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Search results for "append"

Search results for "append"

Total:63 matches from System Libraries(0.39 sec.)
Showing:25 matches from System Libraries
System Libraries
doc_htmlsrc.pl  -- HTML source pretty-printerShow source
append/4Split List.Source
lists.pl  -- List ManipulationShow source
append/2Concatenate a list of lists.Source
append/3List1AndList2 is the concatenation of List1 and List2.Source
backcomp.pl  -- Backward compatibilityShow source
concat_atom/2Concatenate a list of atomic values to an atom.Source
concat_atom/3Concatenate a list of atomic values to an atom, inserting Separator between each consecutive elements.Source
qsave.pl  -- Save current program as a state or executableShow source
zipper_append_directory/4Append the content of Dir below Name in the resource archive.Source
zipper_append_file/4Append the content of File under Name to the open Zipper.Source
zipper_add_directory/4Add a directory entry.Source
pce_xref.pl  -- Cross-referencer front-endShow source
jpl.pl  -- A Java interface for SWI Prolog 7.xShow source
add_search_path/2Add value to the end of search-path Var.Source
add_java_to_ldpath/0Adds the directories holding jvm.dll to the %PATH%.Source
add_jpl_to_classpath/0Add jpl.jar to CLASSPATH to facilitate callbacks.Source
add_jpl_to_ldpath/1Add the directory holding jpl.so to search path for dynamic libraries.Source
ugraphs.pl  -- Graph manipulation libraryShow source
add_edges/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Edges to Graph.Source
add_vertices/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Vertices to Graph.Source
pengines.pl  -- Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made EasyShow source
add_error_code/3Add a code field to JSON0 of Error is an ISO error term.Source
add_error_details/3Add format error code and location information to an error.Source
add_error_location/3Add a location property if the error can be associated with a source location.Source
ifprolog.pl  -- IF/Prolog compatibility packageShow source
if_concat_atom/2True when Atom is the concatenation of the lexical form of all elements from List.Source
if_concat_atom/3True when Atom is the concatenation of the lexical form of all elements from List, using Delimiter to delimit the elements.Source
rdfa.pl  -- Extract RDF from an HTML or XML DOMShow source
add_triple/4Add a triple to the global evaluation context.Source
add_list_mapping/3Manage a list mapping.Source
string.plShow source
concat_atom/2True when the concatination of the atomic elements in List produce the atom Atom.Source
consult.plShow source
add_lib_dir/1Add members of the comma list Directories to library_directory/1.Source