    2 * Prolog part of random generator library
    3 * Samer Abdallah (2009)
    6:- module(randmeta, [
    7		rv/2 					% -Spec, -Type
    8	,	sample/4				% +Dist, -Value, +StateIn, -StateOut
    9	,	sample/2				% +Dist, -Value
   10	,	dps_dist/3
   12	,  op(900,fx,\\)
   13	]).

Random variable sampling interpreter

This module provides a mini language for describing and sampling from random variables. */

   21:-	use_module(library(plrand)).   22:- multifile sample/4, rv/2.
 rv(-Spec, -Type) is multi
Unifies Spec and Type with specifications for all the distributions known to the system.
Spec- is a term representing a distribution that can be used with sample/2 or sample/4. The head functor represents the distribution to sampled from and any arguments represent the types of the corresponding arguments to be used when sampling.
Type- represents the type of the sampled value.
   34rv( raw, natural).
   35rv( uniform01, nonneg).
   36rv( normal,    real).
   37rv( exponential, nonneg).
   38rv( gamma(nonneg), nonneg).
   39rv( students_t(nonneg), real).
   40rv( poisson(nonneg), natural).
   41rv( invgamma(nonneg), nonneg).
   42rv( beta(nonneg,nonneg), nonneg).
   43rv( zeta(nonneg), nonneg).
   44rv( binomial(nonneg,natural), natural).
   45rv( dirichlet(natural,list(nonneg)), list(nonneg)).
   46rv( dirichlet(list(nonneg)), list(nonneg)).
   47rv( dirichlet(tuple(nonneg)), tuple(nonneg)).
   48rv( stable(nonneg,real), real).
   49rv( bernoulli(nonneg), atom).
   50rv( bernoulli(nonneg), atom).
   51rv( discrete(natural,list(nonneg)),natural).
   52rv( discrete(list(nonneg)),natural).
   53rv( discrete(tuple(nonneg)),natural).
 sample(+DistExpression, -Value) is det
 sample(+DistExpression, -Value, +StateIn, -StateOut) is det
sample/2 and sample/4 implement a small language for describing and sampling from a distribution.

sample/2 uses and modifies the global state. sample/4 uses a given random generator state and returns the state on completion, and is designed to compatible with DCG syntax to hide the threading of the random state through several consecutive calls.

DistExpression is an expression describing a distribution. The head functor can be a distribution name (as listed by rv/2) or one of a number of arithmetic operators or term constructors. The arguments (in almost all cases) can then be further DistExpressions which are evaluated recursively. Valid non-distributional termsare:

X * Y
returns product of samples from X and Y
X / Y
returns ratio of samples from X and Y
X + Y
returns sum of samples from X and Y
X - Y
returns difference of samples from X and Y
- X
returns the negation of a sample from X
returns square root of sample from X
[X, Y, ...]

return samples from X, Y etc in a list

returns N independent sample from X in a list (N must be a constant)

