# Download SWI-Prolog stable versions [[linux.png;align="left",width="24px"][]] Linux versions are often available as a package for your distribution. We collect information about available packages and issues for building on specific distros [[here][]]. We provide a [[PPA][]] for [[Ubuntu][http://www.ubuntu.com/]] and [[snap images][]] [[Android.png;align="left",width="24px"][]] Android binaries are available for [Termux](https://termux.com/) as the package `swi-prolog`. See also [[Building SWI-Prolog on Android using LinuxOnAndroid][]] [[windows.jpg;align="left",width="24px"][]] Please check the [[windows release notes][]] (also in the SWI-Prolog startup menu of your installed version) for details. [[WIP.png;align="left",width="24px"][]] Examine the [[ChangeLog][]].