:- use_module( library(mtx) ). /** ones_plots. Plots the frequencies of ones in the data(binary.csv) dataset in two plots. One with a dividing line at frequency 4 and one with 3 colours for 3 distinct population groups. @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2017/1/17 */ ones_plots :- ones_plot_pop_line(4), sleep( 5 ), ones_plot_pop_breaks([2,4]). ones_plot_pop_line(At) :- mtx( pack('mtx/data/binary.csv'), Bin, convert(true) ), GT = theme('axis.text.x' = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)), MainLbl = 'gene mutation counts', Opts = [labels(columns,counts,MainLbl),gg_terms(GT),pop_line(At)], % mtx_value_plot( Bin, 1, [output(pdf(+NoMpdf,width=14))|Opts] ), mtx_value_plot( Bin, 1, Opts ). ones_plot_pop_breaks(Brks) :- mtx( pack('mtx/data/binary.csv'), Bin, convert(true) ), GT = theme('axis.text.x' = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)), MainLbl = "gene mutation counts", Opts = [ labels(columns,counts,MainLbl), gg_terms(GT),level_colours_title(count_groups), pop_breaks(Brks) ], % mtx_value_plot( Bin, 1, [output(pdf(+NoMpdf,width=14))|Opts] ), mtx_value_plot( Bin, 1, Opts ).