:- begin_tests(md_block). :- use_module(prolog/md/md_parse). % Tests for block-level parser. % Setext-styled first-level heading. test(heading_1):- md_parse_string("abc\n===", [h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled second-level heading. test(heading_2):- md_parse_string("abc\n---", [h2("abc")]). % Atx-styled first-level heading. test(heading_3):- md_parse_string("# abc", [h1("abc")]). % Atx-styled second-level heading. test(heading_4):- md_parse_string("## abc", [h2("abc")]). % Atx-styled first-level heading. # at end. test(heading_5):- md_parse_string("# abc #", [h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a paragraph. % With empty line. test(heading_6):- md_parse_string("para\n\nabc\n===", [p([\["para"]]), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a paragraph. % Without empty line. test(heading_7):- md_parse_string("para\nabc\n===", [p([\["para"]]), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a list. % With empty line. test(heading_8):- md_parse_string("* item\n\nabc\n===", [ul([li([\["item"]])]), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a list. % Without empty line. test(heading_9):- md_parse_string("* item\nabc\n===", [ul([li([p([\["item"]]), h1("abc")])])]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a blockquote. % With empty line. test(heading_10):- md_parse_string("> bq\n\nabc\n===", [blockquote([\["bq"]]), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a blockquote. % Without empty line. test(heading_11):- md_parse_string("> bq\nabc\n===", [blockquote([p([\["bq"]]), h1("abc")])]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a code block. % With empty line. test(heading_12):- md_parse_string("\ta+b\n\nabc\n===", [pre(code("a+b")), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a code block. % Without empty line. test(heading_13):- md_parse_string("\ta+b\nabc\n===", [pre(code("a+b")), h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following an HTML block. % With empty line. test(heading_14):- md_parse_string("
\n\nabc\n===", [\["
"], h1("abc")]). % Setext-styled first-level heading following a code block. % Without empty line. Merges header with html block. % XXX diverges from dingus. test(heading_15):- md_parse_string("
\nabc\n===", [\["
\nabc\n==="]]). % Single line blockquote. test(blockquote_1):- md_parse_string("> abc", [blockquote([\["abc"]])]). % Multiline blockquote. test(blockquote_2):- md_parse_string("> abc\n> def", [blockquote([\["abc\ndef"]])]). % Nested blockquote, test(blockquote_3):- md_parse_string("> abc\n>\n> def", [blockquote([p([\["abc"]]), p([\["def"]])])]). % Nested blockquote, single line. test(blockquote_4):- md_parse_string("> > abc", [blockquote([blockquote([\["abc"]])])]). % Blockquote following a paragraph. % With empty line. test(blockquote_5):- md_parse_string("para\n\n> abc", [p([\["para"]]), blockquote([\["abc"]])]). % Blockquote following a paragraph. % No empty line. test(blockquote_6):- md_parse_string("para\n> abc", [p([\["para"]]), blockquote([\["abc"]])]). % Simple paragraph. test(paragraph_1):- md_parse_string("abc", [p([\["abc"]])]). % Paragraph with two lines. test(paragraph_2):- md_parse_string("abc\ndef", [p([\["abc\ndef"]])]). % Two paragraphs. test(paragraph_3):- md_parse_string("abc\n\ndef", [p([\["abc"]]), p([\["def"]])]). % Simple list. test(list_1):- md_parse_string("+ a", [ul([ li([\["a"]]) ])]). % List with two items. test(list_2):- md_parse_string("+ a\n+ b", [ul([ li([\["a"]]), li([\["b"]]) ])]). % List with two items. Paragraph mode. test(list_3):- md_parse_string("+ a\n\n+ b", [ul([ li([p([\["a"]])]), li([p([\["b"]])]) ])]). % Multiline list item. test(list_4):- md_parse_string("+ a\n b", [ul([ li([\["a\nb"]]) ])]). % List with sublist. test(list_5):- md_parse_string("+ a\n - b", [ul([ li([ \["a"], ul([li([\["b"]])]) ]) ])]). % List with 3 items. test(list_6):- md_parse_string("+ a\n+ b\n+ c", [ul([ li([\["a"]]), li([\["b"]]), li([\["c"]]) ])]). % List with sublist and item after it. test(list_7):- md_parse_string("+ a\n + b\n+ c", [ul([ li([\["a"], ul([ li([\["b"]]) ])]), li([\["c"]]) ])]). % List following a paragraph. % With empty line. test(list_8):- md_parse_string("para\n\n+ a", [p([\["para"]]), ul([li([\["a"]])])]). % List following a paragraph. % Without empty line. test(list_9):- md_parse_string("para\n+ a", [p([\["para"]]), ul([li([\["a"]])])]). % Code block in list item. test(list_10):- md_parse_string("+ a\n code", [ul([li([p([\["a"]]), pre(code("code"))])])]). % Simple code block. test(code):- md_parse_string(" abc", [pre(code("abc"))]). % Code block with tabs. test(code_tabs):- md_parse_string("\tabc", [pre(code("abc"))]). % Multiline code block. test(code_multiline):- md_parse_string(" abc\n def", [pre(code("abc\ndef"))]). % Code block with an empty line. test(code_empty):- md_parse_string(" abc\n\n def", [pre(code("abc\n\ndef"))]). % Code block with tabs. test(code_4):- md_parse_string("\tabc\n\tdef", [pre(code("abc\ndef"))]). % Simple horisontal ruler. test(horisontal_rule_1):- md_parse_string("***", [hr([])]). % Simple horisontal ruler, dashes. test(horisontal_rule_2):- md_parse_string("---", [hr([])]). % Simple horisontal ruler, spaces between stars. test(horisontal_rule_3):- md_parse_string("* * *", [hr([])]). % An HTML block. test(block):- md_parse_string("
", [\["
"]]). % Fenced code block, no language. test(fenced_code_no_language):- md_parse_string("```\nabc\n```", [pre(code("abc"))]). % Fenced code block, with language. test(fenced_code):- md_parse_string("```prolog\nabc\n```", [pre(code(['data-language'=prolog], "abc"))]). test(hr_after_list_1):- md_parse_string("* abc\n* * *\nrest", [ul([li([\["abc"]])]), hr([]), p([\["rest"]])]). % Horizontal ruler deeply nested. % XXX hr is not placed inside list item. test(hr_after_list_2):- md_parse_string("* abc\n * * *", [ul([li([\["abc"]])]), hr([])]). :- end_tests(md_block).