/** kv_vs( +KVs, -Vs ). Vs are all values in the key values, -pairs, KVs. 0.2 supports any /n terms as KVs by means of using arg/3. == ?- kv_vs( [a-1,b-2,c-3], Vs ). Vs = [1, 2, 3]. ?- kv_vs( [t(1,a,'A'),t(2,b,'B'),t(3,c,'C')], Vs ). Vs = [a, b, c]. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.2 2017/3/12, use arg/3 rather than argument unification */ kv_vs( [], [] ). kv_vs( [H|T], [V|R] ) :- arg( 2, H, V ), kv_vs( T, R ).