#!/usr/bin/env swipl :- include(test_header). % Module - Test Puzzle for SWI-Prolog % Maintainer: Douglas Miles % How many houses are there? (High and Low Ranges) % What are the possible living arangments between men and woman? % There are 6 men % There are 10 woman % Each woman lives with at least 1 one man in a house % How many houses are there? (High and Low Ranges) % What are the possible living arangments between men and woman? % Answer same two questions given the elaboration % Elaboration: There are at most 4 houses % Answer same two questions given the elaboration % Elaboration: There are at least 2 houses % Answer same two questions given the elaboration % Elaboration: 3 men live alone in a house % Answer same two questions given the elaboration % Elaboration: Every house has at least 1 resident % Answer same two questions given the elaboration % Elaboration: No house has more than 4 people in it % ..........................