   99sample( raw, X)   --> plrand:sample_Raw(X1), {X is integer(X1)}.
  101sample( uniform01, X)   --> plrand:sample_Uniform01(X).
  102sample( normal, X)      --> plrand:sample_Normal(X).
  103sample( exponential, X) --> plrand:sample_Exponential(X).
  104sample( gamma(A), X)    --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Gamma(A1,X).
  105sample( poisson(A), X)  --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Poisson(A1,X).
  106sample( invgamma(A), X) --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Gamma(A1,Y), {X is 1/Y}.
  107sample( beta(A,B), X)   --> sample(A,A1), sample(B,B1), plrand:sample_Beta(A1,B1,X).
  108sample( zeta(A), X)     --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Zeta(A1,X1), {X is integer(X1)}.
  109sample( pareto(A), X)   --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Uniform01(Y), {X is (1-Y)**(-1/A1) }.
  110sample( binomial(P,N), X)  --> sample(P,P1), sample(N,N1), plrand:sample_Binomial(P1,N1,X).
  112sample( stable(A,B), X)    --> sample(A,A1), sample(B,B1), plrand:sample_Stable(A1,B1,X).
  114sample( dirichlet(N,A), X) --> sample(A,A1), plrand:sample_Dirichlet(N,A1,X).
  115sample( dirichlet(A), X)   --> sample(A,A1), 
  116	(	{A1=[_|_]} 
  117	->	{length(A1,N)}, plrand:sample_Dirichlet(N,A1,X)
  118	;	{functor(A1,F,N), functor(X,F,N)}, plrand:sample_DirichletF(N,A1,X)
  119	).
  121sample( discrete(N,P), X) --> sample(P,P1), plrand:sample_Discrete(N,P1,X).
  122sample( discrete(P), X)   --> 
  123	sample(P,P1), 
  124	(	{P1=[_|_]}
  125	->	{length(P1,N)}, plrand:sample_Discrete(N,P1,X)
  126	;	{functor(P1,_,N)}, plrand:sample_DiscreteF(N,P1,X)
  127	).
  129sample( bernoulli(P), X)  --> sample(P,P1), plrand:sample_Uniform01(U), {U<P1->X=1;X=0}.
  130sample( students_t(V), X) --> sample(V/2,V1), sample(normal*sqrt(V1/gamma(V1)),X).
  132% dps(Vals) represents a countably infinite discrete distribution. It is an infinite
  133% stream of weight:value pairs.
  135sample(dps([B1:X1|Vals]),X) -->
  136   plrand:sample_Uniform01(U),
  137	(	{U<B1} -> {X=X1}
  138	;  sample(dps(Vals),X)
  139	).
  142sample( X*Y, Z) --> sample(X,X1), sample(Y,Y1), {Z is X1*Y1}.
  143sample( X/Y, Z) --> sample(X,X1), sample(Y,Y1), {Z is X1/Y1}.
  144sample( X+Y, Z) --> sample(X,X1), sample(Y,Y1), {Z is X1+Y1}.
  145sample( X-Y, Z) --> sample(X,X1), sample(Y,Y1), {Z is X1-Y1}.
  146sample( -X, Z)  --> sample(X,X1), {Z is -X1}.
  147sample( sqrt(X), Z) --> sample(X,X1), {Z is sqrt(X1)}.
  149sample( [], []) --> [].
  150sample( [X|XX], [Z|ZZ]) --> sample(X,Z), sample(XX,ZZ).
  151sample( rep(N,X), Z) --> {length(Z,N)}, seqmap(sample(X),Z).
  152sample( stream(X), Z) --> spawn(S), {freeze(Z,unfold_stream(S,X,Z))}.
  153sample( factorial(N,X), Z) --> {functor(Z,\,N)}, seqmapargs(sample(X),N,Z).
  154sample( \\(G), X) --> call(G,X).
  155sample( Tuple, Value) -->
  156	{functor(Tuple,F,N), functor(Value,F,N), tuple_functor(F)},
  157	seqmapargs(sample,N,Tuple,Value).
  159sample( N, N, S, S) :- number(N), !.
  161sample(M,X)     :- get_rnd_state(S1), sample(M,X,S1,S2), set_rnd_state(S2).
  163unfold_stream(S1,X,[Z1|ZX]) :- sample(X,Z1,S1,S2), freeze(ZX,unfold_stream(S2,X,ZX)).
  165% Return truncated infinite discrete distribution
  166dps_dist(dps(L),Probs,Vals) :- unfreeze_dps(1,L,Probs,Vals).
  169unfreeze_dps(P0,[Q:V|T],[P|PX],[V|VX]) :- 
  170	P is P0*Q, P1 is P0*(1-Q),
  171	unfreeze_dps(P1,T,PX,VX).
  178seqmapargs(P,N,X1) -->
  179	(	{N>0}
  180	->	{succ(M,N), arg(N,X1,X1N)},
  181		call(P,X1N),
  182		seqmapargs(P,M,X1)
  183	;	[]
  184	).
  185seqmapargs(P,N,X1,X2) -->
  186	(	{N>0}
  187	->	{succ(M,N), arg(N,X1,X1N), arg(N,X2,X2N)},
  188		call(P,X1N,X2N),
  189		seqmapargs(P,M,X1,X2)
  190	;	[]
  191	).
  193seqmap(_,[])             --> [].
  194seqmap(P,[A|AX])         --> call(P,A), seqmap(P,AX).
  195seqmap(_,[],[])          --> [].
  196seqmap(P,[A|AX],[B|BX])  --> call(P,A,B), seqmap(P,AX,BX)