Quantisation- is in {dom, countable, mass, named}
Noun- is a lemma of a noun, proper name, or indefinite pronoun
Operator- is in {na, eq, leq, geq, greater, less, exactly}
Number- is a positive integer or 'na'
NP- is an ACE noun phrase (specifically: a determiner and a noun)

BUG: Note that referents (variables) are not added to plural nouns. Think about it. BUG: we should cut here more

  726get_noun_x(Ref, _, yes, yes, countable, somebody, eq, 1, ['everybody', Ref]).
  727get_noun_x(Ref, _, yes, yes, dom, something, na, na, ['everything', Ref]).
  728get_noun_x(Ref, _, no, yes, countable, somebody, eq, 1, ['nobody', Ref]).
  729get_noun_x(Ref, _, no, yes, dom, something, na, na, ['nothing', Ref]).
  730get_noun_x(Ref, new, yes, _, countable, somebody, eq, 1, [somebody, Ref]).
  731get_noun_x(Ref, new, yes, _, dom, something, na, na, [something, Ref]).
  732get_noun_x(Ref, old, yes, _, countable, somebody, eq, 1, [Ref]).
  733get_noun_x(Ref, old, yes, _, dom, something, na, na, [Ref]).
  734get_noun_x(Ref, _, yes, yes, countable, Noun, eq, 1, ['every', NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, sg, NounSg).
  736get_noun_x(Ref, _, yes, yes, mass, Noun, na, na, ['all', NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, mass, NounSg).
  737get_noun_x(Ref, _, no, yes, countable, Noun, eq, 1, ['no', NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, sg, NounSg).
  739get_noun_x(Ref, _, no, yes, mass, Noun, na, na, ['no', NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, mass, NounSg). % BUG: ambiguity
  740get_noun_x(Ref, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, eq, 1, [a, NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, sg, NounSg).
  741get_noun_x(Ref, new, yes, _, mass, Noun, na, na, [some, NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, mass, NounSg).
  742get_noun_x(Ref, old, yes, _, countable, Noun, _, 1, [the, NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, sg, NounSg).
  743% BUG: number was 1. why?
  744get_noun_x(Ref, old, yes, _, mass, Noun, na, na, [the, NounSg, Ref]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, mass, NounSg).
  746% BUG: was group
  747get_noun_x(_, old, yes, _, countable, Noun, _, _, [the, NounPl]) :- surface_noun(cn, Noun, pl, NounPl).
  749% Num = {0, 1, ...}
  750get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, eq, Num, [Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
  751get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, less, Num, [less, than, Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
  752get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, greater, Num, [more, than, Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
  753get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, leq, Num, [at, most, Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
  754get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, geq, Num, [at, least, Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
  755get_noun_x(_, new, yes, _, countable, Noun, exactly, Num, [exactly, Num, Form]) :- num_num(Num, SgPl), surface_noun(cn, Noun, SgPl, Form).
 num_num(+Num:integer, -SgPl:atom) is det
Examples: 0 cars, 1 car, 4 cars
Num- is in {0, 1, ...}
SgPl- is in {sg, pl}
  765num_num(0, pl) :- !.
  766num_num(1, sg) :- !.
  767num_num(N, pl) :- N > 1.
 get_det(+Element:term, +List:list, -OldNew:atom) is det
  773get_det(El, List, old) :-
  774	member(El, List),
  775	!.
  777get_det(_, _, new).
 get_toplevel_referents(+Conds:list, -Toplevel:term) is det
Asserts all common nouns and propernames into ref_to_noun/5. Returns a list of toplevel referents for objects.
  785get_toplevel_referents(Conds, toplevel(ReferentList, SubjectList, ObjectList, NamedList)) :-
  786	store_objects(Conds, toplevel(-([], ReferentList), -([], SubjectList), -([], ObjectList), -([], NamedList))).
 store_object(+Conds:list, -Toplevel:term) is det
  792store_objects([], toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)).
  794store_objects([Cond | Conds], toplevel(R1-R2, S1-S2, O1-O2, N1-N2)) :-
  795	do_cond(Cond, toplevel(R1-RT, S1-ST, O1-OT, N1-NT)),
  796	store_objects(Conds, toplevel(RT-R2, ST-S2, OT-O2, NT-N2)).
 do_cond(-Cond:term, -Toplevel:term) is det
  802do_cond(A => B, toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  803	!,
  804	store_objects(A, _),
  805	store_objects(B, _).
  807do_cond(A v B, toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  808	!,
  809	store_objects(A, _),
  810	store_objects(B, _).
  812do_cond(-A, toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  813	!,
  814	store_objects(A, _).
  816do_cond(can(A), toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  817	!,
  818	store_objects(A, _).
  820do_cond(must(A), toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  821	!,
  822	store_objects(A, _).
  824do_cond(should(A), toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  825	!,
  826	store_objects(A, _).
