1:- module(mud_specific, [
    2	  style/1]).

Code specific to this particular MOO's web presence


    7:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).    8:- use_module(library(http/html_head)).
 style_name(-Style:ftTerm) is nondet
binds Style to a styling option. usually called with a partially bound argument whose unbound parts are bound by style/1.

Style may be

name(X) - X is the name of the style used by user:head and user:body

map - if present, display a gridded map area

map_grid_size(X,Y) - map "squares" are this size in pixels

map_display(+Semantics, -TermerizedHTML)

   36style(map_grid_size(32, 32)).
   37style(map_display(wall, 'W' )).
   38style(map_display(floor, '.' )).
   40:- multifile user:head/4, user:body/4.
 user:head(+Style:atom, +Head:html, ?A:List, ?B:List) is det
override head generation for this moo

this predicate is REQUIRED if style is not logicmoo

   48user:head(startrek, Head) -->
   49	html(head([
   50		 title('Star Trek'),
   51		 Head
   52	     ])).
 user:body(+Style:atom, +Head:html, ?A:List, ?B:List) is det
override body generation for this moo

this predicate is REQUIRED if style is not logicmoo

   60user:body(startrek, Body) -->
   61	html(body([
   62		 h1('Star Trek'),
   63		 div(ftID(content), Body)
   64	     ]))