:- use_module(library(ugraphs)). % Definition of what a Bayes net is... bn([],[]). bn([RV|RVs],BN) :- %it's a Bayes net if bn(RVs,TailBN), %this is and .. connect(RV,RVs,TailBN,BN), %we connect RV thus giving BN ... no_cycle_introduced(RV,BN). %and this did not introduce a cycle. connect(RV,RVs,TailBN,BN) :- choose_edges(RVs,RV,Edges), %pbc choice add_edges(TailBN,Edges,BN). %from library choose_edges(RVs,RV,Edges) :- (RVs=[] -> Edges=[]; choose_edges1(RVs,RV,Edges) ). choose_edges1([H|T],RV,[H-RV|Rest]) :- %RV child of H choose_edges(T,RV,Rest). choose_edges1([H|T],RV,[RV-H|Rest]) :- %RV parent of H choose_edges(T,RV,Rest). choose_edges1([_H|T],RV,Rest) :- %no direct connection choose_edges(T,RV,Rest). no_cycle_introduced(_RV,BN) :- %no cycles if there is a top sort top_sort(BN,_). %from library