  828do_cond(may(A), toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  829	!,
  830	store_objects(A, _).
  832do_cond(object(Ref, Noun, Type, _, Eq, na)-_, toplevel(R-[Ref | R], S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  833	!,
  834	assert(ref_to_noun(Ref, Type, Noun, Eq, na)).
  836do_cond(object(Ref, Noun, Type, _, Eq, Number)-_, toplevel(R-[Ref | R], S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  837	number(Number),
  838	!,
  839	assert(ref_to_noun(Ref, Type, Noun, Eq, Number)).
  841do_cond(object(Ref, Noun, Type, _, Eq, RawNumber)-_, toplevel(R-[Ref | R], S-S, O-O, N-N)) :-
  842	atom(RawNumber),
  843	!,
  844	atom_number(RawNumber, Number),
  845	assert(ref_to_noun(Ref, Type, Noun, Eq, Number)).
  847do_cond(predicate(_, _, Ref)-_, toplevel(R-R, S-[Ref | S], O-O, N-N)) :- !.
  849do_cond(predicate(_, _, Ref, O1)-_, toplevel(R-R, S-[Ref | S], O-[O1 | O], N-N)) :- !.
  851do_cond(predicate(_, _, Ref, O1, O2)-_, toplevel(R-R, S-[Ref | S], O-[O1, O2 | O], N-N)) :- !.
  853do_cond(_, toplevel(R-R, S-S, O-O, N-N)).
 check_conds(+Conds:list, +Subject:atom) is det
We can't verbalize coordinations (both AND and OR) under immediate not/must/can, therefore we reject such DRSs.
  868check_conds([_ v _], _) :- !, fail.
  870check_conds(Conds, Subject) :-
  871	findall(Cond, (
  872		member(Cond-_, Conds),
  873		functor(Cond, predicate, _),
  874		arg(4, Cond, Subject)
  875	), [_, _ | _]),
  876	!,
  877	fail.
  879check_conds(_, _).
 modify_first_verb(+Functor:atom, +Conds:list, -Subj:nvar, -NewConds:list) is det
We go deep into the DRS and look for the first predicate. We modify it by placing it into a functor, e.g. see -> can(see).
  888modify_first_verb(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds) :-
  889	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
 rep(+Functor:atom, +Conds:list, -Subject:nvar, -NewConds:list) is det
  895rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, [ModifiedPredicate | Rest]) :-
  896	select(Predicate, Conds, Rest),
  897	pred(Functor, Predicate, Subject, ModifiedPredicate),
  898	!.
  900rep(Functor, [-Conds], Subject, [-NewConds]) :-
  901	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
  903rep(Functor, [can(Conds)], Subject, [can(NewConds)]) :-
  904	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
  906rep(Functor, [must(Conds)], Subject, [must(NewConds)]) :-
  907	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
  909rep(Functor, [should(Conds)], Subject, [should(NewConds)]) :-
  910	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
  912rep(Functor, [may(Conds)], Subject, [may(NewConds)]) :-
  913	rep(Functor, Conds, Subject, NewConds).
  915pred(Functor, predicate(Ref, Verb, Subject, Object)-Id, Subject, predicate(Ref, ModifiedVerb, Subject, Object)-Id) :-
  916	verb_modifiedverb(Functor, Verb, ModifiedVerb).
  918pred(Functor, predicate(Ref, Verb, Subject)-Id, Subject, predicate(Ref, ModifiedVerb, Subject)-Id) :-
  919	verb_modifiedverb(Functor, Verb, ModifiedVerb).
 verb_modifiedverb(+Functor:atom, +Verb:atom, -FunctorVerb:term) is semidet
  925verb_modifiedverb('-', Verb, not(Verb)).
  926verb_modifiedverb(can, Verb, can(Verb)).
  927verb_modifiedverb(must, Verb, must(Verb)).
  928verb_modifiedverb(should, Verb, should(Verb)).
  929verb_modifiedverb(may, Verb, may(Verb)).
 get_main_subject(+Conds:list, -Subject:atom) is nondet
Extracts the subject of the condition.
  936get_main_subject(Conds, Subject) :-
  937	member(predicate(_, _, Subject, _)-_, Conds).
  939get_main_subject(Conds, Subject) :-
  940	member(predicate(_, _, Subject)-_, Conds).
 get_coordinator(+Condition:functor, +OldCoord:atom, -NewCoord:atom) is det
We find a new coordinator on the basis of the condition that we have just verbalized. If this condition was a predicate then the new coordinator will be 'and'. If the condition was a disjunction then we need a ',and'. Otherwise the old coordinator will be used (which is usually 'and'). This solution is hackish and doesn't always work, e.g. sometimes we should look ahead to be able to decide whether to use 'and' or ',and'.

We added this hackish solution to support:

Every man works or eats and sleeps. Every man works or eats ,and sleeps or drinks.

  957get_coordinator(Cond-_, _, and) :-
  958	functor(Cond, predicate, _),
  959	!.
  961get_coordinator(_ v _, _, ', and') :-
  962	!.
  964get_coordinator(_, Old, Old).
 add_refs(+List:list, +Ref:functor, -List:list) is det
Updates a list...
  972add_refs(List, [], List) :- !.
  973add_refs(List, Ref, [Ref | List]).
 make_comma_and_if_needed(+Coord:atom, -Coord:list) is det
BUG: a quick hack...
  980make_comma_and_if_needed(', and', [',', and]) :- !.
  981make_comma_and_if_needed(and, [',', and]) :- !.
  982make_comma_and_if_needed(_, []).
 num_sgpl_copula(+Number:atomic, -SgPl:atom, -IsAre:atom) is det
  988num_sgpl_copula(1, sg, is) :- !.
  989num_sgpl_copula(na, sg, is) :- !.
  990num_sgpl_copula(_, pl, are).
 countable_or_mass_or_dom(+Quant:atom) is det