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Pack plumdrum -- prolog/humdrum/dynam.pl
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This module provides the humdrum hook predicate hum_data_hook//2 to enable parsing of the dynam and db spine type.

The dynam interpretation provides the following data term type:

dynam ---> st(loudness)  % marking, forte, piano etc
         ; dy(progress, process)
         ; ed(editorial)
         ; rest
         ; accent
         ; subito
         ; sforz.

loudness ---> mf  % mezzoforte
            ; mp  % mezzopiano
            ; f(N:natural) % N forte marks
            ; p(N:natural) % N piano marks.
progress ---> begin; cont; end.
process  ---> crescendo; diminuendo.
editorial ---> explicit; published.

The db interpretation simply produces floating point numbers encoding loudness in decibels.

db == float.